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Accepted Manuscript
Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass
Beatrice Campanella, Massimo Onor, Enea Pagliano
PII: S0003-2670(17)30579-2
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2017.04.053
Reference: ACA 235212
To appear in: Analytica Chimica Acta
Received Date: 7 February 2017
Revised Date: 18 April 2017
Accepted Date: 22 April 2017
Please cite this article as: B. Campanella, M. Onor, E. Pagliano, Rapid determination of nitrate in
vegetables by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta (2017), doi: 10.1016/
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Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass
Beatrice Campanellaa
, Massimo Onora
, Enea Paglianob,∗
aConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Chimica dei Compisti Organometallici, UOS di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1,
56124 Pisa, Italy
bNational Research Council of Canada, 1200 Montreal Road, K1A0R6 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
In this study we present a novel isotope dilution gas chromatography method for the determination of
nitrate in vegetables. The analyte was extracted in water at 70 ◦
C and mixed with isotopically enriched
3 internal standard. The sample was centrifuged and the supernatant reacted with sulfamic acid for
removal of nitrite, and with triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate for converting NO−
3 into volatile EtONO2.
This simple aqueous chemistry allowed for separation of analyte from sample matrix in the form of a gaseous
derivative which could be sampled in the headspace before GC–MS analysis. This key-feature of the method
made possible the collection of clean chromatograms within an elution time of only 1.8 min. Detection of
EtONO2 could be performed using electron impact ionization with a standard GC–MS setup. The method
was optimized and validated for the analysis of nitrate in fresh vegetables in the 10-10,000 μg/g range with
a detection limit of 2 μg/g. Due to the use of primary isotope dilution quantitation, traceable results of
high-precision were attained.
Keywords: Nitrate, Vegetable, Isotope Dilution, Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometry
1. Introduction1
Inorganic nitrates are ubiquitous in the environment and can occur in foodstuff as additives (E252) or2
contaminants. The major contribution of nitrate to human diet is due to vegetables, where NO−
3 can easily3
reach the part-per-thousand level [1].4
Despite nitrate being relatively non-toxic for humans, attention should be given to nitrite which is its main5
metabolic byproduct [1]. In this regard, NO−
3 is reduced to NO−
2 by enzymatic reactions occurring in saliva,6
and the resulting nitrite may react with secondary and tertiary amino compounds to form highly carcinogenic7
N -nitroso compounds [2]. Furthermore, NO−
2 inactivates hemoglobin by converting the oxyHb(Fe2+
) into8
). This last effect can have severe consequences for infants and may lead to a deadly condition9
∗Corresponding author
Email address: <> and <> (Enea Pagliano)
Preprint submitted to Analytica Chimica Acta May 15, 2017
known as methemoglobinemia [3]. Fatal nitrate intoxication has also been reported in cattle fed with10
contaminated fennels [4].11
For these reasons, an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 3.7 mg/kg NO−
3 b.w./day was established by the12
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and endorsed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food13
Additives (JECFA) in early 2000 [5]. Furthermore, nitrate levels in spinach and lettuce have been regulated14
in the EU with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. The ESFA reported that the overall human15
exposure to nitrate due to vegetables is unlikely a health risk, but 2.5% of the population of some Member16
States may exceed the ADI and a portion of only 47 g of arugula with median level of nitrate, may already17
exceed the ADI threshold [5].18
Most of the studies and regulation written on this theme consider only the risks associated with nitrate19
intake and not its potential benefits. In this regard, recent investigations have shown that dietary nitrates20
are part of the so called nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway and can be beneficial for the health of cardiovascular21
system [6, 7, 8, 9]. In particular, Weitzberg and Lundberg have invited researchers and health authorities22
to consider if the concerns over dietary nitrate are indeed leading to health benefits or if they are limiting23
the consumption of an essential nutrient [8].24
Assessment of pros and cons related to dietary nitrate will need further investigations and availability of25
rapid and precise methods for measuring nitrate could play an important role. Several methodologies for26
nitrate in foodstuff have already been described in literature [10]. The spectrophotometric determination of27
nitrate was achieved by reduction of the analyte to nitrite followed by derivatization with sulphanilamide28
and N -(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine to a pink azo-dye detectable at 540 nm (Griess method). NO−
3 to NO−
reduction has been attained both enzymatically [11] and with metallic powders based on Zn [12, 13] and30
Cd [14, 15] in batch or flow-injection. Colorimetric methods based on Griess chemistry found criticism due31
to poor nitrate recovery with bias higher than 60% [16]. Electrochemical methods have also been proposed32
for the direct detection of nitrate in vegetables [17, 18, 19]. Although such methods are rapid, interference33
due to matrix components may be encountered. The most popular approaches for NO−
3 determination in34
vegetables are the ones based on high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) [20, 21], ion chromatography35
(IC) [22, 23, 24] and capillary electrophoresis [25, 26] with non-specific conductivity or UV–vis detectors.36
These methods are accurate, but can be time consuming and they need the vegetable sample extracts to37
be pre-cleaned by filtration or solid phase extraction (SPE) for avoiding contamination and deterioration of38
the analytical column.39
In this study a rapid headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) method for the deter-40
mination of nitrate in vegetables is presented. The novel method could be applied directly on vegetables41
extracts without the need for filtration or SPE. The use of MS allowed for high-precision isotope dilution42
quantitation avoiding shortcomings associated with non-specific detectors which are often used in combi-43
nation with liquid chromatography. Furthermore, headspace sampling allowed for clean chromatography44
with no column degradation. NO−
3 was extracted from the frozen matrix in hot-water at 70 ◦
C [16] and45
converted into volatile EtONO2 using simple aqueous chemistry at room temperature. EtONO2 was readily46
separated from the matrix under gaseous form and could be sampled, without further purification, in the47
vial headspace [27]. On a DB-5.625 column, the GC–MS analysis was complete in only 1.8 min, reagents48
cost per analysis were better then 0.5 USD, and with the use of 15
3 internal standard results within 1%49
precision could be obtained.50
2. Materials and methods51
2.1. Reagents and standards52
Potassium nitrate 15
N-labeled was purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (K15
NO3, 99% of 15
enrichment) and used as internal standard. The Fluka Nitrate Standard for IC (TraceCERT R
, 1004 ± 254
μg/g of nitrate in water) was used as primary standard of natural isotopic composition. Triethyloxonium55
tetrafluoroborate (chemical purity ≥ 97%), sulfamic acid (chemical purity ≥ 97%), acetone and acetonitrile56
of HPLC grade were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All preparations and dilutions of samples and standards57
were performed gravimetrically using ultrapure water (18.2 MΩ·cm at 25 ◦
2.2. Vegetable samples59
Samples of fresh raw lettuce (Lactuca sativa), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), carrot (Daucus carota subsp.60
Sativus), kale (Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica), arugula (Eruca vesicaria) and endive (Cichorium endivia)61
were purchased in a local Italian supermarket in September 2016. Such vegetables were selected because62
they are the main source of nitrate in human diet [1]. The samples were carried to the laboratory and their63
outside leafs, stems and stalks were removed. The samples were then rinsed in water, drained on tissue64
paper, transfered into PE bags and kept frozen at −18 ◦
C until analysis. Such preliminary operation were65
carried out within the day of purchase. Sample homogenization were performed on the frozen materials using66
a blade food processor (model Tritty-76006; Termozeta, Bareggio, MI, Italy) in action for four intervals of67
15 s. Within each griding, the sample was stirred with a spoon, scraping the material on the walls of the68
container. In some of the experiments for method validation, a freeze-dried sample of spinach was analyzed.69
A 300 g amount of fresh pre-washed spinach was purchase in a local supermarket in Canada (October 2016),70
frozen at −80 ◦
C and placed in a Thermo Scientific 5L ModulyoD Freeze Dryer for 48 hours. The material71
was then crushed in a plastic ball mill and the resultant power was frozed at −80 ◦
C following a second72
freeze dry cycle for 48 hours. The residual 30 g of spinach powder was kept at −20 ◦
2.3. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry method74
Nitrate was measured by GC–MS after derivatization to volatile nitrate ethyl ester (EtONO2). Some of75
the measurements were performed on an Agilent 6850 gas chromatograph equipped with an Agilent 5975c76
mass spectrometer detector and a CTC CombiPAL autosampler. The sample was prepared in a 10 mL77
headspace vial (Agilent, P/N 8010-0139) and incubated at 60 ◦
C for 5 min following 500 μL of headspace78
sampling (syringe hold at 95 ◦
C and flushed with He for 5 min to avoid carry over effects). The inlet was79
held at 150 ◦
C and the headspace was injected in 8:1 split with a helium flow rate of 1.1 mL/min. The80
oven was held at 85 ◦
C for 6.5 min and the elution was carried out on a high-polarity column (DB-FFAP81
nitroterephthalic acid modified polyethylene glycol column: 60 m length × 0.250 mm ID × 0.50 μm film).82
The transfer line was set at 230 ◦
C. The measurements of nitrate in vegetables were also performed on a83
Hewlett-Packard 5973 GC–MS. In this case, the sample was prepared in 4 mL vials with a screw cap with84
PTFE/silicone septum and the sampling of 500 μL of headspace was manually performed with a gas tight85
syringe at room temperature. The inlet was held at 100 ◦
C and the injection was performed in 8:1 pulse86
split mode (30 psi for 2 min) with a helium flow rate of 1 mL/min. Isothermal elution was performed at87
30 ◦
C for 1.8 min on a non-polar column (DB-5.625 (5%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane column: 30 m length88
× 0.250 mm ID × 0.25 μm film). The transfer line was set at 230 ◦
EtONO2 detection was attained in positive EI at 70 eV using the standard autotune procedure for mass90
calibration. Acquisition was performed in Total Ion Chromatography (TIC) for identification and in Selected91
Ion Monitoring (SIM) for quantitation purpose monitoring m/z signals at 46 and 47 Da with a dwell time92
of 50 ms for each signal.93
2.4. Ion chromatography UV–vis method94
A Dionex DX-500 ion chromatograph equipped with a GP40 gradient pump and a Rheodyne 7125 injector95
(25 μL sample loop) was employed. The chromatographic separation was carried out in 25 min with a flow96
rate of 1 mL/min of an isocratic carbonate mobile phase prepared to reach a concentration of 2.3 mmol/L97
Na2CO3 and 0.8 mmol/L NaHCO3. A Dionex IonPac AS12 column (4 × 250 mm, 9 μm particle size) with98
a Dionex IonPac AG12 guard column (2 × 50 mm, 13 μm particle diameter) were employed for separation.99
Ion suppression was achieved using a Dionex ASRS 300 (4 mm) self-regenerating suppressor in recycle mode.100
Detection of nitrate was obtained with a AD-20 variable wavelength UV-vis detector at 205 nm. A Dionex101
PeakNet chromatography data system (version 4.5) was used for data acquisition and processing. For the102
calibration of the instrumental response, standard solutions of nitrate were prepared in water and used for103
the construction of the calibration plot (1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 μg/g NO−
3 ). The nitrate was extracted from the104
sample in water at 70 ◦
C for 15 min with the same procedure proposed for the GC–MS method (Paragraph105
3.3). Before injection, the extracts were filtered through a 0.45 μm Agilent Captiva premium syringe filter106
following SPE on a Dionex On-Guard II RP. The SPE cartidge was conditioned with 5 mL of methanol and107
10 mL of water. A 2 mL volume of the sample extract was loaded on the column discarding the first eluate;108
an additional 2 mL were passed through, collecting the eluate in a plastic tube. The SPE cartridge did not109
retain nitrate which was fully recovered in the eluate fraction. The eluate was finally diluted to fit in the110
linear range of the method (0 – 10 μg/g NO−
3 , R2
= 0.9987) and injected in the ion chromatography system.111
2.5. Safety considerations112
Triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate is a crystalline salt able to perform ethylations in both aqueous and113
non-aquous medium [28, 29]. Et3O+
should be handled in a vented fumehood with adequate PPEs114
and stored in a freezer at −20 ◦
C. The potential risk handling Et3O+
is softened by its non-volatile115
nature. In an aqueous medium Et3O+
undergoes complete acid hydrolysis within 80 min at 18 ◦
+ H2O Et2O + EtOH + H+
In order to avoid exposure to volatile byproducts, the vials hosting the derivatization should be prepared119
and cleaned in a vented fumehood.120
3. Results and discussion121
3.1. Derivatization and reagent preparation122
Triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate salt has recently been used as derivatizing agent for the determination of123
several inorganic anions – including nitrate [31, 32] – by gas chromatography mass spectrometry [33, 34]. The124
ability of this reagent to perform ethylation directly in aqueous sample solution [28] is a great advantage125
that Et3O+
chemistry owns over other classic alkylation methods commonly employed in GC–MS [35].126
converts NO−
3 to the corresponding ethyl ester accordingly to the following reaction scheme:127
(aq) + NO−
3 (aq) EtONO2(g) + Et2O(g)128
The EtONO2 derivative is volatile and can be sample from the headspace of the vial hosting the derivati-129
zation. In other words, the derivatization is responsible for a first gross separation of the analyte from the130
matrix which is not injected into the gas chromatograph. The headspace injection results in baseline clean131
chromatography and prevents the deterioration of the GC column. In our laboratory the same column has132
been in use for over five years without any changes in its performance.133
is commercially available as a solid salt. In previous work [32] the preparation of the reagent134
was attained just before derivatization by dissolving Et3O+
in water following its prompt addition135
to the samples. This modus operandi did not permit storage of the reagent solution, therefore the leftovers136
after each derivatization were disposed of.137
In this study, an alternative method for preparing the reagent solution was implemented. The solubil-138
ity/stability of Et3O+
was tested in acetonitrile and acetone. Reagent solutions were prepared by139
dissolving 1 g of Et3O+
in 1 mL of organic solvent kept at −20 ◦
C. No difference in the alkylation140
power were observed when Et3O+
was prepared in water or in these two organic solvents. Such solu-141
tions were stored at −20 ◦
C overnight. Even at such low temperature a reaction occurred between Et3O+
and acetone: the medium color turned orange showing possible polymerization reactions. On the other hand,143
the acetonitrile solution appeared unchanged. Such solution was then stored at −20 ◦
C and tested along a144
period of two months without noticing variations in its alkylation power (see Supporting Information). In145
this study, acetonitrile was selected for the preparation of Et3O+
solution for derivatization.146
Table 1: Nitrate analytical response (in terms of isotope ratios, rA*B) for the calibration blends measured
at different times by GC–MS
15-Sep 16-Sep 26-Sep 28-Sep 3-Oct 6-Oct 14-Oct 25-Oct Average
0.00 0.0117 0.0123 0.0115 0.0127 0.0148 0.0137 0.0147 0.0159 0.0134 ± 0.0016 (12%)
1.03 0.0787 0.0802 0.0786 0.0803 0.0797 0.0826 0.0803 0.0825 0.0804 ± 0.0015 (1.9%)
10.1 0.6768 0.6711 0.6752 0.6753 0.6762 0.6781 0.6806 0.6773 0.6763 ± 0.0027 (0.4%)
25.2 1.6762 1.6694 1.6812 1.6722 1.6811 1.6695 1.6717 1.6734 1.6743 ± 0.0047 (0.3%)
50.2 3.2804 3.3011 3.2694 3.2543 3.2791 3.2817 3.2728 3.2712 3.2762 ± 0.0133 (0.4%)
73.7 4.7671 4.7923 4.7903 4.7989 4.7849 4.7841 4.8081 4.7911 4.7896 ± 0.0119 (0.2%)
98.4 6.3307 6.3372 6.3556 6.3229 6.3855 6.3502 6.3330 6.3608 6.3470 ± 0.0203 (0.3%)
Six calibration blends and a blank were prepared by mixing varying amounts of primary standard
3 of natural isotopic composition) with a set amount of 15
3 internal standard (15 μg/g for
all blends). In the first column the mass fraction of NO−
3 standard of natural isotopic composition is
reported in μg/g.
3.2. Preparation of isotope dilution calibration plot147
Isotope dilution (ID) was employed for quantitation with a fully 15
N-enriched nitrate as internal standard.148
ID is regarded as a high-end method for generating precise analytical data traceable to SI units [36]. The149
use of such nearly perfect internal standardization compensates for analyte losses during sample preparation150
and matrix effects [37]. Several mathematical approaches have been proposed for the treatment of isotope151
dilution data [38] and in this study a calibration plot with gravimetric preparation was adopted [39]. Six152
calibration blends and a blank were prepared by mixing varying amounts of primary standard (0.1 - 1.0 - 2.5153
- 5.0 - 7.5 - 10 mL of 1004 μg/g NO−
3 of natural isotopic composition) with a set amount of internal standard154
(1.5 mL of 991 μg/g NO−
N-enriched) and diluting the mixtures with water to 100 mL. Such solutions155
were employed across the experiments to verify the instrumental response. A 2 mL aliquot of each solution156
was transfered to a vial with 50 μL of Et3O+
acetonitrile solution prepared as described in section157
Figure 1: Calibration plot for the determination of nitrate.
3.1. The reaction was held at room temperature for 30 min following GC–MS analysis (section 2.3). The158
mass spectrometer was set to monitor m/z value of 46 Da and 47 Da. The first signal corresponds to the159
ion 14
2 mostly abundant in the analyte of natural isotopic composition, whereas the second corresponds160
to the ion 15
2 mostly abundant in the internal standard [40]. The gravimetric calibration curve was161
prepared by plotting the quantity wA* · mA*/mB (wA* is the mass fraction of the nitrate primary standard,162
in this case 1004 μg/g, while mA*/mB is the ratio between the mass of primary standard (mA*) and internal163
standard (mB) in each calibration blend) versus rA*B (isotope ratio obtained by dividing the peak area of164
the GC–MS signal at 46 Da by the one at 47 Da). A complete description of the quantitation method165
is reported in the Supplemental Information and the teoretical aspects can be found elsewhere [39]. The166
fitting of the calibration function was preformed with the LINEST function of Microsoft Excel using both167
a linear curve and a Pad´e[1,1] rational function [39]. The second fitting strategy allows accounting for any168
deviations from linearity that are always present in an isotope dilution plot [41]. However, in this case such169
deviations were very modest and a linear fit was satisfactory for the purpose of this application.170
The calibration blends were remeasured for a period of over one month. As reported in Table 1, the nitrate171
analytical response (in terms of isotope ratios, rA*B) was very consistent. In this regard, verification of the172
calibration plot (Fig. 1) could be done on a monthly base or every time the MS detector was tuned.173
3.3. Sample preparation and derivatization174
The freezing of the sample at −18 ◦
C before homogenization is essential for this method because it assures175
cell-breakage and complete recovery of incurred nitrate [16]. Frozen sample were homogenized using a blade176
food processor following extraction of the analyte in water at 70 ◦
C, as recommended by several authors177
Figure 2: Sample preparation for the determination of nitrate in vegetables. The first route (Prep. A)
describes an ideal isotope dilution experiment where the internal standard (IS) is mixed with the sample
at first. The second route (Prep. B) describes the sample preparation employed within the study. The
analytical results produced by the two methods are identical within the limit of the experimental error, but
Prep. B employs much less 15
3 internal standard resulting in a more economical approach.
[10, 16, 42, 24] and official methods [43]. GC–MS sample preparation is outlined in Fig. 2. In a formal178
isotope dilution method, the internal standard should be added to the sample at first (Fig. 2, Prep. A) [37].179
In this case, however, the same quantitative results were obtained when the 15
3 internal standard was180
added after the aqueous extraction (Fig. 2, Prep. B). This second route was preferred because it entailed a181
considerable saving on the amount of 15
3 used in each analysis, whereas the traditional isotope dilution182
approach could be considered for method validation.183
A 2 g aliquot of frozen homogenized sample (or 0.2 g of freeze dried material) was transfered to a glass vial184
and 20 mL of water were added. The solution was vortexed and maintained for 15 min in a heating block at185
70 ◦
C. After cooling to room temperature, such mixture was shaken and 2.5 mL of the sludge were transfered186
in a 15 mL centrifuge tube. At this point a certain aliquot of the same 15
3 internal standard solution187
employed for the preparation of the calibration plot was added. The amount of 15
3 in the 2.5 mL of188
sludge should be in the range of 15 to 150 μg/g. If the nitrate content in the fresh vegetable was expected189
to be 10–1000 μg/g, the sludge was spiked with 15 μg/g of 15
3 . If the nitrate content was expected to190
be higher, then the sludge should be treated with 150 μg/g 15
3 . In this way the response of nitrate in191
the sample (isotope ratio, rAB), was in the 0.1 – 6 interval and could be interpolated with the calibration192
plot shown in Fig. 1. After addition of the internal standard, the sample blend was vortexed for 5 min and193
centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min. A 2 mL aliquot of the supernatant was transfered to a headspace vial,194
treated with 100 μL 1% sulfamic acid and 50 μL of Et3O+
acetonitrile solution (section 3.1). The195
sulfamic acid was used to eliminate nitrite which could give positive interference [32]. The reaction was held196
at room temperature for 30 min following GC–MS analysis (section 2.3). The resulting isotope ratio rAB197
(obtained dividing the peak area of the GC–MS signal at 46 Da by the one at 47 Da) was correlated to mass198
fraction of nitrate in the fresh vegetable matrix (wA) through the following formula:199
wA =
rAB − a0
where a0 and a1 are the intercept and slope of the calibration plot showed in Fig. 1 and mB/mA is the ratio200
between the amount of internal standard solution and sample. In this case (Fig. 3.3, Prep. B) mB/mA201
could be calculated with a model reported in Supplemental Information.202
3.4. Figures of merit and benefits203
The nitrate ethyl derivative (EtONO2) was eluted with both a DB-FFAP high-polarity column and a DB-204
5.625. In the first case EtONO2 eluted at 5.85 min on the isotherm at 85 ◦
C, whereas in the second case205
after 1.28 min on the isotherm at 30 ◦
C. Since the derivatization entailed separation of the analyte from206
vegetable matrix to gas phase, the chromatography was clean and free from interferences. Furthermore, the207
method was very rapid (1.8 min of chromatography on DB-5.625) allowing GC–MS analysis of 18 samples208
in less then 45 min with a common instrumental setup; in this regard, the GC–MS method was much faster209
than a typical ion chromatography run (25 min in our case). In Fig. 3 the overlaid GC–MS chromatograms210
of 18 vegetable samples are reported: despite the short program, the baseline is flat and stable without other211
peaks beside the analytical one.212
The method has been optimized for measurement of nitrate in vegetable where detection power is not213
a concern given the high levels normally present in such matrices. As reported in Fig. 4, the method214
could measure a standard solution of 1 μg/g NO−
3 with a signal-to-noise ratio of 15, resulting in a method215
detection limit of 0.2 μg/g. The chromatographic baseline noise was calculated using both peak-to-peak216
and RMS×3 algorithm without significant difference in the signal-to-noise estimation. Since the method217
implies a 1:10 dilution of the sample with water, the detection limit of nitrate in fresh vegetable matrices218
is 2 μg/g, well below the regulatory limits. This figure of merit was obtained with an Hewlett-Packard219
5973 GC–MS in electron ionization mode. Using a more recent Agilent 5975c with an automated headspace220
incubator/injection system, the instrumental detection limit was better by an order of magnitude. For221
applications that require more sensitivity, negative chemical ionization can provide detection limits in the222
low part-per-billion range [32]. The novel GC–MS method could quantify NO−
3 in vegetable in the 10–10,000223
μg/g range with uncertainty better than 1% (see Supplemental Information and Table 3). Finally, also224
Figure 3: Determination of nitrate in spinach leaf: 18 samples were analyzed sequentially within 45 min and
the SIM chromatograms collected on m/z = 46 Da are overlaid.
the method economics is favorable: for single analysis the costs for both 15
3 internal standard and225
reagent does not exceed 0.5 USD considering current commercial prices for such chemicals.226
3.5. Validation227
The implementation of isotope dilution for routine measurements has significantly simplified analytical228
chemistry work contributing to traceable results of high-precision [44]. When the enriched internal standard229
is added to the sample at first and equilibrated with the incurred analyte [37], all analyte losses that can230
occur during analysis are compensated for. Furthermore, fluctuations of the experimental conditions and231
instrumental drifts, that could result in variation of the absolute analytical signal, are corrected by the232
Figure 4: Three replicate measurements of a 1 μg/g standard nitrate solution and a reagent blank. Data
acquired on DB 5.625 column with the HP 5973 GC–MS system
Table 2: Time variation of 14
3 /15
3 ratio in
a blend of lettuce and internal standard
Time (min) 14
3 /15
0 1.236
5 1.242
10 1.246
20 1.249
60 1.243
120 1.246
1440 1.253
2880 1.248
internal standard normalization. To further confirm the consistency of isotope dilution for this application,233
a sample of lettuce was prepared accordingly to the procedure described in Fig. 2 (Prep A) and monitored234
over 48 hours. No variations of nitrate response were observed in this time frame (rAB = 1.245 ± 0.005,235
Table 2). The data shown in Table 2 also demonstrated that equilibration of sample and internal standard236
was instantaneous. Due to the lack of Certified Reference Material for nitrate in vegetable [45], validation237
was performed completing spike recovery tests and comparing the performance of novel method with an238
orthogonal approach based on ion chromatography.239
Table 3: Determination of nitrate in vegetables (μg/g): comparison between GC–MS
and ion chromatography with UV–vis detection
Sample GC–MS IC–UV
Arugula 4823.8 ± 3.7 (uR = 0.1%) 4850 ± 174 (uR = 3.6%)
Lettuce 673.2 ± 1.6 (uR = 0.2%) 658 ± 53 (uR = 8.1%)
Spinach 633.4 ± 1.2 (uR = 0.2%) 620 ± 16 (uR = 2.6%)
Endive 166.16 ± 0.28 (uR = 0.2%) 163.8 ± 2.3 (uR = 1.4%)
Kale 73.64 ± 0.52 (uR = 0.7%) 73.0 ± 2.2 (uR = 3.0%)
Carrot 15.80 ± 0.18 (uR = 1.2%) 15.27 ± 0.13 (uR = 0.82%)
Table 4: Spike recovery test of nitrate in lettuce aqueous extracts.
Sample NO−
3 added NO−
3 by GC–MS NO−
3 by IC–UV
I.D. μg/g Total (μg/g) Rec. (%) Total (μg/g) Rec. (%)
Unspiked n/a 25.28 n/a 24.2 n/a
+ 2% 0.486 25.76 99% n/d n/d
+ 20% 5.044 30.43 102% 29.3 101%
+ 200% 51.52 78.05 102% 77.0 103%
3.5.1. Nitrate in vegetables: GC–MS vs IC240
The GC–MS method was applied for the determination of nitrate in several vegetables matrices. The241
experiments were performed in parallel with ion chromatography (IC–UV) and the results are reported in242
Table 3. Each vegetable matrix was extracted once and the aqueous extracts were divided to six aliquots:243
three were measured by GC–MS and three with IC–UV. The measurement precision was estimated on the244
basis of two standard deviations on the three replicate measurements. Agreement between IC–UV and245
GC–MS was excellent and the latter method provided higher precision.246
A spike recovery test on an aqueous lettuce extract was also performed. For this purpose, 4 g of lettuce247
sample were extracted with 40 mL of water as reported in Section 3.3. The centrifuged aqueous layer was248
then divided into eight portions. An unspiked aliquot was analyzed by GC–MS (Fig. 3.3, Prep. B) and249
IC–UV (Section 2.4). In this way we could quantify the amount of nitrate in the extract. The other six250
aliquots were spiked with a known amount of nitrate standard solution and analyzed in parallel. The test251
results are presented in Table 4. When the lettuce extracts were spiked with amounts of nitrate equal to252
20% and 200% of the endogenous NO−
3 level, both GC–MS and IC–UV provided quantitative recoveries.253
When the extract was spiked with 0.49 μg/g NO−
3 (equal to 2% of the endogenous NO−
3 ) only the GC–MS254
Table 5: Spike recovery test of nitrate in a sample of freeze-dried
spinach. The results are reported on dried sample
Sample NO−
3 added NO−
3 by GC–MS
I.D. μg/g Total (μg/g) Rec. (%)
Unspiked-a n/a 14543 n/a
Unspiked-b n/a 14554 n/a
Unspiked-c n/a 14392 n/a
+ 10%-a 1388 15869 99%
+ 10%-b 1082 15569 99%
+ 10%-c 1285 15839 105%
+ 20%-a 2425 16778 94%
+ 20%-b 2912 17336 98%
+ 20%-c 1973 16431 98%
+ 50%-a 5738 20422 103%
+ 50%-b 6947 21744 104%
+ 50%-c 5447 20049 102%
could provide a quantitative recovery.255
3.5.2. Spike recovery test on a freeze-dried spinach sample256
A second spiked recovery test was performed on a spinach matrix. The sample was first freeze-dried as257
reported in Section 2.2 and 0.2 g of spinach powder were placed into each of twelve vials. The samples258
were then divided into four groups of three. A 1.5 mL volume of water was added to the first group named259
“Unspiked”. In the other three groups a 1.5 mL volume of aqueous nitrate was added to match the 10%,260
20%, and 50% level of endogenous NO−
3 . The aqueous sludge was frozen at −80 ◦
C and freeze-dried on a261
Thermo Scientific 5L ModulyoD Freeze Dryer for 48 hours. During the freeze-drying process, the spiked262
nitrate was more likely bound to the spinach matrix resulting in a better mimicking of endogenous nitrate.263
The samples were then analyzed by GC–MS (Fig. 2, Prep. B) and the results are reported in Table 5. In264
all cases the recovery of added nitrate was quantitative.265
4. Conclusion266
In this study we present the first isotope dilution GC–MS method for the determination of nitrate in267
vegetables. A 15
3 was employed for quantitation purposes allowing precision better than 1% on the268
measurement results. The methods was optimized for quantitation of nitrate in fresh vegetables in the 10-269
10,000 μg/g range with a detection limit of 2 μg/g. This method was validated comparing its performance270
with ion chromatography and by several spike recovery tests. The method is overall very simple and271
entails the use of commercially available triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate for conversion of NO−
3 to volatile272
EtONO2 in an aqueous environment at room temperature. The gaseous derivative is sampled from the273
headspace allowing for a clean and rapid chromatography (1.8 min on DB 5.625). The method is traceable274
to SI units and it could become a reference for the measurement of nitrate in vegetables.275
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Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography
mass spectrometry
• Novel isotope dilution GC-MS method for high-precision determination of
nitrate in vegetable.
• Stable calibration plot for more than one month
• Simple: based on aqueous chemistry at room temperature
• Rapid: only 1.8 minutes of chromatography
• Cost effective: less than 0.5 USD of chemicals per analysis

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  • 1. Accepted Manuscript Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass spectrometry Beatrice Campanella, Massimo Onor, Enea Pagliano PII: S0003-2670(17)30579-2 DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2017.04.053 Reference: ACA 235212 To appear in: Analytica Chimica Acta Received Date: 7 February 2017 Revised Date: 18 April 2017 Accepted Date: 22 April 2017 Please cite this article as: B. Campanella, M. Onor, E. Pagliano, Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta (2017), doi: 10.1016/ j.aca.2017.04.053. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
  • 2. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass spectrometry Beatrice Campanellaa , Massimo Onora , Enea Paglianob,∗ aConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Chimica dei Compisti Organometallici, UOS di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy bNational Research Council of Canada, 1200 Montreal Road, K1A0R6 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Abstract In this study we present a novel isotope dilution gas chromatography method for the determination of nitrate in vegetables. The analyte was extracted in water at 70 ◦ C and mixed with isotopically enriched 15 NO− 3 internal standard. The sample was centrifuged and the supernatant reacted with sulfamic acid for removal of nitrite, and with triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate for converting NO− 3 into volatile EtONO2. This simple aqueous chemistry allowed for separation of analyte from sample matrix in the form of a gaseous derivative which could be sampled in the headspace before GC–MS analysis. This key-feature of the method made possible the collection of clean chromatograms within an elution time of only 1.8 min. Detection of EtONO2 could be performed using electron impact ionization with a standard GC–MS setup. The method was optimized and validated for the analysis of nitrate in fresh vegetables in the 10-10,000 μg/g range with a detection limit of 2 μg/g. Due to the use of primary isotope dilution quantitation, traceable results of high-precision were attained. Keywords: Nitrate, Vegetable, Isotope Dilution, Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometry 1. Introduction1 Inorganic nitrates are ubiquitous in the environment and can occur in foodstuff as additives (E252) or2 contaminants. The major contribution of nitrate to human diet is due to vegetables, where NO− 3 can easily3 reach the part-per-thousand level [1].4 Despite nitrate being relatively non-toxic for humans, attention should be given to nitrite which is its main5 metabolic byproduct [1]. In this regard, NO− 3 is reduced to NO− 2 by enzymatic reactions occurring in saliva,6 and the resulting nitrite may react with secondary and tertiary amino compounds to form highly carcinogenic7 N -nitroso compounds [2]. Furthermore, NO− 2 inactivates hemoglobin by converting the oxyHb(Fe2+ ) into8 metHg(Fe3+ ). This last effect can have severe consequences for infants and may lead to a deadly condition9 ∗Corresponding author Email address: <> and <> (Enea Pagliano) Preprint submitted to Analytica Chimica Acta May 15, 2017
  • 3. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT known as methemoglobinemia [3]. Fatal nitrate intoxication has also been reported in cattle fed with10 contaminated fennels [4].11 For these reasons, an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 3.7 mg/kg NO− 3 b.w./day was established by the12 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and endorsed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food13 Additives (JECFA) in early 2000 [5]. Furthermore, nitrate levels in spinach and lettuce have been regulated14 in the EU with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. The ESFA reported that the overall human15 exposure to nitrate due to vegetables is unlikely a health risk, but 2.5% of the population of some Member16 States may exceed the ADI and a portion of only 47 g of arugula with median level of nitrate, may already17 exceed the ADI threshold [5].18 Most of the studies and regulation written on this theme consider only the risks associated with nitrate19 intake and not its potential benefits. In this regard, recent investigations have shown that dietary nitrates20 are part of the so called nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway and can be beneficial for the health of cardiovascular21 system [6, 7, 8, 9]. In particular, Weitzberg and Lundberg have invited researchers and health authorities22 to consider if the concerns over dietary nitrate are indeed leading to health benefits or if they are limiting23 the consumption of an essential nutrient [8].24 Assessment of pros and cons related to dietary nitrate will need further investigations and availability of25 rapid and precise methods for measuring nitrate could play an important role. Several methodologies for26 nitrate in foodstuff have already been described in literature [10]. The spectrophotometric determination of27 nitrate was achieved by reduction of the analyte to nitrite followed by derivatization with sulphanilamide28 and N -(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine to a pink azo-dye detectable at 540 nm (Griess method). NO− 3 to NO− 229 reduction has been attained both enzymatically [11] and with metallic powders based on Zn [12, 13] and30 Cd [14, 15] in batch or flow-injection. Colorimetric methods based on Griess chemistry found criticism due31 to poor nitrate recovery with bias higher than 60% [16]. Electrochemical methods have also been proposed32 for the direct detection of nitrate in vegetables [17, 18, 19]. Although such methods are rapid, interference33 due to matrix components may be encountered. The most popular approaches for NO− 3 determination in34 vegetables are the ones based on high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) [20, 21], ion chromatography35 (IC) [22, 23, 24] and capillary electrophoresis [25, 26] with non-specific conductivity or UV–vis detectors.36 These methods are accurate, but can be time consuming and they need the vegetable sample extracts to37 be pre-cleaned by filtration or solid phase extraction (SPE) for avoiding contamination and deterioration of38 the analytical column.39 In this study a rapid headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) method for the deter-40 mination of nitrate in vegetables is presented. The novel method could be applied directly on vegetables41 extracts without the need for filtration or SPE. The use of MS allowed for high-precision isotope dilution42 quantitation avoiding shortcomings associated with non-specific detectors which are often used in combi-43 nation with liquid chromatography. Furthermore, headspace sampling allowed for clean chromatography44 2
  • 4. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT with no column degradation. NO− 3 was extracted from the frozen matrix in hot-water at 70 ◦ C [16] and45 converted into volatile EtONO2 using simple aqueous chemistry at room temperature. EtONO2 was readily46 separated from the matrix under gaseous form and could be sampled, without further purification, in the47 vial headspace [27]. On a DB-5.625 column, the GC–MS analysis was complete in only 1.8 min, reagents48 cost per analysis were better then 0.5 USD, and with the use of 15 NO− 3 internal standard results within 1%49 precision could be obtained.50 2. Materials and methods51 2.1. Reagents and standards52 Potassium nitrate 15 N-labeled was purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (K15 NO3, 99% of 15 N53 enrichment) and used as internal standard. The Fluka Nitrate Standard for IC (TraceCERT R , 1004 ± 254 μg/g of nitrate in water) was used as primary standard of natural isotopic composition. Triethyloxonium55 tetrafluoroborate (chemical purity ≥ 97%), sulfamic acid (chemical purity ≥ 97%), acetone and acetonitrile56 of HPLC grade were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All preparations and dilutions of samples and standards57 were performed gravimetrically using ultrapure water (18.2 MΩ·cm at 25 ◦ C).58 2.2. Vegetable samples59 Samples of fresh raw lettuce (Lactuca sativa), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), carrot (Daucus carota subsp.60 Sativus), kale (Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica), arugula (Eruca vesicaria) and endive (Cichorium endivia)61 were purchased in a local Italian supermarket in September 2016. Such vegetables were selected because62 they are the main source of nitrate in human diet [1]. The samples were carried to the laboratory and their63 outside leafs, stems and stalks were removed. The samples were then rinsed in water, drained on tissue64 paper, transfered into PE bags and kept frozen at −18 ◦ C until analysis. Such preliminary operation were65 carried out within the day of purchase. Sample homogenization were performed on the frozen materials using66 a blade food processor (model Tritty-76006; Termozeta, Bareggio, MI, Italy) in action for four intervals of67 15 s. Within each griding, the sample was stirred with a spoon, scraping the material on the walls of the68 container. In some of the experiments for method validation, a freeze-dried sample of spinach was analyzed.69 A 300 g amount of fresh pre-washed spinach was purchase in a local supermarket in Canada (October 2016),70 frozen at −80 ◦ C and placed in a Thermo Scientific 5L ModulyoD Freeze Dryer for 48 hours. The material71 was then crushed in a plastic ball mill and the resultant power was frozed at −80 ◦ C following a second72 freeze dry cycle for 48 hours. The residual 30 g of spinach powder was kept at −20 ◦ C.73 3
  • 5. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2.3. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry method74 Nitrate was measured by GC–MS after derivatization to volatile nitrate ethyl ester (EtONO2). Some of75 the measurements were performed on an Agilent 6850 gas chromatograph equipped with an Agilent 5975c76 mass spectrometer detector and a CTC CombiPAL autosampler. The sample was prepared in a 10 mL77 headspace vial (Agilent, P/N 8010-0139) and incubated at 60 ◦ C for 5 min following 500 μL of headspace78 sampling (syringe hold at 95 ◦ C and flushed with He for 5 min to avoid carry over effects). The inlet was79 held at 150 ◦ C and the headspace was injected in 8:1 split with a helium flow rate of 1.1 mL/min. The80 oven was held at 85 ◦ C for 6.5 min and the elution was carried out on a high-polarity column (DB-FFAP81 nitroterephthalic acid modified polyethylene glycol column: 60 m length × 0.250 mm ID × 0.50 μm film).82 The transfer line was set at 230 ◦ C. The measurements of nitrate in vegetables were also performed on a83 Hewlett-Packard 5973 GC–MS. In this case, the sample was prepared in 4 mL vials with a screw cap with84 PTFE/silicone septum and the sampling of 500 μL of headspace was manually performed with a gas tight85 syringe at room temperature. The inlet was held at 100 ◦ C and the injection was performed in 8:1 pulse86 split mode (30 psi for 2 min) with a helium flow rate of 1 mL/min. Isothermal elution was performed at87 30 ◦ C for 1.8 min on a non-polar column (DB-5.625 (5%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane column: 30 m length88 × 0.250 mm ID × 0.25 μm film). The transfer line was set at 230 ◦ C.89 EtONO2 detection was attained in positive EI at 70 eV using the standard autotune procedure for mass90 calibration. Acquisition was performed in Total Ion Chromatography (TIC) for identification and in Selected91 Ion Monitoring (SIM) for quantitation purpose monitoring m/z signals at 46 and 47 Da with a dwell time92 of 50 ms for each signal.93 2.4. Ion chromatography UV–vis method94 A Dionex DX-500 ion chromatograph equipped with a GP40 gradient pump and a Rheodyne 7125 injector95 (25 μL sample loop) was employed. The chromatographic separation was carried out in 25 min with a flow96 rate of 1 mL/min of an isocratic carbonate mobile phase prepared to reach a concentration of 2.3 mmol/L97 Na2CO3 and 0.8 mmol/L NaHCO3. A Dionex IonPac AS12 column (4 × 250 mm, 9 μm particle size) with98 a Dionex IonPac AG12 guard column (2 × 50 mm, 13 μm particle diameter) were employed for separation.99 Ion suppression was achieved using a Dionex ASRS 300 (4 mm) self-regenerating suppressor in recycle mode.100 Detection of nitrate was obtained with a AD-20 variable wavelength UV-vis detector at 205 nm. A Dionex101 PeakNet chromatography data system (version 4.5) was used for data acquisition and processing. For the102 calibration of the instrumental response, standard solutions of nitrate were prepared in water and used for103 the construction of the calibration plot (1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 μg/g NO− 3 ). The nitrate was extracted from the104 sample in water at 70 ◦ C for 15 min with the same procedure proposed for the GC–MS method (Paragraph105 3.3). Before injection, the extracts were filtered through a 0.45 μm Agilent Captiva premium syringe filter106 following SPE on a Dionex On-Guard II RP. The SPE cartidge was conditioned with 5 mL of methanol and107 4
  • 6. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 10 mL of water. A 2 mL volume of the sample extract was loaded on the column discarding the first eluate;108 an additional 2 mL were passed through, collecting the eluate in a plastic tube. The SPE cartridge did not109 retain nitrate which was fully recovered in the eluate fraction. The eluate was finally diluted to fit in the110 linear range of the method (0 – 10 μg/g NO− 3 , R2 = 0.9987) and injected in the ion chromatography system.111 2.5. Safety considerations112 Triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate is a crystalline salt able to perform ethylations in both aqueous and113 non-aquous medium [28, 29]. Et3O+ [BF4]− should be handled in a vented fumehood with adequate PPEs114 and stored in a freezer at −20 ◦ C. The potential risk handling Et3O+ [BF4]− is softened by its non-volatile115 nature. In an aqueous medium Et3O+ [BF4]− undergoes complete acid hydrolysis within 80 min at 18 ◦ C116 [30]:117 Et3O+ + H2O Et2O + EtOH + H+ 118 In order to avoid exposure to volatile byproducts, the vials hosting the derivatization should be prepared119 and cleaned in a vented fumehood.120 3. Results and discussion121 3.1. Derivatization and reagent preparation122 Triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate salt has recently been used as derivatizing agent for the determination of123 several inorganic anions – including nitrate [31, 32] – by gas chromatography mass spectrometry [33, 34]. The124 ability of this reagent to perform ethylation directly in aqueous sample solution [28] is a great advantage125 that Et3O+ chemistry owns over other classic alkylation methods commonly employed in GC–MS [35].126 Et3O+ [BF4]− converts NO− 3 to the corresponding ethyl ester accordingly to the following reaction scheme:127 Et3O+ (aq) + NO− 3 (aq) EtONO2(g) + Et2O(g)128 The EtONO2 derivative is volatile and can be sample from the headspace of the vial hosting the derivati-129 zation. In other words, the derivatization is responsible for a first gross separation of the analyte from the130 matrix which is not injected into the gas chromatograph. The headspace injection results in baseline clean131 chromatography and prevents the deterioration of the GC column. In our laboratory the same column has132 been in use for over five years without any changes in its performance.133 Et3O+ [BF4]− is commercially available as a solid salt. In previous work [32] the preparation of the reagent134 was attained just before derivatization by dissolving Et3O+ [BF4]− in water following its prompt addition135 to the samples. This modus operandi did not permit storage of the reagent solution, therefore the leftovers136 after each derivatization were disposed of.137 5
  • 7. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT In this study, an alternative method for preparing the reagent solution was implemented. The solubil-138 ity/stability of Et3O+ [BF4]− was tested in acetonitrile and acetone. Reagent solutions were prepared by139 dissolving 1 g of Et3O+ [BF4]− in 1 mL of organic solvent kept at −20 ◦ C. No difference in the alkylation140 power were observed when Et3O+ [BF4]− was prepared in water or in these two organic solvents. Such solu-141 tions were stored at −20 ◦ C overnight. Even at such low temperature a reaction occurred between Et3O+ 142 and acetone: the medium color turned orange showing possible polymerization reactions. On the other hand,143 the acetonitrile solution appeared unchanged. Such solution was then stored at −20 ◦ C and tested along a144 period of two months without noticing variations in its alkylation power (see Supporting Information). In145 this study, acetonitrile was selected for the preparation of Et3O+ [BF4]− solution for derivatization.146 Table 1: Nitrate analytical response (in terms of isotope ratios, rA*B) for the calibration blends measured at different times by GC–MS NO− 3 a 15-Sep 16-Sep 26-Sep 28-Sep 3-Oct 6-Oct 14-Oct 25-Oct Average 0.00 0.0117 0.0123 0.0115 0.0127 0.0148 0.0137 0.0147 0.0159 0.0134 ± 0.0016 (12%) 1.03 0.0787 0.0802 0.0786 0.0803 0.0797 0.0826 0.0803 0.0825 0.0804 ± 0.0015 (1.9%) 10.1 0.6768 0.6711 0.6752 0.6753 0.6762 0.6781 0.6806 0.6773 0.6763 ± 0.0027 (0.4%) 25.2 1.6762 1.6694 1.6812 1.6722 1.6811 1.6695 1.6717 1.6734 1.6743 ± 0.0047 (0.3%) 50.2 3.2804 3.3011 3.2694 3.2543 3.2791 3.2817 3.2728 3.2712 3.2762 ± 0.0133 (0.4%) 73.7 4.7671 4.7923 4.7903 4.7989 4.7849 4.7841 4.8081 4.7911 4.7896 ± 0.0119 (0.2%) 98.4 6.3307 6.3372 6.3556 6.3229 6.3855 6.3502 6.3330 6.3608 6.3470 ± 0.0203 (0.3%) a Six calibration blends and a blank were prepared by mixing varying amounts of primary standard (NO− 3 of natural isotopic composition) with a set amount of 15 NO− 3 internal standard (15 μg/g for all blends). In the first column the mass fraction of NO− 3 standard of natural isotopic composition is reported in μg/g. 3.2. Preparation of isotope dilution calibration plot147 Isotope dilution (ID) was employed for quantitation with a fully 15 N-enriched nitrate as internal standard.148 ID is regarded as a high-end method for generating precise analytical data traceable to SI units [36]. The149 use of such nearly perfect internal standardization compensates for analyte losses during sample preparation150 and matrix effects [37]. Several mathematical approaches have been proposed for the treatment of isotope151 dilution data [38] and in this study a calibration plot with gravimetric preparation was adopted [39]. Six152 calibration blends and a blank were prepared by mixing varying amounts of primary standard (0.1 - 1.0 - 2.5153 - 5.0 - 7.5 - 10 mL of 1004 μg/g NO− 3 of natural isotopic composition) with a set amount of internal standard154 (1.5 mL of 991 μg/g NO− 3 15 N-enriched) and diluting the mixtures with water to 100 mL. Such solutions155 were employed across the experiments to verify the instrumental response. A 2 mL aliquot of each solution156 was transfered to a vial with 50 μL of Et3O+ [BF4]− acetonitrile solution prepared as described in section157 6
  • 8. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Figure 1: Calibration plot for the determination of nitrate. 3.1. The reaction was held at room temperature for 30 min following GC–MS analysis (section 2.3). The158 mass spectrometer was set to monitor m/z value of 46 Da and 47 Da. The first signal corresponds to the159 ion 14 NO+ 2 mostly abundant in the analyte of natural isotopic composition, whereas the second corresponds160 to the ion 15 NO+ 2 mostly abundant in the internal standard [40]. The gravimetric calibration curve was161 prepared by plotting the quantity wA* · mA*/mB (wA* is the mass fraction of the nitrate primary standard,162 in this case 1004 μg/g, while mA*/mB is the ratio between the mass of primary standard (mA*) and internal163 standard (mB) in each calibration blend) versus rA*B (isotope ratio obtained by dividing the peak area of164 the GC–MS signal at 46 Da by the one at 47 Da). A complete description of the quantitation method165 is reported in the Supplemental Information and the teoretical aspects can be found elsewhere [39]. The166 fitting of the calibration function was preformed with the LINEST function of Microsoft Excel using both167 a linear curve and a Pad´e[1,1] rational function [39]. The second fitting strategy allows accounting for any168 deviations from linearity that are always present in an isotope dilution plot [41]. However, in this case such169 deviations were very modest and a linear fit was satisfactory for the purpose of this application.170 The calibration blends were remeasured for a period of over one month. As reported in Table 1, the nitrate171 analytical response (in terms of isotope ratios, rA*B) was very consistent. In this regard, verification of the172 calibration plot (Fig. 1) could be done on a monthly base or every time the MS detector was tuned.173 3.3. Sample preparation and derivatization174 The freezing of the sample at −18 ◦ C before homogenization is essential for this method because it assures175 cell-breakage and complete recovery of incurred nitrate [16]. Frozen sample were homogenized using a blade176 food processor following extraction of the analyte in water at 70 ◦ C, as recommended by several authors177 7
  • 9. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Figure 2: Sample preparation for the determination of nitrate in vegetables. The first route (Prep. A) describes an ideal isotope dilution experiment where the internal standard (IS) is mixed with the sample at first. The second route (Prep. B) describes the sample preparation employed within the study. The analytical results produced by the two methods are identical within the limit of the experimental error, but Prep. B employs much less 15 NO− 3 internal standard resulting in a more economical approach. [10, 16, 42, 24] and official methods [43]. GC–MS sample preparation is outlined in Fig. 2. In a formal178 isotope dilution method, the internal standard should be added to the sample at first (Fig. 2, Prep. A) [37].179 In this case, however, the same quantitative results were obtained when the 15 NO− 3 internal standard was180 added after the aqueous extraction (Fig. 2, Prep. B). This second route was preferred because it entailed a181 considerable saving on the amount of 15 NO− 3 used in each analysis, whereas the traditional isotope dilution182 approach could be considered for method validation.183 A 2 g aliquot of frozen homogenized sample (or 0.2 g of freeze dried material) was transfered to a glass vial184 and 20 mL of water were added. The solution was vortexed and maintained for 15 min in a heating block at185 70 ◦ C. After cooling to room temperature, such mixture was shaken and 2.5 mL of the sludge were transfered186 in a 15 mL centrifuge tube. At this point a certain aliquot of the same 15 NO− 3 internal standard solution187 employed for the preparation of the calibration plot was added. The amount of 15 NO− 3 in the 2.5 mL of188 sludge should be in the range of 15 to 150 μg/g. If the nitrate content in the fresh vegetable was expected189 to be 10–1000 μg/g, the sludge was spiked with 15 μg/g of 15 NO− 3 . If the nitrate content was expected to190 be higher, then the sludge should be treated with 150 μg/g 15 NO− 3 . In this way the response of nitrate in191 the sample (isotope ratio, rAB), was in the 0.1 – 6 interval and could be interpolated with the calibration192 8
  • 10. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT plot shown in Fig. 1. After addition of the internal standard, the sample blend was vortexed for 5 min and193 centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min. A 2 mL aliquot of the supernatant was transfered to a headspace vial,194 treated with 100 μL 1% sulfamic acid and 50 μL of Et3O+ [BF4]− acetonitrile solution (section 3.1). The195 sulfamic acid was used to eliminate nitrite which could give positive interference [32]. The reaction was held196 at room temperature for 30 min following GC–MS analysis (section 2.3). The resulting isotope ratio rAB197 (obtained dividing the peak area of the GC–MS signal at 46 Da by the one at 47 Da) was correlated to mass198 fraction of nitrate in the fresh vegetable matrix (wA) through the following formula:199 wA = rAB − a0 a1 · mB mA (1) where a0 and a1 are the intercept and slope of the calibration plot showed in Fig. 1 and mB/mA is the ratio200 between the amount of internal standard solution and sample. In this case (Fig. 3.3, Prep. B) mB/mA201 could be calculated with a model reported in Supplemental Information.202 3.4. Figures of merit and benefits203 The nitrate ethyl derivative (EtONO2) was eluted with both a DB-FFAP high-polarity column and a DB-204 5.625. In the first case EtONO2 eluted at 5.85 min on the isotherm at 85 ◦ C, whereas in the second case205 after 1.28 min on the isotherm at 30 ◦ C. Since the derivatization entailed separation of the analyte from206 vegetable matrix to gas phase, the chromatography was clean and free from interferences. Furthermore, the207 method was very rapid (1.8 min of chromatography on DB-5.625) allowing GC–MS analysis of 18 samples208 in less then 45 min with a common instrumental setup; in this regard, the GC–MS method was much faster209 than a typical ion chromatography run (25 min in our case). In Fig. 3 the overlaid GC–MS chromatograms210 of 18 vegetable samples are reported: despite the short program, the baseline is flat and stable without other211 peaks beside the analytical one.212 The method has been optimized for measurement of nitrate in vegetable where detection power is not213 a concern given the high levels normally present in such matrices. As reported in Fig. 4, the method214 could measure a standard solution of 1 μg/g NO− 3 with a signal-to-noise ratio of 15, resulting in a method215 detection limit of 0.2 μg/g. The chromatographic baseline noise was calculated using both peak-to-peak216 and RMS×3 algorithm without significant difference in the signal-to-noise estimation. Since the method217 implies a 1:10 dilution of the sample with water, the detection limit of nitrate in fresh vegetable matrices218 is 2 μg/g, well below the regulatory limits. This figure of merit was obtained with an Hewlett-Packard219 5973 GC–MS in electron ionization mode. Using a more recent Agilent 5975c with an automated headspace220 incubator/injection system, the instrumental detection limit was better by an order of magnitude. For221 applications that require more sensitivity, negative chemical ionization can provide detection limits in the222 low part-per-billion range [32]. The novel GC–MS method could quantify NO− 3 in vegetable in the 10–10,000223 μg/g range with uncertainty better than 1% (see Supplemental Information and Table 3). Finally, also224 9
  • 11. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Figure 3: Determination of nitrate in spinach leaf: 18 samples were analyzed sequentially within 45 min and the SIM chromatograms collected on m/z = 46 Da are overlaid. the method economics is favorable: for single analysis the costs for both 15 NO− 3 internal standard and225 Et3O+ [BF4]– reagent does not exceed 0.5 USD considering current commercial prices for such chemicals.226 3.5. Validation227 The implementation of isotope dilution for routine measurements has significantly simplified analytical228 chemistry work contributing to traceable results of high-precision [44]. When the enriched internal standard229 is added to the sample at first and equilibrated with the incurred analyte [37], all analyte losses that can230 occur during analysis are compensated for. Furthermore, fluctuations of the experimental conditions and231 instrumental drifts, that could result in variation of the absolute analytical signal, are corrected by the232 10
  • 12. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Figure 4: Three replicate measurements of a 1 μg/g standard nitrate solution and a reagent blank. Data acquired on DB 5.625 column with the HP 5973 GC–MS system Table 2: Time variation of 14 NO− 3 /15 NO− 3 ratio in a blend of lettuce and internal standard Time (min) 14 NO− 3 /15 NO− 3 0 1.236 5 1.242 10 1.246 20 1.249 60 1.243 120 1.246 1440 1.253 2880 1.248 internal standard normalization. To further confirm the consistency of isotope dilution for this application,233 a sample of lettuce was prepared accordingly to the procedure described in Fig. 2 (Prep A) and monitored234 over 48 hours. No variations of nitrate response were observed in this time frame (rAB = 1.245 ± 0.005,235 Table 2). The data shown in Table 2 also demonstrated that equilibration of sample and internal standard236 was instantaneous. Due to the lack of Certified Reference Material for nitrate in vegetable [45], validation237 was performed completing spike recovery tests and comparing the performance of novel method with an238 orthogonal approach based on ion chromatography.239 11
  • 13. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Table 3: Determination of nitrate in vegetables (μg/g): comparison between GC–MS and ion chromatography with UV–vis detection Sample GC–MS IC–UV Arugula 4823.8 ± 3.7 (uR = 0.1%) 4850 ± 174 (uR = 3.6%) Lettuce 673.2 ± 1.6 (uR = 0.2%) 658 ± 53 (uR = 8.1%) Spinach 633.4 ± 1.2 (uR = 0.2%) 620 ± 16 (uR = 2.6%) Endive 166.16 ± 0.28 (uR = 0.2%) 163.8 ± 2.3 (uR = 1.4%) Kale 73.64 ± 0.52 (uR = 0.7%) 73.0 ± 2.2 (uR = 3.0%) Carrot 15.80 ± 0.18 (uR = 1.2%) 15.27 ± 0.13 (uR = 0.82%) Table 4: Spike recovery test of nitrate in lettuce aqueous extracts. Sample NO− 3 added NO− 3 by GC–MS NO− 3 by IC–UV I.D. μg/g Total (μg/g) Rec. (%) Total (μg/g) Rec. (%) Unspiked n/a 25.28 n/a 24.2 n/a + 2% 0.486 25.76 99% n/d n/d + 20% 5.044 30.43 102% 29.3 101% + 200% 51.52 78.05 102% 77.0 103% 3.5.1. Nitrate in vegetables: GC–MS vs IC240 The GC–MS method was applied for the determination of nitrate in several vegetables matrices. The241 experiments were performed in parallel with ion chromatography (IC–UV) and the results are reported in242 Table 3. Each vegetable matrix was extracted once and the aqueous extracts were divided to six aliquots:243 three were measured by GC–MS and three with IC–UV. The measurement precision was estimated on the244 basis of two standard deviations on the three replicate measurements. Agreement between IC–UV and245 GC–MS was excellent and the latter method provided higher precision.246 A spike recovery test on an aqueous lettuce extract was also performed. For this purpose, 4 g of lettuce247 sample were extracted with 40 mL of water as reported in Section 3.3. The centrifuged aqueous layer was248 then divided into eight portions. An unspiked aliquot was analyzed by GC–MS (Fig. 3.3, Prep. B) and249 IC–UV (Section 2.4). In this way we could quantify the amount of nitrate in the extract. The other six250 aliquots were spiked with a known amount of nitrate standard solution and analyzed in parallel. The test251 results are presented in Table 4. When the lettuce extracts were spiked with amounts of nitrate equal to252 20% and 200% of the endogenous NO− 3 level, both GC–MS and IC–UV provided quantitative recoveries.253 When the extract was spiked with 0.49 μg/g NO− 3 (equal to 2% of the endogenous NO− 3 ) only the GC–MS254 12
  • 14. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Table 5: Spike recovery test of nitrate in a sample of freeze-dried spinach. The results are reported on dried sample Sample NO− 3 added NO− 3 by GC–MS I.D. μg/g Total (μg/g) Rec. (%) Unspiked-a n/a 14543 n/a Unspiked-b n/a 14554 n/a Unspiked-c n/a 14392 n/a + 10%-a 1388 15869 99% + 10%-b 1082 15569 99% + 10%-c 1285 15839 105% + 20%-a 2425 16778 94% + 20%-b 2912 17336 98% + 20%-c 1973 16431 98% + 50%-a 5738 20422 103% + 50%-b 6947 21744 104% + 50%-c 5447 20049 102% could provide a quantitative recovery.255 3.5.2. Spike recovery test on a freeze-dried spinach sample256 A second spiked recovery test was performed on a spinach matrix. The sample was first freeze-dried as257 reported in Section 2.2 and 0.2 g of spinach powder were placed into each of twelve vials. The samples258 were then divided into four groups of three. A 1.5 mL volume of water was added to the first group named259 “Unspiked”. In the other three groups a 1.5 mL volume of aqueous nitrate was added to match the 10%,260 20%, and 50% level of endogenous NO− 3 . The aqueous sludge was frozen at −80 ◦ C and freeze-dried on a261 Thermo Scientific 5L ModulyoD Freeze Dryer for 48 hours. During the freeze-drying process, the spiked262 nitrate was more likely bound to the spinach matrix resulting in a better mimicking of endogenous nitrate.263 The samples were then analyzed by GC–MS (Fig. 2, Prep. B) and the results are reported in Table 5. In264 all cases the recovery of added nitrate was quantitative.265 4. Conclusion266 In this study we present the first isotope dilution GC–MS method for the determination of nitrate in267 vegetables. A 15 NO− 3 was employed for quantitation purposes allowing precision better than 1% on the268 13
  • 15. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT measurement results. The methods was optimized for quantitation of nitrate in fresh vegetables in the 10-269 10,000 μg/g range with a detection limit of 2 μg/g. This method was validated comparing its performance270 with ion chromatography and by several spike recovery tests. The method is overall very simple and271 entails the use of commercially available triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate for conversion of NO− 3 to volatile272 EtONO2 in an aqueous environment at room temperature. The gaseous derivative is sampled from the273 headspace allowing for a clean and rapid chromatography (1.8 min on DB 5.625). The method is traceable274 to SI units and it could become a reference for the measurement of nitrate in vegetables.275 14
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  • 20. M ANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Rapid determination of nitrate in vegetables by gas chromatography mass spectrometry Highlights: • Novel isotope dilution GC-MS method for high-precision determination of nitrate in vegetable. • Stable calibration plot for more than one month • Simple: based on aqueous chemistry at room temperature • Rapid: only 1.8 minutes of chromatography • Cost effective: less than 0.5 USD of chemicals per analysis