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Attention Grabberbullying
Catrinel Berevoescu #2
Period 1/2
To Be Bullied
(Topic Sentence) Anyone can be bullied. (Background Info) It is the late 1980s, and Jamie Nabozny goes to middle school in a small town in
Wisconsin. Because of his sexual orientation, he is constantly being bullied and teased. The situation soon escalates to physical violence, which
almost makes him commit suicide. He even runs away several times, to try to escape the bullies at his school. (Attention Grabber) One day Jamie is
kicked and beaten so badly that he had to be rushed to the hospital. He told no one what happened because he was terrified the bullies would act upon
their threat–, "if you tell anyone, I'll kill you". In court, when he files a lawsuit, he tells the judge about the situation, that he had kept so private for so
long. (Thesis Statement) The Bullied documentary more content...
B One day, Jamie is put to the test. The bullies repeatedly kicked him, leaving Nabozny with severe wounds. By doing so, he has to be hospitalized.
However, even after this incident, this moment haunts his memories for the rest of his life. C Many others would bend under the strain of standing
up to the injustice, but Jamie didn't give in. After feeling too horribly abused, Jamie runs away to seek asylum at a community center in the city.
Jamie reaches out to people who give him encouragement and valuable advice to seek a lawsuit against the school that had denied to acknowledge or
support Nabozny through his horrible school years. D Jamie's experience inspired others to never give in to bullies. Jamies story not only told others
of his experience, but to press charges against whomever is bullying you can really aid. Jamie's actions promoted the message that anyone who are
victims of discrimination and injustice must fight to have their voices heard, and take the necessary steps to solve the
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I.Introduction a.Attention grabber (The internet becomes increasingly more commonplace in homes across the world) b.Background (the Internet
negatively impacts critical thinking skills, a position that can also be backed up with credible evidence. Although technology has allowed humans to
find information quicker and multi–task, it has also caused the loss of ability to completely process information). Cover this for both stakeholders.
c.Thesis (The internet is causing damage to a critical thinking, where others believe that its an important part of every person's lifestyles). This
should offer the problem. II.1st body paragraph (should contain at least 10 sentences or a 1/3 of the page) a.Topic sentence (On one side of this
issue lie those who believe the Internet improves critical thinking skills, a position that is supported by ample evidence1 sentence). The first
stakeholder (Parents and schools). b.The stakeholder's belief (For the Pew Internet report in 2010, about 900 technology experts were interviewed, 75
percent of whom agreed that the Internet can develop our reading and writing skills as well as our overall knowledge) c.Research, quote or
paraphrase, that support's stakeholder's belief (Brain scans generated from a UCLA study further emphasize this position. In this study, 24 adults, ages
55–78 years old, were divided into two groups of 12. One group was comprised of those who commonly used the Internet and the other group was
comprised of those who
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Good morning/Afternoon, I'm Tarryn and today I'm going to talk to you about personal identity. Identity is what makes us who we are, everyone has a
different identity. Without identity we wouldn't be human because everyone needs one to exist. Ouridentity is changing as we progress through life and
as we experience new and different things. The texts that I've looked at are "Frankenstein", the graphic novel by Gris Grimly, published in 2013, is an
adaptation of Mary Shelley's original text, about a scientist who creates a 'monster' who he's ashamed of and leaves the 'monster' with no knowledge
of anything about himself or the world. My second text is "Edward Scissorhands", a film directed by Tim Burton and released in 1990, which is
about a man created by a scientist who dies before he can entirely finish his creation and must live his life with scissors as hands. From these texts, I
am going to be talking about how our journey through life changes our identity and how others can affect our identity.
As we progress through life, our identity changes. We are always moving through life so our identity never stays the same, along with our identity
changing so do our views and beliefs. In Gris Grimly's graphic novel, "Frankenstein", we are presented with a young intelligent Victor Frankenstein, as
we progress through the novel, we see his dark interests and intent begin to show. Page 19 presents Victor
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Informative Speech On Procrastination
A.Attention Getter: So I'm pretty sure everyone here has had an important assignment to complete before like a project or essay. And most of us
usually plan it out where we do a portion of it every day. For example, something like this chart here. But then the next thing you know, the deadline is
fast approaching and you still haven't come close to completing your assignment. And we end up somewhere like this. Well, I believe that we can all
relate to this and we have all done this to ourselves before. I'm talking about procrastination.
B.Social Significance: For many of us, procrastination is a strong and inexplicable force that prevents us from completing our important and urgent
tasks. It's like the same thing when you bring the more content...
b. The limbic system is one of the oldest and dominate parts of our brain, and it's always on automatically (Spencer 2014). It tells you to put your
hand away from fire, and to run away from undesirable tasks. It tells you to go for immediate mood repair says, Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., apsychology
professor from Carleton University. The prefrontal cortex is a newer and weaker part of our brain. It's the part that allows us to process information
and make decisions. This is also what separates us humans from animals, who just follow their stimulus, says Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., author from
Procrastinators Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastinators Puzzle. But this part of our brain isn't turned on automatically. For it to
function, we have to switch it on ourselves (Spencer 2014). We have to actually sit down and do our homework, project, or whatever assignment we
need to actually complete. And the moment you aren't working on your task, your limbic system takes over and you give in to what feels good, you
start procrastinating (Spencer 2014).
Transition: Afterlearning about the science behind procrastination, I want to talk about why we procrastinate.
B.Main Point 2: Why do we procrastinate?
a.In the Washington Post article: The Real Reasons You Procrastinate, Swanson tells us, psychologists believe in a concept called the "present and
future self." It's basically the idea that even though we know we are the same
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LASIK Eye Surgery Essay
Nowadays, different options for correcting vision problems are available. LASIK eye surgery is one of these options that is a procedure done on the
cornea; the clear part in front of the eye. This procedure tends to reduce the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and provide excellent vision.
LASIK has been proposed as the perfect way to provide excellent vision without the need for glasses. Furthermore, some advantages have been
emphasised such as the shortness of procedure duration time and the immediate noticeable excellent results. However, there are serious complications
can be occur by this procedure. This essay will argue that LASIK eye surgery is not the best way to provide improved vision with the freedom of
glasses more content...
This certainly indicates that LASIK is not the best treatment due to the high possibility of scaring the cornea permanently as a result of such
complication. Furthermore, the second step, which is performed by using excimer laser to reshape the corneal structure by removing tissues to correct
the refractive errors, can cause other serious complications. The most serious complication is corneal ectasia which means that the cornea bulges from
the surface due to the weakness and thinning of the layers as a result of corneal tissue ablation. Guttman (2008) points out that the relationship between
changes in corneal hysteresis increased with greater ablation depth. This indicates that ablation of corneal tissue is the main reason in reducing corneal
resistance which as a result can cause ectasia. In this case the only available solution is corneal transplant which can cause further complications by
itself. On the other hand, ortho–k is a safer alternative treatment which will provide patients with a good vision and freedom from any visual aids
without such complications. This process uses contact lenses that reshape corneal structure during sleeping time. This treatment considered to be safer
because of its effect on the cornea. It is reversible, so, if any complication appears, stoping the contact lens will be sufficient because the eyes will soon
resume their normal condition (Cho et
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Attention Grabber: Got Education
Introduction: I. Attention Grabber: Got Education? School is a have too, not a want too! You must be educated to do anything in life. II. Thesis:
Today, I am going to tell you about my struggles at school and how I have overcome them. III. Preview of Main Points: I continue to struggle with
reading and oral communication, but I am prevailing over my difficulties. Body: I.I struggle with reading. Big words slow me down when I am
reading information for school. It takes me a little longer than other students to read an assignment or test. A, I practice my reading–by–reading
non–school books. My favorite type of books are action books, for example The Hunger Games. B, and ask questions when I don't understand.
Transition: I struggle with
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Essay Video Games Speech Outline
Persuasive Speech Outline
Matt King
CMST 220
Video Game Speech
* Attention grabber/introduction – Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the
same princess who gets caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you're anything like me you have tried all of these. Of course not literally but I'm sure
you have all played a video game that has let you do something crazy and exciting you couldn't normally do. * Can I get a show of hands of anyone
who has ever played a video game before or watched someone play one? All of you, I know I have? Video games are a huge entertainment activity for
people of all ages. * I have done extensive hours of video more content...
* Transition – However, there is a solution... * Internal preview – We will take a look at how video games really can be beneficial to you. * Solution–
Video games in moderation can improve human functions and creativity. * Main point #1– Improve health functions in people. *
Hand–eye–coordination is improved just as playing actual sports, video games played as children promote learning. * Video games violent or not reduce
actual teen violence. * Main Point #2 – social benefits can come from playing video games. * Kids can interact with children too far away to
communicate with face to face. * Children can develop self–esteem and new friends who enjoy the same activities that they do. * Internal Summary –
So as you can see, the accusations against video games are relatively all false if moderated. * Transition – Now that you know what the actual results
of playing video games are, let's take a look at what the future holds for the gamers. * Visualization – Video games are a great way to pass time,
connect with others who enjoy similar games as you, and meet new friends through networking and similarities. * Main Point #1 – Video game
approval and relevancy. * Video games could be incorporated into people's values and parents attention just as normal sports are. * Video games are a
great past time that are fun for everyone. * Main point #2 – education benefits of video games. * Video games could
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Suicide Speech Outline Essay
Speech Outline
Specific Purpose: To aware people about suicide and help them to find out if someone could be living this awful situation. By being aware all of us
could save lives in danger.
Attention Getter: Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. surpassed by accidents and homicide. (According to Centers for Diseases Control
and Prevention)
Statement of Significance: Suicide or "self–killing" or "an act of taking one's own life" according to Robert M. Martin. Now committing suicide is
very common in nowadays anyone could be in danger of doing it, your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, and aunt could be going through this hard
stage. I will tell you the main causes of suicide, the signs more content...
2.Having some personal issues is also a main cause of suicide such as being sexually abuse, homosexual preferences, and self– identity and a trauma
(according to Edwin Shneidman) which includes poor health, example asthma, obesity, and multiple illness .
Transition: Now you know the main causes why do people commit suicide, now let's see the sings of a suicidal person and methods of suicide.
II. Sings of a suicidal person and methods
1.The suicidal signs are easy to identify, and if you identify them early enough you could save a person's live that could be in danger.
2.According to the website here are the signs of a suicidal person
* talking about suicide or death in general
* talking about "going away"
* referring to things they "won't be needing" or giving away possessions
* talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
* pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
* having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
* having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
* experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
* engaging in self–destructive behavior (for ex. drinking, drugs, or cutting)
B. Methods
1. Top 10 suicidal methods according to
10. Drowning 5. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation
9. Electric shock 4. Poison
8. Bleeding to
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Relationships created with others have often a direct effect on your very own personal identity. In Tim Brian's "On the Rainy River," he tells
about his experiences and how his relationship with an elderly man affected his life so dramatically. It is hard for anyone to rely on their own
personal experiences fully when there are other people who have experienced different acts them their self. It takes knowledge and experience of
others to help you learn and build from them to create your own personal identity. In the essay, O'Brien speaks about his experiences with an elderly
man by the name of Elroy Berdahl, the owner of the Tip Top Fishing Lodge; the lodge he stays at while finding himself. The experiences O'Brien has
while at the more content...
When something wrong happens to you, your paretns are there to quickly correct t and show you that the action was not obliged by. But, they can
only teach so much, they do their best to the exent of their knowledge, ub tsome thnigs we have to learn on our own. That's what makes us human,
and we learn from our mistakes and grow fro it. THe many thng you gain from your parents are often carried on wth you throughout your life and
will be passed around to other people and younger generations. You also are greatly influence the people you surround yourslef by. Such as certain
famly members, friends, and other peer groups. Your personality is helped bythese from ed aspects. THe type of friends you have are a major
influence on your personal identity. You often try to fin into the group. They motivaste you to do certain things and actin sometimes uncomfortable
ways which take a toll on your physical identity. Like how you look and dress; the way you act around people and treat them. The afffcrt of the
your your firedns have on your ;ersonal identites is at the same amout your paretndo. THey can teach you moral values and tell you when you are
doing sometinh wrogn. Alos often the more friends you ahve can form the type of person you are such as you how you act. if you have more friends
you are generally a more open person and it is esy for you to communicate with others. If you have less
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Persuasive Speech: Corporal Punishment
Topic: Should Corporal Punishment be used by parents on young children?
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: I want to persuade my audience that corporal punishment should not be a way of punishment and to use other effective punishments.
Thesis Statement: Corporal punishment tends to perpetuate a cycle of child abuse.
Introduction I.Attention Grabber: "Corporal punishment is the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not
injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child's behavior." (Cope, Kristin, C. "The Age of Discipline: The Relevance of Age to the
Reasonableness of Corporal Punishment" Law & Contemporary Problems." more content...
A. Society has come to census that anything not severely hurting child is acceptable
1. Many adults not able to recognize power compared to young child
a. what parent believes to be light spank has potential to leave bruises on child
b. loses effectiveness if too light of force– gradually increases force. 2. generally used when parent is angry– no stable mental state of action B. high
risk for –behavior disorder, anxiety, depression, &hopelessness
1. "Results on research indicated that participants' evaluations of their parents' corporal punishment as threatening was more important than the actual
frequency of corporal punishment in determining adolescent mental health, and were significantly associated with the mental health measures after
controlling for other elements of parenting"( Mulvaney, Matthew).
1. "corporal punishment has negative effect on child's intelligence level"
( Science Daily, University of Toronto, 2013).
2. children aged two to four who were spanked had IQ scores on average five points lower than children who were not spanked in the same age group.
C. Corporal punishment directly associated with suicide attempts, alcoholism, &drug
Abuse. (Clymo, Philippa.) D. (Warrant by Cause) As you can see, in most cases parents believe they aren't
Harming their children, they are teaching them a lesson but they can potentially be harming them by causing them to develop mental
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Informative Speech On Education
I.Attention Grabber: Everyone has someone that they look up to. For some it's celebrities, parents, or tall friends.
II.Introduce the Topic: For me, it's always been teachers. The inspiration I gained from them as a child formed my need to be one as an adult.
Teaching is the one thing I've found that I enjoy and I'm good at.
III.Connect to Audience: I was always the teacher's pet. All throughout elementaryschool, I would wave and tell teachers, "Good morning!" I wonder
now if my squeaky voice ever annoyed anyone. But as a child, I loved learning.
IV.Build Credibility: I'm taking a lot ofeducation classes to determine whether or not teaching what I really want to do. Overall, I've found that the
more I'm exposed to the field of education the more I love it.
V.Preview Main Points: Throughout the interviewing process, I was able to gain insight into my career goals, the role ofcommunication in education,
and my own communication skills.
I.First Main Point: Within the last few months, I finally decided what I want to do with my life after college.
a.Sub–Point: Before that, all I could think of was a blank slate. I mean, I didn't know what was going to happen. I decided to get a master's degree
because getting a masters' degree allows me to start at Tier II in the state of Kentucky, which results in a higher salary. I wanted to ensure that I had an
edge on other teachers, because most teachers are female, making for stiff job competition. According to the
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Essay about Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world.
Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is
all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and
solutions for this issue.
Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the
heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most more content...
American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean
and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people
continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one.
They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves.
The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams,
lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies
pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal
dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not
to return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not
only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth
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Attention Grabber: How I Am A 19 Year Old Girl
Attention Grabber: According to, a cat will sleep for about 70% of its life. That is about 16 hours a day. What are they're doing those 8
hours of consciousness? Probably running down the hallway like a wild herd of elephants at 3 in the morning.
Topic Discloser: Today, I am going to tell you how I, a 19 year old girl, is similar to a domestic housecat.
Preview: During my speech, I will speak about how like a cat, I am always sleeping, and am a very cuddly person.
Main Part 1: Cats, as anyone who has ever owned or encountered a cat knows, sleep. A lot. I, too, sleep a lot, and for long periods of time. After
spending hours running around at work, and after spending hours on school work, I am very tired, and like to nap.
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Essay On Post Colonialism
The Postcolonialism theory always has matters related to the effects of colonization on cultures and societies. The subject matters in this section are the
definition of postcolonialism, the concerns in postcolonialism and the debate about the theory itself. There are many definitions of postcolonialism
claimed by the theorist. Foremost, the definition of postcolonialism would be it is an approach to analyze text which is coming from once a colonized
country. According to Charles E. Bressler, postcolonialism "is an approach to literary analysis that concerns itself particularly with literature written in
English in formerly colonized countries". Here, Bressler even specifically mentioned that the approach is used upon a text that is written in English.
Even though he said so, postcolonialism may also apply to other text which is not necessarily written in English. This will be explained more in other
definitions of more content...
Heterogeneous simply means varied, mixed and diverse. The word postcolonialism if be described separately as 'post colonialism', it is clearly seen as a
historical period that suggested the word 'after colonialism', 'after the end of empire' and 'after independence'. Even though the term postcolonialism
usually refers to the era after colonialism, the term does not only explain about the period. Considering it as a critical approach, postcolonialism refers
to "a collection of theoretical and critical strategies used to examine the culture (literature, politics, history, and so forth) of former colonies of the
European empires, and their relation to the rest of the world". Thus, as the term can be used in many areas, postcolonialism is indeed a heterogeneous
field of
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Fall of Rome DBQ Essay
The Fall of Rome The great Roman Empire expanded across all of Europe and into the Middle East. Its military was one of the finest. With major
trading in Africa and Britain, the economy flourished with brining many citizens a healthy income. With amazing advancements in culture and
technology, Roman society was at its finest. During the Pax Romana, the Romans had 200 years of peace and good ruling by level headed dictators
and emperors. Despite Rome's greatness in all of these areas, Rome would eventually fall. Surprisingly all of these qualities that led up to a flourishing
empire were the same ones that led to its demise. As Germanic tribes invaded, the military weakened and the government became more
As the "abundance of slaves led to the growth of latifudia" (Document 3) the great estates took over the agricultural industry. As latifundia took over,
more farmers became out of work and in the persuit of finding work they moved into the cities and "added to the unemployment there" (Document 3).
But the expansion didn't stop there. As "the overwhelming majority of the population had been systematically excluded from political
responsibilities, they could not... protect themselves... serve in the army... Their economic plight was hopeless" (Document 1). As missionaries fled
into the Roman Armies, the citizens were being forced to pay a huge amount of taxes. But with no farmers to grow the food for the soldiers, who
would? Expansion brought wealth into the empire, but "when the empire ceased to expand; however economic progress soon ceased" (Document 3).
The inflation rate spiked, the rise in prices on everyday necessities decreased the value of money. The Romans were having to trade with exterior
partners for items that could not be produced. The flow of money coming in could not match the amount of money going out. The values of the
Romans depleted as their economy crumbled. As the Romans economy faltered, so did their social well being. Without work to pay the citizens, they
had to steal what they could not afford. The crime rate increased as citizens stole more and more
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Attention Getter For Depression Research Paper
Speech 2 Final Outline Topic: Depression Organizational pattern: Topical Speaking and specific purpose: Explaining the causes of depression and it
signs and symptoms of depression. Also, to create awareness to the audience about its effects. Primary audience outcome: The audience will able to
have idea about the adverse effects of depression in our daily lives. Thesis Statement: Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects our mental
ability. So, it's important to understand the causes and effects of this serious mental illness. Introduction Attention Getter As people say," feeling of
being "depressed is a normal occurrence due to loss, daily life struggles, or low self–confidence. But when feelings become stronger and sadness over more content...
Clincher "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition
inspired, and success achieved." Reference Eddington, Kari M, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Associations with Goal Pursuit and Daily
Experiences. Retrieved Chatard, Armand, Dysphoria, Failure, and Suicide: Level of Depressive Symptoms
Moderates Effects of Failure on Implicit Thoughts of Suicide and Death.
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Persuasive Speech: Against Gun Control Essay
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that each individual must take responsibility for his or her own actions. The must not blame
guns for problems caused by people. .
. Attention Grabber: Gun control isn't about guns, its about control .
Body of Speech .
I'd like to read a quote by our 3rd president Thomas Jefferson. "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes. Such laws more content...
Many times an over zealous government takes actions that cannot be justified. A good example of this is the Ruby Ridge Incident, where a mans wife
and son were killed over a minor firearm offense. Some States have enacted their own laws. Florida has allowed its citizens to carry a concealed
weapon. Since this law was enacted the murder rate has dropped by 29%. Over the same period of time the nationwide murder rate increased by 11%.
This clearly shows that guns in the hands of law–abiding citizens can prevent crime. In contrast many of our countries major cities have banned all
guns. In 1976 guns were banned in Washington DC. Since then the murder rate has risen 400%. According to a CBS poll, 64% of Americans
rightfully understand and don't believe gun control laws reduce crime anyway. History has proven that every nation, which has disarmed its citizenry,
has ended up with a dictator, a police state, and with countless horrible atrocities. It is true that we either learn from history or history will repeat
itself. Personal Protection Not only is it our right to own guns for protection against a overbearing government, but also against those who intend to
infringe on the peoples security. The criminals don't care about gun control laws for themselves. Actually, they are hoping for more laws will pass for
gun control. It makes breaking the law safer and easier for them. A common belief is that people don't need guns because we have the
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Attention Getter For Exercise Essay
Exercises Proposition: – Exercises help human mood to feel better.
Specific purpose: You should exercise everyday.
Thesis statement: You should exercise will feel different Because You. Introduction
Attention Material (focus attention on problem: – most of people quit exercising because they thank exercises help their body to lose wight and build
muscle. So if they see their body don't improve they feel bad and don't exercises anymore
Credibility Material: Researchers at the University of Vermont HAD 24 college students ride anexercise bike for 20 minutes at a moderate intensity.
Another 24 people did not exercise the same time period during. They found out That WHO exercise Have a better mood Compared with Who did not
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Attention Getter For Music Essay
A.Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it's a harmonious beautiful sound that is pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and educator, "Music is the universal language of mankind." Not only is music a type of communication but it's
also type art which many people fail to remember.
B.Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music.
The reason why this invention exists is because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing what you hear.
C.Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as more content...
Sub–point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music really is. I realized that people can express
themselves through music and how music can emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to
whenever I'm going through a hard time. Whether if it's after a fight I had with a friend or when I'm stressing over school, listening to music never
failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace.
1.Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to express yourself universally and as well as feel different
emotions while listening to music.
2.Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I informed you about my experience in music culture
and how I use headphones.
3.Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of
music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty of this universal
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Attention Grabberbullying

  • 1. Attention Grabberbullying Catrinel Berevoescu #2 Period 1/2 To Be Bullied (Topic Sentence) Anyone can be bullied. (Background Info) It is the late 1980s, and Jamie Nabozny goes to middle school in a small town in Wisconsin. Because of his sexual orientation, he is constantly being bullied and teased. The situation soon escalates to physical violence, which almost makes him commit suicide. He even runs away several times, to try to escape the bullies at his school. (Attention Grabber) One day Jamie is kicked and beaten so badly that he had to be rushed to the hospital. He told no one what happened because he was terrified the bullies would act upon their threat–, "if you tell anyone, I'll kill you". In court, when he files a lawsuit, he tells the judge about the situation, that he had kept so private for so long. (Thesis Statement) The Bullied documentary more content... B One day, Jamie is put to the test. The bullies repeatedly kicked him, leaving Nabozny with severe wounds. By doing so, he has to be hospitalized. However, even after this incident, this moment haunts his memories for the rest of his life. C Many others would bend under the strain of standing up to the injustice, but Jamie didn't give in. After feeling too horribly abused, Jamie runs away to seek asylum at a community center in the city. Jamie reaches out to people who give him encouragement and valuable advice to seek a lawsuit against the school that had denied to acknowledge or support Nabozny through his horrible school years. D Jamie's experience inspired others to never give in to bullies. Jamies story not only told others of his experience, but to press charges against whomever is bullying you can really aid. Jamie's actions promoted the message that anyone who are victims of discrimination and injustice must fight to have their voices heard, and take the necessary steps to solve the Get more content on
  • 2. I.Introduction a.Attention grabber (The internet becomes increasingly more commonplace in homes across the world) b.Background (the Internet negatively impacts critical thinking skills, a position that can also be backed up with credible evidence. Although technology has allowed humans to find information quicker and multi–task, it has also caused the loss of ability to completely process information). Cover this for both stakeholders. c.Thesis (The internet is causing damage to a critical thinking, where others believe that its an important part of every person's lifestyles). This should offer the problem. II.1st body paragraph (should contain at least 10 sentences or a 1/3 of the page) a.Topic sentence (On one side of this issue lie those who believe the Internet improves critical thinking skills, a position that is supported by ample evidence1 sentence). The first stakeholder (Parents and schools). b.The stakeholder's belief (For the Pew Internet report in 2010, about 900 technology experts were interviewed, 75 percent of whom agreed that the Internet can develop our reading and writing skills as well as our overall knowledge) c.Research, quote or paraphrase, that support's stakeholder's belief (Brain scans generated from a UCLA study further emphasize this position. In this study, 24 adults, ages 55–78 years old, were divided into two groups of 12. One group was comprised of those who commonly used the Internet and the other group was comprised of those who Get more content on
  • 3. (INSERT IDENTITY BASED ATTENTION GRABBER BECAUSE I CAN'T THINK OF ONE) Good morning/Afternoon, I'm Tarryn and today I'm going to talk to you about personal identity. Identity is what makes us who we are, everyone has a different identity. Without identity we wouldn't be human because everyone needs one to exist. Ouridentity is changing as we progress through life and as we experience new and different things. The texts that I've looked at are "Frankenstein", the graphic novel by Gris Grimly, published in 2013, is an adaptation of Mary Shelley's original text, about a scientist who creates a 'monster' who he's ashamed of and leaves the 'monster' with no knowledge of anything about himself or the world. My second text is "Edward Scissorhands", a film directed by Tim Burton and released in 1990, which is about a man created by a scientist who dies before he can entirely finish his creation and must live his life with scissors as hands. From these texts, I am going to be talking about how our journey through life changes our identity and how others can affect our identity. As we progress through life, our identity changes. We are always moving through life so our identity never stays the same, along with our identity changing so do our views and beliefs. In Gris Grimly's graphic novel, "Frankenstein", we are presented with a young intelligent Victor Frankenstein, as we progress through the novel, we see his dark interests and intent begin to show. Page 19 presents Victor Get more content on
  • 4. Informative Speech On Procrastination A.Attention Getter: So I'm pretty sure everyone here has had an important assignment to complete before like a project or essay. And most of us usually plan it out where we do a portion of it every day. For example, something like this chart here. But then the next thing you know, the deadline is fast approaching and you still haven't come close to completing your assignment. And we end up somewhere like this. Well, I believe that we can all relate to this and we have all done this to ourselves before. I'm talking about procrastination. B.Social Significance: For many of us, procrastination is a strong and inexplicable force that prevents us from completing our important and urgent tasks. It's like the same thing when you bring the more content... b. The limbic system is one of the oldest and dominate parts of our brain, and it's always on automatically (Spencer 2014). It tells you to put your hand away from fire, and to run away from undesirable tasks. It tells you to go for immediate mood repair says, Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., apsychology professor from Carleton University. The prefrontal cortex is a newer and weaker part of our brain. It's the part that allows us to process information and make decisions. This is also what separates us humans from animals, who just follow their stimulus, says Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., author from Procrastinators Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastinators Puzzle. But this part of our brain isn't turned on automatically. For it to function, we have to switch it on ourselves (Spencer 2014). We have to actually sit down and do our homework, project, or whatever assignment we need to actually complete. And the moment you aren't working on your task, your limbic system takes over and you give in to what feels good, you start procrastinating (Spencer 2014). Transition: Afterlearning about the science behind procrastination, I want to talk about why we procrastinate. B.Main Point 2: Why do we procrastinate? a.In the Washington Post article: The Real Reasons You Procrastinate, Swanson tells us, psychologists believe in a concept called the "present and future self." It's basically the idea that even though we know we are the same Get more content on
  • 5. LASIK Eye Surgery Essay Nowadays, different options for correcting vision problems are available. LASIK eye surgery is one of these options that is a procedure done on the cornea; the clear part in front of the eye. This procedure tends to reduce the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and provide excellent vision. LASIK has been proposed as the perfect way to provide excellent vision without the need for glasses. Furthermore, some advantages have been emphasised such as the shortness of procedure duration time and the immediate noticeable excellent results. However, there are serious complications can be occur by this procedure. This essay will argue that LASIK eye surgery is not the best way to provide improved vision with the freedom of glasses more content... This certainly indicates that LASIK is not the best treatment due to the high possibility of scaring the cornea permanently as a result of such complication. Furthermore, the second step, which is performed by using excimer laser to reshape the corneal structure by removing tissues to correct the refractive errors, can cause other serious complications. The most serious complication is corneal ectasia which means that the cornea bulges from the surface due to the weakness and thinning of the layers as a result of corneal tissue ablation. Guttman (2008) points out that the relationship between changes in corneal hysteresis increased with greater ablation depth. This indicates that ablation of corneal tissue is the main reason in reducing corneal resistance which as a result can cause ectasia. In this case the only available solution is corneal transplant which can cause further complications by itself. On the other hand, ortho–k is a safer alternative treatment which will provide patients with a good vision and freedom from any visual aids without such complications. This process uses contact lenses that reshape corneal structure during sleeping time. This treatment considered to be safer because of its effect on the cornea. It is reversible, so, if any complication appears, stoping the contact lens will be sufficient because the eyes will soon resume their normal condition (Cho et Get more content on
  • 6. Attention Grabber: Got Education Introduction: I. Attention Grabber: Got Education? School is a have too, not a want too! You must be educated to do anything in life. II. Thesis: Today, I am going to tell you about my struggles at school and how I have overcome them. III. Preview of Main Points: I continue to struggle with reading and oral communication, but I am prevailing over my difficulties. Body: I.I struggle with reading. Big words slow me down when I am reading information for school. It takes me a little longer than other students to read an assignment or test. A, I practice my reading–by–reading non–school books. My favorite type of books are action books, for example The Hunger Games. B, and ask questions when I don't understand. Transition: I struggle with Get more content on
  • 7. Essay Video Games Speech Outline Persuasive Speech Outline Matt King CMST 220 Video Game Speech 6–12–13 * Attention grabber/introduction – Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the same princess who gets caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you're anything like me you have tried all of these. Of course not literally but I'm sure you have all played a video game that has let you do something crazy and exciting you couldn't normally do. * Can I get a show of hands of anyone who has ever played a video game before or watched someone play one? All of you, I know I have? Video games are a huge entertainment activity for people of all ages. * I have done extensive hours of video more content... * Transition – However, there is a solution... * Internal preview – We will take a look at how video games really can be beneficial to you. * Solution– Video games in moderation can improve human functions and creativity. * Main point #1– Improve health functions in people. * Hand–eye–coordination is improved just as playing actual sports, video games played as children promote learning. * Video games violent or not reduce actual teen violence. * Main Point #2 – social benefits can come from playing video games. * Kids can interact with children too far away to communicate with face to face. * Children can develop self–esteem and new friends who enjoy the same activities that they do. * Internal Summary – So as you can see, the accusations against video games are relatively all false if moderated. * Transition – Now that you know what the actual results of playing video games are, let's take a look at what the future holds for the gamers. * Visualization – Video games are a great way to pass time, connect with others who enjoy similar games as you, and meet new friends through networking and similarities. * Main Point #1 – Video game approval and relevancy. * Video games could be incorporated into people's values and parents attention just as normal sports are. * Video games are a great past time that are fun for everyone. * Main point #2 – education benefits of video games. * Video games could Get more content on
  • 8. Suicide Speech Outline Essay Speech Outline Topic:suicide Specific Purpose: To aware people about suicide and help them to find out if someone could be living this awful situation. By being aware all of us could save lives in danger. Introduction: Attention Getter: Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. surpassed by accidents and homicide. (According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) Statement of Significance: Suicide or "self–killing" or "an act of taking one's own life" according to Robert M. Martin. Now committing suicide is very common in nowadays anyone could be in danger of doing it, your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, and aunt could be going through this hard stage. I will tell you the main causes of suicide, the signs more content... 2.Having some personal issues is also a main cause of suicide such as being sexually abuse, homosexual preferences, and self– identity and a trauma (according to Edwin Shneidman) which includes poor health, example asthma, obesity, and multiple illness . Transition: Now you know the main causes why do people commit suicide, now let's see the sings of a suicidal person and methods of suicide. II. Sings of a suicidal person and methods A.Signs 1.The suicidal signs are easy to identify, and if you identify them early enough you could save a person's live that could be in danger. 2.According to the website here are the signs of a suicidal person * talking about suicide or death in general * talking about "going away" * referring to things they "won't be needing" or giving away possessions * talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty * pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out * having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities * having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly * experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • 9. * engaging in self–destructive behavior (for ex. drinking, drugs, or cutting) B. Methods 1. Top 10 suicidal methods according to 10. Drowning 5. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation 9. Electric shock 4. Poison 8. Bleeding to Get more content on
  • 10. Relationships created with others have often a direct effect on your very own personal identity. In Tim Brian's "On the Rainy River," he tells about his experiences and how his relationship with an elderly man affected his life so dramatically. It is hard for anyone to rely on their own personal experiences fully when there are other people who have experienced different acts them their self. It takes knowledge and experience of others to help you learn and build from them to create your own personal identity. In the essay, O'Brien speaks about his experiences with an elderly man by the name of Elroy Berdahl, the owner of the Tip Top Fishing Lodge; the lodge he stays at while finding himself. The experiences O'Brien has while at the more content... When something wrong happens to you, your paretns are there to quickly correct t and show you that the action was not obliged by. But, they can only teach so much, they do their best to the exent of their knowledge, ub tsome thnigs we have to learn on our own. That's what makes us human, and we learn from our mistakes and grow fro it. THe many thng you gain from your parents are often carried on wth you throughout your life and will be passed around to other people and younger generations. You also are greatly influence the people you surround yourslef by. Such as certain famly members, friends, and other peer groups. Your personality is helped bythese from ed aspects. THe type of friends you have are a major influence on your personal identity. You often try to fin into the group. They motivaste you to do certain things and actin sometimes uncomfortable ways which take a toll on your physical identity. Like how you look and dress; the way you act around people and treat them. The afffcrt of the your your firedns have on your ;ersonal identites is at the same amout your paretndo. THey can teach you moral values and tell you when you are doing sometinh wrogn. Alos often the more friends you ahve can form the type of person you are such as you how you act. if you have more friends you are generally a more open person and it is esy for you to communicate with others. If you have less Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Speech: Corporal Punishment Topic: Should Corporal Punishment be used by parents on young children? General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: I want to persuade my audience that corporal punishment should not be a way of punishment and to use other effective punishments. Thesis Statement: Corporal punishment tends to perpetuate a cycle of child abuse. Introduction I.Attention Grabber: "Corporal punishment is the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child's behavior." (Cope, Kristin, C. "The Age of Discipline: The Relevance of Age to the Reasonableness of Corporal Punishment" Law & Contemporary Problems." more content... A. Society has come to census that anything not severely hurting child is acceptable 1. Many adults not able to recognize power compared to young child a. what parent believes to be light spank has potential to leave bruises on child b. loses effectiveness if too light of force– gradually increases force. 2. generally used when parent is angry– no stable mental state of action B. high risk for –behavior disorder, anxiety, depression, &hopelessness 1. "Results on research indicated that participants' evaluations of their parents' corporal punishment as threatening was more important than the actual frequency of corporal punishment in determining adolescent mental health, and were significantly associated with the mental health measures after controlling for other elements of parenting"( Mulvaney, Matthew). 1. "corporal punishment has negative effect on child's intelligence level" ( Science Daily, University of Toronto, 2013). 2. children aged two to four who were spanked had IQ scores on average five points lower than children who were not spanked in the same age group. C. Corporal punishment directly associated with suicide attempts, alcoholism, &drug Abuse. (Clymo, Philippa.) D. (Warrant by Cause) As you can see, in most cases parents believe they aren't Harming their children, they are teaching them a lesson but they can potentially be harming them by causing them to develop mental Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Speech On Education I.Attention Grabber: Everyone has someone that they look up to. For some it's celebrities, parents, or tall friends. II.Introduce the Topic: For me, it's always been teachers. The inspiration I gained from them as a child formed my need to be one as an adult. Teaching is the one thing I've found that I enjoy and I'm good at. III.Connect to Audience: I was always the teacher's pet. All throughout elementaryschool, I would wave and tell teachers, "Good morning!" I wonder now if my squeaky voice ever annoyed anyone. But as a child, I loved learning. IV.Build Credibility: I'm taking a lot ofeducation classes to determine whether or not teaching what I really want to do. Overall, I've found that the more I'm exposed to the field of education the more I love it. V.Preview Main Points: Throughout the interviewing process, I was able to gain insight into my career goals, the role ofcommunication in education, and my own communication skills. Body I.First Main Point: Within the last few months, I finally decided what I want to do with my life after college. a.Sub–Point: Before that, all I could think of was a blank slate. I mean, I didn't know what was going to happen. I decided to get a master's degree because getting a masters' degree allows me to start at Tier II in the state of Kentucky, which results in a higher salary. I wanted to ensure that I had an edge on other teachers, because most teachers are female, making for stiff job competition. According to the Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Pollution Pollution Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and solutions for this issue. Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most more content... American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves. The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not to return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth Get more content on
  • 14. Attention Grabber: How I Am A 19 Year Old Girl Attention Grabber: According to, a cat will sleep for about 70% of its life. That is about 16 hours a day. What are they're doing those 8 hours of consciousness? Probably running down the hallway like a wild herd of elephants at 3 in the morning. Topic Discloser: Today, I am going to tell you how I, a 19 year old girl, is similar to a domestic housecat. Preview: During my speech, I will speak about how like a cat, I am always sleeping, and am a very cuddly person. Main Part 1: Cats, as anyone who has ever owned or encountered a cat knows, sleep. A lot. I, too, sleep a lot, and for long periods of time. After spending hours running around at work, and after spending hours on school work, I am very tired, and like to nap. Transition: Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Post Colonialism The Postcolonialism theory always has matters related to the effects of colonization on cultures and societies. The subject matters in this section are the definition of postcolonialism, the concerns in postcolonialism and the debate about the theory itself. There are many definitions of postcolonialism claimed by the theorist. Foremost, the definition of postcolonialism would be it is an approach to analyze text which is coming from once a colonized country. According to Charles E. Bressler, postcolonialism "is an approach to literary analysis that concerns itself particularly with literature written in English in formerly colonized countries". Here, Bressler even specifically mentioned that the approach is used upon a text that is written in English. Even though he said so, postcolonialism may also apply to other text which is not necessarily written in English. This will be explained more in other definitions of more content... Heterogeneous simply means varied, mixed and diverse. The word postcolonialism if be described separately as 'post colonialism', it is clearly seen as a historical period that suggested the word 'after colonialism', 'after the end of empire' and 'after independence'. Even though the term postcolonialism usually refers to the era after colonialism, the term does not only explain about the period. Considering it as a critical approach, postcolonialism refers to "a collection of theoretical and critical strategies used to examine the culture (literature, politics, history, and so forth) of former colonies of the European empires, and their relation to the rest of the world". Thus, as the term can be used in many areas, postcolonialism is indeed a heterogeneous field of Get more content on
  • 16. Fall of Rome DBQ Essay The Fall of Rome The great Roman Empire expanded across all of Europe and into the Middle East. Its military was one of the finest. With major trading in Africa and Britain, the economy flourished with brining many citizens a healthy income. With amazing advancements in culture and technology, Roman society was at its finest. During the Pax Romana, the Romans had 200 years of peace and good ruling by level headed dictators and emperors. Despite Rome's greatness in all of these areas, Rome would eventually fall. Surprisingly all of these qualities that led up to a flourishing empire were the same ones that led to its demise. As Germanic tribes invaded, the military weakened and the government became more content... As the "abundance of slaves led to the growth of latifudia" (Document 3) the great estates took over the agricultural industry. As latifundia took over, more farmers became out of work and in the persuit of finding work they moved into the cities and "added to the unemployment there" (Document 3). But the expansion didn't stop there. As "the overwhelming majority of the population had been systematically excluded from political responsibilities, they could not... protect themselves... serve in the army... Their economic plight was hopeless" (Document 1). As missionaries fled into the Roman Armies, the citizens were being forced to pay a huge amount of taxes. But with no farmers to grow the food for the soldiers, who would? Expansion brought wealth into the empire, but "when the empire ceased to expand; however economic progress soon ceased" (Document 3). The inflation rate spiked, the rise in prices on everyday necessities decreased the value of money. The Romans were having to trade with exterior partners for items that could not be produced. The flow of money coming in could not match the amount of money going out. The values of the Romans depleted as their economy crumbled. As the Romans economy faltered, so did their social well being. Without work to pay the citizens, they had to steal what they could not afford. The crime rate increased as citizens stole more and more Get more content on
  • 17. Attention Getter For Depression Research Paper Speech 2 Final Outline Topic: Depression Organizational pattern: Topical Speaking and specific purpose: Explaining the causes of depression and it signs and symptoms of depression. Also, to create awareness to the audience about its effects. Primary audience outcome: The audience will able to have idea about the adverse effects of depression in our daily lives. Thesis Statement: Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects our mental ability. So, it's important to understand the causes and effects of this serious mental illness. Introduction Attention Getter As people say," feeling of being "depressed is a normal occurrence due to loss, daily life struggles, or low self–confidence. But when feelings become stronger and sadness over more content... Clincher "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Reference Eddington, Kari M, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Associations with Goal Pursuit and Daily Experiences. Retrieved Chatard, Armand, Dysphoria, Failure, and Suicide: Level of Depressive Symptoms Moderates Effects of Failure on Implicit Thoughts of Suicide and Death. Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Speech: Against Gun Control Essay Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that each individual must take responsibility for his or her own actions. The must not blame guns for problems caused by people. . . Attention Grabber: Gun control isn't about guns, its about control . Body of Speech . I'd like to read a quote by our 3rd president Thomas Jefferson. "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws more content... Many times an over zealous government takes actions that cannot be justified. A good example of this is the Ruby Ridge Incident, where a mans wife and son were killed over a minor firearm offense. Some States have enacted their own laws. Florida has allowed its citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Since this law was enacted the murder rate has dropped by 29%. Over the same period of time the nationwide murder rate increased by 11%. This clearly shows that guns in the hands of law–abiding citizens can prevent crime. In contrast many of our countries major cities have banned all guns. In 1976 guns were banned in Washington DC. Since then the murder rate has risen 400%. According to a CBS poll, 64% of Americans rightfully understand and don't believe gun control laws reduce crime anyway. History has proven that every nation, which has disarmed its citizenry, has ended up with a dictator, a police state, and with countless horrible atrocities. It is true that we either learn from history or history will repeat itself. Personal Protection Not only is it our right to own guns for protection against a overbearing government, but also against those who intend to infringe on the peoples security. The criminals don't care about gun control laws for themselves. Actually, they are hoping for more laws will pass for gun control. It makes breaking the law safer and easier for them. A common belief is that people don't need guns because we have the Get more content on
  • 19. Attention Getter For Exercise Essay Exercises Proposition: – Exercises help human mood to feel better. Specific purpose: You should exercise everyday. Thesis statement: You should exercise will feel different Because You. Introduction Attention Material (focus attention on problem: – most of people quit exercising because they thank exercises help their body to lose wight and build muscle. So if they see their body don't improve they feel bad and don't exercises anymore Credibility Material: Researchers at the University of Vermont HAD 24 college students ride anexercise bike for 20 minutes at a moderate intensity. Another 24 people did not exercise the same time period during. They found out That WHO exercise Have a better mood Compared with Who did not exercise. Preview: Get more content on
  • 20. Attention Getter For Music Essay A.Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it's a harmonious beautiful sound that is pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and educator, "Music is the universal language of mankind." Not only is music a type of communication but it's also type art which many people fail to remember. B.Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music. The reason why this invention exists is because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing what you hear. C.Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as more content... Sub–point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music really is. I realized that people can express themselves through music and how music can emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to whenever I'm going through a hard time. Whether if it's after a fight I had with a friend or when I'm stressing over school, listening to music never failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace. C.Conclusion 1.Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to express yourself universally and as well as feel different emotions while listening to music. 2.Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I informed you about my experience in music culture and how I use headphones. 3.Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty of this universal Get more content on