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Planning the Sales Calls
         Chapter 8
Important Questions Answered
►   Why should salespeople plan their sales calls?

►   What pre-call information is needed about the individual
    prospect and the prospect’s organisation?

►   How can this information be obtained?

►   What is involved in setting call objectives?

►   Should more than one objective be set for each call?

►   How can appointments be made effectively?
Why Plan The Sales Call?

1.   Advance planning of the sales interview is essential to
     achievement in selling.
2.   Salespeople can save their as well as buyer’s time,
     through planning.
3.   This gives time to make more calls.
4.   In this way they can convince people to buy even if
     they are not really interested.
5.   Not to forget that this is not the end…..

What Is Success




Reasons for planning the sales call
►   Develops atmosphere of goodwill

►   Reflects professionalism

►   Generally increases sales

►   Builds confidence

►   Qualify prospects

►   Budgets your time

►   Enhances your image        5
Sales Call Planning Importance
Sales call planning increases in importance when

► The customer's decision is a complex, high-
  involvement, high risk one
► Future interactions and negotiations with the
  customer are expected
► The customer's needs are unique
► A range of alternatives is available to the customer
► The sale is very critical to the salesperson

Obtaining Pre-call Information
►   Important to get enough information about the
    prospect to be able to save time and achieve more.
►   Not to forget that the cost of collecting information
    should be less than the benefits obtained.

A Flow Diagram Of The Planning

Gathering information   Selling objectives   Making an
about the prospect      for the call         appointment
and firm

The Prospect As An Individual
►    Name (including pronunciation)
►    Family status
►    Education
► Aspirations
► Interests (e.g., hobbies)
► and disinterests
►    Toward salespeople
►    Toward your company
► Toward your product                 (Contd.)

The Prospect As An Individual

► Formal reporting relationships
► Important reference groups and group norms
► Social style (driver, etc.)
► Decision-making style2 (entrepreneurial, planning,
Evaluation of Products/Services
► Product attributes that are important
► Product evaluation process

Information Used in a Profile and for

Customer Profile Provides Insight
►   Review information to create customized

►   See what customer has done in the past to
    determine future needs

►   If you do not have customer profiles, get one for
    each customer

The Prospect’s/Customer’s
Similarly following information about the
company of the prospect is vital too:
► Demographics
► Prospect’s Customers
► Prospect’s Competitors
► Historical Buying Patterns
► Current Buying Situation
► People Involved in the Purchase Decision
► Policies and Procedures


► Type of organization (manufacturing,
 wholesaling, retailing)
► Size, number of locations

► Products/services offered

► Financial position and its future

► Culture of the organization

Prospect's Customers
►   Types

►   Benefits they seek from the prospect's

Prospect's Competitors
►   Who they are

►   How they differ in their business approaches

►    Prospect's strategic position in the industry
    (dominant, strong, weak, tenable)

Historical Buying Patterns
►   Amount purchased in the product category

►   Sole supplier or multiple suppliers. Why?

►   Reason for buying from present suppliers.

►   Level of satisfaction with suppliers

►   Reasons for any dissatisfactions with suppliers or
    products currently purchased.

Current Buying Situation
►   Type of buying process (new task, straight re-buy,
    or modified re-buy )

►    Strengths and weaknesses of potential

People Involved in the Purchase
► How they fit into the formal and informal
  organizational structure
► Their roles in this decision (gatekeeper,
  influencer, etc.)
► Who is most influential

► Any influential adversaries (carry great influence
  but are opposed to us)?
► Current problems the organization faces

► Stage in the buying cycle.

Policies and Procedures
►   About salespeople

►   About sales visits

►   About purchasing and contracts.

Preparation & Pre approach

Questions about    •What business is the prospect's company in?
            the    •What are its products and markets?
     prospect's    •Who are its primary customers?
       company     •How big is this prospect's company?
                   •Where does it rank in its industry?

                   •Who is the actual decision maker?
Questions about    •Who handles the purchase process?
            the    •Who else influences the purchase process?
     prospect's    •What are the backgrounds and personal interests of each person in the buying
     company's     process
  buying center    •Is the company's staff well informed?
                   •Can we help this company's staff develop more expertise?
                   •Does any in my company know anyone in this company?

                   •How often does this company buy my type of product or service?
                   •Who is this company's competitor?
                   •Does my company do business with that competitor?
                   •What plans does the company have that could affect future need for my product?
     Questions     •How well is this company satisfied with its present supplier?
                   •Does this company's potential volume of business suggest a personal call, a
                   telephone call or a letter?
                   •Do we (or can we) use their product or service?

       If I don't •Can I get a referral to another department?
  make the sale •Can I get a second appointment?21
                   •Will they seriously evaluate my proposal?
Sources of Information

1.   AGAIN - not to forget that TIME IS MONEY and that
     the time spent on gathering information and preparing
     for the meetings should be less than the benefits.
2.   Not to fall into the trap of
Various sources could be used to gather the
required information

Sources of Information
►   Sources within your Company
►   The Internet
►   Secretaries and Receptionists
►   Non-competing Salespeople
►   Traditional Secondary Sources
►   The Prospect
►   Other Sources

Sources within your Company
One of the best sources of information can be the
records in your own company, especially if your firm
has developed a sophisticated database. The most
useful databases include, in addition to standard
demo­graphic information, information on any direct
inquiries made by the prospect (from direct-mail
inquiries, through the telemarketing division of your
firm, etc.), a sales history on the firm, whether
anyone from your company has called on the
prospect, and the results of any sales meetings.

The Internet
The Internet contains a vast amount of informa­
tion. "Fifteen years ago, when 'consultative selling'
became the buzzword for successful sales, it took a
great deal of time researching and discovering the
needs. Now, a salesperson can learn as much as
there is to know about prospects and customers in
practically no time at all.

Secretaries and Receptionists
Secretaries and receptionists in the prospect's firm
 usually are a rich source of information. Be
 courteous, however, because secretaries and
 receptionists are accustomed to having salespeople
 pry for all sorts of free information. Prioritize your
 ques­tions and provide justification for asking them.
 Above all, treat secretaries and receptionists with
 genuine respect.

Non-competing Salespeople
Another source for pre-call information is non-
competing salespeople. In fact, one of the best
sources of information is the prospect's own
salespeople. Because They are easy to reach and
they understand your situation.

Traditional Secondary Sources
Traditional secondary data sources can also be
 helpful. Firms such as Standard & Poor's,
 Hoover's, Wards, and Moody's publish a number
 of manuals and directories that are available in
 many public libraries. These sources can help
 answer questions about brand names, key
 contacts, historical information, the current
 situation and outlook for the firm and the industry,
 location of plants and distribution centers, market
 shares, and so on.

The Prospect
Much information can be received directly from the
 prospect. However, don't expect prospects to sit
 down and answer any and all questions you might
 have, especially for topics where the information is
 fairly easy to get (e.g., what products the prospect
 makes or sells). It is also worth mentioning that,
 just as you are gathering information about the
 prospect prior to a meeting, the prospect can and
 often does collect information about you. Even
 before the sale your prospect can request price

Other Sources
Many other sources can provide information. Some
information may have been gleaned at a trade
show the prospect attended. Much information will
be in the lists and directories from which the
prospect's name came. A center of influence will
often be able to provide some information.

Sources of Pre-approach Information

               1. Direct questions: prospect
               2. Other company salespeople
               3. Current customers
               4. Local newspaper
               5. Personal visit / cold call

                 •   Mergers
                 •   Personnel changes
   Some things
                 •   Changing product lines
     to look for
                 •   Advertising plans
                 •   TV and magazine ads
                 •   Sales training            31
Setting Call Objectives
►   The sales call objective is the main purpose of
    contact with a prospect or customer

► The pre-call objective – have one or more!
► Focus and flexibility
    Focus your efforts on the objective when you are
     with the customer
    Be prepared to switch to another objective if
► Make the goal specific
► Move customer conversation toward the objective
► Set a SMART call objective
SMART Call Objective
►   Specific

►   Measurable

►   Achievable

►   Realistic

►   Timed

Criteria for Effective Objectives
►   Objectives should be Specific, Realistic and
       Specific – to be effective
       Realistic – to be achievable
       Measurable – to be able to objectively evaluate each
        sales call and evaluate if the objectives were met?

Setting More Than One Objective

Often multiple call objectives are set so that they have a
primary objective, but if the meeting does not go well then
at least the minimum call objectives are met and in case of
ideal situation what will be the optimistic call objectives.

Better to have more than one Primary Objective.

Setting Objectives for Several Calls

Setting objectives for a number of future calls is a part of
   good planning and strategising the whole activity.

Interval between two sale calls depends upon the strategy
              but it should not be too long.

Making an Appointment
After gathering pre-call information and setting
 objectives, the salesperson's next step is generally to
 make an appointment. working by appointment
 saves valuable selling time. Appointments dignify the
 salesperson. They help get the sales process off to a
 good start by putting the salesperson and the
 prospect on the same level-equal participants in a
 legitimate sales interview. Appointments also
 increase the chances of seeing the right person arid
 having uninterrupted time with the prospect.

How to make appointments
Experienced sales representatives use different
contact methods for different cus­tomers. They have
found through trial and error that a certain method of
making an appointment works well with a regular
customer but may be entirely ineffec­tive with a new
prospect. They have also found that knowledge of
many different methods and techniques for making
appointments is extremely helpful in obtaining sales

Making An Appointment

►   The right person
►   The right time
►   The right place

Cultivating relationships with
 Busy executives usually have one or more
 subordinates who plan and schedule interviews for
 them. These gatekeepers often make seeing the
 boss rather difficult. Salespeople should go out of
 their way to treat all subordinates with respect and
 courtesy. First, it is the right thing to do. Second,
 subordinates can be the true key to the
 salesperson's success or failure with an
 organization. They may not be able to buy the
 salesperson's product, but they can often kill his or
 her chances for a sale.

Telephoning for Appointments
►   Telephone is most often used to make initial
►   Through practice it could easily be used correctly and
►   Over the phone too, the salesperson needs to be an
    active listener as well as should be able to encourage a
    two-way communication.
►   Salespeople should avoid giving presentation over the

► Use of sophisticated telecommunications and
  information systems
► Combined with personal selling and servicing
► Helps companies keep in close contact with
  present and potential customers
► Increases sales

►   Enhances business productivity

Use "powers of visualization."
►   Relax and close your eyes.
►   See yourself and the prospect.
►   Think about what you will say and anticipate the prospect's
►   Create a mental hologram and live it over and over in your
►   Practice out loud -  your mind believes the sound of your
    own voice.
►   If you do not like the result, redesign the scenario and play
    it over again until it is comfortable and produces the
    desired outcome.
►   Your mind cannot separate a real experience from an
    imaged one.
►   You gain the same benefit from this type of practice as
    from an actual sales interview.46
►   Why am I calling?

►   What is my proposal?

►   What would make this person want to grant my

►   What is the best action plan that I can offer?

    Remember That The Appointment is a Mini Sale
    Sell the appointment not the product
Key Strategy points to consider
►   Schedule a specific time for calls
►   Always follow up a successful call with another call
►   Arrange to avoid interruptions
►   Develop a written script
►   Verify that you have actually contacted the prospect
►   Just tell as much as needed to get an appointment
►   Keep control but don't be pushy
►   Excitement and enthusiasm
►   Don't argue!
►   Use the fatal alternative
►   Sell your name. Ask the prospect to write it down.
►   Be courteous. - Please & Thank You
►   Watch language and speech patterns
The Six-Step Telephone Track

                Introduce Yourself         •A judgement will be made within 15
  Step I
                and Your Company           words
                                           •Keep it warm and friendly

                  Take the Curse           •A call is an interruption
  Step II                                  •Get permission to continue
                    Off the Call           •Soften the impact with "just a minute,"

                 State the Purpose
 Step III                                  •A brief hard hitting lead in
                     of the Call           •Mention referrals if you have them

  Step IV                                  •Usually a customer benefit
            Interest-Capturing Statement   •You can also use a provocative question

                                           •Don't give too much information over the
  Step V     Request an Appointment        phone
                                           •Give a choice of times (fatal alternative)

                    Overcome               •Agree with the objection
  Step VI                                  •Switch back to your idea of reason for
                    Resistance       49    the appointment
                                           •Ask for the appointment again
Additional Planning
►   Successful salespeople think ahead and plan
►   Seeding the meeting i.e. sending important things prior
    to meeting does make the meetings more conducive.
►   The prospect should be made to think that the
    salesperson is trying to help while understanding the
    prospect’s business.

Setting Up the Sales Interview

           Timing    •Will the prospect be too busy?
                     •What is the "best" time to see the prospect?

    Gaining Entry    •Letter - the weakest
       Making the    •Cold call - good but time consuming
First appointment    •Telephone - high rejection rate
                     •Telephone - mail - follow up call

                     Some Techniques
                     •Ask former or retired employees to give you names and the lay of the land
                     •Ask the building administrator for names.
Get the Prospect's   •Ask for a sales rep in the prospect's company then
            Name           •Solicit the salesperson's help to get to the right person.
                           •"I'm sorry, I got the wrong extension. I was trying to reach the person who's in
                           charge of.."

                     •Show them sincere respect.
     Gatekeepers     •Friendly not fake.
                     •Be honest about your intentions
                     •Get personal information about the gatekeeper
                     •Sell to the gatekeeper
                     •Question gatekeepers.
                     •They often know what the company needs
                     •Be thoughtful - small gifts and cards can go a long way
                     •Keep your sense of humor
                     •Be patient and persistent

                     •Press "0" on your phone. Usually gets a person
                     •Leave a message: "I will be in your neighborhood at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 10, and
        Voicemail    would like to meet with you for 10 minutes to explain XYZ and how it can help you. Please
                     let me know if this is inconvenient, otherwise I'll look forward to seeing you this
Gain a Personalized Sales Interview
 with the information gathered above.
 Predict Likely    •   Your past experience
   Objections      •   Your company's training
                   •   The pre approach information gathered

Prepare for the    •   Set sales call objectives
  Presentation     •   Rehearse
                   •   Practice demonstrations

                   •   Mental toughening - visualize the meeting
   Successful          over and over with a successful outcome.
     Selling       •   Practice out loud. Role play.

Learn How to Best
    Approach the • Style analysis
        Prospect                                               53
End of Chapter 8
Thank you

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Personal Selling: Chapter 8

  • 1. Planning the Sales Calls Chapter 8
  • 2. Important Questions Answered ► Why should salespeople plan their sales calls? ► What pre-call information is needed about the individual prospect and the prospect’s organisation? ► How can this information be obtained? ► What is involved in setting call objectives? ► Should more than one objective be set for each call? ► How can appointments be made effectively? 2
  • 3. Why Plan The Sales Call? 1. Advance planning of the sales interview is essential to achievement in selling. 2. Salespeople can save their as well as buyer’s time, through planning. 3. This gives time to make more calls. 4. In this way they can convince people to buy even if they are not really interested. 5. Not to forget that this is not the end….. 3
  • 4. What Is Success Purpose Plan Success 4
  • 5. Reasons for planning the sales call ► Develops atmosphere of goodwill ► Reflects professionalism ► Generally increases sales ► Builds confidence ► Qualify prospects ► Budgets your time ► Enhances your image 5
  • 6. Sales Call Planning Importance Sales call planning increases in importance when ► The customer's decision is a complex, high- involvement, high risk one ► Future interactions and negotiations with the customer are expected ► The customer's needs are unique ► A range of alternatives is available to the customer ► The sale is very critical to the salesperson 6
  • 7. Obtaining Pre-call Information ► Important to get enough information about the prospect to be able to save time and achieve more. ► Not to forget that the cost of collecting information should be less than the benefits obtained. 7
  • 8. A Flow Diagram Of The Planning Process Gathering information Selling objectives Making an about the prospect for the call appointment and firm 8
  • 9. The Prospect As An Individual Personal. ► Name (including pronunciation) ► Family status ► Education ► Aspirations ► Interests (e.g., hobbies) ► and disinterests Attitudes. ► Toward salespeople ► Toward your company ► Toward your product (Contd.) 9
  • 10. The Prospect As An Individual (Contd.) Relationships ► Formal reporting relationships ► Important reference groups and group norms Styles ► Social style (driver, etc.) ► Decision-making style2 (entrepreneurial, planning, bureaucratic Evaluation of Products/Services ► Product attributes that are important ► Product evaluation process 10
  • 11. Information Used in a Profile and for Planning 11
  • 12. Customer Profile Provides Insight ► Review information to create customized presentation ► See what customer has done in the past to determine future needs ► If you do not have customer profiles, get one for each customer 12
  • 13. The Prospect’s/Customer’s Organisation Similarly following information about the company of the prospect is vital too: ► Demographics ► Prospect’s Customers ► Prospect’s Competitors ► Historical Buying Patterns ► Current Buying Situation ► People Involved in the Purchase Decision ► Policies and Procedures 13
  • 14. Demographics ► Type of organization (manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing) ► Size, number of locations ► Products/services offered ► Financial position and its future ► Culture of the organization 14
  • 15. Prospect's Customers ► Types ► Benefits they seek from the prospect's products/services 15
  • 16. Prospect's Competitors ► Who they are ► How they differ in their business approaches ► Prospect's strategic position in the industry (dominant, strong, weak, tenable) 16
  • 17. Historical Buying Patterns ► Amount purchased in the product category ► Sole supplier or multiple suppliers. Why? ► Reason for buying from present suppliers. ► Level of satisfaction with suppliers ► Reasons for any dissatisfactions with suppliers or products currently purchased. 17
  • 18. Current Buying Situation ► Type of buying process (new task, straight re-buy, or modified re-buy ) ► Strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors. 18
  • 19. People Involved in the Purchase Decision ► How they fit into the formal and informal organizational structure ► Their roles in this decision (gatekeeper, influencer, etc.) ► Who is most influential ► Any influential adversaries (carry great influence but are opposed to us)? ► Current problems the organization faces ► Stage in the buying cycle. 19
  • 20. Policies and Procedures ► About salespeople ► About sales visits ► About purchasing and contracts. 20
  • 21. Preparation & Pre approach Questions about •What business is the prospect's company in? the •What are its products and markets? prospect's •Who are its primary customers? company •How big is this prospect's company? •Where does it rank in its industry? •Who is the actual decision maker? Questions about •Who handles the purchase process? the •Who else influences the purchase process? prospect's •What are the backgrounds and personal interests of each person in the buying company's process buying center •Is the company's staff well informed? •Can we help this company's staff develop more expertise? •Does any in my company know anyone in this company? •How often does this company buy my type of product or service? •Who is this company's competitor? •Does my company do business with that competitor? Other •What plans does the company have that could affect future need for my product? Questions •How well is this company satisfied with its present supplier? •Does this company's potential volume of business suggest a personal call, a telephone call or a letter? •Do we (or can we) use their product or service? If I don't •Can I get a referral to another department? make the sale •Can I get a second appointment?21 •Will they seriously evaluate my proposal?
  • 22. Sources of Information 1. AGAIN - not to forget that TIME IS MONEY and that the time spent on gathering information and preparing for the meetings should be less than the benefits. 2. Not to fall into the trap of ANALYSIS PARALYSIS Various sources could be used to gather the required information 22
  • 23. Sources of Information ► Sources within your Company ► The Internet ► Secretaries and Receptionists ► Non-competing Salespeople ► Traditional Secondary Sources ► The Prospect ► Other Sources 23
  • 24. Sources within your Company One of the best sources of information can be the records in your own company, especially if your firm has developed a sophisticated database. The most useful databases include, in addition to standard demo­graphic information, information on any direct inquiries made by the prospect (from direct-mail inquiries, through the telemarketing division of your firm, etc.), a sales history on the firm, whether anyone from your company has called on the prospect, and the results of any sales meetings. 24
  • 25. The Internet The Internet contains a vast amount of informa­ tion. "Fifteen years ago, when 'consultative selling' became the buzzword for successful sales, it took a great deal of time researching and discovering the needs. Now, a salesperson can learn as much as there is to know about prospects and customers in practically no time at all. 25
  • 26. Secretaries and Receptionists Secretaries and receptionists in the prospect's firm usually are a rich source of information. Be courteous, however, because secretaries and receptionists are accustomed to having salespeople pry for all sorts of free information. Prioritize your ques­tions and provide justification for asking them. Above all, treat secretaries and receptionists with genuine respect. 26
  • 27. Non-competing Salespeople Another source for pre-call information is non- competing salespeople. In fact, one of the best sources of information is the prospect's own salespeople. Because They are easy to reach and they understand your situation. 27
  • 28. Traditional Secondary Sources Traditional secondary data sources can also be helpful. Firms such as Standard & Poor's, Hoover's, Wards, and Moody's publish a number of manuals and directories that are available in many public libraries. These sources can help answer questions about brand names, key contacts, historical information, the current situation and outlook for the firm and the industry, location of plants and distribution centers, market shares, and so on. 28
  • 29. The Prospect Much information can be received directly from the prospect. However, don't expect prospects to sit down and answer any and all questions you might have, especially for topics where the information is fairly easy to get (e.g., what products the prospect makes or sells). It is also worth mentioning that, just as you are gathering information about the prospect prior to a meeting, the prospect can and often does collect information about you. Even before the sale your prospect can request price quotes. 29
  • 30. Other Sources Many other sources can provide information. Some information may have been gleaned at a trade show the prospect attended. Much information will be in the lists and directories from which the prospect's name came. A center of influence will often be able to provide some information. 30
  • 31. Sources of Pre-approach Information 1. Direct questions: prospect Six 2. Other company salespeople Proven 3. Current customers Sources 4. Local newspaper 5. Personal visit / cold call • Mergers • Personnel changes Some things • Changing product lines to look for • Advertising plans • TV and magazine ads • Sales training 31
  • 32. Setting Call Objectives ► The sales call objective is the main purpose of contact with a prospect or customer ► The pre-call objective – have one or more! ► Focus and flexibility  Focus your efforts on the objective when you are with the customer  Be prepared to switch to another objective if needed ► Make the goal specific ► Move customer conversation toward the objective ► Set a SMART call objective 32
  • 33. SMART Call Objective ► Specific ► Measurable ► Achievable ► Realistic ► Timed 33
  • 34. Criteria for Effective Objectives ► Objectives should be Specific, Realistic and Measurable.  Specific – to be effective  Realistic – to be achievable  Measurable – to be able to objectively evaluate each sales call and evaluate if the objectives were met? 34
  • 35. Setting More Than One Objective Often multiple call objectives are set so that they have a primary objective, but if the meeting does not go well then at least the minimum call objectives are met and in case of ideal situation what will be the optimistic call objectives. Better to have more than one Primary Objective. 35
  • 36. Setting Objectives for Several Calls Setting objectives for a number of future calls is a part of good planning and strategising the whole activity. Interval between two sale calls depends upon the strategy but it should not be too long. 36
  • 37. 37
  • 38. Making an Appointment After gathering pre-call information and setting objectives, the salesperson's next step is generally to make an appointment. working by appointment saves valuable selling time. Appointments dignify the salesperson. They help get the sales process off to a good start by putting the salesperson and the prospect on the same level-equal participants in a legitimate sales interview. Appointments also increase the chances of seeing the right person arid having uninterrupted time with the prospect. 38
  • 39. How to make appointments Experienced sales representatives use different contact methods for different cus­tomers. They have found through trial and error that a certain method of making an appointment works well with a regular customer but may be entirely ineffec­tive with a new prospect. They have also found that knowledge of many different methods and techniques for making appointments is extremely helpful in obtaining sales interviews. 39
  • 40. Making An Appointment ► The right person ► The right time ► The right place 40
  • 41. Cultivating relationships with subordinates Busy executives usually have one or more subordinates who plan and schedule interviews for them. These gatekeepers often make seeing the boss rather difficult. Salespeople should go out of their way to treat all subordinates with respect and courtesy. First, it is the right thing to do. Second, subordinates can be the true key to the salesperson's success or failure with an organization. They may not be able to buy the salesperson's product, but they can often kill his or her chances for a sale. 41
  • 42. Telephoning for Appointments ► Telephone is most often used to make initial appointment. ► Through practice it could easily be used correctly and effectively. ► Over the phone too, the salesperson needs to be an active listener as well as should be able to encourage a two-way communication. ► Salespeople should avoid giving presentation over the phone. 42
  • 43. 43
  • 44. 44
  • 45. Telemarketing ► Use of sophisticated telecommunications and information systems ► Combined with personal selling and servicing skills ► Helps companies keep in close contact with present and potential customers ► Increases sales ► Enhances business productivity 45
  • 46. Use "powers of visualization." ► Relax and close your eyes. ► See yourself and the prospect. ► Think about what you will say and anticipate the prospect's responses. ► Create a mental hologram and live it over and over in your mind. ► Practice out loud -  your mind believes the sound of your own voice. ► If you do not like the result, redesign the scenario and play it over again until it is comfortable and produces the desired outcome. ► Your mind cannot separate a real experience from an imaged one. ► You gain the same benefit from this type of practice as from an actual sales interview.46
  • 47. Ask ► Why am I calling? Yourself ► What is my proposal? ► What would make this person want to grant my request? ► What is the best action plan that I can offer? Remember That The Appointment is a Mini Sale Sell the appointment not the product 47
  • 48. Key Strategy points to consider ► Schedule a specific time for calls ► Always follow up a successful call with another call ► Arrange to avoid interruptions ► Develop a written script ► Verify that you have actually contacted the prospect ► Just tell as much as needed to get an appointment ► Keep control but don't be pushy ► Excitement and enthusiasm ► Don't argue! ► Use the fatal alternative ► Sell your name. Ask the prospect to write it down. ► Be courteous. - Please & Thank You ► Watch language and speech patterns 48
  • 49. The Six-Step Telephone Track Introduce Yourself •A judgement will be made within 15 Step I and Your Company words •Keep it warm and friendly Take the Curse •A call is an interruption Step II •Get permission to continue Off the Call •Soften the impact with "just a minute," etc. State the Purpose Step III •A brief hard hitting lead in of the Call •Mention referrals if you have them An Step IV •Usually a customer benefit Interest-Capturing Statement •You can also use a provocative question •Don't give too much information over the Step V Request an Appointment phone •Give a choice of times (fatal alternative) Overcome •Agree with the objection Step VI •Switch back to your idea of reason for Resistance 49 the appointment •Ask for the appointment again
  • 50. 50
  • 51. Additional Planning ► Successful salespeople think ahead and plan accordingly. ► Seeding the meeting i.e. sending important things prior to meeting does make the meetings more conducive. ► The prospect should be made to think that the salesperson is trying to help while understanding the prospect’s business. 51
  • 52. Setting Up the Sales Interview Timing •Will the prospect be too busy? •What is the "best" time to see the prospect? Gaining Entry •Letter - the weakest Making the •Cold call - good but time consuming First appointment •Telephone - high rejection rate •Telephone - mail - follow up call Some Techniques •Ask former or retired employees to give you names and the lay of the land •Ask the building administrator for names. Get the Prospect's •Ask for a sales rep in the prospect's company then Name •Solicit the salesperson's help to get to the right person. •"I'm sorry, I got the wrong extension. I was trying to reach the person who's in charge of.." •Show them sincere respect. Gatekeepers •Friendly not fake. •Be honest about your intentions •Get personal information about the gatekeeper •Sell to the gatekeeper •Question gatekeepers. •They often know what the company needs •Be thoughtful - small gifts and cards can go a long way •Keep your sense of humor •Be patient and persistent •Press "0" on your phone. Usually gets a person •Leave a message: "I will be in your neighborhood at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 10, and Voicemail would like to meet with you for 10 minutes to explain XYZ and how it can help you. Please let me know if this is inconvenient, otherwise I'll look forward to seeing you this 52 Wednesday."
  • 53. Gain a Personalized Sales Interview with the information gathered above. Predict Likely • Your past experience Objections • Your company's training • The pre approach information gathered Prepare for the • Set sales call objectives Presentation • Rehearse • Practice demonstrations Visualize • Mental toughening - visualize the meeting Successful over and over with a successful outcome. Selling • Practice out loud. Role play. Learn How to Best Approach the • Style analysis Prospect 53