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For it is the Father who has given him the
kingdom. Your people , as your
inheritance, I will give you possession to
the ends of the earth. You will rule them
with an iron scepter and you will break
them like a potter's vessel "(Ps 2: 6-9).
"Behold, your King comes to you,
just and victorious, humble, riding
on an ass" Zechariah (9, 9).
"After John was imprisoned, Jesus came to Galilee preaching the
Gospel of God and saying: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of
God is near; repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mk 1 14-15).
"He traveled all over Galilee, teaching in the synagogues,
preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing the people
of all sickness and all disease "(Mt 4:23).
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and its justice" (Mt 6:33).
The Kingdom, which will then be like a trailing net (cf. Mt 13, 47 ff),
will gather everything, but the angels will "separate the wicked
from the just and throw them into the fiery furnace".
"The Kingdom of Heaven is
like one who sowed good
seed in his field. But while his
people slept, the enemy
came and sowed darnel
among the wheat and left"
(Mt 13: 24-25).
In the parable of the sower He says about what was sown
on the side of the road: "The evil one comes and takes
away what was sown in his heart" (Mt 13:19).
The multiplication of the loaves led to the unsuc-
cessful attempt to coronate Christ as popular king
but he disappeared from their midst and hid from them
Truly I tell you, if you do not change and become like children, you will not enter
the kingdom of heaven; for whoever humbles himself to become like one of
these children will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven“ (Mt 18: 1-4).
"If I cast out demons by the finger of God, surely the
kingdom of God has come to you" (Lk 11:20).
"The Kingdom
of Heaven
violence and
those who
gain it."
(Mt 11:22).
. "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
and the King of Israel "(Jn 12:13).
"For them I pray; I do not pray for the world, but for those that you have given me, because
they are yours; and all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine; and I have been
glorified in them. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I go to you.
“Holy Father, take care in your name of those you have given me, so that
they may be one like us. ... I do not ask you to withdraw them from the
world, but keep them from the Evil One. They are not of the world, as I am
not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth: your word is truth" (Jn 17, 9-11.15-17)
"My Kingdom is not from this world. If my Kingdom were from this
world, my people would have fought so that it would not be handed
over to the Jews; but my Kingdom is not from here" (Jn 18:36).
"Yes, as you say, I am a King. For this I was
born and for this I have come into the world:
to bear witness to the truth. The truthful
listen to my voice. "(Jn 18:37)
“You yourself say that I am king"(Jn 18:37).
The King, enthroned by men: the purple cloak, the crown
of thorns and the reed scepter: Mt 27: 28-30
"When I am exalted from the earth,
I will draw all to myself "(Jn 12:32)
Dimas, the good thief, on his
own cross, very close to that of
the King of the Jews, stole the
Kingdom that same afternoon.
. "Christ has to reign until he puts all his
enemies under his feet. The last enemy
destroyed will be death" (I Cor 15: 25-26).
"He put all things under His feet and he placed him at the
head of all things in the Church, which is his body. He is the
completion of all things in everyone "(Eph 1:22).
This recognition will be complete on the day of judgment: when the
Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with Him, cf Mt 25 , 31
and will sit on his throne of glory, to judge those
on the right and those on the left " (Mt 25:31).
The celebrationof
The Solemnity of Our
Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe,
closes the Liturgical
Year in which the
mystery of his life,
and his preaching of
the Kingdom of
God has been
meditated on
The feast of Christ the King was established by Pope Pius XI on
December 11, 1925. The Pope wanted to motivate Catholics to publicly
recognize that the president of the Church is Christ the King.
Jesus shows us that the Kingdom means for us
Salvation, Revelation and Reconciliation in the face
of the mortal lie of sin that exists in the world.
Jesus is not the King of a world of fear, lies and sin. He is
the King of the Kingdom of God that brings and leads us.
"The Kingdom of God is not just food and drink, but justice,
and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom 14:17).
Just as the devil tempted Eve and Adam with deceptions and lies in
order for them to be banished, now God himself becomes man and
gives humanity back the possibility of returning to the Kingdom,
when like a lamb he was lovingly sacrificed on the cross.
This feast celebrates
Christ as the kind and
simple King who as
shepherd guides to his
Church on pilgrimage
to the Celestial
He grants man
communion with this
Kingdom so that he can
transform the world
in which he travels.
The possibility of reaching the Kingdom of God was established by
Jesus Christ, by leaving us the Holy Spirit who grants us the necessary
graces to achieve Holiness and transform the world with love.
In this way the Kingdom is already installed in the world through
the Church which travels toward the Celestial Kingdom
THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS - the two realities of the Church - pilgrim and heavenly –
are definitively linked, and this pilgrimage is strengthened with the prayer
of the pilgrims and the grace they receive through the sacraments.
. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my
voice."(Jn 18, 37) All those who meet the Lord,
and hear his call to Holiness, and undertake that
path, become members of the Kingdom of God
. Thus Jesus Christ is the King and the Shepherd
of the Kingdom of God,that by taking us out of
the darkness, he guides and cares for us on our
way to full communion with God of Love.
In order to enter the
Kingdom one must
prepare by doing
penance and receive
baptism in the faith.
Although this is an
external rite, it
signifies and
produces internal
Our Lord demands of his subjects not only that,
they detach their souls from earthly riches,
keep good and orderly customs, and hunger
and thirst for justice, but also that they
deny themselves and take up their cross
. may Christ reign in the
intelligence of man,
which, with perfect
compliance, must
firmly and constantly
assent to the revealed
truths and the
doctrine of Christ
S Tomás de Aquino
. it is necessary that He reign in the will, which
must obey the divine laws and precepts
S Tomás More
. It is necessary that He reign in the heart, which,
postponing the natural affections, must love God
above all things, and only be united with Him
S Margaret María Alacoque
It is necessary that He reign
in the body and its
members, which as
instruments or weapons
of God’s justice, should
serve for the internal
sanctification of the soul
Luigi e María Beltrame Quattrocchi
the Father entrusted to Christ an absolute right over created things,
in such a way that they are all subject to his will
the Church, as a perfect society instituted by Christ,
demands - by its own right, full freedom and
independence from civil power
The State must also grant the same freedom to religious orders and
congregations of both sexes, which are invaluable assistants to the
pastors of the Church, they greatly cooperate in the establishment
and propagation of the kingdom of Christ
the duty to publicly worship and obey
Jesus Christ not only obliges individuals,
but also to the magistrates and rulers
His royal dignity demands that the entire society conform
to divine commandments and Christian principles, whether
making laws, or administering justice, or finally in forming the
souls of the young in the sound doctrine and right customs
Jesus Christ is a loving King, because he loved us men to the point of shedding blood.
Because he loves us, he freed us from sins. “Only" love is capable of freeing us from
sin. By freeing men from sin, he made us into the Kingdom of God. His Kingdom
"never sets"! The Kingdom "of truth, love, grace and forgiveness" does not end.
His kingdom does not end. And the Kingdom of man does not end with Him.
Only in him can we continue to hope, while living in the world- JP2
Establish institutions and take action where it contributes most, in depth and in extension,
to building the Kingdom of Christ in society, and thus meet the needs of the universal
and particular Church, in communion with her Pastors and according to her own charism;
Constitutions LC No 4, 2nd
. We seek to give
glory to God and
make the Kingdom
of Christ present in
the hearts of men
and in society,
through our own
sanctification in the
state and condition
of life to which God
has called us, and
through personal
and community
apostolic action.
Statutes RC no. 7.
. "The Kingdom of God is
within you "(Lk 17:21).
Revised 30-9-2021
Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace
All Souls Day
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family
Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream
Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream
Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream
Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream
Christ is Alive
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Football in Spain
Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII
Holidays and Holy Days
Holy Spirit
Holy Week – drawings for children
Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC
Inauguration of President Donald Trump
Juno explores Jupiter
Laudato si 1 – care for the common home
Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation
Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis
Laudato si 4 – integral ecology
Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action
Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality
Love and Marriage 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4
Martyrs of North America and Canada
Medjugore Pilgrimage
Misericordiae Vultus in English
Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint
Pope Franciss in Thailand
Pope Francis in Japan
Pope Francis in Sweden
Pope Francis in Hungary, Slovaquia
Pope Francis in America
Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016
Querida Amazonia
Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels
Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921
Russian Revolution and Communism 1
Russian Revolution and Communismo 2
Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint James, apostle
Saint Joseph
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Martin of Tours
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta
Saint Jean Baptiste MarieaVianney, Curé of Ars
Saint John of the Cross
Saint Patrick and Ireland
Saints Zachary and Elizabeth, parents of John Baptis
Signs of hope
Sunday – day of the Lord
Thanksgiving – History and Customs
The Body, the cult – (Eucharist)
Vocation –
Way of the Cross – drawings for children
For commentaries – email –
Fb – Martin M Flynn
Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA
IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
Revisado 30-9-2021
Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza
Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar
Cristo Vive
Dia de todos los difuntos
Domingo – día del Señor
El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños
El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía)
Espíritu Santo
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen
Feria de Sevilla
Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón
Hermandades y cofradías
Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común
Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación
Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica
Laudato si 4 – ecología integral
Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción
Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica
Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4
Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa
María y la Biblia
Martires de Nor America y Canada
Medjugore peregrinación
Misericordiae Vultus en Español
Papa Francisco en Bulgaria
Papa Francisco en Rumania
Papa Francisco en Marruecos
Papa Francisco en México
Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016
Papa Francisco – visita a Chile
Papa Francisco – visita a Perú
Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2
Papa Francisco en Cuba
Papa Francisco en Fátima
Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia
Papa Francisco en Hugaría e Eslovaquia
Queridas Amazoznia 1,2,3,4
Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios
Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3
Santa Agata, virgen y martir
San Alberto Magno
San Antonio de Padua
San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4
Santa Maria Goretti
San Ignacio de Loyola
Santa Isabel de Hungria
San José, obrero, marido, padre
San Juan Ma Vianney, Curé de’Ars
San Juan de la Cruz
San Martin de Tours
San Maximiliano Kolbe
Santa Teresa de Calcuta
San Padre Pio de Pietralcina
San Patricio e Irlanda
Santiago Apóstol
Santos Zacarias e Isabel, padres de Juan Bautista
Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC
Vacaciones Cristianas
Virgen de Guadalupe
Vocación – www.vocació
Vocación a evangelizar
Para comentarios – email –
fb – martin m. flynn
Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA
Name – EUR-CA-ASTI. IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493

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Christ the King

  • 3. . For it is the Father who has given him the kingdom. Your people , as your inheritance, I will give you possession to the ends of the earth. You will rule them with an iron scepter and you will break them like a potter's vessel "(Ps 2: 6-9).
  • 4. . "Behold, your King comes to you, just and victorious, humble, riding on an ass" Zechariah (9, 9).
  • 5. . "After John was imprisoned, Jesus came to Galilee preaching the Gospel of God and saying: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is near; repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mk 1 14-15).
  • 6. . "He traveled all over Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing the people of all sickness and all disease "(Mt 4:23).
  • 7. . "Seek first the Kingdom of God and its justice" (Mt 6:33).
  • 8. . The Kingdom, which will then be like a trailing net (cf. Mt 13, 47 ff), will gather everything, but the angels will "separate the wicked from the just and throw them into the fiery furnace".
  • 9. . "The Kingdom of Heaven is like one who sowed good seed in his field. But while his people slept, the enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat and left" (Mt 13: 24-25).
  • 10. . In the parable of the sower He says about what was sown on the side of the road: "The evil one comes and takes away what was sown in his heart" (Mt 13:19).
  • 11. . The multiplication of the loaves led to the unsuc- cessful attempt to coronate Christ as popular king but he disappeared from their midst and hid from them
  • 12. . Truly I tell you, if you do not change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven; for whoever humbles himself to become like one of these children will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven“ (Mt 18: 1-4).
  • 13. . "If I cast out demons by the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come to you" (Lk 11:20).
  • 14. . "The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and those who discipline themselves gain it." (Mt 11:22).
  • 15. . "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and the King of Israel "(Jn 12:13).
  • 16. . "For them I pray; I do not pray for the world, but for those that you have given me, because they are yours; and all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine; and I have been glorified in them. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I go to you.
  • 17. . “Holy Father, take care in your name of those you have given me, so that they may be one like us. ... I do not ask you to withdraw them from the world, but keep them from the Evil One. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth: your word is truth" (Jn 17, 9-11.15-17)
  • 18. . "My Kingdom is not from this world. If my Kingdom were from this world, my people would have fought so that it would not be handed over to the Jews; but my Kingdom is not from here" (Jn 18:36).
  • 19. . "Yes, as you say, I am a King. For this I was born and for this I have come into the world: to bear witness to the truth. The truthful listen to my voice. "(Jn 18:37)
  • 20. . “You yourself say that I am king"(Jn 18:37).
  • 21. . The King, enthroned by men: the purple cloak, the crown of thorns and the reed scepter: Mt 27: 28-30
  • 22. . "When I am exalted from the earth, I will draw all to myself "(Jn 12:32)
  • 23. . Dimas, the good thief, on his own cross, very close to that of the King of the Jews, stole the Kingdom that same afternoon.
  • 24. . "Christ has to reign until he puts all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy destroyed will be death" (I Cor 15: 25-26).
  • 25. . "He put all things under His feet and he placed him at the head of all things in the Church, which is his body. He is the completion of all things in everyone "(Eph 1:22).
  • 26. . This recognition will be complete on the day of judgment: when the Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with Him, cf Mt 25 , 31
  • 27. . and will sit on his throne of glory, to judge those on the right and those on the left " (Mt 25:31).
  • 28. . The celebrationof The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, closes the Liturgical Year in which the mystery of his life, and his preaching of the Kingdom of God has been meditated on
  • 29. . The feast of Christ the King was established by Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925. The Pope wanted to motivate Catholics to publicly recognize that the president of the Church is Christ the King.
  • 30. . Jesus shows us that the Kingdom means for us Salvation, Revelation and Reconciliation in the face of the mortal lie of sin that exists in the world.
  • 31. . Jesus is not the King of a world of fear, lies and sin. He is the King of the Kingdom of God that brings and leads us.
  • 32. . "The Kingdom of God is not just food and drink, but justice, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom 14:17).
  • 33. . Just as the devil tempted Eve and Adam with deceptions and lies in order for them to be banished, now God himself becomes man and gives humanity back the possibility of returning to the Kingdom, when like a lamb he was lovingly sacrificed on the cross.
  • 34. . This feast celebrates Christ as the kind and simple King who as shepherd guides to his Church on pilgrimage to the Celestial Kingdom. He grants man communion with this Kingdom so that he can transform the world in which he travels.
  • 35. . The possibility of reaching the Kingdom of God was established by Jesus Christ, by leaving us the Holy Spirit who grants us the necessary graces to achieve Holiness and transform the world with love.
  • 36. . In this way the Kingdom is already installed in the world through the Church which travels toward the Celestial Kingdom
  • 37. . THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS - the two realities of the Church - pilgrim and heavenly – are definitively linked, and this pilgrimage is strengthened with the prayer of the pilgrims and the grace they receive through the sacraments.
  • 38. . "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."(Jn 18, 37) All those who meet the Lord, and hear his call to Holiness, and undertake that path, become members of the Kingdom of God
  • 39. . Thus Jesus Christ is the King and the Shepherd of the Kingdom of God,that by taking us out of the darkness, he guides and cares for us on our way to full communion with God of Love.
  • 40. . In order to enter the Kingdom one must prepare by doing penance and receive baptism in the faith. Although this is an external rite, it signifies and produces internal regeneration.
  • 41. . Our Lord demands of his subjects not only that, they detach their souls from earthly riches, keep good and orderly customs, and hunger and thirst for justice, but also that they deny themselves and take up their cross
  • 42. . may Christ reign in the intelligence of man, which, with perfect compliance, must firmly and constantly assent to the revealed truths and the doctrine of Christ S Tomás de Aquino
  • 43. . it is necessary that He reign in the will, which must obey the divine laws and precepts S Tomás More
  • 44. . It is necessary that He reign in the heart, which, postponing the natural affections, must love God above all things, and only be united with Him S Margaret María Alacoque
  • 45. . It is necessary that He reign in the body and its members, which as instruments or weapons of God’s justice, should serve for the internal sanctification of the soul Luigi e María Beltrame Quattrocchi
  • 46. . the Father entrusted to Christ an absolute right over created things, in such a way that they are all subject to his will
  • 47. . the Church, as a perfect society instituted by Christ, demands - by its own right, full freedom and independence from civil power
  • 48. .
  • 49. . The State must also grant the same freedom to religious orders and congregations of both sexes, which are invaluable assistants to the pastors of the Church, they greatly cooperate in the establishment and propagation of the kingdom of Christ
  • 50. . the duty to publicly worship and obey Jesus Christ not only obliges individuals, but also to the magistrates and rulers
  • 51. . His royal dignity demands that the entire society conform to divine commandments and Christian principles, whether making laws, or administering justice, or finally in forming the souls of the young in the sound doctrine and right customs
  • 52. . Jesus Christ is a loving King, because he loved us men to the point of shedding blood. Because he loves us, he freed us from sins. “Only" love is capable of freeing us from sin. By freeing men from sin, he made us into the Kingdom of God. His Kingdom "never sets"! The Kingdom "of truth, love, grace and forgiveness" does not end. His kingdom does not end. And the Kingdom of man does not end with Him. Only in him can we continue to hope, while living in the world- JP2
  • 53. . Establish institutions and take action where it contributes most, in depth and in extension, to building the Kingdom of Christ in society, and thus meet the needs of the universal and particular Church, in communion with her Pastors and according to her own charism; Constitutions LC No 4, 2nd
  • 54. . We seek to give glory to God and make the Kingdom of Christ present in the hearts of men and in society, through our own sanctification in the state and condition of life to which God has called us, and through personal and community apostolic action. Statutes RC no. 7.
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  • 57. . "The Kingdom of God is within you "(Lk 17:21).
  • 58. LIST OF PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH Revised 30-9-2021 Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace All Souls Day Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream Carnival Christ is Alive Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Football in Spain Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII Holidays and Holy Days Holy Spirit Holy Week – drawings for children Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC Inauguration of President Donald Trump Juno explores Jupiter Laudato si 1 – care for the common home Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis Laudato si 4 – integral ecology Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality Love and Marriage 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4 Martyrs of North America and Canada Medjugore Pilgrimage Misericordiae Vultus in English Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint Pope Franciss in Thailand Pope Francis in Japan Pope Francis in Sweden Pope Francis in Hungary, Slovaquia Pope Francis in America Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016 Querida Amazonia Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921 Russian Revolution and Communism 1 Russian Revolution and Communismo 2 Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr Saint Albert the Great Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint James, apostle Saint Joseph Saint Maria Goretti Saint Martin of Tours Saint Maximilian Kolbe Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta Saint Jean Baptiste MarieaVianney, Curé of Ars Saint John of the Cross Saint Patrick and Ireland Saints Zachary and Elizabeth, parents of John Baptis Signs of hope Sunday – day of the Lord Thanksgiving – History and Customs The Body, the cult – (Eucharist) Valentine Vocation – Way of the Cross – drawings for children For commentaries – email – Fb – Martin M Flynn Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Name – EUR-CA-ASTI IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
  • 59. LISTA DE PRESENTACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Revisado 30-9-2021 Abuelos Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9 Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar Carnaval Cristo Vive Dia de todos los difuntos Domingo – día del Señor El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía) Espíritu Santo Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen Feria de Sevilla Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón Hermandades y cofradías Hispanidad Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica Laudato si 4 – ecología integral Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4 Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa María y la Biblia Martires de Nor America y Canada Medjugore peregrinación Misericordiae Vultus en Español Papa Francisco en Bulgaria Papa Francisco en Rumania Papa Francisco en Marruecos Papa Francisco en México Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016 Papa Francisco – visita a Chile Papa Francisco – visita a Perú Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2 Papa Francisco en Cuba Papa Francisco en Fátima Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia Papa Francisco en Hugaría e Eslovaquia Queridas Amazoznia 1,2,3,4 Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3 Santa Agata, virgen y martir San Alberto Magno San Antonio de Padua San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4 Santa Maria Goretti San Ignacio de Loyola Santa Isabel de Hungria San José, obrero, marido, padre San Juan Ma Vianney, Curé de’Ars San Juan de la Cruz San Martin de Tours San Maximiliano Kolbe Santa Teresa de Calcuta San Padre Pio de Pietralcina San Patricio e Irlanda Santiago Apóstol Santos Zacarias e Isabel, padres de Juan Bautista Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC Vacaciones Cristianas Valentín Virgen de Guadalupe Vocación – www.vocació Vocación a evangelizar Para comentarios – email – fb – martin m. flynn Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Name – EUR-CA-ASTI. IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
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