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History of
Prof. Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj
Dept of Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine UKM
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module, learners would be able to:
 Explain the importance of history generally and medicine
 Illustrate the timelines that composed the history of medicine.
 Elaborate briefly the significant medical contributions of each
civilization to mankind.
 Appreciate the in-depth values of human achievements
throughout history
 Importance of history
 Timeline for history in medicine
 Brief review on :
 Prehistoric medicine
 Ancient Chinese medicine
 Ancient Indian medicine
 Ancient Egyptian medicine
 Ancient Babylonian medicine
 Greeks and Romans
 Middle Ages
 Islamic medicine
 The Renaissance
 18th and 19th century
 20th century
 21st century
Why do we need to learn history?
If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its
The value of history. that it teaches us what man has done and
thus what man is.
R. G. Collingwood
In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the
materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of
Edmund Burke
Not just His-story, but also Her-story………….
Health & Sickness :
 Why do some man
become sick, while others
remain healthy?
 What causes sickness?
 Where does sickness
come from?
 How do we
stop/cure/treat sickness
and then prevent death?
Flow of a `Fragile' Life
Gets Better
Timeline of Medical History
8000 BC
2000 BC
Greeks & Romans
400 BC – 300 AD
3000 BC
3000 BC Modern Medicine
18th – 21st
Middle Ages
(Dark Ages)
500 – 1400 AD
Islamic Medicine
700 – 1500 AD)
Latin : anno domini
`In the year of our Lord‘
(Birth of Christ)
1400 – 1700 AD
2000 BC
Timeline of Medical History
8000 BC
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Prehistoric Medicine
 Believed in spirits and supernatural forces – good and bad.
 Sickness – as a result of failure to comply to wishes and likings
of spirits and forces.
 Witch doctors ( Shamans) – mediators between man and the
 Dispensed first medications – herbs, animal stuffs, blood,
human sacrifices.
 Archeological findings – primitive brain surgery – trepanning.
Perak Man : the respected shaman
 1991. USM archeological team made a
discovery of a burial cave, Gua Gunung
Runtuh, Lenggong Perak Tengah.
 It contained the 11,000-year-old Perak
Man, the region’s best-preserved Stone
Age skeleton – and the only one
found with a genetic skeletal disorder,
Brachymesophalangia type A2.
of Perak man
Perak Man : the respected shaman
The skeleton’s foetal
position, surrounded by a
cornucopia of objects,
suggested to
archaeologists that his
deformity had elevated
him to a well-
respected shaman.
Perak Man : The Respected Shaman
to allow spirits to leave the body of the sick
Timeline of Medical History
3000 BC
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Ancient Chinese Medicine
 Dated 5,000 years ago, supporting documentation abut 2,000
 Believed that man became sick if balance between natural
elements were not maintained ( Yin & Yang concept) and the `chi’
or life energy was not flowing well.
 To cure / treat : to retain balance between all five elements
(wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and chi to flow.
 Chinese physicians were also philosophers.
 Treatment : herbal, acupuncture
 The first written documentation on traditional Chinese
medicine is the Hung-Di Nei-Jing (Yellow Emperor's Cannon of
Internal Medicine).
 The oldest medical textbook in the world, 800 BC.
 Contents :
 Foundation for theories of Chinese medicine - previous
experience and theories of medicine,eg. the meridian
theory, physiology, pathology, prevention, diagnosis,
treatment, acupuncture.
A good healer cannot depend on skill alone.
A quote from the Yellow Emperor’s Classics of Medicine
The superior doctor should first adjust the patient’s diet and life
style. Only if that does not eliminate disease should the doctor
go on to administer acupuncture and herbs.
Sun Si Maio,the greatest doctor of the Tang Dynasty
Timeline of Medical History
3000 BC
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Ancient Indian Medicine
 Basis : Physical health is part of spiritual health.
 Ayurveda ( the science of living): a form of
ancient Indian science of medicine, with eight
disciplines :
Internal medicine
Surgery & anatomy
Spirit medicine
Science of rejuvenation
Ancient Indian Medicine
 Famous ayurvedic practitioner : Chakara
 Concept : health and disease are not predetermined and life
may be prolonged by human effort and attention to lifestyle.
 A physician who fails to enter the body of a patient with the
lamp of knowledge and understanding can never treat
diseases. He should first study all the factors, including
environment, which influence a patient's disease, and then
prescribe treatment. It is more important to prevent the
occurrence of disease than to seek a cure.
Chakara ( born 300BC)
Timeline of Medical History
2000 BC
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
 Concept : Illness was due to evil spirits or
poisons and removing these from the body
with prayers to the gods would cure the
 Documentation & prescription of medicine
 Medical procedures & process of
Eber Papyrus
1550 BC
 A 110-page scroll, which is
about 20 meters long.
 The scroll contains some 700
magical formulas and
Timeline of Medical History
2000 BC
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Ancient Babylonian
(Mesopotamian) Medicine
Revolved heavily around magic
and supernaturalism.
Documentation was included in
the Assyrian copies of
Babylonian texts, originated in
the first half of the 2nd
millennium BC.
Ancient Babylonian
 Babylonian healthcare
system - fairly well
standardized, subject to
some level of legal code.
 The Hammurabi Code (c.
2000 BC), inscribed on an
8-foot tall block of black
diorite, covers doctor
payment and malpractice.
Hammurabi Code (2000BC) - Lines 218 to 221
 If the doctor has treated a man for a severe wound with lances of bronze
and has caused the man to die, or has opened an abscess of the eye for a
man and has caused the loss of the man’s eye, one shall cut off his hands.
 If a doctor has treated the severe wound of a slave of a poor man with a
bronze lances and has caused his death, he shall render slave for slave.
 If he has opened his abscess with a bronze lances and has made him lose his
eye, he shall pay money, half his price.
 If a doctor has cured the shattered limb of a gentleman, or has cured the
diseased bowel, the patient shall give five shekels of silver to the doctor.
Timeline of Medical History
Greeks & Romans
400 BC – 300 AD
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
The Greeks
 Believed diseases were sent
as a punishment from the
 Treatments were aimed at
pleasing the gods.
 Important figures :
 Hippocrates ( Father of
Medicine – Hippocrates Oath )
Four humors – choleric,
melancholic, sanguine &
 Galen - One of the first
physicians to use dissections to
understand how the body works
Hippocrates Oath
I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and
Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that,
according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract: To hold
him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with
him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my
own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or
contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will
impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students
bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest
ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and
similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to
those who are trained in this craft.
Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any
voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men,
whether they are free men or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my
professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret,
as considering all such things to be private.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me
to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all
time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.
Translated by Michael North, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2002
The Romans –
Public health
The Romans realized that there was
a link between dirt and disease.
To improve public health, they built
aqueducts to supply clean drinking
water and sewers to remove wastes
Improved personal hygiene helped
to reduce disease and Roman baths
were places to socialise as well as
stay clean
Timeline of Medical History
Middle Ages
(Dark Ages)
500 – 1400 AD
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
(Dark) Ages
 The fall of the Roman Empire –
lack of public hygiene practices.
 People in Europe – lack of access
to clean drinking water, regular
bathing or a sewage system.
 Starvation and disease were
 Medicine in the middle ages was
dominated by religion.
 Sickness - a punishment from
God for sins
 Only way to cure someone was
to pray for their forgiveness.
Middle (Dark) Ages
 Doctors were usually priests or other religious scholars.
 Hospitals were set up in monasteries and other religious
 The patients were given food and comforted by religious
nursing staff but little else was done to cure their illness.
Middle (Dark) Ages
 Traditional cures, using herbal
remedies and potions were
seen as witchcraft and
outlawed by the church.
 Laws stated that only trained
and registered people could
practice medicine.
Middle (Dark) Ages
 Biggest challenge : Black
death, or Bubonic Plague. In
1347, an outbreak of bubonic
plague broke out in Istanbul.
 Traders soon carried the
disease throughout Europe
and records show that in some
areas it killed up to 90% of the
population. (49 million people
 Poor public hygiene,
congested living condition
Timeline of Medical History
700 – 1500 AD)
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Islamic Medicine
 After the fall of the Roman
Empire, the Arabic world was
the centre of scientific and
medical knowledge.
 Texts from Greece and Rome
were translated into Arabic and
studied by Islamic scholars.
 They developed and refined
Hippocrate's theories and
Islamic physicians began to use
the regulation of diet, exercise
and the prescription of
medicinal herbs in the
treatment of their patients.
Islamic Medicine
 Arabic pharmacists became
skilled in the formulation of
medicines from plants and
 Even though they did not know
about microbes, they used
alcohol to clean wounds which
healed better and did not
become infected.
Islamic Medicine
Muslim practiced universal healthcare :
 Hospitals were not just for the wealthy and
treated rich and poor alike.
 Large hospitals were involved in the training
and licensing of doctors and pharmacists.
 Officials tested medicines to certify that they
were safe and visited pharmacists to make
sure that prescriptions were being made
Records show that Muslim
doctors performed many
different surgical operations
including the removal of
varicose veins, kidney stones
and the replacement of
dislocated limbs.
They used sponges soaked
in narcotic drugs which were
placed over the patient's
nose as early anaesthetics.
Islamic Medicine
 Most important medical books of
its time was written by the
physician Ali al-Husayn Abd Allah
Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna).
 His massive manuscript, called the
Laws of Medicine, was completed
around 1030 AD and translated
into Latin in the 12th Century.
 This encyclopaedia of medicine
contained five books detailing the
formulation of medicines,
diagnosis of disorders, general
medicine and detailed therapies.
Az Zahrawi : Father of Modern
Timeline of Medical History
1400 – 1700 AD
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
The Renaissance
 The Renaissance was a period
in European history during
which there was a revival in
the ideas of ancient Rome
and Greece.
 Culture, art, science and
medicine were studied by
aristocrats and scholars who
prized themselves on their
The Renaissance
Ideas flourished and the
newly invented printing press
allowed books to be produced
(The printing press was a
revolution in information
technology and resulted in
ideas spreading around)
The Renaissance
research was
during this
dominated by
the teachings of
the church but
began to learn
more about the
human body.
They read books translated from
Arabic medical texts and began to
study anatomy in a scientific and
systematic way.
 Andreas Vesalius and
Leonardo Da Vinci
dissected human bodies
and made the first
anatomical drawings.
 The church did not permit the
dissection of 'God fearing
bodies' so it was often the
bodies of criminals or
'sinners' that were used.
Doctors learned about
anatomy from watching
these dissections.
Renaissance :
Da Vinci’s medical paintings
Renaissance Medicine
Timeline of Medical History
18th – 21st century
Latin : anno domini
In the year of our Lord
(Birth of Christ)
Modern Medicine :
18th - 19th century
 Two of the big medical advances of
this time were:
 Vaccinations
 X-rays
 The study of microbes, or
microbiology, was born and the
increased knowledge of pathogenic
microbes led to the development of
new medicines to tackle infectious
 The pharmaceutical industry was born
 Surgery – discovery of anaesthesia &
The Visit of The Doctor : 1867
Invention of the
Marie Curie
(1867 – 1934)
Nothing in life is to be feared,
it only to be understood.
Now is the time to
understand more that we
may fear less.
PBL 12
Manchester Medical School :
Modern Medicine : 20th century
Major advances in healthcare which include
development of:
Antibiotics : Penicillin - the discovery and development of
antibiotics by Fleming, Florey and Chain.
Insulin: Banting and Best's work to show that insulin can be
used to treat diabetes.
Other medicines: pharmaceutical laboratories around the
world are constantly producing new treatments for diseases.
Imaging techniques
DNA & human diseases
Father of Modern Medical Education
1891 - 1941
Medicine :
21st century
 Human genome project
 It started in 1990 and
completed in 2003.
 Genetic & medicine
 Genetic engineering
 Genetic manipulation &
 Ethic & medicine
 Dealing with the
controversial issues
Dr. Francis S. Collins
Head of Human Genome Project
I started this journey of intellectual
exploration to confirm my atheism.
That now lay in ruins as the
argument from the Moral Law ( and
many other issues) forces me to
admit the plausibility of the God
Faith in God now seemed more
rational than disbelief.
What’s next?
Personalized medicine is an
emerging practice of medicine that
uses an individual's genetic profile to
guide decisions made in regard to
the prevention, diagnosis, and
treatment of disease.
Feb 1st 2016
Severe microcephaly
Will Artificial
Intelligence replaces
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Medicine continues to progress
Main duty of medical healthcare providers are
to preserve the nobility of the profession
Be a part of history…leave a legacy behind….
Prof Dr. Mahmoud Fathalla
(FIGO President – 1994 – 1997)
What I fear most for the
future is a world which is too
technologically advanced,
but too morally backward’

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Brief history of medicine

  • 1. Brief History of Medicine Prof. Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj Dept of Medical Education Faculty of Medicine UKM
  • 2. Learning outcomes At the end of this module, learners would be able to:  Explain the importance of history generally and medicine specifically.  Illustrate the timelines that composed the history of medicine.  Elaborate briefly the significant medical contributions of each civilization to mankind.  Appreciate the in-depth values of human achievements throughout history
  • 3. Contents  Importance of history  Timeline for history in medicine  Brief review on :  Prehistoric medicine  Ancient Chinese medicine  Ancient Indian medicine  Ancient Egyptian medicine  Ancient Babylonian medicine  Greeks and Romans  Middle Ages  Islamic medicine  The Renaissance  18th and 19th century  20th century  21st century
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  • 6. Why do we need to learn history? If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development. Aristotle The value of history. that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is. R. G. Collingwood In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of mankind. Edmund Burke Not just His-story, but also Her-story………….
  • 7. Health & Sickness : Fundamental Questions  Why do some man become sick, while others remain healthy?  What causes sickness?  Where does sickness come from?  How do we stop/cure/treat sickness and then prevent death?
  • 8. Flow of a `Fragile' Life HEALTHY SICKNESS Gets Better Worsens DEATH
  • 11. Timeline of Medical History Prehistoric 8000 BC Ancient Egyptian 2000 BC Greeks & Romans 400 BC – 300 AD Ancient Chinese 3000 BC Ancient Indians 3000 BC Modern Medicine 18th – 21st century Middle Ages (Dark Ages) 500 – 1400 AD Islamic Medicine 700 – 1500 AD) AD Latin : anno domini `In the year of our Lord‘ (Birth of Christ) The Renaissance 1400 – 1700 AD Ancient Babylonian 2000 BC
  • 12. Timeline of Medical History Prehistoric 8000 BC AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 13. Prehistoric Medicine  Believed in spirits and supernatural forces – good and bad.  Sickness – as a result of failure to comply to wishes and likings of spirits and forces.  Witch doctors ( Shamans) – mediators between man and the spirits.  Dispensed first medications – herbs, animal stuffs, blood, human sacrifices.  Archeological findings – primitive brain surgery – trepanning.
  • 14. Perak Man : the respected shaman  1991. USM archeological team made a discovery of a burial cave, Gua Gunung Runtuh, Lenggong Perak Tengah.  It contained the 11,000-year-old Perak Man, the region’s best-preserved Stone Age skeleton – and the only one found with a genetic skeletal disorder, Brachymesophalangia type A2.
  • 16. Perak Man : the respected shaman The skeleton’s foetal position, surrounded by a cornucopia of objects, suggested to archaeologists that his deformity had elevated him to a well- respected shaman.
  • 17. Perak Man : The Respected Shaman
  • 18. Trepanning: to allow spirits to leave the body of the sick
  • 19. Timeline of Medical History Ancient Chinese 3000 BC AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 20. Ancient Chinese Medicine  Dated 5,000 years ago, supporting documentation abut 2,000 years.  Believed that man became sick if balance between natural elements were not maintained ( Yin & Yang concept) and the `chi’ or life energy was not flowing well.  To cure / treat : to retain balance between all five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and chi to flow.  Chinese physicians were also philosophers.  Treatment : herbal, acupuncture
  • 21.  The first written documentation on traditional Chinese medicine is the Hung-Di Nei-Jing (Yellow Emperor's Cannon of Internal Medicine).  The oldest medical textbook in the world, 800 BC.  Contents :  Foundation for theories of Chinese medicine - previous experience and theories of medicine,eg. the meridian theory, physiology, pathology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, acupuncture.
  • 22. QUOTES A good healer cannot depend on skill alone. A quote from the Yellow Emperor’s Classics of Medicine The superior doctor should first adjust the patient’s diet and life style. Only if that does not eliminate disease should the doctor go on to administer acupuncture and herbs. Sun Si Maio,the greatest doctor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
  • 23. Timeline of Medical History Ancient Indians 3000 BC AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 24. Ancient Indian Medicine  Basis : Physical health is part of spiritual health.  Ayurveda ( the science of living): a form of ancient Indian science of medicine, with eight disciplines : Internal medicine Surgery & anatomy ENT Paediatrics Toxicology Spirit medicine Science of rejuvenation Aphrodisiacs
  • 25. Ancient Indian Medicine  Famous ayurvedic practitioner : Chakara  Concept : health and disease are not predetermined and life may be prolonged by human effort and attention to lifestyle.  A physician who fails to enter the body of a patient with the lamp of knowledge and understanding can never treat diseases. He should first study all the factors, including environment, which influence a patient's disease, and then prescribe treatment. It is more important to prevent the occurrence of disease than to seek a cure. Chakara ( born 300BC)
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  • 27. Timeline of Medical History Ancient Egyptian 2000 BC AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 28. Ancient Egyptian Medicine  Concept : Illness was due to evil spirits or poisons and removing these from the body with prayers to the gods would cure the disease.  Documentation & prescription of medicine  Medical procedures & process of mummification
  • 29. Eber Papyrus 1550 BC  A 110-page scroll, which is about 20 meters long.  The scroll contains some 700 magical formulas and remedies.
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  • 31. Timeline of Medical History Ancient Babylonian 2000 BC AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 32. Ancient Babylonian (Mesopotamian) Medicine Revolved heavily around magic and supernaturalism. Documentation was included in the Assyrian copies of Babylonian texts, originated in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC.
  • 33. Ancient Babylonian (Mesopotamian) Medicine  Babylonian healthcare system - fairly well standardized, subject to some level of legal code.  The Hammurabi Code (c. 2000 BC), inscribed on an 8-foot tall block of black diorite, covers doctor payment and malpractice.
  • 34. Hammurabi Code (2000BC) - Lines 218 to 221  If the doctor has treated a man for a severe wound with lances of bronze and has caused the man to die, or has opened an abscess of the eye for a man and has caused the loss of the man’s eye, one shall cut off his hands.  If a doctor has treated the severe wound of a slave of a poor man with a bronze lances and has caused his death, he shall render slave for slave.  If he has opened his abscess with a bronze lances and has made him lose his eye, he shall pay money, half his price.  If a doctor has cured the shattered limb of a gentleman, or has cured the diseased bowel, the patient shall give five shekels of silver to the doctor.
  • 35. Timeline of Medical History Greeks & Romans 400 BC – 300 AD AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 36. The Greeks  Believed diseases were sent as a punishment from the gods.  Treatments were aimed at pleasing the gods.  Important figures :  Hippocrates ( Father of Medicine – Hippocrates Oath ) Four humors – choleric, melancholic, sanguine & phlegmatic.  Galen - One of the first physicians to use dissections to understand how the body works
  • 38. Hippocrates Oath I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract: To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others. I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art. I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft. Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves. Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private. So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate. Translated by Michael North, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2002
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  • 40. The Romans – Public health hygiene The Romans realized that there was a link between dirt and disease. To improve public health, they built aqueducts to supply clean drinking water and sewers to remove wastes safely. Improved personal hygiene helped to reduce disease and Roman baths were places to socialise as well as stay clean
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  • 42. Timeline of Medical History Middle Ages (Dark Ages) 500 – 1400 AD AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 43. Middle (Dark) Ages  The fall of the Roman Empire – lack of public hygiene practices.  People in Europe – lack of access to clean drinking water, regular bathing or a sewage system.  Starvation and disease were common.  Medicine in the middle ages was dominated by religion.  Sickness - a punishment from God for sins  Only way to cure someone was to pray for their forgiveness.
  • 44. Middle (Dark) Ages  Doctors were usually priests or other religious scholars.  Hospitals were set up in monasteries and other religious establishments.  The patients were given food and comforted by religious nursing staff but little else was done to cure their illness.
  • 45. Middle (Dark) Ages  Traditional cures, using herbal remedies and potions were seen as witchcraft and outlawed by the church.  Laws stated that only trained and registered people could practice medicine.
  • 46. Middle (Dark) Ages  Biggest challenge : Black death, or Bubonic Plague. In 1347, an outbreak of bubonic plague broke out in Istanbul.  Traders soon carried the disease throughout Europe and records show that in some areas it killed up to 90% of the population. (49 million people killed)  Poor public hygiene, congested living condition
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  • 48. Timeline of Medical History Islamic Medicine 700 – 1500 AD) AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 49. Islamic Medicine  After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Arabic world was the centre of scientific and medical knowledge.  Texts from Greece and Rome were translated into Arabic and studied by Islamic scholars.  They developed and refined Hippocrate's theories and Islamic physicians began to use the regulation of diet, exercise and the prescription of medicinal herbs in the treatment of their patients.
  • 50. Islamic Medicine  Arabic pharmacists became skilled in the formulation of medicines from plants and minerals.  Even though they did not know about microbes, they used alcohol to clean wounds which healed better and did not become infected.
  • 51. Islamic Medicine Muslim practiced universal healthcare :  Hospitals were not just for the wealthy and treated rich and poor alike.  Large hospitals were involved in the training and licensing of doctors and pharmacists.  Officials tested medicines to certify that they were safe and visited pharmacists to make sure that prescriptions were being made correctly.
  • 52. Islamic Medicine Records show that Muslim doctors performed many different surgical operations including the removal of varicose veins, kidney stones and the replacement of dislocated limbs. They used sponges soaked in narcotic drugs which were placed over the patient's nose as early anaesthetics.
  • 53. Islamic Medicine  Most important medical books of its time was written by the physician Ali al-Husayn Abd Allah Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna).  His massive manuscript, called the Laws of Medicine, was completed around 1030 AD and translated into Latin in the 12th Century.  This encyclopaedia of medicine contained five books detailing the formulation of medicines, diagnosis of disorders, general medicine and detailed therapies.
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  • 55. Az Zahrawi : Father of Modern Medicine
  • 56. Timeline of Medical History The Renaissance 1400 – 1700 AD AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 57. The Renaissance  The Renaissance was a period in European history during which there was a revival in the ideas of ancient Rome and Greece.  Culture, art, science and medicine were studied by aristocrats and scholars who prized themselves on their education.
  • 58. The Renaissance Ideas flourished and the newly invented printing press allowed books to be produced quickly. (The printing press was a revolution in information technology and resulted in ideas spreading around)
  • 59. The Renaissance Medical research was intensified during this period. Medicine remained dominated by the teachings of the church but physicians began to learn more about the human body. They read books translated from Arabic medical texts and began to study anatomy in a scientific and systematic way.
  • 60. The Renaissance  Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings.  The church did not permit the dissection of 'God fearing bodies' so it was often the bodies of criminals or 'sinners' that were used. Doctors learned about anatomy from watching these dissections.
  • 61. Renaissance : Da Vinci’s medical paintings
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  • 64. Timeline of Medical History Modern Medicine 18th – 21st century AD Latin : anno domini In the year of our Lord (Birth of Christ)
  • 65. Modern Medicine : 18th - 19th century  Two of the big medical advances of this time were:  Vaccinations  X-rays  The study of microbes, or microbiology, was born and the increased knowledge of pathogenic microbes led to the development of new medicines to tackle infectious diseases.  The pharmaceutical industry was born  Surgery – discovery of anaesthesia & antiseptic
  • 66. The Visit of The Doctor : 1867
  • 68. Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) Nothing in life is to be feared, it only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more that we may fear less.
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  • 74. Modern Medicine : 20th century Major advances in healthcare which include development of: Antibiotics : Penicillin - the discovery and development of antibiotics by Fleming, Florey and Chain. Insulin: Banting and Best's work to show that insulin can be used to treat diabetes. Other medicines: pharmaceutical laboratories around the world are constantly producing new treatments for diseases. Imaging techniques DNA & human diseases
  • 75. Father of Modern Medical Education
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  • 79. Modern Medicine : 21st century  Human genome project  It started in 1990 and completed in 2003.  Genetic & medicine  Genetic engineering  Genetic manipulation & enhancement  Ethic & medicine  Dealing with the controversial issues
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  • 81. Dr. Francis S. Collins Head of Human Genome Project I started this journey of intellectual exploration to confirm my atheism. That now lay in ruins as the argument from the Moral Law ( and many other issues) forces me to admit the plausibility of the God hypothesis. Faith in God now seemed more rational than disbelief. Harlinasiraj2010©
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  • 83. What’s next? Personalized medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
  • 85. CONGENITAL ZIKA VIRUS INFECTION Severe microcephaly
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  • 92. Conclusion Medicine continues to progress Main duty of medical healthcare providers are to preserve the nobility of the profession Be a part of history…leave a legacy behind….
  • 93. Prof Dr. Mahmoud Fathalla (FIGO President – 1994 – 1997) What I fear most for the future is a world which is too technologically advanced, but too morally backward’