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Barack Obama Research Paper
Barack Obama is the forty–fourth and first black president of the United States of America. Obama
was born in Hawaii on April 4th, 1961. He was raised as a black and white child since his mother
was a white American and his father was a black kenyan ("Barack Obama: Life Before the
Presidency"). Obama served as senator of Illinois before his being elected as president, however, his
journey towards becoming senator wasn't an easy one ("Barack Obama: Life Before the
Presidency"). Barack Obama, overall, beat all odds in order to get to be president of the United
States. Throughout his younger years Obama attended Occidental College and Columbia University.
In 1983, Obama majored in political science at Columbia University and later enrolled ... Show
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One of Obama's goals was to reduce the amount of American troops in Iraq ("Barack Obama:
Foreign Affairs"). According to Miller Center, "By 2012, only 150 American troops were in Iraq, a
number that remained level for about three years". Obama's success in carrying out his plan was met
by the significant decrease in the presence of American troops in Iraq. In addition, on May 2, 2011,
Obama ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). This occurrence
gained Obama approval from many people. Obama's major actions revolved around war relations in
the middle east, however, he also accomplished victories elsewhere. Obama "restored diplomatic
relations with Cuba in 2014 for the first time in more than a half century" ("Barack Obama: Foreign
Affairs"). Obama also helped negotiate an agreement in which Iran guaranteed that they wouldn't
develop nuclear weapons ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). Obama therefore has enacted changes
among foreign
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Barack Obama Outlier Essay
Student Tutor Class Date Barack Obama as an "Outlier" Barack Obama has attracted immense
attention from the basic way he conducts his affairs in the Oval Office and from his past life
experiences. Nevertheless, there have been debates as to whether Obama is really an "Outlier" or
not. For this purpose, this paper examines how Obama is perceived as an "Outlier." This
examination involves looking into the challenges he faced as he grew up and the aspects of his life
and the surrounding that helped him succeed in life. This research concludes by expressing an
opinion on the Obama's most important element in his life that helped achieve his today's success.
How is he an "Outlier"? Obama's life is unique in quite a number of ways. He is the first of his kind
to make the dreams of Martin Luther Jr a reality. Back in the days of Luther Jr's famous speech
dubbed, "I have a dream," Luther Jr expressed hope that one day the US will be led by a black
American. At the time of expressing this hope, the American perceived individualistic factors
through the lens of the colour of their skin. However, Obama was able to rise up against this
ideology. He believed that anybody's success in life was not tied on the colour of his skin, but rather
on the development and determination one had in being responsible for his life. This is primarily the
same ... Show more content on ...
The major challenge which Obama faced as he grew up is abandonment by his parents. His
biological father was literally not there for him and his mother was pre–occupied by studies.. He
was brought up his grandparents, which was quite challenging because he had a black sick and they
were whites. Besides the family set up background, of which they were middle class people, Obama
succumbed to the challenge of drug abuse, especially alcohol and
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Barack Obama Rhetorical Devices
The road to becoming president is rockier than a mountain trail. Through all the ups and downs, a
Presidential candidate must stay calm and do what is necessary to win. That is exactly what soon–
to–be President Barack Obama did back in 2008. Through this crisis–risen scenario, he didn't budge,
he didn't change, he didn't back down. He stepped up to the stage, swung, and hit a homerun with
his speech by sticking to simple literature basics, and putting rhetorical devices one after another,
from start to finish of the speech. By reciting this well written speech with many rhetorical devices
used, Barack Obama was not only able to save voters who might have switched candidates, but he
was able to swing voters from the opposing party to his. Without a doubt, Barack Obama was able to
steal the hearts of ... Show more content on ...
He first brings across this suggestion through the use of parallel structure when explaining through
what ways younger generations should take action to stop this terrible act of selfishness. Through
Barack Obama's vision, younger generations must be "willing to do their part– through protests and
struggles, on the streets and in courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience" just as their
previous ancestors did in a time like this before them (1). By using this sentence structure and letting
the audience really try to bite down on what he is saying, it allows him to truly emphasize what
Americans can do to help obtain racial equality between the two ideas. Using parallel structure in
the way the Illinois Senator did, allowed him to successfully compare the young generations of
today, to the previous generations that fought and won the civil war. He found a perfect way to
express to young generations, what part they can take to bury racial inequality in the ground for
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President Obama President Barack Obama
Since this is President Obama last term as president; everybody is trying to run for it now. People
believe they can do a better job then President Obama. President Obama assumed the office as the
44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009. President Obama accomplished a lot during
both terms as president. President Obama has "passed health care reform and expanded national
service. President Barack Obama term is coming to an end and there are some people that believe
they can do better than he did.
Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr, also known as Ben Carson is a retired doctor. Ben Carson is a
candidate for the Republicans for the election coming up in 2016. Ben was born in Detroit,
Michigan back in 1951. Carson attended and graduated from both Yale University in 1973 and the
University Of Michigan Medical School in 1977. Ben Carson believes that he will and can do a
better Job the President Barack Obama.
Back in 2013 Ben Carson expressed is dissatisfaction with the president in a speech he gave at the
National Prayer Breakfast. When Ben Carson was asked about the presidential bid he said, "It was
not on my bucket list as something that I really wanted to do, no. However, sometimes we're thrust
into situations that are not of our choosing and we have to recognize that maybe there is a
responsibility that has been handed to you by your fellow citizens, and you certainly have to
consider that very seriously. I'm not sure that any sane person would really want that
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Barack Obama Research Paper
Born on August 6, 1961, Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th President of the United States of
America. He is the son of Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. Barack Obama, Sr. was not
involved in his son's life and as a result of his lack of support, Barack Obama II felt detached from
his father. However, despite his father's absence from his life, Barack Obama succeeded in life and
established a legacy for the future generations. As a child, Barack Obama was exposed to different
cultures due to the fact that his family was multicultural. When Barack was nine years of age, his
younger sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the early years of Barack
Obama's life, he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia with his stepfather and mother. However, Barack's
mother decided that Indonesia was not a suitable place for her son and he was sent back to Hawaii to
live with his grandparents When Barack Obama was a youth, he attended a predominately white,
private school. While he attended the private school, Barack Obama became aware of the racism and
discrimination that many African Americans experienced. Despite being a minority at his school,
Barack Obama rose to the top and excelled in his academics and athletics. After his high school
graduation, Barack Obama continued his education at Occidental ... Show more content on ...
This accomplishment was significant for Obama due to the fact that he was the first African
American to hold the position as editor. After Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude from
Harvard Law School in 1991, he moved back to Chicago to pursue a career as an attorney. However,
he was required to complete an internship before he could practice law. During his summer
internship at Sidley Austin LLP, Barack Obama was mentored by Michelle Robinson. Within a short
period of time, Barack became interested in Michelle. Thus, in the fall of 1992, Barack Obama
married Michelle
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Comparison Of President Obama And Barack Obama
The current president of the United States of America is seventy–one years old, born, and raised in
Queens, New York. He is a wealthy Caucasian person whose net worth of 3.5 billion was created
through his successful business ventures. Donald Trump was a real estate king, former reality TV
star, contributed to large profitable building projects in Manhattan and opened the Grand Hyatt
hotel. President Trump is a member of the Republican Party and he lacks political experience. The
former president of the United States of America is fifty–six years old, born in Honolulu, Hawaii.
His mother is a Caucasian woman and his father's origin is Africa, his net worth of twelve million
and two thousand is not that much when compared to President Trump. Barack Obama was the 44th
president of the United States of America, he was the first African–American to serve in office.
Obama's presidency lasted from 2008–2012, he is a member of the Democratic Party. Obama was a
state senator, keynote senator, and a U.S senator before becoming the President of the United States.
Trump and Obama are both Protestant Christians they believe that Jesus is the key to all salvation.
Donald Trump and Barack Obama are different as Trump is an aggressive and ambitious leader.
While Obama is a popular and charismatic leader, their qualities have shown through the way they
both handled health care and tax issues.
A person's values can affect their decision–making that is why it is so important to analyze values
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Barack Obama Research Paper
Although Barack Obama tries for our country, his approval rating by United States citizens is 47%
while 52% of US citizens disapprove him during his eight years of presidency. Some people say he's
bad because of how he handles our country for example; he raised the debt ceiling, did some
wasteful programs, and didn't really do a good job. But, even if he did some pretty good and bad
things to our country he is still our president and has to do his job. Some good things about Barack
Obama are that he ended the war on Iraq which saved the lives of an abundance of soldiers, killed
Osama Bin Laden who was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in
New York City which is good because it helped discourage terrorism, and ... Show more content on ...
I would sit in a chair admire the place I'll stay in for one day and try not to worry about world
problems right now. The entrance would look amazing when I look at it. The overview of the white
house is white with pillars surrounding the entrance. When I get closer you see the perfectly
maintained garden, the American flag on the white house, and the flowing fountain. As I go even
closer you see the intricate design of the pillars of the white house, the architectural wonder, and
amazing entrance. Although I will only be able to stay for one day, I would enjoy it while it lasts.
Aside from the white house, I would like to know what he does for a living. I want to know a better
depth of how he makes certain laws and pretty much what the president does. The founding fathers
made the rules so that the president doesn't have too much power. The president can veto the bill,
veto means to reject the bill entirely. If the president vetoes the bill then congress can override it if
2/3 of both houses accept it in order for it to become a law. He also has to make interesting
speeches, which are usually boring and long like the state of the union addresses which are at
minimum an hour or two long. Sometimes being a president is boring sometimes, fun. But Barack
Obama loves his country even if there are many cons he still does it for his
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Barack Obama Accomplishments
Being born outside the Continental United States, being the sixth left handed president after the war
era, and having an elite education that has helped him throughout life is just a small fraction of
things that make this man who he is today. From his early life which has influenced him
dramatically, his education that has never failed to make him an extremely intelligent man, his life
before presidency which has made him a solid person, his many amazing accomplishments that
make more and more people look up to him each day, to his extraordinary traits that make all of us
feel a bit more humble when we think about them. Many people think Barack Obama has left a
lasting impact on each person in the United States. Barack Obama is a great American
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Barack Obama Qualities
Many presidents have come and gone. They came in all different shapes and sizes, ages and eras,
taking reins of America and leading it to where it currently stands as of right now. However, there
was one thing that had never changed. Each and every single one of these presidents were white.
Nobody knows why, but that is just how it was.. Until early November of 2008 where our first
African American President Obama was elected. He believed that everyone had equal opportunity,
and proved it by becoming President. The qualities that stood out most about Barack Obama was his
charisma, leadership, and sense of humor, which allowed him to flourish as president. Obama was
able to capture the attention of his followers due to his charismatic nature ... Show more content on ...
In times of desperation, a light joke could be just what is needed to help take away all the built up
negativity weighing everyone down. Most presidents have had their share of funny moments, but
they were all too watered down; every president was predictable. This did not apply to President
Obama however, as he was what was considered to be the first postmodern humorist to take office
(Heil para 5). Obamas humor belonged to a comedy sub genre, a type of humor that involved self
awareness, defined by irony, and had some sort of quirky references. He once spoke to an audience
about revealing his birth–video, which ended up being a clip from the movie Lion King. He
continued to say "it was a joke" (Heil para 8). He was able to lighten up the mood with a quick
reference to an old classic childhood movie that almost everyone knows. Barack Obama was able to
win over his people with his familiar, friendly humor. This was a huge factor to why the people of
America supported
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Barack Obama A Good Leader
What makes a president such a great leader? Well we all know not everybody agrees with each other
on whether or not we have a great president. For example, some might think that President Obama
was a wonderful leader and did his job correctly. Others may think differently that Obama was not a
successful leader and that he did not do his job right. There is no perfect president for everyone.
To begin let's discover President Barack Obama's Birth. First he was born on August 4th, 1961 to
Ann Dunham. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and
Children. Ann Dunham was born on an army base in Wichita, Kansas, During World War II. After
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Ann's father, Stanley, enlisted in the military and marched across ...
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President Obama was in a Democratic Party. His Secretary of State was John Kerry and his
Secretary of Treasury was Jacob Lew. A key event of Barack Obama's presidency is when he signed
the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. Not a single vote came from a Republican. In
November of 2012, a Barack Obama signature moment was highlighted by his re–election. Obama
won election into second term in 2012. This made President Barack Obama the seventeenth
President to win two term elections. Finally, i wanted to tell you about peoples thoughts on Obama.
Everyone has a different perception on whether or not he was a great president or not. Obama gave
us great views in our country.President Obama also may have gave us bad views. He was not a
perfect president. I would say he was a great president though. Overall, President Barack Obama did
a great job on trying to make our country a better place. President Barack Obama worked as hard as
he could. He may have made a few mistakes. President Barack Obama will be remembered as a
great president. This was why President Barack Obama was and overall great
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Barack Obama Outline
Introduction Barack Obama, The 44th President of The United States Of America, Throughout the
years, United States Presidency we saw a lot of different Presidents who sometimes achieved some
great things in life and beat the odds in life. Barack was not the First minority to be selected for
Presidency. His Campaign was bigger than Hillary Clinton's, he Prevailed a problem in the
Economic Problems, Health Care, so much more he has Accomplished so much in this Country. In
the end all of his hard work and dedication paid off as President over these 8 years in the White
House. If i could say one thing to President Obama i would tell him thank you for helping our
country and so much more things he has done with healthcare and obamacare ... Show more content
on ...
The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better history, to carry forward that
precious gift, that noble idea passed on from generation to generation: the God–given promise that
all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness"( The
American Presidency Project.) In his Speech he is quoting social issues in the world that needs to be
changed and that would get changed while he was in office. He was stating that it's no time to play
around and not do things it's time to finally put in work for the country and make history better
instead of worst in the past years and that skin color doesn't matter in God's eyes we're all the same
in the end no matter what you look like and whatever measure it takes we gonna find happiness in
the end of it
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Barack Obama Bad
Barack Hussein Obama is the current president of the United states of America. He was elected as
the 44th president of the United States of America.l Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th
president of the United Of America in 2008. In the 2008 election he was voted president over
running mate John mcCain He was born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii.
Now some of his personal information. His father Barack Obama Sr was born and raised in Kenya.
His mother Ann Dunham was born and raised in Kansas United States Of America. He was raised
throw his childhood with values from the heartland, a middle–class upbringing in a strong family,
hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed
should be lived in service to others.Aside from living in ... Show more content on ...
If you ask around most people are gonna say that Barack Obama was a bad president. During
Obama's term while being president The economy isn't sputtering but some of that blame could be
the fact that the Republican Congress just wouldn't play ball with him they didn't like his and this
just happened because he was not a republican like the majority of the congress. He is none for
being a bad president because of his new thing called obama care. Obama Care is basically
affordable healthcare for everyone but it was very misleading because the act may have led to
millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. People also tend to
dislike Obama care because the people who were told their health insurance premiums would go
down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were
canceled because of new regulations. People also tend to dislike Obama because of the way that he
treats our war vets. These men and women out there defending our nation so that people can be free
and he basically does nothing to make sure that they have food or shelter or that they can get
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Similarities And Differences Of President Obama And Barack...
The 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee
John McCain are both very well political speakers when it comes to the presidential election, but
they differ in many ways. Both men differ in background, military and religion, and views on
different subjects dealing with the United States. Even though they differ for the most part, the two
candidates do have a few similarities.
Barack Obama is forty–seven years old and was born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii
(obama– John McCain is seventy–two years old and was born on August 29th, 1963 in
the Panama Canal Zone, where his mother and father; both naval officers were stationed (obama– Both their family roots have a bit of Scottish and Irish, but Obama's ancestry also
includes Cherokee Indians and Lueo people of Kenya. John McCain graduated from Episcopal High
School in Virginia and then went on t the United States Naval Academy in 1958 (obama– Barack Obama went to many different schools up through High School, but then
attended Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years, then went to Columbia University in
New York for political science. He then continued his education at Harvard University and
graduated to ten percentile of graduating class.
Differences in both presidential candidates begin to arise most when you look at their military
service and religious background. John McCain is Episcopal whereas Barack Obama belonged to
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Barack Obama Is A Hero
A country which has undergone and suffered a tremendous amount of racial discrimination for over
the past two centuries, has evolved and has come a long way from where it all started off. In history,
the African American people were looked down to as, property to their rightful owners, now in our
present time, there has been a switch of scripts. There has been the first African American male,
elected to be the president of the United States of America. From, this happening it truly shows a
gigantic leap in our society nowadays, than from back two centuries ago. The African American
president, Barack Obama has truly proven that anything is possible, in our day and age, and along
his journey as the first African American president, has made a ... Show more content on ...
According to "A look at What Obama Has Done for Black America), it states "The worst Black
unemployment under Obama was 16.8 in March 2011 –– a 28 year high –– according to the
Department of Labor." This could show us, a possible flaw, that could contribute to a reason why
people do not consider him a "hero", but instead a "villain", in a way. "The poverty rate for African
Americans has become worse over the past few years. It was 25 percent when President Bush left
office. It rose to 28 percent in 2013 –– the most recent stat available."(A look at What Obama Has
Done for Black America). This statement, also shows us that Obama has turned something into a
bad thing, by not taking action towards it, and that there also shows us another reason why people
think he should not be called a "hero". All in all, Obama may have not fulfilled everybody's needs,
but he has made many improvements to our country, and also may changes to the way that many
people live their
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Barack Obama Impact
Barack Obama has positively impacted our country in a variety of ways. He has put a tremendous
amount of effort towards having a better relationship with Muslims and Russia. In order to
accomplish that, he gave a speech to those people wanting a new relationship and won a Nobel
Peace Prize because of his efforts. In 2009, Barack Obama signed the Family Smoking Prevention
and Tobacco Act. This law says that they have to have permission from the FDA before releasing
any new tobacco products. The law also improved the amount of warning labels for tobacco
products and got rid of misleading labels on those products. The tax on tobacco was also raised and
the money went towards Children's Health Insurance which was a part of the Children's Health
Insurance Authorization Act. During his time of being president, he decreased the ... Show more
content on ...
He's proved to all generations that the color of your skin should not impact what you can or can't do
and proved you don't have to look a certain way to work in the government. Avi Kedia said, "it
shows that somebody from a different race can rise up and go against what everyone else says and
Barack Obama ordered special forces travel to Abbottabad, Pakistan to find and capture Osama Bin
Laden. This was a very important day to our country because they had been searching for him for
almost 10 years and finally found him on May second, 2011. He also gave a speech on September
11, 2016, honoring those whose lives were lost during 9/11. In 2009, Barack Obama passed the Lilly
Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This act gives women the right to sue their employers if they find out they
aren't being paid as much as a man for the same
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Barack Obama Eulogy
Barack Obama Eulogy by Reverend Alvin Love
Today we gather to say farewell to a righteous soul, someone who has not only touched us
individually but has influenced the whole world. Someone we knew and respected, as a colleague,
family member, mentor and above all, a friend. Some of the first things I first noticed was his
charisma, his willingness to help others, his humour and above all his intelligence. These traits
allowing him to face his personal hardships but also allowed him to help others face their hardships
in the community.
If you could travel back to 1968, Jakarta Indonesia, you would find a seven–year–old Barack
Obama who was angry and confused about race. His anger spiked from his first exposure from a
magazine showing ... Show more content on ...
Fifty of us, old friends gathered in the hotel conference room awaiting Obama's arrival. When he
arrived I remember him shaking each and everyone's hands personally and thanking them for what
they have done. Until he got to me, shaking my hand he said "Rev. you've gotta keep me in prayer.
This is something else." I remember him walking out of the room and he turned back and fixed his
eyes on me out of the whole crowd and lipped "Rev, I wasn't playing. Don't forget me". This was a
significant moment for me, as he still wanted my continuing guidance and care on his ever–growing
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Barack Obama And President Obama
Background. Hillary Clinton was appointed as secretary of state by The President Barack Obama
and served from 2009 through 2013. Her email difficulties began during initial tenure as secretary of
state (Eugene, 2016). She contended on using her personal BlackBerry phone for all her email
communications, but she was not permitted to take the phone into Mahogany Row office which is a
secure space (Eugene, 2016). This was very frustrating for Clinton, as secretary of state; she needed
to manage a flood of email to have constant updated communication with colleagues, friends and
enthusiasts (Eugene, 2016). She was not willing to leave her phone into a lockbox before entering
her own office (Eugene, 2016). Her advisors and senior officials tried to find a way to facilitate her
to use the personal device in the secure area, but their efforts worried the diplomatic security bureau,
which was afraid that foreign intelligence services could hack her personal phone and make it a bug
(Eugene, 2016). In the month of Feb 2009 Department security, intelligence and technology
specialists and NSA officials gathered in Mahogany Row conference room and described the risks to
Clinton's chief of staff Ms. Cheryl Mills, while also seeking "mitigation options" that would satisfy
Clinton's wishes (Eugene, 2016). Donald Reid, senior coordinator for security infrastructure
described Hillary's advisors as "dedicated blackberry addicts" (Eugene, 2016). Hillary used her
unprotected blackberry device
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Barack Obama Research Paper
His main achievement was creating a national health insurance program to protect U.S. citizens.
This was a major change to improve life for Americans, and he believed in change. "Change will not
come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek." (February 5 Speech) Barack Obama was an important and
influential figure in history who had a positive impact on the America and the world because he was
the first African American President of the United States and brought positive change for the
On August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was welcomed into this world.
("Barack Obama."Biography in Context). Barack Hussein Obama Sr. is Obama's ... Show more
content on ...
(Michael A Schuman 108–109). Obama made a speech in small schools about how important
education was when he traveled around the country in 2010. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black
Biography). A major achievement in his efforts against terrorism was the military operation to bring
the downfall of Osama bin Laden. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black Biography). Barack
Obama was the first black Senator in the history of the US. (Geren Thomas 92). The US economy
was it big trouble when Obama took office, and he worked with Congress to pass laws to correct
economic problems. spring of 2010, Obama traveled around President Obama treated every person
with kindness and respect.(Pete Souza pch 8). Obama signed many laws passed by Congress that
aimed at improving education in America, and at rebuilding roads, bridges, and transportation
facilities.(Sherri Devaney, Mark Devaney 84–86). Obama helped homeowners by working with
Congress on a law to help them with mortgage payments. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black
Biography). Obama made an impact by urging all Americans to "think big" and "dream big dreams",
saying everyone is capable of achieving great things if given the chance. (Pete souza 80) President
Obama tried to create unity in the country by emphasizing that all Americans are "equally a part of
this exceptional country" (Beatrice Gormley 246). He is very smart and likes to help people. He
worked hard to become a good president and he also helped many children get health insurance. He
believes in the power of hope, and that the people in the world are one people. I can learn from this
by being hopeful for my future in America. Because he inspired me to feel that way I look up to
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Barack Obama Failure
On August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, the soon to be 44th president of the United States of
America was soon to be born by parents Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr. Barack Hussein
Obama was born in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. When Obama was two
years old, his father left him to further his studies at Harvard Law. Until Obama was 10b years old,
he had lived with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. His mother had sent him to live in Hawaii
with his grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, because she was concerned about his
education. He then went to school at Hawaii's prestigious Punahou School from 5th grade through
graduation. He went to Occidental College in Los Angeles for his freshman and sophomore years,
then ... Show more content on ...
One thing that is brought to mind when thinking of Obama, is that he was the first African American
president of the United States of America. Through all the racism, he has brought together all races
with him being president. Another legacy Mr. President left was his success in finding and killing
Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011. Another legacy Obama left on American to most people would
be his bill on same–sex marriages. This brought together many different types of people and made
them unite together for this bill. Obama will influence future elections and presidency's on his
accomplishments he made and his great personality. History will remember the president as the first
African–American president and a great
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The Election Of Barack Obama
Everyone is saying it, but this election cycle is a very unusual one in a lot of different ways. The
Democratic nominee for president began as the favorite for her party's nomination, given her name,
money, endorsements. Then she ended up in a rather narrow winner after a lengthy fight with a
seventy–five–year–old socialist who did not have any name recognition and isn't even a Democrat.
Of that race extremely divide the democratic party making Hillary Clinton have low favorability
rating going into the Democratic convention. The Republican nominee has no experience in
government or politics at all. He had virtually no organized campaign during the primaries, and
mocked or denigrated the disabled, Mexicans, women, Americans of Hispanic ancestry, Gold Star
families and a Republican senator who was tortured by his captors and is widely admired as a war
hero. It also took him five years to accept that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Either
way the election goes history will be made. We have never had a president that has not had any
political or military candidate, and a president that has been a woman. We have a very
unprecedented election in 2016 that will redesign how to run a campaign and get elected. The
Republican nominee Donald John Trump is an American business made that has been successful in
his business and a known as a smart business man. The Democratic nominee Hillary Diane Rodham
Clinton is a career politician being the sixty seventh United States
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Persuasive Barack Obama
We have had many presidents throughout the time span of the United States. Some good, some bad
it takes a lot to be a good president. It takes passion, dedication, and you have to be able to sway the
people in your direction. Very few have accomplished this task. Barack Obama is in my opinion the
best president to have touched down at the White House. Obama was able to get people of all ages,
genders, and races to vote for him and support him. He won the states of Florida and Texas both
times in his back to back election years. Obama was liked by many people from all around he had
foreign presidents, and politicians they all wanted to meet with him face to face. Obama also had a
lot of passion when it came to taking on the role of
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Barack Obama Father
Barack Obama is the 44 President of the United States, he is also the first ever African
American President of the United States. His outstanding story to success is very empower and
encouraging. Many people look up to the story of him overcoming the color of his skin and
accomplishing everything he put his mind to.
Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4,1961 to Ann Dunham and the late Barack Obama
Sr in Honolulu,HI. Barack Sr was a senior governmental economist for Kenya in which he
played a big role. Though Obama didn't see him much in his young life he still looked up to him.
He even wrote a memoir on the subject of his father called Dreams From My Father, explaining
his life in detail and the effect his father had on his life.
Obama ... Show more content on ...
Finally in 1970 Barack moved back to Hawaii. In the
middle of 1971 young Barack saw his father for the last time. Barack sr visited him for a month
before returning back to kenya. Honolulu is where the young Barack lived until his high school
After his high school graduation Obama went to Occidental College in Los Angeles. Then he
later transferred to Columbia College/ Columbia University his junior year in New York City. He
majored in political science with a specialty in international relations. In 1983 Obama graduated
with a Ba then immediately found a job at the Business International Corporation. He worked
there for a year before leaving and getting a job at the New York Public Interest Research
Group. Five years later Obama entered Harvard to get a degree in law. During the summers he
would go to Chicago, there he worked as an associate at the law firms Sidley Austin. He later
graduated from Harvard in 1991 with a JD degree magna cum laude. He then moved to
Chicago,there he met Michelle Robinson. Robinson supervised all his work at the firm. They
eventually started dating and four long years later ther got married. The Obama's got married
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Barack Obama Legacy
Throughout the history of the United States, we have had presidents from all walks of life. Some
good, some not. All have left behind a legacy. Some were more memorable then others, and some
just down right horrendous. Barack Obama has been the United States President for the last seven
years. He has spent almost 2 terms in office passing bills, creating new policies, and bettering the
lives of Americans. While not everybody loves him, it would be a hard to argue that he hasn't gotten
a lot done while he's been in office. For example, he has started the process of creating affordable
health care that is accessibly available to all Americans. He has helped restore the economy after
one of the biggest recessions the U.S. Has ever seen. He has ... Show more content on ...
Not only has Obama helped them to find a voice, he has helped them fight for rights in equality and
justice for all. A great example of this would be the African Americans of the United States. As a
fellow African American, Mr. Obama has been a leading figure in the fight, and has shown people
that there is a better way that doesn't involve fighting to get your point across. Mr. Obama has also
helped in the fight for homosexuals and gaining equality for this minority group. He has supported
court cases in the fight, and has passed bills that help fight for the
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Barack Obama Thesis
Barack Obama: Writer in Chief President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as
becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows
about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books
including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children's book
dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his
early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were
many things that happened in Obama's life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation
happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father. ...
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Throughout all of his writing, he talks about race and the desire of equality and how being
segregated affected him as a human being. While he was in college, he was one of three black
students in the school so he became really aware of the racism and discrimination. The current
president stated "I noticed that there was nobody like me in the Sears, Roebuck Christmas catalog. .
.and that Santa was a white man. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror with all
my senses and limbs seemingly intact, looking as I had always looked, and wondered if something
was wrong with me" (Barack Obama). Because of the difference in color and the stigma against
black people, he would wonder what was wrong with him and that later is one of his main issues
that he addresses in his political
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama
On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon millions of
people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African–American took office as the President
of the United States. He presented a historic message of hope and change for the future of the
United States of America, given that it was a change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal
times. During his inaugural address, he had to state the most important issues that America was
currently facing at the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures
the public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by contrasting
different ideas, emphasizes America's issues and his solutions through anaphoras and varying
sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he is capable of addressing America's
issues through his use of strong diction. During this time, there were many dire issues that plagued
America such as costly health care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system.
Obama accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was
planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the new President
of the United States of America, he showed that he was still a regular human being, just like the
people that he was talking to: "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the
silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if
you are willing to unclench your fist." Obama shows that he will still help people who don't have the
same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has to work together,
even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a different skin color. Ultimately,
Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of the world, meaning that they will be the country
that other countries look up to: "And so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching
today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America
is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace
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Barack Obama 's President Obama
As stated in the Constitution of the United States, the President "shall from time to time give to the
Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such
measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." Since 1947, this constitutionally mandated
address has become known as the State of the Union Address. President Barack Obama continued
this tradition in his final State of the Union Address to Congress and the American citizens on
January 12, 2016. In his desire to create a legacy that reached beyond his administration, President
Obama focused on four key topics for America 's future: opportunity in the future economy;
utilizing technology for progress; keeping America safe while regulating foreign policy? and
reforming American politics for future administrations. Although President Obama 's 2016 address
tendered several suggestions for shaping America 's future economy, education, sustaining employee
benefits, and investing in clean energy emerged as prominent ways to secure the economy for future
generations. In his statement "real opportunity requires every American to get the education and
training they need to land a good–paying job," President Obama emphasizes the paramount affect
that job training and education has on the American economy. President Obama 's speech reflects a
belief that for American citizens to continue to have opportunities, they must be trained for those
opportunities. They must be trained for the
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Barack Obama 's President Obama
Hillary Rodham Clinton is the democratic nominee running for this upcoming presidency in 2016.
Clinton was born on October 26th, 1947, in Chicago Illinois (bio). She is no surprise to the white
house and political issues having been the first lady herself. She became the first lady of the United
States from 1993 to 2001 when her husband Bill Clinton was president (bio). She also became the
first wife of a president and woman to be a U.S senator, representing New York (bio). In 2007,
Clinton announced her run for presidency a first time but ended up dropping out of the nomination
because Barack Obama had majority vote (bio). When Barack Obama became president he
appointed Hillary Clinton the 67th U.S secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 (bio). Now she's in the
running for presidency again alongside representative candidate Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has
made many promises to the citizens of the United States if elected president this fall. She's touched
on many issues that she felt needs to be influenced to ensure a great future for this country. One of
those issues being a debt free college. Her plans are to make college free to those who can't afford it.
To begin her presidency if elected, she hopes by 2021, those whose income is under $125,000 a
year, would not have to pay tuition to attend an in state four year college or university ("Hillary").
This would mean that even more students can attend college at a no cost fee. Also, Clinton would
ensure that "all community
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Barack Obama Bias
President Barack Obama was the very first African–American president of the United States of
America. He has inspired me in so many ways, including: to be strong, be fair, have faith, and never
discriminate. President Obama was also re–elected for a second term in 2012. Obama was an open
minded president and never showed discrimination in any form. Before becoming president, Obama
graduated from Harvard Law school. After he graduated, President Obama became a civil rights
attorney and taught at the University of Chicago Law school. President Obama has been an inspiring
and historical figure of the United States of America and the things he has accomplished are
Obama paved the way for Americans by making great and historical decisions ... Show more content
on ...
African–Americans are sometimes overlooked in our country, but Obama wasn't afraid to take a
stand. He became president and did an awe–inspiring job; I respect him and admire him for the
person he was as a president. He is a very beloved man, and he made sure everyone was treated
equally. He will always be an inspirational figure and a great role model to me. President Obama
encouraged me to be strong, love the color of my skin, and never discriminate anyone under any
circumstances. President Obama made history and was a very strong individual with a great
mindset. I respect him and cherish the things he has done for our country as a
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Is Barack Obama A Hero?
Not all heroes wear capes. Most heroes don't consider themselves heroes. As cliche as it might
sounds it is true. Each individual person identifies a hero differently. Some may say someone is a
hero simply because they wear a cape while others may see their friend, a celebrity, or their
president as their hero, it all depends on the person.There's also the possibility of someone's hero
being someone else's villain. It can be the little things they do that makes them a hero. For example,
the leader of a country can be seen as a hero to many of us but a villain to others. Last term's
president was viewed as a hero by many people due to his actions but others thought of him as a
villain due to having opposing views.
Elected on November 2008, Barack Obama became president and remained president for eight
years. Barack Obama has helped millions of people with actions and is considered a hero to many of
them. One of the many reasons why he can be viewed as a hero would be his selflessness. As any
other ordinary person, he did make mistakes but it's understandable and he learned along the way of
being president. Due to his mistakes it makes it easier to relate to him.
A hero is a person who is willing to take risks knowing there is a possibility of losing something big.
It quite common for people to play it safe when it comes to anything related with their work or
professional life because there's always the possibility of it going completely downhill and ruining
your life. Obama
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Barack Obama Research Paper
Many people may not know if they will ever be a famous person someday. We are all special and
have our unique differences. For example, Barack Obama was the first African American President
of the United States. According to he was born on august 4th, 1961 in Honolulu,
Hawaii. He was first a civil rights lawyer and then was elected to State Senate in 1996 and then to
U.S. Senate in 2004. Later in 2008 he was elected as president and ran again for a second term in
2012 and won again. He has done many things for the U.S. that has made it a better country for all
of us. One thing he has done for this country is was he passed a stimulus after the great recession.
Which he signed a $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment
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Barack Obama Biography
In this portion of the paper, I will be discussing the biography of Barack Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama III, an American Politician, was born in 1961 on August 4th, in Honolulu,
Hawaii. He was the first African–American to serve as the President of The United States for two
terms from 2009 to 2017. Mainly raised in Hawaii, Obama spent four years in Jakarta, Indonesia
and spent one year in Washington State. At ten years old, he relocated back to Hawaii to live with
his grandparents.
In 1983, Obama graduated from Columbia University and began working as a community organizer
for low–income residents from the south side of Chicago. Five years later, he enrolled in Harvard
Law School. The following summer during an internship at a Chicago Law Firm, he met Michelle
Robinson. In Law school, Obama was the first African–American President of the Harvard Law
Review. Obama returned to Chicago after graduation and began practicing civil rights law, teaching
law school and establishing "Get ... Show more content on ...
Four years later, Obama suffered his only political loss in a run for the U.S. House of
Representatives. However, in 2004, he ran for the U.S. Senate and gave a high profile critical speech
at the Democratic National Convention. Obama won his senate race defeating multimillionaire
businessman Blair Hull and Illinois Comptroller Daniel Hynes with 52 percent of the vote.
In 2007, the freshman senator announced he was running for President of The United States. His
leading opponent in the Democrat primaries was former first lady Hillary Clinton. Even though he
won the nomination, he had Clinton's support for the duration of his campaign. On November 6,
2008, Obama won the general election against Republican John McCain. Delaware Senator Joe
Biden, his running mate, became vice president. On January 2009, Obama was sworn in as the 44th
President of the United States. Ten months later, he received the Nobel Peace
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Barack Obama Accomplishments
A good president serves and leads his country. A great president changes the country for the better
and leaves a mark on history and people. Barack Obama has done both of these things. He made a
difference in the country during his presidency and left his own unique footprint of
accomplishments ranging from ending and controlling foreign affairs to starting a conversation
about social issues. In my opinion, so far, Barack Obama has been the best president the United
States has had so far.
President Barack Obama has grown our economy in ways that were deemed unimaginable with the
economic state he was given. First he drafted the Affordable Care Act in 2010. The Affordable Care
Act, also known as Obamacare, brought coverage to 20 million ... Show more content on ...
In his second inaugural address, he stated that the nation needs to make progress regarding LGBT
issues, and he stayed true to his word. He repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, allowing gay
men and women to openly serve in the army and later signed an order in 2014 prohibiting employers
to discriminate against their employees based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Not only this,
but he also expanded the definition of hate crimes, "applying existing hate crime laws to crimes
based on a victim's sexual orientation, gender, or disability, in addition to race, religion, or national
origin." He also changed the way this nation looks at things. Before Barack Obama became
president, issues like racism, sexism, homophobia etc. were not talked about openly, were pushed to
the side, or they were silenced. In our society today, these issues are openly talked about amongst
the people, to the chagrin of some and to the pleasure of others. Barack Obama also carried himself
gracefully in the face of racists who were asking for his birth certificate and burning and hanging
dummies made to look like
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Barack Obama Journey
In the years of 2007–2008 a man named Barack Obama decided she wanted to run for president. He
was the first African American man to ever run for president let alone win the election. In this
research paper I will go through the journey of Barack Obama's presidency; from his early life , to
his background in politics, and his actual presidency.
On August 4th, 1961, Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu Hawaii. His Parents are
Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham. He spent most of his childhood in Honolulu. A little
later on Obama Sr, relocated to Massachusetts to attend Harvard and pursue a Ph.D. During this
time his parents divorced in 1964. Causing Obama not to have a relationship with his father. He
graduated from Punahou school in 1979. In 1981 Obama Sr. lost his legs in a car crash. Due to being
in a wheel chair he lost his job. And in 1982 he was in yet another collision and passed. Once
Obama got ... Show more content on ...
After high school he moved to LA, Where he studied at Occidental College for two years. In
February of 1981 he made his first public speech . Calling for Occidentals divestment for south
Africa. He movd to NYC and transferred to Columbia where he majored in political science with a
specialization in international relations. As a young adult he was educated at Occidental College ,
Columbia University , and Havard Law School. He is brilliant. He also worked as a community
organizer, lawyer, Lecture and Senior Lecture of Constitutional law at the University of Chicago
Law School. In 1990 Obama was elected the first African American head of Havard's law review. In
1991 Barack graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law. In 1997 he published his memoir
'dreams from My Father". In his memoir he describes his experiences growing up in his mothers
middle–class family and his knowledge of a black father. After law school he returned to Chicago to
practice as a civil rights lawyer with the firm Miner, Barnhill, and
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The Pros And Cons Of Barack Obama
It's in our nature to make snap connections at the mere mention of a word or idea – mention "apple,"
and someone might respond instantly with "orange." Likewise, mention the Democratic Party of the
U.S. and most people will immediately begin to imagine someone resembling the same spirit and
character as the person they believe to represent it – a person who consistently champions for the
rights of the less advantaged (that is to say, citizens living below the poverty line and citizens who
still face discrimination in daily life) and strives for the better progress of a nation (like raising
minimum wage and increasing jobs). For me, one such person is Barack Obama. Due to his
unwavering and diplomatic nature, I believe Barack Obama represents a true Democrat.
Unfortunately, there are some who would argue against this claim – Richard Epstein, winner of the
Bradley Prize (2011) and a senior lecturer at Chicago University, states that "vision and skills are not
always doled out in equal measure, and [Obama's] lack of the latter made him unfit to choose the
proper means for meeting the challenges he set out for himself." Epstein's claims are not without
merit, of course, though it would do ... Show more content on ...
After graduating from college, Obama "moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of
churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants" ("Barack
Obama"). Democrats often cite a part of their mission statement is to lend a ready and helping hand
to whomever may need it at the time, a trait that Obama clearly displays. Even after attending and
graduating from law school, he still kept up with his helpful nature. He even "returned to Chicago to
help lead a voter registration drive" ("Barack Obama"). Due to these acts of selflessness, Obama
once again displays what it means to be a true
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Barack Obama Validity
Obama's Presidency May Be Invalid By: Tony Martin Obama's Presidency is invalid. Documents of
Obama's birth certificate and federal law at the time contradict each other. His birth certificate shows
that he should be a legal citizen while federal law questions his legibility.
On October 28, 2008, in Pennsylvania Supreme Court Philip J. Bergs accused Barrack Obama of
being an illegal citizen causing him to lose the campaign. Bergs believes and strongly questioned
Obamas validity.
Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents, who met as students
at the University of Hawaii, were Ann Dunham, a white American from Kansas, and Barack Obama,
Sr., a black Kenyan studying in the United States. Obama's father left the ... Show more content on ...
Bergs is Obama moving to Indonesia. George Spelvin from Western Journalism stated, "...nearly one
half of the Obama candidacy challenge has to do with his adoption by Lolo Soetoro when his
mother Stanley Ann Dunham Obama married and moved to the police state of Indonesia." This
helps Philip J. Bergs because looking further into this statement and when looked into this
information follows, "When a male Indonesian citizen adopts or "acknowledges a child as his son,"
that child is deemed to be Indonesian because the country does not allow dual citizenship status. The
U.S. law neither allows dual citizenship nor intervention according to the l930 Hague Convention
protocols." This means that when Obama left America for Indonesia he lost his chance of being
naturalized meaning he would have to go back through the American Citizenship
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Barack Obama Qualities
Political leaders are everywhere, but there are few "true leader." Barack Hussein Obama has
numerous qualifications that make an outstanding leader. I selected this type of leader because he
has the "Traits Associated with Leadership." Obama is a leader with ambitious and determination.
For instance, in the article, Barack Obama, stated, "On November 6, 2012, Obama
won a second four–year term as president by receiving nearly five million more votes than Romney
and capturing more than 60 percent of the Electoral College." This quote signifies that Obama is
ambitious and has a strong influence on the American people that helped him to become president of
the United States. Overall, Obama won two terms, and he was the first president Afro–American in
the United States.
The second trait is to not be afraid to battle and take responsibility as a leader. Obama is a leader
that is not frightened to take action, and he is an influential leader that can lead the way. Moreover,
Obama shows leadership and responsibility. According in the article Barack Obama
On the economic front, Obama worked to steer the country through difficult financial times. After
drawn–out negotiations with Republicans who gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives
in the 2010 ... Show more content on ...
Barack is a leader with these two traits. Obama is trustworthy and shows consistency between his
speeches and performances. For illustration, in the article, Barack Obama, said, "he
also insisted that, despite obstacles, he was determined to help American citizens through the
nation's current domestic difficulties. "We don't quit. I don't quit," he said. "Let's seize this moment
to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more." This means that it
is time to progress and make dreams a reality. Obama uses these words to motivate American
citizens and create consistency between word and
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Barack Obama Biography
Former President Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4th, 1961. He was allegedly born in
Honolulu, Hawaii to Ana Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.. He was the 44th President of the United
States and started his term on January 20th, 2009. He was reelected and ended his term on January
20th, 2017, him being the predecessor to our current President, Donald J. Trump. He was the
embodiment of the "American Dream", with his humble values and middle class upbringings and
then making it big. He valued education and taught all of his beliefs to his children. Speaking of
children, Obama went to Harvard Law School, married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson(now Obama),
and had two daughters named Sasha and Malia. Obama kickstarted his candidacy by pushing the ...
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Author Tori Morisson has stated that former President Bill Clinton had come from African descent
and about 6 other presidents had as well. Some include Thomas Jefferson, Warren Harding, and
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also, Barack Obama has been called out about how many people he's
pardoned, or excused from a prison sentence. In total, he had pardoned almost 2,000 people(1.972 to
e exact) which is the most out of any president in U.S. history. A large portion of the crimes
pardoned were drug related, which upset people because Obama had admitted to using cocaine in
the past, and some think that this has something to do with that. Moving on from the pardons,
Barack has also been under speculation about his birth place. In fact, I even alluded to this earlier in
my writing. He has been accused about lying and saying that he was born in Hawaii, when he was
really born in Kenya. In April 2011, Obama released a birth certificate, and people are still hung up
on whether it was a fake or not. Even Donald Trump had accused him of lying, but then took back
his words in 2016. Now, I am going to talk about Barack an Michelle's out–of–office portraits,
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Presidential Elections: Obama Vs. Barack Obama
Topic 1: Presidential Elections There are many similarities between both the 2008 and 2016
elections that took place. In both of these situations, whether it was President Barack Obama
defeating Senator John McCain in 2008, or President Donald Trump winning over Hillary Clinton in
2016, there are similarities between both of these races. Whether these similarities are being
unconventional politicians, or appealing to the people, these are what caused both Presidents to
defeat their more traditional political opponents.
The 2008 Election– John McCain vs. Barack Obama: In November of 2008, Senators John McCain
and Barack Obama ran against each other in what has been considered to be a historical race, as the
outcome was that the first African American Presidential candidate would become President. One of
the big questions that came after this race was why did Barack Obama beat John McCain? Senator
McCain, a Republican from Arizona, who fought in the Vietnam war was taken Prisoner . He was
the stereotypical candidate for President, as he had years of experience in the government as well as
military experience. One of the most important jobs for the President of the United States would be
that of Commander in Chief, something that Senator McCain would thrive in, and something that
Obama had no prior knowledge ... Show more content on ...
George W. Bush during the campaign in June of 1999 admitted that he had essentially no knowledge
on U.S. foreign policy, making the statement, "I'm smart enough to know what I don't know" .
During this time there were no active wars, so what the American public was most concerned about
was domestic politics, something that George Bush knew about. Through not knowing about foreign
policy he appealed to many of the voters, specifically blue collar workers who had no knowledge of
this themselves. Admitting that he had no knowledge made him approachable and more of a regular
guy than his opponent Al Gore
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The Barack Obama MVP Project
The person the I choose for the MVP project was Barack Obama. Barack Obama was born in
August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States
and the first African American to serve in the office. Barack Obama Has won two Grammy awards.
Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured
Americans. Barack Obama published his first and second book.
Barack Obama rescued the country from the Great reaction. He cut the unemployed rate from 10%
to 4.7% over six years. He signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. He allow as many as
5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits. Dropped
the veteran homeless rate
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Barack Obama Research Paper

  • 1. Barack Obama Research Paper Barack Obama is the forty–fourth and first black president of the United States of America. Obama was born in Hawaii on April 4th, 1961. He was raised as a black and white child since his mother was a white American and his father was a black kenyan ("Barack Obama: Life Before the Presidency"). Obama served as senator of Illinois before his being elected as president, however, his journey towards becoming senator wasn't an easy one ("Barack Obama: Life Before the Presidency"). Barack Obama, overall, beat all odds in order to get to be president of the United States. Throughout his younger years Obama attended Occidental College and Columbia University. In 1983, Obama majored in political science at Columbia University and later enrolled ... Show more content on ... One of Obama's goals was to reduce the amount of American troops in Iraq ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). According to Miller Center, "By 2012, only 150 American troops were in Iraq, a number that remained level for about three years". Obama's success in carrying out his plan was met by the significant decrease in the presence of American troops in Iraq. In addition, on May 2, 2011, Obama ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). This occurrence gained Obama approval from many people. Obama's major actions revolved around war relations in the middle east, however, he also accomplished victories elsewhere. Obama "restored diplomatic relations with Cuba in 2014 for the first time in more than a half century" ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). Obama also helped negotiate an agreement in which Iran guaranteed that they wouldn't develop nuclear weapons ("Barack Obama: Foreign Affairs"). Obama therefore has enacted changes among foreign ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Barack Obama Outlier Essay Student Tutor Class Date Barack Obama as an "Outlier" Barack Obama has attracted immense attention from the basic way he conducts his affairs in the Oval Office and from his past life experiences. Nevertheless, there have been debates as to whether Obama is really an "Outlier" or not. For this purpose, this paper examines how Obama is perceived as an "Outlier." This examination involves looking into the challenges he faced as he grew up and the aspects of his life and the surrounding that helped him succeed in life. This research concludes by expressing an opinion on the Obama's most important element in his life that helped achieve his today's success. How is he an "Outlier"? Obama's life is unique in quite a number of ways. He is the first of his kind to make the dreams of Martin Luther Jr a reality. Back in the days of Luther Jr's famous speech dubbed, "I have a dream," Luther Jr expressed hope that one day the US will be led by a black American. At the time of expressing this hope, the American perceived individualistic factors through the lens of the colour of their skin. However, Obama was able to rise up against this ideology. He believed that anybody's success in life was not tied on the colour of his skin, but rather on the development and determination one had in being responsible for his life. This is primarily the same ... Show more content on ... The major challenge which Obama faced as he grew up is abandonment by his parents. His biological father was literally not there for him and his mother was pre–occupied by studies.. He was brought up his grandparents, which was quite challenging because he had a black sick and they were whites. Besides the family set up background, of which they were middle class people, Obama succumbed to the challenge of drug abuse, especially alcohol and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Barack Obama Rhetorical Devices The road to becoming president is rockier than a mountain trail. Through all the ups and downs, a Presidential candidate must stay calm and do what is necessary to win. That is exactly what soon– to–be President Barack Obama did back in 2008. Through this crisis–risen scenario, he didn't budge, he didn't change, he didn't back down. He stepped up to the stage, swung, and hit a homerun with his speech by sticking to simple literature basics, and putting rhetorical devices one after another, from start to finish of the speech. By reciting this well written speech with many rhetorical devices used, Barack Obama was not only able to save voters who might have switched candidates, but he was able to swing voters from the opposing party to his. Without a doubt, Barack Obama was able to steal the hearts of ... Show more content on ... He first brings across this suggestion through the use of parallel structure when explaining through what ways younger generations should take action to stop this terrible act of selfishness. Through Barack Obama's vision, younger generations must be "willing to do their part– through protests and struggles, on the streets and in courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience" just as their previous ancestors did in a time like this before them (1). By using this sentence structure and letting the audience really try to bite down on what he is saying, it allows him to truly emphasize what Americans can do to help obtain racial equality between the two ideas. Using parallel structure in the way the Illinois Senator did, allowed him to successfully compare the young generations of today, to the previous generations that fought and won the civil war. He found a perfect way to express to young generations, what part they can take to bury racial inequality in the ground for ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. President Obama President Barack Obama Since this is President Obama last term as president; everybody is trying to run for it now. People believe they can do a better job then President Obama. President Obama assumed the office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009. President Obama accomplished a lot during both terms as president. President Obama has "passed health care reform and expanded national service. President Barack Obama term is coming to an end and there are some people that believe they can do better than he did. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr, also known as Ben Carson is a retired doctor. Ben Carson is a candidate for the Republicans for the election coming up in 2016. Ben was born in Detroit, Michigan back in 1951. Carson attended and graduated from both Yale University in 1973 and the University Of Michigan Medical School in 1977. Ben Carson believes that he will and can do a better Job the President Barack Obama. Back in 2013 Ben Carson expressed is dissatisfaction with the president in a speech he gave at the National Prayer Breakfast. When Ben Carson was asked about the presidential bid he said, "It was not on my bucket list as something that I really wanted to do, no. However, sometimes we're thrust into situations that are not of our choosing and we have to recognize that maybe there is a responsibility that has been handed to you by your fellow citizens, and you certainly have to consider that very seriously. I'm not sure that any sane person would really want that ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Barack Obama Research Paper Born on August 6, 1961, Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th President of the United States of America. He is the son of Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. Barack Obama, Sr. was not involved in his son's life and as a result of his lack of support, Barack Obama II felt detached from his father. However, despite his father's absence from his life, Barack Obama succeeded in life and established a legacy for the future generations. As a child, Barack Obama was exposed to different cultures due to the fact that his family was multicultural. When Barack was nine years of age, his younger sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the early years of Barack Obama's life, he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia with his stepfather and mother. However, Barack's mother decided that Indonesia was not a suitable place for her son and he was sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents When Barack Obama was a youth, he attended a predominately white, private school. While he attended the private school, Barack Obama became aware of the racism and discrimination that many African Americans experienced. Despite being a minority at his school, Barack Obama rose to the top and excelled in his academics and athletics. After his high school graduation, Barack Obama continued his education at Occidental ... Show more content on ... This accomplishment was significant for Obama due to the fact that he was the first African American to hold the position as editor. After Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1991, he moved back to Chicago to pursue a career as an attorney. However, he was required to complete an internship before he could practice law. During his summer internship at Sidley Austin LLP, Barack Obama was mentored by Michelle Robinson. Within a short period of time, Barack became interested in Michelle. Thus, in the fall of 1992, Barack Obama married Michelle ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Comparison Of President Obama And Barack Obama The current president of the United States of America is seventy–one years old, born, and raised in Queens, New York. He is a wealthy Caucasian person whose net worth of 3.5 billion was created through his successful business ventures. Donald Trump was a real estate king, former reality TV star, contributed to large profitable building projects in Manhattan and opened the Grand Hyatt hotel. President Trump is a member of the Republican Party and he lacks political experience. The former president of the United States of America is fifty–six years old, born in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother is a Caucasian woman and his father's origin is Africa, his net worth of twelve million and two thousand is not that much when compared to President Trump. Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States of America, he was the first African–American to serve in office. Obama's presidency lasted from 2008–2012, he is a member of the Democratic Party. Obama was a state senator, keynote senator, and a U.S senator before becoming the President of the United States. Trump and Obama are both Protestant Christians they believe that Jesus is the key to all salvation. Donald Trump and Barack Obama are different as Trump is an aggressive and ambitious leader. While Obama is a popular and charismatic leader, their qualities have shown through the way they both handled health care and tax issues. A person's values can affect their decision–making that is why it is so important to analyze values ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Barack Obama Research Paper Although Barack Obama tries for our country, his approval rating by United States citizens is 47% while 52% of US citizens disapprove him during his eight years of presidency. Some people say he's bad because of how he handles our country for example; he raised the debt ceiling, did some wasteful programs, and didn't really do a good job. But, even if he did some pretty good and bad things to our country he is still our president and has to do his job. Some good things about Barack Obama are that he ended the war on Iraq which saved the lives of an abundance of soldiers, killed Osama Bin Laden who was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City which is good because it helped discourage terrorism, and ... Show more content on ... I would sit in a chair admire the place I'll stay in for one day and try not to worry about world problems right now. The entrance would look amazing when I look at it. The overview of the white house is white with pillars surrounding the entrance. When I get closer you see the perfectly maintained garden, the American flag on the white house, and the flowing fountain. As I go even closer you see the intricate design of the pillars of the white house, the architectural wonder, and amazing entrance. Although I will only be able to stay for one day, I would enjoy it while it lasts. Aside from the white house, I would like to know what he does for a living. I want to know a better depth of how he makes certain laws and pretty much what the president does. The founding fathers made the rules so that the president doesn't have too much power. The president can veto the bill, veto means to reject the bill entirely. If the president vetoes the bill then congress can override it if 2/3 of both houses accept it in order for it to become a law. He also has to make interesting speeches, which are usually boring and long like the state of the union addresses which are at minimum an hour or two long. Sometimes being a president is boring sometimes, fun. But Barack Obama loves his country even if there are many cons he still does it for his ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Barack Obama Accomplishments Being born outside the Continental United States, being the sixth left handed president after the war era, and having an elite education that has helped him throughout life is just a small fraction of things that make this man who he is today. From his early life which has influenced him dramatically, his education that has never failed to make him an extremely intelligent man, his life before presidency which has made him a solid person, his many amazing accomplishments that make more and more people look up to him each day, to his extraordinary traits that make all of us feel a bit more humble when we think about them. Many people think Barack Obama has left a lasting impact on each person in the United States. Barack Obama is a great American ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Barack Obama Qualities Many presidents have come and gone. They came in all different shapes and sizes, ages and eras, taking reins of America and leading it to where it currently stands as of right now. However, there was one thing that had never changed. Each and every single one of these presidents were white. Nobody knows why, but that is just how it was.. Until early November of 2008 where our first African American President Obama was elected. He believed that everyone had equal opportunity, and proved it by becoming President. The qualities that stood out most about Barack Obama was his charisma, leadership, and sense of humor, which allowed him to flourish as president. Obama was able to capture the attention of his followers due to his charismatic nature ... Show more content on ... In times of desperation, a light joke could be just what is needed to help take away all the built up negativity weighing everyone down. Most presidents have had their share of funny moments, but they were all too watered down; every president was predictable. This did not apply to President Obama however, as he was what was considered to be the first postmodern humorist to take office (Heil para 5). Obamas humor belonged to a comedy sub genre, a type of humor that involved self awareness, defined by irony, and had some sort of quirky references. He once spoke to an audience about revealing his birth–video, which ended up being a clip from the movie Lion King. He continued to say "it was a joke" (Heil para 8). He was able to lighten up the mood with a quick reference to an old classic childhood movie that almost everyone knows. Barack Obama was able to win over his people with his familiar, friendly humor. This was a huge factor to why the people of America supported ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Barack Obama A Good Leader What makes a president such a great leader? Well we all know not everybody agrees with each other on whether or not we have a great president. For example, some might think that President Obama was a wonderful leader and did his job correctly. Others may think differently that Obama was not a successful leader and that he did not do his job right. There is no perfect president for everyone. To begin let's discover President Barack Obama's Birth. First he was born on August 4th, 1961 to Ann Dunham. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Ann Dunham was born on an army base in Wichita, Kansas, During World War II. After Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Ann's father, Stanley, enlisted in the military and marched across ... Show more content on ... President Obama was in a Democratic Party. His Secretary of State was John Kerry and his Secretary of Treasury was Jacob Lew. A key event of Barack Obama's presidency is when he signed the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. Not a single vote came from a Republican. In November of 2012, a Barack Obama signature moment was highlighted by his re–election. Obama won election into second term in 2012. This made President Barack Obama the seventeenth President to win two term elections. Finally, i wanted to tell you about peoples thoughts on Obama. Everyone has a different perception on whether or not he was a great president or not. Obama gave us great views in our country.President Obama also may have gave us bad views. He was not a perfect president. I would say he was a great president though. Overall, President Barack Obama did a great job on trying to make our country a better place. President Barack Obama worked as hard as he could. He may have made a few mistakes. President Barack Obama will be remembered as a great president. This was why President Barack Obama was and overall great ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Barack Obama Outline Introduction Barack Obama, The 44th President of The United States Of America, Throughout the years, United States Presidency we saw a lot of different Presidents who sometimes achieved some great things in life and beat the odds in life. Barack was not the First minority to be selected for Presidency. His Campaign was bigger than Hillary Clinton's, he Prevailed a problem in the Economic Problems, Health Care, so much more he has Accomplished so much in this Country. In the end all of his hard work and dedication paid off as President over these 8 years in the White House. If i could say one thing to President Obama i would tell him thank you for helping our country and so much more things he has done with healthcare and obamacare ... Show more content on ... The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better history, to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea passed on from generation to generation: the God–given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness"( The American Presidency Project.) In his Speech he is quoting social issues in the world that needs to be changed and that would get changed while he was in office. He was stating that it's no time to play around and not do things it's time to finally put in work for the country and make history better instead of worst in the past years and that skin color doesn't matter in God's eyes we're all the same in the end no matter what you look like and whatever measure it takes we gonna find happiness in the end of it ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Barack Obama Bad Barack Hussein Obama is the current president of the United states of America. He was elected as the 44th president of the United States of America.l Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th president of the United Of America in 2008. In the 2008 election he was voted president over running mate John mcCain He was born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii. Now some of his personal information. His father Barack Obama Sr was born and raised in Kenya. His mother Ann Dunham was born and raised in Kansas United States Of America. He was raised throw his childhood with values from the heartland, a middle–class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.Aside from living in ... Show more content on ... If you ask around most people are gonna say that Barack Obama was a bad president. During Obama's term while being president The economy isn't sputtering but some of that blame could be the fact that the Republican Congress just wouldn't play ball with him they didn't like his and this just happened because he was not a republican like the majority of the congress. He is none for being a bad president because of his new thing called obama care. Obama Care is basically affordable healthcare for everyone but it was very misleading because the act may have led to millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. People also tend to dislike Obama care because the people who were told their health insurance premiums would go down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were canceled because of new regulations. People also tend to dislike Obama because of the way that he treats our war vets. These men and women out there defending our nation so that people can be free and he basically does nothing to make sure that they have food or shelter or that they can get medical ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Similarities And Differences Of President Obama And Barack... The 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee John McCain are both very well political speakers when it comes to the presidential election, but they differ in many ways. Both men differ in background, military and religion, and views on different subjects dealing with the United States. Even though they differ for the most part, the two candidates do have a few similarities. Barack Obama is forty–seven years old and was born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii (obama– John McCain is seventy–two years old and was born on August 29th, 1963 in the Panama Canal Zone, where his mother and father; both naval officers were stationed (obama– Both their family roots have a bit of Scottish and Irish, but Obama's ancestry also includes Cherokee Indians and Lueo people of Kenya. John McCain graduated from Episcopal High School in Virginia and then went on t the United States Naval Academy in 1958 (obama– Barack Obama went to many different schools up through High School, but then attended Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years, then went to Columbia University in New York for political science. He then continued his education at Harvard University and graduated to ten percentile of graduating class. Differences in both presidential candidates begin to arise most when you look at their military service and religious background. John McCain is Episcopal whereas Barack Obama belonged to the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Barack Obama Is A Hero A country which has undergone and suffered a tremendous amount of racial discrimination for over the past two centuries, has evolved and has come a long way from where it all started off. In history, the African American people were looked down to as, property to their rightful owners, now in our present time, there has been a switch of scripts. There has been the first African American male, elected to be the president of the United States of America. From, this happening it truly shows a gigantic leap in our society nowadays, than from back two centuries ago. The African American president, Barack Obama has truly proven that anything is possible, in our day and age, and along his journey as the first African American president, has made a ... Show more content on ... According to "A look at What Obama Has Done for Black America), it states "The worst Black unemployment under Obama was 16.8 in March 2011 –– a 28 year high –– according to the Department of Labor." This could show us, a possible flaw, that could contribute to a reason why people do not consider him a "hero", but instead a "villain", in a way. "The poverty rate for African Americans has become worse over the past few years. It was 25 percent when President Bush left office. It rose to 28 percent in 2013 –– the most recent stat available."(A look at What Obama Has Done for Black America). This statement, also shows us that Obama has turned something into a bad thing, by not taking action towards it, and that there also shows us another reason why people think he should not be called a "hero". All in all, Obama may have not fulfilled everybody's needs, but he has made many improvements to our country, and also may changes to the way that many people live their ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Barack Obama Impact Barack Obama has positively impacted our country in a variety of ways. He has put a tremendous amount of effort towards having a better relationship with Muslims and Russia. In order to accomplish that, he gave a speech to those people wanting a new relationship and won a Nobel Peace Prize because of his efforts. In 2009, Barack Obama signed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act. This law says that they have to have permission from the FDA before releasing any new tobacco products. The law also improved the amount of warning labels for tobacco products and got rid of misleading labels on those products. The tax on tobacco was also raised and the money went towards Children's Health Insurance which was a part of the Children's Health Insurance Authorization Act. During his time of being president, he decreased the ... Show more content on ... He's proved to all generations that the color of your skin should not impact what you can or can't do and proved you don't have to look a certain way to work in the government. Avi Kedia said, "it shows that somebody from a different race can rise up and go against what everyone else says and win." Barack Obama ordered special forces travel to Abbottabad, Pakistan to find and capture Osama Bin Laden. This was a very important day to our country because they had been searching for him for almost 10 years and finally found him on May second, 2011. He also gave a speech on September 11, 2016, honoring those whose lives were lost during 9/11. In 2009, Barack Obama passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This act gives women the right to sue their employers if they find out they aren't being paid as much as a man for the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Barack Obama Eulogy Barack Obama Eulogy by Reverend Alvin Love Today we gather to say farewell to a righteous soul, someone who has not only touched us individually but has influenced the whole world. Someone we knew and respected, as a colleague, family member, mentor and above all, a friend. Some of the first things I first noticed was his charisma, his willingness to help others, his humour and above all his intelligence. These traits allowing him to face his personal hardships but also allowed him to help others face their hardships in the community. If you could travel back to 1968, Jakarta Indonesia, you would find a seven–year–old Barack Obama who was angry and confused about race. His anger spiked from his first exposure from a magazine showing ... Show more content on ... Fifty of us, old friends gathered in the hotel conference room awaiting Obama's arrival. When he arrived I remember him shaking each and everyone's hands personally and thanking them for what they have done. Until he got to me, shaking my hand he said "Rev. you've gotta keep me in prayer. This is something else." I remember him walking out of the room and he turned back and fixed his eyes on me out of the whole crowd and lipped "Rev, I wasn't playing. Don't forget me". This was a significant moment for me, as he still wanted my continuing guidance and care on his ever–growing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Barack Obama And President Obama Background. Hillary Clinton was appointed as secretary of state by The President Barack Obama and served from 2009 through 2013. Her email difficulties began during initial tenure as secretary of state (Eugene, 2016). She contended on using her personal BlackBerry phone for all her email communications, but she was not permitted to take the phone into Mahogany Row office which is a secure space (Eugene, 2016). This was very frustrating for Clinton, as secretary of state; she needed to manage a flood of email to have constant updated communication with colleagues, friends and enthusiasts (Eugene, 2016). She was not willing to leave her phone into a lockbox before entering her own office (Eugene, 2016). Her advisors and senior officials tried to find a way to facilitate her to use the personal device in the secure area, but their efforts worried the diplomatic security bureau, which was afraid that foreign intelligence services could hack her personal phone and make it a bug (Eugene, 2016). In the month of Feb 2009 Department security, intelligence and technology specialists and NSA officials gathered in Mahogany Row conference room and described the risks to Clinton's chief of staff Ms. Cheryl Mills, while also seeking "mitigation options" that would satisfy Clinton's wishes (Eugene, 2016). Donald Reid, senior coordinator for security infrastructure described Hillary's advisors as "dedicated blackberry addicts" (Eugene, 2016). Hillary used her unprotected blackberry device ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Barack Obama Research Paper His main achievement was creating a national health insurance program to protect U.S. citizens. This was a major change to improve life for Americans, and he believed in change. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." (February 5 Speech) Barack Obama was an important and influential figure in history who had a positive impact on the America and the world because he was the first African American President of the United States and brought positive change for the country. On August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was welcomed into this world. ("Barack Obama."Biography in Context). Barack Hussein Obama Sr. is Obama's ... Show more content on ... (Michael A Schuman 108–109). Obama made a speech in small schools about how important education was when he traveled around the country in 2010. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black Biography). A major achievement in his efforts against terrorism was the military operation to bring the downfall of Osama bin Laden. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black Biography). Barack Obama was the first black Senator in the history of the US. (Geren Thomas 92). The US economy was it big trouble when Obama took office, and he worked with Congress to pass laws to correct economic problems. spring of 2010, Obama traveled around President Obama treated every person with kindness and respect.(Pete Souza pch 8). Obama signed many laws passed by Congress that aimed at improving education in America, and at rebuilding roads, bridges, and transportation facilities.(Sherri Devaney, Mark Devaney 84–86). Obama helped homeowners by working with Congress on a law to help them with mortgage payments. (Barack Obama." Contemporary Black Biography). Obama made an impact by urging all Americans to "think big" and "dream big dreams", saying everyone is capable of achieving great things if given the chance. (Pete souza 80) President Obama tried to create unity in the country by emphasizing that all Americans are "equally a part of this exceptional country" (Beatrice Gormley 246). He is very smart and likes to help people. He worked hard to become a good president and he also helped many children get health insurance. He believes in the power of hope, and that the people in the world are one people. I can learn from this by being hopeful for my future in America. Because he inspired me to feel that way I look up to Barack ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Barack Obama Failure On August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, the soon to be 44th president of the United States of America was soon to be born by parents Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr. Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. When Obama was two years old, his father left him to further his studies at Harvard Law. Until Obama was 10b years old, he had lived with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. His mother had sent him to live in Hawaii with his grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, because she was concerned about his education. He then went to school at Hawaii's prestigious Punahou School from 5th grade through graduation. He went to Occidental College in Los Angeles for his freshman and sophomore years, then ... Show more content on ... One thing that is brought to mind when thinking of Obama, is that he was the first African American president of the United States of America. Through all the racism, he has brought together all races with him being president. Another legacy Mr. President left was his success in finding and killing Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011. Another legacy Obama left on American to most people would be his bill on same–sex marriages. This brought together many different types of people and made them unite together for this bill. Obama will influence future elections and presidency's on his accomplishments he made and his great personality. History will remember the president as the first African–American president and a great ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Election Of Barack Obama Everyone is saying it, but this election cycle is a very unusual one in a lot of different ways. The Democratic nominee for president began as the favorite for her party's nomination, given her name, money, endorsements. Then she ended up in a rather narrow winner after a lengthy fight with a seventy–five–year–old socialist who did not have any name recognition and isn't even a Democrat. Of that race extremely divide the democratic party making Hillary Clinton have low favorability rating going into the Democratic convention. The Republican nominee has no experience in government or politics at all. He had virtually no organized campaign during the primaries, and mocked or denigrated the disabled, Mexicans, women, Americans of Hispanic ancestry, Gold Star families and a Republican senator who was tortured by his captors and is widely admired as a war hero. It also took him five years to accept that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Either way the election goes history will be made. We have never had a president that has not had any political or military candidate, and a president that has been a woman. We have a very unprecedented election in 2016 that will redesign how to run a campaign and get elected. The Republican nominee Donald John Trump is an American business made that has been successful in his business and a known as a smart business man. The Democratic nominee Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is a career politician being the sixty seventh United States ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Persuasive Barack Obama We have had many presidents throughout the time span of the United States. Some good, some bad it takes a lot to be a good president. It takes passion, dedication, and you have to be able to sway the people in your direction. Very few have accomplished this task. Barack Obama is in my opinion the best president to have touched down at the White House. Obama was able to get people of all ages, genders, and races to vote for him and support him. He won the states of Florida and Texas both times in his back to back election years. Obama was liked by many people from all around he had foreign presidents, and politicians they all wanted to meet with him face to face. Obama also had a lot of passion when it came to taking on the role of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Barack Obama Father Barack Obama is the 44 President of the United States, he is also the first ever African American President of the United States. His outstanding story to success is very empower and encouraging. Many people look up to the story of him overcoming the color of his skin and accomplishing everything he put his mind to. Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4,1961 to Ann Dunham and the late Barack Obama Sr in Honolulu,HI. Barack Sr was a senior governmental economist for Kenya in which he played a big role. Though Obama didn't see him much in his young life he still looked up to him. He even wrote a memoir on the subject of his father called Dreams From My Father, explaining his life in detail and the effect his father had on his life. Obama ... Show more content on ... Finally in 1970 Barack moved back to Hawaii. In the middle of 1971 young Barack saw his father for the last time. Barack sr visited him for a month before returning back to kenya. Honolulu is where the young Barack lived until his high school graduation. After his high school graduation Obama went to Occidental College in Los Angeles. Then he later transferred to Columbia College/ Columbia University his junior year in New York City. He majored in political science with a specialty in international relations. In 1983 Obama graduated with a Ba then immediately found a job at the Business International Corporation. He worked
  • 44. there for a year before leaving and getting a job at the New York Public Interest Research Group. Five years later Obama entered Harvard to get a degree in law. During the summers he would go to Chicago, there he worked as an associate at the law firms Sidley Austin. He later graduated from Harvard in 1991 with a JD degree magna cum laude. He then moved to Chicago,there he met Michelle Robinson. Robinson supervised all his work at the firm. They eventually started dating and four long years later ther got married. The Obama's got married October ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Barack Obama Legacy Throughout the history of the United States, we have had presidents from all walks of life. Some good, some not. All have left behind a legacy. Some were more memorable then others, and some just down right horrendous. Barack Obama has been the United States President for the last seven years. He has spent almost 2 terms in office passing bills, creating new policies, and bettering the lives of Americans. While not everybody loves him, it would be a hard to argue that he hasn't gotten a lot done while he's been in office. For example, he has started the process of creating affordable health care that is accessibly available to all Americans. He has helped restore the economy after one of the biggest recessions the U.S. Has ever seen. He has ... Show more content on ... Not only has Obama helped them to find a voice, he has helped them fight for rights in equality and justice for all. A great example of this would be the African Americans of the United States. As a fellow African American, Mr. Obama has been a leading figure in the fight, and has shown people that there is a better way that doesn't involve fighting to get your point across. Mr. Obama has also helped in the fight for homosexuals and gaining equality for this minority group. He has supported court cases in the fight, and has passed bills that help fight for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Barack Obama Thesis Barack Obama: Writer in Chief President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children's book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were many things that happened in Obama's life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father. ... Show more content on ... Throughout all of his writing, he talks about race and the desire of equality and how being segregated affected him as a human being. While he was in college, he was one of three black students in the school so he became really aware of the racism and discrimination. The current president stated "I noticed that there was nobody like me in the Sears, Roebuck Christmas catalog. . .and that Santa was a white man. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror with all my senses and limbs seemingly intact, looking as I had always looked, and wondered if something was wrong with me" (Barack Obama). Because of the difference in color and the stigma against black people, he would wonder what was wrong with him and that later is one of his main issues that he addresses in his political ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon millions of people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African–American took office as the President of the United States. He presented a historic message of hope and change for the future of the United States of America, given that it was a change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal times. During his inaugural address, he had to state the most important issues that America was currently facing at the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures the public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by contrasting different ideas, emphasizes America's issues and his solutions through anaphoras and varying sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he is capable of addressing America's issues through his use of strong diction. During this time, there were many dire issues that plagued America such as costly health care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system. Obama accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the new President of the United States of America, he showed that he was still a regular human being, just like the people that he was talking to: "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist." Obama shows that he will still help people who don't have the same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has to work together, even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a different skin color. Ultimately, Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of the world, meaning that they will be the country that other countries look up to: "And so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Barack Obama 's President Obama As stated in the Constitution of the United States, the President "shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." Since 1947, this constitutionally mandated address has become known as the State of the Union Address. President Barack Obama continued this tradition in his final State of the Union Address to Congress and the American citizens on January 12, 2016. In his desire to create a legacy that reached beyond his administration, President Obama focused on four key topics for America 's future: opportunity in the future economy; utilizing technology for progress; keeping America safe while regulating foreign policy? and reforming American politics for future administrations. Although President Obama 's 2016 address tendered several suggestions for shaping America 's future economy, education, sustaining employee benefits, and investing in clean energy emerged as prominent ways to secure the economy for future generations. In his statement "real opportunity requires every American to get the education and training they need to land a good–paying job," President Obama emphasizes the paramount affect that job training and education has on the American economy. President Obama 's speech reflects a belief that for American citizens to continue to have opportunities, they must be trained for those opportunities. They must be trained for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Barack Obama 's President Obama Hillary Rodham Clinton is the democratic nominee running for this upcoming presidency in 2016. Clinton was born on October 26th, 1947, in Chicago Illinois (bio). She is no surprise to the white house and political issues having been the first lady herself. She became the first lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001 when her husband Bill Clinton was president (bio). She also became the first wife of a president and woman to be a U.S senator, representing New York (bio). In 2007, Clinton announced her run for presidency a first time but ended up dropping out of the nomination because Barack Obama had majority vote (bio). When Barack Obama became president he appointed Hillary Clinton the 67th U.S secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 (bio). Now she's in the running for presidency again alongside representative candidate Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has made many promises to the citizens of the United States if elected president this fall. She's touched on many issues that she felt needs to be influenced to ensure a great future for this country. One of those issues being a debt free college. Her plans are to make college free to those who can't afford it. To begin her presidency if elected, she hopes by 2021, those whose income is under $125,000 a year, would not have to pay tuition to attend an in state four year college or university ("Hillary"). This would mean that even more students can attend college at a no cost fee. Also, Clinton would ensure that "all community ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Barack Obama Bias President Barack Obama was the very first African–American president of the United States of America. He has inspired me in so many ways, including: to be strong, be fair, have faith, and never discriminate. President Obama was also re–elected for a second term in 2012. Obama was an open minded president and never showed discrimination in any form. Before becoming president, Obama graduated from Harvard Law school. After he graduated, President Obama became a civil rights attorney and taught at the University of Chicago Law school. President Obama has been an inspiring and historical figure of the United States of America and the things he has accomplished are extraordinary. Obama paved the way for Americans by making great and historical decisions ... Show more content on ... African–Americans are sometimes overlooked in our country, but Obama wasn't afraid to take a stand. He became president and did an awe–inspiring job; I respect him and admire him for the person he was as a president. He is a very beloved man, and he made sure everyone was treated equally. He will always be an inspirational figure and a great role model to me. President Obama encouraged me to be strong, love the color of my skin, and never discriminate anyone under any circumstances. President Obama made history and was a very strong individual with a great mindset. I respect him and cherish the things he has done for our country as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Is Barack Obama A Hero? Not all heroes wear capes. Most heroes don't consider themselves heroes. As cliche as it might sounds it is true. Each individual person identifies a hero differently. Some may say someone is a hero simply because they wear a cape while others may see their friend, a celebrity, or their president as their hero, it all depends on the person.There's also the possibility of someone's hero being someone else's villain. It can be the little things they do that makes them a hero. For example, the leader of a country can be seen as a hero to many of us but a villain to others. Last term's president was viewed as a hero by many people due to his actions but others thought of him as a villain due to having opposing views. Elected on November 2008, Barack Obama became president and remained president for eight years. Barack Obama has helped millions of people with actions and is considered a hero to many of them. One of the many reasons why he can be viewed as a hero would be his selflessness. As any other ordinary person, he did make mistakes but it's understandable and he learned along the way of being president. Due to his mistakes it makes it easier to relate to him. A hero is a person who is willing to take risks knowing there is a possibility of losing something big. It quite common for people to play it safe when it comes to anything related with their work or professional life because there's always the possibility of it going completely downhill and ruining your life. Obama ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Barack Obama Research Paper Many people may not know if they will ever be a famous person someday. We are all special and have our unique differences. For example, Barack Obama was the first African American President of the United States. According to he was born on august 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was first a civil rights lawyer and then was elected to State Senate in 1996 and then to U.S. Senate in 2004. Later in 2008 he was elected as president and ran again for a second term in 2012 and won again. He has done many things for the U.S. that has made it a better country for all of us. One thing he has done for this country is was he passed a stimulus after the great recession. Which he signed a $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Barack Obama Biography In this portion of the paper, I will be discussing the biography of Barack Obama. Barack Hussein Obama III, an American Politician, was born in 1961 on August 4th, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was the first African–American to serve as the President of The United States for two terms from 2009 to 2017. Mainly raised in Hawaii, Obama spent four years in Jakarta, Indonesia and spent one year in Washington State. At ten years old, he relocated back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. In 1983, Obama graduated from Columbia University and began working as a community organizer for low–income residents from the south side of Chicago. Five years later, he enrolled in Harvard Law School. The following summer during an internship at a Chicago Law Firm, he met Michelle Robinson. In Law school, Obama was the first African–American President of the Harvard Law Review. Obama returned to Chicago after graduation and began practicing civil rights law, teaching law school and establishing "Get ... Show more content on ... Four years later, Obama suffered his only political loss in a run for the U.S. House of Representatives. However, in 2004, he ran for the U.S. Senate and gave a high profile critical speech at the Democratic National Convention. Obama won his senate race defeating multimillionaire businessman Blair Hull and Illinois Comptroller Daniel Hynes with 52 percent of the vote. In 2007, the freshman senator announced he was running for President of The United States. His leading opponent in the Democrat primaries was former first lady Hillary Clinton. Even though he won the nomination, he had Clinton's support for the duration of his campaign. On November 6, 2008, Obama won the general election against Republican John McCain. Delaware Senator Joe Biden, his running mate, became vice president. On January 2009, Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Ten months later, he received the Nobel Peace ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Barack Obama Accomplishments A good president serves and leads his country. A great president changes the country for the better and leaves a mark on history and people. Barack Obama has done both of these things. He made a difference in the country during his presidency and left his own unique footprint of accomplishments ranging from ending and controlling foreign affairs to starting a conversation about social issues. In my opinion, so far, Barack Obama has been the best president the United States has had so far. President Barack Obama has grown our economy in ways that were deemed unimaginable with the economic state he was given. First he drafted the Affordable Care Act in 2010. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, brought coverage to 20 million ... Show more content on ... In his second inaugural address, he stated that the nation needs to make progress regarding LGBT issues, and he stayed true to his word. He repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, allowing gay men and women to openly serve in the army and later signed an order in 2014 prohibiting employers to discriminate against their employees based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Not only this, but he also expanded the definition of hate crimes, "applying existing hate crime laws to crimes based on a victim's sexual orientation, gender, or disability, in addition to race, religion, or national origin." He also changed the way this nation looks at things. Before Barack Obama became president, issues like racism, sexism, homophobia etc. were not talked about openly, were pushed to the side, or they were silenced. In our society today, these issues are openly talked about amongst the people, to the chagrin of some and to the pleasure of others. Barack Obama also carried himself gracefully in the face of racists who were asking for his birth certificate and burning and hanging dummies made to look like ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Barack Obama Journey In the years of 2007–2008 a man named Barack Obama decided she wanted to run for president. He was the first African American man to ever run for president let alone win the election. In this research paper I will go through the journey of Barack Obama's presidency; from his early life , to his background in politics, and his actual presidency. On August 4th, 1961, Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu Hawaii. His Parents are Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham. He spent most of his childhood in Honolulu. A little later on Obama Sr, relocated to Massachusetts to attend Harvard and pursue a Ph.D. During this time his parents divorced in 1964. Causing Obama not to have a relationship with his father. He graduated from Punahou school in 1979. In 1981 Obama Sr. lost his legs in a car crash. Due to being in a wheel chair he lost his job. And in 1982 he was in yet another collision and passed. Once Obama got ... Show more content on ... After high school he moved to LA, Where he studied at Occidental College for two years. In February of 1981 he made his first public speech . Calling for Occidentals divestment for south Africa. He movd to NYC and transferred to Columbia where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. As a young adult he was educated at Occidental College , Columbia University , and Havard Law School. He is brilliant. He also worked as a community organizer, lawyer, Lecture and Senior Lecture of Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. In 1990 Obama was elected the first African American head of Havard's law review. In 1991 Barack graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law. In 1997 he published his memoir 'dreams from My Father". In his memoir he describes his experiences growing up in his mothers middle–class family and his knowledge of a black father. After law school he returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer with the firm Miner, Barnhill, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Pros And Cons Of Barack Obama It's in our nature to make snap connections at the mere mention of a word or idea – mention "apple," and someone might respond instantly with "orange." Likewise, mention the Democratic Party of the U.S. and most people will immediately begin to imagine someone resembling the same spirit and character as the person they believe to represent it – a person who consistently champions for the rights of the less advantaged (that is to say, citizens living below the poverty line and citizens who still face discrimination in daily life) and strives for the better progress of a nation (like raising minimum wage and increasing jobs). For me, one such person is Barack Obama. Due to his unwavering and diplomatic nature, I believe Barack Obama represents a true Democrat. Unfortunately, there are some who would argue against this claim – Richard Epstein, winner of the Bradley Prize (2011) and a senior lecturer at Chicago University, states that "vision and skills are not always doled out in equal measure, and [Obama's] lack of the latter made him unfit to choose the proper means for meeting the challenges he set out for himself." Epstein's claims are not without merit, of course, though it would do ... Show more content on ... After graduating from college, Obama "moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants" ("Barack Obama"). Democrats often cite a part of their mission statement is to lend a ready and helping hand to whomever may need it at the time, a trait that Obama clearly displays. Even after attending and graduating from law school, he still kept up with his helpful nature. He even "returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive" ("Barack Obama"). Due to these acts of selflessness, Obama once again displays what it means to be a true ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Barack Obama Validity Obama's Presidency May Be Invalid By: Tony Martin Obama's Presidency is invalid. Documents of Obama's birth certificate and federal law at the time contradict each other. His birth certificate shows that he should be a legal citizen while federal law questions his legibility. On October 28, 2008, in Pennsylvania Supreme Court Philip J. Bergs accused Barrack Obama of being an illegal citizen causing him to lose the campaign. Bergs believes and strongly questioned Obamas validity. Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents, who met as students at the University of Hawaii, were Ann Dunham, a white American from Kansas, and Barack Obama, Sr., a black Kenyan studying in the United States. Obama's father left the ... Show more content on ... Bergs is Obama moving to Indonesia. George Spelvin from Western Journalism stated, "...nearly one half of the Obama candidacy challenge has to do with his adoption by Lolo Soetoro when his mother Stanley Ann Dunham Obama married and moved to the police state of Indonesia." This helps Philip J. Bergs because looking further into this statement and when looked into this information follows, "When a male Indonesian citizen adopts or "acknowledges a child as his son," that child is deemed to be Indonesian because the country does not allow dual citizenship status. The U.S. law neither allows dual citizenship nor intervention according to the l930 Hague Convention protocols." This means that when Obama left America for Indonesia he lost his chance of being naturalized meaning he would have to go back through the American Citizenship ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Barack Obama Qualities Political leaders are everywhere, but there are few "true leader." Barack Hussein Obama has numerous qualifications that make an outstanding leader. I selected this type of leader because he has the "Traits Associated with Leadership." Obama is a leader with ambitious and determination. For instance, in the article, Barack Obama, stated, "On November 6, 2012, Obama won a second four–year term as president by receiving nearly five million more votes than Romney and capturing more than 60 percent of the Electoral College." This quote signifies that Obama is ambitious and has a strong influence on the American people that helped him to become president of the United States. Overall, Obama won two terms, and he was the first president Afro–American in the United States. The second trait is to not be afraid to battle and take responsibility as a leader. Obama is a leader that is not frightened to take action, and he is an influential leader that can lead the way. Moreover, Obama shows leadership and responsibility. According in the article Barack Obama On the economic front, Obama worked to steer the country through difficult financial times. After drawn–out negotiations with Republicans who gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2010 ... Show more content on ... Barack is a leader with these two traits. Obama is trustworthy and shows consistency between his speeches and performances. For illustration, in the article, Barack Obama, said, "he also insisted that, despite obstacles, he was determined to help American citizens through the nation's current domestic difficulties. "We don't quit. I don't quit," he said. "Let's seize this moment to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more." This means that it is time to progress and make dreams a reality. Obama uses these words to motivate American citizens and create consistency between word and ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Barack Obama Biography Former President Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4th, 1961. He was allegedly born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Ana Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.. He was the 44th President of the United States and started his term on January 20th, 2009. He was reelected and ended his term on January 20th, 2017, him being the predecessor to our current President, Donald J. Trump. He was the embodiment of the "American Dream", with his humble values and middle class upbringings and then making it big. He valued education and taught all of his beliefs to his children. Speaking of children, Obama went to Harvard Law School, married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson(now Obama), and had two daughters named Sasha and Malia. Obama kickstarted his candidacy by pushing the ... Show more content on ... Author Tori Morisson has stated that former President Bill Clinton had come from African descent and about 6 other presidents had as well. Some include Thomas Jefferson, Warren Harding, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also, Barack Obama has been called out about how many people he's pardoned, or excused from a prison sentence. In total, he had pardoned almost 2,000 people(1.972 to e exact) which is the most out of any president in U.S. history. A large portion of the crimes pardoned were drug related, which upset people because Obama had admitted to using cocaine in the past, and some think that this has something to do with that. Moving on from the pardons, Barack has also been under speculation about his birth place. In fact, I even alluded to this earlier in my writing. He has been accused about lying and saying that he was born in Hawaii, when he was really born in Kenya. In April 2011, Obama released a birth certificate, and people are still hung up on whether it was a fake or not. Even Donald Trump had accused him of lying, but then took back his words in 2016. Now, I am going to talk about Barack an Michelle's out–of–office portraits, specifically ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Presidential Elections: Obama Vs. Barack Obama Topic 1: Presidential Elections There are many similarities between both the 2008 and 2016 elections that took place. In both of these situations, whether it was President Barack Obama defeating Senator John McCain in 2008, or President Donald Trump winning over Hillary Clinton in 2016, there are similarities between both of these races. Whether these similarities are being unconventional politicians, or appealing to the people, these are what caused both Presidents to defeat their more traditional political opponents. The 2008 Election– John McCain vs. Barack Obama: In November of 2008, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama ran against each other in what has been considered to be a historical race, as the outcome was that the first African American Presidential candidate would become President. One of the big questions that came after this race was why did Barack Obama beat John McCain? Senator McCain, a Republican from Arizona, who fought in the Vietnam war was taken Prisoner . He was the stereotypical candidate for President, as he had years of experience in the government as well as military experience. One of the most important jobs for the President of the United States would be that of Commander in Chief, something that Senator McCain would thrive in, and something that Obama had no prior knowledge ... Show more content on ... George W. Bush during the campaign in June of 1999 admitted that he had essentially no knowledge on U.S. foreign policy, making the statement, "I'm smart enough to know what I don't know" . During this time there were no active wars, so what the American public was most concerned about was domestic politics, something that George Bush knew about. Through not knowing about foreign policy he appealed to many of the voters, specifically blue collar workers who had no knowledge of this themselves. Admitting that he had no knowledge made him approachable and more of a regular guy than his opponent Al Gore ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Barack Obama MVP Project The person the I choose for the MVP project was Barack Obama. Barack Obama was born in August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States and the first African American to serve in the office. Barack Obama Has won two Grammy awards. Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans. Barack Obama published his first and second book. Barack Obama rescued the country from the Great reaction. He cut the unemployed rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years. He signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. He allow as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits. Dropped the veteran homeless rate ... Get more on ...