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To see why MPEG doesn’t like interlacing, it’s important to realize what 
interlacing does. Figure 2 showed that, given a complete picture in which all of 
the horizontal scan lines are present, interlacing takes every other line on the 
first field and comes back later for the ones in between on the next field. When 
there is no motion in the image, this works quite well. The problem becomes 
apparent when anything in the image moves. 
In a still picture, the vertical detail is shared between the fields, and both 
fields are needed to display all of the vertical detail. But, when an object in 
the image moves, its location changes from one field to the next. This makes it 
impossible to combine the two fields to recover the vertical detail. 
Consequently, with interlacing, you can have full vertical detail, or you can 
have motion, but you can’t have full vertical detail in the presence of motion. 
If the loss of vertical detail was just a softening effect, that wouldn’t be too 
bad. However, Figure 2 shows that a single field is created by subsampling the 
vertical axis of the original frame by a factor of two. Sampling theory says 
that this will cause vertical aliasing. The vertical detail isn’t soft; instead, 
it is simply incorrect. The good old Kell factor is the way of measuring the 
damage interlacing does to vertical resolution. 
Read more: 
The problem an MPEG encoder has with interlacing is that, to compress 
efficiently, it tries to measure the motion between successive pictures. 
Interlacing prevents accurate motion measurement because adjacent fields don’t 
contain pixels in the same place, so the encoder can’t compare like with like. 
Differences between fields could be due to motion or to vertical detail, and the 
motion estimator doesn’t know which it is. As a result, the motion vectors in 
interlaced MPEG are less accurate, which means that the residual data will have 
to be increased to compensate for the reduced power of the motion estimation. In 
short, the bit rate has to go up. 
Read more: 
One of the greatest myths about the relative merits of interlacing and 
progressive is that a progressive standard is just an interlaced standard but 
with every line present in each picture. This is regularly put forward by the 
pro-interlacing cave dwellers, but it’s simplistic. According to that premise, 
one might conclude that the progressive picture has massively greater resolution 
than the interlaced picture simply because it can represent detail in the 
presence of motion. In fact, the absence of interlacing artifacts and loss of 
dynamic resolution means that progressively scanned pictures have a better Kell 
factor and don’t actually need as many lines as interlaced systems. Thus, 720p 
can easily outperform 1080i, for example. 
Camera manufacturers know all about interlacing artifacts, and one thing they 
can do is to reduce the vertical resolution of the picture to reduce the amount 
of aliasing. This results in a permanent softening of the image, but it is 
probably more pleasing than intermittent motion-sensitive aliasing. In an 
interlaced system, the maximum vertical resolution the system can manage to 
produce from still images is never used because this full resolution never 
leaves the camera. 
Another problem with interlacing is that, although the field rate is 60Hz (or 
50Hz in the old world), the light energy leaving the display is not restricted 
to those frequencies alone. There is a fair amount of light output in the frame 
rate (30- or 25Hz) visible to the viewer. You can see this for yourself if you 
put a 26-inch interlaced display near a 26-inch progressive-scan display and 
view them from a distance of over 100 feet. You won’t see any difference in
resolution or vertical aliasing (the human visual system simply isn’t that 
good), but you will see flicker from the interlaced display. 
deinterlacing cannot always remove all the impurities or artifacts in the 
One problem that can arise with progressive scanning, however, is that objects 
moving continuously through the camera scene, such as a car, can appear to 
flicker. Since each line of the image is scanned every sixtieth of a second, 
there is a brief gap of time between frames that does not account for objects 
moving unremittingly. 
a digital TV broadcast requires one-fourth the bandwidth of an analog TV 
broadcast of the same resolution. 
Good quality real-time encoded 480i MPEG-2 requires at least 4Mbps, and more 
like 6Mbps. Current digital TV in the US can put 19.3Mbps in one 6MHz TV 
channel, while analog puts one 480i channel in the same bandwidth. 
So, 480i digital takes about 25-30% of the "bandwidth" of 480i analog. On a 
cable system using 256QAM, they can put 40Mbps in a 6MHz channel, so 480i 
digital would only take 12-15% as much as the analog there. 
Actual real-time encoding samples show that the reduction in bitrate for the 
same quality is far lower than this. A 720p stream that needs 15Mbps with MPEG-2 
will need 10-12Mbps with MPEG-4. At 8Mbps, it becomes noticably lower quality. 
So when screen action is high and processing time is low (say in real-time 
football) the quality deteriorates slightly, because only the larger features on 
the screen are coded for transmission before the next frame must be handled. 
You'll often see the minimum requirement for MPEG2 given as 1.5 or 2Mb/s, but 
this is for pre-recorded programs like movies, or for images of "VCR-quality' 
which is considerably below true PAL-transmission standard. 
To maintain quality, currently they need 6-8Mb/s of bandwidth for real-time 
sports coverage. However if the encoder has more time to work on the compression 
(eg. pre-recorded programs), this bandwidth requirement can be cut in half. With 
pre-filmed Hollywood movies, it may be down to a third or a quarter. 
Sampling rate 
# fs > 2fmax (Nyquist limit) 
# fs > 3fmax (Preferred) 
# 3x8=24 b/sample (colour video) 
Data Rate 
# Standard TV (PAL,SECAM): rn? 300Mb/s 
fmax= 5MHz, fs= 13.5 Ms/s, rn = 13.5x24=324Mb/s 
# HDTV: rn > 1Gb/s 
fmax= 30MHz, fs> 60 Ms/s, rn > 1.4Gb/s 
Such huge bandwidths are not available! 
Transmission of such data is only possible after at least 
50 times of Compression! 
# MPEG-2 compresses STV data to 4..8Mb/s 
# 4 to 10 digital (SDTV) channels in 1-analog channel space 
# Easier and more reliable scrambling 
# Easier video-on-demand and Pay TV services
To the Service Provider 
#Same picture quality with analog (sometimes worst) 
#CD quality sound 
#2 to 10 times more money to pay for the equipment! 
To the Customer 
Not a fair deal! 
Source Coding by using DCT (Discrete Cosine 
#Based on 
Converting the image to Spatial Frequency components 
Assigning more bits to low-frequency components (large smooth 
areas) and less bits to high-frequency components (since human 
eye do not resolve the luminance levels on the fine details of the 
#The picture is divided into 8x8 pixel Macroblocks 
#The DCT is applied to each block 
f(m,n): luminance of the pixel at coordinates m,n= 0,1,...7 
F(u,v): DCT coefficient of 2-D frequency u,v= 0,1,...7 
c(0)= 0.707; c(k)= 1 k=1,2,...7 
f(m,n): luminance of the pixel at coordinates m,n= 0,1,...7 
F(u,v): DCT coefficient of 2-D frequency u,v= 0,1,...7 
c(0)= 0.707; c(k)= 1 k=1,2,... 
You'll often see the minimum requirement for MPEG2 given as 1.5 or 2Mb/s, but 
this is for pre-recorded programs like movies, or for images of "VCR-quality' 
which is considerably below true PAL-transmission standard. 
To maintain quality, currently they need 6-8Mb/s of bandwidth for real-time 
sports coverage. However if the encoder has more time to work on the compression 
(eg. pre-recorded programs), this bandwidth requirement can be cut in half. With 
pre-filmed Hollywood movies, it may be down to a third or a quarter. 
As faster multi-thread processing becomes available in the encoders, the image 
quality of sports coverage will rise and the bandwidth requirements will fall. 
The main problem with pumping out digital signals from conventional television 
towers is that of multipath. In analogue television we see this phenomena as 
'ghosts', and these are caused by secondary signals arrive slightly later than 
normal, after having bounced off buildings, hills, bridges, etc., along the way. 
In analogue television, these create a series of blurred positive and negative 
images to the right side of the dominant image, but with digital signals, a 
slightly delayed negative 'bit' can cancel out a positive 'bit' and change the 
image substantially. 
Diyafram, tek baþýna deðiþtirilince pozlama deðerinde sapma olur. Bu durumu 
deðiþtirmek için, ortam ýþýðý, örtücü deðeri (shutter speed) gibi pozlamayý 
etkileyen etmenlerin deðitirilmesi gerekir ki, çok kameralý stüdyolarda bu 
pratik bir uygulama deðilidir. 
Kaydýrma hareketi ile optik kaydýrma hareketleri birbirlerinden fiziksel olarak 
farklý olduklarý için farklý sonuçlar verirler. Kaydýrma hareketinde, kamera 
konuya yaklaþmakdadýr. Dolaysýyla içerdiði nesneler bir süre sonra farklý 
açýlardan görünmeye baþlar; hatta hareketin baþýnda görünmeyen bir nesne daha 
sonra görünür olur. Ancak optik kaydýrma sýrasýnda kameranýn yeri deðiþmez. 
Deðiþen, kameranýn gördüðü açýdýr. Her iki kaydýrma sýrasýnda nesnelerin görünen 
boyutlarý deðiþmekteyse de , optik kaydýrmada(göreceli olarak) arka planda yer 
alan nesneler daha büyük gönünür.
Konuya fiziksel olarak (kaydýrma hareketi ile) yaklaþýldýðý zaman(geniþ açý) 
yanyana olan cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýrlar. Ýleri optik kaydýrma ile konuya 
yaklaþýldýðý zaman (dar açý), perspektif farký oluþmuþtur. Bunda tam tersi 
cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýyorlarmýþ gibi görünür. Geniþ açýda da , yanyana 
olan cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýyormuþ gibi gözükür. 
kamerayý saða sola kaydýrma: truck or crab right-left(bu kavram bazen tracking 
shot olarak adlandýrýlýr.) 
kamerayý yukarý-aþaðý kaydýrma: pedestal(or ped) up-down. 
kamerayý ileri-geri kaydýrma: dolly in-out. 
kamerayý sað-sol(çapraz hareket ettirme): arc right-left. 
vinç yukarý aþaðý: crane up-down. 
vincin yanlamasýna kaymasý: tonguing. tongue right-left. 
Main article: Retina 
The retina consists of a large number of photoreceptor cells which contain 
particular protein molecules called opsins. In humans, two types of opsins are 
involved in conscious vision: rod opsins and cone opsins. (A third type, 
melanopsin in some of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), part of the body clock 
mechanism, is probably not involved in conscious vision, as these RGC do not 
project to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) but to the pretectal olivary 
nucleus (PON).[5]) An opsin absorbs a photon (a particle of light) and transmits 
a signal to the cell through a signal transduction pathway, resulting in 
hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor. (For more information, see Photoreceptor 
Rods and cones differ in function. Rods are found primarily in the periphery of 
the retina and are used to see at low levels of light. Cones are found primarily 
in the center (or fovea) of the retina.[citation needed] There are three types 
of cones that differ in the wavelengths of light they absorb; they are usually 
called short or blue, middle or green, and long or red. Cones are used primarily 
to distinguish color and other features of the visual world at normal levels of 
light.[citation needed] 
Home Illumination Study, details results of a comprehensive study of ambient 
light levels in typical television viewing locations. This information is useful 
for determining how bright a television picture needs to be to provide a 
satisfactory viewing experience. Brightness has a direct impact on the energy 
consumption of the television. 
The image size depends on image size, so lenses intended for 2/3 inch and 1/2 
inch cameras have different focal lengths. 
Angle of view can be derived from the following equation. w = 2tan-1 y/2f y = 
image size, w = angle of view, f = focal length. 
White balance (refer to ’White Balance’ ) electrically adjusts the amplitudes of 
the red (R) and blue (B) signals to be equally balanced to the green (G) by use 
of video amplifiers.We must keep in mind that using electrical amplification 
will result in degradation of signal-to-noise ratio. 
1)The larger the iris F-number (refer to ’F-number’ ) (stopping down the amount 
of incident light), the deeper the depth of field. 
2)The shorter the focal length of the lens, the deeper the depth of field. 
3)The further the distance between the camera and the subject, the deeper the 
depth of field.
Flange-back is one of the most important matters to consider when choosing a 
lens. Flange-back describes the distance from the camera's lens-mount reference 
plane (ring surface 
or flange) to the image plane (such as CCDs) as shown in the figure below. 
In today's camera systems, flange-back is determined by the lens-mount system 
that the camera uses. 3-CCD cameras use the bayonet mount system, while single 
CCD cameras 
use either the C-mount or CS-mount system. The flangeback of the C-mount and CS-mount 
systems are standardized as 17.526 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. There are 
three flange-back standards for the bayonet mount system, 35.74 mm, 38.00 mm, 
and 48.00 mm. 
Flare is a phenomenon that is likely to occur when strong light passes through 
the camera lens. Flare is caused by numerous diffused reflections of the 
incoming light inside the 
lens. This results in the black level of each red, green and blue channel being 
raised, and/or inaccurate color balance between the three channels. On a video 
monitor, flare 
causes the picture to appear as a misty image, sometimes with a color shade. In 
order to minimize the effects of flare, professional video cameras are provided 
with a flare adjustment function, which optimizes the pedestal level and 
corrects the balance between the three channels electronically. 
Keeping this consistency in plant digital video means that video processing 
(including timing) can increasingly be of the one-time-setup variety. Technology 
advances have eliminated the need for an engineer to adjust every process 
continually, enabling hands-free operation ’ and creating a clear paradigm shift 
(as shown in Figure 1) in plant design. 
AFD codes 
Software-based video processing running in real time on multiple CPUs in the 
video server make this conversion possible. In some cases, branding and 
multiviewer functions are also incorporated into servers. 
F = f/D 
This reciprocal relationship means that the smaller the Fnumber, the "faster" 
the lens, and the higher the sensitivity it will provide on a camera. 
Te reason we see each object with a different color is because each object has 
different light-reflection/absorption characteristics. For example, a piece of 
white paper reflects almost all light colors and thus looks white. Similarly, a 
pure blue object only reflects the blue light (spectrum) and absorbs all other 
light colors. 
Technically, 'zoom' refers to changing a lens's focal length (refer to ’Focal 
Length’ ). A lens that has the ability to continually alter its focal length is 
well known as a zoom lens.
It also must be noted that the amount of light directed to the imager also 
changes when changing the zoom position. In the telephoto position, less light 
is reflected from the subject and directed through the lens, and thus the iris 
must be adjusted accordingly. 
Net fotoðraf çekebilmek için genel olarak odak uzaklýðý arttýkça poz süresinin 
bununla orantýlý olarak azalmasý gerekir. Mesela kiþi 50mm lens ile 1/50 saniye 
pozlama süresinde net fotoðraf çekebiliyorsa 200mm lens ile ancak 1/200 pozlama 
süresinde net fotoðraf çekebilir. Poz süresini düþürmek için fotoðrafçýlar 
diyaframý açmak ve/veya film süratini arttýrmak yollarýna boþvururlar. 
In order to obtain the same color under each different light source, this 
variation must be compensated for electrically by adjusting the video amps of 
the camera. For example, imagine shooting a white object. The ratio between the 
red, green, and blue channels of the camera video output must be 1:1:1 to 
reproduce white. 
As a result, the output of the three red, green, and blue CCDs will vary 
depending on the light source under which the white object is shot. For example, 
when the white 
object is shot under 3200 K, the signal output from the blue CCD will be very 
small while that of the red CCD will be very large. 
white balance for 3200 K seems to require more adjustment of video amps than 
5600 K. However, the video amps of most cameras are preset to operate on color 
temperatures around 3200 K, and less gain adjustment is required. 
When the dominant light source in a scene changes in any way, you must again 
white balance your camera. 
On the Kelvin scale, the lower the color temperature the redder the light and, 
as you might assume, the higher the color temperature, the bluer the color. 
Images created on Macs tend to look too dark on PCs; images created on PCs tend 
to look too bright and washed out on Macs. 
EVS (Enhanced Vertical Definition System) and Super EVS are features that were 
developed to improve the vertical resolution of a camera. Since Super EVS is an 
enhanced form of 
EVS, let's first look into the basic technology used in EVS. EVS has been 
developed to provide a solution when improved vertical resolution is required. 
Technically, its 
mechanism is based on Frame Integration (refer to “Field Integration and Frame 
Integration Mode“ ), but reduces the picture blur inherent to this mode by 
effectively using the 
electronic shutter. As explained in Frame Integration, PICTURE BLUR IS SEEN DUE 
TO THE LONGER 1/30-SECOND ACCUMULATION PERIOD. EVS eliminates this by discarding 
the charges accumulated in the first 1/60 seconds (1/30 = 1/60 + 1/60), thus 
keeping only those charges accumulated in the second 1/60 seconds. Just like 
Frame Integration, EVS uses the CCD's even lines to create even fields and its 
odd lines to create odd fields - thus providing the same high vertical 
resolution. However, since the first 1/60 seconds of accumulated charges are 
discarded, EVS sacrifices its sensitivity to one-half. Super EVS has been 
created to provide a solution to this drop in sensitivity. The charge readout 
method used in Super EVS sits between the Field Integration and EVS. Instead of
discarding all charges accumulated in the first 1/60 seconds, Super EVS allows 
this discarded period to be linearly controlled. When the period is set to 0, 
the results will be the same as when using Field Integration. Conversely, when 
set to 1/60, the results will be identical to Frame Integration. And when set 
between 0 to 1/60, Super EVS will provide a combination of the improved vertical 
resolution of EVS but with less visible picture blur. Most importantly, the 
amount of resolution improvement and picture blur will depend on the selected 
discarding period. 
Beyaz gömlekte fazla pozlama yapýlýrsa gömlekteki ayrýntýlar kaybolmaya baþlar. 
The Technical Director is the person responsible for setting up and maintaining 
the technical parameters oeo images. In many cases this is the same person as 
the CCU operator, but in any case the two jobs are closely linked. 
Grey card for white balance not white card. Color wheel!!!!!!!!!! 
Wraps audio, video, subtitles, and metadata into a single file 
“ Uses standardized class hierarchies and “operational patterns“ 
“ Designed to work with a variety of digital file formats 
“ Can be used for 
“ File Exchange 
“ Distribution 
“ Playout 
“ Archive 
“ Format is used by Digital Cinema and other applications 
“ Integrates with AAF, Advanced Authoring Format 
“ Cameras can export MXF metadata today. 
“ Broadcast Exchange Format 
“ XML format used for broadcast operations 
“ Program Management 
“ Traffic 
“ Automation 
“ Content Distribution 
“ Young standard, but integrated into commercial software 
“ Not a KLV format today 
“ First version recently published 
“ Revision and expansion planned 
4G - LTE 
As opposed to earlier generations, a 4G system does not support traditional 
circuit-switched telephony service, but all-Internet Protocol (IP) based 
communication such as IP telephony. As seen below, the spread spectrum radio 
technology used in 3G systems, is abandoned in all 4G candidate systems and 
replaced by OFDMA multi-carrier transmission and other frequency-domain 
equalization (FDE) schemes, making it possible to transfer very high bit rates 
despite extensive multi-path radio propagation (echoes). The peak bit rate is
further improved by smart antenna arrays for multiple-input multiple-output 
(MIMO) communications. 
3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE)[edit] 
See also: LTE Advanced above 
Telia-branded Samsung LTE modem 
The pre-4G 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology is often branded "4G-LTE", 
but the first LTE release does not fully comply with the IMT-Advanced 
requirements. LTE has a theoretical net bit rate capacity of up to 100 Mbit/s in 
the downlink and 50 Mbit/s in the uplink if a 20 MHz channel is used “ and more 
if multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), i.e. antenna arrays, are used. 
LTE, an initialism of long-term evolution, marketed as 4G LTE, is a standard for 
wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. 
It is based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies, increasing the 
capacity and speed using a different radio interface together with core network 
improvements.[1][2] The standard is developed by the 3GPP (3rd Generation 
Partnership Project) and is specified in its Release 8 document series, with 
minor enhancements described in Release 9. 
The world's first publicly available LTE service was launched by TeliaSonera in 
Oslo and Stockholm on December 14, 2009.[3] LTE is the natural upgrade path for 
carriers with both GSM/UMTS networks and CDMA networks such as Verizon Wireless, 
who launched the first large-scale LTE network in North America in 2010,[4][5] 
and au by KDDI in Japan have announced they will migrate to LTE. LTE is, 
therefore, anticipated to become the first truly global mobile phone standard, 
although the different LTE frequencies and bands used in different countries 
will mean that only multi-band phones will be able to use LTE in all countries 
where it is supported. 
LTE is a standard for wireless data communications technology and an evolution 
of the GSM/UMTS standards. The goal of LTE was to increase the capacity and 
speed of wireless data networks using new DSP (digital signal processing) 
techniques and modulations that were developed around the turn of the 
The LTE specification provides downlink peak rates of 300 Mbit/s, uplink peak 
rates of 75 Mbit/s and QoS provisions permitting a transfer latency of less than 
5 ms in the radio access network. LTE has the ability to manage fast-moving 
mobiles and supports multi-cast and broadcast streams. 
OFDMA for the downlink, SC-FDMA for the uplink to conserve power 
Enhanced voice quality[edit] 
To ensure compatibility, 3GPP demands at least AMR-NB codec (narrow band), but 
the recommended speech codec for VoLTE is Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband, also 
known as HD Voice. This codec is mandated in 3GPP networks that support 16 kHz 
Fraunhofer IIS has proposed and demonstrated Full-HD Voice, an implementation of 
the AAC-ELD (Advanced Audio Coding “ Enhanced Low Delay) codec for LTE handsets. 
[31] Where previous cell phone voice codecs only supported frequencies up to 3.5 
kHz and upcoming wideband audio services branded as HD Voice up to 7 kHz, Full- 
HD Voice supports the entire bandwidth range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. For end-to-end 
Full-HD Voice calls to succeed however, both the caller and recipient's 
handsets as well as networks have to support the feature. 
HDC 1400R 
Set VF DETAIL to ON to activate the VF detail function to add the detail signal 
to sharp edges in the image. You can adjust the signal level (strength) in the 
range of 0 to 100% (default 25%). You can adjust the characteristics of the
detail signal with the menu items below. 
Migration from fixed-circuit based telecommunication services to IP based 
connections reduces operational expenses as well as providing flexibility in 
audio networking. 
4K/UHD is currently limited to 30fps in existing consumer devices. This allows 
4K movies to be displayed on consumer TV sets but 4K deployment will only happen 
with the support of 50fps as the minimum temporal resolution for smooth motion 
capture on sports events. 
In summary, as sensor size reduces, the accompanying lens designs will change, 
often quite radically, to take advantage of manufacturing techniques made 
available due to the reduced size. The functionality of such lenses can also 
take advantage of these, with extreme zoom ranges becoming possible. These 
lenses are often very large in relation to sensor size, but with a small sensor 
can be fitted into a compact package. The lens for a smaller sensor requires a 
greater resolving power. 
Seri dijital görüntü verilerinde, ardýþýk 0 ya da 1 dizilimini engellemek ve 
eþit yoðunlukta 0 ve 1 dizilimini saðlamak için özel olarak þifrelenirler. 
Þifrelemede amaç, seri görüntü bilgisinin DC seviyesini azaltmak, geçiþleri 
çoðaltmaktýr. En basit tekniklerden birisi PRBS "Pseudo Random Binary Sequence" 
olarak bilinen ve 9 kademeli shift registerdan oluþan kendinden senkronlu 
þifreleyici devresidir x9 + x4 + 1 olarak ta bilinir. 
Seri görüntü sinyalinde, görüntüye baðlý olarak, 0 ve 1'ler, arka arkaya 
0.0.0. ya da olarak dizildiðinde, deðiþim olmayan bu noktalarda, iletim 
hattýnýn sonunda baðlý bulunan, alýcý ünitede, referans saat darbelerinin tekrar 
üretiminde kullanýlan, VCO-PLL osilatörü devresinin, tetiklenmesine referans 
olacak, iniþ ya da çýkýþlar yeterince sýk olmayacaðýndan, VCO'nun referans 
kilitlemesi hassas olmayacak ve seri görüntü kodlamasýnýn çözülmesinde sorunlar 
Bir satýr için örneklem sayýsý 720 Y, 360 U, 360 V için örneklem alýnýr. Bir 
satýr için toplam 1440 örneklem alýnmýþ olur. Kullanýlmayan bölge ve satýrlar 
için yapýlan toplam örneklem miktarý; 48*1440 = 69120'dir yani noktacýktýr. 
SDI giriþli her cihazýn, giriþ devresi dahili terminasyonlu(75 ohm) dizayn 
edilir. Yani SDI video sinyali, bir cihazdan baþka bir cihaza ancak tek 
baðlantýlý yapýlabilir. Giriþten "loop" bypass almak ya da "BNC, T" konntektör 
kullanarak, ikinci cihaza aktarmak, kesinlikle mümkün deðildir. SDI iletim 
hattý, hedefte sonlandýrýlmaz ise çok yüksek frekanslý olmasý nedeniyle, 
harmonikler geri yansýyarak gelen sinyalin üzerine ters fazda binerek, sinyali 
kullanýlamayacak hale getirecektir. SDI kkodlu sinyallerin, bir cihaz çýkýþýndan 
birden fazla noktaya iletilmesi gerektiðinde, "aktif dijital daðýtým 
yükselteçleri" kullanýlýr. 
Dijital video sinyalleri ancak serileþtirilerek uzun mesafelere taþýnabilirler. 
10 bit - 1024 deðer 1 Volt'ta 1 mV'luk deðiþimleri elektriksel olarak çevirme 
olanaðý saðlar. 
Ayrýmlý video için, seri veri iletimi formatý(SDI) 270 MBps olarak 
1 Voltluk video sinyalinin 8bit derinliðinde beyaz deðeri 235 siyah deðer 16 
dýr. Parlaklýk seviyesi 10 bit derinliðinde dijitale çevrildiði zaman beyaz 940, 
siyah 64 deðerini alýyor. Renk bileþenlerinde U ve V'de, siyah seviyesi 8 bit 
için 128; 10 bit için 512 olur. Renk bileþenlerinin üst ve alt deðerleri 8 bit 
sinyalde 16 ile 240 arasýnda deðiþirken, 10 bit sinyalde 64 ile 960 arasýnda 
OFDM modülasyonu tekniðinde ayný frekanstaki taþýyýcýlarýn modülasyondan sonra 
üst üste bindirilebilmesi sayesinde daha dar bantta daha yüksek hýzlarda bilgi 
Dijital kameralarda sadece ayar ve kontrol bilgileri iþlemci denetimindedir, 
görüntü bilgileri ve görüntü düzeltme sinyalleri baðýmsýz çiplerde iþlenirler. 
A pan“tilt“zoom camera (PTZ camera) is a camera that is capable of remote 
directional and zoom control. 
In television production PTZ controls are used with professional video cameras 
in television studios and referred to as camera robotics. These systems can be 
remotely controlled by automation systems. The PTZ controls are generally sold 
separately without the cameras. 
PTZ is an abbreviation for pan, tilt, and zoom and reflects the movement options 
of the camera. Other types of cameras are ePTZ where a megapixel camera zooms 
into portions of the image and a fixed camera that remains in one position and 
does not move. Surveillance cameras of this type are often connected to a DVR to 
control the movement and record the video. 
Auto tracking[edit] 
An innovation to the PTZ camera is a built-in firmware program that monitors the 
change of pixels generated by the video clip in the camera. When the pixels 
change due to movement within the cameras field of view, the camera can actually 
focus on the pixel variation and move the camera in an attempt to center the 
pixel fluctuation on the video chip. This process results in the camera 
following movement. The program allows the camera to estimate the size of the 
object which is moving and distance of the movement from the camera. With this 
estimate the camera can adjust the cameras optical lens in and out in an attempt 
to stabilize the size of pixel fluctuation as a percentage of total viewing 
area. Once the movement exits the cameras field of view the camera automatically 
returns to a pre-programmed or "parked" position until it senses pixel variation 
and the process starts over again. 
Chromatic Aberration 
chromatic aberration; CA; chromatic distortion; CD n. A lens defect 
that bends light rays of different colors at different angles due to their 
different indexes of refraction. As a result, a single lens will actually 
create multiple images, each of a different wavelength (color) of light 
and each offset slightly from the others, creating a blurred or colorfringed 
Kompozit'ten SDI'ya Çevirici
Marka Kramer. 2 SDI çýkýþ var. 1 kompozit video, BNC baðlantý ile 1Vpp/75ohm; 1 
s-video, 1Vpp, 4-pin baðlantý ile 0.3Vpp/75ohm elde edilir. Çýkýþta 2 adet SDI 
SMPTE-259M arabirimi olup, BNC baðlantý ile ITU-R BT.601 koþullarýna uyum 
saplanýr. 10 bit dijital çöznürlüðe sahip ürün, 5 MHz bant geniþliði sunuyor. 
SNR 57 dB, K faktörü %0.2'nin altýnda. Renk-ton gecikmesi 15 nanosaniyeden kýsa 
olup, RS-232 üzerinden parlaklýk, kontrast, renk, doygunluk ayarlarý 
Separate Video,[1] commonly known as S-Video, Super-video and Y/C, is a 
signalling standard for standard definition video, typically 480i or 576i. By 
separating the black-and-white and colouring signals, it achieves better image 
quality than composite video, but has lower colour resolution than component 
UWZ 33.7mm görüntü dairesine sahip ve geniþ sensörlü dijital kameralar. 
Bozulmayý en aza indiren telesentrik optik tasarým. Bir lensin ortasýnda 
normalde parlak bir nokta olup kenarlara doðru koyulaþýrken UWZ'de bu görülmez. 
Çok geniþ bir binanýn bir ucundan diðer ucuna pan yapýldý ve düz çizgilerde bir 
bozulma olmadý. 
Pillarboxing (reversed letterboxing) is the display of an image within a wider 
image frame by adding lateral mattes (vertical bars at the sides); for example, 
a 1.33:1 image has lateral mattes when displayed on a 16:9 aspect ratio 
television screen. 
Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different 
applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of 
performance to a data flow. For example, a required bit rate, delay, jitter, 
packet dropping probability and/or bit error rate may be guaranteed. 
Live streaming, which refers to content delivered live over the Internet, 
requires a camera for the media, an encoder to digitize the content, a media 
publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. 
Kendi güç beslemeleri olan aygýtlardýr(LAN Switch). 
OTT(Over the top) 
Over-the-top content (OTT) refers to delivery of video, audio and other media 
over the Internet without a multiple system operator being involved in the 
control or distribution of the content. The provider may be aware of the 
contents of the Internet Protocol packets but is not responsible for, nor able 
to control, the viewing abilities, copyrights, and/or other redistribution of
the content. This is in contrast to purchase or rental of video or audio content 
from an Internet service provider (ISP), such as pay television video on demand 
or an IPTV video service, like AT&T U-Verse. OTT in particular refers to content 
that arrives from a third party, such as NowTV, Netflix, WhereverTV, Hulu, WWE 
Network, RPI TV or myTV, and is delivered to an end user device, leaving the ISP 
responsible only for transporting IP packets. 
broadband n. 1. A device or signal that includes a wide range of frequencies or 
has a data capacity of at least 1.5 Mbps. 2. Digital: a technology that can 
simultaneously carry voice, high-speed data (Internet), video, and interactive 
services. Broadband is often used to describe high-speed Internet service, 
without regard to the other services that can be offered by the same facility. 
Koaksiyel Kablo 
En yüksek performans sunan koaksiyel kablo en aðýr olandýr ve daha fazla yer 
kÜÇÜK bnc(KONNEKTÖR) DEMEK 50 ohm demek ve daha ince kablo kullanmak 
demektir(sinyal zayýflamasý ve empedans uyuþmazlýðý sorunu). 
Günümüz BNC-koaksiyel kablo ve diðer ara baðlantýlarýn çoðu birçoðu 3 Gb/s 
sinyaller için kullanýlamadýð açýk. 1,5 Gb/s için üretildiler ve 1,5Gb/s deki 
yüksek frekanslý harmonikler için yeterli fazlalýða(3Gb/s) sahip olmuþ oldular. 
Ýletken yollarýnýn uzunluðu mümkün olduðunca eþit olmalýdýr. Yoksa performansý 
Bt = lv × lh × fr × qb × cs 
Bt = total bit rate 
lv = number of active vertical lines 
lh = number of active horizontal lines 
fr = frame rate of input video signal 
qb = quantization depth (bits) 
cs = color subsampling (1 for 3:0.5:0.5, 1.5 for 4:2:0; 2 for 4:2:2; 3 for RGB 
full bandwidth) 
Br = 1080 × 1920 × 29.97 × 8 × 1.5 = 745.750 Mbitps 
When building a facility that has critical timing requirements, keep cables as 
short as possible to minimize signal attenuation and crosstalk. It is best to 
locate all of the distribution equipment in the same or adjacent racks. Because
most video cabling among distribution elements must be timed or of matching 
lengths, short cables make the job manageable, and, at the same time, cable 
costs are kept low. 
The high frequency response of a cable decreases with increasing frequency. The 
loss can be compensated for by using an equalizing amplifier with a response 
curve that complements the cable loss. For video applications, a typical 
distribution amplifier (DA) has six outputs isolated from one another by fan-out 
resistors. Because the equalization is adjusted to produce a flat response at 
the end of a length of a specific type of cable, all of the cables being driven 
by the amplifier must be the same type and length. 
DTV Plant Latency and Timing Issues 
D = dd + dr + dc + ds + dt + dm 
D = total delay 
dd = distribution delay 
dr = routing delay 
dc = conversion delay 
ds = switching delay 
dt = transmission and multiplexer delay 
dm = makeup delay to equalize the NTSC and DTV paths 
a local station connected to the network by a short fiber connection might be 
delayed by 7 s or less while a cable system sending QAM over the cable fed by a 
local station connected, in turn, to the network by satellite might take 20 s. 
Other Timing Considerations 
Timing signals should be delayed before delaying the video. A slave sync 
generator is desirable whenever timing advance is required, or whenever 
approximately three or more pieces of equipment need equally delayed pulses. 
Non-reentry designs are the most cost effective. 
The velocity in the conductors is typically about one-half the speed of light. 
If the transmission line were cut at some point and terminated in an impedance 
Z, energy would continue to flow on the line as if it had infinite length. When 
the wavefront reaches the termination, energy is dissipated per unit time rather 
than being stored per unit time. 
Conceptually, the serial digital interface is much like a carrier system for 
studio applications. Baseband audio and video signals are digitized and combined 
on the serial digital “carrier.“ (SDI is not strictly a carrier system in that 
it is a baseband digital signal, not a signal modulated on a carrier wave.) The 
bit rate (carrier frequency) is determined by the clock rate of the digital 
data: 143 Mbits/s for NTSC, 177 Mbits/s for PAL, and 270 Mbits/s for Rec. 601 
component digital. The widescreen (16 × 9) component system defined in SMPTE 267 
will produce a bit rate of 360 Mbits/s. This serial interface may be used with 
normal video coaxial cable or fiber optic cable, with the appropriate interface 
Parlama (Flare) ayarý: Kamera objektiflerinden kaynaklanan, görüntünün siyah
seviyesindeki bozulmalarý düzeltmek için yapýlýr 
If any channel of R', G', B' signal exceeds either the upper limit or lower 
limit, it is out of gamut, or out of range. The violation of the gamut limits 
makes the signal illegal. 
The targets for red, blue, and green form a triangle. In between each of these 
primary colors are the colors formed by mixing those primaries. So the color 
between red and blue is magenta. The color between blue and green is cyan, and 
the color between red and green is yellow. These secondary colors form another 
triangle. The other interesting relationship that is formed on the vectorscope 
is that complementary colors are directly opposite each other. Red is opposite 
cyan, magenta is opposite green, and yellow is opposite blue. These 
relationships will play a pivotal role as you begin to manipulate colors. For 
example, if you are trying to eliminate a magenta cast in an image, a glance at 
the vectorscope will tell you that you need to add green, which is opposite 
magenta. Or you could reduce red and blue in equal amounts (the two colors that 
make magenta). If an image has yellows that are too cyan, then adding red will 
begin to 
solve the problem. Eventually, you should not even need the graticule (the 
graphic part of the vectorscope that identifies color targets) to know where the 
colors lie on the face of the vectorscope. 
they all should sit neatly in the center of the vectorscope. While most video 
images will have a range of colors, they also usually have some amount of 
whites, blacks, and neutral grays. The key is to be able to see where these 
parts of the picture sit on the vectorscope and then use the color correction 
tools at your disposal to move them toward the center of the vectorscope. 
For nearly all professional colorists, the various waveform displays “ Flat, Low 
Pass, Luma only, RGB Parade, and YCbCr Parade “ plus the vectorscope are the 
main methods for analyzing your image. While experienced colorists often rely on 
their eyes, they use these scopes to provide an unchanging reference to guide 
them as they spend hours color correcting. 
To store a preset in bank A, press and hold the desired preset number button (1 
to 8) for three seconds. The number button is high tally upon release after 
holding the button for three seconds. Also, a beep will sound if the Aural alert 
is enabled in the SYSTEM SETUP menu. 
Hold MLT button to enter pane selection part. Press and hold CURS button for 
three seconds. Use the NAVIGATION buttons or knobs to select Amplitude or Time. 
Once selected, press the ENT button to enable it. Once one or both cursors are 
selected, press the EXIT button to exit the CURS pane menu. 
Infrared light is the longer of the two wavelengths, and far more of these rays 
penetrate the atmosphere because of their wavelength. They are not easily broken 
up by the particulate matter in the atmosphere.We cannot see them, but we feel 
them in the form of heat. In fact, as some of the incoming ultraviolet rays pass 
through the upper atmosphere, their short wavelengths bounce around the 
particles and are converted to heat energy or infrared radiation. Like 
ultraviolet radiation, infrared waves also affect photographic film and 
television cameras. 
Digital ghostinG : 
Ghosting is not specific to analog transmission. It may appear in digital 
television when interlaced video is incorrectly deinterlaced for display on 
progressive-scan output devices. 
a scrambler is a device that transposes or inverts signals or otherwise encodes 
a message at the transmitter to make the message unintelligible at a receiver 
not equipped with an appropriately set descrambling device. Whereas encryption 
usually refers to operations carried out in the digital domain, scrambling 
usually refers to operations carried out in the analog domain. 
Roughly, it refers to systems called as protocol converter!! 
In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an 
application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking 
resources from other servers. 
-Alice : Ask Bob what the current time is 
-Proxy : what is the current time Bob? 
-Bob : The time is 7pm. 
-proxy : Time is 7pm. 
SMPTE 292M - HD-SDI - 1998[2] - 1.485 Gbit/s, and 1.485/1.001 Gbit/s - 720p, 
SMPTE 372M - Dual Link HD-SDI - 2002[2] - 2.970 Gbit/s, and 2.970/1.001 Gbit/s 
SMPTE 424M - 3G-SDI - 2006[2] - 2.970 Gbit/s, and 2.970/1.001 Gbit/s 
composite-encoded (NTSC or PAL)!!!!! 
LTC care: 
Avoid percussive sounds close to LTC 
Never process an LTC with noise reduction, eq or compressor 
Allow pre roll and post roll 
To create negative time code add one hour to time (avoid midnight effect) 
Always put slowest device as a master 
Like SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 292M supports the SMPTE 291M standard for ancillary data.
Ancillary data is provided as a standardized transport for non-video payload 
within a serial digital signal; it is used for things such as embedded audio, 
closed captions, timecode, and other sorts of metadata. Ancillary data is 
indicated by a 3-word packet consisting of 0, 3FF, 3FF (the opposite of the 
synchronization packet header), followed by a two-word identification code, a 
data count word (indicating 0 - 255 words of payload), the actual payload, and a 
one-word checksum. Other than in their use in the header, the codes prohibited 
to video payload are also prohibited to ancillary data payload. 
Specific applications of ancillary data include embedded audio, EDH, VPID and 
Kodlama, x9 + x4 + 1 þeklinde kodlanýr. Çünkü, arka arkaya 4 sýfýr ya da 4 bir 
gelirse, DC voltaj seviyesi olarak algýlanabilir. Ayrýca, belli bir bant 
geniþliðine sýðdýrmak için de arka arkaya 4 bir gelmez. Beyaz, FF diye gelir, 
siyah 00 diye gelir. 
SDI'da, satýr baþlarken 4 byte olarak satýr bilgisi, neyim, nerdeyim bilgisi vs. 
sinyalin baþýnda gönderilir. Hiç bir sesin bilgisi 00 ya da FF gelmiyo. Bu 
alanda kontrol bilgileri yollanýyor. 8 bit tanýmlandýðý için SDI monitör 
bilgileri 8 bittir genelde. SDI'da her aletin içinde 27 MHz'lik dahili bir 
jeneratör vardýr sinyale kilitlenir. 
In SDI, or all serial digital interfaces (excluding the obsolete composite 
encodings), the native color encoding is 4:2:2 YCbCr format. The luminance 
channel (Y) is encoded at full bandwidth (13.5 MHz in 270 Mbit/s SD, ~75 MHz in 
HD), and the two chrominance channels (Cb and Cr) are subsampled horizontally, 
and encoded at half bandwidth (6.75 MHz or 37.5 MHz). 
Gamut, renk skalasý, üretebildiði dalga boyu cihazlarýn. 
QPSK, daha az güç(daha az güçle tekiklenir) ister QAM'a göre. 
10845MHz H. 30000 5/6 8 PSK... Hata düzeltme az, video fazla daha fazla güç 
Dijitalde bant geniþliðini ayarlayabiliyosun analogta ayarlanamýyor. 
Sayýsal TV yayýnlarýnýn iletilebilmesi için en az 50 kere sýkýþtýrýlmasý 
gerekir. MPEG-2 ile STV yayýnlarý 4 ila 8 Mbitps, HDTV yayýnlarý da 18-20 Mbitps 
ile iletilebiliyor. 
Bir çerçevedeki gereksiz bilgileri atmak intra frame. 
Zaman içindeki tekrarlaran kaynaklanan gereksiz bilgileri atmak inter frame. 
Sayýsal TV alýcýsý normal bir analog TV alýcýsýna sayýsal kod çözücünün 
eklenmesi ile elde edilebilir. Nitekim sayýsal TV sistemlerine geçiþte ilk aþama 
eski analog TV alýcýlarýna Set-Üstü-Cihaz (Set-Top-Box) adý verilen 
sayýsal/analog dönüþtürücü cihazlarýn dýþardan eklenmesi #þeklinde olmuþtur. 
(Þekil-6). Yeni nesil sayýsal TV alýcýlarýnda kod çözücü de cihazýn içine 
1. The optical phenomenon where the refractive index of a transparent media 
varies with the wavelength of light. This effect is most visible in a prism, 
where white light enters but a rainbow of colored light emerges because each 
color is bent by a different amount as it passes through the prism. 2. The 
spreading of sound waves as they leave a loudspeaker. 3. Refraction. 
Find the switch on the cameras (or the CCUs) that turn on the camera's internal 
color bars. When you flick that switch to bars, you should see color bars on the 
monitor for each camera as you press the corresponding numbered button in the 
PROGRAM bus (row of buttons). The picture will jump a little as you punch the 
buttons. iki kamerada dahili olarak color bar üretilince cameralarý pgme 
seçerken geçiþler sýrasýnda atlama yapýyosa referanslarý senkronize deðildir. 
In photography, exposure value (EV) is a number that represents a combination of 
a camera's shutter speed and f-number, such that all combinations that yield the 
same exposure have the same EV value (for any fixed scene luminance). Exposure 
value is also used to indicate an interval on the photographic exposure scale, 
with 1 EV corresponding to a standard power-of-2 exposure step, commonly 
referred to as a stop. 
The f-number N is given by 
N = f/D where f is the focal length, and D is the diameter of the entrance pupil 
(effective aperture). It is customary to write f-numbers preceded by f/, which 
forms a mathematical expression of the entrance pupil diameter in terms of f and 
N. For example, if a lens's focal length is 10 mm and its entrance pupil 
diameter is 5 mm, the f-number is 2 and the aperture diameter is f/2. 
Ignoring differences in light transmission efficiency, a lens with a greater f-number 
projects darker images. The brightness of the projected image 
(illuminance) relative to the brightness of the scene in the lens's field of 
view (luminance) decreases with the square of the f-number. Doubling the f-number 
decreases the relative brightness by a factor of four. To maintain the 
same photographic exposure when doubling the f-number, the exposure time would 
need to be four times as long. 
PAL and NTSC = They are systems of single-channel composite transmission. PAL-B 
is used for VHF band. PAL-G is used for UHF band. 
Alex Barwell 
System Specialist at BBC 
Agree with Fred that the starting point for 4K+ is not difficult, but gets 
complicated with other systems and infrastructure. As with early HD and some 3G 
arrangements, one scheme uses multiple connections for a single 4K feed - as one 
instance, 4 SDI connections run in parallel for a 4K run, so depending on your 
existing technology just jumping to 4K could conceptually cut your router down 
to 1/4 the effective ins and outs. 
Then at about this point film houses reportedly are struggling with the 
increased data workload for a film - not just storage but inevitable render 
efforts similarly effectively shrinking the capability of their render farms. 
I would challenge whether production values are sufficient to justify these 
increased efforts - before now I have made the observation that shooting with 
the latest camera with bad shot composition, lighting, focus etc completely 
defeats the object - if it's out of focus it doesn't really matter what 
definition. If you are doing a good job then go ahead! 
Tricaster make it easy to synchronise each camera with a little latency. 
Tri-level sync is becoming a required part of HD system timing. 
One reason is that tri-level sync can be created to exactly match any of the 
standard formats. Black burst only comes in two flavors 29.97 fps (525 line) and 
25 fps (625 line). 
Another reason is that black burst (gen-lock) is measured at the halfway point 
of the leading (falling) edge of the pulse. Tri-Level sync uses the halfway 
point of the trailing (rising) edge of the pulse. These points are used to time 
the digital video. They are determined by means of a sync separator and voltage 
Usually determining the 50% point of the falling edge entails measuring the 
total height and divide by two. Unfortunately, the trigger point has past by 
that time. Another method is to infer the total height from previous sync 
pulses. This involves some averaging process. In addition, the amplitude of the 
pulse can vary due to attenuation in the cables. These effects cause some 
uncertainty in the final positioning. This uncertainty leads to jitter in the 
output of the sync separator / comparator. 
Tri-level sync was created to avoid this uncertainty. The target 50% point is on 
the rising edge of the pulse. This point corresponds to the original blanking 
level. This means that the 50% voltage level is a known voltage. There is no 
integration or averaging involved. This leads to lower jitter from the sync 
separator / comparator. 
Tri-level sync has advantages and should be used whenever possible in all 
digital facilities. But that workhorse ‘Black Burst‘ will be around as long as 
standard definition analog equipment is in use and requires timing.
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Broadcaster Notes

  • 1. To see why MPEG doesn’t like interlacing, it’s important to realize what interlacing does. Figure 2 showed that, given a complete picture in which all of the horizontal scan lines are present, interlacing takes every other line on the first field and comes back later for the ones in between on the next field. When there is no motion in the image, this works quite well. The problem becomes apparent when anything in the image moves. In a still picture, the vertical detail is shared between the fields, and both fields are needed to display all of the vertical detail. But, when an object in the image moves, its location changes from one field to the next. This makes it impossible to combine the two fields to recover the vertical detail. Consequently, with interlacing, you can have full vertical detail, or you can have motion, but you can’t have full vertical detail in the presence of motion. If the loss of vertical detail was just a softening effect, that wouldn’t be too bad. However, Figure 2 shows that a single field is created by subsampling the vertical axis of the original frame by a factor of two. Sampling theory says that this will cause vertical aliasing. The vertical detail isn’t soft; instead, it is simply incorrect. The good old Kell factor is the way of measuring the damage interlacing does to vertical resolution. Read more: z1qIsqbRto MPEG DETESTS ÝNTERLACED SCAN!!!!!!!!!! The problem an MPEG encoder has with interlacing is that, to compress efficiently, it tries to measure the motion between successive pictures. Interlacing prevents accurate motion measurement because adjacent fields don’t contain pixels in the same place, so the encoder can’t compare like with like. Differences between fields could be due to motion or to vertical detail, and the motion estimator doesn’t know which it is. As a result, the motion vectors in interlaced MPEG are less accurate, which means that the residual data will have to be increased to compensate for the reduced power of the motion estimation. In short, the bit rate has to go up. Read more: z1qItArxh8 One of the greatest myths about the relative merits of interlacing and progressive is that a progressive standard is just an interlaced standard but with every line present in each picture. This is regularly put forward by the pro-interlacing cave dwellers, but it’s simplistic. According to that premise, one might conclude that the progressive picture has massively greater resolution than the interlaced picture simply because it can represent detail in the presence of motion. In fact, the absence of interlacing artifacts and loss of dynamic resolution means that progressively scanned pictures have a better Kell factor and don’t actually need as many lines as interlaced systems. Thus, 720p can easily outperform 1080i, for example. Camera manufacturers know all about interlacing artifacts, and one thing they can do is to reduce the vertical resolution of the picture to reduce the amount of aliasing. This results in a permanent softening of the image, but it is probably more pleasing than intermittent motion-sensitive aliasing. In an interlaced system, the maximum vertical resolution the system can manage to produce from still images is never used because this full resolution never leaves the camera. Another problem with interlacing is that, although the field rate is 60Hz (or 50Hz in the old world), the light energy leaving the display is not restricted to those frequencies alone. There is a fair amount of light output in the frame rate (30- or 25Hz) visible to the viewer. You can see this for yourself if you put a 26-inch interlaced display near a 26-inch progressive-scan display and view them from a distance of over 100 feet. You won’t see any difference in
  • 2. resolution or vertical aliasing (the human visual system simply isn’t that good), but you will see flicker from the interlaced display. BANDWIDTH deinterlacing cannot always remove all the impurities or artifacts in the image. One problem that can arise with progressive scanning, however, is that objects moving continuously through the camera scene, such as a car, can appear to flicker. Since each line of the image is scanned every sixtieth of a second, there is a brief gap of time between frames that does not account for objects moving unremittingly. a digital TV broadcast requires one-fourth the bandwidth of an analog TV broadcast of the same resolution. Good quality real-time encoded 480i MPEG-2 requires at least 4Mbps, and more like 6Mbps. Current digital TV in the US can put 19.3Mbps in one 6MHz TV channel, while analog puts one 480i channel in the same bandwidth. So, 480i digital takes about 25-30% of the "bandwidth" of 480i analog. On a cable system using 256QAM, they can put 40Mbps in a 6MHz channel, so 480i digital would only take 12-15% as much as the analog there. Actual real-time encoding samples show that the reduction in bitrate for the same quality is far lower than this. A 720p stream that needs 15Mbps with MPEG-2 will need 10-12Mbps with MPEG-4. At 8Mbps, it becomes noticably lower quality. So when screen action is high and processing time is low (say in real-time football) the quality deteriorates slightly, because only the larger features on the screen are coded for transmission before the next frame must be handled. You'll often see the minimum requirement for MPEG2 given as 1.5 or 2Mb/s, but this is for pre-recorded programs like movies, or for images of "VCR-quality' which is considerably below true PAL-transmission standard. To maintain quality, currently they need 6-8Mb/s of bandwidth for real-time sports coverage. However if the encoder has more time to work on the compression (eg. pre-recorded programs), this bandwidth requirement can be cut in half. With pre-filmed Hollywood movies, it may be down to a third or a quarter. DIGITAL TELEVISION Sampling rate # fs > 2fmax (Nyquist limit) # fs > 3fmax (Preferred) Bits/Sample # 3x8=24 b/sample (colour video) Data Rate # Standard TV (PAL,SECAM): rn? 300Mb/s fmax= 5MHz, fs= 13.5 Ms/s, rn = 13.5x24=324Mb/s # HDTV: rn > 1Gb/s fmax= 30MHz, fs> 60 Ms/s, rn > 1.4Gb/s Such huge bandwidths are not available! Transmission of such data is only possible after at least 50 times of Compression! # MPEG-2 compresses STV data to 4..8Mb/s Provides; # 4 to 10 digital (SDTV) channels in 1-analog channel space # Easier and more reliable scrambling # Easier video-on-demand and Pay TV services
  • 3. To the Service Provider #Same picture quality with analog (sometimes worst) #CD quality sound #2 to 10 times more money to pay for the equipment! To the Customer Not a fair deal! Source Coding by using DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) #Based on Converting the image to Spatial Frequency components Assigning more bits to low-frequency components (large smooth areas) and less bits to high-frequency components (since human eye do not resolve the luminance levels on the fine details of the picture) #The picture is divided into 8x8 pixel Macroblocks #The DCT is applied to each block f(m,n): luminance of the pixel at coordinates m,n= 0,1,...7 F(u,v): DCT coefficient of 2-D frequency u,v= 0,1,...7 c(0)= 0.707; c(k)= 1 k=1,2,...7 f(m,n): luminance of the pixel at coordinates m,n= 0,1,...7 F(u,v): DCT coefficient of 2-D frequency u,v= 0,1,...7 c(0)= 0.707; c(k)= 1 k=1,2,... You'll often see the minimum requirement for MPEG2 given as 1.5 or 2Mb/s, but this is for pre-recorded programs like movies, or for images of "VCR-quality' which is considerably below true PAL-transmission standard. To maintain quality, currently they need 6-8Mb/s of bandwidth for real-time sports coverage. However if the encoder has more time to work on the compression (eg. pre-recorded programs), this bandwidth requirement can be cut in half. With pre-filmed Hollywood movies, it may be down to a third or a quarter. As faster multi-thread processing becomes available in the encoders, the image quality of sports coverage will rise and the bandwidth requirements will fall. The main problem with pumping out digital signals from conventional television towers is that of multipath. In analogue television we see this phenomena as 'ghosts', and these are caused by secondary signals arrive slightly later than normal, after having bounced off buildings, hills, bridges, etc., along the way. In analogue television, these create a series of blurred positive and negative images to the right side of the dominant image, but with digital signals, a slightly delayed negative 'bit' can cancel out a positive 'bit' and change the image substantially. KAMERA KONTROL Diyafram, tek baþýna deðiþtirilince pozlama deðerinde sapma olur. Bu durumu deðiþtirmek için, ortam ýþýðý, örtücü deðeri (shutter speed) gibi pozlamayý etkileyen etmenlerin deðitirilmesi gerekir ki, çok kameralý stüdyolarda bu pratik bir uygulama deðilidir. Kaydýrma hareketi ile optik kaydýrma hareketleri birbirlerinden fiziksel olarak farklý olduklarý için farklý sonuçlar verirler. Kaydýrma hareketinde, kamera konuya yaklaþmakdadýr. Dolaysýyla içerdiði nesneler bir süre sonra farklý açýlardan görünmeye baþlar; hatta hareketin baþýnda görünmeyen bir nesne daha sonra görünür olur. Ancak optik kaydýrma sýrasýnda kameranýn yeri deðiþmez. Deðiþen, kameranýn gördüðü açýdýr. Her iki kaydýrma sýrasýnda nesnelerin görünen boyutlarý deðiþmekteyse de , optik kaydýrmada(göreceli olarak) arka planda yer alan nesneler daha büyük gönünür.
  • 4. Konuya fiziksel olarak (kaydýrma hareketi ile) yaklaþýldýðý zaman(geniþ açý) yanyana olan cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýrlar. Ýleri optik kaydýrma ile konuya yaklaþýldýðý zaman (dar açý), perspektif farký oluþmuþtur. Bunda tam tersi cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýyorlarmýþ gibi görünür. Geniþ açýda da , yanyana olan cisimler birbirinden uzaklaþýyormuþ gibi gözükür. 24.09.12 kamerayý saða sola kaydýrma: truck or crab right-left(bu kavram bazen tracking shot olarak adlandýrýlýr.) kamerayý yukarý-aþaðý kaydýrma: pedestal(or ped) up-down. kamerayý ileri-geri kaydýrma: dolly in-out. kamerayý sað-sol(çapraz hareket ettirme): arc right-left. vinç yukarý aþaðý: crane up-down. vincin yanlamasýna kaymasý: tonguing. tongue right-left. Main article: Retina The retina consists of a large number of photoreceptor cells which contain particular protein molecules called opsins. In humans, two types of opsins are involved in conscious vision: rod opsins and cone opsins. (A third type, melanopsin in some of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), part of the body clock mechanism, is probably not involved in conscious vision, as these RGC do not project to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) but to the pretectal olivary nucleus (PON).[5]) An opsin absorbs a photon (a particle of light) and transmits a signal to the cell through a signal transduction pathway, resulting in hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor. (For more information, see Photoreceptor cell). Rods and cones differ in function. Rods are found primarily in the periphery of the retina and are used to see at low levels of light. Cones are found primarily in the center (or fovea) of the retina.[citation needed] There are three types of cones that differ in the wavelengths of light they absorb; they are usually called short or blue, middle or green, and long or red. Cones are used primarily to distinguish color and other features of the visual world at normal levels of light.[citation needed] ILLUMINATION Home Illumination Study, details results of a comprehensive study of ambient light levels in typical television viewing locations. This information is useful for determining how bright a television picture needs to be to provide a satisfactory viewing experience. Brightness has a direct impact on the energy consumption of the television. IMAGE SIZE The image size depends on image size, so lenses intended for 2/3 inch and 1/2 inch cameras have different focal lengths. Angle of view can be derived from the following equation. w = 2tan-1 y/2f y = image size, w = angle of view, f = focal length. WHITE BALANCE White balance (refer to ’White Balance’ ) electrically adjusts the amplitudes of the red (R) and blue (B) signals to be equally balanced to the green (G) by use of video amplifiers.We must keep in mind that using electrical amplification will result in degradation of signal-to-noise ratio. DEPTH OF FIELD FACTORS 1)The larger the iris F-number (refer to ’F-number’ ) (stopping down the amount of incident light), the deeper the depth of field. 2)The shorter the focal length of the lens, the deeper the depth of field. 3)The further the distance between the camera and the subject, the deeper the depth of field.
  • 5. FLANGE-BACK/BACK FOCAL LENGTH Flange-back is one of the most important matters to consider when choosing a lens. Flange-back describes the distance from the camera's lens-mount reference plane (ring surface or flange) to the image plane (such as CCDs) as shown in the figure below. In today's camera systems, flange-back is determined by the lens-mount system that the camera uses. 3-CCD cameras use the bayonet mount system, while single CCD cameras use either the C-mount or CS-mount system. The flangeback of the C-mount and CS-mount systems are standardized as 17.526 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. There are three flange-back standards for the bayonet mount system, 35.74 mm, 38.00 mm, and 48.00 mm. FLARE Flare is a phenomenon that is likely to occur when strong light passes through the camera lens. Flare is caused by numerous diffused reflections of the incoming light inside the lens. This results in the black level of each red, green and blue channel being raised, and/or inaccurate color balance between the three channels. On a video monitor, flare causes the picture to appear as a misty image, sometimes with a color shade. In order to minimize the effects of flare, professional video cameras are provided with a flare adjustment function, which optimizes the pedestal level and corrects the balance between the three channels electronically. VIDEO PROCESSING Keeping this consistency in plant digital video means that video processing (including timing) can increasingly be of the one-time-setup variety. Technology advances have eliminated the need for an engineer to adjust every process continually, enabling hands-free operation ’ and creating a clear paradigm shift (as shown in Figure 1) in plant design. AFD codes Software-based video processing running in real time on multiple CPUs in the video server make this conversion possible. In some cases, branding and multiviewer functions are also incorporated into servers. F NUMBER F = f/D This reciprocal relationship means that the smaller the Fnumber, the "faster" the lens, and the higher the sensitivity it will provide on a camera. LIGHT AND COLOR vovo Te reason we see each object with a different color is because each object has different light-reflection/absorption characteristics. For example, a piece of white paper reflects almost all light colors and thus looks white. Similarly, a pure blue object only reflects the blue light (spectrum) and absorbs all other light colors. ZOOM Technically, 'zoom' refers to changing a lens's focal length (refer to ’Focal Length’ ). A lens that has the ability to continually alter its focal length is well known as a zoom lens.
  • 6. It also must be noted that the amount of light directed to the imager also changes when changing the zoom position. In the telephoto position, less light is reflected from the subject and directed through the lens, and thus the iris must be adjusted accordingly. Net fotoðraf çekebilmek için genel olarak odak uzaklýðý arttýkça poz süresinin bununla orantýlý olarak azalmasý gerekir. Mesela kiþi 50mm lens ile 1/50 saniye pozlama süresinde net fotoðraf çekebiliyorsa 200mm lens ile ancak 1/200 pozlama süresinde net fotoðraf çekebilir. Poz süresini düþürmek için fotoðrafçýlar diyaframý açmak ve/veya film süratini arttýrmak yollarýna boþvururlar. WHITE BALANCE In order to obtain the same color under each different light source, this variation must be compensated for electrically by adjusting the video amps of the camera. For example, imagine shooting a white object. The ratio between the red, green, and blue channels of the camera video output must be 1:1:1 to reproduce white. As a result, the output of the three red, green, and blue CCDs will vary depending on the light source under which the white object is shot. For example, when the white object is shot under 3200 K, the signal output from the blue CCD will be very small while that of the red CCD will be very large. white balance for 3200 K seems to require more adjustment of video amps than 5600 K. However, the video amps of most cameras are preset to operate on color temperatures around 3200 K, and less gain adjustment is required. When the dominant light source in a scene changes in any way, you must again white balance your camera. On the Kelvin scale, the lower the color temperature the redder the light and, as you might assume, the higher the color temperature, the bluer the color. Images created on Macs tend to look too dark on PCs; images created on PCs tend to look too bright and washed out on Macs. EVS/SUPER EVS EVS (Enhanced Vertical Definition System) and Super EVS are features that were developed to improve the vertical resolution of a camera. Since Super EVS is an enhanced form of EVS, let's first look into the basic technology used in EVS. EVS has been developed to provide a solution when improved vertical resolution is required. Technically, its mechanism is based on Frame Integration (refer to “Field Integration and Frame Integration Mode“ ), but reduces the picture blur inherent to this mode by effectively using the electronic shutter. As explained in Frame Integration, PICTURE BLUR IS SEEN DUE TO THE LONGER 1/30-SECOND ACCUMULATION PERIOD. EVS eliminates this by discarding the charges accumulated in the first 1/60 seconds (1/30 = 1/60 + 1/60), thus keeping only those charges accumulated in the second 1/60 seconds. Just like Frame Integration, EVS uses the CCD's even lines to create even fields and its odd lines to create odd fields - thus providing the same high vertical resolution. However, since the first 1/60 seconds of accumulated charges are discarded, EVS sacrifices its sensitivity to one-half. Super EVS has been created to provide a solution to this drop in sensitivity. The charge readout method used in Super EVS sits between the Field Integration and EVS. Instead of
  • 7. discarding all charges accumulated in the first 1/60 seconds, Super EVS allows this discarded period to be linearly controlled. When the period is set to 0, the results will be the same as when using Field Integration. Conversely, when set to 1/60, the results will be identical to Frame Integration. And when set between 0 to 1/60, Super EVS will provide a combination of the improved vertical resolution of EVS but with less visible picture blur. Most importantly, the amount of resolution improvement and picture blur will depend on the selected discarding period. AYDINLATMANIN KAMERA ÜZERÝNDEKÝ DOÐRUDAN SONUÇLARI Beyaz gömlekte fazla pozlama yapýlýrsa gömlekteki ayrýntýlar kaybolmaya baþlar. THE TECHNICAL DIRECTOR The Technical Director is the person responsible for setting up and maintaining the technical parameters oeo images. In many cases this is the same person as the CCU operator, but in any case the two jobs are closely linked. Grey card for white balance not white card. Color wheel!!!!!!!!!! MXF(MATERIAL EXCHANGE FORMAT) Wraps audio, video, subtitles, and metadata into a single file “ Uses standardized class hierarchies and “operational patterns“ “ Designed to work with a variety of digital file formats “ Can be used for “ File Exchange “ Distribution “ Playout “ Archive “ Format is used by Digital Cinema and other applications “ Integrates with AAF, Advanced Authoring Format “ Cameras can export MXF metadata today. BXF “ Broadcast Exchange Format “ XML format used for broadcast operations “ Program Management “ Traffic “ Automation “ Content Distribution “ Young standard, but integrated into commercial software “ Not a KLV format today “ First version recently published “ Revision and expansion planned 4G - LTE As opposed to earlier generations, a 4G system does not support traditional circuit-switched telephony service, but all-Internet Protocol (IP) based communication such as IP telephony. As seen below, the spread spectrum radio technology used in 3G systems, is abandoned in all 4G candidate systems and replaced by OFDMA multi-carrier transmission and other frequency-domain equalization (FDE) schemes, making it possible to transfer very high bit rates despite extensive multi-path radio propagation (echoes). The peak bit rate is
  • 8. further improved by smart antenna arrays for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications. 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE)[edit] See also: LTE Advanced above Telia-branded Samsung LTE modem The pre-4G 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology is often branded "4G-LTE", but the first LTE release does not fully comply with the IMT-Advanced requirements. LTE has a theoretical net bit rate capacity of up to 100 Mbit/s in the downlink and 50 Mbit/s in the uplink if a 20 MHz channel is used “ and more if multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), i.e. antenna arrays, are used. LTE, an initialism of long-term evolution, marketed as 4G LTE, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. It is based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies, increasing the capacity and speed using a different radio interface together with core network improvements.[1][2] The standard is developed by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) and is specified in its Release 8 document series, with minor enhancements described in Release 9. The world's first publicly available LTE service was launched by TeliaSonera in Oslo and Stockholm on December 14, 2009.[3] LTE is the natural upgrade path for carriers with both GSM/UMTS networks and CDMA networks such as Verizon Wireless, who launched the first large-scale LTE network in North America in 2010,[4][5] and au by KDDI in Japan have announced they will migrate to LTE. LTE is, therefore, anticipated to become the first truly global mobile phone standard, although the different LTE frequencies and bands used in different countries will mean that only multi-band phones will be able to use LTE in all countries where it is supported. LTE is a standard for wireless data communications technology and an evolution of the GSM/UMTS standards. The goal of LTE was to increase the capacity and speed of wireless data networks using new DSP (digital signal processing) techniques and modulations that were developed around the turn of the millennium. The LTE specification provides downlink peak rates of 300 Mbit/s, uplink peak rates of 75 Mbit/s and QoS provisions permitting a transfer latency of less than 5 ms in the radio access network. LTE has the ability to manage fast-moving mobiles and supports multi-cast and broadcast streams. OFDMA for the downlink, SC-FDMA for the uplink to conserve power Enhanced voice quality[edit] To ensure compatibility, 3GPP demands at least AMR-NB codec (narrow band), but the recommended speech codec for VoLTE is Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband, also known as HD Voice. This codec is mandated in 3GPP networks that support 16 kHz sampling.[30] Fraunhofer IIS has proposed and demonstrated Full-HD Voice, an implementation of the AAC-ELD (Advanced Audio Coding “ Enhanced Low Delay) codec for LTE handsets. [31] Where previous cell phone voice codecs only supported frequencies up to 3.5 kHz and upcoming wideband audio services branded as HD Voice up to 7 kHz, Full- HD Voice supports the entire bandwidth range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. For end-to-end Full-HD Voice calls to succeed however, both the caller and recipient's handsets as well as networks have to support the feature. 05.11.13 HDC 1400R Set VF DETAIL to ON to activate the VF detail function to add the detail signal to sharp edges in the image. You can adjust the signal level (strength) in the range of 0 to 100% (default 25%). You can adjust the characteristics of the
  • 9. detail signal with the menu items below. 19.11.13 SDI VS. IP Migration from fixed-circuit based telecommunication services to IP based connections reduces operational expenses as well as providing flexibility in audio networking. 4K/UHD is currently limited to 30fps in existing consumer devices. This allows 4K movies to be displayed on consumer TV sets but 4K deployment will only happen with the support of 50fps as the minimum temporal resolution for smooth motion capture on sports events. IMAGE SENSOR In summary, as sensor size reduces, the accompanying lens designs will change, often quite radically, to take advantage of manufacturing techniques made available due to the reduced size. The functionality of such lenses can also take advantage of these, with extreme zoom ranges becoming possible. These lenses are often very large in relation to sensor size, but with a small sensor can be fitted into a compact package. The lens for a smaller sensor requires a greater resolving power. 29.01.14 SDI Seri dijital görüntü verilerinde, ardýþýk 0 ya da 1 dizilimini engellemek ve eþit yoðunlukta 0 ve 1 dizilimini saðlamak için özel olarak þifrelenirler. Þifrelemede amaç, seri görüntü bilgisinin DC seviyesini azaltmak, geçiþleri çoðaltmaktýr. En basit tekniklerden birisi PRBS "Pseudo Random Binary Sequence" olarak bilinen ve 9 kademeli shift registerdan oluþan kendinden senkronlu þifreleyici devresidir x9 + x4 + 1 olarak ta bilinir. Seri görüntü sinyalinde, görüntüye baðlý olarak, 0 ve 1'ler, arka arkaya 0.0.0. ya da olarak dizildiðinde, deðiþim olmayan bu noktalarda, iletim hattýnýn sonunda baðlý bulunan, alýcý ünitede, referans saat darbelerinin tekrar üretiminde kullanýlan, VCO-PLL osilatörü devresinin, tetiklenmesine referans olacak, iniþ ya da çýkýþlar yeterince sýk olmayacaðýndan, VCO'nun referans kilitlemesi hassas olmayacak ve seri görüntü kodlamasýnýn çözülmesinde sorunlar çýkacaktýr. Bir satýr için örneklem sayýsý 720 Y, 360 U, 360 V için örneklem alýnýr. Bir satýr için toplam 1440 örneklem alýnmýþ olur. Kullanýlmayan bölge ve satýrlar için yapýlan toplam örneklem miktarý; 48*1440 = 69120'dir yani noktacýktýr. SDI giriþli her cihazýn, giriþ devresi dahili terminasyonlu(75 ohm) dizayn edilir. Yani SDI video sinyali, bir cihazdan baþka bir cihaza ancak tek baðlantýlý yapýlabilir. Giriþten "loop" bypass almak ya da "BNC, T" konntektör kullanarak, ikinci cihaza aktarmak, kesinlikle mümkün deðildir. SDI iletim hattý, hedefte sonlandýrýlmaz ise çok yüksek frekanslý olmasý nedeniyle, harmonikler geri yansýyarak gelen sinyalin üzerine ters fazda binerek, sinyali kullanýlamayacak hale getirecektir. SDI kkodlu sinyallerin, bir cihaz çýkýþýndan birden fazla noktaya iletilmesi gerektiðinde, "aktif dijital daðýtým yükselteçleri" kullanýlýr. Dijital video sinyalleri ancak serileþtirilerek uzun mesafelere taþýnabilirler. 10 bit - 1024 deðer 1 Volt'ta 1 mV'luk deðiþimleri elektriksel olarak çevirme olanaðý saðlar. Ayrýmlý video için, seri veri iletimi formatý(SDI) 270 MBps olarak standartlaþmýþtýr. 30.01.14
  • 10. SDI 1 Voltluk video sinyalinin 8bit derinliðinde beyaz deðeri 235 siyah deðer 16 dýr. Parlaklýk seviyesi 10 bit derinliðinde dijitale çevrildiði zaman beyaz 940, siyah 64 deðerini alýyor. Renk bileþenlerinde U ve V'de, siyah seviyesi 8 bit için 128; 10 bit için 512 olur. Renk bileþenlerinin üst ve alt deðerleri 8 bit sinyalde 16 ile 240 arasýnda deðiþirken, 10 bit sinyalde 64 ile 960 arasýnda alýnýr. OFDM modülasyonu tekniðinde ayný frekanstaki taþýyýcýlarýn modülasyondan sonra üst üste bindirilebilmesi sayesinde daha dar bantta daha yüksek hýzlarda bilgi iletilebilir. Dijital kameralarda sadece ayar ve kontrol bilgileri iþlemci denetimindedir, görüntü bilgileri ve görüntü düzeltme sinyalleri baðýmsýz çiplerde iþlenirler. 04.02.14 PTZ A pan“tilt“zoom camera (PTZ camera) is a camera that is capable of remote directional and zoom control. In television production PTZ controls are used with professional video cameras in television studios and referred to as camera robotics. These systems can be remotely controlled by automation systems. The PTZ controls are generally sold separately without the cameras. PTZ is an abbreviation for pan, tilt, and zoom and reflects the movement options of the camera. Other types of cameras are ePTZ where a megapixel camera zooms into portions of the image and a fixed camera that remains in one position and does not move. Surveillance cameras of this type are often connected to a DVR to control the movement and record the video. Auto tracking[edit] An innovation to the PTZ camera is a built-in firmware program that monitors the change of pixels generated by the video clip in the camera. When the pixels change due to movement within the cameras field of view, the camera can actually focus on the pixel variation and move the camera in an attempt to center the pixel fluctuation on the video chip. This process results in the camera following movement. The program allows the camera to estimate the size of the object which is moving and distance of the movement from the camera. With this estimate the camera can adjust the cameras optical lens in and out in an attempt to stabilize the size of pixel fluctuation as a percentage of total viewing area. Once the movement exits the cameras field of view the camera automatically returns to a pre-programmed or "parked" position until it senses pixel variation and the process starts over again. 07.02.14 Chromatic Aberration chromatic aberration; CA; chromatic distortion; CD n. A lens defect that bends light rays of different colors at different angles due to their different indexes of refraction. As a result, a single lens will actually create multiple images, each of a different wavelength (color) of light and each offset slightly from the others, creating a blurred or colorfringed effect. 10.02.14 Kompozit'ten SDI'ya Çevirici
  • 11. Marka Kramer. 2 SDI çýkýþ var. 1 kompozit video, BNC baðlantý ile 1Vpp/75ohm; 1 s-video, 1Vpp, 4-pin baðlantý ile 0.3Vpp/75ohm elde edilir. Çýkýþta 2 adet SDI SMPTE-259M arabirimi olup, BNC baðlantý ile ITU-R BT.601 koþullarýna uyum saplanýr. 10 bit dijital çöznürlüðe sahip ürün, 5 MHz bant geniþliði sunuyor. SNR 57 dB, K faktörü %0.2'nin altýnda. Renk-ton gecikmesi 15 nanosaniyeden kýsa olup, RS-232 üzerinden parlaklýk, kontrast, renk, doygunluk ayarlarý yapýlabiliyor. S-VIDEO Separate Video,[1] commonly known as S-Video, Super-video and Y/C, is a signalling standard for standard definition video, typically 480i or 576i. By separating the black-and-white and colouring signals, it achieves better image quality than composite video, but has lower colour resolution than component video. 12.02.14 ARRI ULTRA WIDE ZOOM TESTÝ UWZ 33.7mm görüntü dairesine sahip ve geniþ sensörlü dijital kameralar. Bozulmayý en aza indiren telesentrik optik tasarým. Bir lensin ortasýnda normalde parlak bir nokta olup kenarlara doðru koyulaþýrken UWZ'de bu görülmez. Çok geniþ bir binanýn bir ucundan diðer ucuna pan yapýldý ve düz çizgilerde bir bozulma olmadý. 14.02.14 PILLARBOXING Pillarboxing (reversed letterboxing) is the display of an image within a wider image frame by adding lateral mattes (vertical bars at the sides); for example, a 1.33:1 image has lateral mattes when displayed on a 16:9 aspect ratio television screen. QoS Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow. For example, a required bit rate, delay, jitter, packet dropping probability and/or bit error rate may be guaranteed. LIVE STREAMING Live streaming, which refers to content delivered live over the Internet, requires a camera for the media, an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. AKTÝF AYGIT Kendi güç beslemeleri olan aygýtlardýr(LAN Switch). 19.03.14 OTT(Over the top) Over-the-top content (OTT) refers to delivery of video, audio and other media over the Internet without a multiple system operator being involved in the control or distribution of the content. The provider may be aware of the contents of the Internet Protocol packets but is not responsible for, nor able to control, the viewing abilities, copyrights, and/or other redistribution of
  • 12. the content. This is in contrast to purchase or rental of video or audio content from an Internet service provider (ISP), such as pay television video on demand or an IPTV video service, like AT&T U-Verse. OTT in particular refers to content that arrives from a third party, such as NowTV, Netflix, WhereverTV, Hulu, WWE Network, RPI TV or myTV, and is delivered to an end user device, leaving the ISP responsible only for transporting IP packets. 02.04.14 BROADBAND broadband n. 1. A device or signal that includes a wide range of frequencies or has a data capacity of at least 1.5 Mbps. 2. Digital: a technology that can simultaneously carry voice, high-speed data (Internet), video, and interactive services. Broadband is often used to describe high-speed Internet service, without regard to the other services that can be offered by the same facility. 04.04.14 Koaksiyel Kablo En yüksek performans sunan koaksiyel kablo en aðýr olandýr ve daha fazla yer kaplar. kÜÇÜK bnc(KONNEKTÖR) DEMEK 50 ohm demek ve daha ince kablo kullanmak demektir(sinyal zayýflamasý ve empedans uyuþmazlýðý sorunu). Günümüz BNC-koaksiyel kablo ve diðer ara baðlantýlarýn çoðu birçoðu 3 Gb/s sinyaller için kullanýlamadýð açýk. 1,5 Gb/s için üretildiler ve 1,5Gb/s deki yüksek frekanslý harmonikler için yeterli fazlalýða(3Gb/s) sahip olmuþ oldular. Ýletken yollarýnýn uzunluðu mümkün olduðunca eþit olmalýdýr. Yoksa performansý düþürüyor. ÖZEL YÖNLENDÝRÝCÝ ANAHTARLAMA TEKNOLOJÝLERÝ FARKLI VERÝ HIZLARINDAKÝ SÝNYALLERÝ ALABÝLMEK ÝÇÝN SAAT AYRINDA UYARLAMALI FAZ KÝLÝTLÝ DÖNGÜ (ADAPTIVE PHASED-LOCKED LOOP) TEKNOLOJÝSÝ OLMASI GEREKÝR. HDTV BITRATE Bt = lv × lh × fr × qb × cs Bt = total bit rate lv = number of active vertical lines lh = number of active horizontal lines fr = frame rate of input video signal qb = quantization depth (bits) cs = color subsampling (1 for 3:0.5:0.5, 1.5 for 4:2:0; 2 for 4:2:2; 3 for RGB full bandwidth) Br = 1080 × 1920 × 29.97 × 8 × 1.5 = 745.750 Mbitps 07.04.14 CABLING When building a facility that has critical timing requirements, keep cables as short as possible to minimize signal attenuation and crosstalk. It is best to locate all of the distribution equipment in the same or adjacent racks. Because
  • 13. most video cabling among distribution elements must be timed or of matching lengths, short cables make the job manageable, and, at the same time, cable costs are kept low. CABLE LOSS AND EQUALIZATION The high frequency response of a cable decreases with increasing frequency. The loss can be compensated for by using an equalizing amplifier with a response curve that complements the cable loss. For video applications, a typical distribution amplifier (DA) has six outputs isolated from one another by fan-out resistors. Because the equalization is adjusted to produce a flat response at the end of a length of a specific type of cable, all of the cables being driven by the amplifier must be the same type and length. DTV Plant Latency and Timing Issues D = dd + dr + dc + ds + dt + dm Where: D = total delay dd = distribution delay dr = routing delay dc = conversion delay ds = switching delay dt = transmission and multiplexer delay dm = makeup delay to equalize the NTSC and DTV paths a local station connected to the network by a short fiber connection might be delayed by 7 s or less while a cable system sending QAM over the cable fed by a local station connected, in turn, to the network by satellite might take 20 s. Other Timing Considerations Timing signals should be delayed before delaying the video. A slave sync generator is desirable whenever timing advance is required, or whenever approximately three or more pieces of equipment need equally delayed pulses. Non-reentry designs are the most cost effective. 08.04.14 The velocity in the conductors is typically about one-half the speed of light. If the transmission line were cut at some point and terminated in an impedance Z, energy would continue to flow on the line as if it had infinite length. When the wavefront reaches the termination, energy is dissipated per unit time rather than being stored per unit time. Conceptually, the serial digital interface is much like a carrier system for studio applications. Baseband audio and video signals are digitized and combined on the serial digital “carrier.“ (SDI is not strictly a carrier system in that it is a baseband digital signal, not a signal modulated on a carrier wave.) The bit rate (carrier frequency) is determined by the clock rate of the digital data: 143 Mbits/s for NTSC, 177 Mbits/s for PAL, and 270 Mbits/s for Rec. 601 component digital. The widescreen (16 × 9) component system defined in SMPTE 267 will produce a bit rate of 360 Mbits/s. This serial interface may be used with normal video coaxial cable or fiber optic cable, with the appropriate interface adapters. 11.04.14 CAMERA CONTROL Parlama (Flare) ayarý: Kamera objektiflerinden kaynaklanan, görüntünün siyah
  • 14. seviyesindeki bozulmalarý düzeltmek için yapýlýr 14.04.14 If any channel of R', G', B' signal exceeds either the upper limit or lower limit, it is out of gamut, or out of range. The violation of the gamut limits makes the signal illegal. The targets for red, blue, and green form a triangle. In between each of these primary colors are the colors formed by mixing those primaries. So the color between red and blue is magenta. The color between blue and green is cyan, and the color between red and green is yellow. These secondary colors form another triangle. The other interesting relationship that is formed on the vectorscope is that complementary colors are directly opposite each other. Red is opposite cyan, magenta is opposite green, and yellow is opposite blue. These relationships will play a pivotal role as you begin to manipulate colors. For example, if you are trying to eliminate a magenta cast in an image, a glance at the vectorscope will tell you that you need to add green, which is opposite magenta. Or you could reduce red and blue in equal amounts (the two colors that make magenta). If an image has yellows that are too cyan, then adding red will begin to solve the problem. Eventually, you should not even need the graticule (the graphic part of the vectorscope that identifies color targets) to know where the colors lie on the face of the vectorscope. they all should sit neatly in the center of the vectorscope. While most video images will have a range of colors, they also usually have some amount of whites, blacks, and neutral grays. The key is to be able to see where these parts of the picture sit on the vectorscope and then use the color correction tools at your disposal to move them toward the center of the vectorscope. For nearly all professional colorists, the various waveform displays “ Flat, Low Pass, Luma only, RGB Parade, and YCbCr Parade “ plus the vectorscope are the main methods for analyzing your image. While experienced colorists often rely on their eyes, they use these scopes to provide an unchanging reference to guide them as they spend hours color correcting. HARRIS TVM WAveform To store a preset in bank A, press and hold the desired preset number button (1 to 8) for three seconds. The number button is high tally upon release after holding the button for three seconds. Also, a beep will sound if the Aural alert is enabled in the SYSTEM SETUP menu. Hold MLT button to enter pane selection part. Press and hold CURS button for three seconds. Use the NAVIGATION buttons or knobs to select Amplitude or Time. Once selected, press the ENT button to enable it. Once one or both cursors are selected, press the EXIT button to exit the CURS pane menu. 21.04.14 LIGHTING(PLACING SHADOWS LIGHTING TECHNIQUES BOOK PAGE 44 Infrared light is the longer of the two wavelengths, and far more of these rays penetrate the atmosphere because of their wavelength. They are not easily broken up by the particulate matter in the atmosphere.We cannot see them, but we feel them in the form of heat. In fact, as some of the incoming ultraviolet rays pass through the upper atmosphere, their short wavelengths bounce around the particles and are converted to heat energy or infrared radiation. Like ultraviolet radiation, infrared waves also affect photographic film and television cameras. 08.05.14
  • 15. GHOSTING Digital ghostinG : Ghosting is not specific to analog transmission. It may appear in digital television when interlaced video is incorrectly deinterlaced for display on progressive-scan output devices. 23.07.14 SCRAMBLER a scrambler is a device that transposes or inverts signals or otherwise encodes a message at the transmitter to make the message unintelligible at a receiver not equipped with an appropriately set descrambling device. Whereas encryption usually refers to operations carried out in the digital domain, scrambling usually refers to operations carried out in the analog domain. GATEWAY Roughly, it refers to systems called as protocol converter!! PROXY SERVER In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. -Alice : Ask Bob what the current time is -Proxy : what is the current time Bob? -Bob : The time is 7pm. -proxy : Time is 7pm. 01.08.14 SDI STANDARDS SMPTE 292M - HD-SDI - 1998[2] - 1.485 Gbit/s, and 1.485/1.001 Gbit/s - 720p, 1080i SMPTE 372M - Dual Link HD-SDI - 2002[2] - 2.970 Gbit/s, and 2.970/1.001 Gbit/s 1080p SMPTE 424M - 3G-SDI - 2006[2] - 2.970 Gbit/s, and 2.970/1.001 Gbit/s 1080p composite-encoded (NTSC or PAL)!!!!! LTC LTC care: Avoid percussive sounds close to LTC Never process an LTC with noise reduction, eq or compressor Allow pre roll and post roll To create negative time code add one hour to time (avoid midnight effect) Always put slowest device as a master 05.08.14 ANCILLARY DATA(SDI) Like SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 292M supports the SMPTE 291M standard for ancillary data.
  • 16. Ancillary data is provided as a standardized transport for non-video payload within a serial digital signal; it is used for things such as embedded audio, closed captions, timecode, and other sorts of metadata. Ancillary data is indicated by a 3-word packet consisting of 0, 3FF, 3FF (the opposite of the synchronization packet header), followed by a two-word identification code, a data count word (indicating 0 - 255 words of payload), the actual payload, and a one-word checksum. Other than in their use in the header, the codes prohibited to video payload are also prohibited to ancillary data payload. Specific applications of ancillary data include embedded audio, EDH, VPID and SDTI. 17.10.14 ENCODING and SDI Kodlama, x9 + x4 + 1 þeklinde kodlanýr. Çünkü, arka arkaya 4 sýfýr ya da 4 bir gelirse, DC voltaj seviyesi olarak algýlanabilir. Ayrýca, belli bir bant geniþliðine sýðdýrmak için de arka arkaya 4 bir gelmez. Beyaz, FF diye gelir, siyah 00 diye gelir. SDI'da, satýr baþlarken 4 byte olarak satýr bilgisi, neyim, nerdeyim bilgisi vs. sinyalin baþýnda gönderilir. Hiç bir sesin bilgisi 00 ya da FF gelmiyo. Bu alanda kontrol bilgileri yollanýyor. 8 bit tanýmlandýðý için SDI monitör bilgileri 8 bittir genelde. SDI'da her aletin içinde 27 MHz'lik dahili bir jeneratör vardýr sinyale kilitlenir. In SDI, or all serial digital interfaces (excluding the obsolete composite encodings), the native color encoding is 4:2:2 YCbCr format. The luminance channel (Y) is encoded at full bandwidth (13.5 MHz in 270 Mbit/s SD, ~75 MHz in HD), and the two chrominance channels (Cb and Cr) are subsampled horizontally, and encoded at half bandwidth (6.75 MHz or 37.5 MHz). Gamut, renk skalasý, üretebildiði dalga boyu cihazlarýn. QPSK, daha az güç(daha az güçle tekiklenir) ister QAM'a göre. 10845MHz H. 30000 5/6 8 PSK... Hata düzeltme az, video fazla daha fazla güç ister. Dijitalde bant geniþliðini ayarlayabiliyosun analogta ayarlanamýyor. 04.11.14 COMPRESSION Sayýsal TV yayýnlarýnýn iletilebilmesi için en az 50 kere sýkýþtýrýlmasý gerekir. MPEG-2 ile STV yayýnlarý 4 ila 8 Mbitps, HDTV yayýnlarý da 18-20 Mbitps ile iletilebiliyor. Bir çerçevedeki gereksiz bilgileri atmak intra frame. Zaman içindeki tekrarlaran kaynaklanan gereksiz bilgileri atmak inter frame. MODÜLASYON QAM = QUADRATURE AMPLITUDE MODULATION(UYDU) QPSK = QUADRATURE PHASE SHIFT KEYING(KABLO) AUDIO MPEG-2 = AVRUPA
  • 17. DOLBY AC-3 = AMERÝKA SAYISAL TV ALICILARI Sayýsal TV alýcýsý normal bir analog TV alýcýsýna sayýsal kod çözücünün eklenmesi ile elde edilebilir. Nitekim sayýsal TV sistemlerine geçiþte ilk aþama eski analog TV alýcýlarýna Set-Üstü-Cihaz (Set-Top-Box) adý verilen sayýsal/analog dönüþtürücü cihazlarýn dýþardan eklenmesi #þeklinde olmuþtur. (Þekil-6). Yeni nesil sayýsal TV alýcýlarýnda kod çözücü de cihazýn içine konacaktýr. DISPERSION 1. The optical phenomenon where the refractive index of a transparent media varies with the wavelength of light. This effect is most visible in a prism, where white light enters but a rainbow of colored light emerges because each color is bent by a different amount as it passes through the prism. 2. The spreading of sound waves as they leave a loudspeaker. 3. Refraction. REFERENCE SIGNAL CONTROL Find the switch on the cameras (or the CCUs) that turn on the camera's internal color bars. When you flick that switch to bars, you should see color bars on the monitor for each camera as you press the corresponding numbered button in the PROGRAM bus (row of buttons). The picture will jump a little as you punch the buttons. iki kamerada dahili olarak color bar üretilince cameralarý pgme seçerken geçiþler sýrasýnda atlama yapýyosa referanslarý senkronize deðildir. EXPOSURE VALUE In photography, exposure value (EV) is a number that represents a combination of a camera's shutter speed and f-number, such that all combinations that yield the same exposure have the same EV value (for any fixed scene luminance). Exposure value is also used to indicate an interval on the photographic exposure scale, with 1 EV corresponding to a standard power-of-2 exposure step, commonly referred to as a stop. F-STOP The f-number N is given by N = f/D where f is the focal length, and D is the diameter of the entrance pupil (effective aperture). It is customary to write f-numbers preceded by f/, which forms a mathematical expression of the entrance pupil diameter in terms of f and N. For example, if a lens's focal length is 10 mm and its entrance pupil diameter is 5 mm, the f-number is 2 and the aperture diameter is f/2. Ignoring differences in light transmission efficiency, a lens with a greater f-number projects darker images. The brightness of the projected image (illuminance) relative to the brightness of the scene in the lens's field of view (luminance) decreases with the square of the f-number. Doubling the f-number decreases the relative brightness by a factor of four. To maintain the same photographic exposure when doubling the f-number, the exposure time would need to be four times as long. 26.11.14 PAL and NTSC = They are systems of single-channel composite transmission. PAL-B is used for VHF band. PAL-G is used for UHF band. 04.11.14
  • 18. Alex Barwell System Specialist at BBC Agree with Fred that the starting point for 4K+ is not difficult, but gets complicated with other systems and infrastructure. As with early HD and some 3G arrangements, one scheme uses multiple connections for a single 4K feed - as one instance, 4 SDI connections run in parallel for a 4K run, so depending on your existing technology just jumping to 4K could conceptually cut your router down to 1/4 the effective ins and outs. Then at about this point film houses reportedly are struggling with the increased data workload for a film - not just storage but inevitable render efforts similarly effectively shrinking the capability of their render farms. I would challenge whether production values are sufficient to justify these increased efforts - before now I have made the observation that shooting with the latest camera with bad shot composition, lighting, focus etc completely defeats the object - if it's out of focus it doesn't really matter what definition. If you are doing a good job then go ahead! 08.12.14 GENERATOR LOCKING Tricaster make it easy to synchronise each camera with a little latency. TRI-LEVEL SYNC Tri-level sync is becoming a required part of HD system timing. One reason is that tri-level sync can be created to exactly match any of the standard formats. Black burst only comes in two flavors 29.97 fps (525 line) and 25 fps (625 line). Another reason is that black burst (gen-lock) is measured at the halfway point of the leading (falling) edge of the pulse. Tri-Level sync uses the halfway point of the trailing (rising) edge of the pulse. These points are used to time the digital video. They are determined by means of a sync separator and voltage comparator. Usually determining the 50% point of the falling edge entails measuring the total height and divide by two. Unfortunately, the trigger point has past by that time. Another method is to infer the total height from previous sync pulses. This involves some averaging process. In addition, the amplitude of the pulse can vary due to attenuation in the cables. These effects cause some uncertainty in the final positioning. This uncertainty leads to jitter in the output of the sync separator / comparator. Tri-level sync was created to avoid this uncertainty. The target 50% point is on the rising edge of the pulse. This point corresponds to the original blanking level. This means that the 50% voltage level is a known voltage. There is no integration or averaging involved. This leads to lower jitter from the sync separator / comparator. CONCLUSION Tri-level sync has advantages and should be used whenever possible in all digital facilities. But that workhorse ‘Black Burst‘ will be around as long as standard definition analog equipment is in use and requires timing.