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                                CHaINA Awards
                                       2010 ENTRY KIT

Deadline: October 15, 2010
CHaINA Awards Ceremony: November 18, Shanghai
Welcome to the 2010 CHaINA Awards!

                           It is my pleasure to invite you to be a part of the 2010 CHaINA Awards.

                           In today's economy, winning a CHaINA Award means more than just excellence. It demonstrates
                           to prospects, clients and colleagues that your supply chain operations has what it takes to rise
                           above and deliver results here in Asia!

          The competition, now in its fifth year, is about more than just identifying the very best that the region has to
          offer. We believe, in these challenging times, it gives the industry an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable
          diversity of supply chain functional excellence across Asia.

          We are delighted to introduce a new category to this year's competition. The Logistics Real Estate Development
          will aim to recognise the warehouse or distribution center that offers the most interesting and innovative
          features and positioning.

          The judging, as always, will be led by leading professionals from the most succesful companies who will
          ensure that entries are reviewed according to the demanding set of criteria. And this year, for the first time,
          nominations will also be shared publicly and the Council community will be asked to cast their vote!

          At a time when supply chain management has never been more important, the CHaINA Awards offer
          manufacturers, retailers and their partners the chance to show they have what it takes.

          We look forward to receiving your entries and showcasing the best in supply chain, logistics and procurement in Asia.

          Wish you the best of luck.

                                                       Max Henry
                                                       Global Supply Chain Council

          Why CHaINA Awards are Unique?
          Unlike other awards, the CHaINA's             The 2010 awards will have a
          A wa rd s a re a bs o l u te l y 1 0 0 %      particular focus on innovation
          sponsor-free, which means that                and new business strategy, as
          the categories are not sponsored              judges look for businesses who
          by vendors who typically win                  are addressing industry challenges
          i n t h e i r o w n c a t e g o r y. T h e    in new and successful ways and
          Council seeks to be a neutral and             who are leading their peers in
          independent organization that                 areas such as corporate social
          evaluates these nominations in an             responsibility and sustainability.
          unbiased and objective manner.                                                                improvement, strategic such as
                                                        The grounds for selecting the                   improved reputation in your own
          As the only awards judged by                  winners will be based on the                    respective sector.
          Asia's leading supply chain                   significance and impact your
          professional organization, the                project or initiatives have had on              Only the CHaINA Awards will
          CHaINA Awards offer a chance                  your operations in Asia. Benefits               re c o g n i ze p ro j e c t s fo r t h e i r
          fo r i n d u st r y m e m b e rs t o b e      a r i s i n g f ro m t h e p ro j e c t s o r   excellent achievements in logistics
          recognized through a prestigious              initiatives may be quantitative                 and supply chain management.
          awards program which is both well             such as cost savings, qualitative               This will be the biggest industry
          respected and peer-reviewed.                  such as supplier performance                    award ceremony of the year!

 2                                                     < Nominations close October,15 >
Awards Categories

                                                                                                                                                   Awards Categories
                                                          Supply Chain                                    Training Education and
                                                          Operational Excellence                          Development Award
                                                          (Top Award)                                This award recognizes the trainer
                                                    T h e a wa rd fo r S u p p l y C h a i n         or a training initiative or program
                                                    Operational Excellence recognizes                that have shown substantial results
                                                    a manufacturing or retailing                     in developing or advancing supply
                                                    organization that operates                       chain knowledge or expertise
                                                    significant components of a supply               within an organization in Asia.
                                                    chain and has demonstrated
                                                    excellence in the design, operation                   The Green Supply Chain
                                                    or improvement of that supply                         Award
                                                    chain in Asia.
                                                                                                     This award salutes individuals,
                                                                                                     programs or organizations that
                                                          Supply Chain Executive                     h ave s e t a n d exc e e d e d h i g h
                                                          of the Year                                standards for environmental
                                                    This award recognizes an                         friendliness. Recipients of this
                                                    individual who has made a                        award are selected on the basis of
                                                    significant contribution to the                  strong environmental leadership
                                                    success of his company in Asia                   and their firm commitment to
CHaINA Awards is the most                           while implementing supply chain                  promote green shipping standards
unique, prestigious and largest                     management initiatives, programs                 in Asia.
industry award ceremony in Asia.                    or applications.
Each of our eight awards embodies                                                                         Best Logistics Real Estate
the innovation, excellence and
success carried throughout a
                                                          Best 3PL Supply Chain                           Development NEW! V
project or an initiative.                                 Provider                                   The Logistics Real Estate
                                                    This award recognizes the third                  Development will aim to recognize
Categories have been selected                       party logistics provider who has                 the warehouse or distribution
to reflect the key areas in Supply                  proven excellence in developing                  c e n t e r t h a t o f fe rs t h e m o s t
Chain Management and Logistics.                     and delivering supply chain                      interesting and innovative features
                                                    solutions and services in Asia.                  and positioning in Asia.
Furthermore, CHaINA Awards
are incomparable in the sense                             Best Supply Chain
that they are 100% sponsor free.
                                                          Consulting Partner V
The Council’s aim is to promote
                                                    This award recognizes the best
outstanding projects in the most
                                                    consulting firm who has shown
objective and impartial manner,
                                                    excellence in developing and
rejecting any form of bias.
                                                    delivering supply chain expertise
                                                    and consulting services in Asia.
W i n n e rs w i l l b e s e l e c te d o n
the basis of the success carried
throughout their operations in                            Best IT Supply Chain
Asia. The benefits arising from                           Solution Provider V
the projects or initiatives may                     This award recognizes any vendor
be quantitative such as cost                        who has delivered significant
s av i n g s , q u a l i t a t i v e s u c h a s    value in the implementation of
improved external perception                        co m m u n i cat i o n s , e - b u s i n e s s
of your company or strategic                        and information management
such as supplier performance                        and technology, in any aspect of
improvement helping further your                    passenger or freight transport                    V Categories where the vendors
firm’s strategic goals.                             or supply-chain management                          are allowed to jointly nominate
                                                    solutions.                                          with a client.

                                                   < Nominations close October,15 >                                                                       3
Preparing your Nomination
Preparing your Nomination

                                  All nominations must be sent at

                                  At the beginning of your                       success of your project, program
                                  nomination document, don't forget              or initiative. All support materials
                                  to list the following information:             should be provided online either
                                     Category entered                            in the form of a micro site, via a
                                     Title of project or                         web address or as files uploaded
                                     implementation covered in your              on a server, so that these can be
                                     essay                                       accessed by the judges at the time
                                     Name and contact details                    of judging.
                                     Support material
                                                                                   File size: Less than 5MB
                                       Nomination Summary                          File formats: .doc, .ppt, .pdf
                                  This short summary of 50 words
                                  maximum will highlight some of
                                                                                   File size: Less than 5MB
                                  the most important facts of the
                                                                                   File formats: .jpg, .png, .gif
                                       Nomination Essay                            File size: Less than 10MB
                                                                                   File formats: .mov, .wmv, .mpg,
                                  Your written essay is of outmost
                                                                                   .mpeg2, .swf
                                  importance as the judges will
                                  base their initial decisions on the
                                  strength of the arguments made.
                                  Each entry must include a write-
                                  up that is not more than 500
                                  words or two single-sided pages of
                                  A4 paper. Your two-page written                   Notes:
                                  entries must be typed or printed
                                  using not less than 12 point size.                1. All sites must be live from
                                                                                    October 1 to 31st, 2010.
                                  Nominations in a language                         Please supply passwords,
                                  other than English must be                        if needed, for access to the
                                  paired with a complete English                    URL or FTP servers.
                                  language translation, including                   2. Entrants may mark
                                  all supporting materials, to make                 various sensitive parts of
                                  judging possible.                                 their submission as “Not for
                                                                                    publication”, providing that
                                       Supporting Materials                         these restrictions are not
                                  To p a i r w i t h y o u r w r i t t e n          used excessively.
                                  s u b m i s s i o n , e n t r i e s m ay b e
                                  supported with relevant back-up
                                  material to show evidence of the

     2                           < Nominations close October,15 >
CHaINA Awards Nomination Process

                                                                  CHaINA Awards Nomination Process
1.    Nominations must be
     completed and sent at                           Oct. 15

2.         Nominees
                                                     Oct. 30

3.   Nomination Summaries
                                                    Nov. 1-10
     placed for Public Voting

4. Final Review & Consideration
   Final Review & Consideration                    Nov. 10 - 16
          from the Judges
          from the Judges

5.    Winners Announcement
                                                     Nov. 18
      at the Gala Ceremony

                < Nominations close October,15 >                               5
Entry Rules
Entry Rules

                   Who can Enter?                          Eligibility Period                      Awards Presentation
              The CHaINA Awards are open to            Any work launched or ongoing           Winners will be announced
              all companies who embrace and            during the August 2009 to October      a n d re c e i v e a t ro p hy a t t h e
              encourage the advancement of             2010 period is eligible to enter the   CHaINA'10 Live Awards ceremony
              supply chain management through          Awards.                                on November 18 in Shanghai,
              their business in Asia. Entry is open                                           China. Please note that winners,
              to manufacturers, retailers, trading         Past Winners                       both the clients and the vendors
              companies or any end-users or                                                   companies, need to be present at
                                                       If you have won a CHaINA Awards
              practitioners interested or involved                                            this ceremony to be eligible to win
                                                       in the past, you are not eligible
              in supply chain management.                                                     the final award. Winners will be
                                                       to re-enter the competition for a
                                                                                              professionally photographed and
                                                       period of two years.
              Key decision-makers and                                                         videotaped.
              executives in supply chain
              management, operations,                      Multiple Entries
              procurement, logistics and related       You are entitled to submit as many
              fields are welcome to nominate           entries as you wish. You can also
              their company/team.                      put forward a single entry across
                                                       multiple categories as long as it
              3PLs, IT solutions providers,            is relevant and is accompanied
              consultants, real estate companies       by a separate entry form and
              are also welcome to enter BUT the        supporting materials.
              nomination must be done together
              with a client. Any joint nomination          Strict Confidentiality
              between an end-user and a vendor
              should be coordinated between
                                                       The organizers and the judging              Trophies
                                                       panel understand that the content
              the different parties involved. The                                             All winning entries receive two
                                                       of your entry remains strictly
              final document should focus on                                                  trophies. A maximum of one end-
                                                       confidential at all times and will
              the end-user client nominating a                                                user and one client can be credited
                                                       be discussed ONLY within the
              vendor, not the other way around.                                               on the trophies given to winning
                                                       confines of the judging process.
                                                                                              teams. If your case is a winner, you
                                                       Should your entry reach the final,
                   Entry Deadline:                     the summary will be shared for
                                                                                              can purchase duplicate trophies or
                                                                                              personalized trophies at additional
              Deadline for the submission of           public voting, editorial coverage
              CHaINA Awards Nomination Form            and as content for the ceremony
              will be Friday, 15 October 2010          Lunch. No other part of your entry
                                                       will be published, presented or             Entry Fee
                   Award Ceremony:                     disclosed to any third party under     There is no entry fee to nominate
                                                       any circumstances.                     for the CHaINA Awards. If you
              CHaINA Awards Lunch Ceremony:                                                   want to attend to the ceremony,
              Thursday, 18 November 2010.                                                     join the CHaINA '10 Live event
                                                                                              which will included access to the

                                                                                              Please note that there will also
                                                                                              be a special price for delegates
                                                                                              only attending the CHaINA Awards

  2                                                   < Nominations close October,15 >
How will your Entry be Judged?

                                                                                                                                        How will your Entry be Judged?
                       An independent jury consisting of leading supply chain executives, mainly working
                       with manufacturers and retailers will judge the entry nominations. Great care is taken
                       in selecting a judging panel comprising the right balance of specialist knowledge,
                       experience and objectivity. Strict guidelines, designed to eliminate vested interest or
                       breaches of rules of entry, will be followed.

                       In all categories, judges will look primarily for projects that have delivered tangible
                       results. However, judges will also take into account the ‘level of difficulty’ of those
                       objectives and the degree to which they have been met.

    Judging Criteria                    Please also note that the nomination             Judges also have the opportunity
                                        must be for demonstrable                         t o d i s c u s s t h e c a s e s b e fo r e
Criteria for selecting winners
                                        excellence, not proposals or partly              finalizing their selection. Scoring
will be based on the magnitude,
                                        implemented projects.                            is done anonymously and
importance and clarity impacted
by the project or activity submitted
on your China operations. Those              Quantitative
benefits may be quantifiable (e.g.           Methodology                                      Public Voting
cost savings or reduced lead times),    A detailed quantitative methodology              Nominations will be reviewed,
strategic (e.g. a specific supplier     has been developed to fairly and                 selected and kept confidential by
performance improvement that            accurately benchmark and analyze                 the Council judges and the names
helps strategic goals) or indirect      each entry on its merits. This                   of nominees will be announced at
(e.g. improved external perception      includes the following:                          the end of October.
of your firm or more skilled staff
whose performance then drives           Strategy (20%)                                   The nominations summaries will
your firm operations in China). It                                                       then be placed for online public
is important that every entry does      Concise and proven evidence of                   voting to the Council's 60,000+
relate in some way these benefits.      an insightful approach to a specific             community across Asia.
                                        issue or challenge encountered in
Projects, programs or initiatives       the company operations in Asia.
must be ‘real and live', running
for at least several months in Asia     Execution (50%)
with some ROI achieved. Plans,          Judges will look for a convincing
concepts, future projects will not      argument made establishing a
be accepted. Joint entries from         cause and effect between the
organizations with their logistics,     objectives, strategy and results of
systems or consulting partners are      the campaign.
                                        They will also consider other
In addition, where it is appropriate    factors such as the effective use of
to the category and the entry; the      resources, and technical excellence
judges will consider:                   i n i m p l e m e n t i n g i n t e g ra t e d
   The clarity of the aims and          campaigns.
   objectives of the project/
   program;                             Results (30%)
   The quality of the planning and
   execution;                           Judges will consider the difficulty
   Demonstration of best                or the complexity of the project,
   practices in Asia;                   the scale of the results and how
   Innovation and creativity;           well the initiatives chosen met
   Evidence of teamwork,                the objectives set. Judges will be
   involvement of stakeholders,         looking for quantification of results
   colleagues;                          from a credible source (and seek
   And the presentational quality       third party verification of awards
   of the entry.                        winners).

                                       < Nominations close October,15 >                                                                             7
Tips for Successful Nominations
Tips for Successful Nominations

                                  We have compiled a list of hints and tips below - to help ensure that your nomination goes smoothly
                                  and is well understood by the judges. These notes might answer some of the questions you may have
                                  after reading through the entry kit.

                                  1 Choose the right Category 3 Be Compelling                         5 Use verified Results
                                    It sounds simple, but          Your entry should stimulate      In all of the categories,
                                    the nature of cross            the reader; tell the judges      judges look for evidence of
                                    functionalities in supply      a s t o r y a n d w hy i t w a s tangible results. This can be
                                    chain management means         successful. For every            demonstrated in a number of
                                    that there is potential        obj ecti ve p rovi d e cl ear,   ways but justified facts and
                                    overlap between some of        sourced results and provide      figures often tell the story
                                    the categories in the CHaINA   context for judges to judge      best.
                                    Awards. If you are a vendor,   those results and objectives.
                                    only certain categories are                                     It always helps to explain the
                                    opened for joint nominations 4 Be Concise                       basis of a successful return
                                    so please look for the V sign  With the judges having to go     on investment for a new
                                    in the Awards Categories       through dozens of entries,       program, implementation
                                    page.                          it is best to be concise and     or business success story.
                                                                   poignant in your entry           Results must be quantifiable.
                                  2 Introduce the Context          presentation to stand out
                                    The judges are experts in      from the crowd. Winning 6 Proofread
                                    their field, but may not       entries clearly articulate       Have a few of your colleagues
                                    have an intimate knowledge     a business issue, a clear        read through your case before
                                    of the particular project      improvement initiative and       submitting, to be sure all
                                    or business that has been      specific results that prove the  the elements are there and
                                    entered. It always helps to    case.                            without typos.
                                    put an entry in the context of
                                    the wider business, current
                                    setup of the operations or
                                    the organization chart.

                                       For further enquiries,     Alexandra DANAHY
                                       please contact:            Project Manager, CHaINA’10 Live, Global Supply Chain Council
                                                                  Email : | Mobile: +86 13651672414

      2                                                           < Nominations close October,15 >

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C Ha Ina Awards Entry Kit

  • 1. 2010 CHaINA Awards 2010 ENTRY KIT Deadline: October 15, 2010 CHaINA Awards Ceremony: November 18, Shanghai
  • 2. Welcome to the 2010 CHaINA Awards! Welcome It is my pleasure to invite you to be a part of the 2010 CHaINA Awards. In today's economy, winning a CHaINA Award means more than just excellence. It demonstrates to prospects, clients and colleagues that your supply chain operations has what it takes to rise above and deliver results here in Asia! The competition, now in its fifth year, is about more than just identifying the very best that the region has to offer. We believe, in these challenging times, it gives the industry an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable diversity of supply chain functional excellence across Asia. We are delighted to introduce a new category to this year's competition. The Logistics Real Estate Development will aim to recognise the warehouse or distribution center that offers the most interesting and innovative features and positioning. The judging, as always, will be led by leading professionals from the most succesful companies who will ensure that entries are reviewed according to the demanding set of criteria. And this year, for the first time, nominations will also be shared publicly and the Council community will be asked to cast their vote! At a time when supply chain management has never been more important, the CHaINA Awards offer manufacturers, retailers and their partners the chance to show they have what it takes. We look forward to receiving your entries and showcasing the best in supply chain, logistics and procurement in Asia. Wish you the best of luck. Max Henry Founder Global Supply Chain Council Why CHaINA Awards are Unique? Unlike other awards, the CHaINA's The 2010 awards will have a A wa rd s a re a bs o l u te l y 1 0 0 % particular focus on innovation sponsor-free, which means that and new business strategy, as the categories are not sponsored judges look for businesses who by vendors who typically win are addressing industry challenges i n t h e i r o w n c a t e g o r y. T h e in new and successful ways and Council seeks to be a neutral and who are leading their peers in independent organization that areas such as corporate social evaluates these nominations in an responsibility and sustainability. unbiased and objective manner. improvement, strategic such as The grounds for selecting the improved reputation in your own As the only awards judged by winners will be based on the respective sector. Asia's leading supply chain significance and impact your professional organization, the project or initiatives have had on Only the CHaINA Awards will CHaINA Awards offer a chance your operations in Asia. Benefits re c o g n i ze p ro j e c t s fo r t h e i r fo r i n d u st r y m e m b e rs t o b e a r i s i n g f ro m t h e p ro j e c t s o r excellent achievements in logistics recognized through a prestigious initiatives may be quantitative and supply chain management. awards program which is both well such as cost savings, qualitative This will be the biggest industry respected and peer-reviewed. such as supplier performance award ceremony of the year! 2 2 < Nominations close October,15 >
  • 3. Awards Categories Awards Categories Supply Chain Training Education and Operational Excellence Development Award (Top Award) This award recognizes the trainer T h e a wa rd fo r S u p p l y C h a i n or a training initiative or program Operational Excellence recognizes that have shown substantial results a manufacturing or retailing in developing or advancing supply organization that operates chain knowledge or expertise significant components of a supply within an organization in Asia. chain and has demonstrated excellence in the design, operation The Green Supply Chain or improvement of that supply Award chain in Asia. This award salutes individuals, programs or organizations that Supply Chain Executive h ave s e t a n d exc e e d e d h i g h of the Year standards for environmental This award recognizes an friendliness. Recipients of this individual who has made a award are selected on the basis of significant contribution to the strong environmental leadership success of his company in Asia and their firm commitment to CHaINA Awards is the most while implementing supply chain promote green shipping standards unique, prestigious and largest management initiatives, programs in Asia. industry award ceremony in Asia. or applications. Each of our eight awards embodies Best Logistics Real Estate the innovation, excellence and success carried throughout a Best 3PL Supply Chain Development NEW! V project or an initiative. Provider The Logistics Real Estate This award recognizes the third Development will aim to recognize Categories have been selected party logistics provider who has the warehouse or distribution to reflect the key areas in Supply proven excellence in developing c e n t e r t h a t o f fe rs t h e m o s t Chain Management and Logistics. and delivering supply chain interesting and innovative features solutions and services in Asia. and positioning in Asia. Furthermore, CHaINA Awards are incomparable in the sense Best Supply Chain that they are 100% sponsor free. Consulting Partner V The Council’s aim is to promote This award recognizes the best outstanding projects in the most consulting firm who has shown objective and impartial manner, excellence in developing and rejecting any form of bias. delivering supply chain expertise and consulting services in Asia. W i n n e rs w i l l b e s e l e c te d o n the basis of the success carried throughout their operations in Best IT Supply Chain Asia. The benefits arising from Solution Provider V the projects or initiatives may This award recognizes any vendor be quantitative such as cost who has delivered significant s av i n g s , q u a l i t a t i v e s u c h a s value in the implementation of improved external perception co m m u n i cat i o n s , e - b u s i n e s s of your company or strategic and information management such as supplier performance and technology, in any aspect of improvement helping further your passenger or freight transport V Categories where the vendors firm’s strategic goals. or supply-chain management are allowed to jointly nominate solutions. with a client. < Nominations close October,15 > 3
  • 4. Preparing your Nomination Preparing your Nomination All nominations must be sent at At the beginning of your success of your project, program nomination document, don't forget or initiative. All support materials to list the following information: should be provided online either Category entered in the form of a micro site, via a Title of project or web address or as files uploaded implementation covered in your on a server, so that these can be essay accessed by the judges at the time Name and contact details of judging. Support material Documents/PPTs: File size: Less than 5MB Nomination Summary File formats: .doc, .ppt, .pdf This short summary of 50 words Pictures/Photographs: maximum will highlight some of File size: Less than 5MB the most important facts of the File formats: .jpg, .png, .gif nomination. Videos/Animations Nomination Essay File size: Less than 10MB File formats: .mov, .wmv, .mpg, Your written essay is of outmost .mpeg2, .swf importance as the judges will base their initial decisions on the strength of the arguments made. Each entry must include a write- up that is not more than 500 words or two single-sided pages of A4 paper. Your two-page written Notes: entries must be typed or printed using not less than 12 point size. 1. All sites must be live from October 1 to 31st, 2010. Nominations in a language Please supply passwords, other than English must be if needed, for access to the paired with a complete English URL or FTP servers. language translation, including 2. Entrants may mark all supporting materials, to make various sensitive parts of judging possible. their submission as “Not for publication”, providing that Supporting Materials these restrictions are not To p a i r w i t h y o u r w r i t t e n used excessively. s u b m i s s i o n , e n t r i e s m ay b e supported with relevant back-up material to show evidence of the 4 2 < Nominations close October,15 >
  • 5. CHaINA Awards Nomination Process CHaINA Awards Nomination Process Deadlines: 1. Nominations must be completed and sent at Oct. 15 2. Nominees Oct. 30 Announcement 3. Nomination Summaries Nov. 1-10 placed for Public Voting 4. Final Review & Consideration Final Review & Consideration Nov. 10 - 16 from the Judges from the Judges 5. Winners Announcement Nov. 18 at the Gala Ceremony < Nominations close October,15 > 5
  • 6. Entry Rules Entry Rules Who can Enter? Eligibility Period Awards Presentation The CHaINA Awards are open to Any work launched or ongoing Winners will be announced all companies who embrace and during the August 2009 to October a n d re c e i v e a t ro p hy a t t h e encourage the advancement of 2010 period is eligible to enter the CHaINA'10 Live Awards ceremony supply chain management through Awards. on November 18 in Shanghai, their business in Asia. Entry is open China. Please note that winners, to manufacturers, retailers, trading Past Winners both the clients and the vendors companies or any end-users or companies, need to be present at If you have won a CHaINA Awards practitioners interested or involved this ceremony to be eligible to win in the past, you are not eligible in supply chain management. the final award. Winners will be to re-enter the competition for a professionally photographed and period of two years. Key decision-makers and videotaped. executives in supply chain management, operations, Multiple Entries procurement, logistics and related You are entitled to submit as many fields are welcome to nominate entries as you wish. You can also their company/team. put forward a single entry across multiple categories as long as it 3PLs, IT solutions providers, is relevant and is accompanied consultants, real estate companies by a separate entry form and are also welcome to enter BUT the supporting materials. nomination must be done together with a client. Any joint nomination Strict Confidentiality between an end-user and a vendor should be coordinated between The organizers and the judging Trophies panel understand that the content the different parties involved. The All winning entries receive two of your entry remains strictly final document should focus on trophies. A maximum of one end- confidential at all times and will the end-user client nominating a user and one client can be credited be discussed ONLY within the vendor, not the other way around. on the trophies given to winning confines of the judging process. teams. If your case is a winner, you Should your entry reach the final, Entry Deadline: the summary will be shared for can purchase duplicate trophies or personalized trophies at additional Deadline for the submission of public voting, editorial coverage cost. CHaINA Awards Nomination Form and as content for the ceremony will be Friday, 15 October 2010 Lunch. No other part of your entry will be published, presented or Entry Fee Award Ceremony: disclosed to any third party under There is no entry fee to nominate any circumstances. for the CHaINA Awards. If you CHaINA Awards Lunch Ceremony: want to attend to the ceremony, Thursday, 18 November 2010. join the CHaINA '10 Live event which will included access to the ceremony. Please note that there will also be a special price for delegates only attending the CHaINA Awards Ceremony. 6 2 < Nominations close October,15 >
  • 7. How will your Entry be Judged? How will your Entry be Judged? An independent jury consisting of leading supply chain executives, mainly working with manufacturers and retailers will judge the entry nominations. Great care is taken in selecting a judging panel comprising the right balance of specialist knowledge, experience and objectivity. Strict guidelines, designed to eliminate vested interest or breaches of rules of entry, will be followed. In all categories, judges will look primarily for projects that have delivered tangible results. However, judges will also take into account the ‘level of difficulty’ of those objectives and the degree to which they have been met. Judging Criteria Please also note that the nomination Judges also have the opportunity must be for demonstrable t o d i s c u s s t h e c a s e s b e fo r e Criteria for selecting winners excellence, not proposals or partly finalizing their selection. Scoring will be based on the magnitude, implemented projects. is done anonymously and importance and clarity impacted confidentially. by the project or activity submitted on your China operations. Those Quantitative benefits may be quantifiable (e.g. Methodology Public Voting cost savings or reduced lead times), A detailed quantitative methodology Nominations will be reviewed, strategic (e.g. a specific supplier has been developed to fairly and selected and kept confidential by performance improvement that accurately benchmark and analyze the Council judges and the names helps strategic goals) or indirect each entry on its merits. This of nominees will be announced at (e.g. improved external perception includes the following: the end of October. of your firm or more skilled staff whose performance then drives Strategy (20%) The nominations summaries will your firm operations in China). It then be placed for online public is important that every entry does Concise and proven evidence of voting to the Council's 60,000+ relate in some way these benefits. an insightful approach to a specific community across Asia. issue or challenge encountered in Projects, programs or initiatives the company operations in Asia. must be ‘real and live', running for at least several months in Asia Execution (50%) with some ROI achieved. Plans, Judges will look for a convincing concepts, future projects will not argument made establishing a be accepted. Joint entries from cause and effect between the organizations with their logistics, objectives, strategy and results of systems or consulting partners are the campaign. welcome. They will also consider other In addition, where it is appropriate factors such as the effective use of to the category and the entry; the resources, and technical excellence judges will consider: i n i m p l e m e n t i n g i n t e g ra t e d The clarity of the aims and campaigns. objectives of the project/ program; Results (30%) The quality of the planning and execution; Judges will consider the difficulty Demonstration of best or the complexity of the project, practices in Asia; the scale of the results and how Innovation and creativity; well the initiatives chosen met Evidence of teamwork, the objectives set. Judges will be involvement of stakeholders, looking for quantification of results colleagues; from a credible source (and seek And the presentational quality third party verification of awards of the entry. winners). < Nominations close October,15 > 7
  • 8. Tips for Successful Nominations Tips for Successful Nominations We have compiled a list of hints and tips below - to help ensure that your nomination goes smoothly and is well understood by the judges. These notes might answer some of the questions you may have after reading through the entry kit. 1 Choose the right Category 3 Be Compelling 5 Use verified Results It sounds simple, but Your entry should stimulate In all of the categories, the nature of cross the reader; tell the judges judges look for evidence of functionalities in supply a s t o r y a n d w hy i t w a s tangible results. This can be chain management means successful. For every demonstrated in a number of that there is potential obj ecti ve p rovi d e cl ear, ways but justified facts and overlap between some of sourced results and provide figures often tell the story the categories in the CHaINA context for judges to judge best. Awards. If you are a vendor, those results and objectives. only certain categories are It always helps to explain the opened for joint nominations 4 Be Concise basis of a successful return so please look for the V sign With the judges having to go on investment for a new in the Awards Categories through dozens of entries, program, implementation page. it is best to be concise and or business success story. poignant in your entry Results must be quantifiable. 2 Introduce the Context presentation to stand out The judges are experts in from the crowd. Winning 6 Proofread their field, but may not entries clearly articulate Have a few of your colleagues have an intimate knowledge a business issue, a clear read through your case before of the particular project improvement initiative and submitting, to be sure all or business that has been specific results that prove the the elements are there and entered. It always helps to case. without typos. put an entry in the context of the wider business, current setup of the operations or the organization chart. For further enquiries, Alexandra DANAHY please contact: Project Manager, CHaINA’10 Live, Global Supply Chain Council Email : | Mobile: +86 13651672414 8 2 < Nominations close October,15 >