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                        LET’S TALK:
                        Social Media ROI

   With Connie Bensen

Creating Products
They Want:
Consumer Driven
Innovation via Social
Media Monitoring

8th in the Social Media ROI Series

Authored in Conjunction with Deb Robinson
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Executive Summary:

A company’s prime objective is to take a product to market and sell as much as possible. Imagine if the product was not only snapped up,
but consumers eagerly recommended it to their friends. This would significantly reduce the company’s marketing and public relations costs.

Whether a product is in its conceptual phase or near refinement, it is important to consider the wealth of insight available in social networks.
A social media monitoring tool can gather the conversations and tap into the collective intellect of consumers at large. It provides brands
with the opportunity to learn directly from their customers, target markets, that of competitors and the industry as a whole. In addition,
companies can take it to the next level and invite their advocates to give their input and help them create new products. In this world of
emerging media and technologies, users expect to be more engaged with the companies that make their products of choice.

Dell is an excellent example of how a brand can gather and utilize customer’s ideas. In 2007 Dell implemented IdeaStorm, a social media
outreach project. Dell consumers provided invaluable feedback and voted on their favorite ideas. While listening to their customers, Dell
was able to create customized PCs that met the needs of consumers. Since IdeaStorm’s inception, Dell has gathered more than 10,000
ideas and implemented approximately 400 of them. It has allowed them to connect their product development directly to their customers.

This Whitepaper is the 8th in Alterian’s ROI series. Let’s Talk! about using social media monitoring for product development and finding
new markets.

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Introduction                                In order to be successful, companies must maximize their product development cycle and reduce excess
                                            cost. In lean economic times, it becomes more important than ever to leverage the wisdom of the social
                                            web. Can you afford to take a product to market that does not fit what consumers need and want?

                                            A social media monitoring tool provides specific demographic data about consumers as well as the
                                            sentiment around the conversations they’re having. It provides measurable returns by shortening the
                                            product development cycle, creating more saleable products and reducing marketing costs. This white
                                            paper will provide an overview of the following ways that a social media monitoring tool directly impacts
                                            the return on investment in product development:

                                                • Reduce traditional market research costs

                                                • Shorten the product development cycle

                                                • Post-production feedback

                                                • Identify influencers & advocates

                                                • Discover new markets

                                            Objectives of Using Social Media Monitoring for Product Development

                                            The overarching theme of this series of white papers has been listening. It is one of the first places to start
                                            when creating a new product or improving an existing one. It is tempting to limit input to that of the
                                            developers and the engineers. They know what they want to build, but will it be innovative enough to win
                                            over consumers?

                                            Every company should take some time to consider what people are saying online about their brand,
                                            competitors and the industry. Online conversations provide a wealth of information about consumers’
                                            opinions of your brand, products and the direction your company is taking. Many companies are working
                                            directly with consumers to improve their products by gathering feedback from online conversations during
                                            the development phases and at pre- and post- release. If there are no conversations about your brand,
                                            then gather industry related conversations; they provide a high-level look at direction that your products
                                            need to go and the differentiators that the market is demanding. Lastly, a social media monitoring tool also
                                            can provide considerable insight into what your competitors are doing. This insight is invaluable when
                                            considering product direction. The next white paper in the ROI series will cover competitive analysis in-

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Reduced traditional                         The social web creates the perfect incubation area for new product ideas. People from all walks of life
market research costs                       gather in social networks such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to share information about their likes and
                                            dislikes of products and brands. Traditional market research relies on surveys, focus groups, filtered content
                                            sources and aggregate data about a particular consumer “profile.” The selection process of the
                                            participants, survey-writing and usage of acquired data are all based on the subjective bias of the
                                            researcher. In addition, traditional market research is very expensive.

                                            In contrast, the organic nature of social media conversations provides unique value. Consumers openly
                                            share information about brands, comparing them and making suggestions in real time. They contribute to
                                            the conversation at large with no reservations or filters in place. Most importantly, they participate because
                                            they want to. Rather than focus groups that are pre-selected, consumers gather in social networks based on
                                            common interests. They are frequently passionate about their beliefs and more than willing to provide
                                            feedback in order to improve the products they use. In many cases, they are so knowledgeable and
                                            influential that they are selling the brands’ products for them.

                                            A social media monitoring tool allows one to segment the data and identify demographic trends around a

                                            The following Theme Clouds show the words that women used in regard to McDonald’s McCafe products.
                                            The larger the word, the more frequently they were used in the conversations about the brand. The second
                                            diagram shows how each word can be drilled in to view specific results and gather direct feedback.

                                            The following words offer excellent opportunities to gather product development ideas: iced, free, mocha,
                                            love, chocolate, breakfast, tea, vanilla and cheese.

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Shorten the product                         A traditional product development cycle can take many quarters, if not years, and the investment of
development cycle                           resources considerably increases the cost of a product. This excess needs to be recouped when the
                                            product is taken to market. It is now possible to shorten the development cycle and, at the same time,
                                            increase the probability of having a more successful product life cycle.

                                            Again, the answer lies in having the product team listen to online communities. Consumers are more likely
                                            to provide feedback, and it is the perfect opportunity for the product team not only to listen, but also to
                                            participate. This will reduce the time needed to research new product ideas, vet feature lists (provide the
                                            opportunity to vote) and test the pre-release version (beta). Many companies find that when they engage
                                            their customers, not only do they lower production costs, but they build brand loyalty and generate
                                            excitement about the product.

                                            When consumers talk about the products you are creating and express their anticipation, they can reduce
                                            your marketing costs significantly. Consumers will share their excitement with their friends, which builds
                                            your brand visibility. This phenomenon can greatly assist with your information gathering phase as your
                                            informal online focus group grows.

                                            For example, a brand can create a private or public community and use a social monitoring tool to identify
                                            main themes and sentiment. Many social media monitoring tools allow the ability to add custom RSS feeds.
                                            This allows you to analyze the content of the conversations. Specific topics of concern to the user
                                            community can be identified. It also offers the ability to see patterns in feedback on sentiment about the

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
  Social Media Monitoring

  The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

  Post-production feedback There are additional benefits from utilizing the social web; once the product is on the market loyal
                                              customers engage others by sharing their experiences with the production process. These brand advocates
                                              are influential because they had direct experience in the creation of the products. Consumers shopping
                                              online are more likely to purchase a product when it is recommended by a friend; this is especially true if
                                              the friend helped in the product development phase.

                                              Additionally, post-production feedback can help work out any bugs. Loyal followers who were part of the
                                              process will reassure those with concerns. They can confidently speak on behalf of the company, thus
                                              preventing customer backlash and negative feedback when there is a problem.

                                                                       Toyota provides a great example of failing to listen and refusing to address negative
With a strong online community,                                        feedback. When the public heard Toyota was trying to save money by not recalling
self-support among the                                                 defective cars, the outrage developed into thousands of comments, discussions and
                                                                       articles across the internet. Toyota’s failure to listen and build a community was not only a
community members reduces
                                                                       missed opportunity in terms of product development, but a costly mistake when the public
customer service costs and helps                                       learned of the product recall. Through listening to customer feedback earlier, Toyota would
a brand identify negative and                                          have saved more money and prevented the costly response from consumers.
positive tone.
                                                            Another benefit of post-production feedback is that real-time feedback enables companies
                                                            to make changes in the supply chain. Brands no longer need to wait months to see the
                                                            fruits of market research. Changes to a product can be made at iteration based on
                                              consumer feedback. With a strong online community, self-support among the community members
                                              reduces customer service costs and helps a brand identify negative and positive tone.

                                              The following chart shows the tone of the results. The negative ones offer the obvious place to dig into. It’s
                                              also important to not overlook the positive ones. They will provide many clues as to what is effective along
                                              with hints as to what additional features consumers desire.

  © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Identify influencers                        The ability to find influencers and engage with them and their communities takes product development to
& advocates                                 the next level. As you work with them to understand their needs, you build customer loyalty in addition to
                                            developing a better product.

                                            Influencers, also known as brand champions, are out there promoting your product, and identifying them is
                                            key. Reviewing the demographic data associated with the search results can help you learn who and where
                                            they are. Prospects are more likely to adopt your product if they read a peer review or get a reference from
                                            family or friends.

                                            Relationships with influencers and online communities are based on trust. People buy products when they
                                            learn from others’ positive experiences. By following influencers and their communities, companies can
                                            expand their reach as they learn the sentiment towards a product, as well as the demographics and
                                            geography of those who use it. This information can be used to create customer profiles.

                                            A review of the domains where your product is most frequently being discussed will pinpoint online
                                            communities that can provide assistance with product development.

                                                 Case Study: Microsoft Crowdsources LiveWriter
                                                 In 2007 Connie Bensen was blogging about effective online social media
                                                 tools. She blogged about LiveWriter, a Microsoft product in beta. Her
                                                 community experienced some problems and left comments on the post.

                                                 Sean O’Driscoll, GM of Marketing at Microsoft, was listening to the social
                                                 channels. He commented on the blog post and forwarded it to the development team. The lead
                                                 developer contacted Connie and asked for suggestions on what would make the tool better. Connie
                                                 surveyed the community and compiled a list of problems and feature requests.

                                                 One morning Connie awoke to a message on Facebook from the lead developer of LiveWriter
                                                 letting her know about the changes they had made to the updated release that had just come out,
                                                 including changes they made based on her suggestions and those of her community.

                                                 This simple note resulted in Connie heavily advocating for LiveWriter. She blogs about it on a regular
                                                 basis as a must have tool. She has also continued providing feedback.

                                                 Key Takeaway: Microsoft not only listened, responded and requested feedback, but most
                                                 importantly, they followed through! This created an advocate that has been influencing people to
                                                 use the product for three years!

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

Discover new markets                        Are you interested in new markets? Social media monitoring reveals potential markets by identifying
                                            demographics and online communities with a need for your products. It is important to set up broad
                                            searches for industry keywords. Don’t limit the language to specific brands, but include products and
                                            features. A social media monitoring tool can also help you identify unexpected uses of your products.

Conclusion                                  Social Media Marketing provides key data that enables a company to refine a product and expand its reach
                                            at the same time. Listening to your market and online communities helps guide market research and
                                            customer engagement in the process, and it builds brand loyalty for post-production. Having been
                                            involved in the product development process, many influencers will sell your product for you. Beyond
                                            developing existing products and markets, using a social media monitoring tool leads to identifying new
                                            markets. Instead of limiting idea generation to an internal team and costly market research, the ability to
                                            leverage existing online conversations leads to innovative products that consumers need and want.

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Consumer Driven Innovation via
Social Media Monitoring

The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool

About the “Let’s                            Social Media marketing is providing a whole new dimension for brands to connect with consumers. The
Talk” Series with                           social web is a vast entity and every marketer needs a tool to harness the information in the most cost
Connie Bensen                               effective and efficient manner. A social media monitoring tool offers the ability to maximize the digital
                                            portion of your marketing budget in order to create, execute, measure and report on a social media

                                            The Let's Talk Series, by Connie Bensen, is a series of 10 whitepapers describing the variety of ways that
                                            marketers can increase the ROI of their marketing efforts. Topics will include how to use a social media
                                            monitoring tool for SEO, Lead Generation, Social Media campaigns, Customer Service, Competitive
                                            Insight, Corporate marketing, PR and reputation management, etc.

                                            Connie is the Director of Social Media and Community Strategy at Alterian, which provides marketing
                                            software to help brands engage with their customers. She is a key voice amongst online Community
                                            Managers. Her blog, is recognized as a leading resource for cultivating online
                                            communities, providing best practices for this emerging role and it is listed in as one of the 20
                                            Best Marketing and Social Media Blogs by Women.

                                                                     The 8th paper in the ROI series was written in conjunction with Deb Robinson. Deb is an
SM2 Social Media                                                     emerging media consultant who helps organizations integrate and build new media
                                                                     communications plans and strategy. She is an early-adopter, trail runner, and baker, and
Monitoring (SMM)                                                     she lives in Denver, CO.

                                                              Alterian’s SM2 is a social media monitoring and analysis solution designed for PR and
                                                              Marketing professionals. SM2 helps you track conversations, review positive/negative
                                            sentiment for your brand, clients, competitors and partners across social media channels such as blogs,
                                            wikis, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo sharing sites and real-time alerts.

About Alterian                              Alterian (LSE: ALN) empowers organizations to create relevant, effective and engaging experiences with
                                            their audience that help build value and reinforce commitment to their brand, through the use of the
                                            Alterian Integrated Marketing Platform. Alterian drives the transformation of marketing and
                                            communications, making it practical and cost-effective for companies to orchestrate multichannel
                                            engagement with the individual.

                                            Alterian’s unprecedented integration of analytics, content and execution through industry leading tools,
                                            such as the Dynamic Messenger email platform, SM2 Social Media Monitoring platform and the award
                                            winning Content Management solutions, enables companies to build integrated communication strategies
                                            which create a true picture of the individual.

                                            Alterian works with marketing services partners, system integrators and agencies who recognize the need
                                            to plan and deliver coordinated customer engagement services in partnership with their clients. For more
                                            information about Alterian, products within the Alterian Integrated Marketing Platform or Alterian’s Partner
                                            Network, visit or the Alterian blog at

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
White Paper

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Twitter:      @Alterian





iTunes:       Alterian’s Leadership Series





© Alterian 2010

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Creating Products They Want: Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring

  • 1. Whitepaper LET’S TALK: Social Media ROI With Connie Bensen Creating Products They Want: Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring 8th in the Social Media ROI Series Authored in Conjunction with Deb Robinson
  • 2. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Executive Summary: A company’s prime objective is to take a product to market and sell as much as possible. Imagine if the product was not only snapped up, but consumers eagerly recommended it to their friends. This would significantly reduce the company’s marketing and public relations costs. Whether a product is in its conceptual phase or near refinement, it is important to consider the wealth of insight available in social networks. A social media monitoring tool can gather the conversations and tap into the collective intellect of consumers at large. It provides brands with the opportunity to learn directly from their customers, target markets, that of competitors and the industry as a whole. In addition, companies can take it to the next level and invite their advocates to give their input and help them create new products. In this world of emerging media and technologies, users expect to be more engaged with the companies that make their products of choice. Dell is an excellent example of how a brand can gather and utilize customer’s ideas. In 2007 Dell implemented IdeaStorm, a social media outreach project. Dell consumers provided invaluable feedback and voted on their favorite ideas. While listening to their customers, Dell was able to create customized PCs that met the needs of consumers. Since IdeaStorm’s inception, Dell has gathered more than 10,000 ideas and implemented approximately 400 of them. It has allowed them to connect their product development directly to their customers. This Whitepaper is the 8th in Alterian’s ROI series. Let’s Talk! about using social media monitoring for product development and finding new markets. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 3. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Introduction In order to be successful, companies must maximize their product development cycle and reduce excess cost. In lean economic times, it becomes more important than ever to leverage the wisdom of the social web. Can you afford to take a product to market that does not fit what consumers need and want? A social media monitoring tool provides specific demographic data about consumers as well as the sentiment around the conversations they’re having. It provides measurable returns by shortening the product development cycle, creating more saleable products and reducing marketing costs. This white paper will provide an overview of the following ways that a social media monitoring tool directly impacts the return on investment in product development: • Reduce traditional market research costs • Shorten the product development cycle • Post-production feedback • Identify influencers & advocates • Discover new markets Objectives of Using Social Media Monitoring for Product Development The overarching theme of this series of white papers has been listening. It is one of the first places to start when creating a new product or improving an existing one. It is tempting to limit input to that of the developers and the engineers. They know what they want to build, but will it be innovative enough to win over consumers? Every company should take some time to consider what people are saying online about their brand, competitors and the industry. Online conversations provide a wealth of information about consumers’ opinions of your brand, products and the direction your company is taking. Many companies are working directly with consumers to improve their products by gathering feedback from online conversations during the development phases and at pre- and post- release. If there are no conversations about your brand, then gather industry related conversations; they provide a high-level look at direction that your products need to go and the differentiators that the market is demanding. Lastly, a social media monitoring tool also can provide considerable insight into what your competitors are doing. This insight is invaluable when considering product direction. The next white paper in the ROI series will cover competitive analysis in- depth. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 4. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Reduced traditional The social web creates the perfect incubation area for new product ideas. People from all walks of life market research costs gather in social networks such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to share information about their likes and dislikes of products and brands. Traditional market research relies on surveys, focus groups, filtered content sources and aggregate data about a particular consumer “profile.” The selection process of the participants, survey-writing and usage of acquired data are all based on the subjective bias of the researcher. In addition, traditional market research is very expensive. In contrast, the organic nature of social media conversations provides unique value. Consumers openly share information about brands, comparing them and making suggestions in real time. They contribute to the conversation at large with no reservations or filters in place. Most importantly, they participate because they want to. Rather than focus groups that are pre-selected, consumers gather in social networks based on common interests. They are frequently passionate about their beliefs and more than willing to provide feedback in order to improve the products they use. In many cases, they are so knowledgeable and influential that they are selling the brands’ products for them. A social media monitoring tool allows one to segment the data and identify demographic trends around a brand. The following Theme Clouds show the words that women used in regard to McDonald’s McCafe products. The larger the word, the more frequently they were used in the conversations about the brand. The second diagram shows how each word can be drilled in to view specific results and gather direct feedback. The following words offer excellent opportunities to gather product development ideas: iced, free, mocha, love, chocolate, breakfast, tea, vanilla and cheese. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 5. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Shorten the product A traditional product development cycle can take many quarters, if not years, and the investment of development cycle resources considerably increases the cost of a product. This excess needs to be recouped when the product is taken to market. It is now possible to shorten the development cycle and, at the same time, increase the probability of having a more successful product life cycle. Again, the answer lies in having the product team listen to online communities. Consumers are more likely to provide feedback, and it is the perfect opportunity for the product team not only to listen, but also to participate. This will reduce the time needed to research new product ideas, vet feature lists (provide the opportunity to vote) and test the pre-release version (beta). Many companies find that when they engage their customers, not only do they lower production costs, but they build brand loyalty and generate excitement about the product. When consumers talk about the products you are creating and express their anticipation, they can reduce your marketing costs significantly. Consumers will share their excitement with their friends, which builds your brand visibility. This phenomenon can greatly assist with your information gathering phase as your informal online focus group grows. For example, a brand can create a private or public community and use a social monitoring tool to identify main themes and sentiment. Many social media monitoring tools allow the ability to add custom RSS feeds. This allows you to analyze the content of the conversations. Specific topics of concern to the user community can be identified. It also offers the ability to see patterns in feedback on sentiment about the products. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 6. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Post-production feedback There are additional benefits from utilizing the social web; once the product is on the market loyal customers engage others by sharing their experiences with the production process. These brand advocates are influential because they had direct experience in the creation of the products. Consumers shopping online are more likely to purchase a product when it is recommended by a friend; this is especially true if the friend helped in the product development phase. Additionally, post-production feedback can help work out any bugs. Loyal followers who were part of the process will reassure those with concerns. They can confidently speak on behalf of the company, thus preventing customer backlash and negative feedback when there is a problem. Toyota provides a great example of failing to listen and refusing to address negative With a strong online community, feedback. When the public heard Toyota was trying to save money by not recalling self-support among the defective cars, the outrage developed into thousands of comments, discussions and articles across the internet. Toyota’s failure to listen and build a community was not only a community members reduces missed opportunity in terms of product development, but a costly mistake when the public customer service costs and helps learned of the product recall. Through listening to customer feedback earlier, Toyota would a brand identify negative and have saved more money and prevented the costly response from consumers. positive tone. Another benefit of post-production feedback is that real-time feedback enables companies to make changes in the supply chain. Brands no longer need to wait months to see the fruits of market research. Changes to a product can be made at iteration based on consumer feedback. With a strong online community, self-support among the community members reduces customer service costs and helps a brand identify negative and positive tone. The following chart shows the tone of the results. The negative ones offer the obvious place to dig into. It’s also important to not overlook the positive ones. They will provide many clues as to what is effective along with hints as to what additional features consumers desire. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 7. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Identify influencers The ability to find influencers and engage with them and their communities takes product development to & advocates the next level. As you work with them to understand their needs, you build customer loyalty in addition to developing a better product. Influencers, also known as brand champions, are out there promoting your product, and identifying them is key. Reviewing the demographic data associated with the search results can help you learn who and where they are. Prospects are more likely to adopt your product if they read a peer review or get a reference from family or friends. Relationships with influencers and online communities are based on trust. People buy products when they learn from others’ positive experiences. By following influencers and their communities, companies can expand their reach as they learn the sentiment towards a product, as well as the demographics and geography of those who use it. This information can be used to create customer profiles. A review of the domains where your product is most frequently being discussed will pinpoint online communities that can provide assistance with product development. Case Study: Microsoft Crowdsources LiveWriter Development In 2007 Connie Bensen was blogging about effective online social media tools. She blogged about LiveWriter, a Microsoft product in beta. Her community experienced some problems and left comments on the post. Sean O’Driscoll, GM of Marketing at Microsoft, was listening to the social channels. He commented on the blog post and forwarded it to the development team. The lead developer contacted Connie and asked for suggestions on what would make the tool better. Connie surveyed the community and compiled a list of problems and feature requests. One morning Connie awoke to a message on Facebook from the lead developer of LiveWriter letting her know about the changes they had made to the updated release that had just come out, including changes they made based on her suggestions and those of her community. This simple note resulted in Connie heavily advocating for LiveWriter. She blogs about it on a regular basis as a must have tool. She has also continued providing feedback. Key Takeaway: Microsoft not only listened, responded and requested feedback, but most importantly, they followed through! This created an advocate that has been influencing people to use the product for three years! © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 8. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool Discover new markets Are you interested in new markets? Social media monitoring reveals potential markets by identifying demographics and online communities with a need for your products. It is important to set up broad searches for industry keywords. Don’t limit the language to specific brands, but include products and features. A social media monitoring tool can also help you identify unexpected uses of your products. Conclusion Social Media Marketing provides key data that enables a company to refine a product and expand its reach at the same time. Listening to your market and online communities helps guide market research and customer engagement in the process, and it builds brand loyalty for post-production. Having been involved in the product development process, many influencers will sell your product for you. Beyond developing existing products and markets, using a social media monitoring tool leads to identifying new markets. Instead of limiting idea generation to an internal team and costly market research, the ability to leverage existing online conversations leads to innovative products that consumers need and want. © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 9. Consumer Driven Innovation via Social Media Monitoring The ROI of Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool About the “Let’s Social Media marketing is providing a whole new dimension for brands to connect with consumers. The Talk” Series with social web is a vast entity and every marketer needs a tool to harness the information in the most cost Connie Bensen effective and efficient manner. A social media monitoring tool offers the ability to maximize the digital portion of your marketing budget in order to create, execute, measure and report on a social media strategy. The Let's Talk Series, by Connie Bensen, is a series of 10 whitepapers describing the variety of ways that marketers can increase the ROI of their marketing efforts. Topics will include how to use a social media monitoring tool for SEO, Lead Generation, Social Media campaigns, Customer Service, Competitive Insight, Corporate marketing, PR and reputation management, etc. Connie is the Director of Social Media and Community Strategy at Alterian, which provides marketing software to help brands engage with their customers. She is a key voice amongst online Community Managers. Her blog, is recognized as a leading resource for cultivating online communities, providing best practices for this emerging role and it is listed in as one of the 20 Best Marketing and Social Media Blogs by Women. The 8th paper in the ROI series was written in conjunction with Deb Robinson. Deb is an SM2 Social Media emerging media consultant who helps organizations integrate and build new media communications plans and strategy. She is an early-adopter, trail runner, and baker, and Monitoring (SMM) she lives in Denver, CO. Alterian’s SM2 is a social media monitoring and analysis solution designed for PR and Marketing professionals. SM2 helps you track conversations, review positive/negative sentiment for your brand, clients, competitors and partners across social media channels such as blogs, wikis, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo sharing sites and real-time alerts. About Alterian Alterian (LSE: ALN) empowers organizations to create relevant, effective and engaging experiences with their audience that help build value and reinforce commitment to their brand, through the use of the Alterian Integrated Marketing Platform. Alterian drives the transformation of marketing and communications, making it practical and cost-effective for companies to orchestrate multichannel engagement with the individual. Alterian’s unprecedented integration of analytics, content and execution through industry leading tools, such as the Dynamic Messenger email platform, SM2 Social Media Monitoring platform and the award winning Content Management solutions, enables companies to build integrated communication strategies which create a true picture of the individual. Alterian works with marketing services partners, system integrators and agencies who recognize the need to plan and deliver coordinated customer engagement services in partnership with their clients. For more information about Alterian, products within the Alterian Integrated Marketing Platform or Alterian’s Partner Network, visit or the Alterian blog at © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
  • 10. White Paper Corporate and North American European Headquarters Headquarters T +1 312 704 1700 T +44 (0) 117 970 3200 Other Contacts Website: Email: Twitter: @Alterian YouTube: uStream: LinkedIn: SlideShare: iTunes: Alterian’s Leadership Series Blogs: E W © Alterian 2010