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Describing Central Asian Islamic architecture, Philip Glazebrook
wrote in Journey to Khiva: “Round the court glistened tiled facades,
in every facade is a tiled arch, in the arch a fantastically carved door,
every surface writhing with violently-colored patterns of Islam
which blaze up like flame, vivid and restless, to end in the suddenly
cut-off of the flat-topped wall. Above that the aquamarine domes,
beautiful things, in shape and substance serene.”
Central Asia
Consists Of
Central Asia, in particular the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva in Uzbekistan, are famous for their architecture.
The destructive habits of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and other nomadic plunderers has meant very little early old stuff
remains. Most of the famous architecture in the region dates back to the time of Tamerlane and the Timurids
Because wood and stone were not very plentiful in the deserts and steppes of Central Asia, brick became the desired
building material. Buildings were traditionally designed to beat the heat, with large openings facing the wind and
fountains and pools and even streams in the courtyard to provide a cooling effect.
Important advances that made Central Asia architecture possible included the development of fired bricks in the 10th
century, colored timework in the 12th century, polychrome tile in the 14th century and the squinch.
Timurid architecture is the pinnacle of Islamic art in Central Asia. Spectacular and stately edifices erected by Timur and
his successors in Samarkand and Herat helped to disseminate the influence of the Ilkhanid school of art in India, thus
giving rise to the celebrated Moghol school of architecture.
The style is largely derived from Persian architecture. Axial symmetry is a characteristic of all major Timurid structures,
notably the Shah-e Zendah in Samarkand and the mosque of Gowhar Shad in Meshed. Double domes of various shapes
abound, and the outsides are perfused with brilliant colors.
• Features associated with the famous Timurid Architecture
found in Samarkand and elsewhere in Central Asia include
massive blue domes, often ribbed; tile- and mosaic-covered
portals (gateway facades); towering, tapering minarets; and
courtyards lined with cell-like quarters. The huge entrance
portal featured in some buildings, as high as 30 meters, are
intended to dwarf all those who stand before Allah.
• Traditional Central Asia cities had an inner city and an outer
city surrounded by a wall, intended to keep storms, bandits
and marauding horses out. Many cities had water brought in
by aqueducts and stored in reservoirs.
Features of Central
Asian Architecture
• Mosques, madrasahs and other buildings in Central
Asia are famous for their colorful tilework. The tiles
not only make the building look beautiful they also
make them appear lighter. The tiles are set up to
reflect the desert sun. Deep cobalt blue and
turquoise (meaning "color of the Turks") were often
featured on domes.
• In keeping with the Muslim taboo on
representations of animals and people, the tiles,
walls and arches were decorated with calligraphy,
floral designs and geometric shapes. The
calligraphy is often either in the stylized kufic script
favored by the Timurids or the often filiated thulth
• The tiles come in variety of styles: stamped,
chromatic (one color painted on and then fired),
polychromatic (several colors painted on and then
fired), and faience (carved onto wet clay and then
fired). Other decorative features include carved and
painted woodwork. patterned brickwork and carved
ghanch (alabaster).
Central Asian mosques typically have a large portal which leads to a colonnaded space (sometimes open, sometimes
closed) and covered prayer area. Many small mosques have a pointed roof supported by carved wooden columns. Some
large ones have an enclosed space divided by many supporting pillars. See Islam Architecture.
Central Asian minarets are typically made of brick, sometimes covered with tiles, and often tapered inward to make the
building nearby look bigger. Some have stairways which the muezzin climbed to call the faithful to prayer from the top.
Others, like he ones at the Registan, are purely ornamental.
Mausoleums were built by famous leader to highlight their fame or to honor holymen. Most have a prayer room set under
a domed cupola. The actual tombs may be located in a central hall or underground in a crypt-like room. Some have
accommodation, washrooms and kitchens.
You can also find forts ( arks), multi-domed bathhouses ( hamans), caravanserais ( rabat), shopping arcades, covered
bazaars ( tok) and reservoirs ( hauz) in Central Asia.
Types of Buildings in Central Asia
• Many of the most famous buildings in Central
Asia—such as the massive structures at the
Registan in Samarkand—are madrasahs, Islamic
theological schools. They typically are two stores
high and have a central courtyard surrounded by
cell-like living quarters ( hujras) used by students,
teachers and traveling scholars.
• Madrasahs and the square in front of them were
often the central building of a Central Asian city the
same way a cathedral and market square were at the
center of European cities. Markets were often set up
in the squares in front of madrasahs and the niches
in front wall of the madrasah were used by
• The main features are the monumental portal at the
entrance, a mosque to the right of the entrance, a
lecture hall to the right, and arched portals in the
central courtyard. These days the cells in the
courtyards are often filled with carpet sellers and
souvenir shops.
Mir-I-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara
• “The historic town of Samarkand, located in a large oasis in the valley of the Zerafshan River, in the north-eastern
region of Uzbekistan, is considered the crossroads of world cultures with a history of over two and a half millennia.
Evidence of settlements in the region goes back to 1500 BC, with Samarkand having its most significant development
in the Temurid period, from the 14th to the 15th centuries, when it was capital of the powerful Temurid realm.
• The major monuments include the Registan Mosque and madrasas, Bibi-Khanum Mosque, the Shakhi-Zinda
compound and the Gur-Emir ensemble, as well as Ulugh-Beg's Observatory.
• “The historical part of Samarkand consists of three main sections. In the north-east there is the site of the ancient city
of Afrosiab, founded in the 7th century BC and destroyed by Genghis Khan in the 13th century, which is preserved as
an archaeological reserve. Archaeological excavations have revealed the ancient citadel and fortifications, the palace
of the ruler (built in the 7th century displays important wall paintings), and residential and craft quarters. There are
also remains of a large ancient mosque built from the 8th to 12th centuries.
Historic Samarkand
“To the south, there are architectural ensembles and the
medieval city of the Temurid epoch of the 14th and 15th
centuries, which played a seminal role in the development
of town planning, architecture, and arts in the region. The
old town still contains substantial areas of historic fabric
with typical narrow lanes, articulated into districts with
social centres, mosques, madrassahs, and residential
The traditional Uzbek houses have one or two floors and
the spaces are grouped around central courtyards with
gardens; built in mud brick, the houses have painted
wooden ceilings and wall decorations. The contribution
of the Temurid masters to the design and construction of
the Islamic ensembles were crucial for the development
of Islamic architecture and arts and exercised an
important influence in the entire region, leading to the
achievements of the Safavids in Persia, the Moghuls in
India, and even the Ottomans in Turkey.
“To the west there is the area that corresponds to the 19th
and 20th centuries expansions, built by the Russians, in
European style. The modern city extends around this
historical zone. This area represents traditional continuity
and qualities that are reflected in the neighbourhood
structure, the small centres, mosques, and houses. Many
houses retain painted and decorated interiors, grouped
around courtyards and gardens.
• Registan (central Samarkand) is arguably the most famous
site in Central Asia. Built over a 250 year period from the
early 15th century to the mid-17th century, it is a stunningly
beautiful monumental square with both grand architecture
and exquisite details. It was intended to convey the artistic
achievements and the power of Tamerlane and his
descendants. Although the Registan is associated with
Tamerlane, its main buildings were built by his Grandson
Ulughbek, and the Uzbek Shaybanids that came after the
• Registan means "sandy place." The square itself is about
the size of three football fields. One side of the square is
open. The other three sides are each fronted by massive
madrasahs, Islamic religious schools. The three madrasahs
are what stand out most. The Registan is no longer
functioning. But when it was it served as an elite, private
school, university, religious center and commercial area.
The main square contained a huge bustling bazaar.
• The English statesman Lord Corzon called the Registan the
"most noble public square in the world" and said no piazza
in Europe approached it. To do so he said it needed to be
"commanded on three of its four sides by Gothic cathedrals
of the finest order." Explorers such as Ibn Batuta, Fitzoy
MacLean and Laurnes van der Post described it in equally
grand terms.
Tilla Kari Madrasa
Sher-Dor Madrasah
Ulugh Beg Madrasa
• It possesses the traits typical for many Muslim medieval constructions. The mosque
follows the basic plan of the courtyard mosque. Its outer walls enclose a rectangular
area which measures 167 metres (182.63 yards) in length and 109 metres (119.20
yards) wide and runs roughly from northeast to southwest — the Qibla accordingly.
Entering the Mosque from the northeast through the vast parade portal leads to the
courtyard. A monumental dome above a square base, around 40 m high, rises on the
opposite site of the courtyard. The dome is the largest cupola of the mosque.
Nevertheless, the dome cannot be seen from the courtyard, for whole building is
covered up from inside by the grandiose pischtak, which framed a monumental,
deeply embedded Iwan.
• The Iwan does not allow getting inside the underlying construction supporting the
dome; this can only be done from the sides. Two other domes associated with the
Iwans, more modest in size, face the center of the long sides of the courtyard. Thus
the Bibi-Khanym Mosque implements the classic architectural type of the "Four-
Iwan scheme".
• Formerly, there were open galleries measuring 7.2 m high inside the courtyard.
Their cover was formed from the juxtaposition of many small, flat brick vaults and
domes supported by a forest of more than 400 marble columns and buttresses.
Bibi-Khanym Mosque
• In the middle of the courtyard is located the stone pedestal — the huge Quran
stand— crafted from ornate marble blocks. This remarkable sight originates from
the time of Timur.
• The huge Bibi-Khanym Mosque with its three domed rooms, the covered galleries
and the open courtyard was intended to gather the entire male population of
Samarkand city for the joint Friday prayers.
• In the construction of three domes of Bibi-Khanym mosque, sophisticated in
Timur's time, one important innovation was applied: a two-fold construction, where
the internal dome hall neither by the form nor by height corresponds to the dome's
shape from outside. There is a hollow space between the inner ceiling and the outer
cupola. This dome construction allowed the main hall of the mosque to be
committed to the proportions and the aesthetics of the 30 m high interior above the
mihrab. Meanwhile, the 40 m high outer dome of the main building could be
designed for maximal impression and visibility. This scheme was applied also to the
lateral dome structures that allowed making modest buildings the figuration tower-
like structures with elegant melon-shaped and longitudinally ribbed outer domes.
• The interiors of the mosque contain gilding, imitating local brocade
embroideries.Bibi-Khanym mosque was one of the most ambitious architectural
projects of the Timurid period and influenced the architecture of Central Asia as
well as of Iran and Afghanistan.
Bibi-Khanym Mosque
• A unique ensemble of ancient tombs (1370-1449 years) is located near Afrasiab
settlement. It is also called "Street cemetery". Building of mosques and
mausoleums of XI-XV centuries oddly stretched on both sides and their blue domes
look like an elegant necklace from the top.
• Shakhi Zinda is the burial place of royal persons and nobles. But the main
mausoleum from which the necropolis starts seems to be the imaginary grave of
Prophet Muhammad's cousin, Kusam ibn Abbas. The complex was called "Shakhi
Zinda" that means in Persian "The Living King". He was one of those who
preached Islam in that region. Later the Complex became an important pilgrimage
centre that was revered by the people as sacred.
Shahi Zinda
Mausoleum complex
• All mausoleums complex Shakhi Zinda form a single composition. Each of them is
a square building with a dome, the entrance to which is highlighted by a portico. Is
rich in architectural decoration of buildings, which are used irrigation bricks,
majolica tiles, carved mosaic.
• The last construction is the main entrance to the crypt Shakhi Zinda, which
completes the whole ensemble. The inscription on the main entrance reads: "This
magnificent building created Abdulazizhanom-son Ulugbek-Guragana, son of Shah
Rukh, son of Amir Timur-Guragana in 838 year (1434/35 AD). After rising to 36
steps, you will find yourself on an open gallery. Here the left and right are crypts -
the mausoleum of Tamerlane's relatives. The gallery ends with a round courtyard
with a vaulted arch. Under it, on the right there is an ancient carved door, which
leads to the main shrine of ensemble Shakhi Zinda - Mausoleum of Kusam ibn
Abbas, a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.
Shahi Zinda
Mausoleum complex
• Inside the mausoleum – deep niches and diverse muqarnas decoration.
• Outwardly the Gur-e Amir Mausoleum is a one-cupola building. It is famous for its
simplicity of construction and for its solemn monumentality of appearance. It is an
octahedral building crowned by an azure fluted dome. The exterior decoration of
the walls consists of the blue, light-blue and white tiles organized into geometrical
and epigraphic ornaments against a background of terracotta bricks. The dome
(diameter – 15 m (49.21 ft), height – 12.5 m (41.01 ft)) is of a bright blue color with
deep rosettes and white spots. Heavy ribbed fluting gives an amazing
expressiveness to the cupola.
• Inwardly the mausoleum appears as a large, high chamber with deep niches at the
sides and diverse decoration. The lower part of the walls covered are by onyx slabs
composed as one panel. Each of these slabs is decorated with refined paintings.
Above the panel there is a marble stalactite cornice. Large expanses of the walls are
decorated with painted plaster; the arches and the internal dome are ornamented by
high-relief papier-mache cartouches, gilded and painted.
• The ornate carved headstones in the inner room of the mausoleum merely indicate
the location of the actual tombs in a crypt directly underneath the main chamber.
Under Ulugh Beg's government a solid block of dark green jade was placed over the
grave of Tamerlane. Formerly this stone had been used at a place of worship in the
Chinese emperor's palace. Next to Tamerlane's grave lie the marble tombstones of
his sons Miran Shah and Shah Rukh and also of grandsons – Muhammad Sultan
and Ulugh Beg. Tamerlane's spiritual teacher Mir Said Baraka, also rests here.
Central asian architecture/Timurid architecture

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The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
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A Brief Introduction About Hadj Ounis
A Brief  Introduction  About  Hadj OunisA Brief  Introduction  About  Hadj Ounis
A Brief Introduction About Hadj Ounis

Central asian architecture/Timurid architecture

  • 1. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE CENTRAL ASIA Describing Central Asian Islamic architecture, Philip Glazebrook wrote in Journey to Khiva: “Round the court glistened tiled facades, in every facade is a tiled arch, in the arch a fantastically carved door, every surface writhing with violently-colored patterns of Islam which blaze up like flame, vivid and restless, to end in the suddenly cut-off of the flat-topped wall. Above that the aquamarine domes, beautiful things, in shape and substance serene.”
  • 4. Central Asia, in particular the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva in Uzbekistan, are famous for their architecture. The destructive habits of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and other nomadic plunderers has meant very little early old stuff remains. Most of the famous architecture in the region dates back to the time of Tamerlane and the Timurids Because wood and stone were not very plentiful in the deserts and steppes of Central Asia, brick became the desired building material. Buildings were traditionally designed to beat the heat, with large openings facing the wind and fountains and pools and even streams in the courtyard to provide a cooling effect. Important advances that made Central Asia architecture possible included the development of fired bricks in the 10th century, colored timework in the 12th century, polychrome tile in the 14th century and the squinch. INTRODUCTION
  • 5. Timurid architecture is the pinnacle of Islamic art in Central Asia. Spectacular and stately edifices erected by Timur and his successors in Samarkand and Herat helped to disseminate the influence of the Ilkhanid school of art in India, thus giving rise to the celebrated Moghol school of architecture. The style is largely derived from Persian architecture. Axial symmetry is a characteristic of all major Timurid structures, notably the Shah-e Zendah in Samarkand and the mosque of Gowhar Shad in Meshed. Double domes of various shapes abound, and the outsides are perfused with brilliant colors. TIMURID ARCHITECTURE
  • 6. • Features associated with the famous Timurid Architecture found in Samarkand and elsewhere in Central Asia include massive blue domes, often ribbed; tile- and mosaic-covered portals (gateway facades); towering, tapering minarets; and courtyards lined with cell-like quarters. The huge entrance portal featured in some buildings, as high as 30 meters, are intended to dwarf all those who stand before Allah. • Traditional Central Asia cities had an inner city and an outer city surrounded by a wall, intended to keep storms, bandits and marauding horses out. Many cities had water brought in by aqueducts and stored in reservoirs. Features of Central Asian Architecture
  • 7. • Mosques, madrasahs and other buildings in Central Asia are famous for their colorful tilework. The tiles not only make the building look beautiful they also make them appear lighter. The tiles are set up to reflect the desert sun. Deep cobalt blue and turquoise (meaning "color of the Turks") were often featured on domes. • In keeping with the Muslim taboo on representations of animals and people, the tiles, walls and arches were decorated with calligraphy, floral designs and geometric shapes. The calligraphy is often either in the stylized kufic script favored by the Timurids or the often filiated thulth scripts. • The tiles come in variety of styles: stamped, chromatic (one color painted on and then fired), polychromatic (several colors painted on and then fired), and faience (carved onto wet clay and then fired). Other decorative features include carved and painted woodwork. patterned brickwork and carved ghanch (alabaster).
  • 8. • MOSQUES Central Asian mosques typically have a large portal which leads to a colonnaded space (sometimes open, sometimes closed) and covered prayer area. Many small mosques have a pointed roof supported by carved wooden columns. Some large ones have an enclosed space divided by many supporting pillars. See Islam Architecture. • MINARETS Central Asian minarets are typically made of brick, sometimes covered with tiles, and often tapered inward to make the building nearby look bigger. Some have stairways which the muezzin climbed to call the faithful to prayer from the top. Others, like he ones at the Registan, are purely ornamental. • MAUSOLEUMS Mausoleums were built by famous leader to highlight their fame or to honor holymen. Most have a prayer room set under a domed cupola. The actual tombs may be located in a central hall or underground in a crypt-like room. Some have accommodation, washrooms and kitchens. • OTHER STRUCTURES You can also find forts ( arks), multi-domed bathhouses ( hamans), caravanserais ( rabat), shopping arcades, covered bazaars ( tok) and reservoirs ( hauz) in Central Asia. Types of Buildings in Central Asia
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  • 11. MADRASAHS • Many of the most famous buildings in Central Asia—such as the massive structures at the Registan in Samarkand—are madrasahs, Islamic theological schools. They typically are two stores high and have a central courtyard surrounded by cell-like living quarters ( hujras) used by students, teachers and traveling scholars. • Madrasahs and the square in front of them were often the central building of a Central Asian city the same way a cathedral and market square were at the center of European cities. Markets were often set up in the squares in front of madrasahs and the niches in front wall of the madrasah were used by merchants. • The main features are the monumental portal at the entrance, a mosque to the right of the entrance, a lecture hall to the right, and arched portals in the central courtyard. These days the cells in the courtyards are often filled with carpet sellers and souvenir shops. Mir-I-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara
  • 12. • “The historic town of Samarkand, located in a large oasis in the valley of the Zerafshan River, in the north-eastern region of Uzbekistan, is considered the crossroads of world cultures with a history of over two and a half millennia. Evidence of settlements in the region goes back to 1500 BC, with Samarkand having its most significant development in the Temurid period, from the 14th to the 15th centuries, when it was capital of the powerful Temurid realm. • The major monuments include the Registan Mosque and madrasas, Bibi-Khanum Mosque, the Shakhi-Zinda compound and the Gur-Emir ensemble, as well as Ulugh-Beg's Observatory. • “The historical part of Samarkand consists of three main sections. In the north-east there is the site of the ancient city of Afrosiab, founded in the 7th century BC and destroyed by Genghis Khan in the 13th century, which is preserved as an archaeological reserve. Archaeological excavations have revealed the ancient citadel and fortifications, the palace of the ruler (built in the 7th century displays important wall paintings), and residential and craft quarters. There are also remains of a large ancient mosque built from the 8th to 12th centuries. Historic Samarkand
  • 13. “To the south, there are architectural ensembles and the medieval city of the Temurid epoch of the 14th and 15th centuries, which played a seminal role in the development of town planning, architecture, and arts in the region. The old town still contains substantial areas of historic fabric with typical narrow lanes, articulated into districts with social centres, mosques, madrassahs, and residential housing. The traditional Uzbek houses have one or two floors and the spaces are grouped around central courtyards with gardens; built in mud brick, the houses have painted wooden ceilings and wall decorations. The contribution of the Temurid masters to the design and construction of the Islamic ensembles were crucial for the development of Islamic architecture and arts and exercised an important influence in the entire region, leading to the achievements of the Safavids in Persia, the Moghuls in India, and even the Ottomans in Turkey. “To the west there is the area that corresponds to the 19th and 20th centuries expansions, built by the Russians, in European style. The modern city extends around this historical zone. This area represents traditional continuity and qualities that are reflected in the neighbourhood structure, the small centres, mosques, and houses. Many houses retain painted and decorated interiors, grouped around courtyards and gardens.
  • 14. Registan • Registan (central Samarkand) is arguably the most famous site in Central Asia. Built over a 250 year period from the early 15th century to the mid-17th century, it is a stunningly beautiful monumental square with both grand architecture and exquisite details. It was intended to convey the artistic achievements and the power of Tamerlane and his descendants. Although the Registan is associated with Tamerlane, its main buildings were built by his Grandson Ulughbek, and the Uzbek Shaybanids that came after the Timurids. • Registan means "sandy place." The square itself is about the size of three football fields. One side of the square is open. The other three sides are each fronted by massive madrasahs, Islamic religious schools. The three madrasahs are what stand out most. The Registan is no longer functioning. But when it was it served as an elite, private school, university, religious center and commercial area. The main square contained a huge bustling bazaar. • The English statesman Lord Corzon called the Registan the "most noble public square in the world" and said no piazza in Europe approached it. To do so he said it needed to be "commanded on three of its four sides by Gothic cathedrals of the finest order." Explorers such as Ibn Batuta, Fitzoy MacLean and Laurnes van der Post described it in equally grand terms.
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  • 20. • It possesses the traits typical for many Muslim medieval constructions. The mosque follows the basic plan of the courtyard mosque. Its outer walls enclose a rectangular area which measures 167 metres (182.63 yards) in length and 109 metres (119.20 yards) wide and runs roughly from northeast to southwest — the Qibla accordingly. Entering the Mosque from the northeast through the vast parade portal leads to the courtyard. A monumental dome above a square base, around 40 m high, rises on the opposite site of the courtyard. The dome is the largest cupola of the mosque. Nevertheless, the dome cannot be seen from the courtyard, for whole building is covered up from inside by the grandiose pischtak, which framed a monumental, deeply embedded Iwan. • The Iwan does not allow getting inside the underlying construction supporting the dome; this can only be done from the sides. Two other domes associated with the Iwans, more modest in size, face the center of the long sides of the courtyard. Thus the Bibi-Khanym Mosque implements the classic architectural type of the "Four- Iwan scheme". • Formerly, there were open galleries measuring 7.2 m high inside the courtyard. Their cover was formed from the juxtaposition of many small, flat brick vaults and domes supported by a forest of more than 400 marble columns and buttresses. Bibi-Khanym Mosque
  • 21. • In the middle of the courtyard is located the stone pedestal — the huge Quran stand— crafted from ornate marble blocks. This remarkable sight originates from the time of Timur. • The huge Bibi-Khanym Mosque with its three domed rooms, the covered galleries and the open courtyard was intended to gather the entire male population of Samarkand city for the joint Friday prayers. • In the construction of three domes of Bibi-Khanym mosque, sophisticated in Timur's time, one important innovation was applied: a two-fold construction, where the internal dome hall neither by the form nor by height corresponds to the dome's shape from outside. There is a hollow space between the inner ceiling and the outer cupola. This dome construction allowed the main hall of the mosque to be committed to the proportions and the aesthetics of the 30 m high interior above the mihrab. Meanwhile, the 40 m high outer dome of the main building could be designed for maximal impression and visibility. This scheme was applied also to the lateral dome structures that allowed making modest buildings the figuration tower- like structures with elegant melon-shaped and longitudinally ribbed outer domes. • The interiors of the mosque contain gilding, imitating local brocade embroideries.Bibi-Khanym mosque was one of the most ambitious architectural projects of the Timurid period and influenced the architecture of Central Asia as well as of Iran and Afghanistan. Bibi-Khanym Mosque
  • 22. • A unique ensemble of ancient tombs (1370-1449 years) is located near Afrasiab settlement. It is also called "Street cemetery". Building of mosques and mausoleums of XI-XV centuries oddly stretched on both sides and their blue domes look like an elegant necklace from the top. • Shakhi Zinda is the burial place of royal persons and nobles. But the main mausoleum from which the necropolis starts seems to be the imaginary grave of Prophet Muhammad's cousin, Kusam ibn Abbas. The complex was called "Shakhi Zinda" that means in Persian "The Living King". He was one of those who preached Islam in that region. Later the Complex became an important pilgrimage centre that was revered by the people as sacred. Shahi Zinda Mausoleum complex
  • 23. • All mausoleums complex Shakhi Zinda form a single composition. Each of them is a square building with a dome, the entrance to which is highlighted by a portico. Is rich in architectural decoration of buildings, which are used irrigation bricks, majolica tiles, carved mosaic. • The last construction is the main entrance to the crypt Shakhi Zinda, which completes the whole ensemble. The inscription on the main entrance reads: "This magnificent building created Abdulazizhanom-son Ulugbek-Guragana, son of Shah Rukh, son of Amir Timur-Guragana in 838 year (1434/35 AD). After rising to 36 steps, you will find yourself on an open gallery. Here the left and right are crypts - the mausoleum of Tamerlane's relatives. The gallery ends with a round courtyard with a vaulted arch. Under it, on the right there is an ancient carved door, which leads to the main shrine of ensemble Shakhi Zinda - Mausoleum of Kusam ibn Abbas, a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. Shahi Zinda Mausoleum complex
  • 24. • Inside the mausoleum – deep niches and diverse muqarnas decoration. • Outwardly the Gur-e Amir Mausoleum is a one-cupola building. It is famous for its simplicity of construction and for its solemn monumentality of appearance. It is an octahedral building crowned by an azure fluted dome. The exterior decoration of the walls consists of the blue, light-blue and white tiles organized into geometrical and epigraphic ornaments against a background of terracotta bricks. The dome (diameter – 15 m (49.21 ft), height – 12.5 m (41.01 ft)) is of a bright blue color with deep rosettes and white spots. Heavy ribbed fluting gives an amazing expressiveness to the cupola. Gur-Emir
  • 25. • Inwardly the mausoleum appears as a large, high chamber with deep niches at the sides and diverse decoration. The lower part of the walls covered are by onyx slabs composed as one panel. Each of these slabs is decorated with refined paintings. Above the panel there is a marble stalactite cornice. Large expanses of the walls are decorated with painted plaster; the arches and the internal dome are ornamented by high-relief papier-mache cartouches, gilded and painted. • The ornate carved headstones in the inner room of the mausoleum merely indicate the location of the actual tombs in a crypt directly underneath the main chamber. Under Ulugh Beg's government a solid block of dark green jade was placed over the grave of Tamerlane. Formerly this stone had been used at a place of worship in the Chinese emperor's palace. Next to Tamerlane's grave lie the marble tombstones of his sons Miran Shah and Shah Rukh and also of grandsons – Muhammad Sultan and Ulugh Beg. Tamerlane's spiritual teacher Mir Said Baraka, also rests here. Gur-Emir