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Can Money Buy Happiness Essay
Writing an essay on the question of whether money can buy happiness is a challenging task that
requires careful consideration of various perspectives and research. On one hand, there's ample
evidence suggesting that wealth and material possessions can provide comfort, security, and
access to experiences that may contribute to happiness. However, on the other hand, numerous
studies also indicate that happiness is not solely determined by financial wealth, but rather by
factors such as relationships, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.
Crafting a coherent argument for either side of the debate demands thorough research into
psychology, economics, sociology, and philosophy to understand the complexities involved. It's
essential to delve into studies on subjective well-being, income inequality, and cultural
differences to provide a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, exploring real-life examples and
anecdotes can add depth and relatability to the essay, illustrating how individuals' experiences
shape their perceptions of happiness and wealth.
Moreover, addressing counterarguments and potential objections is crucial to presenting a
balanced and nuanced perspective. Acknowledging the limitations of wealth in providing lasting
happiness while also recognizing its role in fulfilling basic needs and facilitating opportunities for
personal growth is essential.
Overall, writing an essay on this topic requires critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to
articulate complex ideas effectively. It's a task that demands thoughtful analysis and a
willingness to engage with diverse viewpoints to arrive at a well-rounded conclusion.
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Can Money Buy Happiness Essay Can Money Buy Happiness Essay
Planet Earth Is Doomed
Planet Earth is Doomed!
Happy New Year! Lim, Zelda and Mateo were having a celebration as it was New
Year s Eve, 2241, and they were meeting up at Mateo s house. When they had all
had something to eat and drink they decided to put the TV on to watch some of the
annual rocket and boulder race. Lim turned the TV on to Star channel. All of a
sudden, there became an urgent news bulletin at the bottom of the TV which said,
DANGER in big red letters. The newsreader looked horrified and bewildered, he
looked like he had seen a ghost. The bulletin said that there was a meteorite coming to
hit planet Earth. When all three boys saw the bulletin they looked at each other with
stunned faces. What was going to happen to planet Earth?
After very little sleep, the next morning Mateo quickly switched on the TV to see
what the update was about the meteorite. When the Star News came up there was a
journalist talking to four scientists about their discovery of the ... meteorite. The
scientists idea ...... was to put a laser beam around Earth. As Zelda and Lim woke
up, Mateo was sitting on the edge of the couch. Zelda nervously asked Mateo what
the news was about the meteorite and Mateo informed him about what was going on.
At 7:00 that night the laser beam was due to be switched on. All three boys went
outside and hopefully gazed at the night sky. All of a sudden, a bright green shine lit
the horizon of the Earth. All three boys let out a sigh of relief. But no sooner had
they begun to
Essential Hypertension Case Studies
Case study
A forty nine year old patient with a health history of essential hypertension reports
spells of dyspnea upon moderate exertion, and epistaxis accompanied by vertigo and
blurred vision. The patient also reports cessation of prescribed antihypertensive
medication the previous year. Upon examination, the patient s blood pressure (BP) is
180/110, and during thoracic cavity auscultation rales are noted. The doctor then
orders tests and directs the patient to resume taking the previously prescribed
antihypertensive medication.
The patient s problems.
In the previous year, the patient felt normal with no signs of the diagnosed essential
hypertension (high blood pressure with an unknown cause) (1). Feeling better, the
patient went against the doctor s advice and stopped taking the prescribed
antihypertensive medication. Once the medication was stopped the patient s blood
pressure started to elevate again resulting in fatigue, and labored breathing. The
patient dismissed these signs, writing it off ... Show more content on
Over time the scarring causes vasoconstriction (narrowing) (2). The vasoconstriction
allows less blood through the vessels causing edema (pooling of fluid) of the optic
disk (2). The edema changes the shape of the optic disk, which disrupts the ability of
the eye to intake and refract light resulting in the patient s blurred vison (2). The
hypertension puts extra force on the left ventricle causing it to lose strength (3). The
weakened ventricle muscle prevents the left ventricle from completely evacuating (3).
This leaves excess fluid in the left ventricle and resulting in less blood getting
distributed throughout the body (3). The rales noted during the patents auscultation
is likely cause by the pulmonary congestion associated with left side congestive heart
failure (CHF)
Descriptive Essay About Snow
It was a cold day, so cold that your arms start to sting as if a needle is impaling the
surface of your skin. The wind applies a force which feels as if your face is oozing
with thick crimson red blood. The gray puffy clouds covered the sky and dropped
small snowflakes onto the road s surface. A man stood there, freezing, clearing the
coat of thick white snowfrom the concrete road. His nose runs with a river of snot
that floods out when the cold windstrikes. His sense of smell is heavily clogged by
the slimy snot, but he can still smell the scent of the steamy hot chocolate which
sits on the top of his snow covered car. His feet start to numb because of the cold
flood which soaks through his boots to his white, silky socks. His feet feel as if he
stepped into the freezing cold ocean. As if he fell through ice and he was stuck
standing there. The vast pile of the ice white snow feels almost like a quicksand
around his black rubber boot. Foggy figures of people shovel the big piles of snow
off the sidewalks. They scrape and pick at the glossy white ice which sticks to the
sidewalk like a little boy clinging to his mother s side. His feet still sting as if he
was stepping on pins and needles. His hands are damp with sweat from grasping
the curved metal shaft attached to a socket which holds the blade. The blade cuts
holes into the thick powdered snow which is removed from the endless pile. The jet
black shovel is filled with slushy snow and crystal shards of ice. The end of
1984 Chapter 1-5 Summary
This chapter starts off by him walking to work when Julia falls in front of him,
while she hurted her arm. Winston noticed that her arm is in a sling so he helps
her up even though he thinks that she is part of the Thought Police. And Winston
thinks that she is against him because of that. But she falls on purpose and slips a
folded piece of paper in his hand, and she continued walking acting like nothing
happened. Winston waited to open the note, when he opened it the note said I love
you . For the rest of the day Winston could not focus he was bust trying to find a
way to meet her. In the next few days he sees her in canteen but he couldn t really
speak to her because there was no privacy there. They finally get a chance to talk
they plan to meet up at Victory Square, and Julia wants to meet privately. While they
stand together they hold each... Show more content on ...
He remembered being hungry when he was little and he begged for food. One day
he had stolen a piece of chocolate from his little weak sister. He ran outside and ate
it and didn t come home for a few hours. And that was the last time he saw his
mother and his little sister. That memory of his mom holding his little sister reminds
him if the proles and reminds him that they are still human even though the type of
life it is. Winston and Julia discuss their relationship and how they would feel or
what they would do when they get caught. Julia thinks that the party won t make
them believe their confessions, and Winston agrees. Winston and Julia both goes to
O Brien house, and tell him that they are both enemies of the party. O Brien tells
them about the secrete brotherhood and how it s a group that s formed to eliminate
the party and offers them to join it. O Brien mad an arrangement for Winston to get
a copy of the book . Winston asked O Brien to sing the last part to Mr. Charringtons
nursery rhyme and he did, it took Winston by
What Is A Trip To Madrid Essay
Hello, friends today I am going to tell you about my life s most dangerous, horrible,
adventurous and emotional story. This story related to my trip to Madrid yes it is
the capital of Span by ship. So first I am told you that how a plan of the trip was
It was the story of 2 years ago. When I was in 6th. I and my family (father, mother,
and brother) go to a restaurant for celebrating New Year. Where we were the 100th
family to enter in the restaurant so because of this we won the lucky draw. We got
4 tickets for travel to the three places (U.S.A, Madrid, and Paris). We selected
Madrid because it is beautiful and my favorite football team belongs to this place.
According to the conditions of the trip first, we have to give our detail to the manager
of the ... Show more content on ...
It took almost 1 month. When our passport was ready we received a call from the
manager. He said within 2 weeks you have to leave for Madrid. We started our
packing we all are busy to take our favorite things to the trip. I take camera, mp3
player, mobile etc. for a long journey. 1 day ago before we leaving we finished our
packing we all are very happy then next day. A very early morning around 2 o clock
we go to the port for leave where we meet to the restaurant manager. He introduced us
to our ship captain. Then we started our journey because we woke so early we felt
sleepy we take a small nap so when I woke I came out from my room and found the
boat in the center of sea nothing was visible in the sea. Only water all around as far
as my eyes are going I only saw water my father mother and brother was sitting on
the chair and enjoying the view of the sea. Later sometimes I come back to my
room and plug my earphone in my ear and closed my eyes. After 1 hour I felt my
boat Impinge by something. Suddenly my brother came and say to me that the
weather is not good big waves are rising due to the cyclone. Wore your life jacket
didn`t go out but I forgot my binocular
The Physics of Firearms
Firearms are often featured on the news due to poor use as well as featured in
popular culture s television crime dramas, but have you stopped to ponder about
where these devices came from, the different types, the trajectory patterns that are
created their bullets and how they work? The following paragraphs are designed to
address all of the following questions.
A firearm is a complex arrangement of various metals that can eject a small lead piece
at high speeds, causing maximum destruction on the target with minimum energy
delivery on the shooter themselves. (Definition of a Gun, n.d.) The mechanics of
shooting any type of firearm; weather it be a rifle, shotgun, or pistol, includes a wide
variety of physics topics working together to make the bullet hit its target including
friction, force, conservation of momentum, transfer of energy, heat engines, and
projectile motion. (The Physics of Shooting a Gun, n.d.) History Of Firearms
The history of firearms begins in China in the ninth century where, huo yao, the
world s first gun powder was discovered; it was created by mixing charcoal,
potassium nitrate and sulphur into a fine powder. Historians are prone to
recognizing tenth century Chinese fire lances, a spear like weapon combining a
bamboo tube containing huo yao and projectiles tied to a Chinese spear as the first
firearm. In the year 1320, Gun powder was developed into a specific formula, 15%
charcoal, 75% potassium nitrate and 10% sulphur. It was developed for the
Irish Ireland Research Paper
Despite the Catholic Irish people making up over 80 percent of the population, they
were subjugated to the lower classes to live in squalor. Despite the inherent divide
between the Protestant British and Catholic Irish, Ireland was relatively peaceful for
the next century, other than a rebellion led by Theobald Wolfe Tone and the United
Irishmen in 1798. 30,000 people were killed in this rebellion, which laid the
groundwork for the separatist republicanism to come and caused the Act of Union of
1800 to be passed, closing the Irish Parliament in Dublin and giving Protestant
London full control over Catholic Ireland.
The population quadrupled during the peaceful century from 1740 1840, the
economy flourished, Catholics fought for, and gained, ... Show more content on ...
An Irish nationalist paramilitary organization called the Irish Republican
Brotherhood (IRB) was established in 1858 and worked for the armed expulsion
of the British, where the Home Rule Party worked for the political expulsion. In
1912, the British passed a Home Rule Bill, which gave the Irish political autonomy,
but the bill was never enacted due to the breakout of World War I in 1914. In 1913,
two organizations, the nationalist Irish Volunteers (IV) and unionist (pro British)
Ulster Volunteers (UV) were founded in Dublin and Belfast, respectively, and the
IV absorbed the IRB. The two groups were set for a full on conflict before the
outbreak of the war, but both sides believed the national question could be
answered after WWI and sent men to the trenches. A small, revolutionary minority
of the IV stayed behind, as they did not want to fight for the British, these men
constituted the IRB, and saw WWI as their time to strike the weakened British.
They struck on Easter Sunday in 1916, but were defeated after six days. This
became known as the Easter Rising. After the IRB was defeated, 16 of the leaders
were taken to Kilmainham Gaol and executed. Executing the leaders of the Rising
was England s big mistake as it made them martyrs and gave the Irish the momentum
they needed to fight a war of Independence, which began in 1919, and that s where
the movie, The Wind that Shakes the Barley, takes
World Wrestling History
So the history of world wrestling goes back a long time. It was the first sport to
ever be created. The first real traces of the development of wrestling date back to
the times of the Sumerians, over 5,000 years ago. There are also many historical
and archaeological traces of wrestling in Ancient Egypt. Drawings were discovered
in Ancient Egypt in the tombs of Beni Hassan representing 400 couples of wrestlers.
These drawings witness the existence of corporations of wrestlers in Ancient Egypt,
wrestling rules, and refereeing codes (United World Wrestling). For the Greeks,
wrestling was a science and a divine art , and it represented the most important
training for young men. Athletes wrestled naked, with their bodies coated in olive oil
and... Show more content on ...
At the end of the 19th century, professional wrestling was the most popular sport in
Europe. Competitions helped to make wrestling more popular, the physical aspect
of wrestlers served as a model to young men and the training system allowed
ameteur wrestling clubs to rapidly become more structured. In 1904 freestyle
wrestling was introduced during the St.Louis Games and was only practiced by
American Wrestlers. It was only during the fourth olympic Games held in London in
1908 that competitions were organized for both styles. Wrestling matches took place
on three mats that were placed outside. A regular match lasted 1 hour, but finalists
wrestled without a time limit. After this Olympic Games, Wrestling started to
develope in every country Worldwide. Northern Europe countries maintained Greco
Roman wrestling, where freestyle wrestling was largely dominated by the English
and the Americans. In Amsterdam, in 1928, the first African wrestler won the
Olympic title. In 1952 the first Asian wrestler won the Olympic title in Helsinki.
Female Wrestling was finally introduced to the Olympics in 2004 during the Athens
Games. So overall there is a lot to know about the history of World Wrestling, there
is also a lot to know about the history of Pro Wrestling in the
Why Do You Think Tristan Is A 22-Year-American
Case Study Tristan is a 22 year old, female, who self identifies as a European
American, and strictly follows the Roman Catholic faith. She was referred to
Mazzitti and Sullivan Counseling Services by her mother due to her antisocial
behavior towards family outings, depression, and aggressive outbursts towards her
mother and brothers after the loss of her grandfather six months ago. As you walk
into the lobby to great Tristan, you notice her calm demeanor and curiosity of the
agency. You greet Tristan with a friendly hello, a handshake, and welcome her back
to your office.
Three months ago, Tristan lost her grandfather to a moderate case of pneumonia.
Prior to this illness, he had cancer in one lung and had it remove. Due to having one
lung, the doctor informed that he has a low chance of surviving. While her
grandfather was in the hospital, Tristan made the time to visit him as much as she
could. Sometimes, she would bring her school work with her and studied while her
grandfather slept. ... Show more content on ...
Due to the death of her grandfather, she has been noticed a change in her appetite,
loss ten pounds, suffering from jaw pain due to grinding her teeth at night, poor
sleep habits, and a decline in her grades. Throughout Tristan s childhood and
adolescent years, she remembers her father as an alcoholic and most of her
memories with her father during these years consisted of her father being
intoxicated, rarely spending time with her father, and him passed out on the couch
for long periods of time. However, while her father was at work, Tristan and her
siblings would stay at their grandparent s house, where her grandfather taught them
how to fish, hunt, and play sports. From there, Tristan saw her grandfather as more of
a father
The Portrayal of Women in the Media Essay examples
The Portrayal of Women in the Media
Redbook magazine are devoted to selling products ranging from shoes to shampoo.
The entire magazine only has only 210 pages. Approximately 6 8 min of every half
hour television show is produced by ad agencies. Americans are bombarded with
advertisements. We see them everyday in many different forms and through different
mediums. Advertisers study America s population through a systematic breakdown
and analysis of our likes and dislikes in relation to our differences. These differences
include gender, sexual orientation, economic status, location, race, ethnicity, and
more. Advertisers have substantial knowledge of what appeals to each of these
demographics and how these demographics will respond to ... Show more content on ...
Because each hemisphere has properties associated with it, this information is
extremely relevant to the advertising industry. In what academia has denoted as the
modern era, the reader (those to whom the advertisement is directed) was seen as a
passive unbiased entity. The postmodern view, however, sees the reader as an active
part of the communication triad (figure 1) (Stern; Holbrook, 1994).
This means that the reader actively contributes to the exchange of information. If
different readers interpret the text (the ad) differently, the author (advertiser) needs to
create a text that will be interpreted the correct way by a specific reader. Knowing
how women think allows the advertisers to create ads that women will interpret in a
positive way, therefore increasing their likelihood to buy the product. Women depend
on the left hemisphere, which responds better to audio stimuli. Practically, this means
women respond in a positive manner to sounds. Television and magazine medium
reach more of the female population than radio. This means several things. First, for
women, information should be written or spoken whenever possible. Also, the ad
industry has come up with many techniques to increase the effect of visual ads. The
left hemisphere breaks visual images up into parts while the right sees images more
holistically. This means that ads for women should be more detailed and provide
more complete information (Prakash, 1992). Women (because of their
Openedge s Fund Of Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
Research Paper
Kaitlyn M Marin
CSIT 313 Fund of Programming Language
Professor Stefan Robila
December 1,
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high level programming
language. OpenEdge ABL is developed and maintained by Progress Software
Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously was known by other names, such as
Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first released in the 1980s.
This first commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then there
has been several versions released. (History 1) In the 1990s Progress released their
first graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as GUI,
web and the cloud, Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress
released their first cloud application that they called OpenEdge. (History 1)
OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd
25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is suggested to use the documentation to refer to the
information on the language; such as keywords and statements. (Sadd 25) There are
a lot of specifics about the keywords and statements that users can look into by
referring to the documentation. This language is very powerful, and it is meant for
serious developers that need to solve business problems. ( Sadd 25) In John Sadd s
book, OpenEdge Development: ABL
Socrates s Relationship Between Socrates And Euthyphro
Socrates helps Euthyphro to give meaning to the word piety , and this serves to bring
a new meaning to the respect to the divine beings and help in the explanation of the
whole context of the divinity in the society. In this manner, there is the need to create
a clear definition and help Euthyphro in getting ideas that he can use to teach Socrates
to answer the resulting question about the piety. This is to enable Socrates to have a
string defense against the charge of impiety and help in tackling the challenges that
he faces in the society. The story and the relationship between Socrates and Euthyphro
arise when Socrates is called to court to answer to the charges of impiety by Meletus,
(Platoet al, 1927). In the courts, Socrates meets Euthyphro, who comes to the courts
to prosecute his father who is a murderer.
In this interaction, Socrates considers Euthyphro to help in explaining all there is to
be known about piety and the related impiety. Euthyphro confirms that he is indeed
an expert in the matter relating to religious issues and can thus assist Socrates in the
charges that face him. In their argument in the efforts to define the true meaning of
piety, Socrates and Euthyphro engage in the analysis of issues that threaten to
confuse human understanding about the whole issue of holiness and impiety in the
society, (Plato Gallop, 2008). To understand the true meaning of piety, it is of great
importance to take a holistic analysis of the beliefs of the people about
Doryphoros Essay
Doryphoros by Polykleitos was originally a Greek bronze made around 450 40B.C.
The only way we can see it today is through the Roman marble copies (which is
common of many Greek statues.) Some supports had to be added for the change in
material, resulting in the addition of the form resembling a tree trunk, the support
on the left foot, and the small bar bridging the gap between his right wrist and hip.
Doryphoros was originally holding a spear in his left hand; appropriate, given that
his name means, literally, spear bearer. The sculpture is a well known and early
example of classical Greek contrapposto (the shifting of weight onto one leg and off
axis shoulders and arms.) One leg nearly appears to be lifting off the ground, giving
the... Show more content on ...
Plato felt that artists knew nothing worth mentioning because all they do is imitate,
and so their work was worthless. Additionally, Plato believed that we, as humans
not of the metaphysical realm, can not know what true beauty is because we have
not experienced the true, beautiful form of anything. Plato would say that
Doryphoros was worthless for those very reasons. It is an imitation of a perfect
form, and therefore cannot be beautiful. Although Doryphoros is anatomically and
proportionally realistic, Plato would not be appreciative of it as art and would not see
it as an object of beauty. He would likely scorn Polykleitos for even bothering to
sculpt it in the first place. To examine the thoughts of another Greek philosopher,
Aristotle would have a much different perspective on Doryphoros. Aristotle felt that
imitation was natural for us as humans. He felt that we could learn from imagery that
is realistic because it may influence us to examine it more closely. He felt that the
creative individual could express the universal, fundamental qualities of human
nature, and did not see their work as worthless as Plato did. Polykleitos sculpted
athletic nudes such as Doryphoros in ordinance to his mathematical canon, a
How Did Thomas Paine Attack The Monarchy By Thomas
In the primary document Thomas Paine Attacks The Monarchy it talks about how
Thomas Paine attacked the monarchy by Common Sense. I feel as if this document
really adds to what the textbook has to say about what Thomas Paine did to make
him such an important person in history. It is always nice to get the perspective from
people who were actually there. Thomas Paines pamphlet Common Sense is seen as
one of the worlds most influential documentaries of all time. One of the reasons
Common Sense was so popular was because unlike many writers from his time Paine
used a lot of common sense arguments that average people could understand. Thomas
Paine wrote the pamphlet Common Sense in 1775 and it was published in January of
1776. The main impact of this pamphlet is known as a way to help cause the
American colonists to decide to fight for independence. Common Sense challenged
the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. So if Thomas Paine
would have never wrote this the Americans may have never decided to fight for their
independence. In this primary document Thomas Paine states how corrupt the
relation between the colonists and Englandis, and how it needs to change. He starts
off by saying how even though everyone is born equal, people are not being treated
equal. He says this is due to the fact that the rich oppress the poor. Another reason
for this he states is because we assign people as kings which is giving these people
more power. He states how it
The Secret Life Of Bees Analysis
The Secret Life Of Bees
The secret life of bees was written by author Sue Monk Kidd and was set in South
Carolina 1964. Kidd creatively uses bee insects as an unhuman like object to express
and symbolize the certain aspects and ways of life throughout the novel. Specifically,
in this novel the bees act as models of human society. Sue Monk Kidd presents
themes and ideas through the eyes of the character Lily, who is 14 years old in the
novel. These ideas are related to having a sense of belonging and also Kidd uses
Lily to represent the European s opinions on the African Americans and how people
can change for the better, as this novel was set in 1964, a significant time in society
for the African American race involving the Civil Rights Act.
The novel gives us a certainty of realism by reliving what happened in those times
through a character we can relate to, because she is trying to find herself, and I
personally think all of us in society are still trying to find ourselves every day,
working on a better version of yourself.
In the novel The secret life of bees , the author Sue Monk Kidd aesthetically chooses
bees as symbolism to act as models of human society. Kidd sparks the idea of
realism within the reader and makes us as readers feel like we are living the story as
the character Lily through the lessons she is taught that we were also taught. Lily
catches a bee in a jar and then not long after she decides to open the lid to let the bee
free, although she does this
Compare And Contrast Christopher Frlowe And Doctor
Hopkins, Lisa. Christopher Marlowe, Renaissance Dramatist. Edinburgh U.P., 2008.
This book is a detailed breakdown of Christopher Marlowe s plays. The book
discusses how Christopher Marlowe s upbringing and the time period he was born in
influenced his works. The author of this book conveys to the reader that Christopher
Marlowe used himself and own personal experiences to implement in his
characters and this is done especially in Doctor Faustus. The author describes how
Christopher Marlowe s character is conveyed into Doctor Faustus. Not only that
but, the author provides detail about why Doctor Faustus made the choices he did
because he was a copy of Marlowe and his life. I will use this information from this
book in my paper to create a character compare and contrast of Christopher Marlowe
and Dr. Faustus.
His judgement may have paralleled Marlowe s own: familiar with what was offered
by Cambridge, Marlowe showed no known signs of regret at moving on from it in,
and there is no evidence that he ever visited it again (Hopkins 82).
Erne, Lukas. Biography, Mythography, and Criticism: The Life and Works of
Christopher Marlowe. Modern Philology, vol. 103, no. 1, Aug. 2005, pp. 28.
This article is about the conspiracies theories that followed Christopher Marlowe and
his works. The author talks about how Christopher Marlowe was an atheist, a
homosexual and other theories. The author describes conspiracies about Marlowe
rather than discussing Marlowe s actual upbringing
Research Paper On Skiing
Jack Henderson Mr. Wolfson 11 29 14 Skiing Skiing is the best sport in the world.
First of all, the main type of skiing is alpine skiing. Next, the newer and more
creative type of skiing is freestyle, which is fairly new. Lastly, there are so many
mountains to choose from, so learning a few of the best can never hurt. Skiing is a
great way to stay active while having fun. Alpine skiing has been around forever.
Before it was a sport, it was a mode of transportation. It became a sport in the 1936
Olympics. Downhill, Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Super Giant Slalom, or Super G,
and Combined are the sports in the Olympics to this day. Alpine skiing is a race
against the clock. It is all about speed. Most alpine skiers find the most aerodynamic
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These names refer to the amount of degrees rotated. A 3 is one full rotation, and 5 is
one and a half, and a 7 is a whopping two whole rotations. During these tricks, skiers
perform grabs to make them more attractive. Some of these are Truck Drivers.
Blunts, Genie, and Japan grabs. A Truck Driver is grabbing the outside of both skis,
a Blunt is grabbing the back of one ski, a Genie is doing a Screamin Seamen
(reversing skis in mid air) and grabbing the tips, and a Japan is grabbing the inside of
the skis. Some tricks to do on a rail is a K Fed, Super Fed and a Switch up. A Switch
Up is jumping mid rail and switching the direction of the skis, a K Fed is a front
Switch Up Blind 2 Out ( Switch Up, then a 270 degree rotation in the blind off the
rail). A Super Fed is the opposite of a K Fed. All tricks that can be done on a rail can
be done
Shakhty Murder
In Shakhty, Andrei lived with his wife and 2 kids but also had a small house near a
river where he committed his first documented murder. His first victim was a nine
year old girl by the name of Lena Zakotnova which he lured to his secrete house using
bubblegum. Andrei attempted to rape the girl but failed due to his chronicle
impotence. With the girl struggling, Andrei choked and stabbed Lena leading to her
death. Andrei climaxed from the murderthat he just committed and threw Lena into
the cold river. Lenas body would be found days later and policewould begin looking
for the murder. There was evidence that would indicate that Andrei was the murderer:
spots of blood was found near his small home; neighbors confirmed that Andrei was
Women in the Illiad and the Odyssey
Sarah Kirkus
ENG 2423 8A
March 21, 2013
Roles of Women in The Iliad and The Odyssey Homer wrote two epic poems, The
Iliad and The Odyssey. The Iliad is a tragedy that tells about the battles of the Trojan
War. The Odyssey is somewhat of a sequel, the story of Odysseus s travels home
after the Trojan War. An article found in The American Scholar states, One might
begin by asking what both epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, would be like if there
were no women in them. The Trojan war would not have been fought, and Odysseus
(assuming he had gone to Troy in the first place) would not have bothered to return
home. (Lefkowitz. 504) This statement alone illustrates the importance of the women
portrayed in these two epics. ... Show more content on ...
Motherly housewives are presented all throughout both epic poems. The Greek
society believed that all women should be submissive to their father and husband.
Females were designed for childbearing and performing household chores.
Andromache was a prime example of a perfect, devout wife and mother in The
Iliad. She was the wife to Hector and mother to Astyanax. She stood beside him
and showed her true care and concern for him by begging him to withdraw from the
war. She reminds him that, since Achilles has killed her father and brothers and
her mother is dead too. You are my father and mother and brother, and you are my
young husband. (Lefkowitz. 507) She mourned greatly when he was killed.
Penelope was the greatest example of a dedicated housewife and nurturing mother.
She was the loving and devoted wife to Odysseus and the mother to Telemachus.
She remained faithful to her husband for twenty years, not knowing if he was dead
or alive and if he would ever return home. Penelope was required to raise her son
alone, without a father. These years were difficult for Penelope. Even though her
husband was sleeping with his seductress, Penelope used her inner strength and her
own seductive ways to not succumb to the suitors. This alone proved her loyalty to
her husband. She often wept and mourned over her lost
Theme Of Personality In Frankenstein
A human being is born neither good or bad. They are simply brought into the world
without knowing anything. However, as they grow up, they will eventually create a
mindset that has been developed from their various experiences in their lives. For
example, a baby who was raised up in a hard working environment, will eventually
develop that same quality as they grow up. In the novel, Frankenstein, we are able to
observe how a persons character/personality is developed by the problems and
experiences they have encountered. An individual s mindset and other attributes are
shaped by the ones that have most influenced their lives. Mary Shelley shows us in
the novel, that people become who they are based upon the experiences they
encounter throughout... Show more content on ...
At one point during his pursuit of knowledge, he said in other studies you go as far
as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a
scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder (Chapter 4, Par.
2). This was during Victor s early years at Ingolstadt, and he was just getting
started. As time passed, he became increasingly obsessed with certain subjects that
eventually led him into creating the monster. While doing so in the process, he
was slowly losing control of his mind, and other people became very suspicious of
what he was doing. When Victor was finished creating the monster, his entire
personality had changed from when he first started attending the university. Since
he put his heart and sole into his creation, he was weak and a bit odd in the end.
Which concerned his parents, since he had not written a letter back to them in so
long. Due to his pursuit of knowledge, Victor had a different outlook on life and
abandoned his creation. However, Victor was the only individual that had a
different outlook on life due to knowledge. We must remember that the monster
also changed his mindset from reading specific texts, such as: Sorrows of Werter,
Paradise Lost, and Plutarch s Lives. After reading these books, the monster said
they produced in me an infinity of new images and feelings, that sometimes raise
me to ecstasy, but more frequently sunk me into the lowest dejection ( Chapter 15,
Par. 4). The monster had no knowledge of the world he was living in. By reading
these books, he started thinking about his life thus far, and how it has affected him.
When the monster the read Paradise Lost, he considered it a history book of about
the how the world was created. In doing so, he felt sympathetic for Satan s character.
In his defense, he had
De Beauvoir Analytical Essay
Existence Precedes Essence our demonstrations make our existence. Humankind
alone exists; things are only things (for instance, they don t exist fundamentally).
Creatures and vegetables possess a middle position. Plants sprout, create organic
products, live, and after that kick the bucket. Creatures are conceived, chew their
nourishment, make sounds, take after their impulses, and bite the dust. Neither
plants nor creatures settle on ponder decisions or carry through with responsibility.
This implies we have the decision in all that we do. We are in charge of our fate and
we are what we make of ourselves. The main decision we don t have is that of
having options; we are sentenced to be free. (25) There is complete freedom in
everything a... Show more content on ...
Narcissists, ladies in adoration, and spiritualists all grasp their nature by
suffocating selfhood in an outer protest regardless of whether it be the mirror, a
beau, or God. All through the book, de Beauvoir says such occurrences of females
being complicit in their Otherness, especially with respect to marriage. The trouble
of breaking free from femininity of yielding security and solace for some cockeyed
idea of equality actuates numerous ladies to acknowledge the standard unfulfilling
parts of spouse and mother. From the earliest starting point of her discourse, de
Beauvoir distinguishes the monetary underpinnings of female subordination and the
financial underlying foundations of lady s freedom. Just in work would she be able
to accomplish self sufficiency. In the event that lady can bolster herself, she can
likewise accomplish a type of freedom. In the finishing up parts of The Second Sex,
de Beauvoir examines the strategic obstacles lady confronts in seeking after this
Robert Darton The Great Cat Massacre
Revolution is an integral part of social history, and possibly the most famous of all
the rebellions in mankind s history is the French Revolution. However, the actions
of 1789 were not a random coincidence, and you can trace the roots of this massive
upheaval back to a printing press in Paris, the rue Saint Severin, where the printers
attacked the social order via a mass slaughter of cats. This feline atrocity occurred
in the 1730 s and despite the absurd and seemingly cruel nature of it, the workers
may have been justified. The account of the massacre is from the historian Robert
Darton, from his work The Great Cat Massacre , and in it, he describes the story of
a printer Nicolas Contat. Contat s story, however, is the story of these two other
printers (we are getting a bit metafictional here), Jerome and Leveille and their
actions in the famous slaughter. However, Darton s article is not truly focused on the
story of the attack, but rather the whys of the attack and how it is the result of the
social and economic conditions at the time.... Show more content on
There was no more expansion in the printing, and this meant that those who were
the owners of existing presses became extremely rich. Conversely, this also caused
working conditions and benefits in the once bright field to plummet. The
journeymen who worked the presses were overworked, underpaid, and had little to
no job security. This, as one can imagine, caused the workers to resent their masters.
(Also, who wouldn t want to do this for twelve hours a day, six days a
Hindu India vs Muslim India
At first, the aim of the Muslim League was to establish friendly relations between the
Muslims and the British Crown. After the Royal decision of the annulment of the
partition of Bengal in 1911, Muslim League saw that in order to get their requests
dealt with, they need to form relations with the Congress, the representative party of
Hindus. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the member of Congress, also joined the Muslim
League in 1913. After witnessing the annulment, he worked on a pact to unite
Muslims and Hindus which was eventually signed on 30th of December, 1916 at
The Congress accepted the Lucknow Pact, agreeing to the conditions presented by
Muslims, such as separate electorates instead of joint electorates, one third
representation ... Show more content on ...
The Pact was long forgotten; Muslim and Hindus once again were two hostile nations.
Simon Commission was sent ahead before its decided time, as stated in the
Government Act of India 1919 that a commission would be sent from Britain to India
to inspect the conditions concerning the constitutional reforms of this country. Simon
commission consisted of seven members and its chairman was Sir John Simon. The
commission consisted of only British. In their Annual Session of 1927, the Congress
leaders stated that they would boycott from any activities and proposals given by the
Simon Commission.
It reached India in 1928 and received a hostile welcome here. Go Back Simon! was
the slogan of the time. Then the Viceroy, Lord Irwin pleaded with Indian leaders to
cooperate with them. The Muslim leaders like Nawab Ismaeel agreed to it as he
thought that by boycotting to the commission would promote Congress. The
commission itself was secluded and appointed 3 members from the Central Assembly,
whose services will be required when needed. The Shafi League of AIML at that time
thought that by opposing Hindu boycott, they would be favored by the government.
In the end, the report submitted by Simon proposed provincial autonomy in India but
rejected parliamentary responsibility at the center. It accepted the idea of federalism
and sought to retain direct contact between the British crown and the Indian states.
After the failure of the Simon
Marvel Of Entertainment Group, Inc.
Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. (Marvel or MEG), incorporated on December 2,
1986[6] as the parent company of Marvel Comics and Marvel Productions, was put
up for sale as part of the liquidation of its then parent corporation, Cadence
Industries, and sold in 1986 to New World Pictures.[8] On January 6, 1989, Ronald
Perelman s MacAndrews Forbes Holdings group of companies bought Marvel
EntertainmentGroup from New World for $82.5 million,[9] not including Marvel
Productions, which was folded into New World s TV and movie business.[8]
It is a mini Disney in terms of intellectual property, said Perelman. Disney s got
much more highly recognized characters and softer characters, whereas our
characters are termed action heroes. But at Marvel we are now in the business of the
creation and marketing of characters. [1]
Going Public and acquisition
Marvel made an initial public offer of 40% of the stock (ticker symbol
NYSE:MRV) on July 15 1991, giving $40 million from the proceeds to Andrews
Group, Marvel s then direct parent corporation within MacAndrews Forbes
Marvel Entertainment Group then began expanding with acquisitions and forming
new divisions. Marvel purchased the trading card company Fleer on July 24, 1992.[9]
On April 30, 1993, Marvel acquired 46% of ToyBiz, for the rights to make Marvel
toys.[9] The Andrews Group named Avi Arad of ToyBiz as the president and CEO
of the Marvel Films division and of New World Family Filmworks, Inc., a New
Character Analysis Of Don Quixote By Miguel De Cervantes
Characterization: the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is
revealed through the character s speech actions, appearance, etc. Many authors and
poets use characterization in many of their poems, novels, movies, and plays, and all
great works have characterization in one form of another. Miguel de Cervantesdoes
not fall short of this standard in his great, and first novel Don Quixote. Not only does
he give great characterization of the knight errant, Don Quixote, but also to his squire,
Sancho Panza. Throughout the story, Cervantes demonstrates Sancho Panza s
personality not only through his vocabulary and actions, but also through the way
other people treat him in the story. Cervantes slowly shows different sides of Sancho
Panza and develops this character as the book... Show more content on ...
The first words to come from this squire s mouth say, Now be careful, your grace,
sir knight errant, you don t forget that island you promised me, because no matter
how big it is, I ll known how to govern it (42) . Through this, Cervantes clearly
presents this character as a silly character who believes in all of Don Quixote s
fairy tales portraying this squire as quite gullible. Also, during another time in the
book Sancho Panza and Don Quixote talk to one and after Don Quixote talks about
the courts of justice summoning him no matter how many homicides he had
perpetrated Sancho Panza replies, I don t know anything about hum asides ... I ve
never ever heard one. All I know is that the police are in charge of fighting in the
fields. I leave all those other things alone (53) . Here Don Quixote refers to all the
people he has killed yet Sancho Panza believes that he talks about some type of
sound or animal. With this, Cervantes cleverly creates the foolishness of Sancho
Panza character by making his vocabulary limited yet making the squire unknown of
this thus causing him to appear
The Importance Of Human Rights In Estonia
Human right are the specific rights that are inherently instilled to all human beings
regardless of their nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, language or any of
feature that other may try to segment/discriminate them into a defined category. The
united nations holds these rights to the utmost extent and realizes there are many
countries where these rights are being infringed upon. There are international human
rightslaws that try to protect the people and it has been reiterated numerous times.
However there is still much needed to be done to improve the status and standard of
living of the people that do not have the opportunity to hold all of these rights.
This paper will focus on my delegation country which is Estonia and we will explore
human rights through perspective and their stance on this subject. We will also
explore the popular opinions of the people of Estonia and how they value and
interpret human rights. Estonia acknowledges human rights and are generally
respected by the government. However, there are concerns such as the police s use
of force, child abuse, and detention conditions. In terms of quantity, as of 2010, there
have been 23 judgment cases brought against Estonia and in 19 cases there was at
least one violation relating to human rights. A major human rights problem in Estonia
is the is large population of Children that are Statelessness. When Estonia gained
independence in 1991, the government adopted strict citizenship
Why Is Vaccination Important
It has come to my attention that a large portion of your readers do not fully
understand the importance of getting vaccinations. Vaccinations are highly important;
not only do they benefit the individual who takes them, but everyone that individual
comes in contact with. Vaccines prevent diseases, prevent the spread of diseases, and
save countless lives every day.
So, how does a vaccine prevent an individual from contracting a disease? A vaccine
is, a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced into the body to
stimulate an immune response. Now, before anyone reads the phrase Weakened
pathogens and gets concerned, the CDC states that a live virus vaccine is, Too weak
to cause illness. One might inquire how exposing their children, or themselves to a
dead pathogen could be beneficial. When the pathogen is inserted into the body the
immune system recognizes the disease and builds immunity to said disease. Thus,
when the individual comes in contact with the disease they don t get sick! ... Show
more content on ...
If one does not have extra care in their activates, they could easily to contract
meningococcal meningitis. Meningococcal meningitis is a widespread blood
infection. If you contract the disease and then come home, you could spread it.
Meningococcal meningitis can be transmitted through saliva and occasionally
through close, prolonged general contact with an infected person. However, it can
easily be prevented with a vaccine. Thus, saving not only the life of the person who
went to Chad, but to everyone they would have come in contact with, and so
Meningococcal Disease Treatments and Vaccines Essay
Meningococcal Disease Treatments and Vaccines
Meningococcal disease is a large concern in the medical field because it is unbiased
towards the patients it infects. There has been limited success in trying to eliminate
this disease. Antibiotics play a role in helping to treat patients with bacterial
meningitis, and steroids have been tested to help reduce risk factors. Prevention has
also become a key issue because meningitis can only be spread through direct contact
with infected body fluid. The best prevention is to maintain clean hygiene. Vaccines
are another way of preventing disease. However, there are multiple serogroups of
meningitis that makes creating a universal vaccine extremely difficult. So far, there
have only been two ... Show more content on ...
Even one drop of nasal fluid can be enough to make another person ill if the drop of
fluid makes contact. This disease is easily spread through direct and indirect contact,
whether it is through kissing or sharing eating utensils. The easiest way to protect
against meningitis is to stay away from infected people and not to share utensils or
other personal objects with other people. Also, good hygiene is extremely
important, and it is advisable to always wash hands after use in restrooms or
before eating, as this will reduce the chance of contracting the disease. (Hirsch 22).
Monitoring social activities is also another way of preventing the spread of
meningitis. A study has shown a specific correlation between the number of
meningococcal disease and college students who rave and go clubbing. These close
contact areas are the breeding grounds for all different diseases, and meningococcal
disease is one of the more prominent causes of illness in these college students
(Pollard 2). With education from schools and public health officials, the public
would be more aware of how to prevent a meningococcal disease epidemic from
starting, and would help to reduce the number of deaths a year within a large
community. Chemoprophylaxis, or prevention through use of drugs and food
supplements, is a possibility, but usually it is best to use the tips above because drugs
and such do not guarantee complete protection.
Antibiotics play a significant role in treating patients who have
A major outbreak of Lead Poisoning in Northern Nigeria
Preliminary Issues A major outbreak of Lead Poisoning in Northern Nigeria, more
specifically in the area of the Zamfara State, is described by the Human Rights
Watch (HRW) as the biggest epidemic of Lead Poisoning in modern history. The
height of the outbreak caused children mortality rates to sky rocket. This situation
is still a current crisis today for those who still suffer from lead poisoning, and for
the survivors who are now struggling with the dire disabilities. According to news
report released by NPR Health, the original crisis was caused due to locals processing
of ore for gold. The area that was being processed for ore was laced with lead; when
the ore was grinded to extract the gold, the process generated clouds of lead laden
dust, which was carried home by the workers and inhaled by the children (NPR
Health News). The result showed an alarming impact on the mortality rate of
children who were exposed to lead. According to The African Journal of Medicine
and Medical Sciences, approximately 400 children died within the first couple days
of the lead infested mining incident, and a total of 40% of children died in the
village of Zamfara within the year (The African Journal of Medicine and Medical
Sciences). Medical attention was brought to the area when there was an unusual
notice for the experience of deaths, vomiting of blood, and seizures in children.
Health professionals discovered that while the international concerned level of lead
poisoning is
Booker T Washington Essay examples
Booker T. Washington and the Struggle Against White Supremacy
One of the most powerful black leaders to have ever live, this is what some people
argued of Booker T. Washington. With a black mother and white father he never
knew, Washington was born into slavery near Hale s Ford in Franklin County,
Virginia. He worked growing up, and then attended Hampton Institute, a school
designed to educate African and Native Americans. I don t think he knew, that
anybody knew, how much he would change the world over his lifetime. There were
many racists view s back then. Booker T. Washington learned how to work around
whites to get what he wanted, and took many tours around the United States to teach
other blacks. Racism has been around for ... Show more content on ...
If they would abide by the law and cooperate, the industrial education would provide
them with an economic niche. Eventually, he believed this would lead to economic
independence. Of course, white people thought that Washington was trying to
promote segregation and black inferiority. He was not trying to promote segregation,
but he was going for black inferiority. Black people needed to do this. Washington
was basically saying that if black people continued to work in their field, and other
fields, they had the upper hand. They would learn all the techniques, and know
everything about that field. Whites did not work, so they knew nothing. Without
the blacks, they could not make any money. Booker T. Washington took many
tours. The tour that I was most interested in was his tour of Florida. This caught
my attention I live here in Florida. This is apart of its history. Washington started
his tour of Florida on March 1, 1912. It lasted from March 1st til March 7th. His
tour was sponsored by The Florida State Negro Business League. FSNBL was made
up of businessmen and women who believed that they could form a good strong
organization that would benefit and up build the colored race . They accomplished
exactly what they wanted. Booker T. Washington s first stop on the was Pensacola.
Pensacola was the home of Matthew Lewey, the publisher of the first black
newspaper in Florida, the Florida Sentinel. This was not only
Fast Food Persuasive Essay
People have been paying money every time they ve gone through a drive through
because of how much gas you waste. This has become a serious waste in the U.S.
because so many citizens have been wasting their fuel in a long and slow line for
five minutes; every time they go to a drive through. Drive Throughs have accounted
for nearly seventy percent of fast foodsales because of how convenient they are. For
these reasons being drive throughs should be banned from restaurants, so that people
may not have to wastetheir time and money in a line. Even though thirty two million
gallons of gas are being wasted per year, we shouldn t get rid of them because fast
food places would go out of business.
It all started in the 1930s, when the Grand National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri
placed a teller in a window next to a traffic lane to let ... Show more content on ...
This makes the Ozone layer above the Earth deplete and causes to get thinner. If this
keeps happening, then the ozone layer will be completely destroyed and it couldn t
stop the UV rays from hurting everyone. It states from the site Sfgate, Vehicle
emissions can affect the environment in several ways. Cars emit greenhouse gasses,
such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming. This means when
anyone goes to a drive through and doesn t turn off the car, help destroy the ozone
layer even more.
If we get rid of drive throughs in restaurants they would go out of business. That
would mean that fifty thousand families would go out of business. Also, if this
happens then a lot of people would lose their jobs and wouldn t be able to provide
for themselves or their families. With this happening, parents won t be able to afford
to have their child go to a school to better themselves in life. Then the economy
starts to go down because aren t smart enough to do these complex jobs. That s why
we should keep drive throughs instead of destroying
The Building Blocks Of Learning
Emily Whitmer Rose Glasser EDTP 201 10/28/16 Ethnography: The Building
Blocks of Learning I remember my first day going to a school to observe. It felt
more inquiring, rather than being obligated to go to school just because I had to,
like the state required us to. Ever since I have been given two field placements, I
have been increasingly interested in the teaching profession. My first field
placement has been an eye opener for all other rolls in a school. It has showed me
just how important other rolls are in a school, and how they can affect and tie into
how a student does in a classroom. Having two field placements has given me a new
outlook on the classroom environment, curriculum, and what goes on behind the
scenes in the teaching profession. In my second field placement, which is what this
ethnography will evolve around, I was placed at Blue Lick Elementary School (right
next to Knight Middle School). Blue Lick Elementary School collaborates with
Knight Middle School, to ease the transition to 6th grade. This school is located in
Heritage Creek, which is also close to my first placement, Fairdale High School. The
population in this neighborhood is low income. There are 480 students and the
student teacher ratio is 16:1. Blue Lick Elementary School is a public co ed school
and accepts grades pre kindergarten to 5th grade. At Blue Lick Elementary School,
66% of the students are white. The next majority of the students are black, which is
25% on a pie chart. Only 2% of
The Impact of the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club on
The Impact of the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club on the City of Montreal
A sports team is vital to a large city such as Montreal. A sports team may have
positive or negative impacts on a city. The team that will be focused on is the
Canadiens. Despite the poor seasons that the team has recently endured, the Montreal
Canadiens are still one of the most winningest franchises in all of sports. The team s
history as a winning organization has made the city of Montreal reputable. For my
research, the three disciplines that will be focused on are sociology, geography, and
economics. These disciplines are very much evident and important to my research
that being, the importance the Montreal ... Show more content on ...
This incident took place during a playoff game between the Montreal Canadiens
and the Philadelphia Flyers. The incident occurred when goaltender of the Flyers, Ron
Hextall, left his crease to fight Chris Chelios of the Canadiens. Soon after a brawl
erupted. This incident showed that no matter who is involved, the whole team stands
for each other. As mentioned in Sociology: Problems and Perspectives , Sociologists
draw an important distinction between the purposes of our behaviour what we intend
do and the unintended consequences that our behaviour brings about. The purposes for
which we do things may be very different from the consequences we produce.
1991, 8) This gives a sort of an understanding for why the players stand up for each
that their actions, which led to a brawl, have consequences.
As mentioned in Sociology in our Times Using the objective method,
researchers assign individuals to social classes based on predetermined criteria
(occupation, source, and amount of income, amount of education, and type and area of
residence (Kendell, Linden and Murray 1998, 227) People that can afford to pay the
high ticket prices to go to hockey games are the ones in the middle to upper class who
live in the well established
A Research Study On Cancer Telephone Helplines
Cancer telephone helplines have been in existence for nearly four decades and
continue to gradually grow in popularity. Trained specialists are available 24 hours a
day to answer any questions, provide information, and offer callers emotional support
in order to help them cope with what they may be experiencing. These helplines are
not only for cancerpatients, but also for their caregivers, friends, family, or anyone
with a general interest in learning about or discussing cancer with a specialist. The
purpose of this literature review is to ascertain the types of information that has been
examined in studies of cancer information telephone helplines. With the number of
people affected by cancer steadily increasing, it is important that... Show more content
on ...
Although cancer information telephone helplines seem to have grown in popularity
over the years, they are still not used frequently enough to provide accurate results
for researchers. By conducting more research studies on how to improve helplines
for users, additional information could be generated on how to achieve a higher rate
of usage.
A predominance of studies conducted on cancer telephone helplines have focused
on the types of clients calling the cancer information helplines. Since cancer affects
not only the patient who is diagnosed, it can be expected that an assortment of
clients will be calling in. In a study done in the Netherlands on the Dutch Cancer
Society, Reubsaet, Lechner, and De Vries (2006) found that cancer patients
accounted for 39 percent of clients, relatives/friends of patients accounted for 35
percent of clients, and the general public account for 26 percent of clients who
contacted the Dutch Cancer Society Hotline. With respect to age, the callers ages
ranged anywhere from 20 to 85 years old. In terms of gender, 78 percent of callers
were female. Education level was the final client characteristic to be analyzed.
Approximately one third of the callers had a higher level of education (college or
university degree) and 36 percent reported receiving only a lower level of education
such as primary school. It was also determined that the callers who were patients were
significantly older than the
Examples Of Daisy Buchanan In The Great Gatsby
One of life s most difficult decisions is making the right choice when faced with two
imperfect options. That is Daisy Buchanan s task throughout the book. The attention
grabbing Great Gatsby was written by one of the greatest writers of the twentieth
century, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Daisy Buchanan, the female lead in Great Gatsby is an
egocentric woman. Daisy s husband, Tom Buchanan is a one dimensional man and
his relationship with Daisy is strained. Jay Gatsby, a former lover of Daisy s is a
dreamer, and throughout the book he tries to fulfill an unachieveable dream, to bring
back his past with Daisy. Daisy has to choose who she wants to in a relationship with
and essentially what kind of lifestyle she wants to live. Throughout The Great Gatsby,
... Show more content on ...
While everyone is together in New York, Daisy decides that it is the best time to
confront Tom about her relationship with Gatsby. Before Daisy is able to tell Tom
about Gatsby and herself, Tom and Gatsby get into a heated argument about Daisy
and it is Gatsby and not Daisy tells Tom that Daisy never loved him. Tom is
shocked. Tom turns to Daisy and says, What s been going on? I want to hear all
about it (Fitzgerald 138). Gatsby starts talking before Daisy does though. He says,
I told you what s been going on. Going on for five years and you didn t know
(Fitzgerald 138). Tom continues to question Daisy. When Gatsby starts to talk
again, he says, ... both of us loved each other all that time, old sport, and you didn t
know (Fitzgerald 138). Tom does not believe anything Gatsby is saying. He yells
at Gatsby, ... Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now
(Fitzgerald 138). Daisy always wants to take the easy way out, and the easy way
right now is to let them fight about her feelings and not participate. This shows how
badly Jay Gatsby wants his past with Daisy back and what he will do to try and get
it back. Daisy, on the other hand, is uncommitted to making a choice and is willing to
let the two men make it for
Controversy About Handicaped Children
because it may be very controversial for any group of people that may offend them.
But most ethicists will believe in one broke down definition. Ethicists will say that
morality is how we are supposed to live and why. Furthermore, most people believe
in three moral principles; you should not use people for your own personal gain,
you should not kill to save someone else, and that every life is sacred. Because
there can t be one definition of what morality is many people argue about many
ideas and things making it very controversial. Like in this book a controversial topic
may be about handicapped children and how they have to be handled. An example
of how it can be controversial about handicapped children, there was a story of a kid
Porter s Five Forces Framework Essay
In the age of industrialisation and globalisation, there are numerous companies
attempting to operate effectively and efficiently. Nonetheless, it seems to be tough
for many enterprises, which are struggling to develop, survive, as well as compete
against other companies. Therefore, they need wise strategies to efficiently access
the balance power in a business situation and determine the level of competitiveness
in industries environment. Porter s Five Forces model focuses on business external
environment where many factors influencing the success of companies, including
industry rivalry, competition from new entrants, substitute products, bargaining
power of buyers, as well as suppliers. (See Figure 1.). Porter s Five Forces
Framework Source: Adapted from Porter, 2008, p.27. Figure 1. The diagram
indicates Porter s Five Forces Framework. First of all, rivalry among existing
competitors is also known as industry rivalry, which contains many kinds of
competition, such as pricing strategies, new product launching, advertising
campaigns, improvement of current goods and services, and sales promotion.
(Dalken, 2014, p.3.). These types competition can be seen as barriers for many new
businesses, which want to enter an industry with a high level of existing companies.
Moreover, there are some other factors that help companies to determine the level of
competitive rivalry, including the number of competing firms, the relative size of
companies and market
Tiny Homes Advantages And Disadvantages
A Tiny Home is a house which is less than 300 400 square feet in size. Most of the
Tiny Homes are only 200 square feet and they serve the purpose of providing comfort
and safety quite well. This is the planning stage, when you must think of every
significant thing or you might spend massive amounts of time rethinking your
The idea is to think tiny. When you begin, you must understand what you need to
carry out and to do that, you must know why Tiny Homes are so good for you. It
helps you to plan your Tiny Home and make a list of things you want to do in it and
the kind of items that are indispensable to your lifestyle.
The main things that you should think about are the advantages, the utility aspect,
expenses, and having your own solar panel grid for power for your house. The
advantages are self explanatory. The utility factor includes simplicity, expense and
minimalistic living. The solar power grid will need some figuring out from your
side. You can read about how to make calculations in the coming chapters. Using
solar power will cut costs and give you the mobility you need.
Advantages of a Tiny Home
в—Џ First, there is no wastage of space. Everything is within reach.
в—Џ Next, you do not spend much, either on the building or for maintaining the Tiny
в—Џ When you begin to think small, your cost comes down.
в—Џ The Tiny Homes are environmentally friendly since you will naturally produce
less waste.
в—Џ Life becomes simpler. o You cannot hang on to your shoe
The Performance Of Premier League Football Teams
Is there any correlation between changing managers and football clubs results?
Managers often find themselves being sacked and replaced, sometimes only
lasting a matter of days before having to move on. In this essay I will be
investigating the performance of Premier League football teams, both with a
change of manager and without, to see if there is evidence of a correlation
between the changing managers and the results of football clubs. A look at the data
from the past three seasons shows that Manchester City was consistently ranked in
the top three on the league table. In earlier years though, they were not as
successful. For example, in 2009, they came 10th. Upon changing manager, in 2010
they climbed 5 places, making it to 2nd by 2013. Finally, when Manuel Pellegrini
took over for the 2013/2014, they made it to 1st place. For this team, it can be
assumed that a change in manager led to better results. Another strong team
according to data is Chelsea . In 2013, when Rafael Benitez was manager, they
finished in 3rd place. They then changed manager, to JosГ© Mourinho, finishing 2nd
in 2014, and 1st in 2015. These teams show evidence that a change in manager was
beneficial, as they showed improvement when this occurred. Southampton also
appears to prove correlation between a change in management and the team s
outcomes. In 2012, with Nigel Adkins, they placed 14th at the end of the season.
When Mauricio Pochettino came into control in 2013, they jumped up to 8th in
Nirvana, By Kurt Cobain
If the words alternative and rock are uttered together, chances are, Nirvana
immediately comes to mind. Nirvana, lead by Kurt Cobain, intend to push messages
that oppose the mainstream through their music and image. Even though, at the
height of their popularity they could certainly be considered rock stars, in an
interview with MTV in 1993 Kurt famously says we re not rock stars , he truly doesn
t wish to be categorized as one. Nirvanamade a conscious effort to be seen in a
completely different stream than the commercially successful bands of their time. By
examining different Nirvana texts like music, lyrics and band photos, it is clear that
Nirvana wanted to be decoded as different and oppositional.
Beginning with the purest ... Show more content on ...
Beginning with album title, Kurt originally wanted to name the album I Hate
Myself I Want to Die (28). This title would certainly have worked in order to scare
off the bands commercial fans. But I think this title could have been decoded on
multiple levels depending on how well you know the band, same with the final title
In Utero. I hate myself I want to die denotes that this album would have been
depressing, personal and a reflection of Cobain s inner psyche. But as a true fan
you might be able to decode it as ironic as Cobain constantly claims his music is not
personal. Which is why this title could have worked to warn off the commercial
fans. The potential title I hate myself I want to die is definitely not a typical title for
an album. It feels personal, almost too personal and also very depressing, certainly
not upbeat. Which definitely conveys how alternative Nirvana is, because music
listeners only interested in popular music probably would not want to listen to an
album about someone wanting to die.
The title and album artwork of In Utero denotes a see through woman with blonde
hair with wings. In Utero defined is, in the womb . The title an artwork, could
possibly be connote as the mother of his child, Courtney Love. The title being In
Utero, than could symbolize that the music on this album has been impacted by the
birth of his daughter. I hate myself I want to die would have been a strong title to
Technology Based Learning Essay
Technology based learning (TBL) constitutes learning via electronic technology,
including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing,
bulletin boards, chat rooms, webcasts, and CD ROM. TBL also encompasses related
terms, such as online learning and web based learning that only include learning that
occurs via the Internet, and computer based learning that is restricted to learning
through the use of computers. E learningis synonymous with TBL and has largely
replaced it in scholarship and industry as the term of choice.
TBL holds the promise of substantially transforming the way learning takes place
because of its numerous advantages. Among these, TBL fosters greater
accessibility to learning by offering anytime and anywhere delivery. It is readily
scalable to both large and small groups since it can accommodate larger numbers of
learners at little extra cost and smaller groups of learners that otherwise would not
be able to participate in traditional classroom training for lack of enrollments.
Further, the content of TBL courses, especially those that are delivered online, can
be centrally developed and updated whenever the need arises; therefore, the cost of
replacing outdated course materials and retraining teachers and instructors drops
significantly. From the learners point of view, TBL can be self paced and matched
to the learner s needs, and, building on pedagogy that emphasizes the merits of
discovery learning, it offers
Glucose In Bloodstream
A hormone made and released by the pancreas that regulates the levels of glucose
present in the bloodstream by moving from the pancreas and opening the body cells
to let glucose in for energy.
A hormone that is produced in the pancreas and released from the liver as a response
of having too little blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, in the bloodstream.
A test that in which a solution with 75 grams of glucose is ingested after 3 days of
a high carbohydrate diet and fasting takes place the night before the test, and blood
and urine samples are taken from time to time after the intake and lasts up to 6
hours. The blood and urine samples will show if there is the blood glucose takes an
unusually long time to be on normal levels.
A type of diabetes ... Show more content on ...
A type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy where the placenta, a place where the
baby stays nourished, disturbs the normal responses of insulin in the body.
A dominant type of Type 2 diabetes that stands for maturity onset diabetes of youth, in
which onset, or the beginning of the disease, occurs in late adolescents or early
The condition of having little glucose in the bloodstream.
The condition of having great glucose levels in the bloodstream.
A complication in which there is an extremely low level of insulin in the body in
order to control glucose, causing a very high blood glucose level.
A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the nervous system does not
respond quick enough in certain limbs, but can cause other conditions such as
extreme pain, weakness, or clogs in blood flow.
A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the kidney loses its function.
A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the retina can have internal
hemorrhaging or edema, which would cause a loss of sight.
Cell in the pancreas that produces glucagon as a result of hypoglycemia, or the
condition of having too little levels of
Before I Came To The Rca And To London, I Worked As A
Before I came to the RCA and to London, I worked as a textile designer specialising
in the design of men s ties in Seoul, South Korea. My business was relatively small
and I enjoyed making bespoke textiles for my customers. Over time, I got to know
my customers well, and tried to base my designs on this personal knowledge. I
wanted the ties to be more than just mere physical objects; instead I wanted to imbue
them with an emotional attachment that reflected the relationship between me and
my customers and my knowledge of their lives and personalities. I began talking to
my customers and noticed that unconsciously my designs were becoming more
dialogical2, a graphical representation of the conversations and stories we shared.
This ... Show more content on ...
The new research raises the question of ethical silk, made without the destruction of
the moth within the cocoon, and the ethics of employment practices within the silk
manufacturing industry today.
The majority of mass production generates pollution, which causes climate change.
In an era of fast fashion, mass produced textile waste has continued to grow4.
According to the report Valuing our Clothes , extending the average life of clothes
by only three months of active use would lead to a five to ten per cent reduction in
each of the carbon, water and waste footprints; around 350,000 tonnes of used
clothing ends up in landfill in the UK every year5.
Waste is not just a UK problem. Dongdaemoon market is the biggest fashion and
textiles market in South Korea. Many young designers work there but follow fashion
trends rather than creating their own unique designs. About 20 tonnes of fabric waste
is generated per day. Seoul city authorities estimate that it collects about 5,000 tonnes
of waste resources, such as fabric and banners, per year from the
Dongdaemoon market.6
The challenge of designing environmentally friendly textiles within existing
economic systems without
A Short Note On The Uses And Functions Of A Server On...
BIND in Linux BIND (Berkeley Internet name domain) is the most commonly used
DNS (domain name system) server on the Internet, and it is the defacto standard on
Linux and other Unix like operating systems. DNS is the name resolution (i.e.,
translation) system that permits users to locate computers on a network by using
their domain name rather than their IP addresses. IP addresses, which form the basis
of addressing on the Internet and most other networks, each can contain as many as
12 digits under the currently mainstream IPv4 addressing scheme (or as many as 32
hexadecimal digits under the next generation IPv6 addressing scheme). It can be
difficult for humans to remember such addresses, but it is relatively easy for them to
remember domain names, which typically use alphabetic characters and consist of
words, abbreviations or acronyms. BINDprovides an openly redistributable
reference implementation of the major components of the DNS, including a DNS
server (called named), a DNS resolver library and tools for verifying the proper
operation of the DNS server. The resolver library is a collection of functions written
in the C programming language that provides hostname to IP address and IP address
to hostname lookup services.BIND was originally written at University of California
at Berkeley (UCB) as a graduate student project under a grant from the U.S. Defense
Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA). The acronym BIND
originally stood for Berkeley Internet
Lin Manuel Miranda Influence
An influential person is a person who affects people s lives. They have their words
heard and some people can agree with them and some people cannot. They are
inspirational or seen as evil and cruel and people watch them for good reasons. This
essay will explain why Lin Manuel Miranda is a influential person and how his
words are inspirational. Lin Manuel shows that musicis one of the best tools to use to
spread inspiration and become influential. Miranda has taken his talent for music and
writing and words to inspire people. Most to all of his listeners would agree, he is
definitely very influential.
Lin Manuel Miranda, a person who has won countless awards for his music, creating
the Broadway hits In The Heights and Hamilton The Musical ... Show more content
on ...
The first part of his speech states that nothing in life can be insured, it s all up to the
people and what they decide to do. His musical Hamilton is proof that history is
remembered and it is up to the people to not repeat anything bad, learning from the
experience of our ancestors. Clearly, we all have to get back up on our feet even
when hate and fear are growing and never give up. The last part of his speech tells
you that if you love someone or something, do not let others influence that. People
can love who/what they want and it can never be killed or swept aside . Another
speech, this one about his Grammy, says, We write music, we write songs to tell a
story, This clearly shows and supports the importance of music like his, inspiring
others and telling stories like books, informing people through music that can toy
with your emotions just as well if not better than books can. A last speech, this one
from his Pulitzer Prize, says, To be the 9th musical to ever win the Pulitzer Prize for
Drama in its 100 year history is truly humbling for all of us. For Hamilton to now
be in the same company as Of Thee I Sing, South Pacific,......... Rent, and most
recently Next to Normal is outside of our own comprehension. Look at where we
are. Look at where we started. Quoting lyrics from the musical that won the award,
Miranda shows his
The Golden Years Are The Typical Societal Perception...
The golden years are the typical societal perception of adequate finances, good
health and spare time that offers older people the opportunity and freedom of
enjoying a phase where life is lived to the full (Barnes, 2011). This notion is rather a
misconception, appertaining predominately to the financially secure minority who
have always lived with relative ease. In comparison, the lifelong rigours of those
less fortunate tends to result in them being one of society s most vulnerable through
succumbing to age related problems, particularly frailty, physical and mental
impairments. Hindered with low income, poor support networks and deteriorating
health at an earlier age, life for a growing number of older citizens increasingly
lacks quality, revolving around loneliness, pain and misery (Norton and West, 2014).
Living with substantial difficulties commonly brings the sensation of life existence ,
signified with the loss of independence, visibility, control, dignity and self respect
which arises from being reliant upon others to meet basic needs (Martinsson et al,
2012). The multitude of debilitating factors, termed identifiable risks , have the
power to create various types of suffering; from neglect and the inability to self care,
to subjection to abuse from rough treatment inflicted by others. Regardless of how
harm manifests the consequences are limitless damage to individual s overall
wellbeing, from possible mental health issues like depression through loss of
Incompetence In Psychology
Incompetence is the lack of understanding or the failure to do something correctly,
which might cause harmful effects upon the patient being treated. Ethical decision
making matters in the field of psychology and the rest of the mental health fields
because it sets boundaries for practices. While incompetence might be a main reason
for mistreatment there is the type of situation where therapists try to avoid the patient
but is unable to. The reason for this is known as an unavoidable dilemma, where a
therapist sees a patient who might he/she wants to avoid, for fear of safety or just
does not want to see that patient. Yet, if the therapist accepts the patient then there
could be another unavoidable dilemma, such as eventually saying something... Show
more content on ...
If the therapist feels uncomfortable with seeing the patient for any reason the
therapist may refuse service and can refer the patient to another mental health
professional. This would probably be the reason to avoid the patient because the
therapist might lack competence in certain areas, as stated before. In 1987, Wicklund
and Braun observed from another study that competence is learned from socialization
over years of practice and schooling (p. 374). By definition, incompetence is the lack
of experience and it could lead to frustrating the therapist (Wicklund Braun, 1987).
Within the role of being competent, there is always the possibility that the therapist
needs to perform because of pressure from the patient to determine a correct diagnosis
(Wicklund Braun, 1987). This pressure might cause the therapist to lack certain
performance and cause an incorrect diagnosis, just because the therapist has no clue
about the certain area of interest affecting the
Zebra Research Paper
What does the zebra do that it became an invasive species? Zoologist Peter Simon
Pallas in the Ural, Volga, and Dnieper rivers. However, the zebra mussel has been
accidentally introduced to numerous other areas, and has become an invasive
species in many countries worldwide. Since the 1980s, they have invaded the
Great Lakes and the Hudson River. They are commonly found on the bottom of
ships and eat the algae that is food for fish. Inspectors check ships for the mussels
before they leave port. Zebra mussels are native to Eastern Europe and Western
Russia and were brought over to the Great Lakes in the ballast water of ships.
Populations of zebra mussels were first discovered in the Great Lakes in 1988.
Impacts: Zebra mussels can be a
The Joy Luck Club Identity Essay
Identity Search
Everyone has a different personality, has preferences, and enjoys doing a special
hobby or pastime. In the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, the young Chinese
American girls make themselves believe they should be different than who they are.
The same concept follows with the article Stop the Absanity by Taffy Brodesser
Anker about false body imaging. A common theme both pieces of writing share is
being true to one s self. In the article, Anker asks, Is it time to talk about why we ve
chosen abs as the thing we pick on? (118). This is similar to the novel because it
addresses the issue Lena has with her eyes. Since her genes are of Chinese descent,
she has small eyes, even though she wishes to have European eyes. As a child she
would walk around with her ... Show more content on ...
. . (120), making the abdomen the prominent aspect of the picture. This relates to
when Lindo travels to China and is spotted as a tourist. This is because despite her
facial features and heritage, her American appearance make the people label her as
a tourist. This leaves her to feel ashamed, as people do who know their abs aren t
up to standards. Finally, Anker states that people, have chosen the place where we
feel our emotions and tried to spot reduce it away (122) meaning most emotions
are felt deep in the stomach and now less emotion will be felt. This corresponds
with Jing mei s fear in China of being seen as an American, but also not finding any
Chinese components within herself because she feels like she has ignored her true
culture for too long and will never be able to become part of it. This shows that Jing
mei accepts that she needs to find her true self and will stop pretending not to be
Chinese. Altogether, many of the characters in the novel The Joy Luck Club struggle
to figure out their identities, but as suggested in Stop the Absanity by Anker, the
pressures of society share misleading ideas that make it easier to feel better in their
own skin rather
Frida, By Julie Taymor
Frida the movie was released in 2002 and directed by Julie Taymor. The cast
included Salma Hayek as (Frida), Alfred Molina as (Diego Rivera), Ashley Judd,
Antonio Banderas, Edward Norton, Mia Maestro, and Geoffrey Rush. The film is
a biography of the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. She is a woman who came
from a very simple background. Kahlo rose to fame as an artist with an unique
vision for her craft. She endured a difficult relationship with her husband/mentor
Diego Rivera. Many of her paintings are based on her experiences in life. She is also
an artist who from the opinion of many, painted from her soul. Director Julie Taymor
was able to capture and visually show us the life of Fridaby using creative and
dynamic angles to bring Frida s paintings to life.
Frida s rise to success was defined by the challenges she faced throughout her life.
She had this sense of durability, strength and resilience. She was rude, bold and
also smoked and drank like the men around her. At first Frida painted what she felt,
but it wasn t for anyone to see or to be sold. She would paint it and express every
tragedy that affected her. In my opinion, her rise began once she witnessed her
husband having and affair with her sister. It hurt her so much inside the only way to
describe how she felt and let it out was she had to paint it. After that, she went on her
own and continued painting her pain. Through out her life she went through many
hardships that caused her pain internally.
Christian Monologue
Christian, I needed to write you this to show you how much you mean to me.
However, no matter how many words I use, it won t be enough. Just the thought of
you makes me smile. And being in your arms is the best feelings in the world.
From the day we met and started talking, I knew there was something different about
you. From our first date, I could tell we were gonna be together for a while. And
these past six months have proven to me that we re going to last forever. I m so
comfortable with you and I feel like I can be more open than I ever have before. With
you, I feel like I can do anything. You ve become a big part of my life and I don t
want that to EVER change. I plan on being with you for as long as possible
because you make me happy. I want what s best for you and what makes you happy
and if that s me, I m one lucky girl.... Show more content on ...
We clicked instantly and we love each other so much it doesn t feel real. You do so
much for me, I don t know where to start. You re so special. Christian, you re the one
for me. I don t want to ever let you go. Never. Like absolutely not letting go. I need
you. You re my other half, my best friend, and the love of my life. I m so in love
with you. I d give you the world if you asked. I couldn t let go of you. I couldn t walk
away. I just
Nuclear Power And Uranium Essay
Nuclear power and uranium.
Have you ever wondered how nuclear power works?
Nuclear power has been around for a long time, and there are more nuclear power
plants than you think. It takes a lot of materials to make a nuclear power plant, and
there s a lot of things you don t know about uranium. You are closer than you think
from a power plant. Nuclear plants take a lot of materials and manpower to build and
Nuclear power is a good source of energy, but it is very complicated.
Nuclear power has been around for a long time, and there are more nuclear power
plants than you think. There are 438 nuclear power plants in the world in 2015, and
67 being built as you read. The USA has the most amount of nuclear ... Show more
content on ...
You need 400000 cubic yards of concrete in making a nuclear power plant, and 66000
tons of steel. There s 300 miles of electric wiring, and 130000 electrical components
There s 3500 workers at the peak construction of a nuclear power plant, and two to
four billion dollars to build a nuclear power plant. There s 400 to 700 jobs in a
nuclear power plant, and 470 million dollars of energy made in a year at a nuclear
power plant.
There s a lot of things you don t know about uranium.
The first found of uranium was martin heinrich klaproth, and
Otto Hahn Fritz Strassmann found nuclear fission. one ton of uranium can make 40
million kilowatts of energy
Uranium was named after Uranus, and uranium is number 92 on elements chart.
Uranium is 48th most abundant element found on Earth, and uranium more
abandon silver. Uranium more dense than lead, and a gallon of milk, 8 pounds
same size gallon of uranium 150 pounds Uranium is 100 dollars per pound. 1kg of
uranium is 2 to 3 times more energy than coal or oil. uranium melting point 2070 F,
and uranium boil point 7468 F. Uranium was used in glass to color.
You are closer than you think from a power
Blood Flow Dilated Cardiomyopathy Case Study
Heart(cardiovascular) disease involves many statuses where the normal function is
disrupted by the condition of the heart or blood vessels. It will slow down the
delivery of oxygenated blood into the body. There are several requirements for the
heart to have a normal function. There needs to be adaptable coronary circulation
because the vessels that supply the oxygen and nutrients to the heartmust be
functional, capable and meet increased demands when needed. It must provide a
flexible response by the myocardial contractile cells so when the animal needs
additional cardiac output during exercise and stress, the cells of the heart can provide
a higher heart rate output. The valves on the heart are crucial and must be maintained
for blood flow... Show more content on ...
It is a disease of the heart muscle that is characterized by an enlarged heart that
alters its ability to function properly. DCM is a primary myocardial disease
characterized by cardiac chamber enlargement, arrhythmias, and diminished cardiac
contractility (Case et., al 2011). The upper and lower chambers of the heart become
enlarged, with usually one side being more severe than the other. Specifically, when
the lower chamber becomes enlarged, its ability to pump blood out of the lungs and
body deteriorates. If this happens, fluid begins to fill the lungs and the heart becomes
more overloaded which then can lead to CHF ( PetMD).
Signs and symptoms that pertain to DCM include lethargy, anorexia, shortness of
breath, coughing, abdominal digestion, a slight loss of consciousness (PetMD).
The enlarged heart can push against the trachea and cause severe coughing.
Portuguese Water Dogs can develop clinical signs of CHF as young as 2 3 months
of age. There are indications that appear to be a genetic predisposition in several
large and giant breeds. Irish Wolfhounds, Great Danes, Saint Bernards,
Newfoundlands, Dobermans, and Boxers are breeds that show an increased
incidence of DCM (Case et., al
Decision Making at Google
Decision Making at Google Inc.
Google defines itself as a non conventional company which intentionally avoids the
traditional management models. Google has been managed differently in an
atmosphere of creativity and challenge. That said by Eric Schmidt, CEO, who also
affirms that the business is driven according what Peter Drucker understood as a
way to manage the knowledge workers in 1959. The idea was first described in his
book The Landmarks of Tomorrow .
We know now that the source of wealth is something specifically human:
knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it
productivity . If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different we call it
innovation . Only knowledge allows us ... Show more content on ...
By principle number 7 Strive to reach consensus ; Google stick on the view that the
many are smarter than the few and solicit a broad base of views before reaching any
decision. The role of the manager is that of an aggregator of viewpoints, not the
dictator of decisions.
Principle number 8 is also the corporate slogan: Don t be evil . Schmidt, co founder
and CEO says that the company really tries to live by it, particularly in the ranks of
management. Google fosters to create an atmosphere of tolerance and respect, not a
company full of yes men.
Google faces the challenge of evolving management techniques as the company
grows. As decision making pervades all managerial actions and is a continuous
process, Google practices characterize the strategic decision making process of the
company. In this new model, the decision making process is guided by a powerful
coalition acting as a team and also permits decisions to evolve through trial and
error and incremental steps as needed, as Daft mentions (2007, p.299). Daft also
affirms that this new process relies less on hard data as a basis of good decisions.
This statement differs from what Goggle practices as mentioned on principle 9.
The 9th principle applies the company knowledge to support decision making: Data
drive decisions . At Google, almost every decision is based on quantitative analysis.
Google uses its systems to manage information not only on the Internet, but internally
also. The corporation employs
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  • 1. Can Money Buy Happiness Essay Writing an essay on the question of whether money can buy happiness is a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various perspectives and research. On one hand, there's ample evidence suggesting that wealth and material possessions can provide comfort, security, and access to experiences that may contribute to happiness. However, on the other hand, numerous studies also indicate that happiness is not solely determined by financial wealth, but rather by factors such as relationships, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Crafting a coherent argument for either side of the debate demands thorough research into psychology, economics, sociology, and philosophy to understand the complexities involved. It's essential to delve into studies on subjective well-being, income inequality, and cultural differences to provide a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, exploring real-life examples and anecdotes can add depth and relatability to the essay, illustrating how individuals' experiences shape their perceptions of happiness and wealth. Moreover, addressing counterarguments and potential objections is crucial to presenting a balanced and nuanced perspective. Acknowledging the limitations of wealth in providing lasting happiness while also recognizing its role in fulfilling basic needs and facilitating opportunities for personal growth is essential. Overall, writing an essay on this topic requires critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to articulate complex ideas effectively. It's a task that demands thoughtful analysis and a willingness to engage with diverse viewpoints to arrive at a well-rounded conclusion. Similar essays and a wide range of academic writing services can be found on Can Money Buy Happiness Essay Can Money Buy Happiness Essay
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  • 7. The Physics of Firearms Firearms are often featured on the news due to poor use as well as featured in popular culture s television crime dramas, but have you stopped to ponder about where these devices came from, the different types, the trajectory patterns that are created their bullets and how they work? The following paragraphs are designed to address all of the following questions. A firearm is a complex arrangement of various metals that can eject a small lead piece at high speeds, causing maximum destruction on the target with minimum energy delivery on the shooter themselves. (Definition of a Gun, n.d.) The mechanics of shooting any type of firearm; weather it be a rifle, shotgun, or pistol, includes a wide variety of physics topics working together to make the bullet hit its target including friction, force, conservation of momentum, transfer of energy, heat engines, and projectile motion. (The Physics of Shooting a Gun, n.d.) History Of Firearms The history of firearms begins in China in the ninth century where, huo yao, the world s first gun powder was discovered; it was created by mixing charcoal, potassium nitrate and sulphur into a fine powder. Historians are prone to recognizing tenth century Chinese fire lances, a spear like weapon combining a bamboo tube containing huo yao and projectiles tied to a Chinese spear as the first firearm. In the year 1320, Gun powder was developed into a specific formula, 15% charcoal, 75% potassium nitrate and 10% sulphur. It was developed for the
  • 8. Irish Ireland Research Paper Despite the Catholic Irish people making up over 80 percent of the population, they were subjugated to the lower classes to live in squalor. Despite the inherent divide between the Protestant British and Catholic Irish, Ireland was relatively peaceful for the next century, other than a rebellion led by Theobald Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen in 1798. 30,000 people were killed in this rebellion, which laid the groundwork for the separatist republicanism to come and caused the Act of Union of 1800 to be passed, closing the Irish Parliament in Dublin and giving Protestant London full control over Catholic Ireland. The population quadrupled during the peaceful century from 1740 1840, the economy flourished, Catholics fought for, and gained, ... Show more content on ... An Irish nationalist paramilitary organization called the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) was established in 1858 and worked for the armed expulsion of the British, where the Home Rule Party worked for the political expulsion. In 1912, the British passed a Home Rule Bill, which gave the Irish political autonomy, but the bill was never enacted due to the breakout of World War I in 1914. In 1913, two organizations, the nationalist Irish Volunteers (IV) and unionist (pro British) Ulster Volunteers (UV) were founded in Dublin and Belfast, respectively, and the IV absorbed the IRB. The two groups were set for a full on conflict before the outbreak of the war, but both sides believed the national question could be answered after WWI and sent men to the trenches. A small, revolutionary minority of the IV stayed behind, as they did not want to fight for the British, these men constituted the IRB, and saw WWI as their time to strike the weakened British. They struck on Easter Sunday in 1916, but were defeated after six days. This became known as the Easter Rising. After the IRB was defeated, 16 of the leaders were taken to Kilmainham Gaol and executed. Executing the leaders of the Rising was England s big mistake as it made them martyrs and gave the Irish the momentum they needed to fight a war of Independence, which began in 1919, and that s where the movie, The Wind that Shakes the Barley, takes
  • 9. World Wrestling History So the history of world wrestling goes back a long time. It was the first sport to ever be created. The first real traces of the development of wrestling date back to the times of the Sumerians, over 5,000 years ago. There are also many historical and archaeological traces of wrestling in Ancient Egypt. Drawings were discovered in Ancient Egypt in the tombs of Beni Hassan representing 400 couples of wrestlers. These drawings witness the existence of corporations of wrestlers in Ancient Egypt, wrestling rules, and refereeing codes (United World Wrestling). For the Greeks, wrestling was a science and a divine art , and it represented the most important training for young men. Athletes wrestled naked, with their bodies coated in olive oil and... Show more content on ... At the end of the 19th century, professional wrestling was the most popular sport in Europe. Competitions helped to make wrestling more popular, the physical aspect of wrestlers served as a model to young men and the training system allowed ameteur wrestling clubs to rapidly become more structured. In 1904 freestyle wrestling was introduced during the St.Louis Games and was only practiced by American Wrestlers. It was only during the fourth olympic Games held in London in 1908 that competitions were organized for both styles. Wrestling matches took place on three mats that were placed outside. A regular match lasted 1 hour, but finalists wrestled without a time limit. After this Olympic Games, Wrestling started to develope in every country Worldwide. Northern Europe countries maintained Greco Roman wrestling, where freestyle wrestling was largely dominated by the English and the Americans. In Amsterdam, in 1928, the first African wrestler won the Olympic title. In 1952 the first Asian wrestler won the Olympic title in Helsinki. Female Wrestling was finally introduced to the Olympics in 2004 during the Athens Games. So overall there is a lot to know about the history of World Wrestling, there is also a lot to know about the history of Pro Wrestling in the
  • 10. Why Do You Think Tristan Is A 22-Year-American Case Study Tristan is a 22 year old, female, who self identifies as a European American, and strictly follows the Roman Catholic faith. She was referred to Mazzitti and Sullivan Counseling Services by her mother due to her antisocial behavior towards family outings, depression, and aggressive outbursts towards her mother and brothers after the loss of her grandfather six months ago. As you walk into the lobby to great Tristan, you notice her calm demeanor and curiosity of the agency. You greet Tristan with a friendly hello, a handshake, and welcome her back to your office. Three months ago, Tristan lost her grandfather to a moderate case of pneumonia. Prior to this illness, he had cancer in one lung and had it remove. Due to having one lung, the doctor informed that he has a low chance of surviving. While her grandfather was in the hospital, Tristan made the time to visit him as much as she could. Sometimes, she would bring her school work with her and studied while her grandfather slept. ... Show more content on ... Due to the death of her grandfather, she has been noticed a change in her appetite, loss ten pounds, suffering from jaw pain due to grinding her teeth at night, poor sleep habits, and a decline in her grades. Throughout Tristan s childhood and adolescent years, she remembers her father as an alcoholic and most of her memories with her father during these years consisted of her father being intoxicated, rarely spending time with her father, and him passed out on the couch for long periods of time. However, while her father was at work, Tristan and her siblings would stay at their grandparent s house, where her grandfather taught them how to fish, hunt, and play sports. From there, Tristan saw her grandfather as more of a father
  • 11. The Portrayal of Women in the Media Essay examples The Portrayal of Women in the Media Redbook magazine are devoted to selling products ranging from shoes to shampoo. The entire magazine only has only 210 pages. Approximately 6 8 min of every half hour television show is produced by ad agencies. Americans are bombarded with advertisements. We see them everyday in many different forms and through different mediums. Advertisers study America s population through a systematic breakdown and analysis of our likes and dislikes in relation to our differences. These differences include gender, sexual orientation, economic status, location, race, ethnicity, and more. Advertisers have substantial knowledge of what appeals to each of these demographics and how these demographics will respond to ... Show more content on ... Because each hemisphere has properties associated with it, this information is extremely relevant to the advertising industry. In what academia has denoted as the modern era, the reader (those to whom the advertisement is directed) was seen as a passive unbiased entity. The postmodern view, however, sees the reader as an active part of the communication triad (figure 1) (Stern; Holbrook, 1994). This means that the reader actively contributes to the exchange of information. If different readers interpret the text (the ad) differently, the author (advertiser) needs to create a text that will be interpreted the correct way by a specific reader. Knowing how women think allows the advertisers to create ads that women will interpret in a positive way, therefore increasing their likelihood to buy the product. Women depend on the left hemisphere, which responds better to audio stimuli. Practically, this means women respond in a positive manner to sounds. Television and magazine medium reach more of the female population than radio. This means several things. First, for women, information should be written or spoken whenever possible. Also, the ad industry has come up with many techniques to increase the effect of visual ads. The left hemisphere breaks visual images up into parts while the right sees images more holistically. This means that ads for women should be more detailed and provide more complete information (Prakash, 1992). Women (because of their
  • 12. Openedge s Fund Of Programming Language OpenEdge ABL Programming Language Research Paper Kaitlyn M Marin CSIT 313 Fund of Programming Language Professor Stefan Robila December 1, OpenEdge ABL Programming Language OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high level programming language. OpenEdge ABL is developed and maintained by Progress Software Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously was known by other names, such as Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first released in the 1980s. This first commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then there has been several versions released. (History 1) In the 1990s Progress released their first graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as GUI, web and the cloud, Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress released their first cloud application that they called OpenEdge. (History 1) OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd 25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is suggested to use the documentation to refer to the information on the language; such as keywords and statements. (Sadd 25) There are a lot of specifics about the keywords and statements that users can look into by referring to the documentation. This language is very powerful, and it is meant for serious developers that need to solve business problems. ( Sadd 25) In John Sadd s book, OpenEdge Development: ABL
  • 13. Socrates s Relationship Between Socrates And Euthyphro Socrates helps Euthyphro to give meaning to the word piety , and this serves to bring a new meaning to the respect to the divine beings and help in the explanation of the whole context of the divinity in the society. In this manner, there is the need to create a clear definition and help Euthyphro in getting ideas that he can use to teach Socrates to answer the resulting question about the piety. This is to enable Socrates to have a string defense against the charge of impiety and help in tackling the challenges that he faces in the society. The story and the relationship between Socrates and Euthyphro arise when Socrates is called to court to answer to the charges of impiety by Meletus, (Platoet al, 1927). In the courts, Socrates meets Euthyphro, who comes to the courts to prosecute his father who is a murderer. In this interaction, Socrates considers Euthyphro to help in explaining all there is to be known about piety and the related impiety. Euthyphro confirms that he is indeed an expert in the matter relating to religious issues and can thus assist Socrates in the charges that face him. In their argument in the efforts to define the true meaning of piety, Socrates and Euthyphro engage in the analysis of issues that threaten to confuse human understanding about the whole issue of holiness and impiety in the society, (Plato Gallop, 2008). To understand the true meaning of piety, it is of great importance to take a holistic analysis of the beliefs of the people about
  • 14. Doryphoros Essay Doryphoros by Polykleitos was originally a Greek bronze made around 450 40B.C. The only way we can see it today is through the Roman marble copies (which is common of many Greek statues.) Some supports had to be added for the change in material, resulting in the addition of the form resembling a tree trunk, the support on the left foot, and the small bar bridging the gap between his right wrist and hip. Doryphoros was originally holding a spear in his left hand; appropriate, given that his name means, literally, spear bearer. The sculpture is a well known and early example of classical Greek contrapposto (the shifting of weight onto one leg and off axis shoulders and arms.) One leg nearly appears to be lifting off the ground, giving the... Show more content on ... Plato felt that artists knew nothing worth mentioning because all they do is imitate, and so their work was worthless. Additionally, Plato believed that we, as humans not of the metaphysical realm, can not know what true beauty is because we have not experienced the true, beautiful form of anything. Plato would say that Doryphoros was worthless for those very reasons. It is an imitation of a perfect form, and therefore cannot be beautiful. Although Doryphoros is anatomically and proportionally realistic, Plato would not be appreciative of it as art and would not see it as an object of beauty. He would likely scorn Polykleitos for even bothering to sculpt it in the first place. To examine the thoughts of another Greek philosopher, Aristotle would have a much different perspective on Doryphoros. Aristotle felt that imitation was natural for us as humans. He felt that we could learn from imagery that is realistic because it may influence us to examine it more closely. He felt that the creative individual could express the universal, fundamental qualities of human nature, and did not see their work as worthless as Plato did. Polykleitos sculpted athletic nudes such as Doryphoros in ordinance to his mathematical canon, a
  • 15. How Did Thomas Paine Attack The Monarchy By Thomas Paine In the primary document Thomas Paine Attacks The Monarchy it talks about how Thomas Paine attacked the monarchy by Common Sense. I feel as if this document really adds to what the textbook has to say about what Thomas Paine did to make him such an important person in history. It is always nice to get the perspective from people who were actually there. Thomas Paines pamphlet Common Sense is seen as one of the worlds most influential documentaries of all time. One of the reasons Common Sense was so popular was because unlike many writers from his time Paine used a lot of common sense arguments that average people could understand. Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet Common Sense in 1775 and it was published in January of 1776. The main impact of this pamphlet is known as a way to help cause the American colonists to decide to fight for independence. Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. So if Thomas Paine would have never wrote this the Americans may have never decided to fight for their independence. In this primary document Thomas Paine states how corrupt the relation between the colonists and Englandis, and how it needs to change. He starts off by saying how even though everyone is born equal, people are not being treated equal. He says this is due to the fact that the rich oppress the poor. Another reason for this he states is because we assign people as kings which is giving these people more power. He states how it
  • 16. The Secret Life Of Bees Analysis The Secret Life Of Bees The secret life of bees was written by author Sue Monk Kidd and was set in South Carolina 1964. Kidd creatively uses bee insects as an unhuman like object to express and symbolize the certain aspects and ways of life throughout the novel. Specifically, in this novel the bees act as models of human society. Sue Monk Kidd presents themes and ideas through the eyes of the character Lily, who is 14 years old in the novel. These ideas are related to having a sense of belonging and also Kidd uses Lily to represent the European s opinions on the African Americans and how people can change for the better, as this novel was set in 1964, a significant time in society for the African American race involving the Civil Rights Act. The novel gives us a certainty of realism by reliving what happened in those times through a character we can relate to, because she is trying to find herself, and I personally think all of us in society are still trying to find ourselves every day, working on a better version of yourself. In the novel The secret life of bees , the author Sue Monk Kidd aesthetically chooses bees as symbolism to act as models of human society. Kidd sparks the idea of realism within the reader and makes us as readers feel like we are living the story as the character Lily through the lessons she is taught that we were also taught. Lily catches a bee in a jar and then not long after she decides to open the lid to let the bee free, although she does this
  • 17. Compare And Contrast Christopher Frlowe And Doctor Faustus Hopkins, Lisa. Christopher Marlowe, Renaissance Dramatist. Edinburgh U.P., 2008. This book is a detailed breakdown of Christopher Marlowe s plays. The book discusses how Christopher Marlowe s upbringing and the time period he was born in influenced his works. The author of this book conveys to the reader that Christopher Marlowe used himself and own personal experiences to implement in his characters and this is done especially in Doctor Faustus. The author describes how Christopher Marlowe s character is conveyed into Doctor Faustus. Not only that but, the author provides detail about why Doctor Faustus made the choices he did because he was a copy of Marlowe and his life. I will use this information from this book in my paper to create a character compare and contrast of Christopher Marlowe and Dr. Faustus. His judgement may have paralleled Marlowe s own: familiar with what was offered by Cambridge, Marlowe showed no known signs of regret at moving on from it in, and there is no evidence that he ever visited it again (Hopkins 82). Erne, Lukas. Biography, Mythography, and Criticism: The Life and Works of Christopher Marlowe. Modern Philology, vol. 103, no. 1, Aug. 2005, pp. 28. This article is about the conspiracies theories that followed Christopher Marlowe and his works. The author talks about how Christopher Marlowe was an atheist, a homosexual and other theories. The author describes conspiracies about Marlowe rather than discussing Marlowe s actual upbringing
  • 18. Research Paper On Skiing Jack Henderson Mr. Wolfson 11 29 14 Skiing Skiing is the best sport in the world. First of all, the main type of skiing is alpine skiing. Next, the newer and more creative type of skiing is freestyle, which is fairly new. Lastly, there are so many mountains to choose from, so learning a few of the best can never hurt. Skiing is a great way to stay active while having fun. Alpine skiing has been around forever. Before it was a sport, it was a mode of transportation. It became a sport in the 1936 Olympics. Downhill, Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Super Giant Slalom, or Super G, and Combined are the sports in the Olympics to this day. Alpine skiing is a race against the clock. It is all about speed. Most alpine skiers find the most aerodynamic ... Show more content on ... These names refer to the amount of degrees rotated. A 3 is one full rotation, and 5 is one and a half, and a 7 is a whopping two whole rotations. During these tricks, skiers perform grabs to make them more attractive. Some of these are Truck Drivers. Blunts, Genie, and Japan grabs. A Truck Driver is grabbing the outside of both skis, a Blunt is grabbing the back of one ski, a Genie is doing a Screamin Seamen (reversing skis in mid air) and grabbing the tips, and a Japan is grabbing the inside of the skis. Some tricks to do on a rail is a K Fed, Super Fed and a Switch up. A Switch Up is jumping mid rail and switching the direction of the skis, a K Fed is a front Switch Up Blind 2 Out ( Switch Up, then a 270 degree rotation in the blind off the rail). A Super Fed is the opposite of a K Fed. All tricks that can be done on a rail can be done
  • 19. Shakhty Murder In Shakhty, Andrei lived with his wife and 2 kids but also had a small house near a river where he committed his first documented murder. His first victim was a nine year old girl by the name of Lena Zakotnova which he lured to his secrete house using bubblegum. Andrei attempted to rape the girl but failed due to his chronicle impotence. With the girl struggling, Andrei choked and stabbed Lena leading to her death. Andrei climaxed from the murderthat he just committed and threw Lena into the cold river. Lenas body would be found days later and policewould begin looking for the murder. There was evidence that would indicate that Andrei was the murderer: spots of blood was found near his small home; neighbors confirmed that Andrei was home
  • 20. Women in the Illiad and the Odyssey Sarah Kirkus ENG 2423 8A March 21, 2013 Roles of Women in The Iliad and The Odyssey Homer wrote two epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey. The Iliad is a tragedy that tells about the battles of the Trojan War. The Odyssey is somewhat of a sequel, the story of Odysseus s travels home after the Trojan War. An article found in The American Scholar states, One might begin by asking what both epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, would be like if there were no women in them. The Trojan war would not have been fought, and Odysseus (assuming he had gone to Troy in the first place) would not have bothered to return home. (Lefkowitz. 504) This statement alone illustrates the importance of the women portrayed in these two epics. ... Show more content on ... Motherly housewives are presented all throughout both epic poems. The Greek society believed that all women should be submissive to their father and husband. Females were designed for childbearing and performing household chores. Andromache was a prime example of a perfect, devout wife and mother in The Iliad. She was the wife to Hector and mother to Astyanax. She stood beside him and showed her true care and concern for him by begging him to withdraw from the war. She reminds him that, since Achilles has killed her father and brothers and her mother is dead too. You are my father and mother and brother, and you are my young husband. (Lefkowitz. 507) She mourned greatly when he was killed. Penelope was the greatest example of a dedicated housewife and nurturing mother. She was the loving and devoted wife to Odysseus and the mother to Telemachus. She remained faithful to her husband for twenty years, not knowing if he was dead or alive and if he would ever return home. Penelope was required to raise her son alone, without a father. These years were difficult for Penelope. Even though her husband was sleeping with his seductress, Penelope used her inner strength and her own seductive ways to not succumb to the suitors. This alone proved her loyalty to her husband. She often wept and mourned over her lost
  • 21. Theme Of Personality In Frankenstein A human being is born neither good or bad. They are simply brought into the world without knowing anything. However, as they grow up, they will eventually create a mindset that has been developed from their various experiences in their lives. For example, a baby who was raised up in a hard working environment, will eventually develop that same quality as they grow up. In the novel, Frankenstein, we are able to observe how a persons character/personality is developed by the problems and experiences they have encountered. An individual s mindset and other attributes are shaped by the ones that have most influenced their lives. Mary Shelley shows us in the novel, that people become who they are based upon the experiences they encounter throughout... Show more content on ... At one point during his pursuit of knowledge, he said in other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder (Chapter 4, Par. 2). This was during Victor s early years at Ingolstadt, and he was just getting started. As time passed, he became increasingly obsessed with certain subjects that eventually led him into creating the monster. While doing so in the process, he was slowly losing control of his mind, and other people became very suspicious of what he was doing. When Victor was finished creating the monster, his entire personality had changed from when he first started attending the university. Since he put his heart and sole into his creation, he was weak and a bit odd in the end. Which concerned his parents, since he had not written a letter back to them in so long. Due to his pursuit of knowledge, Victor had a different outlook on life and abandoned his creation. However, Victor was the only individual that had a different outlook on life due to knowledge. We must remember that the monster also changed his mindset from reading specific texts, such as: Sorrows of Werter, Paradise Lost, and Plutarch s Lives. After reading these books, the monster said they produced in me an infinity of new images and feelings, that sometimes raise me to ecstasy, but more frequently sunk me into the lowest dejection ( Chapter 15, Par. 4). The monster had no knowledge of the world he was living in. By reading these books, he started thinking about his life thus far, and how it has affected him. When the monster the read Paradise Lost, he considered it a history book of about the how the world was created. In doing so, he felt sympathetic for Satan s character. In his defense, he had
  • 22. De Beauvoir Analytical Essay Existence Precedes Essence our demonstrations make our existence. Humankind alone exists; things are only things (for instance, they don t exist fundamentally). Creatures and vegetables possess a middle position. Plants sprout, create organic products, live, and after that kick the bucket. Creatures are conceived, chew their nourishment, make sounds, take after their impulses, and bite the dust. Neither plants nor creatures settle on ponder decisions or carry through with responsibility. This implies we have the decision in all that we do. We are in charge of our fate and we are what we make of ourselves. The main decision we don t have is that of having options; we are sentenced to be free. (25) There is complete freedom in everything a... Show more content on ... Narcissists, ladies in adoration, and spiritualists all grasp their nature by suffocating selfhood in an outer protest regardless of whether it be the mirror, a beau, or God. All through the book, de Beauvoir says such occurrences of females being complicit in their Otherness, especially with respect to marriage. The trouble of breaking free from femininity of yielding security and solace for some cockeyed idea of equality actuates numerous ladies to acknowledge the standard unfulfilling parts of spouse and mother. From the earliest starting point of her discourse, de Beauvoir distinguishes the monetary underpinnings of female subordination and the financial underlying foundations of lady s freedom. Just in work would she be able to accomplish self sufficiency. In the event that lady can bolster herself, she can likewise accomplish a type of freedom. In the finishing up parts of The Second Sex, de Beauvoir examines the strategic obstacles lady confronts in seeking after this
  • 23. Robert Darton The Great Cat Massacre Revolution is an integral part of social history, and possibly the most famous of all the rebellions in mankind s history is the French Revolution. However, the actions of 1789 were not a random coincidence, and you can trace the roots of this massive upheaval back to a printing press in Paris, the rue Saint Severin, where the printers attacked the social order via a mass slaughter of cats. This feline atrocity occurred in the 1730 s and despite the absurd and seemingly cruel nature of it, the workers may have been justified. The account of the massacre is from the historian Robert Darton, from his work The Great Cat Massacre , and in it, he describes the story of a printer Nicolas Contat. Contat s story, however, is the story of these two other printers (we are getting a bit metafictional here), Jerome and Leveille and their actions in the famous slaughter. However, Darton s article is not truly focused on the story of the attack, but rather the whys of the attack and how it is the result of the social and economic conditions at the time.... Show more content on ... There was no more expansion in the printing, and this meant that those who were the owners of existing presses became extremely rich. Conversely, this also caused working conditions and benefits in the once bright field to plummet. The journeymen who worked the presses were overworked, underpaid, and had little to no job security. This, as one can imagine, caused the workers to resent their masters. (Also, who wouldn t want to do this for twelve hours a day, six days a
  • 24. Hindu India vs Muslim India At first, the aim of the Muslim League was to establish friendly relations between the Muslims and the British Crown. After the Royal decision of the annulment of the partition of Bengal in 1911, Muslim League saw that in order to get their requests dealt with, they need to form relations with the Congress, the representative party of Hindus. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the member of Congress, also joined the Muslim League in 1913. After witnessing the annulment, he worked on a pact to unite Muslims and Hindus which was eventually signed on 30th of December, 1916 at Lucknow. The Congress accepted the Lucknow Pact, agreeing to the conditions presented by Muslims, such as separate electorates instead of joint electorates, one third representation ... Show more content on ... The Pact was long forgotten; Muslim and Hindus once again were two hostile nations. Simon Commission was sent ahead before its decided time, as stated in the Government Act of India 1919 that a commission would be sent from Britain to India to inspect the conditions concerning the constitutional reforms of this country. Simon commission consisted of seven members and its chairman was Sir John Simon. The commission consisted of only British. In their Annual Session of 1927, the Congress leaders stated that they would boycott from any activities and proposals given by the Simon Commission. It reached India in 1928 and received a hostile welcome here. Go Back Simon! was the slogan of the time. Then the Viceroy, Lord Irwin pleaded with Indian leaders to cooperate with them. The Muslim leaders like Nawab Ismaeel agreed to it as he thought that by boycotting to the commission would promote Congress. The commission itself was secluded and appointed 3 members from the Central Assembly, whose services will be required when needed. The Shafi League of AIML at that time thought that by opposing Hindu boycott, they would be favored by the government. In the end, the report submitted by Simon proposed provincial autonomy in India but rejected parliamentary responsibility at the center. It accepted the idea of federalism and sought to retain direct contact between the British crown and the Indian states. After the failure of the Simon
  • 25. Marvel Of Entertainment Group, Inc. Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. (Marvel or MEG), incorporated on December 2, 1986[6] as the parent company of Marvel Comics and Marvel Productions, was put up for sale as part of the liquidation of its then parent corporation, Cadence Industries, and sold in 1986 to New World Pictures.[8] On January 6, 1989, Ronald Perelman s MacAndrews Forbes Holdings group of companies bought Marvel EntertainmentGroup from New World for $82.5 million,[9] not including Marvel Productions, which was folded into New World s TV and movie business.[8] It is a mini Disney in terms of intellectual property, said Perelman. Disney s got much more highly recognized characters and softer characters, whereas our characters are termed action heroes. But at Marvel we are now in the business of the creation and marketing of characters. [1] Going Public and acquisition Marvel made an initial public offer of 40% of the stock (ticker symbol NYSE:MRV) on July 15 1991, giving $40 million from the proceeds to Andrews Group, Marvel s then direct parent corporation within MacAndrews Forbes Holdings.[9][10] Marvel Entertainment Group then began expanding with acquisitions and forming new divisions. Marvel purchased the trading card company Fleer on July 24, 1992.[9] On April 30, 1993, Marvel acquired 46% of ToyBiz, for the rights to make Marvel toys.[9] The Andrews Group named Avi Arad of ToyBiz as the president and CEO of the Marvel Films division and of New World Family Filmworks, Inc., a New
  • 26. Character Analysis Of Don Quixote By Miguel De Cervantes Characterization: the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character s speech actions, appearance, etc. Many authors and poets use characterization in many of their poems, novels, movies, and plays, and all great works have characterization in one form of another. Miguel de Cervantesdoes not fall short of this standard in his great, and first novel Don Quixote. Not only does he give great characterization of the knight errant, Don Quixote, but also to his squire, Sancho Panza. Throughout the story, Cervantes demonstrates Sancho Panza s personality not only through his vocabulary and actions, but also through the way other people treat him in the story. Cervantes slowly shows different sides of Sancho Panza and develops this character as the book... Show more content on ... The first words to come from this squire s mouth say, Now be careful, your grace, sir knight errant, you don t forget that island you promised me, because no matter how big it is, I ll known how to govern it (42) . Through this, Cervantes clearly presents this character as a silly character who believes in all of Don Quixote s fairy tales portraying this squire as quite gullible. Also, during another time in the book Sancho Panza and Don Quixote talk to one and after Don Quixote talks about the courts of justice summoning him no matter how many homicides he had perpetrated Sancho Panza replies, I don t know anything about hum asides ... I ve never ever heard one. All I know is that the police are in charge of fighting in the fields. I leave all those other things alone (53) . Here Don Quixote refers to all the people he has killed yet Sancho Panza believes that he talks about some type of sound or animal. With this, Cervantes cleverly creates the foolishness of Sancho Panza character by making his vocabulary limited yet making the squire unknown of this thus causing him to appear
  • 27. The Importance Of Human Rights In Estonia Human right are the specific rights that are inherently instilled to all human beings regardless of their nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, language or any of feature that other may try to segment/discriminate them into a defined category. The united nations holds these rights to the utmost extent and realizes there are many countries where these rights are being infringed upon. There are international human rightslaws that try to protect the people and it has been reiterated numerous times. However there is still much needed to be done to improve the status and standard of living of the people that do not have the opportunity to hold all of these rights. This paper will focus on my delegation country which is Estonia and we will explore human rights through perspective and their stance on this subject. We will also explore the popular opinions of the people of Estonia and how they value and interpret human rights. Estonia acknowledges human rights and are generally respected by the government. However, there are concerns such as the police s use of force, child abuse, and detention conditions. In terms of quantity, as of 2010, there have been 23 judgment cases brought against Estonia and in 19 cases there was at least one violation relating to human rights. A major human rights problem in Estonia is the is large population of Children that are Statelessness. When Estonia gained independence in 1991, the government adopted strict citizenship
  • 28. Why Is Vaccination Important It has come to my attention that a large portion of your readers do not fully understand the importance of getting vaccinations. Vaccinations are highly important; not only do they benefit the individual who takes them, but everyone that individual comes in contact with. Vaccines prevent diseases, prevent the spread of diseases, and save countless lives every day. So, how does a vaccine prevent an individual from contracting a disease? A vaccine is, a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced into the body to stimulate an immune response. Now, before anyone reads the phrase Weakened pathogens and gets concerned, the CDC states that a live virus vaccine is, Too weak to cause illness. One might inquire how exposing their children, or themselves to a dead pathogen could be beneficial. When the pathogen is inserted into the body the immune system recognizes the disease and builds immunity to said disease. Thus, when the individual comes in contact with the disease they don t get sick! ... Show more content on ... If one does not have extra care in their activates, they could easily to contract meningococcal meningitis. Meningococcal meningitis is a widespread blood infection. If you contract the disease and then come home, you could spread it. Meningococcal meningitis can be transmitted through saliva and occasionally through close, prolonged general contact with an infected person. However, it can easily be prevented with a vaccine. Thus, saving not only the life of the person who went to Chad, but to everyone they would have come in contact with, and so
  • 29. Meningococcal Disease Treatments and Vaccines Essay Meningococcal Disease Treatments and Vaccines Meningococcal disease is a large concern in the medical field because it is unbiased towards the patients it infects. There has been limited success in trying to eliminate this disease. Antibiotics play a role in helping to treat patients with bacterial meningitis, and steroids have been tested to help reduce risk factors. Prevention has also become a key issue because meningitis can only be spread through direct contact with infected body fluid. The best prevention is to maintain clean hygiene. Vaccines are another way of preventing disease. However, there are multiple serogroups of meningitis that makes creating a universal vaccine extremely difficult. So far, there have only been two ... Show more content on ... Even one drop of nasal fluid can be enough to make another person ill if the drop of fluid makes contact. This disease is easily spread through direct and indirect contact, whether it is through kissing or sharing eating utensils. The easiest way to protect against meningitis is to stay away from infected people and not to share utensils or other personal objects with other people. Also, good hygiene is extremely 2 important, and it is advisable to always wash hands after use in restrooms or before eating, as this will reduce the chance of contracting the disease. (Hirsch 22). Monitoring social activities is also another way of preventing the spread of meningitis. A study has shown a specific correlation between the number of meningococcal disease and college students who rave and go clubbing. These close contact areas are the breeding grounds for all different diseases, and meningococcal disease is one of the more prominent causes of illness in these college students (Pollard 2). With education from schools and public health officials, the public would be more aware of how to prevent a meningococcal disease epidemic from starting, and would help to reduce the number of deaths a year within a large community. Chemoprophylaxis, or prevention through use of drugs and food supplements, is a possibility, but usually it is best to use the tips above because drugs and such do not guarantee complete protection. Antibiotics play a significant role in treating patients who have
  • 30. A major outbreak of Lead Poisoning in Northern Nigeria Preliminary Issues A major outbreak of Lead Poisoning in Northern Nigeria, more specifically in the area of the Zamfara State, is described by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) as the biggest epidemic of Lead Poisoning in modern history. The height of the outbreak caused children mortality rates to sky rocket. This situation is still a current crisis today for those who still suffer from lead poisoning, and for the survivors who are now struggling with the dire disabilities. According to news report released by NPR Health, the original crisis was caused due to locals processing of ore for gold. The area that was being processed for ore was laced with lead; when the ore was grinded to extract the gold, the process generated clouds of lead laden dust, which was carried home by the workers and inhaled by the children (NPR Health News). The result showed an alarming impact on the mortality rate of children who were exposed to lead. According to The African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, approximately 400 children died within the first couple days of the lead infested mining incident, and a total of 40% of children died in the village of Zamfara within the year (The African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences). Medical attention was brought to the area when there was an unusual notice for the experience of deaths, vomiting of blood, and seizures in children. Health professionals discovered that while the international concerned level of lead poisoning is
  • 31. Booker T Washington Essay examples Booker T. Washington and the Struggle Against White Supremacy One of the most powerful black leaders to have ever live, this is what some people argued of Booker T. Washington. With a black mother and white father he never knew, Washington was born into slavery near Hale s Ford in Franklin County, Virginia. He worked growing up, and then attended Hampton Institute, a school designed to educate African and Native Americans. I don t think he knew, that anybody knew, how much he would change the world over his lifetime. There were many racists view s back then. Booker T. Washington learned how to work around whites to get what he wanted, and took many tours around the United States to teach other blacks. Racism has been around for ... Show more content on ... If they would abide by the law and cooperate, the industrial education would provide them with an economic niche. Eventually, he believed this would lead to economic independence. Of course, white people thought that Washington was trying to promote segregation and black inferiority. He was not trying to promote segregation, but he was going for black inferiority. Black people needed to do this. Washington was basically saying that if black people continued to work in their field, and other fields, they had the upper hand. They would learn all the techniques, and know everything about that field. Whites did not work, so they knew nothing. Without the blacks, they could not make any money. Booker T. Washington took many tours. The tour that I was most interested in was his tour of Florida. This caught my attention I live here in Florida. This is apart of its history. Washington started his tour of Florida on March 1, 1912. It lasted from March 1st til March 7th. His tour was sponsored by The Florida State Negro Business League. FSNBL was made up of businessmen and women who believed that they could form a good strong organization that would benefit and up build the colored race . They accomplished exactly what they wanted. Booker T. Washington s first stop on the was Pensacola. Pensacola was the home of Matthew Lewey, the publisher of the first black newspaper in Florida, the Florida Sentinel. This was not only
  • 32. Fast Food Persuasive Essay People have been paying money every time they ve gone through a drive through because of how much gas you waste. This has become a serious waste in the U.S. because so many citizens have been wasting their fuel in a long and slow line for five minutes; every time they go to a drive through. Drive Throughs have accounted for nearly seventy percent of fast foodsales because of how convenient they are. For these reasons being drive throughs should be banned from restaurants, so that people may not have to wastetheir time and money in a line. Even though thirty two million gallons of gas are being wasted per year, we shouldn t get rid of them because fast food places would go out of business. It all started in the 1930s, when the Grand National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri placed a teller in a window next to a traffic lane to let ... Show more content on ... This makes the Ozone layer above the Earth deplete and causes to get thinner. If this keeps happening, then the ozone layer will be completely destroyed and it couldn t stop the UV rays from hurting everyone. It states from the site Sfgate, Vehicle emissions can affect the environment in several ways. Cars emit greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming. This means when anyone goes to a drive through and doesn t turn off the car, help destroy the ozone layer even more. If we get rid of drive throughs in restaurants they would go out of business. That would mean that fifty thousand families would go out of business. Also, if this happens then a lot of people would lose their jobs and wouldn t be able to provide for themselves or their families. With this happening, parents won t be able to afford to have their child go to a school to better themselves in life. Then the economy starts to go down because aren t smart enough to do these complex jobs. That s why we should keep drive throughs instead of destroying
  • 33. The Building Blocks Of Learning Emily Whitmer Rose Glasser EDTP 201 10/28/16 Ethnography: The Building Blocks of Learning I remember my first day going to a school to observe. It felt more inquiring, rather than being obligated to go to school just because I had to, like the state required us to. Ever since I have been given two field placements, I have been increasingly interested in the teaching profession. My first field placement has been an eye opener for all other rolls in a school. It has showed me just how important other rolls are in a school, and how they can affect and tie into how a student does in a classroom. Having two field placements has given me a new outlook on the classroom environment, curriculum, and what goes on behind the scenes in the teaching profession. In my second field placement, which is what this ethnography will evolve around, I was placed at Blue Lick Elementary School (right next to Knight Middle School). Blue Lick Elementary School collaborates with Knight Middle School, to ease the transition to 6th grade. This school is located in Heritage Creek, which is also close to my first placement, Fairdale High School. The population in this neighborhood is low income. There are 480 students and the student teacher ratio is 16:1. Blue Lick Elementary School is a public co ed school and accepts grades pre kindergarten to 5th grade. At Blue Lick Elementary School, 66% of the students are white. The next majority of the students are black, which is 25% on a pie chart. Only 2% of
  • 34. The Impact of the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club on the... The Impact of the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club on the City of Montreal A sports team is vital to a large city such as Montreal. A sports team may have positive or negative impacts on a city. The team that will be focused on is the Montreal Canadiens. Despite the poor seasons that the team has recently endured, the Montreal Canadiens are still one of the most winningest franchises in all of sports. The team s long history as a winning organization has made the city of Montreal reputable. For my research, the three disciplines that will be focused on are sociology, geography, and economics. These disciplines are very much evident and important to my research topic, that being, the importance the Montreal ... Show more content on ... This incident took place during a playoff game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Philadelphia Flyers. The incident occurred when goaltender of the Flyers, Ron Hextall, left his crease to fight Chris Chelios of the Canadiens. Soon after a brawl erupted. This incident showed that no matter who is involved, the whole team stands up for each other. As mentioned in Sociology: Problems and Perspectives , Sociologists draw an important distinction between the purposes of our behaviour what we intend to do and the unintended consequences that our behaviour brings about. The purposes for which we do things may be very different from the consequences we produce. (Giddens 1991, 8) This gives a sort of an understanding for why the players stand up for each and
  • 35. that their actions, which led to a brawl, have consequences. As mentioned in Sociology in our Times Using the objective method, researchers assign individuals to social classes based on predetermined criteria (occupation, source, and amount of income, amount of education, and type and area of residence (Kendell, Linden and Murray 1998, 227) People that can afford to pay the high ticket prices to go to hockey games are the ones in the middle to upper class who live in the well established
  • 36. A Research Study On Cancer Telephone Helplines Cancer telephone helplines have been in existence for nearly four decades and continue to gradually grow in popularity. Trained specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions, provide information, and offer callers emotional support in order to help them cope with what they may be experiencing. These helplines are not only for cancerpatients, but also for their caregivers, friends, family, or anyone with a general interest in learning about or discussing cancer with a specialist. The purpose of this literature review is to ascertain the types of information that has been examined in studies of cancer information telephone helplines. With the number of people affected by cancer steadily increasing, it is important that... Show more content on ... Although cancer information telephone helplines seem to have grown in popularity over the years, they are still not used frequently enough to provide accurate results for researchers. By conducting more research studies on how to improve helplines for users, additional information could be generated on how to achieve a higher rate of usage. A predominance of studies conducted on cancer telephone helplines have focused on the types of clients calling the cancer information helplines. Since cancer affects not only the patient who is diagnosed, it can be expected that an assortment of clients will be calling in. In a study done in the Netherlands on the Dutch Cancer Society, Reubsaet, Lechner, and De Vries (2006) found that cancer patients accounted for 39 percent of clients, relatives/friends of patients accounted for 35 percent of clients, and the general public account for 26 percent of clients who contacted the Dutch Cancer Society Hotline. With respect to age, the callers ages ranged anywhere from 20 to 85 years old. In terms of gender, 78 percent of callers were female. Education level was the final client characteristic to be analyzed. Approximately one third of the callers had a higher level of education (college or university degree) and 36 percent reported receiving only a lower level of education such as primary school. It was also determined that the callers who were patients were significantly older than the
  • 37. Examples Of Daisy Buchanan In The Great Gatsby One of life s most difficult decisions is making the right choice when faced with two imperfect options. That is Daisy Buchanan s task throughout the book. The attention grabbing Great Gatsby was written by one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Daisy Buchanan, the female lead in Great Gatsby is an egocentric woman. Daisy s husband, Tom Buchanan is a one dimensional man and his relationship with Daisy is strained. Jay Gatsby, a former lover of Daisy s is a dreamer, and throughout the book he tries to fulfill an unachieveable dream, to bring back his past with Daisy. Daisy has to choose who she wants to in a relationship with and essentially what kind of lifestyle she wants to live. Throughout The Great Gatsby, ... Show more content on ... While everyone is together in New York, Daisy decides that it is the best time to confront Tom about her relationship with Gatsby. Before Daisy is able to tell Tom about Gatsby and herself, Tom and Gatsby get into a heated argument about Daisy and it is Gatsby and not Daisy tells Tom that Daisy never loved him. Tom is shocked. Tom turns to Daisy and says, What s been going on? I want to hear all about it (Fitzgerald 138). Gatsby starts talking before Daisy does though. He says, I told you what s been going on. Going on for five years and you didn t know (Fitzgerald 138). Tom continues to question Daisy. When Gatsby starts to talk again, he says, ... both of us loved each other all that time, old sport, and you didn t know (Fitzgerald 138). Tom does not believe anything Gatsby is saying. He yells at Gatsby, ... Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now (Fitzgerald 138). Daisy always wants to take the easy way out, and the easy way right now is to let them fight about her feelings and not participate. This shows how badly Jay Gatsby wants his past with Daisy back and what he will do to try and get it back. Daisy, on the other hand, is uncommitted to making a choice and is willing to let the two men make it for
  • 38. Controversy About Handicaped Children because it may be very controversial for any group of people that may offend them. But most ethicists will believe in one broke down definition. Ethicists will say that morality is how we are supposed to live and why. Furthermore, most people believe in three moral principles; you should not use people for your own personal gain, you should not kill to save someone else, and that every life is sacred. Because there can t be one definition of what morality is many people argue about many ideas and things making it very controversial. Like in this book a controversial topic may be about handicapped children and how they have to be handled. An example of how it can be controversial about handicapped children, there was a story of a kid named
  • 39. Porter s Five Forces Framework Essay In the age of industrialisation and globalisation, there are numerous companies attempting to operate effectively and efficiently. Nonetheless, it seems to be tough for many enterprises, which are struggling to develop, survive, as well as compete against other companies. Therefore, they need wise strategies to efficiently access the balance power in a business situation and determine the level of competitiveness in industries environment. Porter s Five Forces model focuses on business external environment where many factors influencing the success of companies, including industry rivalry, competition from new entrants, substitute products, bargaining power of buyers, as well as suppliers. (See Figure 1.). Porter s Five Forces Framework Source: Adapted from Porter, 2008, p.27. Figure 1. The diagram indicates Porter s Five Forces Framework. First of all, rivalry among existing competitors is also known as industry rivalry, which contains many kinds of competition, such as pricing strategies, new product launching, advertising campaigns, improvement of current goods and services, and sales promotion. (Dalken, 2014, p.3.). These types competition can be seen as barriers for many new businesses, which want to enter an industry with a high level of existing companies. Moreover, there are some other factors that help companies to determine the level of competitive rivalry, including the number of competing firms, the relative size of companies and market
  • 40. Tiny Homes Advantages And Disadvantages A Tiny Home is a house which is less than 300 400 square feet in size. Most of the Tiny Homes are only 200 square feet and they serve the purpose of providing comfort and safety quite well. This is the planning stage, when you must think of every significant thing or you might spend massive amounts of time rethinking your decisions. The idea is to think tiny. When you begin, you must understand what you need to carry out and to do that, you must know why Tiny Homes are so good for you. It helps you to plan your Tiny Home and make a list of things you want to do in it and the kind of items that are indispensable to your lifestyle. The main things that you should think about are the advantages, the utility aspect, expenses, and having your own solar panel grid for power for your house. The advantages are self explanatory. The utility factor includes simplicity, expense and minimalistic living. The solar power grid will need some figuring out from your side. You can read about how to make calculations in the coming chapters. Using solar power will cut costs and give you the mobility you need. Advantages of a Tiny Home в—Џ First, there is no wastage of space. Everything is within reach. в—Џ Next, you do not spend much, either on the building or for maintaining the Tiny Home. в—Џ When you begin to think small, your cost comes down. в—Џ The Tiny Homes are environmentally friendly since you will naturally produce less waste. в—Џ Life becomes simpler. o You cannot hang on to your shoe
  • 41. The Performance Of Premier League Football Teams Is there any correlation between changing managers and football clubs results? Managers often find themselves being sacked and replaced, sometimes only lasting a matter of days before having to move on. In this essay I will be investigating the performance of Premier League football teams, both with a change of manager and without, to see if there is evidence of a correlation between the changing managers and the results of football clubs. A look at the data from the past three seasons shows that Manchester City was consistently ranked in the top three on the league table. In earlier years though, they were not as successful. For example, in 2009, they came 10th. Upon changing manager, in 2010 they climbed 5 places, making it to 2nd by 2013. Finally, when Manuel Pellegrini took over for the 2013/2014, they made it to 1st place. For this team, it can be assumed that a change in manager led to better results. Another strong team according to data is Chelsea . In 2013, when Rafael Benitez was manager, they finished in 3rd place. They then changed manager, to JosГ© Mourinho, finishing 2nd in 2014, and 1st in 2015. These teams show evidence that a change in manager was beneficial, as they showed improvement when this occurred. Southampton also appears to prove correlation between a change in management and the team s outcomes. In 2012, with Nigel Adkins, they placed 14th at the end of the season. When Mauricio Pochettino came into control in 2013, they jumped up to 8th in
  • 42. Nirvana, By Kurt Cobain If the words alternative and rock are uttered together, chances are, Nirvana immediately comes to mind. Nirvana, lead by Kurt Cobain, intend to push messages that oppose the mainstream through their music and image. Even though, at the height of their popularity they could certainly be considered rock stars, in an interview with MTV in 1993 Kurt famously says we re not rock stars , he truly doesn t wish to be categorized as one. Nirvanamade a conscious effort to be seen in a completely different stream than the commercially successful bands of their time. By examining different Nirvana texts like music, lyrics and band photos, it is clear that Nirvana wanted to be decoded as different and oppositional. Beginning with the purest ... Show more content on ... Beginning with album title, Kurt originally wanted to name the album I Hate Myself I Want to Die (28). This title would certainly have worked in order to scare off the bands commercial fans. But I think this title could have been decoded on multiple levels depending on how well you know the band, same with the final title In Utero. I hate myself I want to die denotes that this album would have been depressing, personal and a reflection of Cobain s inner psyche. But as a true fan you might be able to decode it as ironic as Cobain constantly claims his music is not personal. Which is why this title could have worked to warn off the commercial fans. The potential title I hate myself I want to die is definitely not a typical title for an album. It feels personal, almost too personal and also very depressing, certainly not upbeat. Which definitely conveys how alternative Nirvana is, because music listeners only interested in popular music probably would not want to listen to an album about someone wanting to die. The title and album artwork of In Utero denotes a see through woman with blonde hair with wings. In Utero defined is, in the womb . The title an artwork, could possibly be connote as the mother of his child, Courtney Love. The title being In Utero, than could symbolize that the music on this album has been impacted by the birth of his daughter. I hate myself I want to die would have been a strong title to
  • 43. Technology Based Learning Essay Technology based learning (TBL) constitutes learning via electronic technology, including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing, bulletin boards, chat rooms, webcasts, and CD ROM. TBL also encompasses related terms, such as online learning and web based learning that only include learning that occurs via the Internet, and computer based learning that is restricted to learning through the use of computers. E learningis synonymous with TBL and has largely replaced it in scholarship and industry as the term of choice. TBL holds the promise of substantially transforming the way learning takes place because of its numerous advantages. Among these, TBL fosters greater accessibility to learning by offering anytime and anywhere delivery. It is readily scalable to both large and small groups since it can accommodate larger numbers of learners at little extra cost and smaller groups of learners that otherwise would not be able to participate in traditional classroom training for lack of enrollments. Further, the content of TBL courses, especially those that are delivered online, can be centrally developed and updated whenever the need arises; therefore, the cost of replacing outdated course materials and retraining teachers and instructors drops significantly. From the learners point of view, TBL can be self paced and matched to the learner s needs, and, building on pedagogy that emphasizes the merits of discovery learning, it offers
  • 44. Glucose In Bloodstream A hormone made and released by the pancreas that regulates the levels of glucose present in the bloodstream by moving from the pancreas and opening the body cells to let glucose in for energy. A hormone that is produced in the pancreas and released from the liver as a response of having too little blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, in the bloodstream. A test that in which a solution with 75 grams of glucose is ingested after 3 days of a high carbohydrate diet and fasting takes place the night before the test, and blood and urine samples are taken from time to time after the intake and lasts up to 6 hours. The blood and urine samples will show if there is the blood glucose takes an unusually long time to be on normal levels. A type of diabetes ... Show more content on ... A type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy where the placenta, a place where the baby stays nourished, disturbs the normal responses of insulin in the body. A dominant type of Type 2 diabetes that stands for maturity onset diabetes of youth, in which onset, or the beginning of the disease, occurs in late adolescents or early adulthood. The condition of having little glucose in the bloodstream. The condition of having great glucose levels in the bloodstream. A complication in which there is an extremely low level of insulin in the body in order to control glucose, causing a very high blood glucose level. A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the nervous system does not respond quick enough in certain limbs, but can cause other conditions such as extreme pain, weakness, or clogs in blood flow. A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the kidney loses its function. A condition that can be caused by diabetes in which the retina can have internal hemorrhaging or edema, which would cause a loss of sight. Cell in the pancreas that produces glucagon as a result of hypoglycemia, or the condition of having too little levels of
  • 45. Before I Came To The Rca And To London, I Worked As A Textile Before I came to the RCA and to London, I worked as a textile designer specialising in the design of men s ties in Seoul, South Korea. My business was relatively small and I enjoyed making bespoke textiles for my customers. Over time, I got to know my customers well, and tried to base my designs on this personal knowledge. I wanted the ties to be more than just mere physical objects; instead I wanted to imbue them with an emotional attachment that reflected the relationship between me and my customers and my knowledge of their lives and personalities. I began talking to my customers and noticed that unconsciously my designs were becoming more dialogical2, a graphical representation of the conversations and stories we shared. This ... Show more content on ... The new research raises the question of ethical silk, made without the destruction of the moth within the cocoon, and the ethics of employment practices within the silk manufacturing industry today. The majority of mass production generates pollution, which causes climate change. In an era of fast fashion, mass produced textile waste has continued to grow4. According to the report Valuing our Clothes , extending the average life of clothes by only three months of active use would lead to a five to ten per cent reduction in each of the carbon, water and waste footprints; around 350,000 tonnes of used clothing ends up in landfill in the UK every year5. Waste is not just a UK problem. Dongdaemoon market is the biggest fashion and textiles market in South Korea. Many young designers work there but follow fashion trends rather than creating their own unique designs. About 20 tonnes of fabric waste is generated per day. Seoul city authorities estimate that it collects about 5,000 tonnes of waste resources, such as fabric and banners, per year from the Dongdaemoon market.6 The challenge of designing environmentally friendly textiles within existing economic systems without
  • 46. A Short Note On The Uses And Functions Of A Server On... BIND in Linux BIND (Berkeley Internet name domain) is the most commonly used DNS (domain name system) server on the Internet, and it is the defacto standard on Linux and other Unix like operating systems. DNS is the name resolution (i.e., translation) system that permits users to locate computers on a network by using their domain name rather than their IP addresses. IP addresses, which form the basis of addressing on the Internet and most other networks, each can contain as many as 12 digits under the currently mainstream IPv4 addressing scheme (or as many as 32 hexadecimal digits under the next generation IPv6 addressing scheme). It can be difficult for humans to remember such addresses, but it is relatively easy for them to remember domain names, which typically use alphabetic characters and consist of words, abbreviations or acronyms. BINDprovides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the DNS, including a DNS server (called named), a DNS resolver library and tools for verifying the proper operation of the DNS server. The resolver library is a collection of functions written in the C programming language that provides hostname to IP address and IP address to hostname lookup services.BIND was originally written at University of California at Berkeley (UCB) as a graduate student project under a grant from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA). The acronym BIND originally stood for Berkeley Internet
  • 47. Lin Manuel Miranda Influence An influential person is a person who affects people s lives. They have their words heard and some people can agree with them and some people cannot. They are inspirational or seen as evil and cruel and people watch them for good reasons. This essay will explain why Lin Manuel Miranda is a influential person and how his words are inspirational. Lin Manuel shows that musicis one of the best tools to use to spread inspiration and become influential. Miranda has taken his talent for music and writing and words to inspire people. Most to all of his listeners would agree, he is definitely very influential. Lin Manuel Miranda, a person who has won countless awards for his music, creating the Broadway hits In The Heights and Hamilton The Musical ... Show more content on ... The first part of his speech states that nothing in life can be insured, it s all up to the people and what they decide to do. His musical Hamilton is proof that history is remembered and it is up to the people to not repeat anything bad, learning from the experience of our ancestors. Clearly, we all have to get back up on our feet even when hate and fear are growing and never give up. The last part of his speech tells you that if you love someone or something, do not let others influence that. People can love who/what they want and it can never be killed or swept aside . Another speech, this one about his Grammy, says, We write music, we write songs to tell a story, This clearly shows and supports the importance of music like his, inspiring others and telling stories like books, informing people through music that can toy with your emotions just as well if not better than books can. A last speech, this one from his Pulitzer Prize, says, To be the 9th musical to ever win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in its 100 year history is truly humbling for all of us. For Hamilton to now be in the same company as Of Thee I Sing, South Pacific,......... Rent, and most recently Next to Normal is outside of our own comprehension. Look at where we are. Look at where we started. Quoting lyrics from the musical that won the award, Miranda shows his
  • 48. The Golden Years Are The Typical Societal Perception... The golden years are the typical societal perception of adequate finances, good health and spare time that offers older people the opportunity and freedom of enjoying a phase where life is lived to the full (Barnes, 2011). This notion is rather a misconception, appertaining predominately to the financially secure minority who have always lived with relative ease. In comparison, the lifelong rigours of those less fortunate tends to result in them being one of society s most vulnerable through succumbing to age related problems, particularly frailty, physical and mental impairments. Hindered with low income, poor support networks and deteriorating health at an earlier age, life for a growing number of older citizens increasingly lacks quality, revolving around loneliness, pain and misery (Norton and West, 2014). Living with substantial difficulties commonly brings the sensation of life existence , signified with the loss of independence, visibility, control, dignity and self respect which arises from being reliant upon others to meet basic needs (Martinsson et al, 2012). The multitude of debilitating factors, termed identifiable risks , have the power to create various types of suffering; from neglect and the inability to self care, to subjection to abuse from rough treatment inflicted by others. Regardless of how harm manifests the consequences are limitless damage to individual s overall wellbeing, from possible mental health issues like depression through loss of
  • 49. Incompetence In Psychology Incompetence is the lack of understanding or the failure to do something correctly, which might cause harmful effects upon the patient being treated. Ethical decision making matters in the field of psychology and the rest of the mental health fields because it sets boundaries for practices. While incompetence might be a main reason for mistreatment there is the type of situation where therapists try to avoid the patient but is unable to. The reason for this is known as an unavoidable dilemma, where a therapist sees a patient who might he/she wants to avoid, for fear of safety or just does not want to see that patient. Yet, if the therapist accepts the patient then there could be another unavoidable dilemma, such as eventually saying something... Show more content on ... If the therapist feels uncomfortable with seeing the patient for any reason the therapist may refuse service and can refer the patient to another mental health professional. This would probably be the reason to avoid the patient because the therapist might lack competence in certain areas, as stated before. In 1987, Wicklund and Braun observed from another study that competence is learned from socialization over years of practice and schooling (p. 374). By definition, incompetence is the lack of experience and it could lead to frustrating the therapist (Wicklund Braun, 1987). Within the role of being competent, there is always the possibility that the therapist needs to perform because of pressure from the patient to determine a correct diagnosis (Wicklund Braun, 1987). This pressure might cause the therapist to lack certain performance and cause an incorrect diagnosis, just because the therapist has no clue about the certain area of interest affecting the
  • 50. Zebra Research Paper What does the zebra do that it became an invasive species? Zoologist Peter Simon Pallas in the Ural, Volga, and Dnieper rivers. However, the zebra mussel has been accidentally introduced to numerous other areas, and has become an invasive species in many countries worldwide. Since the 1980s, they have invaded the Great Lakes and the Hudson River. They are commonly found on the bottom of ships and eat the algae that is food for fish. Inspectors check ships for the mussels before they leave port. Zebra mussels are native to Eastern Europe and Western Russia and were brought over to the Great Lakes in the ballast water of ships. Populations of zebra mussels were first discovered in the Great Lakes in 1988. Impacts: Zebra mussels can be a
  • 51. The Joy Luck Club Identity Essay Identity Search Everyone has a different personality, has preferences, and enjoys doing a special hobby or pastime. In the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, the young Chinese American girls make themselves believe they should be different than who they are. The same concept follows with the article Stop the Absanity by Taffy Brodesser Anker about false body imaging. A common theme both pieces of writing share is being true to one s self. In the article, Anker asks, Is it time to talk about why we ve chosen abs as the thing we pick on? (118). This is similar to the novel because it addresses the issue Lena has with her eyes. Since her genes are of Chinese descent, she has small eyes, even though she wishes to have European eyes. As a child she would walk around with her ... Show more content on ... . . (120), making the abdomen the prominent aspect of the picture. This relates to when Lindo travels to China and is spotted as a tourist. This is because despite her facial features and heritage, her American appearance make the people label her as a tourist. This leaves her to feel ashamed, as people do who know their abs aren t up to standards. Finally, Anker states that people, have chosen the place where we feel our emotions and tried to spot reduce it away (122) meaning most emotions are felt deep in the stomach and now less emotion will be felt. This corresponds with Jing mei s fear in China of being seen as an American, but also not finding any Chinese components within herself because she feels like she has ignored her true culture for too long and will never be able to become part of it. This shows that Jing mei accepts that she needs to find her true self and will stop pretending not to be Chinese. Altogether, many of the characters in the novel The Joy Luck Club struggle to figure out their identities, but as suggested in Stop the Absanity by Anker, the pressures of society share misleading ideas that make it easier to feel better in their own skin rather
  • 52. Frida, By Julie Taymor Frida the movie was released in 2002 and directed by Julie Taymor. The cast included Salma Hayek as (Frida), Alfred Molina as (Diego Rivera), Ashley Judd, Antonio Banderas, Edward Norton, Mia Maestro, and Geoffrey Rush. The film is a biography of the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. She is a woman who came from a very simple background. Kahlo rose to fame as an artist with an unique vision for her craft. She endured a difficult relationship with her husband/mentor Diego Rivera. Many of her paintings are based on her experiences in life. She is also an artist who from the opinion of many, painted from her soul. Director Julie Taymor was able to capture and visually show us the life of Fridaby using creative and dynamic angles to bring Frida s paintings to life. Frida s rise to success was defined by the challenges she faced throughout her life. She had this sense of durability, strength and resilience. She was rude, bold and also smoked and drank like the men around her. At first Frida painted what she felt, but it wasn t for anyone to see or to be sold. She would paint it and express every tragedy that affected her. In my opinion, her rise began once she witnessed her husband having and affair with her sister. It hurt her so much inside the only way to describe how she felt and let it out was she had to paint it. After that, she went on her own and continued painting her pain. Through out her life she went through many hardships that caused her pain internally.
  • 53. Christian Monologue Christian, I needed to write you this to show you how much you mean to me. However, no matter how many words I use, it won t be enough. Just the thought of you makes me smile. And being in your arms is the best feelings in the world. From the day we met and started talking, I knew there was something different about you. From our first date, I could tell we were gonna be together for a while. And these past six months have proven to me that we re going to last forever. I m so comfortable with you and I feel like I can be more open than I ever have before. With you, I feel like I can do anything. You ve become a big part of my life and I don t want that to EVER change. I plan on being with you for as long as possible because you make me happy. I want what s best for you and what makes you happy and if that s me, I m one lucky girl.... Show more content on ... We clicked instantly and we love each other so much it doesn t feel real. You do so much for me, I don t know where to start. You re so special. Christian, you re the one for me. I don t want to ever let you go. Never. Like absolutely not letting go. I need you. You re my other half, my best friend, and the love of my life. I m so in love with you. I d give you the world if you asked. I couldn t let go of you. I couldn t walk away. I just
  • 54. Nuclear Power And Uranium Essay Nuclear power and uranium. Have you ever wondered how nuclear power works? Nuclear power has been around for a long time, and there are more nuclear power plants than you think. It takes a lot of materials to make a nuclear power plant, and there s a lot of things you don t know about uranium. You are closer than you think from a power plant. Nuclear plants take a lot of materials and manpower to build and run. Nuclear power is a good source of energy, but it is very complicated. Nuclear power has been around for a long time, and there are more nuclear power plants than you think. There are 438 nuclear power plants in the world in 2015, and 67 being built as you read. The USA has the most amount of nuclear ... Show more content on ... You need 400000 cubic yards of concrete in making a nuclear power plant, and 66000 tons of steel. There s 300 miles of electric wiring, and 130000 electrical components There s 3500 workers at the peak construction of a nuclear power plant, and two to four billion dollars to build a nuclear power plant. There s 400 to 700 jobs in a nuclear power plant, and 470 million dollars of energy made in a year at a nuclear power plant. There s a lot of things you don t know about uranium. The first found of uranium was martin heinrich klaproth, and Otto Hahn Fritz Strassmann found nuclear fission. one ton of uranium can make 40 million kilowatts of energy Uranium was named after Uranus, and uranium is number 92 on elements chart. Uranium is 48th most abundant element found on Earth, and uranium more abandon silver. Uranium more dense than lead, and a gallon of milk, 8 pounds same size gallon of uranium 150 pounds Uranium is 100 dollars per pound. 1kg of uranium is 2 to 3 times more energy than coal or oil. uranium melting point 2070 F, and uranium boil point 7468 F. Uranium was used in glass to color. You are closer than you think from a power
  • 55. Blood Flow Dilated Cardiomyopathy Case Study Heart(cardiovascular) disease involves many statuses where the normal function is disrupted by the condition of the heart or blood vessels. It will slow down the delivery of oxygenated blood into the body. There are several requirements for the heart to have a normal function. There needs to be adaptable coronary circulation because the vessels that supply the oxygen and nutrients to the heartmust be functional, capable and meet increased demands when needed. It must provide a flexible response by the myocardial contractile cells so when the animal needs additional cardiac output during exercise and stress, the cells of the heart can provide a higher heart rate output. The valves on the heart are crucial and must be maintained for blood flow... Show more content on ... It is a disease of the heart muscle that is characterized by an enlarged heart that alters its ability to function properly. DCM is a primary myocardial disease characterized by cardiac chamber enlargement, arrhythmias, and diminished cardiac contractility (Case et., al 2011). The upper and lower chambers of the heart become enlarged, with usually one side being more severe than the other. Specifically, when the lower chamber becomes enlarged, its ability to pump blood out of the lungs and body deteriorates. If this happens, fluid begins to fill the lungs and the heart becomes more overloaded which then can lead to CHF ( PetMD). Signs and symptoms that pertain to DCM include lethargy, anorexia, shortness of breath, coughing, abdominal digestion, a slight loss of consciousness (PetMD). The enlarged heart can push against the trachea and cause severe coughing. Portuguese Water Dogs can develop clinical signs of CHF as young as 2 3 months of age. There are indications that appear to be a genetic predisposition in several large and giant breeds. Irish Wolfhounds, Great Danes, Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, Dobermans, and Boxers are breeds that show an increased incidence of DCM (Case et., al
  • 56. Decision Making at Google Decision Making at Google Inc. Data Google defines itself as a non conventional company which intentionally avoids the traditional management models. Google has been managed differently in an atmosphere of creativity and challenge. That said by Eric Schmidt, CEO, who also affirms that the business is driven according what Peter Drucker understood as a way to manage the knowledge workers in 1959. The idea was first described in his book The Landmarks of Tomorrow . We know now that the source of wealth is something specifically human: knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it productivity . If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different we call it innovation . Only knowledge allows us ... Show more content on ... By principle number 7 Strive to reach consensus ; Google stick on the view that the many are smarter than the few and solicit a broad base of views before reaching any decision. The role of the manager is that of an aggregator of viewpoints, not the dictator of decisions. Principle number 8 is also the corporate slogan: Don t be evil . Schmidt, co founder and CEO says that the company really tries to live by it, particularly in the ranks of management. Google fosters to create an atmosphere of tolerance and respect, not a company full of yes men. Google faces the challenge of evolving management techniques as the company grows. As decision making pervades all managerial actions and is a continuous process, Google practices characterize the strategic decision making process of the company. In this new model, the decision making process is guided by a powerful coalition acting as a team and also permits decisions to evolve through trial and error and incremental steps as needed, as Daft mentions (2007, p.299). Daft also affirms that this new process relies less on hard data as a basis of good decisions. This statement differs from what Goggle practices as mentioned on principle 9. The 9th principle applies the company knowledge to support decision making: Data drive decisions . At Google, almost every decision is based on quantitative analysis. Google uses its systems to manage information not only on the Internet, but internally also. The corporation employs