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budget deficit Essay
"It's time to clean up this mess." Famous last words heard from the mouths of many
different politicians when talking about the national debt and the budget deficit. Our debt is
currently $4.41 trillion and we have a budget deficit of around $300 billion and growing. Our
government now estimates that by the year 2002 the debt will be $6.507 Trillion. While our
politicians talk of balancing the budget, not one of them has proposed a feasible plan to start paying
down the debt. In the early days of our government debt was considered to be a last resort. In 1790,
when Alexander Hamilton, as secretary of the Treasury, made his first report on the national debt of
the United States, he estimated it at close to $70 million. After ... Show more content on ...
A ceiling is placed on U.S. federal debt, and Congress must enact new legislation to raise the
ceiling. Between 1981 and 1990 the ceiling was raised from about $1.08 trillion to about $4.15
Unfortunately at the end of 1995 we reached the ceiling again, and Congress refused to raise it. They
felt that it had become too much, and there was a government shutdown for a few days in
November. Not only was this an inconvenience to many people, it also accounted for an estimated
$63 million a day in lost productivity, and almost double that in lost tax revenue.
Due to the threat of this, Clinton has a plan to balance the budget by 2005. This plan includes a
projected $1.1 trillion spending cut over the next ten years, slow the growth of spending on
Medicare and Medicaid, trim social and farm programs, close a number of corporate tax loopholes
and retain the package of middle–class tax cuts he proposed earlier. He also specified that programs
such as Social Security, education, and training would be immune from such cuts. He did warn
though, "Make no mistake–in other areas, there will be big cuts, and they will hurt. This was
June of 1995, and at the end of Fiscal Year 1996, the national debt growth was $80 billion higher
than previous projections, with a final debt increase of $331 billion. Where does this money go?
This happens to be the most popular question asked; yet the one nobody has a definite answer to.
Out of all of
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Essay On Budget Deficit And Discretionary Spending
Debts and Deficits have become a big problem now in the United states and has caused many people
to be worried about their futures. As the total number of debt rises in the United States people and
economist start to worry more and more. People are worried that their kids and their grandkids won't
be able to grow up in the same luxury as they did. Many economists even believe that the standard
of living might decline drastically if a solution isn't found soon. 1/3 of people in the United States
people believe national debt is the biggest problem in the united states. A budget deficit can be
described as basically whenever the governments spending increases their tax revenues. In a poll
conducted budget deficit is the the number one thing that worries people the most. Since recently we
have had some large budget deficits. The current United ... Show more content on ...
Discretionary spending is spending and elements elements of the budget not determined by past
legislative or executive commitments. This is all the spending that the current legislative and
executive expense out. Automatic spending is spending or elements basically made by past
legislative and executive orders. Automatic spending makes up around 80 percent of all spending
and Discretionary makes up around 20 percent of the spending. Automatic spending really cripples
future legislative as they have no control in that spending so decisions made in past legislations
really have some negative effects on the economy going forward. Certain expenditures that turn out
to be very bad give future legislation no other option but to continue to have to spend resources into
that. In 2013 there was a very similar problem as automatic spending was pretty high so certain cuts
were made to decrease that. So in 2013 the Pentagon prepared to ask Congress for more authority to
shift funds to cope with certain automatic spending cuts (Huffington
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Greece 's Euro As A Solution Of Its Budget Deficits Essay
Greece has joined Europe Union since 1981. In the 1990s, it steadily ran substantial budget deficits
while using the Drachma as its currency. As a result, in 2001 Greece decided to adopt the euro as a
solution of its budget deficits. After using euro, all went well for the first several years. Like other
Eurozone countries, Greece benefited from the power of the euro, which meant lower interest rates
and an inflow of investment capital and loans. Greece enjoyed a period of growth from 2001 to
2007. This boom was described by several analysts as unsustainable growth.
In 2008, Greece was seriously affected by the subprime mortgage crisis and it was unable to recover
from this crisis. In 2009, Greece admitted its budget deficit would be 12.9% of GDP. That 's more
than four times the EU 's 3% limit. Afterward, Greece was prevented from borrowing in the
financial markets.
The first bailout was occurred in 2010 when the Troika started handling Greece loans in exchange
for spending cuts and tax hikes. A second later bailout brought the total amount given to Greece
roughly £169 billion. The government still has a debt load. By 2011, the EU and the IMF have
provided €240 billion in emergency funds In return for even more austerity measures. Unfortunately,
the measures further reduced the Greek economy, falling the tax revenues required to repay the debt.
Unemployment reached 25%. Many Greek economists blame the austerity measures for much of the
country's continuing issues.
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Impact of Budget Deficit Policy
I. Introduction
With an outline development goal who will achieved through the policy of macro economy is in
order to reach the level of unemployment is low gainful price stability, economic growth as expected
and distribution income it equal. To achieve development goal the government allocated to finance
through budget state that are arranged every year.
One of the fiscal policies implemented that related to the budget is a budget deficit, a policy which
the state revenues are less than the state expenditure. To overcome the lack of revenues, effected by
way of debt owed, whether sourced from domestic and abroad, issued a bond, or by printing money
(Seignior age).
Indonesia there has been a change in the policy of state revenues and ... Show more content on ...
So, government spending derived from debt at this point is equivalent to that tax cuts is funded from
debt not affect the consumption (Mankiw, 2007).
Research about inflation is based on Inflation Theory. One of the famous inflation theory is the
Quantity Theory that inflation can occur when there is increase the amount of money in circulation
and the public's expectations of price increases in the future.
Research on the impact of inflation to employment rate is based on Phillips Curve Theori, that said
when the unemployment rate is high, the inflation rate is low, and vice versa, if the unemployment
rate is low, then the inflation rate is high.
III. Literature Review
Research on the impact of budget deficits policy to inflation has been done a lot, including research
that conducted by Darrat (1985) using data from the United States in the 1960s , and the results
showed that the growth of money and the budget deficit policy in the U.S. affects inflation . In these
studies, Darrat using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) analysis techniques. Another study conducted by
Metin (1998 ) to explore the budget deficit policy in Turkey by using data in 1950–1987 and using
the OLS analysis techniques , the results showed that the budget deficit significantly influence
inflation in Turkey. Further research conducted by Darrat ( 2000) is the budget deficit policy in
Egypt using data in 1957–1993 and uses technical analysis of the ECM
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US Budget Deficit Essays
The annual United States budget has been steadily rising over the past decade. The projected federal
budget for the 2012 fiscal year is going to be $3.7 million dollars compared to the $1.9 trillion in
2001. The 2012 budget is just a hundred million less than the 2011–year budget, according to the
Congressional Budget Office. The reason for this ongoing rise in the federal budget can be
acclaimed too the few financial crises that the country has faced. Beginning with September 11th
attacks, to the housing bubble bursting, to the recession hit in 2007. The combination of all these
major financial breakdowns, along with the hundreds of other fiscal responsibilities that the
government holds has lead America into a very big budget deficit. ... Show more content on ...
Even though it can be seen that the problem lies in the fact that there is just not enough money to go
around, the cause is rooted much deeper. It can all be traced back to the amount of money the
government actually receives as revenue. The government is just a big business and the way it
makes money is taxing the people that it governs over. The government just doesn't have any other
way of making money.
Tax revenue accounts for about 75% of the federal budget. During the 2010 fiscal year, the United
States government collected about $2.16 trillion dollars in tax revenue. About 42% of these taxes are
from individual income taxes; another 40% from Social Security taxes and the rest are split between
excise, estate, and corporate taxes ( The United States uses what is called the progressive
tax system. Which means the more you make, the more taxes you pay. Tax revenue has become a
very hot topic in the past few months, mostly due to the fact of a recent group of people who call
themselves "Occupy Wall Street".
These people protest on Wall Street in New York on an everyday basis. They sleep there, eat there
and basically do whatever they want. This protest does not have a unified cause, but the general
conclusion that can be drawn from everyone is
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Budget Deficits and the Economic Growth
Budget Deficits and Economic Growth
Joey Willoughby
ECO 203 Principles of Macroeconomics
Instructor: Nathan Rondeau
Budget Deficits and Economic Growth
Economists generally agree that high budget deficits today will result in the reduction of the growth
rate of the economy in the future. The United States budgetary situation has disintegrated
significantly since 2001, when the CBO ( Congressional Budget Office ) forecast average annual
surpluses of nearly $850 billion from 2009 – 2012. In April of 2011, it was revealed that our nation
is 12.7 trillion dollars in debt which surpasses by a wide margin, the 2001 CBO forecast of a
cumulative surplus by ... Show more content on ...
Unless the deficit spending is allotted to purchases resulting in long – term increases in real GDP,
future generations will have to endure taxation at an elevated rate. This is the only way that the
government entity will be capable of retiring the elevated public debt which has resulted from this
generation's consumption of goods, provided governmentally. Added to this dilemma, the increased
level of consumption by this same generation crowds out investment, thus a reduction of capital
goods growth is apparent, leaving future generations with insignificant capital stock and a drastic
reduction of their wealth. ( In relation to our foreign debt, future generations may be
taxed to repay this exorbitant debt plus aggregated interest however this does not have to be "etched
in stone." It all depends entirely on the projects that the government funds in the future. If these
projects are of a wasteful nature our future generations may face yet another added burden. This
would also stymie the growth rate of the economy in the future. The deficit must be maintained to
ensure that the nation's economy grows with its resource position. Our nation must do everything in
its power to reduce the deficit. Economic growth is also further impaired by government borrowing,
which essentially is competing for money against the private sector. The continuance of government
borrowing is denying the U.S.
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U.s. Federal Budget Deficit
1. The total U.S. budget deficit for this year is estimated to be $514 billion, compared to $1.4 trillion
in 2009 (The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024, 2014). Over the last few years, the
federal budget deficit has declined, and is projected to continue to decline this year and leading into
2015 (The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024, 2014).
2. As of September 2014, the United States debt had reached $17.7 trillion dollars (Fighting for a
U.S. federal budget that works for all Americans, 2014). Over the past few years, the U.S. debt has
continued to increase and signs point to this continuing into 2015. According to the article I have
cited, China and Japan hold the vast majority of the United States debt (Fighting for a ... Show more
content on ...
Along with this budget–deficit package, President Obama and his administration have also included
a number of proposals which focus to expand access to higher quality early education, money to
upgrade the nation's transportation infrastructure, and to provide funding to those who are having
difficulties in today's labor market in order to help in their preparation in finding a job (Parrot,
Friedman, Kogan, & Wan de Water, 2013). I believe this plan has had ample amount of research
conducted and I believe this is economically sound and achievable. I think expanding on higher
quality education earlier in life will be extremely beneficial to the coming generations. This will
give the United States an advantage in the coming years because our younger generations will be
more intelligent with the hopes of continuing advanced education.
4. There are a number of both long and short term effects that a large budget deficit/debt can have on
an economy. First, there will be increased borrowing, meaning the government will need to borrow
from the private sector (Pettinger, 2014). Second, there will be higher debt interests payments,
meaning selling bonds will increase the national debt, leaving future generations to have to pay
higher taxes (Pettinger, 2014). Third, an increase in aggregate demand will occur, which could
potentially cause a higher Real GDP and inflation to
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The Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt
Marilyn Alvarado ECON 2301.SY2
The Federal Budget Deficit and the National Debt
The United States national debt is large. The U.S. Debt–to–GDP ratio has grown to over 60 percent
in recent years. We are more than $15 trillion in debt. In this paper I will address the federal budget,
the United States debt, and the resulting impacts on society in several sectors.
In our textbook, "Principles of Macroeconomics," the relationship between debt and deficit is
described. A deficit is a shortfall in revenue for a particular year's budget. Whereas, a debt is the
total of all accumulated and unpaid deficits. An outlay is an amount of money spent on something.
The federal government outlays are divided into government outlays and mandatory outlays.
Government outlays are the part of the government budget that includes both spending and transfer
payments. Mandatory outlays constitute government spending that is determined by ongoing long
term obligations. Of the two, mandatory outlays is the largest portion of the federal budget. Lastly,
Discretionary outlays compromise government spending that can be altered when the government is
setting its annual budget. A budget surplus occurs when revenue exceeds outlays. A budget deficit
occurs when government outlays exceed revenue. Government spending began to really grow
around 2001. This was partly due to the 9/11 terrorist attack. Additionally, there has been an increase
in spending with Social Security and Medicare. In response to
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Federal Budget Deficit
Excessive Borrowing: Our Federal Government 's Budget Deficit Maria comes home one day earlier
than usual. Her family, two daughters of age five and eight and a stay–at–home husband, is
surprised to see her so early and unexpectedly. The tired look on her face reveals the experience she
had at work. She brings out a sluggish smile as her daughters rush up to greet her with their warm
embraces, reminding her of the happiness they constantly provide but also saddened by their
questionable future. Quietly, she sits down in front of her anxious spouse as he patiently awaits the
news, sensing the tension in the air. Many people like Maria face the ultimate doom of losing the
only method they can gain family income, especially in homes ... Show more content on ...
Many skeptics challenge the reasoning for investing so much money into helping so many other
countries when that money could instead help us improve internal affairs. After all, foreign aid
spending has increased to $50 billion a year today, which could be put towards funding education to
ensure that more kids go to college and possibly affecting the innovation of the future(Morris).
Giving more than you receive is nice, but when it involves a country 's financial crisis, maybe it 's
best if Santa cuts back some of this year 's presents. And although the argument may be valid,
lending out a helping hand can create more allies than enemies to help us in return when we need it.
In fact, foreign aid only accounts for 0.5 percent of the federal budget (Stearn). Compared to all the
other matters at hand that the government is worrying about, the amount of spending put into aiding
poorer countries is positive in both a moral aspect and a political aspect. The federal budget deficit
that we put so much trust in having handled for us is not to be dismissed so easily. This isn 't just
about the future of our current generation, but also our children 's future. Our government fails to
look back at history and see how growth has improved our economy and made it flourish.
Ultimately, what 's at stake here if nothing is done is our jobs, job benefits, our safety, and, overall,
having a weak country whose currency is based off of its own good name. By no means is having a
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Budget Deficit Analysis
Across the United States, public schools are experiencing major budget deficits. These deficits lead
to a debate over what program or sometimes multiple programs will be cut from schools in certain
areas. Fine Arts programs are often the first considered and ultimately cut from schools. More
specifically theatre and dance are among the most targeted in arts programs. The National Center for
Education Statistics reported, "In the 2009–10 school year, 3 percent of elementary schools offered
instruction that was designated specifically for dance during regular school hours. This percentage
represents a decrease from 1999–2000, when 20 percent of the schools reported instruction that was
designed specifically for dance" (Parsad 40). However, ... Show more content on ...
Students face high amounts of stress on a daily basis making the main benefit of dance education
stress relief. When an individual dances the body releases the neurotransmitter, endorphins, which
serve as the body's natural painkiller to reduce stress. (Dancing to Relieve Stress par. 3). Another
emotional benefit to dance education is the ability for students to express themselves. A journal
titled, "Creativity, Self–Expression, and Dance" by Peter J. Arnold goes into detail about the
connections between dance, creativity, and self–expression. Arnold claims, "Self–expression in its
naturalistic state is perhaps best characterized as a form of emotional discharge which results from
an unreflective reaction to a situation or event" (53). He then explains, "It is sometimes said, for
example, that activities like creative writing, singing, music, painting, pottery, carving, drawing,
instrumental music, drama, and dance help the child or adolescent to act out or aggressive
tendencies, conflicts, and tensions" (Arnold 53). These activities may not be available for all
students when outside of the school setting, thus removing them from schools would leave students
with less opportunities for
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Pa 581 Final Exam Government Budget and Finance 100%...
PA 581 Final Exam Government Budget and Finance 100% Correct Keller
PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE!–tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=2110
Page 1:
1. (TCO A) One of our lectures discusses the budget execution stage of the budget cycle. Please
identify and explain each of the major steps in the budget execution process. (Points : 25)
2. (TCO D) Property taxes receive a number of complaints from some taxpayers and many
politicians. Please identify at least three of these complaints, and discuss them in detail. Refer to
standards such as vertical equity, horizontal equity, and regressiveness as you discuss these
complaints. (Points : 25)
3. (TCO C) Quarterly allotments for the appropriation to the State ... Show more content on ...
Why or why not? Be very specific, using numbers in your answer.
· In principle, could Bev, the major beneficiary, financially "cut deals" with Al and/or Chris so as to
ENSURE that they would vote for the project? Using only the numbers given in the project
statement as your starting data, specify how this could be done. (Points : 25)
4. (TCO H) List the steps in the capital budget process and explain each of them. (Points : 25)
5. (TCO I) Below is a table showing the income of individuals A and B together with their food and
clothing purchases in an untaxed environment (NOTE: K = 1000).
Individual Income Food Clothing
A $20,000 $5,000 $2,000
B $50,000 $8,000 $8,000
Before even considering any particular numbers, define precisely what is meant when we say that a
tax system is regressive. Do the same for what is meant by progressive.
Suppose a general sales tax of 5% is applied to all purchases, and purchasing behavior does not
change as a result. In consideration of the sum total of ALL sales taxes paid, illustrate why this tax
system is regressive.
Hint: Develop a calculation table for analysis.
There is a proposal on the government table to exempt EITHER food OR clothing from the sales tax
base. The purpose of this proposal is to seek progressivity rather than regressivity in the sales tax
system. Provide a reasoned recommendation supported by calculations as to which
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U.s. Government Budget Deficit And Debt
There are many original and ingenious opinions and analysis related to a topic on U.S. government
budget deficit and government obligations and liabilities. As a result of the economic circumstances
and current consequences of budget deficit in the United States there have been many controversial
hypotheses of what future may bring to the American people. Therefore, I would like to face deeply
inquire in to of how our countries government deficit and outstanding debt will affect its citizens
and I also assume there are new challenges taking place as the consequence of rising government
To provide evidence to the current U.S. government budget deficit and government external debt
situation we should take a closer look at the government budget deficit, national and personal debt
in the country. First, I am going to start with a definition of U.S government deficit: It is essentially
the difference between what the U.S government spends in any fiscal year and the revenues it takes
in. Any time the spending exceeds the revenues, the federal government runs a deficit. As many may
already know the United States must increase its revenue or reduce expenses during the next decade
in order to farther debt and loss of creditability in the world financial markets. There are several
ways to balance the U.S government without giving up the nation's increase of collective
productivity and growing economy. Government can reduce expenditures by finding more cost
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Public Budget Deficit Has Generated Pressures On Domestic...
This chronic and growing public budget deficit has generated pressures on domestic savings and
increased the share of domestic savings that directed to cover the growing public deficit at the
expense of investment spending share. Ratios of public budget deficit to demand for domestic
savings fluctuated around upward sloping trend. This ratio recorded 40%, in average, with standard
deviation 14.5% during the considered period. Panel (a) in figure (3) shows that despite ratio of
investment spending to demand for domestic savings recorded 84%, in average, with standard
deviation 10.3%; however, these ratios fluctuated around a relatively horizontal trend during the
considered period. Accordingly, it can be said that public budget deficit works as a constraint to
investment spending. Panel (b) may confirm this suggestion, as it shows that investment spending,
as a percent of GDP, is following a downward sloping trend especially after 2008, where ratios of
public budget deficit to demand for domestic savings started to follow an upward sloping trend. In
other words, it can be said that public spending competes with investment spending for domestic
savings, a familiar problem known as crowding–out. Under such a circumstance, financing domestic
investment is at the mercy of foreign indirect capital flows which depend on the efficiency of
financial markets and political status and relations of the country. This goes in line with the finding
of O.Helmy and C.Zaki (2015), as they
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The Budget Deficit And The Houses Affordability
In the last three years, the Australian economic performance is dominated by economic downturns.
Recently, Australia facing two crucial issues in their economy, those are increasing budget deficit
and houses affordability. In the long term, those two issue can deteriorates the economy. By
increasing budget deficit, it affect to a decrease in living standard because the future generation need
to pay more tax for paying the debt. The government need to overcome new fiscal policy in order to
maintain these issue. This essay will argue that government's policies is inefficient to overcome the
houses affordability and increasing budget deficit issues. It will first outline about the trends in the
Australian economic performance. Then, it will ... Show more content on ...
Even though, the economic growth decline, the unemployment rate is remained stable at the point
around 5.7 percent. The living standard also remain in the same rate. However, the gap between the
richer and poorer increases with almost 13–percentage point. The overall trends shows that
Australian economy is in moderate level, but the GDP annual growth is below expectation. In
addition, recently Australia are facing two important issue, which are increasing budget deficit and
aging population. If the government does not give the efficient policy for solving this problem, it
can affect to decline in Australian economic performance. Nowadays, in some developed countries
its housing prices have significant increases within a period of a short time. Australia is one of the
developing countries that the house prices start to become extremely expensive and it is overvalued
in the market. This lead affordability decreases in almost all regions of Australia, with the most
unaffordability house prices is Sydney and followed by Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide,
and Hobart (Scutt, 2016). This caused the housing prices turn out to be a serious issue. One of the
issue is that many people with low earner incomes not able to afford to buy houses as the price goes
higher (McKenny & Ting, 2016). When people can not buy a house, they will be a homeless and
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Pros And Cons Of Budget Deficit
A state of financial health in which spending exceed revenue. The term "budget deficit" is most
generally used to refer to government expenditure rather than business or individual expenditure.
When referring to accrued federal government deficits, the term "national debt" is used. The reverse
of a budget deficit is a budget surplus, and when money in equal money out, the budget is said to be
Budget revenue > Budget expenfiture : Surplus Budget
Budget revenue < Budget expenfiture : Deficit Budget
Budget revenue = Budget expenfiture : Balance Budget
The percentage of GDP in budget deficits may reduce in times of economic prosperity, as increased
tax ... Show more content on ...
When a nation has a deficit, its leaders must consider the interest expenses on debt when deciding to
spend money on new projects. If the nation has high enough taxes to pay for all of its current
projects, it is easier for its leaders to spend more money since interest costs aren't a limiting the
Cons of a Budget Deficit
A con is that a budget deficit restricts the amount of money that the government can spend in the
future. Any revenue that the government has to pay on its future interest payments reduces the
amount of revenue that it can spend on other projects. The government may not be able to take out
future loans to fund new projects that produce better results than the projects that it ran a current
deficit to fund.
Another con is that a budget deficit reduces the government's options in a bad economy. A
government may need to increase taxes and reduce services to pay off its loans, even if the economy
is already doing poorly and businesses are failing. If the government did not need to spend its
revenue on interest, it could afford to hire additional workers and purchase more products from
businesses, creating a stimulus
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How Large Is The Current U.S. Budget Deficit And How Has
How large is the current U.S. budget deficit and how has it changed over the last few years? The
projected Unites States budget deficit for fiscal year 2017 is a staggering $559 billion dollars. A
budget deficit occurs when the government spends more than it receives in revenue over a specific
period of time (Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013, p. 251). Currently the US government runs on a fiscal
year (FY) which begins October 1st each year. The projected rate of 2017's deficit is 17.6 % of
expected revenues of $3.4 trillion which is only slightly lower than FY 2016. The 2016 deficit
represented 3.2 % of gross domestic product (GDP) rising from 2.4% in FY 2015 (Congressional
Budget Office, 2017). If the average American household ... Show more content on
Food, tents, muskets, and ammunition were not cheap, and Congress was failing to meet these new
expenditures. They went so far as to print new money, our first look at currency manipulation
(Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013). The Founding Fathers would not be able to grasp that our nation
never has never been debt free. At the time of this writing the US National debt was
$19,975,211,704, and changed over the time of typing in the figure (Federal Reserve, 2017).
National debt is "accumulated debt of the federal government" (Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013, p. 261).
This astronomical figure is difficult to fully grasp. To break it down in simple terms; that amounts to
$61,55 per US citizen, and $166,775 per tax payer. With the median income at just over $30,000,
there is simply no way the nation can pay the debt off by raising taxes alone (Federal Reserve,
2017). At issue, who owns this debt? The US Citizen does, strangely enough at 65.6%. Social
Security owns roughly 16%, other federal entities own 13% and the Federal Reserve owns an
additional 12%. The other 34.4% of US debt is owned by other countries and foreign interests
(Patton, 2014). This could potentially lead to national security issues if the foreign investors decided
to cash in Treasury securities all at once. That is not likely as the United States is still one of the
most secure places to invest. In addition, being arguably the most powerful military on
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National Debt and Budget Deficit Essay
Much like a person or a corporation, the United States government uses money for its operations;
meaning that it has both income and expenses. The income of the United States is derived from
various taxes and fees and the expenses are what the U.S. government pays out for national defense,
highways, social welfare programs, and various other programs.
In an election year, the average citizen is apt to hear a great deal of talk about income, taxes,
spending, and more importantly budget deficits and the national debt. Given all of the talk, one may
come to think that budget deficits and the national debt are one in the same. While the two do go
hand–in–hand, it is important to understand that they are two separate things. ... Show more content
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Of course, when we, as individuals, borrow money and we pay interest on it, which increases our
The U.S. is no different. In fiscal year 2007, the U.S. paid out $430 billion in interest. This
exorbitant interest expense continues to increase the U.S. annual deficit, which in turn, continues to
increase the national debt that now stands at over $9.5 trillion (Hall, 2008).
As anyone who has experienced financial trouble, especially with credit cards, it is the interest on
the debt that creates the biggest problem. For the U.S., the only way to reduce the interest is to
reduce the debt. The only to reduce the debt is to begin paying it off, and the only way to pay off the
debt is to sustain significant surpluses.
The only way to sustain a surplus is to spend less than one receives. On an individual plane, this is
certainly feasible. However, on a national plane, in order to maintain a surplus is to reduce
government spending and increase taxes. No other solutions are possible. References
Budget deficit. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from website:
National debt. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from website:
Adamson, J.C. (2008). What is the National Debt – and What is the Deficit? Retrieved August 5,
2008, from The Muser website:
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The Federal Budget Deficit
The Federal Budget Deficit Introduction The federal budget deficit is a much discussed and little
understood subject in American politics. The current recession has dramatically decreased tax
revenues, driving the United States federal government to increase spending in an attempt to
stabilize the economy. As a result the current federal deficit is at over $1.3 trillion dollars. This is
approximately $47,754 per U.S. citizen or $137,552 per U. S. taxpayer (U.S. Debt Clock: Real
Time, 2012). Many contend that deficit reduction is imperative to our prosperity and economic
recovery. The deficit is blamed for a variety of economic ills including high interest rates,
unemployment, the trade deficit, the low rate of national saving and low productivity growth
(Shaviro, 1997). The Causes of the Budget Deficit Many believe the country's dramatic decent into
debt began with a choice, not a crisis. In January of 2001, with the budget balanced, the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast that the nation would have over a $2 trillion dollar
surplus by 2010, enough money to pay off the entire national debt. In the years following 2001
political leaders chose to cut taxes, increase spending, and wage two wars solely with borrowed
funds (Montgomery, 2011). Today the national debt is larger, as a percentage of the economy, than at
any time in U.S. history except for the period shortly after World War II. According to a recent
Gallup Poll most Americans blame the federal
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Bangladesh Government Budget Deficit
Fiscal Policy generally refers to the use of taxation and government expenditure to regulate the
aggregate level of economic activity in a country. Fiscal policy in Bangladesh basically comprises
activities, which the country carries out to obtain and use resources to provide services while
ensuring optimum efficiency of the economic units. The policy influences the behaviour of
economic forces through public finance. Major objectives of the fiscal policy of Bangladesh are to
ensure macroeconomic stability of the country, promote economic growth, and develop a
mechanism for equitable distribution of income. The main tools to achieve these objectives are
variation in public revenue, variation in public expenditure, and management of public ... Show
more content on ...
The major objective of the government fiscal policy was to restrict the growth of current
expenditure to a level below the growth of the nominal GDP, thereby making more resources
available to support annual development programme (ADP) undertaken in each year. In line with the
Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) of the IMF, a number of reforms were initiated, the
most important of which was the introduction of value added tax (VAT) in July 1991.
VAT was introduced at a uniform rate of 15% at the manufacturing–cum–import level. Together
with protection–neutral supplementary duties, this system largely replaced the earlier structure of
differentiated sales tax on import and excise duties on domestic goods. In case of personal income
tax, the major reforms involved the inclusion of entertainment allowances in the personal income
tax base, deduction of investment in approved assets from the tax base, and an introduction of a
withholding tax on dividend with limitation of special expenditure within a reasonable limit. Steps
were taken to reduce interest rates on government savings instruments and subsidies for food and
jute. A good number of public sector enterprises were denationalised through sales to the private
These reform measures resulted in a remarkable improvement in the fiscal situation of Bangladesh
after 1990. The growth of current expenditures was contained below the
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The Federal Budget Deficit
The federal budget deficit it is an excess government spending on state revenues. And public debt is
an aggregate amount of government debt, which is composed of outstanding loans and unpaid
interest thereon. U.S. federal expenditures is approximately around 3.5–4 trillion dollars, which
includes: defense – $700b, social security – $700b, Medicare and Medicaid – $450b, Interest –
$200b, other assistance such as food stamps, unemployment, housing, EITC – $180b, and other
non–defense – $600b. According to the book "Current Economic Issues", Article 2.1 "America's
public–sector workers under attack" we can say that the increase in the government deficit led
liberal politicians to extreme measures. They had a choice, cut school to save repair roads, or cut
Medicaid to save drug rehabilitation programs. These are all methods were designed to keep the
state budget at a normal level. And also, liberal politicians have come to the need to reduce the
salaries of public employee and benefits, because the reduction of salary costs can give a chance to
save other services, for example in education. All these liberal system trying to protect government
spending, but they must understand that this does not solve the problem economically, because they
made the wrong choice that pits public services against each other. But there is another option that
allows us to save public services, is to raise taxes on private consumption. Therefore, liberal
politicians have
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Federal Budget Deficit Analysis
Federal Budget Deficit Projected to Soar to Over $1 Trillion in 2020 The annual budget for the
Federal Government is predicted to increase over the next few years. In fact, it's supposed to surpass
$1 trillion dollars in 2020, even though the economy is growing at a healthy rate, the Congressional
Budget Office says. The national debt has gone beyond $21 million and even goes from there to past
$33 trillion in 2028. By then, the public's debt will almost match the size of the economy. It'll be at
96% which is higher than post World War to and past the crisis point. Some economists think that
increasing deficits will bring interest rates up, expand private sector's borrowing costs, and prices of
tank stock. All this will decrease the growth ... Show more content on ...
A deficit in economics is when there is a surplus over expenditures in a certain time period. Here in
the article, the government spent more than what the budget allowed. The government controls
government spending and doesn't affect investments and consumption. Social insurance programs
are talked about in the article. These are programs from the government (transfer payments) meant
to protect families for economic hardships. Examples of these transfer payments mentioned in the
article are medicare and social security. This relates to fiscal policy and government transfers
because it is a government transfer. Fiscal policy is also the use of taxes, government transfers or
purchases made by the government that shift the aggregate demand curve. Expansionary fiscal
policy increases aggregate demand and the factors that contribute are a tax cut, increase in
government transfers and an increase in purchases in goods and services by the government. We see
those factors throughout the article as it talks about growing deficits because of the Social Security
and Medicare. Expansionary policy is incorporated into the article when the budget office discusses
the prediction of high interest rates so Americans will purchase more
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Budget Deficit Research Paper
Budget Deficit
Sheena Stackhouse
Professor Carlson
ECO 203
July 25, 2016
The U.S. has been dealing with issues the country's face such as national debt and also budget
deficit over many years. Money is not the problem when it comes to budget being squared away
strategically. There was a time when the budget became extremely high and implementing was
brought about from ideas of congress such as deficit control measures. Congress took it upon
themselves in 1985 to make many laws about national debt and budget deficit control measure. This
brings me to a quote I read out of the textbook, "Between 1980 and 1993 budget deficits grew
steadily in dollar terms, and the nation debt tripled. Since 2003, the public debt has grown by more
than $500 billion each year; as July 2012, nominal U.S. GPD was $15,880 billion. (Amacher &
Pate, 2012)
The United States congress is the legislative branch for the federal government of the United States,
and makes two houses which are House of Representatives and also the senate. When congress is
granted by the constitution they have power to make laws, they have the authority to declare war,
confirm or reject Presidential ... Show more content on ...
"Discretionary spending fir federal agencies and cabinet departments would be reduced through
broad cuts referred to as budget sequestration." (Vye, 2013) CBO gives assessments of the statutory
tops on discretionary financing and an examination of whether sequestration might be imperative
under current budgetary guidelines, however the Administration's Office of Management and
Budget makes an authoritative decision of whether a sequestration is needed and, if it happens to be,
how gigantic is it? The Gramm–Rudman–Hollingsworth Act was something like fundamental; the
organization anticipated they would pay back what was received, with interest and do it in a
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The Importance Of Budget Deficit In The United States
Every year, the federal government must release a budget outlining their spending plans. The budget
shows the government's priorities and uses revenues received from taxes and borrowing. However,
the amount spent does not always equal the amount collected, as it would in a balanced budget. For
over a decade, the United States has had a series of deficits. With the debt now being about $20
trillion, affirmative action is necessary to avoid a major economic crisis. The budget deficit could be
minimized by cutting spending in the defense department and by increasing alcohol and corporate
taxes. In the fiscal year 2015, "Pentagon and related spending totaled $598 billion, accounting for 54
percent of all federal discretionary spending" (Koshgarian 1). That money is then spent on soldier's
wages, weapons, military research, equipment maintenance, and overseas operation. The United
States currently spends more on its military than the sum of ... Show more content on ...
$223.5 Billion." 1). Alcohol is a legal substance and is taxed at an average rate of about 21% ("Tax
and Fee Rate" 1). People consistently buy alcohol throughout the year, so it is a constant good that
people at all income levels consume. However, alcohol has negative health effects. Those effects,
like anemia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, later cost American taxpayers billions in healthcare.
Therefore, it would be beneficial to raise taxes on alcohol; it would increase the overall price of
alcohol, making it less affordable to some and harder for minors to obtain. Alcohol would still be
profitable, but there would be higher revenues and the possibility of decreased long term healthcare
spending, because of a lower buying ability. Crimes related to alcohol would also decease over time,
although not disappear completely, so the money not spent on law enforcement and expensive
healthcare could then be better spent on decreasing the
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Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt
These two graphs are dealing with the federal budget deficit and the national debt and just how
diverse they are from the time differences with both begging approximately in the 2001's and
making their way to 2013. Different types of numbers, but the relationship between the Federal
budget deficit and the national debt is by how the Deficit deals with taking the difference of what
the U.S. government gets in from taxes or other revenues calling these receipts, but on top of that
the amount of money they spend calling these outlays. Some of these items included in the deficit
would be on– budget or off–budget. While in the other hand when we think about the total debt as
all the deficits added together plus all of the accumulated off– ... Show more content on ...
Treasury sailing IOUs towards the government in the form of securities, which are called bonds.
When this occurs the effect goes by when the federal government asks U.S. and foreign households,
business, and governments to lend them money that will cover the deficit they have created.
Covering the deficit, but also has indebtedness to bondholders as well. They should be concerned
with "crowding out," just because the mechanism by which investment is crowded out is an increase
in the interest rate. By more sales of securities, this would cause them to raise the interest rates on
the bonds to even have anybody wanting to buy them. These higher interest rates on bonds are going
to discourage private sectors investment and spending and these high rates causes a reduction in the
growth in capital formation, which in turn slows the growth of productivity and improvement in
society's living standard. Increasing the level of spending by the present generation crowds out
investments and reduces the growth of capital goods, leaving those in the future generations with a
smaller capital stock leaving them not to be as wealthy as they wanted to be before because this
Crowding out refers to the government providing a service or good that would otherwise be that
business opportunity for private industries. So if Crowding out was to occur, an increase in the
demand for loanable funds by the government shift the loanable demand curve to the right and up,
of course
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The Debate Over Time To Reduce The Budget Deficit
We have a long story of debt, but it seems no one has been able to make it better. If the debt is
increasing over time, the government has a budget deficit. Charles C. Turner, et al, define deficit as
spending that exceed revenue (482). In history, basic deficit or debt was usually from over spending
from a war and economic issues like a recession or depression. Then the government had a budget
deficit almost every year "between 1970 and 1997," but tax cut and more spending on defense by
President Reagan in 1981 added more growth to the deficit. Also, another cause is from reducing of
productivity seem in the GDP and lower tax rate (tax cut) (483). Even when the government had
some budget surplus, still, it could not cover the debt. In 2012, the debt grew "over $ 16 trillion,"
(482–483) and has increased more in recent year plus 2.9 percent of budget deficit in 2016 (The
2016 Long Term Budget Outlook, 2). To manage the economic depression, sometime policymakers
cut the taxes and increase spending again by putting more money into private sectors (Turner, 483);
therefore, government goes further with the budget unbalancing. There are several reasons that
lower tax rate will not reduce the budget deficit closer to a balance.
First, lower tax rate will lower revenues. Overall tax cuts for a new coming year will bring different
amounts of revenue from the previous year if the tax rate falls below a previous percentage. For
example, Ramesh Ponnuru said that Mr. Trump's plan will
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The Federal Budget Deficit And National Debt
The Federal Budget Deficit and National Debt Basically, what the federal budget deficit is a
shortage of funds that are available for the government, where more money is being spent than what
the government receives. But, national is where the government borrows money through various
ways. The data for national debt and federal budget deficit from the year 2001–2013 is given in the
chart above. As we can see in the graph, the deficit is still remains in our economy even though
there had been a surplus in 1999 to 2001. But, we could see a lot if decreases such as from the year
2004– 2007, 2009–2010 and also from 201–2014, but generally the deficit kept increasing yearly.
The data provided is in trillions and a positive value means ... Show more content on ...
From the graph above, for instance, we could say that the budget deficit increased rapidly from
2007–2009 and we could say that the main is due to the Great Recession. The governments act
trying to counter–attack this effect by improving fiscal policy for the betterment of business cycle
lead to more outlay than revenue, which resulted in the increase of the deficit promptly. So,
therefore borrowing the money to deal with deficit lead to increase in the national debt. Crowding
out occurs when spending by an individual or an organisation or to be more precise, private
spending decreases and by increasing the government spending. People sometimes use this as an
alternative replacement and lets the government to spend more. This is a very big problem causer
because as the government decided to spend more, it leads to higher budget deficit and debt and the
overall spending may decline rapidly. So, therefore if they let the government to spend more instead
of them it results to the lesser consumption of resources and spending on it. This can lead to
decreasing the interest rates which results in less investment by people and major drop in the
business sector. In order to shift the economy up from the times and effect of the great recession,
government tend to raise the budgets at times, government give more outlays in the form of social
security and other fiscal policy techniques. As a result, the government borrows capital to pay for
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Budget Deficit Is The Amount Of Federal Money
1) Budget Deficit
Def: It is the amount of federal money spent each year that is more than the federal income, so that
the federal expenditure is greater than the federal revenue.
CE: In 2016, the Congressional Budget Office faintly decreased the estimation of the government's
budget deficit by $10 billion from the original $534 billion for the fiscal year of 2016.
2) Expenditures
Def: It is the amount of federal money or revenue that is spent, especially on social programs like
social security.
CE: In 2014, the Republicans and Democrats revealed a $1 trillion expenditure deal that would raise
the pay for federal workers and have a generally large outcome on the lives of American citizens.
3) Fiscal Year
Def: It begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th, where the federal budget plan is
CE: In the fiscal year of 2016, the Congressional Budget Office dimly decreased the government's
budget deficit by $10 billion from its original amount of $534 billion.
4) 16th Amendment
Def: Created in 1913, it's a constitutional amendment that allows Congress to collect an income tax.
CE: In 2011, the Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry took back his proposal to repeal the
16th amendment due to his presidential bid in 2012.
5) Authorization Bill
Def: They establish entitlements and discretionary government programs, which they either continue
or change.
6) Appropriation Bill
Def: It's passed every year to cover the budget year and give authorization for
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The main difference between the federal budget and the...
The main difference between the federal budget and the state and local budgets is the issue of a
monetary deficit, in which expenditures in the budget exceeds revenues that were estimated. State
and local governments are required to balance their budgets. The federal government is allowed to
borrow money to meet its obligations and have a deficit. The federal government collects the most
tax revenue, but state and local governments have a greater range of revenue options for funding
their budgets. The federal government relies mainly on income taxes, capital gains and Social
Security taxes. State and local governments collect sales taxes, taxes on fuel, property taxes and fees
from special licenses and permits. Also, many state and local ... Show more content on ...
The next largest portion at almost 10% of the budget is allotted to Criminal Justice. In the state of
Georgia we have 159 state funded prisons that house over 57,000 inmates (Ga Prison Fact Sheet).
This also includes over 13,000 state employees that run these facilities (AJC Prison). Each inmate
takes approximately $51 a day. This includes housing, meals and general day to day activities (Ga
Prison Fact Sheet). Forth largest in the Georgia budget is for Debt Services. Debt services include
the payments of the principal and interest of any general or long term obligation that the state has
accrued. This amount is over $64 million in 2012. Lastly, the fifth largest budget allocation is for
transportation. Transportation encompasses road repair, improving the efficiency of the movement
of goods, construction of new roads and Highways and reducing congestion within the state. Along
with these services, the salaries and benefits of their employees are figured into this section of the
budget (Georgia Budget site). Figure 3: Local Budget (Cobb County Budget). This budget shows the
breakdown on the spending in Cobb County Georgia. Cobb County includes portions of Atlanta and
is just north of Fulton County, which contains the largest portion of the city of Atlanta. The largest
portion of the Cobb County budget goes
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Budget Deficit And Its Effect On The National Debt
Only eight times in the past 60 years has Britain 's budget been in surplus, most recently in 2001–
2002. A budget surplus occurs when tax revenue is greater than government spending and interest
payments. Therefore, the government can use the surplus revenue to pay off the national debt. The
budget deficit is the annual amount the government has to borrow to meet the shortfall between
current receipts (tax) and government spending, for example by the end of 2009–10 our annual
deficit was £170.8 billion. The argument of the chancellor is that with national debt 'unsustainably
high' periods of economic growth should be taken as an opportunity to pay down debt and reduce
the burden for future generations.
To analyse the projection 'The British Government is currently expecting to see the budget deficit
turn to a surplus in 2019/20', it is key to first understand the proposals put forward by Chancellor
George Osborne on how this budget surplus is to be achieved. Osborne proposed a legally binding
charter regarding government spending in 'normal' economic times which passed 320 to 258 in the
House of Commons. Essentially this means the amount that the government can spend will be
capped by the charter when the economy is growing by 1% a year or more, in order to see a budget
surplus by 2020. Furthermore Osborne plans to further decrease borrowing, which has been
decreasing at a fairly high rate since 2012 – 2013, in order to meet his plans of a budget surplus by
2019–20. The
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Affordable Care Act: Budget Deficit Analysis
Historically the United States of America took pride in free trade and capitalism. Taxes on goods
was a key driving force that began the American Revolution and later developed the power–house
country present today. So, it is no wonder that when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) incurred new
tax reforms, it was far from a smooth transition. In particular, pharmaceutical companies were hit
the hardest. Within a ten year span, the drug industry will collectively have to pay $85 billion to the
American government.1 The ACA is planned to be paid by wealthy Americans, insurance companies
with high benefits, tanning salon users, and companies who make medical devices and drugs.1 In
the perspective of budget deficit, this is working. In fact, the deficit
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Summary: The US Budget Deficit
The large U.S. budget deficit had happened to be everyone concerns since "policy debate in
Washington has been dominated by warnings about the dangers of budget deficits" (Paul Krugman).
Throughout the past years, U.S. had operated under deficit and it means that the amount of
government spending is way more pass how much it takes in, so where does all the money go and
does the deficit really hurt the U.S. economy? First, we have to understand clearly what is the deficit
in term of economic and how is it related to the economy. Laurence J. Kotlikoff stated that the
current measure of the deficit, or any measure, is based on arbitrary choices of how to label
government receipts and payments. Since the Great Recession, in response to the financial crisis and
its impact on the economy, the government has increased government spending markedly in order to
stimulate economic growth that leads to extremely high U.S. deficit in 2009, $1,413 billions due to
Obama ... Show more content on ...
(Lauren Camera). Most of the funding go to the Pell Grant program, which in the fiscal year of
2016, the government had spent $22 billion on the program. Since education is one of the most
important weapons in today's world, spending a large amount of money in education is not just
boost the economy but also a great investment of the government to make America keep on
growing. The future of our country is depending on how well our educational system prepares
students to deal with the world. It's also true that there are a lot of people move to the U.S. for a
better education and also a lot of families had decided to send their kids over here for the purpose of
education. With more internal students come in, the U.S. also can make money from it as
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Economic Effects of a Budget Deficit
The immediate effect of a budget deficit is the negative perception of the general public, both local
and international, on the ability of government to manage its fiscal affairs which seriously impairs
its financial and credit rating including its ability to borrow more money to service the country's
foreign debt. Government is unable then to forthwith address the deficit and, as in the Philippines,
starts blaming everybody else but itself for its budgetary woes.
Still, during times of a budget deficit, the Philippines most particularly makes a knee–jerk reaction
by trying to desperately narrow the gap between revenues and expenses through two measures that,
far from helping alleviate the situation, actually exacerbates the already ... Show more content on ...
* Higher Taxes and lower spending
In the future the govt may have to increase taxes or cut spending in order to reduce the deficit. This
may cause reduced incentives to work * Increased Interest rates
If the govt sells more bonds this is likely to cause interest rates to increase. This is because they will
need to increase interest rates in order to attract investors to buy the extra debt.
If govt interest rates increase this will push up other interest rates as well. * Crowding Out
Increased govt borrowing may cause a decrease in the size of the private sector (see fiscal policy) *
Inflation: * In extreme circumstances the govt may increase the money supply to pay the debt. * If
the govt sells short term gilts to the banking sector then there will be an increase in the money
supply, this is because banks see gilts as near money therefore they can maintain there lending to
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Analysis Of The Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt
Sibley The Federal budget deficit is the amount of spending by the Federal government that is in
excess of how much money the government brings in annually. While the Federal budget deficit has
steadily decreased overall during the past fifteen years, our Federal debt continues to grow at a
drastic rate. A review of how the Federal deficit has evolved over the past fifteen years, the rate of
growth of the Federal debt during that same period, and how the two are connected will better
explain this phenomenon. The following graphs depict the Federal budget deficit and the Federal
debt over the same recent fifteen year period: In 2000, under the second Bush ... Show more content
on ...
Subsequent packages signed by Obama, such as the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance
Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and
the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, maintained a high Federal
Budget deficit in the following years. This was due to the needs of the citizens. During times of
recession, unemployment is higher and more people need federal assistance and aid, which must
come from the government. Also, fewer people working means less money for the government in
tax revenues, so there is less money coming into the government to offset spending. In spite of this,
the deficit still began a slow decline. In an effort to counter the effects of some of the Acts
mentioned above, in 2011 and 2012 Obama signed into law two acts which have helped to
considerably reduce the Federal Budget deficit. The Budget Control Act of 2011 and the American
Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. While the Budget Control Act directly worked to reduce deficit
spending while simultaneously increasing the U.S. debt ceiling, the American Taxpayer Relief Act
worked to ease the burden of the federal debt on U.S. taxpayers by maintaining the tax cuts that had
been previously put into place by
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Budget Deficit in Vietnam from 2008
I. Definition and Current Situation in Vietnam 3
I.1.What is budget deficit 3
a. Definition 3
b. How to measure 3
I.2.Overview the budget deficit in Viet Nam for the latest 5 years 4
II. Factors influencing budget deficit in Vietnam 4
II.1 State Budget Revenue 4
a. High tax rate 4
b. Revenues from unsustainable non tax resources 5
II.2 State Budget Spending 6
a. High public spending continuously 6
b. Widely spread public investment 6
c. Low investment efficiency from the SOE sector 7
III. Impact of Budget Deficit to Macroeconomic Variables in Theory and Practice 8
III.1 Inflation 8
III.2 Interest rate 8
III.3 Trade balance & exchange rate 9
III.4 Economic Growth 10
IV. Recommendations for ... Show more content on ...
Deficits are financed by borrowings that itself increase the debt. If the ratio debt–to–GDP gets too
high, investors will worry that the government will either default on this debt or will devaluate by
monetising its debt and in this way engineer a high inflation rate. According to the Maastricht
Treaty, the EU countries should not have a budget deficit higher than 3% of the GDP and a debt
higher than 60% of the GDP.
I.2.Overview the budget deficit in Viet Nam for the latest 5 years
Macroeconomic Report 2012 titled "from macroeconomic instability to restructuring" released by
the National Assembly's Economic Committee announced that Vietnam's state budget deficit and
public debts have increased rapidly.
The report (Figure 1 Annex) pointed out that the country has suffered constantly increasing the state
budget deficit for more than a decade. Particularly, the average state budget deficit (excluding
repayments for Vietnam's original debts) in the 2003 – 2007 period was only 1.3 percent of GDP,
but this figure had more than doubled to 2.7 percent of GDP in the 2008 – 2012 period.
Especially in recent years, ongoing budget deficits have led to the rapid growth of public debt.
Vietnam's total public debts have increased from about 40 percent of GDP in late 2007 to 57 percent
of GDP at the end of 2010 and only declined slightly in 2011. At the same time, Vietnam's foreign
debts have surged
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The Pros And Cons Of US Budget Deficit Spending
Unfortunate for some Presidents, they experienced a terrible recession during their terms in the
office. In the modern–day President Obama was one example, in 2008 the United States hit her
worst recession in the past sixty years (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2010–2011). The President took
a drastic move with the support of the Congress and passed the largest stimulus package in the
history of the United States. According to government Authors Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, the
Congressional Budget Office argued the spending could lead to a federal government budget deficit
of a $1.6 Trillion in 2009 (2010–2011). The debt is still hanging around of about five percent of the
GDP going all the way through 2019 even though the recession is over the nation still have the huge
deficit (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2010–2011).
Advantages: ... Show more content on ...
To increase economy growth and considered a real expenditure by the federal government a
purchase component of aggregate demand by government agencies for goods and services which are
a direct production transaction (Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 2013). For example, public universities,
college educational research services, transportation and infrastructure. They can be a long –term
benefit because they produced productivity. In 2009, President Obama made a statement that the
package would create spending by businesses and consumers making the investment a long–term
economic growth. (2013, p.287). For instance, in the past President Roosevelt recession addressed
the issue of unemployment with his New Deal program, even though he wanted to avoid a budget
deficit. When such spending directed into the economy, in turn, can generate income for taxes and
interest example, college student loans. Employment circulates money in the market, and there will
be an increase in production from private sectors and consumer
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Budget Deficit: National Debt
Jennifer Desrivieres
Budget Deficit/Debt
A budget deficit is a shortfall of tax revenue from government spending. A budget deficit is an
indicator of financial health in which expenditures exceed revenue. The term budget deficit is most
commonly used to refer to government spending rather than business or individual spending, but can
be applied to these entities. When referring to accrued federal government deficits, the deficits are
referred to as the national debt. A budget deficit is recognized, current expenses exceed the amount
of income being received through standard operations. To correct a budget deficit, the nation may
need to cut back on certain expenses or increase revenue–generating activities, or employ a ... Show
more content on ...
That date is usually fixed; depending on whether the money is in the form of treasury bills, note,
bonds or one of the many other securities the federal government issues. Even if we don't take
currency into account, the U.S. government's ability to pay thus becomes a brutal, or worthy circle.
The national debt can only be reduced through five mechanisms: increased taxation, reduced
spending, debt reformation, monetizing the debt or outright default. The federal budget process
directly deals with taxation and spending levels and can create recommendations for restructuring or
possible default. Because debt plays such an important part of economic progress, it must be
measured appropriately to take the long–term impact it presents. Unfortunately, assessing the
country's national debt in relation to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), though common,
is not the best approach. As the national debt continues to grow, the question remains: Is it OK to
run a deficit like we have for many years, or do we need to balance the budget? Just like any
average American household, overspending can carry on for extended periods by rolling over debt
and borrowing more and more money in what seems like a never–ending game of chasing our tail.
The government has become an expert at this process. Yet without its spending, some would say our
economy could be in much worse
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The Budget Deficit In The United States
The U.S government is spend way too much money. One of the biggest problems the facing the U.S
in the increase in the budget deficit. The increase in the budget will affect future generation. There
are many solution to fixing the problem. On October 17 the United States debt was over $17 trillion
dollars, which is more than the United States annual economic output. The only time the GDP was
that high when we were in World War two.
The United States should bring our troops home from Afghanistan. With the Taliban nearly
destroyed and most of their leader dead or captured. The U.S army has won the war on terror. We
should bring our troop back home. We are spending 680 billion dollars to keep our troops over in
Afghanistan. Which is money the U.S is borrowing by the millions to keep of troop to fight mini
civil war and other things over there. If we were to bring our troops home it would decrease the
national debt by 5% ... Show more content on ...
We are not in any major war or on the brink of a war. We are wasting money on tanks, ships and
advance air craft. They are just sitting in fields and collected rust and dust. What are they going to
be used for? Some people say that spending money on way and defense help boost the economy, but
it is really hurting our economy. The government is spending too much money on the military. We
spend money that we don't have to keep up bases in other countries to protect them from harm. We
should stop spending money on other countries and used it to lower our debt. The money that we
would save could be used could be used in the US. Which could be used for other
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The Budget Deficit For Fiscal Year
Pros & Cons As said plenty of times throughout this semester, you are guaranteed two things in life
and that is death and to pay taxes. Yes, taxes, taxes help fund our schools, build/fix roads, social
security, Medicare, Medicaid, military/security defense, safety net programs, and of course the
interest on our national debt. The federal government must make regular interest payments on all the
money borrowed from other countries. Budget deficits, budget surplus, national debt, deficit
spending all have pros and cons.
The federal government collects fees, taxes and certain revenues every year while spending in other
fields. Deficits happen when total expenditures in a fiscal year outweigh the total revenues, when
this happens; the ... Show more content on ...
Government income fell from $2.568 trillion in fiscal year 2007 to $2.1 trillion in fiscal year 2009
and didn't recover until 2013. The attacks on 9/11 hurt the recession too; it drove military spending
to a record of $671 billion dollars in 2007.
The US government borrows money from two sources, the public and itself to fill in these budget
deficits. The government borrows money from the public by issuing treasury bills, notes, and bonds.
The treasury bills are for short–term borrowing. About 60% of the held American debt belongs to
Americans, foreign lenders hold the other 40%, China is the biggest party that holds about $800
billion in treasures, and Japan is right behind them at $725 billion.
A budget deficit isn't always bad, sustained deficits have some risks with them, but small deficits
may have some benefits. Borrowing in order to invest in infrastructure, education, or similar
projects to improve economic growth over the long term. The benefits that accrue from the
investments will pay more than just the interest incurred on the debt, it's similar to when an
entrepreneur borrows to start a new business or a student takes out loans to pay for education. These
would be good borrowed funds, and help the borrower in the long term. Some cons to running
budget deficits would be borrowing money in bad ways, for example, it can become risky as interest
payments grow and take up large shares of your expenses,
... Get more on ...
Can Increasing Taxes Reduce the Budget Deficit?
Can increasing taxes reduce the budget deficit?
A graphical representation showing the relationship between the government increasing taxes and
the total revenue they will collect is referred to as the Laffer curve, this is a hypothetical
representation. The curve is named after Arthur Laffer the economist, though he has pointed out that
this concept is not his as it originates from writings by a Muslim philosopher of the 14th century Ibn
Khaldun ADDIN EN.CITE Dalamagas199864(Dalamagas, 1998)646417Dalamagas, BasilTesting
the Validity of the Laffer–Curve HypothesisAnnals of Economics and Statistics / Annales
d'Économie et de StatistiqueAnnals of Economics and Statistics / Annales d'Économie et de
Statistique77–102521998L'INSEE / GENES on behalf of
"Dalamagas, 1998 #64" Dalamagas, 1998). There are other historical precedents that also exist. The
Laffer curve suggests that the government can increase taxes up to a certain level if they want to
increase their revenue and reduce the budget deficit, but past the optimal level then the negative
would occur as people would want to work because most of the money they earn would be taken by
the government in terms of paying taxes. The government should endeavor to remain at the optimal
point of the Laffer curve so that it can maximize on its revenue and also encourage people to work
Increasing taxes and remaining at the optimal tax
... Get more on ...

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Budget Deficit Essay

  • 1. budget deficit Essay &quot;It's time to clean up this mess.&quot; Famous last words heard from the mouths of many different politicians when talking about the national debt and the budget deficit. Our debt is currently $4.41 trillion and we have a budget deficit of around $300 billion and growing. Our government now estimates that by the year 2002 the debt will be $6.507 Trillion. While our politicians talk of balancing the budget, not one of them has proposed a feasible plan to start paying down the debt. In the early days of our government debt was considered to be a last resort. In 1790, when Alexander Hamilton, as secretary of the Treasury, made his first report on the national debt of the United States, he estimated it at close to $70 million. After ... Show more content on ... A ceiling is placed on U.S. federal debt, and Congress must enact new legislation to raise the ceiling. Between 1981 and 1990 the ceiling was raised from about $1.08 trillion to about $4.15 trillion. Unfortunately at the end of 1995 we reached the ceiling again, and Congress refused to raise it. They felt that it had become too much, and there was a government shutdown for a few days in November. Not only was this an inconvenience to many people, it also accounted for an estimated $63 million a day in lost productivity, and almost double that in lost tax revenue. Due to the threat of this, Clinton has a plan to balance the budget by 2005. This plan includes a projected $1.1 trillion spending cut over the next ten years, slow the growth of spending on Medicare and Medicaid, trim social and farm programs, close a number of corporate tax loopholes and retain the package of middle–class tax cuts he proposed earlier. He also specified that programs such as Social Security, education, and training would be immune from such cuts. He did warn though, &quot;Make no mistake–in other areas, there will be big cuts, and they will hurt. This was June of 1995, and at the end of Fiscal Year 1996, the national debt growth was $80 billion higher than previous projections, with a final debt increase of $331 billion. Where does this money go? This happens to be the most popular question asked; yet the one nobody has a definite answer to. Out of all of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay On Budget Deficit And Discretionary Spending Debts and Deficits have become a big problem now in the United states and has caused many people to be worried about their futures. As the total number of debt rises in the United States people and economist start to worry more and more. People are worried that their kids and their grandkids won't be able to grow up in the same luxury as they did. Many economists even believe that the standard of living might decline drastically if a solution isn't found soon. 1/3 of people in the United States people believe national debt is the biggest problem in the united states. A budget deficit can be described as basically whenever the governments spending increases their tax revenues. In a poll conducted budget deficit is the the number one thing that worries people the most. Since recently we have had some large budget deficits. The current United ... Show more content on ... Discretionary spending is spending and elements elements of the budget not determined by past legislative or executive commitments. This is all the spending that the current legislative and executive expense out. Automatic spending is spending or elements basically made by past legislative and executive orders. Automatic spending makes up around 80 percent of all spending and Discretionary makes up around 20 percent of the spending. Automatic spending really cripples future legislative as they have no control in that spending so decisions made in past legislations really have some negative effects on the economy going forward. Certain expenditures that turn out to be very bad give future legislation no other option but to continue to have to spend resources into that. In 2013 there was a very similar problem as automatic spending was pretty high so certain cuts were made to decrease that. So in 2013 the Pentagon prepared to ask Congress for more authority to shift funds to cope with certain automatic spending cuts (Huffington ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Greece 's Euro As A Solution Of Its Budget Deficits Essay Greece has joined Europe Union since 1981. In the 1990s, it steadily ran substantial budget deficits while using the Drachma as its currency. As a result, in 2001 Greece decided to adopt the euro as a solution of its budget deficits. After using euro, all went well for the first several years. Like other Eurozone countries, Greece benefited from the power of the euro, which meant lower interest rates and an inflow of investment capital and loans. Greece enjoyed a period of growth from 2001 to 2007. This boom was described by several analysts as unsustainable growth. In 2008, Greece was seriously affected by the subprime mortgage crisis and it was unable to recover from this crisis. In 2009, Greece admitted its budget deficit would be 12.9% of GDP. That 's more than four times the EU 's 3% limit. Afterward, Greece was prevented from borrowing in the financial markets. The first bailout was occurred in 2010 when the Troika started handling Greece loans in exchange for spending cuts and tax hikes. A second later bailout brought the total amount given to Greece roughly £169 billion. The government still has a debt load. By 2011, the EU and the IMF have provided €240 billion in emergency funds In return for even more austerity measures. Unfortunately, the measures further reduced the Greek economy, falling the tax revenues required to repay the debt. Unemployment reached 25%. Many Greek economists blame the austerity measures for much of the country's continuing issues. In ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Impact of Budget Deficit Policy I. Introduction With an outline development goal who will achieved through the policy of macro economy is in order to reach the level of unemployment is low gainful price stability, economic growth as expected and distribution income it equal. To achieve development goal the government allocated to finance through budget state that are arranged every year. One of the fiscal policies implemented that related to the budget is a budget deficit, a policy which the state revenues are less than the state expenditure. To overcome the lack of revenues, effected by way of debt owed, whether sourced from domestic and abroad, issued a bond, or by printing money (Seignior age). Indonesia there has been a change in the policy of state revenues and ... Show more content on ... So, government spending derived from debt at this point is equivalent to that tax cuts is funded from debt not affect the consumption (Mankiw, 2007). Research about inflation is based on Inflation Theory. One of the famous inflation theory is the Quantity Theory that inflation can occur when there is increase the amount of money in circulation and the public's expectations of price increases in the future. Research on the impact of inflation to employment rate is based on Phillips Curve Theori, that said when the unemployment rate is high, the inflation rate is low, and vice versa, if the unemployment rate is low, then the inflation rate is high. III. Literature Review Research on the impact of budget deficits policy to inflation has been done a lot, including research that conducted by Darrat (1985) using data from the United States in the 1960s , and the results showed that the growth of money and the budget deficit policy in the U.S. affects inflation . In these studies, Darrat using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) analysis techniques. Another study conducted by Metin (1998 ) to explore the budget deficit policy in Turkey by using data in 1950–1987 and using the OLS analysis techniques , the results showed that the budget deficit significantly influence inflation in Turkey. Further research conducted by Darrat ( 2000) is the budget deficit policy in Egypt using data in 1957–1993 and uses technical analysis of the ECM ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. US Budget Deficit Essays The annual United States budget has been steadily rising over the past decade. The projected federal budget for the 2012 fiscal year is going to be $3.7 million dollars compared to the $1.9 trillion in 2001. The 2012 budget is just a hundred million less than the 2011–year budget, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The reason for this ongoing rise in the federal budget can be acclaimed too the few financial crises that the country has faced. Beginning with September 11th attacks, to the housing bubble bursting, to the recession hit in 2007. The combination of all these major financial breakdowns, along with the hundreds of other fiscal responsibilities that the government holds has lead America into a very big budget deficit. ... Show more content on ... Even though it can be seen that the problem lies in the fact that there is just not enough money to go around, the cause is rooted much deeper. It can all be traced back to the amount of money the government actually receives as revenue. The government is just a big business and the way it makes money is taxing the people that it governs over. The government just doesn't have any other way of making money. Tax revenue accounts for about 75% of the federal budget. During the 2010 fiscal year, the United States government collected about $2.16 trillion dollars in tax revenue. About 42% of these taxes are from individual income taxes; another 40% from Social Security taxes and the rest are split between excise, estate, and corporate taxes ( The United States uses what is called the progressive tax system. Which means the more you make, the more taxes you pay. Tax revenue has become a very hot topic in the past few months, mostly due to the fact of a recent group of people who call themselves "Occupy Wall Street". These people protest on Wall Street in New York on an everyday basis. They sleep there, eat there and basically do whatever they want. This protest does not have a unified cause, but the general conclusion that can be drawn from everyone is ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Budget Deficits and the Economic Growth Budget Deficits and Economic Growth Joey Willoughby ECO 203 Principles of Macroeconomics Instructor: Nathan Rondeau 6/27/2011 Budget Deficits and Economic Growth Economists generally agree that high budget deficits today will result in the reduction of the growth rate of the economy in the future. The United States budgetary situation has disintegrated significantly since 2001, when the CBO ( Congressional Budget Office ) forecast average annual surpluses of nearly $850 billion from 2009 – 2012. In April of 2011, it was revealed that our nation is 12.7 trillion dollars in debt which surpasses by a wide margin, the 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative surplus by ... Show more content on ... Unless the deficit spending is allotted to purchases resulting in long – term increases in real GDP, future generations will have to endure taxation at an elevated rate. This is the only way that the government entity will be capable of retiring the elevated public debt which has resulted from this generation's consumption of goods, provided governmentally. Added to this dilemma, the increased level of consumption by this same generation crowds out investment, thus a reduction of capital goods growth is apparent, leaving future generations with insignificant capital stock and a drastic reduction of their wealth. ( In relation to our foreign debt, future generations may be taxed to repay this exorbitant debt plus aggregated interest however this does not have to be "etched in stone." It all depends entirely on the projects that the government funds in the future. If these projects are of a wasteful nature our future generations may face yet another added burden. This would also stymie the growth rate of the economy in the future. The deficit must be maintained to ensure that the nation's economy grows with its resource position. Our nation must do everything in its power to reduce the deficit. Economic growth is also further impaired by government borrowing, which essentially is competing for money against the private sector. The continuance of government borrowing is denying the U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. U.s. Federal Budget Deficit 1. The total U.S. budget deficit for this year is estimated to be $514 billion, compared to $1.4 trillion in 2009 (The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024, 2014). Over the last few years, the federal budget deficit has declined, and is projected to continue to decline this year and leading into 2015 (The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024, 2014). 2. As of September 2014, the United States debt had reached $17.7 trillion dollars (Fighting for a U.S. federal budget that works for all Americans, 2014). Over the past few years, the U.S. debt has continued to increase and signs point to this continuing into 2015. According to the article I have cited, China and Japan hold the vast majority of the United States debt (Fighting for a ... Show more content on ... Along with this budget–deficit package, President Obama and his administration have also included a number of proposals which focus to expand access to higher quality early education, money to upgrade the nation's transportation infrastructure, and to provide funding to those who are having difficulties in today's labor market in order to help in their preparation in finding a job (Parrot, Friedman, Kogan, & Wan de Water, 2013). I believe this plan has had ample amount of research conducted and I believe this is economically sound and achievable. I think expanding on higher quality education earlier in life will be extremely beneficial to the coming generations. This will give the United States an advantage in the coming years because our younger generations will be more intelligent with the hopes of continuing advanced education. 4. There are a number of both long and short term effects that a large budget deficit/debt can have on an economy. First, there will be increased borrowing, meaning the government will need to borrow from the private sector (Pettinger, 2014). Second, there will be higher debt interests payments, meaning selling bonds will increase the national debt, leaving future generations to have to pay higher taxes (Pettinger, 2014). Third, an increase in aggregate demand will occur, which could potentially cause a higher Real GDP and inflation to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt Marilyn Alvarado ECON 2301.SY2 The Federal Budget Deficit and the National Debt The United States national debt is large. The U.S. Debt–to–GDP ratio has grown to over 60 percent in recent years. We are more than $15 trillion in debt. In this paper I will address the federal budget, the United States debt, and the resulting impacts on society in several sectors. In our textbook, "Principles of Macroeconomics," the relationship between debt and deficit is described. A deficit is a shortfall in revenue for a particular year's budget. Whereas, a debt is the total of all accumulated and unpaid deficits. An outlay is an amount of money spent on something. The federal government outlays are divided into government outlays and mandatory outlays. Government outlays are the part of the government budget that includes both spending and transfer payments. Mandatory outlays constitute government spending that is determined by ongoing long term obligations. Of the two, mandatory outlays is the largest portion of the federal budget. Lastly, Discretionary outlays compromise government spending that can be altered when the government is setting its annual budget. A budget surplus occurs when revenue exceeds outlays. A budget deficit occurs when government outlays exceed revenue. Government spending began to really grow around 2001. This was partly due to the 9/11 terrorist attack. Additionally, there has been an increase in spending with Social Security and Medicare. In response to ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Federal Budget Deficit Excessive Borrowing: Our Federal Government 's Budget Deficit Maria comes home one day earlier than usual. Her family, two daughters of age five and eight and a stay–at–home husband, is surprised to see her so early and unexpectedly. The tired look on her face reveals the experience she had at work. She brings out a sluggish smile as her daughters rush up to greet her with their warm embraces, reminding her of the happiness they constantly provide but also saddened by their questionable future. Quietly, she sits down in front of her anxious spouse as he patiently awaits the news, sensing the tension in the air. Many people like Maria face the ultimate doom of losing the only method they can gain family income, especially in homes ... Show more content on ... Many skeptics challenge the reasoning for investing so much money into helping so many other countries when that money could instead help us improve internal affairs. After all, foreign aid spending has increased to $50 billion a year today, which could be put towards funding education to ensure that more kids go to college and possibly affecting the innovation of the future(Morris). Giving more than you receive is nice, but when it involves a country 's financial crisis, maybe it 's best if Santa cuts back some of this year 's presents. And although the argument may be valid, lending out a helping hand can create more allies than enemies to help us in return when we need it. In fact, foreign aid only accounts for 0.5 percent of the federal budget (Stearn). Compared to all the other matters at hand that the government is worrying about, the amount of spending put into aiding poorer countries is positive in both a moral aspect and a political aspect. The federal budget deficit that we put so much trust in having handled for us is not to be dismissed so easily. This isn 't just about the future of our current generation, but also our children 's future. Our government fails to look back at history and see how growth has improved our economy and made it flourish. Ultimately, what 's at stake here if nothing is done is our jobs, job benefits, our safety, and, overall, having a weak country whose currency is based off of its own good name. By no means is having a high ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Budget Deficit Analysis Across the United States, public schools are experiencing major budget deficits. These deficits lead to a debate over what program or sometimes multiple programs will be cut from schools in certain areas. Fine Arts programs are often the first considered and ultimately cut from schools. More specifically theatre and dance are among the most targeted in arts programs. The National Center for Education Statistics reported, "In the 2009–10 school year, 3 percent of elementary schools offered instruction that was designated specifically for dance during regular school hours. This percentage represents a decrease from 1999–2000, when 20 percent of the schools reported instruction that was designed specifically for dance" (Parsad 40). However, ... Show more content on ... Students face high amounts of stress on a daily basis making the main benefit of dance education stress relief. When an individual dances the body releases the neurotransmitter, endorphins, which serve as the body's natural painkiller to reduce stress. (Dancing to Relieve Stress par. 3). Another emotional benefit to dance education is the ability for students to express themselves. A journal titled, "Creativity, Self–Expression, and Dance" by Peter J. Arnold goes into detail about the connections between dance, creativity, and self–expression. Arnold claims, "Self–expression in its naturalistic state is perhaps best characterized as a form of emotional discharge which results from an unreflective reaction to a situation or event" (53). He then explains, "It is sometimes said, for example, that activities like creative writing, singing, music, painting, pottery, carving, drawing, instrumental music, drama, and dance help the child or adolescent to act out or aggressive tendencies, conflicts, and tensions" (Arnold 53). These activities may not be available for all students when outside of the school setting, thus removing them from schools would leave students with less opportunities for ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Pa 581 Final Exam Government Budget and Finance 100%... PA 581 Final Exam Government Budget and Finance 100% Correct Keller PLEASE DOWNLOAD HERE!–tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=2110 Page 1: 1. (TCO A) One of our lectures discusses the budget execution stage of the budget cycle. Please identify and explain each of the major steps in the budget execution process. (Points : 25) 2. (TCO D) Property taxes receive a number of complaints from some taxpayers and many politicians. Please identify at least three of these complaints, and discuss them in detail. Refer to standards such as vertical equity, horizontal equity, and regressiveness as you discuss these complaints. (Points : 25) 3. (TCO C) Quarterly allotments for the appropriation to the State ... Show more content on ... Why or why not? Be very specific, using numbers in your answer. · In principle, could Bev, the major beneficiary, financially "cut deals" with Al and/or Chris so as to ENSURE that they would vote for the project? Using only the numbers given in the project statement as your starting data, specify how this could be done. (Points : 25) 4. (TCO H) List the steps in the capital budget process and explain each of them. (Points : 25) 5. (TCO I) Below is a table showing the income of individuals A and B together with their food and clothing purchases in an untaxed environment (NOTE: K = 1000). Individual Income Food Clothing A $20,000 $5,000 $2,000 B $50,000 $8,000 $8,000 Before even considering any particular numbers, define precisely what is meant when we say that a tax system is regressive. Do the same for what is meant by progressive. Suppose a general sales tax of 5% is applied to all purchases, and purchasing behavior does not change as a result. In consideration of the sum total of ALL sales taxes paid, illustrate why this tax system is regressive. SHOW ALL WORK IN A SYSTEMATIC FRAMEWORK TO EARN MAXIMUM POINTS. Hint: Develop a calculation table for analysis. There is a proposal on the government table to exempt EITHER food OR clothing from the sales tax
  • 22. base. The purpose of this proposal is to seek progressivity rather than regressivity in the sales tax system. Provide a reasoned recommendation supported by calculations as to which ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. U.s. Government Budget Deficit And Debt There are many original and ingenious opinions and analysis related to a topic on U.S. government budget deficit and government obligations and liabilities. As a result of the economic circumstances and current consequences of budget deficit in the United States there have been many controversial hypotheses of what future may bring to the American people. Therefore, I would like to face deeply inquire in to of how our countries government deficit and outstanding debt will affect its citizens and I also assume there are new challenges taking place as the consequence of rising government debt. To provide evidence to the current U.S. government budget deficit and government external debt situation we should take a closer look at the government budget deficit, national and personal debt in the country. First, I am going to start with a definition of U.S government deficit: It is essentially the difference between what the U.S government spends in any fiscal year and the revenues it takes in. Any time the spending exceeds the revenues, the federal government runs a deficit. As many may already know the United States must increase its revenue or reduce expenses during the next decade in order to farther debt and loss of creditability in the world financial markets. There are several ways to balance the U.S government without giving up the nation's increase of collective productivity and growing economy. Government can reduce expenditures by finding more cost ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Public Budget Deficit Has Generated Pressures On Domestic... This chronic and growing public budget deficit has generated pressures on domestic savings and increased the share of domestic savings that directed to cover the growing public deficit at the expense of investment spending share. Ratios of public budget deficit to demand for domestic savings fluctuated around upward sloping trend. This ratio recorded 40%, in average, with standard deviation 14.5% during the considered period. Panel (a) in figure (3) shows that despite ratio of investment spending to demand for domestic savings recorded 84%, in average, with standard deviation 10.3%; however, these ratios fluctuated around a relatively horizontal trend during the considered period. Accordingly, it can be said that public budget deficit works as a constraint to investment spending. Panel (b) may confirm this suggestion, as it shows that investment spending, as a percent of GDP, is following a downward sloping trend especially after 2008, where ratios of public budget deficit to demand for domestic savings started to follow an upward sloping trend. In other words, it can be said that public spending competes with investment spending for domestic savings, a familiar problem known as crowding–out. Under such a circumstance, financing domestic investment is at the mercy of foreign indirect capital flows which depend on the efficiency of financial markets and political status and relations of the country. This goes in line with the finding of O.Helmy and C.Zaki (2015), as they ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The Budget Deficit And The Houses Affordability In the last three years, the Australian economic performance is dominated by economic downturns. Recently, Australia facing two crucial issues in their economy, those are increasing budget deficit and houses affordability. In the long term, those two issue can deteriorates the economy. By increasing budget deficit, it affect to a decrease in living standard because the future generation need to pay more tax for paying the debt. The government need to overcome new fiscal policy in order to maintain these issue. This essay will argue that government's policies is inefficient to overcome the houses affordability and increasing budget deficit issues. It will first outline about the trends in the Australian economic performance. Then, it will ... Show more content on ... Even though, the economic growth decline, the unemployment rate is remained stable at the point around 5.7 percent. The living standard also remain in the same rate. However, the gap between the richer and poorer increases with almost 13–percentage point. The overall trends shows that Australian economy is in moderate level, but the GDP annual growth is below expectation. In addition, recently Australia are facing two important issue, which are increasing budget deficit and aging population. If the government does not give the efficient policy for solving this problem, it can affect to decline in Australian economic performance. Nowadays, in some developed countries its housing prices have significant increases within a period of a short time. Australia is one of the developing countries that the house prices start to become extremely expensive and it is overvalued in the market. This lead affordability decreases in almost all regions of Australia, with the most unaffordability house prices is Sydney and followed by Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart (Scutt, 2016). This caused the housing prices turn out to be a serious issue. One of the issue is that many people with low earner incomes not able to afford to buy houses as the price goes higher (McKenny & Ting, 2016). When people can not buy a house, they will be a homeless and ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Pros And Cons Of Budget Deficit Introduction DEFINITION OF 'BUDGET DEFICIT' A state of financial health in which spending exceed revenue. The term "budget deficit" is most generally used to refer to government expenditure rather than business or individual expenditure. When referring to accrued federal government deficits, the term "national debt" is used. The reverse of a budget deficit is a budget surplus, and when money in equal money out, the budget is said to be balanced. Budget revenue > Budget expenfiture : Surplus Budget Budget revenue < Budget expenfiture : Deficit Budget Budget revenue = Budget expenfiture : Balance Budget INVESTOPEDIA EXPLAINS 'BUDGET DEFICIT' The percentage of GDP in budget deficits may reduce in times of economic prosperity, as increased tax ... Show more content on ... When a nation has a deficit, its leaders must consider the interest expenses on debt when deciding to spend money on new projects. If the nation has high enough taxes to pay for all of its current projects, it is easier for its leaders to spend more money since interest costs aren't a limiting the factor. Cons of a Budget Deficit Opportunities A con is that a budget deficit restricts the amount of money that the government can spend in the future. Any revenue that the government has to pay on its future interest payments reduces the amount of revenue that it can spend on other projects. The government may not be able to take out future loans to fund new projects that produce better results than the projects that it ran a current deficit to fund. Stimulus Another con is that a budget deficit reduces the government's options in a bad economy. A government may need to increase taxes and reduce services to pay off its loans, even if the economy is already doing poorly and businesses are failing. If the government did not need to spend its revenue on interest, it could afford to hire additional workers and purchase more products from businesses, creating a stimulus ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. How Large Is The Current U.S. Budget Deficit And How Has How large is the current U.S. budget deficit and how has it changed over the last few years? The projected Unites States budget deficit for fiscal year 2017 is a staggering $559 billion dollars. A budget deficit occurs when the government spends more than it receives in revenue over a specific period of time (Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013, p. 251). Currently the US government runs on a fiscal year (FY) which begins October 1st each year. The projected rate of 2017's deficit is 17.6 % of expected revenues of $3.4 trillion which is only slightly lower than FY 2016. The 2016 deficit represented 3.2 % of gross domestic product (GDP) rising from 2.4% in FY 2015 (Congressional Budget Office, 2017). If the average American household ... Show more content on ... Food, tents, muskets, and ammunition were not cheap, and Congress was failing to meet these new expenditures. They went so far as to print new money, our first look at currency manipulation (Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013). The Founding Fathers would not be able to grasp that our nation never has never been debt free. At the time of this writing the US National debt was $19,975,211,704, and changed over the time of typing in the figure (Federal Reserve, 2017). National debt is "accumulated debt of the federal government" (Schiller, Hill, & Wall, 2013, p. 261). This astronomical figure is difficult to fully grasp. To break it down in simple terms; that amounts to $61,55 per US citizen, and $166,775 per tax payer. With the median income at just over $30,000, there is simply no way the nation can pay the debt off by raising taxes alone (Federal Reserve, 2017). At issue, who owns this debt? The US Citizen does, strangely enough at 65.6%. Social Security owns roughly 16%, other federal entities own 13% and the Federal Reserve owns an additional 12%. The other 34.4% of US debt is owned by other countries and foreign interests (Patton, 2014). This could potentially lead to national security issues if the foreign investors decided to cash in Treasury securities all at once. That is not likely as the United States is still one of the most secure places to invest. In addition, being arguably the most powerful military on ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. National Debt and Budget Deficit Essay Much like a person or a corporation, the United States government uses money for its operations; meaning that it has both income and expenses. The income of the United States is derived from various taxes and fees and the expenses are what the U.S. government pays out for national defense, highways, social welfare programs, and various other programs. In an election year, the average citizen is apt to hear a great deal of talk about income, taxes, spending, and more importantly budget deficits and the national debt. Given all of the talk, one may come to think that budget deficits and the national debt are one in the same. While the two do go hand–in–hand, it is important to understand that they are two separate things. ... Show more content on ... Of course, when we, as individuals, borrow money and we pay interest on it, which increases our debt. The U.S. is no different. In fiscal year 2007, the U.S. paid out $430 billion in interest. This exorbitant interest expense continues to increase the U.S. annual deficit, which in turn, continues to increase the national debt that now stands at over $9.5 trillion (Hall, 2008). As anyone who has experienced financial trouble, especially with credit cards, it is the interest on the debt that creates the biggest problem. For the U.S., the only way to reduce the interest is to reduce the debt. The only to reduce the debt is to begin paying it off, and the only way to pay off the debt is to sustain significant surpluses. The only way to sustain a surplus is to spend less than one receives. On an individual plane, this is certainly feasible. However, on a national plane, in order to maintain a surplus is to reduce government spending and increase taxes. No other solutions are possible. References Budget deficit. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from website: National debt. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from website: Adamson, J.C. (2008). What is the National Debt – and What is the Deficit? Retrieved August 5, 2008, from The Muser website: ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Federal Budget Deficit The Federal Budget Deficit Introduction The federal budget deficit is a much discussed and little understood subject in American politics. The current recession has dramatically decreased tax revenues, driving the United States federal government to increase spending in an attempt to stabilize the economy. As a result the current federal deficit is at over $1.3 trillion dollars. This is approximately $47,754 per U.S. citizen or $137,552 per U. S. taxpayer (U.S. Debt Clock: Real Time, 2012). Many contend that deficit reduction is imperative to our prosperity and economic recovery. The deficit is blamed for a variety of economic ills including high interest rates, unemployment, the trade deficit, the low rate of national saving and low productivity growth (Shaviro, 1997). The Causes of the Budget Deficit Many believe the country's dramatic decent into debt began with a choice, not a crisis. In January of 2001, with the budget balanced, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast that the nation would have over a $2 trillion dollar surplus by 2010, enough money to pay off the entire national debt. In the years following 2001 political leaders chose to cut taxes, increase spending, and wage two wars solely with borrowed funds (Montgomery, 2011). Today the national debt is larger, as a percentage of the economy, than at any time in U.S. history except for the period shortly after World War II. According to a recent Gallup Poll most Americans blame the federal ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Bangladesh Government Budget Deficit Fiscal Policy generally refers to the use of taxation and government expenditure to regulate the aggregate level of economic activity in a country. Fiscal policy in Bangladesh basically comprises activities, which the country carries out to obtain and use resources to provide services while ensuring optimum efficiency of the economic units. The policy influences the behaviour of economic forces through public finance. Major objectives of the fiscal policy of Bangladesh are to ensure macroeconomic stability of the country, promote economic growth, and develop a mechanism for equitable distribution of income. The main tools to achieve these objectives are variation in public revenue, variation in public expenditure, and management of public ... Show more content on ... The major objective of the government fiscal policy was to restrict the growth of current expenditure to a level below the growth of the nominal GDP, thereby making more resources available to support annual development programme (ADP) undertaken in each year. In line with the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) of the IMF, a number of reforms were initiated, the most important of which was the introduction of value added tax (VAT) in July 1991. VAT was introduced at a uniform rate of 15% at the manufacturing–cum–import level. Together with protection–neutral supplementary duties, this system largely replaced the earlier structure of differentiated sales tax on import and excise duties on domestic goods. In case of personal income tax, the major reforms involved the inclusion of entertainment allowances in the personal income tax base, deduction of investment in approved assets from the tax base, and an introduction of a withholding tax on dividend with limitation of special expenditure within a reasonable limit. Steps were taken to reduce interest rates on government savings instruments and subsidies for food and jute. A good number of public sector enterprises were denationalised through sales to the private sector. These reform measures resulted in a remarkable improvement in the fiscal situation of Bangladesh after 1990. The growth of current expenditures was contained below the ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Federal Budget Deficit The federal budget deficit it is an excess government spending on state revenues. And public debt is an aggregate amount of government debt, which is composed of outstanding loans and unpaid interest thereon. U.S. federal expenditures is approximately around 3.5–4 trillion dollars, which includes: defense – $700b, social security – $700b, Medicare and Medicaid – $450b, Interest – $200b, other assistance such as food stamps, unemployment, housing, EITC – $180b, and other non–defense – $600b. According to the book "Current Economic Issues", Article 2.1 "America's public–sector workers under attack" we can say that the increase in the government deficit led liberal politicians to extreme measures. They had a choice, cut school to save repair roads, or cut Medicaid to save drug rehabilitation programs. These are all methods were designed to keep the state budget at a normal level. And also, liberal politicians have come to the need to reduce the salaries of public employee and benefits, because the reduction of salary costs can give a chance to save other services, for example in education. All these liberal system trying to protect government spending, but they must understand that this does not solve the problem economically, because they made the wrong choice that pits public services against each other. But there is another option that allows us to save public services, is to raise taxes on private consumption. Therefore, liberal politicians have ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Federal Budget Deficit Analysis Federal Budget Deficit Projected to Soar to Over $1 Trillion in 2020 The annual budget for the Federal Government is predicted to increase over the next few years. In fact, it's supposed to surpass $1 trillion dollars in 2020, even though the economy is growing at a healthy rate, the Congressional Budget Office says. The national debt has gone beyond $21 million and even goes from there to past $33 trillion in 2028. By then, the public's debt will almost match the size of the economy. It'll be at 96% which is higher than post World War to and past the crisis point. Some economists think that increasing deficits will bring interest rates up, expand private sector's borrowing costs, and prices of tank stock. All this will decrease the growth ... Show more content on ... A deficit in economics is when there is a surplus over expenditures in a certain time period. Here in the article, the government spent more than what the budget allowed. The government controls government spending and doesn't affect investments and consumption. Social insurance programs are talked about in the article. These are programs from the government (transfer payments) meant to protect families for economic hardships. Examples of these transfer payments mentioned in the article are medicare and social security. This relates to fiscal policy and government transfers because it is a government transfer. Fiscal policy is also the use of taxes, government transfers or purchases made by the government that shift the aggregate demand curve. Expansionary fiscal policy increases aggregate demand and the factors that contribute are a tax cut, increase in government transfers and an increase in purchases in goods and services by the government. We see those factors throughout the article as it talks about growing deficits because of the Social Security and Medicare. Expansionary policy is incorporated into the article when the budget office discusses the prediction of high interest rates so Americans will purchase more ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Budget Deficit Research Paper Budget Deficit Sheena Stackhouse Professor Carlson ECO 203 July 25, 2016 The U.S. has been dealing with issues the country's face such as national debt and also budget deficit over many years. Money is not the problem when it comes to budget being squared away strategically. There was a time when the budget became extremely high and implementing was brought about from ideas of congress such as deficit control measures. Congress took it upon themselves in 1985 to make many laws about national debt and budget deficit control measure. This brings me to a quote I read out of the textbook, "Between 1980 and 1993 budget deficits grew steadily in dollar terms, and the nation debt tripled. Since 2003, the public debt has grown by more than $500 billion each year; as July 2012, nominal U.S. GPD was $15,880 billion. (Amacher & Pate, 2012) The United States congress is the legislative branch for the federal government of the United States, and makes two houses which are House of Representatives and also the senate. When congress is granted by the constitution they have power to make laws, they have the authority to declare war, confirm or reject Presidential ... Show more content on ... "Discretionary spending fir federal agencies and cabinet departments would be reduced through broad cuts referred to as budget sequestration." (Vye, 2013) CBO gives assessments of the statutory tops on discretionary financing and an examination of whether sequestration might be imperative under current budgetary guidelines, however the Administration's Office of Management and Budget makes an authoritative decision of whether a sequestration is needed and, if it happens to be, how gigantic is it? The Gramm–Rudman–Hollingsworth Act was something like fundamental; the organization anticipated they would pay back what was received, with interest and do it in a favorable ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Importance Of Budget Deficit In The United States Every year, the federal government must release a budget outlining their spending plans. The budget shows the government's priorities and uses revenues received from taxes and borrowing. However, the amount spent does not always equal the amount collected, as it would in a balanced budget. For over a decade, the United States has had a series of deficits. With the debt now being about $20 trillion, affirmative action is necessary to avoid a major economic crisis. The budget deficit could be minimized by cutting spending in the defense department and by increasing alcohol and corporate taxes. In the fiscal year 2015, "Pentagon and related spending totaled $598 billion, accounting for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending" (Koshgarian 1). That money is then spent on soldier's wages, weapons, military research, equipment maintenance, and overseas operation. The United States currently spends more on its military than the sum of ... Show more content on ... $223.5 Billion." 1). Alcohol is a legal substance and is taxed at an average rate of about 21% ("Tax and Fee Rate" 1). People consistently buy alcohol throughout the year, so it is a constant good that people at all income levels consume. However, alcohol has negative health effects. Those effects, like anemia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, later cost American taxpayers billions in healthcare. Therefore, it would be beneficial to raise taxes on alcohol; it would increase the overall price of alcohol, making it less affordable to some and harder for minors to obtain. Alcohol would still be profitable, but there would be higher revenues and the possibility of decreased long term healthcare spending, because of a lower buying ability. Crimes related to alcohol would also decease over time, although not disappear completely, so the money not spent on law enforcement and expensive healthcare could then be better spent on decreasing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt These two graphs are dealing with the federal budget deficit and the national debt and just how diverse they are from the time differences with both begging approximately in the 2001's and making their way to 2013. Different types of numbers, but the relationship between the Federal budget deficit and the national debt is by how the Deficit deals with taking the difference of what the U.S. government gets in from taxes or other revenues calling these receipts, but on top of that the amount of money they spend calling these outlays. Some of these items included in the deficit would be on– budget or off–budget. While in the other hand when we think about the total debt as all the deficits added together plus all of the accumulated off– ... Show more content on ... Treasury sailing IOUs towards the government in the form of securities, which are called bonds. When this occurs the effect goes by when the federal government asks U.S. and foreign households, business, and governments to lend them money that will cover the deficit they have created. Covering the deficit, but also has indebtedness to bondholders as well. They should be concerned with "crowding out," just because the mechanism by which investment is crowded out is an increase in the interest rate. By more sales of securities, this would cause them to raise the interest rates on the bonds to even have anybody wanting to buy them. These higher interest rates on bonds are going to discourage private sectors investment and spending and these high rates causes a reduction in the growth in capital formation, which in turn slows the growth of productivity and improvement in society's living standard. Increasing the level of spending by the present generation crowds out investments and reduces the growth of capital goods, leaving those in the future generations with a smaller capital stock leaving them not to be as wealthy as they wanted to be before because this affect. Crowding out refers to the government providing a service or good that would otherwise be that business opportunity for private industries. So if Crowding out was to occur, an increase in the demand for loanable funds by the government shift the loanable demand curve to the right and up, of course ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Debate Over Time To Reduce The Budget Deficit We have a long story of debt, but it seems no one has been able to make it better. If the debt is increasing over time, the government has a budget deficit. Charles C. Turner, et al, define deficit as spending that exceed revenue (482). In history, basic deficit or debt was usually from over spending from a war and economic issues like a recession or depression. Then the government had a budget deficit almost every year "between 1970 and 1997," but tax cut and more spending on defense by President Reagan in 1981 added more growth to the deficit. Also, another cause is from reducing of productivity seem in the GDP and lower tax rate (tax cut) (483). Even when the government had some budget surplus, still, it could not cover the debt. In 2012, the debt grew "over $ 16 trillion," (482–483) and has increased more in recent year plus 2.9 percent of budget deficit in 2016 (The 2016 Long Term Budget Outlook, 2). To manage the economic depression, sometime policymakers cut the taxes and increase spending again by putting more money into private sectors (Turner, 483); therefore, government goes further with the budget unbalancing. There are several reasons that lower tax rate will not reduce the budget deficit closer to a balance. First, lower tax rate will lower revenues. Overall tax cuts for a new coming year will bring different amounts of revenue from the previous year if the tax rate falls below a previous percentage. For example, Ramesh Ponnuru said that Mr. Trump's plan will ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Federal Budget Deficit And National Debt The Federal Budget Deficit and National Debt Basically, what the federal budget deficit is a shortage of funds that are available for the government, where more money is being spent than what the government receives. But, national is where the government borrows money through various ways. The data for national debt and federal budget deficit from the year 2001–2013 is given in the chart above. As we can see in the graph, the deficit is still remains in our economy even though there had been a surplus in 1999 to 2001. But, we could see a lot if decreases such as from the year 2004– 2007, 2009–2010 and also from 201–2014, but generally the deficit kept increasing yearly. The data provided is in trillions and a positive value means ... Show more content on ... From the graph above, for instance, we could say that the budget deficit increased rapidly from 2007–2009 and we could say that the main is due to the Great Recession. The governments act trying to counter–attack this effect by improving fiscal policy for the betterment of business cycle lead to more outlay than revenue, which resulted in the increase of the deficit promptly. So, therefore borrowing the money to deal with deficit lead to increase in the national debt. Crowding out occurs when spending by an individual or an organisation or to be more precise, private spending decreases and by increasing the government spending. People sometimes use this as an alternative replacement and lets the government to spend more. This is a very big problem causer because as the government decided to spend more, it leads to higher budget deficit and debt and the overall spending may decline rapidly. So, therefore if they let the government to spend more instead of them it results to the lesser consumption of resources and spending on it. This can lead to decreasing the interest rates which results in less investment by people and major drop in the business sector. In order to shift the economy up from the times and effect of the great recession, government tend to raise the budgets at times, government give more outlays in the form of social security and other fiscal policy techniques. As a result, the government borrows capital to pay for this, ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Budget Deficit Is The Amount Of Federal Money 1) Budget Deficit Def: It is the amount of federal money spent each year that is more than the federal income, so that the federal expenditure is greater than the federal revenue. CE: In 2016, the Congressional Budget Office faintly decreased the estimation of the government's budget deficit by $10 billion from the original $534 billion for the fiscal year of 2016. 2) Expenditures Def: It is the amount of federal money or revenue that is spent, especially on social programs like social security. CE: In 2014, the Republicans and Democrats revealed a $1 trillion expenditure deal that would raise the pay for federal workers and have a generally large outcome on the lives of American citizens. 3) Fiscal Year Def: It begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th, where the federal budget plan is developed. CE: In the fiscal year of 2016, the Congressional Budget Office dimly decreased the government's budget deficit by $10 billion from its original amount of $534 billion. 4) 16th Amendment Def: Created in 1913, it's a constitutional amendment that allows Congress to collect an income tax. CE: In 2011, the Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry took back his proposal to repeal the 16th amendment due to his presidential bid in 2012. 5) Authorization Bill Def: They establish entitlements and discretionary government programs, which they either continue or change. 6) Appropriation Bill Def: It's passed every year to cover the budget year and give authorization for ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The main difference between the federal budget and the... The main difference between the federal budget and the state and local budgets is the issue of a monetary deficit, in which expenditures in the budget exceeds revenues that were estimated. State and local governments are required to balance their budgets. The federal government is allowed to borrow money to meet its obligations and have a deficit. The federal government collects the most tax revenue, but state and local governments have a greater range of revenue options for funding their budgets. The federal government relies mainly on income taxes, capital gains and Social Security taxes. State and local governments collect sales taxes, taxes on fuel, property taxes and fees from special licenses and permits. Also, many state and local ... Show more content on ... The next largest portion at almost 10% of the budget is allotted to Criminal Justice. In the state of Georgia we have 159 state funded prisons that house over 57,000 inmates (Ga Prison Fact Sheet). This also includes over 13,000 state employees that run these facilities (AJC Prison). Each inmate takes approximately $51 a day. This includes housing, meals and general day to day activities (Ga Prison Fact Sheet). Forth largest in the Georgia budget is for Debt Services. Debt services include the payments of the principal and interest of any general or long term obligation that the state has accrued. This amount is over $64 million in 2012. Lastly, the fifth largest budget allocation is for transportation. Transportation encompasses road repair, improving the efficiency of the movement of goods, construction of new roads and Highways and reducing congestion within the state. Along with these services, the salaries and benefits of their employees are figured into this section of the budget (Georgia Budget site). Figure 3: Local Budget (Cobb County Budget). This budget shows the breakdown on the spending in Cobb County Georgia. Cobb County includes portions of Atlanta and is just north of Fulton County, which contains the largest portion of the city of Atlanta. The largest portion of the Cobb County budget goes ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Budget Deficit And Its Effect On The National Debt Only eight times in the past 60 years has Britain 's budget been in surplus, most recently in 2001– 2002. A budget surplus occurs when tax revenue is greater than government spending and interest payments. Therefore, the government can use the surplus revenue to pay off the national debt. The budget deficit is the annual amount the government has to borrow to meet the shortfall between current receipts (tax) and government spending, for example by the end of 2009–10 our annual deficit was £170.8 billion. The argument of the chancellor is that with national debt 'unsustainably high' periods of economic growth should be taken as an opportunity to pay down debt and reduce the burden for future generations. To analyse the projection 'The British Government is currently expecting to see the budget deficit turn to a surplus in 2019/20', it is key to first understand the proposals put forward by Chancellor George Osborne on how this budget surplus is to be achieved. Osborne proposed a legally binding charter regarding government spending in 'normal' economic times which passed 320 to 258 in the House of Commons. Essentially this means the amount that the government can spend will be capped by the charter when the economy is growing by 1% a year or more, in order to see a budget surplus by 2020. Furthermore Osborne plans to further decrease borrowing, which has been decreasing at a fairly high rate since 2012 – 2013, in order to meet his plans of a budget surplus by 2019–20. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Affordable Care Act: Budget Deficit Analysis Historically the United States of America took pride in free trade and capitalism. Taxes on goods was a key driving force that began the American Revolution and later developed the power–house country present today. So, it is no wonder that when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) incurred new tax reforms, it was far from a smooth transition. In particular, pharmaceutical companies were hit the hardest. Within a ten year span, the drug industry will collectively have to pay $85 billion to the American government.1 The ACA is planned to be paid by wealthy Americans, insurance companies with high benefits, tanning salon users, and companies who make medical devices and drugs.1 In the perspective of budget deficit, this is working. In fact, the deficit ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Summary: The US Budget Deficit The large U.S. budget deficit had happened to be everyone concerns since "policy debate in Washington has been dominated by warnings about the dangers of budget deficits" (Paul Krugman). Throughout the past years, U.S. had operated under deficit and it means that the amount of government spending is way more pass how much it takes in, so where does all the money go and does the deficit really hurt the U.S. economy? First, we have to understand clearly what is the deficit in term of economic and how is it related to the economy. Laurence J. Kotlikoff stated that the current measure of the deficit, or any measure, is based on arbitrary choices of how to label government receipts and payments. Since the Great Recession, in response to the financial crisis and its impact on the economy, the government has increased government spending markedly in order to stimulate economic growth that leads to extremely high U.S. deficit in 2009, $1,413 billions due to Obama ... Show more content on ... (Lauren Camera). Most of the funding go to the Pell Grant program, which in the fiscal year of 2016, the government had spent $22 billion on the program. Since education is one of the most important weapons in today's world, spending a large amount of money in education is not just boost the economy but also a great investment of the government to make America keep on growing. The future of our country is depending on how well our educational system prepares students to deal with the world. It's also true that there are a lot of people move to the U.S. for a better education and also a lot of families had decided to send their kids over here for the purpose of education. With more internal students come in, the U.S. also can make money from it as ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Economic Effects of a Budget Deficit The immediate effect of a budget deficit is the negative perception of the general public, both local and international, on the ability of government to manage its fiscal affairs which seriously impairs its financial and credit rating including its ability to borrow more money to service the country's foreign debt. Government is unable then to forthwith address the deficit and, as in the Philippines, starts blaming everybody else but itself for its budgetary woes. Still, during times of a budget deficit, the Philippines most particularly makes a knee–jerk reaction by trying to desperately narrow the gap between revenues and expenses through two measures that, far from helping alleviate the situation, actually exacerbates the already ... Show more content on ... * Higher Taxes and lower spending In the future the govt may have to increase taxes or cut spending in order to reduce the deficit. This may cause reduced incentives to work * Increased Interest rates If the govt sells more bonds this is likely to cause interest rates to increase. This is because they will need to increase interest rates in order to attract investors to buy the extra debt. If govt interest rates increase this will push up other interest rates as well. * Crowding Out Increased govt borrowing may cause a decrease in the size of the private sector (see fiscal policy) * Inflation: * In extreme circumstances the govt may increase the money supply to pay the debt. * If the govt sells short term gilts to the banking sector then there will be an increase in the money supply, this is because banks see gilts as near money therefore they can maintain there lending to customers. ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Analysis Of The Federal Budget Deficit And The National Debt ANALYSIS OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET DEFICIT AND THE NATIONAL DEBT Morgan Sibley The Federal budget deficit is the amount of spending by the Federal government that is in excess of how much money the government brings in annually. While the Federal budget deficit has steadily decreased overall during the past fifteen years, our Federal debt continues to grow at a drastic rate. A review of how the Federal deficit has evolved over the past fifteen years, the rate of growth of the Federal debt during that same period, and how the two are connected will better explain this phenomenon. The following graphs depict the Federal budget deficit and the Federal debt over the same recent fifteen year period: In 2000, under the second Bush ... Show more content on ... Subsequent packages signed by Obama, such as the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, maintained a high Federal Budget deficit in the following years. This was due to the needs of the citizens. During times of recession, unemployment is higher and more people need federal assistance and aid, which must come from the government. Also, fewer people working means less money for the government in tax revenues, so there is less money coming into the government to offset spending. In spite of this, the deficit still began a slow decline. In an effort to counter the effects of some of the Acts mentioned above, in 2011 and 2012 Obama signed into law two acts which have helped to considerably reduce the Federal Budget deficit. The Budget Control Act of 2011 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. While the Budget Control Act directly worked to reduce deficit spending while simultaneously increasing the U.S. debt ceiling, the American Taxpayer Relief Act worked to ease the burden of the federal debt on U.S. taxpayers by maintaining the tax cuts that had been previously put into place by ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Budget Deficit in Vietnam from 2008 TABLE OF CONTENT I. Definition and Current Situation in Vietnam 3 I.1.What is budget deficit 3 a. Definition 3 b. How to measure 3 I.2.Overview the budget deficit in Viet Nam for the latest 5 years 4 II. Factors influencing budget deficit in Vietnam 4 II.1 State Budget Revenue 4 a. High tax rate 4 b. Revenues from unsustainable non tax resources 5 II.2 State Budget Spending 6 a. High public spending continuously 6 b. Widely spread public investment 6 c. Low investment efficiency from the SOE sector 7 III. Impact of Budget Deficit to Macroeconomic Variables in Theory and Practice 8 III.1 Inflation 8 III.2 Interest rate 8 III.3 Trade balance & exchange rate 9 III.4 Economic Growth 10 IV. Recommendations for ... Show more content on ... Deficits are financed by borrowings that itself increase the debt. If the ratio debt–to–GDP gets too high, investors will worry that the government will either default on this debt or will devaluate by monetising its debt and in this way engineer a high inflation rate. According to the Maastricht Treaty, the EU countries should not have a budget deficit higher than 3% of the GDP and a debt higher than 60% of the GDP. I.2.Overview the budget deficit in Viet Nam for the latest 5 years Macroeconomic Report 2012 titled "from macroeconomic instability to restructuring" released by the National Assembly's Economic Committee announced that Vietnam's state budget deficit and public debts have increased rapidly. The report (Figure 1 Annex) pointed out that the country has suffered constantly increasing the state budget deficit for more than a decade. Particularly, the average state budget deficit (excluding repayments for Vietnam's original debts) in the 2003 – 2007 period was only 1.3 percent of GDP, but this figure had more than doubled to 2.7 percent of GDP in the 2008 – 2012 period.
  • 69. Especially in recent years, ongoing budget deficits have led to the rapid growth of public debt. Vietnam's total public debts have increased from about 40 percent of GDP in late 2007 to 57 percent of GDP at the end of 2010 and only declined slightly in 2011. At the same time, Vietnam's foreign debts have surged ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Pros And Cons Of US Budget Deficit Spending Unfortunate for some Presidents, they experienced a terrible recession during their terms in the office. In the modern–day President Obama was one example, in 2008 the United States hit her worst recession in the past sixty years (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2010–2011). The President took a drastic move with the support of the Congress and passed the largest stimulus package in the history of the United States. According to government Authors Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, the Congressional Budget Office argued the spending could lead to a federal government budget deficit of a $1.6 Trillion in 2009 (2010–2011). The debt is still hanging around of about five percent of the GDP going all the way through 2019 even though the recession is over the nation still have the huge deficit (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2010–2011). Advantages: ... Show more content on ... To increase economy growth and considered a real expenditure by the federal government a purchase component of aggregate demand by government agencies for goods and services which are a direct production transaction (Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 2013). For example, public universities, college educational research services, transportation and infrastructure. They can be a long –term benefit because they produced productivity. In 2009, President Obama made a statement that the package would create spending by businesses and consumers making the investment a long–term economic growth. (2013, p.287). For instance, in the past President Roosevelt recession addressed the issue of unemployment with his New Deal program, even though he wanted to avoid a budget deficit. When such spending directed into the economy, in turn, can generate income for taxes and interest example, college student loans. Employment circulates money in the market, and there will be an increase in production from private sectors and consumer ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Budget Deficit: National Debt Jennifer Desrivieres ECO2013 Homework#3 Budget Deficit/Debt A budget deficit is a shortfall of tax revenue from government spending. A budget deficit is an indicator of financial health in which expenditures exceed revenue. The term budget deficit is most commonly used to refer to government spending rather than business or individual spending, but can be applied to these entities. When referring to accrued federal government deficits, the deficits are referred to as the national debt. A budget deficit is recognized, current expenses exceed the amount of income being received through standard operations. To correct a budget deficit, the nation may need to cut back on certain expenses or increase revenue–generating activities, or employ a ... Show more content on ... That date is usually fixed; depending on whether the money is in the form of treasury bills, note, bonds or one of the many other securities the federal government issues. Even if we don't take currency into account, the U.S. government's ability to pay thus becomes a brutal, or worthy circle. The national debt can only be reduced through five mechanisms: increased taxation, reduced spending, debt reformation, monetizing the debt or outright default. The federal budget process directly deals with taxation and spending levels and can create recommendations for restructuring or possible default. Because debt plays such an important part of economic progress, it must be measured appropriately to take the long–term impact it presents. Unfortunately, assessing the country's national debt in relation to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), though common, is not the best approach. As the national debt continues to grow, the question remains: Is it OK to run a deficit like we have for many years, or do we need to balance the budget? Just like any average American household, overspending can carry on for extended periods by rolling over debt and borrowing more and more money in what seems like a never–ending game of chasing our tail. The government has become an expert at this process. Yet without its spending, some would say our economy could be in much worse ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Budget Deficit In The United States The U.S government is spend way too much money. One of the biggest problems the facing the U.S in the increase in the budget deficit. The increase in the budget will affect future generation. There are many solution to fixing the problem. On October 17 the United States debt was over $17 trillion dollars, which is more than the United States annual economic output. The only time the GDP was that high when we were in World War two. The United States should bring our troops home from Afghanistan. With the Taliban nearly destroyed and most of their leader dead or captured. The U.S army has won the war on terror. We should bring our troop back home. We are spending 680 billion dollars to keep our troops over in Afghanistan. Which is money the U.S is borrowing by the millions to keep of troop to fight mini civil war and other things over there. If we were to bring our troops home it would decrease the national debt by 5% ... Show more content on ... We are not in any major war or on the brink of a war. We are wasting money on tanks, ships and advance air craft. They are just sitting in fields and collected rust and dust. What are they going to be used for? Some people say that spending money on way and defense help boost the economy, but it is really hurting our economy. The government is spending too much money on the military. We spend money that we don't have to keep up bases in other countries to protect them from harm. We should stop spending money on other countries and used it to lower our debt. The money that we would save could be used could be used in the US. Which could be used for other ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Budget Deficit For Fiscal Year Pros & Cons As said plenty of times throughout this semester, you are guaranteed two things in life and that is death and to pay taxes. Yes, taxes, taxes help fund our schools, build/fix roads, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, military/security defense, safety net programs, and of course the interest on our national debt. The federal government must make regular interest payments on all the money borrowed from other countries. Budget deficits, budget surplus, national debt, deficit spending all have pros and cons. The federal government collects fees, taxes and certain revenues every year while spending in other fields. Deficits happen when total expenditures in a fiscal year outweigh the total revenues, when this happens; the ... Show more content on ... Government income fell from $2.568 trillion in fiscal year 2007 to $2.1 trillion in fiscal year 2009 and didn't recover until 2013. The attacks on 9/11 hurt the recession too; it drove military spending to a record of $671 billion dollars in 2007. The US government borrows money from two sources, the public and itself to fill in these budget deficits. The government borrows money from the public by issuing treasury bills, notes, and bonds. The treasury bills are for short–term borrowing. About 60% of the held American debt belongs to Americans, foreign lenders hold the other 40%, China is the biggest party that holds about $800 billion in treasures, and Japan is right behind them at $725 billion. A budget deficit isn't always bad, sustained deficits have some risks with them, but small deficits may have some benefits. Borrowing in order to invest in infrastructure, education, or similar projects to improve economic growth over the long term. The benefits that accrue from the investments will pay more than just the interest incurred on the debt, it's similar to when an entrepreneur borrows to start a new business or a student takes out loans to pay for education. These would be good borrowed funds, and help the borrower in the long term. Some cons to running budget deficits would be borrowing money in bad ways, for example, it can become risky as interest payments grow and take up large shares of your expenses, ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Can Increasing Taxes Reduce the Budget Deficit? Can increasing taxes reduce the budget deficit? Introduction A graphical representation showing the relationship between the government increasing taxes and the total revenue they will collect is referred to as the Laffer curve, this is a hypothetical representation. The curve is named after Arthur Laffer the economist, though he has pointed out that this concept is not his as it originates from writings by a Muslim philosopher of the 14th century Ibn Khaldun ADDIN EN.CITE Dalamagas199864(Dalamagas, 1998)646417Dalamagas, BasilTesting the Validity of the Laffer–Curve HypothesisAnnals of Economics and Statistics / Annales d'Économie et de StatistiqueAnnals of Economics and Statistics / Annales d'Économie et de Statistique77–102521998L'INSEE / GENES on behalf of ADRES0769489X HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_1" o "Dalamagas, 1998 #64" Dalamagas, 1998). There are other historical precedents that also exist. The Laffer curve suggests that the government can increase taxes up to a certain level if they want to increase their revenue and reduce the budget deficit, but past the optimal level then the negative would occur as people would want to work because most of the money they earn would be taken by the government in terms of paying taxes. The government should endeavor to remain at the optimal point of the Laffer curve so that it can maximize on its revenue and also encourage people to work harder. Increasing taxes and remaining at the optimal tax ... Get more on ...