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PLAN 2013
CFL 2013

1    Executive Summary

3    Background
4    Company Description
5    Strategic Focus & Plan

7    Situational analysis
8    SWOT Analysis
10   Industry Analysis
10   Competitor Analysis
11   Customer Analysis

12   Product-Market Focus
13   Marketing & Product Objectives
16   Target Markets
17   Points of Difference & Positioning

18   Marketing Program
19   Product & Pricing Strategy
20   Promotion Strategy
23   Distribution Strategy

24   Implementation Plan

29   Appendices
CFL 2013

                   Executive summary

    For over one hundred years the CFL has been a national institution supported by fiercely
1   loyal fans. It is a testament to the power of consumer loyalty that the league has
    survived. The Grey Cup has consistently been one of the greatest rivalries in professional
    sport and remains unchallenged as Canada’s most watched sporting event. But
    sometime in the late eighties and early nineties, as sports marketing began to evolve
    into a serious business, the CFL got sidetracked and failed to keep pace with other
    evolving sports leagues. Unfortunately, their loyal fan base is aging; as a result their
    support is depleting. Moreover, the years of struggle has created a gap in fan support
    from the 35+ generation to the 18-34 years of age consumers. A new generation of fans
    must be attracted to the CFL in order for it to capitalize on recent success and continue to

    The 100th Grey Cup (2012) was the most successful Grey Cup to date. It was clear that
    Canadians embraces the Grey Cup like never before, making the 100th edition of the
    game an undeniable success for the CFL and all it’s platforms that supported the game
    and its surrounding activities. Overall, more than 13 million Canadians , or more than one
    in three Canadians, tuned in to watch some or all of Sunday night's broadcast on TSN and
    RDS. This amount matches the number of Canadians who watch the Super Bowl; an
    important milestone for Canadian football history. The festivities and marketing and
    community initiatives that surrounded the 100th Grey Cup was more extensive than
    ever. They increased involvement and pride towards the league and it’s cup. Mark Cohon,
    Commissioner of the CFL, stated that "tradition dictates that only the Grey Cup Champion
    Toronto Argonauts can hoist our iconic trophy above their heads, but so many Canadians
    wrapped their arms around the Grey Cup and lifted our league up in this historic year,
    [the] television ratings are a testament to that fact, the strength of our league, and the
    love Canadians have for the Grey Cup."

    It is essential for the CFL to utilize current interest to spark substantial growth. This
    report provides a marketing strategy that will be pivotal in growing the CFL’s fan base
    and creating sustained support.

                                         Sincerely yours,

                                  Matt McGarva, Team Member
CFL 2013

     Executive Summary


Tyler Compton, Team Member

Donato Cerino, Team Member

Michael Nasser, Team Member

CFL 2013

                     Company description

The Canadian Football League (CFL) is a                the best records in their division, except if the         4
professional sports league located in Canada. It is    fourth place team in one division has a better
a form of gridiron football which is very similar to   record than the third place team in the other
American football and is also the highest level of     division, compete in the league’s three-week
competition in Canadian football.       The CFL is     divisional playoffs. The playoffs end with two
comprised of eight teams located in eight different    teams playing in the late-November Grey Cup
cities.  The teams who participate in the CFL          championship which is Canada’s largest annual
include the BC Lions, Edmonton Eskimos, Calgary        sports and television event. Last season was the
Stampeders, Saskatchewan Roughriders, Winnipeg         CFL’s 100th Grey Cup which was also the most
Blue Bombers, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Toronto             successful in CFL history as far as television ratings,
Argonauts, and Montreal Alouettes. Ottawa will         corporate sponsorship, and ticket sales.           The
be joining the league in 2014. Teams are divided       momentum following the 100th Grey Cup will
into two divisions, East and West, with four teams     likely translate into increased interest in the 2013
in each division. Each team plays 18 games with        season and seasons to come, but in order for the
one bye week in the CFL’s 19 week regular season       translation to occur, a strategic marketing plan will
that runs from late June to early November. After      have to be implemented to ensure continual
the regular season is over, the three teams with       growth.
CFL 2013

                      Strategic focus & plan

5   a. Mission                                                  due to the saturated number of other
                                                                professional sport options for fans. The fact
    We join our fans, business partners and
                                                                that the 100th Grey Cup was played in
    communities in strengthening traditions and pride.          Toronto, and won by the Toronto Argonauts,
    We set the standard of excellence in Canadian               will likely help in increasing popularity in
    football.                                                   Southern Ontario.     The CFL has made it a
    b. Goals                                                    priority to significantly increase popularity in
                                                                Southern Ontario because there is such a big
    1. The goals that the CFL seeks to reach are as             market that the CFL cannot ignore the
       follows:                                                 potential.

    2. Coast to coast, the CFL strives to increase total   7. In order to improve brand image, the CFL teams
       fan base.                                              have decided to invest in brand new stadiums
                                                              and stadium renovations. Winnipeg will be
    3. Each CFL team and the CFL as a whole, seeks to
                                                              opening a new stadium in 2013, Hamilton and
       maximize game attendance and viewership.
                                                              Ottawa will be opening new stadiums in 2014,
    4. It is becoming increasingly important for the          and Saskatchewan will be opening a new
       CFL to attract a younger, sustainable crowd.           stadium in 2017.      The CFL’s goal is to be
       The brunt of loyal CFL fans are becoming aged          successful in the openings of these brand new
       and will soon be unable to support their teams         stadiums and capitalize on the increased
       which as much enthusiasm as in years past.             attraction of fans due to state-of-the-art
       The CFL strives to turn the younger generations        facilities.
       into loyal fans to created sustained long term      8. The CFL continually strives to sell out national
                                                              Grey Cup Championship games and operate
    5. To some, the CFL has the negative connotation          successful Grey Cup festivities surrounding the
       of being “bush league” when it comes to                game.
       professional football, especially when they are     c. Core Competencies and Sustainable
       compared to the NFL. The CFL is continually         Competitive Advantage
       developing their brand image so that they
       improve positioning in consumer’s minds and         Core competencies are specific factors that a
       attract more fans.                                  business sees as being central to the way their
                                                           company or their employees work. These factors
    6. Toronto and Hamilton are among the biggest          are not easy for competitors to imitate, they can
       markets in the CFL, yet they perform the worst      be reused widely for many products and markets,
CFL 2013

                                           strategic focus & plan

and they also must contribute to the end                 Canadians. Early in CFL history the Canadian Army     6
consumer’s experienced benefits. The CFL has a            and Canadian Navy created football teams that
very broad social media presence. Social media           played in the CFL, coupled by the fact that the CFL
information through all major outlets is timely,         has been around for over 100 years, this creates
informative and even entertaining. Their Web site        strong emotional ties with Canadian patriarchy.
is very up-to-date and creates a strong online           The CFL has an extensive loyal fan base that has
reputation for the CFL. Web page layouts are             brought long-term consistent revenue stream. The
simple and very interactive. The attraction of the       CFL has recently reached an $80 million
CFL websites and team websites build their brand         agreement with TSN that sees them being
image. The deal that the CFL has with TSN creates        exclusively broadcasted nation-wide in Canada.
strong reach within Canada since TSN shows all
CFL games, and broadcasts coast to coast. In
2007, Mark Cohon was brought in as the CFL’s
commissioner. Mark Cohon has been able to
increase the CFL’s attendance, television ratings,
achieve record numbers in corporate agreements,
and excel in improving the CFL’s image. Lastly, the
CFL has a very strong scheduling strategy (June-
November) that sees them avoid competition with
the NHL for most of the season and only compete
with the NFL for two months. Although they
overlap for two months, during that time the NFL
is just beginning while the CFL is growing close to
playoffs and games are increasingly important; this
allows them to retain major viewership.

When a business has a sustainable competitive
advantage, the business enjoys a long-term
advantage that is not easily duplicable or
surpassable by their competitors. The CFL has the
sustainable competitive advantage of being the
sole professional football league in Canada. The
CFL is the oldest professional football league, thus
they have the attraction of a storied history and
are very well established amongst middle aged

    situational ANALYSIS
CFL 2013

                                SWOT ANALYSIS

The Canadian Football league is the largest              all time making the Canadian Football League the       8
professional sports league in Canada with eight          strongest it has been in the last two decades.
total franchises; which is one more than the
National Hockey League. The total number of              Although the CFL is coming off its most successful
franchises in the CFL will be increased by one in        season in many years, there are still weaknesses
2014, with Ottawa re-entering the league for the         that hinder the CFL’s brand image. There are no
third time. If the CFL wants to have a strong            teams outside of Canada, and the CFL is a small
                                                         league in terms of overall franchise numbers. With
Canadian brand and build its overall league
structure, they need a team in the capital city of       the CFL season consisting of only eight teams with
Canada. The CFL represents the highest level of          a nineteen-week season (18 games played with a
football played in Canada and does not directly          bye week), the teams play each other too often,
compete with any other professional football             thereby diminishing the entertainment value of
                                                         regular season games. The CFL is not considered
league in Canada. One of the CFL’s strengths is
that its cap on a per-game basis is around               one of the four major North American professional
$500,000 ($4.3 million divided by nine home              sports leagues, which ranks as the NFL, NBA, MLB,
games); which is less than a third of the NHL’s,         and NHL. Compared to the four major professional
which stands at around $1.5 million per game             sports leagues, the CFL’s broadcasting, promotion,
                                                         and advertisement has less production value and
($64 million divided by 41 home games). Also,
franchises in the CFL do not have to contend with        pales in comparison to larger leagues.
issues related to the exchange rate the way              The CFL has capitalized on many opportunities in
Canadian NHL, NBA and MLB teams have to. The             the last five years to grow the game and increase
CFL has a strong management system in place lead         its brand awareness. The “Our History. Our
by Commissioner Mark Cohon, who since taking             House” multimedia campaign helped sell more
over in 2007 has revitalized the CFL’s brand image       season tickets than ever in the history of the
and increased game attendance throughout the             Winnipeg Blue Bombers, a record of 21,155,
league. In terms of overall television ratings, sports   showing that fans are still extremely interested in
viewership of the CFL ranks second in Canada             CFL football in the prairie provinces. Also, in 2011
behind only the National Hockey League ratings.          the BC Lions set record attendance and received
On average, more than 700,000 viewers tune in to         marketing awards for their “Pride of All BC”
each CFL game, representing a five percent                campaign. These examples show immense
increase from 2011, including a growth of over           marketing opportunities to create an emotional tie
50% among male viewers age 18 to 34. The 2012            with the province or city and their team. From the
season was the CFL’s most successful yet, and the        Saskatchewan Roughriders new stadium targeted
Grey Cup was the most watched event on TSN of            for play in 2017, to new stadiums and facilities for
CFL 2013

                                                SWOT ANalysis

9   Winnipeg, Hamilton and Ottawa including the BC       NFL is a threat to the CFL similar to how Wal-Mart
    Lions’ recently renovated BC Place, the many         is a threat being the big box store looming over
    league-wide stadium developments account for         the mom and pop operation. It is obvious that the
    more than $1 billion in Canadian infrastructure      CFL must find a way to become more than just a
    projects. The CFL exhibits large opportunity to      little brother league to the NFL. Another main
    grow because they have discrepancies subject to      threat to the CFL success is the cluttered markets
    improvement, and there exists opportunity to         in the highest populated areas of Toronto,
    expand their markets. The CFL has a history in       Vancouver and Montreal. These markets are hard
    Ottawa. The Ottawa Rough Riders called the           to capture because there is so much distraction
    Canadian capital home for more than a decade         and choices for entertainment satisfaction, and
    until 1996. From 2002 to 2005, the Ottawa            they are so diverse. Southern Ontario poses the
    Renegades were the second coming of football in      greatest potential; however, but Toronto held the
    the city. They’re hoping the third time is the       CFL’s weakest attendance ratings the last few
    charm. Since partnering with TSN in 2007, CFL        years. Additionally, the Hamilton market was the
    viewership has more than doubled, while the          second lowest attendance rating, proving that the
    league believes opportunities remain for further     CFL needs to expand interest in the southern
    audience growth as well. The CFL just signed a       Ontario region.
    new exclusive $80 million deal with
    TSN giving them full coverage of the
    CFL year round. Another region of
    Canada that may be feasible for CFL
    presence is Atlantic Canada, where
    the CFL has played Touchdown
    Atlantic games in Moncton and
    received excellent fan support and

    The biggest threat to the CFL is the
    attraction of the National Football
    League. Today’s male, between 18
    and 45, needs a hook to be attracted
    to a sport, and since the NFL already
    has bigger, stronger, and faster on
    the CFL, they are hard-pressed to
    create attractive differentiation. The
CFL 2013

                          Industry analysis

At the heart of professional sports market in          popularity can be attributed to trickle down           10
Canada are the fans, fans that are fuelled by deep     advertising being superbly crafted by the NFL and
emotional attachment to their team. What follows       its marketers. Even soccer has carved out a
this intense emotional attachment is brand loyalty,    seemingly sustainable audience in the Canadian
Canadian’s are unique in that their brand loyalty to   market, after two false starts the professional
sports franchises stand the tests of time and the      soccer league MLS is also following an upward
emotional roller-coaster they ride with every win or   growth path. Professional Lacrosse, our nation’s
loss.                                                  official summer sport is not left out of the
                                                       spotlight and has had its share of mainstream
The Canadian professional sports market is also        success in recent years, that league (NLL) has three
prone to intense regional and national celebrations    teams from three separate Canadian cities.
and mourning following high-profile victories like      Ultimately, whatever the league or level,
the Gold Medal hockey game against the United
                                                       Canadians have long had a rich mix of professional
States at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, and        sports events from which to choose.
closer to the chest; the devastating loss felt by
Saskatchewan Roughriders fans during the 2009          Although professional sports franchises are
Grey Cup. This emotion of fan support can sustain      seemingly in a continuous state of change. Canada
a team in the short term. But, with few exceptions     is home to seven NHL franchises, eight CFL
(Toronto Maple Leafs), economic forces rule over       franchises, one MLB franchise, one NBA franchise,
the long-term and a franchise must be at its core a    three MLS franchises and three NLL franchises.
financially viable business. The market also
features another economic layer; the socio-            While some of these franchises are not-for-profit
economic impact of a franchise on the                  entities and as such do not nor are they required
                                                       to; share their information. This is especially true
surrounding community, and the impact franchises
can have at the grassroots level with a well           with the CFL, however sufficient data was
rounded community engagement program.                  gathered to calculate the size of the professional
                                                       sports market in Canada. Starting at the top,
There are numerous professional sports leagues         estimated revenues and profitability for the
and teams operating in Canada, but none are            Toronto Maple Leafs are $187 million and $85.7
more popular that the nation’s favourite official       million respectively, both the Toronto Blue Jays
pass time; Hockey. Professional football, baseball,    and the Toronto Raptors have respectable
and basketball do however still earn a generous        revenues in the mid $100 million range and
audience across Canada. Professional football and      operating incomes that hover around $15 million.
subsequently the CFL especially are currently in a     Fuelling these revenues are game attendees, for
quick and steady growth trend. This new found          which Canadian teams perform admirably with
CFL 2013

                                                  Industry analysis

11   NHL teams like the Montreal Canadiens and               Canada are more than just entertainment. Moving
     Toronto Maple Leafs averaging near 20,000               forward we will see how the industry is shaken up
     attendees per regular season game. Both revenues        with the re-introduction of a CFL franchise to
     and attendance are above average compared to            Ottawa, making that team the 9th in the league.
     franchises south of the border.
                                                             Thank you to the Conference Board of Canada for
     When it comes to the CFL, profitability and              their contribution to this analysis.
     revenues are a harder task to reveal, but
     combining the revenues and profitability of the
     leagues three “community-owned” teams; the
     Saskatchewan Roughriders that despite their
     lowest city population, consistently sell out games,
     and earn more merchandising revenues than all
     other CFL franchises combined. Last year that
     team reported a profit of $3.8 million and
     revenues near $32 million. Representative of their
     relative popularity, the Edmonton Eskimos and the
     Winnipeg BlueBombers netted a profit of $637k,
     $3 million and revenues of $17.6 million each
     respectively. From these numbers we can surmise
     two things the CFL generates between $120
     million and $150 million in revenue (varying
     significantly across teams) annually, and contribute
     just over $2 million to each team every year, which
     has risen approximately 6% over 2011. The CFL is
     also a revenue generating force for cities as well,
     as numbers indicate hosting cities of major events
     like the Grey Cup and the World Junior Hockey
     Championships translate to $80 million in
     economic activity.

     These numbers combine to give us an approximate
     value for the Canadian professional sports market,
     the industry generates at a minimum $1.5 billion
     annually, indicating that emotion aside, sports in
CFL 2013

                       competitor analysis

The CFL’s main competitors, in terms of                 environment, although lessened, is present in       12
professional sports, are the National Football          other major Canadian markets with CFL franchises.
League (NFL) and the National Hockey League
(NHL). The NFL is the only other football league
that is viewed in Canada, other than NCAA and
CIS college football. The CFL is a lower-tier league
to the NFL similar to the way the AHL is a second-
tier league to the NHL, except that the NFL and
CFL have little affiliation with each other. The NFL
raked in nearly $10 billion during the 2012 season,
making it the most profitable sports league in the
world, with all thirty-two of its franchises cracking
the Top Fifty Richest Sports Teams in the world.
Many players try to use the CFL as a springboard
to the NFL. The NHL is the next main competitor to
the CFL because they have seven teams in Canada,
some of whom are in or near the same city as a
CFL team. Hockey has the highest sports
spectatorship in Canada and transfers loyalty, and
money and time commitment away from the CFL.
NHL revenues were around $3.3 billion in 2012,
and the NHL is the most watched sport in Canada.
The NHL just went through a lockout but it seems
as though they did not lose much of, if any, of
their fan base and has come back very well this
season in terms of entertainment value and fan
attendance. In the Toronto region alone, the CFL
(Toronto Argonauts) competes with Major League
Baseball (Toronto Blue Jays), National Hockey
League (Toronto Maple Leafs), American Hockey
League (Toronto Marlies), National Basketball
Association (Toronto Raptors), National Lacrosse
League (Toronto Rock), and Major League Soccer
(Toronto FC), making it one of the most cluttered
sports markets in all of North America. This
CFL 2013

                             customer analysis

13   The CFL has two main types of customers, the         fan viewership over the course of a few years.
     35-60 years of age loyal Canadian football fans,     With the building of new stadiums in Hamilton,
     and the 34 years and younger generation who are      BC, Saskatchewan, and Winnipeg, and a new
     attracted to the fame and excitement of the game.    team in Ottawa in 2014, the CFL will see a big
     The CFL needs to capitalize on four boundaries       boost in fan attendance and overall market share,
     when attracting a new audience, which consists of    especially in its weakest, but highest capacity
     awareness, attraction, attachment, and allegiance.   market of Southern Ontario. For more on
     It takes time for fans to grow a love for a team     customer analysis please refer to the “Target
     and sport so the CFL needs to slowly develop new     Markets” section on page 18.

Product-market focus
CFL 2013

                           Marketing & Product
15   In accordance with the goals of the CFL, the            dollars on team merchandising and game
     weaknesses existing, and the opportunities              concessions.
     available, it is proposed that the following
     objectives can be obtained through marketing            The current home attendance average between
     recommendations:                                        Calgary, Hamilton and Winnipeg is 27,457. In
                                                             achieving a 13% increase, the average attendance
     1. Increase the multi-game attendance league            between these three teams will reach over 31,000
        average amongst Canada’s second tier                 (, 2012). In comparison to 2012
        metropolitan areas by 13% for regular season         statistics, this would situate these franchises 3rd
        games, by targeting both male and female             amongst all CFL teams; behind only Edmonton
        young adults (18-35 years of age).                   Eskimos and Saskatchewan Roughriders. The
                                                             marketing initiatives do not advocate for particular
     Second tier markets is defined as those cities that      teams, but it is believed it the greatest affect will
     have existing CFL franchises, are relatively dense in
                                                             be accomplished in the second tier markets due to
     terms of population, exhibit moderately low             their marker conditions, and existing of excess
     distractions from other sports teams or                 capacity. Edmonton and Saskatchewan currently
     entertainment outlets, have a considerable amount       have the two strongest loyal fan bases, and the
     of blue-collared individuals, and only moderate fan     teams have strong presence amongst consumer’s
     loyalty. These cities include Calgary, Hamilton and
                                                             minds; thus, marketing initiatives will have lesser
     Winnipeg. In terms of home average attendance           immediate impact because their potential fan base
     for 2012, these teams rank 4th, 5th, and 6th,           is saturated, and stadiums have less excess
     respectively. When balancing the effects of             capacity to be utilized. If more teams can
     population potential and the amount of distraction      withstand strong attendance and loyal
     away from CFL football, the above teams pose
                                                             commitment by fans, likewise to Edmonton and
     huge potential for growth in loyal fan base. Also,      Saskatchewan, the CFL would grow substantially.
     the capacity percentages are low for these
     markets’ stadium venues, so increased attendance        2. Increase Game-Day/Walk-Up ticket sales by at
     is allowable within existing unfilled capacity. The         least 7% in Canada’s most dense markets
     highest league-wide average attendance in CFL              (Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal) by
     history was in 1978, many of these loyal fans are          increasing awareness through communicating
     growing older and their attendance is decreasing;          CFL games as an easy, affordable and exciting
     the younger generation needs to be targeted to             entertainment outlet for white-collared young
     rejuvenate a depleting fan base and ultimately             professionals.
     increase overall attendance. Additionally, this
                                                             Tier one markets, Toronto, Montreal and
     younger demographic typically spends more
                                                             Vancouver have the highest population amongst
CFL 2013

                                       marketing & product objectives

Canadian cities. Along with this, brings the highest    There are CFL fans across all parts of Canada,          16
potential for fan base growth in terms of numbers.      United States and even some overseas. This can be
Unfortunately, converting citizens in these cities      seen by attendance statistics from the 2007 Grey
into loyal CFL fans will be extremely difficult due to   Cup in Toronto, where every province was
corresponding lifestyles, sociocultural preferences,    represented for share of attendance, including 680
and predominantly the presence of other sports          spectators from the U.S. and 160 from overseas
teams and entertainment outlets to gain their           (Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, 2008). Please
interest and commitment. The marketing initiatives      refer to Appendix 2.0 for 2007 Grey Cup numbers.
will focus on attracting young professionals in         Since 2007 the CFL has grown substantially, with
these cities to casually attend CFL games because       increase spectatorship, viewership, corporate
it’s an entertainment option that is affordable in      sponsorship and merchandising. Therefore the
comparison to other professional sports                 potential to attract new CFL fans to view CFL on
alternatives, easily accessible, and exciting. By       TSN games exists, especially across the southern
encouraging young professionals to attend, this         provinces and Atlantic Canada. Moreover, now is
will likely translate to future interest and an         the opportunistic time to capitalize on the success
emotional tie to our country’s game.                    and increased interest resulting from the 100th
                                                        Grey Cup. Last season (2012) the average
By increasing Game-Day/Walk-Up tickets sales by
                                                        viewership across all 48 CFL games was 729,916
7% for the BC Lions, Toronto Argonauts, and             (, 2012); which is actually down from
Montreal Alouettes, the total of the averages           the average of 807,000 in 2010 (The Globe and
between all three teams would reach upwards to          Mail, 2010).
82,000 attendees. Currently (from 2012 statistics)
the total of the average attendance between the         A 37% increase in nation-wide viewership
three teams is 76,501 (, 2012). The        accounts for an increased average of 729,916 to
stadium venues for these tier one markets have          1,000,000. The potential for this increase is
considerable excess capacity when compared to           available. The fan support from 18-34 years olds
2012 averages; thus, there is plenty of room for        has been consistently growing from 2007, and last
Game-Day ticket sales growth, without impacting         year`s Grey Cup produced a 38% increase in
season ticket holder opportunities. For attendance      attendance and viewership amongst this age
statistics please refer to Appendix 1.0.                group (, 2012). These younger viewers’
                                                        interest is at an all-time high, this interest can be
3. Increase regular season television viewership for    translated into a significant increase in viewership
   CFL on TSN broadcasts across all Canadian            for the 2013 and 2014 regular season. Moreover,
   markets, even those who do not have CFL
                                                        in 2010 2.54 million viewed the West Final and 2.3
   teams, by 37% over the next two seasons.             million viewed the East Final; this shows that
CFL 2013

                                           marketing & product objectives

17   interest exists among Canadians but the interest       4. Increase the brand image to overcome negative
     needs to be attracted for regular season. Also, the       connotations related to CFL’s league
     average TV audience for the 100th Grey Cup was            reputation.
     5.8 million (28% increase from 99th Grey Cup)
     and overall 13 million Canadians tunes in at some      Many refer to the CFL as a “Ma and Pa operation”
     point during the game, this equals 1 in 3              or “a bush league”, which is something that may
     Canadians (, 2012). Only, 20% of the             distract young adult’s attraction away from the
                                                            CFL. The CFL has made significant strides to
     729,916 regular season average was from 18-34
     year olds; however, there are roughly 8.9 million      overcome this, and have improved the
     Canadians currently within that age range              professionalism and prestige over the last decade.
     (Canadian Demographics Profile, 2013).                  Still, the ideology of some Canadian’s is stuck in
     Enormous potential for audience growth exists,         the past, and they are unaware of recent
                                                            improvements. The CFL must continue its
     especially with the 18-34 years of age sector;
     marketing initiatives must be in accordance with       progression, and make steps to ensure they are
     this.                                                  seen as high class professional football with
                                                            prestige in Canada.
CFL 2013

                              target markets

Currently, the majority of the CFL fan base is        ages 6-13 in areas with CFL teams, and 18-24 year        18
primarily 35-60 years of age males, with low to       old male and females across Canada, with
medium level of income, and blue-collared             emphasis in metro areas and cities with CFL teams.
occupancy. Also, the CFL has developed a strong       In targeting the 6-13 year old elementary children,
relationship with small business owners who have      we are striving to educate children of the CFL and
young families and a little above average income      increase the awareness of the CFL in their minds
in Canada. These segments have proven loyal,          starting from a young age. This won’t specifically
with no signs of slowing, regardless of marketing     look to gain direct sales but initiatives will plant a
efforts. Increased return resulted from positioning   seed so that the CFL is part of their life as a
Grey Cup festivities and activities to a younger      Canadian throughout maturity. This awareness will
crowd, with no attrition from the loyal fan base.     increase demand for family attendance, and
When analysing the CFL, Cheri Bradish, professor      translate into viewership and attendance when
of sports management at Brock University, stated      these children grow into the second target market
that although you are first and foremost               of 18-34 year olds. In targeting 18-34 young
concerned with your core fans, promotional efforts    professionals we look to increase interest and
and entertainment value are more important for        pride; ultimately through contributing to overall
attracting fans and appealing to the next             spectatorship of the CFL. It is believed that by
generation that is teetering on the fringes.          shifting the focus to make the CFL relevant to
                                                      Canadians at a younger age, this pride in the
That being said, marketing strategies will focus on   league and its history will carry through adulthood
targeting two new segments: active boys and girls     and family life.
CFL 2013

                        points of difference &
19   In terms of differentiation from competing             University at centre field; no Montreal Alouettes
     professional sports leagues and other                  logo is present, not even in the end zones. To
     entertainment alternatives, this marketing strategy    increase their image, Montreal should put more
     will create increased relationships between players    emphasis on branding Percival Molson Memorial
     and their team’s community. Additionally our           Stadium as their home. Additionally, the Calgary
     strategy will communicate the CFL’s elaborately        Stampeders should follow the same protocol and
     storied history; something unmatched by other          increase their branding of McMahon Stadium;
     leagues.                                               taking precedence over the University of Calgary in
                                                            order to be respected as the higher level of
     As far as differentiation form current operations,     football that the CFL is. This same power approach
     this marketing strategy will focus on improving        should be taken when making sponsorship and
     brand image to create higher-class perception.         bargaining agreements, because the CFL has great
     Much of this upgrade will result from current plans
                                                            reach and high exposure rates for corporate
     for new stadium infrastructure across almost half      advertisements.
     the league. New stadium upgrades are in progress
     for Hamilton, Winnipeg and Ottawa, with                Positioning
     Saskatchewan renovations planned to be
     completed by 2017 season. Similar to that of the       This marketing strategy focuses on positioning the
                                                            CFL as a patriotic community that is proud to be
     new BC Place Stadium, these new stadium
     upgrades will be state-of-the-art; resulting in        the center of emotional entertainment in Canada
     higher-class facilities. Moreover, by bringing the     during the summer months and early winter.
     CFL back to the nation’s capital, this will increase
     the brand image by providing increased income in
     one of the most lucrative Canadian markets.

     It is recommended that the CFL minimize the
     amount of play in Canadian Interuniversity Spot
     (CIS) stadiums, because it has potential to tarnish
     this upgraded image. Also, the CFL should take a
     stance and have increased respect for their football
     prestige in Canada by having teams take increased
     ownership of their fields, instead of them being
     branded under a CIS school’s name. For example,
     Percival Molson Memorial Stadium, home of the
     Montreal Alouettes, is only branded by McGill

marketing program
CFL 2013

                               product & Pricing
21   Product Strategy                                      Furthermore, what works in one market may not
                                                           necessarily work in all, so the mandated programs
     The marketing strategy does not limit the CFL to a
                                                           allow for some flexibility to the discretion of
     game of wins and losses, it looks to market a         individual teams.
     sense of community that exhibit’s our history and
     our competitors nature as Canadians. Most CFL         Pricing Strategy
     team’s currently centralize their branding and
     marketing efforts around pride, history and           The CFL is currently an affordable alternative for
                                                           exciting professional sports entertainment across
     inclusion; often utilizing the word OUR. It is
     recommended this is continued and stressed            major Canadian markets. Research shows that
     further to reflect on the CFL’s mantra of “This Is     affordability is one of the key drivers for
     OUR League.” It is important that the CFL as a        attendance in most CFL markets, it is
     product is not just represented during games, but     recommended to continue         to let teams
                                                                                            determine their
     that it is represented as an active member of
     the community in                                                                       own price point;
     which fans will                                                                         which has
     be connected                                                                            shown to be
     through pride.                                                                            relatively low
                                                                                               in comparison
     Strategies will                                                                           to     other
     attempt, within                                                                          sporting and
     constraints, to                                                            entertainment outlets.
     create the most                                       Currently for 2013 season tickets (excluding club
     consistent product as possible. It will accomplish    seating) the league average for lowest priced
     this by increasing the CFL’s involvement into the     seating is $241.63, for middle priced seating its
     marketing of individual teams and ensuring each       $457.38, and for highest priced seating it’s
     team implements certain initiatives. These            $764.88. These prices situate CFL games well in
     initiatives are ones which have proven successful     comparison to other sports’ season tickets.
     for individual teams in their respective areas, and   Additionally, pricing for merchandising will remain
     will be mandated for all CFL teams to implement       the same. Once, and only if, substantial and
     these ventures. Although there will be increased      continual growth is established and the overall
     involvement, management will remain minimal           image of the CFL enhanced, then ticket prices can
     because each market is so diverse and each team’s     rise minimally; however, tickets must remain
     marketing department understands their social         affordable on a per-game basis compared to NFL
     culture and competitive environment.                  or NHL.
CFL 2013

                   promotional strategy

After the most successful Grey Cup to date, this is   Winnipeg vs. Toronto, get your tickets today at         22
the opportunistic time where there exists the” Other scenarios where the commercial’s
greatest amount of interest surrounding the CFL.      character will cheer excessively is when they get
This increase in monetary resources and interest      stopped by a train then “boo”, make a big scene,
can be capitalized on though implementing a           and complain in a way you would dispute a
promotional blitz in order to use momentum and        referee’s call. The character starts hitting their
build the total fan base. This marketing strategy     steering wheel, this makes the airbag deploy in
consists of 4 parts.                                  their face. This commercial will end similarly to the
                                                      first. A final example is two friends who are young
National Commercials                                  adults are fresh off of a completed NHL season,
First, national commercials will be run on networks   bored, and playing chess because they have no
other than TSN. These commercials will focus on       other entertainment options during mid-June,
increasing awareness and excitement for the start     when one friend wins, he celebrates excessively.
of the CFL season. The commercials will target        The commercial will then end similar to the above
18-34 year old adults who are experiencing a lag      examples, reminding the characters that the CFL
of entertainment concluding the NHL season. As        season is right around the corner. The purpose of
of now, no CFL commercials are advertised on          this commercial is to build interest around the CFL
networks other than TSN; thus, a limited              and increase awareness of a new season starting.
demographic is subject to promotions for CFL          The commercial that will run on TSN will focus on
games. Although commercials will broadcast on         communicating the history of the game, building
other networks, they will also be broadcasted on      excitement and creating a sense of pride. The
TSN to target many sports fans. However, the          commercial will be very similar to the promotional
commercial to be aired on TSN will be different
                                                      video from the “This Is OUR League” campaign in
than that of other networks.                          2008. The purpose of this commercial is to build
Commercials on other networks will showcase           excitement within all sports fans, and provide
individuals cheering excessively over minor           incentive for them to attend the next CFL game or
scenarios in their everyday life, such as getting a   at least watch it on television; something they may
candy bar un-stuck from a vending machine. After      not have been inclined to otherwise do. Many
the character and their friends cheer ecstatically,   young sports fans are unaware of the history and
the commercial will then say “need something to       diversity of the CFL, this advertisement will
cheer about? You belong in the stands.” The           educate them increase their attention to the CFL.
scene will then flash to them in the stands of a CFL   Although running a national television campaign
game cheering, and the commercial will say
                                                      will be costly, the benefit is worth the
something to the nature of “season starts June 12,
CFL 2013

                                                promotional strategy

23   commitment. In 2001 the CFL ran their “Rivalries”      out that youth participation for amateur football in
     campaign on national TV. Following the launch,         Canada is declining; resulting in less young
     attendance had increased significantly, there was       football fans (The Globe and Mail, 2010).
     growth among young male viewers, and increased         Encouraging young boys and girls to get involved
     sponsorship agreements with new partners (CFL          in minor football, either through playing or
     Partnership Marketing Group, 2002). For the first       cheerleading programs, is critical in sustaining the
     time, the league was recognized for its marketing      next generation of CFL fans. Moreover, by having
     and advertising initiatives through business press,    professional CFL players talk with children about
     three marketing awards and significant industry         being active and making smart decisions, they will
     awards. In the first full year of the campaign, gross   be attracted to the CFL and relate the players to
     sponsorship revenue increased by nearly 36%.           being role models. All CFL teams are currently
     Television audience for adults 18-34 increased by      involved in their community and visit schools, but
     an average of 45,000 viewers per game. Currently       the message is not consistent and no programs
     the CFL has a significantly broader and stronger        encourage children to join minor football.
     position for corporate partnerships than in 2001,      Furthermore, this tour will build the brand image
     and has substantially higher nation-wide interest;     of the CFL and its players as well as reinforce a
     thus, this effect should easily be replicated.         critical point of difference that separates the CFL
                                                            from the clutter.
     CFL Child Champions Tour
                                                            Mandated Community Initiatives
     The CFL Child Champions Tour is a tour of 6
     provinces (Quebec to BC) where the CFL with            As mentioned in the product strategy, it is
     partner with amateur football organizations for        recommended that the CFL mandate teams to
     each province, and each of the CFL’s 8 teams. The      implement certain initiatives that have proven
     tour will include two CFL reps, two CFL players,       successful. The first program that will be
     and one to two advocators for amateur football in      mandated is for teams to run at least one sports
     the corresponding province. The amateur football       day camp for young children, which include
     organizations that will be involved include Football   involving other sports franchises in the community.
     BC, Football Alberta, Football Saskatchewan,           The CFL teams will pair up with other professional
     Football Manitoba, Ontario Football Alliance, and      sports teams in their area, specifically with the
     Football Quebec. The objective of the tour is to       surrounding NHL franchise (with the exception of
     visit elementary schools across the six provinces      Saskatchewan) and create a multi-sport sports day
     with CFL teams, promoting children to get active,      that involves interacting with children through fun
     make smart choices, and ultimately get involved in     drills and other activities. Except for Saskatchewan,
     amateur football. Sports marketing experts point       all CFL teams have other professional teams to
CFL 2013

                                           promotional strategy

partner with, assuming the Toronto Maple Leafs         team’s locker room in their facility. There is a     24
would partner with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. In         continuum to Football 101 called Football 202
paring with NHL teams, children who are fans of        where the women who have taken 101 will get a
hockey will attend and be exposed to CFL football,     chance to run through fun filled drills with the
increasing their awareness and interest in             players and interact with them. Both the BC Lions
Canadian football.                                     and the Calgary Stampedes have implemented
                                                       these seminars and have sold out the last three
Through partnering with the Canucks Autism
                                                       years. This is a great opportunity to educate
Network (CAN) on March 17, 2013 the BC Lions,          females on the game and create fans who will
Vancouver Canucks, Vancouver Whitecaps, and            want to get their entire family involved.
Vancouver Canadians provided fun sports activities
for children with autism and their parents. The        Continuation of Current Projects
event was a great success and helped increase the
                                                       It is highly recommended that the CFL continue to
presence of all teams involved in the minds of the
children and their parents. One Mother                 strengthen their connection with the CIS in order
commented on CAN’s Facebook page “Travis               to increase interest among young adults who are
[Lulay], on behalf of my little girl, thank you for    already fans of football, or currently players of
being such a big part of what made sports day so       university football. This would require the CFL to
                                                       continue its extensive coverage on prospects, the
awesome and memorable!” By creating reactions
like this, fan support amongst the community is        CFL Canadian Draft and the Annual CIS East-West
increased and a positive brand image is promoted.      Bowl.
This positive impact can be created across the         Also, it is important for the CFL to extend their
country if teams are encouraged to partner with        licensing agreement with New Era hats when it
surrounding professional teams and create a sports     expires January 2014. The contract should be
day for young children ages 6-13.                      extended for another three years because it is
Another great initiative that should be                essential in creating merchandising sales for the
implemented league-wide is Football 101, which is      younger demographic, and increasing brand
a one-day course designed just for women who           awareness amongst teenagers and young adults. If
                                                       possible, the CFL should not focus on extending
want to learn about the Canadian football game.
The two hour seminar will be taught by players         the licensing agreement with 5th and Ocean,
and coaches of CFL teams who will teach women          instead, focus apparel branding on Reebok athletic
about the history, rules, positions, and strategy      clothing. 5th and Ocean is not a well-established
behind the CFL. The seminar will take place in a       clothing company for youth and young adult
                                                       apparel in Canada; therefore, fans would be more
classroom setting right in the corresponding CFL
                                                       inclined to purchase Reebok apparel instead.
CFL 2013

                                                distribution strategy

25   Distribution Strategy                                   Increased distribution should be take place around
                                                             areas where CFL teams reside, and little
     The CFL should continue its distribution of
                                                             distribution should be focused on northern regions
     merchandise and ticket sales across Canadian retail     of provinces.
     stores and shopping centres, as well as online.

implementation plan
CFL 2013

                           implementation plan

27   The plan has within it 4 distinct initiatives, each     may communicate and promote the tour to their
     one feeds into the other and rely on a flawless          students. Internship positions will also be filled,
     plan of execution that allows for fluid sequential       prior to 2014, and individuals must be trained and
     delivery. The following pages will outline the          coordinated in early 2014 in preparation for the
     implementation process of each strategy                 mid-February tour start date. As these dates may
     individually.                                           conflict with university semesters, co-op students
                                                             will be prime candidates, especially those in
     CFL Child Champions Tour
                                                             communications, community relations and
     In implementing this strategy the CFL will follow a     marketing.
     structured and consistent plan throughout the           We arrived at this tentative timeline and tour
     tour; however, management of the program will           outline by scheduling a minimum of 3 school stops
     be carried out via the VP of Community                  per day during the tour’s time in the province,
     Development and supplemented with human
                                                             meaning the tour should hit 30 schools in their
     resource input in each of the provinces. The            two week stays in each province. Each school stop
     proposed tour would require separate human              will last approximately one hour. These per day
     resource input in each province. This individual will   visit numbers and time allocation is based upon
     be charged with organizing the tour, players,           provincial school tours done currently executed by
     associations, sponsorships, and school stops. On
                                                             CFL teams. Players will be paid to attend each
     the ground, special CFL Tour Interns will carry-out     event at an average hourly rate of $200, meaning
     directives from the VPCD which will include hands-      the tour should cost $1,200 to $1,400 per day in
     on support for and organization of all stakeholders     player salary costs. Other costs will come in the
     in the tour and will travel with the players for the    form of tour bus rental, and promotional wrap
     entire duration of the tour in their respective
                                                             affixed to the bus advertising the tour and acting
     province. These unpaid internship positions will be     as traveling billboard in between school stops and
     filled and vetted through LinkedIn and connections       parked outside each school. Fuel costs for the tour
     with universities and CIS teams from each               bus will be around $300 per day.
     province.                                               Accommodations will be provided to CFL
     The duration of the tour will be approximately          employees and CFL players. Also, these members
     three to three and a half months, starting mid-         will be given a 75$ per diem flat rate per person
     February and ending in late May 2014. This              (4). Entry in elementary schools will be relatively
     timeline means pre-tour organization must               easy and cost little to no capital to gain access. To
     commence in the 4th quarter of 2013, a drafted          remain consistent, tour tracksuits and uniforms will
     schedule of each school stop on the tour should         be purchased for all attending players and will
     be distributed prior to 2014, so that the schools       feature the tour logo prominently. To guarantee a
CFL 2013

                                             implementation plan

lasting impression at each stop, high quality t-        strategy. Through this plan, we hope the CFL can           28
shirts will be given to participating students.         introduce mandated community initiatives at the
                                                        team level across the league. Involvement will
Partnering with CFL staff and players will be           depend on team dynamics and player schedules,
amateur football organizations across all 6             but the importance of community involvement as
provinces (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,         a function of the greater grassroots campaign to
Ontario and Quebec). Costs for these advocators         develop a stronger youth audience should be a
will not be covered by the CFL, as they are
                                                        topic of discussion in future collective agreements.
primarily promoting enrolment into minor football       The implementation of community initiatives will
in respective areas. It is recommended that only        be handled on a community by community basis
one to two amateur football employees be                with some influence coming from the CFL. The
present, as this will minimize their cost while still   responsibility of carrying-out this initiative will rest
proving sufficient to communicate an effective
                                                        of the community department of the individual
message.                                                teams. Where the CFL can provide support is in
Awareness of the tour will be created primarily         the area of organizing NHL team participation in
through each schools internal marketing; which          the targeted cities. These connections must be
will be supplemented by the CFL with uniform and        made early to ensure the success of each team’s
high-quality promotional materials. Awareness           community engagement. Scheduling of these
may be generated secondarily by low-cost market         community events will be variable, but occur
specific TSN advertisements, that feature                throughout the entire year. With some direction
recognizable players announcing they are “coming        from CFL management we hope the number of
to your city” and list relevant dates, times, and       events will increase approaching the beginning of
school stops. The TSN advertisement slots will be       the 2014 season and that the initiatives prove as
purchased and handled at the regional level, and        successful in all team’s markets as it was in the
primarily only utilized when attendance numbers         initial team’s market where the idea was
are less than expected or declining. TSN                generated.
advertisement cost will be minimized through the        Another component of the community
partnership deal formalized in early 2013, and
                                                        involvement initiative is the league-wide Football
represent a step towards co-promotion between           101, and 202 seminars, this will be created
the two organizations.                                  centrally through the CFL and distributed to each
Mandated Community Initiatives                          team. The design will be target women. Player
                                                        participation is critical to the plan, and thus where
The CFL Child Champions Tour will complement            the costs are focused. As before, the average
the CFL’s broader community involvement                 hourly rate of $200 will apply, and may be partially
CFL 2013

                                                  implementation plan

29   subsidized by the CFL. The two seminars will take       Canadian Draft and annual CIS East-West Bowl;
     place on two consecutive days during late April or      each of which require different human resource
     early May; this provides great timing leading up to     requirements, but require no shift from current
     the start of season, while not impeding too closely     operating practice.
     on pre-training camp preparations. The price for
     each seminar will be a single charge of $60 plus        Another strategy that should remain a feature of
     tax, and will include a Football 101 package. The       the CFL is the current licensing agreement with
                                                             New Era, which is due to expire in January 2014.
     package consists of a Football 101 t-shirt and a
     ticket to a CFL home game in addition to an             Contract and negotiations should be finalized by
     opportunity to take place in their home team’s          the end of 2013, which could include travel and
     warm-up from the sidelines at an upcoming CFL           due diligence on behalf of the CFL. This
     game. The females will likely use this ticket to take   relationship has served the CFL well in engaging
                                                             the younger demographic, but the strategy’s
     their families and provides opportunity to gain
     multiple loyal fans. The costs associated with this     success ends with the hats supplied by New Era,
     are very minimal, outside of player payment cost,       the inclusion of 5th and Ocean has not proven to
     because they seminars are operated out of the           be beneficial, and should not be an element of the
     team’s own facilities and requires very little          new contract. The CFL should instead focus on
                                                             strengthening their relationship with Reebok the
     equipment and personnel. Individual teams are
     free to add or change any service of their seminar      chief supplier of the CFL’s official wear. This
     to their discretion, as long as the program is still    portion of the strategy will likely be handled by the
     present.                                                VP of Marketing and his staff.

     Continuation of Current Projects                        National Commercials

                                                             The timing and execution of the above strategies
     Critical to the CFL’s sustained growth moving
     forward is developing a strong young adult fan          all serve to conclude just days prior to the
     base with disposable income. Interest is                beginning of the CFL season in early June (June
     predominantly generated through existing                12, 2013). The timing of these initiatives is not a
     involvement in organized football, at various levels.   mistake, as the final piece of our proposed
                                                             strategy comes into play during the Stanley Cup
     Connections between the CFL and organizations
     like the CIS must be perpetually maintained and         finals; the final cup game date varies but has
     continue to bear fruit. Implementation of this          frequently ended in the first week of June (June
     portion of the strategy should continue to be           11, 2012). On this day, approximately 9.2 million
     carried out through promotional partnerships and        Canadians are glued to their television sets, 62%
                                                             of the 25-54 age demographic is watching this live
     include extensive coverage of prospects, the
                                                             event, and due to that live nature and intense
CFL 2013

                                             implementation plan

focus view the commercials during the cup games         immediately before the return to game preferably      30
more so than any other time during the year. This       as most frequently this is when fans are paying the
represents an opportune time to advertise to this       most attention over the mid-point of the break. In
large national audience, unified in their love for       this way, CBC’s national orientation and
Canadian sports. The time to advertise becomes          centralized broadcast of the games mean to reach
more opportune as this enormous population of           the almost 10 million Canadians watching this
avid sports fan will by the end of night be without     event. The commercials will be aired on TSN post
a sport to follow for conceivably 4 months when         Stanley cup finals, as ad space with TSN can again
the NFL season starts in September. This means          be attained at a significant discount due to the
there is a demand for Canadian sports                   ongoing relationship between the two
entertainment during this gap, which the CFL can        organizations. Also, 10 ads will be run on CTV
fill.                                                    during evening weeknight television in early June.
                                                        The cost for these advertisements will be less than
The individuals charged with implementing this          that of the Stanley Cup, but significant funds will
arm of the marketing plan will be the VP of             need to be allocated towards this initiative.
Marketing and Marketing Coordinator, in this
position they will coordinate staff to develop the
commercials to be aired. This can be done through
an external marketing agency, but can be avoided
by utilizing the highly effective and patriotic “This
is OUR League” commercials currently available
from the CFL. Additional support and advisement
can be sought from the BC Lions marketing team
who successfully developed a large quantity of
high-quality humorous commercials that can be
used to guide development of CFL’s commercials
but the message needs to apply to the broader
CFL audience. It will also be the necessary to
interface with CBC and the Hockey Night in
Canada organization to purchase ad space in the
final games. This process will likely need to begin
in winter 2013. At $140,000 per 30 second
commercial, and with approximately nine
commercial breaks per regulation NHL game, the
CFL should place commercials in 5 of these breaks,

CFL 2013

                    appendix 1.0
            2012 CFL Season Attendance Summary

                   2012 CFL Season Attendance Summary             32
Statistic                                  Value      Game
Single Game Attendance High             36,214        MTL @ TOR
Season Average                          27,811.6
Total Attendance                           222,493
Capacity Average                           37,036.9
% of Capacity                              75.09%
Sellouts                                   1
                              Regular Season
Single Game Attendance High              43,178       SSK @ EDM
Season Average                           28,192.7
Total Attendance                         2,029,875
Capacity Average                         37,036.9
% of Capacity                              76.12%
Sellouts                                   9
CFL 2013

                                                                                          appendix 1.0


CFL 2013

         appendix 2.0
2007 Grey Cup Spectator Origin by Source

CFL 2013

                           Acknowledgement &
35   MNCC Consulting would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations who made a contribution to
       the successful development of this marketing plan, whether by providing constructive information,
          professional guidance and valuable support through the entire term to complete this project.

       Without the encouragement and guidance of the following, this project would not have materialized:

                                                   The BC Lions

                            Sean McGarva, Community Relations Coordinator, BC Lions

                                             The Odette School of Business

                                              Odette Professor Peter Mateja

                                             The Canadian Football League

                                                The University of Windsor

     As the delivery of this plan progresses, the continued commitment of these and other organizations will be
                                                critical the CFL’s success.

                                      Key contacts in MNCC Consulting ©

                                     Matt McGarva <>,

                                    Tyler Compton <>,

                                      Donato Cerino <>,

                                     Michael Nasser <>.

                         Please direct questions and comments about this report via email.
CFL 2013

                                          Sources$(2011).$Canadian$football$league.$The$Canadian$Business$Journal,$Retrieved$from$hGp://          36












Special thanks to

Published April 2013 by MNCC Consulting
Copyright © MNCC Consulting

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CFL Marketing Plan 2013

  • 2. CFL 2013 CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary 3 Background 4 Company Description 5 Strategic Focus & Plan 7 Situational analysis 8 SWOT Analysis 10 Industry Analysis 10 Competitor Analysis 11 Customer Analysis 12 Product-Market Focus 13 Marketing & Product Objectives 16 Target Markets 17 Points of Difference & Positioning 18 Marketing Program 19 Product & Pricing Strategy 20 Promotion Strategy 23 Distribution Strategy 24 Implementation Plan 29 Appendices
  • 3.
  • 4. CFL 2013 Executive summary For over one hundred years the CFL has been a national institution supported by fiercely 1 loyal fans. It is a testament to the power of consumer loyalty that the league has survived. The Grey Cup has consistently been one of the greatest rivalries in professional sport and remains unchallenged as Canada’s most watched sporting event. But sometime in the late eighties and early nineties, as sports marketing began to evolve into a serious business, the CFL got sidetracked and failed to keep pace with other evolving sports leagues. Unfortunately, their loyal fan base is aging; as a result their support is depleting. Moreover, the years of struggle has created a gap in fan support from the 35+ generation to the 18-34 years of age consumers. A new generation of fans must be attracted to the CFL in order for it to capitalize on recent success and continue to grow. The 100th Grey Cup (2012) was the most successful Grey Cup to date. It was clear that Canadians embraces the Grey Cup like never before, making the 100th edition of the game an undeniable success for the CFL and all it’s platforms that supported the game and its surrounding activities. Overall, more than 13 million Canadians , or more than one in three Canadians, tuned in to watch some or all of Sunday night's broadcast on TSN and RDS. This amount matches the number of Canadians who watch the Super Bowl; an important milestone for Canadian football history. The festivities and marketing and community initiatives that surrounded the 100th Grey Cup was more extensive than ever. They increased involvement and pride towards the league and it’s cup. Mark Cohon, Commissioner of the CFL, stated that "tradition dictates that only the Grey Cup Champion Toronto Argonauts can hoist our iconic trophy above their heads, but so many Canadians wrapped their arms around the Grey Cup and lifted our league up in this historic year, [the] television ratings are a testament to that fact, the strength of our league, and the love Canadians have for the Grey Cup." It is essential for the CFL to utilize current interest to spark substantial growth. This report provides a marketing strategy that will be pivotal in growing the CFL’s fan base and creating sustained support. Sincerely yours, Matt McGarva, Team Member
  • 5. CFL 2013 Executive Summary 2 Tyler Compton, Team Member Donato Cerino, Team Member Michael Nasser, Team Member
  • 6. 3 : background
  • 7. CFL 2013 Company description The Canadian Football League (CFL) is a the best records in their division, except if the 4 professional sports league located in Canada. It is fourth place team in one division has a better a form of gridiron football which is very similar to record than the third place team in the other American football and is also the highest level of division, compete in the league’s three-week competition in Canadian football. The CFL is divisional playoffs. The playoffs end with two comprised of eight teams located in eight different teams playing in the late-November Grey Cup cities. The teams who participate in the CFL championship which is Canada’s largest annual include the BC Lions, Edmonton Eskimos, Calgary sports and television event. Last season was the Stampeders, Saskatchewan Roughriders, Winnipeg CFL’s 100th Grey Cup which was also the most Blue Bombers, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Toronto successful in CFL history as far as television ratings, Argonauts, and Montreal Alouettes. Ottawa will corporate sponsorship, and ticket sales. The be joining the league in 2014. Teams are divided momentum following the 100th Grey Cup will into two divisions, East and West, with four teams likely translate into increased interest in the 2013 in each division. Each team plays 18 games with season and seasons to come, but in order for the one bye week in the CFL’s 19 week regular season translation to occur, a strategic marketing plan will that runs from late June to early November. After have to be implemented to ensure continual the regular season is over, the three teams with growth.
  • 8. CFL 2013 Strategic focus & plan 5 a. Mission due to the saturated number of other professional sport options for fans. The fact We join our fans, business partners and that the 100th Grey Cup was played in communities in strengthening traditions and pride. Toronto, and won by the Toronto Argonauts, We set the standard of excellence in Canadian will likely help in increasing popularity in football. Southern Ontario. The CFL has made it a b. Goals priority to significantly increase popularity in Southern Ontario because there is such a big 1. The goals that the CFL seeks to reach are as market that the CFL cannot ignore the follows: potential. 2. Coast to coast, the CFL strives to increase total 7. In order to improve brand image, the CFL teams fan base. have decided to invest in brand new stadiums and stadium renovations. Winnipeg will be 3. Each CFL team and the CFL as a whole, seeks to opening a new stadium in 2013, Hamilton and maximize game attendance and viewership. Ottawa will be opening new stadiums in 2014, 4. It is becoming increasingly important for the and Saskatchewan will be opening a new CFL to attract a younger, sustainable crowd. stadium in 2017. The CFL’s goal is to be The brunt of loyal CFL fans are becoming aged successful in the openings of these brand new and will soon be unable to support their teams stadiums and capitalize on the increased which as much enthusiasm as in years past. attraction of fans due to state-of-the-art The CFL strives to turn the younger generations facilities. into loyal fans to created sustained long term 8. The CFL continually strives to sell out national growth. Grey Cup Championship games and operate 5. To some, the CFL has the negative connotation successful Grey Cup festivities surrounding the of being “bush league” when it comes to game. professional football, especially when they are c. Core Competencies and Sustainable compared to the NFL. The CFL is continually Competitive Advantage developing their brand image so that they improve positioning in consumer’s minds and Core competencies are specific factors that a attract more fans. business sees as being central to the way their company or their employees work. These factors 6. Toronto and Hamilton are among the biggest are not easy for competitors to imitate, they can markets in the CFL, yet they perform the worst be reused widely for many products and markets,
  • 9. CFL 2013 strategic focus & plan and they also must contribute to the end Canadians. Early in CFL history the Canadian Army 6 consumer’s experienced benefits. The CFL has a and Canadian Navy created football teams that very broad social media presence. Social media played in the CFL, coupled by the fact that the CFL information through all major outlets is timely, has been around for over 100 years, this creates informative and even entertaining. Their Web site strong emotional ties with Canadian patriarchy. is very up-to-date and creates a strong online The CFL has an extensive loyal fan base that has reputation for the CFL. Web page layouts are brought long-term consistent revenue stream. The simple and very interactive. The attraction of the CFL has recently reached an $80 million CFL websites and team websites build their brand agreement with TSN that sees them being image. The deal that the CFL has with TSN creates exclusively broadcasted nation-wide in Canada. strong reach within Canada since TSN shows all CFL games, and broadcasts coast to coast. In 2007, Mark Cohon was brought in as the CFL’s commissioner. Mark Cohon has been able to increase the CFL’s attendance, television ratings, achieve record numbers in corporate agreements, and excel in improving the CFL’s image. Lastly, the CFL has a very strong scheduling strategy (June- November) that sees them avoid competition with the NHL for most of the season and only compete with the NFL for two months. Although they overlap for two months, during that time the NFL is just beginning while the CFL is growing close to playoffs and games are increasingly important; this allows them to retain major viewership. When a business has a sustainable competitive advantage, the business enjoys a long-term advantage that is not easily duplicable or surpassable by their competitors. The CFL has the sustainable competitive advantage of being the sole professional football league in Canada. The CFL is the oldest professional football league, thus they have the attraction of a storied history and are very well established amongst middle aged
  • 10. 7 : situational ANALYSIS
  • 11. CFL 2013 SWOT ANALYSIS The Canadian Football league is the largest all time making the Canadian Football League the 8 professional sports league in Canada with eight strongest it has been in the last two decades. total franchises; which is one more than the National Hockey League. The total number of Although the CFL is coming off its most successful franchises in the CFL will be increased by one in season in many years, there are still weaknesses 2014, with Ottawa re-entering the league for the that hinder the CFL’s brand image. There are no third time. If the CFL wants to have a strong teams outside of Canada, and the CFL is a small league in terms of overall franchise numbers. With Canadian brand and build its overall league structure, they need a team in the capital city of the CFL season consisting of only eight teams with Canada. The CFL represents the highest level of a nineteen-week season (18 games played with a football played in Canada and does not directly bye week), the teams play each other too often, compete with any other professional football thereby diminishing the entertainment value of regular season games. The CFL is not considered league in Canada. One of the CFL’s strengths is that its cap on a per-game basis is around one of the four major North American professional $500,000 ($4.3 million divided by nine home sports leagues, which ranks as the NFL, NBA, MLB, games); which is less than a third of the NHL’s, and NHL. Compared to the four major professional which stands at around $1.5 million per game sports leagues, the CFL’s broadcasting, promotion, and advertisement has less production value and ($64 million divided by 41 home games). Also, franchises in the CFL do not have to contend with pales in comparison to larger leagues. issues related to the exchange rate the way The CFL has capitalized on many opportunities in Canadian NHL, NBA and MLB teams have to. The the last five years to grow the game and increase CFL has a strong management system in place lead its brand awareness. The “Our History. Our by Commissioner Mark Cohon, who since taking House” multimedia campaign helped sell more over in 2007 has revitalized the CFL’s brand image season tickets than ever in the history of the and increased game attendance throughout the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, a record of 21,155, league. In terms of overall television ratings, sports showing that fans are still extremely interested in viewership of the CFL ranks second in Canada CFL football in the prairie provinces. Also, in 2011 behind only the National Hockey League ratings. the BC Lions set record attendance and received On average, more than 700,000 viewers tune in to marketing awards for their “Pride of All BC” each CFL game, representing a five percent campaign. These examples show immense increase from 2011, including a growth of over marketing opportunities to create an emotional tie 50% among male viewers age 18 to 34. The 2012 with the province or city and their team. From the season was the CFL’s most successful yet, and the Saskatchewan Roughriders new stadium targeted Grey Cup was the most watched event on TSN of for play in 2017, to new stadiums and facilities for
  • 12. CFL 2013 SWOT ANalysis 9 Winnipeg, Hamilton and Ottawa including the BC NFL is a threat to the CFL similar to how Wal-Mart Lions’ recently renovated BC Place, the many is a threat being the big box store looming over league-wide stadium developments account for the mom and pop operation. It is obvious that the more than $1 billion in Canadian infrastructure CFL must find a way to become more than just a projects. The CFL exhibits large opportunity to little brother league to the NFL. Another main grow because they have discrepancies subject to threat to the CFL success is the cluttered markets improvement, and there exists opportunity to in the highest populated areas of Toronto, expand their markets. The CFL has a history in Vancouver and Montreal. These markets are hard Ottawa. The Ottawa Rough Riders called the to capture because there is so much distraction Canadian capital home for more than a decade and choices for entertainment satisfaction, and until 1996. From 2002 to 2005, the Ottawa they are so diverse. Southern Ontario poses the Renegades were the second coming of football in greatest potential; however, but Toronto held the the city. They’re hoping the third time is the CFL’s weakest attendance ratings the last few charm. Since partnering with TSN in 2007, CFL years. Additionally, the Hamilton market was the viewership has more than doubled, while the second lowest attendance rating, proving that the league believes opportunities remain for further CFL needs to expand interest in the southern audience growth as well. The CFL just signed a Ontario region. new exclusive $80 million deal with TSN giving them full coverage of the CFL year round. Another region of Canada that may be feasible for CFL presence is Atlantic Canada, where the CFL has played Touchdown Atlantic games in Moncton and received excellent fan support and viewership. The biggest threat to the CFL is the attraction of the National Football League. Today’s male, between 18 and 45, needs a hook to be attracted to a sport, and since the NFL already has bigger, stronger, and faster on the CFL, they are hard-pressed to create attractive differentiation. The
  • 13. CFL 2013 Industry analysis At the heart of professional sports market in popularity can be attributed to trickle down 10 Canada are the fans, fans that are fuelled by deep advertising being superbly crafted by the NFL and emotional attachment to their team. What follows its marketers. Even soccer has carved out a this intense emotional attachment is brand loyalty, seemingly sustainable audience in the Canadian Canadian’s are unique in that their brand loyalty to market, after two false starts the professional sports franchises stand the tests of time and the soccer league MLS is also following an upward emotional roller-coaster they ride with every win or growth path. Professional Lacrosse, our nation’s loss. official summer sport is not left out of the spotlight and has had its share of mainstream The Canadian professional sports market is also success in recent years, that league (NLL) has three prone to intense regional and national celebrations teams from three separate Canadian cities. and mourning following high-profile victories like Ultimately, whatever the league or level, the Gold Medal hockey game against the United Canadians have long had a rich mix of professional States at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, and sports events from which to choose. closer to the chest; the devastating loss felt by Saskatchewan Roughriders fans during the 2009 Although professional sports franchises are Grey Cup. This emotion of fan support can sustain seemingly in a continuous state of change. Canada a team in the short term. But, with few exceptions is home to seven NHL franchises, eight CFL (Toronto Maple Leafs), economic forces rule over franchises, one MLB franchise, one NBA franchise, the long-term and a franchise must be at its core a three MLS franchises and three NLL franchises. financially viable business. The market also features another economic layer; the socio- While some of these franchises are not-for-profit economic impact of a franchise on the entities and as such do not nor are they required to; share their information. This is especially true surrounding community, and the impact franchises can have at the grassroots level with a well with the CFL, however sufficient data was rounded community engagement program. gathered to calculate the size of the professional sports market in Canada. Starting at the top, There are numerous professional sports leagues estimated revenues and profitability for the and teams operating in Canada, but none are Toronto Maple Leafs are $187 million and $85.7 more popular that the nation’s favourite official million respectively, both the Toronto Blue Jays pass time; Hockey. Professional football, baseball, and the Toronto Raptors have respectable and basketball do however still earn a generous revenues in the mid $100 million range and audience across Canada. Professional football and operating incomes that hover around $15 million. subsequently the CFL especially are currently in a Fuelling these revenues are game attendees, for quick and steady growth trend. This new found which Canadian teams perform admirably with
  • 14. CFL 2013 Industry analysis 11 NHL teams like the Montreal Canadiens and Canada are more than just entertainment. Moving Toronto Maple Leafs averaging near 20,000 forward we will see how the industry is shaken up attendees per regular season game. Both revenues with the re-introduction of a CFL franchise to and attendance are above average compared to Ottawa, making that team the 9th in the league. franchises south of the border. Thank you to the Conference Board of Canada for When it comes to the CFL, profitability and their contribution to this analysis. revenues are a harder task to reveal, but combining the revenues and profitability of the leagues three “community-owned” teams; the Saskatchewan Roughriders that despite their lowest city population, consistently sell out games, and earn more merchandising revenues than all other CFL franchises combined. Last year that team reported a profit of $3.8 million and revenues near $32 million. Representative of their relative popularity, the Edmonton Eskimos and the Winnipeg BlueBombers netted a profit of $637k, $3 million and revenues of $17.6 million each respectively. From these numbers we can surmise two things the CFL generates between $120 million and $150 million in revenue (varying significantly across teams) annually, and contribute just over $2 million to each team every year, which has risen approximately 6% over 2011. The CFL is also a revenue generating force for cities as well, as numbers indicate hosting cities of major events like the Grey Cup and the World Junior Hockey Championships translate to $80 million in economic activity. These numbers combine to give us an approximate value for the Canadian professional sports market, the industry generates at a minimum $1.5 billion annually, indicating that emotion aside, sports in
  • 15. CFL 2013 competitor analysis The CFL’s main competitors, in terms of environment, although lessened, is present in 12 professional sports, are the National Football other major Canadian markets with CFL franchises. League (NFL) and the National Hockey League (NHL). The NFL is the only other football league that is viewed in Canada, other than NCAA and CIS college football. The CFL is a lower-tier league to the NFL similar to the way the AHL is a second- tier league to the NHL, except that the NFL and CFL have little affiliation with each other. The NFL raked in nearly $10 billion during the 2012 season, making it the most profitable sports league in the world, with all thirty-two of its franchises cracking the Top Fifty Richest Sports Teams in the world. Many players try to use the CFL as a springboard to the NFL. The NHL is the next main competitor to the CFL because they have seven teams in Canada, some of whom are in or near the same city as a CFL team. Hockey has the highest sports spectatorship in Canada and transfers loyalty, and money and time commitment away from the CFL. NHL revenues were around $3.3 billion in 2012, and the NHL is the most watched sport in Canada. The NHL just went through a lockout but it seems as though they did not lose much of, if any, of their fan base and has come back very well this season in terms of entertainment value and fan attendance. In the Toronto region alone, the CFL (Toronto Argonauts) competes with Major League Baseball (Toronto Blue Jays), National Hockey League (Toronto Maple Leafs), American Hockey League (Toronto Marlies), National Basketball Association (Toronto Raptors), National Lacrosse League (Toronto Rock), and Major League Soccer (Toronto FC), making it one of the most cluttered sports markets in all of North America. This
  • 16. CFL 2013 customer analysis 13 The CFL has two main types of customers, the fan viewership over the course of a few years. 35-60 years of age loyal Canadian football fans, With the building of new stadiums in Hamilton, and the 34 years and younger generation who are BC, Saskatchewan, and Winnipeg, and a new attracted to the fame and excitement of the game. team in Ottawa in 2014, the CFL will see a big The CFL needs to capitalize on four boundaries boost in fan attendance and overall market share, when attracting a new audience, which consists of especially in its weakest, but highest capacity awareness, attraction, attachment, and allegiance. market of Southern Ontario. For more on It takes time for fans to grow a love for a team customer analysis please refer to the “Target and sport so the CFL needs to slowly develop new Markets” section on page 18.
  • 17. 14 : Product-market focus
  • 18. CFL 2013 Marketing & Product Objectives 15 In accordance with the goals of the CFL, the dollars on team merchandising and game weaknesses existing, and the opportunities concessions. available, it is proposed that the following objectives can be obtained through marketing The current home attendance average between recommendations: Calgary, Hamilton and Winnipeg is 27,457. In achieving a 13% increase, the average attendance 1. Increase the multi-game attendance league between these three teams will reach over 31,000 average amongst Canada’s second tier (, 2012). In comparison to 2012 metropolitan areas by 13% for regular season statistics, this would situate these franchises 3rd games, by targeting both male and female amongst all CFL teams; behind only Edmonton young adults (18-35 years of age). Eskimos and Saskatchewan Roughriders. The marketing initiatives do not advocate for particular Second tier markets is defined as those cities that teams, but it is believed it the greatest affect will have existing CFL franchises, are relatively dense in be accomplished in the second tier markets due to terms of population, exhibit moderately low their marker conditions, and existing of excess distractions from other sports teams or capacity. Edmonton and Saskatchewan currently entertainment outlets, have a considerable amount have the two strongest loyal fan bases, and the of blue-collared individuals, and only moderate fan teams have strong presence amongst consumer’s loyalty. These cities include Calgary, Hamilton and minds; thus, marketing initiatives will have lesser Winnipeg. In terms of home average attendance immediate impact because their potential fan base for 2012, these teams rank 4th, 5th, and 6th, is saturated, and stadiums have less excess respectively. When balancing the effects of capacity to be utilized. If more teams can population potential and the amount of distraction withstand strong attendance and loyal away from CFL football, the above teams pose commitment by fans, likewise to Edmonton and huge potential for growth in loyal fan base. Also, Saskatchewan, the CFL would grow substantially. the capacity percentages are low for these markets’ stadium venues, so increased attendance 2. Increase Game-Day/Walk-Up ticket sales by at is allowable within existing unfilled capacity. The least 7% in Canada’s most dense markets highest league-wide average attendance in CFL (Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal) by history was in 1978, many of these loyal fans are increasing awareness through communicating growing older and their attendance is decreasing; CFL games as an easy, affordable and exciting the younger generation needs to be targeted to entertainment outlet for white-collared young rejuvenate a depleting fan base and ultimately professionals. increase overall attendance. Additionally, this Tier one markets, Toronto, Montreal and younger demographic typically spends more Vancouver have the highest population amongst
  • 19. CFL 2013 marketing & product objectives Canadian cities. Along with this, brings the highest There are CFL fans across all parts of Canada, 16 potential for fan base growth in terms of numbers. United States and even some overseas. This can be Unfortunately, converting citizens in these cities seen by attendance statistics from the 2007 Grey into loyal CFL fans will be extremely difficult due to Cup in Toronto, where every province was corresponding lifestyles, sociocultural preferences, represented for share of attendance, including 680 and predominantly the presence of other sports spectators from the U.S. and 160 from overseas teams and entertainment outlets to gain their (Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, 2008). Please interest and commitment. The marketing initiatives refer to Appendix 2.0 for 2007 Grey Cup numbers. will focus on attracting young professionals in Since 2007 the CFL has grown substantially, with these cities to casually attend CFL games because increase spectatorship, viewership, corporate it’s an entertainment option that is affordable in sponsorship and merchandising. Therefore the comparison to other professional sports potential to attract new CFL fans to view CFL on alternatives, easily accessible, and exciting. By TSN games exists, especially across the southern encouraging young professionals to attend, this provinces and Atlantic Canada. Moreover, now is will likely translate to future interest and an the opportunistic time to capitalize on the success emotional tie to our country’s game. and increased interest resulting from the 100th Grey Cup. Last season (2012) the average By increasing Game-Day/Walk-Up tickets sales by viewership across all 48 CFL games was 729,916 7% for the BC Lions, Toronto Argonauts, and (, 2012); which is actually down from Montreal Alouettes, the total of the averages the average of 807,000 in 2010 (The Globe and between all three teams would reach upwards to Mail, 2010). 82,000 attendees. Currently (from 2012 statistics) the total of the average attendance between the A 37% increase in nation-wide viewership three teams is 76,501 (, 2012). The accounts for an increased average of 729,916 to stadium venues for these tier one markets have 1,000,000. The potential for this increase is considerable excess capacity when compared to available. The fan support from 18-34 years olds 2012 averages; thus, there is plenty of room for has been consistently growing from 2007, and last Game-Day ticket sales growth, without impacting year`s Grey Cup produced a 38% increase in season ticket holder opportunities. For attendance attendance and viewership amongst this age statistics please refer to Appendix 1.0. group (, 2012). These younger viewers’ interest is at an all-time high, this interest can be 3. Increase regular season television viewership for translated into a significant increase in viewership CFL on TSN broadcasts across all Canadian for the 2013 and 2014 regular season. Moreover, markets, even those who do not have CFL in 2010 2.54 million viewed the West Final and 2.3 teams, by 37% over the next two seasons. million viewed the East Final; this shows that
  • 20. CFL 2013 marketing & product objectives 17 interest exists among Canadians but the interest 4. Increase the brand image to overcome negative needs to be attracted for regular season. Also, the connotations related to CFL’s league average TV audience for the 100th Grey Cup was reputation. 5.8 million (28% increase from 99th Grey Cup) and overall 13 million Canadians tunes in at some Many refer to the CFL as a “Ma and Pa operation” point during the game, this equals 1 in 3 or “a bush league”, which is something that may Canadians (, 2012). Only, 20% of the distract young adult’s attraction away from the CFL. The CFL has made significant strides to 729,916 regular season average was from 18-34 year olds; however, there are roughly 8.9 million overcome this, and have improved the Canadians currently within that age range professionalism and prestige over the last decade. (Canadian Demographics Profile, 2013). Still, the ideology of some Canadian’s is stuck in Enormous potential for audience growth exists, the past, and they are unaware of recent improvements. The CFL must continue its especially with the 18-34 years of age sector; marketing initiatives must be in accordance with progression, and make steps to ensure they are this. seen as high class professional football with prestige in Canada.
  • 21. CFL 2013 target markets Currently, the majority of the CFL fan base is ages 6-13 in areas with CFL teams, and 18-24 year 18 primarily 35-60 years of age males, with low to old male and females across Canada, with medium level of income, and blue-collared emphasis in metro areas and cities with CFL teams. occupancy. Also, the CFL has developed a strong In targeting the 6-13 year old elementary children, relationship with small business owners who have we are striving to educate children of the CFL and young families and a little above average income increase the awareness of the CFL in their minds in Canada. These segments have proven loyal, starting from a young age. This won’t specifically with no signs of slowing, regardless of marketing look to gain direct sales but initiatives will plant a efforts. Increased return resulted from positioning seed so that the CFL is part of their life as a Grey Cup festivities and activities to a younger Canadian throughout maturity. This awareness will crowd, with no attrition from the loyal fan base. increase demand for family attendance, and When analysing the CFL, Cheri Bradish, professor translate into viewership and attendance when of sports management at Brock University, stated these children grow into the second target market that although you are first and foremost of 18-34 year olds. In targeting 18-34 young concerned with your core fans, promotional efforts professionals we look to increase interest and and entertainment value are more important for pride; ultimately through contributing to overall attracting fans and appealing to the next spectatorship of the CFL. It is believed that by generation that is teetering on the fringes. shifting the focus to make the CFL relevant to Canadians at a younger age, this pride in the That being said, marketing strategies will focus on league and its history will carry through adulthood targeting two new segments: active boys and girls and family life.
  • 22. CFL 2013 points of difference & positioning 19 In terms of differentiation from competing University at centre field; no Montreal Alouettes professional sports leagues and other logo is present, not even in the end zones. To entertainment alternatives, this marketing strategy increase their image, Montreal should put more will create increased relationships between players emphasis on branding Percival Molson Memorial and their team’s community. Additionally our Stadium as their home. Additionally, the Calgary strategy will communicate the CFL’s elaborately Stampeders should follow the same protocol and storied history; something unmatched by other increase their branding of McMahon Stadium; leagues. taking precedence over the University of Calgary in order to be respected as the higher level of As far as differentiation form current operations, football that the CFL is. This same power approach this marketing strategy will focus on improving should be taken when making sponsorship and brand image to create higher-class perception. bargaining agreements, because the CFL has great Much of this upgrade will result from current plans reach and high exposure rates for corporate for new stadium infrastructure across almost half advertisements. the league. New stadium upgrades are in progress for Hamilton, Winnipeg and Ottawa, with Positioning Saskatchewan renovations planned to be completed by 2017 season. Similar to that of the This marketing strategy focuses on positioning the CFL as a patriotic community that is proud to be new BC Place Stadium, these new stadium upgrades will be state-of-the-art; resulting in the center of emotional entertainment in Canada higher-class facilities. Moreover, by bringing the during the summer months and early winter. CFL back to the nation’s capital, this will increase the brand image by providing increased income in one of the most lucrative Canadian markets. It is recommended that the CFL minimize the amount of play in Canadian Interuniversity Spot (CIS) stadiums, because it has potential to tarnish this upgraded image. Also, the CFL should take a stance and have increased respect for their football prestige in Canada by having teams take increased ownership of their fields, instead of them being branded under a CIS school’s name. For example, Percival Molson Memorial Stadium, home of the Montreal Alouettes, is only branded by McGill
  • 23. 20 : marketing program
  • 24. CFL 2013 product & Pricing strategy 21 Product Strategy Furthermore, what works in one market may not necessarily work in all, so the mandated programs The marketing strategy does not limit the CFL to a allow for some flexibility to the discretion of game of wins and losses, it looks to market a individual teams. sense of community that exhibit’s our history and our competitors nature as Canadians. Most CFL Pricing Strategy team’s currently centralize their branding and marketing efforts around pride, history and The CFL is currently an affordable alternative for exciting professional sports entertainment across inclusion; often utilizing the word OUR. It is recommended this is continued and stressed major Canadian markets. Research shows that further to reflect on the CFL’s mantra of “This Is affordability is one of the key drivers for OUR League.” It is important that the CFL as a attendance in most CFL markets, it is product is not just represented during games, but recommended to continue to let teams determine their that it is represented as an active member of the community in own price point; which fans will which has be connected shown to be through pride. relatively low in comparison Strategies will to other attempt, within sporting and constraints, to entertainment outlets. create the most Currently for 2013 season tickets (excluding club consistent product as possible. It will accomplish seating) the league average for lowest priced this by increasing the CFL’s involvement into the seating is $241.63, for middle priced seating its marketing of individual teams and ensuring each $457.38, and for highest priced seating it’s team implements certain initiatives. These $764.88. These prices situate CFL games well in initiatives are ones which have proven successful comparison to other sports’ season tickets. for individual teams in their respective areas, and Additionally, pricing for merchandising will remain will be mandated for all CFL teams to implement the same. Once, and only if, substantial and these ventures. Although there will be increased continual growth is established and the overall involvement, management will remain minimal image of the CFL enhanced, then ticket prices can because each market is so diverse and each team’s rise minimally; however, tickets must remain marketing department understands their social affordable on a per-game basis compared to NFL culture and competitive environment. or NHL.
  • 25. CFL 2013 promotional strategy After the most successful Grey Cup to date, this is Winnipeg vs. Toronto, get your tickets today at 22 the opportunistic time where there exists the” Other scenarios where the commercial’s greatest amount of interest surrounding the CFL. character will cheer excessively is when they get This increase in monetary resources and interest stopped by a train then “boo”, make a big scene, can be capitalized on though implementing a and complain in a way you would dispute a promotional blitz in order to use momentum and referee’s call. The character starts hitting their build the total fan base. This marketing strategy steering wheel, this makes the airbag deploy in consists of 4 parts. their face. This commercial will end similarly to the first. A final example is two friends who are young National Commercials adults are fresh off of a completed NHL season, First, national commercials will be run on networks bored, and playing chess because they have no other than TSN. These commercials will focus on other entertainment options during mid-June, increasing awareness and excitement for the start when one friend wins, he celebrates excessively. of the CFL season. The commercials will target The commercial will then end similar to the above 18-34 year old adults who are experiencing a lag examples, reminding the characters that the CFL of entertainment concluding the NHL season. As season is right around the corner. The purpose of of now, no CFL commercials are advertised on this commercial is to build interest around the CFL networks other than TSN; thus, a limited and increase awareness of a new season starting. demographic is subject to promotions for CFL The commercial that will run on TSN will focus on games. Although commercials will broadcast on communicating the history of the game, building other networks, they will also be broadcasted on excitement and creating a sense of pride. The TSN to target many sports fans. However, the commercial will be very similar to the promotional commercial to be aired on TSN will be different video from the “This Is OUR League” campaign in than that of other networks. 2008. The purpose of this commercial is to build Commercials on other networks will showcase excitement within all sports fans, and provide individuals cheering excessively over minor incentive for them to attend the next CFL game or scenarios in their everyday life, such as getting a at least watch it on television; something they may candy bar un-stuck from a vending machine. After not have been inclined to otherwise do. Many the character and their friends cheer ecstatically, young sports fans are unaware of the history and the commercial will then say “need something to diversity of the CFL, this advertisement will cheer about? You belong in the stands.” The educate them increase their attention to the CFL. scene will then flash to them in the stands of a CFL Although running a national television campaign game cheering, and the commercial will say will be costly, the benefit is worth the something to the nature of “season starts June 12,
  • 26. CFL 2013 promotional strategy 23 commitment. In 2001 the CFL ran their “Rivalries” out that youth participation for amateur football in campaign on national TV. Following the launch, Canada is declining; resulting in less young attendance had increased significantly, there was football fans (The Globe and Mail, 2010). growth among young male viewers, and increased Encouraging young boys and girls to get involved sponsorship agreements with new partners (CFL in minor football, either through playing or Partnership Marketing Group, 2002). For the first cheerleading programs, is critical in sustaining the time, the league was recognized for its marketing next generation of CFL fans. Moreover, by having and advertising initiatives through business press, professional CFL players talk with children about three marketing awards and significant industry being active and making smart decisions, they will awards. In the first full year of the campaign, gross be attracted to the CFL and relate the players to sponsorship revenue increased by nearly 36%. being role models. All CFL teams are currently Television audience for adults 18-34 increased by involved in their community and visit schools, but an average of 45,000 viewers per game. Currently the message is not consistent and no programs the CFL has a significantly broader and stronger encourage children to join minor football. position for corporate partnerships than in 2001, Furthermore, this tour will build the brand image and has substantially higher nation-wide interest; of the CFL and its players as well as reinforce a thus, this effect should easily be replicated. critical point of difference that separates the CFL from the clutter. CFL Child Champions Tour Mandated Community Initiatives The CFL Child Champions Tour is a tour of 6 provinces (Quebec to BC) where the CFL with As mentioned in the product strategy, it is partner with amateur football organizations for recommended that the CFL mandate teams to each province, and each of the CFL’s 8 teams. The implement certain initiatives that have proven tour will include two CFL reps, two CFL players, successful. The first program that will be and one to two advocators for amateur football in mandated is for teams to run at least one sports the corresponding province. The amateur football day camp for young children, which include organizations that will be involved include Football involving other sports franchises in the community. BC, Football Alberta, Football Saskatchewan, The CFL teams will pair up with other professional Football Manitoba, Ontario Football Alliance, and sports teams in their area, specifically with the Football Quebec. The objective of the tour is to surrounding NHL franchise (with the exception of visit elementary schools across the six provinces Saskatchewan) and create a multi-sport sports day with CFL teams, promoting children to get active, that involves interacting with children through fun make smart choices, and ultimately get involved in drills and other activities. Except for Saskatchewan, amateur football. Sports marketing experts point all CFL teams have other professional teams to
  • 27. CFL 2013 promotional strategy partner with, assuming the Toronto Maple Leafs team’s locker room in their facility. There is a 24 would partner with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. In continuum to Football 101 called Football 202 paring with NHL teams, children who are fans of where the women who have taken 101 will get a hockey will attend and be exposed to CFL football, chance to run through fun filled drills with the increasing their awareness and interest in players and interact with them. Both the BC Lions Canadian football. and the Calgary Stampedes have implemented these seminars and have sold out the last three Through partnering with the Canucks Autism years. This is a great opportunity to educate Network (CAN) on March 17, 2013 the BC Lions, females on the game and create fans who will Vancouver Canucks, Vancouver Whitecaps, and want to get their entire family involved. Vancouver Canadians provided fun sports activities for children with autism and their parents. The Continuation of Current Projects event was a great success and helped increase the It is highly recommended that the CFL continue to presence of all teams involved in the minds of the children and their parents. One Mother strengthen their connection with the CIS in order commented on CAN’s Facebook page “Travis to increase interest among young adults who are [Lulay], on behalf of my little girl, thank you for already fans of football, or currently players of being such a big part of what made sports day so university football. This would require the CFL to continue its extensive coverage on prospects, the awesome and memorable!” By creating reactions like this, fan support amongst the community is CFL Canadian Draft and the Annual CIS East-West increased and a positive brand image is promoted. Bowl. This positive impact can be created across the Also, it is important for the CFL to extend their country if teams are encouraged to partner with licensing agreement with New Era hats when it surrounding professional teams and create a sports expires January 2014. The contract should be day for young children ages 6-13. extended for another three years because it is Another great initiative that should be essential in creating merchandising sales for the implemented league-wide is Football 101, which is younger demographic, and increasing brand a one-day course designed just for women who awareness amongst teenagers and young adults. If possible, the CFL should not focus on extending want to learn about the Canadian football game. The two hour seminar will be taught by players the licensing agreement with 5th and Ocean, and coaches of CFL teams who will teach women instead, focus apparel branding on Reebok athletic about the history, rules, positions, and strategy clothing. 5th and Ocean is not a well-established behind the CFL. The seminar will take place in a clothing company for youth and young adult apparel in Canada; therefore, fans would be more classroom setting right in the corresponding CFL inclined to purchase Reebok apparel instead.
  • 28. CFL 2013 distribution strategy 25 Distribution Strategy Increased distribution should be take place around areas where CFL teams reside, and little The CFL should continue its distribution of distribution should be focused on northern regions merchandise and ticket sales across Canadian retail of provinces. stores and shopping centres, as well as online.
  • 29. 26 : implementation plan
  • 30. CFL 2013 implementation plan 27 The plan has within it 4 distinct initiatives, each may communicate and promote the tour to their one feeds into the other and rely on a flawless students. Internship positions will also be filled, plan of execution that allows for fluid sequential prior to 2014, and individuals must be trained and delivery. The following pages will outline the coordinated in early 2014 in preparation for the implementation process of each strategy mid-February tour start date. As these dates may individually. conflict with university semesters, co-op students will be prime candidates, especially those in CFL Child Champions Tour communications, community relations and In implementing this strategy the CFL will follow a marketing. structured and consistent plan throughout the We arrived at this tentative timeline and tour tour; however, management of the program will outline by scheduling a minimum of 3 school stops be carried out via the VP of Community per day during the tour’s time in the province, Development and supplemented with human meaning the tour should hit 30 schools in their resource input in each of the provinces. The two week stays in each province. Each school stop proposed tour would require separate human will last approximately one hour. These per day resource input in each province. This individual will visit numbers and time allocation is based upon be charged with organizing the tour, players, provincial school tours done currently executed by associations, sponsorships, and school stops. On CFL teams. Players will be paid to attend each the ground, special CFL Tour Interns will carry-out event at an average hourly rate of $200, meaning directives from the VPCD which will include hands- the tour should cost $1,200 to $1,400 per day in on support for and organization of all stakeholders player salary costs. Other costs will come in the in the tour and will travel with the players for the form of tour bus rental, and promotional wrap entire duration of the tour in their respective affixed to the bus advertising the tour and acting province. These unpaid internship positions will be as traveling billboard in between school stops and filled and vetted through LinkedIn and connections parked outside each school. Fuel costs for the tour with universities and CIS teams from each bus will be around $300 per day. province. Accommodations will be provided to CFL The duration of the tour will be approximately employees and CFL players. Also, these members three to three and a half months, starting mid- will be given a 75$ per diem flat rate per person February and ending in late May 2014. This (4). Entry in elementary schools will be relatively timeline means pre-tour organization must easy and cost little to no capital to gain access. To commence in the 4th quarter of 2013, a drafted remain consistent, tour tracksuits and uniforms will schedule of each school stop on the tour should be purchased for all attending players and will be distributed prior to 2014, so that the schools feature the tour logo prominently. To guarantee a
  • 31. CFL 2013 implementation plan lasting impression at each stop, high quality t- strategy. Through this plan, we hope the CFL can 28 shirts will be given to participating students. introduce mandated community initiatives at the team level across the league. Involvement will Partnering with CFL staff and players will be depend on team dynamics and player schedules, amateur football organizations across all 6 but the importance of community involvement as provinces (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, a function of the greater grassroots campaign to Ontario and Quebec). Costs for these advocators develop a stronger youth audience should be a will not be covered by the CFL, as they are topic of discussion in future collective agreements. primarily promoting enrolment into minor football The implementation of community initiatives will in respective areas. It is recommended that only be handled on a community by community basis one to two amateur football employees be with some influence coming from the CFL. The present, as this will minimize their cost while still responsibility of carrying-out this initiative will rest proving sufficient to communicate an effective of the community department of the individual message. teams. Where the CFL can provide support is in Awareness of the tour will be created primarily the area of organizing NHL team participation in through each schools internal marketing; which the targeted cities. These connections must be will be supplemented by the CFL with uniform and made early to ensure the success of each team’s high-quality promotional materials. Awareness community engagement. Scheduling of these may be generated secondarily by low-cost market community events will be variable, but occur specific TSN advertisements, that feature throughout the entire year. With some direction recognizable players announcing they are “coming from CFL management we hope the number of to your city” and list relevant dates, times, and events will increase approaching the beginning of school stops. The TSN advertisement slots will be the 2014 season and that the initiatives prove as purchased and handled at the regional level, and successful in all team’s markets as it was in the primarily only utilized when attendance numbers initial team’s market where the idea was are less than expected or declining. TSN generated. advertisement cost will be minimized through the Another component of the community partnership deal formalized in early 2013, and involvement initiative is the league-wide Football represent a step towards co-promotion between 101, and 202 seminars, this will be created the two organizations. centrally through the CFL and distributed to each Mandated Community Initiatives team. The design will be target women. Player participation is critical to the plan, and thus where The CFL Child Champions Tour will complement the costs are focused. As before, the average the CFL’s broader community involvement hourly rate of $200 will apply, and may be partially
  • 32. CFL 2013 implementation plan 29 subsidized by the CFL. The two seminars will take Canadian Draft and annual CIS East-West Bowl; place on two consecutive days during late April or each of which require different human resource early May; this provides great timing leading up to requirements, but require no shift from current the start of season, while not impeding too closely operating practice. on pre-training camp preparations. The price for each seminar will be a single charge of $60 plus Another strategy that should remain a feature of tax, and will include a Football 101 package. The the CFL is the current licensing agreement with New Era, which is due to expire in January 2014. package consists of a Football 101 t-shirt and a ticket to a CFL home game in addition to an Contract and negotiations should be finalized by opportunity to take place in their home team’s the end of 2013, which could include travel and warm-up from the sidelines at an upcoming CFL due diligence on behalf of the CFL. This game. The females will likely use this ticket to take relationship has served the CFL well in engaging the younger demographic, but the strategy’s their families and provides opportunity to gain multiple loyal fans. The costs associated with this success ends with the hats supplied by New Era, are very minimal, outside of player payment cost, the inclusion of 5th and Ocean has not proven to because they seminars are operated out of the be beneficial, and should not be an element of the team’s own facilities and requires very little new contract. The CFL should instead focus on strengthening their relationship with Reebok the equipment and personnel. Individual teams are free to add or change any service of their seminar chief supplier of the CFL’s official wear. This to their discretion, as long as the program is still portion of the strategy will likely be handled by the present. VP of Marketing and his staff. Continuation of Current Projects National Commercials The timing and execution of the above strategies Critical to the CFL’s sustained growth moving forward is developing a strong young adult fan all serve to conclude just days prior to the base with disposable income. Interest is beginning of the CFL season in early June (June predominantly generated through existing 12, 2013). The timing of these initiatives is not a involvement in organized football, at various levels. mistake, as the final piece of our proposed strategy comes into play during the Stanley Cup Connections between the CFL and organizations like the CIS must be perpetually maintained and finals; the final cup game date varies but has continue to bear fruit. Implementation of this frequently ended in the first week of June (June portion of the strategy should continue to be 11, 2012). On this day, approximately 9.2 million carried out through promotional partnerships and Canadians are glued to their television sets, 62% of the 25-54 age demographic is watching this live include extensive coverage of prospects, the event, and due to that live nature and intense
  • 33. CFL 2013 implementation plan focus view the commercials during the cup games immediately before the return to game preferably 30 more so than any other time during the year. This as most frequently this is when fans are paying the represents an opportune time to advertise to this most attention over the mid-point of the break. In large national audience, unified in their love for this way, CBC’s national orientation and Canadian sports. The time to advertise becomes centralized broadcast of the games mean to reach more opportune as this enormous population of the almost 10 million Canadians watching this avid sports fan will by the end of night be without event. The commercials will be aired on TSN post a sport to follow for conceivably 4 months when Stanley cup finals, as ad space with TSN can again the NFL season starts in September. This means be attained at a significant discount due to the there is a demand for Canadian sports ongoing relationship between the two entertainment during this gap, which the CFL can organizations. Also, 10 ads will be run on CTV fill. during evening weeknight television in early June. The cost for these advertisements will be less than The individuals charged with implementing this that of the Stanley Cup, but significant funds will arm of the marketing plan will be the VP of need to be allocated towards this initiative. Marketing and Marketing Coordinator, in this position they will coordinate staff to develop the commercials to be aired. This can be done through an external marketing agency, but can be avoided by utilizing the highly effective and patriotic “This is OUR League” commercials currently available from the CFL. Additional support and advisement can be sought from the BC Lions marketing team who successfully developed a large quantity of high-quality humorous commercials that can be used to guide development of CFL’s commercials but the message needs to apply to the broader CFL audience. It will also be the necessary to interface with CBC and the Hockey Night in Canada organization to purchase ad space in the final games. This process will likely need to begin in winter 2013. At $140,000 per 30 second commercial, and with approximately nine commercial breaks per regulation NHL game, the CFL should place commercials in 5 of these breaks,
  • 34. 31 : appendices
  • 35. CFL 2013 appendix 1.0 2012 CFL Season Attendance Summary 2012 CFL Season Attendance Summary 32 Statistic Value Game Pre-Season Single Game Attendance High 36,214 MTL @ TOR Season Average 27,811.6 Total Attendance 222,493 Capacity Average 37,036.9 % of Capacity 75.09% Sellouts 1 Regular Season Single Game Attendance High 43,178 SSK @ EDM Season Average 28,192.7 Total Attendance 2,029,875 Capacity Average 37,036.9 % of Capacity 76.12% Sellouts 9
  • 36. CFL 2013 appendix 1.0 33 Week$$$$1$$$$$$$$2$$$$$$$$$$$3$$$$$$$$$4$$$$$$$$$$5$$$$$$$$$$6$$$$$$$$$$$7$$$$$$$$$8$$$$$$$$$$$9$$$$$$$$$$10$$$$$$$$11$$$$$$12$$$$$$$13$$$$$$$$$$14$$$$$$$$15$$$$$$$$$16$$$$$$$$$$$$17$$$$$$$$$$$18
  • 37. CFL 2013 appendix 2.0 2007 Grey Cup Spectator Origin by Source 34
  • 38. CFL 2013 Acknowledgement & thanks 35 MNCC Consulting would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations who made a contribution to the successful development of this marketing plan, whether by providing constructive information, professional guidance and valuable support through the entire term to complete this project. Without the encouragement and guidance of the following, this project would not have materialized: The BC Lions Sean McGarva, Community Relations Coordinator, BC Lions The Odette School of Business Odette Professor Peter Mateja The Canadian Football League The University of Windsor As the delivery of this plan progresses, the continued commitment of these and other organizations will be critical the CFL’s success. Key contacts in MNCC Consulting © Matt McGarva <>, Tyler Compton <>, Donato Cerino <>, Michael Nasser <>. Please direct questions and comments about this report via email.
  • 39. CFL 2013 Sources$(2011).$Canadian$football$league.$The$Canadian$Business$Journal,$Retrieved$from$hGp:// 36 mobile/business_in_acOon/sports_recreaOon/ mark_cohon_was_named_commissioner_of_the_canadian_football_leagu.html Dowbiggin,$B.$(2011,$November$9).$CFL's$slumping$raOngs$cause$for$concern$U$The$Globe$and$Mail.$The$Globe$and$ Mail.$Retrieved$March$22,$2013,$from$hGp:// causeUforUconcern/arOcle4183618/ Edmonton$Eskimos$Annual$Report.$Rep.$2011.$Web.$12$Mar.$2013 Gesa,$N.$Canadian$Sport$Tourism$Alliance,$(2008).$2007$grey$cup:$Economic$impact$asseesment.$Toronto,$ON:$ Hummel,$T.$(2012).$LeC$at$the$gate:$A$discrete$choice$model$of$fan$aEendance$in$the$canadian$football$league.$ (Master's$thesis,$The$University$of$Guelph). Long,$M.$(2010,$August).$The$rebirth$of$the$new$CFL.$Retrieved$from$hGp:// rebirthUofUnewUcfl.html$ M$Assie,$S.$(2011).$Canadian$football$league$stadium$locaOon:$A$comparaOve$analysis$of$the$saskatchewan$ entertainment$facility$and$winnipeg$stadium.$ Parkinson,$D.$(2010,$November$26).$CFL$'definitely$going$in$the$right$direcOon'.$Globe$Advisor.$Retrieved$March$ 20,$2013,$from$hGps:// /SPCFLBUSINESS26ATL Saskatchewan$Roughrider$Football$Club$Inc.$2011U2012$Annual$Report.$Web.$12.$Mar.$2013 Scrimshaw,$B.,$Neish,$J.,$Bensimon,$J.,$&$Hunt,$G.$(2002).$Canadian$Football$League$Case.$CFL$&$Bensimon$Byrne$ D’Arcy,$1,$1U2. Staff,$T.$C.$(2012,$November$26).$100th$grey$cup$game$sets$viewership$records$for$tsn.$Retrieved$from$hGp:// Winnipeg$Blue$Bombers$Annual$Report.$Rep.$2011.$Web.$12$Mar.$2013 Hodgson,$Glen,$and$Mario$Lefebvre.$"The$Pro$Sports$Market$in$Canada."$The$Pro$Sport$Market$in$Canada.$The$ Conference$Board$of$Canada,$11$Feb.$2011.$Web.$08$Mar.$2013.
  • 40. Special thanks to Published April 2013 by MNCC Consulting Copyright © MNCC Consulting