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Tegan Arthur
Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones
• The Archers (audio drama)
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
• Lore (documentary/factual)
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
• Soundscapes
Existing Products Research
• The Archers: 09/02/20
• Analysis:
• After just hearing the beginning of the archers I could tell that it wasn't very
engaging, so i only watched about 4 minutes of it.
• At the beginning you could hear the sound effects of horses trotting
• Also there was also a bit of music playing before the characters started to talk
Existing Products Research
• Haunted House Soundscapes
• Analysis:
• I like how all the different effects and music overlap each other really well.
• It gave us a sense as if someone was trying to escape and it also built up tension
throughout the video.
• It also made you feel engaged because you wanted to know what else was going to
happen next
Existing Products Research
• Beach soundscape
• Analysis:
• i think the different sound effects work really well together and it makes you feel
like your really at the beach
• it also has a positive feeling unlike the haunted house which gave you an uneasy
• Also the sound of the birds are very clear which helps it sound like its at the beach
Existing Products Research
• Short Cuts – Beasts
• Analysis:
• After just hearing the beginning of beasts I could tell that it wasn't very engaging,
so i only watched about 4 minutes of it.
• At the beginning there is the sound of a piano in the beginning before the series
starts which kind of grabs your attention
• However when the talking starts the series starts to get a bit boring and it doesn’t
really grab your attention. Therefore I only listened to 4 minutes of it.
• On a moonless night, rose was walking through the pitch-black forest, her
flickering flashlight slowly giving out before she's home. Out of nowhere rain
begins to pour, thunder shouts in the distance and a howl.. A howl from a wolf.
Rose's steps crunched under her, her flashlight giving up. All she could see was
shadows and shapes, and glowing golden eyes that pierced her soul. Rose wanted
to run but she was stuck her body refused to move, the golden eyes got closer, the
sound of heavy growling could be heard. Terror overflowing roses body. She
collapses to the ground to see the last thing of a grey golden furred wolf looking at
her with worry but also hunger. Could this be the end? Is she going to die?
• However she wakes up back in her garden near the campfire next to the forest.
She wonders what bought her back but doesn’t want to think it was the wolf that
brought her back
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Sound Effects:
Leaves Crunching
Twigs breaking
Thunder in the
Hitting a torch
Object hitting the
Bush Rustling
Dark woods with a
gloomy sky with the
effects or dark clouds
passing by
I will have two separate
people to do the voices
of the narrator and the
character within the
Woods to get the sound for twigs snapping and leaves crunching
A quite room so that I can get certain sounds like the wind, hitting sound effect
and rain
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Equipment for
recording audio:
Handheld Audio
Potential Issues:
People become
Places may be
restricted for
certain people to
Working Title: Rose and the Wolf
My target audience is people aged 16+ and aimed at both genders. However I feel like I will be
mostly aimed at girls as the main character is a female. I also think the project would be suitable
for people in the social status C1,C2,D,E because I think that it will be suitable for them to listen
to after college or work, when they have free time. But also, I want them to feel like it's
something they can get engaged in as I know most audio dramas can be very boring. So my aim is
to try and make it as interesting as I can for people around my age but also to try and keep it
within the time limit.
Project Concept
For this project I am making a radio drama and I have been asked to make it like a ghost/scary
story. So I am trying to meet what I have been asked as much as possible. But also try and aim
for a reasonable grade. furthermore, I am also trying to make this audio interesting as I know
many audio dramas can be quite boring. So I am trying to make it suitable for the target audience
but also try and make it meet the criteria. However during my research I learnt how different
sounds are recreated to make a similar and realistic sound effects. I also learnt new skills on a
different software that I haven't used before which was on the software garage band, which I can
use to make some tunes for my audio project to help maybe recreate some sounds or to make
background music that runs through the full audio.
on Blogger
Script Draft
Intro and Background Music: some low piano sounds maybe even a few high piano sounds
in certain areas to
Narrator: *introduces the scene*
On a moonless night, rose was walking through the pitch-black forest, her
flickering flashlight slowly giving out before she's home.
Rose: "Don’t give up on me now"
Narrator: Out of nowhere rain begins to pour, thunder shouts in the distance and a howl..
A howl from a wolf. Rose's steps crunched under her, her flashlight giving up. All she could
see was shadows and shapes, and glowing golden eyes that pierced her soul.
Rose: *slowly starting to panick* "Hello is anyone there"
Narrator: Rose wanted to run but she was stuck her body refused to move, the
golden eyes got closer, the sound of heavy growling could be heard. Terror overflowing
roses body. She collapses to the ground to see the last thing of a grey golden furred wolf
looking at her with worry but also hunger. Could this be the end? Is she going to die?
Script Final
• Intro and Background Music: some low piano sounds maybe even a few high piano
sounds in certain areas.
• Narrator: *introduces the scene*
• On a misty moonless night rose was walking through the pitch-black forest
stumbling every step of the way while whacking her fading flashlight before she's
even home. twigs snapping, leaves crunching and wind blowing – done recording
• Rose: "Don’t give up on me now"
• Narrator: Out of nowhere rain and thunder rumble and pour while in the distance
a howl... A howl from a nearby wolf. Roses steps crunched the fallen bronze leaves
under her every stride, her flashlight giving out and returning rose to darkness. All
rose could see now was the dancing shadows of the night while a pair of golden
eyes pierces her soul. Howling, Twigs snapping, tapping of the rain, leaves
crunching, wind blowing, sound of thunder in the distance
• Rose: *slowly starting to panic* "Hello is anyone there" Heavy Breathing
• Rose: "Don’t die on me, I just put fresh batteries" Hitting the torch
Script Final Slide 2
• Rustling in the bush
• Rose: "hello"
• Narrator: The piercing golden eyes appeared through what seemed to be a bush,
rose wanted to move, her brain screamed run, but her body stayed frozen. The
eyes... the golden eyes got closer the sound of heavy growling was able to be
heard. Terror overflowing roses body.
• Rose: "P-p-please don’t hurt me" Heavy breathing and trembling
• Narrator: Roses conscience began to fade, her body collapsing to the ground. The
last thing she sees is the hunger and worry of the golden grey eyes of a furred
wolf. Could this be the end? Growling, object hitting the ground.
• Narrator: Moments later rose awakes in her garden confused and dazed
• Rose: *waking up in shock* " where am I? why am I back in the garden? Was I
carried here?"
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Twigs Breaking Go to a field or small woods and pick up
some twigs and break them
Howling From a person making the noise
Starting to panick Heavy Breathing
Rain Water from a tap
Thunder in the distance Using an object to create a bang sound to
create the same effect as thunder
Wind Blowing
Leaves Crunching Leaves and break them up
Bush rustling Use a bush in the garden and just shake it
to make the rustling sound
Actor Role Location for recording
Ollie Sound Effects Park, Home, Garden
Myself Sound Effects Park, Home, Garden
Jackson Sound Effects Home
Jess Sound Effects Home, Woods
Olivia and Jess Narrator/ Voice Home
I will make my music using beepbox as I find this easy to use and it doesn’t take too
long to create something on it. It is also easy to export the file with the music on
without having to click a bunch of things to export the file. So therefore I will be using
beepbox to create my music for my audio project. However if something was to go
wrong with beepbox or I decide not to use it, I may use garage band, or I may get
some tunes from the internet that are copyright free.
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Twigs n/a Sound of twigs breaking
Leaves n/a Sound of leaves being stepped on
A person n/a Sound of heavy breathing and
howling and wind
Water from a tap n/a To create the sound of rain
A person or a fan n/a To create a blowing sound for the
Daily Reflection Day 1
• I have managed to get most of the recordings I needed for my project. However
when getting these recordings it was quite difficult as I used my brother to help
me but things didn’t go as I wanted. So I managed to get as much audio as possible
and we did some sound effects and the narration part of the script.
• Also when doing the recordings we did it twice so that if one wasn’t right I could
always use the second recording of the same thing.
• However because I still need recordings I will book some equipment out again so I
can get some more recordings.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• I have started to put the recordings together and cut out the bits I don’t need
however, I feel like there is something still missing within the audio. But I will need
to put more of the audio together to know exactly what it is I need. So I might
book some equipment out again depending on what else I need for my audio as I
am trying to at least achieve a merit but would be happier trying to get a
Daily Reflection Day 3
• I have put all the audio clips together, however is doesn’t reach 3 minutes, so I am
going to create and intro and outro sound to help make the audio last longer. But I
still have some sound effects to add such as the thunder and rain which I will do
on premier pro. This is to help it play across the full audio.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• Furthermore, I have done some more recording and edited the narration part to
help make the audio longer and I have also added more part for the character to
help increase the length of the audio. I also created on beepbox a tune to go
throughout the audio to help give it an uneasy feeling.
• However, I also managed to get the rain sound effects and add them to the audio
without having to go on premier pro. So now I have placed everything in the right
place I'm going to review it a couple of times to make sure everything seems right
and make sure that I am happy with it so I can export it and put it on my blogger.
• When doing research for this project there were some good and bad things about
it. The good things about it is that it gave you an understanding on how each
sound can create an image and story just by using sounds.
• However the bad thing about the research is that some of the audio I listened
to were quite boring because they didn’t really become interesting and because
they were boring it was quite hard to talk about them in much detail.
• I think the things that I could have possible improved is that I could have possible
listen to more audio dramas to help get a better understanding on how the sounds
could be created, who the target audience is etc. And if I did this improvement it
could have affected my product by making me improve my sound effects in my
audio project.
• When it came to planning there was some difficulties but there was also some
good things too. The difficulties I had with the planning is that I struggled to try
and create a story for the final piece. However once I wrote the story ready to
make it into a script, I knew what I needed to do. The good thing about the
planning was that when i knew what the story was I knew what I needed to get
and what to do to create the sounds effects to work well with the final piece. I
knew the types of places to use to help me create these sound effects.
• However if I was to improve the planning, I would improve the script and make it a
little longer so that I can help make it more interesting than it already is. If I did
this improvement it would increase the time length of the audio but also it would
help include more sound effects to help, make it more interesting.
Time Management
• When doing and completing this project and after starting on it a little later than
everyone else I think I have managed my time well as I have managed to complete
everything on time. However if I was to have additional time on this project I
would try and do some more research and improve my planning so that I could
aim for the higher grades. But also to help make my final piece more interesting
and add more of a range of sound effects.
• However towards the end of the project I did end up losing most of my
audio work, so I had to spend a day trying to recover it and make sure everything
was back to normal. This did take some time away but I have managed to
complete everything on time. But my only concern is that it might not be as good
as when I first created it as more time was put into it.
Technical Qualities
When reviewing my project compared to other pieces of audio dramas and
horror stories, I think that it does have its similarities and differences. So when
comparing my work to "The Archers" on the BBC website, I think that my audio
isn't full of that much detail like the archers, this is because it isn't just full of
characters talking like the archers is, I think my project is split equally between
sound and characters talking. But because the archers is just mainly talking and
not really sound as well, therefore in my opinion it makes this audio drama
boring. But the similarities between this audio drama and my project is that they
both start off with sound whether that’s a sound effect or background music. But
this is really the only similarity I can find between the two audio however there
are a lot of differences.
However when comparing my audio to a horror such as "Haunted House
Soundscapes", I think that this audio is full of more detail than "The Archers"
even though it is just sound effects and when comparing it to my audio I think
that it does have more detail than mine but I think that’s because the use of
sound effects kind of tell the story rather than using people to create the story.
However the similarities between my audio and the haunted house is that they
both have some sort of tension in them, but my audio is split between sound
effects and audio whereas the haunted house is mainly sound effects to build up
the tension.
Technical Qualities
• Furthermore, when creating my audio I did use foley to create my sound effects so
that the sound effects were close enough to sounding realistic. So to get these
sounds I used the resources at home and college such as the part and the hallway
to give it an echo effect, a book to make the collapsing sound effect. These were
quite difficult to get but I managed to work around the problems to get them. But I
recorded them all using the audio recorder, this was since it was an audio project
but also it because the audio would be produced better and have netter quality.
Aural Qualities
When reviweing my project overall I think the audio sounds good. I think in
its own way its creative because the music in the background was created by
myself and not a tune used from a website. However I do think it needs
improving in some areas, I think that if I was to impove it I would include
more sound effects and maybe more talking from the character to help make
it more interesting and engaging.But the parts I like in the audio is how the
music in the background turned out because tried to aim for low notes and
make it have that slight dark feeling, but it goes really well with the rest of
the audio.
The strengths withing the audio is probably the narration part as there isnt
justsimple things being said but there isnt too much being said either, so I
think what gets told is a reasonable amount. However the weaknesses within
the audio is probably the sound effects as I feel there isnt enough to help
make the audio interesting. But I do have to consider that this is my first time
for making an audio so there will be quite a lot of improvements.
Audience Appeal
When looking at my project I think to some extent it appeals to the target
audience because of the type of story it is, such as how the girl and wolf meet, I
think that this part is what catches the audience's attention from the rest of the
audio. But I do think that the audio will need to be improved to make sure it
fully appeals to the target audience. Since I feel like it's still missing something
to help make it better and engaging for the audience.

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Audio Powerpoint

  • 2. Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones below. • The Archers (audio drama) • • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) • • Lore (documentary/factual) • • Doctor Who (audio drama) • • Soundscapes • • • DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN DONE
  • 3. Existing Products Research • The Archers: 09/02/20 • Analysis: • After just hearing the beginning of the archers I could tell that it wasn't very engaging, so i only watched about 4 minutes of it. • At the beginning you could hear the sound effects of horses trotting • Also there was also a bit of music playing before the characters started to talk
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Haunted House Soundscapes • Analysis: • I like how all the different effects and music overlap each other really well. • It gave us a sense as if someone was trying to escape and it also built up tension throughout the video. • It also made you feel engaged because you wanted to know what else was going to happen next
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Beach soundscape • Analysis: • i think the different sound effects work really well together and it makes you feel like your really at the beach • it also has a positive feeling unlike the haunted house which gave you an uneasy feeling • Also the sound of the birds are very clear which helps it sound like its at the beach
  • 6. Existing Products Research • Short Cuts – Beasts • Analysis: • After just hearing the beginning of beasts I could tell that it wasn't very engaging, so i only watched about 4 minutes of it. • At the beginning there is the sound of a piano in the beginning before the series starts which kind of grabs your attention • However when the talking starts the series starts to get a bit boring and it doesn’t really grab your attention. Therefore I only listened to 4 minutes of it.
  • 7. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 9. Story • On a moonless night, rose was walking through the pitch-black forest, her flickering flashlight slowly giving out before she's home. Out of nowhere rain begins to pour, thunder shouts in the distance and a howl.. A howl from a wolf. Rose's steps crunched under her, her flashlight giving up. All she could see was shadows and shapes, and glowing golden eyes that pierced her soul. Rose wanted to run but she was stuck her body refused to move, the golden eyes got closer, the sound of heavy growling could be heard. Terror overflowing roses body. She collapses to the ground to see the last thing of a grey golden furred wolf looking at her with worry but also hunger. Could this be the end? Is she going to die? • However she wakes up back in her garden near the campfire next to the forest. She wonders what bought her back but doesn’t want to think it was the wolf that brought her back
  • 10. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Sound Effects: Howling Leaves Crunching Twigs breaking Rain Wind Thunder in the distance Hitting a torch Object hitting the ground Bush Rustling Background: Dark woods with a gloomy sky with the effects or dark clouds passing by I will have two separate people to do the voices of the narrator and the character within the story Places: Woods to get the sound for twigs snapping and leaves crunching A quite room so that I can get certain sounds like the wind, hitting sound effect and rain
  • 11. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Equipment for recording audio: Handheld Audio Recorder Earphones Potential Issues: People become unavailable Weather Places may be restricted for certain people to use
  • 12. Proposal Working Title: Rose and the Wolf Audience: My target audience is people aged 16+ and aimed at both genders. However I feel like I will be mostly aimed at girls as the main character is a female. I also think the project would be suitable for people in the social status C1,C2,D,E because I think that it will be suitable for them to listen to after college or work, when they have free time. But also, I want them to feel like it's something they can get engaged in as I know most audio dramas can be very boring. So my aim is to try and make it as interesting as I can for people around my age but also to try and keep it within the time limit. Project Concept For this project I am making a radio drama and I have been asked to make it like a ghost/scary story. So I am trying to meet what I have been asked as much as possible. But also try and aim for a reasonable grade. furthermore, I am also trying to make this audio interesting as I know many audio dramas can be quite boring. So I am trying to make it suitable for the target audience but also try and make it meet the criteria. However during my research I learnt how different sounds are recreated to make a similar and realistic sound effects. I also learnt new skills on a different software that I haven't used before which was on the software garage band, which I can use to make some tunes for my audio project to help maybe recreate some sounds or to make background music that runs through the full audio.
  • 15. Script Draft Intro and Background Music: some low piano sounds maybe even a few high piano sounds in certain areas to Narrator: *introduces the scene* On a moonless night, rose was walking through the pitch-black forest, her flickering flashlight slowly giving out before she's home. Rose: "Don’t give up on me now" Narrator: Out of nowhere rain begins to pour, thunder shouts in the distance and a howl.. A howl from a wolf. Rose's steps crunched under her, her flashlight giving up. All she could see was shadows and shapes, and glowing golden eyes that pierced her soul. Rose: *slowly starting to panick* "Hello is anyone there" Narrator: Rose wanted to run but she was stuck her body refused to move, the golden eyes got closer, the sound of heavy growling could be heard. Terror overflowing roses body. She collapses to the ground to see the last thing of a grey golden furred wolf looking at her with worry but also hunger. Could this be the end? Is she going to die?
  • 16. Script Final • Intro and Background Music: some low piano sounds maybe even a few high piano sounds in certain areas. • Narrator: *introduces the scene* • On a misty moonless night rose was walking through the pitch-black forest stumbling every step of the way while whacking her fading flashlight before she's even home. twigs snapping, leaves crunching and wind blowing – done recording • Rose: "Don’t give up on me now" • Narrator: Out of nowhere rain and thunder rumble and pour while in the distance a howl... A howl from a nearby wolf. Roses steps crunched the fallen bronze leaves under her every stride, her flashlight giving out and returning rose to darkness. All rose could see now was the dancing shadows of the night while a pair of golden eyes pierces her soul. Howling, Twigs snapping, tapping of the rain, leaves crunching, wind blowing, sound of thunder in the distance • Rose: *slowly starting to panic* "Hello is anyone there" Heavy Breathing • Rose: "Don’t die on me, I just put fresh batteries" Hitting the torch
  • 17. Script Final Slide 2 • Rustling in the bush • Rose: "hello" • Narrator: The piercing golden eyes appeared through what seemed to be a bush, rose wanted to move, her brain screamed run, but her body stayed frozen. The eyes... the golden eyes got closer the sound of heavy growling was able to be heard. Terror overflowing roses body. • Rose: "P-p-please don’t hurt me" Heavy breathing and trembling • Narrator: Roses conscience began to fade, her body collapsing to the ground. The last thing she sees is the hunger and worry of the golden grey eyes of a furred wolf. Could this be the end? Growling, object hitting the ground. • Narrator: Moments later rose awakes in her garden confused and dazed • Rose: *waking up in shock* " where am I? why am I back in the garden? Was I carried here?"
  • 18. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Twigs Breaking Go to a field or small woods and pick up some twigs and break them Howling From a person making the noise Starting to panick Heavy Breathing Rain Water from a tap Thunder in the distance Using an object to create a bang sound to create the same effect as thunder Wind Blowing Leaves Crunching Leaves and break them up Bush rustling Use a bush in the garden and just shake it to make the rustling sound
  • 19. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Ollie Sound Effects Park, Home, Garden Myself Sound Effects Park, Home, Garden Jackson Sound Effects Home Jess Sound Effects Home, Woods Olivia and Jess Narrator/ Voice Home
  • 20. Music I will make my music using beepbox as I find this easy to use and it doesn’t take too long to create something on it. It is also easy to export the file with the music on without having to click a bunch of things to export the file. So therefore I will be using beepbox to create my music for my audio project. However if something was to go wrong with beepbox or I decide not to use it, I may use garage band, or I may get some tunes from the internet that are copyright free.
  • 21. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Twigs n/a Sound of twigs breaking Leaves n/a Sound of leaves being stepped on A person n/a Sound of heavy breathing and howling and wind Water from a tap n/a To create the sound of rain A person or a fan n/a To create a blowing sound for the wind
  • 23. Daily Reflection Day 1 • I have managed to get most of the recordings I needed for my project. However when getting these recordings it was quite difficult as I used my brother to help me but things didn’t go as I wanted. So I managed to get as much audio as possible and we did some sound effects and the narration part of the script. • Also when doing the recordings we did it twice so that if one wasn’t right I could always use the second recording of the same thing. • However because I still need recordings I will book some equipment out again so I can get some more recordings.
  • 24. Daily Reflection Day 2 • I have started to put the recordings together and cut out the bits I don’t need however, I feel like there is something still missing within the audio. But I will need to put more of the audio together to know exactly what it is I need. So I might book some equipment out again depending on what else I need for my audio as I am trying to at least achieve a merit but would be happier trying to get a distinction.
  • 25. Daily Reflection Day 3 • I have put all the audio clips together, however is doesn’t reach 3 minutes, so I am going to create and intro and outro sound to help make the audio last longer. But I still have some sound effects to add such as the thunder and rain which I will do on premier pro. This is to help it play across the full audio.
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 4 • Furthermore, I have done some more recording and edited the narration part to help make the audio longer and I have also added more part for the character to help increase the length of the audio. I also created on beepbox a tune to go throughout the audio to help give it an uneasy feeling. • However, I also managed to get the rain sound effects and add them to the audio without having to go on premier pro. So now I have placed everything in the right place I'm going to review it a couple of times to make sure everything seems right and make sure that I am happy with it so I can export it and put it on my blogger.
  • 28. Research • When doing research for this project there were some good and bad things about it. The good things about it is that it gave you an understanding on how each sound can create an image and story just by using sounds. • However the bad thing about the research is that some of the audio I listened to were quite boring because they didn’t really become interesting and because they were boring it was quite hard to talk about them in much detail. • I think the things that I could have possible improved is that I could have possible listen to more audio dramas to help get a better understanding on how the sounds could be created, who the target audience is etc. And if I did this improvement it could have affected my product by making me improve my sound effects in my audio project.
  • 29. Planning • When it came to planning there was some difficulties but there was also some good things too. The difficulties I had with the planning is that I struggled to try and create a story for the final piece. However once I wrote the story ready to make it into a script, I knew what I needed to do. The good thing about the planning was that when i knew what the story was I knew what I needed to get and what to do to create the sounds effects to work well with the final piece. I knew the types of places to use to help me create these sound effects. • However if I was to improve the planning, I would improve the script and make it a little longer so that I can help make it more interesting than it already is. If I did this improvement it would increase the time length of the audio but also it would help include more sound effects to help, make it more interesting.
  • 30. Time Management • When doing and completing this project and after starting on it a little later than everyone else I think I have managed my time well as I have managed to complete everything on time. However if I was to have additional time on this project I would try and do some more research and improve my planning so that I could aim for the higher grades. But also to help make my final piece more interesting and add more of a range of sound effects. • However towards the end of the project I did end up losing most of my audio work, so I had to spend a day trying to recover it and make sure everything was back to normal. This did take some time away but I have managed to complete everything on time. But my only concern is that it might not be as good as when I first created it as more time was put into it.
  • 31. Technical Qualities When reviewing my project compared to other pieces of audio dramas and horror stories, I think that it does have its similarities and differences. So when comparing my work to "The Archers" on the BBC website, I think that my audio isn't full of that much detail like the archers, this is because it isn't just full of characters talking like the archers is, I think my project is split equally between sound and characters talking. But because the archers is just mainly talking and not really sound as well, therefore in my opinion it makes this audio drama boring. But the similarities between this audio drama and my project is that they both start off with sound whether that’s a sound effect or background music. But this is really the only similarity I can find between the two audio however there are a lot of differences. However when comparing my audio to a horror such as "Haunted House Soundscapes", I think that this audio is full of more detail than "The Archers" even though it is just sound effects and when comparing it to my audio I think that it does have more detail than mine but I think that’s because the use of sound effects kind of tell the story rather than using people to create the story. However the similarities between my audio and the haunted house is that they both have some sort of tension in them, but my audio is split between sound effects and audio whereas the haunted house is mainly sound effects to build up the tension.
  • 32. Technical Qualities • Furthermore, when creating my audio I did use foley to create my sound effects so that the sound effects were close enough to sounding realistic. So to get these sounds I used the resources at home and college such as the part and the hallway to give it an echo effect, a book to make the collapsing sound effect. These were quite difficult to get but I managed to work around the problems to get them. But I recorded them all using the audio recorder, this was since it was an audio project but also it because the audio would be produced better and have netter quality.
  • 33. Aural Qualities When reviweing my project overall I think the audio sounds good. I think in its own way its creative because the music in the background was created by myself and not a tune used from a website. However I do think it needs improving in some areas, I think that if I was to impove it I would include more sound effects and maybe more talking from the character to help make it more interesting and engaging.But the parts I like in the audio is how the music in the background turned out because tried to aim for low notes and make it have that slight dark feeling, but it goes really well with the rest of the audio. The strengths withing the audio is probably the narration part as there isnt justsimple things being said but there isnt too much being said either, so I think what gets told is a reasonable amount. However the weaknesses within the audio is probably the sound effects as I feel there isnt enough to help make the audio interesting. But I do have to consider that this is my first time for making an audio so there will be quite a lot of improvements.
  • 34. Audience Appeal When looking at my project I think to some extent it appeals to the target audience because of the type of story it is, such as how the girl and wolf meet, I think that this part is what catches the audience's attention from the rest of the audio. But I do think that the audio will need to be improved to make sure it fully appeals to the target audience. Since I feel like it's still missing something to help make it better and engaging for the audience.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  7. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  8. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  9. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  13. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  15. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  16. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  17. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  18. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.