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Which brain region or brain was most affected?
Cerebrum – what is it? Largest part of the brain. It contains a left and right hemisphere – the left
hemisphere controls logic, sequences, and math whereas the right side is more intuitive, artistic and
creative. The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body and the left hemisphere controls the
right half of the body. These hemispheres are separated by the corpus callosum
4 lobes of the cerebrum:
Interprets the info being transmitted to the eyes, located at the back of the brain. Responsible for
processing vision
Quick to process rapid info
Participants were presented with visual stimuli in the form of a GIF. The occipital lobe receives
visual data from the sensors ... Show more content on ...
The autonomic system is branched into two categories: Sympathetic and parasympathetic o If the
sympathetic branch is stimulated, then it triggers "fight or flight" responses to deal with stress, such
as dilation of pupils o If the parasympathetic branch is stimulated, which is known for slow
responses such as digestion and rest, the pupils constrict, so become smaller.
However, inhibiting the parasympathetic system can hence cause dilation, since stimulation of this
branch makes pupils smaller
When the subjects were viewing the scary GIF and they saw the lady pop out, this stimulated their
sympathetic branch and inhibited their parasympathetic branch, causing pupils to dilate and some of
them even jumping back. This was their body's way of dealing with a stressful situation.
CNS – brain and spinal cord
Takes in info from the entire body and interprets this info to coordinate activity in the body
These regions are all located in the brain with the retina and optic nerve also connected to the CNS
because they have direct contact with the brain
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The Cerebrum
How the Brain Works
The brain is a very complex organ. It has many different parts which each perform dissimilar tasks.
Decisions,senses,emotions and the ability to think are all functions of the brain.The brain has many
other different roles and along with the rest of the nervous system controls and interacts with all
other body systems. This makes the brain essential for the survival of the rest of the body. Unlike
many other organs it cannot be replaced (transplanted).
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and its purposes vary from language to calculation and
the sense. The cerebrum(not shown in diagram) is the largest structure in the brain and takes up
approximately two thirds of the overall mass of the brain. The cerebrum can ... Show more content
on ...
The cerebellum which in english means little brain is situated above the brainstem at the back of the
brain. The cerebellum is two masses of folded tissue which are each about the size of a peach. It
plays a vital role in muscle and limb activation and coordination which helps achieve a desired
action or movement. It also helps in controlling fear responses, happiness responses, precision,
coordination and correct timing. In the center of the brain is a very important and powerful structure
the size and shape of an almond, the Amygdala. Although the Amygdala is very small it has
essential purposes such as emotional reactions and basic survival needs. It also causes nervous
reactions such as sweaty palms. Located at the top of the brainstem is the Thalamus, it processes,
and sorts information received from other parts of the brain and sends them through the spinal cord.
It relays signals back and forth through the brainstem between the cerebrum and the other parts of
the nervous system. The brainstem is the lowest part of the human brain, it is also the most basic. It
controls simple functions like the heart pulse, digestion, breathing and
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The Name of the Brain Areas and Its Functions
) The name of the brain areas and its functions Image 1: Brain parts
Image 1: (viewed at 08/03/14)
Brain Part Function A) Frontal lobe The frontal lobes of the brain are the most anterior, which
means they are positioned right behind your forehead and at the top–front of the head.
The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments
related to sympathy, which is the ability to feel sadness for someone else's suffering, and empathy,
which the ability to understand another's feelings and problems. They are also the seat of
understanding humour, including delicate witticisms and word plays.
The frontal lobes also identifies sarcasm and irony, another function of lobes control is the
functioning of sequencing events, which is the ability to plan a series of movements needed to
perform a multi–step task, like making a sandwich. The ability to solve problems, which often
depends on flexible thinking and the ability to correctly express language are both controlled by the
frontal lobes. The left is most predominantly language related while the right is most predominantly
non–verbal. the left brain is the source of logic, which tends to be language based, and the right is
creative, which tends to be non–verbal
Rear part of the frontal lobe is especially designed for the movements and tissue disorganization
cause of the disability of a limb. Stimulate of every part of the
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Cranial Nerves Origin
Cranial nerves
Maram Hussien Alzahrani
Cranial nerves:
The cranial nerves are a set of 12 paired nerves that arise directly from the brain. The first two
nerves (olfactory and optic) arise from the cerebrum, whereas the remaining ten emerge from the
brain stem.
The names of the cranial nerves relate to their function and they are also numerically identified in
roman numerals (I–XII).
Origin of the Cranial Nerves
There are twelve cranial nerves in total. The olfactory nerve (CN I) and optic nerve (CN II) originate
from the cerebrum.
Cranial nerves III – XII arise from the brain stem (Figure 1). They can arise from a specific part of
the brain stem (midbrain, pons or medulla), or from a junction between two parts:
Midbrain – the trochlear nerve (IV) comes from the posterior side of the midbrain. It has the longest
intracranial ... Show more content on ...
General visceral sensory (GVS) – general sensation from viscera.
Special somatic sensory (SSS) – senses derived from ectoderm (sight, sound, balance).
Special visceral sensory (SVS) – senses derived from endoderm (taste).
Motor (efferent) Modalities:
General somatic motor (GSM) – skeletal muscles.
General visceral motor (GVM) – smooth muscles of gut and autonomic motor.
Special visceral motor (SVM) – muscles derived from pharyngeal arches.
Davis, Matthew C.; Griessenauer, Christoph J.; Bosmia, Anand N.; Tubbs, R. Shane; Shoja,
Mohammadali M. "The naming of the cranial nerves: A historical review". Clinical Anatomy 27 (1):
^ Jump up to:a b Mallatt, Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon (2012). Human anatomy
(6th ed. media update. ed.). Boston: Benjamin Cummings. pp. 431–432.
Fitzgerald, M.J. Turlough FitzGerald, Gregory Gruener, Estomih Mtui (2012). Clinical
neuroanatomy and neuroscience (6th ed.). [Edinburgh?]: Saunders/Elsevier. p.
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Major Structures Of The Human Brain Essay
The Five Major Structures of the Human Brain
University of Phoenix
PSY 240
October 27, 2012
Olivia Fransis
The human brain is nothing short of incredible. In a way it's the world's most powerful computer
because it can process tasks at lightning speeds and simultaneously be in control of our reflexes and
every other voluntary and involuntary functions. It is the most important and complex organ as well
as our core for learning
At the point of birth, the brain weighs an average of 350 to 400 grams and can weigh from about
1,300 to 1,400 grams as an adult. The brain is composed up of roughly 77 to 78% of water, 10 to
12% lipids, 8% proteins, 1% carbs, 2% soluble organics, and 1% inorganic salt. The brain can
actually grow as ... Show more content on ...
The telencephalon is at the front of the brain and is made up of the basil ganglia, the cerebral cortex,
the olfactory bulb, and the corpus striatum. The functions of the telencephalon include: determining
intelligence, personality, sense of smell, sense of touch, sensory impulse interpretations,
organization and planning.
The diencephalon is located in between the cerebral hemispheres and is greater than the midbrain. It
is composed of the thalamus and hypothalamus structures. The thalamus acts as a relay point for
nerve impulses that are inbound from around the body that are then dispatched to the appropriate
area of the brain for processing. The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions produced from the
pituitary gland. These hormones control growth and instinctual behaviors such as eating, drinking,
sex, anger, and reproduction. The hypothalamus also controls when a new mother begins to lactate.
Some of the functions of the diencephalon include: sensing impulses moving throughout the body,
controlling autonomic functions, endocrine functions, motor functions, homeostasis and basic senses
such as hearing, vision, smell, and taste.
The cerebrum is the bigger portion of the brain and it consists of 85% of the overall weight of the
brain. It has a unique outer surface with deep wrinkles, which is the cerebral cortex that consists of
"gray matter". The cerebrum is what makes the human brain as powerful as it is. Unlike
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Multiple Explanations Behind Writing Proficiency
most individuals, are especially essential in terms of the making of the phonological, semantic, and
syntactic constituents of speech. In whole, there are solid explanations behind writing proficiency to
be viewed as part and bundle of etymological insights. Having said this, yet, I 'd like to contend that
when we take a gander at how the cerebrum forms the true knowledge of perusing and thinking of,
we can start to perceive how the greater part of the eight intelligences have vital parts to play.
To represent, how about we look at what happens in the cerebrum amid the basic display of talking a
printed word (see Figure 1.1). Initially the human eye must watch the statement along the page. This
sensation is initially enrolled by the essential visual range in the occipital flap (the kind of spatial
insight). After the saying is seen in the essential visual territory, it is then transferred to the rakish
gyrus (a "gyrus" is the peak of a solitary convolution in the neocortex), at the intersection of the
transient, parietal, and occipital flaps of the cerebrum. I like to think about the rakish gyrus as the
district of the cerebrum that most reflects the thought of numerous intelligences ' relationship to
reading proficiency in light of the fact that it is here, at the intersection of three separate projections,
that numerous diverse sorts of data are united or connected with one another in making etymological
data, including visual–spatial setups, musical and oral sounds, and
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Primary Functions Of The Brain
The brain is an astonishing organ used in an everyday life, but do you know what each function of
the brain does? The myth about humans using only 10 percent of our brain has been around for
decades, but what the people don't know is that there is "no scientific evidence to suggest" that
theory (Chudler). We all know that the brain isn't just a simple organ. Billions and trillions of
connections or also known as synapses create those neurons that our brain consists of. The weight of
each and every brain weighs about "3 pounds" (Lewis). It consists of "two percent body weight"
(Lewis), and is larger in relation to body size than any other brain. Our brains are the "same
structure as mammal brains", and are both the "command center for the ... Show more content on ...
It controls the behavior such as hunger, thirst, sleep and sexual response. It also "regulates body
temperature, blood pressure, emotions, and secretion of hormones" (Hines).
What lies beneath the cerebrum is called the cerebellum, which has an important function in motor
control. It has a role with coordination and balance. "The left brain involves speech and language as
the right brain involves visual and auditory" (Lewis). Everyone uses both halves of the brain at the
same time. "Both right and left brain are joined by a bundle of fibers called the corpus callosum that
delivers messages from one side to another" (Hines). "Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of
the body. Such as the left hemisphere is dominant in hand use and language in about 92% of
people." (Hines).
Did you ever wonder where we get the intelligence, creativity, emotion and memory? Well it is all
governed by the brain. Our brain receives information through our five senses, and they are sight,
smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Another thing is that our brain controls everything. It controls
thoughts, memory, and speech, movement in the arms and legs, and the working functions of many
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Effects Of Alcohol On Memory
What effects does alcohol abuse have on our memory? The world's most popular drug, alcohol has
both an acute and chronic effect on memory. Memory is the process in which information is
encoded, stored, and retrieved. While an individual is intoxicated, their subsequent episodic memory
of information or an even is reduced. Everyone suffers from a loss of memory at some stage, but
drinkers are likely to make bigger mistakes and on a regular basis. "Alcohol is associated with a host
of familiar cognitive changes, such as a loss of inhibitions, confused or abnormal thinking, and poor
decision–making. Recreational alcohol users generally recover from its effects without any long–
term problems. However, even short–term loss of control over normal ... Show more content on ...
Little is thought about the neural instruments that underlie these individual contrasts. It is
additionally found that alcohol weakens working memory by influencing mental aide procedures
and official procedures as opposed to by contracting the fundamental holding limit of working
memory. Confined intense direct levels of alcohol inebriation don't significantly physically adjust
the structures which are basic for working memory capacity, for example, the frontal cortex, parietal
cortex, foremost cingulate, and parts of the basal ganglia. One finding in regards to the impacts of
alcohol on working memory brings up that alcohol diminishes working memory just in people with
a high gauge working memory limit, recommending an all–inclusive enduring of working memory
usefulness is non–existent. Alcohol seems to disable the limit of working memory to adjust reaction
hindrance. Alcohol disinhibits conduct, however just in people with a low benchmark working
memory limit. A fascinating finding is that motivating force to perform well with working memory
estimation undertakings while affected by alcohol does in certainty have some impact on working
memory, in that it supports scores in rate of mental filtering and response time to boost, however did
not diminish number of blunders contrasted with subjects with no impetus to perform well.
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Cerebrum Essay
The Cerebrum
To begin with, the human brain is the most complex part of the human body. It has control to every
organ because of a primary functional unit which is the neurons. The exterior part of the brain has
specific functions to every organ in the human body. Therefore, the human brain is the most
important organ in the human body. A person can be left brained or right brained according to how
they act.
The Cerebellum is the trilobed structure of the brain. The cerebellum helps provide smooth
coordinated body movement. Examples would balance, posture, coordination, and voluntary
movements. It also modifies motor commands to make more movement accurate and adaptive. The
cerebellum is located at the back of the brain and contains 50% ... Show more content on ...
(Canedo, A. (1997, February 7))
Broca's area can also be called convolution of Broca. Broca's are has functions linked to speech
production. In other terms it produces language. Broca's area was discovered in 1861 by Paul Broca.
Broca's area is connected to Wernicke's area by a neural pathway called accurate fasciculus. (Broca's
Area (n.d.))
Parietal lobe receives all somatosensory input from the body. Wernicke's area is located in the back
of the parietal lobe. Wernicke's area is important for understanding sensory information for
language. Damage to this part of the brain produces sensory aphasia. Patients cannot understand
language but can still make sounds. (Amthor, F. (n.d.))
Somatosensory cortex processes input from various systems in the body that are sensitive to touch.
Specialized cells react specifically to pain. Multiple types of sensation from body, includes tough,
sight, hear, smell, and taste. Sensory information carried to the brain by the neural pathways.
(Somatosensory cortex. (n.d.))
Occipital lobe receives visual information directly from eyes. This lobe is important so the eyes
know what they are seeing. These lobes have to be very fast to process rapid information that the
eyes are sending. V1 is visual area one related to whichever image is around somebody's current
point of gaze. Damage to the V1 can cause blindness. (Scott, T. (n.d.))
Temporal lobe processes auditory info from the ears. The basal ganglia works with
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The Cerebrum: Largest Part Of The Human Brain
The cerebrum also known as the cerebral cortex is the largest part of the human brain. It is
associated with brain function such as thought and action. four sections make up the cerebral cortex,
called "lobes": the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe. The Occipital Lobe
is associated with the visual process. This region receives input from the retina. The mind is than
able to interpret color and other vision aspects. It is located at the rear portion of the skull, behind
the parietal and temporal lobes.
The second important region of the cerebral cortex is the frontal lobe. It is responsible for important
cognitive skills in humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language,
judgment, and sexual
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Medulla Oblongata Essay
1) The medulla oblongata is arguably the most important part of the brain since it controls critical
involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure via critical nuclei within the
medulla's reticular formation known as the medullary respiratory center, the cardiac center, the
vasomotor center, in addition to reflexes for vomiting(in the area postrema), sneezing, and coughing.
At the location of the foramen magnum, the medulla sits directly adjacent to and is continuous with
the spinal cord and is the most caudal and inferior segment of the brainstem. The pons lies
superiorly to the medulla. The medulla is approximately an inch in length and the superior portion is
formed where the dorsal surface of the medulla meets ... Show more content on ...
It descends posteriorly to the brachial artery and continues following distally to the insertion of the
latissimus dorsi on the anterior and proximal aspect of the humerus (the medial lip of the inter–
tubercular groove). It then sharply turns posterior to the humerus to enter what is known as the
'radial groove' which courses inferiorly and laterally along the posterior surface of the bone. While
in the groove, the nerve is covered superficially by the lateral head of the triceps brachii towards
which it is sending branches for innervation. The nerve continues along the groove on route to the
epicondyle of the lateral elbow where it divides into a superficial branch which follows the lateral
edge of the radius terminating in the dorsolateral skin of the hand, and a deep branch running
posteriorly to innervate the forearm's extensor muscles at its termination. Injury to the radial nerve
may result in trouble extending the arm, trouble extending the wrist, also called "wrist drop", and
weakness in hand
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Cerebellum Vs Cerebrum Research Paper
The cerebrum is the largest portion of the human brain. It takes up about 4/5 of the weight of the
brain and has what is described as a wrinkled cortex. Wrinkled cortex increases the surface area of
which increases the number of neurons. This makes human brain to be more efficient than other
vertebrates ("Cerebrum vs Cerebellum," n.d.). The cerebrum in divided by the cerebral fissure,
which separates it into two hemispheres, the left and right which is being further discussed by a
fellow classmate. The two hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum. Both hemispheres can
also be divided into four lobes which we know as the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occiptal lobes.
The frontal lobe helps aids us with reasoning, speech, movement,
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Summary: Structural Boundaries
The brain is composed of 3 main structural divisions, the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the
brainstem. The cerebrum fills up most of your skull, it is divided into right and left hemispheres it is
involved in remembering, problem solving, thinking, and feeling. It also controls movement.
Functionally, it obtains information from your surroundings then sends that information to a specific
part of the cerebrum. The cerebrum interprets the knowledge and decides what must happen next.
The cerebrum, holds the instructions for everything you do in your daily life. The cerebellum sits at
the back of your head, under the cerebrum. It controls coordination and balance. Most body
movements require the coordination of multiple muscle groups. Times muscle ... Show more content
on ...
Dreams can occur in other stages of sleep other than REM, but are usually vaguer. We are able to
incorporate external sounds into our dreams such as a telephone ringing of thunderstorm. Instead,
most active dreaming occurs during REM sleep, when the brain is most active. During REM sleep,
signals from the pons travel to the thalamus, which relays them to the cerebral cortex, which is the
part of the brain that interprets and organizes information from the environment during
consciousness and stimulate its regions that are responsible for learning, thinking, and organizing
information the pons also sends signals that shut off neurons in the spinal cord, causing
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Somatosensory Cortex Effect
The examination was done in the lab of Richard Andersen, James G. Boswell Professor of
Neuroscience, T&C Chen Brain–Machine Interface Center Leadership Chair, and executive of the
T&C Chen Brain–Machine Interface Center. A paper portraying the work shows up in the April 10
issue of the diary eLife.
The somatosensory cortex is a segment of cerebrum that oversees real sensations, both
proprioceptive sensations (vibes of development or the body's situation in space) and cutaneous
sensations (those of weight, vibration, touch, and so forth). Past to the new work, neural inserts
focusing on comparable mind regions dominatingly delivered sensations, for example, shivering or
humming in the hand. The Andersen lab's embed can deliver significantly more common sensation
by means of intracortical incitement, similar to sensations experienced by the patient preceding his
damage. ... Show more content on ...
Two varieties of modest terminals were surgically embedded into his somatosensory cortex.
Utilizing the clusters, the analysts empowered neurons in the locale with little heartbeats of power.
The member announced feeling diverse characteristic sensations –, for example, crushing, tapping, a
feeling of upward movement, and a few others – that would fluctuate in sort, power, and area
relying upon the recurrence, plentifulness, and area of incitement from the exhibits. It is the first run
through such common sensations have been incited by intracortical neural
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Gross Anatomy of the Brain and Cranial Nerves Exercise 19...
Exercise 19: Gross Anatomy of the Brain and Cranial Nerves
IN WHICH OF THE ... Show more content on ...
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Crebrum Research Paper
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is involved in mental activities, such as thinking,
learning and memory, as well as the perception of senses and the initiation and control of voluntary
muscle contraction. It has 3 basic functional areas:
1. Sensory areas: receive and process nerve impulses from the senses
2. Motor areas: send impulses to muscles, especially for voluntary muscular movement
3. Association areas: interpret information from the senses and are concerned with intellectual and
emotional processes
The cerebrum is made up of left and right hemispheres, cerebral hemispheres, that can be further
subdivided into 4 lobes: the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, the occipital lobe and the parietal lobe.
The non–limbic portion ... Show more content on ...
In terms of validity, the testing undertaken measured exact reaction times with different stimuli
present (independent variables), therefore testing exactly what was stated. There were numerous
variables controlled, leaving little room for marginal error, however, minor factors may have been
present, though not significant enough to impact results or make results invalid.
Uncontrolled variables include factors such as: air temperature, humidity, sleep of participant (i.e.
how tired they are), coordination of participant, the extent to which the song and associated video
clip affects the participant, previous exposure to the reaction test program (e.g. a participant may
have participated before), time of last meal (i.e. energy available), exposure to computer technology,
underlying medical conditions (e.g. being colour blind), hearing ability, sight abilities, cognitive
abilities and so
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Profound Cerebrum Essay
Much the same as the human body needs practice to keep itself fit, your mind needs profound
incitement to keep it fit as a fiddle too. In the event that your cerebrum does not get profound mind
incitement all the time, it loses it sharpness and its capacity to think turns out to be extremely
moderate. Utilizing profound cerebrum incitement keeps your mind sharp and alarm. By utilizing
profound cerebrum incitement, you won't just enhance the general elements of your psyche, yet it
will enhance different parts of your life too, by being a decent scholar..
There are sure exercises that are useful for profound cerebrum incitement, which you ought to
attempt to consolidate into your every day lives as much as you could.
The main way you can profoundly empower your brain is by playing recreations that are rationally
testing and that oblige you to think rapidly and deliberately. This may incorporate various types of
card recreations, Sudoku, and illuminating crossword bewilders.
Utilizing optical illusions is additionally a profoundly invigorating knowledge for your cerebrum
and is exceptionally prescribed in the event that you need to empower your brain. Vital recreations,
for example, chess are ... Show more content on ...
By chipping away at your creative energy, you are utilizing profound cerebrum incitement to
enhance your brain's capacities. By reinforcing your creative ability, you can envision the distinctive
outcomes of moves made in your day by day life and you can better set yourself up on the best way
to react to, or managing these results. You can likewise enhance your creative energy through
perusing different books, subsequently broadening your insight and in the meantime expand your
mental capacity. Relatively few individuals have the ability to envision what lies in front of them.
On the off chance that you can do as such, you are at a superior favorable position to welcome
achievement in your
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The Cerebrum
Bliss, anger, fear, sadness, these are all emotions that we could feel on a daily basis. In one quick
flip of a switch one decision made by an emotion can send our world racing, whether it is good or
bad, our lives can be changed forever. This is how powerful emotions can affect us; can you imagine
how it can affect our learning abilities? The brain, although divided, works together connecting
everything we take in and feel. Although our brain is divided into many different parts, each part
plays an important role when it comes to our emotions and the way that we learn. The Cerebrum is
known to be the largest part of the human brain. It functions our thoughts and actions and houses the
parts of the brain that control and relate to ... Show more content on ...
The hypothalamus links the brain to the hormonal system and plays a vital role in powerful basic
drives for survival and the strong emotions such as rage or ecstatic joy. (Endocrine, 2012) The
amygdala is our so called "built in alarm system" that detects danger through stimuli. It is the
integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation. (Wright) It also aids in
perception of emotions in others. The insula is yet another part of the brain that has a profound
effect on emotion. They say it is the wellspring of social emotions, things like lust and disgust, pride
and humiliation, guilt and atonement. It helps give rise to moral intuition, empathy and the capacity
to respond emotionally to music. (Perry Bruce, 2000) After researching the parts of the brain that
focus on emotions, we can see that they definitely influence learning. According to Priscilla Vail's
article "The Role of Emotions in Learning", "Emotion is an on/off switch for learning...the
emotional brain, the limbic system, has the power to open or close access to learning, memory, and
the ability to make connections." Emotions originate in the brain's limbic system which is located
between the brain stem and the cortex. The brain stem then sends sensory messages through the
limbic system to the cortex where much of the thinking and learning occurs. The entrance of this
sensory information into the cortex is dependent on the limbic system's interpretation of this
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Brain The Most Complex Three Pound Organ In The Human Brain
The brain the most complex, three–pound organ in the human body. When I think of the brain it
reminds me of a committee of professions working together to achieve one goal each with
individual tasks to get the job done. The brain can be divided into the basic parts and two
hemispheres: The forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain, the right hemisphere and the left
hemisphere. The two hemispheres are then connected by the corpus callosum. the cerebrum is
covered by a thin layer of gray tissue called the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is in turn
divided into four lobes: frontal lobes, parietal lobes, temporal lobes, and occipital lobes. The
cerebrum or telencephalon.
The four different lobes located within the cerebral cortex have individual
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The Controller of Humans: The Brain Essay
The human brain is composed of many important parts of everyday life. The exterior part of the
brain has 9 part in which include are divided into different sections, lobes, cortex, and areas. Within
the lobes, it includes frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. In cortexes, it has the motor
cortex, and the sensory cortex. Within the areas section it includes Broca's Area. The cerebellum is a
small version of the brain, and the cerebrum is the like the whole brain. Although the brain is about
three pounds blood flows through the brain about 750–1,000 milliliters (mL) per minute, (Disabled
World, 2008) (Brain Trivia, (n.d.)).
The brain is quite small but there is still a little brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum function is to
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Largest of the lobes, handles brain thinking functions (Frontal Lobe: (n.d.)). This lobe is located in
front of the central sulcus (Lobes of the Brain, (n.d.)).
The cortex responsible for coordination of planning, control, and executing voluntary movements is
the motor cortex. Motor areas are located in both hemispheres meaning it is located in between. The
motor cortex of the left hemisphere control right side of the body. The motor cortexes of the right
hemisphere control the left side of the body. Three parts make up the motor cortex. Which are the
primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, and the supplementary motor area (The Motor Cortex.
Broca's Area generates speech, writing, language processing and comprehension (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, (n.d.)).Named after French scientist Paul Broca. Scientist believe that we speak
with the left–brain. Located in the front part of the left hemisphere. Lies specifically in the third
frontal convolution. Broca's Area contains motor neurons involving the control of speech.
(Encyclopedia of Britannica, (n.d.)).
Within the lobes, the parietal lobe lies in that category. This lobes function is to stimuli touch,
pressure, temperature, and pain (Lobes of the Brain, (n.d.)). This parietal lobe is divided into two
parts, superior parietal and the inferior parietal lobe. Neurons receive sensory information from skin
and tongue. This then processes information from the ears and the eyes (Parietal Lobe, (n.d.)).
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Explain Why The CNS Is An Integral Part Of The Brain
1. The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS is made up of the rest of the
body. The CNS receives sensory information and the PNS relays motor information from the CNS
to the muscles and organs of the body. The CNS is encased with bones while the PNS is not usually
encased with bones and it touches other parts of the body. Axons in the PNS are myelinated by
Schwann cells while cells in the CNS are myelinated by oligodendrocytes.
2. The cerebral cortex is the cerebrum's outer layer. It is divided into four lobes, the frontal lobe,
parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe.
3. The cerebrum is the largest and most rostral part of the brain. It is separated into two cerebral
hemispheres which are separated by the sagittal
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Neuroscience Of The Nervous System
Vigen Karchyan
Neuroscience Neuroscience, commonly referred to as Neural Science, is the study of the way the
nervous system develops, how it is structured and the functions of it. Scientists put emphasis on the
brain and the impact it has on behavior and cognitive functions. These scientists approach a closer
look on the reactions the nervous system has when humans have neurological, psychiatric and
neurodevelopmental disorders. The entire concept of neuroscience is addressed as a subdivision of
biology. It is applied to chemistry, cognitive science, engineering, mathematics, linguistics and
more. Scientists say that neuroscience is identical as neurobiology but there is a difference between
the two conceptions. Neurobiology focuses mainly on the biology of the nervous system and
neuroscience emphasizes on any portion of the nervous system. Neuroscientists have various fields
of study that include cellular, functional, computational and medical aspects of the nervous system.
The history of neuroscience dates back and the Ancient Egyptians believed that intelligence rooted
from the heart. Throughout the process of mummification, they detached the brain but left the heart
inside of the body. Herodotus, a Greek historian that lived up until 425BC, claimed "the most
perfect practice is to extract as much of the brain as possible with an iron hook, and what the hook
cannot reach is mixed with drugs." There were scripts focused on the brain that were first found in
1700BC in
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The Importance Of The Human Brain
The brain is such an amazing organ. The function of the brain is to receive information from other
parts of the body, understand the information, and the figure out how to respond to the situation. The
brain is responsible for such important things such as memory, body movements, the senses, and
pretty much everything else. The average female brain weighs about 2.7lbs, and the average male
brain weighs about 3lbs. The brain is also one of the fattest organs in the body. A little fun fact about
the brain is that all of the blood vessels, located in just the brain, can stretch out to be 100,000 miles
long. The human brain is the largest brain compared to all other living things around the same body
size, and it makes up about 2% of the body weight.
The nervous system is an important part of the brain, and its purpose is to send messages to the
brain. Which is divided into the central and peripheral systems. The central is composed of the
brain. The peripheral is made of the spinal cord.
There are three main part of the brain. The forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain is
located in the anterior part of the brain in the cerebral hemisphere. It consists of the thalamus,
hypothalamus, and the subthalamus. (Britannica, encyclopedia britannica, 2017) The midbrain is
located in the brain stem. It is responsible in aiding with vision, hearing, and motor control.
(Britannica, Midbrain, 2017) Lastly, the hindbrain. The hindbrain consists of the medulla oblongata
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Cerebrum Tumors Research Paper
Cerebrum malignancy: Cancer of the focal data preparing focal point of the body. Tumors in the
mind can be dangerous or considerate, and can happen at any age. Just dangerous tumors are
destructive. Essential mind tumors disease at first structures in the cerebrum tissue.
Numerous studies have been conducted on various potential ecological risk factors. Of the numerous
components studied, only one (introduction to ionizing radiation)has been unmistakably shown to
expand the danger of creating cerebrum tumors. A few studies have demonstrated that a background
marked by hypersensitivities as a grown–up, a mother eating products of the soil while pregnant,
eating foods grown from the ground as a kid, and having chicken pox as a young child can possibly
diminish the danger of creating cerebrum tumors.
It can be hard to precisely quantify natural introduction, which implies ... Show more content on ...
Around 20 out of each 100 individuals (20%) get by for a long time or more after finding. What's
more, around 15 out of each 100 individuals (15%) get by for a long time or more after they are
analyzed. More youthful individuals appear to improve. In individuals matured somewhere around
15 and 39, around 60 out of 100 (60%) make due for a long time or more after determination. Ladies
appear to show improvement over men however we don't know why this is. There are UK
measurements for a few sorts of cerebrum tumor in kids matured 1 to 14. Survival rates dramatically
increased between the 1960's and the mid 2000s. In general, 65 out of each 100 youngsters
determined to have a brain tumor (65%) make due for a long time or more after conclusion. Nearly
78,000 new cases of primary brain tumors are expected to be diagnosed this year. This figure
includes nearly 25,000 primary malignant and 53,000 non–malignant brain
... Get more on ...
Overview Of The Nervous System Essay
There are two major subdivision of the nervous system, the Central nervous system (CNS) which
consist of the brain and the spinal cord and the Peripheral nervous system(PNS) consisting of the
neutral tissues outside the brain and the spinal cord. The Central Nervous System integrates and
coordinates all bodily functions, process all incoming messages and send commands to different
body parts. Sending and receiving messages through the spinal cord and the part of the spinal
column called a trunk line, which contains neurons that connect to the Peripheral Nervous System.
The Peripheral Nervous System provides the Central Nervous System with information from
sensory receptors, relays messages from the brain to the body's organs and muscles. ... Show more
content on ...
Directly above the Medulla is the Pons, providing input to other structures of the Brain Stem and the
Cerebellum. A dense network of nerves sells that serve as a sentinel or guard to the Brain is the
Reticular Formation. Long tracts of fibers that run from the Reticular formation give information to
the Thalamus, which channels sensory information to the appropriate area of the Cerebral
Cortex."Damage to the cerebellum interrupts the flow of otherwise smooth movement causing it to
appear uncoordinated and jerky." (Zimbardo, and Richard 73) Attached to the base of the skull at the
bottom of the Brain Stem is the Cerebellum, coordinating bodily movement, controlling posture and
maintaining the equilibrium. The layer of the brain that covers the Brain stem is the Limbic System,
which regulates motivated behaviors, emotional states, memories and is composed of three
structures, the Hippocampus, Amygdale, and the Hypothalamus. The important role of acquisitions
of memories is part of the largest structure of the Limbic System, the Hippocampus. The Amygdale
is controls emotions, aggression, the formation of emotional memory, and has the critical role in the
formation and retrieval of memories with emotional context. the smallest structure of the Limbic
System is the Hypothalamus, playing a vital role in most daily actions, and regulating motivated
behaviors like eating, drinking and the Homeostasis or the Equilibriums of
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Human Cerebrum Research Paper
An in number memory relies on upon the wellbeing and imperativeness of your mind. Whether
you're an understudy contemplating for end of the year tests, a working proficient inspired by doing
whatever you can to stay rationally sharp, or a senior hoping to protect and upgrade your dim matter
as you age, there are loads of things you can do to enhance your memory and mental execution.
You can help your intellectual competence at any age
They say that you can't show an old pooch new traps, however with regards to the cerebrum,
researchers have found that this old maxim just isn't valid. The human cerebrum has a bewildering
capacity to adjust and change–even into seniority. This capacity is known as neuroplasticity. With
the right incitement, ... Show more content on ...
The best mind boosting exercises request your full and close consideration. It's insufficient that you
discovered the movement testing at a certain point. It must at present be something that requires
mental exertion. For instance, figuring out how to play a testing new bit of music numbers. Playing
a troublesome piece you've as of now retained does not.
It's an expertise you can expand on. Search for exercises that permit you to begin at a simple level
and work your way up as your abilities enhance – continually stretching the limits so you keep on
extending your capacities. At the point when a formerly troublesome level begins to feel good, that
implies it's a great opportunity to handle the following level of execution.
It's compensating. Prizes bolster the cerebrum's learning procedure. The more intrigued and drew in
you are in the movement, the more probable you'll be to keep doing it and the more prominent the
advantages you'll experience. So pick exercises that, while testing, are still charming and fulfilling.
Consider something new you've for a long while been itching to attempt, such as figuring out how to
play the guitar, make stoneware, juggle, play chess, communicate in French, move the tango, or ace
your golf swing. Any of these exercises can assist you with enhancing your memory, insofar as they
keep you tested and
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The Stroop Effect Experiment : The Stroop Effect
The Stroop Effect is an experiment that John Ridley Stroop, discovered in the 1930s. He was born in
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, March 21, 1897 and completed his training at Peabody College where he
received his Ph.D. degree. Although several other researchers studied it, it was named after Stroop,
and he also published a paper on it in 1935.
The Stroop Effect is a demonstration of how the interference of conflicting information between the
brain and the eyes can slow down the reaction time in some tasks. There are two parts to the
experiment. A group of words is shown to the subject. The words are names of colors, but each word
is written in a color different than the word. In the first test, people are timed to see how long it takes
to say the color that is written. For example, if the word was "purple" then the test taker would say
"purple". Then, in the second test, people are timed to see how long it takes to say the color that is
written when the word is printed in an ink color that is different from what is written. For example,
if the word was "purple" and printed in red ink, then the person would say "red". Many tests today
are done very similarly, although the test that Stroop did was slightly different. ....
In order to understand what causes this to happen, it is important to know a little bit about the
structure and function of the brain. There are three major parts in the brain, the Cerebellum,
Cerebrum, and the Medulla. The Cerebellum is responsible for,
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The Body 's Central Nervous System Essay
The Brain The brain is known as a spongy organ made up of nerve and supportive tissues. It is
located on top of the head and protected by the skull. Beneath, the brain is linked/connected to the
spinal cord whereby they're considered to be the major control network for the body's functions and
abilities to do work. Both the brain and spinal cord comprises the body's Central Nervous System
(CNS) and empowers conscious communication with the body and also helps perform vital
operations such as breathing, releasing hormones, and maintaining blood pressure. The Central
Nervous System (CNS) works along with the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). According to the
Canadian Cancer Society, "PNS is made up of nerves that branch out from the spinal cord to relay
messages from the brain to different parts of the body." In summary, both CNS and PNS enable a
person to talk, walk, and do lots of creative/physical activities. The brain collects and interprets
nerve signals from the entire body and also responds based on information being collected from the
person itself. There are so many complexity in which many parts of the brain controls how we
feel/emotional needs, our speech, movement, body temperature, self–awareness, and many more. In
depth, the brain is divided into several sections/groups. Sections include the Cerebrum, Cerebellum,
brainstem, and the diencephalon.
The cerebrum is considered to be the largest part of the brain. Split in two parts called the left and
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The Problem Of Football Concussions In High School Football
Football Concussions
The Problem
A lot of people suffer concussions and don't even know it. It is a crazy thing and happens most often
in football. But can happen in any sport. About 67,000 concussions happen yearly in high school
football and they are not hitting as hard as a NFL player so the difference is probably very different.
It says optimality 4 concussions happen yearly on a high school football team.
Problem Statement
Some people suffer memory loss and crazy things and they don't even know it can make your head
bleed it is a big factor and we need to find a way of helping it or stopping it.
Variables Dependent/Independent
Independent: Put better padding in the helmet. See how much force the opponent is giving out and
see how much padding you need to protect that.
Dependent: The helmet.
People are getting hit in the head to hard by objects. Ant the effects that it has when you get hit. A
concussion happens when your brain violently impacts and moves in your skull. Another word for
concussions is a traumatic brain injury. A lot of concussions happen in higher level sports people are
bigger and stronger example the high school to the National Football League. Concussions can be
very bad you can suffer ability to think work or see there are very many different things that can
happen to you. Also just because you didn't go to sleep or get knocked out doesn't mean you didn't
experience a concussion.
The things that happens when you have a concussions are blackouts, blurry vision, mood and
behavior, memory loss, thinking and sleeping problems, also anxiety and depression. All brains are
different that is why every person suffers different things also the way it hits your skull land where it
hit it matters. Most concussions go away within days or weeks it's all on what you do after a lot of
thinking will make it take longer. Also it's not good to go to sleep a lot after a concussion you have a
higher chance in going into a coma. You even can have a chance in bleeding from the brain.
Post concussion syndrome what post concussion syndrome is playing a couple minutes after
experiencing a concussion or even coming back to sports too early can make you have it. When you
do have it you
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Alzheimer 's A Progressive And Fatal Disease Of The Brain
According to, forty–four million people, worldwide, are diagnosed with Alzheimer's
disease. In the United States, one out of nine people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with this
disease, and it ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Two out of three people
diagnosed with Alzheimer's are women. Five point three million dollars are depleted every year
from citizens diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is "a progressive and fatal disease of the
brain" (Lu & Bludua, 2011). This brain disease leads to deterioration of the brain, which leads to
dementia. Dementia is the "loss of memory and mental abilities severe enough to affect the daily
life" (Lu & Bludua, 2011). It begins at the memory control center of the brain, and then progresses
to the portions of the brain that control reasoning, thinking, speaking, and seeing; therefore, it
damages all parts of the brain.
According to Lu and Bludau, Alzheimer's influences many aspects such as the organ system, tissue,
cells, and organelles. The organ system affected is the brain, which performs numerous crucial tasks.
This disease impinges on the control center for all bodily functions. The vital body function that the
disease affects in the brain consist of: thinking, seeing, hearing, breathing, and body movements. It
hinders storing and making of memories and hinders the aptitude to feel emotions. There are three
parts of the brain: the cerebrum, the brain stem, and the cerebellum. The
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Frontal Lobe Functions
The brain has many parts such as the frontal lobe and the cerebellum, which both play major roles in
the Human Brain.My first topic is the parts of the brain and all what it controls,in this topic we will
cover the frontal and temporal lobes.We will be covering the cerebellum and its parts inside too.We
will talk about how the brain sends nerves from the frontal lobe to your eyes to cry or how your
temporal lobes send nerves to your nose to smell. Your frontal lobe is in the front part of your brain
and controls most of your personality.The frontal lobe controls some of your voluntary
movement.The frontal lobe does allot for instance when you are searching for a word your frontal
lobe is the lobe that does everything to put that word out to your vocals to produce that word.Inside
the frontal lobe is the primary motor cortex which is the cortex which movement occurs,the motor
cortex is what sends nerves to your spinal cord which moves your muscles to move your legs or
arms.Damage is crucial to this part of the brain mostly because,it's the most important lobe in the
brain,if the frontal lobe was damaged you could lose so many things,for example you could lose
your hope or trust which are some crucial things needed in life.Without the frontal lobe the
personality of each
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What Does The Brain Carry Out Its Functions
The Oxford Dictionary defines the brain as an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of
vertebrates. This part of the body has three important features. These features help the brain carries
out its functions. The three important features are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.
The cerebrum is the large part of the brain and it helps the body performs functions that involve
body movements, emotional reactions, and the senses. The cerebrum is divided into four sections.
Each of these sections allows the cerebrum to do some of its functions. The first section of the
cerebrum is the frontal lobe and its function is to regulate emotions, speech patterns, and body
motions. The second part of the cerebrum is the parietal lobe and this part is responsible for auditory
and tactile interpretation. The third area of the cerebrum is the occipital lobe and it is responsible for
visual interpretation. The fourth region of the cerebrum is the temporal lobe and it aids the body in
remembering information and comprehending the definition of terms. ... Show more content on ...
The cerebellum's function is to manage muscular activity. The cerebellum contains many cells and it
can be separated into three sections. Each of the cerebellum's regions executes different parts of the
cerebellum's functions. The first region is the vestibulocerebellum and it helps the body maintains
its balance and controls its visual movement. The second area of the cerebellum is the
spinocerebellum and it manages the activity of the limb and body. The third section of the
cerebellum is neocerebellum and it coordinates body movement and assesses information from the
cerebral cortex and dentate
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The Brain's Distinctive Function
Scientists have found evidence that each brain hemisphere has its own distinctive functions, this is
known as lateralization the specialization of one of the cerebral hemispheres to handle a particular
function. Each hemispheres of the brain are commonly known as the left and right Hemisphere
whereas the left controls the right side of the body and handles most language, comprehension
functions, mathematics and logical reasoning, the right controls the left side of the body that
dominates visuospatial functions such as processing music, navigation and construction. Honestly
just about everything you do actually uses connections across multiple regions in the brain in both
hemispheres. All the bits in your brain are linked together in complex
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Crebrum Research Paper
As humans, we all utilize the organ known as the brain to keep ourselves alive. The brain must be
working in optimal condition to ensure our survival and the continuation of our species. Not only is
this vital organ necessary to sustain life, it also is used to perform common everyday tasks as well as
more complex ones. Similar to all organs, the brain is made up of many different components. The
three main sections are the cerebrum, the brain stem, and the cerebellum (New Book of Knowledge,
364). These three divisions interact "to coordinate how we perceive, move, think, and feel" (New
Book of Knowledge, 364). The cerebrum is especially important because most functions take place
there. Even the cerebrum itself is composed of various portions. There is much to know about the
cerebrum, including its functions, composition, and development. Foremost, the cerebrum is the
largest part of the brain (New Book of Knowledge, 364). In fact, it is actually eighty–five percent of
the total human brain weight (New Book ... Show more content on ...
The frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes each have unique purposes. The frontal lobe is
located near the front of the brain and guides personality and ideas (Things You Should Know, 201).
The temporal lobe, also located toward the front of the brain, is responsible for hearing and
comprehension (Things You Should Know, 201). Found at the back of the brain, the occipital lobe is
culpable for sight (Things You Should Know, 201). The parietal lobe is situated at the back of the
brain and is accountable for the sense of touch (Things You Should Know, 201). The lobes in order
of development are as follows: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital (Carter, 208). "In some
classifications, the forward part of the frontal lobe is separated by the prefrontal lobe" (Carter, 66).
The prefrontal lobe is known as the prefrontal cortex (Carter,
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Brain Anatomy: The Central Nervous System
Brain Anatomy
The central nervous system consists of two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is divided
into four main structures: the cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum. The brainstem is
at the base of the brain, and it extends from the upper spinal cord to the rear of the cerebrum;
posterior to the brainstem is the cerebellum.
The cerebrum is largest structure in the brain, and it is responsible for motor functions, perception,
communication, and memory. It is divided into two hemispheres, and those hemispheres are divided
into lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe. The frontal lobe is
located in the anterior cranial fossa (frontal cranial depression, in simpler terms). The central
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The Human Brain : The Nervous System Of The Human Body
There are eleven systems in the human body which one of them is known as the nervous system.
Like most systems in the human body, the nervous system is composed of organs such as the brain,
spinal cord, nerves and ganglia. The nervous system has been known to be the bodys primary
communication and control system.
The brain which is principally the main organ of the nervous system, is the center of all mental
activity. These activities include thought, learning, and memory. It is also the most complex and
delicate organ within the body. Within the brain are four major regions which are the brainstem,
cerebellum, diencephalon, and cerebrum.
In an article about Human Brain: Facts, Functions and Anatomy it quotes that "The largest part of
the human brain is the cerebrum, which is divided into two hemispheres. Underneath lies the
brainstem, and behind that sits the cerebellum. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral
cortex, which consists of four lobes: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe and the
occipital lobe." It's been known that the cerebrum is the most developed part of the human brain.
The cerebrum, also known as the telencephalon, has several functions such as thinking, reasoning,
planning/organization, motor function, understanding language, and so on. The cerebrum obtains
this information and later sends it to a particular part of the cerebrum. This means that the cerebrum
interprets the information and decides what is the next
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Cerebrum and Dementia Care Unit-2
Unit–1, Q1. Explain what is meant by the term `dementia' Unit–1, Q2. Describe how dementia can
affect a person if the following areas of the brain are damaged by dementia Frontal lobe: Parietal
lobe: Temporal lobe: Occipital lobe: Cerebellum: Unit–1, Q3.Explain why the following may be
mistaken for dementia a) depression b) delirium c) age related memory impairment Unit–1, Q4.
Give an outline of the following models of dementia a) The medical model of dementia b) The
social model of dementia Unit–1, Q5. Explain why it is important to see dementia as a disability
Unit–1, Q6. List the four most common causes of dementia Unit–1, Q7. Describe the signs and
symptoms associated with the four most common causes of dementia Unit–1, Q8. Outline ... Show
more content on ...
Unit–4, Q3. Explain how negative beliefs, values and misunderstandings can affect a person's
attitude towards people with dementia. Unit–4, Q4. Explain how positive beliefs and values can
affect a person's attitude towards a people with dementia. Unit–4, Q5. Describe the steps you can
take to ensure a person with dementia feels valued , included and able to engage in daily life. Unit–
4, Q6. Describe the practices that could make a person with dementia feel excluded. Unit–4, Q7.
Explain why it is important to include individuals with dementia in all aspects of their care. Unit–4,
Q8. Describe how an older person's experience of dementia may be different to a younger person
who develops dementia. Unit–4, Q9. Mr Singh is a 75 year old gentleman who moved to England
from India when he was in his 30s. Mr Singh is a practicing Sikh. He does speak English but
because of his dementia he has reverted to only speaking in Punjabi. Describe the steps you could
take to gain knowledge and understanding of Mr Singh's needs and preferences. Unit–4, Q10.
Sophie is a 39 year old lady who has Down's syndrome. She has also developed dementia which is
progressing quite quickly. Sophie has been admitted to a care facility which specialises in
supporting people who have learning disabilities and also have dementia. Describe the knowledge
and understanding that the staff would need in order to work in a person–centred way with Sophie.
Unit–5, Q1.List four different groups
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The Four Lobes Of The Cerebral Cortex
The Four Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex
The human brain is very complex and is constantly being studied. Scientists have named different
portions of the brain and try to understand what the different areas control. The Cerebrum is the
largest part of the brain and contains most of the body's voluntary functions. (ChalkSMART, 2012)
The Cerebrum contains four lobes, the occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the
frontal lobe. The lobes are named for the skull bones they correlate with. Scientists have studied
which lobes affect different functions of the body. According to McCaffrey (1997/2014), it is
important to remember some functions can be localized to very specific parts of the brain; others
cannot be classified this way ... Show more content on ...
The occipital lobe is the main visual area of our brain, the optic nerve from the eye sends signals
here and we experience shapes, colors, and motion around us. (Franzoi, 2014, p. 63) Also, "a lot of
memory is stored in this area." (McCaffrey, 1997/2014) Damage to this area could cause blindness
even if the eyes and optic nerve are healthy. (Franzoi, 2014, p. 63)
Parietal Lobe The parietal lobe is located in front of the occipital lobe. This area of the brain is
associated with touch sensation, smell, and taste. (Franzoi, 2014) The parietal lobe is also involved
in writing and in some aspects of reading and recognition of visual symbols. (McCaffrey,
1997/2014) Damage to this region could mean a person could not feel an object placed in their hand.
Temporal Lobe The temporal lobe is below the parietal lobe, near the temples. Long–term memory
formation, anxiety, hearing, language word meaning and appreciation of smell is all associated with
this lobe. (Franzoi, 2014) (ChalkSMART, 2012) (McCaffrey, 1997/2014) Damage to this area,
especially to the respect of the left lobe called Wernicke's, could result in difficulty understanding
words and sentences. (Franzoi,
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The Human Brain : The Importance Of The Human Body
The human brain is eventually responsible for all thought and association that the body produces.
This permits humans to successfully relate with their environment, by cooperating with others and
interacting with inanimate objects near their position. If the brain is not functioning properly, the
ability to move, generate accurate sensual information or speak and know language can be damaged
as well.
The brain is made up of nerve cells which interact with the rest of the body through the backbone
and nervous system. These cells relate data back to particular centers of the brain where it can be
processed and an opposite reaction can be generated. Several substances are also located in the
brain, which help the body preserve homeostasis, or a sense of generally relief and calm as its basic
needs are met. Keeping these chemicals balanced and the nerve cells firing properly are important to
healthy brain function. When you sing 'Happy Birthday,' how do you recall the exact words? How
does your body keep aware when you're sound asleep? How do you stability on your bicycle? These
occupations are all handled by the control center of your body known as your brain. Your brain is
kind of like the manager that tells the rest of your body what to do. It tells your lungs when to
breathe, your muscles how to move and your mouth what to sing when the birthday cake comes out.
All human brains weigh the same, about three pounds, and they are made up of the same parts.
The nervous system is
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  • 1. Cerebrum Which brain region or brain was most affected? Cerebrum – what is it? Largest part of the brain. It contains a left and right hemisphere – the left hemisphere controls logic, sequences, and math whereas the right side is more intuitive, artistic and creative. The right hemisphere controls the left half of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. These hemispheres are separated by the corpus callosum 4 lobes of the cerebrum: Occipital Interprets the info being transmitted to the eyes, located at the back of the brain. Responsible for processing vision Quick to process rapid info Participants were presented with visual stimuli in the form of a GIF. The occipital lobe receives visual data from the sensors ... Show more content on ... The autonomic system is branched into two categories: Sympathetic and parasympathetic o If the sympathetic branch is stimulated, then it triggers "fight or flight" responses to deal with stress, such as dilation of pupils o If the parasympathetic branch is stimulated, which is known for slow responses such as digestion and rest, the pupils constrict, so become smaller. However, inhibiting the parasympathetic system can hence cause dilation, since stimulation of this branch makes pupils smaller When the subjects were viewing the scary GIF and they saw the lady pop out, this stimulated their sympathetic branch and inhibited their parasympathetic branch, causing pupils to dilate and some of them even jumping back. This was their body's way of dealing with a stressful situation. CNS – brain and spinal cord Takes in info from the entire body and interprets this info to coordinate activity in the body These regions are all located in the brain with the retina and optic nerve also connected to the CNS because they have direct contact with the brain ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Cerebrum How the Brain Works The brain is a very complex organ. It has many different parts which each perform dissimilar tasks. Decisions,senses,emotions and the ability to think are all functions of the brain.The brain has many other different roles and along with the rest of the nervous system controls and interacts with all other body systems. This makes the brain essential for the survival of the rest of the body. Unlike many other organs it cannot be replaced (transplanted). The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and its purposes vary from language to calculation and the sense. The cerebrum(not shown in diagram) is the largest structure in the brain and takes up approximately two thirds of the overall mass of the brain. The cerebrum can ... Show more content on ... The cerebellum which in english means little brain is situated above the brainstem at the back of the brain. The cerebellum is two masses of folded tissue which are each about the size of a peach. It plays a vital role in muscle and limb activation and coordination which helps achieve a desired action or movement. It also helps in controlling fear responses, happiness responses, precision, coordination and correct timing. In the center of the brain is a very important and powerful structure the size and shape of an almond, the Amygdala. Although the Amygdala is very small it has essential purposes such as emotional reactions and basic survival needs. It also causes nervous reactions such as sweaty palms. Located at the top of the brainstem is the Thalamus, it processes, and sorts information received from other parts of the brain and sends them through the spinal cord. It relays signals back and forth through the brainstem between the cerebrum and the other parts of the nervous system. The brainstem is the lowest part of the human brain, it is also the most basic. It controls simple functions like the heart pulse, digestion, breathing and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Name of the Brain Areas and Its Functions ) The name of the brain areas and its functions Image 1: Brain parts Image 1: (viewed at 08/03/14) Brain Part Function A) Frontal lobe The frontal lobes of the brain are the most anterior, which means they are positioned right behind your forehead and at the top–front of the head. The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments related to sympathy, which is the ability to feel sadness for someone else's suffering, and empathy, which the ability to understand another's feelings and problems. They are also the seat of understanding humour, including delicate witticisms and word plays. The frontal lobes also identifies sarcasm and irony, another function of lobes control is the functioning of sequencing events, which is the ability to plan a series of movements needed to perform a multi–step task, like making a sandwich. The ability to solve problems, which often depends on flexible thinking and the ability to correctly express language are both controlled by the frontal lobes. The left is most predominantly language related while the right is most predominantly non–verbal. the left brain is the source of logic, which tends to be language based, and the right is creative, which tends to be non–verbal Rear part of the frontal lobe is especially designed for the movements and tissue disorganization cause of the disability of a limb. Stimulate of every part of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Cranial Nerves Origin Cranial nerves Maram Hussien Alzahrani 20151121089 G1 Cranial nerves: The cranial nerves are a set of 12 paired nerves that arise directly from the brain. The first two nerves (olfactory and optic) arise from the cerebrum, whereas the remaining ten emerge from the brain stem. The names of the cranial nerves relate to their function and they are also numerically identified in roman numerals (I–XII). Origin of the Cranial Nerves There are twelve cranial nerves in total. The olfactory nerve (CN I) and optic nerve (CN II) originate from the cerebrum. Cranial nerves III – XII arise from the brain stem (Figure 1). They can arise from a specific part of the brain stem (midbrain, pons or medulla), or from a junction between two parts: Midbrain – the trochlear nerve (IV) comes from the posterior side of the midbrain. It has the longest intracranial ... Show more content on ... General visceral sensory (GVS) – general sensation from viscera. Special somatic sensory (SSS) – senses derived from ectoderm (sight, sound, balance). Special visceral sensory (SVS) – senses derived from endoderm (taste). Motor (efferent) Modalities: General somatic motor (GSM) – skeletal muscles. General visceral motor (GVM) – smooth muscles of gut and autonomic motor. Special visceral motor (SVM) – muscles derived from pharyngeal arches. :Referances: Davis, Matthew C.; Griessenauer, Christoph J.; Bosmia, Anand N.; Tubbs, R. Shane; Shoja, Mohammadali M. "The naming of the cranial nerves: A historical review". Clinical Anatomy 27 (1): 14–19. ^ Jump up to:a b Mallatt, Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon (2012). Human anatomy (6th ed. media update. ed.). Boston: Benjamin Cummings. pp. 431–432.
  • 8. Fitzgerald, M.J. Turlough FitzGerald, Gregory Gruener, Estomih Mtui (2012). Clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience (6th ed.). [Edinburgh?]: Saunders/Elsevier. p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Major Structures Of The Human Brain Essay The Five Major Structures of the Human Brain University of Phoenix PSY 240 October 27, 2012 Olivia Fransis The human brain is nothing short of incredible. In a way it's the world's most powerful computer because it can process tasks at lightning speeds and simultaneously be in control of our reflexes and every other voluntary and involuntary functions. It is the most important and complex organ as well as our core for learning At the point of birth, the brain weighs an average of 350 to 400 grams and can weigh from about 1,300 to 1,400 grams as an adult. The brain is composed up of roughly 77 to 78% of water, 10 to 12% lipids, 8% proteins, 1% carbs, 2% soluble organics, and 1% inorganic salt. The brain can actually grow as ... Show more content on ... The telencephalon is at the front of the brain and is made up of the basil ganglia, the cerebral cortex, the olfactory bulb, and the corpus striatum. The functions of the telencephalon include: determining intelligence, personality, sense of smell, sense of touch, sensory impulse interpretations, organization and planning. The diencephalon is located in between the cerebral hemispheres and is greater than the midbrain. It is composed of the thalamus and hypothalamus structures. The thalamus acts as a relay point for nerve impulses that are inbound from around the body that are then dispatched to the appropriate area of the brain for processing. The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions produced from the pituitary gland. These hormones control growth and instinctual behaviors such as eating, drinking, sex, anger, and reproduction. The hypothalamus also controls when a new mother begins to lactate. Some of the functions of the diencephalon include: sensing impulses moving throughout the body, controlling autonomic functions, endocrine functions, motor functions, homeostasis and basic senses such as hearing, vision, smell, and taste. The cerebrum is the bigger portion of the brain and it consists of 85% of the overall weight of the brain. It has a unique outer surface with deep wrinkles, which is the cerebral cortex that consists of "gray matter". The cerebrum is what makes the human brain as powerful as it is. Unlike
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  • 13. Multiple Explanations Behind Writing Proficiency most individuals, are especially essential in terms of the making of the phonological, semantic, and syntactic constituents of speech. In whole, there are solid explanations behind writing proficiency to be viewed as part and bundle of etymological insights. Having said this, yet, I 'd like to contend that when we take a gander at how the cerebrum forms the true knowledge of perusing and thinking of, we can start to perceive how the greater part of the eight intelligences have vital parts to play. To represent, how about we look at what happens in the cerebrum amid the basic display of talking a printed word (see Figure 1.1). Initially the human eye must watch the statement along the page. This sensation is initially enrolled by the essential visual range in the occipital flap (the kind of spatial insight). After the saying is seen in the essential visual territory, it is then transferred to the rakish gyrus (a "gyrus" is the peak of a solitary convolution in the neocortex), at the intersection of the transient, parietal, and occipital flaps of the cerebrum. I like to think about the rakish gyrus as the district of the cerebrum that most reflects the thought of numerous intelligences ' relationship to reading proficiency in light of the fact that it is here, at the intersection of three separate projections, that numerous diverse sorts of data are united or connected with one another in making etymological data, including visual–spatial setups, musical and oral sounds, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Primary Functions Of The Brain The brain is an astonishing organ used in an everyday life, but do you know what each function of the brain does? The myth about humans using only 10 percent of our brain has been around for decades, but what the people don't know is that there is "no scientific evidence to suggest" that theory (Chudler). We all know that the brain isn't just a simple organ. Billions and trillions of connections or also known as synapses create those neurons that our brain consists of. The weight of each and every brain weighs about "3 pounds" (Lewis). It consists of "two percent body weight" (Lewis), and is larger in relation to body size than any other brain. Our brains are the "same structure as mammal brains", and are both the "command center for the ... Show more content on ... It controls the behavior such as hunger, thirst, sleep and sexual response. It also "regulates body temperature, blood pressure, emotions, and secretion of hormones" (Hines). What lies beneath the cerebrum is called the cerebellum, which has an important function in motor control. It has a role with coordination and balance. "The left brain involves speech and language as the right brain involves visual and auditory" (Lewis). Everyone uses both halves of the brain at the same time. "Both right and left brain are joined by a bundle of fibers called the corpus callosum that delivers messages from one side to another" (Hines). "Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. Such as the left hemisphere is dominant in hand use and language in about 92% of people." (Hines). Did you ever wonder where we get the intelligence, creativity, emotion and memory? Well it is all governed by the brain. Our brain receives information through our five senses, and they are sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Another thing is that our brain controls everything. It controls thoughts, memory, and speech, movement in the arms and legs, and the working functions of many ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Effects Of Alcohol On Memory What effects does alcohol abuse have on our memory? The world's most popular drug, alcohol has both an acute and chronic effect on memory. Memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. While an individual is intoxicated, their subsequent episodic memory of information or an even is reduced. Everyone suffers from a loss of memory at some stage, but drinkers are likely to make bigger mistakes and on a regular basis. "Alcohol is associated with a host of familiar cognitive changes, such as a loss of inhibitions, confused or abnormal thinking, and poor decision–making. Recreational alcohol users generally recover from its effects without any long– term problems. However, even short–term loss of control over normal ... Show more content on ... Little is thought about the neural instruments that underlie these individual contrasts. It is additionally found that alcohol weakens working memory by influencing mental aide procedures and official procedures as opposed to by contracting the fundamental holding limit of working memory. Confined intense direct levels of alcohol inebriation don't significantly physically adjust the structures which are basic for working memory capacity, for example, the frontal cortex, parietal cortex, foremost cingulate, and parts of the basal ganglia. One finding in regards to the impacts of alcohol on working memory brings up that alcohol diminishes working memory just in people with a high gauge working memory limit, recommending an all–inclusive enduring of working memory usefulness is non–existent. Alcohol seems to disable the limit of working memory to adjust reaction hindrance. Alcohol disinhibits conduct, however just in people with a low benchmark working memory limit. A fascinating finding is that motivating force to perform well with working memory estimation undertakings while affected by alcohol does in certainty have some impact on working memory, in that it supports scores in rate of mental filtering and response time to boost, however did not diminish number of blunders contrasted with subjects with no impetus to perform well. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Cerebrum Essay The Cerebrum To begin with, the human brain is the most complex part of the human body. It has control to every organ because of a primary functional unit which is the neurons. The exterior part of the brain has specific functions to every organ in the human body. Therefore, the human brain is the most important organ in the human body. A person can be left brained or right brained according to how they act. The Cerebellum is the trilobed structure of the brain. The cerebellum helps provide smooth coordinated body movement. Examples would balance, posture, coordination, and voluntary movements. It also modifies motor commands to make more movement accurate and adaptive. The cerebellum is located at the back of the brain and contains 50% ... Show more content on ... (Canedo, A. (1997, February 7)) Broca's area can also be called convolution of Broca. Broca's are has functions linked to speech production. In other terms it produces language. Broca's area was discovered in 1861 by Paul Broca. Broca's area is connected to Wernicke's area by a neural pathway called accurate fasciculus. (Broca's Area (n.d.)) Parietal lobe receives all somatosensory input from the body. Wernicke's area is located in the back of the parietal lobe. Wernicke's area is important for understanding sensory information for language. Damage to this part of the brain produces sensory aphasia. Patients cannot understand language but can still make sounds. (Amthor, F. (n.d.)) Somatosensory cortex processes input from various systems in the body that are sensitive to touch. Specialized cells react specifically to pain. Multiple types of sensation from body, includes tough, sight, hear, smell, and taste. Sensory information carried to the brain by the neural pathways. (Somatosensory cortex. (n.d.)) Occipital lobe receives visual information directly from eyes. This lobe is important so the eyes know what they are seeing. These lobes have to be very fast to process rapid information that the eyes are sending. V1 is visual area one related to whichever image is around somebody's current point of gaze. Damage to the V1 can cause blindness. (Scott, T. (n.d.)) Temporal lobe processes auditory info from the ears. The basal ganglia works with ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Cerebrum: Largest Part Of The Human Brain The cerebrum also known as the cerebral cortex is the largest part of the human brain. It is associated with brain function such as thought and action. four sections make up the cerebral cortex, called "lobes": the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe. The Occipital Lobe is associated with the visual process. This region receives input from the retina. The mind is than able to interpret color and other vision aspects. It is located at the rear portion of the skull, behind the parietal and temporal lobes. The second important region of the cerebral cortex is the frontal lobe. It is responsible for important cognitive skills in humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language, judgment, and sexual ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Medulla Oblongata Essay 1) The medulla oblongata is arguably the most important part of the brain since it controls critical involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure via critical nuclei within the medulla's reticular formation known as the medullary respiratory center, the cardiac center, the vasomotor center, in addition to reflexes for vomiting(in the area postrema), sneezing, and coughing. At the location of the foramen magnum, the medulla sits directly adjacent to and is continuous with the spinal cord and is the most caudal and inferior segment of the brainstem. The pons lies superiorly to the medulla. The medulla is approximately an inch in length and the superior portion is formed where the dorsal surface of the medulla meets ... Show more content on ... It descends posteriorly to the brachial artery and continues following distally to the insertion of the latissimus dorsi on the anterior and proximal aspect of the humerus (the medial lip of the inter– tubercular groove). It then sharply turns posterior to the humerus to enter what is known as the 'radial groove' which courses inferiorly and laterally along the posterior surface of the bone. While in the groove, the nerve is covered superficially by the lateral head of the triceps brachii towards which it is sending branches for innervation. The nerve continues along the groove on route to the epicondyle of the lateral elbow where it divides into a superficial branch which follows the lateral edge of the radius terminating in the dorsolateral skin of the hand, and a deep branch running posteriorly to innervate the forearm's extensor muscles at its termination. Injury to the radial nerve may result in trouble extending the arm, trouble extending the wrist, also called "wrist drop", and weakness in hand ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Cerebellum Vs Cerebrum Research Paper The cerebrum is the largest portion of the human brain. It takes up about 4/5 of the weight of the brain and has what is described as a wrinkled cortex. Wrinkled cortex increases the surface area of which increases the number of neurons. This makes human brain to be more efficient than other vertebrates ("Cerebrum vs Cerebellum," n.d.). The cerebrum in divided by the cerebral fissure, which separates it into two hemispheres, the left and right which is being further discussed by a fellow classmate. The two hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum. Both hemispheres can also be divided into four lobes which we know as the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occiptal lobes. The frontal lobe helps aids us with reasoning, speech, movement, ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Summary: Structural Boundaries The brain is composed of 3 main structural divisions, the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brainstem. The cerebrum fills up most of your skull, it is divided into right and left hemispheres it is involved in remembering, problem solving, thinking, and feeling. It also controls movement. Functionally, it obtains information from your surroundings then sends that information to a specific part of the cerebrum. The cerebrum interprets the knowledge and decides what must happen next. The cerebrum, holds the instructions for everything you do in your daily life. The cerebellum sits at the back of your head, under the cerebrum. It controls coordination and balance. Most body movements require the coordination of multiple muscle groups. Times muscle ... Show more content on ... Dreams can occur in other stages of sleep other than REM, but are usually vaguer. We are able to incorporate external sounds into our dreams such as a telephone ringing of thunderstorm. Instead, most active dreaming occurs during REM sleep, when the brain is most active. During REM sleep, signals from the pons travel to the thalamus, which relays them to the cerebral cortex, which is the part of the brain that interprets and organizes information from the environment during consciousness and stimulate its regions that are responsible for learning, thinking, and organizing information the pons also sends signals that shut off neurons in the spinal cord, causing ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Somatosensory Cortex Effect The examination was done in the lab of Richard Andersen, James G. Boswell Professor of Neuroscience, T&C Chen Brain–Machine Interface Center Leadership Chair, and executive of the T&C Chen Brain–Machine Interface Center. A paper portraying the work shows up in the April 10 issue of the diary eLife. The somatosensory cortex is a segment of cerebrum that oversees real sensations, both proprioceptive sensations (vibes of development or the body's situation in space) and cutaneous sensations (those of weight, vibration, touch, and so forth). Past to the new work, neural inserts focusing on comparable mind regions dominatingly delivered sensations, for example, shivering or humming in the hand. The Andersen lab's embed can deliver significantly more common sensation by means of intracortical incitement, similar to sensations experienced by the patient preceding his damage. ... Show more content on ... Two varieties of modest terminals were surgically embedded into his somatosensory cortex. Utilizing the clusters, the analysts empowered neurons in the locale with little heartbeats of power. The member announced feeling diverse characteristic sensations –, for example, crushing, tapping, a feeling of upward movement, and a few others – that would fluctuate in sort, power, and area relying upon the recurrence, plentifulness, and area of incitement from the exhibits. It is the first run through such common sensations have been incited by intracortical neural ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Crebrum Research Paper The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is involved in mental activities, such as thinking, learning and memory, as well as the perception of senses and the initiation and control of voluntary muscle contraction. It has 3 basic functional areas: 1. Sensory areas: receive and process nerve impulses from the senses 2. Motor areas: send impulses to muscles, especially for voluntary muscular movement 3. Association areas: interpret information from the senses and are concerned with intellectual and emotional processes The cerebrum is made up of left and right hemispheres, cerebral hemispheres, that can be further subdivided into 4 lobes: the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, the occipital lobe and the parietal lobe. The non–limbic portion ... Show more content on ... In terms of validity, the testing undertaken measured exact reaction times with different stimuli present (independent variables), therefore testing exactly what was stated. There were numerous variables controlled, leaving little room for marginal error, however, minor factors may have been present, though not significant enough to impact results or make results invalid. Uncontrolled variables include factors such as: air temperature, humidity, sleep of participant (i.e. how tired they are), coordination of participant, the extent to which the song and associated video clip affects the participant, previous exposure to the reaction test program (e.g. a participant may have participated before), time of last meal (i.e. energy available), exposure to computer technology, underlying medical conditions (e.g. being colour blind), hearing ability, sight abilities, cognitive abilities and so ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Profound Cerebrum Essay Much the same as the human body needs practice to keep itself fit, your mind needs profound incitement to keep it fit as a fiddle too. In the event that your cerebrum does not get profound mind incitement all the time, it loses it sharpness and its capacity to think turns out to be extremely moderate. Utilizing profound cerebrum incitement keeps your mind sharp and alarm. By utilizing profound cerebrum incitement, you won't just enhance the general elements of your psyche, yet it will enhance different parts of your life too, by being a decent scholar.. There are sure exercises that are useful for profound cerebrum incitement, which you ought to attempt to consolidate into your every day lives as much as you could. The main way you can profoundly empower your brain is by playing recreations that are rationally testing and that oblige you to think rapidly and deliberately. This may incorporate various types of card recreations, Sudoku, and illuminating crossword bewilders. Utilizing optical illusions is additionally a profoundly invigorating knowledge for your cerebrum and is exceptionally prescribed in the event that you need to empower your brain. Vital recreations, for example, chess are ... Show more content on ... By chipping away at your creative energy, you are utilizing profound cerebrum incitement to enhance your brain's capacities. By reinforcing your creative ability, you can envision the distinctive outcomes of moves made in your day by day life and you can better set yourself up on the best way to react to, or managing these results. You can likewise enhance your creative energy through perusing different books, subsequently broadening your insight and in the meantime expand your mental capacity. Relatively few individuals have the ability to envision what lies in front of them. On the off chance that you can do as such, you are at a superior favorable position to welcome achievement in your ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. The Cerebrum Bliss, anger, fear, sadness, these are all emotions that we could feel on a daily basis. In one quick flip of a switch one decision made by an emotion can send our world racing, whether it is good or bad, our lives can be changed forever. This is how powerful emotions can affect us; can you imagine how it can affect our learning abilities? The brain, although divided, works together connecting everything we take in and feel. Although our brain is divided into many different parts, each part plays an important role when it comes to our emotions and the way that we learn. The Cerebrum is known to be the largest part of the human brain. It functions our thoughts and actions and houses the parts of the brain that control and relate to ... Show more content on ... The hypothalamus links the brain to the hormonal system and plays a vital role in powerful basic drives for survival and the strong emotions such as rage or ecstatic joy. (Endocrine, 2012) The amygdala is our so called "built in alarm system" that detects danger through stimuli. It is the integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation. (Wright) It also aids in perception of emotions in others. The insula is yet another part of the brain that has a profound effect on emotion. They say it is the wellspring of social emotions, things like lust and disgust, pride and humiliation, guilt and atonement. It helps give rise to moral intuition, empathy and the capacity to respond emotionally to music. (Perry Bruce, 2000) After researching the parts of the brain that focus on emotions, we can see that they definitely influence learning. According to Priscilla Vail's article "The Role of Emotions in Learning", "Emotion is an on/off switch for learning...the emotional brain, the limbic system, has the power to open or close access to learning, memory, and the ability to make connections." Emotions originate in the brain's limbic system which is located between the brain stem and the cortex. The brain stem then sends sensory messages through the limbic system to the cortex where much of the thinking and learning occurs. The entrance of this sensory information into the cortex is dependent on the limbic system's interpretation of this ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Brain The Most Complex Three Pound Organ In The Human Brain The brain the most complex, three–pound organ in the human body. When I think of the brain it reminds me of a committee of professions working together to achieve one goal each with individual tasks to get the job done. The brain can be divided into the basic parts and two hemispheres: The forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. The two hemispheres are then connected by the corpus callosum. the cerebrum is covered by a thin layer of gray tissue called the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is in turn divided into four lobes: frontal lobes, parietal lobes, temporal lobes, and occipital lobes. The cerebrum or telencephalon. The four different lobes located within the cerebral cortex have individual ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Controller of Humans: The Brain Essay The human brain is composed of many important parts of everyday life. The exterior part of the brain has 9 part in which include are divided into different sections, lobes, cortex, and areas. Within the lobes, it includes frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. In cortexes, it has the motor cortex, and the sensory cortex. Within the areas section it includes Broca's Area. The cerebellum is a small version of the brain, and the cerebrum is the like the whole brain. Although the brain is about three pounds blood flows through the brain about 750–1,000 milliliters (mL) per minute, (Disabled World, 2008) (Brain Trivia, (n.d.)). The brain is quite small but there is still a little brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum function is to ... Show more content on ... Largest of the lobes, handles brain thinking functions (Frontal Lobe: (n.d.)). This lobe is located in front of the central sulcus (Lobes of the Brain, (n.d.)). The cortex responsible for coordination of planning, control, and executing voluntary movements is the motor cortex. Motor areas are located in both hemispheres meaning it is located in between. The motor cortex of the left hemisphere control right side of the body. The motor cortexes of the right hemisphere control the left side of the body. Three parts make up the motor cortex. Which are the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, and the supplementary motor area (The Motor Cortex. (n.d.)). Broca's Area generates speech, writing, language processing and comprehension (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, (n.d.)).Named after French scientist Paul Broca. Scientist believe that we speak with the left–brain. Located in the front part of the left hemisphere. Lies specifically in the third frontal convolution. Broca's Area contains motor neurons involving the control of speech. (Encyclopedia of Britannica, (n.d.)). Within the lobes, the parietal lobe lies in that category. This lobes function is to stimuli touch, pressure, temperature, and pain (Lobes of the Brain, (n.d.)). This parietal lobe is divided into two parts, superior parietal and the inferior parietal lobe. Neurons receive sensory information from skin and tongue. This then processes information from the ears and the eyes (Parietal Lobe, (n.d.)). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Explain Why The CNS Is An Integral Part Of The Brain 1. The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS is made up of the rest of the body. The CNS receives sensory information and the PNS relays motor information from the CNS to the muscles and organs of the body. The CNS is encased with bones while the PNS is not usually encased with bones and it touches other parts of the body. Axons in the PNS are myelinated by Schwann cells while cells in the CNS are myelinated by oligodendrocytes. 2. The cerebral cortex is the cerebrum's outer layer. It is divided into four lobes, the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. 3. The cerebrum is the largest and most rostral part of the brain. It is separated into two cerebral hemispheres which are separated by the sagittal ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Neuroscience Of The Nervous System Vigen Karchyan Neuroscience Neuroscience, commonly referred to as Neural Science, is the study of the way the nervous system develops, how it is structured and the functions of it. Scientists put emphasis on the brain and the impact it has on behavior and cognitive functions. These scientists approach a closer look on the reactions the nervous system has when humans have neurological, psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. The entire concept of neuroscience is addressed as a subdivision of biology. It is applied to chemistry, cognitive science, engineering, mathematics, linguistics and more. Scientists say that neuroscience is identical as neurobiology but there is a difference between the two conceptions. Neurobiology focuses mainly on the biology of the nervous system and neuroscience emphasizes on any portion of the nervous system. Neuroscientists have various fields of study that include cellular, functional, computational and medical aspects of the nervous system. The history of neuroscience dates back and the Ancient Egyptians believed that intelligence rooted from the heart. Throughout the process of mummification, they detached the brain but left the heart inside of the body. Herodotus, a Greek historian that lived up until 425BC, claimed "the most perfect practice is to extract as much of the brain as possible with an iron hook, and what the hook cannot reach is mixed with drugs." There were scripts focused on the brain that were first found in 1700BC in ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Importance Of The Human Brain The brain is such an amazing organ. The function of the brain is to receive information from other parts of the body, understand the information, and the figure out how to respond to the situation. The brain is responsible for such important things such as memory, body movements, the senses, and pretty much everything else. The average female brain weighs about 2.7lbs, and the average male brain weighs about 3lbs. The brain is also one of the fattest organs in the body. A little fun fact about the brain is that all of the blood vessels, located in just the brain, can stretch out to be 100,000 miles long. The human brain is the largest brain compared to all other living things around the same body size, and it makes up about 2% of the body weight. The nervous system is an important part of the brain, and its purpose is to send messages to the brain. Which is divided into the central and peripheral systems. The central is composed of the brain. The peripheral is made of the spinal cord. There are three main part of the brain. The forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain is located in the anterior part of the brain in the cerebral hemisphere. It consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and the subthalamus. (Britannica, encyclopedia britannica, 2017) The midbrain is located in the brain stem. It is responsible in aiding with vision, hearing, and motor control. (Britannica, Midbrain, 2017) Lastly, the hindbrain. The hindbrain consists of the medulla oblongata (breathing ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Cerebrum Tumors Research Paper Cerebrum malignancy: Cancer of the focal data preparing focal point of the body. Tumors in the mind can be dangerous or considerate, and can happen at any age. Just dangerous tumors are destructive. Essential mind tumors disease at first structures in the cerebrum tissue. Numerous studies have been conducted on various potential ecological risk factors. Of the numerous components studied, only one (introduction to ionizing radiation)has been unmistakably shown to expand the danger of creating cerebrum tumors. A few studies have demonstrated that a background marked by hypersensitivities as a grown–up, a mother eating products of the soil while pregnant, eating foods grown from the ground as a kid, and having chicken pox as a young child can possibly diminish the danger of creating cerebrum tumors. It can be hard to precisely quantify natural introduction, which implies ... Show more content on ... Around 20 out of each 100 individuals (20%) get by for a long time or more after finding. What's more, around 15 out of each 100 individuals (15%) get by for a long time or more after they are analyzed. More youthful individuals appear to improve. In individuals matured somewhere around 15 and 39, around 60 out of 100 (60%) make due for a long time or more after determination. Ladies appear to show improvement over men however we don't know why this is. There are UK measurements for a few sorts of cerebrum tumor in kids matured 1 to 14. Survival rates dramatically increased between the 1960's and the mid 2000s. In general, 65 out of each 100 youngsters determined to have a brain tumor (65%) make due for a long time or more after conclusion. Nearly 78,000 new cases of primary brain tumors are expected to be diagnosed this year. This figure includes nearly 25,000 primary malignant and 53,000 non–malignant brain ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Overview Of The Nervous System Essay There are two major subdivision of the nervous system, the Central nervous system (CNS) which consist of the brain and the spinal cord and the Peripheral nervous system(PNS) consisting of the neutral tissues outside the brain and the spinal cord. The Central Nervous System integrates and coordinates all bodily functions, process all incoming messages and send commands to different body parts. Sending and receiving messages through the spinal cord and the part of the spinal column called a trunk line, which contains neurons that connect to the Peripheral Nervous System. The Peripheral Nervous System provides the Central Nervous System with information from sensory receptors, relays messages from the brain to the body's organs and muscles. ... Show more content on ... Directly above the Medulla is the Pons, providing input to other structures of the Brain Stem and the Cerebellum. A dense network of nerves sells that serve as a sentinel or guard to the Brain is the Reticular Formation. Long tracts of fibers that run from the Reticular formation give information to the Thalamus, which channels sensory information to the appropriate area of the Cerebral Cortex."Damage to the cerebellum interrupts the flow of otherwise smooth movement causing it to appear uncoordinated and jerky." (Zimbardo, and Richard 73) Attached to the base of the skull at the bottom of the Brain Stem is the Cerebellum, coordinating bodily movement, controlling posture and maintaining the equilibrium. The layer of the brain that covers the Brain stem is the Limbic System, which regulates motivated behaviors, emotional states, memories and is composed of three structures, the Hippocampus, Amygdale, and the Hypothalamus. The important role of acquisitions of memories is part of the largest structure of the Limbic System, the Hippocampus. The Amygdale is controls emotions, aggression, the formation of emotional memory, and has the critical role in the formation and retrieval of memories with emotional context. the smallest structure of the Limbic System is the Hypothalamus, playing a vital role in most daily actions, and regulating motivated behaviors like eating, drinking and the Homeostasis or the Equilibriums of ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Human Cerebrum Research Paper An in number memory relies on upon the wellbeing and imperativeness of your mind. Whether you're an understudy contemplating for end of the year tests, a working proficient inspired by doing whatever you can to stay rationally sharp, or a senior hoping to protect and upgrade your dim matter as you age, there are loads of things you can do to enhance your memory and mental execution. You can help your intellectual competence at any age They say that you can't show an old pooch new traps, however with regards to the cerebrum, researchers have found that this old maxim just isn't valid. The human cerebrum has a bewildering capacity to adjust and change–even into seniority. This capacity is known as neuroplasticity. With the right incitement, ... Show more content on ... The best mind boosting exercises request your full and close consideration. It's insufficient that you discovered the movement testing at a certain point. It must at present be something that requires mental exertion. For instance, figuring out how to play a testing new bit of music numbers. Playing a troublesome piece you've as of now retained does not. It's an expertise you can expand on. Search for exercises that permit you to begin at a simple level and work your way up as your abilities enhance – continually stretching the limits so you keep on extending your capacities. At the point when a formerly troublesome level begins to feel good, that implies it's a great opportunity to handle the following level of execution. It's compensating. Prizes bolster the cerebrum's learning procedure. The more intrigued and drew in you are in the movement, the more probable you'll be to keep doing it and the more prominent the advantages you'll experience. So pick exercises that, while testing, are still charming and fulfilling. Consider something new you've for a long while been itching to attempt, such as figuring out how to play the guitar, make stoneware, juggle, play chess, communicate in French, move the tango, or ace your golf swing. Any of these exercises can assist you with enhancing your memory, insofar as they keep you tested and ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Stroop Effect Experiment : The Stroop Effect The Stroop Effect is an experiment that John Ridley Stroop, discovered in the 1930s. He was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, March 21, 1897 and completed his training at Peabody College where he received his Ph.D. degree. Although several other researchers studied it, it was named after Stroop, and he also published a paper on it in 1935. The Stroop Effect is a demonstration of how the interference of conflicting information between the brain and the eyes can slow down the reaction time in some tasks. There are two parts to the experiment. A group of words is shown to the subject. The words are names of colors, but each word is written in a color different than the word. In the first test, people are timed to see how long it takes to say the color that is written. For example, if the word was "purple" then the test taker would say "purple". Then, in the second test, people are timed to see how long it takes to say the color that is written when the word is printed in an ink color that is different from what is written. For example, if the word was "purple" and printed in red ink, then the person would say "red". Many tests today are done very similarly, although the test that Stroop did was slightly different. .... In order to understand what causes this to happen, it is important to know a little bit about the structure and function of the brain. There are three major parts in the brain, the Cerebellum, Cerebrum, and the Medulla. The Cerebellum is responsible for, ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. The Body 's Central Nervous System Essay Research: The Brain The brain is known as a spongy organ made up of nerve and supportive tissues. It is located on top of the head and protected by the skull. Beneath, the brain is linked/connected to the spinal cord whereby they're considered to be the major control network for the body's functions and abilities to do work. Both the brain and spinal cord comprises the body's Central Nervous System (CNS) and empowers conscious communication with the body and also helps perform vital operations such as breathing, releasing hormones, and maintaining blood pressure. The Central Nervous System (CNS) works along with the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). According to the Canadian Cancer Society, "PNS is made up of nerves that branch out from the spinal cord to relay messages from the brain to different parts of the body." In summary, both CNS and PNS enable a person to talk, walk, and do lots of creative/physical activities. The brain collects and interprets nerve signals from the entire body and also responds based on information being collected from the person itself. There are so many complexity in which many parts of the brain controls how we feel/emotional needs, our speech, movement, body temperature, self–awareness, and many more. In depth, the brain is divided into several sections/groups. Sections include the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, brainstem, and the diencephalon. The cerebrum is considered to be the largest part of the brain. Split in two parts called the left and ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Problem Of Football Concussions In High School Football Football Concussions The Problem A lot of people suffer concussions and don't even know it. It is a crazy thing and happens most often in football. But can happen in any sport. About 67,000 concussions happen yearly in high school football and they are not hitting as hard as a NFL player so the difference is probably very different. It says optimality 4 concussions happen yearly on a high school football team. Problem Statement Some people suffer memory loss and crazy things and they don't even know it can make your head bleed it is a big factor and we need to find a way of helping it or stopping it. Variables Dependent/Independent Independent: Put better padding in the helmet. See how much force the opponent is giving out and see how much padding you need to protect that. Dependent: The helmet. Hypothesis People are getting hit in the head to hard by objects. Ant the effects that it has when you get hit. A concussion happens when your brain violently impacts and moves in your skull. Another word for concussions is a traumatic brain injury. A lot of concussions happen in higher level sports people are bigger and stronger example the high school to the National Football League. Concussions can be very bad you can suffer ability to think work or see there are very many different things that can happen to you. Also just because you didn't go to sleep or get knocked out doesn't mean you didn't experience a concussion. The things that happens when you have a concussions are blackouts, blurry vision, mood and behavior, memory loss, thinking and sleeping problems, also anxiety and depression. All brains are different that is why every person suffers different things also the way it hits your skull land where it hit it matters. Most concussions go away within days or weeks it's all on what you do after a lot of thinking will make it take longer. Also it's not good to go to sleep a lot after a concussion you have a higher chance in going into a coma. You even can have a chance in bleeding from the brain. Post concussion syndrome what post concussion syndrome is playing a couple minutes after experiencing a concussion or even coming back to sports too early can make you have it. When you do have it you ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Alzheimer 's A Progressive And Fatal Disease Of The Brain According to, forty–four million people, worldwide, are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. In the United States, one out of nine people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with this disease, and it ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Two out of three people diagnosed with Alzheimer's are women. Five point three million dollars are depleted every year from citizens diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is "a progressive and fatal disease of the brain" (Lu & Bludua, 2011). This brain disease leads to deterioration of the brain, which leads to dementia. Dementia is the "loss of memory and mental abilities severe enough to affect the daily life" (Lu & Bludua, 2011). It begins at the memory control center of the brain, and then progresses to the portions of the brain that control reasoning, thinking, speaking, and seeing; therefore, it damages all parts of the brain. According to Lu and Bludau, Alzheimer's influences many aspects such as the organ system, tissue, cells, and organelles. The organ system affected is the brain, which performs numerous crucial tasks. This disease impinges on the control center for all bodily functions. The vital body function that the disease affects in the brain consist of: thinking, seeing, hearing, breathing, and body movements. It hinders storing and making of memories and hinders the aptitude to feel emotions. There are three parts of the brain: the cerebrum, the brain stem, and the cerebellum. The ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Frontal Lobe Functions The brain has many parts such as the frontal lobe and the cerebellum, which both play major roles in the Human Brain.My first topic is the parts of the brain and all what it controls,in this topic we will cover the frontal and temporal lobes.We will be covering the cerebellum and its parts inside too.We will talk about how the brain sends nerves from the frontal lobe to your eyes to cry or how your temporal lobes send nerves to your nose to smell. Your frontal lobe is in the front part of your brain and controls most of your personality.The frontal lobe controls some of your voluntary movement.The frontal lobe does allot for instance when you are searching for a word your frontal lobe is the lobe that does everything to put that word out to your vocals to produce that word.Inside the frontal lobe is the primary motor cortex which is the cortex which movement occurs,the motor cortex is what sends nerves to your spinal cord which moves your muscles to move your legs or arms.Damage is crucial to this part of the brain mostly because,it's the most important lobe in the brain,if the frontal lobe was damaged you could lose so many things,for example you could lose your hope or trust which are some crucial things needed in life.Without the frontal lobe the personality of each ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. What Does The Brain Carry Out Its Functions The Oxford Dictionary defines the brain as an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates. This part of the body has three important features. These features help the brain carries out its functions. The three important features are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. The cerebrum is the large part of the brain and it helps the body performs functions that involve body movements, emotional reactions, and the senses. The cerebrum is divided into four sections. Each of these sections allows the cerebrum to do some of its functions. The first section of the cerebrum is the frontal lobe and its function is to regulate emotions, speech patterns, and body motions. The second part of the cerebrum is the parietal lobe and this part is responsible for auditory and tactile interpretation. The third area of the cerebrum is the occipital lobe and it is responsible for visual interpretation. The fourth region of the cerebrum is the temporal lobe and it aids the body in remembering information and comprehending the definition of terms. ... Show more content on ... The cerebellum's function is to manage muscular activity. The cerebellum contains many cells and it can be separated into three sections. Each of the cerebellum's regions executes different parts of the cerebellum's functions. The first region is the vestibulocerebellum and it helps the body maintains its balance and controls its visual movement. The second area of the cerebellum is the spinocerebellum and it manages the activity of the limb and body. The third section of the cerebellum is neocerebellum and it coordinates body movement and assesses information from the cerebral cortex and dentate ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Brain's Distinctive Function Scientists have found evidence that each brain hemisphere has its own distinctive functions, this is known as lateralization the specialization of one of the cerebral hemispheres to handle a particular function. Each hemispheres of the brain are commonly known as the left and right Hemisphere whereas the left controls the right side of the body and handles most language, comprehension functions, mathematics and logical reasoning, the right controls the left side of the body that dominates visuospatial functions such as processing music, navigation and construction. Honestly just about everything you do actually uses connections across multiple regions in the brain in both hemispheres. All the bits in your brain are linked together in complex ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Crebrum Research Paper As humans, we all utilize the organ known as the brain to keep ourselves alive. The brain must be working in optimal condition to ensure our survival and the continuation of our species. Not only is this vital organ necessary to sustain life, it also is used to perform common everyday tasks as well as more complex ones. Similar to all organs, the brain is made up of many different components. The three main sections are the cerebrum, the brain stem, and the cerebellum (New Book of Knowledge, 364). These three divisions interact "to coordinate how we perceive, move, think, and feel" (New Book of Knowledge, 364). The cerebrum is especially important because most functions take place there. Even the cerebrum itself is composed of various portions. There is much to know about the cerebrum, including its functions, composition, and development. Foremost, the cerebrum is the largest part of the brain (New Book of Knowledge, 364). In fact, it is actually eighty–five percent of the total human brain weight (New Book ... Show more content on ... The frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes each have unique purposes. The frontal lobe is located near the front of the brain and guides personality and ideas (Things You Should Know, 201). The temporal lobe, also located toward the front of the brain, is responsible for hearing and comprehension (Things You Should Know, 201). Found at the back of the brain, the occipital lobe is culpable for sight (Things You Should Know, 201). The parietal lobe is situated at the back of the brain and is accountable for the sense of touch (Things You Should Know, 201). The lobes in order of development are as follows: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital (Carter, 208). "In some classifications, the forward part of the frontal lobe is separated by the prefrontal lobe" (Carter, 66). The prefrontal lobe is known as the prefrontal cortex (Carter, ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Brain Anatomy: The Central Nervous System Brain Anatomy The central nervous system consists of two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is divided into four main structures: the cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum. The brainstem is at the base of the brain, and it extends from the upper spinal cord to the rear of the cerebrum; posterior to the brainstem is the cerebellum. The cerebrum is largest structure in the brain, and it is responsible for motor functions, perception, communication, and memory. It is divided into two hemispheres, and those hemispheres are divided into lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe. The frontal lobe is located in the anterior cranial fossa (frontal cranial depression, in simpler terms). The central ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Human Brain : The Nervous System Of The Human Body There are eleven systems in the human body which one of them is known as the nervous system. Like most systems in the human body, the nervous system is composed of organs such as the brain, spinal cord, nerves and ganglia. The nervous system has been known to be the bodys primary communication and control system. The brain which is principally the main organ of the nervous system, is the center of all mental activity. These activities include thought, learning, and memory. It is also the most complex and delicate organ within the body. Within the brain are four major regions which are the brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalon, and cerebrum. In an article about Human Brain: Facts, Functions and Anatomy it quotes that "The largest part of the human brain is the cerebrum, which is divided into two hemispheres. Underneath lies the brainstem, and behind that sits the cerebellum. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex, which consists of four lobes: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe and the occipital lobe." It's been known that the cerebrum is the most developed part of the human brain. The cerebrum, also known as the telencephalon, has several functions such as thinking, reasoning, planning/organization, motor function, understanding language, and so on. The cerebrum obtains this information and later sends it to a particular part of the cerebrum. This means that the cerebrum interprets the information and decides what is the next ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Cerebrum and Dementia Care Unit-2 Unit–1, Q1. Explain what is meant by the term `dementia' Unit–1, Q2. Describe how dementia can affect a person if the following areas of the brain are damaged by dementia Frontal lobe: Parietal lobe: Temporal lobe: Occipital lobe: Cerebellum: Unit–1, Q3.Explain why the following may be mistaken for dementia a) depression b) delirium c) age related memory impairment Unit–1, Q4. Give an outline of the following models of dementia a) The medical model of dementia b) The social model of dementia Unit–1, Q5. Explain why it is important to see dementia as a disability Unit–1, Q6. List the four most common causes of dementia Unit–1, Q7. Describe the signs and symptoms associated with the four most common causes of dementia Unit–1, Q8. Outline ... Show more content on ... Unit–4, Q3. Explain how negative beliefs, values and misunderstandings can affect a person's attitude towards people with dementia. Unit–4, Q4. Explain how positive beliefs and values can affect a person's attitude towards a people with dementia. Unit–4, Q5. Describe the steps you can take to ensure a person with dementia feels valued , included and able to engage in daily life. Unit– 4, Q6. Describe the practices that could make a person with dementia feel excluded. Unit–4, Q7. Explain why it is important to include individuals with dementia in all aspects of their care. Unit–4, Q8. Describe how an older person's experience of dementia may be different to a younger person who develops dementia. Unit–4, Q9. Mr Singh is a 75 year old gentleman who moved to England from India when he was in his 30s. Mr Singh is a practicing Sikh. He does speak English but because of his dementia he has reverted to only speaking in Punjabi. Describe the steps you could take to gain knowledge and understanding of Mr Singh's needs and preferences. Unit–4, Q10. Sophie is a 39 year old lady who has Down's syndrome. She has also developed dementia which is progressing quite quickly. Sophie has been admitted to a care facility which specialises in supporting people who have learning disabilities and also have dementia. Describe the knowledge and understanding that the staff would need in order to work in a person–centred way with Sophie. Unit–5, Q1.List four different groups ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Four Lobes Of The Cerebral Cortex The Four Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex The human brain is very complex and is constantly being studied. Scientists have named different portions of the brain and try to understand what the different areas control. The Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and contains most of the body's voluntary functions. (ChalkSMART, 2012) The Cerebrum contains four lobes, the occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe. The lobes are named for the skull bones they correlate with. Scientists have studied which lobes affect different functions of the body. According to McCaffrey (1997/2014), it is important to remember some functions can be localized to very specific parts of the brain; others cannot be classified this way ... Show more content on ... The occipital lobe is the main visual area of our brain, the optic nerve from the eye sends signals here and we experience shapes, colors, and motion around us. (Franzoi, 2014, p. 63) Also, "a lot of memory is stored in this area." (McCaffrey, 1997/2014) Damage to this area could cause blindness even if the eyes and optic nerve are healthy. (Franzoi, 2014, p. 63) Parietal Lobe The parietal lobe is located in front of the occipital lobe. This area of the brain is associated with touch sensation, smell, and taste. (Franzoi, 2014) The parietal lobe is also involved in writing and in some aspects of reading and recognition of visual symbols. (McCaffrey, 1997/2014) Damage to this region could mean a person could not feel an object placed in their hand. Temporal Lobe The temporal lobe is below the parietal lobe, near the temples. Long–term memory formation, anxiety, hearing, language word meaning and appreciation of smell is all associated with this lobe. (Franzoi, 2014) (ChalkSMART, 2012) (McCaffrey, 1997/2014) Damage to this area, especially to the respect of the left lobe called Wernicke's, could result in difficulty understanding words and sentences. (Franzoi, ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. The Human Brain : The Importance Of The Human Body The human brain is eventually responsible for all thought and association that the body produces. This permits humans to successfully relate with their environment, by cooperating with others and interacting with inanimate objects near their position. If the brain is not functioning properly, the ability to move, generate accurate sensual information or speak and know language can be damaged as well. The brain is made up of nerve cells which interact with the rest of the body through the backbone and nervous system. These cells relate data back to particular centers of the brain where it can be processed and an opposite reaction can be generated. Several substances are also located in the brain, which help the body preserve homeostasis, or a sense of generally relief and calm as its basic needs are met. Keeping these chemicals balanced and the nerve cells firing properly are important to healthy brain function. When you sing 'Happy Birthday,' how do you recall the exact words? How does your body keep aware when you're sound asleep? How do you stability on your bicycle? These occupations are all handled by the control center of your body known as your brain. Your brain is kind of like the manager that tells the rest of your body what to do. It tells your lungs when to breathe, your muscles how to move and your mouth what to sing when the birthday cake comes out. All human brains weigh the same, about three pounds, and they are made up of the same parts. The nervous system is ... Get more on ...