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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (III)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics &
Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and
Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN
University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt – 15th
May 2020
Paper hypothesis
The Earth Moon is a unique Planet In The Solar System
The Earth Moon practices a great effect on the solar system geometry more than any
other moon in the solar group.
Paper Objective
The paper tries to prove that –
The Earth Moon Orbit Is Created By A Force has Geometrical Features can't be
produced by The Masses Gravity.
Is There A Geometrical Shape For The Space?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- Introduction
This paper provides a clear puzzle
Let's try to explain it in very simple words
There's a value seen frequently in Jupiter data which is the value 201467 million km
This value is seen in Jupiter different data…
And …..Where's the question?
This Value is seen inside the Earth Moon Orbit? The same 201467 million km
Let's provide some details – to see much better
Equation no. (a)
201467 mkm = 2 x The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total 100733.5 mkm
Equation no. (b)
201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π
Equation no. (c)
201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2
Equation no. (d)
201467 mkm = Jupiter Diameter x The Sun Diameter
So the value 201467 mkm is a specific value – because – it equals double the solar
planets orbital circumferences total
Now this value 201467 mkm is seen inside the Earth Moon Orbit – the question is
Now the Moon Orbit is so similar to Jupiter Data
For example
Jupiter diameter =8 planets diameters total – means
The total solar planets diameters total = 2 Jupiter diameters + 1 Saturn diameter
The total solar planets diameters total = Earth Moon Distance At Apogee Radius
How to explain that?
There's one hypothesis we have to accept to explain this puzzle which is
(A Hypothesis) Space = Energy (means the distance = Energy)
Now we can provide our conclusion
Jupiter Motion Energy is transported into the Earth Moon Orbit –
This conclusion is a try to explain how the data is created –
The paper provides a clear puzzle which is the data – Simply the data is the great
challenge before our eyes – it's incredible – The Earth Moon data is a mirror for
Jupiter Data and no other explanation is available – so let's provide it in following..
Paper Contents
2- Jupiter Data Analysis
3- The Earth Moon Orbit Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Jupiter Data Analysis
2-1 Jupiter Diameter (Revision)
2-2 Jupiter Energy (Revision)
2-1 Jupiter Diameter (Revision)
2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total
Jupiter Diameter =8 Planets Diameters Total
2 Jupiter Circumferences - 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter (error 1.3%)
(Jupiter Diameter)2
+ (Saturn Diameter)2
= (0.5 Saturn Circumference)2
Saturn Diameter – Jupiter Radius = Neptune Diameter x 0.99
The previous equations try to show the following
A- There's a deep relationship between Jupiter and Saturn Diameters – Saturn
Diameter is created almost as a function of Jupiter diameter – this idea we get
easily from Equation No. 2 Where the difference between 2 Jupiter
Circumferences and 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter – means no
outer players – Saturn Diameter is created as a direct function of Jupiter
B- Also This Relationship Between Jupiter & Saturn is a fruitful relationship and
because of that Neptune Diameter could be defined based on this relationship
Please Note
We try to explain how the data is created- now – someone claimed that – the planets
data is created by different process through the history which aren't known and can't
be defined – simply – he requests us to stop to ask how the planets data is created –
but how to deal with such approach – I was not there when the big bang occurred if
it's occurred ever – and didn't see the solar system creation progress – I have just the
data to conclude from it how the history was – now if I remove the data under any
consideration what else we will have to investigate the solar system history – the data
is seen before our eyes – regardless how that happened – but clearly we see that
Saturn Diameter is Created as a function in Jupiter diameter – the data makes no
confusion – even we can't conclude the reverse – Jupiter diameter can't be a function
in Saturn diameter–the data tells us clearly that Saturn is created after Jupiter
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-2 Jupiter Energy (Revision)
Jupiter Data is discussed in my paper frequently – that's why I refer to just some
points only…
Let's remember Jupiter Energy – in following –
Equation no. (1)
201467 mkm = 2 x The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total 100733.5 mkm
Equation no. (2)
201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π
Equation no. (3)
201467 mkm = 28255 mkm + 2 x 86400 mkm
Equation no. (4)
201467 mkm = 2 x 86400 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec
Equation no. (5)
201467 mkm = 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) x 41
Equation no. (6)
201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2
Equation no. (7)
201467 mkm = Jupiter Diameter x The Sun Diameter
The main idea behind this data is that
The value 100733.5 mkm = The Solar Planets Orbital Circumferences Total
The number 201467 mkm = double this value 100733.5 mkm
And this number 201467 mkm is repeated with Jupiter data – specifically in -
Equation no. (2)
201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π
This equation tells that – the value 201467 mkm is found in the distance between
Jupiter and Pluto
Equation no. (6)
201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2
This equation tells that – the same value 201467 mkm is found based on Jupiter
circumference – means – the value 201467 mkm doesn't limited its effect on Jupiter
distance but also uses Jupiter Diameter –
And because
The sun diameter = Jupiter diameter x π2
That makes the same value 201467 mkm is seen with Jupiter diameter –
The previous 7 equations were discussed deeply in the previous papers (References)
Then we have a simple question – why this value 201467 mkm is used frequently
with Jupiter Data? Now let's see this same valie 201467 mkm in the moon orbit!
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- The Earth Moon Orbit Analysis
3-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle
3-2 The Moon orbit Area
3-3 A Deep Discussion
3-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle
Figure No.1 (Note Please – FDBR is a square)
Figure shows the moon orbit around Earth with some details (my created figure)
AB= BC= 86000 km= 2x 43000 km
BR=CR = 43000 km
AD=BD = 43000 km
EB =363000 km = Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach)
EC= 378000 km= Earth Moon Distance when the moon in total solar eclipse point
EG= 384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance (registered in NASA Planetary sheet)
ED= 406000 km = Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach)
+ (86000 km)2
= (EC)2
(error 1%)
+ (86000 km)2
= (EG)2
(error 0.5%)
+ (86000 km)2
= (S)2
(where S= 394000 km- unknown point)
+ (86000 km)2
= (ED)2
(error 0.7%)
AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter
EC = 378000 km = Saturn Circumference
AE= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference
(Angle E =13.1 degrees)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Data (Explanation)
EB =363000 km = (Perigee Radius) =The Outer Planets Diameters Total (Error 1%)
ED= 406000 km= (Apogee Radius) = The Solar Planets Diameters Total
EC= 378000 km= Total solar eclipse Radius) = Saturn Circumference
BD= 43000 km = distance from Perigee to apogee = Earth Circumference = the inner
planets diameters total (the space only =43000 -3475 = 39525 km) (1.2%)
Let's try to see that as deep as possible
If we put the moon on the perigee point accurately – in this case – the distance from
Earth to the moon including the moon diameter will be = the outer planets diameters
total without error – and in this same case the rest distance to the apogee radius
(406000km) will be 39525 km which = Earth Circumference = the inner diameters
total (1.4%)
That may explain the geometrical distribution of the distances
The previous Triangle is very complex one – how this triangle is created?
I have used the Earth as the origin point –
Then I have drawn the distance EA = Jupiter Circumference = 449378.3 km
And the distance EC = Saturn Circumference =378827 km
Based on these 2 lines – all the triangle data is created – all data is created based on
Pythagoras rule –
The produced data shows the moon motion basic points –
So Point (B) = Perigee Radius =0.363 mkm
Point (C) = Total Solar Eclipse Radius =0.378 mkm
Point (D) = Apogee Radius =0.406 mkm
All data is defined depending on each other by Pythagoras Rule – from the figure we
can conclude that the distance AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter
The Point A=449378.3 km
Please examine deeply the point A in the previous triangle – the distance from Earth
to Point A = Jupiter Circumference = 449378.3 km
The moon never reach to this point – Where the moon doesn't move beyond the
apogee radius 406000 km – so the point 449378.3 km must be out of the moon orbit!
We will see that it's not true - but here we may notice that the distance from perigee
to apogee =43000 km = the distance from apogee radius to the point A
That means
The apogee point is found in the middle point between Perigee Point and the point (A)
That refers to some geometrical consistency – but Why?
I want to say – there's a geometrical power behind causes these value but what's it?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 The Moon orbit Area
I - Data
The area between the point 371264 km and the point A (= 449378.3 km= Jupiter
circumference) – this area = 201467 mkm2
is the area of rectangle its length =201467 mkm and its breadth =1mkm
The value 201467 mkm which is seen frequently in Jupiter Data is seen again in the
Earth moon orbit data!
The area between (449378.3 km "Jupiter Circumference" and "378827 km
"Saturn Circumference" = 201467 mkm2
(with error 2%)
II- Discussion
Let's summarize the main idea in following:
- The Triangle uses 2 values – Saturn Circumference and Jupiter Circumference,
Now the value (201467 mkm which I call Jupiter Energy) this energy is restricted
between Saturn Circumference to Jupiter Circumference- Why?
Let's remember one of Jupiter equation ….,
- 2 Jupiter Circumferences – 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter.
Based on this equation we have concluded that Saturn diameter is created as a
function of Jupiter diameter – and now we see that the energy is restricted between
Jupiter Circumference and Saturn Circumference
I wish we see clearly the geometrical hand behind – the moon orbit creation is so
complex beyond the masses gravity force capacity….
- The distance from Earth to perigee. This Distance contains 2 x 201467 mkm as
an area – to have accurate calculations – the value 2 x210467 mkm should be the
area of a distance starts from 60000 km far from Earth to perigee radius – means
the area of the distance (363000km -60000 km = 303000 km) this distance area
will be 2 x210467 – why we leave 60000 km? to make a curate calculations! But
what's this 60000 km? it's Saturn Radius!
- I want to say that – the moon orbit is created by geometrical interactions – the
perigee radius isn't defined base on the Earth mass gravity relative to the moon –
there's a complex geometrical power behind – the gravity forces definition is so
poor to provide this huge geometrical effect – there's a major force used in the
solar system creation and this major force is absent from our physics book
- The solar system geometry is so complex than the current theories imagine
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
But– Why there's a error 2%?
- We have accepted that the energy is restricted between Saturn Circumference and
Jupiter Circumference- Now Saturn Circumference is the total solar eclipse radius
means –at the radius 378827 km the moon could cause total solar eclipse but with
any longer distance the moon will lose its ability because its disc will be smaller
than the sun disc – that means – Saturn Circumference is the last point on which
the moon could cause the total solar eclipse – what does that mean?
- The energy (201467 mkm) is restricted between the total solar eclipse and Point A!
Why? how to understand that? we can't understand that! why? because we don't
know what important job the total solar eclipse does in the solar system geometry!
What is the result of the total solar eclipse? What benefit any one get of it?!
- I can't complete this question discussion because I don't know what the total solar
eclipse effect on the solar system geometry – it's hard question – and to answer we
have to answer the ancient question "how the matter is created?" or directly – Does
Earth matter get any benefit of this total solar eclipse? Can Earth diameter be
changed if no total solar eclipse be occurred? Again "how the matter is created?
- The question is hard because of Saros Cycle – Where Saros wipes the Earth
circumference by the total solar eclipse umbra- and this wipe is seen for us as a
cycle called (Saros) – the point here is that – Earth Diameter is a qualified for this
process – means – Saros can be seen as A Cycle because Earth diameter is
qualified for it – and that means – Earth Diameter (12756 km) is created to be
qualified to Saros Cycle!
- Please see The Powerful Geometrical Hand Behind The Moon Orbit Creation
- But what about the error 2%? can we explain it more clearly- let's try in the next
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-3 A Deep Discussion
The Distance EC = 378827 km = Saturn Circumference
To have accurate 201467 mkm we need to use the value 371264 km with error 2%
from the value 378827 km
So we can put the value 371264 km beside the point C and send a perpendicular line
on the base and calculate the difference from the point (B) – Perigee radius –
So in the new triangle
If the triangle hypotenuse will be 371264 km in place of 378827 km
So the distance E (B/) will be 361573 km (in place of perigee 363000 km) with
difference = 1427 km
Now let's start from the perigee (B) to the point (A), this distance =
(Point A 449378.3 km – Point B 363000 km) = 86378.3 km
So let's add the 2 values together (regardless how that can be done!)
86378.3 km +1427 km = 88000 km (approximately)
The moon daily displacement = 88000 km (result no. 1)
449378.3 km = 88000 km x 5.1 (result no. 2)
5.1 degrees = the moon orbit inclination
I want to say– the radius (point) A which = 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference –
This point is a basic point in the moon orbit geometry – even if the moon doesn't
reach to it – but – the moon orbit geometrical structure is a general system defines the
moon motion and its boundaries- so it's not the masses gravity which prevent the
moon to move far from apogee radius – but it’s the geometrical system which creates
the moon orbit and defines its motion- this complex process is done by the energy
which is sent from Jupiter to the moon orbit and this energy causes the great effect of
Jupiter on the moon motion and creation data.
Please review
Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (I)
Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why?
Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? (II)
The Earth Moon is Older Than Saturn
The Earth is Older Than The Sun
The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II)
Uranus Effect On Mars Migration
Can Titius Bode Law Disprove Mars Immigration Theory?
Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles"
Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of publications:
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
List of publications

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Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (III)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (III) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt – 15th May 2020 Abstract Paper hypothesis The Earth Moon is a unique Planet In The Solar System i.e. The Earth Moon practices a great effect on the solar system geometry more than any other moon in the solar group. Paper Objective The paper tries to prove that – The Earth Moon Orbit Is Created By A Force has Geometrical Features can't be produced by The Masses Gravity. References Is There A Geometrical Shape For The Space?
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- Introduction This paper provides a clear puzzle Let's try to explain it in very simple words There's a value seen frequently in Jupiter data which is the value 201467 million km This value is seen in Jupiter different data… And …..Where's the question? This Value is seen inside the Earth Moon Orbit? The same 201467 million km Let's provide some details – to see much better Equation no. (a) 201467 mkm = 2 x The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total 100733.5 mkm Equation no. (b) 201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π Equation no. (c) 201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2 Equation no. (d) 201467 mkm = Jupiter Diameter x The Sun Diameter So the value 201467 mkm is a specific value – because – it equals double the solar planets orbital circumferences total Now this value 201467 mkm is seen inside the Earth Moon Orbit – the question is why? Now the Moon Orbit is so similar to Jupiter Data For example Jupiter diameter =8 planets diameters total – means The total solar planets diameters total = 2 Jupiter diameters + 1 Saturn diameter But The total solar planets diameters total = Earth Moon Distance At Apogee Radius How to explain that? There's one hypothesis we have to accept to explain this puzzle which is (A Hypothesis) Space = Energy (means the distance = Energy) Now we can provide our conclusion A CONCLUSION Jupiter Motion Energy is transported into the Earth Moon Orbit – This conclusion is a try to explain how the data is created – BUT The paper provides a clear puzzle which is the data – Simply the data is the great challenge before our eyes – it's incredible – The Earth Moon data is a mirror for Jupiter Data and no other explanation is available – so let's provide it in following.. Paper Contents 2- Jupiter Data Analysis 3- The Earth Moon Orbit Analysis
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- Jupiter Data Analysis 2-1 Jupiter Diameter (Revision) 2-2 Jupiter Energy (Revision) 2-1 Jupiter Diameter (Revision) I-Data (1) 2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total i.e. Jupiter Diameter =8 Planets Diameters Total (2) 2 Jupiter Circumferences - 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter (error 1.3%) (3) (Jupiter Diameter)2 + (Saturn Diameter)2 = (0.5 Saturn Circumference)2 (1.2%) (4) Saturn Diameter – Jupiter Radius = Neptune Diameter x 0.99 II-Discussion The previous equations try to show the following A- There's a deep relationship between Jupiter and Saturn Diameters – Saturn Diameter is created almost as a function of Jupiter diameter – this idea we get easily from Equation No. 2 Where the difference between 2 Jupiter Circumferences and 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter – means no outer players – Saturn Diameter is created as a direct function of Jupiter diameter B- Also This Relationship Between Jupiter & Saturn is a fruitful relationship and because of that Neptune Diameter could be defined based on this relationship Please Note We try to explain how the data is created- now – someone claimed that – the planets data is created by different process through the history which aren't known and can't be defined – simply – he requests us to stop to ask how the planets data is created – but how to deal with such approach – I was not there when the big bang occurred if it's occurred ever – and didn't see the solar system creation progress – I have just the data to conclude from it how the history was – now if I remove the data under any consideration what else we will have to investigate the solar system history – the data is seen before our eyes – regardless how that happened – but clearly we see that Saturn Diameter is Created as a function in Jupiter diameter – the data makes no confusion – even we can't conclude the reverse – Jupiter diameter can't be a function in Saturn diameter–the data tells us clearly that Saturn is created after Jupiter Creation.
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 2-2 Jupiter Energy (Revision) Jupiter Data is discussed in my paper frequently – that's why I refer to just some points only… Let's remember Jupiter Energy – in following – I-Data Equation no. (1) 201467 mkm = 2 x The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total 100733.5 mkm Equation no. (2) 201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π Equation no. (3) 201467 mkm = 28255 mkm + 2 x 86400 mkm Equation no. (4) 201467 mkm = 2 x 86400 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec Equation no. (5) 201467 mkm = 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) x 41 Equation no. (6) 201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2 Equation no. (7) 201467 mkm = Jupiter Diameter x The Sun Diameter II-Discussion The main idea behind this data is that The value 100733.5 mkm = The Solar Planets Orbital Circumferences Total Now The number 201467 mkm = double this value 100733.5 mkm And this number 201467 mkm is repeated with Jupiter data – specifically in - Equation no. (2) 201467 mkm = (Pluto Orbital Circumference – Jupiter orbital circumference) x 2π This equation tells that – the value 201467 mkm is found in the distance between Jupiter and Pluto Equation no. (6) 201467 mkm = (Jupiter Circumference 449378.3 km)2 This equation tells that – the same value 201467 mkm is found based on Jupiter circumference – means – the value 201467 mkm doesn't limited its effect on Jupiter distance but also uses Jupiter Diameter – And because The sun diameter = Jupiter diameter x π2 That makes the same value 201467 mkm is seen with Jupiter diameter – The previous 7 equations were discussed deeply in the previous papers (References) Then we have a simple question – why this value 201467 mkm is used frequently with Jupiter Data? Now let's see this same valie 201467 mkm in the moon orbit!
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 3- The Earth Moon Orbit Analysis 3-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle 3-2 The Moon orbit Area 3-3 A Deep Discussion 3-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle I-Data Figure No.1 (Note Please – FDBR is a square) Figure shows the moon orbit around Earth with some details (my created figure) Where…… AB= BC= 86000 km= 2x 43000 km BR=CR = 43000 km AD=BD = 43000 km EB =363000 km = Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach) EC= 378000 km= Earth Moon Distance when the moon in total solar eclipse point EG= 384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance (registered in NASA Planetary sheet) ED= 406000 km = Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach) Data (EB)2 + (86000 km)2 = (EC)2 (error 1%) (EC)2 + (86000 km)2 = (EG)2 (error 0.5%) (EG)2 + (86000 km)2 = (S)2 (where S= 394000 km- unknown point) (S)2 + (86000 km)2 = (ED)2 (error 0.7%) AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter EC = 378000 km = Saturn Circumference AE= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference Also (Angle E =13.1 degrees)
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 Data (Explanation) EB =363000 km = (Perigee Radius) =The Outer Planets Diameters Total (Error 1%) ED= 406000 km= (Apogee Radius) = The Solar Planets Diameters Total EC= 378000 km= Total solar eclipse Radius) = Saturn Circumference BD= 43000 km = distance from Perigee to apogee = Earth Circumference = the inner planets diameters total (the space only =43000 -3475 = 39525 km) (1.2%) Let's try to see that as deep as possible If we put the moon on the perigee point accurately – in this case – the distance from Earth to the moon including the moon diameter will be = the outer planets diameters total without error – and in this same case the rest distance to the apogee radius (406000km) will be 39525 km which = Earth Circumference = the inner diameters total (1.4%) That may explain the geometrical distribution of the distances Discussion The previous Triangle is very complex one – how this triangle is created? I have used the Earth as the origin point – Then I have drawn the distance EA = Jupiter Circumference = 449378.3 km And the distance EC = Saturn Circumference =378827 km Based on these 2 lines – all the triangle data is created – all data is created based on Pythagoras rule – The produced data shows the moon motion basic points – So Point (B) = Perigee Radius =0.363 mkm Point (C) = Total Solar Eclipse Radius =0.378 mkm Point (D) = Apogee Radius =0.406 mkm All data is defined depending on each other by Pythagoras Rule – from the figure we can conclude that the distance AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter The Point A=449378.3 km Please examine deeply the point A in the previous triangle – the distance from Earth to Point A = Jupiter Circumference = 449378.3 km The moon never reach to this point – Where the moon doesn't move beyond the apogee radius 406000 km – so the point 449378.3 km must be out of the moon orbit! We will see that it's not true - but here we may notice that the distance from perigee to apogee =43000 km = the distance from apogee radius to the point A That means The apogee point is found in the middle point between Perigee Point and the point (A) That refers to some geometrical consistency – but Why? I want to say – there's a geometrical power behind causes these value but what's it?
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 3-2 The Moon orbit Area I - Data (I) The area between the point 371264 km and the point A (= 449378.3 km= Jupiter circumference) – this area = 201467 mkm2 201467mkm2 is the area of rectangle its length =201467 mkm and its breadth =1mkm So The value 201467 mkm which is seen frequently in Jupiter Data is seen again in the Earth moon orbit data! (II) The area between (449378.3 km "Jupiter Circumference" and "378827 km "Saturn Circumference" = 201467 mkm2 (with error 2%) II- Discussion Let's summarize the main idea in following: - The Triangle uses 2 values – Saturn Circumference and Jupiter Circumference, Now the value (201467 mkm which I call Jupiter Energy) this energy is restricted between Saturn Circumference to Jupiter Circumference- Why? Let's remember one of Jupiter equation …., - 2 Jupiter Circumferences – 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter. Based on this equation we have concluded that Saturn diameter is created as a function of Jupiter diameter – and now we see that the energy is restricted between Jupiter Circumference and Saturn Circumference I wish we see clearly the geometrical hand behind – the moon orbit creation is so complex beyond the masses gravity force capacity…. Also - The distance from Earth to perigee. This Distance contains 2 x 201467 mkm as an area – to have accurate calculations – the value 2 x210467 mkm should be the area of a distance starts from 60000 km far from Earth to perigee radius – means the area of the distance (363000km -60000 km = 303000 km) this distance area will be 2 x210467 – why we leave 60000 km? to make a curate calculations! But what's this 60000 km? it's Saturn Radius! - I want to say that – the moon orbit is created by geometrical interactions – the perigee radius isn't defined base on the Earth mass gravity relative to the moon – there's a complex geometrical power behind – the gravity forces definition is so poor to provide this huge geometrical effect – there's a major force used in the solar system creation and this major force is absent from our physics book - The solar system geometry is so complex than the current theories imagine
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 But– Why there's a error 2%? - We have accepted that the energy is restricted between Saturn Circumference and Jupiter Circumference- Now Saturn Circumference is the total solar eclipse radius means –at the radius 378827 km the moon could cause total solar eclipse but with any longer distance the moon will lose its ability because its disc will be smaller than the sun disc – that means – Saturn Circumference is the last point on which the moon could cause the total solar eclipse – what does that mean? - The energy (201467 mkm) is restricted between the total solar eclipse and Point A! Why? how to understand that? we can't understand that! why? because we don't know what important job the total solar eclipse does in the solar system geometry! What is the result of the total solar eclipse? What benefit any one get of it?! - I can't complete this question discussion because I don't know what the total solar eclipse effect on the solar system geometry – it's hard question – and to answer we have to answer the ancient question "how the matter is created?" or directly – Does Earth matter get any benefit of this total solar eclipse? Can Earth diameter be changed if no total solar eclipse be occurred? Again "how the matter is created? - The question is hard because of Saros Cycle – Where Saros wipes the Earth circumference by the total solar eclipse umbra- and this wipe is seen for us as a cycle called (Saros) – the point here is that – Earth Diameter is a qualified for this process – means – Saros can be seen as A Cycle because Earth diameter is qualified for it – and that means – Earth Diameter (12756 km) is created to be qualified to Saros Cycle! - Please see The Powerful Geometrical Hand Behind The Moon Orbit Creation - But what about the error 2%? can we explain it more clearly- let's try in the next point-
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 3-3 A Deep Discussion The Distance EC = 378827 km = Saturn Circumference But To have accurate 201467 mkm we need to use the value 371264 km with error 2% from the value 378827 km So we can put the value 371264 km beside the point C and send a perpendicular line on the base and calculate the difference from the point (B) – Perigee radius – So in the new triangle If the triangle hypotenuse will be 371264 km in place of 378827 km So the distance E (B/) will be 361573 km (in place of perigee 363000 km) with difference = 1427 km Now let's start from the perigee (B) to the point (A), this distance = (Point A 449378.3 km – Point B 363000 km) = 86378.3 km So let's add the 2 values together (regardless how that can be done!) 86378.3 km +1427 km = 88000 km (approximately) The moon daily displacement = 88000 km (result no. 1) 449378.3 km = 88000 km x 5.1 (result no. 2) 5.1 degrees = the moon orbit inclination I want to say– the radius (point) A which = 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference – This point is a basic point in the moon orbit geometry – even if the moon doesn't reach to it – but – the moon orbit geometrical structure is a general system defines the moon motion and its boundaries- so it's not the masses gravity which prevent the moon to move far from apogee radius – but it’s the geometrical system which creates the moon orbit and defines its motion- this complex process is done by the energy which is sent from Jupiter to the moon orbit and this energy causes the great effect of Jupiter on the moon motion and creation data. Please review Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (I) Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis)
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 References Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? (II) The Earth Moon is Older Than Saturn The Earth is Older Than The Sun The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II) Uranus Effect On Mars Migration Can Titius Bode Law Disprove Mars Immigration Theory? Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles" Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications