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Copyright © Institut Lean France 2013

3 & 4 October, 2013
Paris, France

European Lean IT Summit 2013

Lean Software Factory
Yves Caseau – Bouygues Telecom
Lean Software Factory –
Applying The Toyota Way to the continuous
crafting of embedded evolving software
October 4th, 2013 – v0.1
European Lean IT Summit
Yves Caseau, EVP New Products & Innovation
Bouygues Telecom
Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory



First Part:
Motivations for our “Bbox” Software Factory
Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software



Second Part:
Lean Software Factory (LSF) with Four Practices
Third Part:
2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part 1: Motivations


Overall Corporate Goals - 2011





Reduce development costs
Less « rework », faster (functional) convergence
Better Quality of Experience through better code

Reduce TTM, remove lost time, less waiting
Early stakeholders (Marketing) integration into development cycle
Continuous innovation flow

Capitalize vs. Turnover

Give to everyone an opportunity
to contribute
Satisfaction derived from
individual excellence
Pride (collective & corporate)

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part 1: Motivations


What defines a good software product ?
Generic goals:

“degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined” (Wikipedia) … or the
capacity of the architecture to maximize in its decomposition the independence of subcomponents


“the property of having many abilities”, that is software that can serve many purposes, together with “the
capacity of adaptive evolution”


expose API, open source (scrutiny), platform

Specific to GW/STB products:

HW/SW interface : HW changes frequently + instable (protocols)
Embedded Linux
Legacy Assets (older “boxes”)

Our « modular middleware » ambition:

TTM / Lifecycle control
Modularity across HW
Open to external innovation

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Five Years of Software Strategy (2011)

Part 1:

Part 1: Motivations










• Beginning of SW
deployment on
legacy box
• QoE tuning
• Open API – First
• Open Innovation

• Next Gen
• Additional
•Open Innovation

11 Mai


• Partner
• unified MW
• SW Factory
• Continuous

• Factory starts
• Unified &
• Bbox Sensation
• Continuous

• Bbox sensation
launch on June
18th (on time)
• Three separate
• New UI
• Cloud Gaming

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part 1: Motivations


Software Factory



Industrial Tools & Practices



Configuration & Source version Management
TQM & Continuous integration

Value the development process as much as produced software

Agility / Quality / Openness



Information Technology
Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory


Continuous Deployment

Information Systems



stakeholders process


Software Factory




Small teams
Small batches
Time boxing
Coevolution of
Role of face-to-face
User stories


Sustainable pace
Code is valuable

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory





Agile, Scrum & Lean


Part 1: Motivations


Visual Management
Practices and Rites


5S and waste

Motivations: Agile & Extreme Programming

Small teams
Small batches
Time boxing
Coevolution of
Role of face-to-face
communication :
User stories


Part 1: Motivations



Sustainable pace
Code is valuable

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

- smaller pieces = less risk
- smaller pieces for faster adjustment
- Common rhythms to stay synchronized

Most dramatic change in our Taylorinspired large-scale organizations 
Oldest, most durable problem
(silos) + 100+ people-projects
(1)Innovation → agility & iteration
(2)Agility → test velocity
End-to-end testing is difficult !
Still too much overload … and
To hurry => to err 

Motivation: Scrum & Lean


Efficient communication channel
- leverage body language
- avoid redundancy
- foster collaboration


Visual Management
Practices and Rites

Cf. Aristotle:
We are what we repeatedly do – Excellence, then, is not
an act but a habit

Hyper-competition & complexity ⇒
(excellence ⇒ continuous improvement)


Part 1: Motivations



5S and waste

The main symptom of dysfunctioning was (2011) and
still is (2013) …waiting for one another

Team problem solving is the best training tool … to
understand the complexity of our own systems !

The only way to do faster and better is to do
less 
Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part II


First Part:
Motivations for our Bbox Software Factory
Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software



Second Part:
LSF with Four Practices
Third Part:
2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part II: LSF Practices


The Art of Lean Software Development


Practice 0: Source Code Management and
Scripted Build
Practice 1: Automated Testing
Practice 2: Continuous Integration


Practice 3 : Less Code





Already deployed in
our IT software
development center

Prioritized requirements – YAGNI (You ain’t gonna need it )
BDUF (Big Design Up Front) – Avoid complexity
Reuse, coding standards, design patterns, …

Practice 4: Short Iterations
Practice 5: Customer participation

Cf. Architecture’s role …


« Customer Participation is a two-way street »
Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

LSF Practices (1) – Team Problem Solving

Part II: LSF Practices


Cf. ITIL : problem ≠ incident

Search for root causes, using
the « Five Whys » approach
team work with all stakeholders


Build a collective action plan
detailed: what will be done, by who, how and why …


Regular check of the plan application and its
need for discipline & perseverance


Why ?

Visual description of the problem
a drawing is worth a thousands words


LSF start:
May 2012

Since we work on systems, with long causal
chaines and feedback loops.

Since we need to fix causes and not symptoms …
To avoid repeating the same mistakes

All viewpoints are required to find the best
Buy-in and empowerment from all

Most often the problem vanishes or evolves by
itself since environment conditions have changed

Trace those four steps: A3-like document

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

LSF Practices (2) – Project Room

Part II: LSF Practices


Visualize planning and milestones
Rite: Sprint Planning Meeting


LSF start:
May 2012

Why ?
To stay synchronized,
to avoid waiting

Visualize « workflow » (WBS)
see the process and the succession of steps
Multi-scale if needed


Visualize « issues »

Display the problem-related A3
List of most important incidents « GdM »

Understand « the big picture » and
facilitate transitions
All viewpoints are required to find the best
Buy-in and empowerment from all

A place for collective memory, hence reflection 


SCRUM rite after each sprint
Experience Return after each project

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Learning and

Part II: LSF Practices


LSF start:
May 2012

LSF Practices (3) – Reduce WIP

Visualize all tasks assigned to teams
i.e.: to place post-its into cells


Reduce WIP (Work in Process)
Add constraints to the work load
No more than X post-its per cell 


JIT management (Pull flows)

Avoir overload, multi-tasking and stockpiling
« work waiting to be handled »

In an ideal project setting, with an optimal scheduling,
there is no difference between push & pull
« push » happens when the end of step N activity signals
the beginning of step N+1 activity (most often with some
delay compared to the optimal schedule)
The more optimized the schedule, the more delays are amplified



« pull » means that step N – 1 production is governed
by the capacity of step N, which is more robust
(for instance, design vs. development)
Each post-it is a signal (Kanban)
Only works with small batches

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Avoid « useless work » (muda)
• waiting code
• unused features
• minimize reponsability
• avoid setup times necessary to
switch from one type of activity to

Part II: LSF Practices


LSF start:
May 2012

LSF Practices (4) – Love Your Code

Sort, organize and structure code (cf. Practice 0)

Cf. « 5S with Java » - p. 192 from

Lean : 5S (Sort, Systematize, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)


Discipline (coding styles & rules)

Work better, more efficiently
Collaboration & maintenance

Define guidelines and automate checking


Code reviews & « elegant programming »
Display you code with pride to your colleagues


Less code (cf. Hibb)


Remove what is no longer in use
Avoid what will not be used much

« Gardening » (code refactoring)

code is alive (life  recycle )
Iterative process leads to accumulation

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Code quality and Experience quality are
linked to one another
Collaboration & Capitalization

Future is uncertain, hence favor agility
over expressiveness
Cf. Google :

50% of code changes every month

Avoir accumulation, since it generates
costs & complexity

Part II: LSF Practices


LSF Deployment



What worked better/faster than expected:


Standups meetings (reduce email)
User stories (key to facilitate product owner’s role)
Visual Management (related to SCRUM)

What worked more slowly than expected:


Code management tools (IBM RTC) – 100% useful, even if it generates lots of debates 
Automated SW integration test (wall of boxes)

“All hands on deck” , Pull versus push (still too much waiting)
Unit testing (test-driven development)

What is hard:

Reflection & Slowing down
Large-scale orchestration

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part III

First Part:
Motivations for our Bbox Software Factory
Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software



Second Part:
LSF with Four Practices
Third Part:
2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Agile versus « V » Development Cycles

Part III: Lessons learned


Not everything is « agile » …
Clear & stable requirements, homogenerous code (e.g., technical patterns), Service Platform
integration ⇒ V cycle (strength of engineering, design methods, abstraction and anticipation)
 Unclear / Unstable requirements ⇒ agile
 Hardware projects (costly integration) ⇒ engineering + agile prototypes


Ménadier’s “W cycle”

Iterative design
Small teams
Project Room
(time & location)




Lean Factory:
continous integration
& deployment

Evolving existing components /
Build new (light) ones
Building new “heavy & stable” components

… but almost all activities benefit from a « lean » approach.
Cf. key ideas from Toyota Product Design:

Set-based design – parallel exploration, delay design choices with the most consequences


Tight flow (no place for problems to hide )

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part III: Lessons learned


Lean & Architecture (1)

Agile or lean software development does not prevent from building complex


In a continuous & incremental development process, one needs
an architectural framework to prevent from diverging


Complexity requires sense & common vision
Architecture is about communication & story telling
Architects are one of the backlog stakeholders

Refactoring is not enough (too much rework)
Architect must work in “pull mode” – they are here to assist
developers (not the other way around !)

A key Toyota principle is to share a systemic vision between all
process/product actors

Visual management → well-crafted artifacts
Design reviews are critical

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part III: Lessons learned


Lean Architecture (2)

Lean ≠ Agile, truly complement each other



Architects are needed to reconcile
« small scale » & « large scale » visions


Agile: well suited to change, focus on present,
delay decisions to match environment
Lean : well suited to complex/ large-scale,
focus on future & long-term, anticipation is welcome

Building a « platform approach »
Architecture is the « grammar for cooperation »
Conway’s law: (Architecture ⇔ organisation)

Coplien & Bjørnvig:
 You cannot always refactor your way
to a better architecture.


The essence of Lean Architecture is to take careful,
well-considered analysis and distill it into APIs 
Remember that architecture is mainly about people

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part III: Lessons learned


LSF Gouvernance

LSF Steering Committee



Support System

Engineering, Architecture
Methods et Project Management


Scrums Masters community


Steering Committee

LSF Support System


Every two months, to re-align vision & goals
A moment to dissent & disagree (makes change leader stronger)
Educate managers about « change management »

2.0 (share & exchange) practice to capitalize
Learn from other SCRUM-practicing divisions (IT, digital)
Get inspiration from agile communities in other companies

Values : 10 self-inspired principles

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory


Customer Focused
Self-empowered teams »
Time Boxing
Less is more
Software Pride
Dare to innovate
Humble listeners
Continuous story tellers
Knowledge is worth sharing »
« Respect pleasure »


Gemba Walks

Part III: Lessons learned




Twice a week, one hour per visit
On-going, learning process 
Build a rite = follow the same « script » each time

I should have listened to
Michael Ballé and started
sooner 

Show me what you do
show me your code / your product / your demo / your design
individual or group
Tell me why your are doing it this way.
This is the opportunity to share the vision 
What are your current problems ? Who are your stakeholders ?

Seven tips for a healthy ‘Gemba Walk’ / MBWA
Karmona Pragmatic Blog
 Visit everyone
 Go alone – Daily standup meetings aren’t enough
 Don’t bypass middle management e.g. don’t change priorities, requirements or design
 Observe, ask and LISTEN
 Be genuine, have fun and strive to catch your engineers doing something right and not something wrong (you
are not the “fun-police” ;)
 Share your dreams and vision
 Don’t “disturb” the Gemba – Timing is everything…
Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Part III: Lessons learned


Reflection : A Moment of Truth 

 Lauched Bbox sensation on time
 Approximately as many bugs as similar products,
longer than expected to stabilize

Too long to reach
desired stability
SW mastery


SW/HW coupling
Poor delivery time
Slow delivery of

Skills to detect earlier & better

Lack of experience + pressure
from stakeholders 
Pressure → breaks the “small
batches” principle 

Sucess is mostly a matter of skills !
The good news is that we learned a lot, the bad news is that we did not know enough 
A key methodological difficulty is that it is still hard to forecast how long it will take to
solve a problem
→ Stakeholder solidarity is still crucial 

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

LSF : a « new » vision
about software


LSF works 


Values are everything


The way you build is as important as what you build
… SW is a “live object”, constantly evolving
→ lean is a must, Taylorism does not work
“best-of-breed integration” of agile SW practices
Consumer Electronics Products require extremely short
development cycles
Focus on skills, what matters in the end
SW production/delivery automation is a must for embedded
SW products
Lean (Toyota-style) maximizes motivation
Learning is a satisfaction growth engine
(Toyota Kata) Practices ! Learn by doing …

Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory

Copyright © Institut Lean France 2013

3 & 4 October, 2013
Paris, France

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Lean and ITIL: reaching to the (hidden) face of the moon by Nicolas Stampf, BP2i
Institut Lean France
Lean IT Leadership by Mike Orzen, Lean IT Summit 2013
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Institut Lean France
What IS for the Lean company, by Pierre Delort at the Lean IT Summit
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Institut Lean France
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Institut Lean France
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Institut Lean France
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The Lean Software Factory by Yves Caseau

  • 1. Copyright © Institut Lean France 2013 3 & 4 October, 2013 Paris, France European Lean IT Summit 2013 Lean Software Factory Yves Caseau – Bouygues Telecom
  • 2. Lean Software Factory – Applying The Toyota Way to the continuous crafting of embedded evolving software October 4th, 2013 – v0.1 European Lean IT Summit Yves Caseau, EVP New Products & Innovation Bouygues Telecom Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 2/24
  • 3. Outline  First Part: Motivations for our “Bbox” Software Factory Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software   Second Part: Lean Software Factory (LSF) with Four Practices Third Part: 2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 3/24
  • 4. Part 1: Motivations 1 Overall Corporate Goals - 2011 1. Efficiency • • • 2. Agility • • • 3. Reduce development costs Less « rework », faster (functional) convergence Better Quality of Experience through better code Reduce TTM, remove lost time, less waiting Early stakeholders (Marketing) integration into development cycle Continuous innovation flow Capitalize vs. Turnover • • • Give to everyone an opportunity to contribute Satisfaction derived from individual excellence Pride (collective & corporate) Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 4/24
  • 5. Part 1: Motivations 1 What defines a good software product ? Generic goals:  Modularity “degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined” (Wikipedia) … or the capacity of the architecture to maximize in its decomposition the independence of subcomponents  Evolvability “the property of having many abilities”, that is software that can serve many purposes, together with “the capacity of adaptive evolution”  Openness expose API, open source (scrutiny), platform Specific to GW/STB products:    HW/SW interface : HW changes frequently + instable (protocols) Embedded Linux Legacy Assets (older “boxes”) Our « modular middleware » ambition:    TTM / Lifecycle control Modularity across HW Open to external innovation Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 5/24
  • 6. Five Years of Software Strategy (2011)  Part 1: Motivations Part 1: Motivations 1 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Deploy Improve Delight • Beginning of SW deployment on legacy box • QoE tuning • Open API – First Hackathons • Open Innovation • Jinni • Ijenko • Next Gen Hardware • Additional Features •Open Innovation (followed) 11 Mai Plan • Partner selection • unified MW Proof-ofconcept • SW Factory outline • Continuous improvement Build • Factory starts • Unified & Modular Midelware • Bbox Sensation development • Continuous improvement • Bbox sensation launch on June 18th (on time) • Three separate products • New UI • Cloud Gaming LSF I Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory LSF II 6/24
  • 7. Part 1: Motivations 1 Software Factory  Automation    Industrial Tools & Practices    Build Test Configuration & Source version Management TQM & Continuous integration Value the development process as much as produced software  Agility / Quality / Openness code process data processors Information Technology Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory practices models Continuous Deployment users Information Systems ops Continuous Feedback stakeholders process dev Software Factory 7/24
  • 8. 5. Extreme Programming 6. Small teams Small batches Time boxing Coevolution of code/design/architecture Role of face-to-face communication User stories 1. 2. 3. Test-driven development Sustainable pace Code is valuable Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 1. 2. 3. Toyota 1. 2. 3. 4. SCRUM Agile, Scrum & Lean Agile Part 1: Motivations 1 Visual Management Practices and Rites Reflection 1. 2. 3. Kanban Kaizen 5S and waste removal 8/24
  • 9. Agile Motivations: Agile & Extreme Programming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Small teams Small batches Time boxing Coevolution of code/design/architecture Role of face-to-face communication : User stories Stakeholders alignment Extreme Programming Part 1: Motivations 1 1. 2. 3. Test-driven development Sustainable pace Code is valuable Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory Axioms: - smaller pieces = less risk - smaller pieces for faster adjustment - Common rhythms to stay synchronized Most dramatic change in our Taylorinspired large-scale organizations  Oldest, most durable problem (silos) + 100+ people-projects Axioms: (1)Innovation → agility & iteration (2)Agility → test velocity End-to-end testing is difficult ! Still too much overload … and exhaustion To hurry => to err  9/24
  • 10. Motivation: Scrum & Lean SCRUM Efficient communication channel - leverage body language - avoid redundancy - foster collaboration 1. 2. 3. Visual Management Practices and Rites Reflection Cf. Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do – Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit Axiom: Hyper-competition & complexity ⇒ (excellence ⇒ continuous improvement) Toyota Part 1: Motivations 1 1. 2. 3. Kanban Kaizen 5S and waste removal The main symptom of dysfunctioning was (2011) and still is (2013) …waiting for one another Team problem solving is the best training tool … to understand the complexity of our own systems ! The only way to do faster and better is to do less  Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 10/24
  • 11. Part II  First Part: Motivations for our Bbox Software Factory Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software   Second Part: LSF with Four Practices Third Part: 2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 11/24
  • 12. Part II: LSF Practices 2 The Art of Lean Software Development  Practice 0: Source Code Management and Scripted Build Practice 1: Automated Testing Practice 2: Continuous Integration  Practice 3 : Less Code        Already deployed in our IT software development center (Nantes) Prioritized requirements – YAGNI (You ain’t gonna need it ) BDUF (Big Design Up Front) – Avoid complexity Reuse, coding standards, design patterns, … Practice 4: Short Iterations Practice 5: Customer participation Cf. Architecture’s role … Cf. SCRUM « Customer Participation is a two-way street » Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 12/24
  • 13. LSF Practices (1) – Team Problem Solving Part II: LSF Practices 2 Cf. ITIL : problem ≠ incident 1. Search for root causes, using the « Five Whys » approach team work with all stakeholders 3. Build a collective action plan detailed: what will be done, by who, how and why … 4. Regular check of the plan application and its consequences need for discipline & perseverance 5. Why ? Visual description of the problem a drawing is worth a thousands words 2. LSF start: May 2012 Since we work on systems, with long causal chaines and feedback loops. Since we need to fix causes and not symptoms … To avoid repeating the same mistakes All viewpoints are required to find the best solutions Buy-in and empowerment from all Most often the problem vanishes or evolves by itself since environment conditions have changed Trace those four steps: A3-like document Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 13/24
  • 14. LSF Practices (2) – Project Room Part II: LSF Practices 2 1. Visualize planning and milestones Rite: Sprint Planning Meeting 2. LSF start: May 2012 Why ? To stay synchronized, to avoid waiting Visualize « workflow » (WBS) see the process and the succession of steps • Multi-scale if needed 3. Visualize « issues » • • Display the problem-related A3 List of most important incidents « GdM » Understand « the big picture » and facilitate transitions All viewpoints are required to find the best solutions Buy-in and empowerment from all A place for collective memory, hence reflection  4. • • SCRUM rite after each sprint Experience Return after each project Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory Learning and continuous improvement 14/24
  • 15. Part II: LSF Practices 2 LSF start: May 2012 LSF Practices (3) – Reduce WIP 1. Visualize all tasks assigned to teams i.e.: to place post-its into cells 2. Reduce WIP (Work in Process) Add constraints to the work load • No more than X post-its per cell  3. JIT management (Pull flows) • • Avoir overload, multi-tasking and stockpiling « work waiting to be handled » In an ideal project setting, with an optimal scheduling, there is no difference between push & pull « push » happens when the end of step N activity signals the beginning of step N+1 activity (most often with some delay compared to the optimal schedule) The more optimized the schedule, the more delays are amplified • • « pull » means that step N – 1 production is governed by the capacity of step N, which is more robust (for instance, design vs. development) Each post-it is a signal (Kanban) Only works with small batches Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory Avoid « useless work » (muda) • waiting code • unused features • minimize reponsability handovers • avoid setup times necessary to switch from one type of activity to another 15/24
  • 16. Part II: LSF Practices 2 LSF start: May 2012 LSF Practices (4) – Love Your Code 1. Sort, organize and structure code (cf. Practice 0) Cf. « 5S with Java » - p. 192 from Poppendieck Lean : 5S (Sort, Systematize, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) 2. Discipline (coding styles & rules) Work better, more efficiently Collaboration & maintenance Define guidelines and automate checking 3. Code reviews & « elegant programming » Display you code with pride to your colleagues 4. Less code (cf. Hibb) • • 5. Remove what is no longer in use Avoid what will not be used much « Gardening » (code refactoring) • • code is alive (life  recycle ) Iterative process leads to accumulation Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory Code quality and Experience quality are linked to one another Collaboration & Capitalization Future is uncertain, hence favor agility over expressiveness Cf. Google : 50% of code changes every month Avoir accumulation, since it generates costs & complexity 16/24
  • 17. Part II: LSF Practices 2 LSF Deployment  Factory    What worked better/faster than expected:     Standups meetings (reduce email) User stories (key to facilitate product owner’s role) Visual Management (related to SCRUM) What worked more slowly than expected:    Code management tools (IBM RTC) – 100% useful, even if it generates lots of debates  Automated SW integration test (wall of boxes) “All hands on deck” , Pull versus push (still too much waiting) Unit testing (test-driven development) What is hard:   Reflection & Slowing down Large-scale orchestration Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 17/24
  • 18. Part III  First Part: Motivations for our Bbox Software Factory Agile, Extreme Programming & Lean Software   Second Part: LSF with Four Practices Third Part: 2012 – 2013 : Lessons learned Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 18/24
  • 19. Agile versus « V » Development Cycles Part III: Lessons learned 3 Not everything is « agile » … Clear & stable requirements, homogenerous code (e.g., technical patterns), Service Platform integration ⇒ V cycle (strength of engineering, design methods, abstraction and anticipation)  Unclear / Unstable requirements ⇒ agile  Hardware projects (costly integration) ⇒ engineering + agile prototypes  System Engineering Ménadier’s “W cycle” Iterative design Time-boxing Small teams Project Room (time & location) Etc. • System Integration Coordination Lean Factory: continous integration & deployment Evolving existing components / Build new (light) ones Building new “heavy & stable” components … but almost all activities benefit from a « lean » approach. Cf. key ideas from Toyota Product Design: • Set-based design – parallel exploration, delay design choices with the most consequences • Tight flow (no place for problems to hide ) Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 19/24
  • 20. Part III: Lessons learned 3 Lean & Architecture (1)  Agile or lean software development does not prevent from building complex products     In a continuous & incremental development process, one needs an architectural framework to prevent from diverging    Complexity requires sense & common vision Architecture is about communication & story telling Architects are one of the backlog stakeholders Refactoring is not enough (too much rework) Architect must work in “pull mode” – they are here to assist developers (not the other way around !) A key Toyota principle is to share a systemic vision between all process/product actors   Visual management → well-crafted artifacts Design reviews are critical Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 20/24
  • 21. Part III: Lessons learned 3 Lean Architecture (2)  Lean ≠ Agile, truly complement each other    Architects are needed to reconcile « small scale » & « large scale » visions     Agile: well suited to change, focus on present, delay decisions to match environment Lean : well suited to complex/ large-scale, focus on future & long-term, anticipation is welcome Building a « platform approach » Architecture is the « grammar for cooperation » Conway’s law: (Architecture ⇔ organisation) Coplien & Bjørnvig:  You cannot always refactor your way to a better architecture.   The essence of Lean Architecture is to take careful, well-considered analysis and distill it into APIs  Remember that architecture is mainly about people Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 21/24
  • 22. Part III: Lessons learned 3 LSF Gouvernance  LSF Steering Committee       Support System Tools Engineering, Architecture Methods et Project Management Community Scrums Masters community     Steering Committee LSF Support System   Every two months, to re-align vision & goals A moment to dissent & disagree (makes change leader stronger) Educate managers about « change management » 2.0 (share & exchange) practice to capitalize Learn from other SCRUM-practicing divisions (IT, digital) Get inspiration from agile communities in other companies Values : 10 self-inspired principles Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Customer Focused Self-empowered teams » Time Boxing Less is more Software Pride Dare to innovate Humble listeners Continuous story tellers Knowledge is worth sharing » « Respect pleasure » 22/24
  • 23. 3 Gemba Walks Part III: Lessons learned    1. 2. 3. Twice a week, one hour per visit On-going, learning process  Build a rite = follow the same « script » each time I should have listened to Michael Ballé and started sooner  Show me what you do show me your code / your product / your demo / your design individual or group Tell me why your are doing it this way. This is the opportunity to share the vision  What are your current problems ? Who are your stakeholders ? Seven tips for a healthy ‘Gemba Walk’ / MBWA Karmona Pragmatic Blog  Visit everyone  Go alone – Daily standup meetings aren’t enough  Don’t bypass middle management e.g. don’t change priorities, requirements or design  Observe, ask and LISTEN  Be genuine, have fun and strive to catch your engineers doing something right and not something wrong (you are not the “fun-police” ;)  Share your dreams and vision  Don’t “disturb” the Gemba – Timing is everything… Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 23/24
  • 24. Part III: Lessons learned 3 Reflection : A Moment of Truth     Lauched Bbox sensation on time  Approximately as many bugs as similar products, longer than expected to stabilize Too long to reach desired stability SW mastery   SW/HW coupling Poor delivery time forecasting Slow delivery of improvements Skills to detect earlier & better understand Lack of experience + pressure from stakeholders  Pressure → breaks the “small batches” principle  Sucess is mostly a matter of skills ! The good news is that we learned a lot, the bad news is that we did not know enough  A key methodological difficulty is that it is still hard to forecast how long it will take to solve a problem → Stakeholder solidarity is still crucial  Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 24/24
  • 25. Conclusion LSF : a « new » vision about software products • • • • LSF works  • • • Values are everything • The way you build is as important as what you build … SW is a “live object”, constantly evolving → lean is a must, Taylorism does not work “best-of-breed integration” of agile SW practices Consumer Electronics Products require extremely short development cycles Focus on skills, what matters in the end SW production/delivery automation is a must for embedded SW products Lean (Toyota-style) maximizes motivation Learning is a satisfaction growth engine (Toyota Kata) Practices ! Learn by doing … Yves CASEAU – October 2013 – Lean Software Factory 25/24
  • 26. Copyright © Institut Lean France 2013 3 & 4 October, 2013 Paris, France More Lean IT presentations and videos on