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Behaviour management
in the IT classroom!
Mark Richardson, ICTeD Services!
Remember Learning Spaces can be!
1.  Physical!
2.  Virtual !
3.  Blended !
Three questions to frame this session"
Learning Space Evolution!
Learning Space Evolution!
Learning Space Evolution!
Learning Space Evolution!
Learning Space Evolution!
Remember Learning Spaces can be!
1.  Physical!
2.  Virtual !
3.  Blended !
Three questions to frame this session"
Icebreaker! Think about 21C learning and the !
teaching and learning spaces that you and your students work in.!
Do you have classroom management challenges that relate to the
design of these learning spaces and/or the technology used in them?!
The Challenge!
The contemporary classroom now contains a range of technology such as
iPads, desktops, notebooks, interactive whiteboards, wireless connectivity to
networks and the internet. Can that technology enhance positive behaviour
characteristics and lessen the need for teachers to move into traditional
models of behaviour management?!
•  Is there a model of effective and engaging classroom
management in which teachers can manage a number of
important components?!
• Is there a model where technology can be immersed into "
easy to manage teaching activities?!
• Is there a model where the clever use of technology in the "
classroom can actually enhance effective and engaging "
classroom management?!
Effective & Engaging Classroom
Management Jigsaw!
These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
Effective & Engaging Classroom
Management Jigsaw!
These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
Features of this session!
•  All activities cover a large student age range.!
• Allow for multiple skill levels of teachers and students.!
• Have a range of entry and exit points.!
•  Activities have been built up over a many years.!
•  The jigsaw puts into context many of the activities that I
taught and presented on.!
• Some will need further explaining, beyond this session.!
• These activities link to the approaches of other TLN presenters.!
•  There are many other activities that could be used with the
•  Many of the activities are multi-lesson activities.!
These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
Where we
want to get
Why a Jigsaw?!
are great
All the pieces
have an
important role
by themselves!
& in relation to
other pieces!!
Builds over
What’s a technology based activity for
each piece of the jigsaw that actually
enhances classroom management?!
These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
Shared values, rules & behaviours!
- add your
queries and "
comments in the
chat at any time!
• Rationale / pedagogy!
Shared values, rules & behaviours!
Classroom rules, while usually part of a teacher and student discussions always
come out in a very similar way. "
They all seem to cover!
!1.!Courtesy and manners !
!2.!Respect of self, others and property !
!3.!Being on time for classes, well prepared and organised ready to work !
!4.!Following directions and positive working habits [often in relation to movement in class
and around the school, asking questions, noise level etc] !
!5.!Completion of work tasks on time. !
In a specific sense these rules do not relate to the technology rich classroom,
so let’s put an overlay over the top of them.!
Shared values, rules & behaviours!
Activity: Technology overlay shared behaviours. 
This is a cooperative activity for teachers and students."
• Here’s some scenarios that do relate to use of technology in the 21st century classroom. "
• By design they illustrate behaviours that should not be encouraged. They are there as
discussion starters only."
• Students in small groups discuss these scenarios that may happen in a technology rich
classroom. !
•  They can add other scenarios if they haven’t been covered.!
•  They can then use these scenarios to develop a common set of technology based class
rules or an acceptable usage policy.!
Shared values, rules & behaviours!
Activity: Technology overlay shared behaviours.
My notebook battery is flat.
I forgot to charge it last
A class mate made rude
comment about me on
I know a proxy to bypass the school
internet filters.!
My brother / sister
downloaded all these videos
and games onto the
notebook that I take to
I couldn’t complete my work
at home because we have a
different version of Word to
the one at school.!
I was working on this project in a
pair, the work is on my partner’s
computer and he/she is way today.
so I can’t hand in my work.!
I wrote an email to
someone I’ve never met. I
got his / her email address
from their website. I think
they will give me useful
information for my project.!
The YouTube video I was
going to use in my
presentation is blocked by
the school internet filters.!
I was really angry when I sent that
My computer crashed when
I was doing my homework. I
hadn’t saved any of it and it
was too late to redo it.!
My Mum / Dad was in a real
hurry this morning. They
rushed me out of the house
and I left my notebook on
the kitchen table.!
It’s OK to download any music for
the video that I’m making.!
I know what I have to do
when I’m on a computer, so
why does the teacher
always want to interrupt?!
I was working on the floor. I
left my iPad there when I
went to the toilet. When I
came back the screen was
Since I lost my USB, I never back up
I always take selfies and
photos of my friends doing
crazy things. They’re great
to post on Facebook.!
I know I was supposed to
present a Powerpoint for
this project but I made a
video instead.!
The smartphone that I bring to
school has unfiltered internet
Purposeful teaching, responsive "
to individual students!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
• Rationale / pedagogy!
Purposeful teaching, responsive "
to individual students!
All teachers really need to have access to an online space that they can
put content for student lessons. It may be that your school has an online
space to do this already, such as an intranet or Learning Management
System. If this is not the case or if you change schools regularly, you may
wish to set up your own online space, [e.g wiki or blog or Edmodo etc]!
Purposeful teaching, responsive "
to individual students!
Activity: Online resources, !
including screencasts. !
1. You might set up your own website, blog or wiki in which students can read about
tasks, listen to podcasts, watch videos that you have selected and download any
resources that you wish them to have. This is great as students can never complain
that they never got that worksheet or that they were away for that lesson. Teachers
can differentiate tasks by having a variety of activities online and they can always re-use
any content for later lessons. Be careful though of any copyright or intellectual
property issues of content that you post. Also don’t post identifiable images of your
students without parental permission.!
Purposeful teaching, responsive "
to individual students!
2. Your own Learning Management System [e.g Edmodo]. This has all the
functionality of the above, in that students can get your resources, combined with
some social networking tools, such calendars, chat with the teacher and other
students and online submission of work tasks. While this all sounds great,
remember that students will need to be coached on the ethical use of online
spaces. School administrations and parents should all approve students use of any
online space that is outside a school network. Also remember, that as a teacher
you have a duty of care in online spaces that you use. You need to control and
moderate them regularly. If you have finished using any online space with your
students then remove student access to their part of the space.!
Activity: Online resources, !
including screencasts. !
Positive, supportive and respectful relationships!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
Positive, supportive and respectful relationships!
Activity: Challenge Based Learning!
This is the major curriculum component of the Effective and Engaging
Classroom Management Jigsaw. The relational pedagogies of Challenge Based
Learning, Inquiry Learning, Project Based Learning are very important in
authentic, technology rich, collaborative learning. It really doesn’t matter
which flavour of action based learning that you use as long as you use one of
them. Challenge Based Learning is about a big idea, an essential question
and a challenge which leads to a solution or action.There is not space here
to write any more, but there is a comprehensive website with all you need
to get started, pedagogy, resources, sample challenges and solutions /
actions. You can even upload your own challenges and student work if you
wish. Go to .!
Secure and safe learning environment!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
• Rationale / pedagogy!
Secure and safe learning environment!
CyberSafety is everyone’s responsibility
and it need to underpin every lesson
where the internet is involved. !
Secure and safe learning environment!
Activity: CyberSafety and Visualising
Thinking - KWHWL!
•  A modified KWHL chart [see below with a second W added,] could
be be a great start for students to fill at the start, during and at the
end of the term / module of work etc. !
•  Students should do this individually, but share with peers, teachers and
parents. !
•  They could also mentor other students.!
•  So why the added fourth column?? !
•  This activity requires teacher input to make sure that students have
age appropriate knowledge of cybersafety issues and also that teachers
have an understanding of these issues as well. !
Secure and safe learning environment!
What I Know about
internet safety !
What I need to find
out about internet
safety !
How am I going to
find out about this?!
What else should I
know about internet
What I have Learnt
about Internet safety?!
Pre module of
An individual task,
followed by “Think,
Pair, Share” activity
with other students.!
A list completed
after “Think, Pair,
Share” activity.!
Group Brainstorming
Data collection.!
Critical searching of
The teacher adds to
the student
knowledge base after
finding out what
students know or
want to know.!
These lists should be the
starting point for the
mid module KWHWL.!
Mid module of
Individual task
extending on what
has been learnt so
Sharetime, students
become more
sophisticated and
directed with their
Analysis of data
collection and website
Teacher adds content
based on increasing
student knowledge.!
Class discussion and
role plays!
Modification of the lists.
This should be the
starting point for the
Post module KWHWL!
Post module of
Individual task
extending on what
has been learnt so
Sharetime, students
become more
sophisticated and
directed with their
Reporting back to
whole class. !
Any useful resources,
[lists etc.] can be
collected for students
in other classes to
Teacher adds content
and questions which
students may wish to
explore beyond the
module of work.!
Student self reflection. !
Plenary / discussion
session with other
resources and
tips for
Encourage students
to reflect on their
own experience s
Introduce a
vocabulary, just the
words not the
meanings. Let
students make and
discuss definitions!
Scaffolding students in
critical literacies when
looking at websites.!
Scaffolding students in
data collection and
There are heaps of
resources online e.g.
ACMA. Cybersmart
Teacher self reflection. !
Plenary / discussion
session with other
Stimulating learning environments "
as part of a learning community !
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
Stimulating learning environments "
as part of a learning community !
Activity: Student Collaboration:
Class / Student Blogs!
This is an authentic way for students to share their learnings, comment on the learnings of fello
• Teach your students the ethics of blogging, and that they should not post personal
details of themselves or others. !
• Remember, your duty of care as a teacher and check all the settings so that you
moderate all posts and comments by your students [and others, if you wish this]. !
• Close down access when you have finished using the blogs. !
Authentic assessment that is used to
tailor programs to student needs!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
Authentic assessment that is used to
tailor programs to student needs!
Activity: Rubrics and student self
• Assessment rubrics are common, whether they are solely teacher
constructed or have student input as well. !
• They need to be understood by all and re-iterated at throughout the
teaching activity that teachers are assessing. !
•  Rubrics can be used for student self-assessment, peer to peer
assessment as well as teacher assessment. !
•  But can one rubric do it all? !
•  Clearly there needs to be a content rubric, referenced against
curriculum standards, however, this by itself is limiting the assessment
that a rubric can be used for. !
•  Why not have a few rubrics then? One about social skills /
collaboration / task organisation would be useful as would be another
one about technological skills. !
Authentic assessment that is used to
tailor programs to student needs!
Activity: Rubrics and student self reflection!
Teachers know their students and are great at personalising learning tasks for
individuals. Assessment rubrics are one of many forms of data that teachers can use to
back up their judgements, but what is each student’s view of their learning? !
Student self reflection is a must for individual or group tasks. Students need to be taught
how to self reflect. Giving them a “cheat sheet” of key self reflections questions are a
great idea. Such questions should be based on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. !
Students should be able answer a question from each level of the taxonomy. !
Here is a suggested set of questions on the next slide.!
How do students record these self reflections and in a format so that a teacher
can be informed about learner progress and to confirm that their teaching
activities are appropriate for that student? !
The self reflections could be done orally or in written form, but neither of these
are as useful as a digital learning journal. !
Teachers can use these student self reflections as one piece on data in evaluating
whether they have matched the tasks to the learning need of individuals students.!
Authentic assessment that is used to
tailor programs to student needs!
Thinking Skill" Sample Self Reflection Questions"
Remembering" How did we organise the tasks? How did we meet the dealings? How did
all contribute to discussions?"
Understanding" Did we understand the tasks? Could we reiterate what the task was? Did
we know when to ask for assistance?"
Applying" Could we apply individual skills and learnings to the task? Where we able
to combine a number of our skills and learnings to apply to the task.
Could we pick the most appropriate skills and learnings to apply to the
Analysing" Could we monitor our progress during the task in meeting the high end of
the assessment rubrics? Could we problem solve and troubleshoot during
the task?"
Evaluating" Could we alter directions in the light of what happened in the analysis
phase? What are the success indicators of the task? How do we know
that these success indicators are high enough? What were the failure
indicators of then task? What did we learn from failure or mistakes?"
Creating" What did we create? Did it meet what was required by the task? Was it
successful? Was it a failure? How was it evaluated? Did this lead to
modification? How important was the process to the creation of an
information product?"
Student voice and leadership!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
Student voice and leadership!
Activity: Student surveys and data analysis!
•  This is a great activity for a group of students. It is authentic, engaging and
encourages higher order thinking skills. It is also enlightening for students and
teachers as well. Essentially it is about technology and the behaviours of
those who use it. !
•  Students compile, administer and analyse data from an online survey
conducted with other students. SurveyMonkey [], is a
great tool for this activity. !
•  Teachers need to scaffold students in framing questions and how to use the
survey tool, but after that students can really manage the rest themselves. !
•  Students will collect data from other students about their online experiences,
issues that they have encountered and what they did about them. They can
then analyse this date, collaborate with others and then develop some
actions or solutions to these issues.!
High expectations and accountability "
of everyone!
- add your queries and "
comments in the chat at
any time!
High expectations and accountability "
of everyone!
Activity: Digital learning journals
[Student and teacher self reflection]. !
• This is a collection of video self reflections. "
• After students have been scaffolded in self reflection of have used the “cheat
sheet” above they should record them as a video on their device. These now all
come with a web cam in which the self reflection can be recorded easily. While
these video files can be edited, really they should be done in one take. "
• Having the files dated is important as collection of these form a useful
assessment collection for teachers and students. "
• They can be assessed against the assessment rubrics for the task. "
• Teachers should do these as well. "
• This is for two reasons, firstly, it models the activity to students and secondly, it
will make teacher really think about how they have designed and delivered the
How do you encourage positive
classroom management in 21st century
learning spaces? #
Putting the pieces together!
- Break out room activity!
Remember Learning Spaces can be!
1.  Physical!
2.  Virtual !
3.  Blended !
Three questions to frame this session"
So there is the Effective and Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw with an example of a
teaching activity for each piece. #
Like any real jigsaw it needs all the pieces to complete, however, it will take time to complete. !
Also like a real jigsaw the starting piece is the one that you wish to start wish and some pieces
will fall into place easier than others. !
Try and work on a number of aspects of it in every lesson!
The Effective and Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw will take some time and perseverance
but it can be completed successfully in the end.!
Effective Schools are Engaging Schools. Student Engagement Policy Guidelines"
Promoting student engagement, attendance and positive behaviours in Victorian government schools [DEECD, 2009]. ""
Building Respectful and Safe Schools. A resource for school communities. [DEECD, 2010]. [This contains the Effective Schools Model.]!!

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Behaviour management in the IT classroom

  • 1. Behaviour management in the IT classroom! Mark Richardson, ICTeD Services!
  • 2. Remember Learning Spaces can be! 1.  Physical! 2.  Virtual ! 3.  Blended ! Three questions to frame this session"
  • 8. Remember Learning Spaces can be! 1.  Physical! 2.  Virtual ! 3.  Blended ! Three questions to frame this session"
  • 9. Icebreaker! Think about 21C learning and the ! teaching and learning spaces that you and your students work in.! Do you have classroom management challenges that relate to the design of these learning spaces and/or the technology used in them?!
  • 10. The Challenge! The contemporary classroom now contains a range of technology such as iPads, desktops, notebooks, interactive whiteboards, wireless connectivity to networks and the internet. Can that technology enhance positive behaviour characteristics and lessen the need for teachers to move into traditional models of behaviour management?! •  Is there a model of effective and engaging classroom management in which teachers can manage a number of important components?! • Is there a model where technology can be immersed into " easy to manage teaching activities?! • Is there a model where the clever use of technology in the " classroom can actually enhance effective and engaging " classroom management?!
  • 11. Effective & Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw! These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
  • 12. Effective & Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw! These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
  • 13. Features of this session! •  All activities cover a large student age range.! • Allow for multiple skill levels of teachers and students.! • Have a range of entry and exit points.! •  Activities have been built up over a many years.! •  The jigsaw puts into context many of the activities that I taught and presented on.! • Some will need further explaining, beyond this session.! • These activities link to the approaches of other TLN presenters.! •  There are many other activities that could be used with the jigsaw.! •  Many of the activities are multi-lesson activities.!
  • 14. These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.! Where we want to get to! Why a Jigsaw?! Corners are great starters! All the pieces have an important role by themselves! & in relation to other pieces!! Builds over time!
  • 15. What’s a technology based activity for each piece of the jigsaw that actually enhances classroom management?! These eight characteristics draws from The Effective Schools Model and also other references listed at the end of this article.!
  • 16. Shared values, rules & behaviours! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 17. • Rationale / pedagogy! Shared values, rules & behaviours! Classroom rules, while usually part of a teacher and student discussions always come out in a very similar way. " " They all seem to cover! !1.!Courtesy and manners ! !2.!Respect of self, others and property ! !3.!Being on time for classes, well prepared and organised ready to work ! !4.!Following directions and positive working habits [often in relation to movement in class and around the school, asking questions, noise level etc] ! !5.!Completion of work tasks on time. ! In a specific sense these rules do not relate to the technology rich classroom, so let’s put an overlay over the top of them.!
  • 18. Shared values, rules & behaviours! Activity: Technology overlay shared behaviours. 
! This is a cooperative activity for teachers and students." " • Here’s some scenarios that do relate to use of technology in the 21st century classroom. " " • By design they illustrate behaviours that should not be encouraged. They are there as discussion starters only." " • Students in small groups discuss these scenarios that may happen in a technology rich classroom. ! •  They can add other scenarios if they haven’t been covered.! •  They can then use these scenarios to develop a common set of technology based class rules or an acceptable usage policy.!
  • 19. Shared values, rules & behaviours! Activity: Technology overlay shared behaviours. ! My notebook battery is flat. I forgot to charge it last night.! A class mate made rude comment about me on Facebook.! I know a proxy to bypass the school internet filters.! My brother / sister downloaded all these videos and games onto the notebook that I take to school.! I couldn’t complete my work at home because we have a different version of Word to the one at school.! I was working on this project in a pair, the work is on my partner’s computer and he/she is way today. so I can’t hand in my work.! I wrote an email to someone I’ve never met. I got his / her email address from their website. I think they will give me useful information for my project.! The YouTube video I was going to use in my presentation is blocked by the school internet filters.! I was really angry when I sent that email…! My computer crashed when I was doing my homework. I hadn’t saved any of it and it was too late to redo it.! My Mum / Dad was in a real hurry this morning. They rushed me out of the house and I left my notebook on the kitchen table.! It’s OK to download any music for the video that I’m making.! I know what I have to do when I’m on a computer, so why does the teacher always want to interrupt?! I was working on the floor. I left my iPad there when I went to the toilet. When I came back the screen was cracked.! Since I lost my USB, I never back up anything.! I always take selfies and photos of my friends doing crazy things. They’re great to post on Facebook.! I know I was supposed to present a Powerpoint for this project but I made a video instead.! The smartphone that I bring to school has unfiltered internet anyway…!
  • 20. Purposeful teaching, responsive " to individual students! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 21. • Rationale / pedagogy! Purposeful teaching, responsive " to individual students! All teachers really need to have access to an online space that they can put content for student lessons. It may be that your school has an online space to do this already, such as an intranet or Learning Management System. If this is not the case or if you change schools regularly, you may wish to set up your own online space, [e.g wiki or blog or Edmodo etc]!
  • 22. Purposeful teaching, responsive " to individual students! Activity: Online resources, ! including screencasts. ! 1. You might set up your own website, blog or wiki in which students can read about tasks, listen to podcasts, watch videos that you have selected and download any resources that you wish them to have. This is great as students can never complain that they never got that worksheet or that they were away for that lesson. Teachers can differentiate tasks by having a variety of activities online and they can always re-use any content for later lessons. Be careful though of any copyright or intellectual property issues of content that you post. Also don’t post identifiable images of your students without parental permission.!
  • 23. Purposeful teaching, responsive " to individual students! 2. Your own Learning Management System [e.g Edmodo]. This has all the functionality of the above, in that students can get your resources, combined with some social networking tools, such calendars, chat with the teacher and other students and online submission of work tasks. While this all sounds great, remember that students will need to be coached on the ethical use of online spaces. School administrations and parents should all approve students use of any online space that is outside a school network. Also remember, that as a teacher you have a duty of care in online spaces that you use. You need to control and moderate them regularly. If you have finished using any online space with your students then remove student access to their part of the space.! Activity: Online resources, ! including screencasts. !
  • 24. Positive, supportive and respectful relationships! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 25. Positive, supportive and respectful relationships! Activity: Challenge Based Learning! ! This is the major curriculum component of the Effective and Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw. The relational pedagogies of Challenge Based Learning, Inquiry Learning, Project Based Learning are very important in authentic, technology rich, collaborative learning. It really doesn’t matter which flavour of action based learning that you use as long as you use one of them. Challenge Based Learning is about a big idea, an essential question and a challenge which leads to a solution or action.There is not space here to write any more, but there is a comprehensive website with all you need to get started, pedagogy, resources, sample challenges and solutions / actions. You can even upload your own challenges and student work if you wish. Go to .!
  • 26. Secure and safe learning environment! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 27. • Rationale / pedagogy! Secure and safe learning environment! CyberSafety is everyone’s responsibility and it need to underpin every lesson where the internet is involved. !
  • 28. Secure and safe learning environment! Activity: CyberSafety and Visualising Thinking - KWHWL! ! ! •  A modified KWHL chart [see below with a second W added,] could be be a great start for students to fill at the start, during and at the end of the term / module of work etc. ! •  Students should do this individually, but share with peers, teachers and parents. ! •  They could also mentor other students.! ! •  So why the added fourth column?? ! •  This activity requires teacher input to make sure that students have age appropriate knowledge of cybersafety issues and also that teachers have an understanding of these issues as well. !
  • 29. Secure and safe learning environment! What I Know about internet safety ! What I need to find out about internet safety ! How am I going to find out about this?! What else should I know about internet safety?! What I have Learnt about Internet safety?! Pre module of work! An individual task, followed by “Think, Pair, Share” activity with other students.! A list completed after “Think, Pair, Share” activity.! Group Brainstorming activity.! ! Data collection.! ! Critical searching of websites.! The teacher adds to the student knowledge base after finding out what students know or want to know.! These lists should be the starting point for the mid module KWHWL.! Mid module of work! Individual task extending on what has been learnt so far.! Sharetime, students become more sophisticated and directed with their queries.! Analysis of data collection and website searches.! Teacher adds content based on increasing student knowledge.! Class discussion and role plays! Modification of the lists. This should be the starting point for the Post module KWHWL! Post module of work! Individual task extending on what has been learnt so far.! Sharetime, students become more sophisticated and directed with their queries.! Reporting back to whole class. ! Any useful resources, [lists etc.] can be collected for students in other classes to use.! Teacher adds content and questions which students may wish to explore beyond the module of work.! Student self reflection. ! ! Plenary / discussion session with other students.! Other resources and tips for teachers.! Encourage students to reflect on their own experience s here! Introduce a cybersafety vocabulary, just the words not the meanings. Let students make and discuss definitions! Scaffolding students in critical literacies when looking at websites.! Scaffolding students in data collection and analysis! There are heaps of resources online e.g. ACMA. Cybersmart website! http:// u! Teacher self reflection. ! ! Plenary / discussion session with other teachers.!
  • 30. Stimulating learning environments " as part of a learning community ! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 31. Stimulating learning environments " as part of a learning community ! Activity: Student Collaboration: Class / Student Blogs! This is an authentic way for students to share their learnings, comment on the learnings of fello • Teach your students the ethics of blogging, and that they should not post personal details of themselves or others. ! ! • Remember, your duty of care as a teacher and check all the settings so that you moderate all posts and comments by your students [and others, if you wish this]. ! ! • Close down access when you have finished using the blogs. !
  • 32. Authentic assessment that is used to tailor programs to student needs! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 33. Authentic assessment that is used to tailor programs to student needs! Activity: Rubrics and student self reflection! ! • Assessment rubrics are common, whether they are solely teacher constructed or have student input as well. ! • They need to be understood by all and re-iterated at throughout the teaching activity that teachers are assessing. ! •  Rubrics can be used for student self-assessment, peer to peer assessment as well as teacher assessment. ! •  But can one rubric do it all? ! •  Clearly there needs to be a content rubric, referenced against curriculum standards, however, this by itself is limiting the assessment that a rubric can be used for. ! •  Why not have a few rubrics then? One about social skills / collaboration / task organisation would be useful as would be another one about technological skills. !
  • 34. Authentic assessment that is used to tailor programs to student needs! Activity: Rubrics and student self reflection! ! Teachers know their students and are great at personalising learning tasks for individuals. Assessment rubrics are one of many forms of data that teachers can use to back up their judgements, but what is each student’s view of their learning? ! ! Student self reflection is a must for individual or group tasks. Students need to be taught how to self reflect. Giving them a “cheat sheet” of key self reflections questions are a great idea. Such questions should be based on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. ! Students should be able answer a question from each level of the taxonomy. ! Here is a suggested set of questions on the next slide.! ! ! How do students record these self reflections and in a format so that a teacher can be informed about learner progress and to confirm that their teaching activities are appropriate for that student? ! The self reflections could be done orally or in written form, but neither of these are as useful as a digital learning journal. ! Teachers can use these student self reflections as one piece on data in evaluating whether they have matched the tasks to the learning need of individuals students.!
  • 35. Authentic assessment that is used to tailor programs to student needs! Thinking Skill" Sample Self Reflection Questions" Remembering" How did we organise the tasks? How did we meet the dealings? How did all contribute to discussions?" Understanding" Did we understand the tasks? Could we reiterate what the task was? Did we know when to ask for assistance?" Applying" Could we apply individual skills and learnings to the task? Where we able to combine a number of our skills and learnings to apply to the task. Could we pick the most appropriate skills and learnings to apply to the task.?" Analysing" Could we monitor our progress during the task in meeting the high end of the assessment rubrics? Could we problem solve and troubleshoot during the task?" Evaluating" Could we alter directions in the light of what happened in the analysis phase? What are the success indicators of the task? How do we know that these success indicators are high enough? What were the failure indicators of then task? What did we learn from failure or mistakes?" Creating" What did we create? Did it meet what was required by the task? Was it successful? Was it a failure? How was it evaluated? Did this lead to modification? How important was the process to the creation of an information product?"
  • 36. Student voice and leadership! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 37. Student voice and leadership! Activity: Student surveys and data analysis! ! •  This is a great activity for a group of students. It is authentic, engaging and encourages higher order thinking skills. It is also enlightening for students and teachers as well. Essentially it is about technology and the behaviours of those who use it. ! ! •  Students compile, administer and analyse data from an online survey conducted with other students. SurveyMonkey [], is a great tool for this activity. ! ! •  Teachers need to scaffold students in framing questions and how to use the survey tool, but after that students can really manage the rest themselves. ! ! •  Students will collect data from other students about their online experiences, issues that they have encountered and what they did about them. They can then analyse this date, collaborate with others and then develop some actions or solutions to these issues.!
  • 38. High expectations and accountability " of everyone! Discussion" - add your queries and " comments in the chat at any time!
  • 39. High expectations and accountability " of everyone! Activity: Digital learning journals [Student and teacher self reflection]. ! ! • This is a collection of video self reflections. " • After students have been scaffolded in self reflection of have used the “cheat sheet” above they should record them as a video on their device. These now all come with a web cam in which the self reflection can be recorded easily. While these video files can be edited, really they should be done in one take. " • Having the files dated is important as collection of these form a useful assessment collection for teachers and students. " • They can be assessed against the assessment rubrics for the task. " • Teachers should do these as well. " • This is for two reasons, firstly, it models the activity to students and secondly, it will make teacher really think about how they have designed and delivered the activity.!
  • 40. How do you encourage positive classroom management in 21st century learning spaces? # Putting the pieces together! - Break out room activity!
  • 41. Remember Learning Spaces can be! 1.  Physical! 2.  Virtual ! 3.  Blended ! Three questions to frame this session"
  • 42. So there is the Effective and Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw with an example of a teaching activity for each piece. # # Like any real jigsaw it needs all the pieces to complete, however, it will take time to complete. ! ! Also like a real jigsaw the starting piece is the one that you wish to start wish and some pieces will fall into place easier than others. ! ! Try and work on a number of aspects of it in every lesson! ! The Effective and Engaging Classroom Management Jigsaw will take some time and perseverance but it can be completed successfully in the end.!
  • 43. References! Effective Schools are Engaging Schools. Student Engagement Policy Guidelines" Promoting student engagement, attendance and positive behaviours in Victorian government schools [DEECD, 2009]. "" ! Building Respectful and Safe Schools. A resource for school communities. [DEECD, 2010]. [This contains the Effective Schools Model.]!! ! utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=community-groups-classroom-management-simple-notebook- image! !! !! ! strategies! !! !! !!