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IDELT Online January 21, 2020 (Terry McLean): View:
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User report
User report - Deepak Singh
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
IDELT Online January 21, 2020 (Terry McLean)
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 1
10.00 7.00 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 1
40.00 40.00 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
Welcome to class, you made a strong step into the classroom. I do not normally look at the peer forum,
but if you have questions, message me.
Your posts were on topic and well written but without citation. Please add the class resource citations or
other citations to the initial post to show the relationship between the class learning and your thoughts and
experience, for example (Harmer, p.96). In addition, please post the initial discussion posts by Sunday, by
11:59 pm (MT). This is in the instructor announcements and the welcome letter, This gives your peers an
opportunity to read and respond to your work.
You have an interesting situation at work. The constant teacher turnover is a challenge for faculty and
students alike. The good thing about your willingness to step into these classes is you are getting a lot of
experience. "I sometimes ask my advanced level students to explain a lesson to the struggling students in
their native language." This is effective as long as it does not continue for a long period of time. You have
your challenges in this school, but they can be perceived as opportunities for your professional growth.
Even creating your lessons for the beginners can be professional development for you.
Observations of other teachers can be powerful professional learning as we see the theories in practice.
We can even learn what not to do when we see poor teaching methods. I find that watching student
engagement is also helpful. Reflection on our own recorded lesson is extremely helpful as you noted with
the feedback you received
You are fortunate to have the faculty to observe. You can learn a lot. Thank you for a good week. Next
week post by 11:59 pm on Sunday. There is a penalty of five points for late posts. Add citations as
needed to the initial posts.
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 2
10.00 2.00 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 2
40.00 40.00 0–40
Hello, Deepak, I will not go on a tangent here but this comment resonated with me. "American society
needs more productive members of society that care about people. Some if not many students lack good
social skills. Good social skills are more important than just learning Math, English, and Science." It is true,
most K-12 schools offer character education, but it is not substantive. My opinion is that these students
should have community involvement work as well as their character education and academic studies.
Your current position is a challenge, but it appears there is a wide range of opportunities for you to reach
and teach students to learn English. It is not easy and I know it is a lot of work for you, but it is necessary
for the student to meet their learning goals.
Drills have a place in the language classroom, but we just need to remember that mindful practice works.
We cannot drone on with drills, but mindful repetition, brief and focused can make a wonderful difference
in how the students produce English. Drills can work as tools, but with purpose and brevity.
Krashen would beam at your idea of field trips. These trips can work well, but logistically they can be
difficult to do. You have done very well this week with these well written and cited posts.
Thank you, Deepak.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 3
10.00 0.00 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 3
40.00 36.67 0–40
Hello Deepak,
Thank you for a week of well-written posts. I am concerned that you have posted Week Five. It does not
matter if you write your responses out the week before, but I request that you do not post them until the
week of the posts' due date. I open the next week so you can read ahead. Your peer posts were friendly.
I hope you had your answer to the grad school/credit issue.
Topic 5 was interesting to read, especially since you use videos to help students understand the grammar
points, but it did not really respond to the question in Topic 5 about Teacher John.
View DVD from 7:43 to 20:00) Teacher John from the UK is working with young teens at Oxford. The aim
of the lesson is to use sequence with storytelling with an embedded grammar of simple past tense. Note
he uses a rather engaging way by miming the story for the students. As you watch his enthusiastic
teaching, imagine yourself as the teacher. Which of these steps would you use? Why? How would
you justify your actions based on your understanding of language learning theory?
Textbooks should be used because they were bought by someone, but the teacher needs to have the
chance to individualize the teaching to the students in her/his class. You provided several examples of
how you work with your students. I am not sure I would have time to do all of the exercises with some of
my textbooks, but I could see it as practice.
By the way, asking them to evaluate your teaching is a good idea.
Before you send your posts in, double-check your answers to see if they have answered the discussion
prompt completely.
Thank you for your assistance in these matters, Deepak.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 4
10.00 5.50 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 4
40.00 33.33 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
You had written, "I can relate to grades causing anxiety especially in college because the classes cost so
much money. Failing even 1 class is a major loss in my opinion." This is an important motivational factor
for adults.
You are right, the labels of extrovert or introvert do not really matter. What matters is how the teacher
responds to his or her students. Most teachers I know are introverted but they have developed an
animated teaching persona that allows them to work fully with the students. Many of my students are
Latino, and I have never heard a negative word about my teaching style, not even in end-of-term surveys.
The biggest advantage I have found as an introverted teacher is that I build quiet time in the class to let
my introverted students recharge.
The effective teacher does whatever works best for the students, so mailing videos and providing them
with first language support works well for the students if they are learning. The problem I have seen in
observations of classes is that the students begin to expect translation instead of trying to learn the
language. It is a lot of work to find the visuals and convert ideas to simple syntax to help students learn in
English but it can work.
The question was
Describe learning experiences you have had over age 25. How did they differ from your experiences at the
more “traditional” school age? Was the instruction different? Were you different? What are some
implications of age on teaching decisions? Be specific.
(NOTE: The learning experiences you discuss can be any type of training or course. If you are under 26,
you can complete this assignment by interviewing an older person.
You answered the first part with a detailed look at your adult educational years but with a focus on the cost
rather than your personal attributes as an adult learner. In addition, you wrote about the students who
wanted to leave early, but you told them they could not as it was against the rules, which it is. Is this the
only implication of age when teaching lessons? More elaboration on the implications is important here.
Please focus on connecting your response to the writing prompt explicitly.
Thank you.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 5
10.00 7.33 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 5
40.00 36.67 0–40
Your peer posts this week, Deepak, were enthusiastic and plentiful. Well done. Your initial tasks were well
written and supported. Teaching writing can be a task that requires patience and time on both the parts of
the teacher and the students. Your use of reader response and graphic organizers are incredibly effective
with all levels of learners. Showing them authentic samples of good and poor writing is a way for them to
learn to identify errors. This is a strong step for student self-correction, which is every teacher's goal
because it is less grading. :>)
Your heterogeneous differentiation task works. In addition, writing does work well for differentiation
because the students can write to their ability, and you could have writers and editors if you used
heterogeneous groups. Roleplays work well with different levels. I have always enjoyed how well these
work. The more advanced learners would often take their time to coach the new learners in their lines.
Your idea of sending videos in L1 to reinforce their understanding is something I have not considered, but
My concern with Topic 1 is that you made this point known, "It is important for teachers to correct students
in writing and in talking " but you did not differentiate between accuracy and fluency and these concepts
shape the type of correction we do. Too much correction can undermine a student's confidence or it will
interrupt their thoughts so they will stop talking. We can correct accuracy tasks immediately with a fast
correction and then fluency tasks such as read alouds, role plays, discussions could be corrected with
detailed explanations and practice after the task is complete.
You shared many of your teaching strategies with the class this week; it is helpful. Thank you, Deepak.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 6
10.00 6.33 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 6
40.00 36.67 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
This week has a different kind of feedback. I use it for writing feedback (mostly) but I wanted to
demonstrate it with your Week Six feedback. You can listen to it with any computer audio software; it is an
MP4 file. The file is at the bottom of the page.
The software is free recording software; it has an annual subscription but I find this free version works as
well because it limits the file size. The file cannot get too big or they cannot be emailed.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Terry McLean
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 7
10.00 6.00 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 7
40.00 34.44 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
You have some wonderfully detailed posts with insightful information from your experience that you have
integrated with the course content. You have found a balance between technology and teaching It
works. Getting students to work with one another as you move from group to group allows you a chance
to help them with the necessary support and attention they need. When you have small groups, it is easier
to connect with all of them. It is more difficult with the whole group instruction.
I cannot believe you teach so late; I taught from 7 to 10 pm several semesters and it was a struggle for
them to stay awake I used games too where I moved them around. I cannot imagine an extra hour and a
half more.
This is important, "The students should be able to demonstrate that they have learned the lesson (Harmer,
2015). I sometimes administer a paper test or quiz to students"/; otherwise, how would we know what they
have learned Formative assessments are valuable tools because we can decide to reteach or move
forward. I would add a closing routine after their demonstration. It might include reflection, questions or
summaries from the students. This is the only difference.
Deepak, I was concerned because you did not address the methods below. Your detailed teaching
strategies are valuable but you did not connect them to the methods. Everything else worked, but it is
important to follow the prompt.
Compare and contrast the numerous approaches to teaching language construction which Harmer
describes in chapter 13, pp. 231 - 238. How is each related to some characteristic of language
learning (You will likely have to refer back to chapters 2 and 3 to inform a complete description.)
Include a unique example of a classroom technique that is applicable to each one.
Explain and practice
Meet, need and practice
Discover and practice
Research and practice
Review and recycle
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 8
10.00 7.00 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 8
40.00 36.67 0–40
Hello, Deepak, you are with a group, but the lesson is due at the end of week 10. Your team sent in the
week 9 work, Joy actually so you just need to focus on the lesson with them. You still have time. It is
complete madness everywhere. No one is in face-to-face classes here. There is run on basic supplies
because people don't know what to do so they buy things.
I am not sure how you deal with stress, but I spend some time in quiet meditation and remember there are
things in which I have no control I am sure it is difficult to focus on anything but the news, and it all seems
bad, but it is a blip over time. When this crisis has passed, we may be humbled, but much wiser and
resilient going forward. I have talked to many people in the last three weeks who have unsettled anxiety
from the unknown, but you know what you can control. You can control how you react to this event.
Drilling in class has merit, but they have to specific and brief to be effective. You had written, " It may be
difficult to do drilling practice in a class with mixed levels of students. I could be mistaken but I think the
advanced level students may not feel challenged by simple drilling exercises." I think you are right,
advanced students may find them boring, but with shy learners, you can choral drills or jazz chants. When
shy students chime in with others in a drill, they find their speaking voice, literally.
I really enjoyed the detailed description of your warm-up exercise, but I was curious about how long it took
to execute or did it depend on the size of your class. I have a 14-minute opening routine with small
talk/greetings, the agenda for the class, and then a journal write for most of my classes. Sometimes, I
extend it a bit so they can talk about what they wrote.
One additional point about the grammar lesson. When you tell them that -ing is a progressive verb, make
sure they know that there is an auxiliary verb also so they think verbal phrase to be + weeding;
otherwise, they will consider all -ing words as verbs and that defeats the purpose of this grammar lesson.
Take a deep breath, Deepak, stay as calm as possible. Eventually, we will be through with this. Stay
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 9
10.00 7.25 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 9
40.00 34.44 0–40
Hello, Danny,
I was surprised by your organized two-week project for your students because I had not thought about it
as project, but it works Excellent job. I like two-week projects because I teach in 10-day units whenever
possible. Asking them to prepare test preparation materials is really a great idea. Your reflection on the
project and what to do in the future works very well. How long do you let them use their first language in
class; it seems that this is not beneficial in the long run? The weaker students may gain better knowledge
and skills from their experience with the group.
Your beneficial check-in baggage task would work well as they learn the vocabulary, but you may not want
to stop the video. Let them watch it twice so they can listen completely the first time, then you can stop it in
intervals as you play it the second time.
Your well-written post on pronunciation was more experience-based so you did not answer the prompt,
see below.
How would you define "pronunciation"? What are all the aspects of English that affect a student's
Would you use phonemic symbols to teach pronunciation? Why or why not?
What might be the most effective way to teach pronunciation in an intermediate reading class of 15
business learners in Taiwan? Incorporate what you know about the context and your learners and what
you learned about teaching pronunciation.
Thank you.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 10
10.00 6.00 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 10
40.00 40.00 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
Listening can enhance a student's pronunciation skills, especially if they have the chance for extensive
listening, which will allow them the opportunity to internalize the rhythm of the language. They should not
fret if they do not understand everything, they should relax and listen. Extensive listening and intensive
listening in class to learn how to parse words into meaningful chunks can help build their pronunciation
and listening skills. Extensive listening should be what they are interested in as you noted in Topic 1, but
this is where the teacher can be helpful again as he or she helps students find podcasts or videos in their
interest. This can even work with reading as you noted with news from their country. This is so effective.
I think I have mentioned that I only teach in English, and I do not use any translation but I do what you
do. " I need to explain again using simpler words, pictures, and technology." I also use simple sentences
with the students and it works amazingly well, but the students are a little resistant at first because they do
not understand everything.
The IRS article is not interesting to others who do not pay US taxes; however, a discussion on their tax
systems in their countries may find a bit more interesting. The use of your elicitation questions will
activate their prior knowledge. Good ideas. I think the idea of getting students to help with teaching by
writing definitions on the board; it builds their confidence when they peer teach. Do you find this is true?
It was a good week of work. I hope you are feeling better about the world around you. I know it is still
fraught with uncertainty, but if you are safe and well. good.
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Group Project - Self and
Peer Evaluations Submission
- –
Thank you, Deepak, I can see that you put forth the effort though you were consumed with worries that
were quite demanding. These times are quite stressful, and you have two older people who are depending
on you to keep them as safe as possible.
Your teammates and you seemed to work together collaboratively. It can be a challenge to work
collaboratively face-to-face but online across time zones and work schedules can really create some
Would you do anything differently if the situation comes up again?
I cannot tell you not to worry about these uncertain times because we are all concerned, but do stay safe.
Kahoot! was a hit, by the way.
Receptive Skills Lesson Plan
Submission Slot (Individual)
160.00 95.00 0–100
This lesson was an effective first lesson for your range of English language learners. Your strengths were
The worksheets
Modeling the task.
Differentiated tasks
Use of Kahoot! which is always fun
I have only two suggestions. An hour-long lesson is a challenge, and I was concerned with the pacing for
the last step and the students' opportunity to role play the introductions. One idea is to shorten the fourth
step to the Kahoot game and then maybe a shorter worksheet.
My other suggestion is to add a closing routine of some type instead of just ending with the role play.
Summary, general feedback, reflection or even questions. All will add closure and a feeling of
accomplishment to the class.
Clearly you have addressed the receptive skills lesson. Did you use the Beatles song?
Thank you.
I have returned your peer evaluation comments.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 11
10.00 6.25 0–10
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 11
40.00 40.00 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
Our time is coming to an end, and you have maintained your excellent discussions that provide anecdotal
evidence from the field. I see that you and I have different approaches to teaching. Rarely do I use first
language assistance, but I can see that it can create a comfort level for the students. Field trips are a great
idea if you can get everyone there. I have taken my students to coffee shops, the natural history museum,
and the Special Olympics, which are inspiring to most people. You are right, that sometimes, the only
English they use and hear is in school.
Sheltered English is when you provide additional scaffolds to help them learn content. We use these
things to help the students learn the content. There are several scaffolds that I have talked about in
class. Activating prior knowledge and building background focusing on vocabulary and meaningful
instruction that builds on what the students know. Hands-on tasks are important.
I taught ABE/GED and ESL for two years. Many of the instructional strategies in adult ed and ESL are
similar because good teaching is good teaching.
If they like the topic, they will readily talk. I am in complete agreement with you about the portfolios; they
are worthwhile endeavors especially for beginners as they get to see their progress over time.
I hope you and your family are well. Stay safe, Deepak.
Reading & Viewing Check
Quiz - Unit 12
10.00 5.75 0–10
Forum Discussion Grade -
Unit 12
40.00 40.00 0–40
Hello, Deepak,
Congratulations on your completion of the IDELT program. It was a tough term for everyone I think. your
teaching was sent to online so this was stressful as you enjoyed your face-to-face classes. COVID-19 has
changed the way we interact with one another, personally and professionally, but I am hopeful that it will
be a bad memory in six months.
You are right, professional development is critical. Students change and so does the way we interact with
them as you noticed that now you have to figure out meaningful online instructional strategies. The good
news is the online venues are busting loose so this is a good experience. Remember balance in your life
just as you will have in your ESL classes. I say this because teaching of non-native speakers is so very
exciting, we tend to get very involved, but we have to remember that rest and some relaxation are
important. I hope you do find a group of people with which you can connect.
Your mentor will benefit from your enthusiasm since you are willing to learn how to be a more effective
teacher. She has a vested interest in helping you become an effective teacher. You can clearly see her
strengths after your experience with the other school.
I am glad you like LINCS; it can be a bit cumbersome because it is growing rapidly, but it is a great
network for teachers to share information. Take good care of yourself, Deepak, you have a lot of offer the
Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback
Final Assignment
Submission Slot
240.00 81.25 0–100
Hello, Deepak,
Your lesson was too big for one your so I broke it into three lessons of one unit. The part i looked at was
the middle where they come back from the field trip and you work with the vocabulary and the handout
and the worksheet.
I have a few suggestions for in general teaching based on what I saw in this lesson. You had relevance,
which is fine, but start with an opening routine and then the agenda, then some elicitation about the topic
to activate any words or concepts they already know.
You could talk about the field trip and then begin the meat of the lesson with the paper tasks. You may
want them to work in pairs, if not to complete the handout, then to compare answers. This gives them
more talk time.
I could see this as a unit. The research was fine, but you tried to do too much. You could have just
focused on technology to teach vocabulary.
The most serious aspect that was not evident was pacing for the class.
Your steps are well organized, but you needed to pare it down or offer more explanation of the unit.
Please see the attached paper for additional comments.
Group Project - Part 1
Submission Slot
1.00 –
Course total - 86.23 0–100
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Bridge TEFL Course Grades Certification Report of Deepak (Danny) Singh

  • 1. Bridge Moodle Home ► IO Jan 21 (TM) ► Grade administration ► User report View Overview report User report IDELT Online January 21, 2020 (Terry McLean): View: User report User report User report - Deepak Singh Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback IDELT Online January 21, 2020 (Terry McLean) Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 1 10.00 7.00 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 1 40.00 40.00 0–40 Hello, Deepak, Welcome to class, you made a strong step into the classroom. I do not normally look at the peer forum, but if you have questions, message me. Your posts were on topic and well written but without citation. Please add the class resource citations or other citations to the initial post to show the relationship between the class learning and your thoughts and experience, for example (Harmer, p.96). In addition, please post the initial discussion posts by Sunday, by 11:59 pm (MT). This is in the instructor announcements and the welcome letter, This gives your peers an opportunity to read and respond to your work. You have an interesting situation at work. The constant teacher turnover is a challenge for faculty and students alike. The good thing about your willingness to step into these classes is you are getting a lot of experience. "I sometimes ask my advanced level students to explain a lesson to the struggling students in their native language." This is effective as long as it does not continue for a long period of time. You have your challenges in this school, but they can be perceived as opportunities for your professional growth. Even creating your lessons for the beginners can be professional development for you. Observations of other teachers can be powerful professional learning as we see the theories in practice. We can even learn what not to do when we see poor teaching methods. I find that watching student engagement is also helpful. Reflection on our own recorded lesson is extremely helpful as you noted with the feedback you received You are fortunate to have the faculty to observe. You can learn a lot. Thank you for a good week. Next week post by 11:59 pm on Sunday. There is a penalty of five points for late posts. Add citations as needed to the initial posts.
  • 2. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 2 10.00 2.00 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 2 40.00 40.00 0–40 Hello, Deepak, I will not go on a tangent here but this comment resonated with me. "American society needs more productive members of society that care about people. Some if not many students lack good social skills. Good social skills are more important than just learning Math, English, and Science." It is true, most K-12 schools offer character education, but it is not substantive. My opinion is that these students should have community involvement work as well as their character education and academic studies. Your current position is a challenge, but it appears there is a wide range of opportunities for you to reach and teach students to learn English. It is not easy and I know it is a lot of work for you, but it is necessary for the student to meet their learning goals. Drills have a place in the language classroom, but we just need to remember that mindful practice works. We cannot drone on with drills, but mindful repetition, brief and focused can make a wonderful difference in how the students produce English. Drills can work as tools, but with purpose and brevity. Krashen would beam at your idea of field trips. These trips can work well, but logistically they can be difficult to do. You have done very well this week with these well written and cited posts. Thank you, Deepak. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 3 10.00 0.00 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 3 40.00 36.67 0–40 Hello Deepak, Thank you for a week of well-written posts. I am concerned that you have posted Week Five. It does not matter if you write your responses out the week before, but I request that you do not post them until the week of the posts' due date. I open the next week so you can read ahead. Your peer posts were friendly. I hope you had your answer to the grad school/credit issue. Topic 5 was interesting to read, especially since you use videos to help students understand the grammar points, but it did not really respond to the question in Topic 5 about Teacher John. View DVD from 7:43 to 20:00) Teacher John from the UK is working with young teens at Oxford. The aim of the lesson is to use sequence with storytelling with an embedded grammar of simple past tense. Note he uses a rather engaging way by miming the story for the students. As you watch his enthusiastic teaching, imagine yourself as the teacher. Which of these steps would you use? Why? How would you justify your actions based on your understanding of language learning theory? Textbooks should be used because they were bought by someone, but the teacher needs to have the chance to individualize the teaching to the students in her/his class. You provided several examples of how you work with your students. I am not sure I would have time to do all of the exercises with some of my textbooks, but I could see it as practice. By the way, asking them to evaluate your teaching is a good idea. Before you send your posts in, double-check your answers to see if they have answered the discussion prompt completely. Thank you for your assistance in these matters, Deepak. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 4 10.00 5.50 0–10
  • 3. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 4 40.00 33.33 0–40 Hello, Deepak, You had written, "I can relate to grades causing anxiety especially in college because the classes cost so much money. Failing even 1 class is a major loss in my opinion." This is an important motivational factor for adults. You are right, the labels of extrovert or introvert do not really matter. What matters is how the teacher responds to his or her students. Most teachers I know are introverted but they have developed an animated teaching persona that allows them to work fully with the students. Many of my students are Latino, and I have never heard a negative word about my teaching style, not even in end-of-term surveys. The biggest advantage I have found as an introverted teacher is that I build quiet time in the class to let my introverted students recharge. The effective teacher does whatever works best for the students, so mailing videos and providing them with first language support works well for the students if they are learning. The problem I have seen in observations of classes is that the students begin to expect translation instead of trying to learn the language. It is a lot of work to find the visuals and convert ideas to simple syntax to help students learn in English but it can work. The question was Describe learning experiences you have had over age 25. How did they differ from your experiences at the more “traditional” school age? Was the instruction different? Were you different? What are some implications of age on teaching decisions? Be specific. (NOTE: The learning experiences you discuss can be any type of training or course. If you are under 26, you can complete this assignment by interviewing an older person. You answered the first part with a detailed look at your adult educational years but with a focus on the cost rather than your personal attributes as an adult learner. In addition, you wrote about the students who wanted to leave early, but you told them they could not as it was against the rules, which it is. Is this the only implication of age when teaching lessons? More elaboration on the implications is important here. Please focus on connecting your response to the writing prompt explicitly. Thank you. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 5 10.00 7.33 0–10
  • 4. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 5 40.00 36.67 0–40 Your peer posts this week, Deepak, were enthusiastic and plentiful. Well done. Your initial tasks were well written and supported. Teaching writing can be a task that requires patience and time on both the parts of the teacher and the students. Your use of reader response and graphic organizers are incredibly effective with all levels of learners. Showing them authentic samples of good and poor writing is a way for them to learn to identify errors. This is a strong step for student self-correction, which is every teacher's goal because it is less grading. :>) Your heterogeneous differentiation task works. In addition, writing does work well for differentiation because the students can write to their ability, and you could have writers and editors if you used heterogeneous groups. Roleplays work well with different levels. I have always enjoyed how well these work. The more advanced learners would often take their time to coach the new learners in their lines. Your idea of sending videos in L1 to reinforce their understanding is something I have not considered, but maybe. My concern with Topic 1 is that you made this point known, "It is important for teachers to correct students in writing and in talking " but you did not differentiate between accuracy and fluency and these concepts shape the type of correction we do. Too much correction can undermine a student's confidence or it will interrupt their thoughts so they will stop talking. We can correct accuracy tasks immediately with a fast correction and then fluency tasks such as read alouds, role plays, discussions could be corrected with detailed explanations and practice after the task is complete. You shared many of your teaching strategies with the class this week; it is helpful. Thank you, Deepak. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 6 10.00 6.33 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 6 40.00 36.67 0–40 Hello, Deepak, This week has a different kind of feedback. I use it for writing feedback (mostly) but I wanted to demonstrate it with your Week Six feedback. You can listen to it with any computer audio software; it is an MP4 file. The file is at the bottom of the page. The software is free recording software; it has an annual subscription but I find this free version works as well because it limits the file size. The file cannot get too big or they cannot be emailed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Terry McLean Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 7 10.00 6.00 0–10
  • 5. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 7 40.00 34.44 0–40 Hello, Deepak, You have some wonderfully detailed posts with insightful information from your experience that you have integrated with the course content. You have found a balance between technology and teaching It works. Getting students to work with one another as you move from group to group allows you a chance to help them with the necessary support and attention they need. When you have small groups, it is easier to connect with all of them. It is more difficult with the whole group instruction. I cannot believe you teach so late; I taught from 7 to 10 pm several semesters and it was a struggle for them to stay awake I used games too where I moved them around. I cannot imagine an extra hour and a half more. This is important, "The students should be able to demonstrate that they have learned the lesson (Harmer, 2015). I sometimes administer a paper test or quiz to students"/; otherwise, how would we know what they have learned Formative assessments are valuable tools because we can decide to reteach or move forward. I would add a closing routine after their demonstration. It might include reflection, questions or summaries from the students. This is the only difference. Deepak, I was concerned because you did not address the methods below. Your detailed teaching strategies are valuable but you did not connect them to the methods. Everything else worked, but it is important to follow the prompt. Compare and contrast the numerous approaches to teaching language construction which Harmer describes in chapter 13, pp. 231 - 238. How is each related to some characteristic of language learning (You will likely have to refer back to chapters 2 and 3 to inform a complete description.) Include a unique example of a classroom technique that is applicable to each one. Approaches: Explain and practice Meet, need and practice Discover and practice Research and practice Review and recycle Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 8 10.00 7.00 0–10
  • 6. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 8 40.00 36.67 0–40 Hello, Deepak, you are with a group, but the lesson is due at the end of week 10. Your team sent in the week 9 work, Joy actually so you just need to focus on the lesson with them. You still have time. It is complete madness everywhere. No one is in face-to-face classes here. There is run on basic supplies because people don't know what to do so they buy things. I am not sure how you deal with stress, but I spend some time in quiet meditation and remember there are things in which I have no control I am sure it is difficult to focus on anything but the news, and it all seems bad, but it is a blip over time. When this crisis has passed, we may be humbled, but much wiser and resilient going forward. I have talked to many people in the last three weeks who have unsettled anxiety from the unknown, but you know what you can control. You can control how you react to this event. Drilling in class has merit, but they have to specific and brief to be effective. You had written, " It may be difficult to do drilling practice in a class with mixed levels of students. I could be mistaken but I think the advanced level students may not feel challenged by simple drilling exercises." I think you are right, advanced students may find them boring, but with shy learners, you can choral drills or jazz chants. When shy students chime in with others in a drill, they find their speaking voice, literally. I really enjoyed the detailed description of your warm-up exercise, but I was curious about how long it took to execute or did it depend on the size of your class. I have a 14-minute opening routine with small talk/greetings, the agenda for the class, and then a journal write for most of my classes. Sometimes, I extend it a bit so they can talk about what they wrote. One additional point about the grammar lesson. When you tell them that -ing is a progressive verb, make sure they know that there is an auxiliary verb also so they think verbal phrase to be + weeding; otherwise, they will consider all -ing words as verbs and that defeats the purpose of this grammar lesson. Take a deep breath, Deepak, stay as calm as possible. Eventually, we will be through with this. Stay safe. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 9 10.00 7.25 0–10
  • 7. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 9 40.00 34.44 0–40 Hello, Danny, I was surprised by your organized two-week project for your students because I had not thought about it as project, but it works Excellent job. I like two-week projects because I teach in 10-day units whenever possible. Asking them to prepare test preparation materials is really a great idea. Your reflection on the project and what to do in the future works very well. How long do you let them use their first language in class; it seems that this is not beneficial in the long run? The weaker students may gain better knowledge and skills from their experience with the group. Your beneficial check-in baggage task would work well as they learn the vocabulary, but you may not want to stop the video. Let them watch it twice so they can listen completely the first time, then you can stop it in intervals as you play it the second time. Your well-written post on pronunciation was more experience-based so you did not answer the prompt, see below. How would you define "pronunciation"? What are all the aspects of English that affect a student's pronunciation? Would you use phonemic symbols to teach pronunciation? Why or why not? What might be the most effective way to teach pronunciation in an intermediate reading class of 15 business learners in Taiwan? Incorporate what you know about the context and your learners and what you learned about teaching pronunciation. Thank you. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 10 10.00 6.00 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 10 40.00 40.00 0–40 Hello, Deepak, Listening can enhance a student's pronunciation skills, especially if they have the chance for extensive listening, which will allow them the opportunity to internalize the rhythm of the language. They should not fret if they do not understand everything, they should relax and listen. Extensive listening and intensive listening in class to learn how to parse words into meaningful chunks can help build their pronunciation and listening skills. Extensive listening should be what they are interested in as you noted in Topic 1, but this is where the teacher can be helpful again as he or she helps students find podcasts or videos in their interest. This can even work with reading as you noted with news from their country. This is so effective. I think I have mentioned that I only teach in English, and I do not use any translation but I do what you do. " I need to explain again using simpler words, pictures, and technology." I also use simple sentences with the students and it works amazingly well, but the students are a little resistant at first because they do not understand everything. The IRS article is not interesting to others who do not pay US taxes; however, a discussion on their tax systems in their countries may find a bit more interesting. The use of your elicitation questions will activate their prior knowledge. Good ideas. I think the idea of getting students to help with teaching by writing definitions on the board; it builds their confidence when they peer teach. Do you find this is true? It was a good week of work. I hope you are feeling better about the world around you. I know it is still fraught with uncertainty, but if you are safe and well. good.
  • 8. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Group Project - Self and Peer Evaluations Submission Slot - – Thank you, Deepak, I can see that you put forth the effort though you were consumed with worries that were quite demanding. These times are quite stressful, and you have two older people who are depending on you to keep them as safe as possible. Your teammates and you seemed to work together collaboratively. It can be a challenge to work collaboratively face-to-face but online across time zones and work schedules can really create some concerns. Would you do anything differently if the situation comes up again? I cannot tell you not to worry about these uncertain times because we are all concerned, but do stay safe. Kahoot! was a hit, by the way. Receptive Skills Lesson Plan Submission Slot (Individual) 160.00 95.00 0–100 Hello, This lesson was an effective first lesson for your range of English language learners. Your strengths were many. The worksheets Modeling the task. Differentiated tasks Use of Kahoot! which is always fun I have only two suggestions. An hour-long lesson is a challenge, and I was concerned with the pacing for the last step and the students' opportunity to role play the introductions. One idea is to shorten the fourth step to the Kahoot game and then maybe a shorter worksheet. My other suggestion is to add a closing routine of some type instead of just ending with the role play. Summary, general feedback, reflection or even questions. All will add closure and a feeling of accomplishment to the class. Clearly you have addressed the receptive skills lesson. Did you use the Beatles song? Thank you. I have returned your peer evaluation comments. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 11 10.00 6.25 0–10
  • 9. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 11 40.00 40.00 0–40 Hello, Deepak, Our time is coming to an end, and you have maintained your excellent discussions that provide anecdotal evidence from the field. I see that you and I have different approaches to teaching. Rarely do I use first language assistance, but I can see that it can create a comfort level for the students. Field trips are a great idea if you can get everyone there. I have taken my students to coffee shops, the natural history museum, and the Special Olympics, which are inspiring to most people. You are right, that sometimes, the only English they use and hear is in school. Sheltered English is when you provide additional scaffolds to help them learn content. We use these things to help the students learn the content. There are several scaffolds that I have talked about in class. Activating prior knowledge and building background focusing on vocabulary and meaningful instruction that builds on what the students know. Hands-on tasks are important. I taught ABE/GED and ESL for two years. Many of the instructional strategies in adult ed and ESL are similar because good teaching is good teaching. If they like the topic, they will readily talk. I am in complete agreement with you about the portfolios; they are worthwhile endeavors especially for beginners as they get to see their progress over time. I hope you and your family are well. Stay safe, Deepak. Reading & Viewing Check Quiz - Unit 12 10.00 5.75 0–10 Forum Discussion Grade - Unit 12 40.00 40.00 0–40 Hello, Deepak, Congratulations on your completion of the IDELT program. It was a tough term for everyone I think. your teaching was sent to online so this was stressful as you enjoyed your face-to-face classes. COVID-19 has changed the way we interact with one another, personally and professionally, but I am hopeful that it will be a bad memory in six months. You are right, professional development is critical. Students change and so does the way we interact with them as you noticed that now you have to figure out meaningful online instructional strategies. The good news is the online venues are busting loose so this is a good experience. Remember balance in your life just as you will have in your ESL classes. I say this because teaching of non-native speakers is so very exciting, we tend to get very involved, but we have to remember that rest and some relaxation are important. I hope you do find a group of people with which you can connect. Your mentor will benefit from your enthusiasm since you are willing to learn how to be a more effective teacher. She has a vested interest in helping you become an effective teacher. You can clearly see her strengths after your experience with the other school. I am glad you like LINCS; it can be a bit cumbersome because it is growing rapidly, but it is a great network for teachers to share information. Take good care of yourself, Deepak, you have a lot of offer the world.
  • 10. Grade item Weight Grade Range Feedback Final Assignment Submission Slot 240.00 81.25 0–100 Hello, Deepak, Your lesson was too big for one your so I broke it into three lessons of one unit. The part i looked at was the middle where they come back from the field trip and you work with the vocabulary and the handout and the worksheet. I have a few suggestions for in general teaching based on what I saw in this lesson. You had relevance, which is fine, but start with an opening routine and then the agenda, then some elicitation about the topic to activate any words or concepts they already know. You could talk about the field trip and then begin the meat of the lesson with the paper tasks. You may want them to work in pairs, if not to complete the handout, then to compare answers. This gives them more talk time. I could see this as a unit. The research was fine, but you tried to do too much. You could have just focused on technology to teach vocabulary. The most serious aspect that was not evident was pacing for the class. Your steps are well organized, but you needed to pare it down or offer more explanation of the unit. Please see the attached paper for additional comments. Group Project - Part 1 Submission Slot 1.00 – Course total - 86.23 0–100 NAVIGATION Home Site pages My profile Current course IO Jan 21 (TM) Participants Badges Class Announcements Welcome and Orientation Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Closing Elements My courses My home
  • 11. ADMINISTRATION Grade administration Course administration My profile settings MESSAGES No messages waiting Messages 600 S. Cherry St., Suite 520, Denver, CO, 80246 Toll-Free US & Can: 1-800-437-0413 Worldwide: 303-785-8864 | Fax: 303-785-8893 BridgeTEFL is a division of Bridge Education Group, Inc. d/b/a Bridge. Copyright © 2016 Bridge Education Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. You are logged in as Deepak Singh (Log out) IO Jan 21 (TM) Overview report User report