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Boston: The Case Is Not Closed
Over the next week, I will be posting daily sections of a very long column. Rather than exhaust
interested people by posting the entirety at once, it’s probably better to do it in installments. If you
miss sections, you can always return to them later. The piece is divided this way:
1. The Bombs In Copley Square
2. The Photographs
3. Craft International
4. Uncle Ruslan
5. The Government Story
6. Who Were These Guys?
7. Tamerlan In Russia
8. How Did Tamerlan Die?
9. The Capture In The Boat
10. A Very Strange Interrogation
11. Terrorism In The U.S.A.
12. A Witness Dies In Florida
13. Unanswered Questions
14. What Might Have Happened
Today: parts 1 and 2.
1. The Bombs In Copley Square.
2:50 p.m. Two bombs go off on Boylston Street, near the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon,
about twelve to twenty seconds apart. The first is near the corner of Boylston and Exeter, about 550
feet west of the Old South Church and the Boston Public Library, the second at the corner of Boylston
and Ring Road, about one block west of first one.
Most of the 17,000 runners had completed the race, which began at 10:00 a.m. One of these, an
experienced marathon runner and university cross-country coach, would later tell the press:
“At the starting line this morning, they had bomb-sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there. They
kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, they were running a training exercise. I’ve run a lot of
races like this one but I never saw bomb dogs at he starting line of any running event. It led me to
believe that something like (a bomb detonation) might have happened.”
By a happy coincidence, a press release issued two days before by Boston EMS noted that they would
be “deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device for the first time at the Boston
Marathon on April 15. The platform, from SafetyPAD, is intended for use in mass-casualty
situations.” Nothing like being able to road test new equipment.
Boston law enforcement said on their emergency personnel radio scanner at 3:53 that they would be
conducting a controlled explosion on the 600 block of Boylston Street, near the Copley Square site of
the original explosions one hour earlier. At 3:55 p.m. there was such an explosion there. This was
reported/tweeted by the Boston Globe after the first two explosions. Globe Twitter: “There will be a
controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”
Personnel were cautioned to be careful of trash containers possible site of bombs.
Another bomb was said in the first police reports to have been ‘found and dismantled’ on Boylston,
across the intersection at Dartmouth Street, cater-corner to Boston Library, about 255 feet east of the
finish line.
NBC News reported being told by a House Homeland Security Committee official and three law
enforcement officials that an “undetonated device was found near the finish line.”
On April 16, the following day, the Associated Press reported a “senior US intelligence official” saying
that two unexploded bombs were also found.
2. The Photographs.
The Boston Marathon bombing may be the most heavily-photographed crime in history. Within minutes
of the first explosion, hundreds of scenes were flashing around the internet.
Visible in several shots were one or both Tsarnaev brothers, Tamerlan, 26, and Dzhokhar, 19. They
appeared to be carrying back packs and in two photos were physically near the locus of one of the
blasts. In one shot, taken after the explosions, the younger brother is walking away, along with several
others; although it is not clear, he appears to still be carrying a back pack.
There are several shots taken before and at the time of the blasts which show security personnel on
nearby rooftops and across from the blast sites. This confirms the observation of Alastair Stevenson,
who says that he saw them.
There are also numerous photographs which show individuals who appear to be associating with one
another, who in some cases are standing together in pairs, who are dressed alike, and who are carrying
identical back packs. These men are wearing light-colored slacks, dark jackets, and caps. Their
clothing resembles that worn by the Tsarnaev brothers.
In several photos, two men are standing together, each talking on some form of wired device held to
the right ear, not cell phones. They are wearing the same outfits, all military style including hat,
boots, light pants, dark jacket. These two are seen standing at the perimeter of the blast site, then
leaving just before the bombs went off. Overhead shots show wires running from the phone device
each is using.
In one photo, taken after the bombs went off, three of these men are seen running, with one of them
carrying an object in his right hand. This object was the subject of speculation on the web, with it
finally being identified as an Inspector Radiation Alert, a device which detects and measures the kind
of radiation which would be produced in a ‘dirty bomb’ or nuclear attack.
There is a photograph of what is described as the remnants of an exploded back pack. Although it is
impossible to be more precise from these images, the back pack looks identical to those worn by the
Other men dressed in identical military gear, tan boots and slacks, black jackets and back packs,
tactical communications gear, are seen in other photos. There are as many as ten. Their similarity in
age and the eerie likeness in identifying characteristics such as clothing and backpacks, was so obvious
that it sparked immediate speculation in some internet circles.
And there is something else. On the cap of one group member, and on the back pack of another, and
on the shirt of a third, is a small logo, a stylized skull, a unique symbol known as a ‘favicon.’ What this
means we’ll consider in a minute.
It’s hard to know what the FBI knew and when it knew it, but in the immediate aftermath, later on
April 15 and into April 16, as the above mentioned photographs and others appeared seemingly
everywhere on the internet, the FBI special agent in charge, Richard DesLauriers, referred to the
photos of the then-unidentified brothers and made this extraordinary statement.
"The photos and videos are posted for the public and media to use, review, and publicize. For clarity,
these images should be the only ones and I emphasize the only ones the public should view to assist
us. Other photos should not be deemed credible and they unnecessarily divert the public's attention in
the wrong direction and create undue work for vital law enforcement resources."
Thus the FBI had settled on the brothers, although at that point there is no reason to have narrowed
the investigation to them, and they had not been named. There are evidently no photographs which
show either of them leaving a back pack in the locus of either explosion, although several government
spokespeople have claimed there is video of this –– if so, it’s been withheld from the public.
Meanwhile, dozens of other photos which showed members of what is obviously a single group invited
questions and speculation. One journalist was ignored when he tried to ask DesLauriers about them at a
press conference; another held up copies of the images “not deemed credible” and these were blocked
from view by FBI staff people. And despite the questions which wouldn’t go away, the FBI and the
government refused to address these pictures until Tamerlan Tsarnaev was dead and his brother was in
Meanwhile, it didn’t take long for the favicon, a stylized skull, to be identified by online researchers,
but that didn’t clarify matters.
The symbol appears on clothing and other standard issue gear of a private security force, Craft
International, whose motto reads, “Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve
3. Craft International.
Researchers came upon the symbol in photographs of a man named Chris Kyle, Craft’s founder, a
famous sniper who bragged of more than 150 kills, who wore clothing and carried gear bearing the
favicon, and who was himself killed by a war veteran said to be suffering from PTSD at a shooting range
just a couple of months before Boston.
Were these Craft security personnel, and if so what were they doing at the Boston Marathon, hanging
around the scene where two bombs went off? But, it turns out, they may not have been from Craft.
That’s because the special logo, the favicon, is identical to that worn by three other outfits: SEAL
Team 3, SEAL Team 5, and Blackwater/Xe.
For more than a month, no government officials, no police, no FBI, no DHS people responded to
questions about these identically-dressed men on the bombing scene and did not identify them.
Finally, the government issued a statement saying that these men –– who remain unidentified –– were
members of an army National Guard Civil Support Team, who had been sent to Boston to “assist local
authorities with logistics, security and other operations.” According to official sources, 850 National
Guard soldiers were on duty at the Marathon, including members of the Massachusetts Army National
Guard’s 387th Ordnance Company and the 267th Combat Communications Squadron from the Air
National Guard. Some of the 850 troops had been sent from New York and Rhode Island.
If the men pictured in the widely-circulated photos were CST people, who were they? The government
will not say. If they were CST people, what were they doing wearing caps, and other clothing bearing
the unique skull favicon? According to the military, Craft clothing is available for purchase online;
moreover, it is “routine” for police and military personnel to “receive training” from Craft, as well as
from other private contractor groups and from former SEALS.
Since Craft is a specialized paramilitary outfit, as is Blackwater/Xe, this begs the question. What kind
of training are the Civil Support Teams getting and for what purpose? Evidently, this is something
considerably different from disaster relief. And if the presence of the particular individuals, all wearing
tactical boots and pants and carrying communications equipment, is innocent, why did the FBI take the
strange position that photographs of them should be ignored by the public and press while refusing to
explain who they were?
It should not have been hard to clear up the confusion. Instead, when a journalist asked at an FBI press
conference, late afternoon on the 18th, “Why are you denying that there were bomb drills Monday
morning?” and “We’ve got photographs of contractors...”DesLauriers said, “Next question,” and would
not answer.
It certainly should have been routine for DesLauriers to give a real answer here. CSTs are the National
Guard’s full-time response force for emergencies or terrorist events involving weapons of mass
destruction, toxic chemicals, or natural disasters. CSTs are often pre-staged at large public events to
mitigate risks and to assist civil authority –– at least according to the government’s belated description.
It seems probable that the unidentified men seen talking on special phones prior to the bombing, as
well as running afterwards, were members of the New York CST group. A paper presented a month
after the event to the National Guard Bureau, which noted Secretary of Defense Hagel’s decision not to
defund the 24th WMD-CST team, the New York outfit, said that “Members of the New York unit were
less than a block away from the deadly April 15 explosions...” A separate, much earlier, report by
Global Security Newswire said that the 20-person New York unit, based at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn,
had dispatched five persons to Boston after receiving a request from the Massachusetts state
government. Eric Durr, Public Information Director for the New York state Military and Naval Affairs
Division told a reporter from Global Security Newswire that “Anytime you’ve got a high-key event
where there’s lots of people, there’s usually a … unit from a civil support team in the area to provide
assistance to first responders.” But Durr, too, declined to discuss specifics and would not comment on
how the New York unit had provided assistance following the attack.
It seems highly probable that the men photographed on the scene were part of the CST teams. There
are several reports confirming this from a variety of sources. In addition, vehicles described by
witnesses at the bombing scene and which appear in numerous photos and in several videos are similar
in appearance to those used by Army National Guard CSTs.
The rather obstinate refusal of the FBI and associated police forces to explain and identify the men in
the photographs and who were the subject of considerable internet speculation, is troubling. If they
were simply CST personnel and if they were there because such personnel are always assigned to assist
in crowd control and other duties at major public events, why the mystery?
Perhaps there’s more to it. For one thing, CST personnel are a special breed, National Guard but full
time. They work with violent and potentially violent situations. And in their training, they interact with
an especially violent sector of the private security field in America. This offers the same possibilities of
crossbreeding that the CIA, for example, enjoys with urban police departments. In that world, it is a
practical impossibility to segregate private from public, security from espionage, one employer from
another. In other words, it’s not at all fanciful to consider that CST personnel may in some instances be
loyal not to the National Guard but to their comrades at Craft, Xe, or in the SEALs.
I’d certainly heard of Blackwater/Xe prior to Boston, but I’d never heard of Craft. Who are they?
As noted earlier, Craft International was ostensibly created by Chris Kyle in 2009. It’s a private
company which provides military, law-enforcement, and civilian training in different types of warfare,
including techniques developed as counter-terrorist exercises performed by SEAL teams in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Craft personnel, like founder Kyle, are former SEALs. But the more one digs, the stranger
it gets.
Craft International’s business address is 2101 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 1400, Dallas, Texas. That
address is also the address for at least four other businesses, including Hayman Capital Management,
LLC, a hedge fund run by J. Kyle Bass; Japan Macro Opportunities Off-Shore Partners, a Cayman
Islands-incorporated firm; one Bruce Davis, a ‘registered agent’ for Solidus Bancshares, Inc.; and
HWGP, LLC, a business the nature of which is unavailable.
In other words, Craft’s address is a mail drop.
More than one researcher has speculated that Craft is an arm of the CIA. It would certainly make
sense. For one thing, the CIA is technically forbidden to operate inside the U.S. and, though a lot of
people regard this as a statutory prohibition long ago discarded, using Craft or some other quasi-private
outfit is certainly logical.
And it remains peculiar that the FBI, Boston police, and every other governmental agency involved in
the case, declined to even acknowledge the photographs of the belatedly-named CST people on the
scene, went so far as to instruct the media to ignore them –– which the obedient mass media thereupon
did –– and still won’t release names, when it would’ve been simple to do this at the beginning.
4. Uncle Ruslan.
Coinciding with the official identification of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the suspects in the
bombing, the American public were treated to the emergence of their uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who had
quite a bit to say in condemnation of his nephews.
Tamerlan, said Uncle Ruslan, had fallen under the hypnotic spell of a red-bearded Armenian extremist
called “Misha,” who radicalized him. For that reason, Uncle Ruslan hadn’t had much to do with the
brothers for a long time.
Ruslan was effusive, telling CNN that ‘Misha’ was “chubby, a big guy, big mouth presenting himself
with some kind of abilities as exorcist... having some part-time job, not married, all of the
qualifications of a loser, just another big mouth.”
So eloquent was Uncle Ruslan, in fact, that his story was taken at face value, and his words praised by
a media spectrum stretching from Glenn Beck to Keith Olbermann, who called him the “definition of a
great American.” The Washington Post’s Ester Cepeda authored a piece headlined “The Wise Words of
Uncle Ruslan,” and called him her choice for “an award for bravery in the face of adversity.”
But Uncle Ruslan is not exactly a classic ‘great American,’ and Cepeda might want to reconsider any
awards before conferring them, because Uncle Ruslan is not exactly who they think he is.
To begin with, Ruslan’s physical descriptions of ‘Misha’ was remarkable since, by his own admission,
he’d never met him. Ruslan at first claimed he’d had no contact with Tamerlan since December, 2005,
although ‘Misha’ supposedly met Tamerlan no earlier than 2008. Ruslan then ‘remembered’ seeing
Tamerlan in 2009.
The ‘Misha” influence on Tamerlan would certainly help the government’s case, since otherwise it is
difficult to understand the radicalization of an otherwise apolitical youth. And if Uncle Ruslan had been
concerned about this stranger who had ‘stolen’ Tamerlan’s brain, as he put it, how come he didn’t
know ‘Misha’s’ last name? As it happens, Uncle Ruslan was in a unique position to find out whatever he
wanted about ‘Misha.’
Following Tsarni’s gift-wrapping of his nephews for the government and the mass media, the FBI
managed to locate someone they thought might be ‘Misha,’ one Mikhail Allakhverdov, but this
particular ‘Misha’ had not seen Tamerlan Tsarnaev in years, and the older brother’s sudden
radicalization was supposed to have happened within the last few months before the bombing.
The reason Uncle Ruslan could easily have found out the identity, if there was one, of the mysterious
converted Armenian –– the tight-knit Armenian community in Boston is united in claiming that no such
person exists; moreover, Armenians have a rather strong historical memory of one million being
massacred by Turkish Muslims, and the idea that an Armenian would convert is regarded as ridiculous ––
is that Ruslan has long and intimate connection to American intelligence.
In what one researcher, Daniel Hopsicker, calls the Rosetta Stone of the Boston bombing, the CIA’s
fingerprints are all over Uncle Ruslan.
Let’s begin when Tsarni met and married Samantha Ankara Fuller, daughter of Graham and Prudence
Fuller of Rockville, Maryland. It was the early 1990’s, when Ruslan was a student at Duke University
Law School and Samantha was in graduate school at North Carolina. Uncle Ruslan was at the time
involved in several enterprises beyond his course of study. The former Soviet empire had fallen and
there was big money to be made in the old country. Also plenty of spying.
On leave from Duke, Tsarni worked for two years as a ‘consultant’ for U.S.A.I.D. in the former Soviet
Republic of Kazakhstan. AID, the Agency for International Development, is a CIA operation. In 1992,
while Ruslan was in Kazakhstan, the CIA was supporting nationalist movements as a way of weakening
Russia’s influence, and Ruslan was doing his part. In 1995, before graduating from Duke, he started an
outfit called “Congress of Chechen International Organizations,” using for an incorporation address the
Fuller home at 11114 Whisperwood Lane in Rockville. The CCIO was supposedly a conduit for ‘charity
aid’ to Chechnya, though it is unclear where the money came from or where it was spent.
As it happens, Ruslan’s father-in-law, Graham Fuller, was a high-ranking operations officer of the CIA,
with postings in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Hong Kong. He was station chief in Kabul,
Afghanistan. In 1982, Fuller was appointed National Intelligence Officer for NearEast and South Asia. In
1986, under Reagan, he became Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall
responsibility for national level strategic forecasting.
Fuller, when researchers uncovered his connection to Ruslan, acknowledged that the couple had lived
in his home for over a year, but denied that the two ever discussed politics, claimed he’s left the CIA
in 1988 and gone to work for RAND Corporation, and that his daughter had been married to Ruslan for
only “3-4 years,” although it was actually seven. The couple divorced in 1999.
Even without Fuller, it appears, Uncle Ruslan’s CIA-connected work covered a long period of time and
is extremely complex. Some of the threads:
Before his graduation from law school in 1998, Tsarni –– he was then still using the name Ruslan Z.
Tsarnaev –– was developing securities markets in Central Asia where he is said to have trained
corporate governance and corporate finance principals in state and private companies. On graduation,
he moved further into international financial circles, where the CIA and one particular American-based
corporation used a series of dummy fronts to launder cash. The corporation is Halliburton.
Some of these interconnections were revealed when one of Ruslan’s deals backfired. On May 8, 2011,
the London Sunday Times reported the sale of the home of England’s Prince Andrew to Kazakh
billionaire Timur Kulibayev, said to control that country’s oil industry.
It seems that Kulibayev, who was married to the Kazakh President-for-life’s daughter Goga Ashkenazi,
had paid $5 million over the asking price. It seems also that Kulibayev, who before the scandal broke
threw a sensational party at their new digs for his wife’s 30th birthday which involved the kind of
ostentatious ugliness the super-rich are famous for and the media always likes, bought the property
with laundered money.
The laundering was done, evidently, through a network of offshore companies with which Ruslan was
connected and which have been tied to CIA operations. Ruslan, hauled into court, admitted that the
cash had been washed, according to the Times. “Tsarni alleged that the money came from the
takeover of a western company, which had been used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the
Kazakh state.”
The ‘western company’ was Big Sky Energy Corporation, formerly China Energy Ventures Corp; it was
now bankrupt and being run by S.A. Sehsuvaroglu, a 25-year career Halliburton executive, which held
numerous oil leases in the Caspian Basin in Kazakhstan. Uncle Ruslan and Sehsuvaroglu had known each
other from Nelson Resources, a Halliburton-connected company working in Kazakhstan.
Tsarni signed on at Big Sky in 2005, and was its Corporate Secretary and Vice President for Business
Development, for which he was paid better than $200,000 a year, according to S.E.C. documents. The
company press release announcing his hiring boasted that he’d previously served as Corporate Counsel
of Nelson Resources Limited Group, and that he had been head of legal affairs at Golden Eagle
Partners, LLC.
Golden Eagle and Halliburton were convicted in federal court and fined $70 million for collusion to
breach confidentiality agreements. The crimes had occurred while Dick Cheney was still head of
Apparently, Uncle Ruslan has had a very interesting young life, playing financier and corporate fixer on
an international level before the age of 30. But apart from his AID/CIA work in Chechnya, he might be
dismissed as having no further intelligence connections, despite his father-in-law, were it not for the
remarkable chain of companies he’s worked for. Big Sky, Nelson, and Golden Eagle have all been linked
to the place where big oil, international finance, and the CIA intersect.
Hopsicker cites a source who worked for many years at a “respected oil industry trade publication,”
Platts Oilgram News, who told him that Big Sky was notorious, and that“Nelson, Big Sky, Ablyazov,
Kulibayev and the rest were all on my watch list for intelligence connections and payoffs of various
kinds at Platts.”
This is the man who, according to his father-in-law, a lifetime high-level CIA agent, never once
discussed the agency or politics.
5. The Government’s Story.
Although there have been changes in the Boston narrative as the various government agencies try to
get their stories straight, and although the one brother who remains alive and faces trial has yet to see
the case against him, we can still piece together what seems to be the official theory of the bombing.
Helpfully, the prosecution has released its own ‘chronology of events.’
Tamerlan Tsarnaev is said to have traveled to Russia for about six months in 2012; the government may
say that he received training there on how to build bombs.
Tamerlan posted videos to YouTube indicating his interest in radical Muslim ideology; the Brothers
were of Chechen heritage, and this is a region full up on separatists, Russian security personnel, Islamic
extremists, and organized crime.
Dzhokhar apparently had an Instagram account which he deleted two weeks before the bombing,
according to friends, and used account @jmaister1 to ‘like’ a photo of a dead Chechen warlord, and
‘liked’ photos which used hashtags such as #FreeChechenia, #Jihad, #Jannah, #ALLAH, #Jesus, and
Investigators say social media accounts help paint the picture of the brothers. Dzhokhar had a Twitter
account and a profile on Russian social network vKontakte. Tamerlan had a photo essay and a YouTube
In March, 2011, Russian federal security services FSB intercepted a call between Tamerlan and his
mother in which they “vaguely discussed jihad.” In another wiretapped conversation, the mother spoke
with someone who was under FBI investigation for reasons undisclosed. The calls were one of the things
which prompted the Kremlin to alert the FBI to the Tsarnaevs in 2011 and then contact the CIA about
them later when the FBI appeared to have dropped its investigation. FBI says the Russians never
disclosed the contents of the calls or why they were issuing the warning.
Tamerlan may have been alienated because he was denied a chance to become a citizen by the INS,
and by rules preventing him from competing for 2nd time in the national Golden Gloves.
At some point, the government says, more than two months before the bombing, the brothers decided
to attack the Marathon. They are said to have sought and discovered instructions in the manufacture of
bombs on the internet. The government says that it has proof that Tamerlan purchased shells
containing eight pounds of explosives in February.
The government may lean on the mysterious ‘Misha’ described by Ruslan, although the person they
interviewed does not fit the description and denies having seen the brothers in years.
Having made the bombs, the brothers still had to get them into position in Boston despite the presence
of heavy security, including rooftop spotters and bomb-sniffing dogs. There is an indication that the
feds will argue that the brothers outflanked security, waiting until after the dogs and personnel had
swept the area before entering with their back packs.
After placing the bombs, the brothers are said to have walked away from the scene. There is at least
one photo depicting Dzhokhar apparently leaving the area, but it is not clear whether he is still
carrying a back pack; more than one researcher claims that an enhanced technical study shows a back
pack, but I haven’t seen such a study nor can I tell definitively from viewing it with the naked eye.
On June 25, the government released its indictment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and it contained a
‘timeline’ which purports to detail how the brothers carried out the attack:
February 6: Tamerlan visited Phantom Fireworks in Seabrook, N.H., and bought 48 mortars (shells,
essentially) containing eight pounds of explosive powder.
March 20: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan went to a firing range in Manchester, N.H. for target practice with
April 5: Tamerlan ordered electronic components that could be used for making improvised explosive
devices (IEDs). He ordered the materials online, and they were delivered via U.S. Postal Service to the
Cambridge, Mass. residence the brothers shared.
April 14: Dzhokhar got a prepaid cellphone using the name "Jahar Tsarni."
•2:40 p.m.: Tamerlan walked to the front of Marathon Sports and placed a backpack containing a
pressure cooker IED made using explosive powder, shrapnel, adhesive, electronic components, and
other materials, among a "dense crowd" of marathon spectators on Boylston Street. Dzhokhar placed a
similar bomb in front of the Forum restaurant on the same street.
•2:48 p.m.: Dzhokhar called Tamerlan using the prepaid cellphone and spoke to him for several
•2:49 p.m.: Seconds after that call, Tamerlan detonated the bomb in front of Marathon Sports, killing
Krystle Marie Campbell and injuring many others. Seconds after that, Dzhokhar detonated the bomb
placed in front of the Forum restaurant, killing Lingzi Lu and Martin Richard and injuring many others.
In his college dorm room, Dzhokhar is said to have stored a computer and a backpack containing
fireworks that had been emptied of explosive powder.
•8:45 p.m.: After TV stations and other media began showing a photo of Dzhokhar that identified him
as a suspect, he sent a text to a friend that said "If you want u can go to my room and take what you
•10:00 p.m.: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan armed themselves with five IEDs, a semiautomatic handgun,
ammunition, a machete, and a hunting knife, and drove in their Honda Civic to the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology campus in Cambridge, Mass.
•10:25 p.m.: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan killed MIT police officer Sean Collier by shooting him at close
range with a Ruger P95 semiautomatic handgun. They tried to steal Collier's gun.
•11 p.m.: The brothers carjacked a Mercedes from a man identified only as "DM," telling him they
planned to go to New York City. But first, the brothers had D.M. drive them to Watertown where they
picked up a GPS from their Honda. Then they had him drive to an ATM, where they took $800 from
D.M.'s account.
•12:15 a.m.: D.M. managed to escape and called 911. The brothers drove to Laurel Street and Dexter
Ave., where Watertown police were waiting for them.
•12:43 a.m.: The brothers got out of the Mercedes. They started firing at police and used four IEDs
made from a pressure cooker, shrapnel, and low explosive powder.
•12:50 a.m.: Three cops tackled Tamerlan, struggling to handcuff him, and Dzhokhar got back into the
Mercedes. Then Dzhokhar drove his car into police, ultimately hitting his brother. Tamerlan died. After
driving off, Dzhokhar abandoned his car on Spruce St. in Watertown, smashed his cellphones, and hid
out in a boat docked in a Watertown backyard. Tamerlan was later arrested on the evening of Friday,
April 19, after police found him in the land-docked boat.
That’s it, so far. Presumably, the prosecutors will present much more evidence than is indicated here,
since the chronology doesn’t actually prove anything. If the purchase of the explosive powder is true
and the government didn’t just cook it up to help the case, that is certainly suggestive. After all,
Tamerlan would not be buying eight pounds of shells for killing gophers.
On the other hand, as we shall see, some parts of this timeline are indeed cooked, and that is also
6. Who Were These Guys?
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s scrawled ‘confession’ inside the boat in Watertown is said to have claimed that
the Boston Marathon bombing was retribution for U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. “When
you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” he is said to have written.
The only problem with it is that no one who knew the brothers, if one discounts the ravings of Uncle
Ruslan, recalls them as having expressed any political views, ever.
Tamerlan’s focus was on his wife and child, and on his athletic dreams. His parents have said he hoped
to return to school. Dzhokhar, also, had no political or religious calling, preferring, according to
friends, to hang out, listen to music, talk, and smoke an occasional joint. He also had lovers.
Writing in Salon, May 3, Natasha Lennard cites a “woman, anonymous, former lover of Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev, says his friends ‘idolized him.’ She met the three friends accused of helping him dispose of
evidence and lying to investigators, Dias Kadyrbayev, Azamat Tazhayakov, Robel Phillipos. She said
Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov were part of group Russian-speaking friends. Calling Dzhokhar by his
nickname, Jahar, she said he was the leader of the group, very popular and engaged in campus social
“The woman says Jahar was not religious. “He never mentioned anything about religion,” she says. If
he had been devout, he wouldn’t have become involved with her since she was of a different faith. “I
just can’t see him being a radical jihadist just because of the nature of who he was... I’m having
difficulty believing the news.”
Apparently, the government will try to explain Dzhokhar’s sudden entry into violence by saying he was
influenced by Tamerlan, and that Tamerlan had been radicalized during his six month sojourn in Russia
in 2012. But Tamerlan’s Russian trip raises more questions than it answers.
So who were they? What is reliably known about Tamerlan is that he had been an athlete whose ability
to compete at the highest level, which evidently his skill qualified him for, had been impeded by the
Immigration and Naturalization Service over an incident years back in which he was accused –– but not
convicted –– of slapping a girl friend. This had prevented him from obtaining citizenship, a requirement
for the Olympics.
What we know of Dzhokhar is perhaps even less. The mass media has convicted him, even occasionally
decent publications such as Rolling Stone, whose cover is a scandal not because it romanticizes him but
because the caption ‘BOMBER’ dispenses with the formality of a trial.
Neither brother had expressed any political views until shortly before the bombing. The FBI now claims
that while in Dagestan, Tamerlan met six times with Gadzhimurad Dolgatov, a prominent Chechen
terrorist. If true, we still don’t know what it means. As for Dzhokhar, it is difficult to believe the
religious extremism now ascribed to him since that would be a great surprise to everyone who has
known him.
7. Tamerlan In Russia.
At first, the FBI claimed that it had no previous knowledge of the brothers, nor indication that they
might be dangerous. This position changed with the revelation that the Russians had warned the
Bureau to keep an eye on Tamerlan.
On April 19, a correspondent for Radio Free Europe, the U.S. government’s CIA-run propaganda radio
program, traveled to Tokmuk, a northern Kyrgyz town near the border with Kazakhstan, home to the
country’s largest ethnic Chechen community. Tokmuk is where the Tsarnaev family lived before coming
to the U.S. more than a decade ago. The correspondent reported that the family is well-known there,
and that their home was next door to the one occupied by Aziz Batukaev, an organized crime boss.
The government has noted that Tamerlan had posted videos to YouTube indicating an interest in
radical Muslim ideologies, however that had been a recent occurrence. And his postings were
connected not with U.S. foreign policy or Afghanistan or Iraq but with Chechnya, his own heritage, and
the ongoing strife in that part of the world. The target of Chechen separatists is Russia, not the U.S.
The brothers’ parents, while unsurprisingly refusing to believe that their sons were behind the Boston
bombings, had some rather interesting things to say about the FBI. Their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva,
who is a U.S. citizen living in Dagestan, said of the FBI, “They used to come [to our] home, they used
to talk to me…they were telling me that he [Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they
were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist
sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a
terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”
In the year before Tamerlan’s visit to Russia, the Russian security services, the FSB, intercepted a call
between Tamerlan and his mother in which, according to U.S. sources, “they vaguely discussed jihad.”
In another wiretapped phone call, Zubeidat spoke with “someone in the Caucasus who is under FBI
investigation,” but the reasons for the ‘investigation’ have not been disclosed.
If that’s all the U.S. government has in the way of evidence on Tamerlan’s ‘radicalization,’ it’s pretty
thin. According to news reports, the recorded calls were one of the things that prompted the Kremlin
to alert the FBI in 2011 and to contact the CIA about him a year later when it seemed that the FBI was
not following through. But the FBI claims that the Russians never explained why they had issued the
All of this sounds quite strange. It’s impossible, for one thing, to believe that the FBI, having been
warned about Tamerlan, would not insist on being given the reasons for this alarm. Of course they
asked, and of course the Russians told them; otherwise, why would the Russians contact them in the
first place?
Was Tamerlan’s mother inventing the story that the FBI kept going to their house? A thing such as that
is probably not difficult to verify because there would be contemporaneous references and even
What was the real story of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Russia in 2012? What was he doing there?
American media have ignored this, an April 24, 2013, report in the Russian newspaperIzvestia that it is
in possession of documents from the Georgian Interior Ministry which reveal that Tamerlan Tsarnaev
attended a workshop in Georgia in the summer of 2012 sponsored by an organization called the
Caucasus Fund, whose purpose was to recruit operatives in the northern Caucasus.
Izvestia claims, based on statements by Colonel Grigoriy Chanturiya, a Georgian specialist in
counterintelligence, that the Caucasus Fund was founded in 2008, after the Russo-Georgian war, in
order to develop intelligence assets in southern Russia. The Fund was said to have a monthly budget of
$22,000.00 and to have spent nearly three million dollars since it began. According to the newspaper,
the Fund was shut down in late 2012 over worries that it had attracted the attention of the Russian
secret police.
Now it gets really weird. The Caucasus Fund worked with not only the regime in Tbilisi but the
Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. think tank run by senior political and military figures including former
National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Fund held a joint conference with the Jamestown
Foundation in 2011, and described its work as“establish(ing) and develop(ing) scientific, cultural, and
humanitarian relations between the peoples of the South and North Caucasus.”
The statement is a trigger. The northern Caucasus is in southern Russia and borders the ex-Soviet
republics of Georgia and Azerbaijan to the south. It includes Chechnya, where the separatist movement
has been encouraged by U.S. policy makers. The only “humanitarian relations” American intelligence
was interested in establishing and developing was civil war.
If the documentary evidence Izvestia claims to have is real, Tamerlan spent at least some of his time in
Russia at what amounts to an intelligence-directed conference.
The U.S. government and its pet media have ignored this report, along with other claims filtering out
of Russia. One such claim was made by Alaksey Filatov, an Alpha Special Forces team veteran and vice
president of its international association. Filatov told RT News:
“Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top-notch professionalism in distracting everyone from
the true identity and motives of the planner,”
“The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White
House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in
military action on foreign territories.”
Whatever the claims of the government, there is something quite strange about this case. The brothers
were clearly in Copley Square just before the bombs went off. What they were doing there is not so
8. How Did Tamerlan Die?
You know the official story: trapped by the police, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar began shooting and lobbing
pressure cookers in a desperate attempt to ward off the inevitable. Finally, Tamerlan began walking
towards them while firing. The police, nonviolent types that they are, responded by tackling and
attempting to handcuff him. Unfortunately, while this was going on, his younger brother drove straight
at them, forcing them to scatter and leaving Tamerlan to be run over by Dzhokhar, who sped away.
The Boston Globe staff article, May 1: “His brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a
confrontation with police in Watertown several days afterward as the two tried to flee the area.
Police say they were trying to subdue him when his brother ran him over in a desperate escape.”
The Watertown Police Chief, Edward Deveau, described to an excited Wolf Blitzer on CNN a major gun
battle, with the suspects firing on police with “lots of weapons.” Deveau spoke of Tamerlan firing at
police as he walked towards them and the police tackling him. According to CNN:
“On Thursday night, one officer encountered the two cars being driven by Tamerlan and Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev. The officer was instructed to wait for backup but before it arrived, the brothers jumped
out of the cars and started shooting at his car. The five other officers arrived and an intense firefight
ensued. "We estimate there was over 200 shots fired in a five- to 10-minute period," Deveau said. And
it wasn’t just bullets. The brothers also threw explosives at the officers, including a pressure cooker
“At one point Tamerlan started walking directly toward the police while shooting, and when he ran
out of ammunition an officer used the opportunity to tackle him. But when officers were handcuffing
him in the middle of the street they suddenly realized a black SUV driven by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was
coming right for them. The officers "dive out of the way, and he drives over his brother and drags him
a short distance down the street."
What little we’ve been able to glean from forensics investigations reveal that approximately 300
rounds of ammunition were fired during this brief, violent stand-off. However, it may be that few, if
any, were fired by the brothers.
The dramatic scene took place adjacent to Bedrosian’s Funeral Parlor at the corner of Laurel Street
and Dexter Avenue in Watertown. Apparently, there were witnesses. On the morning of April 20, the
two hosts on Boston radio station WEEI 93.7 FM received a call from a woman named Linda. Here is a
complete transcript of that radio interview:
L: “It’s been a long night.”
D&C: “You live in Dexter Street, correct?”
L: “My boyfriend does. I was just spending the night.”
D&C: “Tell is what you saw.”
L: “At about... I mean, it’s been a long night, between 11:00 and 11:30, my boyfriend was fast asleep
but I was up watching the news coverage about the MIT police officer. All of a sudden, I heard very
loud noises. I’d never heard a gunshot before, so I wasn’t able to immediately identify it. After it
kept getting louder and louder and closer, I started to hear explosions and at that point I realized
something was wrong. I woke by boyfriend...
“It just kept getting louder and louder and closer and I just started screaming ‘cause I knew
something was wrong, and we rushed to the front of the house, and we saw the first suspect get hit
by a police SUV and then after he was hit, shot multiple times, and minutes later an ambulance
arrived, and (then) we were surrounded by SWAT, Boston police, Watertown police... it’s been tough,
watching neighbors pulled out of their houses at gunpoint (starts to cry)... just a very long night.”
D&C: “Take your time, I know it’s been a hard evening for you. How many explosions did you hear,
Linda? And you said it sounded like a moving gunfight as it got closer and closer to the front door of
your house?”
L: “Correct. I just, two very loud, there may have been three, heard it in the distance and first I
thought it might be fireworks but... not at that time of the year. I knew that was unlikely and I knew
something was wrong, and then we saw the flashing lights.”
D&C: “Did you say the suspect was hit by a police SUV, in other words their vehicle hit him first?”
L: “Correct. From what we saw early this morning I’d be hard-pressed to think he was actually
pronounced dead at the hospital. I mean from the injuries he incurred in the street I’d say he was
probably dead when he was put in the ambulance.”
D&C: “After he was hit by the SUV, describe the scene again, how many police officers, was he in the
middle of the street, was he up against a house, was he behind a wall, what did the scene look like?”
L: “He was in the middle of the street. He was close to the driveway. I believe it was two cruisers. It
was happening so fast, at the time of the shooting it was one or two but within moments, you know,
of the exchange of gunfire, additional cruisers, state police, they came.”
D&C: “Linda, did he have a weapon? Was he firing back with a pistol or some sort of weapon at the
L: “From what’s been on the news, at first it sounded like one gun but toward the end sounded like
multiple rounds, multiple weapons, but did I see it? I didn’t see him fire. I did not see him fire. I just
remember seeing him get shot multiple times (voice starting to break again). From what I can
remember, I believe that toward the end I believe there was some retaliation on his end, but I didn’t
see him shoot.”
I have heard the audio several times and fully credit this account, a nearly contemporaneous
description of a scene at significant variance from what we’ve been told by the government.
In addition to the audio tape, there is also in existence what purports to be a videotape of the scene
just before Tamerlan is killed. The video is very dark, although there are clearly some flashing red
lights which seem to be on a police cruiser. What is significant, if this video is real, is the audio
portion, in which a man’s voice, calling out, “We give up! We give up!” followed by “We didn’t do it.”
There is a pause, then a strong volley of gunfire.
Because I have been unable to determine the real source of the video, which appeared briefly on line
within several days of these events, I don’t think it can be applied with any assurance. It does seem to
follow the account given by ‘Linda,’ and if true it is troubling.
Between them, the brothers had a single firearm. They could hardly have sustained much of a gun
battle with it, and the description of ‘Linda’ as well as the audio contents of the video make sense in
that context.
There is also a photograph, almost certainly legitimate, appearing to show a naked man in police
custody. He is standing, facing the camera; there are several officers around him and the flashes of
police lights. From all descriptions available, the man appears to be Tamerlan, and he is in custody.
What does this mean? He appears uninjured. Although the photo is marginally blurry, no bullet wounds
are evident.
And then we have the account filed by a thus far nameless reporter for Al Jazeera, who claims to have
been present at the hospital when the ‘naked man’ was brought in. And she claims to have seen him
This is all just a little bit confusing. Ordinarily, an Al Jezeera reporter has a lot more credibility than,
say,Wolf Blitzer. Yet if the ‘naked’ walking man was Tamerlan Tsarnaev, then who did the police run
over with an SUV and then fire shots into on the street?
9. The Capture In The Boat.
After the confrontation at Dexter and Laurel, Dzhokhar escaped in the stolen SUV, ditched the vehicle
and his cell phone, and while the FBI, the Boston cops, and various army forces imposed a military
lockdown and occupation on Boston and nearby towns, hid under the tarp on a boat in someone’s
driveway in Watertown, where he was found on the evening of the 19th. Law enforcement actually
learned of his presence hours earlier but waited until darkness fell. Present were officers from several
agencies, including the Massachusetts State Police, local cops and transit cops.
The accounts of the search and of Dzhokhar’s capture are hard to credit. Watertown Police Chief
Deveau, who seemed to vastly enjoy his sudden prominence, gave the most detailed descriptions to the
mass media, who characteristically swallowed them, but he was wrong.
To CNN and the gullible Blitzer, Deveau said that Dzhokhar fired on police when they found him in the
boat. “It was back and forth,” he said. “He was firing.” The Washington Post agreed, reporting that
the suspect “was shooting back.”
It turned out, however, that the volley of shots fired at the scene, which reporters heard, all came
from the police and special force personnel. Up to a hundred rounds were fired, all of them into the
boat. Dzhokhar was unarmed. It was nearly a week later before the press corrected the error. As Sari
Horwitz and Peter Finn wrote in the April 24th Post, “police feared he was heavily armed (but) the
suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police
gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding... Authorities said they were desperate to capture
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev so he could be questioned. The FBI, however, declined to discuss what prompted
the gunfire.”
Dzhokhar was shot in the throat, according to all first news accounts of his capture. There was also
plenty of wild speculation. The British paper, The Mirror, apparently prone to exaggeration on a
massive scale, claimed that the suspect tried to take his own life “in a desperate bid to avoid... a
possible death penalty,” by putting a gun into his mouth and pulling the trigger, though how this could
help him to avoid the death penalty was not specified. “Reports say the bullet passed through his
throat, just missing his spinal cord, and came out the back of his neck.”
There is now a photograph of Dzhokhar in circulation which shows him emerging from the boat, taken
by Massachusetts State Police photographer Sgt. Sean Murphy. Murphy is said to have leaked this and
other pictures to Boston Magazine because he was disturbed by the ‘glamorized’ cover shot of the
suspect in Rolling Stone. He’s in trouble for doing it, and is under investigation.
The Murphy photo seems to show Dzhokhar without a throat wound at all. This may be due to angles
and shadows obscuring it. To further muddle the situation, there is speculation that, despite the
government’s story, Dzhokhar was not shot in the throat but cut. .
Says Officer Jeff Campbell of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Transit Police SWAT unit,
part of the team which apprehended Dzhokhar, “it wasn’t a puncture hole. It was a slice where it was
spread open, possibly a piece of shrapnel from one of the explosives that they were using the night
before. It didn’t look like a bullet wound to me. It looked like a cut of some kind.”
According to authorities, the brother was taken to the hospital with several wounds, among them a
wound to the throat which prevented him from speaking. This disability did not prevent government
agents from questioning him for sixteen hours, though, until a federal judge personally intervened.
10. A Very Strange Interrogation.
Until federal judge Marianne B. Bowler came to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s hospital room to put a stop to it,
he was subject to questioning for sixteen hours, not by Boston police or even local FBI agents, but by a
special team of interrogators, the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group flown to Boston from
Guantanamo Bay Prison by order of the President.
Obama said at the time that agents could question the suspect without the presence of an attorney
under an exception to the Miranda Rule. This little used exception, however, as the President certainly
knew, permits at most a handful of questions and is narrowly applied only to circumstances in which
lives may be in immediate danger.
Why, then, did Obama do it? What did he expect to gain? The violation of Miranda would jeopardize
any statement Tsarnaev might make under interrogation and be inadmissible in court. In fact, this
quite literally endangered any trial and prospective conviction, even if the Supreme Court is inclined to
fry the defendant.
But that is not the only disturbing aspect of this chain of events. For the President to order in this
particular interrogation unit from Guantanamo should set off alarm bells for anyone familiar with their
special talents.
The federal government, as I have documented several times, knows full well that most of the
prisoners at Guantanamo are factually innocent of any crimes; the Pentagon’s own study says this, as
does the Red Cross. Yet, these people have been held for more than a decade and there are scant
prospects for their release. Their conditions are so terrible that the vast majority recently spent
months in a hunger strike to try to gain the attention of the outside world. Sadly, most Americans don’t
give a shit.
Still, what is the principal task of the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group? It’s not as though the
FBI has a dearth of qualified agents, and it’s not as though Boston Police can’t field skilled questioners.
The Guantanamo team specializes in one thing and you know what that is: extracting false confessions
from innocent people.
As journalist Andy Worthington has exposed (see his book, The Guantanamo Files), and has been
confirmed by federal judges in habeas corpus petitions, the U.S. government has obtained false
confessions from Guantanamo prisoners under torture. This is the specialty of the HVDIG. As I’m sure
you know, there are forms of torture which are psychological, so it may have been unnecessary, as well
as impractical, for these spooks to waterboard Dzhokhar in his hospital room.
It has since emerged that Tsarnaev repeatedly asked for an attorney and his request was ignored.
These agents must have known, just as Obama knew, that refusing to provide a lawyer to a suspect
who requests one, as was the case here, can not only contaminate any statement they might get but
actually get any later conviction thrown out.
The questioners were senior people, fully aware that what they were doing was risky. But they
proceeded. Then they leaked to a helpful mass media that the accused had confessed to them that he
and his brother had planned and carried out the bombings due to their anger at U.S. policies in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The leak was insupportable. Under these circumstances, and with the putative
defendant without counsel, there could be only one purpose: to poison the public mind about Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev and short-circuit any further or parallel investigation.
Why would they do this? If the government had the airtight case it claims to have, it would not want to
take chances with it. It would not need to further prejudice a public already willing to chow down on
any official story it was told. Moreover, this supposed ‘confession’ could never be used in evidence, so
what good was it?
That’s when former FBI agent and network shill John Miller came to the rescue, telling his CBS
audience that, amazingly, there was a Tsarnaev confession that was admissible after all because one
had been discovered, written on the inside of the boat where he’d hidden. He’d left a rambling
explanation, Miller said, which informed the world that an attack on one Muslim was an attack on all.
The hospital ‘confession’ had done it’s work, further magnifying the public’s certainty that the
brothers were guilty although direct evidence was rather paltry. What was needed was another
‘confession,’ one which could be used in evidence.
Hence, the fortuitous, rambling tell-all written by a bullet-riddled suspect, inside a boat, in the dark,
on fiberglass, with a Sharpie that he had either been saving for just such a purpose or had found
conveniently lying around.
Dear Readers:
Yesterday, I published parts 9 and 10, concerning the arrest and interrogation of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,
the lone surviving defendant in the Boston bombing. Taken together, the sections so far sketch a
picture which indicates that something is not right about the government’s story, at least as presented
in the mass media.
In some important respects, the narrative doesn’t make sense. Before I try to describe some key
unanswered questions, it may be useful to consider another factor. Since the attacks on the World
Trade Center buildings in September, 2001, the United States has seen its entire federal government
distorted into a security state. In order to retain public support for what in other times would seem
radically dangerous policies of police behavior and limitations on freedom, the government has
exploited public fears and dramatized supposed interventions which, we are told, stopped ‘terrorist
But, as independent research has proved, two-thirds of the known incidents have been instigated not
by ‘terrorists’ but by government agencies. A recent feature in the New York Times, in fact, noted that
of 22 claimed attempts at domestic attacks, 14 of them were actually instigated by the FBI.
Since the FBI is involved in the Boston bombing case, not only as an investigative body but as an agency
which had considerable connections to Tamerlan Tsarnaev as early as a year ago, it is instructive to
examine its recent history.
11. Terrorism in the U.S.A.
While senior members of Congress continue to make fools of themselves defending massive NSA spying
on every American, including themselves, because they deem such a complete destruction of the
Constitution necessary to shield us from ‘terrorism,’ it’s instructive to consider what ‘terrorism’
actually means.
There has always been violence which governments describe as terrorism. In short, terrorism is
generally the violence of an insurgency or rebellion against the government in control. Until September
11, 2001, attacks against Americans or American institutions have always taken place in other
countries, usually where the United States was trying to impose its will against an indigenous people.
The September 11 assault led to what any reasonably sane person would consider a great overreaction.
With Americans badly scared, a country unused to experiencing itself a level of violence its own policy-
makers have routinely visited upon other peoples reacted by declaring a ‘war on terror,’ the main
characteristic of which was the passage of dangerously intrusive legislation and the creation of the
world’s largest domestic security apparatus. As I write this, construction is underway in Washington on
the largest government building ever built, the future home of the Department of Homeland Security.
This department didn’t even exist twelve years ago.
As every dictator has learned, the easiest way to impose one’s will on a people is to scare them. A
government can then offer security at a price, and most people, perhaps not terribly aware of what’s
going on and ignorant of the damage the sacrifice of one’s rights brings, will agree.
On Wednesday, July 24, the House of Representatives turned down, by a vote of 217 to 205, an
amendment to House Resolution 2397, which would have cut off funding for a portion of the most
sweeping surveillance conducted by the U.S. military’s spy apparatus, the NSA. In a sense, given the
intense lobbying of the Obama regime against this measure, it’s impressive that 205 representatives,
including 111 Democrats, had the guts to support the Constitution. But the Constitution lost, and the
immediate effect of this vote is that the national legislature has ratified a dangerous and manifestly
illegal program far more at home in a police state than in a democracy.
Fear is the moving force here, at least with most Americans, and ignorance. For the truth of terrorist
acts inside the United States is that they are exceedingly rare.
Between 2001 and 2012, according to a review conducted by journalists at the New York Times, there
were 22 incidents which could be so described, in each case stopped by law enforcement. But of those
22, 14 were actually instigated by the FBI itself.
Evidently, the FBI, for its own reasons, through undercover agents, has itself given birth to a more than
dozen terrorist plots, then arrested the suckers it had drawn into participating. Here are some classic
examples, described by David K. Shipler in the New York Times of April 28, in an article headlined:
“Terrorist Plots Hatched By FBI.
“Of 22 ‘terrorist plots’ since 9-11 inside the U.S., at least 14 were created by FBI as sting operations.
In these, undercover agents posed as terrorists offering dummy missiles, fake C-4 explosives, a
disarmed suicide vest...
“The plots included a plan to suicide bomb the Capitol; bomb synagogues, shoot Stinger missiles at
military planes; and fly explosives-laden model planes into the Pentagon and Capitol.
“The FBI coaxes people into planning these acts, then busts them. The defense of entrapment usually
doesn’t work because it’s hard to show the defendant never had a predisposition without FBI help,
although that’s logically true.
“Prior to 9/11 it would be very unusual for the F.B.I. to present a crime opportunity that wasn’t in
the scope of the activities that a person was already involved in,” said Mike German of the American
Civil Liberties Union, a lawyer and former F.B.I. agent who infiltrated white supremacist groups.
“Typically, the stings initially target suspects for pure speech — comments to an informer outside a
mosque, angry postings on Web sites, e-mails with radicals overseas — then woo them into
relationships with informers, who are often convicted felons working in exchange for leniency, or
with F.B.I. agents posing as members of Al Qaeda or other groups.”
“The process goes like this. Here’s how James Cromitie was recruited to bomb synagogues and fire
Stinger missiles at U.S. planes:
“Cromitie was a low-level drug dealer with a criminal record that included no violence or hate crime,
despite his rants against Jews. The informer, Shahed Hussain, had been charged with fraud, but
avoided prison and deportation by working undercover in another investigation. He was being paid by
the F.B.I. to pose as a wealthy Pakistani with ties to Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group that Mr.
Cromitie apparently had never heard of before they met by chance in the parking lot of a mosque.
“Brother, did you ever try to do anything for the cause of Islam?” Mr. Hussain asked at one point.
“O.K., brother,” Mr. Cromitie replied warily, “where you going with this, brother?”
Two days later, the informer told him, “Allah has more work for you to do,” and added, “Revelation
is going to come in your dreams that you have to do this thing, O.K.?” About 15 minutes later, Mr.
Hussain proposed the idea of using missiles, saying he could get them in a container from China. Mr.
Cromitie laughed.
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Mr. Cromitie said, and then explained that he meant women and
children. “I don’t care if it’s a whole synagogue of men.” It took 11 months of meandering discussion
and a promise of $250,000 to lead him, with three co-conspirators he recruited, to plant fake bombs
at two Riverdale synagogues.
“Only the government could have made a ‘terrorist’ out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is
positively Shakespearean in its scope,” said Judge Colleen McMahon, sentencing him to 25 years. She
branded it a “fantasy terror operation” but called his attempt “beyond despicable” and rejected his
claim of entrapment.
“In late September 2011, AFP reported that a man was charged with “planning to fly explosive-
packed, remote controlled airplanes into the Pentagon and the Capitol in Washington.” In its report,
“US man charged with Pentagon bomb plot,” AFP stated:
“During the alleged plot, undercover FBI agents posed as accomplices who supplied Ferdaus with one
remote-controlled plane, C4 explosives, and small arms that he allegedly envisioned using in a
simultaneous ground assault in Washington.
“However, ”the public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were controlled by
undercover FBI employees,” the FBI said.
“Ferdaus was arrested in Framingham, near Boston, immediately after putting the newly delivered
weapons into a storage container, the FBI said.
“Authorities described Ferdaus as a physics graduate from Northeastern University who followed al-
Qaeda and was committed to ”violent jihad” since early last year.
“In November 2010, a similar “plot” was engineered, then “disrupted,” also by the FBI – this time in
Portland, Oregon. The so-called “Christmas Tree Bomber” attempted to remote detonate a van he
believed was filled with explosives, provided by the FBI, before being arrested during a Christmas
tree lighting ceremony at Pioneer Courthouse Square. The FBI’s official statement regarding the
incident revealed that FBI agents had handled, even detonated live explosives with the entrapped
suspect at Lincoln County Park in the lead up to the final failed bombing.
“The FBI’s official statement titled, “Oregon Resident Arrested in Plot to Bomb Christmas Tree
Lighting Ceremony in Portland,” released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office on November 26, 2010 stated
(emphasis added):
“According to the affidavit, on November 4, 2010, Mohamud and the undercover FBI operatives
traveled to a remote location in Lincoln County, Ore., where they detonated a bomb concealed in a
backpack as a trial run for the upcoming attack. Afterwards, on the drive back to Corvallis,
undercover FBI operatives questioned Mohamud as to whether he was capable of looking at the bodies
of those who would be killed in the upcoming attack in Portland. According to the affidavit, Mohamud
responded, “I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave either dead or injured.”
“Upon returning to Corvallis that same day, the affidavit alleges that Mohamud recorded a video of
himself with the undercover FBI operatives in which he read a written statement that offered a
rationale for his bomb attack. On Nov. 18, 2010, undercover FBI operatives picked up Mohamud to
travel to Portland in order to finalize the details of the attack.
“Earlier this evening, Mohamud was arrested after he attempted to remotely detonate what he
believed to be explosives in a van that was parked near the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in
Portland, the affidavit alleges.
“Yet another similar operation was carried out by the FBI in February 2012, where yet another
otherwise incapable patsy was provided with live explosives in the lead up to what was ultimately a
failed suicide bombing at the US Capitol. USA Today reported in their article, “FBI foils alleged
suicide bomb attack on U.S. Capitol.”
“According to a counterterrorism official, El Khalifi “expressed interest in killing at least 30 people
and considered targeting a building in Alexandria and a restaurant, synagogue and a place where
military personnel gather in Washington before he settled on the Capitol after canvassing that area a
couple of times,” the Associated Press writes. During the year-long investigation, El Khalifi detonated
explosives at a quarry in the capital region with undercover operatives. He is not believed to be
affiliated with al-Qaeda, officials said.
“The frightening trend of the FBI cultivating otherwise incapable “terror” suspects, providing them
with and detonating real explosives, before giving them inert or controlled devices to carry out
attacks on public targets where mass casualties are averted only at the last possible moment, sets the
stage for at the very least, incredible potential for catastrophic blunders, and at worst, false flag
“Has the FBI ever presided over “sting operations” that were actually carried out? The answer is yes.
The FBI in fact was presiding over the terrorists who carried out the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing. The role of the FBI leading up to the deadly attack would most likely have gone unreported
had an FBI informant not taped his conversations with FBI agents after growing suspicious during the
uncover operation. The New York Times in their article, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used
in Trade Center Blast,” reported:
“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used
to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting
harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.
“The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the
plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A.
Salem, should be used, the informer said.
“The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem
secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better
position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers. The
explosion left six people dead, more than 1,000 injured and damages in excess of half a billion
What the Times investigation shows is an FBI at the center of perpetuating America’s terror menace,
not at the forefront of fighting it. With every attack foiled or carried out involving FBI uncover
operatives revealed only after successful “stings” or in the case of the World Trade Center bombings,
an inconvenient witness stepping forward and revealing the FBI’s role, the first and foremost suspect
considered after any bombing on US soil should be the FBI itself.
Dear Readers:
Yesterday, I published Part 11, which recounted some of the fake-terrorist incidents created or
instigated by the FBI. One of these, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was in theory to be
interdicted but instead actually took place, resulting in deaths and serious injury.
Obviously, when a nation’s own intelligence service creates false attacks with the clear motive of
escalating people’s fears and generating political support for diminution of civil liberties, there are
concerns that any terrorist event may be a part of that pattern, even one which reaches fruition.
It is in that context that the killing of a percipient witness during ‘interrogation’ must be viewed with
deep suspicion.
12. A Witness Dies In Florida.
An FBI special agent shot and killed a man in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday morning, May 22, 2013, as
the man was being interrogated for the third time about the Boston Marathon bombings.
The dead man was identified as 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, an acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev,
who he met through the world of mixed martial arts. Like Tsarnaev, he was a Chechen-born Muslim,
but he only met Tsarnaev after moving to the United States. Todashev was shot shortly after midnight
at his apartment about 10 miles from Walt Disney World.
Khusn Taramiv, a friend of Todashev, told WESH-TV in Orlando that they were both interviewed by the
FBI for three hours on Tuesday, and the men were asked what they knew about Tsarnaev and were also
asked about their political views.
Todashev thought that he was being "set up," Taramiv told reporters, and expressed concerns that
something bad was going to happen to them. Taramiv says they had both been followed by the FBI on
more than one occasion since the Boston terrorist attack.
Todashev had recently been arrested for aggravated assault but his friend said he was attacked in a
parking lot and was simply defending himself. According to Taramiv, Todashev had been planning to
return home to Chechnya to visit relatives, via New York City, but had canceled the trip due to
"pushing" by the FBI.
The suspect's friend said they are both Muslim, but not radical, and that Todashev did not own a gun.
Jon Williams of the BBC reported that the FBI agent conducting the interview shot Todashev, because
he felt threatened., but the story changed at least three times in the first 24 hours after the shooting.
The first FBI statement, as the local press reported it, was that “the agent and two Massachusetts
State Police troopers and other law enforcement personnel had been interviewing Todashev when a
violent confrontation was initiated by the individual. During the confrontation, the individual was
killed and the agent sustained non-life threatening injuries.”
First was the knife story; shortly after that, the knife disappeared to be replaced by a steel pole. This
was discarded, too, and the FBI claimed that Todashev had overturned a table. No narrative was going
to work. A single man suddenly turning violent could certainly be subdued by the handful of police
agents on the scene. Even the FBI’s press flack couldn’t produce a more compelling explanation than
the pitiful one cited. And in any case, none of these excuses would explain why Todashev was shot six
times in the chest and once in the top of the head.
I have seen the photographs of Todashev’s wounds, taken at the funeral home after his body was
released to his family. He was certainly murdered. It was, in fact, an execution. The question is, why?
The FBI tale on the sequence of events in Orlando is extremely odd, even for them. According to the
bureau, Todashev had just admitted committing a triple homicide with his friend Tamerlan Tsarnaev in
Waltham, Massachusetts, on September 11, 2011, and he was in the process of writing out a full
confession, when he suddenly snapped and launched his attack on the agent with, depending, a knife,
pole, table or, in one of the more fanciful versions, an ornamental sword which was hanging on the
wall and had a broken handle.
This story is patently false for a number of reasons, but the mass media swallowed it whole. NBC
News: “Dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and another man –– who was killed by the FBI
on Wednesday –– murdered three people in Massachusetts after a drug deal went wrong in 2011, law
enforcement sources tell NBC News.”
Todashev could not have been killing anyone in Waltham that September in 2011 because he was with
his wife, Manukyan, in Atlanta, Georgia, that day, and his family has documents which prove it.
The mass media, however, ignored the death photos and concentrated on the palpably false FBI story,
even as it kept changing. Various sources who could not be named telling the gullible –– or corrupt ––
television hacks that the dead man had confessed to a murder implicating another dead man, Tamerlan
Tsarnaev, who could now be assumed to be guilty of Boston because he was guilty of Waltham.
We now know the reason why the FBI story kept changing: there were no witnesses. According to
the Washington Post, May 29: “An official said that according to one account of the shooting, the
other law enforcement officials had just stepped out of the room, leaving the FBI agent alone with
Todashev, when the confrontation occurred.”
Such bad timing, Todashev on the verge of cracking, and the five other law enforcement officers all
have to go the bathroom at once.
There are at least a couple of possible reasons why the FBI wanted this witness dead. Todashev’s
father said that his son had told him that the Boston bombing had been “a set up,” and that Tsarnaev
had not done it. Had his friend told him anything to substantiate that claim? Or had the Bureau just
needed a second dead man to implicate the first dead man in a crime neither had any connection with?
The agent who killed Todashev was from Boston; the triple homicide had apparently involved a drug
deal. There is nothing to indicate that Tamerlan had anything to do with drugs or dealing.
The dead man’s father, Abdulbaki Todashev, said during a news conference in Russia that his son had
been killed by the FBI to keep him from talking.
“I want justice, I want an investigation,” he said. “They come to your house like bandits, and they
shoot you. Maybe my son knew some sort of information that the police didn’t want to get out. They
shut him up.”
His friend, Khusn Taramiv, told WESH-TV that Todashev felt he would be shot by the FBI. “He felt
inside he was going to get shot. I told him, ‘Everything is going to be fine, don’t worry about it.’ He
said, ‘I have a really bad feeling.’”
13. Unanswered Questions.
There are glaring omissions and misstatements of fact in the official story. Whether they are significant
or have bearing on the larger questions can’t be determined yet, but something is very wrong here.
First, the government thus far has offered few details of the brothers’ actions in the three day gap
between the bombing and the start of the ‘manhunt’ three days later, although apparently the
brothers behaved as usual among friend, and people who saw Dzhokhar during this time say he was
relaxed and casual. The only item offered by authorities to incriminate them is the younger brother’s
text message to a college friend after they had been identified as suspects, which said only that the
friend could take what he wanted from Dzhokhar’s things. By then, state police, the Boston bomb
squad and canine units, as well as FBI, ICE and ATF agents had hit a residential building in Revere, 8
miles northeast of Boston, and removed a large bag from an apartment early on the 16th. Democracy
Now! reported that an apartment on the fifth floor of the 13-story Ocean Shores Tower was being
There is also a matter in which three other friends are said to have taken things from the room and
disposed of them, but this appears thin. Even after the government threatened two of them with
deportation –– their status in the U.S. is marginal and at least one has said to have overstayed his visa
–– they are not being charged, at least not yet.
The construction of a motive for the bombing is very weak. Two brothers without any discernible
religious or political reasons, without any extremist history, suddenly build bombs to attack ordinary
people at the finish line for the Boston Marathon. The only person with any meaningful connection to
them, Uncle Ruslan, is at least a corporate hustler, if not a government agent, and his own history
shows involvement in CIA cover operations. Why would the brothers do this? The government seems
desperate to create a motive, using the preposterous ‘Sharpie confession’ and the claim that a dead
witness in Orlando had been associated with Tamerlan in a murder to take the place of actual
evidence. All the evidence, in fact, seems to show that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar had no reason to
commit this crime.
Much of the government’s behavior in the aftermath is deeply troubling. While it may wish to look
better in terms of Tamerlan’s killing –– it seems as though the brothers were attempting to surrender
when the cops ran over Tamerlan, then pumped bullets into him in the street –– it may also be that
they wanted a dead defendant, being more convenient. When looked at in light of the volley of more
than a hundred bullets fired into the side of the boat in which Dzhokhar was hiding, it’s hard to escape
the feeling that these brothers were both supposed to die. If they in fact didn’t do it, as one of them
seems to have shouted at police, it’s indisputable that dead people are easier to convict.
There is no explanation for the claim that the brothers went to the MIT Cambridge campus, where they
are said to have shot and killed officer Sean Collier. Why would they do this? There is also no
explanation why, if they were ‘attempting to steal his gun,’ they were unable to take it? Collier was
dead and in no position to object.
It’s not surprising that the first reports in a situation such as this will be confused and inaccurate.
That’s a normal condition. So we should not make too much of the early bulletins from police and FBI
that the brothers were armed to the teeth, that they had carbines and hand guns and automatic
weapons. But when it turned out that they had only a single gun, the question is why? Why would they
not have taken Collier’s gun, if that’s why they allegedly shot him, and why were they otherwise so
woefully unprepared?
If the brothers hijacked a Mercedes driven by ‘DM’ and took $800.00 from his ATM, as the witness
himself claims and as the government maintains, where are the photographs which show them, or one
of them, making the withdrawal? ATMs are equipped with cameras. Why did the brothers stop at
$800.00; which is said to be well under the limit for this transaction.
Photos of the bombing scene were widely circulated after the event, especially on the internet.
Several photos later identified by the FBI as being of the suspects were already on the web the evening
of the bombing. Yet by all indications, the brothers did not behave like people interested in covering
their tracks. According to the authorities, Dzhokhar had a computer and a backpack in his dorm room
and made no attempt to remove or hide them. After they were identified by name on the evening of
the 18th, Dzhokhar text messaged a friend saying that the latter could go to his dorm room and take
whatever he wanted, which hardly seems like someone worried about covering his tracks. Once again,
the circumstances beg the question: why would he not have removed any incriminating evidence well
before this, especially if the back pack contained “fireworks which had been emptied of explosive
If Tamerlan bought 48 mortar shells in February containing 8 pounds of explosive powder, what reason
would Dzhokhar have for emptying fireworks in order to extract the relatively miniscule amount of
powder they offered? If it’s true, why didn’t Dzhokhar do the obvious thing and get rid of the empty
firecracker shells? Why would he leave them in a back pack in his room?
If the brothers engaged in target practice at a firing range in March, was this in preparation for some
other violent act? The bombing did not require any firearms. And if the brothers practiced shooting, did
they share a single weapon, the Ruger P95 semiautomatic handgun authorities claim was used to shoot
officer Collier at MIT? If they had more than one gun, what happened to the others? Why did they not
have them in their possession on the evening of April 18? An early report on April 21 in the New York
Times cited a law enforcement source that they “had found an M-4 carbine rifle... two handguns and a
BB gun,” a claim which has since been abandoned. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said the
brothers had been “heavily armed,” and numerous reports described an extensive arsenal. But
apparently there was only one gun.
If the brothers were shooting at a range because they anticipated needing to defend themselves in the
aftermath of the planned bombing, they certainly had time enough to obtain at least a second gun.
Why didn’t they?
Where was the Cambridge, Massachusetts residence authorities claim was ‘shared’ by the brothers?
Why would they share a residence if Dzhokhar lived in a college dormitory?
Where were the bombs assembled? Certainly not at the dormitory. Dzhokhar has many friends who
have said they were frequently in his room and saw no evidence of this. His brother was married to a
woman named Kathleen Russell, whose DNA the government thought might match that which was
discovered on bomb fragments; it turned out there was no such match. Whose DNA, then, was it?
Russell says that she saw no evidence of bomb-making or anything else to indicate what the brothers
were up to and the FBI evidently accepts her statement. So where were they assembled? This is not
something one can do in the back of one’s car. In fact, according to at least one expert, Jonathan
Gilliam, a former member of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force and a former Navy SEAL,
told Fox News that “the quantity and effectiveness of the devices also suggested formal, hands-on
training, not expertise that could be gleaned from online. The idea that these two could build bombs
like the ones that went off from a ‘do-it-yourself’ web site is total... well, you know.”
Although it is not noted on the prosecution’s timeline, the government claims that Dzhokhar, as he hid
in the back yard boat in Watertown, wrote a lengthy combination of confession and manifesto on the
inside walls as he bled from multiple gunshot wounds, and in the dark, presumably with a Sharpie he
happened to have on his person, since no other writing implement would have worked on the
fiberglass. The belatedly discovered ‘confession’ was sure a break for the government, considering that
the government had claimed to have extracted an identical confession from the suspect in his hospital
bed but before he had been able to speak with counsel and, indeed, as it was revealed, after he had
repeatedly asked for counsel and been turned down. Any such ‘confession’ would be inadmissible in
any trial even given the ‘flexible’ rules governing police conduct found acceptable by this Supreme
And then there is the matter of the bombs.
By every reliable source, from police bulletins on the scene to statements by police and other
authorities on the day of the bombing, there was at least one –– and as many as three –– additional
bombs discovered at the parade site and in the vicinity of Copley Square. One was detonated by police
at 3:50 p.m., one hour after the other two exploded. The others were defused by police, as reported
to many media sources. On Democracy Now! on the morning after: “As many as two unexploded bombs
were also found near the end of the 26.2-mile course as part of what appeared to be a well
coordinated attack but they were safely disarmed, a senior US intelligence official told Associated
If the government is right, if the two bombs which blew at the finish line had been brought to the
Square by Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who eluded bomb-sniffing dogs and a massive security
presence in doing so, whose backpacks carried the other bombs?
This is the final installment in the series, ‘Boston: The Case Is Not Closed.’
I’ve written major pieces before concerning what seemed like critical matters, but in each case I’ve
had an enormous reservoir of information, much of it reliable, from which to draw. I can tell you how
the Kennedys were killed and by whom with some degree of assurance because I spent about twenty
years obsessively pursuing the subject. If you are obsessed by anything for a long time, you will at a
minimum have a really big bag of stuff.
Boston is still too new, too unsettled. In gathering material, I pulled from the web more than a
hundred articles, video and audio tapes, opinion pieces, and news columns, from which I extracted 85
pages of notes. For the most part, this column is a collection and a synthesis. I do not know what
happened, but there are troubling possibilities.
14. What Might Have Happened.
There’s something wrong with the official account, and there are disturbing signs, the sort of unhappy
signs an experienced researcher will spot when somebody is trying to fix-up a story.
Most disturbing is the background and intelligence connections of Ruslan Tsarni and his former father-
in-law, especially when superimposed over FBI claims about Tamerlan and his 2012 visit to Russia. The
FBI says that it didn’t follow up on its interest in Tamerlan, that the Russians never told them what
their suspicions were based on, and that he was off their radar as of 2013. I find that very hard to
First, the FBI would never simply let it go if a source declined to explain what it meant, and the
Russian intelligence services would never pass along a warning without the details. Never. Second, FBI
practice is that persons of interest are not simply dropped but are surveilled ever after; that is because
the Bureau has the ability to do so and the technology to support it. Third, there are times when the
FBI will back off a suspect: when asked to do so by another U.S. intelligence agency.
It is also noteworthy that the FBI, of all governmental agencies requested, has refused to testify before
a House committee which is investigating what happened. From the AP wire:
“WASHINGTON - The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday lambasted
the Federal Bureau of Investigation for what he called attempts to “stonewall” congressional
investigations of the events leading up to the Boston Marathon bombings...
““The FBI has refused to appear, and continues to refuse this committee’s appropriate requests for
information and documents crucial to our investigation into what happened in Boston,” (Rep. Michael)
McCaul said... ”The information requested by this Committee belongs to the American people. It does
not belong solely to the FBI, and I sincerely hope they do not intend to stonewall our inquiry into how
this happened.”
If Izvestia is right –– it claims there are documents which prove it –– Tamerlan attended a training
seminar in the summer of 2012 run by a CIA front. If the CIA was making use of him it would not be
unusual for it to ask another agency to give it room.
Tamerlan was a perfect target for intelligence recruitment. A Chechen native who spoke fluent
Russian, an athlete, and a man with a grievance –– his exclusion from high-level competition for reasons
he no doubt felt were unfair –– he fit the profile, as several former intelligence officers have observed.
What if the CIA –– or FBI, for that matter –– recruited Tamerlan, told him that they could solve his
problems with INS and make it possible for him to qualify for the Olympics? All he had to do was help
them with a little bit of spying in Russia, attend a meeting, connect with a suspect or a prospective
recruit. Back in the U.S., the carrot is still being dangled but maybe a little further ahead. This time,
he is brought into one of the numerous FBI terrorist ‘sting’ operations. Buy some powder, take these
backpacks to Copley Square.
They could have been instructed to show up and leave the backpacks; the photo which seems to show
Dzhokhar leaving and still carrying a backpack could mean that he forgot or disobeyed.
What if some FBI agents thought it was just another sting and it wasn’t? What if the CIA hijacked the
FBI’s operation and turned it live?
Two bombs exploded in Copley Square but between one and three other bombs were found, and the
brothers did not bring them. In whose backpacks did they arrive?
What if Tamerlan had confided in his gym friend, Todarev, that he was doing work for the FBI or CIA,
and Todarev said as much while being questioned? What if the FBI merely suspected that he knew?
There had to be some reason why the FBI’s Boston special agent sent everyone else from the room,
then executed the witness, which is certainly what happened.
The brothers, three days after the bombing, tried to run, but they were seriously ill-prepared. One
gun, no cash, Dhzokhar’s Honda. Are these the master terrorists who eluded hundreds of security
personnel and cops at the Marathon, fooled the dogs, avoided being seen by rooftop observers? Or are
they patsies, cut loose and running?
The Boston Marathon bombing produced the most drastic military presence on American streets since
the Revolutionary War. A major American city was effectively shut down. There’s a reason why this had
not happened before: it was illegal. And despite the militarization of urban police forces, there was
still a significant distinction between the two: police forces are civilian and they are accountable to
civilians. The military is accountable to no one.
Shortly after Boston, the U.S. military did something quite remarkable and alarming: it granted itself
authority over civil disturbances. There has been no notice taken of this in the mainstream media, nor
on Capitol Hill. But it happened.
By making a few seemingly small changes, little noticed at the time, to a regulation in the U.S. Code
titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies” the military has quietly granted itself
the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent
that has been in place for more than two centuries.
The most objectionable aspect of the regulatory change is the inclusion of vague language that permits
military intervention in the event of “civil disturbances.” Now, according to Bruce Afran, a Rutgers
constitutional law professor who is helping to lead the lawsuit against the NDAA’s burial of habeas
corpus, the rule can only be changed by Congress or the courts. We’ve already had ample evidence of
how well these institutions protect our civil liberties.
“Remember, the police operate under civilian control,” Afran says. “They are used to thinking in a
civilian way so the comparison that they may have some assault weapons doesn't change this in any
way. And they can be removed from power. You can't remove the military from power.”
The Marathon bombing has been very convenient for people interested in further eroding the rights of
citizens. With the corrupt assistance of the mass media, the U.S. government has successfully
propagandized a majority into believing the hallucination that total surveillance “protects” them from
“terrorists.” The citizens of Boston, who were forced to stay indoors but to open their homes to search
by heavily-armed government agents, were so mesmerized by the lies that rather than protest this
invasion of their rights and property they issued messages of fawning appreciation to their captors. The
newspapers in Boston were full of them.
The ‘small changes’ unilaterally made by the military to their own rules effectively wipe out civilian
authority over police functions in the event of “disturbances.”
The origin of the Boston bombing may be clouded at this point, but one thing is certain: the remaining
defendant will not use the occasion of his trial to protest his innocence, even if that’s so. Doubters are
referred to the guilty plea entered by an innocent James Earl Ray.
When the authorities and your own attorney explain that they have plenty of evidence, even if they
made it up, and that your resistance to pleading guilty will land you in the gas chamber, you will make
the deal.
Boston was convenient for people who want to impose tighter controls over the American population.
For that reason alone it is worth a skeptical view. Given the disturbing anomalies, the obvious lies, and
the questions which seem to elude comforting answers, and despite the ready willingness of seemingly
everyone in politics and in the media to convict Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his dead brother of the crime,
this case is not closed.

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193680186 boston-case-not-closed

  • 1. Get Homework/Assignment Done Homework Help Research Paper help Online Tutoring click here for freelancing tutoring sites Boston: The Case Is Not Closed Over the next week, I will be posting daily sections of a very long column. Rather than exhaust interested people by posting the entirety at once, it’s probably better to do it in installments. If you miss sections, you can always return to them later. The piece is divided this way: 1. The Bombs In Copley Square 2. The Photographs 3. Craft International 4. Uncle Ruslan 5. The Government Story 6. Who Were These Guys? 7. Tamerlan In Russia 8. How Did Tamerlan Die? 9. The Capture In The Boat 10. A Very Strange Interrogation
  • 2. 11. Terrorism In The U.S.A. 12. A Witness Dies In Florida 13. Unanswered Questions 14. What Might Have Happened Today: parts 1 and 2. 1. The Bombs In Copley Square. 2:50 p.m. Two bombs go off on Boylston Street, near the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon, about twelve to twenty seconds apart. The first is near the corner of Boylston and Exeter, about 550 feet west of the Old South Church and the Boston Public Library, the second at the corner of Boylston and Ring Road, about one block west of first one. Most of the 17,000 runners had completed the race, which began at 10:00 a.m. One of these, an experienced marathon runner and university cross-country coach, would later tell the press: “At the starting line this morning, they had bomb-sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there. They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, they were running a training exercise. I’ve run a lot of races like this one but I never saw bomb dogs at he starting line of any running event. It led me to believe that something like (a bomb detonation) might have happened.” By a happy coincidence, a press release issued two days before by Boston EMS noted that they would be “deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device for the first time at the Boston Marathon on April 15. The platform, from SafetyPAD, is intended for use in mass-casualty situations.” Nothing like being able to road test new equipment. Boston law enforcement said on their emergency personnel radio scanner at 3:53 that they would be conducting a controlled explosion on the 600 block of Boylston Street, near the Copley Square site of the original explosions one hour earlier. At 3:55 p.m. there was such an explosion there. This was reported/tweeted by the Boston Globe after the first two explosions. Globe Twitter: “There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.” Personnel were cautioned to be careful of trash containers possible site of bombs. Another bomb was said in the first police reports to have been ‘found and dismantled’ on Boylston, across the intersection at Dartmouth Street, cater-corner to Boston Library, about 255 feet east of the finish line. NBC News reported being told by a House Homeland Security Committee official and three law enforcement officials that an “undetonated device was found near the finish line.” On April 16, the following day, the Associated Press reported a “senior US intelligence official” saying that two unexploded bombs were also found. 2. The Photographs. The Boston Marathon bombing may be the most heavily-photographed crime in history. Within minutes of the first explosion, hundreds of scenes were flashing around the internet.
  • 3. Visible in several shots were one or both Tsarnaev brothers, Tamerlan, 26, and Dzhokhar, 19. They appeared to be carrying back packs and in two photos were physically near the locus of one of the blasts. In one shot, taken after the explosions, the younger brother is walking away, along with several others; although it is not clear, he appears to still be carrying a back pack. There are several shots taken before and at the time of the blasts which show security personnel on nearby rooftops and across from the blast sites. This confirms the observation of Alastair Stevenson, who says that he saw them. There are also numerous photographs which show individuals who appear to be associating with one another, who in some cases are standing together in pairs, who are dressed alike, and who are carrying identical back packs. These men are wearing light-colored slacks, dark jackets, and caps. Their clothing resembles that worn by the Tsarnaev brothers. In several photos, two men are standing together, each talking on some form of wired device held to the right ear, not cell phones. They are wearing the same outfits, all military style including hat, boots, light pants, dark jacket. These two are seen standing at the perimeter of the blast site, then leaving just before the bombs went off. Overhead shots show wires running from the phone device each is using. In one photo, taken after the bombs went off, three of these men are seen running, with one of them carrying an object in his right hand. This object was the subject of speculation on the web, with it finally being identified as an Inspector Radiation Alert, a device which detects and measures the kind of radiation which would be produced in a ‘dirty bomb’ or nuclear attack. There is a photograph of what is described as the remnants of an exploded back pack. Although it is impossible to be more precise from these images, the back pack looks identical to those worn by the group. Other men dressed in identical military gear, tan boots and slacks, black jackets and back packs, tactical communications gear, are seen in other photos. There are as many as ten. Their similarity in age and the eerie likeness in identifying characteristics such as clothing and backpacks, was so obvious that it sparked immediate speculation in some internet circles. And there is something else. On the cap of one group member, and on the back pack of another, and on the shirt of a third, is a small logo, a stylized skull, a unique symbol known as a ‘favicon.’ What this means we’ll consider in a minute. It’s hard to know what the FBI knew and when it knew it, but in the immediate aftermath, later on April 15 and into April 16, as the above mentioned photographs and others appeared seemingly everywhere on the internet, the FBI special agent in charge, Richard DesLauriers, referred to the photos of the then-unidentified brothers and made this extraordinary statement. "The photos and videos are posted for the public and media to use, review, and publicize. For clarity, these images should be the only ones and I emphasize the only ones the public should view to assist us. Other photos should not be deemed credible and they unnecessarily divert the public's attention in the wrong direction and create undue work for vital law enforcement resources." Thus the FBI had settled on the brothers, although at that point there is no reason to have narrowed the investigation to them, and they had not been named. There are evidently no photographs which
  • 4. show either of them leaving a back pack in the locus of either explosion, although several government spokespeople have claimed there is video of this –– if so, it’s been withheld from the public. Meanwhile, dozens of other photos which showed members of what is obviously a single group invited questions and speculation. One journalist was ignored when he tried to ask DesLauriers about them at a press conference; another held up copies of the images “not deemed credible” and these were blocked from view by FBI staff people. And despite the questions which wouldn’t go away, the FBI and the government refused to address these pictures until Tamerlan Tsarnaev was dead and his brother was in custody. Meanwhile, it didn’t take long for the favicon, a stylized skull, to be identified by online researchers, but that didn’t clarify matters. The symbol appears on clothing and other standard issue gear of a private security force, Craft International, whose motto reads, “Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.” 3. Craft International. Researchers came upon the symbol in photographs of a man named Chris Kyle, Craft’s founder, a famous sniper who bragged of more than 150 kills, who wore clothing and carried gear bearing the favicon, and who was himself killed by a war veteran said to be suffering from PTSD at a shooting range just a couple of months before Boston. Were these Craft security personnel, and if so what were they doing at the Boston Marathon, hanging around the scene where two bombs went off? But, it turns out, they may not have been from Craft. That’s because the special logo, the favicon, is identical to that worn by three other outfits: SEAL Team 3, SEAL Team 5, and Blackwater/Xe. For more than a month, no government officials, no police, no FBI, no DHS people responded to questions about these identically-dressed men on the bombing scene and did not identify them. Finally, the government issued a statement saying that these men –– who remain unidentified –– were members of an army National Guard Civil Support Team, who had been sent to Boston to “assist local authorities with logistics, security and other operations.” According to official sources, 850 National Guard soldiers were on duty at the Marathon, including members of the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s 387th Ordnance Company and the 267th Combat Communications Squadron from the Air National Guard. Some of the 850 troops had been sent from New York and Rhode Island. If the men pictured in the widely-circulated photos were CST people, who were they? The government will not say. If they were CST people, what were they doing wearing caps, and other clothing bearing the unique skull favicon? According to the military, Craft clothing is available for purchase online; moreover, it is “routine” for police and military personnel to “receive training” from Craft, as well as from other private contractor groups and from former SEALS. Since Craft is a specialized paramilitary outfit, as is Blackwater/Xe, this begs the question. What kind of training are the Civil Support Teams getting and for what purpose? Evidently, this is something considerably different from disaster relief. And if the presence of the particular individuals, all wearing tactical boots and pants and carrying communications equipment, is innocent, why did the FBI take the strange position that photographs of them should be ignored by the public and press while refusing to explain who they were?
  • 5. It should not have been hard to clear up the confusion. Instead, when a journalist asked at an FBI press conference, late afternoon on the 18th, “Why are you denying that there were bomb drills Monday morning?” and “We’ve got photographs of contractors...”DesLauriers said, “Next question,” and would not answer. It certainly should have been routine for DesLauriers to give a real answer here. CSTs are the National Guard’s full-time response force for emergencies or terrorist events involving weapons of mass destruction, toxic chemicals, or natural disasters. CSTs are often pre-staged at large public events to mitigate risks and to assist civil authority –– at least according to the government’s belated description. It seems probable that the unidentified men seen talking on special phones prior to the bombing, as well as running afterwards, were members of the New York CST group. A paper presented a month after the event to the National Guard Bureau, which noted Secretary of Defense Hagel’s decision not to defund the 24th WMD-CST team, the New York outfit, said that “Members of the New York unit were less than a block away from the deadly April 15 explosions...” A separate, much earlier, report by Global Security Newswire said that the 20-person New York unit, based at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, had dispatched five persons to Boston after receiving a request from the Massachusetts state government. Eric Durr, Public Information Director for the New York state Military and Naval Affairs Division told a reporter from Global Security Newswire that “Anytime you’ve got a high-key event where there’s lots of people, there’s usually a … unit from a civil support team in the area to provide assistance to first responders.” But Durr, too, declined to discuss specifics and would not comment on how the New York unit had provided assistance following the attack. It seems highly probable that the men photographed on the scene were part of the CST teams. There are several reports confirming this from a variety of sources. In addition, vehicles described by witnesses at the bombing scene and which appear in numerous photos and in several videos are similar in appearance to those used by Army National Guard CSTs. The rather obstinate refusal of the FBI and associated police forces to explain and identify the men in the photographs and who were the subject of considerable internet speculation, is troubling. If they were simply CST personnel and if they were there because such personnel are always assigned to assist in crowd control and other duties at major public events, why the mystery? Perhaps there’s more to it. For one thing, CST personnel are a special breed, National Guard but full time. They work with violent and potentially violent situations. And in their training, they interact with an especially violent sector of the private security field in America. This offers the same possibilities of crossbreeding that the CIA, for example, enjoys with urban police departments. In that world, it is a practical impossibility to segregate private from public, security from espionage, one employer from another. In other words, it’s not at all fanciful to consider that CST personnel may in some instances be loyal not to the National Guard but to their comrades at Craft, Xe, or in the SEALs. I’d certainly heard of Blackwater/Xe prior to Boston, but I’d never heard of Craft. Who are they? As noted earlier, Craft International was ostensibly created by Chris Kyle in 2009. It’s a private company which provides military, law-enforcement, and civilian training in different types of warfare, including techniques developed as counter-terrorist exercises performed by SEAL teams in Iraq and Afghanistan. Craft personnel, like founder Kyle, are former SEALs. But the more one digs, the stranger it gets. Craft International’s business address is 2101 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 1400, Dallas, Texas. That address is also the address for at least four other businesses, including Hayman Capital Management, LLC, a hedge fund run by J. Kyle Bass; Japan Macro Opportunities Off-Shore Partners, a Cayman
  • 6. Islands-incorporated firm; one Bruce Davis, a ‘registered agent’ for Solidus Bancshares, Inc.; and HWGP, LLC, a business the nature of which is unavailable. In other words, Craft’s address is a mail drop. More than one researcher has speculated that Craft is an arm of the CIA. It would certainly make sense. For one thing, the CIA is technically forbidden to operate inside the U.S. and, though a lot of people regard this as a statutory prohibition long ago discarded, using Craft or some other quasi-private outfit is certainly logical. And it remains peculiar that the FBI, Boston police, and every other governmental agency involved in the case, declined to even acknowledge the photographs of the belatedly-named CST people on the scene, went so far as to instruct the media to ignore them –– which the obedient mass media thereupon did –– and still won’t release names, when it would’ve been simple to do this at the beginning. 4. Uncle Ruslan. Coinciding with the official identification of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the suspects in the bombing, the American public were treated to the emergence of their uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who had quite a bit to say in condemnation of his nephews. Tamerlan, said Uncle Ruslan, had fallen under the hypnotic spell of a red-bearded Armenian extremist called “Misha,” who radicalized him. For that reason, Uncle Ruslan hadn’t had much to do with the brothers for a long time. Ruslan was effusive, telling CNN that ‘Misha’ was “chubby, a big guy, big mouth presenting himself with some kind of abilities as exorcist... having some part-time job, not married, all of the qualifications of a loser, just another big mouth.” So eloquent was Uncle Ruslan, in fact, that his story was taken at face value, and his words praised by a media spectrum stretching from Glenn Beck to Keith Olbermann, who called him the “definition of a great American.” The Washington Post’s Ester Cepeda authored a piece headlined “The Wise Words of Uncle Ruslan,” and called him her choice for “an award for bravery in the face of adversity.” But Uncle Ruslan is not exactly a classic ‘great American,’ and Cepeda might want to reconsider any awards before conferring them, because Uncle Ruslan is not exactly who they think he is. To begin with, Ruslan’s physical descriptions of ‘Misha’ was remarkable since, by his own admission, he’d never met him. Ruslan at first claimed he’d had no contact with Tamerlan since December, 2005, although ‘Misha’ supposedly met Tamerlan no earlier than 2008. Ruslan then ‘remembered’ seeing Tamerlan in 2009. The ‘Misha” influence on Tamerlan would certainly help the government’s case, since otherwise it is difficult to understand the radicalization of an otherwise apolitical youth. And if Uncle Ruslan had been concerned about this stranger who had ‘stolen’ Tamerlan’s brain, as he put it, how come he didn’t know ‘Misha’s’ last name? As it happens, Uncle Ruslan was in a unique position to find out whatever he wanted about ‘Misha.’ Following Tsarni’s gift-wrapping of his nephews for the government and the mass media, the FBI managed to locate someone they thought might be ‘Misha,’ one Mikhail Allakhverdov, but this
  • 7. particular ‘Misha’ had not seen Tamerlan Tsarnaev in years, and the older brother’s sudden radicalization was supposed to have happened within the last few months before the bombing. The reason Uncle Ruslan could easily have found out the identity, if there was one, of the mysterious converted Armenian –– the tight-knit Armenian community in Boston is united in claiming that no such person exists; moreover, Armenians have a rather strong historical memory of one million being massacred by Turkish Muslims, and the idea that an Armenian would convert is regarded as ridiculous –– is that Ruslan has long and intimate connection to American intelligence. In what one researcher, Daniel Hopsicker, calls the Rosetta Stone of the Boston bombing, the CIA’s fingerprints are all over Uncle Ruslan. Let’s begin when Tsarni met and married Samantha Ankara Fuller, daughter of Graham and Prudence Fuller of Rockville, Maryland. It was the early 1990’s, when Ruslan was a student at Duke University Law School and Samantha was in graduate school at North Carolina. Uncle Ruslan was at the time involved in several enterprises beyond his course of study. The former Soviet empire had fallen and there was big money to be made in the old country. Also plenty of spying. On leave from Duke, Tsarni worked for two years as a ‘consultant’ for U.S.A.I.D. in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan. AID, the Agency for International Development, is a CIA operation. In 1992, while Ruslan was in Kazakhstan, the CIA was supporting nationalist movements as a way of weakening Russia’s influence, and Ruslan was doing his part. In 1995, before graduating from Duke, he started an outfit called “Congress of Chechen International Organizations,” using for an incorporation address the Fuller home at 11114 Whisperwood Lane in Rockville. The CCIO was supposedly a conduit for ‘charity aid’ to Chechnya, though it is unclear where the money came from or where it was spent. As it happens, Ruslan’s father-in-law, Graham Fuller, was a high-ranking operations officer of the CIA, with postings in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Hong Kong. He was station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan. In 1982, Fuller was appointed National Intelligence Officer for NearEast and South Asia. In 1986, under Reagan, he became Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting. Fuller, when researchers uncovered his connection to Ruslan, acknowledged that the couple had lived in his home for over a year, but denied that the two ever discussed politics, claimed he’s left the CIA in 1988 and gone to work for RAND Corporation, and that his daughter had been married to Ruslan for only “3-4 years,” although it was actually seven. The couple divorced in 1999. Even without Fuller, it appears, Uncle Ruslan’s CIA-connected work covered a long period of time and is extremely complex. Some of the threads: Before his graduation from law school in 1998, Tsarni –– he was then still using the name Ruslan Z. Tsarnaev –– was developing securities markets in Central Asia where he is said to have trained corporate governance and corporate finance principals in state and private companies. On graduation, he moved further into international financial circles, where the CIA and one particular American-based corporation used a series of dummy fronts to launder cash. The corporation is Halliburton. Some of these interconnections were revealed when one of Ruslan’s deals backfired. On May 8, 2011, the London Sunday Times reported the sale of the home of England’s Prince Andrew to Kazakh billionaire Timur Kulibayev, said to control that country’s oil industry.
  • 8. It seems that Kulibayev, who was married to the Kazakh President-for-life’s daughter Goga Ashkenazi, had paid $5 million over the asking price. It seems also that Kulibayev, who before the scandal broke threw a sensational party at their new digs for his wife’s 30th birthday which involved the kind of ostentatious ugliness the super-rich are famous for and the media always likes, bought the property with laundered money. The laundering was done, evidently, through a network of offshore companies with which Ruslan was connected and which have been tied to CIA operations. Ruslan, hauled into court, admitted that the cash had been washed, according to the Times. “Tsarni alleged that the money came from the takeover of a western company, which had been used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakh state.” The ‘western company’ was Big Sky Energy Corporation, formerly China Energy Ventures Corp; it was now bankrupt and being run by S.A. Sehsuvaroglu, a 25-year career Halliburton executive, which held numerous oil leases in the Caspian Basin in Kazakhstan. Uncle Ruslan and Sehsuvaroglu had known each other from Nelson Resources, a Halliburton-connected company working in Kazakhstan. Tsarni signed on at Big Sky in 2005, and was its Corporate Secretary and Vice President for Business Development, for which he was paid better than $200,000 a year, according to S.E.C. documents. The company press release announcing his hiring boasted that he’d previously served as Corporate Counsel of Nelson Resources Limited Group, and that he had been head of legal affairs at Golden Eagle Partners, LLC. Golden Eagle and Halliburton were convicted in federal court and fined $70 million for collusion to breach confidentiality agreements. The crimes had occurred while Dick Cheney was still head of Halliburton. Apparently, Uncle Ruslan has had a very interesting young life, playing financier and corporate fixer on an international level before the age of 30. But apart from his AID/CIA work in Chechnya, he might be dismissed as having no further intelligence connections, despite his father-in-law, were it not for the remarkable chain of companies he’s worked for. Big Sky, Nelson, and Golden Eagle have all been linked to the place where big oil, international finance, and the CIA intersect. Hopsicker cites a source who worked for many years at a “respected oil industry trade publication,” Platts Oilgram News, who told him that Big Sky was notorious, and that“Nelson, Big Sky, Ablyazov, Kulibayev and the rest were all on my watch list for intelligence connections and payoffs of various kinds at Platts.” This is the man who, according to his father-in-law, a lifetime high-level CIA agent, never once discussed the agency or politics. 5. The Government’s Story. Although there have been changes in the Boston narrative as the various government agencies try to get their stories straight, and although the one brother who remains alive and faces trial has yet to see the case against him, we can still piece together what seems to be the official theory of the bombing. Helpfully, the prosecution has released its own ‘chronology of events.’ Tamerlan Tsarnaev is said to have traveled to Russia for about six months in 2012; the government may say that he received training there on how to build bombs.
  • 9. Tamerlan posted videos to YouTube indicating his interest in radical Muslim ideology; the Brothers were of Chechen heritage, and this is a region full up on separatists, Russian security personnel, Islamic extremists, and organized crime. Dzhokhar apparently had an Instagram account which he deleted two weeks before the bombing, according to friends, and used account @jmaister1 to ‘like’ a photo of a dead Chechen warlord, and ‘liked’ photos which used hashtags such as #FreeChechenia, #Jihad, #Jannah, #ALLAH, #Jesus, and #God. Investigators say social media accounts help paint the picture of the brothers. Dzhokhar had a Twitter account and a profile on Russian social network vKontakte. Tamerlan had a photo essay and a YouTube account. In March, 2011, Russian federal security services FSB intercepted a call between Tamerlan and his mother in which they “vaguely discussed jihad.” In another wiretapped conversation, the mother spoke with someone who was under FBI investigation for reasons undisclosed. The calls were one of the things which prompted the Kremlin to alert the FBI to the Tsarnaevs in 2011 and then contact the CIA about them later when the FBI appeared to have dropped its investigation. FBI says the Russians never disclosed the contents of the calls or why they were issuing the warning. Tamerlan may have been alienated because he was denied a chance to become a citizen by the INS, and by rules preventing him from competing for 2nd time in the national Golden Gloves. At some point, the government says, more than two months before the bombing, the brothers decided to attack the Marathon. They are said to have sought and discovered instructions in the manufacture of bombs on the internet. The government says that it has proof that Tamerlan purchased shells containing eight pounds of explosives in February. The government may lean on the mysterious ‘Misha’ described by Ruslan, although the person they interviewed does not fit the description and denies having seen the brothers in years. Having made the bombs, the brothers still had to get them into position in Boston despite the presence of heavy security, including rooftop spotters and bomb-sniffing dogs. There is an indication that the feds will argue that the brothers outflanked security, waiting until after the dogs and personnel had swept the area before entering with their back packs. After placing the bombs, the brothers are said to have walked away from the scene. There is at least one photo depicting Dzhokhar apparently leaving the area, but it is not clear whether he is still carrying a back pack; more than one researcher claims that an enhanced technical study shows a back pack, but I haven’t seen such a study nor can I tell definitively from viewing it with the naked eye. On June 25, the government released its indictment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and it contained a ‘timeline’ which purports to detail how the brothers carried out the attack: February 6: Tamerlan visited Phantom Fireworks in Seabrook, N.H., and bought 48 mortars (shells, essentially) containing eight pounds of explosive powder. March 20: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan went to a firing range in Manchester, N.H. for target practice with handguns.
  • 10. April 5: Tamerlan ordered electronic components that could be used for making improvised explosive devices (IEDs). He ordered the materials online, and they were delivered via U.S. Postal Service to the Cambridge, Mass. residence the brothers shared. April 14: Dzhokhar got a prepaid cellphone using the name "Jahar Tsarni." April 15: DAY OF THE BOMBINGS •2:40 p.m.: Tamerlan walked to the front of Marathon Sports and placed a backpack containing a pressure cooker IED made using explosive powder, shrapnel, adhesive, electronic components, and other materials, among a "dense crowd" of marathon spectators on Boylston Street. Dzhokhar placed a similar bomb in front of the Forum restaurant on the same street. •2:48 p.m.: Dzhokhar called Tamerlan using the prepaid cellphone and spoke to him for several seconds. •2:49 p.m.: Seconds after that call, Tamerlan detonated the bomb in front of Marathon Sports, killing Krystle Marie Campbell and injuring many others. Seconds after that, Dzhokhar detonated the bomb placed in front of the Forum restaurant, killing Lingzi Lu and Martin Richard and injuring many others. April 18: DAY THE MANHUNT STARTS In his college dorm room, Dzhokhar is said to have stored a computer and a backpack containing fireworks that had been emptied of explosive powder. •8:45 p.m.: After TV stations and other media began showing a photo of Dzhokhar that identified him as a suspect, he sent a text to a friend that said "If you want u can go to my room and take what you want." •10:00 p.m.: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan armed themselves with five IEDs, a semiautomatic handgun, ammunition, a machete, and a hunting knife, and drove in their Honda Civic to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus in Cambridge, Mass. •10:25 p.m.: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan killed MIT police officer Sean Collier by shooting him at close range with a Ruger P95 semiautomatic handgun. They tried to steal Collier's gun. •11 p.m.: The brothers carjacked a Mercedes from a man identified only as "DM," telling him they planned to go to New York City. But first, the brothers had D.M. drive them to Watertown where they picked up a GPS from their Honda. Then they had him drive to an ATM, where they took $800 from D.M.'s account. April 19: THE DAY POLICE CAPTURE DZHOKHAR •12:15 a.m.: D.M. managed to escape and called 911. The brothers drove to Laurel Street and Dexter Ave., where Watertown police were waiting for them. •12:43 a.m.: The brothers got out of the Mercedes. They started firing at police and used four IEDs made from a pressure cooker, shrapnel, and low explosive powder.
  • 11. •12:50 a.m.: Three cops tackled Tamerlan, struggling to handcuff him, and Dzhokhar got back into the Mercedes. Then Dzhokhar drove his car into police, ultimately hitting his brother. Tamerlan died. After driving off, Dzhokhar abandoned his car on Spruce St. in Watertown, smashed his cellphones, and hid out in a boat docked in a Watertown backyard. Tamerlan was later arrested on the evening of Friday, April 19, after police found him in the land-docked boat. That’s it, so far. Presumably, the prosecutors will present much more evidence than is indicated here, since the chronology doesn’t actually prove anything. If the purchase of the explosive powder is true and the government didn’t just cook it up to help the case, that is certainly suggestive. After all, Tamerlan would not be buying eight pounds of shells for killing gophers. On the other hand, as we shall see, some parts of this timeline are indeed cooked, and that is also suggestive. 6. Who Were These Guys? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s scrawled ‘confession’ inside the boat in Watertown is said to have claimed that the Boston Marathon bombing was retribution for U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” he is said to have written. The only problem with it is that no one who knew the brothers, if one discounts the ravings of Uncle Ruslan, recalls them as having expressed any political views, ever. Tamerlan’s focus was on his wife and child, and on his athletic dreams. His parents have said he hoped to return to school. Dzhokhar, also, had no political or religious calling, preferring, according to friends, to hang out, listen to music, talk, and smoke an occasional joint. He also had lovers. Writing in Salon, May 3, Natasha Lennard cites a “woman, anonymous, former lover of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, says his friends ‘idolized him.’ She met the three friends accused of helping him dispose of evidence and lying to investigators, Dias Kadyrbayev, Azamat Tazhayakov, Robel Phillipos. She said Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov were part of group Russian-speaking friends. Calling Dzhokhar by his nickname, Jahar, she said he was the leader of the group, very popular and engaged in campus social life. “The woman says Jahar was not religious. “He never mentioned anything about religion,” she says. If he had been devout, he wouldn’t have become involved with her since she was of a different faith. “I just can’t see him being a radical jihadist just because of the nature of who he was... I’m having difficulty believing the news.” Apparently, the government will try to explain Dzhokhar’s sudden entry into violence by saying he was influenced by Tamerlan, and that Tamerlan had been radicalized during his six month sojourn in Russia in 2012. But Tamerlan’s Russian trip raises more questions than it answers. So who were they? What is reliably known about Tamerlan is that he had been an athlete whose ability to compete at the highest level, which evidently his skill qualified him for, had been impeded by the Immigration and Naturalization Service over an incident years back in which he was accused –– but not convicted –– of slapping a girl friend. This had prevented him from obtaining citizenship, a requirement for the Olympics.
  • 12. What we know of Dzhokhar is perhaps even less. The mass media has convicted him, even occasionally decent publications such as Rolling Stone, whose cover is a scandal not because it romanticizes him but because the caption ‘BOMBER’ dispenses with the formality of a trial. Neither brother had expressed any political views until shortly before the bombing. The FBI now claims that while in Dagestan, Tamerlan met six times with Gadzhimurad Dolgatov, a prominent Chechen terrorist. If true, we still don’t know what it means. As for Dzhokhar, it is difficult to believe the religious extremism now ascribed to him since that would be a great surprise to everyone who has known him. 7. Tamerlan In Russia. At first, the FBI claimed that it had no previous knowledge of the brothers, nor indication that they might be dangerous. This position changed with the revelation that the Russians had warned the Bureau to keep an eye on Tamerlan. On April 19, a correspondent for Radio Free Europe, the U.S. government’s CIA-run propaganda radio program, traveled to Tokmuk, a northern Kyrgyz town near the border with Kazakhstan, home to the country’s largest ethnic Chechen community. Tokmuk is where the Tsarnaev family lived before coming to the U.S. more than a decade ago. The correspondent reported that the family is well-known there, and that their home was next door to the one occupied by Aziz Batukaev, an organized crime boss. The government has noted that Tamerlan had posted videos to YouTube indicating an interest in radical Muslim ideologies, however that had been a recent occurrence. And his postings were connected not with U.S. foreign policy or Afghanistan or Iraq but with Chechnya, his own heritage, and the ongoing strife in that part of the world. The target of Chechen separatists is Russia, not the U.S. The brothers’ parents, while unsurprisingly refusing to believe that their sons were behind the Boston bombings, had some rather interesting things to say about the FBI. Their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, who is a U.S. citizen living in Dagestan, said of the FBI, “They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!” In the year before Tamerlan’s visit to Russia, the Russian security services, the FSB, intercepted a call between Tamerlan and his mother in which, according to U.S. sources, “they vaguely discussed jihad.” In another wiretapped phone call, Zubeidat spoke with “someone in the Caucasus who is under FBI investigation,” but the reasons for the ‘investigation’ have not been disclosed. If that’s all the U.S. government has in the way of evidence on Tamerlan’s ‘radicalization,’ it’s pretty thin. According to news reports, the recorded calls were one of the things that prompted the Kremlin to alert the FBI in 2011 and to contact the CIA about him a year later when it seemed that the FBI was not following through. But the FBI claims that the Russians never explained why they had issued the warning. All of this sounds quite strange. It’s impossible, for one thing, to believe that the FBI, having been warned about Tamerlan, would not insist on being given the reasons for this alarm. Of course they asked, and of course the Russians told them; otherwise, why would the Russians contact them in the first place?
  • 13. Was Tamerlan’s mother inventing the story that the FBI kept going to their house? A thing such as that is probably not difficult to verify because there would be contemporaneous references and even witnesses. What was the real story of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Russia in 2012? What was he doing there? American media have ignored this, an April 24, 2013, report in the Russian newspaperIzvestia that it is in possession of documents from the Georgian Interior Ministry which reveal that Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended a workshop in Georgia in the summer of 2012 sponsored by an organization called the Caucasus Fund, whose purpose was to recruit operatives in the northern Caucasus. Izvestia claims, based on statements by Colonel Grigoriy Chanturiya, a Georgian specialist in counterintelligence, that the Caucasus Fund was founded in 2008, after the Russo-Georgian war, in order to develop intelligence assets in southern Russia. The Fund was said to have a monthly budget of $22,000.00 and to have spent nearly three million dollars since it began. According to the newspaper, the Fund was shut down in late 2012 over worries that it had attracted the attention of the Russian secret police. Now it gets really weird. The Caucasus Fund worked with not only the regime in Tbilisi but the Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. think tank run by senior political and military figures including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Fund held a joint conference with the Jamestown Foundation in 2011, and described its work as“establish(ing) and develop(ing) scientific, cultural, and humanitarian relations between the peoples of the South and North Caucasus.” The statement is a trigger. The northern Caucasus is in southern Russia and borders the ex-Soviet republics of Georgia and Azerbaijan to the south. It includes Chechnya, where the separatist movement has been encouraged by U.S. policy makers. The only “humanitarian relations” American intelligence was interested in establishing and developing was civil war. If the documentary evidence Izvestia claims to have is real, Tamerlan spent at least some of his time in Russia at what amounts to an intelligence-directed conference. The U.S. government and its pet media have ignored this report, along with other claims filtering out of Russia. One such claim was made by Alaksey Filatov, an Alpha Special Forces team veteran and vice president of its international association. Filatov told RT News: “Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top-notch professionalism in distracting everyone from the true identity and motives of the planner,” “The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in military action on foreign territories.” Whatever the claims of the government, there is something quite strange about this case. The brothers were clearly in Copley Square just before the bombs went off. What they were doing there is not so clear. 8. How Did Tamerlan Die? You know the official story: trapped by the police, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar began shooting and lobbing pressure cookers in a desperate attempt to ward off the inevitable. Finally, Tamerlan began walking
  • 14. towards them while firing. The police, nonviolent types that they are, responded by tackling and attempting to handcuff him. Unfortunately, while this was going on, his younger brother drove straight at them, forcing them to scatter and leaving Tamerlan to be run over by Dzhokhar, who sped away. The Boston Globe staff article, May 1: “His brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a confrontation with police in Watertown several days afterward as the two tried to flee the area. Police say they were trying to subdue him when his brother ran him over in a desperate escape.” The Watertown Police Chief, Edward Deveau, described to an excited Wolf Blitzer on CNN a major gun battle, with the suspects firing on police with “lots of weapons.” Deveau spoke of Tamerlan firing at police as he walked towards them and the police tackling him. According to CNN: “On Thursday night, one officer encountered the two cars being driven by Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The officer was instructed to wait for backup but before it arrived, the brothers jumped out of the cars and started shooting at his car. The five other officers arrived and an intense firefight ensued. "We estimate there was over 200 shots fired in a five- to 10-minute period," Deveau said. And it wasn’t just bullets. The brothers also threw explosives at the officers, including a pressure cooker bomb. “At one point Tamerlan started walking directly toward the police while shooting, and when he ran out of ammunition an officer used the opportunity to tackle him. But when officers were handcuffing him in the middle of the street they suddenly realized a black SUV driven by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was coming right for them. The officers "dive out of the way, and he drives over his brother and drags him a short distance down the street." What little we’ve been able to glean from forensics investigations reveal that approximately 300 rounds of ammunition were fired during this brief, violent stand-off. However, it may be that few, if any, were fired by the brothers. The dramatic scene took place adjacent to Bedrosian’s Funeral Parlor at the corner of Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue in Watertown. Apparently, there were witnesses. On the morning of April 20, the two hosts on Boston radio station WEEI 93.7 FM received a call from a woman named Linda. Here is a complete transcript of that radio interview: L: “It’s been a long night.” D&C: “You live in Dexter Street, correct?” L: “My boyfriend does. I was just spending the night.” D&C: “Tell is what you saw.” L: “At about... I mean, it’s been a long night, between 11:00 and 11:30, my boyfriend was fast asleep but I was up watching the news coverage about the MIT police officer. All of a sudden, I heard very loud noises. I’d never heard a gunshot before, so I wasn’t able to immediately identify it. After it kept getting louder and louder and closer, I started to hear explosions and at that point I realized something was wrong. I woke by boyfriend... “It just kept getting louder and louder and closer and I just started screaming ‘cause I knew something was wrong, and we rushed to the front of the house, and we saw the first suspect get hit by a police SUV and then after he was hit, shot multiple times, and minutes later an ambulance arrived, and (then) we were surrounded by SWAT, Boston police, Watertown police... it’s been tough, watching neighbors pulled out of their houses at gunpoint (starts to cry)... just a very long night.” D&C: “Take your time, I know it’s been a hard evening for you. How many explosions did you hear, Linda? And you said it sounded like a moving gunfight as it got closer and closer to the front door of your house?” L: “Correct. I just, two very loud, there may have been three, heard it in the distance and first I
  • 15. thought it might be fireworks but... not at that time of the year. I knew that was unlikely and I knew something was wrong, and then we saw the flashing lights.” D&C: “Did you say the suspect was hit by a police SUV, in other words their vehicle hit him first?” L: “Correct. From what we saw early this morning I’d be hard-pressed to think he was actually pronounced dead at the hospital. I mean from the injuries he incurred in the street I’d say he was probably dead when he was put in the ambulance.” D&C: “After he was hit by the SUV, describe the scene again, how many police officers, was he in the middle of the street, was he up against a house, was he behind a wall, what did the scene look like?” L: “He was in the middle of the street. He was close to the driveway. I believe it was two cruisers. It was happening so fast, at the time of the shooting it was one or two but within moments, you know, of the exchange of gunfire, additional cruisers, state police, they came.” D&C: “Linda, did he have a weapon? Was he firing back with a pistol or some sort of weapon at the police?” L: “From what’s been on the news, at first it sounded like one gun but toward the end sounded like multiple rounds, multiple weapons, but did I see it? I didn’t see him fire. I did not see him fire. I just remember seeing him get shot multiple times (voice starting to break again). From what I can remember, I believe that toward the end I believe there was some retaliation on his end, but I didn’t see him shoot.” I have heard the audio several times and fully credit this account, a nearly contemporaneous description of a scene at significant variance from what we’ve been told by the government. In addition to the audio tape, there is also in existence what purports to be a videotape of the scene just before Tamerlan is killed. The video is very dark, although there are clearly some flashing red lights which seem to be on a police cruiser. What is significant, if this video is real, is the audio portion, in which a man’s voice, calling out, “We give up! We give up!” followed by “We didn’t do it.” There is a pause, then a strong volley of gunfire. Because I have been unable to determine the real source of the video, which appeared briefly on line within several days of these events, I don’t think it can be applied with any assurance. It does seem to follow the account given by ‘Linda,’ and if true it is troubling. Between them, the brothers had a single firearm. They could hardly have sustained much of a gun battle with it, and the description of ‘Linda’ as well as the audio contents of the video make sense in that context. There is also a photograph, almost certainly legitimate, appearing to show a naked man in police custody. He is standing, facing the camera; there are several officers around him and the flashes of police lights. From all descriptions available, the man appears to be Tamerlan, and he is in custody. What does this mean? He appears uninjured. Although the photo is marginally blurry, no bullet wounds are evident. And then we have the account filed by a thus far nameless reporter for Al Jazeera, who claims to have been present at the hospital when the ‘naked man’ was brought in. And she claims to have seen him walking. This is all just a little bit confusing. Ordinarily, an Al Jezeera reporter has a lot more credibility than, say,Wolf Blitzer. Yet if the ‘naked’ walking man was Tamerlan Tsarnaev, then who did the police run over with an SUV and then fire shots into on the street? 9. The Capture In The Boat.
  • 16. After the confrontation at Dexter and Laurel, Dzhokhar escaped in the stolen SUV, ditched the vehicle and his cell phone, and while the FBI, the Boston cops, and various army forces imposed a military lockdown and occupation on Boston and nearby towns, hid under the tarp on a boat in someone’s driveway in Watertown, where he was found on the evening of the 19th. Law enforcement actually learned of his presence hours earlier but waited until darkness fell. Present were officers from several agencies, including the Massachusetts State Police, local cops and transit cops. The accounts of the search and of Dzhokhar’s capture are hard to credit. Watertown Police Chief Deveau, who seemed to vastly enjoy his sudden prominence, gave the most detailed descriptions to the mass media, who characteristically swallowed them, but he was wrong. To CNN and the gullible Blitzer, Deveau said that Dzhokhar fired on police when they found him in the boat. “It was back and forth,” he said. “He was firing.” The Washington Post agreed, reporting that the suspect “was shooting back.” It turned out, however, that the volley of shots fired at the scene, which reporters heard, all came from the police and special force personnel. Up to a hundred rounds were fired, all of them into the boat. Dzhokhar was unarmed. It was nearly a week later before the press corrected the error. As Sari Horwitz and Peter Finn wrote in the April 24th Post, “police feared he was heavily armed (but) the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding... Authorities said they were desperate to capture Dzhokhar Tsarnaev so he could be questioned. The FBI, however, declined to discuss what prompted the gunfire.” Dzhokhar was shot in the throat, according to all first news accounts of his capture. There was also plenty of wild speculation. The British paper, The Mirror, apparently prone to exaggeration on a massive scale, claimed that the suspect tried to take his own life “in a desperate bid to avoid... a possible death penalty,” by putting a gun into his mouth and pulling the trigger, though how this could help him to avoid the death penalty was not specified. “Reports say the bullet passed through his throat, just missing his spinal cord, and came out the back of his neck.” There is now a photograph of Dzhokhar in circulation which shows him emerging from the boat, taken by Massachusetts State Police photographer Sgt. Sean Murphy. Murphy is said to have leaked this and other pictures to Boston Magazine because he was disturbed by the ‘glamorized’ cover shot of the suspect in Rolling Stone. He’s in trouble for doing it, and is under investigation. The Murphy photo seems to show Dzhokhar without a throat wound at all. This may be due to angles and shadows obscuring it. To further muddle the situation, there is speculation that, despite the government’s story, Dzhokhar was not shot in the throat but cut. . Says Officer Jeff Campbell of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Transit Police SWAT unit, part of the team which apprehended Dzhokhar, “it wasn’t a puncture hole. It was a slice where it was spread open, possibly a piece of shrapnel from one of the explosives that they were using the night before. It didn’t look like a bullet wound to me. It looked like a cut of some kind.” According to authorities, the brother was taken to the hospital with several wounds, among them a wound to the throat which prevented him from speaking. This disability did not prevent government agents from questioning him for sixteen hours, though, until a federal judge personally intervened. 10. A Very Strange Interrogation.
  • 17. Until federal judge Marianne B. Bowler came to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s hospital room to put a stop to it, he was subject to questioning for sixteen hours, not by Boston police or even local FBI agents, but by a special team of interrogators, the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group flown to Boston from Guantanamo Bay Prison by order of the President. Obama said at the time that agents could question the suspect without the presence of an attorney under an exception to the Miranda Rule. This little used exception, however, as the President certainly knew, permits at most a handful of questions and is narrowly applied only to circumstances in which lives may be in immediate danger. Why, then, did Obama do it? What did he expect to gain? The violation of Miranda would jeopardize any statement Tsarnaev might make under interrogation and be inadmissible in court. In fact, this quite literally endangered any trial and prospective conviction, even if the Supreme Court is inclined to fry the defendant. But that is not the only disturbing aspect of this chain of events. For the President to order in this particular interrogation unit from Guantanamo should set off alarm bells for anyone familiar with their special talents. The federal government, as I have documented several times, knows full well that most of the prisoners at Guantanamo are factually innocent of any crimes; the Pentagon’s own study says this, as does the Red Cross. Yet, these people have been held for more than a decade and there are scant prospects for their release. Their conditions are so terrible that the vast majority recently spent months in a hunger strike to try to gain the attention of the outside world. Sadly, most Americans don’t give a shit. Still, what is the principal task of the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group? It’s not as though the FBI has a dearth of qualified agents, and it’s not as though Boston Police can’t field skilled questioners. The Guantanamo team specializes in one thing and you know what that is: extracting false confessions from innocent people. As journalist Andy Worthington has exposed (see his book, The Guantanamo Files), and has been confirmed by federal judges in habeas corpus petitions, the U.S. government has obtained false confessions from Guantanamo prisoners under torture. This is the specialty of the HVDIG. As I’m sure you know, there are forms of torture which are psychological, so it may have been unnecessary, as well as impractical, for these spooks to waterboard Dzhokhar in his hospital room. It has since emerged that Tsarnaev repeatedly asked for an attorney and his request was ignored. These agents must have known, just as Obama knew, that refusing to provide a lawyer to a suspect who requests one, as was the case here, can not only contaminate any statement they might get but actually get any later conviction thrown out. The questioners were senior people, fully aware that what they were doing was risky. But they proceeded. Then they leaked to a helpful mass media that the accused had confessed to them that he and his brother had planned and carried out the bombings due to their anger at U.S. policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. The leak was insupportable. Under these circumstances, and with the putative defendant without counsel, there could be only one purpose: to poison the public mind about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and short-circuit any further or parallel investigation. Why would they do this? If the government had the airtight case it claims to have, it would not want to take chances with it. It would not need to further prejudice a public already willing to chow down on
  • 18. any official story it was told. Moreover, this supposed ‘confession’ could never be used in evidence, so what good was it? That’s when former FBI agent and network shill John Miller came to the rescue, telling his CBS audience that, amazingly, there was a Tsarnaev confession that was admissible after all because one had been discovered, written on the inside of the boat where he’d hidden. He’d left a rambling explanation, Miller said, which informed the world that an attack on one Muslim was an attack on all. The hospital ‘confession’ had done it’s work, further magnifying the public’s certainty that the brothers were guilty although direct evidence was rather paltry. What was needed was another ‘confession,’ one which could be used in evidence. Hence, the fortuitous, rambling tell-all written by a bullet-riddled suspect, inside a boat, in the dark, on fiberglass, with a Sharpie that he had either been saving for just such a purpose or had found conveniently lying around. Dear Readers: Yesterday, I published parts 9 and 10, concerning the arrest and interrogation of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the lone surviving defendant in the Boston bombing. Taken together, the sections so far sketch a picture which indicates that something is not right about the government’s story, at least as presented in the mass media. In some important respects, the narrative doesn’t make sense. Before I try to describe some key unanswered questions, it may be useful to consider another factor. Since the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in September, 2001, the United States has seen its entire federal government distorted into a security state. In order to retain public support for what in other times would seem radically dangerous policies of police behavior and limitations on freedom, the government has exploited public fears and dramatized supposed interventions which, we are told, stopped ‘terrorist plots.’ But, as independent research has proved, two-thirds of the known incidents have been instigated not by ‘terrorists’ but by government agencies. A recent feature in the New York Times, in fact, noted that of 22 claimed attempts at domestic attacks, 14 of them were actually instigated by the FBI. Since the FBI is involved in the Boston bombing case, not only as an investigative body but as an agency which had considerable connections to Tamerlan Tsarnaev as early as a year ago, it is instructive to examine its recent history. 11. Terrorism in the U.S.A. While senior members of Congress continue to make fools of themselves defending massive NSA spying on every American, including themselves, because they deem such a complete destruction of the Constitution necessary to shield us from ‘terrorism,’ it’s instructive to consider what ‘terrorism’ actually means. There has always been violence which governments describe as terrorism. In short, terrorism is generally the violence of an insurgency or rebellion against the government in control. Until September 11, 2001, attacks against Americans or American institutions have always taken place in other countries, usually where the United States was trying to impose its will against an indigenous people.
  • 19. The September 11 assault led to what any reasonably sane person would consider a great overreaction. With Americans badly scared, a country unused to experiencing itself a level of violence its own policy- makers have routinely visited upon other peoples reacted by declaring a ‘war on terror,’ the main characteristic of which was the passage of dangerously intrusive legislation and the creation of the world’s largest domestic security apparatus. As I write this, construction is underway in Washington on the largest government building ever built, the future home of the Department of Homeland Security. This department didn’t even exist twelve years ago. As every dictator has learned, the easiest way to impose one’s will on a people is to scare them. A government can then offer security at a price, and most people, perhaps not terribly aware of what’s going on and ignorant of the damage the sacrifice of one’s rights brings, will agree. On Wednesday, July 24, the House of Representatives turned down, by a vote of 217 to 205, an amendment to House Resolution 2397, which would have cut off funding for a portion of the most sweeping surveillance conducted by the U.S. military’s spy apparatus, the NSA. In a sense, given the intense lobbying of the Obama regime against this measure, it’s impressive that 205 representatives, including 111 Democrats, had the guts to support the Constitution. But the Constitution lost, and the immediate effect of this vote is that the national legislature has ratified a dangerous and manifestly illegal program far more at home in a police state than in a democracy. Fear is the moving force here, at least with most Americans, and ignorance. For the truth of terrorist acts inside the United States is that they are exceedingly rare. Between 2001 and 2012, according to a review conducted by journalists at the New York Times, there were 22 incidents which could be so described, in each case stopped by law enforcement. But of those 22, 14 were actually instigated by the FBI itself. Evidently, the FBI, for its own reasons, through undercover agents, has itself given birth to a more than dozen terrorist plots, then arrested the suckers it had drawn into participating. Here are some classic examples, described by David K. Shipler in the New York Times of April 28, in an article headlined: “Terrorist Plots Hatched By FBI. “Of 22 ‘terrorist plots’ since 9-11 inside the U.S., at least 14 were created by FBI as sting operations. In these, undercover agents posed as terrorists offering dummy missiles, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest... “The plots included a plan to suicide bomb the Capitol; bomb synagogues, shoot Stinger missiles at military planes; and fly explosives-laden model planes into the Pentagon and Capitol. “The FBI coaxes people into planning these acts, then busts them. The defense of entrapment usually doesn’t work because it’s hard to show the defendant never had a predisposition without FBI help, although that’s logically true. “Prior to 9/11 it would be very unusual for the F.B.I. to present a crime opportunity that wasn’t in the scope of the activities that a person was already involved in,” said Mike German of the American Civil Liberties Union, a lawyer and former F.B.I. agent who infiltrated white supremacist groups. “Typically, the stings initially target suspects for pure speech — comments to an informer outside a mosque, angry postings on Web sites, e-mails with radicals overseas — then woo them into relationships with informers, who are often convicted felons working in exchange for leniency, or with F.B.I. agents posing as members of Al Qaeda or other groups.”
  • 20. “The process goes like this. Here’s how James Cromitie was recruited to bomb synagogues and fire Stinger missiles at U.S. planes: “Cromitie was a low-level drug dealer with a criminal record that included no violence or hate crime, despite his rants against Jews. The informer, Shahed Hussain, had been charged with fraud, but avoided prison and deportation by working undercover in another investigation. He was being paid by the F.B.I. to pose as a wealthy Pakistani with ties to Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group that Mr. Cromitie apparently had never heard of before they met by chance in the parking lot of a mosque. “Brother, did you ever try to do anything for the cause of Islam?” Mr. Hussain asked at one point. “O.K., brother,” Mr. Cromitie replied warily, “where you going with this, brother?” Two days later, the informer told him, “Allah has more work for you to do,” and added, “Revelation is going to come in your dreams that you have to do this thing, O.K.?” About 15 minutes later, Mr. Hussain proposed the idea of using missiles, saying he could get them in a container from China. Mr. Cromitie laughed. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Mr. Cromitie said, and then explained that he meant women and children. “I don’t care if it’s a whole synagogue of men.” It took 11 months of meandering discussion and a promise of $250,000 to lead him, with three co-conspirators he recruited, to plant fake bombs at two Riverdale synagogues. “Only the government could have made a ‘terrorist’ out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope,” said Judge Colleen McMahon, sentencing him to 25 years. She branded it a “fantasy terror operation” but called his attempt “beyond despicable” and rejected his claim of entrapment. “In late September 2011, AFP reported that a man was charged with “planning to fly explosive- packed, remote controlled airplanes into the Pentagon and the Capitol in Washington.” In its report, “US man charged with Pentagon bomb plot,” AFP stated: “During the alleged plot, undercover FBI agents posed as accomplices who supplied Ferdaus with one remote-controlled plane, C4 explosives, and small arms that he allegedly envisioned using in a simultaneous ground assault in Washington. “However, ”the public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were controlled by undercover FBI employees,” the FBI said. “Ferdaus was arrested in Framingham, near Boston, immediately after putting the newly delivered weapons into a storage container, the FBI said. “Authorities described Ferdaus as a physics graduate from Northeastern University who followed al- Qaeda and was committed to ”violent jihad” since early last year. “In November 2010, a similar “plot” was engineered, then “disrupted,” also by the FBI – this time in Portland, Oregon. The so-called “Christmas Tree Bomber” attempted to remote detonate a van he believed was filled with explosives, provided by the FBI, before being arrested during a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Pioneer Courthouse Square. The FBI’s official statement regarding the incident revealed that FBI agents had handled, even detonated live explosives with the entrapped suspect at Lincoln County Park in the lead up to the final failed bombing.
  • 21. “The FBI’s official statement titled, “Oregon Resident Arrested in Plot to Bomb Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Portland,” released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office on November 26, 2010 stated (emphasis added): “According to the affidavit, on November 4, 2010, Mohamud and the undercover FBI operatives traveled to a remote location in Lincoln County, Ore., where they detonated a bomb concealed in a backpack as a trial run for the upcoming attack. Afterwards, on the drive back to Corvallis, undercover FBI operatives questioned Mohamud as to whether he was capable of looking at the bodies of those who would be killed in the upcoming attack in Portland. According to the affidavit, Mohamud responded, “I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave either dead or injured.” “Upon returning to Corvallis that same day, the affidavit alleges that Mohamud recorded a video of himself with the undercover FBI operatives in which he read a written statement that offered a rationale for his bomb attack. On Nov. 18, 2010, undercover FBI operatives picked up Mohamud to travel to Portland in order to finalize the details of the attack. “Earlier this evening, Mohamud was arrested after he attempted to remotely detonate what he believed to be explosives in a van that was parked near the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, the affidavit alleges. “Yet another similar operation was carried out by the FBI in February 2012, where yet another otherwise incapable patsy was provided with live explosives in the lead up to what was ultimately a failed suicide bombing at the US Capitol. USA Today reported in their article, “FBI foils alleged suicide bomb attack on U.S. Capitol.” “According to a counterterrorism official, El Khalifi “expressed interest in killing at least 30 people and considered targeting a building in Alexandria and a restaurant, synagogue and a place where military personnel gather in Washington before he settled on the Capitol after canvassing that area a couple of times,” the Associated Press writes. During the year-long investigation, El Khalifi detonated explosives at a quarry in the capital region with undercover operatives. He is not believed to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, officials said. “The frightening trend of the FBI cultivating otherwise incapable “terror” suspects, providing them with and detonating real explosives, before giving them inert or controlled devices to carry out attacks on public targets where mass casualties are averted only at the last possible moment, sets the stage for at the very least, incredible potential for catastrophic blunders, and at worst, false flag attacks. “Has the FBI ever presided over “sting operations” that were actually carried out? The answer is yes. The FBI in fact was presiding over the terrorists who carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The role of the FBI leading up to the deadly attack would most likely have gone unreported had an FBI informant not taped his conversations with FBI agents after growing suspicious during the uncover operation. The New York Times in their article, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast,” reported: “Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.
  • 22. “The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said. “The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers. The explosion left six people dead, more than 1,000 injured and damages in excess of half a billion dollars. What the Times investigation shows is an FBI at the center of perpetuating America’s terror menace, not at the forefront of fighting it. With every attack foiled or carried out involving FBI uncover operatives revealed only after successful “stings” or in the case of the World Trade Center bombings, an inconvenient witness stepping forward and revealing the FBI’s role, the first and foremost suspect considered after any bombing on US soil should be the FBI itself. Dear Readers: Yesterday, I published Part 11, which recounted some of the fake-terrorist incidents created or instigated by the FBI. One of these, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was in theory to be interdicted but instead actually took place, resulting in deaths and serious injury. Obviously, when a nation’s own intelligence service creates false attacks with the clear motive of escalating people’s fears and generating political support for diminution of civil liberties, there are concerns that any terrorist event may be a part of that pattern, even one which reaches fruition. It is in that context that the killing of a percipient witness during ‘interrogation’ must be viewed with deep suspicion. 12. A Witness Dies In Florida. An FBI special agent shot and killed a man in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday morning, May 22, 2013, as the man was being interrogated for the third time about the Boston Marathon bombings. The dead man was identified as 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, an acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who he met through the world of mixed martial arts. Like Tsarnaev, he was a Chechen-born Muslim, but he only met Tsarnaev after moving to the United States. Todashev was shot shortly after midnight at his apartment about 10 miles from Walt Disney World. Khusn Taramiv, a friend of Todashev, told WESH-TV in Orlando that they were both interviewed by the FBI for three hours on Tuesday, and the men were asked what they knew about Tsarnaev and were also asked about their political views. Todashev thought that he was being "set up," Taramiv told reporters, and expressed concerns that something bad was going to happen to them. Taramiv says they had both been followed by the FBI on more than one occasion since the Boston terrorist attack. Todashev had recently been arrested for aggravated assault but his friend said he was attacked in a parking lot and was simply defending himself. According to Taramiv, Todashev had been planning to return home to Chechnya to visit relatives, via New York City, but had canceled the trip due to "pushing" by the FBI.
  • 23. The suspect's friend said they are both Muslim, but not radical, and that Todashev did not own a gun. Jon Williams of the BBC reported that the FBI agent conducting the interview shot Todashev, because he felt threatened., but the story changed at least three times in the first 24 hours after the shooting. The first FBI statement, as the local press reported it, was that “the agent and two Massachusetts State Police troopers and other law enforcement personnel had been interviewing Todashev when a violent confrontation was initiated by the individual. During the confrontation, the individual was killed and the agent sustained non-life threatening injuries.” First was the knife story; shortly after that, the knife disappeared to be replaced by a steel pole. This was discarded, too, and the FBI claimed that Todashev had overturned a table. No narrative was going to work. A single man suddenly turning violent could certainly be subdued by the handful of police agents on the scene. Even the FBI’s press flack couldn’t produce a more compelling explanation than the pitiful one cited. And in any case, none of these excuses would explain why Todashev was shot six times in the chest and once in the top of the head. I have seen the photographs of Todashev’s wounds, taken at the funeral home after his body was released to his family. He was certainly murdered. It was, in fact, an execution. The question is, why? The FBI tale on the sequence of events in Orlando is extremely odd, even for them. According to the bureau, Todashev had just admitted committing a triple homicide with his friend Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Waltham, Massachusetts, on September 11, 2011, and he was in the process of writing out a full confession, when he suddenly snapped and launched his attack on the agent with, depending, a knife, pole, table or, in one of the more fanciful versions, an ornamental sword which was hanging on the wall and had a broken handle. This story is patently false for a number of reasons, but the mass media swallowed it whole. NBC News: “Dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and another man –– who was killed by the FBI on Wednesday –– murdered three people in Massachusetts after a drug deal went wrong in 2011, law enforcement sources tell NBC News.” Todashev could not have been killing anyone in Waltham that September in 2011 because he was with his wife, Manukyan, in Atlanta, Georgia, that day, and his family has documents which prove it. The mass media, however, ignored the death photos and concentrated on the palpably false FBI story, even as it kept changing. Various sources who could not be named telling the gullible –– or corrupt –– television hacks that the dead man had confessed to a murder implicating another dead man, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who could now be assumed to be guilty of Boston because he was guilty of Waltham. We now know the reason why the FBI story kept changing: there were no witnesses. According to the Washington Post, May 29: “An official said that according to one account of the shooting, the other law enforcement officials had just stepped out of the room, leaving the FBI agent alone with Todashev, when the confrontation occurred.” Such bad timing, Todashev on the verge of cracking, and the five other law enforcement officers all have to go the bathroom at once. There are at least a couple of possible reasons why the FBI wanted this witness dead. Todashev’s father said that his son had told him that the Boston bombing had been “a set up,” and that Tsarnaev had not done it. Had his friend told him anything to substantiate that claim? Or had the Bureau just needed a second dead man to implicate the first dead man in a crime neither had any connection with?
  • 24. The agent who killed Todashev was from Boston; the triple homicide had apparently involved a drug deal. There is nothing to indicate that Tamerlan had anything to do with drugs or dealing. The dead man’s father, Abdulbaki Todashev, said during a news conference in Russia that his son had been killed by the FBI to keep him from talking. “I want justice, I want an investigation,” he said. “They come to your house like bandits, and they shoot you. Maybe my son knew some sort of information that the police didn’t want to get out. They shut him up.” His friend, Khusn Taramiv, told WESH-TV that Todashev felt he would be shot by the FBI. “He felt inside he was going to get shot. I told him, ‘Everything is going to be fine, don’t worry about it.’ He said, ‘I have a really bad feeling.’” 13. Unanswered Questions. There are glaring omissions and misstatements of fact in the official story. Whether they are significant or have bearing on the larger questions can’t be determined yet, but something is very wrong here. First, the government thus far has offered few details of the brothers’ actions in the three day gap between the bombing and the start of the ‘manhunt’ three days later, although apparently the brothers behaved as usual among friend, and people who saw Dzhokhar during this time say he was relaxed and casual. The only item offered by authorities to incriminate them is the younger brother’s text message to a college friend after they had been identified as suspects, which said only that the friend could take what he wanted from Dzhokhar’s things. By then, state police, the Boston bomb squad and canine units, as well as FBI, ICE and ATF agents had hit a residential building in Revere, 8 miles northeast of Boston, and removed a large bag from an apartment early on the 16th. Democracy Now! reported that an apartment on the fifth floor of the 13-story Ocean Shores Tower was being searched. There is also a matter in which three other friends are said to have taken things from the room and disposed of them, but this appears thin. Even after the government threatened two of them with deportation –– their status in the U.S. is marginal and at least one has said to have overstayed his visa –– they are not being charged, at least not yet. The construction of a motive for the bombing is very weak. Two brothers without any discernible religious or political reasons, without any extremist history, suddenly build bombs to attack ordinary people at the finish line for the Boston Marathon. The only person with any meaningful connection to them, Uncle Ruslan, is at least a corporate hustler, if not a government agent, and his own history shows involvement in CIA cover operations. Why would the brothers do this? The government seems desperate to create a motive, using the preposterous ‘Sharpie confession’ and the claim that a dead witness in Orlando had been associated with Tamerlan in a murder to take the place of actual evidence. All the evidence, in fact, seems to show that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar had no reason to commit this crime. Much of the government’s behavior in the aftermath is deeply troubling. While it may wish to look better in terms of Tamerlan’s killing –– it seems as though the brothers were attempting to surrender when the cops ran over Tamerlan, then pumped bullets into him in the street –– it may also be that they wanted a dead defendant, being more convenient. When looked at in light of the volley of more than a hundred bullets fired into the side of the boat in which Dzhokhar was hiding, it’s hard to escape
  • 25. the feeling that these brothers were both supposed to die. If they in fact didn’t do it, as one of them seems to have shouted at police, it’s indisputable that dead people are easier to convict. There is no explanation for the claim that the brothers went to the MIT Cambridge campus, where they are said to have shot and killed officer Sean Collier. Why would they do this? There is also no explanation why, if they were ‘attempting to steal his gun,’ they were unable to take it? Collier was dead and in no position to object. It’s not surprising that the first reports in a situation such as this will be confused and inaccurate. That’s a normal condition. So we should not make too much of the early bulletins from police and FBI that the brothers were armed to the teeth, that they had carbines and hand guns and automatic weapons. But when it turned out that they had only a single gun, the question is why? Why would they not have taken Collier’s gun, if that’s why they allegedly shot him, and why were they otherwise so woefully unprepared? If the brothers hijacked a Mercedes driven by ‘DM’ and took $800.00 from his ATM, as the witness himself claims and as the government maintains, where are the photographs which show them, or one of them, making the withdrawal? ATMs are equipped with cameras. Why did the brothers stop at $800.00; which is said to be well under the limit for this transaction. Photos of the bombing scene were widely circulated after the event, especially on the internet. Several photos later identified by the FBI as being of the suspects were already on the web the evening of the bombing. Yet by all indications, the brothers did not behave like people interested in covering their tracks. According to the authorities, Dzhokhar had a computer and a backpack in his dorm room and made no attempt to remove or hide them. After they were identified by name on the evening of the 18th, Dzhokhar text messaged a friend saying that the latter could go to his dorm room and take whatever he wanted, which hardly seems like someone worried about covering his tracks. Once again, the circumstances beg the question: why would he not have removed any incriminating evidence well before this, especially if the back pack contained “fireworks which had been emptied of explosive powder”? If Tamerlan bought 48 mortar shells in February containing 8 pounds of explosive powder, what reason would Dzhokhar have for emptying fireworks in order to extract the relatively miniscule amount of powder they offered? If it’s true, why didn’t Dzhokhar do the obvious thing and get rid of the empty firecracker shells? Why would he leave them in a back pack in his room? If the brothers engaged in target practice at a firing range in March, was this in preparation for some other violent act? The bombing did not require any firearms. And if the brothers practiced shooting, did they share a single weapon, the Ruger P95 semiautomatic handgun authorities claim was used to shoot officer Collier at MIT? If they had more than one gun, what happened to the others? Why did they not have them in their possession on the evening of April 18? An early report on April 21 in the New York Times cited a law enforcement source that they “had found an M-4 carbine rifle... two handguns and a BB gun,” a claim which has since been abandoned. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said the brothers had been “heavily armed,” and numerous reports described an extensive arsenal. But apparently there was only one gun. If the brothers were shooting at a range because they anticipated needing to defend themselves in the aftermath of the planned bombing, they certainly had time enough to obtain at least a second gun. Why didn’t they? Where was the Cambridge, Massachusetts residence authorities claim was ‘shared’ by the brothers? Why would they share a residence if Dzhokhar lived in a college dormitory?
  • 26. Where were the bombs assembled? Certainly not at the dormitory. Dzhokhar has many friends who have said they were frequently in his room and saw no evidence of this. His brother was married to a woman named Kathleen Russell, whose DNA the government thought might match that which was discovered on bomb fragments; it turned out there was no such match. Whose DNA, then, was it? Russell says that she saw no evidence of bomb-making or anything else to indicate what the brothers were up to and the FBI evidently accepts her statement. So where were they assembled? This is not something one can do in the back of one’s car. In fact, according to at least one expert, Jonathan Gilliam, a former member of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force and a former Navy SEAL, told Fox News that “the quantity and effectiveness of the devices also suggested formal, hands-on training, not expertise that could be gleaned from online. The idea that these two could build bombs like the ones that went off from a ‘do-it-yourself’ web site is total... well, you know.” Although it is not noted on the prosecution’s timeline, the government claims that Dzhokhar, as he hid in the back yard boat in Watertown, wrote a lengthy combination of confession and manifesto on the inside walls as he bled from multiple gunshot wounds, and in the dark, presumably with a Sharpie he happened to have on his person, since no other writing implement would have worked on the fiberglass. The belatedly discovered ‘confession’ was sure a break for the government, considering that the government had claimed to have extracted an identical confession from the suspect in his hospital bed but before he had been able to speak with counsel and, indeed, as it was revealed, after he had repeatedly asked for counsel and been turned down. Any such ‘confession’ would be inadmissible in any trial even given the ‘flexible’ rules governing police conduct found acceptable by this Supreme Court. And then there is the matter of the bombs. By every reliable source, from police bulletins on the scene to statements by police and other authorities on the day of the bombing, there was at least one –– and as many as three –– additional bombs discovered at the parade site and in the vicinity of Copley Square. One was detonated by police at 3:50 p.m., one hour after the other two exploded. The others were defused by police, as reported to many media sources. On Democracy Now! on the morning after: “As many as two unexploded bombs were also found near the end of the 26.2-mile course as part of what appeared to be a well coordinated attack but they were safely disarmed, a senior US intelligence official told Associated Press.” If the government is right, if the two bombs which blew at the finish line had been brought to the Square by Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who eluded bomb-sniffing dogs and a massive security presence in doing so, whose backpacks carried the other bombs? This is the final installment in the series, ‘Boston: The Case Is Not Closed.’ I’ve written major pieces before concerning what seemed like critical matters, but in each case I’ve had an enormous reservoir of information, much of it reliable, from which to draw. I can tell you how the Kennedys were killed and by whom with some degree of assurance because I spent about twenty years obsessively pursuing the subject. If you are obsessed by anything for a long time, you will at a minimum have a really big bag of stuff. Boston is still too new, too unsettled. In gathering material, I pulled from the web more than a hundred articles, video and audio tapes, opinion pieces, and news columns, from which I extracted 85 pages of notes. For the most part, this column is a collection and a synthesis. I do not know what happened, but there are troubling possibilities. 14. What Might Have Happened.
  • 27. There’s something wrong with the official account, and there are disturbing signs, the sort of unhappy signs an experienced researcher will spot when somebody is trying to fix-up a story. Most disturbing is the background and intelligence connections of Ruslan Tsarni and his former father- in-law, especially when superimposed over FBI claims about Tamerlan and his 2012 visit to Russia. The FBI says that it didn’t follow up on its interest in Tamerlan, that the Russians never told them what their suspicions were based on, and that he was off their radar as of 2013. I find that very hard to believe. First, the FBI would never simply let it go if a source declined to explain what it meant, and the Russian intelligence services would never pass along a warning without the details. Never. Second, FBI practice is that persons of interest are not simply dropped but are surveilled ever after; that is because the Bureau has the ability to do so and the technology to support it. Third, there are times when the FBI will back off a suspect: when asked to do so by another U.S. intelligence agency. It is also noteworthy that the FBI, of all governmental agencies requested, has refused to testify before a House committee which is investigating what happened. From the AP wire: “WASHINGTON - The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday lambasted the Federal Bureau of Investigation for what he called attempts to “stonewall” congressional investigations of the events leading up to the Boston Marathon bombings... ““The FBI has refused to appear, and continues to refuse this committee’s appropriate requests for information and documents crucial to our investigation into what happened in Boston,” (Rep. Michael) McCaul said... ”The information requested by this Committee belongs to the American people. It does not belong solely to the FBI, and I sincerely hope they do not intend to stonewall our inquiry into how this happened.” If Izvestia is right –– it claims there are documents which prove it –– Tamerlan attended a training seminar in the summer of 2012 run by a CIA front. If the CIA was making use of him it would not be unusual for it to ask another agency to give it room. Tamerlan was a perfect target for intelligence recruitment. A Chechen native who spoke fluent Russian, an athlete, and a man with a grievance –– his exclusion from high-level competition for reasons he no doubt felt were unfair –– he fit the profile, as several former intelligence officers have observed. What if the CIA –– or FBI, for that matter –– recruited Tamerlan, told him that they could solve his problems with INS and make it possible for him to qualify for the Olympics? All he had to do was help them with a little bit of spying in Russia, attend a meeting, connect with a suspect or a prospective recruit. Back in the U.S., the carrot is still being dangled but maybe a little further ahead. This time, he is brought into one of the numerous FBI terrorist ‘sting’ operations. Buy some powder, take these backpacks to Copley Square. They could have been instructed to show up and leave the backpacks; the photo which seems to show Dzhokhar leaving and still carrying a backpack could mean that he forgot or disobeyed. What if some FBI agents thought it was just another sting and it wasn’t? What if the CIA hijacked the FBI’s operation and turned it live? Two bombs exploded in Copley Square but between one and three other bombs were found, and the brothers did not bring them. In whose backpacks did they arrive?
  • 28. What if Tamerlan had confided in his gym friend, Todarev, that he was doing work for the FBI or CIA, and Todarev said as much while being questioned? What if the FBI merely suspected that he knew? There had to be some reason why the FBI’s Boston special agent sent everyone else from the room, then executed the witness, which is certainly what happened. The brothers, three days after the bombing, tried to run, but they were seriously ill-prepared. One gun, no cash, Dhzokhar’s Honda. Are these the master terrorists who eluded hundreds of security personnel and cops at the Marathon, fooled the dogs, avoided being seen by rooftop observers? Or are they patsies, cut loose and running? The Boston Marathon bombing produced the most drastic military presence on American streets since the Revolutionary War. A major American city was effectively shut down. There’s a reason why this had not happened before: it was illegal. And despite the militarization of urban police forces, there was still a significant distinction between the two: police forces are civilian and they are accountable to civilians. The military is accountable to no one. Shortly after Boston, the U.S. military did something quite remarkable and alarming: it granted itself authority over civil disturbances. There has been no notice taken of this in the mainstream media, nor on Capitol Hill. But it happened. By making a few seemingly small changes, little noticed at the time, to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies” the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries. The most objectionable aspect of the regulatory change is the inclusion of vague language that permits military intervention in the event of “civil disturbances.” Now, according to Bruce Afran, a Rutgers constitutional law professor who is helping to lead the lawsuit against the NDAA’s burial of habeas corpus, the rule can only be changed by Congress or the courts. We’ve already had ample evidence of how well these institutions protect our civil liberties. “Remember, the police operate under civilian control,” Afran says. “They are used to thinking in a civilian way so the comparison that they may have some assault weapons doesn't change this in any way. And they can be removed from power. You can't remove the military from power.” The Marathon bombing has been very convenient for people interested in further eroding the rights of citizens. With the corrupt assistance of the mass media, the U.S. government has successfully propagandized a majority into believing the hallucination that total surveillance “protects” them from “terrorists.” The citizens of Boston, who were forced to stay indoors but to open their homes to search by heavily-armed government agents, were so mesmerized by the lies that rather than protest this invasion of their rights and property they issued messages of fawning appreciation to their captors. The newspapers in Boston were full of them. The ‘small changes’ unilaterally made by the military to their own rules effectively wipe out civilian authority over police functions in the event of “disturbances.” The origin of the Boston bombing may be clouded at this point, but one thing is certain: the remaining defendant will not use the occasion of his trial to protest his innocence, even if that’s so. Doubters are referred to the guilty plea entered by an innocent James Earl Ray.
  • 29. When the authorities and your own attorney explain that they have plenty of evidence, even if they made it up, and that your resistance to pleading guilty will land you in the gas chamber, you will make the deal. Boston was convenient for people who want to impose tighter controls over the American population. For that reason alone it is worth a skeptical view. Given the disturbing anomalies, the obvious lies, and the questions which seem to elude comforting answers, and despite the ready willingness of seemingly everyone in politics and in the media to convict Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his dead brother of the crime, this case is not closed.