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Biblical Creationism and Real
Week 8
Todd Pencarinha
Week 7 Review - Dinosaurs
• Evolution’s Claim about Dinosaurs
• The Biblical View about Dinosaurs
• The Evidence
• Bible – Job 40, 41, Psalm 74, 104, Gen 1, Is 27
• The Fossil Record
• Secular History
• Fossil Footprints
• Dinosaur Soft Tissues
• Dinosaur DNA
• Dinosaur Radio-Carbon Dating
Delk track
% of DNA
- 100.0%
521 50.0%
1,042 25.0%
1,563 12.5%
2,084 6.3%
2,605 3.1%
3,126 1.6%
3,647 0.8%
4,168 0.4%
4,689 0.2%
5,210 0.1%
5,731 0.0%
Week 8 – Biological Sciences
• Definition of Religion
• Introduction to Biology
• Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• The Bible vs Evolution on the Origins of Life
• The Evidence
• The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• The Science on the Origins of life
• The Complexity of DNA
• The Complexity of Interdependencies and Interactions
• Conclusions
• Applications
Definition of Religion
• Religion: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and
• Evolution is clearly a religion.
• The religion of Evolution has hijacked multiple areas of science to
evangelize our children to their faith. We must fight back with truth
and proper application of the scientific method.
Introduction to Biology
• “Biology” is derived from two Greek words
• bios ("life") and
• logos ("word")
• Biology is "the study of life."
• The Bible encourages the study of biology and all other factual science. The very
first divine commandment given to man was: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the
earth" (Gen 1:28)
• Unfortunately, most biologists and other life scientists are thoroughly committed
to the religion of evolution.
• Poll of National Academy of Sciences members:
• Biologists had the lowest rate of belief in God of all scientists of 5.5%
• Physicists and astronomers slightly higher at 7.5% in God
Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• Visible things Made up from Invisible Things – Atoms, Dark Matter
• Hebrews 11:3 (NASB) 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by
the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
• The Forces of Gravity and Dark Energy
• Colossians 1:17 (NASB) 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
• The Earth Floats in Space, Held up by Nothing
• Job 26:7-8 (NASB) 7 "He stretches out the north over empty space And hangs the
earth on nothing. 8 "He wraps up the waters in His clouds, And the cloud does not
burst under them.
• The Creator can be seen by His Creation
• Hebrews 3:4 (NASB) 4 For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all
things is God.
Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• Radio & Electromagnetism
• Job 38:35 (NASB) 35 "Can you send forth lightnings that they may go And say to you,
'Here we are’?
• The Global Wind and Water Cycles
• Ecclesiastes 1:6-7 (NASB) 6 Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the
north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind
returns. 7 All the rivers flow into the sea, Yet the sea is not full. To the place where
the rivers flow, There they flow again.
• The Water Cycle
• Job 36:27-33 (NASB) 27 "For He draws up the drops of water, They distill rain from
the mist, 28 Which the clouds pour down, They drip upon man abundantly. 29 "Can
anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, The thundering of His pavilion?
30 "Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him, And He covers the depths of the sea.
31 "For by these He judges peoples; He gives food in abundance. 32 "He covers His
hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the mark. 33 "Its noise declares
His presence; The cattle also, concerning what is coming up.
Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• The Sea Currents/Streams
• Psalm 8:8 (NASB) 8 The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea, Whatever
passes through the paths of the seas.
• The Round Earth
• Isaiah 40:22 (NASB) 22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its
inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain And
spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
• The Springs of the Sea
• Job 38:16 (NASB) 16 "Have you entered into the springs of the sea Or walked in the
recesses of the deep?
• God’s Creation can Teach Man About Science
• Job 35:11 (NASB) 11 Who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth And makes
us wiser than the birds of the heavens?’
Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• The Mass of Air
• Job 28:25 (NASB) 25 "When He imparted weight to the wind and meted out the
waters by measure,
• Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Isaiah 51:6 (NASB) 6 "Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath;
For the sky will vanish like smoke, And the earth will wear out like a garment And its
inhabitants will die in like manner; But My salvation will be forever, And My
righteousness will not wane.
• Psalm 102:25-26, Hebrews 1:11 (NASB) 25 "Of old You founded the earth, And the
heavens are the work of Your hands. 26 "Even they will perish, but You endure; And
all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they
will be changed.
• Standard Dimensions for Shipbuilding
• Genesis 6:15 (NASB) 15 "This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark three
hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins
• The Value of Quarantine (Lev 13:46)
• Hygiene (Lev 15:13, Ex 22:31)
• The Movement of Descendants of Noah to the Whole Earth (Gen 9-
• The Global Flood (Gen 6-8)
• The Interdependency of Time, Space, and Matter (Gen 1)
• Plants Require Light, God made Light before Plants
• Life if the Blood (Lev 17:11)
The Bible vs. Evolution on Origin of Life
• Nothing Created the Universe
• The Universe Created the Stars
• The Stars Created the Heavy Elements
Required for Life
• The Stars Exploded
• The Universe Created the Planets
• A Planet Created Life
• First by creating simple organic molecules
• Then by creating amino acids
• Then by creating proteins
• Then by creating enzymes or RNA
• Then by creating DNA
• Then DNA created life
• The First Life was “Simple”, but Evolved
and got More Complex
• God Created
• The Universe
• The Earth
• Light
• Separated the Waters
• Dry Land
• Vegetation with Seed
• Sun, Moon, Stars, Galaxies, etc.
• Sea Creatures, Birds/flying things
• Land Animals
• Man – in His image
Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• 1859 “The Origin of Species” did not address the origin of species, but claimed a
common ancestor for all life
• 1871 In a letter, Darwin wondered if life could have begun in a “warm little pond”,
• 1924 Communist scientist Alexander Oparin, who was subject to Stalin’s
restrictions against believing in a god, published a book called “The Origin of Life”
• Oparin supposed that the molecules central to life, like sugars and amino acids, could all have
formed in Earth's waters
• Oparin observed “coacervates”, which are small patches of organic material that coalesce and
divide (i.e. splotches of oil in water) and theorized they could be predecessors to cells
• 1929 English scientist J. B. S. Haldane outlined how organic chemicals could build
up in water, "[until] the primitive oceans reached the consistency of hot dilute
soup". This set the stage for "the first living or half-living things" to form, and for
each one to become enclosed in "an oily film".
• The idea that life formed in a primordial soup of organic chemicals became
known as the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis
Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• 1945-1950 Harold Urey lectured that there must have been no oxygen in
the early atmosphere for organic matter to survive
• 1968 Leslie Orgel claimed life did not start with DNA, but with RNA
• Orgel was basically claiming that replication had to come first (before metabolism
(he ability to extract energy from your surroundings and use it to keep yourself alive),
before compartmentalization (a container to keep the molecules from floating off)
• Still today, the three different fight about which came first, since all three are
critically interdependent and none can last without the others
• 1986 Robert Gilbert proposed that RNA molecules were responsible for
sequencing the genomes of living things
• The first stage of evolution, Gilbert argued, consisted of "RNA molecules performing
the catalytic activities necessary to assemble themselves from a nucleotide soup". By
cutting and pasting different bits of RNA together, the RNA molecules could create
ever more useful sequences.
Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• 2000 Thomas Steitz – discovered that RNA was the catalytic core of the
• Ribosome: a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins, found in
large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer
RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins.
• Every living cell has a ribosome. This huge molecule reads instructions from RNA and
strings together amino acids to make proteins. The ribosomes in your cells built most
of your body.
• Later conclusion: RNA cannot be the answer
• “For the many scientists who are skeptical about the RNA World, the lack of a self-
replicating RNA is a fatal problem with the idea. RNA does not seem to be up to the
job of kick-starting life.”
• “The case has also been weakened by chemists' failure to make RNA from scratch. It
looks like a simple molecule compared to DNA, but RNA has proved to be
enormously difficult to make.”
• Metabolism
• Research focused on Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
• All cells store energy in ATP
• When cells need energy, they break a phosphate from ATP to form ADP and release
large amounts of energy
• This group of researchers focused on how organic molecules could make ATP
• The research identified a simple process using an enzyme and a membrane
• Problem is both the enzyme and membrane are extremely complex structures
• Researcher pontificated elaborate processes for the origin of life near deep sea vents
• RNA supports see two major problems
• The first problem is that there is no experimental evidence for the processes Russell and
Martin describe. They have a step-by-step story, but none of the steps have been seen in a
• The second problem is the vents' location in the deep sea. Long-chain molecules like RNA
and proteins cannot form in water without enzymes to help them.
Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
• Compartmentalization
• The key ingredients for life must first be kept in a place to interact
• Vesicles: spherical blobs, with two layers of fatty acids on the outside and a
central core of liquid.
• Added RNA, nucleotides (building blocks of RNA), and a special type of clay to
get the “protocells” to replicate
• The solution required the pre-existence of RNA and the pre-existence of
nucleotides, and the clay, and the ORGANIC fatty acids
• Evolutionary scientists are currently working on various combined
theories involving replication, metabolism, and
compartmentalization, but all require the pre-existence of very
complex ingredients
Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• Evolutionists are Conflicted About Oxygen in the Atmosphere
• Our present atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases.
• Any atmosphere with free oxygen would be fatal to all origin of life schemes.
• While evidence demonstrates that the earth has always had a significant
amount of free oxygen, evolutionists persist in declaring that there was no
oxygen in the earth's early atmosphere.
• However, a lack of oxygen would also be fatal to an evolutionary origin of life,
since there would be no ozone layer
• Ozone is produced by radiation from the sun turning oxygen into ozone.
• Evolutionists face an irresolvable dilemma: oxygen = no life, and no oxygen =
no ozone = no life.
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• All Forms of Raw Energy are Destructive
• The energy available on a hypothetical primitive Earth would consist primarily
• Radiation from the sun
• Some electrical discharges (lightning)
• Geothermal energy
• Energy from radioactive decay
• Heat.
• The problem for evolution is that the rates of destruction of biological
molecules by all sources of raw energy vastly exceed their rates of formation
by such energy.
• The short lives for decomposition in the atmosphere or ocean prevents the
possibility of accumulating useful amounts of organic compounds.
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• DNA and RNA Cannot Result from Random Processes
• DNA and RNA contain only 2 kinds of 5 carbon sugars: deoxyribose and ribose
• If random, a variety of other sugars would be in DNA and RNA, including five-carbon, four-
carbon, six-carbon, and seven-carbon sugars. None exist.
• DNA and RNA contain five purines and pyrimidines
• If random, a great variety of other purines and pyrimidines would exist.
• The amino acids in proteins today are exclusively left-handed
• Amino acids on the primitive Earth would be 50% left-handed and 50% right-handed.
• The sugars in DNA and RNA are exclusively right-handed
• Sugars on a primitive Earth would have been 50% right-handed and 50% left-handed.
• If just one right-handed amino acid is in a protein, or just one left-handed sugar is
found in a DNA or RNA, all biological activity is destroyed.
• There would be no mechanism available on a primitive Earth to select the correct
form. This fact alone destroys evolution. and there is no solution in sight.
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• Additional Problems with Evolutionary Origin Theories
• Evolutionists claim that the initial stage in the origin of life was a self-
replicating DNA or RNA molecule.
• There is no such thing as a self-replicating molecule, and no such molecule
could ever exist.
• Molecule formation requires a highly selected type of energy and steady
input of specific building blocks.
• Amino acids are made from specific combinations of atoms
• Proteins are made from specific combinations of amino acids.
• Enzymes are made from specific combinations of proteins or RNA molecules
• Nucleotides are made from specific combinations of purines, pyrimidines,
sugars, and phosphoric acid.
• DNA and RNA are made from specific combinations of are nucleotides
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• Additional Problems with Evolutionary Origin Theories
• Amino acids dissolved in water will not spontaneously join together to make a
• Proteins in water slowly break apart (the protein is said to hydrolyze).
• DNA and RNA also break apart in water.
• To form a protein in a laboratory, chemist cheat by using a “peptide reagent”.
This cannot happen in the cells of living organisms and could never have
taken place in a primitive ocean or anywhere on a primitive Earth.
Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life
• DNA and RNA cannot Survive Without Self-Repair Mechanisms
• DNA, messenger-RNA, transfer-RNA, and ribosomal-RNA, are destroyed by a variety of
agents, such as ultraviolet light, reactive oxygen species, alkylting agents, and water.
• There are 130 known human DNA repair genes and it is likely more will be found.
• Without these DNA repair genes, DNA could not even survive inside a cell, much less in a
primitive Earth
• Thus, DNA is necessary for the survival of DNA
• It would have been impossible for DNA repair genes to evolve before ordinary DNA evolved
and it would have been impossible for ordinary DNA to evolve before DNA repair genes had
• This is another impossible barrier for evolution.
• It is also ridiculous to imagine that DNA repair genes could have evolved even if a cell existed.
• DNA genes encode the sequences of the hundreds of amino acids that constitute the proteins that are
the actual agents that are involved in DNA repair and the repair process in overwhelmingly complex
• This incredible complexity is found even in the simplest of life forms such as bacterium.
Evidence – The Complexity of DNA
• Video
Complexities & Interdependencies of Life
• Life requires:
• Metabolism (energy supply, energy storage, energy conversion)
• Self-Reproduction
• Compartmentalization
• Self-repair
• Waste removal
• Amino acids
• Protection with perfecting restrictive barriers
• Water
• Perfect Planet
• Carefully regulated temperatures
• Perfectly exclusion from oxygen in the atmosphere until exactly the time of
creation of life
Complexities & Interdependencies of Life
• A recent 2011 Stanford School of Medicine study determined that
1000 parts of a “simple” bacteria were required to provide basic life
• The odds of random amino acid combinations that would be required are 1 in
10 to the 100,000th power (a 1 followed by 100,000 zeros)
• 1 million has 6 zeros
• 1 billion has 9 zeros
• 1 trillion has 12 zeros
• How big is a number with 100,000 zeros behind it?
Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in
unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within
them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly
seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without
excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or
give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart
was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged
the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man
and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
• The religion of evolution has hijacked many fields of science, where only a remnant of
Christians remain
• In their evangelical pursuit, evolutionists work hard to indoctrinate our children into their
• The word of God has consistently foretold scientific facts such as a round earth, the
water cycle, and invisible forces that work in science, well before the secular world
understood science
• The evolutionary creation story involves multiple steps of inanimate objects (or nothing)
creating everything, including the building blocks of life
• Several parts of evolutionary theory [religion] lead to irreconcilable dead ends, such as
oxygen in the early atmosphere and self-repairing DNA
• Evolutionary theories about origins evolve into ever growing complexity, as we learn
more about our created biology, in order to prop up the religion
• Our DNA code is far more complex, in 4 dimensions, than ever imagined – demonstrating
incredibly advanced programming knowledge
• A discussion of “what is a religion” is a good opening for apologetic
• A deeper discussion of the origin of life can lead to a comparison of
the faith required to believe one religion versus true faith in God
• God has armed us with real science that we can use as a tool to help
some those “professing to be wise” to leave their foolish pursuits and
know the true God
Read Gen 1-11
Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible”
Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”
Watch “Is Genesis History”
Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis”
The Institute for Creation Research
Answers in Genesis

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Biblical creationism and real science week 8

  • 1. Biblical Creationism and Real Science Week 8 Todd Pencarinha
  • 2.
  • 3. Week 7 Review - Dinosaurs • Evolution’s Claim about Dinosaurs • The Biblical View about Dinosaurs • The Evidence • Bible – Job 40, 41, Psalm 74, 104, Gen 1, Is 27 • The Fossil Record • Secular History • Fossil Footprints • Dinosaur Soft Tissues • Dinosaur DNA • Dinosaur Radio-Carbon Dating Delk track Years % of DNA Remaining - 100.0% 521 50.0% 1,042 25.0% 1,563 12.5% 2,084 6.3% 2,605 3.1% 3,126 1.6% 3,647 0.8% 4,168 0.4% 4,689 0.2% 5,210 0.1% 5,731 0.0%
  • 4. Week 8 – Biological Sciences • Definition of Religion • Introduction to Biology • Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • The Bible vs Evolution on the Origins of Life • The Evidence • The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory • The Science on the Origins of life • The Complexity of DNA • The Complexity of Interdependencies and Interactions • Conclusions • Applications
  • 5. Definition of Religion • Religion: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith • Evolution is clearly a religion. • The religion of Evolution has hijacked multiple areas of science to evangelize our children to their faith. We must fight back with truth and proper application of the scientific method.
  • 6. Introduction to Biology • “Biology” is derived from two Greek words • bios ("life") and • logos ("word") • Biology is "the study of life." • The Bible encourages the study of biology and all other factual science. The very first divine commandment given to man was: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth" (Gen 1:28) • Unfortunately, most biologists and other life scientists are thoroughly committed to the religion of evolution. • Poll of National Academy of Sciences members: • Biologists had the lowest rate of belief in God of all scientists of 5.5% • Physicists and astronomers slightly higher at 7.5% in God
  • 7. Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • Visible things Made up from Invisible Things – Atoms, Dark Matter • Hebrews 11:3 (NASB) 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. • The Forces of Gravity and Dark Energy • Colossians 1:17 (NASB) 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. • The Earth Floats in Space, Held up by Nothing • Job 26:7-8 (NASB) 7 "He stretches out the north over empty space And hangs the earth on nothing. 8 "He wraps up the waters in His clouds, And the cloud does not burst under them. • The Creator can be seen by His Creation • Hebrews 3:4 (NASB) 4 For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
  • 8. Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • Radio & Electromagnetism • Job 38:35 (NASB) 35 "Can you send forth lightnings that they may go And say to you, 'Here we are’? • The Global Wind and Water Cycles • Ecclesiastes 1:6-7 (NASB) 6 Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns. 7 All the rivers flow into the sea, Yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, There they flow again. • The Water Cycle • Job 36:27-33 (NASB) 27 "For He draws up the drops of water, They distill rain from the mist, 28 Which the clouds pour down, They drip upon man abundantly. 29 "Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, The thundering of His pavilion? 30 "Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him, And He covers the depths of the sea. 31 "For by these He judges peoples; He gives food in abundance. 32 "He covers His hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the mark. 33 "Its noise declares His presence; The cattle also, concerning what is coming up.
  • 9. Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • The Sea Currents/Streams • Psalm 8:8 (NASB) 8 The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea, Whatever passes through the paths of the seas. • The Round Earth • Isaiah 40:22 (NASB) 22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. • The Springs of the Sea • Job 38:16 (NASB) 16 "Have you entered into the springs of the sea Or walked in the recesses of the deep? • God’s Creation can Teach Man About Science • Job 35:11 (NASB) 11 Who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth And makes us wiser than the birds of the heavens?’
  • 10. Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • The Mass of Air • Job 28:25 (NASB) 25 "When He imparted weight to the wind and meted out the waters by measure, • Second Law of Thermodynamics • Isaiah 51:6 (NASB) 6 "Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath; For the sky will vanish like smoke, And the earth will wear out like a garment And its inhabitants will die in like manner; But My salvation will be forever, And My righteousness will not wane. • Psalm 102:25-26, Hebrews 1:11 (NASB) 25 "Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26 "Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. • Standard Dimensions for Shipbuilding • Genesis 6:15 (NASB) 15 "This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
  • 11. Bible Passages on Science, Biology and Origins • The Value of Quarantine (Lev 13:46) • Hygiene (Lev 15:13, Ex 22:31) • The Movement of Descendants of Noah to the Whole Earth (Gen 9- 11) • The Global Flood (Gen 6-8) • The Interdependency of Time, Space, and Matter (Gen 1) • Plants Require Light, God made Light before Plants • Life if the Blood (Lev 17:11)
  • 12. The Bible vs. Evolution on Origin of Life Evolution • Nothing Created the Universe • The Universe Created the Stars • The Stars Created the Heavy Elements Required for Life • The Stars Exploded • The Universe Created the Planets • A Planet Created Life • First by creating simple organic molecules • Then by creating amino acids • Then by creating proteins • Then by creating enzymes or RNA • Then by creating DNA • Then DNA created life • The First Life was “Simple”, but Evolved and got More Complex Bible • God Created • The Universe • The Earth • Light • Separated the Waters • Dry Land • Vegetation with Seed • Sun, Moon, Stars, Galaxies, etc. • Sea Creatures, Birds/flying things • Land Animals • Man – in His image
  • 13. Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory • 1859 “The Origin of Species” did not address the origin of species, but claimed a common ancestor for all life • 1871 In a letter, Darwin wondered if life could have begun in a “warm little pond”, • 1924 Communist scientist Alexander Oparin, who was subject to Stalin’s restrictions against believing in a god, published a book called “The Origin of Life” • Oparin supposed that the molecules central to life, like sugars and amino acids, could all have formed in Earth's waters • Oparin observed “coacervates”, which are small patches of organic material that coalesce and divide (i.e. splotches of oil in water) and theorized they could be predecessors to cells • 1929 English scientist J. B. S. Haldane outlined how organic chemicals could build up in water, "[until] the primitive oceans reached the consistency of hot dilute soup". This set the stage for "the first living or half-living things" to form, and for each one to become enclosed in "an oily film". • The idea that life formed in a primordial soup of organic chemicals became known as the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis
  • 14. Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory • 1945-1950 Harold Urey lectured that there must have been no oxygen in the early atmosphere for organic matter to survive • 1968 Leslie Orgel claimed life did not start with DNA, but with RNA (smaller) • Orgel was basically claiming that replication had to come first (before metabolism (he ability to extract energy from your surroundings and use it to keep yourself alive), before compartmentalization (a container to keep the molecules from floating off) • Still today, the three different fight about which came first, since all three are critically interdependent and none can last without the others • 1986 Robert Gilbert proposed that RNA molecules were responsible for sequencing the genomes of living things • The first stage of evolution, Gilbert argued, consisted of "RNA molecules performing the catalytic activities necessary to assemble themselves from a nucleotide soup". By cutting and pasting different bits of RNA together, the RNA molecules could create ever more useful sequences.
  • 15. Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory • 2000 Thomas Steitz – discovered that RNA was the catalytic core of the ribosome • Ribosome: a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins, found in large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins. • Every living cell has a ribosome. This huge molecule reads instructions from RNA and strings together amino acids to make proteins. The ribosomes in your cells built most of your body. • Later conclusion: RNA cannot be the answer • “For the many scientists who are skeptical about the RNA World, the lack of a self- replicating RNA is a fatal problem with the idea. RNA does not seem to be up to the job of kick-starting life.” • “The case has also been weakened by chemists' failure to make RNA from scratch. It looks like a simple molecule compared to DNA, but RNA has proved to be enormously difficult to make.”
  • 16. • Metabolism • Research focused on Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) • All cells store energy in ATP • When cells need energy, they break a phosphate from ATP to form ADP and release large amounts of energy • This group of researchers focused on how organic molecules could make ATP • The research identified a simple process using an enzyme and a membrane • Problem is both the enzyme and membrane are extremely complex structures • Researcher pontificated elaborate processes for the origin of life near deep sea vents • RNA supports see two major problems • The first problem is that there is no experimental evidence for the processes Russell and Martin describe. They have a step-by-step story, but none of the steps have been seen in a lab. • The second problem is the vents' location in the deep sea. Long-chain molecules like RNA and proteins cannot form in water without enzymes to help them. Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
  • 17. • Compartmentalization • The key ingredients for life must first be kept in a place to interact • Vesicles: spherical blobs, with two layers of fatty acids on the outside and a central core of liquid. • Added RNA, nucleotides (building blocks of RNA), and a special type of clay to get the “protocells” to replicate • The solution required the pre-existence of RNA and the pre-existence of nucleotides, and the clay, and the ORGANIC fatty acids • Evolutionary scientists are currently working on various combined theories involving replication, metabolism, and compartmentalization, but all require the pre-existence of very complex ingredients Evidence – The Evolution of Evolutionary Theory
  • 18. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • Evolutionists are Conflicted About Oxygen in the Atmosphere • Our present atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases. • Any atmosphere with free oxygen would be fatal to all origin of life schemes. • While evidence demonstrates that the earth has always had a significant amount of free oxygen, evolutionists persist in declaring that there was no oxygen in the earth's early atmosphere. • However, a lack of oxygen would also be fatal to an evolutionary origin of life, since there would be no ozone layer • Ozone is produced by radiation from the sun turning oxygen into ozone. • Evolutionists face an irresolvable dilemma: oxygen = no life, and no oxygen = no ozone = no life.
  • 19. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • All Forms of Raw Energy are Destructive • The energy available on a hypothetical primitive Earth would consist primarily of: • Radiation from the sun • Some electrical discharges (lightning) • Geothermal energy • Energy from radioactive decay • Heat. • The problem for evolution is that the rates of destruction of biological molecules by all sources of raw energy vastly exceed their rates of formation by such energy. • The short lives for decomposition in the atmosphere or ocean prevents the possibility of accumulating useful amounts of organic compounds.
  • 20. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • DNA and RNA Cannot Result from Random Processes • DNA and RNA contain only 2 kinds of 5 carbon sugars: deoxyribose and ribose • If random, a variety of other sugars would be in DNA and RNA, including five-carbon, four- carbon, six-carbon, and seven-carbon sugars. None exist. • DNA and RNA contain five purines and pyrimidines • If random, a great variety of other purines and pyrimidines would exist. • The amino acids in proteins today are exclusively left-handed • Amino acids on the primitive Earth would be 50% left-handed and 50% right-handed. • The sugars in DNA and RNA are exclusively right-handed • Sugars on a primitive Earth would have been 50% right-handed and 50% left-handed. • If just one right-handed amino acid is in a protein, or just one left-handed sugar is found in a DNA or RNA, all biological activity is destroyed. • There would be no mechanism available on a primitive Earth to select the correct form. This fact alone destroys evolution. and there is no solution in sight.
  • 21. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • Additional Problems with Evolutionary Origin Theories • Evolutionists claim that the initial stage in the origin of life was a self- replicating DNA or RNA molecule. • There is no such thing as a self-replicating molecule, and no such molecule could ever exist. • Molecule formation requires a highly selected type of energy and steady input of specific building blocks. • Amino acids are made from specific combinations of atoms • Proteins are made from specific combinations of amino acids. • Enzymes are made from specific combinations of proteins or RNA molecules • Nucleotides are made from specific combinations of purines, pyrimidines, sugars, and phosphoric acid. • DNA and RNA are made from specific combinations of are nucleotides
  • 22. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • Additional Problems with Evolutionary Origin Theories • Amino acids dissolved in water will not spontaneously join together to make a protein. • Proteins in water slowly break apart (the protein is said to hydrolyze). • DNA and RNA also break apart in water. • To form a protein in a laboratory, chemist cheat by using a “peptide reagent”. This cannot happen in the cells of living organisms and could never have taken place in a primitive ocean or anywhere on a primitive Earth.
  • 23. Evidence – The Science on the Origins of Life • DNA and RNA cannot Survive Without Self-Repair Mechanisms • DNA, messenger-RNA, transfer-RNA, and ribosomal-RNA, are destroyed by a variety of agents, such as ultraviolet light, reactive oxygen species, alkylting agents, and water. • There are 130 known human DNA repair genes and it is likely more will be found. • Without these DNA repair genes, DNA could not even survive inside a cell, much less in a primitive Earth • Thus, DNA is necessary for the survival of DNA • It would have been impossible for DNA repair genes to evolve before ordinary DNA evolved and it would have been impossible for ordinary DNA to evolve before DNA repair genes had evolved • This is another impossible barrier for evolution. • It is also ridiculous to imagine that DNA repair genes could have evolved even if a cell existed. • DNA genes encode the sequences of the hundreds of amino acids that constitute the proteins that are the actual agents that are involved in DNA repair and the repair process in overwhelmingly complex • This incredible complexity is found even in the simplest of life forms such as bacterium.
  • 24. Evidence – The Complexity of DNA • Video
  • 25. Complexities & Interdependencies of Life • Life requires: • Metabolism (energy supply, energy storage, energy conversion) • Self-Reproduction • Compartmentalization • Self-repair • Waste removal • Amino acids • Protection with perfecting restrictive barriers • Water • Perfect Planet • Carefully regulated temperatures • Perfectly exclusion from oxygen in the atmosphere until exactly the time of creation of life
  • 26. Complexities & Interdependencies of Life • A recent 2011 Stanford School of Medicine study determined that 1000 parts of a “simple” bacteria were required to provide basic life function • The odds of random amino acid combinations that would be required are 1 in 10 to the 100,000th power (a 1 followed by 100,000 zeros) • 1 million has 6 zeros • 1 billion has 9 zeros • 1 trillion has 12 zeros • How big is a number with 100,000 zeros behind it?
  • 27. Closing Romans 1:18-23 (NASB) 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
  • 28. Conclusions • The religion of evolution has hijacked many fields of science, where only a remnant of Christians remain • In their evangelical pursuit, evolutionists work hard to indoctrinate our children into their religion • The word of God has consistently foretold scientific facts such as a round earth, the water cycle, and invisible forces that work in science, well before the secular world understood science • The evolutionary creation story involves multiple steps of inanimate objects (or nothing) creating everything, including the building blocks of life • Several parts of evolutionary theory [religion] lead to irreconcilable dead ends, such as oxygen in the early atmosphere and self-repairing DNA • Evolutionary theories about origins evolve into ever growing complexity, as we learn more about our created biology, in order to prop up the religion • Our DNA code is far more complex, in 4 dimensions, than ever imagined – demonstrating incredibly advanced programming knowledge
  • 29. Application • A discussion of “what is a religion” is a good opening for apologetic discussion • A deeper discussion of the origin of life can lead to a comparison of the faith required to believe one religion versus true faith in God • God has armed us with real science that we can use as a tool to help some those “professing to be wise” to leave their foolish pursuits and know the true God
  • 30. Recommendations Read Gen 1-11 Read “Dinosaurs and the Bible” Read Watch Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” Watch “Is Genesis History” Watch “Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis” Watch The Institute for Creation Research Answers in Genesis Web

Editor's Notes

  1. 9:02 Lets Pray
  2. 9:02 Job – timing was post flood, and most likely post Babel Job 40 – behemoth – some type of large land dinosaur Job 41 – Leviathan – both behemoth and leviathan were well known to Job Psalm 74 & 104 also speak of leviathan. There seems to be some mass extinction event that killed off Leviathan and left it for food for the land animals I did not mention the deuterocanonical sections of Daniel Deuterocanonical = the parts not included in the Hebrew old testament that were including in the catholic old testament Bel and the dragon speaks of Daniel proving an idol of Bel was not a living god and then that a dragon was not a living god by killing it. I reminded you all of the frequent dinosaur graveyards that include human bones and dinosaur bones and everything in between I told you of a handful of countless dragon stories throughout the world in every culture We looked at dinosaur footprints along with human footprints in the fossil record We looked at the soft tissues still present in dinosaur bones. The more we look, the more we find We spoke of finding DNA in dinosaurs. DNA degrades very rapidly and cannot last millions of years. Finally, we looked at radio-carbon dating of dinosaur bones putting all of those dated at less than 50K years
  3. 9:10
  4. 9:12
  5. 9:12
  6. 9:16
  7. 9:18 The water cycle was spoken of in the bible over 2000 years before its “discovery” by Bernard Palissy in 1580
  8. 9:20 Sea currents were not known. In the mid 1800’s Matthew Maury saw this passage in Psalm 8 and went looking for these “paths of the sea”. Maury is considered the father of modern oceanography. The earth was still believed flat by most in the 15th century AD The springs of the seas/deep, spoken of in Genesis 7 and Job 38 – we have not seen these until recently We currently observe huge reservoirs of water inside the crust of the earth
  9. 9:24 That air has mass Several bible passages speak of the earth wearing out. This is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics The dimensions given for the Ark, actually revolutionized the shipbuilding industry in 1609. this point is verified by the Lloyd’s register of shipping in the world almanac
  10. 9:26 There are many other scientific and biological bits of wisdom given throughout the bible Can anyone think of any others besides these I have listed here?
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