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Chronological Age And Functional Age
Late adulthood is portrayed in prints, TV and other popular media from various perspectives. In
general, they are depicted as wise, stubborn, love to give advice, have difficulty performing
regular physical activities, some are even in wheelchairs or using assisted canes, and have lots of
stories to tell. It 's the period of time when people are supposed to become slower, to get more
obsessive, needy, and look confused most of the time. However, this period has interesting facts
to educate each and every one of us. We are all going to get there, one way or another.
Chronological age vs functional age Everyone grows and ages differently. That is why
chronological age is a flawed tool to use to check a person's functional age. There is a vast
variation between chronological age and functional age. Chronological age is essentially a person 's
biological age, while functional age is used to dictate "the actual competence and performance of an
individual". For example, a 70–year–old can actually appear younger than a 55–year–old (Berk 443).
Life Expectancy Chronological age doesn 't show an accurate functional age because people age
at different rates. The average life expectancy is the number of years that a person can expect to
live based on his birth year and the region he lives in. Over the years, there have actually been
dramatic raise in the average life expectancy. Qualities in lifespan varies followed: –A nation 's
efficient housing, health care, social services,
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Chronological Resumes
Resumes are important in telling a potential employees story in a condensed version of their
educational and employment history. Employers generally prefer single–page resumes; however,
often a two–page resume is acceptable (Cardon, 2013). Moreover, including too much information
contributes to confusion or jumbled messages and in contrast may actually take away from the
important qualifications and abilities that are displayed. According to Cardon (2013),
chronological resumes are the most common and are preferred 75% of the time. Accordingly,
chronological resumes are designed in reverse order with the most recent work history and
education listed first (Gantner, 2010). Chronological resumes are beneficial in displaying a strong
work history. Consequently, these resumes are preferred when there are no gaps in one's work
history. In addition, chronological resumes are also best in displaying a young professional's
education and skills (Cardon, 2013). Key components of chronological resumes are the name block,
summary more content...
Importance is placed on drawing attention to key skills and qualifications that an employee possesses
(Gantner, 2010). Potential employees that have gaps in their work history use functional resumes to
showcase potential skills while relating experiences using those skills as an advantage in gaining
employment. According to Cardon (2013), professionals with more than 15 years of experience or
potential employees with little work experience benefit most by creating functional resumes.
Components of functional resumes are the name block, summary of qualifications or career
summary, skills, and additional information. Although a functional resume is most beneficial to
potential employees with a vast amount of work experience, even individuals with key skills from
school, community, or volunteer activities may benefit from this resume
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Chronological Order Pattern Essay
Chronological order pattern/ introduction paragraph/ Chronological order transition words are
ranges from 30,000 BC to 10,000 BC, first, preceding
(The author states the human accomplishments in order. So, the first accomplishment happened was
the cave painting then the invention of writing).
Listing pattern / introduction paragraph/paintings and drawings, and So, I noticed that the author
used a lot of commas. (the author states the archeological discoveries)
Listing/ Themes and Materials paragraph 1/ the names large wild animals painted (such as bison,
horses, aurochs and deer. I noticed the author used a lot of commas to state the animals that were
Listing/ Themes and Materials paragraph 2/ (red, yellow ochre, manganese or carbon for black, and
china clay for white). I more content...
I noticed the author used a lot of commas to state how people applied their paintings.
Definition/ Themes and Materials paragraph 2/ "cave painting" is a the paint was applied by finger,
chewed sticks, or fur for brushes, or the silhouette of animal was incised in the rock. Transition words
(definition). Definition transition word is "definition
Listing/ France paragraph / (animals, human figures, and abstract signs). I noticed in this paragraph
the author used many commas to state the three main categories of figures in the cave.
Listing/ France paragraph / (horses, stags, aurochs, bison, lions, bears, and birds). I noticed in this
paragraph the author used many commas to state the types of animals that were painted.
Listing/ France paragraph / predatory animals (cave lions, panthers, bears, and cave hyenas). I
noticed in this paragraph the author used many commas to state the types of predatory animals.
Comparison/ France paragraph/ the last paragraph 6/ transition word similarly (the author makes a
comparison between a technique that was used in other cave art and the Chauvet cave in
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Chronological Sequence In 1984 By George Orwell
Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. This chronology is natural, and usually, guides the
telling of said stories. However, when an author decides to abandon this chronological sequence
of events, it is usually either to set up a significant flashback or to emphasize the importance of a
certain event or order of events. This disregard for the traditional, chronological sequence of
telling a story is seen in George Orwell's, dystopian novel, 1984, as well as Joyce Moss and George
Wilson's journal article, "Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the
Historical Events that Influenced Them."
Chapter 6 of Part 1 of Orwell's novel follows the protagonist, Winston Smith, as he writes in his
diary about his traumatic sexual experience with an older prole –– a prostitute. His first flashback
interrupts his writing. He remembers seeing a party member, just weeks before, who had an
involuntary facial spasm and reflects on how this subtle spasm would be misinterpreted by the
oppressively observant government. Surely, the party member would be executed for this. The jump
in time helps explain why Winston had to resort to quietly writing in his diary, rather than releasing
his anger in other, more animated ways, such as banging his head on the wall. Orwell used this
break in chronology because he understood the opening scenes of the diary entry would be far more
appealing to the reader without this explanation. Starting the chapter with, "Winston was
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Chronological Narrative In Lord Of The Flies
The novel Lord of the Flies is narrated chronologically because although sometimes Ralph and
Piggy have memories play in their head, the use of memory can still be part of a chronological
narrative. Most of the story is written in chronological order because the memories are only small
snippets and it flows well (chronologically) despite the fact that the narrative changes perspective.
There is not much use of interweaving narratives in the novel because it follows only one story in
one time period excluding the infrequent memories. But in chapter 7 and 8, the author changes from
Ralph to Simon and it follow two different stories, but they are both set in the same time and in the
end the stories join leading to Simon's Death. The story follows Ralph, Roger and Jack's hunt and it
also follows Simon's encounter with the Lord of the Flies and the parachutist.
The author uses memories through characters to compare their situation to a memory that's happy
and what they would be doing if they weren't trapped on the island. Piggy has many memories that
are attached to society, but one important memory was Ralph's memory about his family and the
cottage. He talks about wild ponies, going to school and when winter comes, "You could see the
damp spot where each flake died; then you could mark the first flake that lay down without melting
and watch the whole ground turn white." This was a very peaceful and quiet time and he would
embrace the silence. He would go inside and before
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Emily: The Story In Non-Chronological Order
The story in non–chronological order because it tells you what will happen at the end, but catch you
by surprise on how the event actually occurs. In the story it tells us when Emily decides to go buy
rat–poison and the community immediately starts to talk about her saying that "she will kill herself."
The community talking about this foreshadows the event of Emily's death towards the end of the
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Personal Timeline Essay
Personal Timeline Throughout my lifetime, I have experienced many different milestones that
have made me the person I am today. Some of these milestones were difficult and traumatic, while
others were very special and joyous events. I feel like a person has to face both the good and the
bad times in order to grow. I was born on May 14th, 1989, which happened to be Mother's Day. I
was my parent's first daughter to an older son. My brother Zachary and I are only eighteen
months apart in age, which made us very close friends growing up. I have always lived in Rising
Sun, Indiana. My mother is from Rising Sun and my father is from Roanoke, Virginia. I am proud
of the fact that I am very close with my family. In 1993, when I was more content...
I know she is looking down on me very proudly for sticking to my goals and continuing school to
become a registered nurse. When I graduate, she has a box put up for me that I get to have with
all of her nursing stuff in it, like her hat, pin, stethoscope, and a lot of other neat things that I will
always cherish. Something that I really became interested in while I was in school was the sport
cheerleading. When I was in the seventh grade, the year 2001, I tried out for the team for the first
time and made it. I will never forget how happy and excited I was to try something new. I had
always been the shy, timid little girl and now I had a chance to try something completely
different. It was always hard for me to make friends because of how shy I was. With cheerleading,
I made lifelong friends that I still keep in contact with. I cheered all throughout middle and high
school. This memory is something that will stay with me forever and is a very happy and special
time for me. When I was a junior in high school, my life made a turn for the worst. I met a boy
named Mike that I started dating. He was an older boy and I thought I really liked him. We spent a
lot of time together because he didn't like being apart from me. I took this as a compliment that a
guy would want to spend every waking second with me because I was young and stupid. Then I
started noticing some really strange patterns happening with Mike. He would show up at my school
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Outline Of A Chronological Table
1876 "CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE.. The number of years since A.D. 1, necessary to complete the
cycle of 2500 years – 1875 years" {TIAH 185}
1877 "The End Of This World; that is the end of the gospel and the beginning of the millennial age
is nearer than most men suppose; indeed we have already entered the transition period, which is to
be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation Dan. 12:3." {HOTW 17}
1878 "So it was in this harvest also up to A.D. 1878 the time prophecies and the fact of the Lord 's
presence, substantially as here presented, though less clearly, was our message. Since then the work
has widened, and the view of other truths has become brighter and clearer; but the same fact and
scriptures, teaching the same time and presence, stand unchallenged and incontrovertible." {TIAH
1915 ed 236}
1878 "[In this year] Christ Jesus is present [and has] assumed office of King .. choosing a 'servant '
[identified in the same article as clearly being C.T.Russell] on earth to represent him." {WR 1906
3811} [Article written by Mrs. C.T.Russell]
1878 "Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of
the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the
exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty ' (Rev. 16:14),
which will end .. with the complete overthrow of the earth 's present rulership, is already
commenced." {TIAH 1915 ed 101}
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Title: 20 La moisson est passГ©e, l'Г©tГ© est fini, Et nous ne sommes pas sauvГ©s! (Jeremiah
8:20, LSG) To understand this verse, you need to understand the chronological events that occur in
the land of Palestine from the creation of Adam to the time of Jeremiah by analyzing every event.
Introduction: Jeremiah was a prophet called by God. His name means, "God will exalt". He has
written two books: Jeremiah and the Lamentations of Jeremiah. At the time of this prophesy, Israel
was still part of the Assyrian Kingdom: After it was invaded by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser and
the people of Israel were under dire suffering. They could not even run to the Southern Kingdom,
Judah, for Judah itself was occupied by Nebuchadnezzar and the young men were
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Chronological Order In A Rose For Emily
Joanna Martinez AP English Literature August 19, 2016 "`A Rose for Emily by William
Faulkner" Questions 1 and 5 Response A clear chronology of all the events in Emily's life can be
established in order although it is hard because Faulkner moves back and forth with the narrator
and townspeople. On page 281 of A Rose for Emily, it begins with mentioning that the whole town
went to Miss Emily's funeral. Faulkner did something with A Rose for Emily that not many
would think of doing. When a story is written in chronological order, a reader is not surprised
with the ending and it does not have a suspenseful feeling. The readers do not gain a strong feeling
with any of the characters. If the reader were to read A Rose for Emily in chronological order then
they would not be left with an eagerness. Faulkner changes the chronological order by leaving the
climax for the end of the story. This helps give the story become even more breathtaking. In the
method that Faulkner wrote his story, every reader could relate to the civilians in Jefferson. Without
Faulkner's chronological change, the readers would not have felt the way they did when the story more content...
First person plural point of view has many advantages. One of the advantages would be that you
get to know what is going through a person's mind. It makes any story more reliable. When a story
is reliable, the readers automatically pick the side of the narrator. If one takes away first person
plural point of view the story beings to lose the audience because the climax ending would be gone.
If it became first person singular than their thoughts would no longer to present and Emily's
memories would
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Chronological Vs Functional Resume Format
There are two types of resumes that are most frequently utilized and they are chronological and
functional resumes. Let's compare the two and identify any pros and cons or which one is the best
format to utilize. Remember a resume is an outline of your career, experience, skills, and education.
In our current state the chronological resume is the most common format utilized. These resumes are
formatted with the experience being listed from newest to oldest, but please remember that you can
format your resume to fit each opportunity as long as the information is true. Normally, the
experience is listed with consisted employment and minimal gaps in work history, accomplishments,
easy to confirm work experience by employers due to the more content...
If this format is not formatted properly it will not draw any good attention. The experience,
education, and accomplishments must neatly be aligned and formatted. The functional format can
play a role in immediate questioning from hiring managers or panel interviewees because the
technical skills may not be affiliated with any employer. These skills may have been obtained
through a technical school or a trainee and that must be disclosed for clarity. These drawbacks for
each are minimal but it depends on the position that you submitted your application for. But the
benefits for each is that the chronological and functional are formatted for particular job
opportunities and the option is available to select the format that is best for that role or function that
you are applying for (Cadron, P.,
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Petristan Essay
ARH305 – Archaeological Interpretation
Petristan: The Seriation of Pottery Types
The state of Petristan is a vast landmass acknowledged as the subcontinent of India, spreading across
the watershed of Paratha Valley in the West and Korma River in the East, with the early civilization
which ranged from 2700 to 1700 B.C. Recent discoveries have asserted the notion that the early
civilization of Paratha Valley has greatly influenced the formation of the Petristan state.
Consequently, The Petristan State Archaeological Survey has selected 5000 sherds from eighteen
probable sites by random sampling techniques in effort to investigate the proposed postulation. In
principal, relative dating method of seriation has more content...
According to Table 1.1, water vessel type W1 popularity increased overtime, while water vessel type
W2 decreased (refer to Chart #1). With this information, we may include the remaining
archaeological data of water vessels in sites "D" and "GM" into the table with correct chronological
order that pre–dates 2200 B.C. In essence, we now know the chronological flow of the sites from
recent to oldest, which are "PGU", "B", "PGL", "D" and "GM" respectively. Sites (In chronological
order from recent to oldest)| W1| W2| W3| Sq. Seal| Rec. Seal| Phul–Gobi Upper(2100 +/– 50 BC)|
19.3| 0| 0| 0| 1| B (2200 B.C.)| 17.6| 0.6| 0| 1| 1| Phul–Gobi Lower (2450 +/– 70 BC)| 9.8| 4.0| 0| 1| 0|
D | 1.4| 10.4| 0| 1| 0| Garam Masala | 0.6| 8.4| 0| 1| 0|
Table 1.1 Relative Chronology of Water Vessels pre
–dating 2200 B.C
Evidently, based on the locations of all the eighteen sites on the map and statistical data given, it is
highly probable that the sites were divided into three separate zones. Firstly, we may perceive the
sites "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G", Garam Masala (GM), Phul–Gobi Lower (PGL), Phul–Gobi Upper
(PGU), and Tiltandula (T) located on the plains as the Lower Zone. Secondly, all sites that are
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Chronological background to EAL teaching in schools Discussion of inclusion and integration of
different cultures.
This literature review will be organised in chronological order. Firstly, the historical background
for research that has taken place into data found from a school census will be considered.
Secondly, the current context which research is situated in English schools related to English as an
Additional language will be discussed. Thirdly, key terminology will be defined that will be used in
the remainder of this research. Fourthly, research which extends and challenges initial thoughts will
be addressed and any gaps that there may be in the field of research will be identified. Finally,
evidence which supports more content...
The diversity of culture, society and language in England, is reflected in schools.
A variety of strategies, aims and recognition of successful outcomes in bilingual education have been
proposed from the mid–1900s ( find more theorists Drury) which consider important factors that have
an impact on pupils including the school they go to and the home environment which children
belong to (social aspects and languages spoken around the child), importance of the minority
language and educational aims in policies and legislations.
Theorists (Cummins 1970s and beyond, Krashen 1980s, Drury 2015). What have these researchers
found? In chronological order. National Curriculum, report, report.
Since the 1900's many theorists have carried out research into language development and many
theories are still being used in the classroom to develop strategies which are highly effective in '
Second Language acquisition' (SLA). An example of this is Cummins' (1981) Iceberg Model
which identified two types of language proficiency. The first type is called basic interpersonal
communication skills (BICS) and the second type is called 'cognitive academic language
proficiency' (CALP). EAL children can take up to one – two years to gain BICS, and between five –
seven years to gain CALP. Stage 1(about a year and a half)– beginner: starting to learn basic skills
in English as a new learner
Stage 2 (up to two
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Chronological Interview
Chronological essay Prompt: Write an essay about your interview. Naturally, you must describe this
event in detail, and you must obviously put it in chronological order while you explain the event.
Interview with my dad Do you know how my dad got to meet the ex–president Alvaro Uribe? In
August 2002, Alvaro Uribe Velez was elected as President of Colombia in the middle of a
complicated situation due to the threat of the terrorist organization known as FARC (Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia). Later, in September 2002, President Uribe issued the Democratic
Defense and Security Policy to set the parameters about civilian participation under the construction
of a collective security principle. The same year in November, the FARC escalated again the
execution of terrorist actions against civilian population and the economic infrastructure of
Colombia. As a response of this terrible situation, the Colombian Armed more
He was an Intelligence Captain with an extensive experience in the struggle against insurgency,
terrorism, and drug trafficking. Then in April 2004, the Army Commander designated my Dad to be
the Chief of the National Cooperants' Network. His main mission was to design a strategy to
increment the number of members within the "Cooperation Network Program". By May 2004, with
the support of the Ministry of Defense, my Dad contacted the National Communications Bureau
Director to explain an innovative idea and to get his involvement. My Dad pretended to implement a
24/7 phone line "146" directed to connect citizens with the closest military unit to his/her location.
This idea would be added to "The Cooperation Network Program" so anybody in Colombia could
communicate from any telephone line, cellphone or trunkin system any suspicious activities to the
authorities at no cost to deter the terrorist
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I don't remember the events in chronological order, but this is basically what happened.
It all started in the hall before class, as I was walking to the classroom Eric came up to the side of
me, putting his arm around me saying how excited he was that I was subbing for Tim Taylor.
He started asking me questions such as, my favorite color, if I'm married or have a boyfriend, do I
like McDonald's. I did respond saying, "I do like McDonald's," and he then said he'll take me there.
He kept calling me beautiful, and told me that I was going to move with him to Texas. This went on
for a while, asking the same questions over and over again.
I did tell him that what he was doing was inappropriate, and that I could get fired, in hopes that he
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Chronological/Timeline: (insert character's name)
(swing bat) Well, there's my 60 th home run. I am babe Ruth, if you didn't already know. And I
want to talk about my life. I was born February 6, 1895 and I was one of 8 children in my family.
With my parents working long hours I was a troublemaker, since there no one was to watch me. At
age 7 my parents sent me to St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys. I skipped school a lot and caused
a lot of fights around my neighborhood. That's when my parents realized I needed a more strict
environment. At school I started to fall in love with baseball. At age 19, my mentor Brother
Matthias invited Jack Dunn, the owner of the Baltimore Orioles, to watch me play baseball. Jack
Dunn was so impressed more content...
This happened because the Orioles were only in the minors and the Red Sox were in the pros, or
MLB. In 1914 I appeared in five games for the Red Sox and pitched 4 of them. However, due to a
stacked roster, I went to the Red Sox's minor team, the Providence Grays, for a season. After that,
in 1915, after leading the Providence Grays to the international league pennant, I had a permanent
spot on the Red Sox, even though the season before they said I was not good enough to make it
on their full squad. In 1919 I would forever be changed by getting traded to the Yankees. Many of
the fans were not happy about this decision. The reason I got traded was because I was demanding
more money for my new contract and the Red Sox would not pay. In the same year I had a
world–changing 54 home runs. When I did this I changed the MLB forever, although later I
would top that with 60, which also helped to make the Yankees one of the greatest dynasties.
After that, in 1936 I was put into the Hall of Fame. I was one of the first 5 people to ever be
inducted into the Hall of Fame. After those events I was just a regular man with a lot of money. I
enjoyed many hobbies, such as hunting and bowling, and I even thought about pro golfing with my
strong arm. But sadly, soon after, my health was declining fast and on August 16, 1948 I died. Over
100,000 thousand people lined up to see
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I believe that Maya Angelou used chronological pattern and in empathic order in the short story
Guy. Maya Angelou takes her readers, though her life events in order. She basically takes us
through the day when her son got into a car accident. But before she tells that story she gave us
background information. Like what her and Guy life was before that event occurred. I also
believe she wrote this because she wanted to share with her readers that she lived a normal life
with her son and her son meant the world to her. But her life turned for the unexpected when her
son was left paralyzed. When I was reading this I could picture everything she was talking about
because of the detailed she gave. I could see myself in West African being outside
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Chronological And Timeline: Lou Gehrig (Haley)
Chronological/Timeline: Lou Gehrig (Haley) You know that disease Lou Gehrig's disease, yeah
well that Lou, is me. I was born on June 19, 1903 in Yorkville, Manhattan in New York City. My
parents, Heinrich and Christina Gehrig were German immigrants who moved to a new country a
few years before I was born. My childhood was based around poverty. I was gifted when I was
young, excelling in both football and baseball. After high school, I studied engineering and played
fullback for the football team of Columbia University. Later on, I pitched effectively for my team
and earned the nickname Columbia Lou from loving fans. The New York City Yankees were more
interested in my batting skill. I got my first professional contract in April 1923. Two months
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What Is Chronological Resumes?
Chronological resumes are the education and jobs of a person listed in chronological order. A
functional resume is the job skills a person has and highlights them rather than chronologically
(Cardon, 2013, pg. 477). Some drawbacks of chronological resumes are key job skills are harder
to locate since everything is listed in chronological order. If the person has various jobs in the
past, it can be a struggle to keep track as to why the person left each place of employment. Some
drawbacks of functional resumes are it doesn't show a person's work experience and some
employers are not familiar with the format of it as it is hard to locate previous employers (Sinacole,
2013). Some benefits to chronological resumes are that they are more accepted
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In analsys of my lesson I will discuss it in chronological order and recap the good and bad of this
First beginning with day one, for lesson preparation I intended to use the student's lunch to take care
of some cutting and distribution of materials. This was my first flaw. Utilizing this time for last
minute adjustments and distribution of materials was fine but counting to be able to get the cutting
done during this time was an error in judging the time it would take to cut out the word sort I'd
intended the students to complete for the vocabulary words. This led to a scramble to get the
baggies of cut paper to each student at the opening of the lesson. The definition of work portion
went a little different than expected. A 3rd grader's definition of work is very egocentric. They
each gave personal definitions of work that involved school, or chores. Ms. Morris interjected
that a job might be considered work also to help broaden the student's definition of work. After I
gave them the physics definition of work we completed the "jumping Jack" exercise which I
believe helped to drive home the concept of what had to happen for our new definition of work to
be met. At this time the students were asked to take out their science journals and open the word
sort. At this point I played the rollercoaster video stopping it when we came to terms on the word
sort. In retrospect, I feel the video was unnecessary; I would have rather had a video of a
rollercoaster without
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Chronological Essay Topics

  • 1. Chronological Age And Functional Age Late adulthood is portrayed in prints, TV and other popular media from various perspectives. In general, they are depicted as wise, stubborn, love to give advice, have difficulty performing regular physical activities, some are even in wheelchairs or using assisted canes, and have lots of stories to tell. It 's the period of time when people are supposed to become slower, to get more obsessive, needy, and look confused most of the time. However, this period has interesting facts to educate each and every one of us. We are all going to get there, one way or another. Chronological age vs functional age Everyone grows and ages differently. That is why chronological age is a flawed tool to use to check a person's functional age. There is a vast variation between chronological age and functional age. Chronological age is essentially a person 's biological age, while functional age is used to dictate "the actual competence and performance of an individual". For example, a 70–year–old can actually appear younger than a 55–year–old (Berk 443). Life Expectancy Chronological age doesn 't show an accurate functional age because people age at different rates. The average life expectancy is the number of years that a person can expect to live based on his birth year and the region he lives in. Over the years, there have actually been dramatic raise in the average life expectancy. Qualities in lifespan varies followed: –A nation 's efficient housing, health care, social services, Get more content on
  • 2. Chronological Resumes Resumes are important in telling a potential employees story in a condensed version of their educational and employment history. Employers generally prefer single–page resumes; however, often a two–page resume is acceptable (Cardon, 2013). Moreover, including too much information contributes to confusion or jumbled messages and in contrast may actually take away from the important qualifications and abilities that are displayed. According to Cardon (2013), chronological resumes are the most common and are preferred 75% of the time. Accordingly, chronological resumes are designed in reverse order with the most recent work history and education listed first (Gantner, 2010). Chronological resumes are beneficial in displaying a strong work history. Consequently, these resumes are preferred when there are no gaps in one's work history. In addition, chronological resumes are also best in displaying a young professional's education and skills (Cardon, 2013). Key components of chronological resumes are the name block, summary more content... Importance is placed on drawing attention to key skills and qualifications that an employee possesses (Gantner, 2010). Potential employees that have gaps in their work history use functional resumes to showcase potential skills while relating experiences using those skills as an advantage in gaining employment. According to Cardon (2013), professionals with more than 15 years of experience or potential employees with little work experience benefit most by creating functional resumes. Components of functional resumes are the name block, summary of qualifications or career summary, skills, and additional information. Although a functional resume is most beneficial to potential employees with a vast amount of work experience, even individuals with key skills from school, community, or volunteer activities may benefit from this resume Get more content on
  • 3. Chronological Order Pattern Essay Chronological order pattern/ introduction paragraph/ Chronological order transition words are ranges from 30,000 BC to 10,000 BC, first, preceding (The author states the human accomplishments in order. So, the first accomplishment happened was the cave painting then the invention of writing). Listing pattern / introduction paragraph/paintings and drawings, and So, I noticed that the author used a lot of commas. (the author states the archeological discoveries) Listing/ Themes and Materials paragraph 1/ the names large wild animals painted (such as bison, horses, aurochs and deer. I noticed the author used a lot of commas to state the animals that were painted) Listing/ Themes and Materials paragraph 2/ (red, yellow ochre, manganese or carbon for black, and china clay for white). I more content... I noticed the author used a lot of commas to state how people applied their paintings. Definition/ Themes and Materials paragraph 2/ "cave painting" is a the paint was applied by finger, chewed sticks, or fur for brushes, or the silhouette of animal was incised in the rock. Transition words (definition). Definition transition word is "definition Listing/ France paragraph / (animals, human figures, and abstract signs). I noticed in this paragraph the author used many commas to state the three main categories of figures in the cave. Listing/ France paragraph / (horses, stags, aurochs, bison, lions, bears, and birds). I noticed in this paragraph the author used many commas to state the types of animals that were painted. Listing/ France paragraph / predatory animals (cave lions, panthers, bears, and cave hyenas). I noticed in this paragraph the author used many commas to state the types of predatory animals. Comparison/ France paragraph/ the last paragraph 6/ transition word similarly (the author makes a comparison between a technique that was used in other cave art and the Chauvet cave in Get more content on
  • 4. Chronological Sequence In 1984 By George Orwell Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. This chronology is natural, and usually, guides the telling of said stories. However, when an author decides to abandon this chronological sequence of events, it is usually either to set up a significant flashback or to emphasize the importance of a certain event or order of events. This disregard for the traditional, chronological sequence of telling a story is seen in George Orwell's, dystopian novel, 1984, as well as Joyce Moss and George Wilson's journal article, "Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them." Chapter 6 of Part 1 of Orwell's novel follows the protagonist, Winston Smith, as he writes in his diary about his traumatic sexual experience with an older prole –– a prostitute. His first flashback interrupts his writing. He remembers seeing a party member, just weeks before, who had an involuntary facial spasm and reflects on how this subtle spasm would be misinterpreted by the oppressively observant government. Surely, the party member would be executed for this. The jump in time helps explain why Winston had to resort to quietly writing in his diary, rather than releasing his anger in other, more animated ways, such as banging his head on the wall. Orwell used this break in chronology because he understood the opening scenes of the diary entry would be far more appealing to the reader without this explanation. Starting the chapter with, "Winston was Get more content on
  • 5. Chronological Narrative In Lord Of The Flies The novel Lord of the Flies is narrated chronologically because although sometimes Ralph and Piggy have memories play in their head, the use of memory can still be part of a chronological narrative. Most of the story is written in chronological order because the memories are only small snippets and it flows well (chronologically) despite the fact that the narrative changes perspective. There is not much use of interweaving narratives in the novel because it follows only one story in one time period excluding the infrequent memories. But in chapter 7 and 8, the author changes from Ralph to Simon and it follow two different stories, but they are both set in the same time and in the end the stories join leading to Simon's Death. The story follows Ralph, Roger and Jack's hunt and it also follows Simon's encounter with the Lord of the Flies and the parachutist. The author uses memories through characters to compare their situation to a memory that's happy and what they would be doing if they weren't trapped on the island. Piggy has many memories that are attached to society, but one important memory was Ralph's memory about his family and the cottage. He talks about wild ponies, going to school and when winter comes, "You could see the damp spot where each flake died; then you could mark the first flake that lay down without melting and watch the whole ground turn white." This was a very peaceful and quiet time and he would embrace the silence. He would go inside and before Get more content on
  • 6. Emily: The Story In Non-Chronological Order The story in non–chronological order because it tells you what will happen at the end, but catch you by surprise on how the event actually occurs. In the story it tells us when Emily decides to go buy rat–poison and the community immediately starts to talk about her saying that "she will kill herself." The community talking about this foreshadows the event of Emily's death towards the end of the story. Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Timeline Essay Personal Timeline Throughout my lifetime, I have experienced many different milestones that have made me the person I am today. Some of these milestones were difficult and traumatic, while others were very special and joyous events. I feel like a person has to face both the good and the bad times in order to grow. I was born on May 14th, 1989, which happened to be Mother's Day. I was my parent's first daughter to an older son. My brother Zachary and I are only eighteen months apart in age, which made us very close friends growing up. I have always lived in Rising Sun, Indiana. My mother is from Rising Sun and my father is from Roanoke, Virginia. I am proud of the fact that I am very close with my family. In 1993, when I was more content... I know she is looking down on me very proudly for sticking to my goals and continuing school to become a registered nurse. When I graduate, she has a box put up for me that I get to have with all of her nursing stuff in it, like her hat, pin, stethoscope, and a lot of other neat things that I will always cherish. Something that I really became interested in while I was in school was the sport cheerleading. When I was in the seventh grade, the year 2001, I tried out for the team for the first time and made it. I will never forget how happy and excited I was to try something new. I had always been the shy, timid little girl and now I had a chance to try something completely different. It was always hard for me to make friends because of how shy I was. With cheerleading, I made lifelong friends that I still keep in contact with. I cheered all throughout middle and high school. This memory is something that will stay with me forever and is a very happy and special time for me. When I was a junior in high school, my life made a turn for the worst. I met a boy named Mike that I started dating. He was an older boy and I thought I really liked him. We spent a lot of time together because he didn't like being apart from me. I took this as a compliment that a guy would want to spend every waking second with me because I was young and stupid. Then I started noticing some really strange patterns happening with Mike. He would show up at my school Get more content on
  • 8. Outline Of A Chronological Table 1876 "CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE.. The number of years since A.D. 1, necessary to complete the cycle of 2500 years – 1875 years" {TIAH 185} 1877 "The End Of This World; that is the end of the gospel and the beginning of the millennial age is nearer than most men suppose; indeed we have already entered the transition period, which is to be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation Dan. 12:3." {HOTW 17} 1878 "So it was in this harvest also up to A.D. 1878 the time prophecies and the fact of the Lord 's presence, substantially as here presented, though less clearly, was our message. Since then the work has widened, and the view of other truths has become brighter and clearer; but the same fact and scriptures, teaching the same time and presence, stand unchallenged and incontrovertible." {TIAH 1915 ed 236} 1878 "[In this year] Christ Jesus is present [and has] assumed office of King .. choosing a 'servant ' [identified in the same article as clearly being C.T.Russell] on earth to represent him." {WR 1906 3811} [Article written by Mrs. C.T.Russell] 1878 "Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty ' (Rev. 16:14), which will end .. with the complete overthrow of the earth 's present rulership, is already commenced." {TIAH 1915 ed 101} Get more content on
  • 9. Title: 20 La moisson est passГ©e, l'Г©tГ© est fini, Et nous ne sommes pas sauvГ©s! (Jeremiah 8:20, LSG) To understand this verse, you need to understand the chronological events that occur in the land of Palestine from the creation of Adam to the time of Jeremiah by analyzing every event. Introduction: Jeremiah was a prophet called by God. His name means, "God will exalt". He has written two books: Jeremiah and the Lamentations of Jeremiah. At the time of this prophesy, Israel was still part of the Assyrian Kingdom: After it was invaded by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser and the people of Israel were under dire suffering. They could not even run to the Southern Kingdom, Judah, for Judah itself was occupied by Nebuchadnezzar and the young men were Get more content on
  • 10. Chronological Order In A Rose For Emily Joanna Martinez AP English Literature August 19, 2016 "`A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner" Questions 1 and 5 Response A clear chronology of all the events in Emily's life can be established in order although it is hard because Faulkner moves back and forth with the narrator and townspeople. On page 281 of A Rose for Emily, it begins with mentioning that the whole town went to Miss Emily's funeral. Faulkner did something with A Rose for Emily that not many would think of doing. When a story is written in chronological order, a reader is not surprised with the ending and it does not have a suspenseful feeling. The readers do not gain a strong feeling with any of the characters. If the reader were to read A Rose for Emily in chronological order then they would not be left with an eagerness. Faulkner changes the chronological order by leaving the climax for the end of the story. This helps give the story become even more breathtaking. In the method that Faulkner wrote his story, every reader could relate to the civilians in Jefferson. Without Faulkner's chronological change, the readers would not have felt the way they did when the story more content... First person plural point of view has many advantages. One of the advantages would be that you get to know what is going through a person's mind. It makes any story more reliable. When a story is reliable, the readers automatically pick the side of the narrator. If one takes away first person plural point of view the story beings to lose the audience because the climax ending would be gone. If it became first person singular than their thoughts would no longer to present and Emily's memories would Get more content on
  • 11. Chronological Vs Functional Resume Format There are two types of resumes that are most frequently utilized and they are chronological and functional resumes. Let's compare the two and identify any pros and cons or which one is the best format to utilize. Remember a resume is an outline of your career, experience, skills, and education. In our current state the chronological resume is the most common format utilized. These resumes are formatted with the experience being listed from newest to oldest, but please remember that you can format your resume to fit each opportunity as long as the information is true. Normally, the experience is listed with consisted employment and minimal gaps in work history, accomplishments, easy to confirm work experience by employers due to the more content... If this format is not formatted properly it will not draw any good attention. The experience, education, and accomplishments must neatly be aligned and formatted. The functional format can play a role in immediate questioning from hiring managers or panel interviewees because the technical skills may not be affiliated with any employer. These skills may have been obtained through a technical school or a trainee and that must be disclosed for clarity. These drawbacks for each are minimal but it depends on the position that you submitted your application for. But the benefits for each is that the chronological and functional are formatted for particular job opportunities and the option is available to select the format that is best for that role or function that you are applying for (Cadron, P., Get more content on
  • 12. Petristan Essay ARH305 – Archaeological Interpretation Petristan: The Seriation of Pottery Types The state of Petristan is a vast landmass acknowledged as the subcontinent of India, spreading across the watershed of Paratha Valley in the West and Korma River in the East, with the early civilization which ranged from 2700 to 1700 B.C. Recent discoveries have asserted the notion that the early civilization of Paratha Valley has greatly influenced the formation of the Petristan state. Consequently, The Petristan State Archaeological Survey has selected 5000 sherds from eighteen probable sites by random sampling techniques in effort to investigate the proposed postulation. In principal, relative dating method of seriation has more content... According to Table 1.1, water vessel type W1 popularity increased overtime, while water vessel type W2 decreased (refer to Chart #1). With this information, we may include the remaining archaeological data of water vessels in sites "D" and "GM" into the table with correct chronological order that pre–dates 2200 B.C. In essence, we now know the chronological flow of the sites from recent to oldest, which are "PGU", "B", "PGL", "D" and "GM" respectively. Sites (In chronological order from recent to oldest)| W1| W2| W3| Sq. Seal| Rec. Seal| Phul–Gobi Upper(2100 +/– 50 BC)| 19.3| 0| 0| 0| 1| B (2200 B.C.)| 17.6| 0.6| 0| 1| 1| Phul–Gobi Lower (2450 +/– 70 BC)| 9.8| 4.0| 0| 1| 0| D | 1.4| 10.4| 0| 1| 0| Garam Masala | 0.6| 8.4| 0| 1| 0| Table 1.1 Relative Chronology of Water Vessels pre –dating 2200 B.C Evidently, based on the locations of all the eighteen sites on the map and statistical data given, it is highly probable that the sites were divided into three separate zones. Firstly, we may perceive the sites "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G", Garam Masala (GM), Phul–Gobi Lower (PGL), Phul–Gobi Upper (PGU), and Tiltandula (T) located on the plains as the Lower Zone. Secondly, all sites that are Get more content on
  • 13. Chronological background to EAL teaching in schools Discussion of inclusion and integration of different cultures. This literature review will be organised in chronological order. Firstly, the historical background for research that has taken place into data found from a school census will be considered. Secondly, the current context which research is situated in English schools related to English as an Additional language will be discussed. Thirdly, key terminology will be defined that will be used in the remainder of this research. Fourthly, research which extends and challenges initial thoughts will be addressed and any gaps that there may be in the field of research will be identified. Finally, evidence which supports more content... The diversity of culture, society and language in England, is reflected in schools. A variety of strategies, aims and recognition of successful outcomes in bilingual education have been proposed from the mid–1900s ( find more theorists Drury) which consider important factors that have an impact on pupils including the school they go to and the home environment which children belong to (social aspects and languages spoken around the child), importance of the minority language and educational aims in policies and legislations. Theorists (Cummins 1970s and beyond, Krashen 1980s, Drury 2015). What have these researchers found? In chronological order. National Curriculum, report, report. Since the 1900's many theorists have carried out research into language development and many theories are still being used in the classroom to develop strategies which are highly effective in ' Second Language acquisition' (SLA). An example of this is Cummins' (1981) Iceberg Model which identified two types of language proficiency. The first type is called basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and the second type is called 'cognitive academic language proficiency' (CALP). EAL children can take up to one – two years to gain BICS, and between five – seven years to gain CALP. Stage 1(about a year and a half)– beginner: starting to learn basic skills in English as a new learner Stage 2 (up to two Get more content on
  • 14. Chronological Interview Chronological essay Prompt: Write an essay about your interview. Naturally, you must describe this event in detail, and you must obviously put it in chronological order while you explain the event. Interview with my dad Do you know how my dad got to meet the ex–president Alvaro Uribe? In August 2002, Alvaro Uribe Velez was elected as President of Colombia in the middle of a complicated situation due to the threat of the terrorist organization known as FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). Later, in September 2002, President Uribe issued the Democratic Defense and Security Policy to set the parameters about civilian participation under the construction of a collective security principle. The same year in November, the FARC escalated again the execution of terrorist actions against civilian population and the economic infrastructure of Colombia. As a response of this terrible situation, the Colombian Armed more content... He was an Intelligence Captain with an extensive experience in the struggle against insurgency, terrorism, and drug trafficking. Then in April 2004, the Army Commander designated my Dad to be the Chief of the National Cooperants' Network. His main mission was to design a strategy to increment the number of members within the "Cooperation Network Program". By May 2004, with the support of the Ministry of Defense, my Dad contacted the National Communications Bureau Director to explain an innovative idea and to get his involvement. My Dad pretended to implement a 24/7 phone line "146" directed to connect citizens with the closest military unit to his/her location. This idea would be added to "The Cooperation Network Program" so anybody in Colombia could communicate from any telephone line, cellphone or trunkin system any suspicious activities to the authorities at no cost to deter the terrorist Get more content on
  • 15. I don't remember the events in chronological order, but this is basically what happened. It all started in the hall before class, as I was walking to the classroom Eric came up to the side of me, putting his arm around me saying how excited he was that I was subbing for Tim Taylor. He started asking me questions such as, my favorite color, if I'm married or have a boyfriend, do I like McDonald's. I did respond saying, "I do like McDonald's," and he then said he'll take me there. He kept calling me beautiful, and told me that I was going to move with him to Texas. This went on for a while, asking the same questions over and over again. I did tell him that what he was doing was inappropriate, and that I could get fired, in hopes that he Get more content on
  • 16. Chronological/Timeline: (insert character's name) (swing bat) Well, there's my 60 th home run. I am babe Ruth, if you didn't already know. And I want to talk about my life. I was born February 6, 1895 and I was one of 8 children in my family. With my parents working long hours I was a troublemaker, since there no one was to watch me. At age 7 my parents sent me to St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys. I skipped school a lot and caused a lot of fights around my neighborhood. That's when my parents realized I needed a more strict environment. At school I started to fall in love with baseball. At age 19, my mentor Brother Matthias invited Jack Dunn, the owner of the Baltimore Orioles, to watch me play baseball. Jack Dunn was so impressed more content... This happened because the Orioles were only in the minors and the Red Sox were in the pros, or MLB. In 1914 I appeared in five games for the Red Sox and pitched 4 of them. However, due to a stacked roster, I went to the Red Sox's minor team, the Providence Grays, for a season. After that, in 1915, after leading the Providence Grays to the international league pennant, I had a permanent spot on the Red Sox, even though the season before they said I was not good enough to make it on their full squad. In 1919 I would forever be changed by getting traded to the Yankees. Many of the fans were not happy about this decision. The reason I got traded was because I was demanding more money for my new contract and the Red Sox would not pay. In the same year I had a world–changing 54 home runs. When I did this I changed the MLB forever, although later I would top that with 60, which also helped to make the Yankees one of the greatest dynasties. After that, in 1936 I was put into the Hall of Fame. I was one of the first 5 people to ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame. After those events I was just a regular man with a lot of money. I enjoyed many hobbies, such as hunting and bowling, and I even thought about pro golfing with my strong arm. But sadly, soon after, my health was declining fast and on August 16, 1948 I died. Over 100,000 thousand people lined up to see Get more content on
  • 17. I believe that Maya Angelou used chronological pattern and in empathic order in the short story Guy. Maya Angelou takes her readers, though her life events in order. She basically takes us through the day when her son got into a car accident. But before she tells that story she gave us background information. Like what her and Guy life was before that event occurred. I also believe she wrote this because she wanted to share with her readers that she lived a normal life with her son and her son meant the world to her. But her life turned for the unexpected when her son was left paralyzed. When I was reading this I could picture everything she was talking about because of the detailed she gave. I could see myself in West African being outside Get more content on
  • 18. Chronological And Timeline: Lou Gehrig (Haley) Chronological/Timeline: Lou Gehrig (Haley) You know that disease Lou Gehrig's disease, yeah well that Lou, is me. I was born on June 19, 1903 in Yorkville, Manhattan in New York City. My parents, Heinrich and Christina Gehrig were German immigrants who moved to a new country a few years before I was born. My childhood was based around poverty. I was gifted when I was young, excelling in both football and baseball. After high school, I studied engineering and played fullback for the football team of Columbia University. Later on, I pitched effectively for my team and earned the nickname Columbia Lou from loving fans. The New York City Yankees were more interested in my batting skill. I got my first professional contract in April 1923. Two months Get more content on
  • 19. What Is Chronological Resumes? Chronological resumes are the education and jobs of a person listed in chronological order. A functional resume is the job skills a person has and highlights them rather than chronologically (Cardon, 2013, pg. 477). Some drawbacks of chronological resumes are key job skills are harder to locate since everything is listed in chronological order. If the person has various jobs in the past, it can be a struggle to keep track as to why the person left each place of employment. Some drawbacks of functional resumes are it doesn't show a person's work experience and some employers are not familiar with the format of it as it is hard to locate previous employers (Sinacole, 2013). Some benefits to chronological resumes are that they are more accepted Get more content on
  • 20. In analsys of my lesson I will discuss it in chronological order and recap the good and bad of this lesson. First beginning with day one, for lesson preparation I intended to use the student's lunch to take care of some cutting and distribution of materials. This was my first flaw. Utilizing this time for last minute adjustments and distribution of materials was fine but counting to be able to get the cutting done during this time was an error in judging the time it would take to cut out the word sort I'd intended the students to complete for the vocabulary words. This led to a scramble to get the baggies of cut paper to each student at the opening of the lesson. The definition of work portion went a little different than expected. A 3rd grader's definition of work is very egocentric. They each gave personal definitions of work that involved school, or chores. Ms. Morris interjected that a job might be considered work also to help broaden the student's definition of work. After I gave them the physics definition of work we completed the "jumping Jack" exercise which I believe helped to drive home the concept of what had to happen for our new definition of work to be met. At this time the students were asked to take out their science journals and open the word sort. At this point I played the rollercoaster video stopping it when we came to terms on the word sort. In retrospect, I feel the video was unnecessary; I would have rather had a video of a rollercoaster without Get more content on