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Biblical Creationism and Real
Week 11
Todd Pencarinha
Week 10 – Review
• Bible Passages
• Evolutionists Claims About the History of the Universe
• Astronomy and the Universe
• The Earth
• Our Solar System
• The Galaxies
• The Universe
• Conclusions
• Applications
Week 11 – Overview
• Bible Passages
• Mathematics
• Introduction to Mathematics
• Mathematics in Nature
• Mathematical Possibilities
• Physics
• Introduction to Physics
• Physics and Creation
• Physics in Nature
• Conclusions
• Applications
Romans 1
Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who
suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known
about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood
through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For
even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give
thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish
heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the
form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and
crawling creatures.
Other Scriptures
Deuteronomy 32:4 (KJV) 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his
ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is
1 Corinthians 14:40 (NASB) 40 But all things must be done properly and
in an orderly manner.
Psalm 147:5 (NASB) 5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His
understanding is infinite.
Genesis 1:28 (NASB) 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing
that moves on the earth."
Introduction to Mathematics
• Math is true. There’s always a right answer. God is true (Deut 32:4)
• Math is orderly. Higher math builds on elementary math. God is orderly (1 Cor
• Math helps us understand more about infinity. Any number we imagine can
always be a bigger number by adding one. Similarly, any small number can always
be reduced by dividing it in half. God is infinite (Psalm 147:5).
• Math is require to achieve God’s dominion mandate of Genesis 1:28. Math is a
useful, God-given tool in building everything and organizing people. God
commanded Moses to take a census (Numbers 1), commanded Noah on the
dimensions of the Ark (Gen 6:15), and He commanded workers build the
tabernacle to exact specifications (Exodus 25:9–28). All require math.
• “In the pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the
Divine Mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue to
exist there when the last of their radiant host shall have fallen from heaven.”
Edward Everett - Pastor, Former Secretary of State
Introduction to Mathematics
• What is Mathematics?
• Mathematics is an abstract “thing”, yet the rules of mathematics hold true
• Did man invent mathematics?
• Things that are universally true are not invented by man. They are created by God
and revealed by God to man.
• Just ask “were the rules of mathematics true before man was on the earth?”
• All sciences utilize mathematics
• Mathematics is concept that is useful to describe God’s creation and to predict
observable behaviors when combined with other Laws of science.
• Mathematics can be used to describe and predict the hidden forces that we cannot
• Mathematics can be used to describe symmetry and asymmetry that we observe in
nature (God’s creation)
Mathematics in Nature
Patterns in design
• The Fibonacci sequence is a
mathematical formula that can
be used to describe many
observable physical things
• Galaxies
• Flowers
• Crustaceans
• Fractal Patterns
• Fern Branches
• Romanesco Broccoli
• Snow flakes
Mathematics in Nature
• Bees and Wasps
• Appear to use complex
mathematics to create their
honeycomb structures
• Seem to have a highly
sophisticated mathematical
mechanism to determine the
shortest route to return to
multiple flowers in different areas.
Mathematics in Nature
• Cicadas use prime numbers
• Secular textbooks teach that one way to recognize a clear signal from an
extraterrestrial intelligence would be to track the prime number signals it might
transmit if it existed.
• God designed cicadas to return once every 13 or 17 years, depending on the brood
• Unfortunately secular scientists fail to connect the dots of the prime-number
sequences occurring in creatures right at their feet.
• Ants count their steps
• “Essentially, when the ant leaves its nest to go foraging, it counts the steps and keeps
a record of how many steps it is away from home at any given time, like a
pedometer,” wrote evolutionist and biochemist Michael Gross.
• “[Ants can] perform simple arithmetic operations with small numbers. We suggest
that applying ideas of information theory and using the natural communication
systems of highly social animals can open new horizons in studying numerical
Mathematics in Nature
• Ants solve complex problems
• A group of researchers recently studied ants solving the “towers of Hanoi”
• The game involves transferring disks of tapering size from one of three
stacks to another without placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one.
• Researchers even tested the ants by adding a maze of hexagons, where the
shortest route to food corresponded to the best solution to the puzzle.
• The ants easily solved the puzzle, even when researchers blocked tunnels.
• In addition, the ants that solved the puzzles somehow communicated the
correct route to the other ants.
• In another study, Harvester ants were discovered to solve food inventory
management problems by regulating foraging activities in an analogous
manner to mathematical formulas used to regulate internet traffic.
Mathematical Possibilities
Consider Binary Code where there are only 2 “letters” in the alphabet
In modern binary code, the “letters” are represented by “0” and “1”
We will instead use “A” and “B”
Consider a string of letters that is only 4 letters long
How many unique combinations are there?
How about a string that is 10 letters long?
Mathematical Possibilities
Binary Code
2 “letters” of A and B
With a string 1 letter long, there are only 2
When the string is 2 letters long, there are
4 possibilities
When the string grows to 3 letters in
length, there are 8 possibilities
The number of possibilities is equal to the
prior possibilities times the number of
Length of 1 = 2 possibilities
Length of 2 = 2 x 2 = 4 possibilities
Length of 3 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 possibilities
Length of 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 possibilities
Mathematical Possibilities
Binary Code
• Instead of saying the possibilities are:
• 2 x 2 = 22
• 2 x 2 x 2 = 23
• 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24
• And so on
• By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 1
thousand possibilities
• At a string length of 20 characters, there are 1 million
• At a string length of 40 characters, there are 1 trillion
• At a string length of 50 characters, there are 1 quadrillion
• A computer testing 1 billion possibilities per second would take
13 days to test all the combinations of a binary string 50
characters long but 36 years to test all combinations for a string
60 characters long
String Length Possibilities
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1,024
15 32,768
20 1,048,576
25 33,554,432
30 1,073,741,824
35 34,359,738,368
40 1,099,511,627,776
45 35,184,372,088,832
50 1,125,899,906,842,620
Mathematical Possibilities
English Alphabet
• With 26 letters, and ignoring all punctuation, the
possibilities are:
• 26 x 26 = 262
• 26 x 26 x 26 = 26
• And so on
• By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are
141 trillion possibilities
• The shortest verse in the bible (“Jesus wept”) is 9
characters long, excluding the space.
Length Possibilities Sci. Not
1 26 2.60E+01
2 676 6.76E+02
3 17,576 1.76E+04
4 456,976 4.57E+05
5 11,881,376 1.19E+07
6 308,915,776 3.09E+08
7 8,031,810,176 8.03E+09
8 208,827,064,576 2.09E+11
9 5,429,503,678,976 5.43E+12
10 141,167,095,653,376 1.41E+14
11 3.67E+15
12 9.54E+16
13 2.48E+18
14 6.45E+19
15 1.68E+21
16 4.36E+22
17 1.13E+24
Mathematical Possibilities
English Alphabet
• With 26 letters (well over 100 on a computer), and
ignoring all punctuation, the possibilities are:
• 26 x 26 = 262
• 26 x 26 x 26 = 26
• And so on
• By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are
141 trillion possibilities
• The shortest verse in the bible (“Jesus wept”) is 9
characters long, excluding the space.
• 1 million monkeys typing a random digit every second
would take 31 days on average to type the exact 9 digit
sequence in order
• A 10-digit phrase would take 2 years for those million
• A 17-digit phrase would take 18 billion years
Mathematical Possibilities
DNA – A Quaternary Code
• The possible combinations are:
• 4 x 4 = 42
• 4 x 4 x 4 = 43
• And so on
• By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 1
million possibilities
• At a string length of 20 characters, there are 1 trillion
• A computer testing 1 million possibilities per second would
take 38 billion years to determine all options for a string of
40 DNA nucleotides
• A computer testing 1 trillion possibilities per second would
take 40 billion years to determine all options for a string of
50 DNA nucleotides
• A computer testing 1 million quadrillion (= 1 sextillion)
possibilities per millisecond would take 44 billion years to
determine all options for a string of 70 DNA nucleotides
of Chain Possibilities Sci. Not
1 4 4.00E+00
2 16 1.60E+01
3 64 6.40E+01
4 256 2.56E+02
5 1,024 1.02E+03
6 4,096 4.10E+03
7 16,384 1.64E+04
8 65,536 6.55E+04
9 262,144 2.62E+05
10 1,048,576 1.05E+06
11 4,194,304 4.19E+06
12 16,777,216 1.68E+07
13 67,108,864 6.71E+07
14 268,435,456 2.68E+08
15 1,073,741,824 1.07E+09
16 4,294,967,296 4.29E+09
17 17,179,869,184 1.72E+10
18 68,719,476,736 6.87E+10
19 274,877,906,944 2.75E+11
20 1,099,511,627,7761.10E+12
30 1.15E+18
40 1.21E+24
Mathematical Possibilities
DNA – A Quaternary Code
• The smallest genome (Carsonella ruddi) is 160,000 base nucleotides long. It
is actually symbiotic with a leaf-munching insect, called a psyllid.
• How long would it take “nature” to string together the exact combination of
160,000 base pairs if 70 is mathematically impossible?
• The human genome is 3.2 billion base pairs long.
• In “nature” the base nucleotides would include various other amino acids,
various other sugars of varying lengths, both of which could be right handed
or left handed.
• The real possibilities would are incredibly more improbable than 4
• In reality, the available alphabet for DNA combination could be more several
hundred characters, except they would have a dramatically greater
improbability of being in the same place, readily available for assembly
Mathematical Possibilities
DNA – A Quaternary Code
• In the previous example, even if EVERY star in the universe had an earth-like planet
(10,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets) AND each of those planets had processes
producing ONLY the 4 left handed nucleotides AND each planet had mechanisms
for randomly assembling 1 million quadrillion of them every millisecond (1000th of
a second)… it would still take 5 billion years to assemble every possibility in a DNA
strand just 100 characters long.
• Of course, the planet would still have to have all the other things necessary
(discussed last week) and it would need oxygen just at the exact right second AND
the DNA would have to be protected in a cell with ALL of the other ingredients for
life AND would need all of the myriads of other cell features AND …
• For this reason, many physicists and mathematicians like the idea of an infinite
number of parallel universes – since infinity is the ultimate trump card to
extremely low probability
• “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software
ever created.” – Bill Gates
Mathematical Possibilities
DNA – A Quaternary Code
• Secular scientists suggest that life evolved from simpler, self replicating
• The simplest self replicating entity would theoretically require 124 of
400 amino acids in length.
• There are 20 amino acids, but 19 have a left and right hand version
• The possible combinations are 39
(400 x 124)
= 39
• The largest numbers we discussed earlier were 4 letters to the 100th
The field of physics is broken into several fields:
• Classical Physics or Newtonian Physics – this field of physics historically started
with Sir Isaac Newton and was used to describe things on earth and even to predict
planets and their orbits.
• Relativity (General and Special) – starting with Einstein’s theory of relativity and
added profound consequences to what was previously known.
• Quantum Mechanics – started in the 1920’s and focused on the very small things,
such as molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles.
• String Theory – based on the study and behavior of sub-atomic particles theorized
that at the smallest level, particles behave as if they were strings, but with 6
additional dimensions to the 4 obvious dimensions (10 total dimensions)
• Membrane Theory or “M” Theory – String Theory is really multiple individual
string theories, all in 10 dimensions. M Theory reportedly homogenizes all the
multiple string theories into one theory in 11 dimensions.
The study of physics
• Is based heavily on mathematics
• Is highly theoretical, requiring very complex experiments to
• Has lead to many new discoveries:
• The gravitational effects on time
• The ability of gravity to bend and magnify light
• Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Positrons, Partons, Mesons, Gluons,
Bosons, Quarks, Neutrinos, Antihydrogen, Antihelium-4, and
recently the Higgs-Boson field
• The prediction and discoveries of new materials
Physics and Creation
Laws of Thermodynamics
• 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that energy is never created or
• Einstein’s Relativity only changed the view of the first law, it did not change the
actual law, since energy can be converted into matter and vice-versa
• 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the energy of the universe is
balancing out, thereby eliminating usable energy
• The 2nd Law means the universe will eventually die and since the
usable energy is going down, it must have had a beginning
• The Big Bang theory violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics since all of
the energy of the universe would have suddenly come into existence
• Secular scientists have no rational way to reconcile this
Physics and Creation
Why is the Universe Dominated by Matter?
• Matter and anti-matter both exist
• Physics researchers have demonstrated the existence of certain anti-matter
particles, including the anti-electron (positron), anti-hydrogen, and anti-
• When using high-energy gamma radiation collisions, the matter and anti-
matter particles are produced in equal balance
• Whenever matter meets anti-matter, they convert to energy based on
Einstein’s relativity E = m c2
• However, the universe has far more matter than anti-matter (a very good
thing for all of us)
• If the Big Bang turned energy into all the matter, where is the equal amount
of anti-matter?
• Answer: it doesn’t exist
Physics in Nature
Photosynthesis uses Quantum Mechanical Design
• Researchers cooled a photosynthetic bacteria to roughly 150 degrees below freezing so
photon and electron interactions within bacteria's light-harvesting protein complex would
occur slow enough to observe in more detail.
• They shined one wavelength of light onto specific pigment molecules
• Each complex contains multiple pigments in precise arrangements.
• Scientists observed single photons that appeared to excite different chromophores
[pigments] simultaneously.
• This matches strange observations of light's "quantum coherence," whereby a single fast-
moving particle appears in two places at the same time.
• Bacterial biochemistry exploits this property of light when harvesting it.
• The researchers wrote that capturing light in its quantum coherence was "most likely due to
electronic coupling between the cofactor [pigment]," and precisely positioned proteins
specify the coupling.
• In other words, bacteria are equipped with machinery that could only have been built by
someone who had intricate understanding of the quantum nature of light.
• The field of mathematics
• Reveals powerful tools that provide insights to the mind of God
• Aids us in subduing the earth and having dominion over it
• Can be used to describe much of what God has created
• Proves DNA production via any random process is not feasible, even given the most
highly optimistic scenarios
• Proves protein synthesis for the simple life functions is not feasible
• The field of physics
• Implicates the Big Bang theory as a violation of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics
• Implicates Evolution as a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
• Demonstrates that much of creation demonstrates design knowledge of complex
• Demonstrates a severe imbalance between matter and anti-matter with no secular
• Every field of science is useful in disproving evolution, when the
scientific method is actually applies
• Physics and Mathematics, like the other sciences can be used as
discussion openers to deliver the great commission
• A detailed understanding of the sciences is not required, so long as
we remember some basic principles in each field
• Many of the scientific arguments still lead to origins – origin of life
and origin of the universe.
Read Gen 1-11
Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible”
Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”
Watch “Is Genesis History”
Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis”
The Institute for Creation Research
Answers in Genesis

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Biblical creationism and real science week 11

  • 1. Biblical Creationism and Real Science Week 11 Todd Pencarinha
  • 2.
  • 3. Week 10 – Review • Bible Passages • Evolutionists Claims About the History of the Universe • Astronomy and the Universe • The Earth • Our Solar System • The Galaxies • The Universe • Conclusions • Applications
  • 4. Week 11 – Overview • Bible Passages • Mathematics • Introduction to Mathematics • Mathematics in Nature • Mathematical Possibilities • Physics • Introduction to Physics • Physics and Creation • Physics in Nature • Conclusions • Applications
  • 5. Romans 1 Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
  • 6. Other Scriptures Deuteronomy 32:4 (KJV) 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. 1 Corinthians 14:40 (NASB) 40 But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner. Psalm 147:5 (NASB) 5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite. Genesis 1:28 (NASB) 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
  • 7. Introduction to Mathematics • Math is true. There’s always a right answer. God is true (Deut 32:4) • Math is orderly. Higher math builds on elementary math. God is orderly (1 Cor 14:40). • Math helps us understand more about infinity. Any number we imagine can always be a bigger number by adding one. Similarly, any small number can always be reduced by dividing it in half. God is infinite (Psalm 147:5). • Math is require to achieve God’s dominion mandate of Genesis 1:28. Math is a useful, God-given tool in building everything and organizing people. God commanded Moses to take a census (Numbers 1), commanded Noah on the dimensions of the Ark (Gen 6:15), and He commanded workers build the tabernacle to exact specifications (Exodus 25:9–28). All require math. • “In the pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the Divine Mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue to exist there when the last of their radiant host shall have fallen from heaven.” Edward Everett - Pastor, Former Secretary of State
  • 8. Introduction to Mathematics • What is Mathematics? • Mathematics is an abstract “thing”, yet the rules of mathematics hold true everywhere • Did man invent mathematics? • Things that are universally true are not invented by man. They are created by God and revealed by God to man. • Just ask “were the rules of mathematics true before man was on the earth?” • All sciences utilize mathematics • Mathematics is concept that is useful to describe God’s creation and to predict observable behaviors when combined with other Laws of science. • Mathematics can be used to describe and predict the hidden forces that we cannot see • Mathematics can be used to describe symmetry and asymmetry that we observe in nature (God’s creation)
  • 9. Mathematics in Nature Patterns in design • The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical formula that can be used to describe many observable physical things • Galaxies • Flowers • Crustaceans • Fractal Patterns • Fern Branches • Romanesco Broccoli • Snow flakes
  • 10. Mathematics in Nature • Bees and Wasps • Appear to use complex mathematics to create their honeycomb structures • Seem to have a highly sophisticated mathematical mechanism to determine the shortest route to return to multiple flowers in different areas.
  • 11. Mathematics in Nature • Cicadas use prime numbers • Secular textbooks teach that one way to recognize a clear signal from an extraterrestrial intelligence would be to track the prime number signals it might transmit if it existed. • God designed cicadas to return once every 13 or 17 years, depending on the brood • Unfortunately secular scientists fail to connect the dots of the prime-number sequences occurring in creatures right at their feet. • Ants count their steps • “Essentially, when the ant leaves its nest to go foraging, it counts the steps and keeps a record of how many steps it is away from home at any given time, like a pedometer,” wrote evolutionist and biochemist Michael Gross. • “[Ants can] perform simple arithmetic operations with small numbers. We suggest that applying ideas of information theory and using the natural communication systems of highly social animals can open new horizons in studying numerical cognition.”
  • 12. Mathematics in Nature • Ants solve complex problems • A group of researchers recently studied ants solving the “towers of Hanoi” puzzle. • The game involves transferring disks of tapering size from one of three stacks to another without placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one. • Researchers even tested the ants by adding a maze of hexagons, where the shortest route to food corresponded to the best solution to the puzzle. • The ants easily solved the puzzle, even when researchers blocked tunnels. • In addition, the ants that solved the puzzles somehow communicated the correct route to the other ants. • In another study, Harvester ants were discovered to solve food inventory management problems by regulating foraging activities in an analogous manner to mathematical formulas used to regulate internet traffic.
  • 13. Mathematical Possibilities Consider Binary Code where there are only 2 “letters” in the alphabet In modern binary code, the “letters” are represented by “0” and “1” We will instead use “A” and “B” Consider a string of letters that is only 4 letters long How many unique combinations are there? How about a string that is 10 letters long? BA B A BA B A BA B A B A
  • 14. Mathematical Possibilities Binary Code A A A A B A BA B B A B B A BB A B A B A B A B 2 “letters” of A and B With a string 1 letter long, there are only 2 possibilities When the string is 2 letters long, there are 4 possibilities When the string grows to 3 letters in length, there are 8 possibilities The number of possibilities is equal to the prior possibilities times the number of characters Length of 1 = 2 possibilities Length of 2 = 2 x 2 = 4 possibilities Length of 3 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 possibilities Length of 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 possibilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • 15. Mathematical Possibilities Binary Code • Instead of saying the possibilities are: • 2 x 2 = 22 • 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 • 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24 • And so on • By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 1 thousand possibilities • At a string length of 20 characters, there are 1 million possibilities • At a string length of 40 characters, there are 1 trillion possibilities • At a string length of 50 characters, there are 1 quadrillion possibilities • A computer testing 1 billion possibilities per second would take 13 days to test all the combinations of a binary string 50 characters long but 36 years to test all combinations for a string 60 characters long String Length Possibilities 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10 1,024 15 32,768 20 1,048,576 25 33,554,432 30 1,073,741,824 35 34,359,738,368 40 1,099,511,627,776 45 35,184,372,088,832 50 1,125,899,906,842,620
  • 16. Mathematical Possibilities English Alphabet • With 26 letters, and ignoring all punctuation, the possibilities are: • 26 x 26 = 262 • 26 x 26 x 26 = 26 3 • And so on • By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 141 trillion possibilities • The shortest verse in the bible (“Jesus wept”) is 9 characters long, excluding the space. String Length Possibilities Sci. Not 1 26 2.60E+01 2 676 6.76E+02 3 17,576 1.76E+04 4 456,976 4.57E+05 5 11,881,376 1.19E+07 6 308,915,776 3.09E+08 7 8,031,810,176 8.03E+09 8 208,827,064,576 2.09E+11 9 5,429,503,678,976 5.43E+12 10 141,167,095,653,376 1.41E+14 11 3.67E+15 12 9.54E+16 13 2.48E+18 14 6.45E+19 15 1.68E+21 16 4.36E+22 17 1.13E+24
  • 17. Mathematical Possibilities English Alphabet • With 26 letters (well over 100 on a computer), and ignoring all punctuation, the possibilities are: • 26 x 26 = 262 • 26 x 26 x 26 = 26 3 • And so on • By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 141 trillion possibilities • The shortest verse in the bible (“Jesus wept”) is 9 characters long, excluding the space. • 1 million monkeys typing a random digit every second would take 31 days on average to type the exact 9 digit sequence in order • A 10-digit phrase would take 2 years for those million monkeys • A 17-digit phrase would take 18 billion years
  • 18. Mathematical Possibilities DNA – A Quaternary Code • The possible combinations are: • 4 x 4 = 42 • 4 x 4 x 4 = 43 • And so on • By the time you get to a string length of 10, there are 1 million possibilities • At a string length of 20 characters, there are 1 trillion possibilities • A computer testing 1 million possibilities per second would take 38 billion years to determine all options for a string of 40 DNA nucleotides • A computer testing 1 trillion possibilities per second would take 40 billion years to determine all options for a string of 50 DNA nucleotides • A computer testing 1 million quadrillion (= 1 sextillion) possibilities per millisecond would take 44 billion years to determine all options for a string of 70 DNA nucleotides Length of Chain Possibilities Sci. Not 1 4 4.00E+00 2 16 1.60E+01 3 64 6.40E+01 4 256 2.56E+02 5 1,024 1.02E+03 6 4,096 4.10E+03 7 16,384 1.64E+04 8 65,536 6.55E+04 9 262,144 2.62E+05 10 1,048,576 1.05E+06 11 4,194,304 4.19E+06 12 16,777,216 1.68E+07 13 67,108,864 6.71E+07 14 268,435,456 2.68E+08 15 1,073,741,824 1.07E+09 16 4,294,967,296 4.29E+09 17 17,179,869,184 1.72E+10 18 68,719,476,736 6.87E+10 19 274,877,906,944 2.75E+11 20 1,099,511,627,7761.10E+12 30 1.15E+18 40 1.21E+24
  • 19. Mathematical Possibilities DNA – A Quaternary Code • The smallest genome (Carsonella ruddi) is 160,000 base nucleotides long. It is actually symbiotic with a leaf-munching insect, called a psyllid. • How long would it take “nature” to string together the exact combination of 160,000 base pairs if 70 is mathematically impossible? • The human genome is 3.2 billion base pairs long. • In “nature” the base nucleotides would include various other amino acids, various other sugars of varying lengths, both of which could be right handed or left handed. • The real possibilities would are incredibly more improbable than 4 nucleotides. • In reality, the available alphabet for DNA combination could be more several hundred characters, except they would have a dramatically greater improbability of being in the same place, readily available for assembly
  • 20. Mathematical Possibilities DNA – A Quaternary Code • In the previous example, even if EVERY star in the universe had an earth-like planet (10,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets) AND each of those planets had processes producing ONLY the 4 left handed nucleotides AND each planet had mechanisms for randomly assembling 1 million quadrillion of them every millisecond (1000th of a second)… it would still take 5 billion years to assemble every possibility in a DNA strand just 100 characters long. • Of course, the planet would still have to have all the other things necessary (discussed last week) and it would need oxygen just at the exact right second AND the DNA would have to be protected in a cell with ALL of the other ingredients for life AND would need all of the myriads of other cell features AND … • For this reason, many physicists and mathematicians like the idea of an infinite number of parallel universes – since infinity is the ultimate trump card to extremely low probability • “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” – Bill Gates
  • 21. Mathematical Possibilities DNA – A Quaternary Code • Secular scientists suggest that life evolved from simpler, self replicating entities • The simplest self replicating entity would theoretically require 124 of 400 amino acids in length. • There are 20 amino acids, but 19 have a left and right hand version • The possible combinations are 39 (400 x 124) = 39 (49600) • The largest numbers we discussed earlier were 4 letters to the 100th power
  • 22. Physics The field of physics is broken into several fields: • Classical Physics or Newtonian Physics – this field of physics historically started with Sir Isaac Newton and was used to describe things on earth and even to predict planets and their orbits. • Relativity (General and Special) – starting with Einstein’s theory of relativity and added profound consequences to what was previously known. • Quantum Mechanics – started in the 1920’s and focused on the very small things, such as molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles. • String Theory – based on the study and behavior of sub-atomic particles theorized that at the smallest level, particles behave as if they were strings, but with 6 additional dimensions to the 4 obvious dimensions (10 total dimensions) • Membrane Theory or “M” Theory – String Theory is really multiple individual string theories, all in 10 dimensions. M Theory reportedly homogenizes all the multiple string theories into one theory in 11 dimensions.
  • 23. Physics The study of physics • Is based heavily on mathematics • Is highly theoretical, requiring very complex experiments to validate • Has lead to many new discoveries: • The gravitational effects on time • The ability of gravity to bend and magnify light • Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Positrons, Partons, Mesons, Gluons, Bosons, Quarks, Neutrinos, Antihydrogen, Antihelium-4, and recently the Higgs-Boson field • The prediction and discoveries of new materials
  • 24. Physics and Creation Laws of Thermodynamics • 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that energy is never created or destroyed • Einstein’s Relativity only changed the view of the first law, it did not change the actual law, since energy can be converted into matter and vice-versa • 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the energy of the universe is balancing out, thereby eliminating usable energy • The 2nd Law means the universe will eventually die and since the usable energy is going down, it must have had a beginning • The Big Bang theory violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics since all of the energy of the universe would have suddenly come into existence • Secular scientists have no rational way to reconcile this
  • 25. Physics and Creation Why is the Universe Dominated by Matter? • Matter and anti-matter both exist • Physics researchers have demonstrated the existence of certain anti-matter particles, including the anti-electron (positron), anti-hydrogen, and anti- helium-4 • When using high-energy gamma radiation collisions, the matter and anti- matter particles are produced in equal balance • Whenever matter meets anti-matter, they convert to energy based on Einstein’s relativity E = m c2 • However, the universe has far more matter than anti-matter (a very good thing for all of us) • If the Big Bang turned energy into all the matter, where is the equal amount of anti-matter? • Answer: it doesn’t exist
  • 26. Physics in Nature Photosynthesis uses Quantum Mechanical Design • Researchers cooled a photosynthetic bacteria to roughly 150 degrees below freezing so photon and electron interactions within bacteria's light-harvesting protein complex would occur slow enough to observe in more detail. • They shined one wavelength of light onto specific pigment molecules • Each complex contains multiple pigments in precise arrangements. • Scientists observed single photons that appeared to excite different chromophores [pigments] simultaneously. • This matches strange observations of light's "quantum coherence," whereby a single fast- moving particle appears in two places at the same time. • Bacterial biochemistry exploits this property of light when harvesting it. • The researchers wrote that capturing light in its quantum coherence was "most likely due to electronic coupling between the cofactor [pigment]," and precisely positioned proteins specify the coupling. • In other words, bacteria are equipped with machinery that could only have been built by someone who had intricate understanding of the quantum nature of light.
  • 27. Conclusions • The field of mathematics • Reveals powerful tools that provide insights to the mind of God • Aids us in subduing the earth and having dominion over it • Can be used to describe much of what God has created • Proves DNA production via any random process is not feasible, even given the most highly optimistic scenarios • Proves protein synthesis for the simple life functions is not feasible • The field of physics • Implicates the Big Bang theory as a violation of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics • Implicates Evolution as a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics • Demonstrates that much of creation demonstrates design knowledge of complex physics • Demonstrates a severe imbalance between matter and anti-matter with no secular solution
  • 28. Application • Every field of science is useful in disproving evolution, when the scientific method is actually applies • Physics and Mathematics, like the other sciences can be used as discussion openers to deliver the great commission • A detailed understanding of the sciences is not required, so long as we remember some basic principles in each field • Many of the scientific arguments still lead to origins – origin of life and origin of the universe.
  • 29. Recommendations Read Gen 1-11 Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible” Read Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” Watch “Is Genesis History” Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis” Watch The Institute for Creation Research Answers in Genesis Web

Editor's Notes

  1. 9:02 Lets Pray
  2. 9:15 Last week, we will reviewed the scientific data from the field of astronomy We started with some scriptural references to the Glory of God’s created universe We reviewed the claims of evolutionists regarding the supposed history of the universe We shared a few examples of how the data does not fit the evolutionary story We examined characteristics of the earth and observed several problems with the evolution story The earth is the perfect distance from the sun for life It has the perfect orbit, perfect tilt, perfect magnetic field, perfect atmosphere, perfect mass, perfect sun, perfect rotation, perfect moon, and perfect giant planet neighbor and many other factors making it unique and rare We reviewed the evidence of Lunar Recession and how it proves definitively that the earth must be young. We looked at evidence form our own solar system that also does not fit with the claims of evolution Jupiter is the ideal “vacuum cleaner” planet for protection of the earth. Jupiter should be cold and dead, given its size and distance from the sun, but it still has the amount of heat that would be expected from a recently formed planet Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all still have strong magnetic fields, which decay and should not still exist if they planets are billions of years old. Saturn’s rings should be dull, due to space dust over billions of years, but they are clear and bright Saturn’s moons should have no geologic activity and no methane gas, yet they still do, indicating they are young “Natural” processes cannot explain the tilt of Saturn or Uranus or the rotation of Venus or Uranus. Neptune should have no heat, yet still radiates like a very, very young planet. Comets should have burned out long ago, so secular scientists created the idea of an “Oort cloud” that sits just outside of our solar system and regularly produces new comets We reviewed evidence from Galaxies that contradicts the billions of years narrative Spiral galaxies should have lost their spiral shape after billions of years of rotation. The distant galaxies we see in the Hubble “deep field” should not be fully formed since they are at such distances as viewing back to the beginning of the universe. The so-called “cosmic nurseries” have massive stars that cannot last long according to the laws of physics, plus any age to the nebulas would have “blown” away the nebula’s gas clouds We observed that in every direction, the red shift shows the universe is expanding away from the earth. Furthermore, the expansion is accelerating, which requires some force other than a “big bang” – more like a “perpetual pull” We discussed the “horizon problem” of the big bang. Mass and temperatures in the universe are evenly distributed which does not fit a big bang. Scientists have created this “inflation” model that violates the laws of physics to fix the model. We concluded that Wherever we look, we find problems that don’t fit the “billions of years” narrative. Secular scientists came up with multiple theories to try to explain these phenomena, yet one single theory provides the answers to all the problems we will discuss – that is that the universe is only a few thousand years old The best model, which is just one model, that fits the data is a young universe, created by an eternal God, just as described in the bible.
  3. 9:16 Today, we will review the scientific data from the field of astronomy
  4. 9:18 This passage from Romans 1 has been our theme
  5. 9:19 This passage from Romans 1 has been our theme
  6. 9:19 This passage from Romans 1 has been our theme
  7. 9:21 Mathematics has no generally accepted definition It is one of the most difficult things to define Go to Wikipedia Definitions
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