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Institutions and
Social Media
                   Melanie Taylor
                   Vice President
                    October 2012
2                                  HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                   OCTOBER 2012

    Table of Contents
    The Purpose of this POV                                                         3

    What are the FINRA regulations and what do they mean?                           4

    Third-Party Moderation Partners                                                 6

    How are financial institutions currently using social media?                    8

    Recommendations for activating social networks for financial institutions       12

    Resources                                                                       13

    About Social@Ogilvy                                                             14
3                                         HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                              OCTOBER 2012

The Purpose of this POV

     his POV is here to provide guidance               rules and regulations from state regulators,
     on how financial and investment                   the SEC and FINRA. These rules require all
     management institutions can use                   activity related to the business to be recorded
social media to drive business relationships           and archived, and requires the firm to create
in compliance with strict government                   defined policies and procedures.
                                                       There are several software companies that
Summary                                                have developed archival and compliance
                                                       solutions for financial institutions. We evaluate
Like other industries, financial firms have            some leading providers here, as well as some
been eager to leverage the popularity of social        guidance on choosing a provider. Many banks
media to service their business. However, to           and investment management firms have
ensure that investors are protected from false         already created a social media presence with
or misleading claims and representations, and          different objectives and employee roll-out
firms are able to effectively and appropriately        plans. We can learn from their experience
supervise their associated persons’                    and help firms create the best plan for their
participation in social media sites, the financial     organization.
industry is subject to strict communications
4                                       HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                            OCTOBER 2012

What are the FINRA regulations
and what do they mean?

      ased on FINRA guidelines from 2010 and 2011, recent rulings by the SEC and
      a state regulator’s deficiency letter obtained by Thomson Reuters in May
      2012, we have compiled the following summary of what the rules mean for
a financial services firm that wants to participate in social media. Although these
mostly apply to investment firms and brokerages, retail banks that sell securities
also must comply with these rules.

            1	 Record-keeping. Every firm            2	 Suitability (recommendations
               that intends to communicate, or          to customers) responsibilities.
               permit its associated persons            NASD Rule 2310 states that the
               to communicate, through social           person receiving an investment
               media sites must first ensure            recommendation must be
               that it can retain records               suitable for it. That means that
               of those communications.                 an untargeted social media post
               Firms cannot delete, and                 or communication that goes
               must archive, all social media           to a large group (like LinkedIn
               activities. There is software            connections), must be suitable
               available to help with that,             for all of them. An important
               discussed within.                        factor in this regard is whether
                                                        a particular communication
                                                        from a broker-dealer to a
                                                        customer reasonably would
                                                        be viewed as a “call to action.”
                                                        For example, some states have
                                                        ruled that “Liking” a brand on
                                                        Facebook can be seen as a
5                                       HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                            OCTOBER 2012

3	 Pre-approval of Content.      4	 Supervision of social                    5	 Third-party posts. Social
   All static content (such as      media sites. Firms are                      media posts from third
   Facebook and LinkedIn            required to supervise                       parties are not considered
   profiles) requires               interactive communication                   communications from a
   documented pre-approval          on social media sites                       firm unless the firm has
   before posting. A static         and adopt policies to                       endorsed or is involved
   posting is deemed an             stay in compliance with                     in the preparation of the
   “advertisement” under            FINRA guidelines. For                       content. This means that
   NASD Rule 2210 and               example, firms may adopt                    firms are not responsible
   therefore requires a             procedures that require                     for what others say or
   registered principal to          principal review of some                    claim about their products
   approve the posting prior        or all interactive electronic               and services, unless they
   to use. Interactive content      communications prior to                     actively involve themselves
   (the stream of updates           use, or may adopt various                   with the third-party
   to Twitter, LinkedIn,            methods of post-use                         content. Under certain
   Facebook wall content and        review, including sampling                  circumstances, however,
   other networks) doesn’t          and lexicon-based search                    third-party posts may
   need vetting, but must be        methodologies.                              become attributable to the
   supervised — sampled                                                         firm. Whether third-party
   regularly after posting,                                                     content is attributable to a
   for compliance violations.                                                   firm depends on whether
   These rules apply to all                                                     the firm has (1) involved
   content of a business                                                        itself in the preparation of
   nature, whether from an                                                      the content or (2) explicitly
   official company account                                                     or implicitly endorsed or
   or an employee’s own                                                         approved the content.
   personal account.
6                                        HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                             OCTOBER 2012

Third-Party Moderation Partners

  n order to maintain compliance with all             1	 What types of archiving and compliance
  of these rules and regulations (archives,              software is your organization already using
  moderation, approved posts), savvy financial           for online communications?
services firms are partnering with one of
several Web-based software providers to               2	 How many employees need access to the
help automate these required processes.                  software?
Some vendors support the archiving process,
others focus on compliance, and a few do both         3	 What platforms do you need to archive?
(most of these platforms work through proxy
redirect, so will only work when employees            4	 Do you also need content library
access these sites from the office – though              capabilities?
some are expanding to include coverage from
mobile devices, as well.) Choosing a provider         Following is a summary of some top providers.
should be based on several things:

        Compliance and Archiving                      Compliance and Archiving

        Works exclusively with financial              Archiving Only
        companies, which ensures tight
        compliance with all new rulings. They
        also archive all social media activity
        and provide a pre- and post-approval          Offers a full service solution for financial
        support system. There is an additional        firms that need archiving, monitoring,
        social media relationship offering that       maintaining and surveillance of the
        tracks engagement metrics.                    activities on social media. Arkovi’s
                                                      compliance tools also enable the
                                                      capture, policy enforcement and pre-
                                                      review of LI, TW, and FB with automatic
                                                      export to our email archiving partners,
                                                      for archiving, supervision, eDiscovery
                                                      and audits.
7                                       HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                            OCTOBER 2012

Compliance only                   Compliance and Archiving                   Compliance and Archiving

A compliance and analytics        Captures and maintains posts               Archiving Only
service provider. The analytics   for the five key platforms.
module allows a user to do        Clients can also opt for
a deep dive into all social       content libraries, and get
platforms, to determine           support from any device or                 Smarsh provides compliance
overall reach and strength of     interface. They can capture                and archiving tools similar
individual posts. Can set up      advisor updates for post-                  to other platforms. The
pre-approved content, and         approval. Hearsay can either               difference for them is
there is a lexicon library for    retain the data it captures                security. They own and
original posts. Rather than       or push it out to a client’s               maintain all their own servers
archive data, they push the       system. Uniquely allows                    that archive a company’s
records to a firm’s content       clients to choose features a la            data. They also support posts
management platform. Plus,        carte.                                     for Salesforce Chatter, Jive
they have an Android mobile                                                  and Yammer, in addition to
application.                                                                 Facebook, Linkedin, and
8                                      HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                           OCTOBER 2012

How are financial institutions
currently using social media?

        any financial services firms have           moderated and archived by financial firms,
        tested social media activations within      and posts must be pre-approved, often in the
        the FINRA guidelines, with some             form of a content library for employees to
success. There have been two approaches             choose from, some firms are able to attribute
that firms have embraced: (1) brand-led and         some business success from social media
(2) employee-led. And many firms are testing        engagement.
the waters of both. Because brokers/advisors
are the sales generators and often the face         Morgan Stanley Smith Barney has been slowly
of a firm, activating their networks can be         rolling out access to Twitter and LinkedIn,
more beneficial than a corporate-voiced             using the Socialware platform to provide pre-
social platform. However, having multiple           approved posts. Many pre-approved posts
touch points opens up exposure to risk and          include links to original content found on the
compliance issues, and therefore, may not           corporate website, or public content from
be the best way of beginning a social media         other financial news provider sites. All brokers
program for a firm. Although all profiles on        use the letters MSSB in their Twitter handle,
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are required                                 branded wallpaper
to be                                                                       and link to their profile
                                                                             pages on the Morgan
                                                                             Stanley website.
                                                                              They use previously
                                                                              approved language on
                                                                              their LinkedIn pages
                                                                              after a personal
9                                     HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                          OCTOBER 2012

Have you gained new clients
through engagement on LinkedIn?

                                                     Corresponding gain in assets under
                                                     management from new clients

                                                            Less than $500K

  38%                                                       $500 to $999
                                        62%                  20%
                                                            $1M to $4.9M

                                                            More than $5M

                                                            Source: LinkedIn, 2012

The consensus so far in Morgan Stanley is that     Like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs has
Twitter is helping brokers stay connected to       steered clear of Facebook activity on behalf of
their clients with newsworthy and informative      the brand. This is likely due to the challenge
updates, but they are having more business         of managing negative comments posted to the
luck with LinkedIn ,where one agent reported       wall. Goldman Sachs has instead branched out
bringing in over $10MM worth of business,          to use YouTube to reach their target audience
due to connections leading to conversations.       on a social platform. However, they do not
This is supported with research done by            allow comments on their videos, therefore
LinkedIn, showing more than 60% of financial       eliminating the social engagement. The videos
consultants were using the platform to find        do remain shareable. Goldman Sachs also
new prospects.                                     uses Twitter (they launched in May 2012) and
                                                   a company page on LinkedIn. Their social
                                                   media goals are more about building thought
                                                   leadership and brand visibility (based on their
                                                   Social Media Manager job posting).
10                                      HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                           OCTOBER 2012

One investment brokerage that maintains an          Several banks, like Deutsche Bank and Wells
active presence on Facebook is Vanguard,            Fargo, also engage with social media. Wells
which was the first brand to lead the way           Fargo has allowed some mortgage bankers
in social media in 2010, just as the SEC and        to have Facebook pages to communicate with
FINRA released their guidelines. However,           homeowners. Other banks, like Deutshe Bank,
their Facebook page does have some negative         have identified leaders to be the voice of the
comments on the small section of the                brand in social media. All of these selected
Timeline designated for external wall posts.        people are using pre-approved posts, and
A Vanguard representative usually responds          following strict social media policies per the
with a comment to help solve the problems           FINRA guidelines.
regarding issues with funds or process, but
specific investment complaints are left without
a response.
11                                     HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                          OCTOBER 2012

Social@Ogilvy has worked with Citizen’s            Another option to engage socially without
Bank to create those pre-approved posts            using social platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn
that the compliance team approves. We used         is to create an Influencer Network to help
a risk response matrix to identify strategic       extend the reach of a message online, or to
opportunities for the brand to join the            provide feedback to the financial institution.
conversation, and defined the best ways to do      Social@Ogilvy helped TDAmeritrade do just
that.                                              that when they were launching their Investools
                                                   products. Using our Influencer Relationship
                                                   Management process, we created a network of
                                                   online influencers that actively blogged about
                                                   the financial industry, to help TDAmeritrade
                                                   create their online tools offering.
12                                       HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                            OCTOBER 2012

Recommendations for activating
social networks for financial

         e believe that there is a huge              3	 Develop a social media strategy with
         opportunity for financial services             defined and measurable goals to
         to use social media to help grow               demonstrate the impact on the business;
their businesses through a strategic use of             it’s not just about launching a Twitter page.
engagement tactics, while remaining within
all government regulations. The following are        4	 Create a pre-approved content library to
key steps to creating a social presence for your        activate in social channels (if applicable).
brand:                                                  Then, develop a process to keep it relevant
                                                        with timely updates.
1	 Develop detailed enterprise-wide social
   media policies and guidelines. Then,              5	 Support the program with a detailed
   develop a training program to ensure that            moderation plan to ensure compliance for
   all employees are aware of the policies in           all employees across all platforms.
   place and the reasons why.
                                                     Want to get started immediately? Contact your
2	 Choose an archiving partner to meet               Ogilvy partner representative for additional
   FINRA and SEC retention guidelines for            details, project management schedules and
   eDiscovery. Social@Ogilvy can help you            executing a scope of work.
   choose the best one for your social media
   plans and your organization size.
13                                    HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                         OCTOBER 2012

Resources                               Dealbook/New York Times Online, On Wall St.,
                                                  Keeping a Tight Rein on Twitter, W. Alden, Mar
Harvard Business Review: Online, Social Media     21, 2012
Compliance Isn’t Fun, But It’s Necessary
R. Holmes, Aug 23, 2012     wall-st-keeping-a-tight-rein-on-twitter/
html                                              FTI Consulting, http://www.fticonsulting.
                                                  com/global2/media/collateral/united-states/, Creating a FINRA-Friendly           financial-advisors-use-of-social-media-
Social Media Plan, S. Opplinger, Mar              moves-from-early-adoption-to-mainstream.
27, 2012                 pdf
media-p/232700252                                 Fourth Source: Why the financial sector has
                                                  turned its back on social media marketing, A.                                  Cooper, Aug 2, 2012
Notices/2010/P120760                              why-financial-sector-turned-back-social-                  media-marketing-10018
notices/p120779.pdf                     , Got the Social                  Media Spins? Help Is On The Way, L. Barack,
industry/@ip/@reg/@notice/documents/              Feb 2, 2012
notices/p124186.pdf                               resources-amp-community/got-social-
Thomson Reuters Online: State regulator’s
deficiency letter offers clues for social-        http://www.securitiesarbitrationlawblog.
media policies, J. Wallace, May 29, 2012          com/?p=60
About Social@Ogilvy

      ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications
      network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social
      Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice
leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy  Mather disciplines,
offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business
solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social
Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM;
Social Care; and Conversation Impact.

For more information, visit and connect with
us at,

Contact: and

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Financial Institutions and Social Media

  • 1. Financial Institutions and Social Media Melanie Taylor Vice President October 2012
  • 2. 2 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Table of Contents The Purpose of this POV 3 What are the FINRA regulations and what do they mean? 4 Third-Party Moderation Partners 6 How are financial institutions currently using social media? 8 Recommendations for activating social networks for financial institutions 12 Resources 13 About Social@Ogilvy 14
  • 3. 3 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 The Purpose of this POV T his POV is here to provide guidance rules and regulations from state regulators, on how financial and investment the SEC and FINRA. These rules require all management institutions can use activity related to the business to be recorded social media to drive business relationships and archived, and requires the firm to create in compliance with strict government defined policies and procedures. regulations. There are several software companies that Summary have developed archival and compliance solutions for financial institutions. We evaluate Like other industries, financial firms have some leading providers here, as well as some been eager to leverage the popularity of social guidance on choosing a provider. Many banks media to service their business. However, to and investment management firms have ensure that investors are protected from false already created a social media presence with or misleading claims and representations, and different objectives and employee roll-out firms are able to effectively and appropriately plans. We can learn from their experience supervise their associated persons’ and help firms create the best plan for their participation in social media sites, the financial organization. industry is subject to strict communications
  • 4. 4 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 What are the FINRA regulations and what do they mean? B ased on FINRA guidelines from 2010 and 2011, recent rulings by the SEC and a state regulator’s deficiency letter obtained by Thomson Reuters in May 2012, we have compiled the following summary of what the rules mean for a financial services firm that wants to participate in social media. Although these mostly apply to investment firms and brokerages, retail banks that sell securities also must comply with these rules. 1 Record-keeping. Every firm 2 Suitability (recommendations that intends to communicate, or to customers) responsibilities. permit its associated persons NASD Rule 2310 states that the to communicate, through social person receiving an investment media sites must first ensure recommendation must be that it can retain records suitable for it. That means that of those communications. an untargeted social media post Firms cannot delete, and or communication that goes must archive, all social media to a large group (like LinkedIn activities. There is software connections), must be suitable available to help with that, for all of them. An important discussed within. factor in this regard is whether a particular communication from a broker-dealer to a customer reasonably would be viewed as a “call to action.” For example, some states have ruled that “Liking” a brand on Facebook can be seen as a recommendation.
  • 5. 5 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 3 Pre-approval of Content. 4 Supervision of social 5 Third-party posts. Social All static content (such as media sites. Firms are media posts from third Facebook and LinkedIn required to supervise parties are not considered profiles) requires interactive communication communications from a documented pre-approval on social media sites firm unless the firm has before posting. A static and adopt policies to endorsed or is involved posting is deemed an stay in compliance with in the preparation of the “advertisement” under FINRA guidelines. For content. This means that NASD Rule 2210 and example, firms may adopt firms are not responsible therefore requires a procedures that require for what others say or registered principal to principal review of some claim about their products approve the posting prior or all interactive electronic and services, unless they to use. Interactive content communications prior to actively involve themselves (the stream of updates use, or may adopt various with the third-party to Twitter, LinkedIn, methods of post-use content. Under certain Facebook wall content and review, including sampling circumstances, however, other networks) doesn’t and lexicon-based search third-party posts may need vetting, but must be methodologies. become attributable to the supervised — sampled firm. Whether third-party regularly after posting, content is attributable to a for compliance violations. firm depends on whether These rules apply to all the firm has (1) involved content of a business itself in the preparation of nature, whether from an the content or (2) explicitly official company account or implicitly endorsed or or an employee’s own approved the content. personal account.
  • 6. 6 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Third-Party Moderation Partners I n order to maintain compliance with all 1 What types of archiving and compliance of these rules and regulations (archives, software is your organization already using moderation, approved posts), savvy financial for online communications? services firms are partnering with one of several Web-based software providers to 2 How many employees need access to the help automate these required processes. software? Some vendors support the archiving process, others focus on compliance, and a few do both 3 What platforms do you need to archive? (most of these platforms work through proxy redirect, so will only work when employees 4 Do you also need content library access these sites from the office – though capabilities? some are expanding to include coverage from mobile devices, as well.) Choosing a provider Following is a summary of some top providers. should be based on several things: Compliance and Archiving Compliance and Archiving Works exclusively with financial Archiving Only companies, which ensures tight compliance with all new rulings. They also archive all social media activity and provide a pre- and post-approval Offers a full service solution for financial support system. There is an additional firms that need archiving, monitoring, social media relationship offering that maintaining and surveillance of the tracks engagement metrics. activities on social media. Arkovi’s compliance tools also enable the capture, policy enforcement and pre- review of LI, TW, and FB with automatic export to our email archiving partners, for archiving, supervision, eDiscovery and audits.
  • 7. 7 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Compliance only Compliance and Archiving Compliance and Archiving A compliance and analytics Captures and maintains posts Archiving Only service provider. The analytics for the five key platforms. module allows a user to do Clients can also opt for a deep dive into all social content libraries, and get platforms, to determine support from any device or Smarsh provides compliance overall reach and strength of interface. They can capture and archiving tools similar individual posts. Can set up advisor updates for post- to other platforms. The pre-approved content, and approval. Hearsay can either difference for them is there is a lexicon library for retain the data it captures security. They own and original posts. Rather than or push it out to a client’s maintain all their own servers archive data, they push the system. Uniquely allows that archive a company’s records to a firm’s content clients to choose features a la data. They also support posts management platform. Plus, carte. for Salesforce Chatter, Jive they have an Android mobile and Yammer, in addition to application. Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.
  • 8. 8 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 How are financial institutions currently using social media? M any financial services firms have moderated and archived by financial firms, tested social media activations within and posts must be pre-approved, often in the the FINRA guidelines, with some form of a content library for employees to success. There have been two approaches choose from, some firms are able to attribute that firms have embraced: (1) brand-led and some business success from social media (2) employee-led. And many firms are testing engagement. the waters of both. Because brokers/advisors are the sales generators and often the face Morgan Stanley Smith Barney has been slowly of a firm, activating their networks can be rolling out access to Twitter and LinkedIn, more beneficial than a corporate-voiced using the Socialware platform to provide pre- social platform. However, having multiple approved posts. Many pre-approved posts touch points opens up exposure to risk and include links to original content found on the compliance issues, and therefore, may not corporate website, or public content from be the best way of beginning a social media other financial news provider sites. All brokers program for a firm. Although all profiles on use the letters MSSB in their Twitter handle, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are required branded wallpaper to be and link to their profile pages on the Morgan Stanley website. They use previously approved language on their LinkedIn pages after a personal summary.
  • 9. 9 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Have you gained new clients through engagement on LinkedIn? Corresponding gain in assets under management from new clients Less than $500K 42% NO 38% $500 to $999 YES 62% 20% $1M to $4.9M 20% More than $5M 32% 12% Source: LinkedIn, 2012 The consensus so far in Morgan Stanley is that Like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs has Twitter is helping brokers stay connected to steered clear of Facebook activity on behalf of their clients with newsworthy and informative the brand. This is likely due to the challenge updates, but they are having more business of managing negative comments posted to the luck with LinkedIn ,where one agent reported wall. Goldman Sachs has instead branched out bringing in over $10MM worth of business, to use YouTube to reach their target audience due to connections leading to conversations. on a social platform. However, they do not This is supported with research done by allow comments on their videos, therefore LinkedIn, showing more than 60% of financial eliminating the social engagement. The videos consultants were using the platform to find do remain shareable. Goldman Sachs also new prospects. uses Twitter (they launched in May 2012) and a company page on LinkedIn. Their social media goals are more about building thought leadership and brand visibility (based on their Social Media Manager job posting).
  • 10. 10 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 One investment brokerage that maintains an Several banks, like Deutsche Bank and Wells active presence on Facebook is Vanguard, Fargo, also engage with social media. Wells which was the first brand to lead the way Fargo has allowed some mortgage bankers in social media in 2010, just as the SEC and to have Facebook pages to communicate with FINRA released their guidelines. However, homeowners. Other banks, like Deutshe Bank, their Facebook page does have some negative have identified leaders to be the voice of the comments on the small section of the brand in social media. All of these selected Timeline designated for external wall posts. people are using pre-approved posts, and A Vanguard representative usually responds following strict social media policies per the with a comment to help solve the problems FINRA guidelines. regarding issues with funds or process, but specific investment complaints are left without a response.
  • 11. 11 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Social@Ogilvy has worked with Citizen’s Another option to engage socially without Bank to create those pre-approved posts using social platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn that the compliance team approves. We used is to create an Influencer Network to help a risk response matrix to identify strategic extend the reach of a message online, or to opportunities for the brand to join the provide feedback to the financial institution. conversation, and defined the best ways to do Social@Ogilvy helped TDAmeritrade do just that. that when they were launching their Investools products. Using our Influencer Relationship Management process, we created a network of online influencers that actively blogged about the financial industry, to help TDAmeritrade create their online tools offering.
  • 12. 12 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Recommendations for activating social networks for financial institutions W e believe that there is a huge 3 Develop a social media strategy with opportunity for financial services defined and measurable goals to to use social media to help grow demonstrate the impact on the business; their businesses through a strategic use of it’s not just about launching a Twitter page. engagement tactics, while remaining within all government regulations. The following are 4 Create a pre-approved content library to key steps to creating a social presence for your activate in social channels (if applicable). brand: Then, develop a process to keep it relevant with timely updates. 1 Develop detailed enterprise-wide social media policies and guidelines. Then, 5 Support the program with a detailed develop a training program to ensure that moderation plan to ensure compliance for all employees are aware of the policies in all employees across all platforms. place and the reasons why. Want to get started immediately? Contact your 2 Choose an archiving partner to meet Ogilvy partner representative for additional FINRA and SEC retention guidelines for details, project management schedules and eDiscovery. Social@Ogilvy can help you executing a scope of work. choose the best one for your social media plans and your organization size.
  • 13. 13 HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CAN USE SOCIAL MEDIA OCTOBER 2012 Resources Dealbook/New York Times Online, On Wall St., Keeping a Tight Rein on Twitter, W. Alden, Mar Harvard Business Review: Online, Social Media 21, 2012 Compliance Isn’t Fun, But It’s Necessary R. Holmes, Aug 23, 2012 wall-st-keeping-a-tight-rein-on-twitter/ cs/2012/08/social_media_compliance_isnt. html FTI Consulting, http://www.fticonsulting. com/global2/media/collateral/united-states/, Creating a FINRA-Friendly financial-advisors-use-of-social-media- Social Media Plan, S. Opplinger, Mar moves-from-early-adoption-to-mainstream. 27, 2012 pdf channels/creating-a-finra-friendly-social- media-p/232700252 Fourth Source: Why the financial sector has turned its back on social media marketing, A. Cooper, Aug 2, 2012 Notices/2010/P120760 why-financial-sector-turned-back-social- media-marketing-10018 industry/@ip/@reg/@notice/documents/ notices/p120779.pdf, Got the Social Media Spins? Help Is On The Way, L. Barack, industry/@ip/@reg/@notice/documents/ Feb 2, 2012 notices/p124186.pdf resources-amp-community/got-social- media-spins-help-way Thomson Reuters Online: State regulator’s deficiency letter offers clues for social- http://www.securitiesarbitrationlawblog. media policies, J. Wallace, May 29, 2012 com/?p=60 http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters. com/Securities/Insight/2012/05_-_May/ State_regulator_s_deficiency_letter_offers_ clues_for_social-media_policies/
  • 14. About Social@Ogilvy S ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy Mather disciplines, offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM; Social Care; and Conversation Impact. For more information, visit and connect with us at, socialogilvy, Contact: and