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Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it

Digital Shopper Relevancy
Profiting from Your Customers’ Desired All-Channel Experience
                                   Introduction	3

                                   Executive Summary	                                                                         4

                                   The Many Faces of the Digital Shopper	                                                   10

                                   The Growing Role of Digital Channels:
                                   Spanning the All-Channel Shopping Journey	                                               18
                                        •	 Awareness: The Internet is the Place to Learn	                                    23
                                        •	 Choosing: Price and Product Specs Remain Key Factors in
                                           Selecting an Item	                                                                25
                                        •	 Transaction: Where In-Store Technology Plays a Larger Role	                       29
                                        •	 Delivery: ‘Let Me Choose My Own Way of Getting It’	                               33
                                        •	 Aftersales Care: Call Center Use Varies Widely 	                                  35

                                   The Future of Digital Channels for Shopping	                                             38

                                   Conclusion and Recommendations	                                                          42

                                 © 2012 Capgemini. No part of this document may be modified, deleted or expanded by any process or
                                 means without prior written permission from Capgemini.

2	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail           the way we see it

                 How different is the use of digital          The study focuses on five product
                 channels during the shopping journey         categories: food, health and personal
                 in developing countries compared with        care, fashion (clothing, footwear,
                 more mature markets?                         accessories), do-it-yourself home
                                                              improvement (DIY) and electronics. The
                 Is there a clear segmentation of
                                                              findings are based on 16,000 interviews
                 shoppers based on their shopping
                                                              with people who have used technology
                 behavior and preferences across all

                                                              during the shopping process across
                 channels (for example, taking into
                                                              16 countries, representing developing
                 account different behavior for women,
                                                              as well as mature markets: Australia,
                 tech-shy or older people)?
    interviews                                                Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France,
                                                              Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Russia,
                 When are retailers and manufacturers
                 relevant to digital shoppers in their        Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United
                 all-channel experience, such as with         Kingdom and the United States.
                 social media and smartphones – and
                                                              The research helps uncover the
                 how does this differ depending on the
                                                              many faces of today’s technology-
                 shopper segment?
                                                              enabled shopper and demonstrates
                 The answers to these questions and           that shoppers are no longer loyal to
                 more can be found in Capgemini’s new         an individual channel but rather to an
                 “Digital Shopper Relevancy” research         experience across all channels. The

          16     report.
                 Studying shopping behavior has long
                                                              majority of those surveyed said they
                                                              expect the seamless integration of the
                                                              online, physical and mobile shopping
    countries    been a focus for Capgemini. Over the
                                                              experience by 2014.
                 past decade we have surveyed tens
                 of thousands of consumers around             The executive summary that follows
                 the globe as part of our “Consumer           provides an overview of key findings
                 Relevancy” and “Future Consumer”             from our “Digital Shopper Relevancy”
                 research programs. In these earlier          study. And the ensuing sections offer
                 studies, the emphasis was largely on         more in-depth data and analysis of
                 shopping behavior patterns in physical       today’s digital shopper, their behavior
                 stores.                                      and preferences across the All-Channel
                                                              Shopping Journey – from Awareness
                 With our new “Digital Shopper
                                                              through Aftersales Care – and the
                 Relevancy” research we have expanded
                                                              changes they envision for shopping
                 the focus to all channels, including
                                                              channels in the future.
                 those in the digital realm. Our objective:
                 to understand how a range of channels        We are confident that the findings
                 and devices – from smartphones               of Capgemini’s “Digital Shopper
                 and mobile apps to websites and              Relevancy” study will provide
                 in-store kiosks – are used and valued        organizations with insights into changing
                 by shoppers during the All-Channel           shopper dynamics. We believe that
                 Shopping Journey, and to help retailers      those insights can lead companies to
                 and consumer products manufacturers          gain a better understanding of how and
                 understand how to profit from these          where to invest in capabilities across all
                 insights.                                    channels.


4	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail                                  the way we see it

Being a shopper today is more exciting                                 The Journey of the Digital                                             about setting up a commerce website,
than ever. The consumer products and                                   Shopper                                                                being active on Facebook or developing
retail industry is undergoing significant                                                                                                     a mobile app; this is about addressing
transformation largely because of                                      Capgemini’s “Digital Shopper                                           the specific needs of shoppers in the
the way that people choose to shop                                     Relevancy” study provides insight into                                 context of how they live their daily lives.
and consume. They are enabled                                          when, where and how shoppers want
                                                                       to interact with a retailer or consumer                                (Note: When we talk about “digital
with technology that allows them to
                                                                       products company through various                                       shoppers” we mean shoppers who
approach the shopping process in a
                                                                       channels and locations across the                                      use one or more digital technologies or
different way than they have in the past.
                                                                       phases of the All-Channel Shopping                                     channels in one or more phases of their
Shoppers expect to find information                                    Journey: Awareness, Choosing,                                          shopping journey.)
in multiple sources and formats.                                       Transaction, Delivery and Aftersales
They are looking for consistency                                       Care (Figure 1).
and convergence among different
technologies and channels. And they                                    This insight is crucial for companies to
have no predefined views about what                                    be able to serve these digital shoppers
“belongs” in specific channels, but will                               in a relevant manner. This is not just
use whichever channel or device is
most relevant.

    Figure 1: The All-Channel Shopping Journey

                                                                                      All-Channel Shopping Journey
                         Awareness                                Choosing                          Transaction                            Delivery                           Aftersales Care

                               Maria gets her                       Maria uses                     Maria doesn't really                   Using her phone,         Maria gets personalized

                               ideas from her                       her social network             differentiate                          Maria requests           information on
                               phone and shops                      and phone                      between mobile                         delivery to her          accessories and
                               at special sales                     to let her friends             and online as she                      house, her               matching separates
                               events at the mall                   help choose                    does everything                        boyfriend's house        for her recent
                                                                                                   through one                            or school,               purchases
                                                                                                   device                                 whichever is
                                                                                                                                          more convenient

                                                                                                                                      James’ goods arrive at
                                                                                                    James doesn’t get                 his home delivery box                    James will send
                              James uses              With one click                                                                                                           feedback to the retailer
                              e-mail                  James adds these                              involved in the                   at his pre-agreed
                                                                                                    transactional element             regular time unless he                   on his mobile if there is
                              suggestions to          to his regular                                                                                                           something in his order
                                                                                                    of his regular                    intervenes with a
    At Home

                              supplement his          online                                                                                                                   he is not happy with
                              regular online          replenishment                                 purchases as they                 change of
                                                      order                                         happen automatically              circumstances

                                                                                                                                       Anna gets alerts on
                                                                                                                                       her phone about the
                                                             Anna chooses                         Anna will order from a               delivery status of the
                                                             online or during                     kiosk in store or back               order
                                                             an experiential                      at home after she has
                              Anna takes                     shopping trip,
                              inspiration both                                                    chosen her goods                                                         Anna buys extended
                                                             depending on the
                              from online and                category                                                                                                      products and services
                              from her mall                                                                                                                                that she sees in

                              visits                                                                                                                                       showroom-style stores.
                                                                                                                                                                           Any issues she deals
                                                                                                                                                                           with at home online

    Source: Capgemini
    Note: The “Digital Shopper Relevancy” study tracked shopper behavior and attitudes toward the following channels and devices: Internet sites, e-mail (such as newsletters and offers),
    in-store technology (such as kiosks), social media, smartphones (specific apps) and phone (via call center).

Key Findings                           The research uncovered a number of key findings.

                                       T    here is no “one” digital                  using blogs and social networks to
                                                                                      find consumer recommendations and
                                            shopper.                                  reviews, although they are less likely
                                       We identified a variety of different           than younger shoppers to follow
                                       types of digital shoppers, each using          retailers on social media. In addition,
                                       channels and devices in different ways         a surprising number want to receive
                                       during their shopping journeys. Their          location-based messages and offers
                                       behavior is impacted by factors such as        from retailers via digital channels.
                                       age, gender, product category, journey         Overall, shoppers in the older age

                                       phase, market maturity, and attitudes          groups are less interested in using
                                       and expectations about technology.             mobile apps, although they do see
                                       We found some overall behavioral               value in in-store technology such as
                                       differences, for example:                      kiosks and digital devices integrated
            Online stores              •	 Female shoppers: Women are
                                                                                      into shopping carts.
      need to provide all                 generally more engaged than men          The differences were less pronounced
                                                                                   when it came to demographic factors
     product information                  when using digital channels. They
                                          are more interested than men             such as education and income levels.
        that is available.”               in receiving personalized offers,
                                          recommendations and information
                                                                                   However, demographics are only one
                                                                                   factor impacting shopping behavior.
         Digital Shopper from Brazil      about new products. In addition,         A detailed segmentation analysis
                                          women are more interested than           identified six distinct segments of digital
                                          men in using digital devices inside      shoppers: Techno-Shy Shoppers,
                                          the physical store to order products     Occasional Online Shoppers, Value
                                          that are not available in the store;     Seekers, Rational Online Shoppers,
                                          they are also more interested in the     Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital
                                          ability to easily compare different      Shoppers.
                                          products before making the final         Each segment uses digital channels
                                          purchasing decision, and in being        and devices in different ways during
                                          offered visual aids (such as “how-       their shopping journeys. For example,
                                          to” videos) to help them choose the      Digital Shopaholics are early adopters
                                          most suitable product.                   and experimenters; they use digital
                                       •	 Older shoppers: Not surprisingly,        channels and devices like smartphone
                                          older shoppers place less                apps and in-store technology very
                                          importance than their younger            actively throughout the shopping
                                          counterparts on digital channels in      process. In contrast, Value Seekers
                                          general. But this doesn’t mean they      are price-sensitive shoppers with low
                                          don’t see value in these channels.       interest in digital shopping and new
                                          In particular, they are heavy users of   technologies. They shop online primarily
                                          Internet sites, especially during the    to find the best deals on products
                                          early phases of the shopping journey.    they know they want and seldom use
                                          Older shoppers are interested in         smartphone apps, social media or in-
                                                                                   store technology when shopping.

6	      Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail       the way we see it

S   ignificant differences                  media and blogs. By comparison, less
                                            than half of shoppers in the mature
    exist between digital                   markets of US, Canada, France,
                                            Australia, the UK, Germany, Finland and
shoppers in developing                      Sweden are interested in this capability.
markets and those                           In the middle are Italy, Russia and Spain,
                                            where a little over half are interested in
in mature markets.                          using social media and blogs to learn
The research makes it very clear that       about new products.
digital shoppers rule in developing

markets. Digital Shopaholics and Social
Digital Shoppers form the majority of
                                                igital shoppers are
digital shoppers in China, India, Brazil,       focused on core
Mexico and Turkey. By comparison,
these segments account for a smaller
                                            functionality like price,                          I expect
percentage of the total digital shopper     product specifications
population in the other markets. In most                                                 discounts and
                                            and delivery information.
of the mature markets, the Rational
Online Shoppers are dominant.               Digital shoppers, especially those in        promotions
Shoppers in developing regions
                                            mature markets, want retailers and
                                            consumer products companies to get
                                                                                         specifically designed
place greater importance on all digital
channels, regardless of the phase of
                                            these basics right before they will be       for digital channels,
                                            open to engage. When researching,
the shopping journey. This may be due       comparing and choosing products              clearly differentiated
in part to the lack of traditional retail
infrastructure in these markets as well
                                            through digital channels, half or more
                                            of respondents said that factors such
                                                                                         from those available
as the tendency in developing markets
to “leapfrog” entrenched approaches
                                            as clearly marked product price,             at the traditional
                                            availability and delivery charges, and
in favor of the latest tools and formats.   comprehensive product information            store.”
For example, 72% of respondents from        were extremely important. Of lesser          Digital Shopper from Spain
India and 69% from China said they          importance to respondents are options
purchase more products in a single          such as having content in digital
transaction online than in a physical       channels tailored to their profile and
store, compared with just 24% of those      preferences.
from Finland and 31% from the US. And
73% of shoppers from India and 74%          Shoppers also made it clear that
of those from China prefer to be offered    they expect online prices to be lower
additional product suggestions online       than those in physical stores; this
vs. 34% in France and 36% in Australia.     was cited by 73% of all respondents.
                                            Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital
Shoppers in developing markets are          Shoppers are most likely to think online
also more engaged with retailers and        prices should be lower. More than 80%
consumer products companies through         of these more digital-savvy shoppers
digital channels. Nearly three-quarters     said online prices should be lower
of respondents from India and 68% of        vs. about 60% of non-digital-savvy
those from China said they would like       respondents.
to be able to follow retailers through

                                            T he Internet remains the
social media, far more than those in the
mature markets.
                                              primary channel for
Interestingly, we found that three
countries – Russia, Italy and Spain –       most digital shoppers.
often fell somewhere in between the         Across the phases of the shopping
developing and mature markets in            journey, Internet sites remain the
terms of their digital shopping behavior.   dominant digital channel in all the
For instance, more than two-thirds of       product categories studied, followed by
shoppers in the developing markets of       e-mail. For example, 79% of electronics
India, Mexico, Brazil, China and Turkey     shoppers said the Internet is important
said they are interested in finding out     during the Awareness phase; 74% of
about new products through social           DIY shoppers said the same; 73% of

Key Findings

                                                                                 S    eparating hype from
                                    fashion shoppers; 70% of health and
                                    personal care shoppers; and 59% of
                                    food shoppers. Similar results were               reality is critical for
                                    recorded for the other journey phases.
                                                                                 emerging digital channels
                                    However, channels such as social
                                    media, mobile apps and in-store kiosks
                                                                                 like social media and
                                    are close behind, with their relevancy       smartphone apps.
                                    varying depending on the journey phase       Plenty of attention is being paid by
                                    and country. Phone (via call center) is      retailers, consumer products companies
                                    the least important channel, except in       and the media to these new digital
                                    the Aftersales Care phase.                   channels. And for good reason, given

                                                                                 the hype surrounding them. However,
                                        roximity matters                         it’s important to understand who is
                                                                                 really using these channels. Overall, only
                                        when it comes to                         about half of shoppers expect that the
          To improve                personalization.                             use of social media and mobile apps
                                    Customers appear to be of two                for shopping will increase in the coming
  the usage of digital              mindsets regarding personalization           three years. But the number jumps
      channels in the               during the All-Channel Shopping
                                    Journey. They express an interest
                                                                                 considerably in the developing markets,
                                                                                 and among younger shoppers, Digital
 purchasing process,                in certain types of personalization          Shopaholics, Social Digital Shoppers
                                    when shopping online, but are less           and those shopping for high-end
         retailers and              comfortable being recognized in the          products such as electronics.
manufacturers should                physical store. Consider that 61% said
                                    they want online stores to remember
                                                                                 Understanding these differences is
provide an integrated               their personal information and payment
                                                                                 essential in determining where to make
                                                                                 digital investments, particularly in new
                                    methods to speed up the shopping
 experience between                 process. But only 41% want to be
                                                                                 channels like social media and mobile
                                                                                 apps. For example, in mature markets,
  physical and digital              identified through digital devices (such
                                    as their mobile phones) when entering a
                                                                                 companies would do better making
        touchpoints.”               physical store.
                                                                                 careful, selective investments in mobile
                                                                                 apps and social media at the moment,
       Digital Shopper from Italy   This seemed somewhat counterintuitive        but in developing markets those
                                    given concerns surrounding privacy           channels are more relevant and should
                                    in digital channels. But the shield of       be the first priority for a digital strategy
                                    anonymity that exists in the digital world   and investment.
                                    may make shoppers more comfortable
                                    sharing personal information online          Loyalty – and Spending –
                                    than in the physical store. Respondents      Across All Channels
                                    in Sweden and Finland are least likely
                                                                                 Our study findings make it clear
                                    to share information in-store, while
                                                                                 that shoppers are no longer loyal to
                                    shoppers in India are most likely to do
                                                                                 an individual channel but rather to
                                                                                 an experience across all channels.
                                    Also here we see a significant difference    Consider that the majority of shoppers
                                    between shoppers in mature vs.               said they are likely to spend more
                                    developing countries. For example, 80%       money at a physical store if they use
                                    of shoppers in India and 73% in China        digital channels to research the product
                                    said they want to receive personalized       prior to purchase. In addition, they
                                    offers and recommendations through           said they will spend more money with
                                    digital channels. This compares with         a particular retailer if products are
                                    35% in Sweden and 38% in Finland.            available anytime via any channel.
                                                                                 This point was reinforced in the
                                                                                 qualitative comments from shoppers
                                                                                 across the countries. “To improve
                                                                                 the usage of digital channels in the
                                                                                 purchasing process, retailers and

8	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail      the way we see it

manufacturers should provide an
integrated experience between                    About the Study
physical and digital touchpoints,” said a        Capgemini worked with ORC
respondent from Italy.                           International, a London-based global
                                                 research firm, to conduct the “Digital
Being Relevant for Digital                       Shopper Relevancy” online study.
Shoppers                                         ORC International surveyed more than
                                                 16,000 consumers in 16 countries:
Our research demonstrates that
                                                 Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
shoppers expect an integrated
                                                 Finland, France, Germany, India,
experience across all channels but               Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Sweden,
aren’t yet getting it. Nearly 60% of             Turkey, the United Kingdom and the
respondents said they expect channel             United States.

integration to be the norm by 2014, but
more than half said that most retailers          The composition of the consumer
currently are not consistent in the              sample in each country was based
way they present themselves across               on projectable national samples
channels.                                        representative of the population from
                                                 the standpoint of age and gender.
                                                                                                  I use the
Understanding how shoppers are using
channels and devices in the context of
                                                 Additional demographic factors
                                                 examined included income, education,
                                                                                            Internet mainly to
their daily lives is a critical starting point   employment and marital status. All         acquire product
to serve them in a relevant manner.
But to realize a relevant all-channel
                                                 respondents had used digital channels
                                                 and/or devices for shopping in the three   information, but
experience is no easy task. Providing a
seamless interaction across channels is
                                                 months prior to taking the survey, and
                                                 they were asked about their degree of
                                                                                            decide on purchases
challenging for retailers and consumer           online shopping, use of mobile apps        only after seeing
products companies and requires                  and their technology adoption rate.
considerations that impact the entire
                                                 Respondents were asked about their
                                                                                            and trying on the
enterprise. These include shifting
from a product- or feature-focused
                                                 purchase behavior in five product          product.”
                                                 categories: food, health and personal
approach to a consumer- and shopper-             care, fashion (clothing, footwear,         Digital Shopper from Finland
focused approach across all channels,            accessories), do-it-yourself home
and integrating processes such as                improvement (DIY) and electronics. And
merchandising, order fulfillment and             they were surveyed about their use
inventory management by category                 of numerous channels and devices at
rather than by individual channel.               each phase of the shopping journey:
We believe the insights contained in this        Awareness, Choosing, Transaction,
report can help retailers and consumer           Delivery and Aftersales Care.
products manufacturers determine how             In addition, respondents were asked
they can profit from customers’ desired          for their predictions about the role
all-channel experience. The data we              of various digital shopping channels
have collected goes far beyond what              over the coming years and to identify
we have published in this report – the           developments they would like to see
research also includes information on            to improve their shopping experience
how digital shoppers view the relevance          across channels. Finally, they were
and performance of key retailers and             asked to rate how important five key
brands in the respective countries.              shopping attributes will be to them
These insights can translate into direct         over the next five years in deciding
business benefits.                               how and where to buy products and
                                                 services. These attributes are access,
Capgemini has further developed                  experience, price, product and service.
our original “Consumer Relevancy”                Consumers were also asked to rate
thought leadership into a “Digital               their top three retailers and brands in
Shopper Relevancy” framework and                 the different categories and on these
methodology. With these tools, we can            five attributes.
help retailers and consumer products
companies make the right decisions               The study’s quantitative data was
                                                 supported by additional
to become more relevant for digital
                                                 qualitative comments from the
shoppers across the phases of their All-
Channel Shopping Journey.

The Many
                                     Faces of the
                                  Digital Shopper

10	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail       the way we see it

               55%                           62%

        Who is today’s digital shopper?                    and promotions. Similarly, 78% of
                                                           electronics shoppers in the 55 to 64 age
        Our research demonstrates that
                                                           group and 69% in the 65-plus group
        there is no “one” digital shopper. The
                                                           use Internet sites during the Awareness
        requirements and needs of digital
        shoppers are difficult to untangle but
        distinct segments are emerging, each               Older shoppers are somewhat less

        using digital channels in different ways           inclined to use digital channels in the
        during their shopping journeys. Key                later phases of the shopping journey.
        factors influencing the experience and             Noted a respondent from Canada: “I’m
        requirements of digital shoppers include
        age, gender, product category, journey
                                                           65 years of age and retired. I do shop
                                                           and compare online, but when it comes             As a senior
        phase, market maturity, and attitudes
        and expectations about technology.
                                                           to purchasing, I still prefer to see the
                                                           goods, purchase them and tote them
                                                                                                      citizen having
                                                           home.”                                     watched how this
        Demographics Matter
        Gender plays a role in shopping
                                                           While they are less likely than younger    electronic age has
                                                           shoppers to follow retailers on social
        behavior, with women generally                     media, older shoppers are interested       developed over
        more engaged than men when using
        digital channels. For example, they
                                                           in using blogs and social networks
                                                           to find consumer recommendations
                                                                                                      the years what I
        are more interested than men in
        receiving personalized offers and
                                                           and reviews. In addition, a surprising     thought would not be
                                                           number want to receive location-based
        recommendations; this is the case                  messages and offers from retailers via     possible a few years
        across all countries but particularly in
        India, Russia and Finland. And women
                                                           digital channels: 49% of respondents
                                                           in the 55 to 64 age group and 38%
                                                                                                      ago now is. All I can
        are also more likely than men to be
        interested in receiving inspirational
                                                           of those 65 and older expressed an         say is ‘surprise me.’”
                                                           interest in location-based offers when
        content from retailers through digital             learning about products. Overall,          Digital Shopper from Australia
        channels (such as “how-to” videos). In             shoppers in the older age groups are
        the electronics category 55% of women              less interested in using mobile apps but
        shoppers would like to receive this                they do see value in in-store technology
        kind of content when learning about                such as kiosks and digital devices
        products, compared with 44% of men.                integrated into shopping carts.
        Women are also more interested than
        men in finding out about new products              How Digitally Savvy are
        through blogs; receiving messages                  Shoppers?
        and offers from retailers based on                 We found varying levels of digital
        location; and in participating in online           sophistication among shoppers: 55%
        communities provided by retailers. In              of all respondents agree that they are
        addition, women are more interested                frequent and confident shoppers online;
        than men in using digital devices inside           34% regularly use apps and services on
        the physical store to order products               their mobile phones to research and/
        that are not available in the store; they          or purchase products; and 35% said
        are also more interested in the ability to         they are early adopters of the latest
        easily compare different products before           electronic and technology equipment.
        making the final purchasing decision               In all cases, respondents in China
        and being offered visual aids to help              and India were the most likely to see
        them choose the most suitable product.             themselves as digital-savvy shoppers.
        Not surprisingly, older shoppers place             Digital-savvy shoppers demonstrate
        less importance than their younger                 certain behavior patterns that
        counterparts on digital channels in                distinguish them from other shoppers.
        general. But this doesn’t mean they                For example:
        don’t see value in these channels.
        In particular, they are heavy users of             •	 They are most likely to use
        Internet sites, especially during the                 technology to learn about products
        early phases of the shopping journey:                 and promotions and to search for
        Awareness and Choosing. For example,                  information to compare and choose
        72% of DIY shoppers aged 55 to 64                     a product.
        and 62% of those over 65 use the                   •	 Internet sites are particularly
        Internet to learn about products                      important for digital-savvy shoppers

to purchase and pay for products.                 Segmenting the Digital
                                       •	 Frequent and consistent online                      Shopper
                                          shoppers are most likely to agree                   Demographics and technological
                                          that the use of digital channels will               sophistication are only two factors
                                          increase over the next three years.                 impacting shopping behavior. A

                                       •	 Early adopters of technology prefer                 detailed segmentation analysis led us
                                          to be offered additional product                    to uncover six distinct digital shopper
                                          suggestions online (cited by 85% of                 segments1: Techno-Shy Shoppers,
                                          early adopters).                                    Occasional Online Shoppers, Value
              I’m 65 years             •	 Digital-savvy shoppers are most likely              Seekers, Rational Online Shoppers,
       of age and retired.                to think online prices should be lower              Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital
                                                                                              Shoppers. Each segment uses digital
                                          (cited by more than 80% of digital-
            I do shop and                 savvy shoppers vs. about 60% of                     channels and devices in different ways
                                                                                              during their shopping journeys.
      compare online, but                 non-digital-savvy respondents).

        when it comes to
               purchasing,                  10 Years + 34,000 Consumers + 18 Countries = Countless
                I still prefer              Insights Into Shopping Behavior
        to see the goods,                   Our “Digital Shopper Relevancy” study is the latest in Capgemini’s series of consumer
                                            research programs focused on addressing changing dynamics in the consumer products
      purchase them and                     and retail industry.

        tote them home.”                    A decade ago we launched our “Consumer Relevancy” research to help businesses
                                            understand the new language of consumers. We surveyed 16,000 consumers in the
         Digital Shopper from Canada        United States and nine European countries about their shopping experiences and their
                                            relationships with business.

                                            The research demonstrated that companies needn’t – and, in fact, shouldn’t – try to
                                            be great at everything. Rather than striving for universal excellence, companies should
                                            consider the five basic shopping attributes present in any commercial transaction – access,
                                            experience, price, product and service – and select one on which to dominate and one on
                                            which to differentiate themselves, while ensuring they are at par or meeting the market on
                                            the remaining three.

                                            This research was followed by our “Future Consumer” program, which involved more than
                                            2,000 consumer interviews in four countries: France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom
                                            and the United States. The research explored the importance of topics such as health
                                            and wellness, product traceability, environmental issues and the use of new/emerging
                                            technologies, and how these issues may impact the way consumers buy, receive and use
                                            products and services in the future.

                                            Our new “Digital Shopper Relevancy” research, involving 16,000 consumers in 16 countries,
                                            picks up where the earlier studies left off: by focusing on how, when and where shoppers
                                            use a wide range of channels and devices – from smartphones and mobile apps to
                                            websites and in-store kiosks.

                                            The sum total of these consumer research programs: 10 years, 34,000 consumer
                                            interviews, 18 countries studied – and countless insights into shopping behavior.

                                       1	   Capgemini segmented the respondent base using more than 60 behavioral variables. Methods included
12	       Digital Shopper Relevancy
                                            factor analysis and k-means clustering.
Consumer Products and Retail        the way we see it

Techno-Shy Shoppers
Techno-Shy Shoppers (13.3% of the
respondents) are not interested in new
technologies and do not consider digital
channels or devices important during
any phase of the shopping journey.
They are not frequent or confident
online shoppers and rarely use
smartphone apps. They demonstrate
the lowest rate of online shopping of all the
segments across all product categories.
Techno-Shy Shoppers show some
slight interest in social media but prefer
personal contact via phone/call centers.
And they have very little interest in future
digital developments.
These shoppers include both young
students and older consumers and many
of them come from Continental Europe.

                                                Occasional Online                       significantly less online compared with
                                                                                        all segments except the Techno-Shy.
                                                Shoppers                                When they do use digital channels,
                                                Occasional Online Shoppers (16.1%       they prefer the Internet, e-mail and
                                                of the respondents) shop online         in-store technology, but they rarely
                                                infrequently, with low usage across     use smartphone apps or social media
                                                all product categories. They buy        during the shopping process.
                                                                                        These shoppers use digital channels
                                                                                        primarily for choosing and comparing
                                                                                        products and tracking deliveries. They
                                                                                        expect digital channels to be in their
                                                                                        native language. Occasional Online
                                                                                        Shoppers value flexible return options,
                                                                                        availability of product information and
                                                                                        customer service.
                                                                                        These shoppers are slightly more likely
                                                                                        to be women than men and also are
                                                                                        likely to be high school and college
                                                                                        graduates; 56% of Occasional Online
                                                                                        Shoppers are older than 45.

Value Seekers                               Their typical online purchases include
                                                                              fashion and personal healthcare items.
                                  Value Seekers (accounting for 13.5% of      Value Seekers want an easy shopping
                                  the total respondent base) are price-       process with clearly marked product
                                  sensitive shoppers with relatively little   information and prices, and convenient
                                  interest in digital shopping and new        return policies.
                                  technologies. They shop online primarily
                                  to find the best deals on products they     They are more likely to be women (63%)
                                  know they want. Smartphone apps,            than men, and are also somewhat
                                  social media and in-store technology        more likely to be retired than their
                                  play almost no role in their shopping       counterparts in the other segments.
                                  process.                                    Sixty percent of Value Seekers are over
                                                                              the age of 45.

                                                                              the shopping journey but they have
                                                                              little interest in using social media and
                                                                              mobile apps for shopping.
                                                                              They know what they want and they
                                                                              use the Internet to find the most optimal
                                                                              solution. Rational Online Shoppers value
                                                                              well-functioning online stores with clearly
                                                                              marked product information, pricing
                                                                              and delivery charges, as well as reliable
                                                                              delivery processes. They do not trust
                                  Rational Online Shoppers                    reviews in retailer-hosted consumer
                                                                              communities and do not regard as
                                  Rational Online Shoppers (14.7% of the
                                                                              important giving feedback and receiving
                                  respondents) are relatively confident
                                                                              help through digital channels.
                                  online shoppers buying mostly fashion
                                  products and electronics. Overall,          Rational Online Shoppers are equally
                                  they are the second most active             divided between men and women
                                  online shopper segment (after the           and 25% of them are retired. They are
                                  Digital Shopaholics). The Internet is       particularly prevalent in Finland and the
                                  their preferred channel throughout          UK.
14	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail          the way we see it

Digital Shopaholics
Digital Shopaholics (17.6% of the
respondents) are early adopters and
experimenters and are prevalent
among the digital-savvy shoppers;
they use digital channels and devices
like smartphone apps and in-store
technology very actively throughout the
shopping journey. These consumers are
true digital shoppers and have a higher-
than-average rate of online purchases
across all product categories. They
place considerable emphasis on the
shopping experience.
They prefer to communicate with
retailers online and are active users
of social media and other peer-to-         retail stores will ultimately become
peer networks to share their opinions      mainly showrooms.
about products and services. Digital
Shopaholics expect the full integration    Digital Shopaholics are more likely to
of the physical, online and mobile         be men than women and they work
shopping experience by 2014, and a         full time; 60% have a college degree or
vast majority anticipate that physical     higher.

                                           Social Digital Shoppers                     themselves as frequent and confident
                                                                                       online shoppers; however, they
                                           Social Digital Shoppers (24.8% of the       purchase less online than the average
                                           respondents) are very optimistic about      in all retail segments except electronics,
                                           the use of all digital technology and the   likely due to the fact that they tend to
                                           vast majority consider digital channels     be younger shoppers and have not yet
                                           and devices to be important in all          reached their peak buying power.
                                           phases of the shopping journey. They
                                           tend to be digitally savvy and describe     They are heavy users of social media
                                                                                       and want to share opinions and
                                                                                       experiences through digital channels
                                                                                       and are active users of mobile
                                                                                       applications and services. Social Digital
                                                                                       Shoppers trust mobile devices for
                                                                                       paying for products, locating items and
                                                                                       identifying themselves.
                                                                                       These shoppers are more likely to be
                                                                                       under the age of 35 (45%) and 11%
                                                                                       are students. Social Digital Shoppers
                                                                                       are especially prevalent in developing
                                                                                       markets such as India, China and

Segments Display Similarities                  fairly often online but tend not to be
                                      and Differences                                up to date on the latest technology. In
                                                                                     contrast, Digital Shopaholics and Social
                                      We found both similarities and
                                                                                     Digital Shoppers are heavy users of the

                                      differences among the six segments.
                                                                                     latest technology. Techno-Shy Shoppers
                                      For example, all segments value
                                                                                     and Occasional Online Shoppers are
                                      the Internet as the key channel at
                                                                                     cautious online shoppers and their use
                                      each phase of the shopping journey.
            Keep it simple            However, Digital Shopaholics and Social
                                                                                     of the latest technology is limited. For
                                                                                     these shoppers, simplicity and visibility
          and easy to buy             Digital Shoppers use a wider range of
                                      channels than do the other segments.
                                                                                     of information through digital channels
                                                                                     is key. Said a shopper from Germany:
      for non-tech-savvy,             In addition, among all segments price          “Keep it simple and easy to buy for non-
           non-Facebook,              is the primary attribute impacting
                                      purchase decisions, followed
                                                                                     tech-savvy, non-Facebook, non-social-
                                                                                     media consumers.”
        non-social-media              by product. Value Seekers and
                                                                                     The buying behavior of Digital
                                      Occasional Online Shoppers put the
             consumers.”              greatest emphasis on price, while
                                                                                     Shopaholics and Social Digital
                                                                                     Shoppers is especially affected by the
       Digital Shopper from Germany   Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital
                                                                                     presence of multiple channels. These
                                      Shoppers demand high standards from
                                                                                     two segments will spend more money
                                      digital channels across all five attributes:
                                                                                     with a retailer if products are available
                                      access, experience, price, product and
                                                                                     at any time via any channel. They will
                                      service. Rational Online Shoppers will
                                                                                     spend more money at a physical store
                                      settle for lower experience levels if they
                                                                                     if they have used digital channels to
                                      get the right product at the right price.
                                                                                     research products before going to
                                      Different patterns of online shopping          the store, and are also more likely to
                                      and technology adoption were apparent          purchase more products in a single
                                      among the segments. Value Seekers              transaction online than in a physical
                                      and Rational Online Shoppers shop              store.

16	     Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail                                          the way we see it

Digital Shoppers Dominate in                                                    Shoppers in developing regions                                                social media, far more than those in the
Developing Markets                                                              place greater importance on all digital                                       mature markets.
                                                                                channels, regardless of the phase of
The research makes it very clear that                                                                                                                         Now that we have a view of who
                                                                                the shopping journey. This may be due
digital-savvy shoppers rule in developing                                                                                                                     the digital shoppers are, let’s look at
                                                                                in part to the lack of traditional retail
markets. Digital Shopaholics and Social                                                                                                                       how, where and when they use digital
                                                                                infrastructure in these markets as well
Digital Shoppers form the majority of                                                                                                                         channels and devices during their
                                                                                as the tendency in developing markets
digital shoppers in China, India, Brazil,                                                                                                                     shopping journeys.
                                                                                to “leapfrog” existing approaches in
Mexico and Turkey. By comparison,
                                                                                favor of the latest tools and formats.
these segments account for a smaller
                                                                                Shoppers in developing markets are
percentage of the total digital shopper
                                                                                also more engaged with retailers and
population in the other markets
                                                                                consumer products companies through
(Figure 2). In most of the mature
                                                                                digital channels. Nearly three-quarters
markets, the Rational Online Shoppers
                                                                                of respondents from India and 68% of
are dominant. Around the world, the
                                                                                those from China said they would like
percentage of Techno-Shy Shoppers
                                                                                to be able to follow retailers through
is similar, except in France and Spain,
where it is higher.

    Figure 2: A View of Digital Shopper Segments by Country (Ranked by Social Digital Shoppers/Digital Shopaholics)

                   0%                10%                     20%               30%                  40%               50%                  60%                70%                  80%                    90%                     100%

         China                                                 44                                                                           33                                1             6    2                  14

          India                                                      50                                                                              26                       2         5            6                   11

         Brazil                                         36                                                       23                                  8        5                         19                               10

       Mexico                                           36                                                       22                         3             9                                 21                                8

        Turkey                                          35                                                  19                        5              9                    19                                        14

        Russia                                 29                                              17                          9                    9                         25                                             11

           Italy                       22                                             22                              10                        14                            17                                   15

         Spain                            25                                     13                   8                         16                            15                                         23

            US                       19                                   16                                19                                       19                                     17                           10

            UK                  14                                  20                                                30                                            18                           6                      12

      Australia                   17                                 16                                    21                                       16                             18                                   12

        France                  16                                  15                                     24                               10                      16                                        19

       Canada                        19                              11                         16                                    21                                          21                                    11

     Germany                 14                               14                                22                                         17                            16                                        16

       Sweden              12                       7                                25                                          20                                      21                                         14

       Finland             11                   7                                         32                                                20                                     17                                   13

                                            Social Digital Shoppers                                       Rational Online Shoppers                                  Occasional Online Shoppers
                                            Digital Shopaholics                                           Value Seekers                                             Techno-Shy Shoppers

    Source: Capgemini
    Note: Results are rounded and hence not all bars equal 100%.

The Growing
                                  Role of Digital
                                  Spanning the

18	   Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail                                      the way we see it

              56%                          58%

        Meet two of today’s digital shoppers.            Engaging with these technology-                                        The Internet Still Rules
                                                         enabled customers begins with                                          Across all these phases, Internet sites
        Marc, a Digital Shopaholic, uses his
                                                         understanding the All-Channel                                          remain the dominant digital channel
        local supermarket’s shopping app
                                                         Shopping Journey across five phases:                                   in all the product categories studied,
        to browse recipe suggestions, read
        special offers and compile his weekly            •	 Awareness: learning about products                                  followed by e-mail. For example, 79%
        shopping list. Once in store, the app               and promotions                                                      of electronics shoppers said the Internet
        guides him to each item. He scans                                                                                       is important during the Awareness
                                                         •	 Choosing: searching for specific
        barcodes for important product                                                                                          phase; 74% of DIY shoppers said the
                                                            information, comparing and choosing
        information beyond what’s on the                                                                                        same; 73% of fashion shoppers; 70% of
                                                            a product
        label. At the checkout Marc pays                                                                                        health and personal care shoppers; and
                                                         •	 Transaction: purchasing and paying                                  59% of food shoppers. Similar results
        with his smartphone and the total
                                                            for the product                                                     were recorded for the other journey
        is automatically deducted from his
        account, the receipt appearing in his            •	 Delivery: tracking product delivery                                 phases. However, channels such as
        store app.                                          and related information                                             in-store technology, social media and
                                                         •	 Aftersales Care: providing feedback                                 smartphone apps are not far behind
        Sandra, a Social Digital Shopper,                                                                                       (Figure 3).
                                                            and receiving help after purchasing a
        is shopping online for shoes. She
                                                            product, including returns
        identifies a pair she’s considering so
        that her friends in her social network
        can give her advice. As well as various
        comments, they also send her links
        to alternative options from the same              Figure 3: Importance of Digital Channels Across the Customer Shopping Journey
        retailer. The nearest store to Sandra is
        alerted to the online conversation and                                                 Awareness            Choice           Transaction           Delivery       Aftersales Care
        a representative offers to help her find
        the right shoe at the right size. Sandra                            Internet site          3.94               3.92                3.80               3.92               3.94
        visits the store the next day, where her
        personal shopping assistant has picked                                 E-mail
                                                                                                   3.56               3.47                3.34               3.71               3.79
        out several pairs for her to try.                (such as newsletters, offers)

        Like Marc and Sandra, people today                         In-store technology
                                                                                                   3.31               3.33                3.41               3.25               3.28
        seamlessly integrate the use of all types                      (such as kiosks)

        of technologies in their lives, including
        the way they shop – at any time, at                                Social media            3.09               2.99                 *                   *                2.99
        any location. As a result, they are
        more informed and selective about the                             Smartphones
                                                                                                   2.88               2.82                2.81               2.93               2.91
        products and services they want and                              (specific apps)

        use, and are more empowered toward
        the industries that serve them.                                 (via call center)
                                                                                                   2.67               2.63                2.70               2.87               3.08

                                                          Source: Capgemini
                                                          Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important
                                                          * While the study shows a low acceptance of social media in the Transaction and Delivery phases of the shopping journey, the
                                                            study did reveal that shoppers increasingly prefer to journey through these phases via Internet sites, and many of the sites that
                       I would like                         consumers use include a “social” component.
                                                            The lines blur when consumers think about social media and transacting online. Social commerce is the blending of social media
            to see a comparison                             sites with e-commerce and is growing rapidly. Social commerce is expanding to include a range of social media tools and content
                                                            used in the context of e-commerce. Examples of social commerce include customer ratings and reviews, user recommendations

             of prices and quality
                                                            and referrals, social shopping tools, forums and communities. Shoppers are increasingly willing to transact via sites such as
                                                            Facebook (F-commerce) and conversely socialize their thoughts on traditional commerce sites.

                among the same
              types of products.”
                 Digital Shopper from Mexico

The research uncovered some
                                                Figure 4: Importance of the Internet Ranks Especially High in Developing Markets
differences depending on the journey
phase. For example, e-mail was
                                                                                                                     Internet Sites
deemed more important during the
Aftersales phase than in the earlier                                       Awareness               Choosing             Transaction           Delivery         Aftersales Care

phases. In-store technology was ranked                     Australia            3.81                  3.80                 3.59                  3.78                 3.80
higher during Transaction, and social                       Canada              3.82                  3.79                 3.42                  3.72                 3.77

media was somewhat more important                            Finland            3.68                  3.70                 3.45                  3.60                 3.73
during the Awareness phase.                                                     3.76                  3.69                 3.63                  3.80                 3.77
                                                           Germany              3.48                  3.44                 3.35                  3.42                 3.35
While the study shows a low                                      Italy          3.93                  3.94                 3.79                  3.94                 3.92
acceptance of social media in the                              Spain            3.72                  3.68                 3.60                  3.71                 3.73
Transaction and Delivery phases of                          Sweden              3.61                  3.52                 3.34                  3.41                 3.51
the shopping journey, the study did                               UK            3.93                  3.89                 3.86                  3.96                 3.85
reveal that shoppers increasingly prefer                           US           3.92                  3.93                 3.81                  3.93                 3.98
to journey through these phases via                            Brazil           4.30                  4.32                 4.32                  4.43                 4.41
Internet sites, and many of the sites                          China            4.22                  4.19                 4.13                  4.16                 4.17
that consumers use include a “social”                           India           4.38                  4.35                 4.30                  4.31                 4.33
component. The lines blur when                               Mexico             4.22                  4.23                 4.17                  4.31                 4.37
shoppers think about social media and                         Russia            3.96                  3.94                 3.84                  3.97                 4.01
transacting online. Social commerce                                             4.27                  4.26                 4.25                  4.30                 4.36

is the blending of social media sites                                    Mean score:       <2.0=             2.0-4.0=           >4=
with e-commerce and is growing
rapidly. Social commerce is expanding           Source: Capgemini
                                                Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important
to include a range of social media              Note: The data above demonstrates that the Internet is typically less important in the Transaction phase, suggesting that it is an
tools and content used in the context           important tool for supporting buying in physical stores, not just for buying online.
of e-commerce. Examples of social
commerce include customer ratings
and reviews, user recommendations
and referrals, social shopping tools,      Influence of Digital Channels                                                 surprisingly, lower prices was identified
forums and communities.  Shoppers          on Spending Patterns                                                          as the incentive of choice, but a few
are increasingly willing to transact via                                                                                 respondents offered alternative ideas.
                                           A key question is how the use of
sites such as Facebook (F-commerce)                                                                                      Said a shopper from the UK: “I’d like to
                                           digital channels may impact consumer
and conversely socialize their thoughts                                                                                  see a wider range of loyalty points given
                                           spending. Our research found some
on traditional commerce sites.                                                                                           for shopping in different channels.”
                                           interesting correlations. For example,
Phone (via call center) was considered     56% of respondents said they were                                             These highlights provide an overview of
the least important channel overall,       likely to spend more money at a                                               how digital channels are being used by
except for Aftersales Care, where          physical store if they had used digital                                       consumers. In the sections that follow
its ranking went up considerably. In       channels to research the product prior                                        we take a closer look at the use of
addition, call centers were considered     to purchase. And 55% said they were                                           digital channels in each of the phases of
more important in the developing           more likely to spend more money with                                          the shopping journey.
markets than in mature countries.          a particular retailer if products were
                                           available anytime via any channel.
The importance of the Internet
was particularly pronounced in the         Some respondents suggested incenting
developing markets, with respondents       shoppers to use multiple channels. Not
in most of these countries awarding it
an importance ranking above 4 across
all journey phases (Figure 4).2

                                           2	    Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important.
20	      Digital Shopper Relevancy
Consumer Products and Retail   the way we see it

“       I’d like to see a wider range of
loyalty points given for shopping
in different channels.”
Digital Shopper from UK

Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report
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Digital Shopper Relevancy Full Report

  • 1. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Digital Shopper Relevancy Profiting from Your Customers’ Desired All-Channel Experience
  • 2. Contents Introduction 3 Executive Summary 4 The Many Faces of the Digital Shopper 10 The Growing Role of Digital Channels: Spanning the All-Channel Shopping Journey 18 • Awareness: The Internet is the Place to Learn 23 • Choosing: Price and Product Specs Remain Key Factors in Selecting an Item 25 • Transaction: Where In-Store Technology Plays a Larger Role 29 • Delivery: ‘Let Me Choose My Own Way of Getting It’ 33 • Aftersales Care: Call Center Use Varies Widely 35 The Future of Digital Channels for Shopping 38 Conclusion and Recommendations 42 © 2012 Capgemini. No part of this document may be modified, deleted or expanded by any process or means without prior written permission from Capgemini. 2 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 3. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Introduction How different is the use of digital The study focuses on five product channels during the shopping journey categories: food, health and personal in developing countries compared with care, fashion (clothing, footwear, more mature markets? accessories), do-it-yourself home improvement (DIY) and electronics. The Is there a clear segmentation of findings are based on 16,000 interviews shoppers based on their shopping with people who have used technology behavior and preferences across all 16,000 during the shopping process across channels (for example, taking into 16 countries, representing developing account different behavior for women, as well as mature markets: Australia, tech-shy or older people)? interviews Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Russia, When are retailers and manufacturers relevant to digital shoppers in their Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United all-channel experience, such as with Kingdom and the United States. social media and smartphones – and The research helps uncover the how does this differ depending on the many faces of today’s technology- shopper segment? enabled shopper and demonstrates The answers to these questions and that shoppers are no longer loyal to more can be found in Capgemini’s new an individual channel but rather to an “Digital Shopper Relevancy” research experience across all channels. The 16 report. Studying shopping behavior has long majority of those surveyed said they expect the seamless integration of the online, physical and mobile shopping countries been a focus for Capgemini. Over the experience by 2014. past decade we have surveyed tens of thousands of consumers around The executive summary that follows the globe as part of our “Consumer provides an overview of key findings Relevancy” and “Future Consumer” from our “Digital Shopper Relevancy” research programs. In these earlier study. And the ensuing sections offer studies, the emphasis was largely on more in-depth data and analysis of shopping behavior patterns in physical today’s digital shopper, their behavior stores. and preferences across the All-Channel Shopping Journey – from Awareness With our new “Digital Shopper through Aftersales Care – and the Relevancy” research we have expanded changes they envision for shopping the focus to all channels, including channels in the future. those in the digital realm. Our objective: to understand how a range of channels We are confident that the findings and devices – from smartphones of Capgemini’s “Digital Shopper and mobile apps to websites and Relevancy” study will provide in-store kiosks – are used and valued organizations with insights into changing by shoppers during the All-Channel shopper dynamics. We believe that Shopping Journey, and to help retailers those insights can lead companies to and consumer products manufacturers gain a better understanding of how and understand how to profit from these where to invest in capabilities across all insights. channels. 3
  • 4. Executive Summary 4 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 5. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Being a shopper today is more exciting The Journey of the Digital about setting up a commerce website, than ever. The consumer products and Shopper being active on Facebook or developing retail industry is undergoing significant a mobile app; this is about addressing transformation largely because of Capgemini’s “Digital Shopper the specific needs of shoppers in the the way that people choose to shop Relevancy” study provides insight into context of how they live their daily lives. and consume. They are enabled when, where and how shoppers want to interact with a retailer or consumer (Note: When we talk about “digital with technology that allows them to products company through various shoppers” we mean shoppers who approach the shopping process in a channels and locations across the use one or more digital technologies or different way than they have in the past. phases of the All-Channel Shopping channels in one or more phases of their Shoppers expect to find information Journey: Awareness, Choosing, shopping journey.) in multiple sources and formats. Transaction, Delivery and Aftersales They are looking for consistency Care (Figure 1). and convergence among different technologies and channels. And they This insight is crucial for companies to have no predefined views about what be able to serve these digital shoppers “belongs” in specific channels, but will in a relevant manner. This is not just use whichever channel or device is most relevant. Figure 1: The All-Channel Shopping Journey All-Channel Shopping Journey Awareness Choosing Transaction Delivery Aftersales Care Maria gets her Maria uses Maria doesn't really Using her phone, Maria gets personalized Mobile ideas from her her social network differentiate Maria requests information on phone and shops and phone between mobile delivery to her accessories and at special sales to let her friends and online as she house, her matching separates events at the mall help choose does everything boyfriend's house for her recent through one or school, purchases device whichever is more convenient James’ goods arrive at James doesn’t get his home delivery box James will send James uses With one click feedback to the retailer e-mail James adds these involved in the at his pre-agreed transactional element regular time unless he on his mobile if there is suggestions to to his regular something in his order of his regular intervenes with a At Home supplement his online he is not happy with regular online replenishment purchases as they change of order happen automatically circumstances purchases Anna gets alerts on her phone about the Anna chooses Anna will order from a delivery status of the online or during kiosk in store or back order an experiential at home after she has Anna takes shopping trip, inspiration both chosen her goods Anna buys extended depending on the from online and category products and services from her mall that she sees in Store visits showroom-style stores. Any issues she deals with at home online Source: Capgemini Note: The “Digital Shopper Relevancy” study tracked shopper behavior and attitudes toward the following channels and devices: Internet sites, e-mail (such as newsletters and offers), in-store technology (such as kiosks), social media, smartphones (specific apps) and phone (via call center). 5
  • 6. Key Findings The research uncovered a number of key findings. T here is no “one” digital using blogs and social networks to find consumer recommendations and shopper. reviews, although they are less likely We identified a variety of different than younger shoppers to follow types of digital shoppers, each using retailers on social media. In addition, channels and devices in different ways a surprising number want to receive during their shopping journeys. Their location-based messages and offers behavior is impacted by factors such as from retailers via digital channels. age, gender, product category, journey Overall, shoppers in the older age “ phase, market maturity, and attitudes groups are less interested in using and expectations about technology. mobile apps, although they do see We found some overall behavioral value in in-store technology such as differences, for example: kiosks and digital devices integrated Online stores • Female shoppers: Women are into shopping carts. need to provide all generally more engaged than men The differences were less pronounced when it came to demographic factors product information when using digital channels. They are more interested than men such as education and income levels. that is available.” in receiving personalized offers, recommendations and information However, demographics are only one factor impacting shopping behavior. Digital Shopper from Brazil about new products. In addition, A detailed segmentation analysis women are more interested than identified six distinct segments of digital men in using digital devices inside shoppers: Techno-Shy Shoppers, the physical store to order products Occasional Online Shoppers, Value that are not available in the store; Seekers, Rational Online Shoppers, they are also more interested in the Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital ability to easily compare different Shoppers. products before making the final Each segment uses digital channels purchasing decision, and in being and devices in different ways during offered visual aids (such as “how- their shopping journeys. For example, to” videos) to help them choose the Digital Shopaholics are early adopters most suitable product. and experimenters; they use digital • Older shoppers: Not surprisingly, channels and devices like smartphone older shoppers place less apps and in-store technology very importance than their younger actively throughout the shopping counterparts on digital channels in process. In contrast, Value Seekers general. But this doesn’t mean they are price-sensitive shoppers with low don’t see value in these channels. interest in digital shopping and new In particular, they are heavy users of technologies. They shop online primarily Internet sites, especially during the to find the best deals on products early phases of the shopping journey. they know they want and seldom use Older shoppers are interested in smartphone apps, social media or in- store technology when shopping. 6 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 7. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it S ignificant differences media and blogs. By comparison, less than half of shoppers in the mature exist between digital markets of US, Canada, France, Australia, the UK, Germany, Finland and shoppers in developing Sweden are interested in this capability. markets and those In the middle are Italy, Russia and Spain, where a little over half are interested in in mature markets. using social media and blogs to learn The research makes it very clear that about new products. digital shoppers rule in developing D “ markets. Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital Shoppers form the majority of igital shoppers are digital shoppers in China, India, Brazil, focused on core Mexico and Turkey. By comparison, these segments account for a smaller functionality like price, I expect percentage of the total digital shopper product specifications population in the other markets. In most discounts and and delivery information. of the mature markets, the Rational Online Shoppers are dominant. Digital shoppers, especially those in promotions Shoppers in developing regions mature markets, want retailers and consumer products companies to get specifically designed place greater importance on all digital channels, regardless of the phase of these basics right before they will be for digital channels, open to engage. When researching, the shopping journey. This may be due comparing and choosing products clearly differentiated in part to the lack of traditional retail infrastructure in these markets as well through digital channels, half or more of respondents said that factors such from those available as the tendency in developing markets to “leapfrog” entrenched approaches as clearly marked product price, at the traditional availability and delivery charges, and in favor of the latest tools and formats. comprehensive product information store.” For example, 72% of respondents from were extremely important. Of lesser Digital Shopper from Spain India and 69% from China said they importance to respondents are options purchase more products in a single such as having content in digital transaction online than in a physical channels tailored to their profile and store, compared with just 24% of those preferences. from Finland and 31% from the US. And 73% of shoppers from India and 74% Shoppers also made it clear that of those from China prefer to be offered they expect online prices to be lower additional product suggestions online than those in physical stores; this vs. 34% in France and 36% in Australia. was cited by 73% of all respondents. Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital Shoppers in developing markets are Shoppers are most likely to think online also more engaged with retailers and prices should be lower. More than 80% consumer products companies through of these more digital-savvy shoppers digital channels. Nearly three-quarters said online prices should be lower of respondents from India and 68% of vs. about 60% of non-digital-savvy those from China said they would like respondents. to be able to follow retailers through T he Internet remains the social media, far more than those in the mature markets. primary channel for Interestingly, we found that three countries – Russia, Italy and Spain – most digital shoppers. often fell somewhere in between the Across the phases of the shopping developing and mature markets in journey, Internet sites remain the terms of their digital shopping behavior. dominant digital channel in all the For instance, more than two-thirds of product categories studied, followed by shoppers in the developing markets of e-mail. For example, 79% of electronics India, Mexico, Brazil, China and Turkey shoppers said the Internet is important said they are interested in finding out during the Awareness phase; 74% of about new products through social DIY shoppers said the same; 73% of 7
  • 8. Key Findings S eparating hype from fashion shoppers; 70% of health and personal care shoppers; and 59% of food shoppers. Similar results were reality is critical for recorded for the other journey phases. emerging digital channels However, channels such as social media, mobile apps and in-store kiosks like social media and are close behind, with their relevancy smartphone apps. varying depending on the journey phase Plenty of attention is being paid by and country. Phone (via call center) is retailers, consumer products companies the least important channel, except in and the media to these new digital the Aftersales Care phase. channels. And for good reason, given “ P the hype surrounding them. However, roximity matters it’s important to understand who is really using these channels. Overall, only when it comes to about half of shoppers expect that the To improve personalization. use of social media and mobile apps Customers appear to be of two for shopping will increase in the coming the usage of digital mindsets regarding personalization three years. But the number jumps channels in the during the All-Channel Shopping Journey. They express an interest considerably in the developing markets, and among younger shoppers, Digital purchasing process, in certain types of personalization Shopaholics, Social Digital Shoppers when shopping online, but are less and those shopping for high-end retailers and comfortable being recognized in the products such as electronics. manufacturers should physical store. Consider that 61% said they want online stores to remember Understanding these differences is provide an integrated their personal information and payment essential in determining where to make digital investments, particularly in new methods to speed up the shopping experience between process. But only 41% want to be channels like social media and mobile apps. For example, in mature markets, physical and digital identified through digital devices (such as their mobile phones) when entering a companies would do better making touchpoints.” physical store. careful, selective investments in mobile apps and social media at the moment, Digital Shopper from Italy This seemed somewhat counterintuitive but in developing markets those given concerns surrounding privacy channels are more relevant and should in digital channels. But the shield of be the first priority for a digital strategy anonymity that exists in the digital world and investment. may make shoppers more comfortable sharing personal information online Loyalty – and Spending – than in the physical store. Respondents Across All Channels in Sweden and Finland are least likely Our study findings make it clear to share information in-store, while that shoppers are no longer loyal to shoppers in India are most likely to do an individual channel but rather to so. an experience across all channels. Also here we see a significant difference Consider that the majority of shoppers between shoppers in mature vs. said they are likely to spend more developing countries. For example, 80% money at a physical store if they use of shoppers in India and 73% in China digital channels to research the product said they want to receive personalized prior to purchase. In addition, they offers and recommendations through said they will spend more money with digital channels. This compares with a particular retailer if products are 35% in Sweden and 38% in Finland. available anytime via any channel. This point was reinforced in the qualitative comments from shoppers across the countries. “To improve the usage of digital channels in the purchasing process, retailers and 8 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 9. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it manufacturers should provide an integrated experience between About the Study physical and digital touchpoints,” said a Capgemini worked with ORC respondent from Italy. International, a London-based global research firm, to conduct the “Digital Being Relevant for Digital Shopper Relevancy” online study. Shoppers ORC International surveyed more than 16,000 consumers in 16 countries: Our research demonstrates that Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, shoppers expect an integrated Finland, France, Germany, India, experience across all channels but Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Sweden, aren’t yet getting it. Nearly 60% of Turkey, the United Kingdom and the respondents said they expect channel United States. “ integration to be the norm by 2014, but more than half said that most retailers The composition of the consumer currently are not consistent in the sample in each country was based way they present themselves across on projectable national samples channels. representative of the population from the standpoint of age and gender. I use the Understanding how shoppers are using channels and devices in the context of Additional demographic factors examined included income, education, Internet mainly to their daily lives is a critical starting point employment and marital status. All acquire product to serve them in a relevant manner. But to realize a relevant all-channel respondents had used digital channels and/or devices for shopping in the three information, but experience is no easy task. Providing a seamless interaction across channels is months prior to taking the survey, and they were asked about their degree of decide on purchases challenging for retailers and consumer online shopping, use of mobile apps only after seeing products companies and requires and their technology adoption rate. considerations that impact the entire Respondents were asked about their and trying on the enterprise. These include shifting from a product- or feature-focused purchase behavior in five product product.” categories: food, health and personal approach to a consumer- and shopper- care, fashion (clothing, footwear, Digital Shopper from Finland focused approach across all channels, accessories), do-it-yourself home and integrating processes such as improvement (DIY) and electronics. And merchandising, order fulfillment and they were surveyed about their use inventory management by category of numerous channels and devices at rather than by individual channel. each phase of the shopping journey: We believe the insights contained in this Awareness, Choosing, Transaction, report can help retailers and consumer Delivery and Aftersales Care. products manufacturers determine how In addition, respondents were asked they can profit from customers’ desired for their predictions about the role all-channel experience. The data we of various digital shopping channels have collected goes far beyond what over the coming years and to identify we have published in this report – the developments they would like to see research also includes information on to improve their shopping experience how digital shoppers view the relevance across channels. Finally, they were and performance of key retailers and asked to rate how important five key brands in the respective countries. shopping attributes will be to them These insights can translate into direct over the next five years in deciding business benefits. how and where to buy products and services. These attributes are access, Capgemini has further developed experience, price, product and service. our original “Consumer Relevancy” Consumers were also asked to rate thought leadership into a “Digital their top three retailers and brands in Shopper Relevancy” framework and the different categories and on these methodology. With these tools, we can five attributes. help retailers and consumer products companies make the right decisions The study’s quantitative data was supported by additional to become more relevant for digital qualitative comments from the shoppers across the phases of their All- respondents. Channel Shopping Journey. 9
  • 10. The Many Faces of the Digital Shopper 10 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 11. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it 55% 62% OF WOMEN ELECTRONICS OF DIY SHOPPERS 65 OR SHOPPERS WANT TO RECEIVE OLDER USE INTERNET SITES TO INSPIRATIONAL CONTENT LIKE LEARN ABOUT PRODUCTS “HOW-TO” VIDEOS Who is today’s digital shopper? and promotions. Similarly, 78% of electronics shoppers in the 55 to 64 age Our research demonstrates that group and 69% in the 65-plus group there is no “one” digital shopper. The use Internet sites during the Awareness requirements and needs of digital phase. shoppers are difficult to untangle but distinct segments are emerging, each Older shoppers are somewhat less “ using digital channels in different ways inclined to use digital channels in the during their shopping journeys. Key later phases of the shopping journey. factors influencing the experience and Noted a respondent from Canada: “I’m requirements of digital shoppers include age, gender, product category, journey 65 years of age and retired. I do shop and compare online, but when it comes As a senior phase, market maturity, and attitudes and expectations about technology. to purchasing, I still prefer to see the goods, purchase them and tote them citizen having home.” watched how this Demographics Matter Gender plays a role in shopping While they are less likely than younger electronic age has shoppers to follow retailers on social behavior, with women generally media, older shoppers are interested developed over more engaged than men when using digital channels. For example, they in using blogs and social networks to find consumer recommendations the years what I are more interested than men in receiving personalized offers and and reviews. In addition, a surprising thought would not be number want to receive location-based recommendations; this is the case messages and offers from retailers via possible a few years across all countries but particularly in India, Russia and Finland. And women digital channels: 49% of respondents in the 55 to 64 age group and 38% ago now is. All I can are also more likely than men to be interested in receiving inspirational of those 65 and older expressed an say is ‘surprise me.’” interest in location-based offers when content from retailers through digital learning about products. Overall, Digital Shopper from Australia channels (such as “how-to” videos). In shoppers in the older age groups are the electronics category 55% of women less interested in using mobile apps but shoppers would like to receive this they do see value in in-store technology kind of content when learning about such as kiosks and digital devices products, compared with 44% of men. integrated into shopping carts. Women are also more interested than men in finding out about new products How Digitally Savvy are through blogs; receiving messages Shoppers? and offers from retailers based on We found varying levels of digital location; and in participating in online sophistication among shoppers: 55% communities provided by retailers. In of all respondents agree that they are addition, women are more interested frequent and confident shoppers online; than men in using digital devices inside 34% regularly use apps and services on the physical store to order products their mobile phones to research and/ that are not available in the store; they or purchase products; and 35% said are also more interested in the ability to they are early adopters of the latest easily compare different products before electronic and technology equipment. making the final purchasing decision In all cases, respondents in China and being offered visual aids to help and India were the most likely to see them choose the most suitable product. themselves as digital-savvy shoppers. Not surprisingly, older shoppers place Digital-savvy shoppers demonstrate less importance than their younger certain behavior patterns that counterparts on digital channels in distinguish them from other shoppers. general. But this doesn’t mean they For example: don’t see value in these channels. In particular, they are heavy users of • They are most likely to use Internet sites, especially during the technology to learn about products early phases of the shopping journey: and promotions and to search for Awareness and Choosing. For example, information to compare and choose 72% of DIY shoppers aged 55 to 64 a product. and 62% of those over 65 use the • Internet sites are particularly Internet to learn about products important for digital-savvy shoppers 11
  • 12. to purchase and pay for products. Segmenting the Digital • Frequent and consistent online Shopper shoppers are most likely to agree Demographics and technological that the use of digital channels will sophistication are only two factors increase over the next three years. impacting shopping behavior. A “ • Early adopters of technology prefer detailed segmentation analysis led us to be offered additional product to uncover six distinct digital shopper suggestions online (cited by 85% of segments1: Techno-Shy Shoppers, early adopters). Occasional Online Shoppers, Value I’m 65 years • Digital-savvy shoppers are most likely Seekers, Rational Online Shoppers, of age and retired. to think online prices should be lower Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital Shoppers. Each segment uses digital (cited by more than 80% of digital- I do shop and savvy shoppers vs. about 60% of channels and devices in different ways during their shopping journeys. compare online, but non-digital-savvy respondents). when it comes to purchasing, 10 Years + 34,000 Consumers + 18 Countries = Countless I still prefer Insights Into Shopping Behavior to see the goods, Our “Digital Shopper Relevancy” study is the latest in Capgemini’s series of consumer research programs focused on addressing changing dynamics in the consumer products purchase them and and retail industry. tote them home.” A decade ago we launched our “Consumer Relevancy” research to help businesses understand the new language of consumers. We surveyed 16,000 consumers in the Digital Shopper from Canada United States and nine European countries about their shopping experiences and their relationships with business. The research demonstrated that companies needn’t – and, in fact, shouldn’t – try to be great at everything. Rather than striving for universal excellence, companies should consider the five basic shopping attributes present in any commercial transaction – access, experience, price, product and service – and select one on which to dominate and one on which to differentiate themselves, while ensuring they are at par or meeting the market on the remaining three. This research was followed by our “Future Consumer” program, which involved more than 2,000 consumer interviews in four countries: France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. The research explored the importance of topics such as health and wellness, product traceability, environmental issues and the use of new/emerging technologies, and how these issues may impact the way consumers buy, receive and use products and services in the future. Our new “Digital Shopper Relevancy” research, involving 16,000 consumers in 16 countries, picks up where the earlier studies left off: by focusing on how, when and where shoppers use a wide range of channels and devices – from smartphones and mobile apps to websites and in-store kiosks. The sum total of these consumer research programs: 10 years, 34,000 consumer interviews, 18 countries studied – and countless insights into shopping behavior. 1 Capgemini segmented the respondent base using more than 60 behavioral variables. Methods included 12 Digital Shopper Relevancy factor analysis and k-means clustering.
  • 13. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Techno-Shy Shoppers Techno-Shy Shoppers (13.3% of the respondents) are not interested in new technologies and do not consider digital channels or devices important during any phase of the shopping journey. They are not frequent or confident online shoppers and rarely use smartphone apps. They demonstrate the lowest rate of online shopping of all the segments across all product categories. Techno-Shy Shoppers show some slight interest in social media but prefer personal contact via phone/call centers. And they have very little interest in future digital developments. These shoppers include both young students and older consumers and many of them come from Continental Europe. Occasional Online significantly less online compared with all segments except the Techno-Shy. Shoppers When they do use digital channels, Occasional Online Shoppers (16.1% they prefer the Internet, e-mail and of the respondents) shop online in-store technology, but they rarely infrequently, with low usage across use smartphone apps or social media all product categories. They buy during the shopping process. These shoppers use digital channels primarily for choosing and comparing products and tracking deliveries. They expect digital channels to be in their native language. Occasional Online Shoppers value flexible return options, availability of product information and customer service. These shoppers are slightly more likely to be women than men and also are likely to be high school and college graduates; 56% of Occasional Online Shoppers are older than 45. 13
  • 14. Value Seekers Their typical online purchases include fashion and personal healthcare items. Value Seekers (accounting for 13.5% of Value Seekers want an easy shopping the total respondent base) are price- process with clearly marked product sensitive shoppers with relatively little information and prices, and convenient interest in digital shopping and new return policies. technologies. They shop online primarily to find the best deals on products they They are more likely to be women (63%) know they want. Smartphone apps, than men, and are also somewhat social media and in-store technology more likely to be retired than their play almost no role in their shopping counterparts in the other segments. process. Sixty percent of Value Seekers are over the age of 45. the shopping journey but they have little interest in using social media and mobile apps for shopping. They know what they want and they use the Internet to find the most optimal solution. Rational Online Shoppers value well-functioning online stores with clearly marked product information, pricing and delivery charges, as well as reliable delivery processes. They do not trust Rational Online Shoppers reviews in retailer-hosted consumer communities and do not regard as Rational Online Shoppers (14.7% of the important giving feedback and receiving respondents) are relatively confident help through digital channels. online shoppers buying mostly fashion products and electronics. Overall, Rational Online Shoppers are equally they are the second most active divided between men and women online shopper segment (after the and 25% of them are retired. They are Digital Shopaholics). The Internet is particularly prevalent in Finland and the their preferred channel throughout UK. 14 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 15. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Digital Shopaholics Digital Shopaholics (17.6% of the respondents) are early adopters and experimenters and are prevalent among the digital-savvy shoppers; they use digital channels and devices like smartphone apps and in-store technology very actively throughout the shopping journey. These consumers are true digital shoppers and have a higher- than-average rate of online purchases across all product categories. They place considerable emphasis on the shopping experience. They prefer to communicate with retailers online and are active users of social media and other peer-to- retail stores will ultimately become peer networks to share their opinions mainly showrooms. about products and services. Digital Shopaholics expect the full integration Digital Shopaholics are more likely to of the physical, online and mobile be men than women and they work shopping experience by 2014, and a full time; 60% have a college degree or vast majority anticipate that physical higher. Social Digital Shoppers themselves as frequent and confident online shoppers; however, they Social Digital Shoppers (24.8% of the purchase less online than the average respondents) are very optimistic about in all retail segments except electronics, the use of all digital technology and the likely due to the fact that they tend to vast majority consider digital channels be younger shoppers and have not yet and devices to be important in all reached their peak buying power. phases of the shopping journey. They tend to be digitally savvy and describe They are heavy users of social media and want to share opinions and experiences through digital channels and are active users of mobile applications and services. Social Digital Shoppers trust mobile devices for paying for products, locating items and identifying themselves. These shoppers are more likely to be under the age of 35 (45%) and 11% are students. Social Digital Shoppers are especially prevalent in developing markets such as India, China and Mexico. 15
  • 16. Segments Display Similarities fairly often online but tend not to be and Differences up to date on the latest technology. In contrast, Digital Shopaholics and Social We found both similarities and Digital Shoppers are heavy users of the “ differences among the six segments. latest technology. Techno-Shy Shoppers For example, all segments value and Occasional Online Shoppers are the Internet as the key channel at cautious online shoppers and their use each phase of the shopping journey. Keep it simple However, Digital Shopaholics and Social of the latest technology is limited. For these shoppers, simplicity and visibility and easy to buy Digital Shoppers use a wider range of channels than do the other segments. of information through digital channels is key. Said a shopper from Germany: for non-tech-savvy, In addition, among all segments price “Keep it simple and easy to buy for non- non-Facebook, is the primary attribute impacting purchase decisions, followed tech-savvy, non-Facebook, non-social- media consumers.” non-social-media by product. Value Seekers and The buying behavior of Digital Occasional Online Shoppers put the consumers.” greatest emphasis on price, while Shopaholics and Social Digital Shoppers is especially affected by the Digital Shopper from Germany Digital Shopaholics and Social Digital presence of multiple channels. These Shoppers demand high standards from two segments will spend more money digital channels across all five attributes: with a retailer if products are available access, experience, price, product and at any time via any channel. They will service. Rational Online Shoppers will spend more money at a physical store settle for lower experience levels if they if they have used digital channels to get the right product at the right price. research products before going to Different patterns of online shopping the store, and are also more likely to and technology adoption were apparent purchase more products in a single among the segments. Value Seekers transaction online than in a physical and Rational Online Shoppers shop store. 16 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 17. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Digital Shoppers Dominate in Shoppers in developing regions social media, far more than those in the Developing Markets place greater importance on all digital mature markets. channels, regardless of the phase of The research makes it very clear that Now that we have a view of who the shopping journey. This may be due digital-savvy shoppers rule in developing the digital shoppers are, let’s look at in part to the lack of traditional retail markets. Digital Shopaholics and Social how, where and when they use digital infrastructure in these markets as well Digital Shoppers form the majority of channels and devices during their as the tendency in developing markets digital shoppers in China, India, Brazil, shopping journeys. to “leapfrog” existing approaches in Mexico and Turkey. By comparison, favor of the latest tools and formats. these segments account for a smaller Shoppers in developing markets are percentage of the total digital shopper also more engaged with retailers and population in the other markets consumer products companies through (Figure 2). In most of the mature digital channels. Nearly three-quarters markets, the Rational Online Shoppers of respondents from India and 68% of are dominant. Around the world, the those from China said they would like percentage of Techno-Shy Shoppers to be able to follow retailers through is similar, except in France and Spain, where it is higher. Figure 2: A View of Digital Shopper Segments by Country (Ranked by Social Digital Shoppers/Digital Shopaholics) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% China 44 33 1 6 2 14 India 50 26 2 5 6 11 Brazil 36 23 8 5 19 10 Mexico 36 22 3 9 21 8 Turkey 35 19 5 9 19 14 Russia 29 17 9 9 25 11 Italy 22 22 10 14 17 15 Spain 25 13 8 16 15 23 US 19 16 19 19 17 10 UK 14 20 30 18 6 12 Australia 17 16 21 16 18 12 France 16 15 24 10 16 19 Canada 19 11 16 21 21 11 Germany 14 14 22 17 16 16 Sweden 12 7 25 20 21 14 Finland 11 7 32 20 17 13 Social Digital Shoppers Rational Online Shoppers Occasional Online Shoppers Digital Shopaholics Value Seekers Techno-Shy Shoppers Source: Capgemini Note: Results are rounded and hence not all bars equal 100%. 17
  • 18. The Growing Role of Digital Channels: Spanning the All-Channel Shopping Journey 18 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 19. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it 56% 58% OF SHOPPERS SAID THEY WERE OF DIY SHOPPERS SAID LIKELY TO SPEND MORE IN-STORE TECHNOLOGY IS MONEY AT A PHYSICAL STORE PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT IN IF THEY HAD USED DIGITAL THE TRANSACTION PHASE CHANNELS TO RESEARCH PRIOR TO PURCHASE Meet two of today’s digital shoppers. Engaging with these technology- The Internet Still Rules enabled customers begins with Across all these phases, Internet sites Marc, a Digital Shopaholic, uses his understanding the All-Channel remain the dominant digital channel local supermarket’s shopping app Shopping Journey across five phases: in all the product categories studied, to browse recipe suggestions, read special offers and compile his weekly • Awareness: learning about products followed by e-mail. For example, 79% shopping list. Once in store, the app and promotions of electronics shoppers said the Internet guides him to each item. He scans is important during the Awareness • Choosing: searching for specific barcodes for important product phase; 74% of DIY shoppers said the information, comparing and choosing information beyond what’s on the same; 73% of fashion shoppers; 70% of a product label. At the checkout Marc pays health and personal care shoppers; and • Transaction: purchasing and paying 59% of food shoppers. Similar results with his smartphone and the total for the product were recorded for the other journey is automatically deducted from his account, the receipt appearing in his • Delivery: tracking product delivery phases. However, channels such as store app. and related information in-store technology, social media and • Aftersales Care: providing feedback smartphone apps are not far behind Sandra, a Social Digital Shopper, (Figure 3). and receiving help after purchasing a is shopping online for shoes. She product, including returns identifies a pair she’s considering so that her friends in her social network can give her advice. As well as various comments, they also send her links to alternative options from the same Figure 3: Importance of Digital Channels Across the Customer Shopping Journey retailer. The nearest store to Sandra is alerted to the online conversation and Awareness Choice Transaction Delivery Aftersales Care a representative offers to help her find the right shoe at the right size. Sandra Internet site 3.94 3.92 3.80 3.92 3.94 visits the store the next day, where her personal shopping assistant has picked E-mail 3.56 3.47 3.34 3.71 3.79 out several pairs for her to try. (such as newsletters, offers) Like Marc and Sandra, people today In-store technology 3.31 3.33 3.41 3.25 3.28 seamlessly integrate the use of all types (such as kiosks) of technologies in their lives, including the way they shop – at any time, at Social media 3.09 2.99 * * 2.99 any location. As a result, they are more informed and selective about the Smartphones 2.88 2.82 2.81 2.93 2.91 products and services they want and (specific apps) use, and are more empowered toward Phone the industries that serve them. (via call center) 2.67 2.63 2.70 2.87 3.08 “ Source: Capgemini Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important * While the study shows a low acceptance of social media in the Transaction and Delivery phases of the shopping journey, the study did reveal that shoppers increasingly prefer to journey through these phases via Internet sites, and many of the sites that I would like consumers use include a “social” component. The lines blur when consumers think about social media and transacting online. Social commerce is the blending of social media to see a comparison sites with e-commerce and is growing rapidly. Social commerce is expanding to include a range of social media tools and content used in the context of e-commerce. Examples of social commerce include customer ratings and reviews, user recommendations of prices and quality and referrals, social shopping tools, forums and communities. Shoppers are increasingly willing to transact via sites such as Facebook (F-commerce) and conversely socialize their thoughts on traditional commerce sites. among the same types of products.” Digital Shopper from Mexico 19
  • 20. The research uncovered some Figure 4: Importance of the Internet Ranks Especially High in Developing Markets differences depending on the journey phase. For example, e-mail was Internet Sites deemed more important during the Aftersales phase than in the earlier Awareness Choosing Transaction Delivery Aftersales Care phases. In-store technology was ranked Australia 3.81 3.80 3.59 3.78 3.80 higher during Transaction, and social Canada 3.82 3.79 3.42 3.72 3.77 media was somewhat more important Finland 3.68 3.70 3.45 3.60 3.73 France during the Awareness phase. 3.76 3.69 3.63 3.80 3.77 Germany 3.48 3.44 3.35 3.42 3.35 While the study shows a low Italy 3.93 3.94 3.79 3.94 3.92 acceptance of social media in the Spain 3.72 3.68 3.60 3.71 3.73 Transaction and Delivery phases of Sweden 3.61 3.52 3.34 3.41 3.51 the shopping journey, the study did UK 3.93 3.89 3.86 3.96 3.85 reveal that shoppers increasingly prefer US 3.92 3.93 3.81 3.93 3.98 to journey through these phases via Brazil 4.30 4.32 4.32 4.43 4.41 Internet sites, and many of the sites China 4.22 4.19 4.13 4.16 4.17 that consumers use include a “social” India 4.38 4.35 4.30 4.31 4.33 component. The lines blur when Mexico 4.22 4.23 4.17 4.31 4.37 shoppers think about social media and Russia 3.96 3.94 3.84 3.97 4.01 Turkey transacting online. Social commerce 4.27 4.26 4.25 4.30 4.36 is the blending of social media sites Mean score: <2.0= 2.0-4.0= >4= with e-commerce and is growing rapidly. Social commerce is expanding Source: Capgemini Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important to include a range of social media Note: The data above demonstrates that the Internet is typically less important in the Transaction phase, suggesting that it is an tools and content used in the context important tool for supporting buying in physical stores, not just for buying online. of e-commerce. Examples of social commerce include customer ratings and reviews, user recommendations and referrals, social shopping tools, Influence of Digital Channels surprisingly, lower prices was identified forums and communities.  Shoppers on Spending Patterns as the incentive of choice, but a few are increasingly willing to transact via respondents offered alternative ideas. A key question is how the use of sites such as Facebook (F-commerce) Said a shopper from the UK: “I’d like to digital channels may impact consumer and conversely socialize their thoughts see a wider range of loyalty points given spending. Our research found some on traditional commerce sites. for shopping in different channels.” interesting correlations. For example, Phone (via call center) was considered 56% of respondents said they were These highlights provide an overview of the least important channel overall, likely to spend more money at a how digital channels are being used by except for Aftersales Care, where physical store if they had used digital consumers. In the sections that follow its ranking went up considerably. In channels to research the product prior we take a closer look at the use of addition, call centers were considered to purchase. And 55% said they were digital channels in each of the phases of more important in the developing more likely to spend more money with the shopping journey. markets than in mature countries. a particular retailer if products were available anytime via any channel. The importance of the Internet was particularly pronounced in the Some respondents suggested incenting developing markets, with respondents shoppers to use multiple channels. Not in most of these countries awarding it an importance ranking above 4 across all journey phases (Figure 4).2 2 Ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important. 20 Digital Shopper Relevancy
  • 21. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it “ I’d like to see a wider range of loyalty points given for shopping in different channels.” Digital Shopper from UK 21