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Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
Situs Inversus
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are approximately three million
babies born in the United States each year (Martin et al.). While there is always risk that a baby
could have any number of health conditions, one rarely occurring condition is situs inversus. "Situs"
refers to the position of an organ, with situs solitus being the ordinary arrangement of organs
(Dictionary). Situs inversus is when the organs in the chest and abdomen are mirrored, or opposite,
of where their ordinary location should be. This is a unique genetic condition that affects 1 in 10,000
babies born each year ("15 Incredible Situs Inversus Statistics"). While situs inversus is the general
term used, there are three subtypes of the condition that can occur: dextrocardia, levocardia and
ambiguous. The two main subtypes of situs inversus are dextrocardia and levocardia, with the third
subtype being situs ambiguous. The differences between the two main subtypes are based on the
position of the heart. If the heart is still on the left side yet the rest of the organs are flipped, it is
considered situs inversus with levocardia. However, if the heart is on the right side instead of the
left, along with the rest of the organs being flipped, it is considered situs inversus with dextrocardia,
also known as situs inversus totalis, or a 'true mirror image'. Of the two, levocardia is the most rare,
with an occurrence rate of only 1 in 22,000 births ("15 Incredible
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The Case Of Randy Foye, Melanie Gaydos And The Dasilva Family
Since the moment you are created in the womb, you are being made with your own characteristics.
Everyone is unique in their own way, but in some cases what makes them unique can be quite
impressive. The moment a single cell takes an unexpected turn can lead to the formation of a special
person. This was just the case for Randy Foye, Melanie Gaydos, and the DaSilva family. Randy
Foye may look normal to you, but what is different in him cannot be seen in the outside. Randy was
born with situs inversus. Situs inversus is a condition where your organs are reversed. Aside his
condition Randy has been very successful in his career as a basketball player. Although there could
be a risk of him developing an internal sickness easier than others
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Sitis Inversus Essay
First seen and recognized in 1643 by Marco Severino, dextrocardia with situs inversus is a rare
condition that affects 1 in 10,000 people, or 0.1% of the population. The word, sitis inversus is a
shortened latin version of sitis inversus viscerum, which means inverted position of the internal
organs. The heart and organs are completely flipped (or "mirrored") opposite of what they normally
should be. Even though it's a rare condition, those who do have it can have some health issues that
can be serious, and others may not have issues at all.
It is a congenital condition and believed to be transmitted by autosomal recessive genes from the
parents, meaning each parent has to have this trait in order to pass it off to the offspring. If the
embryo receives only one gene, then that person will be a carrier of the condition but not physically
have the ... Show more content on ...
To start at the top with this condition, the apex of the heart in a normal patient points towards the
left (levocardia) but with this condition, the apex of the heart actually points to the right
(dextrocardia) side. The right atrium is on the left and the left atrium is on the right with about 80%
of these patients having a right–sided aortic arch. In addition to the heart being backwards, the
organs of digestion are also backwards too. The liver is on the left, along with the gallbladder, and
the spleen and stomach are on the right. Sometimes these patients are born without a spleen.
Another issue to watch out for are abdominal obstructions. Due to the organs being backwards,
some patients born with this condition may not have properly formed digestive organs, called
malrotation. An abdominal obstruction prevents waste from moving through the intestines as it
normally should and leave the body. With an abdominal obstruction, it can be life threatening and
require surgery to correct the obstruction before any further damage is
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Developmental Issues Research Paper
Development.A procees that takes nine months to create the people we see today.Sometimes while
the developmental process is happening there is an issue that causes specific functions of the body
not to work.These developmental issues are more common than not. Developmental issues vary
with person.It can causes changes of skin,hair,limbs,and even organs. There is a genetic disorder
called Ectodermal Dysplasia. Its not a single disorder, but a group of closely related conditions of
which more than 150 different syndromes have been identified.It effects the hair,skin,nails,and
teeth.Teeth shatter never fully able to grow,the persons hair grows inwards never being able to grow
hair on the outside, and the nails also arent able to completely.There
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Clinical Note On Clinical Disorders
Clinical vignette
A fifty–two–year–old white male visited his physician because he started experiencing shortness of
breath on walking short distances at ground level. He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes daily
for 40 years. Physical examination revealed a loud fourth heart sound and a blood pressure of
147/95 mmHg. Chest examination and chest X–ray were unremarkable, and ECG showed left atrial
abnormality. The patient had normal serum electrolytes, blood sugar, and kidney function tests. A
stress echocardiogram was ordered to exclude potential coronary artery disease (CAD). His resting
echocardiography showed an ejection fraction (EF) of 60%, normal septal and posterior wall
thickness, and mild diastolic dysfunction [septal early diastolic mitral annular velocity (e') of 7
cm/s, early diastolic (E–wave) to late diastolic (A–wave) transmitral Doppler flow velocity ratio
(E/A) of 1.4, E–wave deceleration time of 210 milliseconds, and E/e' ratio of 9]. There were no
resting segmental wall motion abnormalities suggestive of ischemia. The patient exercised on a
treadmill using Bruce protocol for 4 minutes and 43 seconds, and achieved 6.6 metabolic equivalent
of task (MET) and maximum heart rate of 148 beats/minute (88% of his maximum age predicted
heart rate). At peak exercise, the patient developed severe dyspnea and his blood pressure was
213/90 mmHg. Post exercise echocardiography was acquired within 1 minute of exercise
termination with Doppler recordings obtained at
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Kartagener 's Syndrome
Kartagener's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the cilia within the body.
Autosomal recessive means that one or more of both the parent's genes responsible for encoding the
cilia's structure are mutated. This essay will focus on the etiology, clinical manifestations and
anatomic alterations while also exploring diagnostic and treatment modalities. Cilia are the tiny
hair–like structures found in many organ systems including the respiratory and reproductive
systems. It was diagnosed by a Swedish physician Manes Kartagener in 1933 (). Since Kartegner's
syndrome is a autosomal recessive disorder each child of the affected parents have a twenty five
percent chance of developing the syndrome. According to Zariwala,"it is estimated that in the
United States, there are 12,000 to 17,000 people who have the condition" (Zariwala). Kartagener's
syndrome often presents as a newborn suffering from mild to moderate respiratory distress. As the
neonate transitions into extrauterine life, tachypnea and the need for supplemental oxygen is often
apparent. Many babies affected by the disease also have persistent crackles or rhonchi when
auscultating their chest. Some patients may also have an wheezes similar to patient's with
asthma(Bergström, Sten–Erik). This is caused by the inability for the neonate to clear the secretions
from their airway. When performing a physical assessment of the chest you will often find that there
is a hyper resonant percussion note, as well
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Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia ( Pcd )
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare, heterogeneous and largely autosomal recessive disorder.
The disease can be caused by different genetic mutations that will result in the same genetic
disorder. Currently, there are more than 20 genes with mutations that can cause PCD. In order for
the patient to develop this congenital disorder, two copies of the mutated gene, one from each
parent, must be present. Abnormal characteristics include both the function of the motile cilia and
the structure, although the structure may also be normal (Boon et al.). The cilia in the airway do not
move the mucus out and this causes infections due to the mucus accumulation. Another component
of this disease is upper and lower respiratory tract infections. ... Show more content on ...
Patients are being misdiagnosed due to the fact that their symptoms are common and that they are
found in other conditions. PCD is often diagnosed late even though the disease is present during
birth. Common symptoms of this disorder include rhinorrhea, chronic productive cough,
rhinosinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear and prolonged discharge from the ear. Most patients
will have extra testing done to rule out similar respiratory conditions, such as a sweat test and serum
immunoglobin measurements. Symptoms or conditions that suggest PCD are situs abnormalities,
positive family history, idiopathic bronchiectasis, agenesis of one or both sinuses, male infertility,
ectopic pregnancies and, diagnosis in other family members, (Bush & Hogg). According to the PCD
Foundation, there are about 400,000 people worldwide with PCD and an estimated 25,000 in the
United States. The PCD foundation states that very few patients have been identified due to the fact
of the difficulty in diagnosing the disorder. Knowles et al. indicated that "the prevalence of PCD in
the United States is difficult to determine largely due to inadequacies of diagnostic measures. There
are fewer than 1,000 patients in the United States with a well established diagnosis of PCD". In
relation to race, ethnicity, heritage or gender there is no identifiable at risk group (PCD Foundation).
There are prevalent features that should alert clinicians
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Malanie Gaydos Genetic Disorder
From just a simple ova to a new born baby the journey to get there isn't always short and simple .
They will evolve to one the most complex organisms on the planet. Although some have a
successful journey, some undergo wrong turns. Some processes are disrupted. They create disorders
and many are formed the first weeks of growth. For example, a Brazilian family with a genetic
disorder named The sonic hedgehog protein. This disorder affects the size and number of fingers.
When the bones and cartilage start to build up did Jean mutate and activate. The family and doesn't
mind the extra finger. They see it as an advantage. Although, one of the family members have to get
a special gloves to play baseball. Furthermore, another genetic condition called situs inversus. This
condition is caused by a non–active cellular process. Some orders on the opposite side of the body
like a mirror. Randy Foye was one individual with this disorder. His heart and liver we're on
opposite sides of the body. He is living with no problems or difficulties and his gene wasn't passed
to his daughters. ... Show more content on ...
And this disorder affects the skin, hair and nails. This happened because the layer that is in charge of
these things when the fetus was being created failed to develop. Malanie Gaydos, who is a model,
has this genetic information she lacks hair, teeth, nails and her skin is very sensitive. She has learned
to embrace this disorder and is now living her
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Functions Of A Cilia Of Cilia And Contractile And Motor...
The various known functions of a cilia are to circulate fluids, move eggs into the oviduct, line air
passages to sweep out mucus that contain bacteria, and many more (Erster Lecture 6). Cilia are
about 2–20 um long, and they are extensions of cells that perform in locomotion (Campbell pg. 12).
They can be found in multiple eukaryotes such as Paramecium (which are found in pond water) to
humans. In the single–celled organism, Paramecium, the cilia helps propel it through the water. As
for humans, the cells in the our windpipes are lined up with cilia and they prevent the lungs from
bacteria by sweeping a film of debris–trapping mucus upward (Campbell pg. 12). Various proteins
within the body has they own function, and the contractile and motor proteins are responsible for the
movements of cilia and flagella (Campbell pg. 76). CIlia must be motile in order for them to
perform their functions, thus when the cilia are immotile, a syndrome known as Kartagener 's
develops through the rare genetic disorder of the immotile cilia. Since cilia deals with motion, when
males are afflicted with Kartagener's syndrome they become sterile from the immotile sperm, and
they often also suffer from lung infections (Campbell pg. 118). However, this syndrome can also
affect females. It can lead to infections at the nasal sinuses and bronchi for both genders. An
interesting effect of Kartagener 's is situs inversus, which is the "reversal of the normal left–right
asymmetry of the organs in the
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Synopsis Of Acute Bronchitis Case Summary
Synopsis A 75–year–old woman with acute bronchitis ruled out pneumonia and had no other
specific symptoms. The purpose of this exam was to that it was demonstrated that the patient had
acute bronchitis. Initially looking at the image, it appeared as if the patient had situs inversus of her
heart. The patient also exhibits a large diaphragmatic hernia on the left side of her lung field which
has caused the heart and mediastinum to shift to the right side. However, when we investigated into
the patient's past medical history and she has had this diaphragmatic hernia for a considerable length
of time which caused the appearance of her heart to be on the right side instead of the left. The
aesthetics of this image is nicely achieved with the
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Research Paper On Kartagener's Syndrome
Kartagener's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the cilia within the body.
Autosomal recessive means that one or more of both the parents' genes responsible for encoding the
cilia's structure are mutated. This presentation will focus on the etiology, clinical manifestations and
anatomic alterations of Kartagener syndrome while also exploring diagnostic and treatment
modalities. Kartagener syndrome was diagnosed by a Swedish physician Manes Kartagener in 1933.
It is a relatively rare syndrome with each child of the affected parents has a twenty–five percent
chance of developing the syndrome, estimated 15,000 people in the United States have it.
Kartagener's syndrome often presents as a newborn suffering from mild to moderate ... Show more
content on ...
Situs inversus occurs in about 50% of congenital bronchiectasis, beginning during ebryonic ciliary
movement which is vital to the normal function and proper placement of the chest and abdominal
organs. Ineffective ciliary function essentially leads to the neonates organs becoming flip–flopped.
There are many different ways to diagnose Kartagener's syndrome which include genetic testing,
microscopic analysis, bronchoscopy, chest radiograph and pulmonary function test. Although
Kartagener's syndrome is not curable many treatment modalities are available to give patients a near
normal life. Treatment options include mucus clearance, medications, and preventative modalities.
These include high–frequency chest wall oscillator vest, bronchodilator and Beta 2 antagonists,
mucolytics such as humanDnase a and N–Actelcysteine, as well as prophylactic therapy. As a
respiratory therapist knowing about this syndrome could be very beneficial to the care of patients.
Although not extremely common throughout our careers as a Respiratory Therapist there is the
potential that we come across patients with this syndrome. My presentation would introduce
therapists to the basic concept of the
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Kartagener's Syndrome Research Paper
Kartagener's Syndrome (PCD)
Structure and Function: The cilia organelles are found in eukaryotic cells. Cilia are made up of
microtubule–based cytoskeleton called the axoneme and multiple proteins. The function of the cilia
is to keep passageways clear of any mucus and foreign particles. 38
The disease and how the organelle malfunctions: Kartagener's syndrome is a rare hereditary genetic
disorder. This disorder affects the respiratory tract, middle ear, fallopian tube, and the flagella of
sperm cells. This disorder starts in the embryologic phase of development. The diagram shows you
the main internal structure and anything missing or deformed in the central microtubules to the
dynein arms causes the protein to not properly link together. ... Show more content on ...
The lack of movement causes there to be little to no mucus clearance in the lungs. One symptom of
Kartagener's syndrome is chronic or recurrent respiratory diseases. The respiratory diseases start off
when the patient is young, but as the patient gets older the respiratory diseases get worse. These
diseases cause progressive damage to the respiratory system. Some other symptoms of Kartagener's
syndrome is hearing loss and loss of smell. Hearing loss and loss of smell is due to the buildup of
mucus in the respiratory tract. 104
Diagnosis and prognosis: The earliest that this disorder can be diagnosed at is birth, if the newborn
experiences respiratory distress or needs respiratory therapy. Kartagener's syndrome is most often
diagnosed in early childhood. If the child has recurring ear infections, chronic sinusitis, or chronic
respiratory infections with no obvious cause the doctor will then check for PCD or Kartagener's
syndrome. There are several different ways that a doctor can diagnose you for Kartagener's
syndrome. One way to test for Kartagener's syndrome is to do a breathing test. People with this
disease breath out less nitric oxide. Other ways are to do a tissue biopsy, semen analysis, or imaging
scans. The disease causes you to be vulnerable to all different types of respiratory diseases. People
with Kartagener's syndrome can have multiple respiratory diseases
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Genetic Changes In Baby
There are many possibilities that can happen during the nine months that make a child. During those
9 months in the womb, there can be changes in the process of creating the baby. Usually the chance
of having a baby with a disorder is about one in several thousands or millions. These disorders are
illnesses caused by changes in a person's DNA. Genetic disorders make people unique from others.
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a rare disorder that not many people get. Before birth, there is
abnormal development of structures in the baby. They include the skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sweat
glands. There is a mutation in the DNA. In a case of this disorder, the gene, TP63, changed.
Situs inversus is a condition in which the arrangement of the internal organs is a mirror image of
normal internal body. The cilia we have spins, sending the organs where they need to be. In this
case, the cilia didn't spin at all. This caused all of the organs to go to the wrong place. Everything
that should've went left, went right. This condition can also be inherited. ... Show more content on ...
Mutations of the GL13 gene during development is known to cause this disorder. It is known to be
involved in the patterning of tissues and organs. It helps by helping to control whether specific
genes are turned off or on. This condition can also be inherited.
There are several types of genetic disorders. They all happen when a gene takes a turn during
conception. Not everyone is born with a disorder but those who are have or more abnormalities in
the genome. Genetic disorders may be hereditary, but others may be the first ones to ever have a
their type of condition. No matter what the case is, everyone is human, but some have a little twist
to their
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Isolated Dextrocardia
Dextrocardia is generally a condition where the heart is in the right thoracic region versus the left.
The condition can result in normal heart being a little further to the right in the chest than normal, as
well as a deformed heart in the right region of the chest and an anatomically mirrored heart in the
right thoracic region instead of the left. All dextrocardia is congenital and less 1% of the population
has this condition. Most dextrocardia patients have recurring health issues throughout life due to the
anatomical abnormalities. An even smaller number of that 1% with dextrocardia has isolated
dextrocardia. Isolated Dextrocardia is a healthy heart that is located in the opposite side of the chest
and is usually seen with situs inversus, ... Show more content on ...
Defects and problems with vital organs can be remedied through installing a pacemaker, surgery to
repair septal defects, abdominal surgeries to correct obstructions/damaging anatomical issues in the
thoracic and abdominal area. Abdominal obstructions are serious and if not monitored and treated
are life threatening. However not all patients need extreme medical procedure, like surgery, because
of the complications that come with dextrocardia. In many cases antibiotics are prescribed to boost
or maintain the immune system because of the increased probability of respiratory illness as a result
of asplenia and respiratory malformations. On average people with dextrocardia contract infections
more often but overall dextrocardia, even in complicated cases, is manageable with the right care,
information and medical
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Melanie's Cells: A Short Story
Across the planet, four times every second, a new human is conceived. In just nine months, a single
cell no bigger than a speck of dust transforms into the most complex organism on earth. There are
many events that shape and define us long before we're born. Right from the start, it's a journey full
of surprises. There are many things that make you who you are today. At 2 weeks, Melanie's cells
first started the miraculous transformation process of changing into the specialized cells that form
all the parts of her body. At magnificent speed, cells begin to migrate forming three layers. Each of
the layers are assigned to build something, the top layer are the cells that make skin, hair, teeth, and
brain. When the cells in Melanie's surface ... Show more content on ...
The genes from our father are programmed for growth, to make us big and strong. But our mother's
genes are designated to restrict how big we become, because she needs a baby small enough to
deliver. The extra gene Nell inherited from her dad means she over–produces a hormone that tells
her body to grow. This is why she is extremely tall. Around day 19, cillia, a hair–like structure that
gives directions, spring into life. On very rare ocasions, our organs don't end up where they should.
Randy has a rare condition called situs inversus, which only happens to one in every 10,000 of us.
In Randy's case, the moment when is cillia were supposed to spin, sending his organs to the right
place, they didn't spin at all. Without his cillia to direct things, his left gene somehow became a right
gene instead, and everything that should've gone left went right. From just a single cell, a series of
moments of development have been adding up. While we all followed the same path through our
first eight weeks in the womb, we all did it in our unique way. Each one of us is defined by this
extraordinary time in our development, a time that continues to affect us all. From our first breath to
our very
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Narrative Essay On Cardiac Arrest
60% Rough Draft Late in the fall of my sixteenth year, my heart stopped functioning and I went into
cardiac arrest. One might think that a medical phenomenon like this is next to inconceivable, but
despite the improbable conditions, I was part of the 0.1%.
I was born with a rare heart condition called dextrocardia, also known as situs inversus. My heart
and all of my other organs are mirrored on the opposite side of my body, so instead of having my
heart on the left side of the body like the other 99.9% of the human population, it's positioned on the
right side. Because of this, I've had health problems all my life. And with health problems comes
financial problems.
My father left us when he found out how much money his three–year–old daughter was costing him
between surgeries, physical therapy, and weekly examinations. That left my mother with the burden
of taking care me. She went to work, did all the housework, and never once scowled, or caused
anyone any trouble and was kind to everyone. However my aunt always hounded her for money and
made excuses about why she was in need. My mother financially supported her, doing part–time ...
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He had been watching the few moments I had conversing with him at the support group and hoped
that I could have someone to talk to. As much as he forced interaction between us, Toby and I grew
together instantaneously. Doctor Gordon would walk in every few hours, checking in on us and
acting out of character– much like a hyper, optimistic school counselor. We spent the rest of the
afternoon helping Toby settle in and playing board games as well as doing other activities to get to
know each other better. After a few hours of getting used to each other, he admitted that he
requested a room change to be closer to me. So he was hitting on me. I didn't mind. I was amused
by the way he flirted. It was cute, but his charm got a hold of me and soon enough our feelings were
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Appendectomy Essay
An appendicectomy (or appendectomy) is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix. This
procedure is normally performed as an emergency procedure, when the patient is suffering from
acute appendicitis. In the absence of surgical facilities, intravenous antibiotics are used to delay or
avoid the onset of sepsis; it is now recognized that many cases will resolve when treated non–
operatively. In some cases the appendicitis resolves completely; more often, an inflammatory mass
forms around the appendix. This is a relative contraindication to surgery.
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It is thought that appendicitis begins when the
opening from the appendix into the cecum becomes blocked. The ... Show more content on ...
Ultrasound can identify an enlarged appendix or an abscess. Nevertheless, during appendicitis, the
appendix can be seen in only 50% of patients. Therefore, not seeing the appendix during an
ultrasound does not exclude appendicitis. Ultrasound also is helpful in women because it can
exclude the presence of conditions involving the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus that can mimic
Barium Enema
A barium enema is an x–ray test where liquid barium is inserted into the colon from the anus to fill
the colon. This test can, at times, show an impression on the colon in the area of the appendix where
the inflammation from the adjacent inflammation impinges on the colon. Barium enema also can
exclude other intestinal problems that mimic appendicitis, for example Crohn's disease.
CT Scan
In patients who are not pregnant, a CT Scan of the area of the appendix is useful in diagnosing
appendicitis and peri– appendiceal abscesses as well as in excluding other diseases inside the
abdomen and pelvis that can mimic appendicitis.
The appendix (or vermiform appendix; also cecal (or caecal) appendix; also vermix) is a blind–
ended tube connected to the cecum (or caecum), from which it develops embryologically. The
cecum is a pouchlike structure of the colon. The appendix is located near the junction of the small
intestine and the large intestine.
The term "vermiform" comes from Latin and means "worm–shaped".
Size and
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Nine Months Research Paper
Nine months is all it takes to create every single human living on this planet . Nine months and in
that time you turn from something as small as a seed to a newborn baby . During this whole cycle
and amazing journey we are all made to be unique and different from everybody else . There is only
one you in this planet which has characteristics that make you who you are. Some of these
characteristics happen in the womb which can affect your whole life. Situs inverses , Ectodermal
dysplasia, and Sonic hedgehog are just a few examples of genetic conditions that have a complete
impact on one's life. Situs inversus is a reversal of organs in a humans body. According to an article
in journal Heart Views, this condition occurs in an estimated 1 ... Show more content on ...
This disorder is caused by altered genes. Altered genes can be inherited or normal genes can change
over time. Someone cannot control what type of genes you get and therefore you can't change who
you turn out to be. According to the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia, more than 180
different types of ectodermal dysplasia exist. Sonic Hedgehog is a protein that plays a role in cell
growth, cell specialization, and shape of physical state. This protein is important in the embryonic
development. Sonic Hedgehog is also involved in a genetic condition called polydactyly.
Polydactyly can be passed down from family to family. This trait involves a gene that can cause
several variations like for example, an extra finger . Having an extra finger can definitely add to
something unique about you. In conclusion, some of us are chosen to be born with something
different from everybody else. Good or bad it can only affect a few people. Whether it's inherited or
caused by your genes this feature gives us a sense of who we are. Not everyone can say they have
mirrored organs or an extra finger. Although we all go through the same process to be made
something along the way can have a huge impact on
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Emergency Medicine Admission Essay
Emergency Medicine became a potential career option for me after I obtained my Emergency
Medical Technician Basic Certification the year before I entered medical school. I worked full–time
in the emergency department as a patient transporter, which gave me the privilege of witnessing and
participating in the daily work of the physicians and nurses.
My shifts were ten hours long, four days a week, and I took it upon myself to speak with patients
and physicians whenever I had the chance. Two new doctors, who had just finished their residency
training, began their first jobs the month I had started mine. As I began inquiring about some of the
things I saw and heard, they could not help but notice my burning desire to learn more about the
practice ... Show more content on ...
They shared my enthusiasm when they weren't overwhelmed with critical patients and treated me as
an enrolled medical student. They pointed out X–ray findings and ECG strips of some significance
unknown to me at the time, If they had an interesting patient they would introduce me and request
permission for me to observe. I recall one of the physicians quizzing me about a patient who had a
true "situs inversus" on her chest X–ray, and I will never forget my conversations with a young man
with signs and symptoms consistent with new–onset Lyme Disease.
The fact that I remember these specific scenarios is only testament to my impressionable nature at
the time. I am truly grateful for the time spent learning with those physicians, nurses and patients.
Their encouragement and feedback helped prepare me for medical school in ways I could not have
calculated, and my time with them seems very brief in retrospect.
When I did get accepted about eight months into the job, they cheered for me and told me how
proud they were of my accomplishments. On my last shift, one of the physicians presented me with
a new copy of Netter's Human Anatomy Atlas which had been signed on the inside cover by all the
emergency doctors, much like a high school yearbook. I cannot imagine a more satisfying and
inspirational welcoming into the field of
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How Does the Embryo Take Form and Differentiate to Become...
Throughout this discovery process there have been many questions that have guided the scientific
community towards finding answers. One of the earlier questions was "how does the embryo take
form and differentiate to become an organised organism?"
This question began to be answered in 1924, when H Spermann and H mangold published a paper
describing their experimentation with newt embryos. They discovered that by taking the dorsal lip
and transferring it to the ventral side of a new embryo; it would form a new embryonic axis by
instructing surrounding cells to undergo neutralisation and dorsalisation alongside a pre–existing
embryo (Spermann & Mangold, 1924). The reason this had such large implications was because it
proved that the ... Show more content on ...
This was achieved by undertaking a whole mount in situ hybridisation of mice embryos at the 6.0–
9.5 d.p.c stage (Meno & Saijoh et al, 1995). In doing so they were able to discover the role lefty
plays in left right asymmetry
Nobutaka Hirokawa 1998
They were able to prove that the motile cilia in the node where in fact motile through the use of
electron microscopy and show the cilia beating the extra–embryonic fluid in a leftward direction,
which they named the nodal flow (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). Furthermore, they were able to
emphasise the important role of KIF3B in L–R determination (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). A number
of methods were used to show this discovery. Embryos were analysed during a whole mount in situ
hybridisation, and also by histological techniques (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). To view the nodal
cilia, fluorescent microscopy using a confocal laser microscope, and immunoelectron microscopy
using electron microscopy was used without electron staining (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). Electron
microscopy was also used with electron staining to view the embryo (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998).
Fluorescent latex beads were used to visualise nodal flow, and the image was projected to a camera,
where the fluoresced beads could highlight the nodal flow and differentiate it from all other
structures (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). By comparing wild type mice with KIF3B–deficient mice that
lacked nodal cilia, they were able to show the importance of the motile cilia, and that the initial
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Congenital Heart Disease Essay
1) Introduction Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are the most prevalent of all birth defects and the
leading cause of death in the first year of life, (1) with an annual prevalence ranging from six to
twelve affected infants per 1,000 live births. (2)
Several chronic maternal medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, connective
tissue disorders, and congenital heart disease confer an increased risk of CHD in the offspring. (3)
Congenital cyanotic heart disease (CCHD) is a cardiac defect which facilitates complete mixing of
the deoxygenated systemic venous blood returning from the tissue and the fully oxygenated
pulmonary venous blood from the lung in a common receiving chamber. (4)
Cyanotic congenital heart defects include; Transposition of the great arteries, Truncus arteriosus,
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. (5)
Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic modality for a patient with suspected congenital heart
disease. In some patients, however, use of this modality is encumbered by its limited ability to
delineate great arteries and intra cardiac anomalies, pulmonary veins, and coronary arteries. (7)
Besides echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and Multi–slice computed
tomography angiocardiography (MSCT) have gained particular importance. (8) The presence of
image degrading artifacts from implanted metal, such as intravascular stents and embolization coils;
higher cost; limited availability; contraindication in imaging of
... Get more on ...
Dextrocardia Case Summary
Dextrocardia, Situs Inversus Totalis, Nasal epithelial cells, Primary ciliary dyskinesia , Kartagener
NKX2.5, DNAH5, DNAI1 Radiography, Computed Tomography, Ultrasonography,
In this article review, it is discussed and revised that the congenital condition called Situs Inversus
Totalis (SIT) with dextrocardia, which can have a wide array of signs and symptoms, physiology
and clinical characteristics, variation in genetic mutations, therapy and managements, possible
complications, as well as prognosis and outcomes. Diagnosing, testing and false positives/negatives
or possible complications with testings will also be assessed and discussed within this article.
First case study involves an 86 year old female arriving to the ED with abdominal pain on the left
hand side of her abdomen, with pre–existing hypertension, but no other medical conditions nor
medications, indicating appendicitis on the left hand side of her abdomen. Upon inspection, BP: ...
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Surgery can be an option for those who have intestinal malrotation to prevent possible
complications as well as rectifying any septal defects that may be present [26][27]
Possible complications such as septic shock, perforated bowel from intestinal malrotation or
blockage, congestive heart failure, continuous infections (sinus and respiratory) can all lead to
possible death [26][27][28]. Another complication is that those with the suffering with Kartagener
syndrome will suffer infertility due to the immobile cilia to allow the sperm to propel into the
reproductive system of the female.
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A Short Note On 13, And Patau Syndrome
Trisomy 13, or Patau Syndrome, is caused by the presence of three chromosome copies on
chromosome 13. An extra copy of chromosome 13 causes the majority of cases. Some cases are
caused by a Robertsonian translocation between chromosome 13 and other autosomes such as
chromosomes 15, 21, and 22. According to Bishra & Clericuzio "Trisomy 13 is the third most
common autosomal trisomy, with an incidence of 1 per 10,000" (Bishara & Clericuzio, 2008, p. 30).
It is comprised mainly of defects of the eyes, nose, lips, forebrain, holoprosencephaly, polydactyly,
and narrow hyperconvex fingernails, and skin defects of the posterior scalp. The median age of
survival is seven days, with over 90% of affected patients dying within the first year of life (Jones &
Casanelles, 2014). Common causes of death include cardiac arrest, complications of congenital
heart disease, and pneumonia. Those that survive the neonatal period have an average length of stay
in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of 10 days. According to studies, almost one quarter of
patients have at least one type of surgery in the neonatal period. More than half of fetuses with
trisomy 13 spontaneously abort. Most survivors have severe intellectual disability, seizures,
developmental delay, and failure to thrive. The incidence is slightly higher in females compared to
The etiology of this disorder is trisomy of chromosome 13. Although most children do not survive
longer than one year, it is one of the
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Ectodermal Dysplasia Research Paper
In this world many things can happen. One of the most interesting things is that we can get disorders
in the womb. These disorders can be good, bad, or it doesn't change a thing. Most of these disorders
all start from a small cell that creates us all. The only thing that's different is that there was some
kind of change in genetics.
In New York, Melanie Gaydos has a very unique disorder. She was diagnosed with Ectodermal
Dysplasia. Ectodermal Dysplasia is genetic disorders affecting the development or function of the
teeth, hair, nails and sweat glands. The people that have this, have sensitive skin, hair loss, and
hardly any teeth. This disorder started in the womb at two weeks and two days (16 days). Doctors
did an exam on her and found a ... Show more content on ...
It all started at two weeks and five days (19 days), when she inherited two copies of her father's
growth gene. This gene told her body to grow twice as big in the womb. This makes her body
overproduce a hormone of growth. This puts her at the risk of cancer because cells divide fast,
which can cause tumors. Her kidneys are most at risk, because there were abnormalities in the
kidneys. Doctors thought she might develop a tumor, but she didn't. At seven years old, she went to
get her kidney checked up and everything seemed fine. At seven years old, her growth starts to level
In Denver, famous basketball player, Randy Foye was diagnosed with Situs Inversus. It all started
around two weeks and five days (19 days), when your cilia is supposed to spin, sending your organs
to their place. His cilia didn't move at all and his left gene became a right gene and vice versa. The
inside of his body became a mirror image. This condition can be inherited. This happens in every 1
per 10,000 people. In some cases, not all organs switch, Randy was very lucky. If only a few organs
switched sides. His heart would be affected for life. This is fatal for 30% of embryos with this
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Ectodermal Dysplasias Essay
Ectodermal dysplasia is not a single disorder, but a group of syndromes all deriving from
abnormalities of the ectodermal structures.More than 150 different syndromes have been
identified.Despite some of the syndromes having different genetic causes the symptoms are
sometimes very similar. Diagnosis is usually by clinical observation often with the assistance of
family medical histories so that it can be determined whether transmission is autosomal dominant or
recessive.Worldwide around 7,000 people have been diagnosed with an ectodermal dysplasia
condition. Some ED conditions are only present in single family units and derive from very recent
mutations. Ectodermal dysplasias can occur in any race but are common in caucasians than any
other group and especially in fair caucasians.Ectodermal dysplasias are described as "heritable
conditions in which there are abnormalities of two or more ectodermal structures such as the hair,
teeth, nails, sweat glands, salivary glands, cranial–facial structure, digits and other parts of the body.
... Show more content on ...
The normal arrangement of internal organs is known as situs solitus while situs inversus is generally
the mirror image of situs solitus. Although cardiac problems are more common than in the general
population, most people with situs inversus have no medical symptoms or complications resulting
from the condition, and until the advent of modern medicine it was usually undiagnosed.Situs
inversus is found in about 0.01% of the population, or about 1 person in 10,000. In the most
common situation, situs inversus totalis, it involves complete transposition (right to left reversal) of
all of the abdominal organs. The heart is not in its usual position in the left chest, but is on the right,
a condition known as dextrocardia (literally,
... Get more on ...

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Centers For Disease Control And Prevention

  • 1. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Situs Inversus According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are approximately three million babies born in the United States each year (Martin et al.). While there is always risk that a baby could have any number of health conditions, one rarely occurring condition is situs inversus. "Situs" refers to the position of an organ, with situs solitus being the ordinary arrangement of organs (Dictionary). Situs inversus is when the organs in the chest and abdomen are mirrored, or opposite, of where their ordinary location should be. This is a unique genetic condition that affects 1 in 10,000 babies born each year ("15 Incredible Situs Inversus Statistics"). While situs inversus is the general term used, there are three subtypes of the condition that can occur: dextrocardia, levocardia and ambiguous. The two main subtypes of situs inversus are dextrocardia and levocardia, with the third subtype being situs ambiguous. The differences between the two main subtypes are based on the position of the heart. If the heart is still on the left side yet the rest of the organs are flipped, it is considered situs inversus with levocardia. However, if the heart is on the right side instead of the left, along with the rest of the organs being flipped, it is considered situs inversus with dextrocardia, also known as situs inversus totalis, or a 'true mirror image'. Of the two, levocardia is the most rare, with an occurrence rate of only 1 in 22,000 births ("15 Incredible ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Case Of Randy Foye, Melanie Gaydos And The Dasilva Family Since the moment you are created in the womb, you are being made with your own characteristics. Everyone is unique in their own way, but in some cases what makes them unique can be quite impressive. The moment a single cell takes an unexpected turn can lead to the formation of a special person. This was just the case for Randy Foye, Melanie Gaydos, and the DaSilva family. Randy Foye may look normal to you, but what is different in him cannot be seen in the outside. Randy was born with situs inversus. Situs inversus is a condition where your organs are reversed. Aside his condition Randy has been very successful in his career as a basketball player. Although there could be a risk of him developing an internal sickness easier than others ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Sitis Inversus Essay First seen and recognized in 1643 by Marco Severino, dextrocardia with situs inversus is a rare condition that affects 1 in 10,000 people, or 0.1% of the population. The word, sitis inversus is a shortened latin version of sitis inversus viscerum, which means inverted position of the internal organs. The heart and organs are completely flipped (or "mirrored") opposite of what they normally should be. Even though it's a rare condition, those who do have it can have some health issues that can be serious, and others may not have issues at all. It is a congenital condition and believed to be transmitted by autosomal recessive genes from the parents, meaning each parent has to have this trait in order to pass it off to the offspring. If the embryo receives only one gene, then that person will be a carrier of the condition but not physically have the ... Show more content on ... To start at the top with this condition, the apex of the heart in a normal patient points towards the left (levocardia) but with this condition, the apex of the heart actually points to the right (dextrocardia) side. The right atrium is on the left and the left atrium is on the right with about 80% of these patients having a right–sided aortic arch. In addition to the heart being backwards, the organs of digestion are also backwards too. The liver is on the left, along with the gallbladder, and the spleen and stomach are on the right. Sometimes these patients are born without a spleen. Another issue to watch out for are abdominal obstructions. Due to the organs being backwards, some patients born with this condition may not have properly formed digestive organs, called malrotation. An abdominal obstruction prevents waste from moving through the intestines as it normally should and leave the body. With an abdominal obstruction, it can be life threatening and require surgery to correct the obstruction before any further damage is ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Developmental Issues Research Paper Development.A procees that takes nine months to create the people we see today.Sometimes while the developmental process is happening there is an issue that causes specific functions of the body not to work.These developmental issues are more common than not. Developmental issues vary with person.It can causes changes of skin,hair,limbs,and even organs. There is a genetic disorder called Ectodermal Dysplasia. Its not a single disorder, but a group of closely related conditions of which more than 150 different syndromes have been identified.It effects the hair,skin,nails,and teeth.Teeth shatter never fully able to grow,the persons hair grows inwards never being able to grow hair on the outside, and the nails also arent able to completely.There ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Clinical Note On Clinical Disorders Clinical vignette A fifty–two–year–old white male visited his physician because he started experiencing shortness of breath on walking short distances at ground level. He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes daily for 40 years. Physical examination revealed a loud fourth heart sound and a blood pressure of 147/95 mmHg. Chest examination and chest X–ray were unremarkable, and ECG showed left atrial abnormality. The patient had normal serum electrolytes, blood sugar, and kidney function tests. A stress echocardiogram was ordered to exclude potential coronary artery disease (CAD). His resting echocardiography showed an ejection fraction (EF) of 60%, normal septal and posterior wall thickness, and mild diastolic dysfunction [septal early diastolic mitral annular velocity (e') of 7 cm/s, early diastolic (E–wave) to late diastolic (A–wave) transmitral Doppler flow velocity ratio (E/A) of 1.4, E–wave deceleration time of 210 milliseconds, and E/e' ratio of 9]. There were no resting segmental wall motion abnormalities suggestive of ischemia. The patient exercised on a treadmill using Bruce protocol for 4 minutes and 43 seconds, and achieved 6.6 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) and maximum heart rate of 148 beats/minute (88% of his maximum age predicted heart rate). At peak exercise, the patient developed severe dyspnea and his blood pressure was 213/90 mmHg. Post exercise echocardiography was acquired within 1 minute of exercise termination with Doppler recordings obtained at ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Symptoms And Treatment Of Kartagener 's Syndrome Kartagener's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the cilia within the body. Autosomal recessive means that one or more of both the parent's genes responsible for encoding the cilia's structure are mutated. This essay will focus on the etiology, clinical manifestations and anatomic alterations while also exploring diagnostic and treatment modalities. Cilia are the tiny hair–like structures found in many organ systems including the respiratory and reproductive systems. It was diagnosed by a Swedish physician Manes Kartagener in 1933 (). Since Kartegner's syndrome is a autosomal recessive disorder each child of the affected parents have a twenty five percent chance of developing the syndrome. According to Zariwala,"it is estimated that in the United States, there are 12,000 to 17,000 people who have the condition" (Zariwala). Kartagener's syndrome often presents as a newborn suffering from mild to moderate respiratory distress. As the neonate transitions into extrauterine life, tachypnea and the need for supplemental oxygen is often apparent. Many babies affected by the disease also have persistent crackles or rhonchi when auscultating their chest. Some patients may also have an wheezes similar to patient's with asthma(Bergström, Sten–Erik). This is caused by the inability for the neonate to clear the secretions from their airway. When performing a physical assessment of the chest you will often find that there is a hyper resonant percussion note, as well ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia ( Pcd ) Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare, heterogeneous and largely autosomal recessive disorder. The disease can be caused by different genetic mutations that will result in the same genetic disorder. Currently, there are more than 20 genes with mutations that can cause PCD. In order for the patient to develop this congenital disorder, two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent, must be present. Abnormal characteristics include both the function of the motile cilia and the structure, although the structure may also be normal (Boon et al.). The cilia in the airway do not move the mucus out and this causes infections due to the mucus accumulation. Another component of this disease is upper and lower respiratory tract infections. ... Show more content on ... Patients are being misdiagnosed due to the fact that their symptoms are common and that they are found in other conditions. PCD is often diagnosed late even though the disease is present during birth. Common symptoms of this disorder include rhinorrhea, chronic productive cough, rhinosinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear and prolonged discharge from the ear. Most patients will have extra testing done to rule out similar respiratory conditions, such as a sweat test and serum immunoglobin measurements. Symptoms or conditions that suggest PCD are situs abnormalities, positive family history, idiopathic bronchiectasis, agenesis of one or both sinuses, male infertility, ectopic pregnancies and, diagnosis in other family members, (Bush & Hogg). According to the PCD Foundation, there are about 400,000 people worldwide with PCD and an estimated 25,000 in the United States. The PCD foundation states that very few patients have been identified due to the fact of the difficulty in diagnosing the disorder. Knowles et al. indicated that "the prevalence of PCD in the United States is difficult to determine largely due to inadequacies of diagnostic measures. There are fewer than 1,000 patients in the United States with a well established diagnosis of PCD". In relation to race, ethnicity, heritage or gender there is no identifiable at risk group (PCD Foundation). There are prevalent features that should alert clinicians ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Malanie Gaydos Genetic Disorder From just a simple ova to a new born baby the journey to get there isn't always short and simple . They will evolve to one the most complex organisms on the planet. Although some have a successful journey, some undergo wrong turns. Some processes are disrupted. They create disorders and many are formed the first weeks of growth. For example, a Brazilian family with a genetic disorder named The sonic hedgehog protein. This disorder affects the size and number of fingers. When the bones and cartilage start to build up did Jean mutate and activate. The family and doesn't mind the extra finger. They see it as an advantage. Although, one of the family members have to get a special gloves to play baseball. Furthermore, another genetic condition called situs inversus. This condition is caused by a non–active cellular process. Some orders on the opposite side of the body like a mirror. Randy Foye was one individual with this disorder. His heart and liver we're on opposite sides of the body. He is living with no problems or difficulties and his gene wasn't passed to his daughters. ... Show more content on ... And this disorder affects the skin, hair and nails. This happened because the layer that is in charge of these things when the fetus was being created failed to develop. Malanie Gaydos, who is a model, has this genetic information she lacks hair, teeth, nails and her skin is very sensitive. She has learned to embrace this disorder and is now living her ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Functions Of A Cilia Of Cilia And Contractile And Motor... The various known functions of a cilia are to circulate fluids, move eggs into the oviduct, line air passages to sweep out mucus that contain bacteria, and many more (Erster Lecture 6). Cilia are about 2–20 um long, and they are extensions of cells that perform in locomotion (Campbell pg. 12). They can be found in multiple eukaryotes such as Paramecium (which are found in pond water) to humans. In the single–celled organism, Paramecium, the cilia helps propel it through the water. As for humans, the cells in the our windpipes are lined up with cilia and they prevent the lungs from bacteria by sweeping a film of debris–trapping mucus upward (Campbell pg. 12). Various proteins within the body has they own function, and the contractile and motor proteins are responsible for the movements of cilia and flagella (Campbell pg. 76). CIlia must be motile in order for them to perform their functions, thus when the cilia are immotile, a syndrome known as Kartagener 's develops through the rare genetic disorder of the immotile cilia. Since cilia deals with motion, when males are afflicted with Kartagener's syndrome they become sterile from the immotile sperm, and they often also suffer from lung infections (Campbell pg. 118). However, this syndrome can also affect females. It can lead to infections at the nasal sinuses and bronchi for both genders. An interesting effect of Kartagener 's is situs inversus, which is the "reversal of the normal left–right asymmetry of the organs in the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Synopsis Of Acute Bronchitis Case Summary Synopsis A 75–year–old woman with acute bronchitis ruled out pneumonia and had no other specific symptoms. The purpose of this exam was to that it was demonstrated that the patient had acute bronchitis. Initially looking at the image, it appeared as if the patient had situs inversus of her heart. The patient also exhibits a large diaphragmatic hernia on the left side of her lung field which has caused the heart and mediastinum to shift to the right side. However, when we investigated into the patient's past medical history and she has had this diaphragmatic hernia for a considerable length of time which caused the appearance of her heart to be on the right side instead of the left. The aesthetics of this image is nicely achieved with the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Research Paper On Kartagener's Syndrome Kartagener's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the cilia within the body. Autosomal recessive means that one or more of both the parents' genes responsible for encoding the cilia's structure are mutated. This presentation will focus on the etiology, clinical manifestations and anatomic alterations of Kartagener syndrome while also exploring diagnostic and treatment modalities. Kartagener syndrome was diagnosed by a Swedish physician Manes Kartagener in 1933. It is a relatively rare syndrome with each child of the affected parents has a twenty–five percent chance of developing the syndrome, estimated 15,000 people in the United States have it. Kartagener's syndrome often presents as a newborn suffering from mild to moderate ... Show more content on ... Situs inversus occurs in about 50% of congenital bronchiectasis, beginning during ebryonic ciliary movement which is vital to the normal function and proper placement of the chest and abdominal organs. Ineffective ciliary function essentially leads to the neonates organs becoming flip–flopped. There are many different ways to diagnose Kartagener's syndrome which include genetic testing, microscopic analysis, bronchoscopy, chest radiograph and pulmonary function test. Although Kartagener's syndrome is not curable many treatment modalities are available to give patients a near normal life. Treatment options include mucus clearance, medications, and preventative modalities. These include high–frequency chest wall oscillator vest, bronchodilator and Beta 2 antagonists, mucolytics such as humanDnase a and N–Actelcysteine, as well as prophylactic therapy. As a respiratory therapist knowing about this syndrome could be very beneficial to the care of patients. Although not extremely common throughout our careers as a Respiratory Therapist there is the potential that we come across patients with this syndrome. My presentation would introduce therapists to the basic concept of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Kartagener's Syndrome Research Paper Kartagener's Syndrome (PCD) Structure and Function: The cilia organelles are found in eukaryotic cells. Cilia are made up of microtubule–based cytoskeleton called the axoneme and multiple proteins. The function of the cilia is to keep passageways clear of any mucus and foreign particles. 38 The disease and how the organelle malfunctions: Kartagener's syndrome is a rare hereditary genetic disorder. This disorder affects the respiratory tract, middle ear, fallopian tube, and the flagella of sperm cells. This disorder starts in the embryologic phase of development. The diagram shows you the main internal structure and anything missing or deformed in the central microtubules to the dynein arms causes the protein to not properly link together. ... Show more content on ... The lack of movement causes there to be little to no mucus clearance in the lungs. One symptom of Kartagener's syndrome is chronic or recurrent respiratory diseases. The respiratory diseases start off when the patient is young, but as the patient gets older the respiratory diseases get worse. These diseases cause progressive damage to the respiratory system. Some other symptoms of Kartagener's syndrome is hearing loss and loss of smell. Hearing loss and loss of smell is due to the buildup of mucus in the respiratory tract. 104 Diagnosis and prognosis: The earliest that this disorder can be diagnosed at is birth, if the newborn experiences respiratory distress or needs respiratory therapy. Kartagener's syndrome is most often diagnosed in early childhood. If the child has recurring ear infections, chronic sinusitis, or chronic respiratory infections with no obvious cause the doctor will then check for PCD or Kartagener's syndrome. There are several different ways that a doctor can diagnose you for Kartagener's syndrome. One way to test for Kartagener's syndrome is to do a breathing test. People with this disease breath out less nitric oxide. Other ways are to do a tissue biopsy, semen analysis, or imaging scans. The disease causes you to be vulnerable to all different types of respiratory diseases. People with Kartagener's syndrome can have multiple respiratory diseases ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Genetic Changes In Baby There are many possibilities that can happen during the nine months that make a child. During those 9 months in the womb, there can be changes in the process of creating the baby. Usually the chance of having a baby with a disorder is about one in several thousands or millions. These disorders are illnesses caused by changes in a person's DNA. Genetic disorders make people unique from others. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a rare disorder that not many people get. Before birth, there is abnormal development of structures in the baby. They include the skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sweat glands. There is a mutation in the DNA. In a case of this disorder, the gene, TP63, changed. Situs inversus is a condition in which the arrangement of the internal organs is a mirror image of normal internal body. The cilia we have spins, sending the organs where they need to be. In this case, the cilia didn't spin at all. This caused all of the organs to go to the wrong place. Everything that should've went left, went right. This condition can also be inherited. ... Show more content on ... Mutations of the GL13 gene during development is known to cause this disorder. It is known to be involved in the patterning of tissues and organs. It helps by helping to control whether specific genes are turned off or on. This condition can also be inherited. There are several types of genetic disorders. They all happen when a gene takes a turn during conception. Not everyone is born with a disorder but those who are have or more abnormalities in the genome. Genetic disorders may be hereditary, but others may be the first ones to ever have a their type of condition. No matter what the case is, everyone is human, but some have a little twist to their ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Isolated Dextrocardia Dextrocardia is generally a condition where the heart is in the right thoracic region versus the left. The condition can result in normal heart being a little further to the right in the chest than normal, as well as a deformed heart in the right region of the chest and an anatomically mirrored heart in the right thoracic region instead of the left. All dextrocardia is congenital and less 1% of the population has this condition. Most dextrocardia patients have recurring health issues throughout life due to the anatomical abnormalities. An even smaller number of that 1% with dextrocardia has isolated dextrocardia. Isolated Dextrocardia is a healthy heart that is located in the opposite side of the chest and is usually seen with situs inversus, ... Show more content on ... Defects and problems with vital organs can be remedied through installing a pacemaker, surgery to repair septal defects, abdominal surgeries to correct obstructions/damaging anatomical issues in the thoracic and abdominal area. Abdominal obstructions are serious and if not monitored and treated are life threatening. However not all patients need extreme medical procedure, like surgery, because of the complications that come with dextrocardia. In many cases antibiotics are prescribed to boost or maintain the immune system because of the increased probability of respiratory illness as a result of asplenia and respiratory malformations. On average people with dextrocardia contract infections more often but overall dextrocardia, even in complicated cases, is manageable with the right care, information and medical ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Melanie's Cells: A Short Story Across the planet, four times every second, a new human is conceived. In just nine months, a single cell no bigger than a speck of dust transforms into the most complex organism on earth. There are many events that shape and define us long before we're born. Right from the start, it's a journey full of surprises. There are many things that make you who you are today. At 2 weeks, Melanie's cells first started the miraculous transformation process of changing into the specialized cells that form all the parts of her body. At magnificent speed, cells begin to migrate forming three layers. Each of the layers are assigned to build something, the top layer are the cells that make skin, hair, teeth, and brain. When the cells in Melanie's surface ... Show more content on ... The genes from our father are programmed for growth, to make us big and strong. But our mother's genes are designated to restrict how big we become, because she needs a baby small enough to deliver. The extra gene Nell inherited from her dad means she over–produces a hormone that tells her body to grow. This is why she is extremely tall. Around day 19, cillia, a hair–like structure that gives directions, spring into life. On very rare ocasions, our organs don't end up where they should. Randy has a rare condition called situs inversus, which only happens to one in every 10,000 of us. In Randy's case, the moment when is cillia were supposed to spin, sending his organs to the right place, they didn't spin at all. Without his cillia to direct things, his left gene somehow became a right gene instead, and everything that should've gone left went right. From just a single cell, a series of moments of development have been adding up. While we all followed the same path through our first eight weeks in the womb, we all did it in our unique way. Each one of us is defined by this extraordinary time in our development, a time that continues to affect us all. From our first breath to our very ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Narrative Essay On Cardiac Arrest 60% Rough Draft Late in the fall of my sixteenth year, my heart stopped functioning and I went into cardiac arrest. One might think that a medical phenomenon like this is next to inconceivable, but despite the improbable conditions, I was part of the 0.1%. I was born with a rare heart condition called dextrocardia, also known as situs inversus. My heart and all of my other organs are mirrored on the opposite side of my body, so instead of having my heart on the left side of the body like the other 99.9% of the human population, it's positioned on the right side. Because of this, I've had health problems all my life. And with health problems comes financial problems. My father left us when he found out how much money his three–year–old daughter was costing him between surgeries, physical therapy, and weekly examinations. That left my mother with the burden of taking care me. She went to work, did all the housework, and never once scowled, or caused anyone any trouble and was kind to everyone. However my aunt always hounded her for money and made excuses about why she was in need. My mother financially supported her, doing part–time ... Show more content on ... He had been watching the few moments I had conversing with him at the support group and hoped that I could have someone to talk to. As much as he forced interaction between us, Toby and I grew together instantaneously. Doctor Gordon would walk in every few hours, checking in on us and acting out of character– much like a hyper, optimistic school counselor. We spent the rest of the afternoon helping Toby settle in and playing board games as well as doing other activities to get to know each other better. After a few hours of getting used to each other, he admitted that he requested a room change to be closer to me. So he was hitting on me. I didn't mind. I was amused by the way he flirted. It was cute, but his charm got a hold of me and soon enough our feelings were ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Appendectomy Essay APPENDECTOMY An appendicectomy (or appendectomy) is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix. This procedure is normally performed as an emergency procedure, when the patient is suffering from acute appendicitis. In the absence of surgical facilities, intravenous antibiotics are used to delay or avoid the onset of sepsis; it is now recognized that many cases will resolve when treated non– operatively. In some cases the appendicitis resolves completely; more often, an inflammatory mass forms around the appendix. This is a relative contraindication to surgery. APPENDICITIS Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It is thought that appendicitis begins when the opening from the appendix into the cecum becomes blocked. The ... Show more content on ... Ultrasound can identify an enlarged appendix or an abscess. Nevertheless, during appendicitis, the appendix can be seen in only 50% of patients. Therefore, not seeing the appendix during an ultrasound does not exclude appendicitis. Ultrasound also is helpful in women because it can exclude the presence of conditions involving the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus that can mimic appendicitis. Barium Enema A barium enema is an x–ray test where liquid barium is inserted into the colon from the anus to fill the colon. This test can, at times, show an impression on the colon in the area of the appendix where the inflammation from the adjacent inflammation impinges on the colon. Barium enema also can exclude other intestinal problems that mimic appendicitis, for example Crohn's disease. CT Scan In patients who are not pregnant, a CT Scan of the area of the appendix is useful in diagnosing appendicitis and peri– appendiceal abscesses as well as in excluding other diseases inside the abdomen and pelvis that can mimic appendicitis. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY The appendix (or vermiform appendix; also cecal (or caecal) appendix; also vermix) is a blind– ended tube connected to the cecum (or caecum), from which it develops embryologically. The cecum is a pouchlike structure of the colon. The appendix is located near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine.
  • 18. The term "vermiform" comes from Latin and means "worm–shaped". Size and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Nine Months Research Paper Nine months is all it takes to create every single human living on this planet . Nine months and in that time you turn from something as small as a seed to a newborn baby . During this whole cycle and amazing journey we are all made to be unique and different from everybody else . There is only one you in this planet which has characteristics that make you who you are. Some of these characteristics happen in the womb which can affect your whole life. Situs inverses , Ectodermal dysplasia, and Sonic hedgehog are just a few examples of genetic conditions that have a complete impact on one's life. Situs inversus is a reversal of organs in a humans body. According to an article in journal Heart Views, this condition occurs in an estimated 1 ... Show more content on ... This disorder is caused by altered genes. Altered genes can be inherited or normal genes can change over time. Someone cannot control what type of genes you get and therefore you can't change who you turn out to be. According to the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia, more than 180 different types of ectodermal dysplasia exist. Sonic Hedgehog is a protein that plays a role in cell growth, cell specialization, and shape of physical state. This protein is important in the embryonic development. Sonic Hedgehog is also involved in a genetic condition called polydactyly. Polydactyly can be passed down from family to family. This trait involves a gene that can cause several variations like for example, an extra finger . Having an extra finger can definitely add to something unique about you. In conclusion, some of us are chosen to be born with something different from everybody else. Good or bad it can only affect a few people. Whether it's inherited or caused by your genes this feature gives us a sense of who we are. Not everyone can say they have mirrored organs or an extra finger. Although we all go through the same process to be made something along the way can have a huge impact on ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Emergency Medicine Admission Essay Emergency Medicine became a potential career option for me after I obtained my Emergency Medical Technician Basic Certification the year before I entered medical school. I worked full–time in the emergency department as a patient transporter, which gave me the privilege of witnessing and participating in the daily work of the physicians and nurses. My shifts were ten hours long, four days a week, and I took it upon myself to speak with patients and physicians whenever I had the chance. Two new doctors, who had just finished their residency training, began their first jobs the month I had started mine. As I began inquiring about some of the things I saw and heard, they could not help but notice my burning desire to learn more about the practice ... Show more content on ... They shared my enthusiasm when they weren't overwhelmed with critical patients and treated me as an enrolled medical student. They pointed out X–ray findings and ECG strips of some significance unknown to me at the time, If they had an interesting patient they would introduce me and request permission for me to observe. I recall one of the physicians quizzing me about a patient who had a true "situs inversus" on her chest X–ray, and I will never forget my conversations with a young man with signs and symptoms consistent with new–onset Lyme Disease. The fact that I remember these specific scenarios is only testament to my impressionable nature at the time. I am truly grateful for the time spent learning with those physicians, nurses and patients. Their encouragement and feedback helped prepare me for medical school in ways I could not have calculated, and my time with them seems very brief in retrospect. When I did get accepted about eight months into the job, they cheered for me and told me how proud they were of my accomplishments. On my last shift, one of the physicians presented me with a new copy of Netter's Human Anatomy Atlas which had been signed on the inside cover by all the emergency doctors, much like a high school yearbook. I cannot imagine a more satisfying and inspirational welcoming into the field of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Does the Embryo Take Form and Differentiate to Become... Throughout this discovery process there have been many questions that have guided the scientific community towards finding answers. One of the earlier questions was "how does the embryo take form and differentiate to become an organised organism?" This question began to be answered in 1924, when H Spermann and H mangold published a paper describing their experimentation with newt embryos. They discovered that by taking the dorsal lip and transferring it to the ventral side of a new embryo; it would form a new embryonic axis by instructing surrounding cells to undergo neutralisation and dorsalisation alongside a pre–existing embryo (Spermann & Mangold, 1924). The reason this had such large implications was because it proved that the ... Show more content on ... This was achieved by undertaking a whole mount in situ hybridisation of mice embryos at the 6.0– 9.5 d.p.c stage (Meno & Saijoh et al, 1995). In doing so they were able to discover the role lefty plays in left right asymmetry Nobutaka Hirokawa 1998 They were able to prove that the motile cilia in the node where in fact motile through the use of electron microscopy and show the cilia beating the extra–embryonic fluid in a leftward direction, which they named the nodal flow (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). Furthermore, they were able to emphasise the important role of KIF3B in L–R determination (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). A number of methods were used to show this discovery. Embryos were analysed during a whole mount in situ hybridisation, and also by histological techniques (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). To view the nodal cilia, fluorescent microscopy using a confocal laser microscope, and immunoelectron microscopy using electron microscopy was used without electron staining (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). Electron microscopy was also used with electron staining to view the embryo (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). Fluorescent latex beads were used to visualise nodal flow, and the image was projected to a camera, where the fluoresced beads could highlight the nodal flow and differentiate it from all other structures (Nonaka & Tanaka, 1998). By comparing wild type mice with KIF3B–deficient mice that lacked nodal cilia, they were able to show the importance of the motile cilia, and that the initial break ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Congenital Heart Disease Essay 1) Introduction Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are the most prevalent of all birth defects and the leading cause of death in the first year of life, (1) with an annual prevalence ranging from six to twelve affected infants per 1,000 live births. (2) Several chronic maternal medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, connective tissue disorders, and congenital heart disease confer an increased risk of CHD in the offspring. (3) Congenital cyanotic heart disease (CCHD) is a cardiac defect which facilitates complete mixing of the deoxygenated systemic venous blood returning from the tissue and the fully oxygenated pulmonary venous blood from the lung in a common receiving chamber. (4) Cyanotic congenital heart defects include; Transposition of the great arteries, Truncus arteriosus, Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. (5) Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic modality for a patient with suspected congenital heart disease. In some patients, however, use of this modality is encumbered by its limited ability to delineate great arteries and intra cardiac anomalies, pulmonary veins, and coronary arteries. (7) Besides echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and Multi–slice computed tomography angiocardiography (MSCT) have gained particular importance. (8) The presence of image degrading artifacts from implanted metal, such as intravascular stents and embolization coils; higher cost; limited availability; contraindication in imaging of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Dextrocardia Case Summary KEYWORDS Dextrocardia, Situs Inversus Totalis, Nasal epithelial cells, Primary ciliary dyskinesia , Kartagener Syndrome, CCDC, ZIC3, NODAL, CFC1, CRELD1, FOXH1, SESN1, LEFTY1, ACVR2B, GDF1, NKX2.5, DNAH5, DNAI1 Radiography, Computed Tomography, Ultrasonography, Electrocardiograph ABSTRACT/SUMMARY In this article review, it is discussed and revised that the congenital condition called Situs Inversus Totalis (SIT) with dextrocardia, which can have a wide array of signs and symptoms, physiology and clinical characteristics, variation in genetic mutations, therapy and managements, possible complications, as well as prognosis and outcomes. Diagnosing, testing and false positives/negatives or possible complications with testings will also be assessed and discussed within this article. CASE STUDIES First case study involves an 86 year old female arriving to the ED with abdominal pain on the left hand side of her abdomen, with pre–existing hypertension, but no other medical conditions nor medications, indicating appendicitis on the left hand side of her abdomen. Upon inspection, BP: ... Show more content on ... Surgery can be an option for those who have intestinal malrotation to prevent possible complications as well as rectifying any septal defects that may be present [26][27] POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS Possible complications such as septic shock, perforated bowel from intestinal malrotation or blockage, congestive heart failure, continuous infections (sinus and respiratory) can all lead to possible death [26][27][28]. Another complication is that those with the suffering with Kartagener syndrome will suffer infertility due to the immobile cilia to allow the sperm to propel into the reproductive system of the female. PROGNOSIS / ... Get more on ...
  • 24. A Short Note On 13, And Patau Syndrome Trisomy 13, or Patau Syndrome, is caused by the presence of three chromosome copies on chromosome 13. An extra copy of chromosome 13 causes the majority of cases. Some cases are caused by a Robertsonian translocation between chromosome 13 and other autosomes such as chromosomes 15, 21, and 22. According to Bishra & Clericuzio "Trisomy 13 is the third most common autosomal trisomy, with an incidence of 1 per 10,000" (Bishara & Clericuzio, 2008, p. 30). It is comprised mainly of defects of the eyes, nose, lips, forebrain, holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, and narrow hyperconvex fingernails, and skin defects of the posterior scalp. The median age of survival is seven days, with over 90% of affected patients dying within the first year of life (Jones & Casanelles, 2014). Common causes of death include cardiac arrest, complications of congenital heart disease, and pneumonia. Those that survive the neonatal period have an average length of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of 10 days. According to studies, almost one quarter of patients have at least one type of surgery in the neonatal period. More than half of fetuses with trisomy 13 spontaneously abort. Most survivors have severe intellectual disability, seizures, developmental delay, and failure to thrive. The incidence is slightly higher in females compared to males. The etiology of this disorder is trisomy of chromosome 13. Although most children do not survive longer than one year, it is one of the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Ectodermal Dysplasia Research Paper In this world many things can happen. One of the most interesting things is that we can get disorders in the womb. These disorders can be good, bad, or it doesn't change a thing. Most of these disorders all start from a small cell that creates us all. The only thing that's different is that there was some kind of change in genetics. In New York, Melanie Gaydos has a very unique disorder. She was diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia. Ectodermal Dysplasia is genetic disorders affecting the development or function of the teeth, hair, nails and sweat glands. The people that have this, have sensitive skin, hair loss, and hardly any teeth. This disorder started in the womb at two weeks and two days (16 days). Doctors did an exam on her and found a ... Show more content on ... It all started at two weeks and five days (19 days), when she inherited two copies of her father's growth gene. This gene told her body to grow twice as big in the womb. This makes her body overproduce a hormone of growth. This puts her at the risk of cancer because cells divide fast, which can cause tumors. Her kidneys are most at risk, because there were abnormalities in the kidneys. Doctors thought she might develop a tumor, but she didn't. At seven years old, she went to get her kidney checked up and everything seemed fine. At seven years old, her growth starts to level off. In Denver, famous basketball player, Randy Foye was diagnosed with Situs Inversus. It all started around two weeks and five days (19 days), when your cilia is supposed to spin, sending your organs to their place. His cilia didn't move at all and his left gene became a right gene and vice versa. The inside of his body became a mirror image. This condition can be inherited. This happens in every 1 per 10,000 people. In some cases, not all organs switch, Randy was very lucky. If only a few organs switched sides. His heart would be affected for life. This is fatal for 30% of embryos with this ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Ectodermal Dysplasias Essay Ectodermal dysplasia is not a single disorder, but a group of syndromes all deriving from abnormalities of the ectodermal structures.More than 150 different syndromes have been identified.Despite some of the syndromes having different genetic causes the symptoms are sometimes very similar. Diagnosis is usually by clinical observation often with the assistance of family medical histories so that it can be determined whether transmission is autosomal dominant or recessive.Worldwide around 7,000 people have been diagnosed with an ectodermal dysplasia condition. Some ED conditions are only present in single family units and derive from very recent mutations. Ectodermal dysplasias can occur in any race but are common in caucasians than any other group and especially in fair caucasians.Ectodermal dysplasias are described as "heritable conditions in which there are abnormalities of two or more ectodermal structures such as the hair, teeth, nails, sweat glands, salivary glands, cranial–facial structure, digits and other parts of the body. ... Show more content on ... The normal arrangement of internal organs is known as situs solitus while situs inversus is generally the mirror image of situs solitus. Although cardiac problems are more common than in the general population, most people with situs inversus have no medical symptoms or complications resulting from the condition, and until the advent of modern medicine it was usually undiagnosed.Situs inversus is found in about 0.01% of the population, or about 1 person in 10,000. In the most common situation, situs inversus totalis, it involves complete transposition (right to left reversal) of all of the abdominal organs. The heart is not in its usual position in the left chest, but is on the right, a condition known as dextrocardia (literally, ... Get more on ...