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Consumer Products and Retail   the way we see it

All-Channel Experience:
Engaging with Technology-
Enabled Shoppers In-Store

How New In-Store Digital Tools Can Drive Value for
Shoppers and Retailers
Case Study: Albert Heijn Uses                                    People today seamlessly integrate the                            across all channels and touchpoints,
    Dynamic Pricing and Digital Signage                              use of all types of technologies in their                        including physical stores.1 Stores need
    to Reduce Waste on Fresh Produce                                 lives, including the way they shop – at                          to offer experiences consumers can’t
                                                                     any time, at any location. As a result,                          have in the digital space, by becoming
    Netherlands-based grocery retailer
                                                                     they are more informed and selective                             destinations of choice. They need to
    Albert Heijn wanted to test advanced
                                                                     about the products and services                                  blur the boundaries between digital
    technology solutions for intelligent waste
                                                                     they want and use, and are more                                  and physical. And retailers need to
    management at store level in order to
                                                                     empowered towards the industries                                 re-examine their strategy to provide a
    reduce waste in its produce departments.
                                                                     that serve them.                                                 seamless experience across the entire
    The retailer initiated a pilot together
                                                                                                                                      customer buying journey.
    with Capgemini, Toshiba TEC and other
                                                                     In this environment, the growth
                                                                     of mobile features and device                                    The ability to provide a superior
    The intelligent waste management                                 convergence such as smartphones are                              in-store shopping experience is
    solution is based on adjusting the                               driving mobile commerce. At the same                             critical for retailers to drive value
    messaging on electronic signs to reflect                         time, store visits are being enhanced                            for consumers. According to a
    changes in pricing, product information,                         by dynamic digital displays and                                  survey by RSR, 88% of retailers with
    promotions and plan-o-grams. The                                 personalization through hand-held                                annual revenue over $1 billion cite
    system compares predicted and actual                             devices or the shopper’s own phone.                              “improving the customer experience”
    sales rates and analyzes expected                                These changes provide retailers with                             as one of their top three uses of
    deliveries and current stock levels to                           the opportunity to drive greater value                           in-store technology.2 Retailers can
    determine what predefined measures                               by making the switch from “talking to”                           target several levers to help create an
    must be executed to avoid overstock or                           towards “engaging with” consumers                                experience-led in-store environment:
    imminent out-of-stock situations. The                            and shoppers.
    solution consists of centrally controlled                                                                                         • Easy access to information
    wireless digital displays and shop floor                         Creating an Experience-Led                                         through smartphone apps, surface
    hand-held scanners (to be used by                                In-Store Environment                                               computing devices, self-service
    mandated personnel with the knowledge                            A growing number of digital channels,                              kiosks, digital signage and public
    and experience to make decisions                                 from apps to kiosks to the web, are                                social networks.
    regarding freshness and promotions to                            replacing elements of the shopping                               • Faster response to shopper
    increase sales).                                                 experience that would previously                                   queries with hand-held/multi-touch
                                                                     have occurred in a physical space,                                 devices, augmented reality and
    The solution has resulted in numerous
                                                                     calling for the store environment to                               online product recommendation
    benefits, including:
                                                                     evolve. This shift requires retailers to                           engines.
    • Lower costs and increased sales due                            think differently about the shopper                              • Ability to locate products quickly,
       to reduced waste                                              experience and service model                                       enabled by digital and e-paper
    • Improved corporate social responsibility                                                                                          signage and smartphone apps.
       by addressing the food waste issue
    • Reduced labor and print costs and                                                                                               • Quick and easy checkout through
       the elimination of price discrepancies                                                                                           the use of self-checkout kiosks,
       between shelf labels and POS systems                                                                                             personal shopping scanners/mobile
                                                                                                                                        POS, mobile phone payments and
                                                                                                                                        contactless payments.

                                                                                                                                      Digital Tools Drive Value for
                                                                                                                                      Shoppers and Retailers
                                                                                                                                      Powerful digital tools can be used
                                                                                                                                      in a wide range of applications in
                                                                                                                                      a retail environment to provide a
                                                                                                                                      more seamless experience (Figure 1).
                                                                                                                                      Following is a closer look at some of
                                                                                                                                      these applications.

    “How Digital is Transforming Physical Experiences,”, Customer Experience Blog, Capgemini, Dec. 2, 2010
    “The 21st Century Store: The Search for Relevance,” RSR, June 2011

Consumer Products and Retail                 the way we see it

Figure 1: Digital Tools for Each Step of a Shopper’s in-Store Journey

         1                                                                                                       Customer is tracked real time from the moment
                               2                                                                            1    he or she steps inside the store
                                                                                                                 Customer receives information on store layout,
                                                                                                     6           product placement
                                                3                                                                Receives personalized offers and information
                                                                                                                 from retailer
                                                                                                                 Can search for information on specific
                                                                                                                 products of interest
                                                                                                                 Is greeted by sales associate who is aided by
                                                                  7                                         5
                                                                                                                 digital tools
                                                                                                                 Gets information on product’s price, its
                                                                                                                 nutrition facts, in-store stock levels, etc.
                                                                          8                  9                   Customer compares price in other stores, also
                                                                                                                 checks customer reviews
                                                                                                                 Customer self-scans the products in his or her
                                                      5                                                     8
                                                                                                    10           shopping basket

                                                                                                            9    Pays by mobile or through Near-Field
                                                                                                                 Communication (NFC) card
                                                                                                            10   Receives e-mail or SMS receipts and vouchers

Source: Capgemini

Smartphones allow retailers to                                 mobile applications such as “geo-                   Retailers can also improve their
interact with customers at every                               fencing” or location-based services                 understanding of the shopper buying
step of their shopping journey.                                retailers can identify customers in the             journey by tracking smartphone usage
The significant rise in the smartphone                         vicinity of a store. They can then use              in store, which can be a key input
user base globally is leading retailers                        this technology to entice customers                 for improved store design and layout.
to leverage this technology to                                 into the store by sending out messages              And location-based capabilities make
enhance interaction with shoppers.                             on products, promotions and exclusive               it easier for retailers to reach the
And for good reason. According                                 deals to consumers in the geo-fenced                customer at any time before, during or
to a Google survey, 70% of U.S.                                area.                                               after a shopping trip.
smartphone owners use their device
while shopping in-store, and 74%                               During the in-store shopping                        While smartphones offer significant
of smartphone shoppers made a                                  experience, smartphones can be                      opportunities to enhance the
purchase as a result of using their                            used to scan a barcode or run a                     shopper experience, they also
smartphone.3                                                   price comparison, access product                    present challenges. For example,
                                                               information, check customer reviews                 retailers have to depend on third-
Before the actual in-store experience,                         and ratings, and get quick in-store/                party communications providers for
shoppers can use their smartphones                             aisle navigation. After the shopping                connecting with shoppers, and some
to access a store locator, search for                          experience, shoppers may use their                  consumers worry about the possible
product availability, and access price                         phones to track and trace a product                 erosion of privacy.
and promotional coupons. Using                                 delivery from the store.

    “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users,” Google/IPSOS OTX MediaCT, April 2011

Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store	                                                                                                               3
Surface computing and                      Augmented reality applications
 Case Study: Boulanger Launches its             multi-touch devices add a                  can improve in-store
 First iPhone Application                       new dimension to interactive               communications and enhance
 The Situation: Boulanger is a leading
                                                shopper engagement.                        the overall shopping experience.
 multimedia and electronics multi-specialist    These touch-based graphical                While still in an early stage,
 based in France since 1954. In early           interactive devices allow people to        augmented reality has the potential
 2010, as part of a panel of leading French     interact with content and information      to make a great impact on the retail
 retailers, Boulanger was introduced
                                                on their own or collaboratively with       industry for both shoppers and
 to a set of new mobile solutions. After
 the presentation, the company asked
                                                their friends and families. With           retailers. In-store touchpoints like
 Capgemini to design and build a new            multi-touch devices, in-store shoppers     interactive kiosks can be used to
 iPhone solution – one that would offer         can locate and select products on          enhance real-world data or images
 superior functionality and service to its      touchscreens at an interactive station,    with computer-generated input
 customers.                                     download product information on a          such as images, graphics or data. In
 The Solution: The Capgemini Innovation         mobile device or locate items in-store.    addition, apps based on augmented
 Factory team worked with a team from           Tablets can be used for checkouts          reality using object recognition and
 Boulanger to design and integrate an           by applying finger signatures. These       GPS can help shoppers locate and find
 application that would not only meet basic     devices can also issue SMS or e-mail       their way to or through a store.
 customer requirements (geo-localization        receipts, thus enabling faster checkout.
 of stores, item description and price, etc.)                                              Additional retail applications include
                                                And increasingly retailers are using
 but would actually go beyond to set a
                                                tablets as “assisted sales tools” to       product reviews via image recognition,
 completely new standard for the industry.
                                                provide more consistent and efficient      price checks, product availability,
 The Result: In the first six weeks after       sales support by store staff.              virtual fitting rooms and interactive
 it was launched, the application was
                                                                                           window displays. Augmented reality
 downloaded more than 20,000 times,
 with peaks at 1,500 downloads per day.
                                                Surface computing technologies such        can provide an enhanced way to
 It quickly reached “top 25” status for         as tablets help retailers provide a        interact with shoppers in real time.
 all iPhone applications in its category.       connected experience with a higher         However, at this early stage, the set-up
 The success of the application has also        degree of service. Benefits include        and management costs associated with
 resulted in a strong association of the        increased in-store sales and conversion    augmented reality may outweigh the
 Boulanger brand with a young, dynamic          rates; a reduced learning curve for        sales benefits.
 and eager clientele.
                                                new employees; a more engaging
 “Our aim was to develop a user-centric         and efficient buying experience for        Point-of-sale technology is
 application designed to bring real value       shoppers; and the ability to assist        moving from traditional to
 to our shoppers and customers. This is a       sales associates in up-selling and         advanced systems, keeping in
 complete application enabling purchase                                                    mind the changing customer.
                                                cross-selling with quick product
 transactions with a real-time inventory
 look-up feature in the nearest selected
                                                information, customer opinions, etc.       POS applications have the potential to
 stores, loyalty management and product                                                    move beyond transaction-only devices
 guarantees,” said Patrick Perret, Director     On the downside, most of these             to become the primary medium to
 of Information Technology Studies at           devices are relatively low on mobility,    deliver customer-centric retailing. New
 Boulanger.                                     compared with smartphones.                 applications provide the opportunity
 In addition to mobility and speed, other       In addition, tablet apps are still         to improve the in-store experience by
 standout features of the application are:      in a nascent stage so a complete           reducing consumer checkout times
                                                understanding of their functionalities     and abandon rates. For example,
 •	Direct access to all available products in
   nearby stores
                                                is not yet clear.                          “line-busting” applications use wireless
 •	Booking an item and retrieving it in the                                                devices to emulate the cash register
   store within the hour                                                                   and give credit card shoppers the
 •	Real-time updates on special events and                                                 chance to skip checkout lines, helping
   promotions                                                                              to enhance a store’s service image.
 •	Real-time order/repair status
                                                                                           This type of portable POS is especially
 •	Display of all purchase tickets to enable
   an improved after-sales service                                                         suited for goods and orders that are
 •	Viewing products using augmented                                                        large and where a store employee is
   reality wherein a Boulanger item could be                                               closely involved such as in a DIY store
   visualized as it would appear at home.                                                  or home center.

Consumer Products and Retail         the way we see it

                                            POS applications can also improve          Mobile payments is a growing
                                            convenience and flexibility. Store         area for retailers and is gaining
                                            employees can connect a wireless           importance due to the rise
                                            access point into the retail backbone      in smartphone adoption by
                                            and create an instant “store” for          customers.
                                            special occasions or venues such           Retail applications offer the potential
                                            as graduations or sporting events.         to improve the shopping experience
                                            And retailers can improve operating        and increase efficiency. Mobile
                                            efficiency through faster processing,      payment methods include proximity
                                            faster interaction with store employees,   payment approaches like Near-Field
                                            improved access to product and             Communication (NFC), barcodes
                                            inventory data, and better employee        and numeric codes, as well as
                                            tools.                                     remote methods like message-based,
                                                                                       browser-based and application-based
                                            Although advanced POS solutions            payments.
                                            can help retailers improve customer
                                            centricity, the rate of adoption remains   In one example, a mobile app was
                                            slow. A key hurdle is the potential        launched that uses facial recognition
                                            need for POS upgrades in order to          to confirm a shopper’s identity in
                                            accommodate the new applications.          payment transactions. And a new
                                                                                       retail mobile payment service based on
                                                                                       NFC technology lets consumers pay
                                                                                       for items merely by waving or tapping
                                                                                       their smartphones near a register at

                                                                                       Although the field of retail mobile
                                                                                       payments is dynamic and evolving,
                                                                                       several challenges exist, including:

                                                                                       • Capital constraints and difficulty in
                                                                                         quantifying the technology ROI
                                                                                       • Lack of comprehensive industry
                                                                                         standards for mobile technology
                                                                                       • Government restrictions/regulations
                                                                                         related to payment security concerns
                                                                                         and fraud
                                                                                       • Unwillingness of stakeholders like
                                                                                         mobile service providers and banks
                                                                                         to adopt mobile payment systems

Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store	                                                                              5
In-Store Tech Trends to Watch                                      • Mobile coupons: Users of mobile                       • Video analytics: Video analytics can
Several additional in-store digital                                  coupons are expected to exceed                          enable retailers to study store traffic
technologies are also being tested by                                300 million globally by 2014,                           flow, dwell time, shopper intent
retailers:                                                           triggered by the apps revolution.4                      and conversion rates. Current video
                                                                     Recent innovations in coupons are                       analytics technology has reached a
• QR codes: In Korea a grocer is using                               leveraging digital trends like geo-                     point where it can detect how and
  QR codes innovatively to expand its                                targeting and group buying.                             when a shopper is actively engaged
  presence. The retailer has erected                               • Social Local Mobile Media                               with promotional messaging,
  several virtual stores in subway                                   (SoLoMo): The increased adoption                        determine basic demographic data
  stations, taking the form of large                                 of smartphones and related mobile                       such as gender, and then use that
  billboards with virtual store that are                             apps has given rise to a concept                        information to push relevant content
  exact replicas of the physical stores.                             called “SoLoMo,” which represents                       to the shopper in real time.
  Shoppers can use their smartphones                                 the coming together of social, local
  to scan a QR code near the food                                    and mobile media. SoLoMo works
  item, which gets delivered shortly to                              on the principle of mobile discovery
  a location of their choice.                                        that utilizes a device’s portability
                                                                     and location awareness to push

Figure 2: Reaping the Benefits of In-Store Digital Technology

        Real-time store monitoring
                                                 Intelligent tracking system that identifies the shopper, his/her   Shopper behavior intelligence, shopper loyalty
        technology like video
                                                 last visit date, purchase patterns                                 information

                                                                                                                    Easy access to information, greater functionality,
        Smartphones                              Apps provide a virtual map for store layout, aisle information
                                                                                                                    faster connectivity

                                                 Coupons related to any promotional campaigns can be                Promotions for targeted customer segment, call-for-
        Mobile coupons
                                                 directly sent to customers                                         action, personalization

        Augmented reality/surface                Check product information, stock levels, product placement
                                                                                                                    Customer engagement, interactive experience
        computing device                         on aisles

                                                 Assisted selling by store staff for an interactive and engaging    Process-driven selling, customer conversion, up-
                                                 shopping experience                                                selling and cross-selling

        E-paper signage/digital                  Supporting customer service by providing information related       Price accuracy, dynamic pricing, improved customer
        signage                                  to product, pricing                                                readability

                                                 Helps customers make informed decisions by
        Smartphones/tablets                                                                                         Customer experience, information aggregation
                                                 providing price comparisons, reviews

        Self-checkout kiosks/
                                                 Alternative to traditional POS for faster and easier checkout      Self-service, queue management, faster checkout
        advanced POS systems

        Mobile payments/NFC                      Transactions authorized using mobile device can enable             Faster speed of transaction, information security,
        technology                               speed and convenience at cash counters                             customer experience

        Mobile POS/advanced POS                  Supports sustainability efforts by retailers by providing
                                                                                                                    Quick checkout, paperless transactions
        systems                                  paperless receipts and quick checkout for customers

Source: Capgemini

    “Navigating the Mobile Coupon Landscape,” Edo Interactive, June 2010

Consumer Products and Retail         the way we see it

                                                         Recommendations: How to                     Deliver self-service capabilities.
    The Role of Employees in Digital                     Become a Digital Master                     Do-it-yourself technology like self-
                                                         Successful in-store digital                 scanning and hand-held devices will
    The impact of in-store digital                       transformation requires retailers to        be adopted in a big way by customers
    transformation is not only being felt                adopt the right tools to keep pace          as they look for tools to make
    by shoppers, but also by employees.                  with technology-enabled shoppers.           shopping and checking out easier and
    According to a study conducted by RIS                Retailers must craft a sound strategy       faster.
    News, 50% of participating retailers said            that is centered around the shopper.
    that providing their associates with better                                                      Communicate a new reality.
    tools was their number one priority.5                To become a digital master, retailers       Retailers should continue to adopt
                                                         should consider the following               technologies like augmented reality
    Retailers today are looking to invest in
                                                         recommendations:                            that help provide the “Wow!” factor for
    employee-facing technologies to help
                                                                                                     shoppers and can improve interactions
    improve in-store business processes
                                                         Focus on the shopping journey.              between the two parties.
    as well as to provide more consistent
                                                         Retailers must implement digital
    and efficient sales support for shoppers.                                                        Consider existing applications.
                                                         tools and technologies while always
    Employee-operated mobile handheld                                                                Retailers will need to balance adopting
                                                         considering the full customer
    devices for line busting, in-store                                                               new technology innovations with
                                                         shopping journey – from awareness
    customer service, barcode scanning and                                                           their existing technology applications
                                                         to after-sales service – to help ensure a
    inventory operations are among the new                                                           to ensure smooth integration and
                                                         seamless experience.
    digital tools being used in-store.                                                               fast implementation in order to meet
                                                         Differentiate yourself. Technology          rapidly changing shopper preferences.
                                                         adoption should be treated as a source
                                                         of competitive advantage by retailers       Focus on people. A successful
                                                         looking to improve their in-store           in-store digital transformation is
                                                         customer experience.                        only possible if both the people and
                                                                                                     technology pillars are bound by robust
                                                         Make it mobile. Mobile technology           and well-defined processes. Employee
                                                         such as smartphones, mobile POS and         involvement and training is critical in
                                                         mobile payments will play a key role        technology implementation to realize
                                                         in in-store digital implementations.        the full potential of the technology and
                                                         Rapid smartphone adoption by                to achieve the business objectives.
                                                         customers will drive the manner in
                                                         which they interact with retailers, both
                                                         within and outside the store.

    “Store Systems Study 2011,” RIS News, January 2011

Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store	                                                                                        7

                About Capgemini and the
                Collaborative Business ExperienceTM

       With around 120,000 people in           A deeply multicultural organization,
 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the         Capgemini has developed its own
 world’s foremost providers of consulting,     way of working, the Collaborative
 technology and outsourcing services. The      Business Experience™, and draws on
 Group reported 2011 global revenues of        Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery
 EUR 9.7 billion.                              model.
 Together with its clients, Capgemini          More information is available at:
 creates and delivers business and   
 technology solutions that fit their needs
 and drive the results they want.              Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini

For more information on our “Engaging
with Technology-Enabled Shoppers
In-Store” research and solutions, please

Brian Girouard

Laurence Jumeaux

The “Engaging with Technology-Enabled
Shoppers In-Store” research was
conducted by Capgemini’s Consumer
Products & Retail Strategy Lab: Manvendra
Khati and Pranav Toshniwal.

Rightshore® is a registered trademark belonging to Capgemini. The information contained in
this document is proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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Capgemini All Channel Experience Tech-enabled Shoppers in Store

  • 1. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it All-Channel Experience: Engaging with Technology- Enabled Shoppers In-Store How New In-Store Digital Tools Can Drive Value for Shoppers and Retailers
  • 2. Case Study: Albert Heijn Uses People today seamlessly integrate the across all channels and touchpoints, Dynamic Pricing and Digital Signage use of all types of technologies in their including physical stores.1 Stores need to Reduce Waste on Fresh Produce lives, including the way they shop – at to offer experiences consumers can’t any time, at any location. As a result, have in the digital space, by becoming Netherlands-based grocery retailer they are more informed and selective destinations of choice. They need to Albert Heijn wanted to test advanced about the products and services blur the boundaries between digital technology solutions for intelligent waste they want and use, and are more and physical. And retailers need to management at store level in order to empowered towards the industries re-examine their strategy to provide a reduce waste in its produce departments. that serve them. seamless experience across the entire The retailer initiated a pilot together customer buying journey. with Capgemini, Toshiba TEC and other In this environment, the growth partners. of mobile features and device The ability to provide a superior The intelligent waste management convergence such as smartphones are in-store shopping experience is solution is based on adjusting the driving mobile commerce. At the same critical for retailers to drive value messaging on electronic signs to reflect time, store visits are being enhanced for consumers. According to a changes in pricing, product information, by dynamic digital displays and survey by RSR, 88% of retailers with promotions and plan-o-grams. The personalization through hand-held annual revenue over $1 billion cite system compares predicted and actual devices or the shopper’s own phone. “improving the customer experience” sales rates and analyzes expected These changes provide retailers with as one of their top three uses of deliveries and current stock levels to the opportunity to drive greater value in-store technology.2 Retailers can determine what predefined measures by making the switch from “talking to” target several levers to help create an must be executed to avoid overstock or towards “engaging with” consumers experience-led in-store environment: imminent out-of-stock situations. The and shoppers. solution consists of centrally controlled • Easy access to information wireless digital displays and shop floor Creating an Experience-Led through smartphone apps, surface hand-held scanners (to be used by In-Store Environment computing devices, self-service mandated personnel with the knowledge A growing number of digital channels, kiosks, digital signage and public and experience to make decisions from apps to kiosks to the web, are social networks. regarding freshness and promotions to replacing elements of the shopping • Faster response to shopper increase sales). experience that would previously queries with hand-held/multi-touch have occurred in a physical space, devices, augmented reality and The solution has resulted in numerous calling for the store environment to online product recommendation benefits, including: evolve. This shift requires retailers to engines. • Lower costs and increased sales due think differently about the shopper • Ability to locate products quickly, to reduced waste experience and service model enabled by digital and e-paper • Improved corporate social responsibility signage and smartphone apps. by addressing the food waste issue • Reduced labor and print costs and • Quick and easy checkout through the elimination of price discrepancies the use of self-checkout kiosks, between shelf labels and POS systems personal shopping scanners/mobile POS, mobile phone payments and contactless payments. Digital Tools Drive Value for Shoppers and Retailers Powerful digital tools can be used in a wide range of applications in a retail environment to provide a more seamless experience (Figure 1). Following is a closer look at some of these applications. 1 “How Digital is Transforming Physical Experiences,”, Customer Experience Blog, Capgemini, Dec. 2, 2010 2 “The 21st Century Store: The Search for Relevance,” RSR, June 2011 2
  • 3. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Figure 1: Digital Tools for Each Step of a Shopper’s in-Store Journey 1 Customer is tracked real time from the moment 2 1 he or she steps inside the store Customer receives information on store layout, 2 6 product placement 3 Receives personalized offers and information 3 from retailer Can search for information on specific 4 products of interest Is greeted by sales associate who is aided by 7 5 digital tools 4 Gets information on product’s price, its 6 nutrition facts, in-store stock levels, etc. 8 9 Customer compares price in other stores, also 7 checks customer reviews Customer self-scans the products in his or her 5 8 10 shopping basket 9 Pays by mobile or through Near-Field Communication (NFC) card 10 Receives e-mail or SMS receipts and vouchers Source: Capgemini Smartphones allow retailers to mobile applications such as “geo- Retailers can also improve their interact with customers at every fencing” or location-based services understanding of the shopper buying step of their shopping journey. retailers can identify customers in the journey by tracking smartphone usage The significant rise in the smartphone vicinity of a store. They can then use in store, which can be a key input user base globally is leading retailers this technology to entice customers for improved store design and layout. to leverage this technology to into the store by sending out messages And location-based capabilities make enhance interaction with shoppers. on products, promotions and exclusive it easier for retailers to reach the And for good reason. According deals to consumers in the geo-fenced customer at any time before, during or to a Google survey, 70% of U.S. area. after a shopping trip. smartphone owners use their device while shopping in-store, and 74% During the in-store shopping While smartphones offer significant of smartphone shoppers made a experience, smartphones can be opportunities to enhance the purchase as a result of using their used to scan a barcode or run a shopper experience, they also smartphone.3 price comparison, access product present challenges. For example, information, check customer reviews retailers have to depend on third- Before the actual in-store experience, and ratings, and get quick in-store/ party communications providers for shoppers can use their smartphones aisle navigation. After the shopping connecting with shoppers, and some to access a store locator, search for experience, shoppers may use their consumers worry about the possible product availability, and access price phones to track and trace a product erosion of privacy. and promotional coupons. Using delivery from the store. 3 “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users,” Google/IPSOS OTX MediaCT, April 2011 Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store 3
  • 4. Surface computing and Augmented reality applications Case Study: Boulanger Launches its multi-touch devices add a can improve in-store First iPhone Application new dimension to interactive communications and enhance The Situation: Boulanger is a leading shopper engagement. the overall shopping experience. multimedia and electronics multi-specialist These touch-based graphical While still in an early stage, based in France since 1954. In early interactive devices allow people to augmented reality has the potential 2010, as part of a panel of leading French interact with content and information to make a great impact on the retail retailers, Boulanger was introduced on their own or collaboratively with industry for both shoppers and to a set of new mobile solutions. After the presentation, the company asked their friends and families. With retailers. In-store touchpoints like Capgemini to design and build a new multi-touch devices, in-store shoppers interactive kiosks can be used to iPhone solution – one that would offer can locate and select products on enhance real-world data or images superior functionality and service to its touchscreens at an interactive station, with computer-generated input customers. download product information on a such as images, graphics or data. In The Solution: The Capgemini Innovation mobile device or locate items in-store. addition, apps based on augmented Factory team worked with a team from Tablets can be used for checkouts reality using object recognition and Boulanger to design and integrate an by applying finger signatures. These GPS can help shoppers locate and find application that would not only meet basic devices can also issue SMS or e-mail their way to or through a store. customer requirements (geo-localization receipts, thus enabling faster checkout. of stores, item description and price, etc.) Additional retail applications include And increasingly retailers are using but would actually go beyond to set a tablets as “assisted sales tools” to product reviews via image recognition, completely new standard for the industry. provide more consistent and efficient price checks, product availability, The Result: In the first six weeks after sales support by store staff. virtual fitting rooms and interactive it was launched, the application was window displays. Augmented reality downloaded more than 20,000 times, with peaks at 1,500 downloads per day. Surface computing technologies such can provide an enhanced way to It quickly reached “top 25” status for as tablets help retailers provide a interact with shoppers in real time. all iPhone applications in its category. connected experience with a higher However, at this early stage, the set-up The success of the application has also degree of service. Benefits include and management costs associated with resulted in a strong association of the increased in-store sales and conversion augmented reality may outweigh the Boulanger brand with a young, dynamic rates; a reduced learning curve for sales benefits. and eager clientele. new employees; a more engaging “Our aim was to develop a user-centric and efficient buying experience for Point-of-sale technology is application designed to bring real value shoppers; and the ability to assist moving from traditional to to our shoppers and customers. This is a sales associates in up-selling and advanced systems, keeping in complete application enabling purchase mind the changing customer. cross-selling with quick product transactions with a real-time inventory look-up feature in the nearest selected information, customer opinions, etc. POS applications have the potential to stores, loyalty management and product move beyond transaction-only devices guarantees,” said Patrick Perret, Director On the downside, most of these to become the primary medium to of Information Technology Studies at devices are relatively low on mobility, deliver customer-centric retailing. New Boulanger. compared with smartphones. applications provide the opportunity In addition to mobility and speed, other In addition, tablet apps are still to improve the in-store experience by standout features of the application are: in a nascent stage so a complete reducing consumer checkout times understanding of their functionalities and abandon rates. For example, • Direct access to all available products in nearby stores is not yet clear. “line-busting” applications use wireless • Booking an item and retrieving it in the devices to emulate the cash register store within the hour and give credit card shoppers the • Real-time updates on special events and chance to skip checkout lines, helping promotions to enhance a store’s service image. • Real-time order/repair status This type of portable POS is especially • Display of all purchase tickets to enable an improved after-sales service suited for goods and orders that are • Viewing products using augmented large and where a store employee is reality wherein a Boulanger item could be closely involved such as in a DIY store visualized as it would appear at home. or home center. 4
  • 5. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it POS applications can also improve Mobile payments is a growing convenience and flexibility. Store area for retailers and is gaining employees can connect a wireless importance due to the rise access point into the retail backbone in smartphone adoption by and create an instant “store” for customers. special occasions or venues such Retail applications offer the potential as graduations or sporting events. to improve the shopping experience And retailers can improve operating and increase efficiency. Mobile efficiency through faster processing, payment methods include proximity faster interaction with store employees, payment approaches like Near-Field improved access to product and Communication (NFC), barcodes inventory data, and better employee and numeric codes, as well as tools. remote methods like message-based, browser-based and application-based Although advanced POS solutions payments. can help retailers improve customer centricity, the rate of adoption remains In one example, a mobile app was slow. A key hurdle is the potential launched that uses facial recognition need for POS upgrades in order to to confirm a shopper’s identity in accommodate the new applications. payment transactions. And a new retail mobile payment service based on NFC technology lets consumers pay for items merely by waving or tapping their smartphones near a register at checkout. Although the field of retail mobile payments is dynamic and evolving, several challenges exist, including: • Capital constraints and difficulty in quantifying the technology ROI • Lack of comprehensive industry standards for mobile technology adoption • Government restrictions/regulations related to payment security concerns and fraud • Unwillingness of stakeholders like mobile service providers and banks to adopt mobile payment systems Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store 5
  • 6. In-Store Tech Trends to Watch • Mobile coupons: Users of mobile • Video analytics: Video analytics can Several additional in-store digital coupons are expected to exceed enable retailers to study store traffic technologies are also being tested by 300 million globally by 2014, flow, dwell time, shopper intent retailers: triggered by the apps revolution.4 and conversion rates. Current video Recent innovations in coupons are analytics technology has reached a • QR codes: In Korea a grocer is using leveraging digital trends like geo- point where it can detect how and QR codes innovatively to expand its targeting and group buying. when a shopper is actively engaged presence. The retailer has erected • Social Local Mobile Media with promotional messaging, several virtual stores in subway (SoLoMo): The increased adoption determine basic demographic data stations, taking the form of large of smartphones and related mobile such as gender, and then use that billboards with virtual store that are apps has given rise to a concept information to push relevant content exact replicas of the physical stores. called “SoLoMo,” which represents to the shopper in real time. Shoppers can use their smartphones the coming together of social, local to scan a QR code near the food and mobile media. SoLoMo works item, which gets delivered shortly to on the principle of mobile discovery a location of their choice. that utilizes a device’s portability and location awareness to push content. Figure 2: Reaping the Benefits of In-Store Digital Technology Real-time store monitoring Intelligent tracking system that identifies the shopper, his/her Shopper behavior intelligence, shopper loyalty technology like video last visit date, purchase patterns information analytics Easy access to information, greater functionality, Smartphones Apps provide a virtual map for store layout, aisle information faster connectivity Coupons related to any promotional campaigns can be Promotions for targeted customer segment, call-for- Mobile coupons directly sent to customers action, personalization Augmented reality/surface Check product information, stock levels, product placement Customer engagement, interactive experience computing device on aisles Assisted selling by store staff for an interactive and engaging Process-driven selling, customer conversion, up- Tablets shopping experience selling and cross-selling E-paper signage/digital Supporting customer service by providing information related Price accuracy, dynamic pricing, improved customer signage to product, pricing readability Helps customers make informed decisions by Smartphones/tablets Customer experience, information aggregation providing price comparisons, reviews Self-checkout kiosks/ Alternative to traditional POS for faster and easier checkout Self-service, queue management, faster checkout advanced POS systems Mobile payments/NFC Transactions authorized using mobile device can enable Faster speed of transaction, information security, technology speed and convenience at cash counters customer experience Mobile POS/advanced POS Supports sustainability efforts by retailers by providing Quick checkout, paperless transactions systems paperless receipts and quick checkout for customers Source: Capgemini 4 “Navigating the Mobile Coupon Landscape,” Edo Interactive, June 2010 6
  • 7. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Recommendations: How to Deliver self-service capabilities. The Role of Employees in Digital Become a Digital Master Do-it-yourself technology like self- Transformation Successful in-store digital scanning and hand-held devices will The impact of in-store digital transformation requires retailers to be adopted in a big way by customers transformation is not only being felt adopt the right tools to keep pace as they look for tools to make by shoppers, but also by employees. with technology-enabled shoppers. shopping and checking out easier and According to a study conducted by RIS Retailers must craft a sound strategy faster. News, 50% of participating retailers said that is centered around the shopper. that providing their associates with better Communicate a new reality. tools was their number one priority.5 To become a digital master, retailers Retailers should continue to adopt should consider the following technologies like augmented reality Retailers today are looking to invest in recommendations: that help provide the “Wow!” factor for employee-facing technologies to help shoppers and can improve interactions improve in-store business processes Focus on the shopping journey. between the two parties. as well as to provide more consistent Retailers must implement digital and efficient sales support for shoppers. Consider existing applications. tools and technologies while always Employee-operated mobile handheld Retailers will need to balance adopting considering the full customer devices for line busting, in-store new technology innovations with shopping journey – from awareness customer service, barcode scanning and their existing technology applications to after-sales service – to help ensure a inventory operations are among the new to ensure smooth integration and seamless experience. digital tools being used in-store. fast implementation in order to meet Differentiate yourself. Technology rapidly changing shopper preferences. adoption should be treated as a source of competitive advantage by retailers Focus on people. A successful looking to improve their in-store in-store digital transformation is customer experience. only possible if both the people and technology pillars are bound by robust Make it mobile. Mobile technology and well-defined processes. Employee such as smartphones, mobile POS and involvement and training is critical in mobile payments will play a key role technology implementation to realize in in-store digital implementations. the full potential of the technology and Rapid smartphone adoption by to achieve the business objectives. customers will drive the manner in which they interact with retailers, both within and outside the store. 5 “Store Systems Study 2011,” RIS News, January 2011 Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store 7
  • 8. About Capgemini and the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM With around 120,000 people in A deeply multicultural organization, 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the Capgemini has developed its own world’s foremost providers of consulting, way of working, the Collaborative technology and outsourcing services. The Business Experience™, and draws on Group reported 2011 global revenues of Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery EUR 9.7 billion. model. Together with its clients, Capgemini More information is available at: creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini For more information on our “Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store” research and solutions, please contact: Brian Girouard Laurence Jumeaux The “Engaging with Technology-Enabled Shoppers In-Store” research was conducted by Capgemini’s Consumer Products & Retail Strategy Lab: Manvendra Khati and Pranav Toshniwal. Rightshore® is a registered trademark belonging to Capgemini. The information contained in this document is proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.