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The	Challenge	
Does	this	sound	familiar?		As	a	marketing	strategist,	you	are	leading	a	meeting	with	
a	room	full	of	data	specialists,	data	scientists	and	financial	analysts,	designing	a	
project	plan	to	create/update	the	marketing	engine.		Up	for	discussion	is	an	
overwhelming	array	of	data	files,	tables	and	links,	as	well	as	mountains	of	external	
data.		We	can’t	help	but	think	the	marketers	in	the	‘mad	men’	era	were	so	primitive.		
Speculating	in	ideas	whereas	we	are	sophisticated	practioners	that	manipulate	and	
navigate	oceans	of	information	to	identify	and	customize,	uniquely	relevant	
communications	to	each	individual	customer	or	prospect.		Just	look	at	all	the	data	
we	have	access	to	that	they	didn’t:	
ü Complete	records	of	the	entire	engagement	and	relationship	of	every	
ü Augmented	customer	data	with	a	virtually	endless	stream	of	external	data	
including	social	interactions	
ü Complex	statistical	models	are	created	and	maintained	by	PhD’s,	sift	through	
millions	of	individuals	data	elements,	predicting	future	behavior	at	different	
levels	of	statistical	confidence		
Despite	the	allure	of	executing	pinpoint	marketing	that	defines	modern	era	
marketing,	we	are	stuck	at	the	transom	discussing	how	to	get	started.		“How	much	
data	do	we	really	need?		Intuitively,	we	all	know	that	some	data/programs	will	have	
an	overweighted	impact	on	results,	how	do	we	prioritize	and	determine	a	cutoff?		
How	much	IT	work	will	be	required	to	modify	data	to	import?		How	many	joins	
among	tables	will	be	required,	and	how	are	the	tables	refreshed?		How	many	
statistical	models	are	required	to	narrow	clusters,	and	apply	micro-targeting?		If	the	
clusters	narrowed	become	too	small,	how	do	we	measure	performance	metrics	
through	control	group	hold	outs?”	
We	lie	to	ourselves	to	justify	that	all	marketing	should	be	data	driven,	we	can	pull	in	
everything,	and	let	the	data	itself	tell	us	what	we	need	to	know.		But	we	also	realize	
that	senior	management	is	expecting	outstanding	results,	at	an	unrealistically	short	
timeline,	and	ridiculously	low	costs.		We	know	that	we	really	don’t	need	all	the	data.	
Plus,	as	consumers,	we	receive	a	regular	stream	of	direct	mail	and	our	personal	
email	boxes	are	clogged	with	junk	that	appears	devoid	of	any	relevance.		Their	
mantra	appears	to	be	simply	send	to	everyone,	those	who	need	this	offer	will	
respond	and	every	one	else	will	simply	ignore	it.		Amazing.		You	wonder	to	yourself	
how	Lexus	or	BMW	can	afford	to	send	out	millions	of	pieces	of	junk	mail	or	pointless	
emails.			You	wonder	who	lost	the	discussion	whether	to	execute	a	data	driven	
campaign	versus	a	blanket	generic	mailing.	
The	Lies	We	Tell	Ourselves
Its	maddening,	as	marketing	professionals,	who	are	comfortable	with	the	challenge	
of	crafting	a	strategy	aligned	with	the	data	from	the	marketing	engine,	and	hitting	
certain	performance	metrics	on	a	scorecard	tied	to	payback	from	a	business	case.		
The	challenge	is	to	construct	a	marketing	engine	that	delivers	the	financial	
objectives	while	satisfying	internal	expectations	on	speed	and	efficiency.	
Why	else	would	the	CEO	of	one	of	the	most	influential	companies	in	the	world	get	on	
stage,	and	insist	
“We	should	message	a	business	just	the	way	you	would	message	a	friend”	
The	Process	
There	is	no	one	perfect	way	to	create	and	manage	a	marketing	engine.		It’s	a	
combination	of	science,	art,	intuition	and	diplomacy.		Constant	communication	is	the	
one	absolute,	communicating	continuously	across	all	levels	and	players.			
1. Segmenting	
The	usual	first	step	is	to	attain	agreement	to	import/modify/connect	as	many	data	
fields	as	you	can	afford	within	budget	and	timeline	constraints.		Frequently,	
predictive	modeling	will	help	parse	out	critical	drivers	versus	filler	data.		Trials	and	
testing	using	sample	extracts	can	provide	early	directional	insight.		Time	can	be	
saved	eliminating	marginal	data	elements.		A	cadence	of	small	scale	trials	allow	you	
to	start	with	a	larger	range	of	data	sets	with	the	expectation	that	some	will	fall	away.			
Another	option	is	to	have	the	data	scientists	design	multiple	predictive	models	each	
targeted	to	achieve	a	unique	outcome.		Testing	can	measure	the	difference	achieved	
by	triangulating	scores	from	multiple	models	to	improve	engagement	as	well	as	re-
define	communications	within	the	micro-targeting.		One	advantage	of	this	approach	
is	that	you	can	determine	incremental	financial	benefit	at	different	tier	levels,	ie	
intersection	of	3	models	versus	only	2	models,	or	only	1	predictive	model.	
Applying	any	combination	of	model	results	
will	reduce	quantities,	but	should	lead	to	
better	personalization	of	communications.	
Scorecard	metrics	and	ROI	will	determine	the	
relative	effectiveness	of	personalization	at	
such	a	granular	level.			
And	not	to	be	overlooked,	relevant	messaging	
contributes	to	long	term	brand	value,	even	if	a	
customer	or	prospect	does	not	engage	
2. Connecting	to	Content	Strategy	
Now	that	the	customer	(and	prospect)	segments	are	organized,	they	are	worthless	
until	mapped	to	a	customer	journey.		That’s	where	the	rubber	meets	the	road.		
Building	an	ultra	high	performance	race	car	has	no	value	if	you	don’t	have	a	
comparable	high	performance	driver.		Harvesting	the	ROI	from	a	customer	base	
requires	continuous	engagement	from	a	skilled	race	team,	which	implies	having	the	
right	content	at	the	right	time	to	deliver	the	expected	customer	experience.		
Knowing	that	anyone	at	any	point	can	engage	your	organization	across	a	diverse	
range	of	touchpoints,	the	imperative	is	create	a	seamless	experience.		This	should	
include	your	web	site	(including	appropriate	key	word	searches	from	Google),	social	
media,	and	even	your	toll	free	customer	service	or	live	chat.	
Many	organizations	struggle	to	eliminate	silos	and	offer	a	seamless	experience.		
Despite	all	the	noise	devoted	to	an	omni-channel	experience,	too	few	actual	achieve	
that	goal.		The	key	is	to	build	partnerships	between	customer	strategy	and	content	
strategy.		The	lynchpin	is	the	customer,	and	their	expectations	whenever	they	elect	
to	engage	with	your	organization.		Easily	accessible	and	consumable	content	
provides	an	ideal	feedback	portal	to	analyze	the	effectiveness	of	the	segmentation	
architecture	as	well	as	satisfaction	derived	from	content	consumed.	
I	have	been	involved	in	multi-disciplinary	teams	that	define	a	‘persona’,	analyze	
transactions	and	interactions,	and	map	out	an	idealized	lifecycle	journey.			The	
discovery	occurs	when	transactions	and	interactions	are	bumped	against	external
behavioral	data	and	market	research.		Gaps	in	brand	value	become	apparent	when	
content	is	incomplete	or	does	not	consistently	meet	expectations.	
To	achieve	ROI	metrics	from	Content	requires	continuous	monitoring	of	segments,	
continuous	analyses	of	content	usage	along	a	customer	journey,	adequate	resources	
assigned	to	tweak	content	tools	and	identify	gaps	to	be	filled.		What	trips	many	
teams	is	the	oversimplified	assumption	that	a	customer	journey	is	linear	and	
progressively	logical.		A	skillful	content	team	understands	both	a	traditional	journey	
as	well	as	a	haphazard	path,	and	has	designed	the	content	tools	to	engage	
successfully	different	paths.	
3. Real	Time	Triggers	
Despite	having	a	solid	segmentation	program	and	great	content	mapped	to	
customer	lifecycle,	we	all	know	that	unexpected	external	events	occur	that	disrupt	
your	strategy.		A	sub-strategy	to	segmentation	should	be	a	toolkit	of	proactive	and	
reactive	transactional	triggers.		Pre-defined	triggers	calibrated	by	customer	value	
and	service	metrics	such	as	net	promoter	score,	take	the	guess	work	out	of	handling	
ad	hoc	challenges.			
Proactive	triggers	could	be	designed	to	activate	when	a	‘trip	wire’	action	occurs.		
Rapid	engagement	could	both	retain	a	valued	customer	(impacting	LTV),	as	well	as	
provide	potential	insight	into	changes	occurring	to	be	addressed	in	strategy.
Reactive	tools	could	be	a	menu	of	‘next	best	actions’	that	align	with	the	segment,	as	
well	as	lifecycle	management.		The	stumbling	block	is	the	operational	interface	
delivering	a	consistent	experience	across	different	channels.	
4. And	Then	There	Are	Random	Events	
As	noted	earlier,	designing	and	operating	a	data	driven	strategy	through	a	
marketing	engine	is	part	art	and	part	science.		Certain	events	don’t	comply	with	all	
the	wizardry.		Here	is	a	typical	question,	Why	did	Alan	buy	a	Snickers	Bar?	
Persona	for	Alan:	
Ø 35	years	old	and	married	
Ø Lives	in	a	suburban	ranch	home	
Ø Bachelor	degree	in	Accounting	
Ø Likes	peanuts,	chocolate,	pretzels	and	Doritos	
Ø Maintains	an	active,	athletic	lifestyle	
Ø Drives	a	Honda	Accord	
Ø Targeting	to	retire	by	60	
Is	there	anything	that	segmentation	or	content	strategy	would	have	influenced	Alan	
to	purchase	a	Snickers	bar?	
Alan,	who	rarely	snacks,	felt	hungry,	walked	over	to	the	vending	machine,	and	
purchased	a	Snickers	bar.		When	asked	how	that	purchase	occurred,	Alan	replied	
Experienced	marketing	managers	recognize	there	will	always	be	a	stream	of	actions	
outside	the	scope	of	a	marketing	engine.		Success	recognizes	what	is	controllable,	
and	is	not	distracted	by	actions	outside	their	scope.		The	lure	is	for	less	experienced	
marketers	to	become	too	data	dependent,	and	fail	to	understand	the	delicate	
balance	between	controllable	and	random	actions.	
The	Outcome	
There	is	only	one	universal	measure	of	success,	and	that’s	the	ROI.		Creating,	
launching	and	managing	a	long	term	strategy	through	a	marketing	engine	is	a	
platform	for	success.		Sadly,	too	many	data	driven	initiatives	fail	to	live	up	to	the	
hype	and	expectations.		Marketers	oversimplify	by	assuming	you	pour	data	into	a	
pot,	data	geeks	extract	insight,	and	voila,	you	have	an	instant	strategy!			
that	the	Snickers	bar	was	located	in	the	
top	row	at	his	eye	level	in	the	vending	
machine,	was	the	first	item	that	caught	
his	attention,	and	without	considering	
other	options,	dropped	his	money	in	the	
slot	and	walked	away	with	a	Snickers	bar.
Long	term	winning,	and	sustainable	performance	requires	commitment	to	a	
sensible	balance	among	the	science,	art,	intuition	and	diplomacy.		Headwinds	may	
come	from	impatient	senior	decision	makers,	disruptive	events	from	competitors,	
even	a	lack	of	commitment	from	critical	internal	partners.		An	experienced	data	
marketer	has	effectively	dealt	with	those	challenges,	and	yet	delivered	critical	
results,	consistently.	
If	the	strategy	is	solid,	the	business	case	is	realistic	in	delivering	the	ROI	expected,	
then	patience,	confidence	and	skillful	communications	can	be	the	difference	
between	a	leader	and	merely	a	player.	
For	more	information	contact:	
Erik	LaPrade	
cell:	(913)	319-9757

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