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Designing Learning and
Instructional Strategies
                 MID 7133

     Lecturer : Azmawati Binti Mohd Lazim

:    : Azmawati Mohd Lazim
        : 21A4FE60     : wawacrv      : wawacrv
At the end of this lesson, learners should be able to :

 Write clearly the instruction and learning objectives
 State the differences between goal and objective
 Discuss the measurable objectives for the final
  project documentation
 Construct the different set of objectives
 Identify the Information Design Principle
 Relate the Gagne Nine Event to the learning and
  document preparation for the product assignment.

Learning Objectives
Instruction and learning

          Effective                              Interactivity
         instruction                            in instruction

        begins with a        refers to                                    Learner
         systematic           active             the learner           transform it
          planning           learning            acts on the             into new,
         process for                             information              personal
        instructional                              given or              meaning.
           events.                                presented

                                                         Information          Gagne 3
          Goal vs       Measurable        Type of
Intro                                                       Design             Nine
         Objectives     Objectives       Objectives
                                                           Principle          Event
Instructional Strategy

                                       Effective                   Learning
           strategy is a
                                     instructional                 Theories
          guideline on
                                    strategies are               describe the
         which instructors
                                      based on                    ways that
            base their
                                       learning                theorists believe
          teaching and
                                   theories. E.g :              people learn
                                      Gagne Nine               new ideas and
           approach or
                                         Event                    concepts.
         methodology on.

                                                                Information        Gagne 4
             Goal vs         Measurable     Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                             Design            Nine
            Objectives       Objectives    Objectives
                                                                 Principle         Event
The                                          The steps
                                                                                     needed to
                                        objectives                                   get there.

                                                               Where we want to
                     The goal                                  be.

                                                                                           Information                   Gagne 5
         Goal vs           Measurable                        Type of                     MID 7133
Intro                                                                                           Design                     Nine
        Objectives         Objectives                     Objectives
                                                                                              Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
                      Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
Developing goals

     The course
                    Goals can be                  Example of a
  goals are broad
                     lofty ideas,                 broad course
   statements of
                   using words or                goal: Students
      what the
                     phrases like                  will gain a
  students will be
                    "appreciates"                    greater
  able to do when
                      or "shows                  appreciation for
     they have
                      leadership                   traditional
   completed the
                        ability."                    music.

                                                       Information   Gagne 6
         Goal vs     Measurable    Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                    Design       Nine
        Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                        Principle    Event
Writing objectives
  How can we measure if the user    It would be very difficult. That is
  understand the lesson?            why we develop objectives.
  For example : how to measure if
  they appreciate history?


  The objectives must be            Also called
   measurable                      • learning outcomes
  specific                         • measurable objectives
  you can determine if the goal    • behavioral objectives because
  was achieved.                       they describe observable
                                      behavior rather than
                                                  Information      Gagne 7
          Goal vs     Measurable     Type of
Intro                                                Design         Nine
         Objectives   Objectives    Objectives
                                                    Principle      Event
GOAL                                OBJECTIVES

   • Goals are broad.                  • Objectives are narrow
   • Goals are general                 • objectives are precise.
     intentions;                       • objectives are
   • Goals are intangible;               tangible.
   • Goals are abstract;               • objectives are
   • Goals can't be                      concrete
     validated as is;.                 • objectives can be

  Goals vs Objectives
                                                        Information   Gagne 8
          Goal vs     Measurable    Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                     Design       Nine
         Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                         Principle    Event
What is measurable objectives?

                 Measurable                         The
                                                                               Use verbs
                 objectives                      objectives

                                                                                          describe to
        the specific                             instructions           include          what degree
                                use to           about what
         measures                                                       specific         the students
                              determine          we want the
                              whether or                              conditions          will be able
                                                  student to         (how well or               to
                              not we are          be able to
                             successful in                            how many)          demonstrate
                                                      do.                                 mastery of
                               the goal.                                                   the task.

                                                                           Information          Gagne 9
                 Goal vs            Measurable          Type of 3/6/2012
Intro                                                                         Design             Nine
                Objectives          Objectives         Objectives
                                                                             Principle          Event
Objectives MUST BE clearly written and

                      They are clear in that the learner knows how
                     they will be measure (condition), what he/she
                      must do (performance) and how well he/she
                                  must do it (criterion).

                       The objectives are measurable in that the
                     criterion clearly states the performance level
                                 that must be achieved.

  Measurable Objectives
                                                 Information     Gagne10
         Goal vs       Measurable    Type of
Intro                                               Design        Nine
        Objectives     Objectives   Objectives
                                                   Principle     Event
Writing Measurable Objectives
                                                                     Use the big-picture
                                                                     view to understand
                                          Wrap their minds
        ALLOW DEVELOPERS                                                 what themes,
                                        around the content to
               TO                                                      interactivity and
                                        understand its scope
                                                                   engagement strategies
                                                                           can work

          Logically order the
         content (this can be            Organize the content
                                                                   Ensure that no content
              done in an                 into chunks, topics,
                                                                      slips through the
        instructional analysis              lessons, units,
         which many people                   modules, etc.
               don’t do)

                                          Communicate the
                                          content to clients,
         Ensure all required
                                        subject matter experts
          content is tested
                                         and the development

                                                                 Information          Gagne11
            Goal vs              Measurable        Type of
Intro                                                               Design             Nine
           Objectives            Objectives       Objectives
                                                                   Principle          Event
Writing measurable objectives
    First, it must be noted that one must consider one’s

    Second,            1. Performance/Action verbs. An objective always states
                       what a learner is expected to be able to do and/or produce to
    an                 be considered competent.
    should             2. Conditions. An objective describes the important
                       conditions (if any) under which the performance is to occur.
                       3. Criteria/Standards. An objective describes the criteria of
    following:         acceptable performance; that is, it says how well someone
                       would have to perform to be considered competent.

                       4. Audience. End user

                                                                 Information   Gagne12
           Goal vs           Measurable      Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                              Design       Nine
          Objectives         Objectives     Objectives
                                                                  Principle    Event

                                                                                          Information                   Gagne13
         Goal vs          Measurable                        Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133
Intro                                                                                          Design                     Nine
        Objectives        Objectives                     Objectives
                                                                                             Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
                     Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia

                                               Information   Gagne14
         Goal vs     Measurable    Type of
Intro                                             Design      Nine
        Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                 Principle   Event
Types of Objectives
                                     Cognitive : thought or
                                     knowledge: "what the
                                     student is able to do" (an

        domains and                      Affective : feelings or choices
        ensuing type                     "how the student chooses to act”
        of objectives

                                      Psychomotor : physical skills "what the
                                      student can perform"

                                                              Information       Gagne15
           Goal vs      Measurable        Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                           Design           Nine
          Objectives    Objectives       Objectives
                                                               Principle        Event
Cognitive Domain
   Use this list to help you express distinct
   performance expectations you have of
   your users / students.

   In general, cognitive competency in a
   field begins with knowledge level
   learning and advances up the taxonomy
   to comprehension, application, and
   then the higher order skills involved in
   analysis, synthesis, and evaluation or
   problem solving.

                                                             Information   Gagne16
             Goal vs        Measurable           Type of
Intro                                                           Design      Nine
            Objectives      Objectives          Objectives
                                                               Principle   Event
Information                   Gagne17
         Goal vs          Measurable                        Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133
Intro                                                                                          Design                     Nine
        Objectives        Objectives                     Objectives
                                                                                             Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
                     Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
Verbs Words Use in Cognitive
 Knowledge                              Application                   Analysis                   Synthesis                   Evaluation

• arrange       • characterize        • administer                • analyze                   • combine                   • appraise
• define        • classify            • apply                     • appraise                  • compose                   • argue
• duplicate     • complete            • calculate                 • categorize                • consolidate               • assess
• know          • depict              • choose                    • compare                   • construct                 • critique
• label         • describe            • compute                   • contrast                  • create                    • defend
• list          • discuss             • conduct                   • critique                  • design                    • envision
• match         • establish           • demonstrate               • diagram                   • formulate                 • estimate
• memorize      • explain             • dramatize                 • differentiate             • hypothesize               • evaluate
• Name          • express             • employ                    • discriminate              • integrate                 • examine
• order         • identify            • implement                 • distinguish               • merge                     • grade
• quote         • illustrate          • interpret                 • examine                   • organize                  • inspect
• recognize     • locate              • operate                   • experiment                • plan                      • judge
• recall        • recognize           • perform                   • explore                   • propose                   • justify
• repeat        • report              • practice                  • inventory                 • synthesize                • rank
• reproduce     • Relate              • prescribe                 • investigate               • systematize               • rate
• restate       • review              • roleplay                  • question                  • theorize                  • review
• retain        • sort                • sketch                    • research                  • unite                     • value
                • translate           • solve                     • test                      • write

                                                                                                  Information                   Gagne18
               Goal vs            Measurable                        Type of
Intro                                                                                                  Design                     Nine
              Objectives          Objectives                     Objectives
                                                                                                     Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
                             Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
Information                   Gagne19
         Goal vs          Measurable                        Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133
Intro                                                                                          Design                     Nine
        Objectives        Objectives                     Objectives
                                                                                             Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
                     Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
Affective Domain

        The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973)
        includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally,
        such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms,
        motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed
        from the simplest behavior to the most complex:

                                                           Information     Gagne
            Goal vs        Measurable       Type of
Intro                                                         Design        Nine
           Objectives      Objectives      Objectives
                                                             Principle     Event
Psychomotor Domain

        The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes physical
        movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas.
        Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in
        terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in
        execution. The seven major categories are listed from the simplest
        behavior to the most complex:

                                                         Information         Gagne
            Goal vs       Measurable       Type of
Intro                                                       Design            Nine
           Objectives     Objectives      Objectives
                                                           Principle         Event
Information   Gagne22
         Goal vs     Measurable    Type of
Intro                                             Design      Nine
        Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                 Principle   Event
3/6/2012     MID 7133                                          23

Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Information Design Principles
Retrieval        • Attention to external stimulus will initially last up to a
                     maximum of 20 minutes.
                    Keep content small and self-contained.
                    Chunking or grouping pieces of data into units is a major
                     technique for getting and keeping information in short-term
                     memory; it is also a type of elaboration that will help get
                     information into long-term memory.
                    Label topics clearly.
                    Use a template for consistency.
                    Disclose information in progressive layers.
                    Each topic has only one learning outcome and have 7 + 3
                     units of information ( a maximum of 10 screens)
                 • E-learning material has no physical representation of its
                     organization; there are no covers, chapters, or pages. Provide
                     visual cues through metaphor or color.
                    Provide a site map, easy backtracking and exit, and a default

                                                            Information         Gagne24
             Goal vs        Measurable       Type of
Intro                                                          Design            Nine
            Objectives      Objectives      Objectives
                                                              Principle         Event
Information Design Principles
 Presentation       •Consider readability and layout.
                    •Reduce clutter; aim for 50% white space.
                    •Distinguish important information.
                    •Use color and graphics appropriately. Be consistent and
                    •Use color and graphics for clarification and explanation, not
                    for decoration.
                    •  When designing the structure, consider the purpose.
 Encoding                design sequentially
                         design hierarchically
                    • Structure each topic to answer one question/learning
                    •Provide several access techniques: menu, index, table of
 Sequence           contents, hypertext links, keyword searches.
                    •Provide multiple entry points and paths to address a variety
                    of learner needs.

                                                          Information        Gagne25
             Goal vs       Measurable       Type of
Intro                                                        Design           Nine
            Objectives     Objectives      Objectives
                                                            Principle        Event
Gagne Nine Event

                                                       Information   Gagne26
         Goal vs     Measurable    Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                    Design       Nine
        Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                        Principle    Event
 Instructional Event         Lesson Activity
 1.Gain Attention            Engaging opening sequence. A space theme is
                             used to play off the new software product's
                             name, STAR. Inspirational music accompanies
                             the opening sequence, which might consist of
                             a shooting star or animated logo.
 2. Recall Information        Students are called upon to use their prior
                             knowledge of other software applications to
                             understand the basic functionality of the STAR
                             system. They are asked to think about how
                             they start, close, and print from other
                             programs such as their word processor, and it
                             is explained that the STAR system works
 3. Inform Learner of        A computer programmer presents students
 Objective                   with the following learning outcome
                             immediately after the introduction.
                             Upon completing this lesson you will be able
                             list the benefits of the new STAR system.
                                                          Information   Gagne27
          Goal vs      Measurable     Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                       Design       Nine
         Objectives    Objectives    Objectives
                                                           Principle    Event
Instructional Event             Lesson Activity
  4. Present Stimulus             Using screen images captured from the live
  Material                        application software and audio narration,
                                  the training program describes the basic
                                  features of the STAR system. After the
                                  description, a simple demonstration is

  5. Provide Learning             With each STAR feature, students are
  Guidance                        shown a variety of ways to access it - using
                                  short-cut keys on the keyboard, drop-down
                                  menus, and button bars. Complex
                                  sequences are chunked into short, step-by-
                                  step lists for easier storage in long-term

  6. Elicit Performance           After each function is demonstrated,
                                  students are asked to practice with
                                  realistic, controlled simulations.
                                                             Information   Gagne28
           Goal vs        Measurable     Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                          Design       Nine
          Objectives      Objectives    Objectives
                                                              Principle    Event
Instructional Event           Lesson Activity
7. Provide Feedback           During the simulations, students are given
                              guidance as needed. If they are performing
                              operations correctly, the simulated STAR
                              system behaves just as the live application
                              would. If the student makes a mistake, the
                              tutorial immediately responds with an
                              audible cue, and a pop-up window explains
                              and reinforces the correct operation.

8. Assess Performance         After all lessons are completed, students are
                              required to take a post-test. Mastery is
                              achieved with an 80% or better score.

9. Enhance Retention          • A one-page, laminated quick reference card
                              is distributed for further reinforcement of the
                              learning session.
                              • A case study on the application of the
                              software is discussed using the course
                              discussion forum.
                                                          Information   Gagne29
          Goal vs      Measurable     Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                       Design       Nine
         Objectives    Objectives    Objectives
                                                           Principle    Event
   Gagne Conditions for learning
           Apply Gagne Nine Events of Instruction for
            a specific topic in the Design Template

                                                             Information   Gagne30
               Goal vs     Measurable    Type of 3/6/2012   MID 7133
Intro                                                          Design       Nine
              Objectives   Objectives   Objectives
                                                              Principle    Event
Please prepare your
 1 Learning goal for your English Course
 10 learning objectives for your English
  Courseware by referring to the Cognitive
  Domain element & Blooms taxonomy
 Update your blogs & present it in class.

Why you have a ‘date’ with me
next week?

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Azmawati Mohd Lazim_Creating learning objectives

  • 1. Designing Learning and Instructional Strategies MID 7133 Lecturer : Azmawati Binti Mohd Lazim : : Azmawati Mohd Lazim : 21A4FE60 : wawacrv : wawacrv
  • 2. At the end of this lesson, learners should be able to :  Write clearly the instruction and learning objectives  State the differences between goal and objective  Discuss the measurable objectives for the final project documentation  Construct the different set of objectives  Identify the Information Design Principle  Relate the Gagne Nine Event to the learning and document preparation for the product assignment. Learning Objectives
  • 3. Instruction and learning Effective Interactivity instruction in instruction begins with a refers to Learner systematic active the learner transform it planning learning acts on the into new, process for information personal instructional given or meaning. events. presented Information Gagne 3 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 4. Instructional Strategy Instructional Effective Learning strategy is a instructional Theories guideline on strategies are describe the which instructors based on ways that base their learning theorists believe teaching and theories. E.g : people learn learning Gagne Nine new ideas and approach or Event concepts. methodology on. Information Gagne 4 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 5. The The steps needed to objectives get there. Where we want to The goal be. Information Gagne 5 Goal vs Measurable Type of MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Event Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
  • 6. Developing goals GOAL The course Goals can be Example of a goals are broad lofty ideas, broad course statements of using words or goal: Students what the phrases like will gain a students will be "appreciates" greater able to do when or "shows appreciation for they have leadership traditional completed the ability." music. course. Information Gagne 6 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 7. Writing objectives How can we measure if the user It would be very difficult. That is understand the lesson? why we develop objectives. For example : how to measure if they appreciate history? OBJECTIVES The objectives must be Also called  measurable • learning outcomes specific • measurable objectives you can determine if the goal • behavioral objectives because was achieved. they describe observable behavior rather than knowledge. Information Gagne 7 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 8. GOAL OBJECTIVES • Goals are broad. • Objectives are narrow • Goals are general • objectives are precise. intentions; • objectives are • Goals are intangible; tangible. • Goals are abstract; • objectives are • Goals can't be concrete validated as is;. • objectives can be validated Goals vs Objectives Information Gagne 8 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 9. What is measurable objectives? Measurable The Use verbs objectives objectives describe to the specific instructions include what degree use to about what measures specific the students determine we want the whether or conditions will be able student to (how well or to not we are be able to successful in how many) demonstrate do. mastery of achieving the goal. the task. Information Gagne 9 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 10. Objectives MUST BE clearly written and measurable. They are clear in that the learner knows how they will be measure (condition), what he/she must do (performance) and how well he/she must do it (criterion). The objectives are measurable in that the criterion clearly states the performance level that must be achieved. Measurable Objectives Information Gagne10 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 11. Writing Measurable Objectives Use the big-picture view to understand Wrap their minds ALLOW DEVELOPERS what themes, around the content to TO interactivity and understand its scope engagement strategies can work Logically order the content (this can be Organize the content Ensure that no content done in an into chunks, topics, slips through the instructional analysis lessons, units, cracks which many people modules, etc. don’t do) Communicate the content to clients, Ensure all required subject matter experts content is tested and the development team Information Gagne11 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 12. Writing measurable objectives First, it must be noted that one must consider one’s audience. Second, 1. Performance/Action verbs. An objective always states what a learner is expected to be able to do and/or produce to an be considered competent. objective should 2. Conditions. An objective describes the important conditions (if any) under which the performance is to occur. include the 3. Criteria/Standards. An objective describes the criteria of following: acceptable performance; that is, it says how well someone would have to perform to be considered competent. 4. Audience. End user Information Gagne12 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 13. Example Information Gagne13 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Event Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
  • 14. knowFORBIDDEN WORDSUnderstand Information Gagne14 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 15. Types of Objectives Cognitive : thought or knowledge: "what the student is able to do" (an observable) Three domains and Affective : feelings or choices ensuing type "how the student chooses to act” of objectives include: Psychomotor : physical skills "what the student can perform" Information Gagne15 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 16. Cognitive Domain Use this list to help you express distinct performance expectations you have of your users / students. In general, cognitive competency in a field begins with knowledge level learning and advances up the taxonomy to comprehension, application, and then the higher order skills involved in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation or problem solving. Information Gagne16 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 17. Information Gagne17 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Event Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
  • 18. Verbs Words Use in Cognitive Comprehensi Knowledge Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation on • arrange • characterize • administer • analyze • combine • appraise • define • classify • apply • appraise • compose • argue • duplicate • complete • calculate • categorize • consolidate • assess • know • depict • choose • compare • construct • critique • label • describe • compute • contrast • create • defend • list • discuss • conduct • critique • design • envision • match • establish • demonstrate • diagram • formulate • estimate • memorize • explain • dramatize • differentiate • hypothesize • evaluate • Name • express • employ • discriminate • integrate • examine • order • identify • implement • distinguish • merge • grade • quote • illustrate • interpret • examine • organize • inspect • recognize • locate • operate • experiment • plan • judge • recall • recognize • perform • explore • propose • justify • repeat • report • practice • inventory • synthesize • rank • reproduce • Relate • prescribe • investigate • systematize • rate • restate • review • roleplay • question • theorize • review • retain • sort • sketch • research • unite • value • translate • solve • test • write Information Gagne18 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Event Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
  • 19. Information Gagne19 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Event Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia
  • 20. Affective Domain The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex: Information Gagne Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 21. Psychomotor Domain The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution. The seven major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex: Information Gagne Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 22. Information Gagne22 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 23. 3/6/2012 MID 7133 23 Design by Azmawati Mohd Lazim for masters of E-Learning Students Class of 2012, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
  • 24. Information Design Principles Retrieval • Attention to external stimulus will initially last up to a maximum of 20 minutes.  Keep content small and self-contained.  Chunking or grouping pieces of data into units is a major technique for getting and keeping information in short-term memory; it is also a type of elaboration that will help get information into long-term memory.  Label topics clearly.  Use a template for consistency.  Disclose information in progressive layers.  Each topic has only one learning outcome and have 7 + 3 units of information ( a maximum of 10 screens) Orientation • E-learning material has no physical representation of its organization; there are no covers, chapters, or pages. Provide visual cues through metaphor or color.  Provide a site map, easy backtracking and exit, and a default path. Information Gagne24 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 25. Information Design Principles Presentation •Consider readability and layout. •Reduce clutter; aim for 50% white space. •Distinguish important information. •Use color and graphics appropriately. Be consistent and conservative. •Use color and graphics for clarification and explanation, not for decoration. • When designing the structure, consider the purpose. Encoding design sequentially design hierarchically • Structure each topic to answer one question/learning outcome •Provide several access techniques: menu, index, table of Sequence contents, hypertext links, keyword searches. •Provide multiple entry points and paths to address a variety of learner needs. Information Gagne25 Goal vs Measurable Type of Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 26. Gagne Nine Event Information Gagne26 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 27. Example: Instructional Event Lesson Activity 1.Gain Attention Engaging opening sequence. A space theme is used to play off the new software product's name, STAR. Inspirational music accompanies the opening sequence, which might consist of a shooting star or animated logo. 2. Recall Information Students are called upon to use their prior knowledge of other software applications to understand the basic functionality of the STAR system. They are asked to think about how they start, close, and print from other programs such as their word processor, and it is explained that the STAR system works similarly. 3. Inform Learner of A computer programmer presents students Objective with the following learning outcome immediately after the introduction. Upon completing this lesson you will be able to: list the benefits of the new STAR system. Information Gagne27 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 28. Instructional Event Lesson Activity 4. Present Stimulus Using screen images captured from the live Material application software and audio narration, the training program describes the basic features of the STAR system. After the description, a simple demonstration is performed. 5. Provide Learning With each STAR feature, students are Guidance shown a variety of ways to access it - using short-cut keys on the keyboard, drop-down menus, and button bars. Complex sequences are chunked into short, step-by- step lists for easier storage in long-term memory. 6. Elicit Performance After each function is demonstrated, students are asked to practice with realistic, controlled simulations. Information Gagne28 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 29. Instructional Event Lesson Activity 7. Provide Feedback During the simulations, students are given guidance as needed. If they are performing operations correctly, the simulated STAR system behaves just as the live application would. If the student makes a mistake, the tutorial immediately responds with an audible cue, and a pop-up window explains and reinforces the correct operation. 8. Assess Performance After all lessons are completed, students are required to take a post-test. Mastery is achieved with an 80% or better score. 9. Enhance Retention • A one-page, laminated quick reference card is distributed for further reinforcement of the learning session. • A case study on the application of the software is discussed using the course discussion forum. Information Gagne29 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 30. Gagne Conditions for learning ◦ ontent/eLearning.htm ◦  Apply Gagne Nine Events of Instruction for a specific topic in the Design Template given Information Gagne30 Goal vs Measurable Type of 3/6/2012 MID 7133 Intro Design Nine Objectives Objectives Objectives Principle Event
  • 31. Please prepare your  1 Learning goal for your English Course  10 learning objectives for your English Courseware by referring to the Cognitive Domain element & Blooms taxonomy verbs.  Update your blogs & present it in class. Why you have a ‘date’ with me next week?