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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total? (I)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics &
Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and
Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN
University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt – 16th
May 2020
The Earth Moon Motion has 4 basic points which are
Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach) =363000 km
Earth Moon Distance when the moon is in total solar eclipse point = 373000 km
The Moon Orbital Distance = 384000 km
Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach) = 406000 km
Paper Hypotheses
The Moon Motion 4 points are defined based on Pythagoras Rule relative to each
Jupiter & Saturn effect on the Earth Moon Orbit building
Paper Conclusion
There's A Geometrical Necessity Causes "The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets
Diameters Total"
Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (III)
Is There A Geometrical Shape For The Space?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- Introduction
I have discovered an interesting Method to define the moon motion (4) points– let's
see it in following:
In this figure we draw 2 lines only
AC = Saturn Diameter (121753 km) With error (1%)
AE = Jupiter Circumference (449378.3 km) (no error)
A Angle = 45 degrees
we need to create a perpendicular line from the Point C on the Base (AE)
based on that
the moon motions (4) points can be created depending on each other by Pythagoras
Rule – means – the moon motions points are defined Geometrically! Let's see that
In this figure
The Point (B) refers to the Perigee Radius =363000 km
The Point (D) refers to the Apogee Radius =406000 km
The Point (C) refers to the Total Solar Eclipse Radius = 373000 km
The Point (G) refers to the moon orbital distance (registered) = 384000 km
These points are defined by Pythagoras rule, means The orbit data show 2 puzzles.
Puzzle – The Moon Orbit Data Is Created Depending On Jupiter
Circumference And Saturn Diameter
Puzzle – The Moon Motion (4) Points are defined based on Pythagoras Rule!
Paper Contents
2- The Moon Orbit Triangle Geometrical Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- The Moon Orbit Triangle Geometrical Analysis
2-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle Data
2-2 The Moon Orbit Triangle Discussion
2-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle Data
(Group No. I)
(Note Please – FDBR is a square)
Figure shows the moon orbit around Earth with some details (my created figure)
AB= BC= 86000 km= 2x 43000 km
BR=CR = 43000 km
AD=BD = 43000 km
EB =363000 km = Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach)
EC= 373000 km= Earth Moon Distance when the moon in total solar eclipse point
EG= 384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance (registered in NASA Planetary sheet)
ED= 406000 km = Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach)
+ (86000 km)2
= (EC)2
(error 1%)
+ (86000 km)2
= (EG)2
(error 0.5%)
+ (86000 km)2
= (S)2
(where S= 394000 km- unknown point)
+ (86000 km)2
= (ED)2
(error 0.7%)
AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter
EC = 373000 km = Saturn Circumference (error 1.5%)
AE= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference
(Angle E =13.32 degrees) (Angle A =45 degrees)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(Group No. II)
EB =363000 km = (Perigee Radius) =The Outer Planets Diameters Total (Error 1%)
ED= 406000 km= (Apogee Radius) = The Solar Planets Diameters Total
EC= 373000 km= Total solar eclipse Radius) = Saturn Circumference (1.5%)
BD= 43000 km = distance from Perigee to apogee = Earth Circumference + the moon
diameter = the inner planets diameters total + the moon diameter
EA= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference
(Group No. III)
2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total = Earth
Moon Distance at Apogee Radius
Jupiter Diameter =8 Planets Diameters Total
2 Jupiter Circumferences - 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter (error 1.3%)
(Jupiter Diameter)2
+ (Saturn Diameter)2
= (0.5 Saturn Circumference)2
Saturn Diameter – Jupiter Radius = Neptune Diameter x 0.99
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-2 The Moon Orbit Triangle Discussion
The Moon Orbit Triangle we have seen frequently before – in this time we need to
analyze it as deep as possible
The usual question is "how this data is created?"
The illogical answer "by Pure Coincidence" is removed already and be avoided
We examine the geometrical basics on which the data was created…
Let's move point after point in following….
Jupiter And Saturn Diameters & Circumferences Values Are The Main Column In
The Moon Orbit Triangle And In The Solar Planets Diameters Total
Group No. (III) of Data shows that
Saturn Circumference is created as a function of Jupiter Data only…. That tells us –
Saturn is born by Jupiter – means – If there's no other planet in the solar system
except Jupiter – So Saturn could be created based on it because Saturn Diameter is
created as a function of Jupiter Diameter
R2 = R1 (1 - 1/2π) where R2 = Saturn Diameter and R1 = Jupiter Diameter
That makes Jupiter the main player behind (all the previous data!)
There are questions we need to remember during our discussion which are:
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total?
Why The distance = diameters - means – What geometrical necessity behind?
If there's a relationship between a planet diameter and its orbital distance – this rule
may be correct or logical – but how to understand a relationship between Earth Moon
Distance And The Planets Diameters Total! why such relationship can be found?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Let's analyze The Moon Orbit Triangle
This Triangle unit is 43000 km = the distance between point (A) and Point (D)
Let's divide the distance (AE =449378.3 km on the unit 43000 km
We will reach to the following
449378.3 km (distance EA = Jupiter Circumference) = 43000 km x 10.44
406000 km (distance EB= Apogee Radius) = 43000 km x 9.44
62000 km = 43000 km x1.44
19000 km = 43000 km x 0.44
Please Note
Data no. (1)
2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total =
Earth Moon Distance at Apogee Radius
This data tells that – the planets diameters total works as one unit or One Group
It's not divided diameters – on the contrary – it's one package!
Because The Earth Moon Distance (Apogee Radius) is one continuum – and behaves
as one unit
That tells
2 Jupiter diameters +1 Saturn diameter = one package – Why?
It's one package – for that reason we have frequently that – Jupiter diameter is used in
double value in different equations
For example
That shows the idea clearly – the value 406000 km is a package but divided later to be
seen as the planets diameters!
May that explain also why Pluto moves per solar day a distance =406000 km –
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Point) (A deep Discussion)
Let's try to deepen our discussion –
The main question is
Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total?
Why? is very hard question – let's change it with (How?) –
How The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total?
The value we use is the unit 43000 km –
This value 43000 km = Earth Circumference + The Earth Moon Diameter
This relationship is still more complex
43000 km = 1.0725 x 40080 mkm (Earth Circumference)
The rate 1.0725 we kept by heart – because this rate is used between different data in
the solar system and we have to suppose that this rate is found by Lorentz Contraction
Effect –
It's so hard to discuss the rate 1.0725 here because it's so long discussion please
A Summary Of My Research -Part 3- (Relativistic Effects Discussion)
let's summarize the idea as clear as possible:
- The Value 43000 Km Is The Moon Orbit Unit – this value is the distance
between Perigee (363000 km) and Apogee (406000km)
- This distance still has the moon which moves from Perigee to apogee – so if we
need to measure the Space only. We have to minus the moon diameter (3475
km) so the rest is =39500 km – this is A Space
- Earth Circumference =40080 mkm = This Space (error 1.4%)
- Now Suppose this space = Earth Circumference regardless the different 1.4%
What A Big Deal Behind?
- Earth rotates around its Axis one per solar day – that means – the value is not
only The Earth Circumference but Also this Same value = a distance because
when the Earth rotates around its axis once per solar day – Earth moves a
distance = its Circumference = 40080 km (or 39500 km approximately)
- We Have 2 Values Equal Each Other The Space & The Earth Circumference
- Earth Circumference (40080 km) = The 5 Inner Planets Diameters Total
- Diameters of (Mercury + Venus + Earth + Earth Moon + Mars) = Earth
Circumference = The Space
Still we have to ask "what a big deal?"
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- We have 2 equal values – one value is a matter (Earth Circumference = the 4
planets diameters total) – and the other value is a space (The moon motion
Space = Earth rotation distance around its axis during 1 solar day)
- What's behind all that? -
- The moon orbit data shows that the distance between the Earth and its moon is
classified according to the planets diameters classification – so we have no
random process here – means nothing is created by pure coincidence –
On the contrary
- We have 2 lines of Data - i.e. – We have 2 series of data – these 2 series are
equal– based one series the space (a distance) is created and based on the other
series the matter (planet diameters) is created.
- The Earth Moon Distance is classified according to the planets diameters total
because both the distances and diameters were created in 2 equal series of data
(of creation steps)
- Why?
- Why the matter should be created with the space and by equal values? Let's
here see Earth Circumference Data effect on the solar system
Table No.1
If Earth diameter = 12756 km, is considered to be = 1
i.e. The Earth Circumference which = 40080 km, will be just =Π
So The Following Is Correct Error
Earth Circumference = Π -
Solar Inner Planets diameter total = Π -
Moon motion free space (from perigee to apogee) = Π
(the free space without the moon diameter)
Moon Perigee orbit radius = 9 Π -
Solar outer planets diameters total = 9 Π -
Moon orbit apogee radius =10 Π 1.2
All solar planets diameters total =10 Π 1
2 Jupiter diameter + Saturn diameter =10 Π -
Saturn Circumference = 9.5Π
= Moon orbit radius at total solar eclipse
Jupiter Circumference =11 Π 1.9
The Sun diameter =11 Π2
So – The connection between the 2 series is the Earth Circumference which is seen as
matter (5 inner planets diameters total) and as Space (Earth rotation distance around
its axis)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Moon Diameter 3475 km x 43000 km = 149.6 mkm
The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm
Equation No. (1)
The Moon Diameter 3475 km x 43000 km = 149.6 mkm
This equation tells that – the moon diameter is created as a rate between the moon
motion freedom and the Earth orbital distance!
What dos that mean?
43000 km = the distance from Perigee Radius (363000 km) to apogee radius
(406000km) – it's the distance through which the moon can move – the moon can't
move beyond neither perigee or apogee radiuses – so this is the moon freedom
distance- this is the first distance
The second distance is 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance
These 2 distances are rated and may be related to each other by the moon diameter!
How the matter is created?
Equation No. (2)
The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm
(940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference)
This equation gives another meaning because the value 43000 km which is a distance
changed into 86400 seconds (The Solar Day) - so Equation no. 2 tells a meaning we
know perfectly
It tells if Earth revolves around the sun a complete revolution in one solar day only –
so the moon circumference will be = a distance of Earth motion for 1 second period of
If There's No Method To Unify These 2 Equations Together In One Meaning – That
Means – Both Meanings Are Mistaken!
But to reach to the unified conclusion we need to make the value 43000 km works
(somehow) similar to the value (86400 seconds)
43000 x 2 = 86000 km which is the distance from the Point (B) Perigee Radius to the
Point (A) (=Jupiter Circumference)
Now this value 86000 km can be used as 86400 km (with error 0.4%)
How the distance unit (km) can be used as a time unit (second)? that will be in light
motion because x =ct and when c=1 so x=t
So we need a light motion to perform that…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Point) (More about the moon diameter)
406000 km = Apogee Radius = ED = the moon diameter x 116.75
(116.75 days = Venus Day Period)
36300 0km = Perigee Radius = EB = the moon diameter x (655.7/2π)
Where 655.7 hours = The Moon Rotation Period
Is there a relationship between the planet diameter and its periods?!
Let's see Pluto data – may it help us –
The outer planets diameters total = 153.3 x Pluto Diameter
Pluto Day Period =153.3 hours and Pluto rotation period =-153.3 hours
Can that tells us – there's some relationship between the planet diameter and its
I still don't understand this relationship – but the data is used in this way frequently
and I can't ignore this fact – so we may expect such relationship – but the geometrical
basics still needs deep analysis
Let's see one more equation
Equation No. (3)
The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 27.3 days = 300000 km
This equation tells that – If the moon rotates around its axis a complete rotation per a
solar day – so the moon will pass during its orbital period (27.3 days) a distance =
light motion for 1 second ….
Let's complete this discussion in the next paper
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why?
Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? (II)
The Earth Moon is Older Than Saturn
The Earth is Older Than The Sun
The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II)
Uranus Effect On Mars Migration
Can Titius Bode Law Disprove Mars Immigration Theory?
Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles"
Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of publications:
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
List of publications

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Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total (I)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total? (I) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt – 16th May 2020 Abstract The Earth Moon Motion has 4 basic points which are Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach) =363000 km Earth Moon Distance when the moon is in total solar eclipse point = 373000 km The Moon Orbital Distance = 384000 km Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach) = 406000 km Paper Hypotheses (1) The Moon Motion 4 points are defined based on Pythagoras Rule relative to each other (2) Jupiter & Saturn effect on the Earth Moon Orbit building Paper Conclusion There's A Geometrical Necessity Causes "The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total" References Can Jupiter effect on the Earth Moon? (III) Is There A Geometrical Shape For The Space?
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- Introduction I have discovered an interesting Method to define the moon motion (4) points– let's see it in following: In this figure we draw 2 lines only AC = Saturn Diameter (121753 km) With error (1%) AE = Jupiter Circumference (449378.3 km) (no error) A Angle = 45 degrees Also we need to create a perpendicular line from the Point C on the Base (AE) based on that the moon motions (4) points can be created depending on each other by Pythagoras Rule – means – the moon motions points are defined Geometrically! Let's see that In this figure The Point (B) refers to the Perigee Radius =363000 km The Point (D) refers to the Apogee Radius =406000 km The Point (C) refers to the Total Solar Eclipse Radius = 373000 km The Point (G) refers to the moon orbital distance (registered) = 384000 km These points are defined by Pythagoras rule, means The orbit data show 2 puzzles. 1st Puzzle – The Moon Orbit Data Is Created Depending On Jupiter Circumference And Saturn Diameter 2nd Puzzle – The Moon Motion (4) Points are defined based on Pythagoras Rule! Paper Contents 2- The Moon Orbit Triangle Geometrical Analysis
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- The Moon Orbit Triangle Geometrical Analysis 2-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle Data 2-2 The Moon Orbit Triangle Discussion 2-1 The Moon Orbit Triangle Data I-Data (Group No. I) (Note Please – FDBR is a square) Figure shows the moon orbit around Earth with some details (my created figure) Where…… AB= BC= 86000 km= 2x 43000 km BR=CR = 43000 km AD=BD = 43000 km EB =363000 km = Perigee radius (perigee is the nearest point, the moon can reach) EC= 373000 km= Earth Moon Distance when the moon in total solar eclipse point EG= 384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance (registered in NASA Planetary sheet) ED= 406000 km = Apogee radius (Apogee is the most far point, the moon can reach) Data (EB)2 + (86000 km)2 = (EC)2 (error 1%) (EC)2 + (86000 km)2 = (EG)2 (error 0.5%) (EG)2 + (86000 km)2 = (S)2 (where S= 394000 km- unknown point) (S)2 + (86000 km)2 = (ED)2 (error 0.7%) AC = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter EC = 373000 km = Saturn Circumference (error 1.5%) AE= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference Also (Angle E =13.32 degrees) (Angle A =45 degrees)
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 (Group No. II) EB =363000 km = (Perigee Radius) =The Outer Planets Diameters Total (Error 1%) ED= 406000 km= (Apogee Radius) = The Solar Planets Diameters Total EC= 373000 km= Total solar eclipse Radius) = Saturn Circumference (1.5%) BD= 43000 km = distance from Perigee to apogee = Earth Circumference + the moon diameter = the inner planets diameters total + the moon diameter EA= 449378.3 km = Jupiter Circumference (Group No. III) (1) 2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total = Earth Moon Distance at Apogee Radius i.e. Jupiter Diameter =8 Planets Diameters Total (2) 2 Jupiter Circumferences - 2 Saturn Circumferences = 1 Jupiter Diameter (error 1.3%) (3) (Jupiter Diameter)2 + (Saturn Diameter)2 = (0.5 Saturn Circumference)2 (1.2%) (4) Saturn Diameter – Jupiter Radius = Neptune Diameter x 0.99
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 2-2 The Moon Orbit Triangle Discussion The Moon Orbit Triangle we have seen frequently before – in this time we need to analyze it as deep as possible The usual question is "how this data is created?" The illogical answer "by Pure Coincidence" is removed already and be avoided We examine the geometrical basics on which the data was created… Let's move point after point in following…. (1st Point) Jupiter And Saturn Diameters & Circumferences Values Are The Main Column In The Moon Orbit Triangle And In The Solar Planets Diameters Total Group No. (III) of Data shows that Saturn Circumference is created as a function of Jupiter Data only…. That tells us – Saturn is born by Jupiter – means – If there's no other planet in the solar system except Jupiter – So Saturn could be created based on it because Saturn Diameter is created as a function of Jupiter Diameter Specifically R2 = R1 (1 - 1/2π) where R2 = Saturn Diameter and R1 = Jupiter Diameter That makes Jupiter the main player behind (all the previous data!) But There are questions we need to remember during our discussion which are: (1st Question) Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total? (2nd Question) Why The distance = diameters - means – What geometrical necessity behind? (3rd Question) If there's a relationship between a planet diameter and its orbital distance – this rule may be correct or logical – but how to understand a relationship between Earth Moon Distance And The Planets Diameters Total! why such relationship can be found?
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 (2nd Point) Let's analyze The Moon Orbit Triangle This Triangle unit is 43000 km = the distance between point (A) and Point (D) Let's divide the distance (AE =449378.3 km on the unit 43000 km We will reach to the following 449378.3 km (distance EA = Jupiter Circumference) = 43000 km x 10.44 406000 km (distance EB= Apogee Radius) = 43000 km x 9.44 62000 km = 43000 km x1.44 19000 km = 43000 km x 0.44 Please Note Data no. (1) 2 Jupiter Diameters + 1 Saturn Diameter = Solar Planets Diameters Total = Earth Moon Distance at Apogee Radius This data tells that – the planets diameters total works as one unit or One Group It's not divided diameters – on the contrary – it's one package! Why? Because The Earth Moon Distance (Apogee Radius) is one continuum – and behaves as one unit That tells 2 Jupiter diameters +1 Saturn diameter = one package – Why? It's one package – for that reason we have frequently that – Jupiter diameter is used in double value in different equations For example That shows the idea clearly – the value 406000 km is a package but divided later to be seen as the planets diameters! May that explain also why Pluto moves per solar day a distance =406000 km – DiameterMoonEarth DiameterMercury MassJupiter totalmassesplanetsThe diametersJupiter2 totaldiametersplanetsThe ==
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 (2nd Point) (A deep Discussion) Let's try to deepen our discussion – The main question is Why The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total? Why? is very hard question – let's change it with (How?) – How The Earth Moon Distance = The Planets Diameters Total? The value we use is the unit 43000 km – This value 43000 km = Earth Circumference + The Earth Moon Diameter This relationship is still more complex 43000 km = 1.0725 x 40080 mkm (Earth Circumference) The rate 1.0725 we kept by heart – because this rate is used between different data in the solar system and we have to suppose that this rate is found by Lorentz Contraction Effect – It's so hard to discuss the rate 1.0725 here because it's so long discussion please review A Summary Of My Research -Part 3- (Relativistic Effects Discussion) let's summarize the idea as clear as possible: - The Value 43000 Km Is The Moon Orbit Unit – this value is the distance between Perigee (363000 km) and Apogee (406000km) Now - This distance still has the moon which moves from Perigee to apogee – so if we need to measure the Space only. We have to minus the moon diameter (3475 km) so the rest is =39500 km – this is A Space - Earth Circumference =40080 mkm = This Space (error 1.4%) - Now Suppose this space = Earth Circumference regardless the different 1.4% What A Big Deal Behind? - Earth rotates around its Axis one per solar day – that means – the value is not only The Earth Circumference but Also this Same value = a distance because when the Earth rotates around its axis once per solar day – Earth moves a distance = its Circumference = 40080 km (or 39500 km approximately) i.e. - We Have 2 Values Equal Each Other The Space & The Earth Circumference Now - Earth Circumference (40080 km) = The 5 Inner Planets Diameters Total i.e. - Diameters of (Mercury + Venus + Earth + Earth Moon + Mars) = Earth Circumference = The Space Still we have to ask "what a big deal?"
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 - We have 2 equal values – one value is a matter (Earth Circumference = the 4 planets diameters total) – and the other value is a space (The moon motion Space = Earth rotation distance around its axis during 1 solar day) - What's behind all that? - - The moon orbit data shows that the distance between the Earth and its moon is classified according to the planets diameters classification – so we have no random process here – means nothing is created by pure coincidence – On the contrary - We have 2 lines of Data - i.e. – We have 2 series of data – these 2 series are equal– based one series the space (a distance) is created and based on the other series the matter (planet diameters) is created. Conclusion - The Earth Moon Distance is classified according to the planets diameters total because both the distances and diameters were created in 2 equal series of data (of creation steps) But - Why? - Why the matter should be created with the space and by equal values? Let's here see Earth Circumference Data effect on the solar system Table No.1 If Earth diameter = 12756 km, is considered to be = 1 i.e. The Earth Circumference which = 40080 km, will be just =Π So The Following Is Correct Error Earth Circumference = Π - Solar Inner Planets diameter total = Π - Moon motion free space (from perigee to apogee) = Π (the free space without the moon diameter) 1.3% Moon Perigee orbit radius = 9 Π - Solar outer planets diameters total = 9 Π - Moon orbit apogee radius =10 Π 1.2 All solar planets diameters total =10 Π 1 2 Jupiter diameter + Saturn diameter =10 Π - Saturn Circumference = 9.5Π = Moon orbit radius at total solar eclipse - Jupiter Circumference =11 Π 1.9 The Sun diameter =11 Π2 1.2 So – The connection between the 2 series is the Earth Circumference which is seen as matter (5 inner planets diameters total) and as Space (Earth rotation distance around its axis)
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 (3rd Point) (1) The Moon Diameter 3475 km x 43000 km = 149.6 mkm (2) The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm Equation No. (1) The Moon Diameter 3475 km x 43000 km = 149.6 mkm This equation tells that – the moon diameter is created as a rate between the moon motion freedom and the Earth orbital distance! What dos that mean? 43000 km = the distance from Perigee Radius (363000 km) to apogee radius (406000km) – it's the distance through which the moon can move – the moon can't move beyond neither perigee or apogee radiuses – so this is the moon freedom distance- this is the first distance The second distance is 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance These 2 distances are rated and may be related to each other by the moon diameter! Why? How the matter is created? Equation No. (2) The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm (940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference) This equation gives another meaning because the value 43000 km which is a distance changed into 86400 seconds (The Solar Day) - so Equation no. 2 tells a meaning we know perfectly It tells if Earth revolves around the sun a complete revolution in one solar day only – so the moon circumference will be = a distance of Earth motion for 1 second period of time If There's No Method To Unify These 2 Equations Together In One Meaning – That Means – Both Meanings Are Mistaken! But to reach to the unified conclusion we need to make the value 43000 km works (somehow) similar to the value (86400 seconds) 43000 x 2 = 86000 km which is the distance from the Point (B) Perigee Radius to the Point (A) (=Jupiter Circumference) Now this value 86000 km can be used as 86400 km (with error 0.4%) But How the distance unit (km) can be used as a time unit (second)? that will be in light motion because x =ct and when c=1 so x=t So we need a light motion to perform that…
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 (3rd Point) (More about the moon diameter) 406000 km = Apogee Radius = ED = the moon diameter x 116.75 (116.75 days = Venus Day Period) 36300 0km = Perigee Radius = EB = the moon diameter x (655.7/2π) Where 655.7 hours = The Moon Rotation Period Is there a relationship between the planet diameter and its periods?! Let's see Pluto data – may it help us – The outer planets diameters total = 153.3 x Pluto Diameter But Pluto Day Period =153.3 hours and Pluto rotation period =-153.3 hours Can that tells us – there's some relationship between the planet diameter and its periods? I still don't understand this relationship – but the data is used in this way frequently and I can't ignore this fact – so we may expect such relationship – but the geometrical basics still needs deep analysis Let's see one more equation Equation No. (3) The Moon Circumference 10921 km x 27.3 days = 300000 km This equation tells that – If the moon rotates around its axis a complete rotation per a solar day – so the moon will pass during its orbital period (27.3 days) a distance = light motion for 1 second …. Let's complete this discussion in the next paper
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 References Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? Is The Earth Moon Diameter Created Based On Geometrical Calculations? Why? (II) The Earth Moon is Older Than Saturn The Earth is Older Than The Sun The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II) Uranus Effect On Mars Migration Can Titius Bode Law Disprove Mars Immigration Theory? Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles" Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications