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Career Planning Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of career planning can be both a challenging and rewarding
endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of one's
own career aspirations but also in the ability to articulate these thoughts coherently. The process
involves a profound introspection into personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, and a careful
analysis of potential career paths.
Moreover, the challenge extends to the need for thorough research on various career options,
industry trends, and the evolving job market. This necessitates staying updated on current
affairs, labor market dynamics, and emerging technologies. A well-rounded essay requires the
integration of personal experiences, educational background, and professional aspirations into a
cohesive narrative that captivates the reader's attention while providing valuable insights into the
author's career planning process.
The difficulty is also inherent in the responsibility to strike a balance between ambition and
realism. It's crucial to demonstrate a clear understanding of the chosen career field while
showcasing adaptability and a willingness to embrace unforeseen challenges. Additionally, the
essay should reflect a strategic approach to career planning, highlighting short-term and long-
term goals, along with a well-thought-out plan for skill development and continuous learning.
In conclusion, writing a comprehensive essay on career planning demands a combination of self-
reflection, research, and effective communication skills. It requires a meticulous approach to
presenting personal and professional aspirations in a compelling manner. While challenging, the
process offers an opportunity for individuals to gain clarity about their career goals and
If you find yourself struggling with such essays or require assistance in crafting a compelling
narrative for your career planning journey, consider exploring resources
They offer support and services that can aid in developing well-structured and engaging essays
on various topics, ensuring that your ideas are effectively communicated to your audience.
Career Planning EssayCareer Planning Essay
Growth Disorder Analysis
Growth disorder affects thousands of people across the world. Some are
diagnosed with excessive tallness while others are diagnosed with familial short
stature (Peak 6). In one case a boy was diagnosed at eleven years old, and he had to
inject himself with a biosynthetic growth hormone everyday (Torres 25). He grew
up and became the highest goalscorer in Barcelona s history, Leo Messi (Caioli 34).
There are many details on growth disorder. For instance, people with growth
disorder face many physical challenges. One example is, it interferes with normal
activities. It would be very hard for a person with growth disorder to go grocery
shopping, drive a car, or turn on lights. Another example is, society is designed for
average height (Peak 61). ... Show more content on ...
For instance he has won dozens of awards, and he keeps on breaking records.
Therefore, he has won the Golden Shoe for being the top scorer in the FIFA World
Youth Championship. He also became the first player ever to win the Ballon d Or, an
award for the Soccer Player of the Year, four times in a row (Torres 36). Leo won a
golden medal for Argentina s men s soccer team in the 2008 Olympics, and he won
the Copa del Rey Top Goalscorer in 2010 and 2011 (45). Although Leo has received
many awards, he has also accomplished a lot. For example, he makes $128,000 a day
(Prayank). Leo was also debuted on La Liga, and his #10 jersey has become the world
s best selling (Morreale 21). Leo has made it into the Guinness Book of World
Records for the most goals scored in one year (41).When Leo was first signed to
Barcelona, his contract was on a napkin (Torres 29).
Leo has many influences and inspirations. For instance Diego Maradona, a former
great Argentinian soccer player, is a big inspiration to Leo (Logothetis 7). Another
inspiration is Leo s grandmother Celia. She put Leo in his first youth soccer club
when he was only five years old (Morreale 9). Every time Leo scores a goal, he puts
two fingers to the sky in honor of his grandmother (37).
In conclusion, growth disorder affects many people, but Leo Messi did not let that
stop him from becoming one of the greatest soccer players in history. Leo wants to
give back, not only to those who helped him,
Much Ado About Nothing Structuralism Essay
Like Father, Like Daughter: Structuralism Amongst the Women in Shakespeare
During the Renaissance, it was common for women to behave in a certain manner in
a patriarchal society. Women were subordinate to any man in their life, whether it
was a husband or a father. However, Shakespeare creates female roles in his plays
that often steer away from the common script. These women challenge, deceive, and
steal from these men, including one s closest to them in their lives. In Merchant of
Venice, young Portiaand Jessica are two examples of these strayed female
characters. They feel trapped in the hands of their father s and do their best to break
free of that hold. In Much Ado About Nothing, Hero is a young womanwho feels her
relationship with ... Show more content on ...
This shows the extreme version of a rebellious teenager in order to escape her
father. Once Shylock finds out his daughter has disappeared with his money and
jewels, he is outwardly upset with the fact that his possessions are gone. He even
states that he wished his daughter were dead at [his] foot, and the jewels in her
ear! Would she were hearsed at [his] foot, and the ducats in her coffin! (Act III,
Scene i, 76 79). Surely, one can t believe there are any similarities in this
relationship, however, structuralism shows the underlying pattern between Shylock
and Jessica. Diane Dreher author of Domination and Defiance: Fathers and
Daughters in Shakespeare, points out that the two hold a common trait: Greed.
Shylock s greed is expressed through his constant talk on commerce and his
precious ducats, and Jessica has inherited that ideology. Before running away with
Lorenzo, she drops down a basket filled with money and jewels belonging to her
father. One would assume it was an act of reprisal, however, Dreher argues it is
greed much like her father s. She describes her as bad and disloyal, unfilial, a thief;
frivolous, greedy, without any more conscience than a cat, (pg. 102). These two
characters know that money holds a powerful position in their lives. Along with this
greed, both are very determined characters in terms of fighting for what they want.
With Shylock, he is constantly trying to receive justice through the deal he made with
Antonio. Despite the strange request, he demands that he receives his pound of
flesh from Antonio and stops at nothing to see it through. This passion can be seen
in Jessica as well when she is determined to marry Lorenzo despite her father s
wishes. She gets to the point of disguising herself as a man in order to be with him.
She goes great lengths to be with Lorenzo by eloping, but
History Behind Lord Stanley Cup
History Behind Lord Stanley
The Lord Stanley Cup. The oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in
North America and the greatest thing NHL hockey players dream of to hoist and
kiss after a season. Training, practicing, motivation and pushing themselves to get
better is what all these players put the hours into for that moment. After battling 82
games for a playoff spot, then continuing to win 4 playoff rounds, of best of seven
series, they finally get to have the moment they ve all been working and dreaming
for as a kid. To raise the Cup, kiss it, scream, and then pass it to your fellow
teammate. But that s not why they do it. They do it because they had a dream as a
kid and know the history behind what the Cup represents to ... Show more content on ...
In 1927 1928, a new structure was streamlined and a vertical shape of the Cup was
used and by 1948, the Cup became to tall to hold as well as even stand up without
tipping over. This Cup was changed to what we see today with the wider rings at
the bottom standing at 35 inches tall and 17 inches wide. Since 1958, 5 new rings
were added around the base of the Cup for championship teams, which means rings
had to be removed to maintain the structure of the Cup. The rings that get removed
and preserved in Lord Stanley s Vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. This
ends the evolution of what the Cup is today and we can now see all the alterations
done over the years, plus see how the NHL has kept all the history of the cup either
on the cup or in Lord Stanley s Vault so none of the history is forgotten or left behind.
Next, I will talk about the history behind how the Stanley Cup was nicknamed Lord
Stanley , how the cup is engraved and what the Cup does to help others. The
original cup was bought for roughly $50 and donated from a man named Sir
Frederick Arthur Stanley. Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley was a Colonial Secretary
from 1885 1886 and the Governor General of Canada from 1888 1893, plus an avid
sportsman. In 1892, he donated the cup and said, I have for some time been
thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be
held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion of Canada.
There does not
Media And Non-Christian Media
At the beginning of the semester, one of the first topics discussed in this class was
Media to me is ______. Upon being asked this question, I had two answers to fill in
these blanks. One of these answers was a way for me to learn about the world and
the other was a form of entertainment. After taking this course, I have formulated
some new, more complex ideas on how to fill in these blanks.
Firstly, my approach to media has changed in that I now view media as simply
media and not the media. The media portrays unrealistic body image, people say.
This is only partially true; there are sources of media that portray body image in
ways that most would not be able to achieve (i.e. Playboy), but there are also sources
of media that ... Show more content on ...
Growing up as a church kid, I was continually frustrated with my church s way of
dealing with media. Watch Veggie Tales, not Barney. Read The Chronicles of Narnia,
not Harry Potter. Watch Duck Dynasty, not Glee. Yada, yada, yada. The way my
church polarized media into Christian and non Christian media felt like a worldly
concept in itself. Which one of the ten commandments proclaimed, Thou shalt not
watch Glee? I felt as if keeping me away from different parts of media, media that
is a metaphor for the world God created, was a way of keeping me away from God.
I tried to watch Veggie Tales, but I could tell it was trying much too hard to force
Bible lessons down my throat. I tried to read The Chronicles of Narnia, but it simply
did not pique my interest. I did not try to watch Duck Dynasty, because, honestly,
reality TV is a waste of time, even if Neil Postman does believe junk TV should be
the epitome of TV s representation as an entertainment source. Despite my not
finding interest in these conventionally Christian sources of media, I grew closer to
God through secular media. Barney, while not specifically Christian, made me into
the polite young woman I am today, and so has allowed me to treat others with the
love that Jesus wants me to treat others with. Even though many Christians criticize
Harry Potter for supporting witchcraft, Harry Potter has taught me the importance of
friendship and familial love, along with the inevitability of death, concepts that are
covered throughout the Bible consistently. Glee is definitely a show that is
controversial throughout the Christian community, but by being one of the few
popular shows amongst teenagers to provide queer representation, it has taught me to
respect and appreciate others that are different from
Secrets Of The New Woman Essay
Secrets of the New Woman Upon reading the 1998 short story Parties Unknown by
the Jury; or, The Valour of My Tongue by Patricia McEvoy Carlson, I found myself
engrossed in the mystery surrounding the protagonist Bridget Mooney and her stop
in Memphis. With each unexpected turn, history was unraveled and familiar
figures such as feminist and Civil Rights Activist Ida B. Wells came to life.
Carlson was able to capture true American history in an entertaining fashion with
this fictional short story that made myself as a reader question the New Woman,
issues regarding gender, race and class in 1892 Memphis as well as get a glimpse
into what life really consisted of for the ever so desired proper lady. I felt as if I
was brought back in time, traveling along side Bridget Mooney on a journey she
did not sign up for. We were first introduced to Bridget Mooney as she was thrown
off a train during a stop in Memphis for not having enough money to pay her fare to
get to St. Louis. Her best efforts to remain on the train consisted of doing her best
to appear a proper lady (194). Throughout this story, there was a constant need to
appear as a proper lady to the citizens of Memphis, all while trying to hide the fact
that she was of the theatrical profession. Manipulating her way through Memphis,
Miss Bridget Mooney did her best to appear and behave as a classy woman would in
an attempt to receive food, shelter and possibly money in order for her to make her
way back to her target
The Structure Of A Double Helix
The Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a molecule that is able to encode hereditary
information as well as transmitting such information from one generation to the next.
The structure of the DNA is that of a double helix, much resembled as the structure
similar to that of a spiral staircase. Such structural features arises from the strand of
the DNAbeing a polymer consisting of a repeating polynucleotide chain of sugar
group and phosphate backbone, with each sugar group being covalently bonded, by
a hydrogen bond, to one of its complimenting four nitrogenous bases (nucleotides):
cytosine (C) pairing with guanine (G), and adenine (A) pairing with thymine (T)
(figure 2) [ ]. In the DNA a specific length of it is responsible for encoding and
carrying out a specific function in the cell; however, each cell specializes itself by
undergoing transcriptional genes silencing, regulating the geneactivity in the cell as
it requires, as in turning off such genes inherently. Gene silencing allows cells to be
differentiated, wherein a skin cell during its development must have its nerve specific
genes turned off [ ].
On the molecular level, the DNA is remarkably long, if it were to be stretched end
to end it would reach a length up to 6 feet, yet it is found in the minute sized
organelles in the cells of organisms. Accordingly, despite its length, the DNA is
wound around a spool like proteins, called histones. Histones allow the DNA to be
tightly wrapped enough to fit inside the
Geology Career Research Paper
Pursuing geology as a career began as a child, enjoying playing in the rocks as do
many adolescent children. Most of my youthful endeavors of this sort took place at
my grandparent s home in Jefferson City, Missouri. Specifically in their front and
side yards in which they had pleasant shrubbery to match the gravel of which their
grandson had intentions of creating into excavation sites. Minus the commercial
equipment of course. For theatrical sake, let us imagine a five year old running a
backhoe. Supervised or not, it is quite a petrifying thought. While amongst the rocks
years later, thoughts about history that could be found within them arose. Then began
my interest in common fossils, preserved in the rocks found at any average ... Show
more content on ...
Both being the hardest obstacles I have ever faced in my short life thus far.
Mathematics has been a short coming for me because my entire educational life
has been far too easy and frankly not challenging at all. Now that I am faced with
difficult classes, I really do not know what to do when a lesson does not stick with
me automatically. For instance, I have been failing my current mathematics course
for quite some time now and last semester I dropped Chemistry II because of
eminent failure as well. Failing is learning and learning means one will sometimes
fail but it feels open ended with my poor performances in my most self desired
courses. In the end, my humor will always save me from these feelings for better or
for worse. The best thing for me would be to face these problems while something is
putting them to the test so that I can improve my skills for future.
Preferably obtaining a job in this career outside of where we are now is the main
goal. International experience would be a phenomenal opportunity. Being able to
see different cultures and societies is my main goal in life. Where one grows up is
a special place that I will always hold dear, but I know we aren t meant to end
where we started. Geology offers positions all across the world, mainly because we
live on one giant rock. I am hoping to have this career take me on an amazing
adventure through
Personal Ethical Development Essay
Personal Ethical Development
Given the almost collapse of the very foundation of the financial industry in the
United States which then rapidly metastasized to a financial and economic crisis
with global proportions, ethics and ethical behaviours in doing business and the lack
of it was one of the major factors why the mortgage meltdown happened. Thus, it is
even more necessary now that organizations focus on the personal ethical
developments of all of its individual members. This paper aims to explore the
developmental aspect of one s ethics including the importance of ethics and ethical
It is interesting that the above observation was also made by Wong and Beckham
(1992) almost two decades ago in doing a post mortem for ... Show more content on ...
In a deontological system, it is supposed that a person s ethics and decision making is
affected mostly by virtue or moral absolutes and guiding principles. This is very
pronounced in Christian ethics. Thus, decision making in governed by the
deontological system is whether an action is inherently right or wrong (Rae, 2000, p.
17). Furthermore, deontological systems are then based on divine command theory,
natural law and ethical rationalism.
On the other hand, teleological systems state that the end result produced by an
action (Rae, 2000, p. 17) significantly affect the ethical decision making of a
person. Relativism meanwhile the ethical development of an individual is directly
related to what the culture of the society he belongs to believe as right or wrong,
and the person s preferences. An individual s preferences are affected by six pillars
of character as identified by the Josephson Institute (2010) which are claimed to be
apolitical, not based on religion or culture.
These six pillars of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness,
caring and citizenship. Particularly, a person is said to be trustworthy when he or
she has integrity, keeps promises and loyal. An ethical person knows how to respect
other people and their ideas. Moreover, he or she also takes accountability of his own
words, actions and attitudes (Josephson Institute, 2010). He is also
IT Infrastructure Essay
We ensure you enjoy a perfectly managed, maintained, and implemented IT
Managing all the tasks of complex IT infrastructure is now simplified with a full
range of first rate Telecom solutions. We claim to be the best IT infrastructure
advisors due to our expertise in the domain and we are sure that we have every
feature to serve you in your IT infrastructure planning, design, management, and
Innovative IT solutions and instant results are integral parts of our professional
services. Furthermore, our experienced team is eager to get more familiar with your
business needs to sharpen our strategies. We know the importance of your time and
money and believe in building ... Show more content on ...
Thus, for enhanced networking solutions, you may trust us to connect your
manpower to enhance the productivity and performance.
Server Setup Configuration:
IQminds provides server installation and maintenance services for the small or large
offices. Thus, don t care you are working with 10 or 10000 employees since our
custom made servers can fulfill all the specific needs of any business. The servers
custom made by our company can be used as a Web server, Proxy server, Backup
server, DNS server Firewall server etc.
Assembled Branded Computers / Laptops / Printers:
With the ultimate aim of customer satisfaction, we provide installation and support of
computer hardware and software. We can assemble the computers or Laptops for
you as per your need and if you are interested in purchasing branded hardware, we
can be the first and preferred choice for you. Some of our prominent services include
Sales of branded and assembled computers/laptops, Printers, Computer hardware
maintenance etc.
Telephone PABX System installation with voice recording
PABX and voice line system is an integral part of communication between the client
and service provider. Additionally, all the branches of the organizations may face
trouble in the absence of a proper communication. Thus, Our IT infrastructure services
include installing, managing, and maintaining PABX telephone systems. Our
services are flexible and designed to meet the needs of
Breast Auggmentation
Women who want larger breasts may consider a breast augmentation (implant
surgery), whereas, women who would like their breasts lifted may choose to have a
mastopexy (breast lift). However, women in Orange County, California, who would
like to improve the shape, position and size of their breasts should consider having a
breastlift with an augmentation with Dr. Farbod Esmailian. Dr. Esmailian is a double
board certified plastic surgeon in Orange County who specializes in performing
plastic surgeryprocedures to improve sagging, deflated looking breasts.
A Combined Procedure A Breast Lift with an Augmentation in Orange County
Sometimes, it takes a combination of procedures to accomplish the look a patient
desires. This is frequently the ... Show more content on ...
Esmailian in Orange County
Dr. Esmailian and his medical staff are dedicated to providing each patient with the
high quality care and attention that they deserve. Therefore, during the initial
consultation Dr. Esmailian will want to know about the patient s medical history,
including medications, lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drug
use, etc.), current medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) as well as what
she would like to accomplish with plastic surgery.
During this consultation, the patient should expect Dr. Esmailian to perform a
physical evaluation of her breasts. If he believes that the patient will benefit from a
breast augmentation, breast lift or a combination procedure, Dr. Esmailian may also
choose to take pictures and measurements of the patient s breasts. These photos may
be used for reference as well as for comparison purposes once her surgery is complete.
The majority of patients will need to have pre surgical testing performed. This
testing frequently includes blood tests. In addition, some patients may be required to
visit their family physician to receive a surgical release prior to scheduling their
surgery with Dr. Esmailian at his surgery center in Orange
Harry Potter Vs. Christians Essay
Who has never dreamed of witches, broomsticks and full moon light? I always
wished, when I was younger, I could turn and do magic like a witch. I even bought
little magic kits, but it was nothing like the magic I wanted to produce. In my teen
years, a book called Harry Potter caught my attention. It took me to a world I
thought could only belong in my head. J.K. Rowling brought words of description
to my dreams and brought out the little witch and wizard in many children s lives. I
have not been able to find a more descriptive, memorable, imaginative, and well
written books for both children and adults to read and enjoy.... Show more content on ...
The Harry Potter books make witchcraft and the practice of magic seem appealing
and fun; therefore, parents shouldn t allow their children to read them.
This particular issue is the source of most Christianity complaints and protests against
the Harry Potter books. Christians who express nothing but disdain for the separation
of church and state when it comes to the government promoting Christianity,
suddenly become defenders of the principle. They are arguing that schools are
inappropriately promoting religion when students are encouraged to read Harry Potter.
Even if they are hypocritical, it would matter if they are right because schools
shouldn t encourage students to read books that promote a particular religion. Most
people tend to regard censorship as a bad thing, but if the Harry Potter books really
do promote witchcraft then perhaps there haven t been enough challenges. If the
Harry Potter books don t promote witchcraft, but merely include witchcraft as part of
the fabric of a fantasy world, then complaints are less about the books themselves.
Then the problem must be something else, possibly the
IMAM Code Of Ethics Case Study
Over the past half century, the field of emergency management has gradually evolved
into a more structured profession. There are several aspects of response efforts that
needed to be revised in order for the field to be viewed as legitimate and trustworthy.
Primarily, the implementation of advanced education through the process of
accreditation, college programs and certifications has paved the way to legitimize the
field. In addition, there has been an increase in efforts to hold those accountable to
their actions while responding to crises. Through a combination of these efforts,
emergency managementhas attempted to become a more dependable organization as
viewed by the general public.
One method of setting standards for performance ... Show more content on ...
One way of accomplishing this is by being fiscally responsible by minimizing the
cost of resources without sacrificing the overall quality. The concept of respect refers
not only to how the victims of the crisis are dealt with but also to interactions within
the organization up and down the chain of command. The second value, commitment,
ensures that the decisions made are intended to improve the quality of life for those
they serve (IAEM, 2010). Emergency management is inherently non profit, as
making money or seeing the mishaps of others as an opportunity to increase capital
would violate the ethical value of commitment. As stated in the code, emergency
management professionals, commit themselves to promoting decisions that engender
trust and those we serve and are focused on, enhancing the caliber of service [they]
deliver while striving to improve the quality of life in the community (IAEM, 2010).
Lastly, professionalism ensures that all members are held to the highest standards
when conducting their duties and thereby foster public confidence in Emergency
The Darfur Genocide
The United Nations has described it as the world s worst humanitarian crisis . As
of 2003, the Darfur genocide is being carried out by the Sudanese armed forces and
funded Arab militias known as the Janjaweed. These militias are historic rivals of
the rebel groups known as the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM), and the
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Darfur is a region in western Sudan on the
border of Chad, Libya, and the Central African Republic. Darfur is estimated to have
about 6 million people living there. The conflict started in 2003 and has continued
through today. The Janjaweed were accused of oppressing Darfur s non Arab
population. The Janjaweed are destroying Darfurians by burning villages, polluting
water, murdering, raping... Show more content on ...
About 2.3 million Darfurians have fled their homes and communities and now reside
in displaced person camps in Darfur. It has started spilling over into neighboring
countries such as Chad and the Central African Republic. There are still over 200,000
more Darfurians living in refugee camps in Chad. Immediately after the Janjaweed
entered the conflict, the rape of women and young girls, often by multiple militiamen
and often throughout entire nights, began to be reported at a staggering rate.
Children as young as 2 years old were reported victims, while mothers were assaulted
in front of their children.Young women were attacked so violently that they were
unable to walk following the attack. .. These refugees and IDPs are almost entirely
dependent on the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations for their basic
needs food, water, shelter, and health care. (The Genocidein Darfur). The Darfurians
that are still living in their country are feeling as though they are under a constant
threat or being tortured, raped and murdered. In October 2004, 7,400 troops and
personnel were sent by the U.N peacekeeping forces to Darfur. In the summer of
2007, outbreaks of violence between some of the Arab tribes that worked together as
part of the Janjaweed began to occur more frequently. The United Nations recently
Northern Arizona Climate Change Essay
Climate Change Concerning the Forests:
Both the Hopi and Navajo use Ponderosa Pine and PiГ±on Pine in cultural practices.
The forests of both types of pine are in Northern Arizona. In traditional settings, the
Hopi as well as Navajo used ponderosa pine for medicinal, household, food,
ceremonial, and constructional purposes ( The Hopi Reservation 1). Today, the
ponderosa pines are still used for traditional dwellings by both tribes. Kivas, a
ceremonial Hopi dwelling as well as Hopi residential dwellings use ponderosa logs
as support beams. In addition, traditional Navajo houses called Hogans, also use the
ponderosa as structural beams (Wennerberg, 3). As for the PiГ±on, both tribes use the
nuts as food. The piГ±on nut business is quite lucrative ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the forests attract tourists to attractions that are on or near the Hopi and
Navajo reservations. Tribal economies benefit from the monetary influx that tourists
bring to the regions. The Hopi and Navajo rely culturally as well as economically on
both the Ponderosa and PiГ±on Pine forests.
Forests in Northern Arizona that the tribal communities depend upon are currently
threatened by climate change. Ecosystems with high and rising temperatures, such
as Northern Arizona, are susceptible to drought. In turn, the decrease in
precipitation due to droughts leads to an overall reduction in growth as well as
health for plants. A study concerning Northern Arizona forest found that tree
mortality increased 200% from 1997 2002 to 2002 2007 in mixed conifer forests
and 74% in ponderosa pine forests. This tree mortality can be traced back to forest
insects like bark beetles as well as long term drought stress throughout the ecosystem
(Ganey Vojta, 162). Insects such as the spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis),
pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), and especially piГ±on ips beetle (Ips spp.)
threaten forests (MacDonald Turner, 21260). Climate change causes tree mortality
as overall warming leads to greater beetle reproduction as well as greater range of
beetle territory (MacDonald
The Rise of Instant Messaging for Communication
Instant messaging (IM) is a rapid and on the rise communications medium trendy with
both company and home users. From its commencement as easy peer to peer
conversation service, instant messaging has developed to grow to be a staple mode of
contact for millions of internet users. Once restricted to desktops, accepted
instantaneous messaging services IM has found its means into handheld gadgets and
cell phones, permitting users to communicate from virtually anywhere.
Information security has come to take part in an exceptionally vital role in today s
fast growing, but habitually technically delicate business environment. Consequently,
protected communications are required to benefit both companies and customers
from the developments that internet is empowering the internet users with. The
likelihood of having company s information out in the open to a malevolent attacker
is constantly rising at the present time due to the elevated number of reasons: staff
has contact to sensitive and even secret company s data. Take into account the safety
implications of a staff responsible for sensitive company information, browsing the
internet insecurely through the organization s system, in receipt of distrustful emails
containing an assortment of destructive attachments. Most instant messaging systems
are susceptible to account hijacking, allowing a hijacker to attack another client s
instant messaging profile and impersonate the client in conversations with other
clients. In most
The Circles And Loops By Antonia Susan Drabble Byatt
Chapter OneWords on the Circles and loops Antonia Susan Drabble Byatt, the one
who has been writing during all her life stats: ...words have been all my life, all my
life this need is like the Spider s need who carries before her a huge Burden of Silk
which she must spin out the silk is her life, her home, her safety her food and drink
too and if it is attacked or pulled down, why, what can she do but make more, spin
afresh, design anew.... This sense that writing ended real, or even extra real, one s
knowledgeable growth and leaning and one s capabilities certainly pervades Byatt
s mature work, in both her fiction and nonfiction. In several ways, Byatt is a writer
whose writing has been self reflexive and deliberately formed. According to her
words express the author and, Vocabularies are crossing circles and loops. We are
defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined by. On the contrary to
those writers who prefer to distinct their fiction from their nonfiction, she has never
desired such a distinction: From my early childhood, reading and writing seemed
to me to be points on a circle. Greedy reading made me want to write, as if this were
the only adequate response to the pleasure and power of books. Yet, this greed
reveals itself in a number of ways in her work especially through literary allusion
and thick explanation. Byatt called her 1991 collection of literary essays Passions of
the Mind, and this title captures one of frequent
Narrative Theory
Narrative Theory and Victims of Domestic Violence Elena Murphy San Francisco
State University Abstract This paper examines online publications on narrative
theory and therapy with domestic violence victims. It explores the history of
narrative theory as well as what assumptions are made about individual and family
clients when using the theory. The paper reviews the techniques that are used in
narrative theory and then applies these techniques to a case study involving a victim
of domestic abuse. The purpose of applying the use of narrative theory to a case is
to examine how it is utilized in practice and how it can be used to empower a specific
population. Introduction Women who have experienced domestic... Show more
content on ...
This control takes power away from individuals and makes psychotherapy a very
subjective practice. With these influences, along with the addition of strengths
based and solutions focused approaches to therapy White and Epston were able to
develop the narrative theory (Furlong, 2008). Basic Assumptions Based on
influences from Foucault and other scholars, narrative therapy assumes that the
stories people tell and the language that they use play a role in their interpersonal
and intrapersonal problems (Mattingly, 1998). The stories that cultures tell about
such concepts as gender, class and race influence members views on the meaning
behind these concepts. Because of external influences, when a client brings up a
problem it is not the problem itself that needs to be examined. Instead, the client is
being affected by their own framing of the problem. The stories that people tell
themselves are shaped by society and can become problematic when a client feels
that they no longer have control over their own story (Ross Shapiro, 2002). It is
also assumed that the act of telling a story can provide insight into past, present and
future events (Espinoza, 1997). By going through this process, individuals can find
the importance of certain events and assign roles to people who are a part of their
story. This act can allow a client to find new meaning and understanding to their
reality (Espinoza, 1997). Not only is a
Informative Essay On Fishing
Fishing can bring you a sense of peace and keep you physically fit. You don t have
to be rich to participate in the sport, but you do need certain gear. From a fishing
rod to extra bait, here is a list of the things you ll need if you want to start
participating in this fun sport, or if you want to get your children into fishing. http:/
/ of fishing_n_5754408.html
Fishing Rod
The type of fishing you ll do will dictate the kind of fishing rod you ll need. There
are fly fishing, salt water and spincast rods. For the beginner, a spincast can be a
good choice since the rod can easily be cast with the press of a button. For the little
ones, this is a great beginner rod. Many stores have miniature versions for ... Show
more content on ...
A small hook won t be able to land a largemouth bass. Along with the hook size, you
ll need to consider the type of hook point you ll want. There are spear point, which
are the standard, hollow point, knife edge and surgical needle.
Fishing Tackle Box
Heading to the fishing spot, you ll need to have a tackle box to hold all your hooks,
lures and pliers. The tackle box you use will depend on a variety of factors, but
mostly, it comes down to personal preference. You can use a small, plastic tackle
box to hold the essentials, or you can purchase a soft, cloth bag that will hang on
the shoulder. The soft carryall bag will allow you to keep your hands free for
carrying other things like the rod and a cooler of beer.
The Right Clothing
You ll need something to keep the sun off your head like a fishing hat or ball cap.
If you plan on fly fishing, you ll need waders to keep your clothing dry. The other
clothing you choose will be based on the weather. You should be warm and
comfortable while fishing. Don t wear clothes that are loose, or you ll end up hooking
FaпїЅade Of St Gervais
Description of the Façade of St. Gervais St. Protais The façade of St. Gervais
designed by early 17th century French architect Salomon de Brosse (1571 1626)
was built in 1616, with the young king Louis XIII laying the first cornerstone.
Different from the Flamboyant Gothic of the interior, the façade is regarded as the
French form of the Roman Baroque style, which introduced the completely new
classical style to 17th century French architecture. The façade attaching to the
existing Flamboyant Gothic church is a symmetrical, three storey structure that has
traditional three bays on first two levels and remains the central bay on the top
level. The most proximate stylistic reference for this façade may be de l Orme s
frontispiece of the ChГўteau of Anet. Instead of using unnecessary ornaments, the
façade underlines the characteristics of classicism in balance, mass and clarity by
creatively using classical architectural language. Three storeys are used to cover the
Gothic church behind rather than the typical two storey church façade. In this way,
the classical dimension and proportion are maintained since the projecting Gothic
aisles and buttresses make the whole visual composition much wider. Therefore the
façade is increased in height to balance the horizontal dimension. St. Gervais is
regarded as a leading work of proportion and dignity from Baroque to classical
architecture. The most dominant classical vocabulary of orders is applied to the
façade: from
Postmodern Art And Its Impact On Modern Society
Postmodern art is typically anti establishment and rebellious, the beginning of
postmodern art can be found in the late 1950 s 1960 s although the term was first
used around 1970. The movement differed from previous movements as it
deliberately went against the rules, artists used many different disciplines within
one piece of work. A core value of postmodern art is that it is for everyone and tries to
be a connection between art and everyday life.
Modernism triggered post modernism, modernism painted a perfect life and used
religion and truths as a way of life (e.g. Sigmund Freud and his theories)
Modernist s artists concentrated on technique and the form of their artwork rather
than complicating the process they preferred simpler more clarified techniques.
After the second world war and the huge loss of communities of men and
battalions the focus shifted rather selfishly on to the individual after all it was still
a dog eat dog world with the united kingdom very much still feeling the affects of
the war. Rationing still continued and things where very different compared to the
USA where there country had not actively been affected by the war. While Britain
was in the middle of an economic downturn America seemingly progressed at a
much faster rate. Individualism was to be propelled to the forefront of America
youth with groups such as Greasers and teddy boys now appealing to the youth.
Rock and roll and Elvis was about to hit the scene and completely go against the
Music and Emotion
Jack Peluso Hoffman
24 : 101 : 37
Music Day
Music affects people in various ways. Ones reaction to music differs from person
to person. It can evoke emotions of both joy and happiness. Music can stir up old
memories of different times, places, and people. In the U.S. a major part of life is
music, as stated by Natalie Guice Adams and Pamela J. Bettis, American institution
that can tell us something about ourselves, like jazz, baseball, and cheerleading,
are also not static but being created anew with each generation. (Remix 240.) One
can see how large of a role music plays in people s lives, and that s why I m
proposing a holiday based on celebrating and enjoying music all over the world. One
thing that just about ... Show more content on ...
Everyone from popular artists to local bands would hit the stage and play just for
the love of music. Free concerts available in just about every town for everyone to
enjoy. This would give people a chance to go hear their favorite music artists. This
opens up the idea of travel on Music Day. People and their families may want to go
see a performer who is far away, and what better way to go on a small family
vacation. I can just hear it now, Hey Kids pack your bags were going to New York
City for Music day. The key to this aspect of the holiday is for all the concerts to be
free of charge, so that way everyone who wants to has the option to go listen to
professional musicians. Whether it is the symphony, a bluegrass show, a solo
pianists, the latest rap artist, or even a heavy metal band performances would be
taking place all day so there is always something for everyone. Parents can go down
to the jazz club, or check out an oldies concert while the kids see the local punk
bands performing just down the block. This event would of course be massive and
require a lot of planning and thought, but a holiday celebrating the joy music brings
to our lives is well worth that. Plus Music Day would be a holiday everyone would
look forward to. Going to concerts is fun and exciting. People pay big bucks to see
professionals do their thing on stage and walk away feeling like they got the best out
of their money. The free concerts would be gain public popularity in no time at all,
Best Buy Pestle Analysis Paper
Pestle Analysis The PESTEL analysis covers the analysis of Political, Social,
Technological, Environmental and Legal factors to scan the organization s
external macro environment. The PESTEL analysis of Best Buy Co. is as
follows: Political: Best Buy operates majorly in U.S. and Canada. At present both
countries has stable government, therefore, Best Buy do not face any significant
political threat. However any decrease or increase in taxes related to operations or
sales by political parties can place a major impact on best buy revenue. For
example, in U.S. online only operators are exempt from collecting sales taxes in
some states that allows company s competitor to cut of their costs. Economic:
Economic conditions have direct impact on company s sales. In past, economic
slowdown has affected best buy sales significantly. Consumer spending pattern has
been decreased. In 2008, company has laid off... Show more content on ...
For example, consumers prefer to buy I pad from Apple store rather than Best Buy.
Technological: Best Buy sells latest technology products. Company s success is
depending upon the successful introduction of new products with latest technology to
the customers. Failure to adapt the constantly changing technology products could
have adverse impact on company s sales. Best Buy uses encryption technology to
ensure secure transactions. Environmental: In 2007, Best Buy was held in one of
the five corporations that were involved in unethical deforestation in Canada. In
2008, Best Buy has launched a program called Greener to increase the energy
efficiency in its products. According to Best Buy, from the period of 2008 to 2014,
company has collected about 938 million pounds of consumer electronics and
appliances. Moreover, Best Buy offers energy efficient products to save energy.
Placement of any major law relating to the protection of environment can materiality
affect Best
Being a Teenage Mother Essay
It was a beautiful afternoon on the bay of Huntington Beach. Just what would be
expected of any regular day in California. The sun was shining inexplicably, as if it
knew what was coming, the sky was clear with one cloud across the horizon, the
sand was boiling and I could literally feel the bottom of my foot melting away. The
air was scented with the sweetness of spring and refreshed by gentle breezes. There
are families everywhere I look, playing endlessly with their kids, throwing beach balls
around, tanning their bodies until it turns to ebony, walking their precious dogs, and
riding their bicycles until their muscles deteriorated. The beach is adult s playground.
She appeared, emerged, surfaced, arrived fashionably late flaunting, ... Show more
content on ...
Obviously, she was a teenage mother who went through difficult times. Being a
teenage mother is the single most difficult thing I have ever gone through. Having
my daughter at the age of seventeen was frightening. My world was altered from a
world of dates, parties, sleepovers and waiting for a Saturday so you can sleep late, to
the world of diapers, baby formulas, bills, doctors, appointments, and day care.
Amanda is head strong, independent, courageous, and once she has made up her
mind, little can be done to convince her otherwise. Through all of the obstacles that
the world has put her way, and all the situations life has brought her, Amanda still
knows that all the decisions she took may not have been the best. However, she
learned from her mistakes to make better judgements. I regret things that I didn t
do in my life more than things that I have done. The things that I have done in my
life that I should regret are the things I learned from, which at the end of it all, are
what make me stronger. Without these mistakes I would have never learned, and I
would have never been mature enough to take care of my beautiful kids. So for me,
I try not to regret anything that I ve done. I accept what was, cherish what is, and
hope for a future that is filled with promise in the things to come . In the background
Harmony and Adam
The Principle Of The Distributive View Of Equality
(2 Dworkin) Ronald Dworkin is a luck egalitarian, and he endorses the distributive
view of equality. In his article, What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources, he
differentiates the brute luck and option luck, and this distinction is influential in the
later development of luck egalitarianism. In this paper, I will examine Dworkin s
distinction between option luck and brute luck, also I will bring up Vallentyne s
argument which is against Dworkin s distinction. Lastly, I will raise an example
showing that Dworkin s distinction may not be able to cut option luck and brute luck
clearly in some situation. Dworkin s distinction between two kinds of luck Dworkin
differentiates option luck and brute luck in the following ways: option... Show more
content on ...
Based on Dworkin s view of distributive equality, people should be compensated
materially if they suffer in the outcome of bad brute luck because having bad brute
luck is out of their control, and it is not related to their previous decision. In
contrast, people should not be compensated, if they suffer in the outcome of bad
option luck since having bad option luck is related to their pervious decision, and
people are responsible for their decision makings (whether the outcome is good or
not), so the people should not be compensated. Moreover, Dworkin illustrates that
brute luck and option luck could be connected by insurance; he claims that buying
an insurance to prevent the unexpected bad brute luck is a considered decision, so
it would be classified in option luck. It will be a good option luck if people suffer
in the outcome of bad brute luck because it makes people better off during the
suffering period. Also, Dworkin clarifies that the insurance does not take away the
distinction between brute luck and option luck (293). I will explain this claim using
the student example; if the student has purchased an insurance for traffic accidents,
he still suffers in the bad brute luck if he gets crashed by a car since the scenario
would be better if he purchased the insurance and does not need to make the
insurance claim. However, he is still better off in terms of he has better option
John Stuart Mill, And The Deontological Theory Of Ethics
Frequently brought up in modern conversations between everyday people and
behavioral researchers alike, issues regarding morality and ethics have become
increasingly prevalent. With the current global political climate drawing attention to
and/or raising awareness for various humanitarian crises, such as the massive
destruction in Puerto Rico that has left the entire island in ruin or refugee Rohingya
people fleeing persecution in Myanmar and Bangladesh, it is imperative to
understand the logistics of possible relief efforts through a philosophical lens. Two
well developed theories that offer solutions to such problems are Utilitarianism,
proposed by John Stuart Mill, and the Deontological Theory of Ethics, advocated for
by Immanuel... Show more content on ...
Although originally postulated by Jeremy Bentham, this theory that advocates for the
greatest good {sunnum bonum}flourished under the formulation of John Stuart
Mill. A commonly simplified principle, the greatest total net good is similar to that
of a mathematical formula {taking all of the effects of an action, applying them to
everyone affected, and finally subtracting the totality of bad effects from that of
the relatively good ones}. Assuming that true happiness is a state of pleasure that
is lacking any elements of pain, Mill introduces the concept of Higher and Lower
Pleasures in order to differentiate between stimulating intellectual sentiments and
mere physical sensations. (Mill, 6) To this end, one would assume that as a
hedonist, {one that perceives a good or successful life to consist of the pursuit and
experience of pleasure} Mill s position on both Rescue I and II would be that that
saves the most people, regardless of the circumstances. However, the situations
proposed contrast each other in that they lead back to Foot s initial concern about
the difference between killing and letting die. Rescue I allows for a somewhat
lowered sense of obligation {responsibility if you will}, as it requires the
hypothetical rescuers to go off their initial path to save the group of five individuals
at risk of drowning to save only one person from another unfortunate
The Challenges Of A Website
For this project, we were asked to create a website (coding) tailored to an audience.
To start off, it would be easier to talk about the difficulties I faced during this
assignment, and that is I m not a DTC major. I have never coded before, so the
challenges were to create something I am not familiar with, and step out of my
comfort zone. I kept having to do everything by trial and error, so I would type
something in on TextWrangler, save it, refresh my websiteto see if it did what I
wanted to do, and if it didn t, I had to go back and try to fix it. This process made it
easy because after I had the code down, I understood why it worked, and if I needed
to redo that process, then I already knew how to do it. The purpose of this website...
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I wanted this contrast so my audience could easily read through the information
given, and so they can see that I am genuinely interested in photography, and that it
is not just a job for me. I wanted this contrast so they can navigate easily through my
site, and so they can easily find the information they re looking for. A third design
choice I made was to use a linguistic mode. We ve heard that a picture is worth a
thousand words, but in the photography industry, we need more than a picture to
convince our audience that we are good enough. A rhetorical strategy that I can
use is to tell my audience that I have a passion for photography, and that I do it
because it s something I enjoy not for the money. I can let them know me (as their
photography) by telling them how I started getting into photography, and how I
started at a young age. Using linguistics to allow an audience to get to know the
person behind the camera. The final intentional design choice I made was
organization. I coded in a nice menu on my main page so my audience can
navigate to whatever they re looking for. I had different topics on the menu so they
can click on the link they wanted to see; they can click on the brands link to see
what I work with, and which brands I enjoy, or they can click on the samples link that
Courtesy Of The Red White And Blue Analysis
In the history of the world, there has been music on the home front to depict the
feelings that are going on at this time. The music on the home front can be
inspirational, disheartening, supportive or even in contradiction of the events.
Looking at the music that is going on during a conflict can help understand the
feeling of the writer and even the whole nation. Looking at the two songs 99 Red
Balloons by Nena and Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith, one can
see that there are many similarities and differences about these two songs, but they
both show the different emotions that are happening at the time of their conflict. On
the morning of August 13, 1961, Berlinwas woken by the sound of machinery and
soviet troops marching around the city of Berlin. On this morning the freedom to
pass from east to west Berlinwas ended and the tension grew between the Soviet east
side of Berlin and the Allied west side (Berlin Is Divided). When the wall was built,
the tension of the two sides grew and the thought of another war was on everyone s
mind. As said by The Berlin Wall
was one... Show more content on ...
The country was outraged by the attacks and president Bush started military
actions immediately. The song is about people who serve in the military and their
families. One of the most memorable lines from the song is you ll be sorry that you
messed with the US of A,...cause we ll put a boot in your ass, it s the American
way . This verse is definitely talking about al Qaeda and the revenge that was soon
to happen. In the music video, they show Toby Keith playing this song live in front
of the troops and when he sang that verse you can hear the cheers and excitement in
the audience. This is a patriotic song that can bring the country and troops together
during the war and even though it is a country song it gives the listener an upbeat
Assemblage Art And The Arts At Ohio State University
Assemblage art is the process of an artist creating a piece of work out of objects
and materials rather than just paints and brushes. Assemblage art interests me
more because of the history of the materials before it was created into a work being
displayed. The specific artist used other s scraps and trash to assemble a piece of
art greater than both people combined and the ending product comes out to be
something a lot more significant than trash . Although I don t know much about
assemblage art and the process of it, I can interpret it for hopefully what the artist
wanted me to and I can find the significance within it. The piece of work I chose to
analyze comes from the Wexner Center for the Arts here at Ohio State University.
This piece of art was made in 1988 and comes from the Terri and Michael Smooke
Collection, its name is The Last Supper. Though I didn t learn about assemblage, I
was exposed to the relevance of one of the most historically significant paintings by
Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper. This late 15th century painting is a religion icon
and depicts JesusChrist and his 12 disciples at their last supper before Jesus was
sent off to get crucified. I believe the piece of art I analyzed was clearly inspired by
Leonardo s The Last Supper due to the same name and key similarities I found in the
painting. For starters, my painting doesn t have any human figures represented in it
but instead just silverware, plates , and sardine cans. The sardine cans near
The Crime And Crime Prevention
In the world there are many social problems and most of them affect each and every
one of us, such as cancer or Ebola. One that stands out is the rise in crime in
America. Crime is huge in America although law enforcement say they are doing
something about and have it handled, the truth is it is out of control. Stated in
America.Net in an article online Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Project
Safe Neighborhoods annual conference in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 13, 2010
and endorsed three crimecontrol strategies. Law enforcement through cooperative
efforts between police, community and prosecutors to reduce violent crime, and
the incarceration of high risk offenders. Project Safe Neighborhoods. Crime
prevention by addressing underlying social issues. Reentry programs to assist
offenders returning from prison. If these programs are being put in place then
there should be a decreased incidence of crime in America. People can t even leave
their homes without having to worry if something is going to happen to them. This
is a growing concern in America, but what is America doing to prevent this from
happening? There are many organizations working on the issue of crime to reduce
the number of incidences. There is one main contributing factor lead increases the
likelihood of crime and that is poverty. However, it is ironic that although poverty is
a not so pleasant thing, it is needed to prevent communism and the risk of taking our
freedom away as stated as a
Iowa City Zoning Code Essay
The Iowa City Zoning Code was designed to be developed together with the Iowa
City Comprehensive Plan; the goal is to stimulate the progress of a better quality of
life for the population. Moreover, the regulations cover the provisions of the law for
land use control in Iowa City. The document regulates the land use authorization for
each of the zones and details the specific areas outlined in Iowa City. There are many
land use area in the Iowa City Zoning Ordinance, as shown in Map 1 (Appendix C).
However, this document will cover the use of residential land and will explain three
of them: the Low Density Single Family Residential Zone (RS 5), Medium Density
Multi Family Residential Zone (RM 20), and Neighborhood Stabilization Residential
... Show more content on ...
The maintenance is to prevent any conversions from single family to multi family
uses in this zones.
Table 3 and Table 4 (Appendix A) show the permissions allowed in the RS 5, RNS
12 and RM 20 zones. In these particular areas is not allowed any type offices, so
home based consultant office cannot locate in the residential zone areas. Therefore,
religious institutions can be located in RS 5 and RNS 12 zones with a special
exception, but the RM 20 zone is allowed with provisions, as it can show in Table 4
(Appendix A). Moreover, with the purpose of improvement of the livability, all the
three zones mentioned can have provisional parks.
The gun market has been a discussed topic, and yet it is permitted to a homeowner
sell guns from their houses. According to the Institute for Legalization Action
(NRA ILA), the person, in Iowa, does not need to have a permit to purchase a rifle
or shotgun, but to buy a handgun an annual permission is mandatory, and the
license can be used to buy more guns. Furthermore, the person does not need a
permit to sell or buy, if it is an antique handgun. Therefore, the three zoning chose,
RS 5, RNS 12, and RM 20 do not allow any commercial or retail uses.
The Iowa City Zoning Ordinance encompasses most of the residential land use
categories. However, the ordinance does not cover exceptional case, for example,
Third Presidential Debate Analysis
I watched the third presidential debate on Wednesday, October 19, at 8 pm. Chris
Wallace moderated the debate between the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and
Republican nominee Donald Trump. The purpose of the debate was to allow for
both candidates to be compared side by side in order to determine who would be a
better candidate to become the president of the United States.
In general, the debate was not unlike any other presidential debate. The candidates did
their best to avoid answering questions that made them look bad by responding with
an answer to a different question. When given a chance to respond, the opponent
would present their own argument, which always sounded like a rebuttal but never
really addressed their opponent. Throughout
Docklands Case Study
My predictions for the Docklands region was there will be retail stores, restaurants
and there to be residential areas. The only parts of my predictions that were correct,
were the residential areas having many apartment complexes and there being a wide
range of restaurants in the area. Although the retail was not the amount I thought
there was going to be, even during the surveys we conducted 9 residents mentioned
that the retail amenities were poor. For some residents the Docklands region has
been created as a liveable and sustainable residential precinct that has all of the
amenities needed to survive. However, during our data collections, for some of the
residents were not happy with the region as for there is a insufficiency in services...
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In the Docklands precinct there is a lesser value of amenities to accommodate the
growing population. During our surveys, we found most of the residents were
happy with the service of public transport in the region, Southern Cross Station
which a easy 1km distance from the heart of Docklands and they are well served
with tram/bus routes. They were also happy with the accommodation that is in the
area. Yet the downfalls of Docklands are the essential amenities of retail, public
services and leisure activities. For Docklands to be a place where there is
sustainability, for it not fail as a new region there needs to be more of these
amenities. There is a need for more services such as Doctors and Specialists, these
services are an essential for the precinct to be a liveable
Essay Intel Corporation, 1968-1997
Intel Corporation, 1968 1997
This case traces the strategic decisions of Intel Corporation which defined its
evolution from being a start up developer of semiconductor memory chips in 1968 to
being the industry leader of microprocessors in 1997 when it ranked amongst the top
five American companies and had stock market valuation of USD 113 billion.
Intel in DRAM business:
The strategies employed by Intel for DRAM business focussed on:
1.Pushing the envelope of product design
2.Being first to market with newest devices
3.Premium pricing and skim marketing. No emphasis on mass production
Initially, Intel had a successful run in this business as they:
1.Had no immediate competition
2.The demand for memory ... Show more content on ...
Intel realized the advantage of partnering with IBM and initiated projects like Crush
and Checkmate to counter Motorola to ensure microprocessor supremacy. With the
success of securing IBM contract along with more wins, Intel was on set on track to
ensure industry dominance.
Exit from DRAMs
Intel TMT had an emotional connect with the DRAMs business. Successful
development of 1M DRAM was traded off for microprocessor development more on
the behest of the middle line managers who developed the microprocessor technology
over time with resources allocated for DRAM research. This was in line with Intel s
entrepreneurial culture which encouraged strategic planning through all functions.
By 1986, Intel s TMT officially approved middle managers pursuit to exit from the
DRAM business and focus on the microprocessor.
Intel as a Microprocessor company
Intel began supplying microprocessor to IBM. To meet the demand, Intel licensed to
as many as 12 other companies to produce 8086 chips, which left Intel with just 30%
of the total revenues and profits for that product. Gradually, they reduced the number
of licensee to only IBM. Thus they retained the profits pool within their value chain.
Meanwhile, IBM, who was Intel s star customer, decided to produce own proprietary
components. This was an inflection point for Intel. It partnered with Compaq and
Microsoft, to break the hegemony of IBM. Though Microsoft products did not
Overcome Impotence Research Paper
Overcome Impotence
Imagine being able to perform without having to take a pill in advance. Unexpected
sexual encounters and longer lasting experiences could be yours through hypnosis.
An estimated 30 million men deal with impotence at some point in their life.
Although this is a normal condition to have, it can be frustrating and embarrassing
while it lasts.
Have you ever been afraid to go home after a date?
Do you start having sex only to find out that you cannot finish?
Is it difficult for you to maintain an erection?
Whether you want to feel confident on a date or just plan out a romantic evening
with your wife, impotence can be a major problem. After initially experiencing
erectile dysfunction problems, you may become worried or afraid ... Show more
content on ...
Initially, getting a medical check up can rule out cardiovascular or blood pressure
issues that could be causing the impotence. If an underlying condition is not at fault,
then the problem is primarily within your mind. The good news is that the mental
aspect of impotence can be treated.
Hypnosis can help you gain the confidence that you need to perform well in the
bedroom. The Overcome Hypnosis download is designed to give you the boost of
self esteem and confidence that you need to be relaxed when you are with someone.
It can help to reduce the stress that is causing your performance issues. By limiting
stress and boosting your confidence, hypnosis improves your sexual abilities. As you
enjoy one positive encounter after another, the new self confidence will become an
ingrained part of your mental make up.
In the past, you may have had sexual issues like pain, problems reaching an orgasm,
issues maintain an erection or difficulty remaining aroused. Whatever the symptoms,
hypnosis can help you to recover. Hypnosis is made to replace the negative thoughts
that you have about sexual dysfunction with positive affirmations. This new attitude
gradually becomes a habit for your mind that helps to revolutionize every part of your
Business Activities And Trade Considerations
Name: Joe Cutting
Student number: 766267
Unit 2
Assessment Title: Business Activities and trade considerations
Rolls Royce, established in 1906, is now a globally recognised company. Although
originally they focused on car manufacture they are now one of the leaders in power
and propulsion technology. Rolls Royce s technology is very efficient and their
manufactured products are used in many sectors such as aerospace, marine, energy
and nuclear energy. Investment in research is key to their success; they are
innovative, creating new and improved systems to help achieve a strengthened
market position. The jet engine has been improved constantly since it was developed
in the early 1930s and Rolls Royce s new Trent XWB EP civil aircraft engine offers a
fuel consumption improvement of 1% compared with other manufactures, making it
the most efficient technology currently in the world. Rolls Royce are a state of the
art company who continue to innovate and produce new products and services that
benefit society. The Rolls Royce brand is key, without it they would not be able to
make the sales and revenue they make. Its brand provides a symbol of quality and a
good reputation. This reputation helps build customer relations and trust for the
company. The brand also creates a strong attraction to engineers, which they offer
many apprenticeships to enhance their skills base. There are currently over 50,000
employees working for Rolls Royce. It is one of the top
Battle Of The Alamo Summary
The battle of the Alamo was one of the first wars in the Texas revolution. It took
place March 6th, 1836. The lead attacker was General Antonio Lopez de Santa
Anna. The Alamo was a stronghold built by spanish missionaries. In the end there
were 1500 casualties from mexican troops. There were only 30 civilians spared.
The leader of the Texans, Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked who
ever wanted to stay and protect to come over the line, only one did not. That s
basically a summary of the battle of the Alamo. The Goliad Massacre only happened
three weeks after the battle of the Alamo, so still early 1836. General Antonio Lopez
de Santa Anna told his men to kill the Texans that surrendered on March 20th, 1836.
Theses Texans were
My Civil Rights Project
Junior Year. Second Semester GLPO
This semester was a handful with working on major projects, writing thesis papers,
performing in my drama class and completing my first SAT. Out of all my
assignments, one project that stood out was my Civil Rights project, I was as able
to enhance my skills for academic success by writing an out of compliance letter to a
handful of restaurants. I also go involved in other projects which led me attend a
Denim Day Rally.
I learned a lot while doing my Civil Rights project for my American Literature class
but most importantly I was able to improve my writing and my ability to work with
others. Our group s goal was to advocate gender neutral restrooms in restaurants. I
focused more on the out of compliance letter out of everything. We sent out a letter to
a hand full of restaurants in Granada Hills and Panorama for having ... Show more
content on ...
For my first rally I stood at the corner of the North Hollywood Metro Station with
fellow Vaughn students, Somo Familia Valle members, and other activists. We
chanted different chants such as, Hey. Hey. Ho. Ho. Sexcual violence has got to
go! and Whatever we wear. Wherever we go. Yes means Yes and No means No.
We also got to listen to people s stories. This experience was very eye opening
because I wasn t aware of how traumatizing these event can be for the survivors,
especially if the rapist was their own family member or someone they thought
highly about. Some of the people that told their story were very nervous since it
was their first time saying it out loud, I m glad they were able to come out of the
shadows they were trapped in for so long. Everyone there was so friendly and
kind, people would drive by and honk to show their support. There was only one
rude person who passed by and said something I can t type on here. I hope to attend
future Denim Day Rally s and bring more
The Next Factor Of Public Opinion
The next factor involved was public opinion. Many were for campus carry because
they felt as if they had a fundamental right to be able to carry ( Strickland, 2016).
Several students and faculty helped shape public opinion by describing how it
would make their college experience a safe and better one ( Fernandez, 2015).
Many Texas residents believed that if they were allowed to carry they could then
prevent mass shooting ( Fernandez, 2015). This was a main argument of public
opinion. Though many were against campus carry the ones for it worked together to
help change the minds of people who did not believe that guns should be on campus.
They did this by describing that the number of students who would actually carry on
campus would be small and it would be older community college students (
Fernandez, 2015). Public opinion also helped the billpassbecause Texas is a
conservative state with 850,000 license holders ( Fernandez, 2015). They wanted to
make the public happy by passing the bill because the number of people for it
outweighed the ones against it. The opinion of people such as the universitys chief of
police spoke out about not being worried because it never had been an issue (
Fernandez, 2015). Students believed they had a right to self preservation and
should be allowed to carry ( Strickland, 2016). In the end Governor Greg aAbbott
had listened to people wanting to be allowed to carry on campus and decided he
would make the public happy
The Golden Age Of Islamic Culture
The modern university does manifest itself in the Islamic world. The Golden Age
of Islamic culture traces its roots back to the modern university. Throughout
Islamic history, education was a point of pride and a field Muslims have always
excelled in. The Islamic world was rich, diverse, and creative. Muslims became
founders of the most major accomplishments in the world which later leads to
western and world civilizations. The Muslims were most advanced in many fields
such as mathematics, art, medicine, literature, and astronomy. It also led the way
into the development of libraries and universities. Muslims greatly advanced the
study of mathematics. Arabic numerals, the numbers the Western World uses today,
were developed by the Muslims. Compared to earlier systems, such as Roman
numerals, they made it easier for people to do calculations and check their work.
Muslims also spread the Indian concept of zero. Zero also made it easier to write
large numbers. Muslim scholar, Al Khwarizmi, is best known as the the father of
Algebra . Al Khwarizmi s famous book on algebra was translated into... Show more
content on ...
They established the first primary schools for children and universities for
continuing education. They opened their public and private libraries to the public
internationally. Muslims built great libraries and learning centers in places such as
Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo. Mosques were used as a meeting place where people
could gather around a learned scholar, attend his lectures, read books with him/her,
and gain knowledge. Libraries developed early in the Islamic world as a result of the
commitment to literacy on the part of early Muslims. Collections of texts were
attached to mosques, madrasahs (schools), and bayt al hikma (research institutions).
The Muslims were the forerunners of European universities, having established
hundreds of colleges in advance of
Waffle House Research Paper
Many people believe that Waffle House, a famous restaurant chain, is a dirty place
and that deters people from ever visiting but there is way more to it. Now, Waffle
House is not the cleanest; I ll give the people that, but the environment you step
into is the best, plus the food is awesome. Every time I walk into the Waffle House
located in Laplace, Louisiana, the staff gives a warming welcome and it can t help
but make you smile. You feel welcomed and you actually feel like they want to
serve you. Right away my order is placed and it s the same every time, a chocolate
chip waffle with hash browns and a glass of chocolate milk. The best part is that my
order is always correct! Hypothetically speaking, if something was wrong with my
Essay about Symbols and Symbolism in The House of the...
Symbolism in The House of the Seven Gables
American literature reflects life and the struggles faced during existence. Symbols
are an eloquent way for an author to create a more fully developed work of art. The
stories themselves tell a tale; however, an author also uses symbols to relay his
message in a more subtle manner. Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the earliest
authors to use symbols as an integral part of his plots. This is clearly seen in both
The Scarlet Letter and in The House of the Seven Gables. The use of symbols causes
an association psychology to enter into the story, making it more intriguing.1 In
Nathaniel Hawthorne s romance The House of the Seven Gables, symbolism is used
eloquently to enhance the story ... Show more content on ...
The house is an old wooden building that is rotting away but still is a good enough
quality to withstand some of the test of time.
The house is referred to as a prison by Hawthorne; he calls Hepzibah and Clifford
inmates. The house is a prison because it prevents the inhabitants from truly
enjoying any freedom. The inmates attempt an escape from their prison twice.
Initially, as Phoebe and Clifford watch the parade of life in the street, Clifford
realizes that his life has become meaningless, and he cannot help but try to join the
masses below. This could mean the only way for Clifford to become truly reunited
with mankind is through death. Unfortunately, Clifford fails to win his freedom
and returns to the solace of his prison. The second attempt at escape is by Clifford
and Hepzibah. They attempt to escape the clutches of the house, but, alas, it is too
late for them. The house has affected them too much to stay away. This is apparent
when Hepzibah and her brother made themselves ready as ready as they could in the
best of their old fashioned garments, which had hung on pegs, or had been laid away
in trunks, so long that the dampness and mouldy smell of the past was on them made
themselves ready in their faded bettermost, to go to church. They descended the
staircase together...pulled open the front door, and stepped across the threshold, and
felt, both of them, as if they were standing in the presence of the whole
Compare And Contrast Egyptian Revolution And
Many times when people revolt against the government, it leaves the country in a
worse spot that it was before. Throughout history there have been many revolutions in
many different places. Two of the most significant have been the American
Revolution, from the 1700 s, and more recently the Egyptian revolutionfrom 2011.
Both of these revolutions have many similarities within each other, but they also have
many actions to contrast. The topics being compared include; how the revolutions
started. The demands of the revolting groups. Lastly, what the two groups did to
protest against the government.
To start off with the comparing and contrasting; their are multiple similarities.
First off how the revolutions were started. ... Show more content on ...
WIth the British unnecessarily taxing the Colonist of goods like sugar, stamps and
tea. Where the Egyptians were mad at the government for not doing anything about
the poverty and unemployment as well as believing that the government was corrupt.
Next, the demands of both groups leading the revolutions both wanted a change in the
government. In both situations the majority of the people were very mad at the
government and wanted a change. Also, eventually both groups did get what they
demanded in the change of government.
Lastly, both of the revolutions included many protests. An example from each would
be the Egyptian citizens boycotting the the election and not voting, and the colonist
tossing a ton of tea overboard into the ocean so it could not be bought and the
government would not get the money from the taxes, which is called the Boston Tea
Party. That is some of the similarities between the two
Basilsk Research Paper
John Harris III 11 30 15 period 1st Basilisk lizard (Jesus lizard) The Basilisk lizard
is an spectacular lizard. The Basilisk lizard can be found in tropical rain forest. It s
also known as the Jesus lizard because it can walk on water. The most common
basilisk has a large mouth with saw like teeth on the inner sides of the jaws. It
have also known to run up to 7 mph (11 km/h). The younger Basilisk are known to
run faster than the older Basilisk lizards. The younger Basilisk can run up to 10 to
20 meters on water. The Basilisk have web like hands with long fingers. When the
Basilisk on water, they run on their hind legs in an erect position, holding it` fore
legs to it s sides. There are also faster on water than they are on land. The Basilisk
lizard only... Show more content on ...
The Basilisk lizard, when they are hiding from the predators can stay underwater
for up to half an hour. It can also blend into water when they are hiding in water.
The Basilisk eat things such as, plant material, small insects, and small mammals,
like rodent also smaller species of lizards. The Basilisk prey is things such as,
raptors, and snakes. Basilisk lizards mostly do all they mating in the summer time.
The female basilisk are known to lay up to 18 to 20 eggs. They are commonly
found in Central America and in South America. When the eggs hatch the mother
not around, so the baby Basilisk so they take care of themselves. They are likely to
be in a tree they will jump down to the water. They go about 20 feet on water
before they sink, they are very fast swimmers. The common Basilisk spend most of
their time in trees. They can grow up to 2 feet and weigh up to 7oz. The juvenile
basilisk can run up to 20 to 30 m without sinking. The tropical rain forest there is no
dry season. An average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm). The temperature rarely
gets higher than 93~ F ,or drops below 68 ~ f. Also rainforests now cover less than
Hate Speech Hate Monuments
America has always housed a preference for the negative freedoms and liberties.
There s a proclivity for the government to be free of restraints and intrusion from their
pockets, property and personal life. Our first amendment is what grants and protects
our rights to free speech, expression and press. But what are the limits on the first
amendments? How far does it protect hate speech, hate monuments? Not to my
surprise, the United Statessince the civil war the
United States has allowed the people to honor and commemorate Confederate
generals across the nation. With the heavy aggrandizement of the Confederacy, you
would think that they won the Civil War on an honorable cause instead of the
Union. In no way is there an expectation for America to conduct everything in a
perfect manner and be an all around great nation, America has a very flawed history
like every other nation. Germany, for example, does not allow any circulation Nazi
or Neo Nazi paraphernalia because Nazism is not something that needs to be
commemorated or celebrated. The Nazism that took place in Germany mirrors the
Confederacy in America; these moments in time, symbols and martyrs for racism,
terrorism and hate are not aspects of history that should be glorified. With this, all
Confederate monuments and more importantly monuments, needed to be stripped
from the normal discourse of our culture so that we can begin to take progressive
strides towards a more tolerant country. As the Gainesville Mayor
How Climate Change Affects Mental Health
Climate change may affect mental health directly by exposing people to trauma. It
may also affect mental health indirectly, by affecting physical health for example,
extreme heat exposure causes heat exhaustion in vulnerable people, and associated
mental health consequences and community wellbeing. Within community, wellbeing
is a sub process in which climate changeerodes physical environments which, in turn,
damage social environments. Vulnerable people and places, especially in low income
countries, will be particularly affected negatively. Increase introduction to warm is
probably going to end up noticeably more typical with the ascent in the worldwide
temperatures. It has been recommended that there is a connection between
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead:
t5UTLkfoUs Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and
film; however, my favorite role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch, in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an
honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in an actor. As one of the
protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the play s
character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins,
Cumberbatch immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating
confusion, drawn out pauses, existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his
body language and actions.
My Life With The Wave And The House Of The Spirits
The relationship between men and women is necessary and will be necessary for
humanity itself. The traditional values teach us that in order to expand a life with a
person of the opposite sex, it must have to exist love in the relation. However,
society does not have all the approval of passion without love, and many individuals
experience conflicts for practicing passion lacking of love. In order to gain a better
understanding of how certain individuals deal with love and passion, circumstances
in the short storyin My Life with the Wave and the film The House of the Spirits ,
accurately analyze the necessity of love though symbolism, characters, and conflict
The titles in both stories are part of symbolism and gave a ... Show more content on ...
She would say that if her time had come to leave this world, it was alright. She had
built endurance of accepting death will come one day. Anyways when she passed
away, she became a spirit. She was always a good saint that never had any
intentions of harming anyone. When Esteban was younger, he had raped a worker
of his. The seed he planted in her came back to haunt him when he became older.
That seed grew up to be malicious general in the army. The bastard son returned the
same to Esteban, by raping his daughter. A difference between Octavio and Esteban
was that Octavio was wealthy and Esteban wasn t. The reason is that it states that
Octavio was educated and former student of the National University of Mexico.
Since having all of that education, he must have had money to go to those school.
The reason that Octavio wrote My Life with the Wave was to show that love doesn
t come easily. Octavio s story could be based on his love life or even maybe
another person told him about their love life and he decided to write about it.
Octavio opened the story with these first words, When I left that sea, a wave
moved ahead of the other (676). It meant that there was a place full of women,
which was the sea. In reality it was a tank. When he said a wave, he implied that
only one woman stood out from the rest. Then the writer stated, spite of shouts of the
others who grabbed her by her floating clothes, she clutched my arm (676). In other
Joseph Smith Religion
In the early 1800 s during the time of the Second Great Awakening was a time of
turmoil and confusion for the citizens of different religions during this time. Many
different religions began to pop up during this time, and each vied for the attention
of potential converts. However, a boy Joseph Smith decided to seek the true religion
through prayer, and he was told none of them was true. This is a story that every
member of The Church of JesusChrist of Latter day Saints learns about when they
are young. The principle that I will be studying this paper is that Joseph Smith is a
prophet of God, and by understanding this we know that the fullness of the gospel
has been restored to the earth today.
God reveals through revelation that Joseph Smith is his chosen servant, meaning a
prophet. Heavenly Father explains to the readers that Verily, I say unto my
servant Joseph Smith, Jun., [...] I called you servants for the world s sake, and ye
are their servants for my sake (D C 93:45 46). Looking at this scripture we
understand that Heavenly Father is explaining that Joseph Smith s calling was to be
a servant. A servant is someone who obeys the orders of a master by their own
choice. Similarly, a prophet is a man who listens to the orders of God and then relay
... Show more content on ...
Callister in his General Conference address makes it clear why Joseph Smith was
needed today as a prophet. He explains, [B]ecause he [Joseph Smith] was the
instrument in God s hands to restore the same Church of Jesus Christ as existed in
primitive times all of its powers as well as all of its doctrines (Tad R. Callister,
2009, October General Conference). Callister explains clearly that the reason we
need prophets today is because they are instruments in the hands of God. Joseph
Smith was called as this instrument because we needed all of the powers and
doctrines of the church restored the church today. Furthermore, Callister s words
provide an additional witness to Joseph Smith being a prophet of
The War Of The Civil War Essay
The story of this outlaw originated during the Civil War years, April 12,1861 May
9, 1865. The War were the rich sat and watched, while the poor died. A War that
wanted to keep black people as slaves permanently by the South (Confederates).
Newton Knight quickly grew unhappy with the situation that the people of Jones
County, where he was originally from were in. He also did not approved of slavery at
all. Newt was the Outlaw who freed Jones County s people, whites and blacks alike
when they most desperately needed it. The Outlaw Hero who s legend lives on by
The Civil War, which originate due to the fact that the South wanted to keep blacks
as slaves, due to that the North did not approve of such ideology, a fight between the
Confederate s vs the Union. This War quickly spread like a quick Wild fire through
the now United States of America. The election of an Anti Slavery President
(Lincoln) in 1860 quickly caused seven southern states to secede from the Union to
form the Confederate states. The states that bounded the south were (South Carolina,
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas). Their economy was
driven by agriculture/plantation system, specially (cotton and tobacco), which of
course was fueled by a black labor force. While the Unions economy was driven by
factories, which included arms production, and railroads, which both were a big
advantage during the war.. Southerners began the war effort confident that the cotton
America Is Responsible For Transcending The Way
The United States of America is responsible for transcending the way government
functions. The idea that people have certain inalienable rights that are God given was
revolutionary thinking for the era of the founding fathers. There have been many
instances throughout American history where we have failed to live up to the
founding principles from the Declaration of Independence, of: life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness for all our citizens but we have also had many moments of
inspiration in being trailblazers for freedom when we have lived up to those
principles. The founding fathers themselves were flawed as all people are, but it is
their system of checks and balances that has been instrumental in deterring any of the
three branches government from growing too powerful. They understood that men
/women with an unchecked amount of power is dangerous to humanity. Also, they
realized that they themselves could not adequately anticipate all events or obstacles
in the nations future, and thus, they must have a clause deemed legally capable for
change to antiquated portions of the constitution in the form of amendments. There
have been over 10,000 proposed amendments to the constitution but only 27 ratified.
This leads me to wonder What are some proposed amendments that I might support?
and, What are some amendments that I would propose? The Equal Rights
Amendment is at the top of my list for proposed amendments that I support.
Unfortunately, this amendment
How Did King Louis XIV Of France Present Himself As
Regarding the Baroque period, it is stated the period of time in Western Europe
from about 1600 to the mid 1700s was one of religious, political, and scientific
upheaval, and these tensions are reflected in the arts of the age. Focusing on the
political end, King Louis XIV of France used the style of art during this period to
portray himself as an absolute monarch. The phrase absolute monarch refers to the
method that kings would use to consolidate their power and resources at the
expense of the nobility of the church. King Louis XIV is known to be the most
successful of the absolute monarchs. In order to achieve this, he relied heavily on
the art and style of the Baroque period. The art was used to emulate their power, and
many looked
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening
Sequence of The Italian Job (2003)
In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of The Italian Job (1969)
and its modern day remake The Italian Job (2003). The original was directed by
Peter Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge
success and gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by
Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge
success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a
very important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what s to be
expected from the film. Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ...
One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work
seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage not what you
would expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting
released from prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person s personality
as he has been in jail.
In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced
orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you
presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before
stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop
on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole
Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has
something to do with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes
the viewer feel suspicious about his past. He informs you that he s in Venice and the
cameras pan towards the trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge.
He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this
creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly.
During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and
fast paced music is being
Analysis Of The Movie The Bedroom With Fill The Gaps...
In 1979, Dubus creates an alternate world, where he propels readers through the
emotional whirlpool spinning in the mind of Matt Fowler, a man who is trying to
cope with the tragic murder of his son; as the tide, acting through his wife, becomes
increasingly overwhelming, Matt is driven to seek revenge through the killing of
Richard Fowler (Dubus 1123 1136). Years later, in 2001, director Todd Field
the film adaptation In the Bedroom to fill the gaps Dubus s short storycannot; while
the story focuses more on the killingsthemselves, Field allows views to understand
the emotional turmoil that pushes characters to the edge, ultimately explaining the
journey of how the killings come to be (In the Bedroom). Although Dubus wrote...
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Within the argument, the cinematographer films the scene as a shot reverse shot,
further implying that Matt and Ruth are in conflict. One can see the veil depression
places Ruth after Frank s death, enabling her to ask Matt for the literal unspeakable
task of murder; in a short story, one cannot read silence, but the silence permeating
the film speaks louder than the Dubus s words.
While in neither the film nor short story does Ruth outwardly express her desire for
the death of Richard, within the film, one is able to glimpse into the inner workings
of Matt s mind, understanding the emotional manipulation, brought on by his wife, he
endures. Matt describes how Ruth has concrete objections which he trie[s] to
overcome and in his intent to do this[,] he neglect[s] his own objects (1127); here,
Dubus is indirectly telling readers this is the foundation Ruth has previously built in
her marriage, allowing her to manipulate Matt into carrying out tasks, or specifically
it (1136). Furthermore, several times in the short story, Matt convinces himself that
he [is] certain that [Ruth knows and] she [is] waiting for him for she knows (Dubus
1125, 1134). In Field s adaptation, one can see the change in behavior and demeanor
both Matt and Ruth undergo, driving Matt to commit a seemingly inevitable killing.
Several times in the film, the camera focuses on Matt and then quickly switches to a
smash cut, implying disruption and cacophony follow Matt; however,
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Career Planning Essay.pdf

  • 1. Career Planning Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of career planning can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of one's own career aspirations but also in the ability to articulate these thoughts coherently. The process involves a profound introspection into personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, and a careful analysis of potential career paths. Moreover, the challenge extends to the need for thorough research on various career options, industry trends, and the evolving job market. This necessitates staying updated on current affairs, labor market dynamics, and emerging technologies. A well-rounded essay requires the integration of personal experiences, educational background, and professional aspirations into a cohesive narrative that captivates the reader's attention while providing valuable insights into the author's career planning process. The difficulty is also inherent in the responsibility to strike a balance between ambition and realism. It's crucial to demonstrate a clear understanding of the chosen career field while showcasing adaptability and a willingness to embrace unforeseen challenges. Additionally, the essay should reflect a strategic approach to career planning, highlighting short-term and long- term goals, along with a well-thought-out plan for skill development and continuous learning. In conclusion, writing a comprehensive essay on career planning demands a combination of self- reflection, research, and effective communication skills. It requires a meticulous approach to presenting personal and professional aspirations in a compelling manner. While challenging, the process offers an opportunity for individuals to gain clarity about their career goals and aspirations. If you find yourself struggling with such essays or require assistance in crafting a compelling narrative for your career planning journey, consider exploring resources They offer support and services that can aid in developing well-structured and engaging essays on various topics, ensuring that your ideas are effectively communicated to your audience. Career Planning EssayCareer Planning Essay
  • 2. Growth Disorder Analysis Growth disorder affects thousands of people across the world. Some are diagnosed with excessive tallness while others are diagnosed with familial short stature (Peak 6). In one case a boy was diagnosed at eleven years old, and he had to inject himself with a biosynthetic growth hormone everyday (Torres 25). He grew up and became the highest goalscorer in Barcelona s history, Leo Messi (Caioli 34). There are many details on growth disorder. For instance, people with growth disorder face many physical challenges. One example is, it interferes with normal activities. It would be very hard for a person with growth disorder to go grocery shopping, drive a car, or turn on lights. Another example is, society is designed for average height (Peak 61). ... Show more content on ... For instance he has won dozens of awards, and he keeps on breaking records. Therefore, he has won the Golden Shoe for being the top scorer in the FIFA World Youth Championship. He also became the first player ever to win the Ballon d Or, an award for the Soccer Player of the Year, four times in a row (Torres 36). Leo won a golden medal for Argentina s men s soccer team in the 2008 Olympics, and he won the Copa del Rey Top Goalscorer in 2010 and 2011 (45). Although Leo has received many awards, he has also accomplished a lot. For example, he makes $128,000 a day (Prayank). Leo was also debuted on La Liga, and his #10 jersey has become the world s best selling (Morreale 21). Leo has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for the most goals scored in one year (41).When Leo was first signed to Barcelona, his contract was on a napkin (Torres 29). Leo has many influences and inspirations. For instance Diego Maradona, a former great Argentinian soccer player, is a big inspiration to Leo (Logothetis 7). Another inspiration is Leo s grandmother Celia. She put Leo in his first youth soccer club when he was only five years old (Morreale 9). Every time Leo scores a goal, he puts two fingers to the sky in honor of his grandmother (37). In conclusion, growth disorder affects many people, but Leo Messi did not let that stop him from becoming one of the greatest soccer players in history. Leo wants to give back, not only to those who helped him,
  • 3. Much Ado About Nothing Structuralism Essay Like Father, Like Daughter: Structuralism Amongst the Women in Shakespeare During the Renaissance, it was common for women to behave in a certain manner in a patriarchal society. Women were subordinate to any man in their life, whether it was a husband or a father. However, Shakespeare creates female roles in his plays that often steer away from the common script. These women challenge, deceive, and steal from these men, including one s closest to them in their lives. In Merchant of Venice, young Portiaand Jessica are two examples of these strayed female characters. They feel trapped in the hands of their father s and do their best to break free of that hold. In Much Ado About Nothing, Hero is a young womanwho feels her relationship with ... Show more content on ... This shows the extreme version of a rebellious teenager in order to escape her father. Once Shylock finds out his daughter has disappeared with his money and jewels, he is outwardly upset with the fact that his possessions are gone. He even states that he wished his daughter were dead at [his] foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at [his] foot, and the ducats in her coffin! (Act III, Scene i, 76 79). Surely, one can t believe there are any similarities in this relationship, however, structuralism shows the underlying pattern between Shylock and Jessica. Diane Dreher author of Domination and Defiance: Fathers and Daughters in Shakespeare, points out that the two hold a common trait: Greed. Shylock s greed is expressed through his constant talk on commerce and his precious ducats, and Jessica has inherited that ideology. Before running away with Lorenzo, she drops down a basket filled with money and jewels belonging to her father. One would assume it was an act of reprisal, however, Dreher argues it is greed much like her father s. She describes her as bad and disloyal, unfilial, a thief; frivolous, greedy, without any more conscience than a cat, (pg. 102). These two characters know that money holds a powerful position in their lives. Along with this greed, both are very determined characters in terms of fighting for what they want. With Shylock, he is constantly trying to receive justice through the deal he made with Antonio. Despite the strange request, he demands that he receives his pound of flesh from Antonio and stops at nothing to see it through. This passion can be seen in Jessica as well when she is determined to marry Lorenzo despite her father s wishes. She gets to the point of disguising herself as a man in order to be with him. She goes great lengths to be with Lorenzo by eloping, but
  • 4. History Behind Lord Stanley Cup History Behind Lord Stanley The Lord Stanley Cup. The oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in North America and the greatest thing NHL hockey players dream of to hoist and kiss after a season. Training, practicing, motivation and pushing themselves to get better is what all these players put the hours into for that moment. After battling 82 games for a playoff spot, then continuing to win 4 playoff rounds, of best of seven series, they finally get to have the moment they ve all been working and dreaming for as a kid. To raise the Cup, kiss it, scream, and then pass it to your fellow teammate. But that s not why they do it. They do it because they had a dream as a kid and know the history behind what the Cup represents to ... Show more content on ... In 1927 1928, a new structure was streamlined and a vertical shape of the Cup was used and by 1948, the Cup became to tall to hold as well as even stand up without tipping over. This Cup was changed to what we see today with the wider rings at the bottom standing at 35 inches tall and 17 inches wide. Since 1958, 5 new rings were added around the base of the Cup for championship teams, which means rings had to be removed to maintain the structure of the Cup. The rings that get removed and preserved in Lord Stanley s Vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. This ends the evolution of what the Cup is today and we can now see all the alterations done over the years, plus see how the NHL has kept all the history of the cup either on the cup or in Lord Stanley s Vault so none of the history is forgotten or left behind. Next, I will talk about the history behind how the Stanley Cup was nicknamed Lord Stanley , how the cup is engraved and what the Cup does to help others. The original cup was bought for roughly $50 and donated from a man named Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley. Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley was a Colonial Secretary from 1885 1886 and the Governor General of Canada from 1888 1893, plus an avid sportsman. In 1892, he donated the cup and said, I have for some time been thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion of Canada. There does not
  • 5. Media And Non-Christian Media At the beginning of the semester, one of the first topics discussed in this class was Media to me is ______. Upon being asked this question, I had two answers to fill in these blanks. One of these answers was a way for me to learn about the world and the other was a form of entertainment. After taking this course, I have formulated some new, more complex ideas on how to fill in these blanks. Firstly, my approach to media has changed in that I now view media as simply media and not the media. The media portrays unrealistic body image, people say. This is only partially true; there are sources of media that portray body image in ways that most would not be able to achieve (i.e. Playboy), but there are also sources of media that ... Show more content on ... Growing up as a church kid, I was continually frustrated with my church s way of dealing with media. Watch Veggie Tales, not Barney. Read The Chronicles of Narnia, not Harry Potter. Watch Duck Dynasty, not Glee. Yada, yada, yada. The way my church polarized media into Christian and non Christian media felt like a worldly concept in itself. Which one of the ten commandments proclaimed, Thou shalt not watch Glee? I felt as if keeping me away from different parts of media, media that is a metaphor for the world God created, was a way of keeping me away from God. I tried to watch Veggie Tales, but I could tell it was trying much too hard to force Bible lessons down my throat. I tried to read The Chronicles of Narnia, but it simply did not pique my interest. I did not try to watch Duck Dynasty, because, honestly, reality TV is a waste of time, even if Neil Postman does believe junk TV should be the epitome of TV s representation as an entertainment source. Despite my not finding interest in these conventionally Christian sources of media, I grew closer to God through secular media. Barney, while not specifically Christian, made me into the polite young woman I am today, and so has allowed me to treat others with the love that Jesus wants me to treat others with. Even though many Christians criticize Harry Potter for supporting witchcraft, Harry Potter has taught me the importance of friendship and familial love, along with the inevitability of death, concepts that are covered throughout the Bible consistently. Glee is definitely a show that is controversial throughout the Christian community, but by being one of the few popular shows amongst teenagers to provide queer representation, it has taught me to respect and appreciate others that are different from
  • 6. Secrets Of The New Woman Essay Secrets of the New Woman Upon reading the 1998 short story Parties Unknown by the Jury; or, The Valour of My Tongue by Patricia McEvoy Carlson, I found myself engrossed in the mystery surrounding the protagonist Bridget Mooney and her stop in Memphis. With each unexpected turn, history was unraveled and familiar figures such as feminist and Civil Rights Activist Ida B. Wells came to life. Carlson was able to capture true American history in an entertaining fashion with this fictional short story that made myself as a reader question the New Woman, issues regarding gender, race and class in 1892 Memphis as well as get a glimpse into what life really consisted of for the ever so desired proper lady. I felt as if I was brought back in time, traveling along side Bridget Mooney on a journey she did not sign up for. We were first introduced to Bridget Mooney as she was thrown off a train during a stop in Memphis for not having enough money to pay her fare to get to St. Louis. Her best efforts to remain on the train consisted of doing her best to appear a proper lady (194). Throughout this story, there was a constant need to appear as a proper lady to the citizens of Memphis, all while trying to hide the fact that she was of the theatrical profession. Manipulating her way through Memphis, Miss Bridget Mooney did her best to appear and behave as a classy woman would in an attempt to receive food, shelter and possibly money in order for her to make her way back to her target
  • 7. The Structure Of A Double Helix The Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a molecule that is able to encode hereditary information as well as transmitting such information from one generation to the next. The structure of the DNA is that of a double helix, much resembled as the structure similar to that of a spiral staircase. Such structural features arises from the strand of the DNAbeing a polymer consisting of a repeating polynucleotide chain of sugar group and phosphate backbone, with each sugar group being covalently bonded, by a hydrogen bond, to one of its complimenting four nitrogenous bases (nucleotides): cytosine (C) pairing with guanine (G), and adenine (A) pairing with thymine (T) (figure 2) [ ]. In the DNA a specific length of it is responsible for encoding and carrying out a specific function in the cell; however, each cell specializes itself by undergoing transcriptional genes silencing, regulating the geneactivity in the cell as it requires, as in turning off such genes inherently. Gene silencing allows cells to be differentiated, wherein a skin cell during its development must have its nerve specific genes turned off [ ]. On the molecular level, the DNA is remarkably long, if it were to be stretched end to end it would reach a length up to 6 feet, yet it is found in the minute sized organelles in the cells of organisms. Accordingly, despite its length, the DNA is wound around a spool like proteins, called histones. Histones allow the DNA to be tightly wrapped enough to fit inside the
  • 8. Geology Career Research Paper Geologist Pursuing geology as a career began as a child, enjoying playing in the rocks as do many adolescent children. Most of my youthful endeavors of this sort took place at my grandparent s home in Jefferson City, Missouri. Specifically in their front and side yards in which they had pleasant shrubbery to match the gravel of which their grandson had intentions of creating into excavation sites. Minus the commercial equipment of course. For theatrical sake, let us imagine a five year old running a backhoe. Supervised or not, it is quite a petrifying thought. While amongst the rocks years later, thoughts about history that could be found within them arose. Then began my interest in common fossils, preserved in the rocks found at any average ... Show more content on ... Both being the hardest obstacles I have ever faced in my short life thus far. Mathematics has been a short coming for me because my entire educational life has been far too easy and frankly not challenging at all. Now that I am faced with difficult classes, I really do not know what to do when a lesson does not stick with me automatically. For instance, I have been failing my current mathematics course for quite some time now and last semester I dropped Chemistry II because of eminent failure as well. Failing is learning and learning means one will sometimes fail but it feels open ended with my poor performances in my most self desired courses. In the end, my humor will always save me from these feelings for better or for worse. The best thing for me would be to face these problems while something is putting them to the test so that I can improve my skills for future. Preferably obtaining a job in this career outside of where we are now is the main goal. International experience would be a phenomenal opportunity. Being able to see different cultures and societies is my main goal in life. Where one grows up is a special place that I will always hold dear, but I know we aren t meant to end where we started. Geology offers positions all across the world, mainly because we live on one giant rock. I am hoping to have this career take me on an amazing adventure through
  • 9. Personal Ethical Development Essay Personal Ethical Development Given the almost collapse of the very foundation of the financial industry in the United States which then rapidly metastasized to a financial and economic crisis with global proportions, ethics and ethical behaviours in doing business and the lack of it was one of the major factors why the mortgage meltdown happened. Thus, it is even more necessary now that organizations focus on the personal ethical developments of all of its individual members. This paper aims to explore the developmental aspect of one s ethics including the importance of ethics and ethical systems. It is interesting that the above observation was also made by Wong and Beckham (1992) almost two decades ago in doing a post mortem for ... Show more content on ... In a deontological system, it is supposed that a person s ethics and decision making is affected mostly by virtue or moral absolutes and guiding principles. This is very pronounced in Christian ethics. Thus, decision making in governed by the deontological system is whether an action is inherently right or wrong (Rae, 2000, p. 17). Furthermore, deontological systems are then based on divine command theory, natural law and ethical rationalism. On the other hand, teleological systems state that the end result produced by an action (Rae, 2000, p. 17) significantly affect the ethical decision making of a person. Relativism meanwhile the ethical development of an individual is directly related to what the culture of the society he belongs to believe as right or wrong, and the person s preferences. An individual s preferences are affected by six pillars of character as identified by the Josephson Institute (2010) which are claimed to be apolitical, not based on religion or culture. These six pillars of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Particularly, a person is said to be trustworthy when he or she has integrity, keeps promises and loyal. An ethical person knows how to respect other people and their ideas. Moreover, he or she also takes accountability of his own words, actions and attitudes (Josephson Institute, 2010). He is also
  • 10. IT Infrastructure Essay IT INFRASTRUCTURE/Telecom Solutions We ensure you enjoy a perfectly managed, maintained, and implemented IT infrastructure Managing all the tasks of complex IT infrastructure is now simplified with a full range of first rate Telecom solutions. We claim to be the best IT infrastructure advisors due to our expertise in the domain and we are sure that we have every feature to serve you in your IT infrastructure planning, design, management, and implementation. Innovative IT solutions and instant results are integral parts of our professional services. Furthermore, our experienced team is eager to get more familiar with your business needs to sharpen our strategies. We know the importance of your time and money and believe in building ... Show more content on ... Thus, for enhanced networking solutions, you may trust us to connect your manpower to enhance the productivity and performance. Server Setup Configuration: IQminds provides server installation and maintenance services for the small or large offices. Thus, don t care you are working with 10 or 10000 employees since our custom made servers can fulfill all the specific needs of any business. The servers custom made by our company can be used as a Web server, Proxy server, Backup server, DNS server Firewall server etc. Assembled Branded Computers / Laptops / Printers: With the ultimate aim of customer satisfaction, we provide installation and support of computer hardware and software. We can assemble the computers or Laptops for you as per your need and if you are interested in purchasing branded hardware, we can be the first and preferred choice for you. Some of our prominent services include Sales of branded and assembled computers/laptops, Printers, Computer hardware maintenance etc. Telephone PABX System installation with voice recording PABX and voice line system is an integral part of communication between the client and service provider. Additionally, all the branches of the organizations may face trouble in the absence of a proper communication. Thus, Our IT infrastructure services include installing, managing, and maintaining PABX telephone systems. Our services are flexible and designed to meet the needs of
  • 11. Breast Auggmentation Women who want larger breasts may consider a breast augmentation (implant surgery), whereas, women who would like their breasts lifted may choose to have a mastopexy (breast lift). However, women in Orange County, California, who would like to improve the shape, position and size of their breasts should consider having a breastlift with an augmentation with Dr. Farbod Esmailian. Dr. Esmailian is a double board certified plastic surgeon in Orange County who specializes in performing plastic surgeryprocedures to improve sagging, deflated looking breasts. A Combined Procedure A Breast Lift with an Augmentation in Orange County Sometimes, it takes a combination of procedures to accomplish the look a patient desires. This is frequently the ... Show more content on ... Esmailian in Orange County Dr. Esmailian and his medical staff are dedicated to providing each patient with the high quality care and attention that they deserve. Therefore, during the initial consultation Dr. Esmailian will want to know about the patient s medical history, including medications, lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drug use, etc.), current medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) as well as what she would like to accomplish with plastic surgery. During this consultation, the patient should expect Dr. Esmailian to perform a physical evaluation of her breasts. If he believes that the patient will benefit from a breast augmentation, breast lift or a combination procedure, Dr. Esmailian may also choose to take pictures and measurements of the patient s breasts. These photos may be used for reference as well as for comparison purposes once her surgery is complete. The majority of patients will need to have pre surgical testing performed. This testing frequently includes blood tests. In addition, some patients may be required to visit their family physician to receive a surgical release prior to scheduling their surgery with Dr. Esmailian at his surgery center in Orange
  • 12. Harry Potter Vs. Christians Essay Who has never dreamed of witches, broomsticks and full moon light? I always wished, when I was younger, I could turn and do magic like a witch. I even bought little magic kits, but it was nothing like the magic I wanted to produce. In my teen years, a book called Harry Potter caught my attention. It took me to a world I thought could only belong in my head. J.K. Rowling brought words of description to my dreams and brought out the little witch and wizard in many children s lives. I have not been able to find a more descriptive, memorable, imaginative, and well written books for both children and adults to read and enjoy.... Show more content on ... The Harry Potter books make witchcraft and the practice of magic seem appealing and fun; therefore, parents shouldn t allow their children to read them. This particular issue is the source of most Christianity complaints and protests against the Harry Potter books. Christians who express nothing but disdain for the separation of church and state when it comes to the government promoting Christianity, suddenly become defenders of the principle. They are arguing that schools are inappropriately promoting religion when students are encouraged to read Harry Potter. Even if they are hypocritical, it would matter if they are right because schools shouldn t encourage students to read books that promote a particular religion. Most people tend to regard censorship as a bad thing, but if the Harry Potter books really do promote witchcraft then perhaps there haven t been enough challenges. If the Harry Potter books don t promote witchcraft, but merely include witchcraft as part of the fabric of a fantasy world, then complaints are less about the books themselves. Then the problem must be something else, possibly the
  • 13. IMAM Code Of Ethics Case Study Over the past half century, the field of emergency management has gradually evolved into a more structured profession. There are several aspects of response efforts that needed to be revised in order for the field to be viewed as legitimate and trustworthy. Primarily, the implementation of advanced education through the process of accreditation, college programs and certifications has paved the way to legitimize the field. In addition, there has been an increase in efforts to hold those accountable to their actions while responding to crises. Through a combination of these efforts, emergency managementhas attempted to become a more dependable organization as viewed by the general public. One method of setting standards for performance ... Show more content on ... One way of accomplishing this is by being fiscally responsible by minimizing the cost of resources without sacrificing the overall quality. The concept of respect refers not only to how the victims of the crisis are dealt with but also to interactions within the organization up and down the chain of command. The second value, commitment, ensures that the decisions made are intended to improve the quality of life for those they serve (IAEM, 2010). Emergency management is inherently non profit, as making money or seeing the mishaps of others as an opportunity to increase capital would violate the ethical value of commitment. As stated in the code, emergency management professionals, commit themselves to promoting decisions that engender trust and those we serve and are focused on, enhancing the caliber of service [they] deliver while striving to improve the quality of life in the community (IAEM, 2010). Lastly, professionalism ensures that all members are held to the highest standards when conducting their duties and thereby foster public confidence in Emergency
  • 14. The Darfur Genocide The United Nations has described it as the world s worst humanitarian crisis . As of 2003, the Darfur genocide is being carried out by the Sudanese armed forces and funded Arab militias known as the Janjaweed. These militias are historic rivals of the rebel groups known as the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM), and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Darfur is a region in western Sudan on the border of Chad, Libya, and the Central African Republic. Darfur is estimated to have about 6 million people living there. The conflict started in 2003 and has continued through today. The Janjaweed were accused of oppressing Darfur s non Arab population. The Janjaweed are destroying Darfurians by burning villages, polluting water, murdering, raping... Show more content on ... About 2.3 million Darfurians have fled their homes and communities and now reside in displaced person camps in Darfur. It has started spilling over into neighboring countries such as Chad and the Central African Republic. There are still over 200,000 more Darfurians living in refugee camps in Chad. Immediately after the Janjaweed entered the conflict, the rape of women and young girls, often by multiple militiamen and often throughout entire nights, began to be reported at a staggering rate. Children as young as 2 years old were reported victims, while mothers were assaulted in front of their children.Young women were attacked so violently that they were unable to walk following the attack. .. These refugees and IDPs are almost entirely dependent on the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations for their basic needs food, water, shelter, and health care. (The Genocidein Darfur). The Darfurians that are still living in their country are feeling as though they are under a constant threat or being tortured, raped and murdered. In October 2004, 7,400 troops and personnel were sent by the U.N peacekeeping forces to Darfur. In the summer of 2007, outbreaks of violence between some of the Arab tribes that worked together as part of the Janjaweed began to occur more frequently. The United Nations recently reported
  • 15. Northern Arizona Climate Change Essay Climate Change Concerning the Forests: Both the Hopi and Navajo use Ponderosa Pine and PiГ±on Pine in cultural practices. The forests of both types of pine are in Northern Arizona. In traditional settings, the Hopi as well as Navajo used ponderosa pine for medicinal, household, food, ceremonial, and constructional purposes ( The Hopi Reservation 1). Today, the ponderosa pines are still used for traditional dwellings by both tribes. Kivas, a ceremonial Hopi dwelling as well as Hopi residential dwellings use ponderosa logs as support beams. In addition, traditional Navajo houses called Hogans, also use the ponderosa as structural beams (Wennerberg, 3). As for the PiГ±on, both tribes use the nuts as food. The piГ±on nut business is quite lucrative ... Show more content on ... In addition, the forests attract tourists to attractions that are on or near the Hopi and Navajo reservations. Tribal economies benefit from the monetary influx that tourists bring to the regions. The Hopi and Navajo rely culturally as well as economically on both the Ponderosa and PiГ±on Pine forests. Forests in Northern Arizona that the tribal communities depend upon are currently threatened by climate change. Ecosystems with high and rising temperatures, such as Northern Arizona, are susceptible to drought. In turn, the decrease in precipitation due to droughts leads to an overall reduction in growth as well as health for plants. A study concerning Northern Arizona forest found that tree mortality increased 200% from 1997 2002 to 2002 2007 in mixed conifer forests and 74% in ponderosa pine forests. This tree mortality can be traced back to forest insects like bark beetles as well as long term drought stress throughout the ecosystem (Ganey Vojta, 162). Insects such as the spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis), pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), and especially piГ±on ips beetle (Ips spp.) threaten forests (MacDonald Turner, 21260). Climate change causes tree mortality as overall warming leads to greater beetle reproduction as well as greater range of beetle territory (MacDonald
  • 16. The Rise of Instant Messaging for Communication Instant messaging (IM) is a rapid and on the rise communications medium trendy with both company and home users. From its commencement as easy peer to peer conversation service, instant messaging has developed to grow to be a staple mode of contact for millions of internet users. Once restricted to desktops, accepted instantaneous messaging services IM has found its means into handheld gadgets and cell phones, permitting users to communicate from virtually anywhere. Information security has come to take part in an exceptionally vital role in today s fast growing, but habitually technically delicate business environment. Consequently, protected communications are required to benefit both companies and customers from the developments that internet is empowering the internet users with. The likelihood of having company s information out in the open to a malevolent attacker is constantly rising at the present time due to the elevated number of reasons: staff has contact to sensitive and even secret company s data. Take into account the safety implications of a staff responsible for sensitive company information, browsing the internet insecurely through the organization s system, in receipt of distrustful emails containing an assortment of destructive attachments. Most instant messaging systems are susceptible to account hijacking, allowing a hijacker to attack another client s instant messaging profile and impersonate the client in conversations with other clients. In most
  • 17. The Circles And Loops By Antonia Susan Drabble Byatt Chapter OneWords on the Circles and loops Antonia Susan Drabble Byatt, the one who has been writing during all her life stats: ...words have been all my life, all my life this need is like the Spider s need who carries before her a huge Burden of Silk which she must spin out the silk is her life, her home, her safety her food and drink too and if it is attacked or pulled down, why, what can she do but make more, spin afresh, design anew.... This sense that writing ended real, or even extra real, one s knowledgeable growth and leaning and one s capabilities certainly pervades Byatt s mature work, in both her fiction and nonfiction. In several ways, Byatt is a writer whose writing has been self reflexive and deliberately formed. According to her words express the author and, Vocabularies are crossing circles and loops. We are defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined by. On the contrary to those writers who prefer to distinct their fiction from their nonfiction, she has never desired such a distinction: From my early childhood, reading and writing seemed to me to be points on a circle. Greedy reading made me want to write, as if this were the only adequate response to the pleasure and power of books. Yet, this greed reveals itself in a number of ways in her work especially through literary allusion and thick explanation. Byatt called her 1991 collection of literary essays Passions of the Mind, and this title captures one of frequent
  • 18. Narrative Theory Narrative Theory and Victims of Domestic Violence Elena Murphy San Francisco State University Abstract This paper examines online publications on narrative theory and therapy with domestic violence victims. It explores the history of narrative theory as well as what assumptions are made about individual and family clients when using the theory. The paper reviews the techniques that are used in narrative theory and then applies these techniques to a case study involving a victim of domestic abuse. The purpose of applying the use of narrative theory to a case is to examine how it is utilized in practice and how it can be used to empower a specific population. Introduction Women who have experienced domestic... Show more content on ... This control takes power away from individuals and makes psychotherapy a very subjective practice. With these influences, along with the addition of strengths based and solutions focused approaches to therapy White and Epston were able to develop the narrative theory (Furlong, 2008). Basic Assumptions Based on influences from Foucault and other scholars, narrative therapy assumes that the stories people tell and the language that they use play a role in their interpersonal and intrapersonal problems (Mattingly, 1998). The stories that cultures tell about such concepts as gender, class and race influence members views on the meaning behind these concepts. Because of external influences, when a client brings up a problem it is not the problem itself that needs to be examined. Instead, the client is being affected by their own framing of the problem. The stories that people tell themselves are shaped by society and can become problematic when a client feels that they no longer have control over their own story (Ross Shapiro, 2002). It is also assumed that the act of telling a story can provide insight into past, present and future events (Espinoza, 1997). By going through this process, individuals can find the importance of certain events and assign roles to people who are a part of their story. This act can allow a client to find new meaning and understanding to their reality (Espinoza, 1997). Not only is a
  • 19. Informative Essay On Fishing Fishing can bring you a sense of peace and keep you physically fit. You don t have to be rich to participate in the sport, but you do need certain gear. From a fishing rod to extra bait, here is a list of the things you ll need if you want to start participating in this fun sport, or if you want to get your children into fishing. http:/ / of fishing_n_5754408.html Fishing Rod The type of fishing you ll do will dictate the kind of fishing rod you ll need. There are fly fishing, salt water and spincast rods. For the beginner, a spincast can be a good choice since the rod can easily be cast with the press of a button. For the little ones, this is a great beginner rod. Many stores have miniature versions for ... Show more content on ... A small hook won t be able to land a largemouth bass. Along with the hook size, you ll need to consider the type of hook point you ll want. There are spear point, which are the standard, hollow point, knife edge and surgical needle. Fishing Tackle Box Heading to the fishing spot, you ll need to have a tackle box to hold all your hooks, lures and pliers. The tackle box you use will depend on a variety of factors, but mostly, it comes down to personal preference. You can use a small, plastic tackle box to hold the essentials, or you can purchase a soft, cloth bag that will hang on the shoulder. The soft carryall bag will allow you to keep your hands free for carrying other things like the rod and a cooler of beer. The Right Clothing You ll need something to keep the sun off your head like a fishing hat or ball cap. If you plan on fly fishing, you ll need waders to keep your clothing dry. The other clothing you choose will be based on the weather. You should be warm and comfortable while fishing. Don t wear clothes that are loose, or you ll end up hooking
  • 20. FaпїЅade Of St Gervais Description of the FaГ§ade of St. Gervais St. Protais The faГ§ade of St. Gervais designed by early 17th century French architect Salomon de Brosse (1571 1626) was built in 1616, with the young king Louis XIII laying the first cornerstone. Different from the Flamboyant Gothic of the interior, the faГ§ade is regarded as the French form of the Roman Baroque style, which introduced the completely new classical style to 17th century French architecture. The faГ§ade attaching to the existing Flamboyant Gothic church is a symmetrical, three storey structure that has traditional three bays on first two levels and remains the central bay on the top level. The most proximate stylistic reference for this faГ§ade may be de l Orme s frontispiece of the ChГўteau of Anet. Instead of using unnecessary ornaments, the faГ§ade underlines the characteristics of classicism in balance, mass and clarity by creatively using classical architectural language. Three storeys are used to cover the Gothic church behind rather than the typical two storey church faГ§ade. In this way, the classical dimension and proportion are maintained since the projecting Gothic aisles and buttresses make the whole visual composition much wider. Therefore the faГ§ade is increased in height to balance the horizontal dimension. St. Gervais is regarded as a leading work of proportion and dignity from Baroque to classical architecture. The most dominant classical vocabulary of orders is applied to the faГ§ade: from
  • 21. Postmodern Art And Its Impact On Modern Society Postmodern art is typically anti establishment and rebellious, the beginning of postmodern art can be found in the late 1950 s 1960 s although the term was first used around 1970. The movement differed from previous movements as it deliberately went against the rules, artists used many different disciplines within one piece of work. A core value of postmodern art is that it is for everyone and tries to be a connection between art and everyday life. Modernism triggered post modernism, modernism painted a perfect life and used religion and truths as a way of life (e.g. Sigmund Freud and his theories) Modernist s artists concentrated on technique and the form of their artwork rather than complicating the process they preferred simpler more clarified techniques. After the second world war and the huge loss of communities of men and battalions the focus shifted rather selfishly on to the individual after all it was still a dog eat dog world with the united kingdom very much still feeling the affects of the war. Rationing still continued and things where very different compared to the USA where there country had not actively been affected by the war. While Britain was in the middle of an economic downturn America seemingly progressed at a much faster rate. Individualism was to be propelled to the forefront of America youth with groups such as Greasers and teddy boys now appealing to the youth. Rock and roll and Elvis was about to hit the scene and completely go against the
  • 22. Music and Emotion Jack Peluso Hoffman 24 : 101 : 37 10/10/07 Music Day Music affects people in various ways. Ones reaction to music differs from person to person. It can evoke emotions of both joy and happiness. Music can stir up old memories of different times, places, and people. In the U.S. a major part of life is music, as stated by Natalie Guice Adams and Pamela J. Bettis, American institution that can tell us something about ourselves, like jazz, baseball, and cheerleading, are also not static but being created anew with each generation. (Remix 240.) One can see how large of a role music plays in people s lives, and that s why I m proposing a holiday based on celebrating and enjoying music all over the world. One thing that just about ... Show more content on ... Everyone from popular artists to local bands would hit the stage and play just for the love of music. Free concerts available in just about every town for everyone to enjoy. This would give people a chance to go hear their favorite music artists. This opens up the idea of travel on Music Day. People and their families may want to go see a performer who is far away, and what better way to go on a small family vacation. I can just hear it now, Hey Kids pack your bags were going to New York City for Music day. The key to this aspect of the holiday is for all the concerts to be free of charge, so that way everyone who wants to has the option to go listen to professional musicians. Whether it is the symphony, a bluegrass show, a solo pianists, the latest rap artist, or even a heavy metal band performances would be taking place all day so there is always something for everyone. Parents can go down to the jazz club, or check out an oldies concert while the kids see the local punk bands performing just down the block. This event would of course be massive and require a lot of planning and thought, but a holiday celebrating the joy music brings to our lives is well worth that. Plus Music Day would be a holiday everyone would look forward to. Going to concerts is fun and exciting. People pay big bucks to see professionals do their thing on stage and walk away feeling like they got the best out of their money. The free concerts would be gain public popularity in no time at all,
  • 23. Best Buy Pestle Analysis Paper Pestle Analysis The PESTEL analysis covers the analysis of Political, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors to scan the organization s external macro environment. The PESTEL analysis of Best Buy Co. is as follows: Political: Best Buy operates majorly in U.S. and Canada. At present both countries has stable government, therefore, Best Buy do not face any significant political threat. However any decrease or increase in taxes related to operations or sales by political parties can place a major impact on best buy revenue. For example, in U.S. online only operators are exempt from collecting sales taxes in some states that allows company s competitor to cut of their costs. Economic: Economic conditions have direct impact on company s sales. In past, economic slowdown has affected best buy sales significantly. Consumer spending pattern has been decreased. In 2008, company has laid off... Show more content on ... For example, consumers prefer to buy I pad from Apple store rather than Best Buy. Technological: Best Buy sells latest technology products. Company s success is depending upon the successful introduction of new products with latest technology to the customers. Failure to adapt the constantly changing technology products could have adverse impact on company s sales. Best Buy uses encryption technology to ensure secure transactions. Environmental: In 2007, Best Buy was held in one of the five corporations that were involved in unethical deforestation in Canada. In 2008, Best Buy has launched a program called Greener to increase the energy efficiency in its products. According to Best Buy, from the period of 2008 to 2014, company has collected about 938 million pounds of consumer electronics and appliances. Moreover, Best Buy offers energy efficient products to save energy. Placement of any major law relating to the protection of environment can materiality affect Best
  • 24. Being a Teenage Mother Essay It was a beautiful afternoon on the bay of Huntington Beach. Just what would be expected of any regular day in California. The sun was shining inexplicably, as if it knew what was coming, the sky was clear with one cloud across the horizon, the sand was boiling and I could literally feel the bottom of my foot melting away. The air was scented with the sweetness of spring and refreshed by gentle breezes. There are families everywhere I look, playing endlessly with their kids, throwing beach balls around, tanning their bodies until it turns to ebony, walking their precious dogs, and riding their bicycles until their muscles deteriorated. The beach is adult s playground. She appeared, emerged, surfaced, arrived fashionably late flaunting, ... Show more content on ... Obviously, she was a teenage mother who went through difficult times. Being a teenage mother is the single most difficult thing I have ever gone through. Having my daughter at the age of seventeen was frightening. My world was altered from a world of dates, parties, sleepovers and waiting for a Saturday so you can sleep late, to the world of diapers, baby formulas, bills, doctors, appointments, and day care. Amanda is head strong, independent, courageous, and once she has made up her mind, little can be done to convince her otherwise. Through all of the obstacles that the world has put her way, and all the situations life has brought her, Amanda still knows that all the decisions she took may not have been the best. However, she learned from her mistakes to make better judgements. I regret things that I didn t do in my life more than things that I have done. The things that I have done in my life that I should regret are the things I learned from, which at the end of it all, are what make me stronger. Without these mistakes I would have never learned, and I would have never been mature enough to take care of my beautiful kids. So for me, I try not to regret anything that I ve done. I accept what was, cherish what is, and hope for a future that is filled with promise in the things to come . In the background Harmony and Adam
  • 25. The Principle Of The Distributive View Of Equality (2 Dworkin) Ronald Dworkin is a luck egalitarian, and he endorses the distributive view of equality. In his article, What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources, he differentiates the brute luck and option luck, and this distinction is influential in the later development of luck egalitarianism. In this paper, I will examine Dworkin s distinction between option luck and brute luck, also I will bring up Vallentyne s argument which is against Dworkin s distinction. Lastly, I will raise an example showing that Dworkin s distinction may not be able to cut option luck and brute luck clearly in some situation. Dworkin s distinction between two kinds of luck Dworkin differentiates option luck and brute luck in the following ways: option... Show more content on ... Based on Dworkin s view of distributive equality, people should be compensated materially if they suffer in the outcome of bad brute luck because having bad brute luck is out of their control, and it is not related to their previous decision. In contrast, people should not be compensated, if they suffer in the outcome of bad option luck since having bad option luck is related to their pervious decision, and people are responsible for their decision makings (whether the outcome is good or not), so the people should not be compensated. Moreover, Dworkin illustrates that brute luck and option luck could be connected by insurance; he claims that buying an insurance to prevent the unexpected bad brute luck is a considered decision, so it would be classified in option luck. It will be a good option luck if people suffer in the outcome of bad brute luck because it makes people better off during the suffering period. Also, Dworkin clarifies that the insurance does not take away the distinction between brute luck and option luck (293). I will explain this claim using the student example; if the student has purchased an insurance for traffic accidents, he still suffers in the bad brute luck if he gets crashed by a car since the scenario would be better if he purchased the insurance and does not need to make the insurance claim. However, he is still better off in terms of he has better option
  • 26. John Stuart Mill, And The Deontological Theory Of Ethics Frequently brought up in modern conversations between everyday people and behavioral researchers alike, issues regarding morality and ethics have become increasingly prevalent. With the current global political climate drawing attention to and/or raising awareness for various humanitarian crises, such as the massive destruction in Puerto Rico that has left the entire island in ruin or refugee Rohingya people fleeing persecution in Myanmar and Bangladesh, it is imperative to understand the logistics of possible relief efforts through a philosophical lens. Two well developed theories that offer solutions to such problems are Utilitarianism, proposed by John Stuart Mill, and the Deontological Theory of Ethics, advocated for by Immanuel... Show more content on ... Although originally postulated by Jeremy Bentham, this theory that advocates for the greatest good {sunnum bonum}flourished under the formulation of John Stuart Mill. A commonly simplified principle, the greatest total net good is similar to that of a mathematical formula {taking all of the effects of an action, applying them to everyone affected, and finally subtracting the totality of bad effects from that of the relatively good ones}. Assuming that true happiness is a state of pleasure that is lacking any elements of pain, Mill introduces the concept of Higher and Lower Pleasures in order to differentiate between stimulating intellectual sentiments and mere physical sensations. (Mill, 6) To this end, one would assume that as a hedonist, {one that perceives a good or successful life to consist of the pursuit and experience of pleasure} Mill s position on both Rescue I and II would be that that saves the most people, regardless of the circumstances. However, the situations proposed contrast each other in that they lead back to Foot s initial concern about the difference between killing and letting die. Rescue I allows for a somewhat lowered sense of obligation {responsibility if you will}, as it requires the hypothetical rescuers to go off their initial path to save the group of five individuals at risk of drowning to save only one person from another unfortunate
  • 27. The Challenges Of A Website For this project, we were asked to create a website (coding) tailored to an audience. To start off, it would be easier to talk about the difficulties I faced during this assignment, and that is I m not a DTC major. I have never coded before, so the challenges were to create something I am not familiar with, and step out of my comfort zone. I kept having to do everything by trial and error, so I would type something in on TextWrangler, save it, refresh my websiteto see if it did what I wanted to do, and if it didn t, I had to go back and try to fix it. This process made it easy because after I had the code down, I understood why it worked, and if I needed to redo that process, then I already knew how to do it. The purpose of this website... Show more content on ... I wanted this contrast so my audience could easily read through the information given, and so they can see that I am genuinely interested in photography, and that it is not just a job for me. I wanted this contrast so they can navigate easily through my site, and so they can easily find the information they re looking for. A third design choice I made was to use a linguistic mode. We ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the photography industry, we need more than a picture to convince our audience that we are good enough. A rhetorical strategy that I can use is to tell my audience that I have a passion for photography, and that I do it because it s something I enjoy not for the money. I can let them know me (as their photography) by telling them how I started getting into photography, and how I started at a young age. Using linguistics to allow an audience to get to know the person behind the camera. The final intentional design choice I made was organization. I coded in a nice menu on my main page so my audience can navigate to whatever they re looking for. I had different topics on the menu so they can click on the link they wanted to see; they can click on the brands link to see what I work with, and which brands I enjoy, or they can click on the samples link that
  • 28. Courtesy Of The Red White And Blue Analysis In the history of the world, there has been music on the home front to depict the feelings that are going on at this time. The music on the home front can be inspirational, disheartening, supportive or even in contradiction of the events. Looking at the music that is going on during a conflict can help understand the feeling of the writer and even the whole nation. Looking at the two songs 99 Red Balloons by Nena and Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith, one can see that there are many similarities and differences about these two songs, but they both show the different emotions that are happening at the time of their conflict. On the morning of August 13, 1961, Berlinwas woken by the sound of machinery and soviet troops marching around the city of Berlin. On this morning the freedom to pass from east to west Berlinwas ended and the tension grew between the Soviet east side of Berlin and the Allied west side (Berlin Is Divided). When the wall was built, the tension of the two sides grew and the thought of another war was on everyone s mind. As said by The Berlin Wall was one... Show more content on ... The country was outraged by the attacks and president Bush started military actions immediately. The song is about people who serve in the military and their families. One of the most memorable lines from the song is you ll be sorry that you messed with the US of A,...cause we ll put a boot in your ass, it s the American way . This verse is definitely talking about al Qaeda and the revenge that was soon to happen. In the music video, they show Toby Keith playing this song live in front of the troops and when he sang that verse you can hear the cheers and excitement in the audience. This is a patriotic song that can bring the country and troops together during the war and even though it is a country song it gives the listener an upbeat patriotic
  • 29. Assemblage Art And The Arts At Ohio State University Assemblage art is the process of an artist creating a piece of work out of objects and materials rather than just paints and brushes. Assemblage art interests me more because of the history of the materials before it was created into a work being displayed. The specific artist used other s scraps and trash to assemble a piece of art greater than both people combined and the ending product comes out to be something a lot more significant than trash . Although I don t know much about assemblage art and the process of it, I can interpret it for hopefully what the artist wanted me to and I can find the significance within it. The piece of work I chose to analyze comes from the Wexner Center for the Arts here at Ohio State University. This piece of art was made in 1988 and comes from the Terri and Michael Smooke Collection, its name is The Last Supper. Though I didn t learn about assemblage, I was exposed to the relevance of one of the most historically significant paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper. This late 15th century painting is a religion icon and depicts JesusChrist and his 12 disciples at their last supper before Jesus was sent off to get crucified. I believe the piece of art I analyzed was clearly inspired by Leonardo s The Last Supper due to the same name and key similarities I found in the painting. For starters, my painting doesn t have any human figures represented in it but instead just silverware, plates , and sardine cans. The sardine cans near
  • 30. The Crime And Crime Prevention In the world there are many social problems and most of them affect each and every one of us, such as cancer or Ebola. One that stands out is the rise in crime in America. Crime is huge in America although law enforcement say they are doing something about and have it handled, the truth is it is out of control. Stated in America.Net in an article online Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Project Safe Neighborhoods annual conference in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 and endorsed three crimecontrol strategies. Law enforcement through cooperative efforts between police, community and prosecutors to reduce violent crime, and the incarceration of high risk offenders. Project Safe Neighborhoods. Crime prevention by addressing underlying social issues. Reentry programs to assist offenders returning from prison. If these programs are being put in place then there should be a decreased incidence of crime in America. People can t even leave their homes without having to worry if something is going to happen to them. This is a growing concern in America, but what is America doing to prevent this from happening? There are many organizations working on the issue of crime to reduce the number of incidences. There is one main contributing factor lead increases the likelihood of crime and that is poverty. However, it is ironic that although poverty is a not so pleasant thing, it is needed to prevent communism and the risk of taking our freedom away as stated as a
  • 31. Iowa City Zoning Code Essay The Iowa City Zoning Code was designed to be developed together with the Iowa City Comprehensive Plan; the goal is to stimulate the progress of a better quality of life for the population. Moreover, the regulations cover the provisions of the law for land use control in Iowa City. The document regulates the land use authorization for each of the zones and details the specific areas outlined in Iowa City. There are many land use area in the Iowa City Zoning Ordinance, as shown in Map 1 (Appendix C). However, this document will cover the use of residential land and will explain three of them: the Low Density Single Family Residential Zone (RS 5), Medium Density Multi Family Residential Zone (RM 20), and Neighborhood Stabilization Residential ... Show more content on ... The maintenance is to prevent any conversions from single family to multi family uses in this zones. Table 3 and Table 4 (Appendix A) show the permissions allowed in the RS 5, RNS 12 and RM 20 zones. In these particular areas is not allowed any type offices, so home based consultant office cannot locate in the residential zone areas. Therefore, religious institutions can be located in RS 5 and RNS 12 zones with a special exception, but the RM 20 zone is allowed with provisions, as it can show in Table 4 (Appendix A). Moreover, with the purpose of improvement of the livability, all the three zones mentioned can have provisional parks. The gun market has been a discussed topic, and yet it is permitted to a homeowner sell guns from their houses. According to the Institute for Legalization Action (NRA ILA), the person, in Iowa, does not need to have a permit to purchase a rifle or shotgun, but to buy a handgun an annual permission is mandatory, and the license can be used to buy more guns. Furthermore, the person does not need a permit to sell or buy, if it is an antique handgun. Therefore, the three zoning chose, RS 5, RNS 12, and RM 20 do not allow any commercial or retail uses. The Iowa City Zoning Ordinance encompasses most of the residential land use categories. However, the ordinance does not cover exceptional case, for example,
  • 32. Third Presidential Debate Analysis I watched the third presidential debate on Wednesday, October 19, at 8 pm. Chris Wallace moderated the debate between the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. The purpose of the debate was to allow for both candidates to be compared side by side in order to determine who would be a better candidate to become the president of the United States. In general, the debate was not unlike any other presidential debate. The candidates did their best to avoid answering questions that made them look bad by responding with an answer to a different question. When given a chance to respond, the opponent would present their own argument, which always sounded like a rebuttal but never really addressed their opponent. Throughout
  • 33. Docklands Case Study My predictions for the Docklands region was there will be retail stores, restaurants and there to be residential areas. The only parts of my predictions that were correct, were the residential areas having many apartment complexes and there being a wide range of restaurants in the area. Although the retail was not the amount I thought there was going to be, even during the surveys we conducted 9 residents mentioned that the retail amenities were poor. For some residents the Docklands region has been created as a liveable and sustainable residential precinct that has all of the amenities needed to survive. However, during our data collections, for some of the residents were not happy with the region as for there is a insufficiency in services... Show more content on ... In the Docklands precinct there is a lesser value of amenities to accommodate the growing population. During our surveys, we found most of the residents were happy with the service of public transport in the region, Southern Cross Station which a easy 1km distance from the heart of Docklands and they are well served with tram/bus routes. They were also happy with the accommodation that is in the area. Yet the downfalls of Docklands are the essential amenities of retail, public services and leisure activities. For Docklands to be a place where there is sustainability, for it not fail as a new region there needs to be more of these amenities. There is a need for more services such as Doctors and Specialists, these services are an essential for the precinct to be a liveable
  • 34. Essay Intel Corporation, 1968-1997 Intel Corporation, 1968 1997 Synopsis: This case traces the strategic decisions of Intel Corporation which defined its evolution from being a start up developer of semiconductor memory chips in 1968 to being the industry leader of microprocessors in 1997 when it ranked amongst the top five American companies and had stock market valuation of USD 113 billion. Intel in DRAM business: The strategies employed by Intel for DRAM business focussed on: 1.Pushing the envelope of product design 2.Being first to market with newest devices 3.Premium pricing and skim marketing. No emphasis on mass production Initially, Intel had a successful run in this business as they: 1.Had no immediate competition 2.The demand for memory ... Show more content on ... Intel realized the advantage of partnering with IBM and initiated projects like Crush and Checkmate to counter Motorola to ensure microprocessor supremacy. With the success of securing IBM contract along with more wins, Intel was on set on track to ensure industry dominance. Exit from DRAMs Intel TMT had an emotional connect with the DRAMs business. Successful development of 1M DRAM was traded off for microprocessor development more on the behest of the middle line managers who developed the microprocessor technology over time with resources allocated for DRAM research. This was in line with Intel s entrepreneurial culture which encouraged strategic planning through all functions. By 1986, Intel s TMT officially approved middle managers pursuit to exit from the DRAM business and focus on the microprocessor. Intel as a Microprocessor company Intel began supplying microprocessor to IBM. To meet the demand, Intel licensed to as many as 12 other companies to produce 8086 chips, which left Intel with just 30% of the total revenues and profits for that product. Gradually, they reduced the number of licensee to only IBM. Thus they retained the profits pool within their value chain. Meanwhile, IBM, who was Intel s star customer, decided to produce own proprietary components. This was an inflection point for Intel. It partnered with Compaq and Microsoft, to break the hegemony of IBM. Though Microsoft products did not
  • 35. Overcome Impotence Research Paper Overcome Impotence Imagine being able to perform without having to take a pill in advance. Unexpected sexual encounters and longer lasting experiences could be yours through hypnosis. An estimated 30 million men deal with impotence at some point in their life. Although this is a normal condition to have, it can be frustrating and embarrassing while it lasts. Have you ever been afraid to go home after a date? Do you start having sex only to find out that you cannot finish? Is it difficult for you to maintain an erection? Whether you want to feel confident on a date or just plan out a romantic evening with your wife, impotence can be a major problem. After initially experiencing erectile dysfunction problems, you may become worried or afraid ... Show more content on ... Initially, getting a medical check up can rule out cardiovascular or blood pressure issues that could be causing the impotence. If an underlying condition is not at fault, then the problem is primarily within your mind. The good news is that the mental aspect of impotence can be treated. Hypnosis can help you gain the confidence that you need to perform well in the bedroom. The Overcome Hypnosis download is designed to give you the boost of self esteem and confidence that you need to be relaxed when you are with someone. It can help to reduce the stress that is causing your performance issues. By limiting stress and boosting your confidence, hypnosis improves your sexual abilities. As you enjoy one positive encounter after another, the new self confidence will become an ingrained part of your mental make up. In the past, you may have had sexual issues like pain, problems reaching an orgasm, issues maintain an erection or difficulty remaining aroused. Whatever the symptoms, hypnosis can help you to recover. Hypnosis is made to replace the negative thoughts that you have about sexual dysfunction with positive affirmations. This new attitude gradually becomes a habit for your mind that helps to revolutionize every part of your sexual
  • 36. Business Activities And Trade Considerations Name: Joe Cutting Student number: 766267 Unit 2 Assessment Title: Business Activities and trade considerations Introduction: Rolls Royce, established in 1906, is now a globally recognised company. Although originally they focused on car manufacture they are now one of the leaders in power and propulsion technology. Rolls Royce s technology is very efficient and their manufactured products are used in many sectors such as aerospace, marine, energy and nuclear energy. Investment in research is key to their success; they are innovative, creating new and improved systems to help achieve a strengthened market position. The jet engine has been improved constantly since it was developed in the early 1930s and Rolls Royce s new Trent XWB EP civil aircraft engine offers a fuel consumption improvement of 1% compared with other manufactures, making it the most efficient technology currently in the world. Rolls Royce are a state of the art company who continue to innovate and produce new products and services that benefit society. The Rolls Royce brand is key, without it they would not be able to make the sales and revenue they make. Its brand provides a symbol of quality and a good reputation. This reputation helps build customer relations and trust for the company. The brand also creates a strong attraction to engineers, which they offer many apprenticeships to enhance their skills base. There are currently over 50,000 employees working for Rolls Royce. It is one of the top
  • 37. Battle Of The Alamo Summary The battle of the Alamo was one of the first wars in the Texas revolution. It took place March 6th, 1836. The lead attacker was General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. The Alamo was a stronghold built by spanish missionaries. In the end there were 1500 casualties from mexican troops. There were only 30 civilians spared. The leader of the Texans, Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked who ever wanted to stay and protect to come over the line, only one did not. That s basically a summary of the battle of the Alamo. The Goliad Massacre only happened three weeks after the battle of the Alamo, so still early 1836. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna told his men to kill the Texans that surrendered on March 20th, 1836. Theses Texans were
  • 38. My Civil Rights Project Junior Year. Second Semester GLPO This semester was a handful with working on major projects, writing thesis papers, performing in my drama class and completing my first SAT. Out of all my assignments, one project that stood out was my Civil Rights project, I was as able to enhance my skills for academic success by writing an out of compliance letter to a handful of restaurants. I also go involved in other projects which led me attend a Denim Day Rally. I learned a lot while doing my Civil Rights project for my American Literature class but most importantly I was able to improve my writing and my ability to work with others. Our group s goal was to advocate gender neutral restrooms in restaurants. I focused more on the out of compliance letter out of everything. We sent out a letter to a hand full of restaurants in Granada Hills and Panorama for having ... Show more content on ... For my first rally I stood at the corner of the North Hollywood Metro Station with fellow Vaughn students, Somo Familia Valle members, and other activists. We chanted different chants such as, Hey. Hey. Ho. Ho. Sexcual violence has got to go! and Whatever we wear. Wherever we go. Yes means Yes and No means No. We also got to listen to people s stories. This experience was very eye opening because I wasn t aware of how traumatizing these event can be for the survivors, especially if the rapist was their own family member or someone they thought highly about. Some of the people that told their story were very nervous since it was their first time saying it out loud, I m glad they were able to come out of the shadows they were trapped in for so long. Everyone there was so friendly and kind, people would drive by and honk to show their support. There was only one rude person who passed by and said something I can t type on here. I hope to attend future Denim Day Rally s and bring more
  • 39. The Next Factor Of Public Opinion The next factor involved was public opinion. Many were for campus carry because they felt as if they had a fundamental right to be able to carry ( Strickland, 2016). Several students and faculty helped shape public opinion by describing how it would make their college experience a safe and better one ( Fernandez, 2015). Many Texas residents believed that if they were allowed to carry they could then prevent mass shooting ( Fernandez, 2015). This was a main argument of public opinion. Though many were against campus carry the ones for it worked together to help change the minds of people who did not believe that guns should be on campus. They did this by describing that the number of students who would actually carry on campus would be small and it would be older community college students ( Fernandez, 2015). Public opinion also helped the billpassbecause Texas is a conservative state with 850,000 license holders ( Fernandez, 2015). They wanted to make the public happy by passing the bill because the number of people for it outweighed the ones against it. The opinion of people such as the universitys chief of police spoke out about not being worried because it never had been an issue ( Fernandez, 2015). Students believed they had a right to self preservation and should be allowed to carry ( Strickland, 2016). In the end Governor Greg aAbbott had listened to people wanting to be allowed to carry on campus and decided he would make the public happy
  • 40. The Golden Age Of Islamic Culture The modern university does manifest itself in the Islamic world. The Golden Age of Islamic culture traces its roots back to the modern university. Throughout Islamic history, education was a point of pride and a field Muslims have always excelled in. The Islamic world was rich, diverse, and creative. Muslims became founders of the most major accomplishments in the world which later leads to western and world civilizations. The Muslims were most advanced in many fields such as mathematics, art, medicine, literature, and astronomy. It also led the way into the development of libraries and universities. Muslims greatly advanced the study of mathematics. Arabic numerals, the numbers the Western World uses today, were developed by the Muslims. Compared to earlier systems, such as Roman numerals, they made it easier for people to do calculations and check their work. Muslims also spread the Indian concept of zero. Zero also made it easier to write large numbers. Muslim scholar, Al Khwarizmi, is best known as the the father of Algebra . Al Khwarizmi s famous book on algebra was translated into... Show more content on ... They established the first primary schools for children and universities for continuing education. They opened their public and private libraries to the public internationally. Muslims built great libraries and learning centers in places such as Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo. Mosques were used as a meeting place where people could gather around a learned scholar, attend his lectures, read books with him/her, and gain knowledge. Libraries developed early in the Islamic world as a result of the commitment to literacy on the part of early Muslims. Collections of texts were attached to mosques, madrasahs (schools), and bayt al hikma (research institutions). The Muslims were the forerunners of European universities, having established hundreds of colleges in advance of
  • 41. Waffle House Research Paper Many people believe that Waffle House, a famous restaurant chain, is a dirty place and that deters people from ever visiting but there is way more to it. Now, Waffle House is not the cleanest; I ll give the people that, but the environment you step into is the best, plus the food is awesome. Every time I walk into the Waffle House located in Laplace, Louisiana, the staff gives a warming welcome and it can t help but make you smile. You feel welcomed and you actually feel like they want to serve you. Right away my order is placed and it s the same every time, a chocolate chip waffle with hash browns and a glass of chocolate milk. The best part is that my order is always correct! Hypothetically speaking, if something was wrong with my order,
  • 42. Essay about Symbols and Symbolism in The House of the... Symbolism in The House of the Seven Gables American literature reflects life and the struggles faced during existence. Symbols are an eloquent way for an author to create a more fully developed work of art. The stories themselves tell a tale; however, an author also uses symbols to relay his message in a more subtle manner. Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the earliest authors to use symbols as an integral part of his plots. This is clearly seen in both The Scarlet Letter and in The House of the Seven Gables. The use of symbols causes an association psychology to enter into the story, making it more intriguing.1 In Nathaniel Hawthorne s romance The House of the Seven Gables, symbolism is used eloquently to enhance the story ... Show more content on ... The house is an old wooden building that is rotting away but still is a good enough quality to withstand some of the test of time. The house is referred to as a prison by Hawthorne; he calls Hepzibah and Clifford inmates. The house is a prison because it prevents the inhabitants from truly enjoying any freedom. The inmates attempt an escape from their prison twice. Initially, as Phoebe and Clifford watch the parade of life in the street, Clifford realizes that his life has become meaningless, and he cannot help but try to join the masses below. This could mean the only way for Clifford to become truly reunited with mankind is through death. Unfortunately, Clifford fails to win his freedom and returns to the solace of his prison. The second attempt at escape is by Clifford and Hepzibah. They attempt to escape the clutches of the house, but, alas, it is too late for them. The house has affected them too much to stay away. This is apparent when Hepzibah and her brother made themselves ready as ready as they could in the best of their old fashioned garments, which had hung on pegs, or had been laid away in trunks, so long that the dampness and mouldy smell of the past was on them made themselves ready in their faded bettermost, to go to church. They descended the staircase together...pulled open the front door, and stepped across the threshold, and felt, both of them, as if they were standing in the presence of the whole
  • 43. Compare And Contrast Egyptian Revolution And American... Many times when people revolt against the government, it leaves the country in a worse spot that it was before. Throughout history there have been many revolutions in many different places. Two of the most significant have been the American Revolution, from the 1700 s, and more recently the Egyptian revolutionfrom 2011. Both of these revolutions have many similarities within each other, but they also have many actions to contrast. The topics being compared include; how the revolutions started. The demands of the revolting groups. Lastly, what the two groups did to protest against the government. Similarities Differences To start off with the comparing and contrasting; their are multiple similarities. First off how the revolutions were started. ... Show more content on ... WIth the British unnecessarily taxing the Colonist of goods like sugar, stamps and tea. Where the Egyptians were mad at the government for not doing anything about the poverty and unemployment as well as believing that the government was corrupt. Next, the demands of both groups leading the revolutions both wanted a change in the government. In both situations the majority of the people were very mad at the government and wanted a change. Also, eventually both groups did get what they demanded in the change of government. Lastly, both of the revolutions included many protests. An example from each would be the Egyptian citizens boycotting the the election and not voting, and the colonist tossing a ton of tea overboard into the ocean so it could not be bought and the government would not get the money from the taxes, which is called the Boston Tea Party. That is some of the similarities between the two
  • 44. Basilsk Research Paper John Harris III 11 30 15 period 1st Basilisk lizard (Jesus lizard) The Basilisk lizard is an spectacular lizard. The Basilisk lizard can be found in tropical rain forest. It s also known as the Jesus lizard because it can walk on water. The most common basilisk has a large mouth with saw like teeth on the inner sides of the jaws. It have also known to run up to 7 mph (11 km/h). The younger Basilisk are known to run faster than the older Basilisk lizards. The younger Basilisk can run up to 10 to 20 meters on water. The Basilisk have web like hands with long fingers. When the Basilisk on water, they run on their hind legs in an erect position, holding it` fore legs to it s sides. There are also faster on water than they are on land. The Basilisk lizard only... Show more content on ... The Basilisk lizard, when they are hiding from the predators can stay underwater for up to half an hour. It can also blend into water when they are hiding in water. The Basilisk eat things such as, plant material, small insects, and small mammals, like rodent also smaller species of lizards. The Basilisk prey is things such as, raptors, and snakes. Basilisk lizards mostly do all they mating in the summer time. The female basilisk are known to lay up to 18 to 20 eggs. They are commonly found in Central America and in South America. When the eggs hatch the mother not around, so the baby Basilisk so they take care of themselves. They are likely to be in a tree they will jump down to the water. They go about 20 feet on water before they sink, they are very fast swimmers. The common Basilisk spend most of their time in trees. They can grow up to 2 feet and weigh up to 7oz. The juvenile basilisk can run up to 20 to 30 m without sinking. The tropical rain forest there is no dry season. An average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm). The temperature rarely gets higher than 93~ F ,or drops below 68 ~ f. Also rainforests now cover less than
  • 45. Hate Speech Hate Monuments America has always housed a preference for the negative freedoms and liberties. There s a proclivity for the government to be free of restraints and intrusion from their pockets, property and personal life. Our first amendment is what grants and protects our rights to free speech, expression and press. But what are the limits on the first amendments? How far does it protect hate speech, hate monuments? Not to my surprise, the United Statessince the civil war the United States has allowed the people to honor and commemorate Confederate generals across the nation. With the heavy aggrandizement of the Confederacy, you would think that they won the Civil War on an honorable cause instead of the Union. In no way is there an expectation for America to conduct everything in a perfect manner and be an all around great nation, America has a very flawed history like every other nation. Germany, for example, does not allow any circulation Nazi or Neo Nazi paraphernalia because Nazism is not something that needs to be commemorated or celebrated. The Nazism that took place in Germany mirrors the Confederacy in America; these moments in time, symbols and martyrs for racism, terrorism and hate are not aspects of history that should be glorified. With this, all Confederate monuments and more importantly monuments, needed to be stripped from the normal discourse of our culture so that we can begin to take progressive strides towards a more tolerant country. As the Gainesville Mayor
  • 46. How Climate Change Affects Mental Health Climate change may affect mental health directly by exposing people to trauma. It may also affect mental health indirectly, by affecting physical health for example, extreme heat exposure causes heat exhaustion in vulnerable people, and associated mental health consequences and community wellbeing. Within community, wellbeing is a sub process in which climate changeerodes physical environments which, in turn, damage social environments. Vulnerable people and places, especially in low income countries, will be particularly affected negatively. Increase introduction to warm is probably going to end up noticeably more typical with the ascent in the worldwide temperatures. It has been recommended that there is a connection between temperature
  • 47. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: t5UTLkfoUs Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and film; however, my favorite role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch, in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in an actor. As one of the protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the play s character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins, Cumberbatch immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating confusion, drawn out pauses, existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his body language and actions.
  • 48. My Life With The Wave And The House Of The Spirits The relationship between men and women is necessary and will be necessary for humanity itself. The traditional values teach us that in order to expand a life with a person of the opposite sex, it must have to exist love in the relation. However, society does not have all the approval of passion without love, and many individuals experience conflicts for practicing passion lacking of love. In order to gain a better understanding of how certain individuals deal with love and passion, circumstances in the short storyin My Life with the Wave and the film The House of the Spirits , accurately analyze the necessity of love though symbolism, characters, and conflict presented. The titles in both stories are part of symbolism and gave a ... Show more content on ... She would say that if her time had come to leave this world, it was alright. She had built endurance of accepting death will come one day. Anyways when she passed away, she became a spirit. She was always a good saint that never had any intentions of harming anyone. When Esteban was younger, he had raped a worker of his. The seed he planted in her came back to haunt him when he became older. That seed grew up to be malicious general in the army. The bastard son returned the same to Esteban, by raping his daughter. A difference between Octavio and Esteban was that Octavio was wealthy and Esteban wasn t. The reason is that it states that Octavio was educated and former student of the National University of Mexico. Since having all of that education, he must have had money to go to those school. The reason that Octavio wrote My Life with the Wave was to show that love doesn t come easily. Octavio s story could be based on his love life or even maybe another person told him about their love life and he decided to write about it. Octavio opened the story with these first words, When I left that sea, a wave moved ahead of the other (676). It meant that there was a place full of women, which was the sea. In reality it was a tank. When he said a wave, he implied that only one woman stood out from the rest. Then the writer stated, spite of shouts of the others who grabbed her by her floating clothes, she clutched my arm (676). In other
  • 49. Joseph Smith Religion In the early 1800 s during the time of the Second Great Awakening was a time of turmoil and confusion for the citizens of different religions during this time. Many different religions began to pop up during this time, and each vied for the attention of potential converts. However, a boy Joseph Smith decided to seek the true religion through prayer, and he was told none of them was true. This is a story that every member of The Church of JesusChrist of Latter day Saints learns about when they are young. The principle that I will be studying this paper is that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and by understanding this we know that the fullness of the gospel has been restored to the earth today. God reveals through revelation that Joseph Smith is his chosen servant, meaning a prophet. Heavenly Father explains to the readers that Verily, I say unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., [...] I called you servants for the world s sake, and ye are their servants for my sake (D C 93:45 46). Looking at this scripture we understand that Heavenly Father is explaining that Joseph Smith s calling was to be a servant. A servant is someone who obeys the orders of a master by their own choice. Similarly, a prophet is a man who listens to the orders of God and then relay ... Show more content on ... Callister in his General Conference address makes it clear why Joseph Smith was needed today as a prophet. He explains, [B]ecause he [Joseph Smith] was the instrument in God s hands to restore the same Church of Jesus Christ as existed in primitive times all of its powers as well as all of its doctrines (Tad R. Callister, 2009, October General Conference). Callister explains clearly that the reason we need prophets today is because they are instruments in the hands of God. Joseph Smith was called as this instrument because we needed all of the powers and doctrines of the church restored the church today. Furthermore, Callister s words provide an additional witness to Joseph Smith being a prophet of
  • 50. The War Of The Civil War Essay The story of this outlaw originated during the Civil War years, April 12,1861 May 9, 1865. The War were the rich sat and watched, while the poor died. A War that wanted to keep black people as slaves permanently by the South (Confederates). Newton Knight quickly grew unhappy with the situation that the people of Jones County, where he was originally from were in. He also did not approved of slavery at all. Newt was the Outlaw who freed Jones County s people, whites and blacks alike when they most desperately needed it. The Outlaw Hero who s legend lives on by movies. The Civil War, which originate due to the fact that the South wanted to keep blacks as slaves, due to that the North did not approve of such ideology, a fight between the Confederate s vs the Union. This War quickly spread like a quick Wild fire through the now United States of America. The election of an Anti Slavery President (Lincoln) in 1860 quickly caused seven southern states to secede from the Union to form the Confederate states. The states that bounded the south were (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas). Their economy was driven by agriculture/plantation system, specially (cotton and tobacco), which of course was fueled by a black labor force. While the Unions economy was driven by factories, which included arms production, and railroads, which both were a big advantage during the war.. Southerners began the war effort confident that the cotton their
  • 51. America Is Responsible For Transcending The Way Government... The United States of America is responsible for transcending the way government functions. The idea that people have certain inalienable rights that are God given was revolutionary thinking for the era of the founding fathers. There have been many instances throughout American history where we have failed to live up to the founding principles from the Declaration of Independence, of: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all our citizens but we have also had many moments of inspiration in being trailblazers for freedom when we have lived up to those principles. The founding fathers themselves were flawed as all people are, but it is their system of checks and balances that has been instrumental in deterring any of the three branches government from growing too powerful. They understood that men /women with an unchecked amount of power is dangerous to humanity. Also, they realized that they themselves could not adequately anticipate all events or obstacles in the nations future, and thus, they must have a clause deemed legally capable for change to antiquated portions of the constitution in the form of amendments. There have been over 10,000 proposed amendments to the constitution but only 27 ratified. This leads me to wonder What are some proposed amendments that I might support? and, What are some amendments that I would propose? The Equal Rights Amendment is at the top of my list for proposed amendments that I support. Unfortunately, this amendment
  • 52. How Did King Louis XIV Of France Present Himself As An... Regarding the Baroque period, it is stated the period of time in Western Europe from about 1600 to the mid 1700s was one of religious, political, and scientific upheaval, and these tensions are reflected in the arts of the age. Focusing on the political end, King Louis XIV of France used the style of art during this period to portray himself as an absolute monarch. The phrase absolute monarch refers to the method that kings would use to consolidate their power and resources at the expense of the nobility of the church. King Louis XIV is known to be the most successful of the absolute monarchs. In order to achieve this, he relied heavily on the art and style of the Baroque period. The art was used to emulate their power, and many looked
  • 53. Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969)... Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (2003) In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of The Italian Job (1969) and its modern day remake The Italian Job (2003). The original was directed by Peter Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge success and gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a very important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what s to be expected from the film. Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ... One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage not what you would expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting released from prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person s personality as he has been in jail. In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has something to do with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes the viewer feel suspicious about his past. He informs you that he s in Venice and the cameras pan towards the trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge. He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly. During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and fast paced music is being
  • 54. Analysis Of The Movie The Bedroom With Fill The Gaps... In 1979, Dubus creates an alternate world, where he propels readers through the emotional whirlpool spinning in the mind of Matt Fowler, a man who is trying to cope with the tragic murder of his son; as the tide, acting through his wife, becomes increasingly overwhelming, Matt is driven to seek revenge through the killing of Richard Fowler (Dubus 1123 1136). Years later, in 2001, director Todd Field produces the film adaptation In the Bedroom to fill the gaps Dubus s short storycannot; while the story focuses more on the killingsthemselves, Field allows views to understand the emotional turmoil that pushes characters to the edge, ultimately explaining the journey of how the killings come to be (In the Bedroom). Although Dubus wrote... Show more content on ... Within the argument, the cinematographer films the scene as a shot reverse shot, further implying that Matt and Ruth are in conflict. One can see the veil depression places Ruth after Frank s death, enabling her to ask Matt for the literal unspeakable task of murder; in a short story, one cannot read silence, but the silence permeating the film speaks louder than the Dubus s words. While in neither the film nor short story does Ruth outwardly express her desire for the death of Richard, within the film, one is able to glimpse into the inner workings of Matt s mind, understanding the emotional manipulation, brought on by his wife, he endures. Matt describes how Ruth has concrete objections which he trie[s] to overcome and in his intent to do this[,] he neglect[s] his own objects (1127); here, Dubus is indirectly telling readers this is the foundation Ruth has previously built in her marriage, allowing her to manipulate Matt into carrying out tasks, or specifically it (1136). Furthermore, several times in the short story, Matt convinces himself that he [is] certain that [Ruth knows and] she [is] waiting for him for she knows (Dubus 1125, 1134). In Field s adaptation, one can see the change in behavior and demeanor both Matt and Ruth undergo, driving Matt to commit a seemingly inevitable killing. Several times in the film, the camera focuses on Matt and then quickly switches to a smash cut, implying disruption and cacophony follow Matt; however,