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Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

                                                   during that decade that still persists in major
Social Computing                                   portion of the world. There requires a heavy
Social computing is a rapidly growing and          transfer of larger amounts of data in most
constantly evolving technology that is aimed       social computing applications that tend to be
at increasing communication, encouraging           interactive with multi media and also manage
collaboration, and enhancing productivity          messaging. AOL step forward and provided
among people and resources. Social                 such interactive services to the mass public
computing applications or Web 2.0 are built        for the first time in mid-1990s.
on a range of advanced and supporting
                                                   Later on during late 1990s, the problem was
technologies that enhance collective action
                                                   sorted out, and computer industry embraced
and interaction which currently dominates
                                                   a huge increase in internet bandwidth and
the Web (Parameswaran &
                                                   computing capacity of computers. This
Whinston 2007).
                                                   achievement also impacted on software
Social computing applications are categorized      industry, and interactive web sites and instant
into social media, social bookmarking, and         messaging tools started to show up.
social networks categories as identified by the    Companies started to invest in e-commerce
continuing Web 2.0 trend (Schwartz et al.          sites and online shopping shops. This resulted
2009; Amer-Yahia, 2009). Each of these             new and unique social applications such as
categories has been embodied by various            Wikis, news forums, and blogs to appear
social software and web sites. Some of the         online and people started to share their
best-known and equally famous social web           viewpoints, discussion, and experiences.
sites that dominate the web are Facebook,
                                                   The beginning of 21st century witnessed a
YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, Delicious, and        huge change and brought social computing to
                                                   the forefront of the citizens of digital age.
                                                   More and more people started using social
History of Social Computing
                                                   software that has grown into what we know
The ideas and principles of social computing       today.
have been around in web communities for
long time. Discussion forums and emails were       Social Software
the primary means of discussion and
                                                   Social software is the combination of so many
communication as early as in 1980s.                tools and services that transformed static web
Originally, email was thought as providing
                                                   into read/write web and that enabled people
people ways of communication; but later on,        to connect and collaborate more easily.
it provided a significant business value. Today,
some people consider social computing              It can be defined as a
applications as a tool for goofing off or having
fun (Schwartz et al. 2009).                        1. means of collaborating, and building
                                                      purpose-aware communities online,
The rise of the personal computing era
encouraged people and enterprises to get           2. software that supports and derives added
personal computers as to increase their               value from human social behaviour,
communication with remote offices and              3. tool that can be syndicated, shared,
customers. The cost of forwarding bits                blended, and can be reused again and
through Internet became major problem                 again.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

Characteristics of Social Software                this for their personal satisfaction, gaining
                                                  current knowledge, or learning from scholarly
1. Some of the characteristics listed below
   are those that distinguish social software
   from traditional software.                     Building social computing applications
                                                  requires understanding the insight of social
2. Easily navigable: easy content creation
                                                  behavioural theories and social software
   and sharing
                                                  design considerations that will be
3. Peer to peer networking and                    incorporated in those applications, such as,
   communication                                  how participation of people is enabled, what
                                                  type and age group of people is targeted, how
4. Online collaboration                           you allow people to control web site,
                                                  understanding psychology of participants that
5. Adding metadata such as tags, comments
                                                  whether people just access the website for
   to online content and blog entries
                                                  viewing or information gaining purpose or
6. Conversations: distributed and in real         they really want to participate in collaborative
   time                                           activities, creating balance between
                                                  constraints and creativity, is it an open access
7. Bottom up community development                site or built for a specific region, etc.
8. Capitalizing on the wisdom of crowds            It is also good to know prior to building social
9. Easy handling of malicious users               computing applications what principles and
                                                  features define a social system. Some
10. Transparent transactions                      common social computing applications are
                                                  discussed below:
11. Easy creation of personal learning spaces

12. Portability                                   Tagging
                                                  Keywords or short key phrases that define
13. Read/write web                                what your digital object is all about are simply
14. Overcoming Barriers of Distance and Time      termed as Tags in social computing
                                                  community. Tagging is adding tags on your
Social Computing Applications                     photos, bookmarks, files, and other content
                                                  (Strohmaier et al., 2009). These are the ways
The main objective of creating social
                                                  of freely describing resources. Tagging help
computing applications is to cater the social
                                                  computer users easily discover and browse
needs of digital natives. There are many social
                                                  content over the internet.
computing applications that are built on this
concept such as Wikis, Blogs, News forums,        There can be an infinite number of viewpoints
Prediction Markets, Recommender,                  through which a digital object can be seen
Reputation management system, etc. This is        and interpreted (Jiang et al., 2010). So, the
because the nature of issues that an Internet     more the number of relevant labels on an
site or public-facing corporate sites solve is    object, the more the object would be
different than the issues faced by employees      searchable on the web. Sometimes, we don’t
of an enterprise using internally available       find a suitable name for our content and
resources. It means that people participating     system automatically generates its name such
in blog post and participation in discussion do   as AE000098.jpg. Here, tagging allows us to
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

manage our content in a manner that lets the       training data. Hybrid collaborative filtering
machine find it [3]. Tagging allows users to       combines model-based and memory-based CF
choose the labels that match their own needs       algorithms.
and tastes, which greatly reduces the
cognitive efforts [2]. According to recent user    Prediction Markets
studies, users do annotate their photos in         Prediction markets are based on the principle
order to promote the public attention degree       of wisdom of the crowd that more accurate
[2]. Tagging is supported in almost any new        prediction will emerge from the betting
Web application involving user participation,      activity of the collective. The other terms used
e.g. Flickr, YouTube, Amazon, etc.                 in place of these markets are information
                                                   markets or event futures (Servan-Schreiber et
Collaborative Filtering                            al. 2004).
Collaborative filtering is the method of getting
personalized recommendations by computing          These markets reward accurate predictions
                                                   through wins and punish inaccurate
user- or item-based similarity profiles (Chen
et al. 2010). It analyzes data to develop          predictions through losses (Wolfers &
                                                   Zitzewitz, 2004).
profiles of people who are related with similar
tastes and spending habits (Sarwar et al.,         The type of contracts in prediction markets
2001).                                             are basically divided into three categories,
                                                   such as: Winner-take-all contract, Index
•   It is based on ‘word-of-mouth’ idea.
                                                   Contract, and Spread Betting.
•   It gives reliable recommendations.
                                                   Reputation Management Systems
•   It needs a lot of stored data for reliable
                                                   Reputation management systems or trust-
    recommendations for the active user.
                                                   based reputation mechanisms establish a
•   The bigger the size of population, the         healthy and efficient collaboration among
    more useful and effective                      anonymous online users who have not prior
    recommendations will be produced by the        knowledge about each other. They construct
    system (Smart Mobs)                            large-scale word-of-mouth networks
                                                   (Dellarocas, 2005; Tennie et al., 2010).
•   Small data – shows false connections or
    poor predictions of active user tastes         The primary objective of trust and reputation
                                                   management is to enable transparent and
•   Suffers from cold start problem –              efficient transactions between users where
    database needs to be populated first.          cooperation is compromised by post
                                                   contractual opportunism or information
Basically there are two types of collaborative
                                                   asymmetries (Kreps, & Wilson, 1982).
filtering techniques, such as Memory-based
collaborating filtering and Model-based            Social Computing Concepts &
collaborating filtering methods. Memory-
                                                   Design Principles
based collaborating filtering systems rely on
user or item profiles and sometimes use user       Social computing concepts are built around
rating data for computing similarity, while        four major areas that may overlap with each
Model-based collaborating filtering find           other. Such as: social media, social
similar patterns or hidden factors based on
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

bookmarking, social networks, and social          not constrain them from using creative
communication.                                    features.

The important design principles which make        The principle of sociability
success of social systems more likely are:
                                                  This principle is required to ensure and
                                                  embed social presence and collaboration
The principle of adaptability
                                                  among visitors and participants of social
This requires that social software is built on    software.
small services that interoperate, connect
using open standards, and should be built         The principle of connectivity
with open source software. So that people
                                                  The principle of connectivity is based on the
can adapt and evolve systems to suit their
                                                  idea that everything should influence
local needs (Dron, 2007).
                                                  everything else and there should nothing exist
                                                  in isolation (Dron, 2007).
The principle of evolvability
                                                  The principle of context
This principles encourages design of deferred
                                                  This principle ensures that social software
systems; easily decidable systems whose
                                                  must be built on the concept that it is a very
structure is not fixed.
                                                  valuable small part of a much greater whole
                                                  (Dron, 2007).
The principle of participation
The principle of participation requires that      The principle of constraint
how participation of users is enabled, how
                                                  This principle requires that constraints must
users’ participation is guaranteed, what
                                                  be incorporated in social software and users
aspects are built in systems that encourage
                                                  should be aware of those constraints and also
participation (Dron, 2007).
                                                  know how to use them to enhance learning.
The principle of parcellation
                                                  The principle of scale
This principle ensures that systems are built
                                                  This principle tracks small and large
distinctly from each other, they are loosely
                                                  components in the system and ensures that
coupled and occasionally connected with each
                                                  the large should arise out of the small in an
other, and are ideal hierarchical niches that
                                                  endless cycle.
talk with each other.

The principle of trust                            The principle of understanding
 The principle of trust ensures building of
                                                  psychology of user
reliable and harmless social software that        This ensures that what user wants from social
identify reliability in people and systems, and   software, and it should provide the user all
protects them from harm.                          collaborative and other social presence
The principle of stigmergy
                                                  The Rise of Web 2.0
This principle ensures that social systems be
built on concept that guide users how to get      There were times when people used to go to
maximum from them by using signs and do           search engines and seek their requirements
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

by typing out search terms and taking great      AJAX
care of the sequence and combination of
                                                 AJAX is web development technique for
terms. The term ‘Apple’ almost consistently
                                                 interactive Web applications. AJAX provides
reaped an ‘apple’ to all searchers across the
                                                 standard ways of dynamically interacting with
globe. The reason behind this consistency was
                                                 content to make dynamic requests to the
the non-gallant approach by search engines to
                                                 server without refreshing the full page.
optimize searches.

As time passed by search engine optimization     Podcast
hit the market like a wave – soon enough         A podcast is the collection of media files
every search engine company was working on       (either audio or video) distributed and
SEO and search results began to change and       released episodically over the internet using
become more specific and relevant almost         syndication feeds for playback on portable
overnight. The proof is irrefutable and search   media players and personal computers.
results have dramatically become highly
specific and more-so ‘targeted’. This is the     Widgets
Web 2.0 paradigm, where search results are       A widget, also known as gadget, snippet, or
highly specific, relevant, and geared towards    flake, is web application software for the web
individual’s taste, interests, ideas, etc.       installable and executable within a web page
The term Web 2.0 is often referenced as the      by the web user.
web applications that facilitate collaborative
information sharing, interoperability, and
user-centered design on the web in order to      Python is a multi paradigm programming
provide better user experience. These sites      language that integrates your work more
use technologies such as AJAX, JavaScript,       quickly and reduces your maintenance costs
Widgets, Python, Perl, Flash, Silverlight, and   by using automatic memory management of
REST to enhance their look and interaction.      programming tasks.
These sites usually include blogs, wikis, news
forums, mashups, social bookmarking, social      Perl
peer-to-peer networking sites, open source       Perl (practical extraction and reporting
communities, photo and video sharing             language) is a general purpose interpreted
communities, and more.                           programming language used for a huge
                                                 number of uses including system
Social Computing Enabling                        administration, Web application
technologies & Architecture                      development, GUI development, etc.
The architecture and technologies which
make social computing applications possible      Ruby on Rails
in today’s collaborative environment are         Ruby on Rails is an open source web
continuously evolving over time and will         framework that lowers the barriers of entry to
continue to change and grow as new               programming. It has made easy the powerful
capabilities become available on Internet        web applications that formerly might have
(Parameswaran &                                  taken weeks or months to develop.
Whinston 2007b).
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

MySQL                                               an interface and the web service then
                                                    responds to the user's input.
MySQL is the most popular open source,
multi-user, and multithreaded SQL database
                                                    The Models of Social Computing
management system, developed, distributed,
                                                    and their Relevance to Behaviour
and supported by Oracle Corporation.
                                                    "The capacity of human communities to
Microsoft SharePoint                                evolve towards higher order complexity and
                                                    harmony through such innovation
Microsoft SharePoint is a unique social
                                                    mechanisms as differentiation and
computing application that has taken a
                                                    integration, competition, and collaboration”.
unique approach of designing 8 applications
using one platform. Here are 8 ways users can
extend SharePoint’s out-of-the-box                  -Wikipedia
capabilities to better fit their social computing
vision.                                             People in Pakistan are leading with example
                                                    when it comes to enhancing interaction of
JavaScript                                          local and overseas users. This is exactly the
                                                    kind of insight, which will encourage and
JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to
                                                    enable new users to foster tangible focus on
HTML pages. It allows developers to program
                                                    problems related to the socio-economic uplift
code that would be downloaded as part of the
                                                    of the nation.
page’s content and run inside user’s browser.
                                                    One of the major models that have come to
SilverLight                                         face is collaboration. Defined as “a recursive
Microsoft Silverlight is a popular web              process where two or more people or
application framework used to build and             organizations work together toward an
deliver cross-browser and cross-platform            intersection of common goals,” (Thomas,
experiences on the web. It allows web               2010). Collaboration has been one of the key
developers to create powerful user interfaces       elements for the success of the so-called
using an XML-based language called XAML,            social community paradigm. The extent to
JavaScript, AJAX, and .net.                         which communities have aligned themselves
                                                    in organized and connected ways to
REST                                                coordinate with each other is immense.
A common architecture used for getting
                                                    The new paradigm is of working in
information content from a social computing
                                                    collaboration and reaping the rewards of
application by reading web pages that contain
                                                    synergy in the last year all great enterprise
XML data files that describe and include
                                                    formation has been through social means.
desired content.
                                                    People have begun to change their online
Web Services                                        behavior as a result of the social computing
Web Services are a collection of open               influence on their lives. The Largest enterprise
protocols developed to interact with users          online have been social:
and exchange their data between
                                                    -Democratic media website
applications. Here, a user enters data through
                                                    -Online community
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

-Most comprehensive encyclopedia

-Video archive

-Movie review database

-Auction market

-Travel resource

Crowd Sourcing Vs Out Sourcing
Although crowd sourcing and out sourcing is a
phenomenon which has existed since many a
                                                     Bo Jiang, Yun Ling, Jiale Wang , "Tag
year or perhaps even centuries; from the day
                                                     Recommendation Based on Social Comment
of the trade. It is recently that has been           Network ", JDCTA: International Journal of
revolutionized with the advent of increased          Digital Content Technology and its
computer use.                                        Applications, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 110 ~ 117,
Not only has this trend been revived, it has
been made very easy. Before we get into              Chrysanthos Dellarocas: Reputation
examples and uses of these two concepts, we          Mechanism Design in Online Trading
must start of with defining each of them. Out        Environments with Pure Moral Hazard.
sourcing as the name suggests is giving out          Information Systems Research 16(2): 209-230
part of the work, usually which is not the core
but a support function, to a group or entity         Dron, J. (2007b). Designing the undesignable:
for which it acts as a core function or a main       Social software and control. Educational
activity in line with its stated area of activity.   Technology & Society, 10(3), 60-71.
An example of this in the conventional way is
the call center boom in parts of India where         Kreps, D. M., and Wilson, R. “Reputation and
the customer service work was out sourced.           Imperfect Information,” Journal of Economic
The examples of out sourcing on the Internet         Theory (27:2), August 1982, pp. 253-279.
are plenty with online customer support or
                                                     M. Strohmaier, C. Körner, and R. Kern. Why
payment systems like Pay pal.                        do users tag? detecting users’ motivation for
                                                     tagging in social tagging systems. Technical
                                                     report, Knowledge Management Institute -
                                                     Graz University of Technology, 2009.
Now we come to crowd sourcing. Crowd
sourcing is the activity of out sourcing work to
                                                     Parameswaran, M., and A.B. Whinston
the crowd in general. People on the Internet         (2007a), “Social Computing: An Overview”,
who volunteer, amateur enthusiasts, for the          Communications of the AIS, forthcoming.
work out of interest. This is separate from the
work of out sourcing as the people are not           Parameswaran, M., and Whinston, A. B.
identifiable and are anonymous. An example           (2007b) “Research Issues in Social
                                                     Computing,” Journal of AIS (8:6), June 2007,
of this is the freelance web sites like Essay
                                                     pp. 336-350.,
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing

Brian (2004) 'Prediction Markets: Does Money
Matter?', Electronic Markets, 14: 3, 243 —

S. Amer-Yahia, L. Lakshmanan, and C. Yu,
“Social Scope: Enabling Information Discovery
on Social Content Sites”, In CIDR, 2009.

Sarwar, B. M., Karypis, G., Konstan, J. A., and
Reidl, J. 2001. Item-based collaborative
filtering recommendation algorithms. In
Proceedings of the World Wide Web
Conference (WWWC10). 285–295.

Schwartz, B, Ranlett, M & Draper, S 2009,
‘Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint
2007: Implementing Applications for
SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and
Interaction in the Enterprise’, John Wiley and

Servan-Schreiber Founder of and Leading Provider,
Emile, Wolfers Assistant Professor of
Economics, Justin , Pennock Senior Research
Scientist, David M. and Galebach Founder of
Tennie C, Frith U, and Frith CD., 2010.
Reputation management in the age of the
world-wide web.

Thomas, D. 2010. Practice Notes:
Collaborative Software Design: the benefits,
Health Care and Informatics Review Online,
2010, 14(1), pg 24-28, Published online at ISSN 1174-3379
Wolfers, J. and Zitzewitz, E. (2004) ‘Prediction
Markets’, Journal of Economic Perspectives,

Zhimin Chen, Yi Jiang, Yao Zhao: A
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation
Algorithm Based on User Interest Change and
Trust Evaluation. JDCTA 4(9): 106-113 (2010)

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  • 1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing during that decade that still persists in major Social Computing portion of the world. There requires a heavy Social computing is a rapidly growing and transfer of larger amounts of data in most constantly evolving technology that is aimed social computing applications that tend to be at increasing communication, encouraging interactive with multi media and also manage collaboration, and enhancing productivity messaging. AOL step forward and provided among people and resources. Social such interactive services to the mass public computing applications or Web 2.0 are built for the first time in mid-1990s. on a range of advanced and supporting Later on during late 1990s, the problem was technologies that enhance collective action sorted out, and computer industry embraced and interaction which currently dominates a huge increase in internet bandwidth and the Web (Parameswaran & computing capacity of computers. This Whinston 2007). achievement also impacted on software Social computing applications are categorized industry, and interactive web sites and instant into social media, social bookmarking, and messaging tools started to show up. social networks categories as identified by the Companies started to invest in e-commerce continuing Web 2.0 trend (Schwartz et al. sites and online shopping shops. This resulted 2009; Amer-Yahia, 2009). Each of these new and unique social applications such as categories has been embodied by various Wikis, news forums, and blogs to appear social software and web sites. Some of the online and people started to share their best-known and equally famous social web viewpoints, discussion, and experiences. sites that dominate the web are Facebook, The beginning of 21st century witnessed a YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, Delicious, and huge change and brought social computing to LinkedIn. the forefront of the citizens of digital age. More and more people started using social History of Social Computing software that has grown into what we know The ideas and principles of social computing today. have been around in web communities for long time. Discussion forums and emails were Social Software the primary means of discussion and Social software is the combination of so many communication as early as in 1980s. tools and services that transformed static web Originally, email was thought as providing into read/write web and that enabled people people ways of communication; but later on, to connect and collaborate more easily. it provided a significant business value. Today, some people consider social computing It can be defined as a applications as a tool for goofing off or having fun (Schwartz et al. 2009). 1. means of collaborating, and building purpose-aware communities online, The rise of the personal computing era encouraged people and enterprises to get 2. software that supports and derives added personal computers as to increase their value from human social behaviour, communication with remote offices and 3. tool that can be syndicated, shared, customers. The cost of forwarding bits blended, and can be reused again and through Internet became major problem again. 6
  • 2. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing Characteristics of Social Software this for their personal satisfaction, gaining current knowledge, or learning from scholarly 1. Some of the characteristics listed below arguments. are those that distinguish social software from traditional software. Building social computing applications requires understanding the insight of social 2. Easily navigable: easy content creation behavioural theories and social software and sharing design considerations that will be 3. Peer to peer networking and incorporated in those applications, such as, communication how participation of people is enabled, what type and age group of people is targeted, how 4. Online collaboration you allow people to control web site, understanding psychology of participants that 5. Adding metadata such as tags, comments whether people just access the website for to online content and blog entries viewing or information gaining purpose or 6. Conversations: distributed and in real they really want to participate in collaborative time activities, creating balance between constraints and creativity, is it an open access 7. Bottom up community development site or built for a specific region, etc. 8. Capitalizing on the wisdom of crowds It is also good to know prior to building social 9. Easy handling of malicious users computing applications what principles and features define a social system. Some 10. Transparent transactions common social computing applications are discussed below: 11. Easy creation of personal learning spaces 12. Portability Tagging Keywords or short key phrases that define 13. Read/write web what your digital object is all about are simply 14. Overcoming Barriers of Distance and Time termed as Tags in social computing community. Tagging is adding tags on your Social Computing Applications photos, bookmarks, files, and other content (Strohmaier et al., 2009). These are the ways The main objective of creating social of freely describing resources. Tagging help computing applications is to cater the social computer users easily discover and browse needs of digital natives. There are many social content over the internet. computing applications that are built on this concept such as Wikis, Blogs, News forums, There can be an infinite number of viewpoints Prediction Markets, Recommender, through which a digital object can be seen Reputation management system, etc. This is and interpreted (Jiang et al., 2010). So, the because the nature of issues that an Internet more the number of relevant labels on an site or public-facing corporate sites solve is object, the more the object would be different than the issues faced by employees searchable on the web. Sometimes, we don’t of an enterprise using internally available find a suitable name for our content and resources. It means that people participating system automatically generates its name such in blog post and participation in discussion do as AE000098.jpg. Here, tagging allows us to 6
  • 3. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing manage our content in a manner that lets the training data. Hybrid collaborative filtering machine find it [3]. Tagging allows users to combines model-based and memory-based CF choose the labels that match their own needs algorithms. and tastes, which greatly reduces the cognitive efforts [2]. According to recent user Prediction Markets studies, users do annotate their photos in Prediction markets are based on the principle order to promote the public attention degree of wisdom of the crowd that more accurate [2]. Tagging is supported in almost any new prediction will emerge from the betting Web application involving user participation, activity of the collective. The other terms used e.g. Flickr, YouTube, Amazon, etc. in place of these markets are information markets or event futures (Servan-Schreiber et Collaborative Filtering al. 2004). Collaborative filtering is the method of getting personalized recommendations by computing These markets reward accurate predictions through wins and punish inaccurate user- or item-based similarity profiles (Chen et al. 2010). It analyzes data to develop predictions through losses (Wolfers & Zitzewitz, 2004). profiles of people who are related with similar tastes and spending habits (Sarwar et al., The type of contracts in prediction markets 2001). are basically divided into three categories, such as: Winner-take-all contract, Index • It is based on ‘word-of-mouth’ idea. Contract, and Spread Betting. • It gives reliable recommendations. Reputation Management Systems • It needs a lot of stored data for reliable Reputation management systems or trust- recommendations for the active user. based reputation mechanisms establish a • The bigger the size of population, the healthy and efficient collaboration among more useful and effective anonymous online users who have not prior recommendations will be produced by the knowledge about each other. They construct system (Smart Mobs) large-scale word-of-mouth networks (Dellarocas, 2005; Tennie et al., 2010). • Small data – shows false connections or poor predictions of active user tastes The primary objective of trust and reputation management is to enable transparent and • Suffers from cold start problem – efficient transactions between users where database needs to be populated first. cooperation is compromised by post contractual opportunism or information Basically there are two types of collaborative asymmetries (Kreps, & Wilson, 1982). filtering techniques, such as Memory-based collaborating filtering and Model-based Social Computing Concepts & collaborating filtering methods. Memory- Design Principles based collaborating filtering systems rely on user or item profiles and sometimes use user Social computing concepts are built around rating data for computing similarity, while four major areas that may overlap with each Model-based collaborating filtering find other. Such as: social media, social similar patterns or hidden factors based on 6
  • 4. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing bookmarking, social networks, and social not constrain them from using creative communication. features. The important design principles which make The principle of sociability success of social systems more likely are: This principle is required to ensure and embed social presence and collaboration The principle of adaptability among visitors and participants of social This requires that social software is built on software. small services that interoperate, connect using open standards, and should be built The principle of connectivity with open source software. So that people The principle of connectivity is based on the can adapt and evolve systems to suit their idea that everything should influence local needs (Dron, 2007). everything else and there should nothing exist in isolation (Dron, 2007). The principle of evolvability The principle of context This principles encourages design of deferred This principle ensures that social software systems; easily decidable systems whose must be built on the concept that it is a very structure is not fixed. valuable small part of a much greater whole (Dron, 2007). The principle of participation The principle of participation requires that The principle of constraint how participation of users is enabled, how This principle requires that constraints must users’ participation is guaranteed, what be incorporated in social software and users aspects are built in systems that encourage should be aware of those constraints and also participation (Dron, 2007). know how to use them to enhance learning. The principle of parcellation The principle of scale This principle ensures that systems are built This principle tracks small and large distinctly from each other, they are loosely components in the system and ensures that coupled and occasionally connected with each the large should arise out of the small in an other, and are ideal hierarchical niches that endless cycle. talk with each other. The principle of trust The principle of understanding The principle of trust ensures building of psychology of user reliable and harmless social software that This ensures that what user wants from social identify reliability in people and systems, and software, and it should provide the user all protects them from harm. collaborative and other social presence features. The principle of stigmergy The Rise of Web 2.0 This principle ensures that social systems be built on concept that guide users how to get There were times when people used to go to maximum from them by using signs and do search engines and seek their requirements 6
  • 5. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing by typing out search terms and taking great AJAX care of the sequence and combination of AJAX is web development technique for terms. The term ‘Apple’ almost consistently interactive Web applications. AJAX provides reaped an ‘apple’ to all searchers across the standard ways of dynamically interacting with globe. The reason behind this consistency was content to make dynamic requests to the the non-gallant approach by search engines to server without refreshing the full page. optimize searches. As time passed by search engine optimization Podcast hit the market like a wave – soon enough A podcast is the collection of media files every search engine company was working on (either audio or video) distributed and SEO and search results began to change and released episodically over the internet using become more specific and relevant almost syndication feeds for playback on portable overnight. The proof is irrefutable and search media players and personal computers. results have dramatically become highly specific and more-so ‘targeted’. This is the Widgets Web 2.0 paradigm, where search results are A widget, also known as gadget, snippet, or highly specific, relevant, and geared towards flake, is web application software for the web individual’s taste, interests, ideas, etc. installable and executable within a web page The term Web 2.0 is often referenced as the by the web user. web applications that facilitate collaborative information sharing, interoperability, and Python user-centered design on the web in order to Python is a multi paradigm programming provide better user experience. These sites language that integrates your work more use technologies such as AJAX, JavaScript, quickly and reduces your maintenance costs Widgets, Python, Perl, Flash, Silverlight, and by using automatic memory management of REST to enhance their look and interaction. programming tasks. These sites usually include blogs, wikis, news forums, mashups, social bookmarking, social Perl peer-to-peer networking sites, open source Perl (practical extraction and reporting communities, photo and video sharing language) is a general purpose interpreted communities, and more. programming language used for a huge number of uses including system Social Computing Enabling administration, Web application technologies & Architecture development, GUI development, etc. The architecture and technologies which make social computing applications possible Ruby on Rails in today’s collaborative environment are Ruby on Rails is an open source web continuously evolving over time and will framework that lowers the barriers of entry to continue to change and grow as new programming. It has made easy the powerful capabilities become available on Internet web applications that formerly might have (Parameswaran & taken weeks or months to develop. Whinston 2007b). 6
  • 6. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing MySQL an interface and the web service then responds to the user's input. MySQL is the most popular open source, multi-user, and multithreaded SQL database The Models of Social Computing management system, developed, distributed, and their Relevance to Behaviour and supported by Oracle Corporation. "The capacity of human communities to Microsoft SharePoint evolve towards higher order complexity and harmony through such innovation Microsoft SharePoint is a unique social mechanisms as differentiation and computing application that has taken a integration, competition, and collaboration”. unique approach of designing 8 applications – using one platform. Here are 8 ways users can extend SharePoint’s out-of-the-box -Wikipedia capabilities to better fit their social computing vision. People in Pakistan are leading with example when it comes to enhancing interaction of JavaScript local and overseas users. This is exactly the kind of insight, which will encourage and JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to enable new users to foster tangible focus on HTML pages. It allows developers to program problems related to the socio-economic uplift code that would be downloaded as part of the of the nation. page’s content and run inside user’s browser. One of the major models that have come to SilverLight face is collaboration. Defined as “a recursive Microsoft Silverlight is a popular web process where two or more people or application framework used to build and organizations work together toward an deliver cross-browser and cross-platform intersection of common goals,” (Thomas, experiences on the web. It allows web 2010). Collaboration has been one of the key developers to create powerful user interfaces elements for the success of the so-called using an XML-based language called XAML, social community paradigm. The extent to JavaScript, AJAX, and .net. which communities have aligned themselves in organized and connected ways to REST coordinate with each other is immense. A common architecture used for getting The new paradigm is of working in information content from a social computing collaboration and reaping the rewards of application by reading web pages that contain synergy in the last year all great enterprise XML data files that describe and include formation has been through social means. desired content. People have begun to change their online Web Services behavior as a result of the social computing Web Services are a collection of open influence on their lives. The Largest enterprise protocols developed to interact with users online have been social: and exchange their data between -Democratic media website applications. Here, a user enters data through -Online community 6
  • 7. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing -Most comprehensive encyclopedia -Video archive -Movie review database -Auction market -Travel resource Crowd Sourcing Vs Out Sourcing Although crowd sourcing and out sourcing is a References phenomenon which has existed since many a Bo Jiang, Yun Ling, Jiale Wang , "Tag year or perhaps even centuries; from the day Recommendation Based on Social Comment of the trade. It is recently that has been Network ", JDCTA: International Journal of revolutionized with the advent of increased Digital Content Technology and its computer use. Applications, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 110 ~ 117, 2010 Not only has this trend been revived, it has been made very easy. Before we get into Chrysanthos Dellarocas: Reputation examples and uses of these two concepts, we Mechanism Design in Online Trading must start of with defining each of them. Out Environments with Pure Moral Hazard. sourcing as the name suggests is giving out Information Systems Research 16(2): 209-230 (2005) part of the work, usually which is not the core but a support function, to a group or entity Dron, J. (2007b). Designing the undesignable: for which it acts as a core function or a main Social software and control. Educational activity in line with its stated area of activity. Technology & Society, 10(3), 60-71. An example of this in the conventional way is the call center boom in parts of India where Kreps, D. M., and Wilson, R. “Reputation and the customer service work was out sourced. Imperfect Information,” Journal of Economic The examples of out sourcing on the Internet Theory (27:2), August 1982, pp. 253-279. are plenty with online customer support or M. Strohmaier, C. Körner, and R. Kern. Why payment systems like Pay pal. do users tag? detecting users’ motivation for tagging in social tagging systems. Technical report, Knowledge Management Institute - Graz University of Technology, 2009. Now we come to crowd sourcing. Crowd sourcing is the activity of out sourcing work to Parameswaran, M., and A.B. Whinston the crowd in general. People on the Internet (2007a), “Social Computing: An Overview”, who volunteer, amateur enthusiasts, for the Communications of the AIS, forthcoming. work out of interest. This is separate from the work of out sourcing as the people are not Parameswaran, M., and Whinston, A. B. identifiable and are anonymous. An example (2007b) “Research Issues in Social Computing,” Journal of AIS (8:6), June 2007, of this is the freelance web sites like Essay pp. 336-350., Writers. 6
  • 8. Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Computing Brian (2004) 'Prediction Markets: Does Money Matter?', Electronic Markets, 14: 3, 243 — 251 S. Amer-Yahia, L. Lakshmanan, and C. Yu, “Social Scope: Enabling Information Discovery on Social Content Sites”, In CIDR, 2009. Sarwar, B. M., Karypis, G., Konstan, J. A., and Reidl, J. 2001. Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms. In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWWC10). 285–295. Schwartz, B, Ranlett, M & Draper, S 2009, ‘Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Interaction in the Enterprise’, John Wiley and Sons. Servan-Schreiber Founder of and Leading Provider, Emile, Wolfers Assistant Professor of Economics, Justin , Pennock Senior Research Scientist, David M. and Galebach Founder of Tennie C, Frith U, and Frith CD., 2010. Reputation management in the age of the world-wide web. Thomas, D. 2010. Practice Notes: Collaborative Software Design: the benefits, Health Care and Informatics Review Online, 2010, 14(1), pg 24-28, Published online at ISSN 1174-3379 Wolfers, J. and Zitzewitz, E. (2004) ‘Prediction Markets’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring. Zhimin Chen, Yi Jiang, Yao Zhao: A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on User Interest Change and Trust Evaluation. JDCTA 4(9): 106-113 (2010) 6