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Cardio-Vascular System
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 1
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 2
Learning outcomes
• Explain an overview of the heart
• Location and associated organs of the heart
• Discuss the structure of the heart
• Explain the major vessels of the heart as seen
anteriorly or posteriorly
• Explain the mechanism of valves
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 3
• The CVS comprise three interrelated
components namely heart, blood and
blood vessels.
• It is a closed system lined with
endothelium (a single layer of flat cells)
and filled with blood essential for
metabolic processes of all body cells.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 4
The CVS meets the increased demand
by increasing the blood flow to areas
of greater activity or to the entire
body if whole of it is involved.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 5
The Heart.
• Approximately the size of owner’s fist.
• It’s hollow, cone-shaped that weighs less than a
pound (approx 225g in females and 310g in
• The apex is pointed toward the left hip and rests
on the diaphragm, approximately at the level of
the 5th intercoastal space.
• It’s broader postero-superior aspect, the base,
from which the great vessels of the body emerge.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 6
• It pumps about 5litres of blood per minute to the
lungs and same amount to the rest of the body.
• The human heart essentially is two separate hearts
enclosed in a membrane called the pericardium.
• Fibrous tissues in the pericardium protect the heart
and anchor it to surrounding structures, such as the
diaphragm and sternum.
• It secretes a fluid that reduces friction as the heart
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 7
• The heart is located within the
• It rests on the superior surface of the
central tendon of the diaphragm, medial
to the lungs, anterior to the oesophagus
and vertebral column, and posterior to
the sternum.
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• Inferiorly – Rests on the central tendon of the
• Superiorly – Aorta, superior vena cava,
pulmonary artery and veins
• Posteriorly – Oesophagus, trachea, left and
right bronchus, descending aorta, inferior
vena cava and thoracic vertebrae
• Laterally – Lungs
• Anteriorly – Sternum, ribs and intercoastal
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 10
Parts of the Heart
• Pericardium
• Myocardium
• Endocardium
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• A double-walled fibrous superficial layer.
• A collagenous structure that anchors the
heart and prevents it from over
• The serous pericardium, is a 2 layered
serous membrane.
• The parietal pericardium is the outer of
the 2 and the viscera lines the inner
surface of fibrous pericardium.
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• The visceral pericardium is a.k.a. the
• The parietal and visceral layers are
continuous with one another where
the great vessels leave the heart.
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 14
• The bulk of the heart wall is composed of
cardiac muscle.
There are 2 types of cardiac muscle cells.
1. The contractile cells (99%) generate the force
involved in pumping.
2. The autorhythmic cells (1%) spontaneously
depolarize to set the rate of contraction.
• They are involuntary and are linked to one
another and to the autorhythmic cells by
intercalated discs.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 15
• Intercalated discs consist of 2 separate
structures: Gap junctions and Desmosomes.
• Gap junctions are protein channels that allow
ions to flow between adjacent cells.
• They amount to an electrical connection
between cardiac muscle cells.
• They allow the depolarization wave initiated
by autorhythmic cells to spread through the
cardiac musculature.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 16
• The heart function as a single coordinated unit (a
functional syncytium), which helps maximize its
• Desmosomes physically connect adjacent cardiac
muscle cells. This prevents cells from separating
during contraction.
• Electrical excitation of cardiac muscle cells
causes an increase in intracellular Ca²⁺levels.
Calcium binds with troponin to produce
contraction via the familiar sliding filament
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Cardiac muscle
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The endocardium is a thin inner,
glistening sheet of endothelium (simple
squamous epithelium) that lines the
heart chambers, valves and helps blood
flow smoothly through the heart.
• It is continuous with the linings of the
blood vessels leaving and entering the
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External heart: major vessels of the heart (anterior
Returning blood to the heart
• Superior and inferior venae cavae
• Right and left pulmonary veins
Conveying blood away from the heart
• Pulmonary trunk, which splits into right and
left pulmonary arteries
• Ascending aorta (three branches) –
brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and
subclavian arteries
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 22
External heart: vessels that supply/drain the heart
(anterior view)
• Arteries – right and left coronary (in
• interventricular groove), marginal, circumflex,
and anterior interventricular
• Veins – small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac
vein, and great cardiac vein
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
External heart: major vessels of the heart
(posterior view)
Returning blood to the heart
• Right and left pulmonary veins
• Superior and inferior venae cavae
Conveying blood away from the heart
• Aorta
• Right and left pulmonary arteries
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External heart: vessels that supply/drain the heart (posterior
• Arteries – right coronary artery (in
atrioventricular groove) and the posterior
interventricular artery (in interventricular
• Veins – great cardiac vein, posterior vein to
left ventricle, coronary sinus, and middle
cardiac vein
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• Frontal section showing interior chambers and
• Major vessels leading to and from the heart
• The heart is divided in to a right and left side
by the septum; this is a partition consisting of
myocardium covered by endocardium.
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• Each side is divided by an atrioventricular
valve into upper and lower chambers; these
atrioventricular valves are formed by double
folds of endocardium strengthened by fibrous
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The valves are prevented from opening upwards
in to the atria by tendinous cords called
chordae tendineae.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 29
• Atria of the Heart which are the receiving
chambers of the heart with a protruding
auricle (pouch) each, Blood enters right atria
from superior and inferior venae cavae and
coronary sinus, Blood enters left atria from
pulmonary veins
• Pectinate muscles mark atrial walls.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 30
• Ventricles are the discharging chambers of the
• Papillary muscles and trabeculae carneae
muscles mark ventricular walls
• Right ventricle pumps blood into the
pulmonary trunk.
• Left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 31
The two atrioventricular valves prevent backflow
into the atria when the ventricles contract:
• The left AV-valve/ the bicuspid or mitral valve
consists of two cusps, or flaps, of
• The right AV-valve/ the tricuspid valve has
three cusps.
The two semilunar valves close the two large
arteries as the ventricles relax:
• The right SL-valve and the aortic valve has
three cusps that fit tightly together.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 32
• The valves of the heart and great vessels open
and close depending on the level of pressure
within the vessels/chambers of the heart.
• AV valves are open while ventricular muscles
are relaxed during atrial filling and systole.
• When the ventricles contract the pressure in
these chambers increase insidiously and as it
rises above atria pressure the AV valves closes.
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• When the ventricular pressure rises
above that of the pulmonary and aortic
pressure, the SL valve opens and blood
flows in to the great vessels.
• When the ventricles relax and the
pressure within them falls, the reverse
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 34
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 35
Learning outcomes
• Explain an overview of the heart
• Location and associated organs of the heart
• Discuss the structure of the heart
• Explain the major vessels of the heart as seen
anteriorly or posteriorly
• Explain the mechanism of valves
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 36
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 37
Learning outcomes
• Overview of coronary circulation
• Pulmonary and systemic circulation
• Discuss the cardiac conduction system
• Explain the cardiac cycle and electric changes
• State the heart sounds
• Outline the cardiac output
• State factors affecting stroke volume
• Factors affecting heart rate
• Functions of the heart and valves
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 38
• Coronary circulation is the functional blood supply to
the heart which is about 5% of the total body needs.
• Collateral routes insure blood delivery to heart even
if major vessels are occluded.
• Although the heart chambers are continuously
bathed with blood, the blood contained in the heart
does not nourish the myocardium.
• The blood supply that oxygenates and nourishes the
heart is provided by the right and left coronary
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 1
• The coronary arteries branch from the base of
the aorta and encircle the heart in the
atrioventricular groove at the junction of the
atria and ventricles.
• They are compressed when the ventricles are
contracting and fill when the heart is relaxed.
• The myocardium is drained by several cardiac
veins, which empty into an enlarged vessel on
the backside of the heart called the coronary
sinus. Which in turn, empties into the right
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 3
Pathway of blood through the heart
and lungs
• Right atrium via tricuspid valve to a right
• Right ventricle via pulmonary semilunar valve
to pulmonary trunc, arteries to lungs
• Lungs to pulmonary veins to left atrium
• Left atrium via bicuspid valve to left ventricle
• Left ventricle to aortic semilunar valve to
• Aorta to systemic circulation
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 8
• The heart consists of muscle cells that
contract in waves.
• When the first group is stimulated, they in
turn stimulate neighboring cells.
• This chain reaction continues until all cells
• The wave of activity spreads in such a way
that the atria and the ventricles contract in a
steady rhythm.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 9
• The wave begins in a small bundle of
specialized heart muscle cells embedded in
the right atrium near the opening of the
superior vena cava called the sinoatrial node
• The SA-node is the natural pacemaker of the
• It initiates each heartbeat, without stimulation
from the nervous system, and sets the pace
for the heart rate.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 10
• The impulse spreads from the pacemaker
through the cardiac muscle cells in the
right and left atrium, causing both atria
to contract almost simultaneously.
• Then the impulse initiated by the SA-
node reaches another special area of the
heart known as the atrioventricular (AV)
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 12
• The AV-node is located in the septum
between the right and left atrium near the
atrioventricular valve (posterior wall).
• The AV-node relays the electrical impulse to
the muscle cells that make up the ventricles.
• The ventricles contract almost simultaneously
a fraction of a second after the atria
completing one full heartbeat.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 13
• This allows the atria to finish contracting
before the ventricles start. These contractions
cause the chambers to squeeze the blood,
pushing it in the proper direction along its
• The AV node is a secondary pacemaker, takes
over from the SA if it has a problem with
transmission of impulses, however; the
intrinsic firing rate is slower than that of the
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 14
Atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle or bundle of His)
• Mass of specialised fibres with origins from
the AV node and passes the fibrous ring
• It divides in to left and right bundle branches
at the upper end of the ventricular septum.
• It breaks in to fine fibres within the
ventricular myocardium to form purkinje
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS
• All the these structures convey electrical
impulses from the AV node to the apex of the
myocardium, to start the wave of ventricular
contraction that sweeps upwards and
downwards, pumping blood in to the
pulmonary trunk and aorta.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 16
• A.N. from the cardiovascular centre -
medulla oblongata, it consist of
parasympathetic and sympathetic
nerves with antagonistic actions
• Vagus nerves (parasympathetic)
supply mainly the SA and AV nodes
as well as atrial muscle.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 17
• Parasympathetic stimulation reduces the rate
at which impulses are produced, decreasing
the rate and force of the heart beat.
• The sympathetic nerves supply the SA and AV
as well as the myocardium of atria and
• It increases the rate and force of the heart
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 18
• In its simplest form, the cardiac cycle is the
simultaneous contraction of the two atria, followed a
fraction of a second later by the simultaneous
contraction of the two ventricles, it is the sequence
of events in one heartbeat.
A heartbeat has two phases:
• Phase 1 - Systole - Contraction.
• Occurs when the ventricles contract, closing the AV
valves and opening the SL valves to pump blood into
two major vessels leaving the heart.
• Phase 2 - Diastole - Relaxation.
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Normal number of cycles per minute ranges
from 60 to 80 each last about 0.8 of a second
and consist of:
• Atrial systole -0.1 seconds
• Ventricular systole -0.3 seconds
• Complete cardiac diastole – 0.4 seconds
• The cycle could start at any stage.
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• The atrioventricular valves are open and blood
flows passively through to the ventricles.
• The SA node triggers a wave of contraction
that spreads over the myocardium, emptying
the atria and completing ventricular filling
(atrial systole 0.1 s)
• As the electrical impulse reaches the AV node
it is delayed to allow atria to finish emptying
in to the ventricles before the ventricles could
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 22
• An AV node triggers its own electrical impulse,
which quickly spreads to the ventricular
muscle via the AV bundle.
• This causes a wave of contraction to sweep
upwards from apex causing ventricles to pump
blood in both the aorta and pulmonary artery
(ventricular systole 0.3 s)
• After contraction of the ventricles there is
complete cardiac diastole, a period of 0.4 s,
when atria and ventricles relax, the
myocardium recovers in preparation for the
next heart beat, and atria refill for the next
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
Electrical changes in the heart.
• Body fluids and tissues are good conductors of
electricity, this activity within the heart can be
detected by attaching electrodes to the
surface of the body and this could be traced
on an electrocardiogram (ECG).
• This shows five waves namely P,Q,R.S and T.
• P – Wave arises when impulse from SA node
sweeps over the atria (atria depolarisation)
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 27
• QRS complex – Rapid spread of impulse from
AV node through the AV bundle and the
purkinje fibres as well as electro activity of the
ventricular muscle (ventricular
• T – Relaxation of the ventricular muscle
(ventricular repolarisation).
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 29
• Each heartbeat produces two sounds, often
called lubb-dub that can be heard with a
• The first sound (S1), the loudest and longest, is
caused by the ventricular systole (contraction)
closing the AV valves.
• The second sound (S2) is caused by the closure
of the aortic and pulmonary valves (SL).
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 62
• Third heart sound (occasional)
– Caused by turbulent blood flow into ventricles and
detected near end of first one-third of diastole
• If any of the valves do not close properly, an
extra sound called a heart murmur may be
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Areas of auscultation
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• Cardiac Output (CO) is the amount of blood
pumped out of each side of the heart (each
ventricle) in 1 minute.
• It is the product of the heart rate (HR) and the
stroke volume (SV).
• Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped
out by a ventricle with each heartbeat.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 30
• In general, stroke volume increases as the
force of ventricular contraction increases.
• Using the normal resting values for heart rate
(75 beats per minute) and stroke volume (70
ml - per beat), the average adult cardiac
output can be easily figured.
• CO = HR X SV
• CO = (75 beats / min) ( 70 ml / beat)
• CO = 5250 ml / min
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 31
Regulating stroke volume:
• A healthy heart pumps out about 60% of the
blood that enters it.
• The critical factor controlling stroke volume is
how much cardiac muscle cells are stretched
just before they contract.
Other factors:
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 32
• Venous return, the amount of blood entering
the heart and distending its ventricles, is the
determining factor.
• Anything that increases the volume or speed
of venous return also increases stroke volume
and force of contraction.
• A slow heartbeat allows more time for the
ventricles to fill.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 33
• Exercise speeds venous return because it results in
increased heart rate and force.
• The enhanced squeezing action of active skeletal
muscles on veins returning blood to the heart, called
muscular pump, also plays a major role in increasing
venous return.
• On the other hand, low venous return, such as might
result from severe blood loss or an extremely rapid
heart rate, decreases stroke volume, causing the
heart to beat less forcefully.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 34
• For most of us, at rest our heart beats
between 60 and 80 beats per minute.
• Under certain conditions, that number can
increase to as many as 200 beats per minute.
• The sympathetic nervous system increases
heart rate.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 35
• During times of physical or emotional stress,
the SA-node and AV-node - and even the
cardiac muscle itself - can be stimulated to
increase heart rate.
• The parasympathetic nervous system
decreases it.
• When demand declines, the vagus nerves
slow and steady the heart.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 36
• Various hormones and ions can have a
dramatic effect on heart rate.
• Reduced Ca ²⁺ in the blood depress the heart,
while a low level of K⁺ causes the heart to beat
feebly and without rhythm.
• Gender – the heart rate is faster in women
than men
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• Autonomic nerve activity – the intrinsic rate at
which the heart beats is a balance between
sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and
this is the most important factor in
determining heart rate
• Age – in babies and small children the heart
rate is more rapid than in older ones and
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 38
• Hormones such as adrenaline, thyroxine –
have same effects as sympathetic
stimulation, they increase heart rate.
• Activity and exercise – active muscle need
more blood than resting ones which is
achieved by increased heart rate.
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• Temperature – rises and falls with change in
temperature may affect heart rate.
• Emotional stress – excitement, fear or
anxiety increases heart rate.
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• Baroreceptor reflex – the baroreceptors are
nerve endings sensitive to pressure changes
(stretch) within vessels, situated in the arch of
the aorta and the carotid sinuses and body’s
principal moment to moment regulatory
mechanism for controlling blood pressure e.g.
a rise in blood pressure leads to increase
parasympathetic activity to the heart which
slows the heart down.
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Functions of the heart and valves
• Generating blood pressure
• Routing blood
– Heart separates pulmonary and systemic
Ensuring one-way blood flow
– Heart valves ensure one-way flow
Regulating blood supply
– Changes in contraction rate and force match
blood delivery to changing metabolic needs
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 43
Learning outcomes
• Overview of coronary circulation
• Pulmonary and systemic circulation
• Discuss the cardiac conduction system
• Explain the cardiac cycle and electric changes
• State the heart sounds
• Outline the cardiac output
• State factors affecting stroke volume
• Factors affecting heart rate
• Functions of the heart and valves
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 79
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 0
Learning Outcomes
• Give an overview of arteries
• The structure of arteries
• Outline the types of arteries
• Discuss capillaries and veins
• State the functions of blood vessels
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 81
• Blood vessels are the tubes through which the
heart pumps blood. There are 3 major types
of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, and
• Arteries take blood away from the heart. As
they move away from the heart, they branch
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 1
forming smaller and smaller arteries and
eventually the smallest arteries – the
arterioles. Arteries typically carry oxygenated
blood (except– the pulmonary arteries).
• Capillaries are the smallest and most
numerous vessel type. They are the sites of
exchange between blood and tissue fluid.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 2
• Exchange is facilitated by their thinness and
vast number. They “connect” arteries and
• Veins take blood toward the heart. As they
move toward the heart, they converge and
join, forming larger and larger vessels. The
smallest veins are the venules, which receive
blood from capillaries.
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• Veins typically carry deoxygenated blood
(except – the pulmonary veins).
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 5
• Arteries and veins have 3 basic layers or tunics
that surround a central blood-containing
space, the lumen.
• They are the: tunica interna, tunica media,
and tunica externa.
• Capillaries contain only the tunica interna.
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Tunica interna
• The tunica interna is a.k.a. the tunica
• It lines the lumen and consists primarily of
• This helps provide a smooth surface ideal
for fluid flow.
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T media
• The tunica media consists of circularly
arranged smooth muscle cells and sheets of
the protein elastin.
• The smooth muscle tone is regulated by
vasomotor fibres of the sympathetic nervous
system, hormones, and certain local
chemicals. An increase in tone leads to
vasoconstriction. A decrease in tone leads to
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 8
• There is a tonic release of NE onto vascular
smooth muscle by vasomotor neurons.
• Increasing NE release causes smooth muscle
contraction (vasoconstriction).
• Decreasing NE release causes smooth muscle
relaxation (vasodilation).
• The tunica media is the most prominent layer
in arteries.
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T externa
• Tunica externa is a.k.a. tunica adventitia.
• It consists of mostly collagen fibres that
protect, reinforce, and support the vessel.
• It is the most prominent layer in veins.
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Types of arteries
• Elastic arteries are a.k.a. conducting arteries
(elastic tissue in all 3 layers).
• They are the arteries closest to the heart, e.g.,
the aorta and its major branches (e.g.,
femoral, common carotids, etc.).
• Elastic tissues allow vessels to absorb the
surges of pressure associated with each
ventricular contraction.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 11
• Muscular arteries are a.k.a. distributing
• They are primarily involved in regional
distribution of blood, i.e., delivery of blood to
specific organs (e.g., splenic artery, renal
artery, etc.).
• They contain a very thick tunica media.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 12
• Arterioles are the smallest vessels of the
arterial tree.
• Large arterioles have all 3 tunics.
• Smaller ones may only have smooth muscle
cells circling an endothelium.
• They are very important in regulation of blood
pressure and flow.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 13
• all the artery types are innervated to the
greatest extent by sympathetic vasomotor
• Thus their level of muscle tone is the most
adjustable and the most often adjusted.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 14
• They contain only a tunica interna.
• There are billions of capillaries in the human
• This presents a huge surface area for
• They’re arranged in networks (beds) and are
in rich supply in metabolically active tissues,
e.g., lungs, liver, kidneys, skeletal muscle and
cardiac muscle.
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• They’re absent in epithelia, cartilage, and the
corneas and lenses of the eyes.
• They’re quite thin, which also facilitates
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Types of capillaries
• Continuous capillaries are the most common
type and are abundant in skin and muscle.
• They are “continuous” in terms of each cell
(i.e., no holes within the cell membrane).
• Intercellular clefts may be found between
• Continuous capillaries are found in areas
where exchange of large items is unnecessary.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 18
• Fenestrated capillaries are similar to
continuous except the membranes of the
endothelial cells are riddled with pores
• They also contain intercellular clefts.
• They are much more permeable than
continuous capillaries. They are found in sites
of active absorption (e.g., intestines) or filtrate
formation (e.g., glomeruli of the kidney).
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 19
• Sinusoidal capillaries are highly modified, very
permeable capillaries found in liver, bone
marrow, lymphoid tissues, and some
endocrine organs.
• They’re fenestrated and contain huge
intercellular clefts. Large molecules and even
blood cells can exit/enter.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 20
• They’re twisty, which slows down blood flow.
• Macrophages can form portions of the
capillary lining in the liver so as to monitor the
blood for bacteria and other undesirables.
• Capillaries form interconnected networks
known as capillary beds /rete.
• Capillary beds are bounded by an arteriole
and venule.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 21
• Venules are formed when capillaries unite.
• They coalesce (unit) to form small veins.
• Veins contain all 3 tunics, but in different
proportions than arteries.
• The most prominent layer is the tunica
• The walls of veins are thin and their lumens
are large. They have very low resistance and
are extremely compliant.
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 22
• Venous muscle tone (the contraction of the
tunica media as controlled by the SNS)
prevents the veins from being distended too
• Venous blood pressure is quite low because
they are so far from the pumping action of the
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
• The low BP necessitates venous valves
(extensions of endothelium reminiscent
[significant] of the cardiac semilunar valves) to
prevent backflow.
• There are far more valves in the lower
extremities than the upper extremities.
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Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 25
• Heart ,arteries and veins can be regarded as
mainly specialised plumbing design to optimal
blood flow thru the capillaries
• Transport oxygen from the lungs, nutrients
from the gut
• Carry waste product from the tissues to the
lungs, kidneys and to a lesser extent to the gut
and skin for excretory
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 26
• Carries and regulate substance from the
endocrine gland to their target tissues
• Carries heat between the body’s core and its
• Carry cells and chemical factors that defends
the body against foreign substances and
• Capillaries function is that of diffusion and
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 27
Learning Outcomes
• Give an overview of arteries
• The structure of arteries
• Outline the types of arteries
• Discuss capillaries and veins
• State the functions of blood vessels
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 109
Good day
Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 28

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  • 3. Learning outcomes • Explain an overview of the heart • Location and associated organs of the heart • Discuss the structure of the heart • Explain the major vessels of the heart as seen anteriorly or posteriorly • Explain the mechanism of valves Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 3
  • 4. Introduction • The CVS comprise three interrelated components namely heart, blood and blood vessels. • It is a closed system lined with endothelium (a single layer of flat cells) and filled with blood essential for metabolic processes of all body cells. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 4
  • 5. Cont.. The CVS meets the increased demand by increasing the blood flow to areas of greater activity or to the entire body if whole of it is involved. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 5
  • 6. The Heart. • Approximately the size of owner’s fist. • It’s hollow, cone-shaped that weighs less than a pound (approx 225g in females and 310g in males). • The apex is pointed toward the left hip and rests on the diaphragm, approximately at the level of the 5th intercoastal space. • It’s broader postero-superior aspect, the base, from which the great vessels of the body emerge. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 6
  • 7. Cont.. • It pumps about 5litres of blood per minute to the lungs and same amount to the rest of the body. • The human heart essentially is two separate hearts enclosed in a membrane called the pericardium. • Fibrous tissues in the pericardium protect the heart and anchor it to surrounding structures, such as the diaphragm and sternum. • It secretes a fluid that reduces friction as the heart beats. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 7
  • 8. Location • The heart is located within the mediastinum. • It rests on the superior surface of the central tendon of the diaphragm, medial to the lungs, anterior to the oesophagus and vertebral column, and posterior to the sternum. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 8
  • 9. ASSOCIATED ORGANS • Inferiorly – Rests on the central tendon of the diaphragm • Superiorly – Aorta, superior vena cava, pulmonary artery and veins • Posteriorly – Oesophagus, trachea, left and right bronchus, descending aorta, inferior vena cava and thoracic vertebrae • Laterally – Lungs • Anteriorly – Sternum, ribs and intercoastal muscles Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 9
  • 11. Parts of the Heart • Pericardium • Myocardium • Endocardium Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 11
  • 12. PERICARDIUM • A double-walled fibrous superficial layer. • A collagenous structure that anchors the heart and prevents it from over distension. • The serous pericardium, is a 2 layered serous membrane. • The parietal pericardium is the outer of the 2 and the viscera lines the inner surface of fibrous pericardium. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 12
  • 13. Cont.. • The visceral pericardium is a.k.a. the epicardium. • The parietal and visceral layers are continuous with one another where the great vessels leave the heart. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 13
  • 15. MYOCARDIUM • The bulk of the heart wall is composed of cardiac muscle. There are 2 types of cardiac muscle cells. 1. The contractile cells (99%) generate the force involved in pumping. 2. The autorhythmic cells (1%) spontaneously depolarize to set the rate of contraction. • They are involuntary and are linked to one another and to the autorhythmic cells by intercalated discs. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 15
  • 16. Cont.. • Intercalated discs consist of 2 separate structures: Gap junctions and Desmosomes. • Gap junctions are protein channels that allow ions to flow between adjacent cells. • They amount to an electrical connection between cardiac muscle cells. • They allow the depolarization wave initiated by autorhythmic cells to spread through the cardiac musculature. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 16
  • 17. Cont.. • The heart function as a single coordinated unit (a functional syncytium), which helps maximize its efficiency. • Desmosomes physically connect adjacent cardiac muscle cells. This prevents cells from separating during contraction. • Electrical excitation of cardiac muscle cells causes an increase in intracellular Ca²⁺levels. Calcium binds with troponin to produce contraction via the familiar sliding filament mechanism. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 17
  • 20. ENDOCARDIUM The endocardium is a thin inner, glistening sheet of endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) that lines the heart chambers, valves and helps blood flow smoothly through the heart. • It is continuous with the linings of the blood vessels leaving and entering the heart. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 20
  • 21. External heart: major vessels of the heart (anterior view) Returning blood to the heart • Superior and inferior venae cavae • Right and left pulmonary veins Conveying blood away from the heart • Pulmonary trunk, which splits into right and left pulmonary arteries • Ascending aorta (three branches) – brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and subclavian arteries Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 21
  • 23. External heart: vessels that supply/drain the heart (anterior view) • Arteries – right and left coronary (in • interventricular groove), marginal, circumflex, and anterior interventricular • Veins – small cardiac vein, anterior cardiac vein, and great cardiac vein Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
  • 24. External heart: major vessels of the heart (posterior view) Returning blood to the heart • Right and left pulmonary veins • Superior and inferior venae cavae Conveying blood away from the heart • Aorta • Right and left pulmonary arteries Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 24
  • 25. External heart: vessels that supply/drain the heart (posterior view) • Arteries – right coronary artery (in atrioventricular groove) and the posterior interventricular artery (in interventricular groove) • Veins – great cardiac vein, posterior vein to left ventricle, coronary sinus, and middle cardiac vein Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 25
  • 27. INTERIOR OF THE HEART. • Frontal section showing interior chambers and valves. • Major vessels leading to and from the heart • The heart is divided in to a right and left side by the septum; this is a partition consisting of myocardium covered by endocardium. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 27
  • 28. Cont.. • Each side is divided by an atrioventricular valve into upper and lower chambers; these atrioventricular valves are formed by double folds of endocardium strengthened by fibrous tissue. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 28
  • 29. Cont.. The valves are prevented from opening upwards in to the atria by tendinous cords called chordae tendineae. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 29
  • 30. Cont.. • Atria of the Heart which are the receiving chambers of the heart with a protruding auricle (pouch) each, Blood enters right atria from superior and inferior venae cavae and coronary sinus, Blood enters left atria from pulmonary veins • Pectinate muscles mark atrial walls. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 30
  • 31. VENTRICLES OF THE HEART • Ventricles are the discharging chambers of the heart • Papillary muscles and trabeculae carneae muscles mark ventricular walls • Right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary trunk. • Left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 31
  • 32. THE HEART VALVES The two atrioventricular valves prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles contract: • The left AV-valve/ the bicuspid or mitral valve consists of two cusps, or flaps, of endocardium. • The right AV-valve/ the tricuspid valve has three cusps. The two semilunar valves close the two large arteries as the ventricles relax: • The right SL-valve and the aortic valve has three cusps that fit tightly together. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 32
  • 33. Mechanism • The valves of the heart and great vessels open and close depending on the level of pressure within the vessels/chambers of the heart. • AV valves are open while ventricular muscles are relaxed during atrial filling and systole. • When the ventricles contract the pressure in these chambers increase insidiously and as it rises above atria pressure the AV valves closes. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 33
  • 34. Cont.. • When the ventricular pressure rises above that of the pulmonary and aortic pressure, the SL valve opens and blood flows in to the great vessels. • When the ventricles relax and the pressure within them falls, the reverse happens. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 34
  • 36. Learning outcomes • Explain an overview of the heart • Location and associated organs of the heart • Discuss the structure of the heart • Explain the major vessels of the heart as seen anteriorly or posteriorly • Explain the mechanism of valves Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 36
  • 37. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 37 END OF PART ONE •END OF PART ONE
  • 38. Learning outcomes • Overview of coronary circulation • Pulmonary and systemic circulation • Discuss the cardiac conduction system • Explain the cardiac cycle and electric changes • State the heart sounds • Outline the cardiac output • State factors affecting stroke volume • Factors affecting heart rate • Functions of the heart and valves Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 38
  • 39. CORONARY CIRCULATION • Coronary circulation is the functional blood supply to the heart which is about 5% of the total body needs. • Collateral routes insure blood delivery to heart even if major vessels are occluded. • Although the heart chambers are continuously bathed with blood, the blood contained in the heart does not nourish the myocardium. • The blood supply that oxygenates and nourishes the heart is provided by the right and left coronary arteries. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 1
  • 40. Cont.. • The coronary arteries branch from the base of the aorta and encircle the heart in the atrioventricular groove at the junction of the atria and ventricles. • They are compressed when the ventricles are contracting and fill when the heart is relaxed. • The myocardium is drained by several cardiac veins, which empty into an enlarged vessel on the backside of the heart called the coronary sinus. Which in turn, empties into the right atrium. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 2
  • 42. Pathway of blood through the heart and lungs • Right atrium via tricuspid valve to a right ventricle • Right ventricle via pulmonary semilunar valve to pulmonary trunc, arteries to lungs • Lungs to pulmonary veins to left atrium • Left atrium via bicuspid valve to left ventricle • Left ventricle to aortic semilunar valve to aorta • Aorta to systemic circulation Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 6
  • 45. HEART MUSCLE CONTRACTION/CONDUCTING SYSTEM • The heart consists of muscle cells that contract in waves. • When the first group is stimulated, they in turn stimulate neighboring cells. • This chain reaction continues until all cells contract. • The wave of activity spreads in such a way that the atria and the ventricles contract in a steady rhythm. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 9
  • 46. SINOATRIAL NODE • The wave begins in a small bundle of specialized heart muscle cells embedded in the right atrium near the opening of the superior vena cava called the sinoatrial node (SA). • The SA-node is the natural pacemaker of the heart. • It initiates each heartbeat, without stimulation from the nervous system, and sets the pace for the heart rate. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 10
  • 47. Cont.. • The impulse spreads from the pacemaker through the cardiac muscle cells in the right and left atrium, causing both atria to contract almost simultaneously. • Then the impulse initiated by the SA- node reaches another special area of the heart known as the atrioventricular (AV) node. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 11
  • 49. ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE • The AV-node is located in the septum between the right and left atrium near the atrioventricular valve (posterior wall). • The AV-node relays the electrical impulse to the muscle cells that make up the ventricles. • The ventricles contract almost simultaneously a fraction of a second after the atria completing one full heartbeat. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 13
  • 50. Cont.. • This allows the atria to finish contracting before the ventricles start. These contractions cause the chambers to squeeze the blood, pushing it in the proper direction along its path. • The AV node is a secondary pacemaker, takes over from the SA if it has a problem with transmission of impulses, however; the intrinsic firing rate is slower than that of the SA. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 14
  • 51. Atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle or bundle of His) • Mass of specialised fibres with origins from the AV node and passes the fibrous ring (septum). • It divides in to left and right bundle branches at the upper end of the ventricular septum. • It breaks in to fine fibres within the ventricular myocardium to form purkinje fibres. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 15
  • 52. Cont.. • All the these structures convey electrical impulses from the AV node to the apex of the myocardium, to start the wave of ventricular contraction that sweeps upwards and downwards, pumping blood in to the pulmonary trunk and aorta. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 16
  • 53. NERVE SUPPLY • A.N. from the cardiovascular centre - medulla oblongata, it consist of parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves with antagonistic actions • Vagus nerves (parasympathetic) supply mainly the SA and AV nodes as well as atrial muscle. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 17
  • 54. Cont.. • Parasympathetic stimulation reduces the rate at which impulses are produced, decreasing the rate and force of the heart beat. • The sympathetic nerves supply the SA and AV as well as the myocardium of atria and ventricles. • It increases the rate and force of the heart beat. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 18
  • 55. CARDIAC CYCLE • In its simplest form, the cardiac cycle is the simultaneous contraction of the two atria, followed a fraction of a second later by the simultaneous contraction of the two ventricles, it is the sequence of events in one heartbeat. A heartbeat has two phases: • Phase 1 - Systole - Contraction. • Occurs when the ventricles contract, closing the AV valves and opening the SL valves to pump blood into two major vessels leaving the heart. • Phase 2 - Diastole - Relaxation. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 19
  • 56. STAGES OF CARDIAC CYCLE Normal number of cycles per minute ranges from 60 to 80 each last about 0.8 of a second and consist of: • Atrial systole -0.1 seconds • Ventricular systole -0.3 seconds • Complete cardiac diastole – 0.4 seconds • The cycle could start at any stage. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 21
  • 57. Cont.. • The atrioventricular valves are open and blood flows passively through to the ventricles. • The SA node triggers a wave of contraction that spreads over the myocardium, emptying the atria and completing ventricular filling (atrial systole 0.1 s) • As the electrical impulse reaches the AV node it is delayed to allow atria to finish emptying in to the ventricles before the ventricles could contract. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 22
  • 58. Cont.. • An AV node triggers its own electrical impulse, which quickly spreads to the ventricular muscle via the AV bundle. • This causes a wave of contraction to sweep upwards from apex causing ventricles to pump blood in both the aorta and pulmonary artery (ventricular systole 0.3 s) • After contraction of the ventricles there is complete cardiac diastole, a period of 0.4 s, when atria and ventricles relax, the myocardium recovers in preparation for the next heart beat, and atria refill for the next cycle. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
  • 59. Electrical changes in the heart. • Body fluids and tissues are good conductors of electricity, this activity within the heart can be detected by attaching electrodes to the surface of the body and this could be traced on an electrocardiogram (ECG). • This shows five waves namely P,Q,R.S and T. • P – Wave arises when impulse from SA node sweeps over the atria (atria depolarisation) Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 27
  • 60. Cont.. • QRS complex – Rapid spread of impulse from AV node through the AV bundle and the purkinje fibres as well as electro activity of the ventricular muscle (ventricular depolarisation). • T – Relaxation of the ventricular muscle (ventricular repolarisation). Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 28
  • 62. HEART SOUNDS • Each heartbeat produces two sounds, often called lubb-dub that can be heard with a stethoscope. • The first sound (S1), the loudest and longest, is caused by the ventricular systole (contraction) closing the AV valves. • The second sound (S2) is caused by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves (SL). Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 62
  • 63. Cont.. • Third heart sound (occasional) – Caused by turbulent blood flow into ventricles and detected near end of first one-third of diastole • If any of the valves do not close properly, an extra sound called a heart murmur may be heard. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 63
  • 65. CARDIAC OUTPUT • Cardiac Output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped out of each side of the heart (each ventricle) in 1 minute. • It is the product of the heart rate (HR) and the stroke volume (SV). • Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 30
  • 66. Cont.. • In general, stroke volume increases as the force of ventricular contraction increases. • Using the normal resting values for heart rate (75 beats per minute) and stroke volume (70 ml - per beat), the average adult cardiac output can be easily figured. • CO = HR X SV • CO = (75 beats / min) ( 70 ml / beat) • CO = 5250 ml / min Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 31
  • 67. Regulating stroke volume: • A healthy heart pumps out about 60% of the blood that enters it. • The critical factor controlling stroke volume is how much cardiac muscle cells are stretched just before they contract. Other factors: Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 32
  • 68. Cont.. • Venous return, the amount of blood entering the heart and distending its ventricles, is the determining factor. • Anything that increases the volume or speed of venous return also increases stroke volume and force of contraction. • A slow heartbeat allows more time for the ventricles to fill. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 33
  • 69. Cont.. • Exercise speeds venous return because it results in increased heart rate and force. • The enhanced squeezing action of active skeletal muscles on veins returning blood to the heart, called muscular pump, also plays a major role in increasing venous return. • On the other hand, low venous return, such as might result from severe blood loss or an extremely rapid heart rate, decreases stroke volume, causing the heart to beat less forcefully. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 34
  • 70. REGULATING HEART RATE: • For most of us, at rest our heart beats between 60 and 80 beats per minute. • Under certain conditions, that number can increase to as many as 200 beats per minute. • The sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 35
  • 71. Cont.. • During times of physical or emotional stress, the SA-node and AV-node - and even the cardiac muscle itself - can be stimulated to increase heart rate. • The parasympathetic nervous system decreases it. • When demand declines, the vagus nerves slow and steady the heart. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 36
  • 72. Cont.. • Various hormones and ions can have a dramatic effect on heart rate. • Reduced Ca ²⁺ in the blood depress the heart, while a low level of K⁺ causes the heart to beat feebly and without rhythm. • Gender – the heart rate is faster in women than men Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 37
  • 73. Cont.. • Autonomic nerve activity – the intrinsic rate at which the heart beats is a balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and this is the most important factor in determining heart rate • Age – in babies and small children the heart rate is more rapid than in older ones and adults Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 38
  • 74. Cont.. • Hormones such as adrenaline, thyroxine – have same effects as sympathetic stimulation, they increase heart rate. • Activity and exercise – active muscle need more blood than resting ones which is achieved by increased heart rate. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 39
  • 75. Cont.. • Temperature – rises and falls with change in temperature may affect heart rate. • Emotional stress – excitement, fear or anxiety increases heart rate. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 40
  • 76. Cont.. • Baroreceptor reflex – the baroreceptors are nerve endings sensitive to pressure changes (stretch) within vessels, situated in the arch of the aorta and the carotid sinuses and body’s principal moment to moment regulatory mechanism for controlling blood pressure e.g. a rise in blood pressure leads to increase parasympathetic activity to the heart which slows the heart down. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 41
  • 78. Functions of the heart and valves • Generating blood pressure • Routing blood – Heart separates pulmonary and systemic circulations Ensuring one-way blood flow – Heart valves ensure one-way flow Regulating blood supply – Changes in contraction rate and force match blood delivery to changing metabolic needs Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 43
  • 79. Learning outcomes • Overview of coronary circulation • Pulmonary and systemic circulation • Discuss the cardiac conduction system • Explain the cardiac cycle and electric changes • State the heart sounds • Outline the cardiac output • State factors affecting stroke volume • Factors affecting heart rate • Functions of the heart and valves Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 79
  • 81. Learning Outcomes • Give an overview of arteries • The structure of arteries • Outline the types of arteries • Discuss capillaries and veins • State the functions of blood vessels Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 81
  • 82. BLOOD VESSELS • Blood vessels are the tubes through which the heart pumps blood. There are 3 major types of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, and veins. Overview • Arteries take blood away from the heart. As they move away from the heart, they branch repeatedly, Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 1
  • 83. Cont.. forming smaller and smaller arteries and eventually the smallest arteries – the arterioles. Arteries typically carry oxygenated blood (except– the pulmonary arteries). • Capillaries are the smallest and most numerous vessel type. They are the sites of exchange between blood and tissue fluid. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 2
  • 84. Cont.. • Exchange is facilitated by their thinness and vast number. They “connect” arteries and veins. • Veins take blood toward the heart. As they move toward the heart, they converge and join, forming larger and larger vessels. The smallest veins are the venules, which receive blood from capillaries. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 3
  • 85. Cont.. • Veins typically carry deoxygenated blood (except – the pulmonary veins). Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 4
  • 87. Structure • Arteries and veins have 3 basic layers or tunics that surround a central blood-containing space, the lumen. • They are the: tunica interna, tunica media, and tunica externa. • Capillaries contain only the tunica interna. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 6
  • 88. Tunica interna • The tunica interna is a.k.a. the tunica intima. • It lines the lumen and consists primarily of endothelium. • This helps provide a smooth surface ideal for fluid flow. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 7
  • 89. T media • The tunica media consists of circularly arranged smooth muscle cells and sheets of the protein elastin. • The smooth muscle tone is regulated by vasomotor fibres of the sympathetic nervous system, hormones, and certain local chemicals. An increase in tone leads to vasoconstriction. A decrease in tone leads to vasodilation Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 8
  • 90. Cont • There is a tonic release of NE onto vascular smooth muscle by vasomotor neurons. • Increasing NE release causes smooth muscle contraction (vasoconstriction). • Decreasing NE release causes smooth muscle relaxation (vasodilation). • The tunica media is the most prominent layer in arteries. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 9
  • 91. T externa • Tunica externa is a.k.a. tunica adventitia. • It consists of mostly collagen fibres that protect, reinforce, and support the vessel. • It is the most prominent layer in veins. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 10
  • 92. Types of arteries • Elastic arteries are a.k.a. conducting arteries (elastic tissue in all 3 layers). • They are the arteries closest to the heart, e.g., the aorta and its major branches (e.g., femoral, common carotids, etc.). • Elastic tissues allow vessels to absorb the surges of pressure associated with each ventricular contraction. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 11
  • 93. Cont.. • Muscular arteries are a.k.a. distributing arteries. • They are primarily involved in regional distribution of blood, i.e., delivery of blood to specific organs (e.g., splenic artery, renal artery, etc.). • They contain a very thick tunica media. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 12
  • 94. Cont.. • Arterioles are the smallest vessels of the arterial tree. • Large arterioles have all 3 tunics. • Smaller ones may only have smooth muscle cells circling an endothelium. • They are very important in regulation of blood pressure and flow. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 13
  • 95. Cont.. • all the artery types are innervated to the greatest extent by sympathetic vasomotor fibres. • Thus their level of muscle tone is the most adjustable and the most often adjusted. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 14
  • 96. Capillaries • They contain only a tunica interna. • There are billions of capillaries in the human body. • This presents a huge surface area for exchange. • They’re arranged in networks (beds) and are in rich supply in metabolically active tissues, e.g., lungs, liver, kidneys, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 15
  • 97. Cont.. • They’re absent in epithelia, cartilage, and the corneas and lenses of the eyes. • They’re quite thin, which also facilitates exchange. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 16
  • 99. Types of capillaries • Continuous capillaries are the most common type and are abundant in skin and muscle. • They are “continuous” in terms of each cell (i.e., no holes within the cell membrane). • Intercellular clefts may be found between cells. • Continuous capillaries are found in areas where exchange of large items is unnecessary. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 18
  • 100. Cont.. • Fenestrated capillaries are similar to continuous except the membranes of the endothelial cells are riddled with pores (fenestrations). • They also contain intercellular clefts. • They are much more permeable than continuous capillaries. They are found in sites of active absorption (e.g., intestines) or filtrate formation (e.g., glomeruli of the kidney). Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 19
  • 101. Cont.. • Sinusoidal capillaries are highly modified, very permeable capillaries found in liver, bone marrow, lymphoid tissues, and some endocrine organs. • They’re fenestrated and contain huge intercellular clefts. Large molecules and even blood cells can exit/enter. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 20
  • 102. Cont.. • They’re twisty, which slows down blood flow. • Macrophages can form portions of the capillary lining in the liver so as to monitor the blood for bacteria and other undesirables. • Capillaries form interconnected networks known as capillary beds /rete. • Capillary beds are bounded by an arteriole and venule. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 21
  • 103. Cont.. • Venules are formed when capillaries unite. • They coalesce (unit) to form small veins. • Veins contain all 3 tunics, but in different proportions than arteries. • The most prominent layer is the tunica externa. • The walls of veins are thin and their lumens are large. They have very low resistance and are extremely compliant. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 22
  • 104. Cont.. • Venous muscle tone (the contraction of the tunica media as controlled by the SNS) prevents the veins from being distended too much. • Venous blood pressure is quite low because they are so far from the pumping action of the heart. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 23
  • 105. Cont.. • The low BP necessitates venous valves (extensions of endothelium reminiscent [significant] of the cardiac semilunar valves) to prevent backflow. • There are far more valves in the lower extremities than the upper extremities. Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 24
  • 107. Functions • Heart ,arteries and veins can be regarded as mainly specialised plumbing design to optimal blood flow thru the capillaries • Transport oxygen from the lungs, nutrients from the gut • Carry waste product from the tissues to the lungs, kidneys and to a lesser extent to the gut and skin for excretory Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 26
  • 108. Cont.. • Carries and regulate substance from the endocrine gland to their target tissues • Carries heat between the body’s core and its surface • Carry cells and chemical factors that defends the body against foreign substances and organisms • Capillaries function is that of diffusion and absorption Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 27
  • 109. Learning Outcomes • Give an overview of arteries • The structure of arteries • Outline the types of arteries • Discuss capillaries and veins • State the functions of blood vessels Malisawa, C.P. OTNS 109