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Working on Wellbeing
Table of Contents
Foreword                                                                                          1

Background                                                                                        2

Key Steps    One    Establishing a whole-school Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework     5
             Two    Reviewing the current position                                                7
                    Strand 1: The Learning Needs Analysis                                         8
                    Strand 2: Provision Mapping for Social and Emotional Learning                14
                    Strand 3: Online assessments – My School, My Class, My Feelings              16
             Three Planning interventions                                                        22
                    Strand 1: Planning whole-school interventions                                23
                    Strand 2: Planning class interventions                                       25
                    Strand 3: Planning small group or individual interventions                   30
             Four   Implementation of actions planned                                            37
Appendices   1      Findings from the NBAR project in Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan         38
             2      Preparatory activity for developing SEL Framework                            46
             3      Examples of interventions                                                    48
Foreword                                             These are underpinned by the Welsh
                                                     Government’s Personal and Social Education
                                                     framework, and include the translation of the
                                                                                                          The Working on Wellbeing project is based on a
                                                                                                          recognition that emotional and social difficulties
                                                                                                          that children and young people experience have
The Working on Wellbeing project                     Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)      adverse effects on their ability to learn, because
originated from a commitment by                      resources into Welsh. The curriculum focus           they reduce their capacity to concentrate on
                                                     for personal, social and emotional wellbeing         academic progress and learning new skills. This is
the Minister for Education, Lifelong
                                                     within the Foundation Phase is also an important     especially the case for those pupils with complex
Learning and Skills in March 2006                    component of the work being carried out              needs. Early identification and intervention are
to undertake a National Review of                    by schools. The contributions of the Welsh           crucial for ensuring that specialist approaches can
Behaviour and Attendance (NBAR).                     Network of Healthy School Schemes and the            be accessed in a timely and effective way. This
An independent steering group, led                   Primary Mental Health Teams are also important       not only involves robust work within the school
by Professor Ken Reid, considered the                for supporting the promotion of emotional            setting, but also a commitment from the families
existing good practice in Wales and                  health and wellbeing in schools.                     of the children and young people and the wider
produced clear recommendations.                      Research shows that a properly trained               community. This project therefore provides
                                                     school workforce, able to apply whole school         an important bridge between the Personal and
The Working on Wellbeing project was                 approaches for preventing and intervening in high    Social Education framework in schools and the
subsequently commissioned by the Welsh               risk behaviour, can make a difference not only to    Families First programme designed to support
Assembly Government to develop a strategy for        the children and young people themselves but         families and tackle child poverty.
identifying and assessing the social and emotional   to the school community as a whole. However,         The Working on Wellbeing project has been
needs of children and young people, and to           a number of challenges identified by the NBAR        developed through a successful collaboration
put in place early and effective intervention        steering group need to be addressed, including:      between Bridgend and Vale of Glamorgan local
approaches to meet those needs.                      the provision of professional training and           authorities (including the Educational Psychology
In Wales, a number of whole school approaches        development for school staff; the importance of      Services, the Inclusion Services, and the
are seen as strong components in supporting          utilising the opinion of children and young people   Behaviour Support Services) and the University
pupils’ social and emotional needs, and ultimately   in helping to understand the issues around           of Sussex. We are especially grateful for the
improving their behaviour and learning.              behaviour and attendance; the need for better        contributions made by the staff and pupils in the
                                                     multi-agency working; and concerns around            two clusters of schools in Porthcawl and Barry.
                                                     the histories of poor behaviour and attendance
                                                     before Key Stage 3.

Background                                                            The Working on Wellbeing (WoW) project was
                                                                      designed to help Local Authorities and schools
                                                                      develop a comprehensive approach to social
Efforts to support the wellbeing                                      and emotional learning that includes identifying
of children and young people have                                     and meeting the social and emotional needs of
                                                                      all pupils. It recognizes that the behaviour of
become a national priority, especially
                                                                      children is a result of their social and emotional
in light of international comparisons                                 development, and that this in turn is influenced
of developed countries which have                                     by the social and emotional environment or
indicated relatively low levels of child                              climate that they experience inside and outside
wellbeing in the UK.                                                  school. Therefore, it helps schools to create
                                                                      a positive climate that promotes wellbeing
In one report, the UK was placed 17th or                              and supports the development of social and
lower out of 21 countries on dimensions such                          emotional skills.
as educational well-being, family and peer
relationships, behaviours and risks, and subjective                   The social and emotional development of children
well-being.1                                                          and young people is known to be complex.
                                                                      A large and rapidly growing body of research
Although wellbeing encompasses material/                              evidence has traced a multitude of factors
economic and physical health dimensions, it is                                                                                              For example, we know that children become
                                                                      involved, covering a wide range of topics including
widely understood that social relationships and                                                                                             increasingly mature in their ability to manage
                                                                      early infant-caregiver attachments, interactions
emotional experiences are a crucial bedrock for                                                                                             their emotions, both in terms of how they
                                                                      and relationships with parents and siblings, moral
wellbeing in children and young people, just as                                                                                             express them in public and in terms of how they
                                                                      reasoning, emotional control, self-perceptions,
they are for all human beings. Given that schools                                                                                           deal privately with distressing or uncomfortable
                                                                      gender development, and peer relations.3
are recognised to be one of the key settings for                                                                                            emotions.
the psychological development of children and                         This body of research shows a number of basic
                                                                                                                                            But we also know that, at any given age, children
young people2, this raises the question of what                       developmental patterns and sequences that
                                                                                                                                            and young people vary enormously in their social
schools can do to better understand and support                       children typically show as they move from early
                                                                                                                                            and emotional competence.
the social and emotional foundations of wellbeing.                    childhood to middle childhood to adolescence.

1	 UNICEF (2007). Innocenti Research Centre Report Card 7: An overview of child well-being in rich countries. Florence, Italy: UNICEF.
2	Banerjee, R., Tolmie, A.,  Boyle, J. (2011). Educational psychology: History and overview. In G. Davey (Ed.), Introduction to applied psychology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley.
3	 Siegler, R., Deloache, J.,  Eisenberg, N. (2010). How children develop. London: Worth.
4	Saarni, C., Campos, J., Camras, L.,  Witherington, D. (2006). Emotional development Action, communication, and understanding. In W. Damon, L. Lerner,  N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of child
   psychology. New York: Wiley.

This is most obvious in the case of pupils                                  Some pupils generally feel positive about                    Work in the area of social and emotional learning
recognised as having special educational needs.                             themselves and their experiences, whereas others             is nationally recognised as crucial. According
For example, staff in schools will be aware of                              feel anxious or angry and are unable to find                 to the ESTYN Inspection Framework (2010),
pupils who have been diagnosed with an ‘autism                              anything positive about themselves.                          school inspectors are governed by the Education
spectrum condition’ (ASC) or attention deficit                              Moreover, these kinds of variations are present              Act of 2005 regulations which instruct them to
difficulties, often involving significant impairments                       not just at the level of individuals, but also at the        report on ‘The spiritual, moral, social and cultural
in social relationships and interactions. Other                             levels of groups (e.g., a particularly disruptive            development of pupils at the school’ and ‘The
pupils might be identified as having ‘behavioural,                          group of children), classes (e.g., a class with              contribution of the school to the well being of pupils’.
emotional, and social difficulties’ (BESD)                                  generally high levels of anxiety), and even whole
that could include a wide range of difficulties                             schools (e.g., a school where both pupils and staff
in managing social life, from disruptive and                                                                                                The key aim of WoW is to develop a whole-
                                                                            report feeling unsafe).
aggressive behaviour through to social                                                                                                      school framework for social and emotional
withdrawal and deep-rooted insecurities.                                    Working on Wellbeing is based on a strong                       health and wellbeing, with an emphasis
                                                                            evidence base of research that highlights how                   on early identification of needs and
Although recognising and meeting the special                                school-based strategies to support Social and                   intervention. This includes:
educational needs of particular pupils is important,                        Emotional Learning (SEL) can promote a wide
research also shows us that even within the                                                                                                 ●● nvolvement of the whole school community
                                                                            range of positive outcomes. According to the
‘mainstream’ population of pupils at school, there                                                                                             in developing a Social and Emotional Learning
                                                                            most recent meta-analysis of research studies6,
are dramatic variations in social and emotional                                                                                                (SEL) framework
                                                                            significant overall effects include:
functioning – variations which are fundamentally                                                                                            ●●  rovision map outlining the range of provision
connected to wellbeing.5 For example, some                                  ●● Improved social and emotional skills                            in schools
pupils are well-liked within their peer groups,                             ●●  ore positive attitudes towards self, school,
                                                                               M                                                            ●●  valuation of workforce skills and professional
whereas others are actively rejected and                                        and social topics                                              development programme to ensure workforce
ostracised. Some pupils show bullying behaviour,                                                                                               adequately skilled
                                                                            ●● Higher levels of positive social behaviour
some are victimised, and some experience both
– and some pupils egg on the bullies, whereas                               ●● Reduced conduct problems                                     ●● ndividual and whole-school assessments to
others come to the aid of victims, and others just                                                                                             identify social and emotional needs
                                                                            ●● Reduced emotional distress
walk away.                                                                                                                                  ●●  roactive whole-school developments that
                                                                            ●● Increased academic performance.                                 build upon the current position
                                                                                                                                            ●●  argeted interventions based on the
  Smith, P.,  Elliott, J. G. (2011). Social problems in school. In A. M. Slater  J. G. Bremner (Eds.), Introduction to developmental         assessments and the knowledge within the
  psychology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.                                                                                                         school community
  Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D.,  Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students’
  social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82, 405-432.
                                                                                                                                            ●●  onitoring and review of progress and outcomes.

Key steps for Working on Wellbeing
                 WoW provides a tailored model of practice that meets the specific needs of a school or cluster of schools,
                            involving the four steps shown below and described on the pages that follow.

                                        Step 1
                                        Establishing a whole-school SEL Framework
                                        ●  Preparatory activity
                                        ●   eveloping and customising the SEL

                                        Step 2
                                        Reviewing the current position of the
                                        workforce and resources
                                        ●  Learning Needs Analysis
                                        ●  Provision mapping tool
    Step 4                                                                                                 Step 3
                                        Assessing social and emotional needs
                                        of the pupils                                                      Planning interventions
     mplementation of
    actions planned                     ●  My School                                                       ●  Whole School
                                        ●  My Class                                                        ●  Class
                                        ●  My Feelings                                                     ●  Small group and individual

Step 1: Establishing a whole-school Social
    and Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework

This first step is an essential part of the process      This essential activity (described more fully in
as it engages the school community and helps             Appendix A2) involves:
them to contribute to developing their vision, take      1.	 members of the school community
ownership of the work, and understand its core              (children/young people, parents/carers,
purpose. The main outcome of this step of the               members of staff/governors and perhaps
process is the development of a SEL Framework               members of the broader community such as
that represents the aspirations of the whole                local employers, businesses etc.) identify an
school community. This should be revisited                  agreed set of qualities that they would like
periodically (every few years) to ensure that it still      their children to acquire.
matches the aspirations of the school community.
                                                            The qualities are categorised as to whether
Preparatory activity:                                       the are ‘good for the community’ and ‘good
                                                            for the individual’.
Engaging with the whole
school community                                         3.	
                                                            Qualities viewed as both ‘good for the
                                                            community’ and ‘good for the individual’ are
The preparatory activity is very important as it            selected and used to identify a set of skills
provides an opportunity for all members of the              that pupils need.
school community to be involved in the early
stages of developments and obtain a greater              Developing the framework
understanding WoW in their school.
                                                         The learning skills identified in the preparatory
                                                         activity are used to produce the school’s or
                                                         cluster’s own SEL Framework, tailored to the
                                                         priorities and needs of the local community. This
                                                         SEL Framework will be used in Steps 2 and 3 to
                                                         review current provisions within the school and to
                                                         plan new provisions and interventions.

Step 1

An example SEL Framework developed from a consultation with school communities in Porthcawl and Barry is provided below:

A citizen of Porthcawl and Barry is…

    Self aware –                           Motivated and resilient –               Empathic –                            Sociable –
    and is responsible and skilful.        and is strong, motivated,               and is understanding, wise,           and is tolerant, empathetic,
                                           courageous, and determined.             thoughtful, patient, and caring.      respectful, fair, and honest.
    They need to learn:                    They need to learn:                     They need to learn:                   They need to learn:
    1.	To understand their feelings        6.	How to identify and set goals,      11.	 o understand the thoughts and
                                                                                       T                                 15.	 istening and communication
    2.	 o understand themselves as a
       T                                       plan, persevere and overcome            feelings of others                    skills – listening, conversation,
       person                                  obstacles                           12.	 o show empathy and respond
                                                                                       T                                     making eye-contact, using body
                                           7.	Good organizational skills and          appropriately                         language to express feelings,
    3.	 o understand themselves as a
       T                                                                                                                     expressing opinions (assertively)
       learner including their strengths       how to manage their time            13.	To trust others
       and weaknesses and how they         8.	 manage emotions – patience,
                                               To                                                                        16.	 ollaboration and team skills –
                                                                                   14.	 o appreciate other people
                                                                                       T                                     participating, co-operating, being
       learn best                              not take things personally and          – their diverse qualities and
                                               cope with losing                                                              a good member of a group
    4.	 o have self-esteem and be
       T                                                                               abilities
       confident                           9.	 learn from their mistakes
                                               To                                                                        17.	 elationship skills – friendship
                                               and take responsibility for own                                               skills, sharing, turn taking
    5.	Self-reflection
                                               actions                                                                   18.	 o resolve conflict – negotiate,
                                           10.	 o adapt to different situations
                                               T                                                                             solve problems.
                                               (right skills for the situation)

Step 2: Reviewing the current position

                                   The three strands of data collection

       Strand One                                   Strand Two                              Strand Three
 Learning Needs Analysis                         Provision Mapping                        Online Assessments
 What are the school’s strengths           What are provisions are available?         What is the social and emotional
       and weaknesses?                       What skills do these develop?                 climate of the school?
                                         How effectively are the skills developed?    What are the social and emotional
                                            Are there any overlaps or gaps?                 needs of the pupils?

          Completed by:                              Completed by:                             Completed by:
 School’s Wellbeing Co-ordinator            School’s Wellbeing Co-ordinator          All members of the school community

                                                   All data used
                                                  to plan actions
                                                   All data used
                                                   to plan actions

Step 2                   Strand 1: The Learning Needs Analysis

A key feature of WoW is to establish that the
workforce is ‘fit for purpose’ and able to address
the social and emotional needs of children and
young people.
To do this, the development of an effective and responsive staff
professional development framework for the school community
is crucial. The School Effectiveness Framework states the
need for schools to build strong learning communities where
practitioners can develop and share their professional knowledge
about learning and teaching and build on good practice. It also
highlights the need for a planned training strategy which will meet
a wider range of children including those with Additional Learning
In Bridgend, the Learning Needs Analysis has been developed as
part of a continuous cycle for the professional development staff
who are at different stages of their careers. The diagram on this
page outlines the three key components that combined to form
the continuous cycle of professional development:

Step 2                  Strand 1

The Learning Needs Analysis                        As part of a continuous professional development cycle, the LNA helps to measure progress of the school
                                                   workforce over a consolidated period of time. The LNA provides a baseline (starting point) for measuring
The Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) helps to
                                                   how skilled the workforce are to deliver the identified ALN needs of the school’s population and supports
identify good practice taking place in schools,
                                                   the process of reporting on the impact that the CPD activities have had in relation to learner outcomes.
recognizing the knowledge and expertise of
school staff in providing for children and young   The LNA process involves five stages of activity:
people’s social and emotional learning. The LNA
also identifies the strengths and weaknesses of     Stage One           The first stage is to identify the personnel who will be involved in carrying out
the school workforce. This information helps                            the LNA and set up the meeting to carry out the LNA. This might include the
to determine how well equipped the school                               Headteacher, PSE Coordinator, Specialist Outreach Teacher, ALNCo.
workforce are in:
                                                    Stage Two           Together the team should consider each statement on the LNA grid, providing
●● dentifying the progress children and young
                                                                        the necessary evidence as to whether the school meets the criteria for either
  people are making with their social and
                                                                        improving, refining or celebrating success. (See LNA template overleaf)
  emotional aspects of learning
●●  ow pupils are assessed and monitored
   h                                                Stage Three         From each of the areas listed in the LNA the next step is to write up a summary
  where there are concerns                                              of what the school has achieved to date together with a RAG (red, amber, green)
●● what resources the school has in place
                                                                        score. (See LNA template overleaf)

●● what interventions the school has in place       Stage Four          The next step is to use the analysis to set CPD targets as part of the annual cycle
●● what training staff have undergone                                   of professional development for school staff and then to implement the training
                                                                        and development programme.
●● partnership working
●● transition arrangements.                         Stage Five          The final stage of the process is to review the CPD activity at the end of the year
                                                                        in order to evaluate what outcomes have been achieved and the impact this has
                                                                        had on learners.

Step 2                Strand 1

The worked example below shows a Learning Needs Analysis completed by Newton Primary School, Porthcawl.

Learning Needs Analysis

 School            NEWTON PRIMARY                                             Completed by Head Teacher
 Date              July 2011                                                                     Specialist Teacher

Evaluation Area                                              Targets                                    Outcomes
Identification and Assessment                   R   A   G
The school is developing a consistent whole                  Termly whole school staff training         ●●  10 pupils have been surveyed across the
school approach for the identification of                    sessions to be delivered in the              school from years 3 to 6. Years 1 and 2
pupils with BESD by piloting the Banerjee                    administration and interpretation of the     have also trialled the assessments, but no
online assessments. Where pupils have                        Banerjee online assessments. Individual      data analysis has been completed yet.
been highlighted with possible BESD                          support and training for teachers          ●●  he ALNCo has received training in running
difficulties, the Specialist Outreach teacher                and support staff to be provided             the project and the HT is able to produce
is supporting the school in the use of                       throughout the year to ensure staff are      the graphs from the results.
appropriate intervention approaches to                       appropriately skilled in the use of the
meet the needs of the pupil.                                 Banerjee online assessments. Identified
                                                             staff will also be trained in producing
                                                             the on-line data as well. The school’s
                                                             behaviour policy will also be updated.

Step 2                  Strand 1

Evaluation Area                                        Targets                                          Outcomes
Resources                                  R   A   G
The school feels that it is well                       As a result of the provision mapping             A SEAL training day is planned for July 2011. Part of
resourced in many areas across                         exercise, the school would like to participate   the day will allow HTs and nominated members of
the school. They make good                             in a cluster day training session linked to      staff time to plan the SEAL project across the whole
use of “Game Shop Managers,”                           SEAL. A cohort, identified by the NBAR           school. The school will implement SEAL across the
and “Playground Peacemakers.”                          pilot project will pilot SEAL activities over    school starting in September.
Student Assistance Programme                           2 terms. The success of this will then be
(SAP) training is available to all staff               reviewed in the final term and a decision
and they are also aware of SEAL,                       made whether to implement the scheme
although it is not currently being                     across the whole school.
used across the school.                                The Headteacher is very keen to consider
                                                       the possible use of purchasing resources
                                                       that can be shared by the cluster.
Interventions                              R   A   G
Some staff have been trained in the                    Staff delivering SAP have an ‘update’            As a result of the Banerjee online assessments:
SAP programme, and the whole                           slot in the weekly staff meetings. The           ●● 10 children have been referred for SAP
school is involved in the “TALK,”                      HT would also like to find out more              ●●  8 children are being monitored closely for possible
project. A member of staff has                         about the availability of “Therapies,” in           group changes.
been identified to receive training                    Bridgend. A member of staff has also             ●● 2 children have been referred for counselling
for Emotional Literacy for Support                     been identified to receive training in
                                                                                                        ●●  focus has been placed on year 6 children to
Assistants project (ELSA) the next                     the future for “Developing a Nurturing
                                                                                                           ensure that they don’t dominate aspects of learning.
time it is delivered. Home/school                      Classroom.”
books are used with pupils prior to                                                                     Children also deal with problems through peer
school Action/PSP plans, and the                                                                        mediation, and this is supported by training carried out
HT also has fortnightly meetings with                                                                   by the specialist teachers with lunchtime supervisors.
parents and and individual children to                                                                  The headteacher feels that using the Banerjee online
monitor progress when necessary.                                                                        assessments has significantly improved the accuracy
Playground Peacemakers are used to                                                                      of referrals for individual interventions used within the
good effect during lunchtimes.                                                                          school.

Step 2                 Strand 1

Evaluation Area                                                  Targets                                            Outcomes
Review and Monitoring                                R   A   G
The school uses IEP Writer from nursery to                       The HT is planning to review the school’s use ●●  he school reviewed its IEPs in
year six. The IEPs are monitored regularly in                    of IEPs during the Spring Term, and where        March 2011, and has been able to
review meetings twice a year. The children are                   possible link targets to SAP work carried        use the results from the Banerjee
fully involved in setting their own targets, which               out and the results from the Banerjee online     online assessments to help form
are clearly stated. The school, as part of the                   assessments.                                     some targets.
Porthcawl cluster, is also involved with trialling                                                                  ●●  he setting of SMART targets has
electronic IDPs. Parental questionnaires are also                                                                      also been addressed in the TAPPAS
sent home annually, to link in with the school’s                                                                       meetings.
self-evaluation cycle. The school is going to use
the Banerjee online assessments three times a
year to review and monitor pupils well-being.
Training and Development                             R   A   G
All staff are being trained in NBAR early                        ●● nset to be delivered to ensure all staff are
                                                                    I                                               ●●  NSAs and LSAs throughout the
identification approaches. The minimum BESD                         aware of the BESD intervention approaches          cluster have had access to a support
training requirements are being addressed by                        that are taking place across the school and        staff network to assist with their CPD.
the school (ELSA, online assessments, parenting                     when to appropriately use them.                    Training has included general behaviour
training, nurture training). TAPPAS has been                     ●●  APPAS is set to meet half termly and has
                                                                    T                                                  strategies, dyslexia and ASD. The group
developed throughout the cluster for ALNCos                         put together a programme of professional           has received six sessions during the
and Specialist teachers working within the                          development activities in order to share and       year at all schools in the cluster.
clusters. A support staff network is also being                     develop good practice across the cluster.       ●●  n ALN cluster conference is also
developed for SNSAs to develop their CPD. A                                                                            planned for Autumn Term 2011 for
Professional Learning Community is also being                    ●●  upport staff are set to meet half termly.
                                                                                                                       all staff.
set up for Wellbeing.                                            ●●  T would like to develop training for
                                                                                                                    ●●  n LSA has been identified to attend
                                                                    lunchtime supervisors.
                                                                                                                       ELSA training during 2011/2012
                                                                 ●●  member of staff has been identified to
                                                                                                                    ●●  unchtime supervisor training has
                                                                    receive ELSA training.
                                                                                                                       also taken place.

Step 2                  Strand 1

Evaluation Area                                                  Targets                                  Outcomes
Partnership Working                                  R   A   G
The school feels that it has strong links with its               To develop support groups for            ●●  Coping with Kids,” was trialled with
pupils and outside agencies. The school Council                  parents of children with BESD,              parents during Spring Term 2011. It
is involved in staff recruitment and the school                  possibly as part of the cluster.            received good feedback with a view to
takes part in the Meaningful Work Programme.                                                                 repeating the course.
The school also uses peer mediation and                                                                   ●●  arent liaison “drop in surgeries” have also
buddying systems.                                                                                            been identified as part of the action plan
The school is developing its strong links with                                                               for Porthcawl Cluster, starting during the
parents. Some examples include the use of                                                                    Summer Term.
home/ school contracts, termly parents’
evenings with the HT and the use of LAP.
Transition                                           R   A   G
The school has strong links with the                             ●●  o continue to develop smoother
                                                                    T                                    Transition is a target area highlighted in
comprehensive school, although it feels some                        transition for children with ALN to TAPPAS meetings. During these meetings
areas such as SEN and support for these                             comprehensive school with greater there has been an agreement made between
children can be improved.                                           involvement from the Inclusion       ALNCos of the information needed by the
There is a transition policy.                                       Service.                             comprehensive school, linked to ALN. Extra
                                                                 ●●  o provide extra support for pupils
                                                                    T                                    visits for children with ALN have also been
                                                                    and parents of Y6 pupils who may discussed. A day is planned during July 2011
                                                                    be anxious.                          for identified “anxious” pupils in year 6 across
                                                                                                         the cluster, and their parents, to receive extra
                                                                                                         support and a visit to the comp.

Step 2                   Strand 2: Provision Mapping for Social and Emotional Learning

The Provision Mapping tool is an audit                ●●  rade the effectiveness of the delivery of
tool that encourages staff to consider                   the intervention at the school 	
the wide range of approaches and                      	 Improving (I) - if only one or two classes
interventions currently being used                        use the approach or if only a few pupils
in school.                                                have access to the intervention
                                                      	 Refining (R) - if there is widespread and
Interventions and approaches used in the
                                                          competent use of the intervention but
school or LA – categorized as whole-school
                                                          staff feel they could do more
interventions, targeted interventions, or more
intensive interventions – are listed and evaluated    	 Celebrating (C) - if the intervention is
to show which skills from the SEL Framework               fully integrated into the life of the school
they promote. This can be completed on an             The completed provision map is used to
annual basis.                                         Identify any gaps or overlaps in provision,
                                                      and will be a key part of the planning process
How to complete the                                   in Step 3. It can be adapted to reflect
Provision Mapping Tool                                approaches and interventions available to
●●  raw up a list of provisions in the school or
   D                                                  the school, and used when identifying which
   LA that support SEL in the school. These           interventions may be helpful for an individual,
   might be whole-school, targeted, or intensive      class, or group.
   activities                                         Information should be available within the
●●  iscuss each provision to determine which
   D                                                  school about the nature of each provision, the
   SEL skills it develops, either fully (marked √√)   SEL skills being addressed, the skills and training
   or partially (marked √)                            required for the facilitators, the frequency and
                                                      duration of the provision, and the impacts
                                                      previously observed. Some examples are
                                                      provided in Appendix A3.


                                                                                                                                   (Please fill in the provision that is
                                                                                                                                   available at your school presently

                                                                                                                     Circle Time
                                                                                                                                   before identifying the skills it

                                                        Peer Support
                                       School Council


     Key: SEL Skills 1-18	

     √√	 = full coverage of skill	
                                                                                                                                   1.To understand their feelings

     √	 = limited coverage of skill	
                                                                                                                                   2. To understand themselves

                                                                                                                                   3. To understand their learning

                                                                                                                                   4. To have self-esteem


                                                                                                                                   5. Self-reflection

     R	= refining

     C	= celebrate
     I	 = improving
                                                                                                                                   6. How to identify and set goals,
                                                                                                                                   plan, persevere


                                                                                                                                   7. Good organizational skills and
                                                                                                                                   time management

                                                                                                                                   8. Manage emotions

     Key: review of implementation
                                                                                                                                                                           Motivated and resilient


                                                                                                                                   9. Learn from their mistakes


                                        ✓                                                                                          10. Adapt to different situations

                                                                                                                                   11. Understands the thoughts
                                                                                                                                   and feelings of others
                                                                                                                                                                                                     An example of a partial provision map from a school in the Porthcawl and Barry project is provided below.



                                                                                                                                   12. Show empathy

                                                                                                                                   13. Trust others

                                                                                                                                   14. Appreciate other people and
                                                                                                                                   their diverse qualities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Step 2


                                                                                                                                   15. Listening and communication

                                                                                                                                   16. Collaboration and team skills



                                                                                                                                   17. Relationship skills


                                                                                                                                   18. Resolve conflict

                                                                                                                                   Review of quality of implementation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Strand 2

                                                                                                                                   (C,R or P)
Step 2                  Strand 3: The Online Assessments

Three online surveys were devised to                 From the results, staff can identify                 The results from the ‘My Class’ assessments are
provide additional information about                 ●●  spects of school ethos in which the school is
                                                        a                                                 only meaningful if they are used with a group
the emotional health and wellbeing of                   strong and secure                                 who spend time together on a regular basis. For
the school and the pupils.                                                                                example, a secondary school pupil may not appear
                                                     ●●  reas that need further development
                                                        a                                                 to be fitting in well with their tutor group, but may
The surveys, with instructions for registration      ●●  ifferences in the perceptions between staff
                                                        d                                                 have good friendships with pupils across the year
and administration, are available at:                   and pupils.                                       group. However, research has shown that rejected                                                                     pupils are very often rejected by their peers
                                                     It should be noted that although staff and pupils
nbar-sepq-info.html                                                                                       independent of whichever group they are in.
                                                     may have different perceptions, there is usually a
Groups of pupils can complete them in the            good convergence between them when it comes          My Feelings. This assessment is completed
school’s ICT suite, with each survey taking          to relative scores across different schools. In      by children, by rating how often various social
approximately 15-20 minutes. The assessments         other words, schools with relatively high ratings    and emotional experiences are true for them. It
are ideally completed at the beginning of the year   from staff tend to have relatively high ratings      provides information about:
(allowing a half-term for pupils to settle) and      from pupils, and schools with relatively low
                                                                                                          ●●  ositive social experiences at school (e.g,
again at the end of the year to monitor progress     ratings from staff tend to have relatively low
and plan actions for the following year.             ratings from pupils.                                    social inclusion)
                                                                                                          ●●  egative social experiences at school (e.g,
My School. This is a survey that is completed        My Class. This ‘sociometric’ assessment is              victimisation)
anonymously by all members of the school             completed by children, by nominating pupils
                                                                                                          ●● Feelings of anger
community, including staff (both teachers and        in their class who fit different descriptions. It
support staff) as well as pupils. The assessment     provides information about:                          ●●  eelings of sadness and depressive symptoms
provides insights into the social and emotional      ●● Pupil relationships within a class/tutor group    ●● Feelings of worry and anxiety
climate of the school. The feedback includes
percentage scores from pupils and staff in           ●●  evels of peer acceptance and rejection
                                                        L                                                 ●● Self-perceptions
response to set questions about their attitudes         experienced by pupils                             Please note that the results produced from
regarding the children’s and adults’ social          ●●  ach pupil’s behavioural reputation within
                                                        E                                                 the ‘My Feelings’ data are about feeling worried,
relationships, enjoyment of school, and social          the peer group: cooperative, disruptive, shy,     sad and angry and about the pupils’ general
and emotional skills.                                   aggressive, leader                                social experiences at school. They cannot be
                                                                                                          used on their own to diagnose clinical mental
                                                                                                          health problems.

Step 2                Strand 3

Understanding results                                 A portion of the feedback for one of the schools in the Porthcawl and Barry project is provided below:

from the assessments                                  Total number of pupil responses: 89                             Percentage choosing ‘quite often’
The interpretation of results from the assessments    Total number of staff responses: 20                                  or ‘nearly all the time’
is an important part of the process. It requires
                                                                                                                      Pupil responses     Staff responses
careful reflection in the light of knowledge of
the school, class, and children or young people.      Children really listen to teachers and other adults at school       78.2%                100.0%
Ideally, it will be carried out collaboratively
                                                      Children show they care about each other                            85.1%                100.0%
between the relevant class teacher(s) and another
colleague, possibly the SENCo or year head.           Children get into fights                                            23.2%                 0.0%
                                                      Children like the adults at school                                  79.5%                100.0%
My School: Links with the
                                                      Children deal with arguments in a peaceful way                      46.1%                89.5%
overall Provision Map and the
Learning Needs Analysis                               Adults really listen to what the children have to say               83.9%                100.0%

The completed Provision Map and Learning Needs        Adults show they care about each other                              90.9%                89.5%
Analysis should already have identified areas where   Adults shout and get cross                                          32.6%                 5.0%
provision for pupils’ social and emotional needs
                                                      Adults like the children at school                                  84.9%                100.0%
is strong, as well as areas where more work is
needed. This knowledge can be supplemented by         Adults deal with arguments in a peaceful way                        83.9%                100.0%
the detailed results of the My School survey, which
will reveal how pupils and staff (and any other
stakeholders who complete the questionnaire)
perceive aspects of the school ethos.
The My School feedback shows the percentages
of pupils and staff who agree (choosing either
‘Quite often’ or ‘Nearly all the time’) with
statements about both the children and the
adults at school.

Step 2                  Strand 3

My Class: Sociogram and peer reputation
The information collected from the ‘My Class’ survey allows staff
to produce a sociogram.                                                    Green = received high number of Most-Liked (ML)
                                                                           and low number of Least-Liked (LL) nominations
This is a visual representation of the relationships between pupils
                                                                           (often referred to as ‘popular’)
in the class / tutor group.
Each pupil is identified by a circle. The colour of the circle indicates
                                                                           Grey = received low number of ML and high number
the pupil’s peer status, as shown opposite.
                                                                           of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘rejected’)
Arrows between pupils indicate positive peer nominations:

e.g., Ben               Peter
                                                                           Orange = received high number of ML and high number
indicates that Ben nominated Peter.                                        of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘controversial’)

Blue doubled-headed arrows between pupils indicate reciprocal
positive nominations:                                                      Pink = received low number of ML and low number
                                                                           of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘neglected’)
e.g., Ben               Peter

indicates that Ben nominated Peter and that Peter nominated Ben.
                                                                           White = received average number of ML and LL
                                                                           nominations (often referred to as ‘average’)

Step 2                 Strand 3

An example of a sociogram from one of the schools in the                          8
Porthcawl and Barry projects is provided below. It shows a great
deal of variation in children’s peer relationships. There are some                                       13
groups of pupils who all nominate each other (e.g., 7, 9, 19, 6, 10,                                                        18
13), but others have few or no reciprocated nominations. There
are some pupils who receive many positive nominations (e.g., 6
and 15), and others who receive none (e.g., 16 and 23).

                                                                                                              15                 5


                                                                                                                                 1           23
Pupils may fall in the ‘Average’ peer status category but be just
below the statistical threshold for one of the other peer status
categories (e.g., 14 in this sociogram). The other feedback from My
Class and My Feelings should be consulted to gain a richer picture of
the pupils’ functioning, as described on the following pages.

                                                                                                12                     22

Step 2                  Strand 3

An individualised graph is also produced for each pupil, showing the peer reputation of that pupil within the class. The graph shows how often
the pupils is chosen by his or her peers for Most-Liked, Least-Liked, Cooperative, Disruptive, Shy, Starts Fights, and Leader.
The scores are standardised so that 0 is the average for the class, scores above 0 are above the class average, and scores below 0 are below
the class average. Each bar shows the full range of scores in the class: the lowest scoring pupil would be at the bottom of the bar, and the
highest scoring pupil would be at the top. The dot in each bar shows the position of the given pupil within the class range.

  Pupil 15 from the sociogram on the previous page                             Pupil 16 from the sociogram on the previous page

   5                                                                            5
   4                                                                            4
   3                                                                            3
   2                                                                            2
   1                                                                            1
  -0                                                                           -0
  -1                                                                           -1
  -2                                                                           -2






















  This pupil was often chosen by peers as most-liked and had the               This pupil had the lowest score for most-liked (the sociogram
  lowest score for least-liked within the class. The pupil was also            shows that no positive nominations were received) and the
  the one most often seen as cooperative within the class.                     highest score for least-liked. The pupil was seen by the class as
                                                                               disruptive and starting fights.

Step 2                 Strand 3

My Feelings: Self-reported
socio-emotional experiences                          Pupil 14 from the previous sociogram	
An individualised graph is provided for each
pupil, showing the scores of that pupil on            3
eight dimensions of self-reported social
and emotional experiences: positive social
experiences (e.g., being included or helped),         2
negative social experiences (e.g., being
victimised), anger, anxiety, depressive/sad
feelings, negative feelings at school, negative       1
feelings at home, and self-perceptions.
Scores are on a scale from 0 (almost never/
not at all true) to 3 (nearly all the time/very       0
true). Each bar shows the full range of scores in








                                                        eg exp

the class: the lowest scoring pupil would be at





the bottom of the bar, and the highest scoring






pupil would be at the top. The class average is



marked as a horizontal line within the bar. The

dot in each bar shows the position of the given
pupil within the class range.                        This pupil had the lowest score within the class for positive social experiences,
                                                     and was above average for most negative emotions (particularly anxiety and
                                                     depressive/sad feelings). Negative emotions were well above average, both
                                                     for school and home settings, and self-perceptions were among the lowest
                                                     within the class.

Step 3: Planning interventions

The process of reviewing the current                 These might be low-level interventions (such as         better starting point for supporting a problem
position will provide a wealth of                    how pupils are grouped, how staff greet pupils,         with aggressive behaviour at school, rather than
information, and time needs to be                    and reward systems etc.) or more specific               immediately withdrawing individual pupils for
set aside for relevant staff – ideally               approaches or programmes that are selected from         intensive anger management work. This kind of
                                                     the school’s Provision Map. These interventions         universal provision then can become a backdrop
including senior leaders in the school
                                                     can be planned at the level of the whole school,        for more intensive interventions, if these are
– to reflect upon the data, discuss                  class, small group, and/or individual pupil.            considered necessary for some groups or
findings, and plan.                                                                                          individuals at a later point.
                                                     As a guiding principle, the first port of call should
In all cases, the emphasis will be on identifying    be the universal, whole-school provisions, rather
needs in terms of the SEL Framework established      than more intensive interventions. For example,         Where to look for information
in Step 1. Once the skills and qualities that need   a curriculum approach to conflict resolution
                                                                                                                The Learning Needs Analysis provides
attention have been identified, then appropriate     (with opportunities for learning to be applied
                                                                                                                information about staff development needs.
interventions can be agreed.                         and reinforced across the school) might be a
                                                                                                             ●●  he Provision Map provides information
                                                                                                                about the support available in the school and
                                                                                                                any gaps or overlaps in provision.
                                                                                                             ●●  y School provides information about the
                                                                                                                climate of the school from all members of the
                                                                                                                school community.
                                                                                                             ●●  y Class provides information about
                                                                                                                patterns of relationships and social behaviour
                                                                                                                within each class.
                                                                                                             ●●  y Feelings provides information about
                                                                                                                pupils’ self-reported social and emotional
                                                                                                                experiences at school.
                                                                                                             ●●  taff members can contribute their own
                                                                                                                knowledge of pupils and their interactions.

Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
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Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final
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Bcbc wellbeing booklet (6) final

  • 2. Table of Contents Page Foreword 1 Background 2 Key Steps One Establishing a whole-school Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework 5 Two Reviewing the current position 7 Strand 1: The Learning Needs Analysis 8 Strand 2: Provision Mapping for Social and Emotional Learning 14 Strand 3: Online assessments – My School, My Class, My Feelings 16 Three Planning interventions 22 Strand 1: Planning whole-school interventions 23 Strand 2: Planning class interventions 25 Strand 3: Planning small group or individual interventions 30 Four Implementation of actions planned 37 Appendices 1 Findings from the NBAR project in Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan 38 2 Preparatory activity for developing SEL Framework 46 3 Examples of interventions 48
  • 3. Foreword These are underpinned by the Welsh Government’s Personal and Social Education framework, and include the translation of the The Working on Wellbeing project is based on a recognition that emotional and social difficulties that children and young people experience have The Working on Wellbeing project Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) adverse effects on their ability to learn, because originated from a commitment by resources into Welsh. The curriculum focus they reduce their capacity to concentrate on for personal, social and emotional wellbeing academic progress and learning new skills. This is the Minister for Education, Lifelong within the Foundation Phase is also an important especially the case for those pupils with complex Learning and Skills in March 2006 component of the work being carried out needs. Early identification and intervention are to undertake a National Review of by schools. The contributions of the Welsh crucial for ensuring that specialist approaches can Behaviour and Attendance (NBAR). Network of Healthy School Schemes and the be accessed in a timely and effective way. This An independent steering group, led Primary Mental Health Teams are also important not only involves robust work within the school by Professor Ken Reid, considered the for supporting the promotion of emotional setting, but also a commitment from the families existing good practice in Wales and health and wellbeing in schools. of the children and young people and the wider produced clear recommendations. Research shows that a properly trained community. This project therefore provides school workforce, able to apply whole school an important bridge between the Personal and The Working on Wellbeing project was approaches for preventing and intervening in high Social Education framework in schools and the subsequently commissioned by the Welsh risk behaviour, can make a difference not only to Families First programme designed to support Assembly Government to develop a strategy for the children and young people themselves but families and tackle child poverty. identifying and assessing the social and emotional to the school community as a whole. However, The Working on Wellbeing project has been needs of children and young people, and to a number of challenges identified by the NBAR developed through a successful collaboration put in place early and effective intervention steering group need to be addressed, including: between Bridgend and Vale of Glamorgan local approaches to meet those needs. the provision of professional training and authorities (including the Educational Psychology In Wales, a number of whole school approaches development for school staff; the importance of Services, the Inclusion Services, and the are seen as strong components in supporting utilising the opinion of children and young people Behaviour Support Services) and the University pupils’ social and emotional needs, and ultimately in helping to understand the issues around of Sussex. We are especially grateful for the improving their behaviour and learning. behaviour and attendance; the need for better contributions made by the staff and pupils in the multi-agency working; and concerns around two clusters of schools in Porthcawl and Barry. the histories of poor behaviour and attendance before Key Stage 3. 1
  • 4. Background The Working on Wellbeing (WoW) project was designed to help Local Authorities and schools develop a comprehensive approach to social Efforts to support the wellbeing and emotional learning that includes identifying of children and young people have and meeting the social and emotional needs of all pupils. It recognizes that the behaviour of become a national priority, especially children is a result of their social and emotional in light of international comparisons development, and that this in turn is influenced of developed countries which have by the social and emotional environment or indicated relatively low levels of child climate that they experience inside and outside wellbeing in the UK. school. Therefore, it helps schools to create a positive climate that promotes wellbeing In one report, the UK was placed 17th or and supports the development of social and lower out of 21 countries on dimensions such emotional skills. as educational well-being, family and peer relationships, behaviours and risks, and subjective The social and emotional development of children well-being.1 and young people is known to be complex. A large and rapidly growing body of research Although wellbeing encompasses material/ evidence has traced a multitude of factors economic and physical health dimensions, it is For example, we know that children become involved, covering a wide range of topics including widely understood that social relationships and increasingly mature in their ability to manage early infant-caregiver attachments, interactions emotional experiences are a crucial bedrock for their emotions, both in terms of how they and relationships with parents and siblings, moral wellbeing in children and young people, just as express them in public and in terms of how they reasoning, emotional control, self-perceptions, they are for all human beings. Given that schools deal privately with distressing or uncomfortable gender development, and peer relations.3 are recognised to be one of the key settings for emotions. the psychological development of children and This body of research shows a number of basic But we also know that, at any given age, children young people2, this raises the question of what developmental patterns and sequences that and young people vary enormously in their social schools can do to better understand and support children typically show as they move from early and emotional competence. the social and emotional foundations of wellbeing. childhood to middle childhood to adolescence. 1 UNICEF (2007). Innocenti Research Centre Report Card 7: An overview of child well-being in rich countries. Florence, Italy: UNICEF. 2 Banerjee, R., Tolmie, A., Boyle, J. (2011). Educational psychology: History and overview. In G. Davey (Ed.), Introduction to applied psychology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley. 3 Siegler, R., Deloache, J., Eisenberg, N. (2010). How children develop. London: Worth. 4 Saarni, C., Campos, J., Camras, L., Witherington, D. (2006). Emotional development Action, communication, and understanding. In W. Damon, L. Lerner, N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology. New York: Wiley. 2
  • 5. This is most obvious in the case of pupils Some pupils generally feel positive about Work in the area of social and emotional learning recognised as having special educational needs. themselves and their experiences, whereas others is nationally recognised as crucial. According For example, staff in schools will be aware of feel anxious or angry and are unable to find to the ESTYN Inspection Framework (2010), pupils who have been diagnosed with an ‘autism anything positive about themselves. school inspectors are governed by the Education spectrum condition’ (ASC) or attention deficit Moreover, these kinds of variations are present Act of 2005 regulations which instruct them to difficulties, often involving significant impairments not just at the level of individuals, but also at the report on ‘The spiritual, moral, social and cultural in social relationships and interactions. Other levels of groups (e.g., a particularly disruptive development of pupils at the school’ and ‘The pupils might be identified as having ‘behavioural, group of children), classes (e.g., a class with contribution of the school to the well being of pupils’. emotional, and social difficulties’ (BESD) generally high levels of anxiety), and even whole that could include a wide range of difficulties schools (e.g., a school where both pupils and staff in managing social life, from disruptive and The key aim of WoW is to develop a whole- report feeling unsafe). aggressive behaviour through to social school framework for social and emotional withdrawal and deep-rooted insecurities. Working on Wellbeing is based on a strong health and wellbeing, with an emphasis evidence base of research that highlights how on early identification of needs and Although recognising and meeting the special school-based strategies to support Social and intervention. This includes: educational needs of particular pupils is important, Emotional Learning (SEL) can promote a wide research also shows us that even within the ●● nvolvement of the whole school community I range of positive outcomes. According to the ‘mainstream’ population of pupils at school, there in developing a Social and Emotional Learning most recent meta-analysis of research studies6, are dramatic variations in social and emotional (SEL) framework significant overall effects include: functioning – variations which are fundamentally ●● rovision map outlining the range of provision P connected to wellbeing.5 For example, some ●● Improved social and emotional skills in schools pupils are well-liked within their peer groups, ●● ore positive attitudes towards self, school, M ●● valuation of workforce skills and professional E whereas others are actively rejected and and social topics development programme to ensure workforce ostracised. Some pupils show bullying behaviour, adequately skilled ●● Higher levels of positive social behaviour some are victimised, and some experience both – and some pupils egg on the bullies, whereas ●● Reduced conduct problems ●● ndividual and whole-school assessments to I others come to the aid of victims, and others just identify social and emotional needs ●● Reduced emotional distress walk away. ●● roactive whole-school developments that P ●● Increased academic performance. build upon the current position ●● argeted interventions based on the T 5 Smith, P., Elliott, J. G. (2011). Social problems in school. In A. M. Slater J. G. Bremner (Eds.), Introduction to developmental assessments and the knowledge within the psychology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. school community 6 Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82, 405-432. ●● onitoring and review of progress and outcomes. M 3
  • 6. Key steps for Working on Wellbeing WoW provides a tailored model of practice that meets the specific needs of a school or cluster of schools, involving the four steps shown below and described on the pages that follow. Step 1 Establishing a whole-school SEL Framework ● Preparatory activity D ● eveloping and customising the SEL Framework Step 2 Reviewing the current position of the workforce and resources ● Learning Needs Analysis ● Provision mapping tool Step 4 Step 3 Assessing social and emotional needs of the pupils Planning interventions I mplementation of actions planned ● My School ● Whole School ● My Class ● Class ● My Feelings ● Small group and individual 4
  • 7. Step 1: Establishing a whole-school Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework This first step is an essential part of the process This essential activity (described more fully in as it engages the school community and helps Appendix A2) involves: them to contribute to developing their vision, take 1. members of the school community All ownership of the work, and understand its core (children/young people, parents/carers, purpose. The main outcome of this step of the members of staff/governors and perhaps process is the development of a SEL Framework members of the broader community such as that represents the aspirations of the whole local employers, businesses etc.) identify an school community. This should be revisited agreed set of qualities that they would like periodically (every few years) to ensure that it still their children to acquire. matches the aspirations of the school community. 2. The qualities are categorised as to whether Preparatory activity: the are ‘good for the community’ and ‘good for the individual’. Engaging with the whole school community 3. Qualities viewed as both ‘good for the community’ and ‘good for the individual’ are The preparatory activity is very important as it selected and used to identify a set of skills provides an opportunity for all members of the that pupils need. school community to be involved in the early stages of developments and obtain a greater Developing the framework understanding WoW in their school. The learning skills identified in the preparatory activity are used to produce the school’s or cluster’s own SEL Framework, tailored to the priorities and needs of the local community. This SEL Framework will be used in Steps 2 and 3 to review current provisions within the school and to plan new provisions and interventions. 5
  • 8. Step 1 An example SEL Framework developed from a consultation with school communities in Porthcawl and Barry is provided below: A citizen of Porthcawl and Barry is… Self aware – Motivated and resilient – Empathic – Sociable – and is responsible and skilful. and is strong, motivated, and is understanding, wise, and is tolerant, empathetic, courageous, and determined. thoughtful, patient, and caring. respectful, fair, and honest. They need to learn: They need to learn: They need to learn: They need to learn: 1. To understand their feelings 6. How to identify and set goals, 11. o understand the thoughts and T 15. istening and communication L 2. o understand themselves as a T plan, persevere and overcome feelings of others skills – listening, conversation, person obstacles 12. o show empathy and respond T making eye-contact, using body 7. Good organizational skills and appropriately language to express feelings, 3. o understand themselves as a T expressing opinions (assertively) learner including their strengths how to manage their time 13. To trust others and weaknesses and how they 8. manage emotions – patience, To 16. ollaboration and team skills – C 14. o appreciate other people T participating, co-operating, being learn best not take things personally and – their diverse qualities and cope with losing a good member of a group 4. o have self-esteem and be T abilities confident 9. learn from their mistakes To 17. elationship skills – friendship R and take responsibility for own skills, sharing, turn taking 5. Self-reflection actions 18. o resolve conflict – negotiate, T 10. o adapt to different situations T solve problems. (right skills for the situation) 6
  • 9. Step 2: Reviewing the current position The three strands of data collection Strand One Strand Two Strand Three Learning Needs Analysis Provision Mapping Online Assessments What are the school’s strengths What are provisions are available? What is the social and emotional and weaknesses? What skills do these develop? climate of the school? How effectively are the skills developed? What are the social and emotional Are there any overlaps or gaps? needs of the pupils? Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: School’s Wellbeing Co-ordinator School’s Wellbeing Co-ordinator All members of the school community All data used to plan actions All data used to plan actions 7
  • 10. Step 2 Strand 1: The Learning Needs Analysis Background A key feature of WoW is to establish that the workforce is ‘fit for purpose’ and able to address the social and emotional needs of children and young people. To do this, the development of an effective and responsive staff professional development framework for the school community is crucial. The School Effectiveness Framework states the need for schools to build strong learning communities where practitioners can develop and share their professional knowledge about learning and teaching and build on good practice. It also highlights the need for a planned training strategy which will meet a wider range of children including those with Additional Learning Needs. In Bridgend, the Learning Needs Analysis has been developed as part of a continuous cycle for the professional development staff who are at different stages of their careers. The diagram on this page outlines the three key components that combined to form the continuous cycle of professional development: 8
  • 11. Step 2 Strand 1 The Learning Needs Analysis As part of a continuous professional development cycle, the LNA helps to measure progress of the school workforce over a consolidated period of time. The LNA provides a baseline (starting point) for measuring The Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) helps to how skilled the workforce are to deliver the identified ALN needs of the school’s population and supports identify good practice taking place in schools, the process of reporting on the impact that the CPD activities have had in relation to learner outcomes. recognizing the knowledge and expertise of school staff in providing for children and young The LNA process involves five stages of activity: people’s social and emotional learning. The LNA also identifies the strengths and weaknesses of Stage One The first stage is to identify the personnel who will be involved in carrying out the school workforce. This information helps the LNA and set up the meeting to carry out the LNA. This might include the to determine how well equipped the school Headteacher, PSE Coordinator, Specialist Outreach Teacher, ALNCo. workforce are in: Stage Two Together the team should consider each statement on the LNA grid, providing ●● dentifying the progress children and young i the necessary evidence as to whether the school meets the criteria for either people are making with their social and improving, refining or celebrating success. (See LNA template overleaf) emotional aspects of learning ●● ow pupils are assessed and monitored h Stage Three From each of the areas listed in the LNA the next step is to write up a summary where there are concerns of what the school has achieved to date together with a RAG (red, amber, green) ●● what resources the school has in place score. (See LNA template overleaf) ●● what interventions the school has in place Stage Four The next step is to use the analysis to set CPD targets as part of the annual cycle ●● what training staff have undergone of professional development for school staff and then to implement the training and development programme. ●● partnership working ●● transition arrangements. Stage Five The final stage of the process is to review the CPD activity at the end of the year in order to evaluate what outcomes have been achieved and the impact this has had on learners. 9
  • 12. Step 2 Strand 1 The worked example below shows a Learning Needs Analysis completed by Newton Primary School, Porthcawl. Learning Needs Analysis School NEWTON PRIMARY Completed by Head Teacher Date July 2011 Specialist Teacher Evaluation Area Targets Outcomes Identification and Assessment R A G The school is developing a consistent whole Termly whole school staff training ●● 10 pupils have been surveyed across the 1 school approach for the identification of sessions to be delivered in the school from years 3 to 6. Years 1 and 2 pupils with BESD by piloting the Banerjee administration and interpretation of the have also trialled the assessments, but no online assessments. Where pupils have Banerjee online assessments. Individual data analysis has been completed yet. been highlighted with possible BESD support and training for teachers ●● he ALNCo has received training in running T difficulties, the Specialist Outreach teacher and support staff to be provided the project and the HT is able to produce is supporting the school in the use of throughout the year to ensure staff are the graphs from the results. appropriate intervention approaches to appropriately skilled in the use of the meet the needs of the pupil. Banerjee online assessments. Identified staff will also be trained in producing the on-line data as well. The school’s behaviour policy will also be updated. 10
  • 13. Step 2 Strand 1 Evaluation Area Targets Outcomes Resources R A G The school feels that it is well As a result of the provision mapping A SEAL training day is planned for July 2011. Part of resourced in many areas across exercise, the school would like to participate the day will allow HTs and nominated members of the school. They make good in a cluster day training session linked to staff time to plan the SEAL project across the whole use of “Game Shop Managers,” SEAL. A cohort, identified by the NBAR school. The school will implement SEAL across the and “Playground Peacemakers.” pilot project will pilot SEAL activities over school starting in September. Student Assistance Programme 2 terms. The success of this will then be (SAP) training is available to all staff reviewed in the final term and a decision and they are also aware of SEAL, made whether to implement the scheme although it is not currently being across the whole school. used across the school. The Headteacher is very keen to consider the possible use of purchasing resources that can be shared by the cluster. Interventions R A G Some staff have been trained in the Staff delivering SAP have an ‘update’ As a result of the Banerjee online assessments: SAP programme, and the whole slot in the weekly staff meetings. The ●● 10 children have been referred for SAP school is involved in the “TALK,” HT would also like to find out more ●● 8 children are being monitored closely for possible 1 project. A member of staff has about the availability of “Therapies,” in group changes. been identified to receive training Bridgend. A member of staff has also ●● 2 children have been referred for counselling for Emotional Literacy for Support been identified to receive training in ●● focus has been placed on year 6 children to A Assistants project (ELSA) the next the future for “Developing a Nurturing ensure that they don’t dominate aspects of learning. time it is delivered. Home/school Classroom.” books are used with pupils prior to Children also deal with problems through peer school Action/PSP plans, and the mediation, and this is supported by training carried out HT also has fortnightly meetings with by the specialist teachers with lunchtime supervisors. parents and and individual children to The headteacher feels that using the Banerjee online monitor progress when necessary. assessments has significantly improved the accuracy Playground Peacemakers are used to of referrals for individual interventions used within the good effect during lunchtimes. school. 11
  • 14. Step 2 Strand 1 Evaluation Area Targets Outcomes Review and Monitoring R A G The school uses IEP Writer from nursery to The HT is planning to review the school’s use ●● he school reviewed its IEPs in T year six. The IEPs are monitored regularly in of IEPs during the Spring Term, and where March 2011, and has been able to review meetings twice a year. The children are possible link targets to SAP work carried use the results from the Banerjee fully involved in setting their own targets, which out and the results from the Banerjee online online assessments to help form are clearly stated. The school, as part of the assessments. some targets. Porthcawl cluster, is also involved with trialling ●● he setting of SMART targets has T electronic IDPs. Parental questionnaires are also also been addressed in the TAPPAS sent home annually, to link in with the school’s meetings. self-evaluation cycle. The school is going to use the Banerjee online assessments three times a year to review and monitor pupils well-being. Training and Development R A G All staff are being trained in NBAR early ●● nset to be delivered to ensure all staff are I ●● NSAs and LSAs throughout the S identification approaches. The minimum BESD aware of the BESD intervention approaches cluster have had access to a support training requirements are being addressed by that are taking place across the school and staff network to assist with their CPD. the school (ELSA, online assessments, parenting when to appropriately use them. Training has included general behaviour training, nurture training). TAPPAS has been ●● APPAS is set to meet half termly and has T strategies, dyslexia and ASD. The group developed throughout the cluster for ALNCos put together a programme of professional has received six sessions during the and Specialist teachers working within the development activities in order to share and year at all schools in the cluster. clusters. A support staff network is also being develop good practice across the cluster. ●● n ALN cluster conference is also A developed for SNSAs to develop their CPD. A planned for Autumn Term 2011 for Professional Learning Community is also being ●● upport staff are set to meet half termly. S all staff. set up for Wellbeing. ●● T would like to develop training for H ●● n LSA has been identified to attend A lunchtime supervisors. ELSA training during 2011/2012 ●● member of staff has been identified to A ●● unchtime supervisor training has L receive ELSA training. also taken place. 12
  • 15. Step 2 Strand 1 Evaluation Area Targets Outcomes Partnership Working R A G The school feels that it has strong links with its To develop support groups for ●● Coping with Kids,” was trialled with “ pupils and outside agencies. The school Council parents of children with BESD, parents during Spring Term 2011. It is involved in staff recruitment and the school possibly as part of the cluster. received good feedback with a view to takes part in the Meaningful Work Programme. repeating the course. The school also uses peer mediation and ●● arent liaison “drop in surgeries” have also P buddying systems. been identified as part of the action plan The school is developing its strong links with for Porthcawl Cluster, starting during the parents. Some examples include the use of Summer Term. home/ school contracts, termly parents’ evenings with the HT and the use of LAP. Transition R A G The school has strong links with the ●● o continue to develop smoother T Transition is a target area highlighted in comprehensive school, although it feels some transition for children with ALN to TAPPAS meetings. During these meetings areas such as SEN and support for these comprehensive school with greater there has been an agreement made between children can be improved. involvement from the Inclusion ALNCos of the information needed by the There is a transition policy. Service. comprehensive school, linked to ALN. Extra ●● o provide extra support for pupils T visits for children with ALN have also been and parents of Y6 pupils who may discussed. A day is planned during July 2011 be anxious. for identified “anxious” pupils in year 6 across the cluster, and their parents, to receive extra support and a visit to the comp. 13
  • 16. Step 2 Strand 2: Provision Mapping for Social and Emotional Learning The Provision Mapping tool is an audit ●● rade the effectiveness of the delivery of G tool that encourages staff to consider the intervention at the school the wide range of approaches and Improving (I) - if only one or two classes – interventions currently being used use the approach or if only a few pupils in school. have access to the intervention Refining (R) - if there is widespread and – Interventions and approaches used in the competent use of the intervention but school or LA – categorized as whole-school staff feel they could do more interventions, targeted interventions, or more intensive interventions – are listed and evaluated Celebrating (C) - if the intervention is – to show which skills from the SEL Framework fully integrated into the life of the school they promote. This can be completed on an The completed provision map is used to annual basis. Identify any gaps or overlaps in provision, and will be a key part of the planning process How to complete the in Step 3. It can be adapted to reflect Provision Mapping Tool approaches and interventions available to ●● raw up a list of provisions in the school or D the school, and used when identifying which LA that support SEL in the school. These interventions may be helpful for an individual, might be whole-school, targeted, or intensive class, or group. activities Information should be available within the ●● iscuss each provision to determine which D school about the nature of each provision, the SEL skills it develops, either fully (marked √√) SEL skills being addressed, the skills and training or partially (marked √) required for the facilitators, the frequency and duration of the provision, and the impacts previously observed. Some examples are provided in Appendix A3. 14
  • 17. PROVISION AFL SEAL (Please fill in the provision that is available at your school presently Playground Assemblies Celebration Circle Time before identifying the skills it Peer Support School Council promotes) Responsibilities Key: SEL Skills 1-18 ✓ √√ = full coverage of skill ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 1.To understand their feelings √ = limited coverage of skill ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 2. To understand themselves ✓✓ ✓✓ 3. To understand their learning Self-aware ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 4. To have self-esteem ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 5. Self-reflection R = refining ✓ ✓ ✓ C = celebrate I = improving ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 6. How to identify and set goals, plan, persevere ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 7. Good organizational skills and time management ✓ ✓✓ 8. Manage emotions Key: review of implementation Motivated and resilient ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 9. Learn from their mistakes ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ 10. Adapt to different situations ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 11. Understands the thoughts and feelings of others An example of a partial provision map from a school in the Porthcawl and Barry project is provided below. ✓ Empathic ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 12. Show empathy ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 13. Trust others ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 14. Appreciate other people and their diverse qualities ✓ Step 2 ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 15. Listening and communication ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 16. Collaboration and team skills Sociable ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 17. Relationship skills ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ 18. Resolve conflict Review of quality of implementation R R R C C C C Strand 2 (C,R or P) 15
  • 18. Step 2 Strand 3: The Online Assessments Three online surveys were devised to From the results, staff can identify The results from the ‘My Class’ assessments are provide additional information about ●● spects of school ethos in which the school is a only meaningful if they are used with a group the emotional health and wellbeing of strong and secure who spend time together on a regular basis. For the school and the pupils. example, a secondary school pupil may not appear ●● reas that need further development a to be fitting in well with their tutor group, but may The surveys, with instructions for registration ●● ifferences in the perceptions between staff d have good friendships with pupils across the year and administration, are available at: and pupils. group. However, research has shown that rejected pupils are very often rejected by their peers It should be noted that although staff and pupils nbar-sepq-info.html independent of whichever group they are in. may have different perceptions, there is usually a Groups of pupils can complete them in the good convergence between them when it comes My Feelings. This assessment is completed school’s ICT suite, with each survey taking to relative scores across different schools. In by children, by rating how often various social approximately 15-20 minutes. The assessments other words, schools with relatively high ratings and emotional experiences are true for them. It are ideally completed at the beginning of the year from staff tend to have relatively high ratings provides information about: (allowing a half-term for pupils to settle) and from pupils, and schools with relatively low ●● ositive social experiences at school (e.g, P again at the end of the year to monitor progress ratings from staff tend to have relatively low and plan actions for the following year. ratings from pupils. social inclusion) ●● egative social experiences at school (e.g, N My School. This is a survey that is completed My Class. This ‘sociometric’ assessment is victimisation) anonymously by all members of the school completed by children, by nominating pupils ●● Feelings of anger community, including staff (both teachers and in their class who fit different descriptions. It support staff) as well as pupils. The assessment provides information about: ●● eelings of sadness and depressive symptoms F provides insights into the social and emotional ●● Pupil relationships within a class/tutor group ●● Feelings of worry and anxiety climate of the school. The feedback includes percentage scores from pupils and staff in ●● evels of peer acceptance and rejection L ●● Self-perceptions response to set questions about their attitudes experienced by pupils Please note that the results produced from regarding the children’s and adults’ social ●● ach pupil’s behavioural reputation within E the ‘My Feelings’ data are about feeling worried, relationships, enjoyment of school, and social the peer group: cooperative, disruptive, shy, sad and angry and about the pupils’ general and emotional skills. aggressive, leader social experiences at school. They cannot be used on their own to diagnose clinical mental health problems. 16
  • 19. Step 2 Strand 3 Understanding results A portion of the feedback for one of the schools in the Porthcawl and Barry project is provided below: from the assessments Total number of pupil responses: 89 Percentage choosing ‘quite often’ The interpretation of results from the assessments Total number of staff responses: 20 or ‘nearly all the time’ is an important part of the process. It requires Pupil responses Staff responses careful reflection in the light of knowledge of the school, class, and children or young people. Children really listen to teachers and other adults at school 78.2% 100.0% Ideally, it will be carried out collaboratively Children show they care about each other 85.1% 100.0% between the relevant class teacher(s) and another colleague, possibly the SENCo or year head. Children get into fights 23.2% 0.0% Children like the adults at school 79.5% 100.0% My School: Links with the Children deal with arguments in a peaceful way 46.1% 89.5% overall Provision Map and the Learning Needs Analysis Adults really listen to what the children have to say 83.9% 100.0% The completed Provision Map and Learning Needs Adults show they care about each other 90.9% 89.5% Analysis should already have identified areas where Adults shout and get cross 32.6% 5.0% provision for pupils’ social and emotional needs Adults like the children at school 84.9% 100.0% is strong, as well as areas where more work is needed. This knowledge can be supplemented by Adults deal with arguments in a peaceful way 83.9% 100.0% the detailed results of the My School survey, which will reveal how pupils and staff (and any other stakeholders who complete the questionnaire) perceive aspects of the school ethos. The My School feedback shows the percentages of pupils and staff who agree (choosing either ‘Quite often’ or ‘Nearly all the time’) with statements about both the children and the adults at school. 17
  • 20. Step 2 Strand 3 My Class: Sociogram and peer reputation The information collected from the ‘My Class’ survey allows staff to produce a sociogram. Green = received high number of Most-Liked (ML) and low number of Least-Liked (LL) nominations This is a visual representation of the relationships between pupils (often referred to as ‘popular’) in the class / tutor group. Each pupil is identified by a circle. The colour of the circle indicates Grey = received low number of ML and high number the pupil’s peer status, as shown opposite. of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘rejected’) Arrows between pupils indicate positive peer nominations: e.g., Ben Peter Orange = received high number of ML and high number indicates that Ben nominated Peter. of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘controversial’) Blue doubled-headed arrows between pupils indicate reciprocal positive nominations: Pink = received low number of ML and low number of LL nominations (often referred to as ‘neglected’) e.g., Ben Peter indicates that Ben nominated Peter and that Peter nominated Ben. White = received average number of ML and LL nominations (often referred to as ‘average’) 18
  • 21. Step 2 Strand 3 An example of a sociogram from one of the schools in the 8 Porthcawl and Barry projects is provided below. It shows a great deal of variation in children’s peer relationships. There are some 13 groups of pupils who all nominate each other (e.g., 7, 9, 19, 6, 10, 18 13), but others have few or no reciprocated nominations. There are some pupils who receive many positive nominations (e.g., 6 and 15), and others who receive none (e.g., 16 and 23). 17 14 21 10 7 6 15 5 9 11 19 3 2 Note: 1 23 Pupils may fall in the ‘Average’ peer status category but be just below the statistical threshold for one of the other peer status 20 categories (e.g., 14 in this sociogram). The other feedback from My Class and My Feelings should be consulted to gain a richer picture of the pupils’ functioning, as described on the following pages. 12 22 4 16 19
  • 22. Step 2 Strand 3 An individualised graph is also produced for each pupil, showing the peer reputation of that pupil within the class. The graph shows how often the pupils is chosen by his or her peers for Most-Liked, Least-Liked, Cooperative, Disruptive, Shy, Starts Fights, and Leader. The scores are standardised so that 0 is the average for the class, scores above 0 are above the class average, and scores below 0 are below the class average. Each bar shows the full range of scores in the class: the lowest scoring pupil would be at the bottom of the bar, and the highest scoring pupil would be at the top. The dot in each bar shows the position of the given pupil within the class range. Pupil 15 from the sociogram on the previous page Pupil 16 from the sociogram on the previous page 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 -0 -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 L LL P UP Y T AD L LL P UP Y T AD M M O O H H SH SH ISR ISR FIG FIG CO CO LE LE D D This pupil was often chosen by peers as most-liked and had the This pupil had the lowest score for most-liked (the sociogram lowest score for least-liked within the class. The pupil was also shows that no positive nominations were received) and the the one most often seen as cooperative within the class. highest score for least-liked. The pupil was seen by the class as disruptive and starting fights. 20
  • 23. Step 2 Strand 3 My Feelings: Self-reported socio-emotional experiences Pupil 14 from the previous sociogram An individualised graph is provided for each pupil, showing the scores of that pupil on 3 eight dimensions of self-reported social and emotional experiences: positive social experiences (e.g., being included or helped), 2 negative social experiences (e.g., being victimised), anger, anxiety, depressive/sad feelings, negative feelings at school, negative 1 feelings at home, and self-perceptions. Scores are on a scale from 0 (almost never/ not at all true) to 3 (nearly all the time/very 0 true). Each bar shows the full range of scores in . p. y us ive ol e th eg exp gr the class: the lowest scoring pupil would be at m ho ex or xio ss An ho w sc re the bottom of the bar, and the highest scoring ive ive An lf- at ep at sit at Se pupil would be at the top. The class average is eg D eg Po N marked as a horizontal line within the bar. The N N dot in each bar shows the position of the given pupil within the class range. This pupil had the lowest score within the class for positive social experiences, and was above average for most negative emotions (particularly anxiety and depressive/sad feelings). Negative emotions were well above average, both for school and home settings, and self-perceptions were among the lowest within the class. 21
  • 24. Step 3: Planning interventions The process of reviewing the current These might be low-level interventions (such as better starting point for supporting a problem position will provide a wealth of how pupils are grouped, how staff greet pupils, with aggressive behaviour at school, rather than information, and time needs to be and reward systems etc.) or more specific immediately withdrawing individual pupils for set aside for relevant staff – ideally approaches or programmes that are selected from intensive anger management work. This kind of the school’s Provision Map. These interventions universal provision then can become a backdrop including senior leaders in the school can be planned at the level of the whole school, for more intensive interventions, if these are – to reflect upon the data, discuss class, small group, and/or individual pupil. considered necessary for some groups or findings, and plan. individuals at a later point. As a guiding principle, the first port of call should In all cases, the emphasis will be on identifying be the universal, whole-school provisions, rather needs in terms of the SEL Framework established than more intensive interventions. For example, Where to look for information in Step 1. Once the skills and qualities that need a curriculum approach to conflict resolution The Learning Needs Analysis provides ●● attention have been identified, then appropriate (with opportunities for learning to be applied information about staff development needs. interventions can be agreed. and reinforced across the school) might be a ●● he Provision Map provides information T about the support available in the school and any gaps or overlaps in provision. ●● y School provides information about the M climate of the school from all members of the school community. ●● y Class provides information about M patterns of relationships and social behaviour within each class. ●● y Feelings provides information about M pupils’ self-reported social and emotional experiences at school. ●● taff members can contribute their own S knowledge of pupils and their interactions. 22