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November 2010


                                                           Social Media Marketing
                                                           With more than 500 million people on Facebook, and with media outlets
Content                                                    reporting every day on the brief, sometimes bizarre messages that celebri-
Part 1: Topic Overview                                     ties, politicians and corporations send out on Twitter, it’s clear that social
Part 2: Reasons to Implement
Part 3: Value Drivers                                      media has entered the mainstream. Consumer product companies are
Part 4: Challenges                                         paying their agencies big money to incorporate social media into their
Part 5: Performance Metrics                                marketing campaigns. Retailers have moved beyond customer reviews,
Part 6: Success Story
Part 7: Vendor Landscape                                   and are giving consumers a much larger role in social selling. And you
                                                           can scarcely watch a commercial without seeing the iconic Facebook,
Survey Stats
Benchmark KPIs
Core Technologies
Gleanster Numbers

                                                           Twitter and YouTube icons as part of the message. But the ROI on this
                                                           effort is still squishy at best. Brands are still trying to determine the value
                                                           of a Facebook fan, and there continues to be no consistent barometer of
                                                           success. Given the dearth of reliable data, it’s no wonder that companies
     Rate & Review
                                                           are struggling to determine just how much social media marketing is right
    Related Research                                       for them. And practitioners are left to talk as much about the cost of not
      Tell a Friend                                        participating in social media marketing as of the value of doing so. This
Note: This document is intended for individual
                                                           Gleansight explores what top performing companies are doing – and
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-         measuring – as they make their initial forays into social media marketing
ing on a personal website is in violation of the
terms of use.                                              and how they’re working to achieve their desired business objectives.

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                            2

Survey Stats                                               Part 1: Topic Overview
                                                           With the phenomenal growth of Facebook and the staggering amount of
The research findings featured
in this Gleansight benchmark                               attention paid to Twitter and YouTube, it’s clear that social media marketing
report are derived from the                                is on a rapid growth trajectory. Every day, established brands gain
Q3 2010 Gleanster “Voice                                   footholds on Facebook, lured by the giant audience and the opportunity to
of the Customer” survey.
                                                           communicate with its users. A few particularly aggressive companies have
• Total survey responses: 396
                                                           begun creating large-scale viral campaigns—asking for customer photos
• Qualified survey responses: 284
                                                           of their products, for example, or launching cause-based initiatives that
• Company size: Very Small (18%);                          purport to have a larger sense of purpose.
  Small (31%); Medium (18%);
  Large (20%); Very Large (13%)                            Others have begun transacting commerce             These days, brands are looking to social media
• Geography: North America                                 through Facebook applications and “tabs”           marketing to increase customer acquisi-
  (67%); Europe (15%); Asia/                               on their fan pages. Merchants and hospital-        tion, advocacy and engagement, as well as
  Pacific (17%); Other (3%)                                ity companies have begun jumping on the            increase return on marketing investment (i.e.,
                                                           location-based mobile marketing platforms.         get consumers to buy more). Think of it as
• Industries: Consumer and                                 And some brands have found that they can           word-of-mouth marketing writ large because
  Retail (19%); Technology and                             drive sales                                                               the conversations play
  Media (25%); Financial services                          by coddling                                                               out in the electronic
  (15%); Pharmaceuticals and
  Healthcare (12%); Telecom-
                                                           bloggers or
                                                           by directing                  “Despite the flurry                         town square. Marketers
                                                                                                                                     have long known that
  munication (4%); Other (25%)
• Job levels: C-level (4%); SVP/VP
                                                           special codes
                                                           or promotions                  of activity, social                        consumers trust the
                                                                                                                                     opinion of people
  (13%) Director (20%); Manager
  (34%); Staff (19%); Other (10%)
                                                           to customers
                                                           who follow them                media marketing                            they know – and even
                                                                                                                                     consumers they don’t

Sample survey respondents:
                                                           on Twitter. Yet,
                                                           despite the flurry              remains experi-                           know –far more than
                                                                                                                                     they trust the opinion of

• Director, Fujifilm Medical Systems
                                                           of activity, social
                                                           media marketing               mental in nature.”                          the marketer hawking
                                                                                                                                     their goods or services.
• General Manager, Genuine Health                          remains experi-
                                                                                                                                         Suddenly, marketers
                                                           mental in nature, and marketers are making
• CEO, HobbyTown USA                                                                                          can participate in the conversation and
                                                           up the rules as they go. To date there is still
                                                                                                              affect the way consumers interact with one
• Marketing Director, Siemens                              no consistent toolkit or industry standard to
                                                                                                              another and with their brands. Today’s social
• Manager, Fidelity                                        help marketers figure out how to brand, staff,
                                                                                                              media tools allow marketers to engage
                                                           deploy and measure their social media efforts.
• Manager, Chevron                                                                                            with customers who are active online and
                                                           In truth, social media is hardly a new phenom-     on mobile devices, in the hope not only of
• Marketing Manager, Kohler                                enon. Companies like MySpace, Friendster           securing their business, but also, impor-
• CEO, Intercontinental Systems                            and SecondLife were born, raised cash and          tantly, of spurring them to recommend the
                                                           faded from glory long before Twitter became a      brand to others in their network. This form of
• Director, Unilever
                                                           media darling. While indie bands, in particular,   social selling is truly revolutionary in that it’s
• Vice President, Retail,                                  may have recognized the power of MySpace,          enabling marketers to reach consumers they
  StonehamBank                                             building digital fan bases by giving away          never would have been able to reach through
                                                           their work, launching albums, and sharing          traditional push marketing, including email.
                                                           the experience with online listeners, most
                                                                                                              Five years ago, a tech-savvy, digitally focused
                                                           marketers stayed away from early social media
                                                                                                              company could find satisfied and particu-
                                                           efforts, which were used after all by young
                                                                                                              larly unsatisfied customers venting on any
                                                           consumers who looked askance at brands
                                                                                                              number of electronic forums, including online
     Rate & Review                                         that appeared to be trying to encroach on
                                                                                                              bulletin boards, chat rooms and blogs, but
                                                           their space. Even Facebook, the 800-pound
    Related Research                                                                                          the conversations were more isolated and
                                                           gorilla in social networking, began with modest
                                                                                                              therefore harder to find. It’s the interconnected
       Tell a Friend                                       ambitions. It wasn’t until 2006, when it opened
                                                                                                              nature of today’s social networks and the way
                                                           the door to everyone – and then, more recently,
                                                                                                              they broadcast messages, creating permanent
Note: This document is intended for individual             made it easier for companies to market
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-                                                            search-friendly records, that make them so
ing on a personal website is in violation of the           there – that brands started paying attention.
                                                                                                              powerful—and, also, potentially dangerous.
terms of use.

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                  3

Benchmark KPIs                                              Part 2: Reasons to Implement
                                                            Brands have plenty of obvious and some not-so-obvious reasons to add
Gleanster uses 2-3 key performance
indicators (KPIs) to distinguish “Top                       social media marketing to their overall communications and marketing
Performers” from all other companies                        strategy. The prevalence of Facebook and Twitter in their competitors’
(“Everyone Else”) within a given data
set, thereby establishing a basis                           campaigns, the success of some high-profile efforts, and the idea that you
for benchmarking best practices.
By definition, Top Performers are
                                                            should fish where the fish are, clearly are having an impact on marketing
comprised of the top quartile of                            budgets. But, according to Gleanster research findings, the largest differ-
qualified survey respondents (QSRs).
                                                            entiator between Top Performers and Everyone Else lies in the area
                                                            of increasing customer engagement: Top Performers place a higher
The KPIs used for distinguish-
ing Top Performers focus on                                 emphasis on increasing customer engagement, a nod perhaps to the
performance metrics that speak
to year-over-year improvement in
                                                            lingering inability to put classic ROI metrics on the marketing spend.
relevant, measurable areas. Not
all KPIs are weighted equally.
                                                                     87%                           90%                       93%
The KPIs used for this Gleansight are:                                                                                                                Most
• Improved customer-
  support effectiveness
• Improved market research                                                                                                                            Reasons to
• Increased customer advocacy                                    Increase customer                                        Increase customer
                                                                                              Increase return on
                                                                      advocacy               marketing investment             acquisition
To learn more about Gleanster’s
                                                             * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
research methodology, please click
here or email                       Increase customer acquisition. The                              are far removed from business transactions.
                                                            basic business premise behind social                            No doubt, brands will improve measurement
                                                            media marketing is that organizations can                       in terms of dollars-and-cents outcomes.
                                                            extend their customer base by leveraging
                                                                                                                            Increase customer advocacy. Brands are
                                                            the networks of people who have already
                                                                                                                            well aware of the inherent value of word of
                                                            “friended” (or “fanned” or “liked” or “followed”)
                                                                                                                            mouth marketing and the importance of having
                                                            them. Most social media platforms are set
                                                                                                                            satisfied customers share their brand experi-
                                                            up to automatically push their participants’
                                                                                                                            ences with others who are or might become
                                                            ideas, thoughts and comments out to the
                                                                                                                            customers. And since social media platforms
                                                            people that are connected to them – and
                                                                                                                            are built around the idea of sharing, it stands
                                                            sometimes to the people who are another
                                                                                                                            to reason that marketers would utilize these
                                                            step removed. Marketers have long known
                                                                                                                            tools as a vehicle for spreading positive
                                                            that consumers trust the recommenda-
                                                                                                                            word of mouth. The fact that social media
                                                            tions of people they know (and even other
                                                                                                                            content is indexed by search engines makes
                                                            customers they don’t know) more than brand
                                                                                                                            it of particular value over the long-term.
                                                            messages. Authentic recommendations
                                                            or referrals from friends/fans can heavily                      Increase customer engagement. Enticing
                                                            influence the purchase decisions of others.                     consumers to interact with the brand through
                                                                                                                            new contact methods provided by social media
                                                            Increase return on marketing investment.
                                                                                                                            platforms is seen as an important reason
                                                            Companies and brands have some fairly well-
                                                                                                                            for engaging in a social media marketing
                                                            established formulas for determining the impact
     Rate & Review                                                                                                          campaign. Increasing customer engagement
                                                            or effectiveness of traditional marketing efforts.
                                                                                                                            goes hand in hand with increasing customer
    Related Research                                        They have long histories of measuring the
                                                                                                                            advocacy in that it stresses the importance of
                                                            open rate, click-through rate and the financial
       Tell a Friend                                                                                                        getting customers to interact with the business
                                                            success of an email campaign. But the tools
                                                                                                                            in a new and visible way. Customers who make
                                                            for measuring ROI in social media marketing
Note: This document is intended for individual                                                                              a brand a larger part of their life are likely to
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-          largely remain a work in progress. While it’s
ing on a personal website is in violation of the                                                                            spend more, become stronger advocates
                                                            fairly easy to track the redemption rate of an
terms of use.                                                                                                               and have longer connections to the brand.
                                                            online coupon, most social media actions

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                     4

                                                                                                             74%                       77%                        79% 66%

                                                                   Reasons to
                                                                                                      Increase market               Increase store            Increase customer

“Social media
                                                                                                  exposure/brand awareness        and/or website traffic         engagement

                                                            * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey

humanizes the
                                                            ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers
                                                           Increase store and/or website traffic.                             practitioners (or the brands they work for) hip.
                                                           The connection between a Facebook post                             It’s true that social media events can have
brand and makes                                            and store traffic is pretty slim, except that it
                                                           strengthens the relationship with the customer
                                                                                                                              a negative impact on a brand’s reputation.
                                                                                                                              But the way a company deals with a crisis

it more real and                                           and might make them more inclined to shop
                                                           with a company in the future. That said,
                                                                                                                              can exacerbate or defuse the situation.
                                                                                                                              Increase membership in branded online
                                                           some marketers are finding success with
tangible.”                                                 delivering traffic-boosting messages inside
                                                           their social media channels, using sales or
                                                                                                                              customer communities. Branded online
                                                                                                                              communities have had a head start in the
                                                                                                                              customer engagement game. Successful
                                                           other promotions – particularly messages
                                                                                                                              communities often drive themselves. Members
Scott Wilder, ex-General Manager,                          that are identified as “exclusives” – within
                                                                                                                              recruit others and the search-friendly nature of
Online Communities, Intuit                                 those messages. Group coupon or shopping
                                                                                                                              the user- generated content tends to be visible.
                                                           networks have proven to be good customer
                                                                                                                              But customer communities take a lot of work,
                                                           acquisition tools, and location-based apps
                                                                                                                              and seeing this as a reason to implement social
                                                           can be used to target shoppers in the
                                                                                                                              media marketing campaigns is an indicator of
                                                           proximity of a physical store location.
                                                                                                                              how brands struggle with community growth.
                                                           Increase market exposure/brand
                                                                                                                              Increase customer loyalty. It’s surpris-
                                                           awareness. It used to be said that any publicity
                                                                                                                              ing that, among Top Performers, customer
                                                           is good publicity. Now it might be said that any
                                                                                                                              loyalty netted out to be the lowest primary
                                                           social media mentions are good mentions. It’s
                                                                                                                              factor in a brand’s decision to move into
                                                           not entirely true, of course. There is a lot that
                                                                                                                              social media marketing. Brands used to talk
                                                           can go wrong in social media. But brands have
                                                                                                                              about improvement in customer loyalty as a
                                                           learned that good social media participation
                                                                                                                              big motivator. There are likely many reasons
                                                           by employees, customers and other advocates
                                                                                                                              for this shift, not the least of which is an
                                                           can, in fact, build stronger brand awareness.
                                                                                                                              improved understanding of what’s possible.
                                                           The visible and indexed nature of social media
                                                                                                                              It’s also true that the customers who are
                                                           means that any customer interaction with a
                                                                                                                              most drawn to a company’s social media
                                                           brand is a public interaction, and the visibility
                                                                                                                              presence – those that tend to become the
                                                           of that interaction, through the networks and
                                                                                                                              biggest advocates – are loyal to begin with.
                                                           through search, can have a lasting impact.
                                                           Change brand perception. Social media is
                                                           hot now, but that doesn’t make social media

                                                                    62%                          66%                          68%
     Rate & Review
    Related Research
                                                                                                                                                           Reasons to
       Tell a Friend
Note: This document is intended for individual
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-              Increase customer      Increase membership in branded        Change brand
ing on a personal website is in violation of the                      loyalty            online customer communities          perception
terms of use.
                                                           * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                    5

Core Technologies                                          Part 3: Value Drivers
A successful social media                                  In the rush to Facebook, marketers are discovering that different kinds
marketing effort requires multiple                         of content drive different kinds of results – and different social networks
disciplines and applications to
fully realize the power of social                          respond in different ways. It was not that long ago that the experts warned
connections. Following are some                            that brands could not “sell” in social media, that the audience would
of the key technology enablers.
Social media monitoring tools.
                                                           rebel, and the social media efforts would fail. We have learned, however,
A successful social media marketing                        that, when done correctly, it absolutely is possible to promote goods and
campaign should be backed by a
consistent, objective and ongoing set                      services to online fans and friends. As shown in to the FLASH charts in
of monitoring metrics. Most monitor-                       this section, Top Performers are focused most heavily on taking advantage
ing vendors classify posts based
on whether their tone is positive or                       of the “social” aspect of social media marketing, indicating a begrudging
negative, giving some insight into
the general response or perception
                                                           acceptance of the current state of ROI measurement.
of the company. They also measure
the volume of relevant conversation
and sometimes the level of consumer                                    85%                             86%                          94%
engagement or brand advocacy. These
factors can help brands adjust their                                                                                                                           Most
social strategy and start to determine
whether their social media efforts are                                                                                                                         Important
affecting the overall brand promise.
Specialized social media apps.
Many brands get started with simple
interaction-based campaigns that                                                                                                                               Drivers*
are built around content or links. But,                          Leverage the reach and            Identify and engage   Give consumers a good reason to
increasingly, brands are investing in                       multiplier effect of social networks      top influencers    want to share brand-related content
larger apps or self-contained social
marketing vehicles or websites that                        * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
can stand on their own or can be
embedded into sites, blogs or social
networks. Generally more expensive,                        Give consumers a good reason to want                                      on a small scale. Influencers are a funny breed.
these apps give the brand more                             to share brand-related content. Good                                      Brands should foster a positive relationship
creative control over the social media                     community managers have learned over time                                 with them, but should be careful not to “buy”
experience and can form the basis
for longer-term or repeat engage-                          that one of the keys to a successful engage-                              their influence. Just showing them respect and
ments. Choose a vendor with a track                        ment campaign is to provide quality content                               attention, and giving them early information,
record, who can demonstrate that                           that is relevant to the brand but which does                              should be enough to keep them involved.
they can work in the social environ-                       not necessarily promote consumption of
ments you are interested in, and who                                                                                                 Leverage the reach and multiplier effect
                                                           the brand. Marketers who run social media
will use metrics to quantify success.                                                                                                of social networks. Social media platforms
                                                           efforts for companies large and small need
                                                                                                                                     work by allowing people to connect and
                                                           to remember that customers want to take
                                                                                                                                     communicate with circles of friends, each with
                                                           the lead in advocating for the brand. Brands
                                                                                                                                     their own circle of friends. These overlapping
                                                           might point them in the right direction, but
                                                                                                                                     and interconnected circles allow users to
                                                           consumers will be most inclined to interact
                                                                                                                                     broadcast their stories to their networks, and
                                                           with the content if it provides value, solves
                                                                                                                                     also allow the information to creep into the
                                                           a problem, or is just plain interesting.
                                                                                                                                     larger networks. Marketers who create interest-
                                                           Identify and engage top influencers. The                                  ing offers, content or apps for these networks
                                                           influencers and brand advocates that gravitate                            can find that the social capital pays off by
                                                           to a company’s online communities and social                              sparking a “me too” connection to the brand.
                                                           media sites are the Holy Grail for marketers.
                                                                                                                                     Adjust promotional tactics as needed,
     Rate & Review                                         These are the people who will tell the brand
                                                                                                                                     based on campaign performance. Top
                                                           story, rally others to the brand’s side, and
                                                                                                                                     Performers are outdistancing others by
    Related Research                                       speak up when the need occurs. With the
                                                                                                                                     paying closer attention to the effectiveness of
                                                           right social media monitoring tools, brands
       Tell a Friend                                                                                                                 their social media marketing, and changing
                                                           can identify these people without engaging in
                                                                                                                                     course when necessary. Done right, social
Note: This document is intended for individual             social media marketing themselves, but they’ll
                                                                                                                                     media campaigns can be pretty flexible in
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-         generally be at a loss to do anything about it
ing on a personal website is in violation of the                                                                                     scope and design, allowing marketers to
terms of use.                                              without joining the social media universe, even
                                                                                                                                     shift gears to reflect facts on the ground. In

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                 6

                                                                                                                       74%                             79% 68%

Core Technologies
Online community platforms.
A component of the overall social
media marketing effort, branded online
communities can provide continued
access and personalized connec-
tions that may be harder to maintain                                                                             Generate new content           Adjust promotional tactics
on external networks. Vendors in this                                                                             and conversation on             as needed based on
                                                                                                                campaign landing pages           campaign performance
space should be able to integrate with
a brand’s existing registration system,                    * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
provide tools or moderation services to                    ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers
help build the community and maintain
order, and allow users to syndicate                        fact, because of the two-way nature of most                       no slam dunk. They require a lot of TLC, and
their content/participation into and                       social media, brands can get laurels for                          are something of a slow build. The challenge,
out of other social media channels.
                                                           adjusting their efforts in the face of criticism                  frequently, is in keeping the focus on building
Content/promotion management                               or a lack of response. Either way, the ability                    the community long enough to actually build
tools. Social media tools are, by and                      to modify a campaign to make it more                              the community. Done correctly, branded
large, built to respond to our need
to post and share our thoughts now.                        effective or to draw a larger response has                        communities can pay off in spades.
They are not typically content manage-                     clear benefits that are not as readily available
                                                                                                                             Integrate social media with other media buys
ment systems, meaning they lack the                        in more traditional marketing campaigns.
                                                                                                                             and campaigns. Social media marketing is
ability to pre-post or re-use content in
a database format. An effective social                     Generate new content and conversation                             seductive because there’s the perception that
media strategy will have to have a                         on campaign landing pages. Content costs                          you can do it on the fly – that you don’t need
system to calendarize the campaign,                        money, and marketing content can sometimes                        the kind of planning and back-end support
to repurpose content across multiple                       come across as, well, marketing content.                          as you do for email marketing campaigns or
platforms, and to gauge the effective-
                                                           User-generated content, on the other hand,                        traditional marketing efforts. More and more
ness of any particular message.
                                                           is generally authentic and is perceived by the                    marketers are adding Facebook and Twitter
CRM integration.                                           audience as trustworthy. This user content                        mentions to their ads and marketing collateral.
Mapping social media activity to CRM
systems will let brands understand the                     can also make static pages seem alive,                            The callouts frequently are mere invitations
extent to which that activity is resulting                 offering a constant stream of changes. Brands                     to join or follow the brand on those sites. But
in incremental sales lift and affecting                    need to be willing to take their lumps, though,                   aggressive marketers are finding ways to bring
the customer purchase behavior.                            because these unvarnished and sometimes                           value to the fan for taking the action. They are
Simple sharing of content or branding                      impolitic comments can be off-putting.                            offering exclusive content, special deals or early
exposure is unlikely in the near term
to provide CRM integration. But                                                                                              information. The comingling of social media
                                                           Host one or more branded online customer
coupon codes that lead to sales will                                                                                         marketing with other campaigns can have the
                                                           communities. Branded customer communi-
allow brands to do some mapping of                                                                                           effect of making the entire brand seem more in
                                                           ties can be an effective way to gain customer
social handles to their CRM system.                                                                                          line with the sensibilities of today’s consumer.
                                                           insights, marshal enthusiasm and develop
                                                           advocates. Communities generally have
                                                           strong value in natural search. But they are

                                                                                  70%                                 71%
     Rate & Review                                                                                                                                    Drivers*
    Related Research                                                  Integrate social media with other       Host one or more branded
                                                                         media buys and campaigns            online customer communities
       Tell a Friend
                                                            * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
                                                            ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers
Note: This document is intended for individual
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-
ing on a personal website is in violation of the
terms of use.

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                  7

                                                           Part 4: Challenges
                                                           Creating a positive and productive social media marketing experience
                                                           takes ingenuity, work and a bit of luck. Many companies are taking a leap
                                                           of faith that, by subjecting their brands to the uncontrolled flow of social
                                                           conversations, they will earn the respect and admiration of their customers.

“Social media                                              But they are learning that even well-intentioned social media campaigns
                                                           are fraught with danger, that it’s possible to fail, and to fail publicly. They
marketing is                                               have also learned that while some of the biggest campaigns look easy,
                                                           they are anything but. As the FLASH charts in this section indicate, most
going to blow the                                          brands are still struggling with campaign creation as well as with promotion
                                                           and tracking.
shingles off the
roof once people                                                                  92%                                94%
really figure out                                                                                                                                     Challenging
how to use it.”                                                                                                                                       Aspects*
Megan O’Connor, Director, Social
                                                                         Effectively promoting social          Creating “viral worthy”
Media Marketing, Levi Straus & Co.                                       media marketing campaigns                    content

                                                             * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey

                                                           Creating “viral worthy” content. Ever since                       media campaigns can sell themselves.
                                                           the first Mentos-meets-Coke video popped
                                                                                                                             Tracking and measuring success. The
                                                           up on YouTube, social media marketers have
                                                                                                                             explosive growth of social media opportunities
                                                           been focused on developing the perfect viral
                                                                                                                             has not brought along an equally explosive
                                                           video or YouTube moment. Problem is, it’s
                                                                                                                             ability to measure the effectiveness of those
                                                           virtually impossible to predict what content
                                                                                                                             campaigns. And because brands are using
                                                           will take off in the social sphere. The online
                                                                                                                             a variety of platforms and tools to broadcast
                                                           audience is not easily taken in by brand
                                                                                                                             their messages, they are finding that they do
                                                           messages, so marketers are well advised to
                                                                                                                             not have one clear and consistent dashboard
                                                           create authentic, shareable content (video
                                                                                                                             to monitor success. There is progress being
                                                           or otherwise), and open themselves up for
                                                                                                                             made, however, and some prominent vendors
                                                           customer review and commentary. With
                                                                                                                             are introducing increasingly sophisticated
                                                           luck, they’ll find something that works. But
                                                                                                                             monitoring engines that will help to further
                                                           more often than not, customer or third-party
                                                                                                                             quantify and qualify social media success.
                                                           content stands a better chance of going viral.
                                                                                                                             Securing executive level buy-in. Senior
                                                           Effectively promoting social media
                                                                                                                             executives tend to focus on core business
                                                           marketing campaigns. As with any new
                                                                                                                             objectives and programs that can bring
                                                           tool, marketers are finding that they have to
                                                                                                                             measureable results. And many tradi-
     Rate & Review                                         learn how to build and market their campaigns
                                                                                                                             tional companies are very protective of
                                                           effectively. The language of social media –
                                                                                                                             brand image, making them leery of the
    Related Research                                       from the words we use to the way we describe
                                                                                                                             free-wheeling nature of the social Internet.
                                                           ourselves and our customers – are different
       Tell a Friend                                                                                                         All of this puts social media marketing at a
                                                           than in traditional media, which makes it
                                                                                                                             disadvantage. The tools are changing fast,
Note: This document is intended for individual             hard to fit into the cookie-cutter approaches
                                                                                                                             the analytics are in their infancy, and there’s
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-         often used for old-school marketing. The
ing on a personal website is in violation of the                                                                             no controlling what someone might say.
terms of use.                                              good news is that, when done right, social
                                                                                                                             Wise marketers will seek executive buy-in

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                 8

                                                                                                             76%                             78%                 83%

                                                                                                     Making the business              Securing executive       Tracking and
                                                                                                     case in terms of ROI                level buy-in         measuring results

                                                            * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey

                                                           using metrics that are available. And they                          value of integrating their campaigns, they are
                                                           will focus on other tangibles, like customer                        finding it hard to incorporate the somewhat
                                                           interaction, in their attempt to secure                             uncontrolled nature of social interactions
                                                           executive buy-in. They might also stress                            into their structured marketing plans. It is
                                                           the risk of inaction, of not being a part of the                    no surprise that companies are struggling
                                                           conversation should something go wrong.                             with how to adapt to social media marketing
                                                           Making the business case in terms of ROI.                           because they have spent generations plotting,
                                                           As discussed above, the metrics available for                       refining and pushing their own narrative.
                                                           assessing social media marketing are not as                         Securing the right organizational
                                                           robust as marketers have been accustomed to                         resources. Figuring out the right organizational
                                                           for email or other marketing activities. There is                   structure for a social media marketing effort is
                                                           significant debate over the value of a Facebook                     no easy task, in part because it’s impossible to
                                                           fan or the ROI benefit of a customer engage-                        compartmentalize social media as a pure disci-
                                                           ment community that is not big or tied directly                     pline. It’s part marketing, part PR, part product
                                                           to sales. Add to that the fact that most social                     development and part customer service
                                                           media activity is not mapped into a company’s                       (among others). In 2010, companies are trying
                                                           CRM system, and it becomes virtually impos-                         to consolidate their social media marketing
                                                           sible to measure effectively. This is starting to                   efforts into small SWAT teams or centers of
                                                           change, but it will likely be some time before                      excellence. But within a few years, they will be
                                                           we have access to the kinds of metrics that can                     expected to make social media a part of every-
                                                           provide a reliable assessment of social efforts.                    one’s job. In any event, the people running the
                                                           Integrating social media into the overall                           social media efforts need to be empowered
                                                           marketing mix. Gleanster survey respondents                         to be vocal, persistent and proud. They need
                                                           point to marketing integration as both a value                      to have access to those with information, and
                                                           driver and a challenge to their social media                        they need the company to be in their corner.
                                                           marketing efforts, in pretty even numbers.
                                                           This suggests that while marketers see the

                                                                                63%                                   71%
     Rate & Review
    Related Research
                                                                            Securing the right               Integrating social media into
       Tell a Friend                                                     organizational resources              the overall marketing mix

Note: This document is intended for individual             * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-
ing on a personal website is in violation of the
terms of use.

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                 9

Gleanster Numbers                                          Part 5: Performance Metrics
                                                           The science of measuring social media marketing is still a work in
7,000,000                                                  progress. As noted earlier, the social media landscape changes every day,
Number of “fan votes” that were
cast for an M&M’s social media                             and the shifting ground makes it that much harder to determine whether
marketing campaign in 2009                                 the social media efforts are meeting the company’s overall business goals.
                                                           Social media monitoring tools can measure the ratio of positive-to-negative
94                                                         sentiment and the volume of relevant conversation. But, as the FLASH
Percentage of companies that
regard “creating ‘viral-worthy’                            charts in this section show, the top metrics employed by companies do not
content” as the biggest challenge                          necessarily correlate to the top reasons they launched their campaigns in
with social media marketing
                                                           the first place. In fact, Top Performers indicate that their primary reasons
81                                                         for implementing a social media marketing campaign are customer acqui-
Percentage of Top Performers
                                                           sition, return on marketing investment and customer advocacy – none of
(compared to 70% of Everyone                               which surface as one of the most commonly used metrics. This will change
Else) who use “consumer engage-
ment rate” to track social media                           as companies demand better metrics from solution providers and as social
marketing campaigns                                        media activity becomes more closely mapped to their CRM systems.

Percentage of Top Performers                                                     81% 70%            **
(compared to 66% of Everyone Else)
who view “increase customer engage-                                                                                                                  Most
ment” as a reason to implement a
social media marketing campaign                                                                                                                      Commonly
Percentage of Top Performers                                                                                                                         Metrics*
(compared to 68% of Everyone Else)                                        Consumer engagement                Audience growth rate - e.g.,
who view “adjust promotional tactics                                      rate - e.g., # of click-thrus,     # of Facebook fans, Twitter
as needed based on campaign                                               registrations, etc., per week       followers, etc., per week
performance” as an important value                          * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
driver for social media marketing                           ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers

                                                           Audience growth rate. The most visible                             inspired to participate and can be compared
                                                           metric in almost any social campaign, audience                     to earlier time periods. But it does not yet
                                                           growth is easily charted over time and can                         compare that number with the overall reach of
                                                           be seen in the number of people who follow                         the campaign, meaning that there’s no knowing
                                                           a brand, “like” a brand, take a poll, submit                       how many people chose not to participate.
                                                           a picture or share content. A handful of
                                                                                                                              Volume of relevant comments/posts. Top
                                                           brands have built enormous fan pages on
                                                                                                                              Performers are more likely to measure the
                                                           Facebook, sometimes through contests,
                                                                                                                              volume of relevant content than Everyone
                                                           coupons or classic marketing efforts.
                                                                                                                              Else, a sign perhaps of the work involved
                                                           Customer engagement rate. Another                                  in determining relevance of user content.
                                                           metric that carries over from email marketing,                     In most cases, it’s much easier to see how
                                                           customer engagement rates can be fairly                            much content is produced overall than it is
                                                           simple to see. How many people are clicking                        to narrow down into positive or negative or
     Rate & Review                                         through a link, completing a registration                          relevant or not. Measuring customer sentiment
                                                           process, rating a video or responding to some                      of social media posts can be a tricky task and
    Related Research
                                                           other call-to-action? Top Performers are                           is an art that is being perfected every day.
       Tell a Friend                                       monitoring this to a much greater extent than
                                                                                                                              Customer acquisition rate. Customer
                                                           Everyone Else, indicating that they are going
                                                                                                                              acquisition was the number one reason to
Note: This document is intended for individual             to the numbers they have in the absence of
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-                                                                            implement a social media marketing campaign,
ing on a personal website is in violation of the           the numbers they want. Customer engage-
                                                                                                                              yet it fell in the middle of the pack of the top
terms of use.                                              ment speaks to how many people have been

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                                                  10

                                                                                                             69%                        73%                      77%61%

“Integration with                                                     Metrics*
the brand strat-                                                                                      Customer advocacy           Customer acquisition
egy and offline
                                                                                                                                                              Volume of relevant
                                                                                                       score - e.g., NPS                 rate                  comments/posts

                                                            * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey

media is key. If                                            ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers

social media is                                            metrics used. This goes in large part to the
                                                           disparate tools and platforms that are used
                                                                                                                             will change over time as companies become
                                                                                                                             more adept at creating social programs that
                                                           to conduct social media marketing efforts,                        are more closely tied to business goals and
siloed, it will be                                         making it difficult to determine which partici-
                                                           pants are customers, become customers,
                                                                                                                             as they improve their data integration.
                                                                                                                             Customer acquisition cost. Increasing
a one-hit won-                                             or change their purchase behavior.
                                                           Customer advocacy score. The Net Promoter
                                                                                                                             customer acquisition was cited as the top
                                                                                                                             reason that Top Performers implement social

der. A TV spot                                             Score, popularized in the last decade, delivers
                                                           a single number used to measure how likely
                                                                                                                             media marketing campaigns, yet customer
                                                                                                                             acquisition costs are measured by only 59%

should point to a
                                                           a consumer is to recommend a product or                           of these companies. The oft-stated discon-
                                                           service. While it can be tracked over time, it                    nect between social efforts and company
                                                           can be difficult to make a correlation between                    CRM systems is a likely barrier to successful
Facebook page                                              changes to the score and a specific social
                                                           media marketing activity, as a consumer’s
                                                                                                                             measurement of customer acquisition cost.
                                                                                                                             Brand awareness/exposure measure.
and vice versa.                                            propensity to recommend a brand can be
                                                           influenced by any number of factors.
                                                                                                                             Social media campaigns work for the most
                                                                                                                             part by facilitating the viral or organic spread

Every touchpoint                                           Return on marketing investment. The
                                                           number two reason brands begin a social
                                                                                                                             of a company’s message through the social
                                                                                                                             graphs of the customers who buy into the
                                                           media marketing campaign is that return                           message. It’s a generally accepted principle
should link and                                            on marketing investment lags as a metric
                                                           used to measure the effectiveness of those
                                                                                                                             that this organic distribution of the message will
                                                                                                                             ultimately result in increased brand visibility,

point to other                                             campaigns. This is true because a lot of
                                                           money can be spent on social media oppor-
                                                                                                                             which can be readily measured through aided
                                                                                                                             and unaided brand awareness studies.

                                                           tunities that do not tie back directly to the
                                                           company’s CRM systems, their point-of-sale
                                                           systems and their core business goals. This

Bert DuMars, VP, eBusiness and Inter-
active Marketing, Newell-Rubbermaid
                                                                       52%                          59%                        62%
     Rate & Review                                                                                                                                       Metrics*
    Related Research                                              Brand awareness/            Customer acquisition             Return on
                                                                  exposure measure                   cost                  marketing investment
       Tell a Friend
                                                              * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey
Note: This document is intended for individual
use. Electronic distribution via email or by post-
ing on a personal website is in violation of the
terms of use.

Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Gleansight: Social Media Marketing                                                                                                                       11

                                                           Part 6: Success Story
                                                           Major consumer brands spend millions of dollars every year on sponsor-
                                                           ship deals as a way of grabbing consumer mindshare during activities
                                                           that would otherwise seem far-removed from their core go-to-market
                                                           message and brand promise. Mars Chocolate North America, no stranger
                                                           to such deals, has a longstanding relationship with NASCAR, which has
 More Success Stories                                      been supported in recent years by an innovative social media marketing
                                                           campaign looking to identify the M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR.
                                                           The campaign, now in its third year, has been sweet for the brand, which
                                                           says it is seeing a higher level of engagement and activity through its
                                                           integrated marketing approach.
                                                           The Challenge                                     selected through voting of registered users at
                                                                                                    The campaign
                                                           NASCAR has one of the most brand-loyal
                                                                                                             is supported by Facebook and Twitter feeds
                                                           fan bases in all of sports and is second only
                                                                                                             and was expanded this year to allow partici-
                                                           to the NFL in TV viewership. M&M’s, which
                                                                                                             pants to upload their photos through Sprint
                                                           has had a NASCAR relationship for 20 years,
                                                                                                                                        smart phones.
                                                           entered the 2008
                                                           season looking for               “Mars wanted to                             Winners in early
                                                           a fan-friendly way
                                                           to boost customer             leverage the NASCAR                            rounds get gift
                                                                                                                                        cards, while the

Note: The original version of this Success Story
                                                           engagement while
                                                           employing the                 fans’ legendary enthu-                         ultimate winner gets
                                                                                                                                        a $10,000 prize and
may have been prepared—and previously pub-
lished—by an enabling solution provider. If so,
it is edited and reproduced here by permission.
                                                           social media tactics
                                                           that were beginning
                                                                                         siasm with a campaign                          is showcased for
                                                                                                                                        a year in a display
While reasonable efforts have been made to
verify the accuracy of the information contained
                                                           to hold sway.
                                                                                           that would connect                           at the NASCAR
                                                                                                                                        Hall of Fame.
                                                                                            racing fans to the
herein through independent fact-checking,                  Mars wanted
Gleanster disclaims liability for any content
that was developed and submitted by third                  to leverage                                                                   The Results

                                                                                            M&M brand and
parties. Success Stories are selected based                the NASCAR
solely on the merits of the content as judged                                                                                             The simplicity of the
                                                           fans’ legendary
by Gleanster’s Research Oversight Committee.                                                                                              contest matched
Vendors are not charged a fee for inclusion and
no preference is given to vendors based on their
ability to purchase other Gleanster products or
                                                           enthusiasm with
                                                           a campaign that                   to one another.”                             with the natural
                                                                                                                                          enthusiasm of
services. Any questions or concerns regarding              would connect
                                                                                                                                          the fan base was
this particular Success Story–or Gleanster’s               racing fans to the M&M brand and to one
selection criteria or policies, in general–should                                                            a hit for Mars, which found that the sharing
                                                           another. The company understood that it
be directed to                                                                 and engagement on social media properties
Case studies may be submitted for publish-                 needed to have an integrated approach to the
ing consideration using the Success Stories                                                                  drove entries, buzz and word of mouth. The
                                                           campaign, one that involved digital creative,
Submission Form.                                                                                             company reports that it saw exponential growth
                                                           public relations, media and the promotions
                                                                                                             in engagement (measured in votes), submis-
                                                           team. And officials knew they would need to
                                                                                                             sions and media impressions in 2009 over
                                                           measure reach, engagement and sentiment
                                                                                                             2008. Some 5,700 photos were submitted
                                                           – and gain a clear understanding of how the
                                                                                                             in 2009, up from about 2,000 photos the
                                                           campaign would address business goals.
                                                                                                             first year. About 7 million votes were cast in
                                                           The Solution                                      2009, up an astounding 1400% from 2008.
     Rate & Review
                                                           The M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR            “M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR
    Related Research                                       contest is a deceptively simple campaign that     contest is unique because it’s 100
                                                           takes advantage of NASCAR fans’ passion           percent fan generated,” noted Suzanne
       Tell a Friend                                       for the sport and the most basic social media     Beaudoin, vice president of sponsor-
Note: this document is intended for individual             sharing tools. Participants are encouraged to     ships and sports marketing.
use. Electronic Distribution via eamil or by post-         upload colorful photos depicting their enthusi-
ing on a personal website is in violation of the
terms of use.
                                                           asm for all things NASCAR, and winners are

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Gleansight Social Media Marketing
Gleansight Social Media Marketing
Gleansight Social Media Marketing
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Gleansight Social Media Marketing

  • 1. November 2010 Gleansight . Social Media Marketing With more than 500 million people on Facebook, and with media outlets Content reporting every day on the brief, sometimes bizarre messages that celebri- Part 1: Topic Overview ties, politicians and corporations send out on Twitter, it’s clear that social Part 2: Reasons to Implement Part 3: Value Drivers media has entered the mainstream. Consumer product companies are Part 4: Challenges paying their agencies big money to incorporate social media into their Part 5: Performance Metrics marketing campaigns. Retailers have moved beyond customer reviews, Part 6: Success Story Part 7: Vendor Landscape and are giving consumers a much larger role in social selling. And you can scarcely watch a commercial without seeing the iconic Facebook, Sidebars: Survey Stats Benchmark KPIs Core Technologies Gleanster Numbers Twitter and YouTube icons as part of the message. But the ROI on this effort is still squishy at best. Brands are still trying to determine the value of a Facebook fan, and there continues to be no consistent barometer of success. Given the dearth of reliable data, it’s no wonder that companies Rate & Review are struggling to determine just how much social media marketing is right Related Research for them. And practitioners are left to talk as much about the cost of not Tell a Friend participating in social media marketing as of the value of doing so. This Note: This document is intended for individual Gleansight explores what top performing companies are doing – and use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- measuring – as they make their initial forays into social media marketing ing on a personal website is in violation of the terms of use. and how they’re working to achieve their desired business objectives. Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 2. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 2 Survey Stats Part 1: Topic Overview With the phenomenal growth of Facebook and the staggering amount of The research findings featured in this Gleansight benchmark attention paid to Twitter and YouTube, it’s clear that social media marketing report are derived from the is on a rapid growth trajectory. Every day, established brands gain Q3 2010 Gleanster “Voice footholds on Facebook, lured by the giant audience and the opportunity to of the Customer” survey. communicate with its users. A few particularly aggressive companies have • Total survey responses: 396 begun creating large-scale viral campaigns—asking for customer photos • Qualified survey responses: 284 of their products, for example, or launching cause-based initiatives that • Company size: Very Small (18%); purport to have a larger sense of purpose. Small (31%); Medium (18%); Large (20%); Very Large (13%) Others have begun transacting commerce These days, brands are looking to social media • Geography: North America through Facebook applications and “tabs” marketing to increase customer acquisi- (67%); Europe (15%); Asia/ on their fan pages. Merchants and hospital- tion, advocacy and engagement, as well as Pacific (17%); Other (3%) ity companies have begun jumping on the increase return on marketing investment (i.e., location-based mobile marketing platforms. get consumers to buy more). Think of it as • Industries: Consumer and And some brands have found that they can word-of-mouth marketing writ large because Retail (19%); Technology and drive sales the conversations play Media (25%); Financial services by coddling out in the electronic (15%); Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare (12%); Telecom- bloggers or by directing “Despite the flurry town square. Marketers have long known that munication (4%); Other (25%) • Job levels: C-level (4%); SVP/VP special codes or promotions of activity, social consumers trust the opinion of people (13%) Director (20%); Manager (34%); Staff (19%); Other (10%) to customers who follow them media marketing they know – and even consumers they don’t Sample survey respondents: on Twitter. Yet, despite the flurry remains experi- know –far more than they trust the opinion of • Director, Fujifilm Medical Systems of activity, social media marketing mental in nature.” the marketer hawking their goods or services. • General Manager, Genuine Health remains experi- Suddenly, marketers mental in nature, and marketers are making • CEO, HobbyTown USA can participate in the conversation and up the rules as they go. To date there is still affect the way consumers interact with one • Marketing Director, Siemens no consistent toolkit or industry standard to another and with their brands. Today’s social • Manager, Fidelity help marketers figure out how to brand, staff, media tools allow marketers to engage deploy and measure their social media efforts. • Manager, Chevron with customers who are active online and In truth, social media is hardly a new phenom- on mobile devices, in the hope not only of • Marketing Manager, Kohler enon. Companies like MySpace, Friendster securing their business, but also, impor- • CEO, Intercontinental Systems and SecondLife were born, raised cash and tantly, of spurring them to recommend the faded from glory long before Twitter became a brand to others in their network. This form of • Director, Unilever media darling. While indie bands, in particular, social selling is truly revolutionary in that it’s • Vice President, Retail, may have recognized the power of MySpace, enabling marketers to reach consumers they StonehamBank building digital fan bases by giving away never would have been able to reach through their work, launching albums, and sharing traditional push marketing, including email. the experience with online listeners, most Five years ago, a tech-savvy, digitally focused marketers stayed away from early social media company could find satisfied and particu- efforts, which were used after all by young larly unsatisfied customers venting on any consumers who looked askance at brands number of electronic forums, including online Rate & Review that appeared to be trying to encroach on bulletin boards, chat rooms and blogs, but their space. Even Facebook, the 800-pound Related Research the conversations were more isolated and gorilla in social networking, began with modest therefore harder to find. It’s the interconnected Tell a Friend ambitions. It wasn’t until 2006, when it opened nature of today’s social networks and the way the door to everyone – and then, more recently, they broadcast messages, creating permanent Note: This document is intended for individual made it easier for companies to market use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- search-friendly records, that make them so ing on a personal website is in violation of the there – that brands started paying attention. powerful—and, also, potentially dangerous. terms of use. Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 3. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 3 Benchmark KPIs Part 2: Reasons to Implement Brands have plenty of obvious and some not-so-obvious reasons to add Gleanster uses 2-3 key performance indicators (KPIs) to distinguish “Top social media marketing to their overall communications and marketing Performers” from all other companies strategy. The prevalence of Facebook and Twitter in their competitors’ (“Everyone Else”) within a given data set, thereby establishing a basis campaigns, the success of some high-profile efforts, and the idea that you for benchmarking best practices. By definition, Top Performers are should fish where the fish are, clearly are having an impact on marketing comprised of the top quartile of budgets. But, according to Gleanster research findings, the largest differ- qualified survey respondents (QSRs). entiator between Top Performers and Everyone Else lies in the area of increasing customer engagement: Top Performers place a higher The KPIs used for distinguish- ing Top Performers focus on emphasis on increasing customer engagement, a nod perhaps to the performance metrics that speak to year-over-year improvement in lingering inability to put classic ROI metrics on the marketing spend. relevant, measurable areas. Not all KPIs are weighted equally. 87% 90% 93% The KPIs used for this Gleansight are: Most • Improved customer- support effectiveness Compelling • Improved market research Reasons to effectiveness Implement* • Increased customer advocacy Increase customer Increase customer Increase return on advocacy marketing investment acquisition To learn more about Gleanster’s * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey research methodology, please click here or email Increase customer acquisition. The are far removed from business transactions. basic business premise behind social No doubt, brands will improve measurement media marketing is that organizations can in terms of dollars-and-cents outcomes. extend their customer base by leveraging Increase customer advocacy. Brands are the networks of people who have already well aware of the inherent value of word of “friended” (or “fanned” or “liked” or “followed”) mouth marketing and the importance of having them. Most social media platforms are set satisfied customers share their brand experi- up to automatically push their participants’ ences with others who are or might become ideas, thoughts and comments out to the customers. And since social media platforms people that are connected to them – and are built around the idea of sharing, it stands sometimes to the people who are another to reason that marketers would utilize these step removed. Marketers have long known tools as a vehicle for spreading positive that consumers trust the recommenda- word of mouth. The fact that social media tions of people they know (and even other content is indexed by search engines makes customers they don’t know) more than brand it of particular value over the long-term. messages. Authentic recommendations or referrals from friends/fans can heavily Increase customer engagement. Enticing influence the purchase decisions of others. consumers to interact with the brand through new contact methods provided by social media Increase return on marketing investment. platforms is seen as an important reason Companies and brands have some fairly well- for engaging in a social media marketing established formulas for determining the impact Rate & Review campaign. Increasing customer engagement or effectiveness of traditional marketing efforts. goes hand in hand with increasing customer Related Research They have long histories of measuring the advocacy in that it stresses the importance of open rate, click-through rate and the financial Tell a Friend getting customers to interact with the business success of an email campaign. But the tools in a new and visible way. Customers who make for measuring ROI in social media marketing Note: This document is intended for individual a brand a larger part of their life are likely to use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- largely remain a work in progress. While it’s ing on a personal website is in violation of the spend more, become stronger advocates fairly easy to track the redemption rate of an terms of use. and have longer connections to the brand. online coupon, most social media actions Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 4. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 4 74% 77% 79% 66% ** Compelling Reasons to Implement* Increase market Increase store Increase customer “Social media exposure/brand awareness and/or website traffic engagement * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey humanizes the ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers Increase store and/or website traffic. practitioners (or the brands they work for) hip. The connection between a Facebook post It’s true that social media events can have brand and makes and store traffic is pretty slim, except that it strengthens the relationship with the customer a negative impact on a brand’s reputation. But the way a company deals with a crisis it more real and and might make them more inclined to shop with a company in the future. That said, can exacerbate or defuse the situation. Increase membership in branded online some marketers are finding success with tangible.” delivering traffic-boosting messages inside their social media channels, using sales or customer communities. Branded online communities have had a head start in the customer engagement game. Successful other promotions – particularly messages communities often drive themselves. Members Scott Wilder, ex-General Manager, that are identified as “exclusives” – within recruit others and the search-friendly nature of Online Communities, Intuit those messages. Group coupon or shopping the user- generated content tends to be visible. networks have proven to be good customer But customer communities take a lot of work, acquisition tools, and location-based apps and seeing this as a reason to implement social can be used to target shoppers in the media marketing campaigns is an indicator of proximity of a physical store location. how brands struggle with community growth. Increase market exposure/brand Increase customer loyalty. It’s surpris- awareness. It used to be said that any publicity ing that, among Top Performers, customer is good publicity. Now it might be said that any loyalty netted out to be the lowest primary social media mentions are good mentions. It’s factor in a brand’s decision to move into not entirely true, of course. There is a lot that social media marketing. Brands used to talk can go wrong in social media. But brands have about improvement in customer loyalty as a learned that good social media participation big motivator. There are likely many reasons by employees, customers and other advocates for this shift, not the least of which is an can, in fact, build stronger brand awareness. improved understanding of what’s possible. The visible and indexed nature of social media It’s also true that the customers who are means that any customer interaction with a most drawn to a company’s social media brand is a public interaction, and the visibility presence – those that tend to become the of that interaction, through the networks and biggest advocates – are loyal to begin with. through search, can have a lasting impact. Change brand perception. Social media is hot now, but that doesn’t make social media 62% 66% 68% Less Rate & Review Compelling Related Research Reasons to Tell a Friend Note: This document is intended for individual Implement* use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- Increase customer Increase membership in branded Change brand ing on a personal website is in violation of the loyalty online customer communities perception terms of use. * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 5. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 5 Core Technologies Part 3: Value Drivers A successful social media In the rush to Facebook, marketers are discovering that different kinds marketing effort requires multiple of content drive different kinds of results – and different social networks disciplines and applications to fully realize the power of social respond in different ways. It was not that long ago that the experts warned connections. Following are some that brands could not “sell” in social media, that the audience would of the key technology enablers. Social media monitoring tools. rebel, and the social media efforts would fail. We have learned, however, A successful social media marketing that, when done correctly, it absolutely is possible to promote goods and campaign should be backed by a consistent, objective and ongoing set services to online fans and friends. As shown in to the FLASH charts in of monitoring metrics. Most monitor- this section, Top Performers are focused most heavily on taking advantage ing vendors classify posts based on whether their tone is positive or of the “social” aspect of social media marketing, indicating a begrudging negative, giving some insight into the general response or perception acceptance of the current state of ROI measurement. of the company. They also measure the volume of relevant conversation and sometimes the level of consumer 85% 86% 94% engagement or brand advocacy. These factors can help brands adjust their Most social strategy and start to determine whether their social media efforts are Important affecting the overall brand promise. Specialized social media apps. Value Many brands get started with simple interaction-based campaigns that Drivers* are built around content or links. But, Leverage the reach and Identify and engage Give consumers a good reason to increasingly, brands are investing in multiplier effect of social networks top influencers want to share brand-related content larger apps or self-contained social marketing vehicles or websites that * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey can stand on their own or can be embedded into sites, blogs or social networks. Generally more expensive, Give consumers a good reason to want on a small scale. Influencers are a funny breed. these apps give the brand more to share brand-related content. Good Brands should foster a positive relationship creative control over the social media community managers have learned over time with them, but should be careful not to “buy” experience and can form the basis for longer-term or repeat engage- that one of the keys to a successful engage- their influence. Just showing them respect and ments. Choose a vendor with a track ment campaign is to provide quality content attention, and giving them early information, record, who can demonstrate that that is relevant to the brand but which does should be enough to keep them involved. they can work in the social environ- not necessarily promote consumption of ments you are interested in, and who Leverage the reach and multiplier effect the brand. Marketers who run social media will use metrics to quantify success. of social networks. Social media platforms efforts for companies large and small need work by allowing people to connect and to remember that customers want to take communicate with circles of friends, each with the lead in advocating for the brand. Brands their own circle of friends. These overlapping might point them in the right direction, but and interconnected circles allow users to consumers will be most inclined to interact broadcast their stories to their networks, and with the content if it provides value, solves also allow the information to creep into the a problem, or is just plain interesting. larger networks. Marketers who create interest- Identify and engage top influencers. The ing offers, content or apps for these networks influencers and brand advocates that gravitate can find that the social capital pays off by to a company’s online communities and social sparking a “me too” connection to the brand. media sites are the Holy Grail for marketers. Adjust promotional tactics as needed, Rate & Review These are the people who will tell the brand based on campaign performance. Top story, rally others to the brand’s side, and Performers are outdistancing others by Related Research speak up when the need occurs. With the paying closer attention to the effectiveness of right social media monitoring tools, brands Tell a Friend their social media marketing, and changing can identify these people without engaging in course when necessary. Done right, social Note: This document is intended for individual social media marketing themselves, but they’ll media campaigns can be pretty flexible in use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- generally be at a loss to do anything about it ing on a personal website is in violation of the scope and design, allowing marketers to terms of use. without joining the social media universe, even shift gears to reflect facts on the ground. In Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 6. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 6 74% 79% 68% ** Core Technologies (Continued) Important Online community platforms. A component of the overall social Value Drivers * media marketing effort, branded online communities can provide continued access and personalized connec- tions that may be harder to maintain Generate new content Adjust promotional tactics on external networks. Vendors in this and conversation on as needed based on campaign landing pages campaign performance space should be able to integrate with a brand’s existing registration system, * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey provide tools or moderation services to ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers help build the community and maintain order, and allow users to syndicate fact, because of the two-way nature of most no slam dunk. They require a lot of TLC, and their content/participation into and social media, brands can get laurels for are something of a slow build. The challenge, out of other social media channels. adjusting their efforts in the face of criticism frequently, is in keeping the focus on building Content/promotion management or a lack of response. Either way, the ability the community long enough to actually build tools. Social media tools are, by and to modify a campaign to make it more the community. Done correctly, branded large, built to respond to our need to post and share our thoughts now. effective or to draw a larger response has communities can pay off in spades. They are not typically content manage- clear benefits that are not as readily available Integrate social media with other media buys ment systems, meaning they lack the in more traditional marketing campaigns. and campaigns. Social media marketing is ability to pre-post or re-use content in a database format. An effective social Generate new content and conversation seductive because there’s the perception that media strategy will have to have a on campaign landing pages. Content costs you can do it on the fly – that you don’t need system to calendarize the campaign, money, and marketing content can sometimes the kind of planning and back-end support to repurpose content across multiple come across as, well, marketing content. as you do for email marketing campaigns or platforms, and to gauge the effective- User-generated content, on the other hand, traditional marketing efforts. More and more ness of any particular message. is generally authentic and is perceived by the marketers are adding Facebook and Twitter CRM integration. audience as trustworthy. This user content mentions to their ads and marketing collateral. Mapping social media activity to CRM systems will let brands understand the can also make static pages seem alive, The callouts frequently are mere invitations extent to which that activity is resulting offering a constant stream of changes. Brands to join or follow the brand on those sites. But in incremental sales lift and affecting need to be willing to take their lumps, though, aggressive marketers are finding ways to bring the customer purchase behavior. because these unvarnished and sometimes value to the fan for taking the action. They are Simple sharing of content or branding impolitic comments can be off-putting. offering exclusive content, special deals or early exposure is unlikely in the near term to provide CRM integration. But information. The comingling of social media Host one or more branded online customer coupon codes that lead to sales will marketing with other campaigns can have the communities. Branded customer communi- allow brands to do some mapping of effect of making the entire brand seem more in ties can be an effective way to gain customer social handles to their CRM system. line with the sensibilities of today’s consumer. insights, marshal enthusiasm and develop advocates. Communities generally have strong value in natural search. But they are 70% 71% Less Important Value Rate & Review Drivers* Related Research Integrate social media with other Host one or more branded media buys and campaigns online customer communities Tell a Friend * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers Note: This document is intended for individual use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- ing on a personal website is in violation of the terms of use. Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 7. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 7 Part 4: Challenges Creating a positive and productive social media marketing experience takes ingenuity, work and a bit of luck. Many companies are taking a leap of faith that, by subjecting their brands to the uncontrolled flow of social conversations, they will earn the respect and admiration of their customers. “Social media But they are learning that even well-intentioned social media campaigns are fraught with danger, that it’s possible to fail, and to fail publicly. They marketing is have also learned that while some of the biggest campaigns look easy, they are anything but. As the FLASH charts in this section indicate, most going to blow the brands are still struggling with campaign creation as well as with promotion and tracking. shingles off the roof once people 92% 94% Most really figure out Challenging how to use it.” Aspects* Megan O’Connor, Director, Social Effectively promoting social Creating “viral worthy” Media Marketing, Levi Straus & Co. media marketing campaigns content * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey Creating “viral worthy” content. Ever since media campaigns can sell themselves. the first Mentos-meets-Coke video popped Tracking and measuring success. The up on YouTube, social media marketers have explosive growth of social media opportunities been focused on developing the perfect viral has not brought along an equally explosive video or YouTube moment. Problem is, it’s ability to measure the effectiveness of those virtually impossible to predict what content campaigns. And because brands are using will take off in the social sphere. The online a variety of platforms and tools to broadcast audience is not easily taken in by brand their messages, they are finding that they do messages, so marketers are well advised to not have one clear and consistent dashboard create authentic, shareable content (video to monitor success. There is progress being or otherwise), and open themselves up for made, however, and some prominent vendors customer review and commentary. With are introducing increasingly sophisticated luck, they’ll find something that works. But monitoring engines that will help to further more often than not, customer or third-party quantify and qualify social media success. content stands a better chance of going viral. Securing executive level buy-in. Senior Effectively promoting social media executives tend to focus on core business marketing campaigns. As with any new objectives and programs that can bring tool, marketers are finding that they have to measureable results. And many tradi- Rate & Review learn how to build and market their campaigns tional companies are very protective of effectively. The language of social media – brand image, making them leery of the Related Research from the words we use to the way we describe free-wheeling nature of the social Internet. ourselves and our customers – are different Tell a Friend All of this puts social media marketing at a than in traditional media, which makes it disadvantage. The tools are changing fast, Note: This document is intended for individual hard to fit into the cookie-cutter approaches the analytics are in their infancy, and there’s use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- often used for old-school marketing. The ing on a personal website is in violation of the no controlling what someone might say. terms of use. good news is that, when done right, social Wise marketers will seek executive buy-in Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 8. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 8 76% 78% 83% Challenging Aspects* Making the business Securing executive Tracking and case in terms of ROI level buy-in measuring results * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey using metrics that are available. And they value of integrating their campaigns, they are will focus on other tangibles, like customer finding it hard to incorporate the somewhat interaction, in their attempt to secure uncontrolled nature of social interactions executive buy-in. They might also stress into their structured marketing plans. It is the risk of inaction, of not being a part of the no surprise that companies are struggling conversation should something go wrong. with how to adapt to social media marketing Making the business case in terms of ROI. because they have spent generations plotting, As discussed above, the metrics available for refining and pushing their own narrative. assessing social media marketing are not as Securing the right organizational robust as marketers have been accustomed to resources. Figuring out the right organizational for email or other marketing activities. There is structure for a social media marketing effort is significant debate over the value of a Facebook no easy task, in part because it’s impossible to fan or the ROI benefit of a customer engage- compartmentalize social media as a pure disci- ment community that is not big or tied directly pline. It’s part marketing, part PR, part product to sales. Add to that the fact that most social development and part customer service media activity is not mapped into a company’s (among others). In 2010, companies are trying CRM system, and it becomes virtually impos- to consolidate their social media marketing sible to measure effectively. This is starting to efforts into small SWAT teams or centers of change, but it will likely be some time before excellence. But within a few years, they will be we have access to the kinds of metrics that can expected to make social media a part of every- provide a reliable assessment of social efforts. one’s job. In any event, the people running the Integrating social media into the overall social media efforts need to be empowered marketing mix. Gleanster survey respondents to be vocal, persistent and proud. They need point to marketing integration as both a value to have access to those with information, and driver and a challenge to their social media they need the company to be in their corner. marketing efforts, in pretty even numbers. This suggests that while marketers see the 63% 71% Less Challenging Rate & Review Aspects* Related Research Securing the right Integrating social media into Tell a Friend organizational resources the overall marketing mix Note: This document is intended for individual * According to All Companies, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- ing on a personal website is in violation of the terms of use. Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 9. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 9 Gleanster Numbers Part 5: Performance Metrics The science of measuring social media marketing is still a work in 7,000,000 progress. As noted earlier, the social media landscape changes every day, Number of “fan votes” that were cast for an M&M’s social media and the shifting ground makes it that much harder to determine whether marketing campaign in 2009 the social media efforts are meeting the company’s overall business goals. Social media monitoring tools can measure the ratio of positive-to-negative 94 sentiment and the volume of relevant conversation. But, as the FLASH Percentage of companies that regard “creating ‘viral-worthy’ charts in this section show, the top metrics employed by companies do not content” as the biggest challenge necessarily correlate to the top reasons they launched their campaigns in with social media marketing the first place. In fact, Top Performers indicate that their primary reasons 81 for implementing a social media marketing campaign are customer acqui- Percentage of Top Performers sition, return on marketing investment and customer advocacy – none of (compared to 70% of Everyone which surface as one of the most commonly used metrics. This will change Else) who use “consumer engage- ment rate” to track social media as companies demand better metrics from solution providers and as social marketing campaigns media activity becomes more closely mapped to their CRM systems. 79 Percentage of Top Performers 81% 70% ** 86% (compared to 66% of Everyone Else) who view “increase customer engage- Most ment” as a reason to implement a social media marketing campaign Commonly 79 Used Percentage of Top Performers Metrics* (compared to 68% of Everyone Else) Consumer engagement Audience growth rate - e.g., who view “adjust promotional tactics rate - e.g., # of click-thrus, # of Facebook fans, Twitter as needed based on campaign registrations, etc., per week followers, etc., per week performance” as an important value * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey driver for social media marketing ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers Audience growth rate. The most visible inspired to participate and can be compared metric in almost any social campaign, audience to earlier time periods. But it does not yet growth is easily charted over time and can compare that number with the overall reach of be seen in the number of people who follow the campaign, meaning that there’s no knowing a brand, “like” a brand, take a poll, submit how many people chose not to participate. a picture or share content. A handful of Volume of relevant comments/posts. Top brands have built enormous fan pages on Performers are more likely to measure the Facebook, sometimes through contests, volume of relevant content than Everyone coupons or classic marketing efforts. Else, a sign perhaps of the work involved Customer engagement rate. Another in determining relevance of user content. metric that carries over from email marketing, In most cases, it’s much easier to see how customer engagement rates can be fairly much content is produced overall than it is simple to see. How many people are clicking to narrow down into positive or negative or Rate & Review through a link, completing a registration relevant or not. Measuring customer sentiment process, rating a video or responding to some of social media posts can be a tricky task and Related Research other call-to-action? Top Performers are is an art that is being perfected every day. Tell a Friend monitoring this to a much greater extent than Customer acquisition rate. Customer Everyone Else, indicating that they are going acquisition was the number one reason to Note: This document is intended for individual to the numbers they have in the absence of use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- implement a social media marketing campaign, ing on a personal website is in violation of the the numbers they want. Customer engage- yet it fell in the middle of the pack of the top terms of use. ment speaks to how many people have been Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 10. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 10 69% 73% 77%61% ** Commonly Used “Integration with Metrics* the brand strat- Customer advocacy Customer acquisition egy and offline Volume of relevant score - e.g., NPS rate comments/posts * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey media is key. If ** According to Everyone Else, shown only when a notable disparity occurs relative to Top Performers social media is metrics used. This goes in large part to the disparate tools and platforms that are used will change over time as companies become more adept at creating social programs that to conduct social media marketing efforts, are more closely tied to business goals and siloed, it will be making it difficult to determine which partici- pants are customers, become customers, as they improve their data integration. Customer acquisition cost. Increasing a one-hit won- or change their purchase behavior. Customer advocacy score. The Net Promoter customer acquisition was cited as the top reason that Top Performers implement social der. A TV spot Score, popularized in the last decade, delivers a single number used to measure how likely media marketing campaigns, yet customer acquisition costs are measured by only 59% should point to a a consumer is to recommend a product or of these companies. The oft-stated discon- service. While it can be tracked over time, it nect between social efforts and company can be difficult to make a correlation between CRM systems is a likely barrier to successful Facebook page changes to the score and a specific social media marketing activity, as a consumer’s measurement of customer acquisition cost. Brand awareness/exposure measure. and vice versa. propensity to recommend a brand can be influenced by any number of factors. Social media campaigns work for the most part by facilitating the viral or organic spread Every touchpoint Return on marketing investment. The number two reason brands begin a social of a company’s message through the social graphs of the customers who buy into the media marketing campaign is that return message. It’s a generally accepted principle should link and on marketing investment lags as a metric used to measure the effectiveness of those that this organic distribution of the message will ultimately result in increased brand visibility, point to other campaigns. This is true because a lot of money can be spent on social media oppor- which can be readily measured through aided and unaided brand awareness studies. touchpoints.” tunities that do not tie back directly to the company’s CRM systems, their point-of-sale systems and their core business goals. This Bert DuMars, VP, eBusiness and Inter- active Marketing, Newell-Rubbermaid 52% 59% 62% Less Commonly Used Rate & Review Metrics* Related Research Brand awareness/ Customer acquisition Return on exposure measure cost marketing investment Tell a Friend * According to Top Performers, based on 284 Qualified Survey Responses to the Q3 2010 Gleanster Voice of the Customer survey Note: This document is intended for individual use. Electronic distribution via email or by post- ing on a personal website is in violation of the terms of use. Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
  • 11. Gleansight: Social Media Marketing 11 . Part 6: Success Story Major consumer brands spend millions of dollars every year on sponsor- ship deals as a way of grabbing consumer mindshare during activities that would otherwise seem far-removed from their core go-to-market message and brand promise. Mars Chocolate North America, no stranger to such deals, has a longstanding relationship with NASCAR, which has More Success Stories been supported in recent years by an innovative social media marketing campaign looking to identify the M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR. The campaign, now in its third year, has been sweet for the brand, which says it is seeing a higher level of engagement and activity through its integrated marketing approach. The Challenge selected through voting of registered users at The campaign NASCAR has one of the most brand-loyal is supported by Facebook and Twitter feeds fan bases in all of sports and is second only and was expanded this year to allow partici- to the NFL in TV viewership. M&M’s, which pants to upload their photos through Sprint has had a NASCAR relationship for 20 years, smart phones. entered the 2008 season looking for “Mars wanted to Winners in early a fan-friendly way to boost customer leverage the NASCAR rounds get gift cards, while the Note: The original version of this Success Story engagement while employing the fans’ legendary enthu- ultimate winner gets a $10,000 prize and may have been prepared—and previously pub- lished—by an enabling solution provider. If so, it is edited and reproduced here by permission. social media tactics that were beginning siasm with a campaign is showcased for a year in a display While reasonable efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained to hold sway. that would connect at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. racing fans to the herein through independent fact-checking, Mars wanted Gleanster disclaims liability for any content that was developed and submitted by third to leverage The Results M&M brand and parties. Success Stories are selected based the NASCAR solely on the merits of the content as judged The simplicity of the fans’ legendary by Gleanster’s Research Oversight Committee. contest matched Vendors are not charged a fee for inclusion and no preference is given to vendors based on their ability to purchase other Gleanster products or enthusiasm with a campaign that to one another.” with the natural enthusiasm of services. Any questions or concerns regarding would connect the fan base was this particular Success Story–or Gleanster’s racing fans to the M&M brand and to one selection criteria or policies, in general–should a hit for Mars, which found that the sharing another. The company understood that it be directed to and engagement on social media properties Case studies may be submitted for publish- needed to have an integrated approach to the ing consideration using the Success Stories drove entries, buzz and word of mouth. The campaign, one that involved digital creative, Submission Form. company reports that it saw exponential growth public relations, media and the promotions in engagement (measured in votes), submis- team. And officials knew they would need to sions and media impressions in 2009 over measure reach, engagement and sentiment 2008. Some 5,700 photos were submitted – and gain a clear understanding of how the in 2009, up from about 2,000 photos the campaign would address business goals. first year. About 7 million votes were cast in The Solution 2009, up an astounding 1400% from 2008. Rate & Review The M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR “M&M’s Most Colorful Fans of NASCAR Related Research contest is a deceptively simple campaign that contest is unique because it’s 100 takes advantage of NASCAR fans’ passion percent fan generated,” noted Suzanne Tell a Friend for the sport and the most basic social media Beaudoin, vice president of sponsor- Note: this document is intended for individual sharing tools. Participants are encouraged to ships and sports marketing. use. Electronic Distribution via eamil or by post- upload colorful photos depicting their enthusi- ing on a personal website is in violation of the terms of use. asm for all things NASCAR, and winners are Entire content © 2010 Gleanster, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.