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Essay about The Life of Abraham Lincoln
The Life of Abraham Lincoln
Although other states such as Indiana lay claim to his birth, most sources agree that Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a
backwoods cabin in Hodgeville, Kentucky. In an interview during his campaign for the presidency in 1860 Lincoln described his adolescence as
"the short and simple annals of the poor." (p 30). His father Thomas was a farmer who married Nancy Hanks, his mother, in 1806.
Lincoln had one sister, Sarah, who was born in 1807.The Lincoln family was more financially comfortable than most despite the common historical
picture of complete poverty. They moved to Indiana because of the shaky system of land titles in Kentucky. Because the Lincoln's arrived in Spencer
County more content...
The next step for such an ambitious man was obvious––he entered politics, finishing eighth out of thirteen in a race for the Illinois House of
Representatives in August of 1832.Abraham Lincoln was a strong supporter of Whig founder Henry Clay and his "American System." This
system that arose from the National Rebublicans of 1824 was in opposition to the powerful Democratic party of President Andrew Jackson. Lincoln
agreed with Clay that the government should be a positive force with the purpose of serving the people. Internal improvements were high on both mens'
lists, and this stand made the relatively unknown Lincoln popular in rural Illinois from the start.
As the Whigs rose in stature throughout the 1830's, so did Lincoln, but not without paying his dues along the way.For eighty days in the spring
and early summer of 1832 Lincoln served in the military. On a constant search for Black Hawk, war leader of the Sauk and Fox Indians, he never
saw any fighting but he did prove to be a superior leader of men in some of the most trying situations, including threats of desertion. "In return
for his eleven and a half weeks of service Lincoln earned a mere $125, but the connections that he made with future leaders of Illinois and the
experiencing of life from a soldier's viewpoint proved to be priceless in his future political career" (p 80). During this time Lincoln ran for and
won a seat in the Illinois Legislature with bipartisan support.In 1846 Lincoln
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Essay about abraham lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809, to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. Thomas had been apprenticed as
a carpenter after the death of his father and the passing of the family property to his eldest brother as required under the system of primogeniture.
Thorough dint of hard work or with funds from his family, Thomas acquired enough money to purchase a farm, but his ownership was soon challenged.
Kentucky had been surveyed in such a primitive manner that boundaries were never certain. After having the titles of two other farm parcels challenged,
Thomas tired of Kentucky and in 1816 moved his family to southern Indiana. The federal government had surveyed Indiana in a manner that insured
sound more content...
Dispossession and penury were not uncommon.
The Lincolns crossed the Ohio River and homesteaded near Little Pigeon Creek in Perry County, Indiana. Their family consisted of Thomas and
Nancy, young Abraham, and his older sister Sarah. In a biographical sketch written in 1859, Lincoln recalled the scene: "We reached ournew
home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods."
Abraham was put to clearing timber so the land could be farmed. "A. though very young, was large of his age, and had an axe put into his hands
at once; and from that till within his twenty third year, he was almost constantly handling that most useful instrument –– less, of course, in plowing and
harvesting seasons."
Lincoln endured a youth of rough conditions, of mind–numbing and muscle–straining manual labor, of prolonged physical exertion that gave him a
physique so lean and muscular that doctors performing his post–assassination autopsy remarked upon it.
The perils of frontier life were brought home to the Lincolns in 1818 when the "milk sickness" visited southern Indiana. This illness spread
through the milk of cows that had ingested the white snakeroot plant, and its symptoms included nausea, paralysis and eventual death. Nancy Hanks
Lincoln was taken ill with it and died on October 5, 1818. Thomas Lincoln fashioned a crude coffin for her and Abraham, at the age
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Essay on Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was a man who was best known for bold standing against the difficult problems of his day. Issues such as slavery, negro social and
political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered
himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life.
But, the 16th President of the United States became "a casualty of conflict".
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1816, the Lincoln's moved from
Kentucky to across the Ohio River to Indiana. His father more content...
As soon as Lincoln was legally able to leave his fathers house he did.
In March 1832, Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature. Lincoln was twenty–three and had settled in New Salem, where he was
a clerk in a small country store. He was a young man with limited formal education and no government working experience. He campaigned well, but
in the end the votes were counted and Lincoln ran eighth out of thirteen candidates. In 1834 he entered his second race for the state legislature.
Lincoln received 1376 votes, placing him the second highest candidate and was elected. In 1840, Lincoln decided not to run for re–election.
In 1842 he married Mary Todd. They were noted as being a remarkable couple.
He was tall, thin, and self–conscious, and she was average height, fashionably overweight, with radiant eyes, and a turned up nose. In 1850s,
Lincoln was the most sought–after attorneys in Illinois. He had the reputation as lawyer's lawyer. He earned the respect of his colleagues. Yet
Lincoln never used the law for personal gain. Lincoln was honest in real life as in legend. He was even know by his enemies a incorruptible.
In 1858 Lincoln attempted to get a seat in the Senate. His opponent was
Stephen Douglas. Douglas and Lincoln rebutted each other speeches, turning into a challenge by Lincoln that was known as the Lincoln Douglas
Lincoln made his now famous House Divided
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Abraham Lincoln Essay
Abraham Lincoln was born Sunday, February 12, 1809, in a log cabin near Hodgenville, He was the son of Thomas and Nancy and he was named for
his paternal grandfather. Thomas Lincoln was a carpenter and farmer. Both of Abraham's parents were members of a Baptist congregation which had
separated from another church due to opposition to slavery. As Abraham grew up, he loved to read andpreferred learning to working in the fields. This
led to a difficult relationship with his father who was just the opposite. Abraham was constantly borrowing books from the neighbors.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history––the
CIVIL WAR. He is considered more content...
Abraham made a second flatboat trip to New Orleans, and in 1831 he left home for New Salem, in Sangamon County near Springfield. The separation
may have been made easier by Lincoln's estrangement from his father, of whom he spoke little in his mature life. In New Salem, Lincoln tried various
occupations and served briefly in the Black Hawk War (1832). This military interlude was uneventful except for the fact that he was elected captain of
his volunteer company, a distinction that gave him "much satisfaction." It opened new avenues for his life.
Illinois Legislator
Lincoln ran unsuccessfully for the Illinois legislature in 1832. Two years later he was elected to the lower house for the first of four successive
terms (until 1841) as a Whig. His membership in the Whig Party was natural. Lincoln's father was a Whig, and the party's ambitious program of
national economic development was the perfect solution to the problems Lincoln had seen in his rural, hardscrabble Indiana past. His first platform
(1832) announced that "Time and experience . . . verified . . . that the poorest and most thinly populated countries would be greatly benefitted
by the opening of good roads, and in the clearing of navigable streams. . . . There cannot justly be any objection to having rail roads and canals."
As a Whig, Lincoln supported the Second Bank of the United States, the Illinois State Bank, government–sponsored internal improvements
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Abraham Lincoln Thesis
Abraham Lincoln Essay
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most well known presidents in the history of the United States of America. He as thought to be the man who led this
great country through the toughest times it had to encounter. His determination to get the United States through the Civil War is one of the best things
that have ever happened for this country. Lincoln's argument about the relationship between slavery, the Constitution, and the Union changed
throughout the Civil War. Lincoln's view of the purpose of the war was to save the Union because of the southern states seceding from the Union.
However, the argument changed to the war being about slavery because of Fredrick Douglass's speeches and the Confederates surrendering
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On July 4th 1862, the confederates surrendered the town of Vicksburg to Ulysses S. Grant. This influenced Lincoln to make the biggest decision of his
life. He delivered the Emancipation Proclamation on November 19th, 1863, saying the nation's fundamental goal is that all men are created equal. He
states in the speech, "The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract." He wants the
country to understand that we are starting something new. The soldiers have struggled to recreate our country, and that the country needs to take
advantage of this opportunity. He has now committing himself to getting rid of slavery. On January 31, 1865, Congress officially ends slavery with the
thirteenth amendment. The thirteenth amendment states, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." After many years, slavery has finally
ended. Lincoln passed the thirteenth amendment, meaning slavery can no longer exist in his country. This will help recreate the country that has been
broken for many years. From February 1863 through April 1865, Lincoln believed the best way for this country to unite was without slavery,
contradicting what he believed from the start of his senate race to Post First
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Abraham Lincoln Essay
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln has been depicted as a very gifted orator and noble leader of our country. He is often compared with Shakespeare, due to his ability
to say amazingly profound words. He is a very important symbol of our country's history. Lincoln definitely led an interesting life.
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin (now Larue) County, Kentucky. This was near Hodgenville, Kentucky. His
mother's name was Nancy Hanks Lincoln; his father's name was Thomas Lincoln. Abraham was named after his father's father. He had an older sister
named Sarah, and he had a younger brother named Thomas, but he died in infancy. Abraham Lincoln was once described by his cousin Dennis Hanks
as,"...he' more content...
Mary and Abraham had an off and on relationship. They first confronted when they were at a cotillion and Abraham asked her to dance. Eventually
they got engaged, broke up, and then saw each other again. They decided to get married in late 1842, yet they didn't want a big wedding. Abraham
told the minister that he wanted to "get hitched tonight." They got married in the Edward's house in which Mary was staying. About 30 relatives and
friends attended; Mary did not wear an elaborate dress. On November 11, 1842, Abraham wrote a letter to Samuel D. Marshall, which included him
saying, "Nothing new here, except my marrying, which to me is a matter of profound wonder." The couple had 4 children: Robert, Edward, William,
and Thomas (well known as Tad).
In 1846, Lincoln was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives and won the election. During his term, he was well known for his opposition of
slavery and the Mexican–American War. After his term he went back to his law practice and became suddenly uninterested in politics for a while. After
the Kansas–Nebraska Act was enforced, Lincoln became more active in politics again. He made an important speech, now known as the Lost Speech
because many people failed to take notes during it. Apparently, there were many ideas stressed in the Lost Speech. Some of these ideas include: the
Republican Party was emphasized as being a good party, and that it was to be very influential to the U.S., and that all free soil
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Essay about The Life of Abraham Lincoln
The Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He grew up in Hodgenville,
Kentucky, and lived out in the wilderness. He was brought up doing chores, and had a special talent of using an axe at a young age. Upon attending
an ABC school, Abraham learned how to read, write, and solve arithmetic problems. He and his family constantly had problems with the milk sick
disease, which was the cause of the death of Abraham's mother. One of Abraham's first jobs as a more content...
Upon returning to his former job as a layer upon the end of his political term, he was able to become a master at the occupation. Around 1854,
Abraham began to research the Kansas–Nebraska Act, for he was held an opposing viewpoint of what is stated. He believed the Act did not address
how important it was that slavery be abolished, for it allowed people in these two territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery
within their borders. Right after this, Lincoln began involving himself in more debates about slavery, while at the same time trying to get into a
political position. He was finally granted his wish to become president on November 6, 1860 defeating Douglas, John Bell, and John C. Breckinridge.
Re–elected in for the next four years after this term had ended, he was all the while serving during the Civil War. His view on the war was that he
hoped to create a plan to join the nation together, and give the South more right to the slaves. Eventually the Civil War's end was exactly how he had
wanted to terminate, with General Lee surrendering to General Grant in Virginia. The death of President Lincoln was tragic, and was soon following
this victorious end of the war. Upon a third re–election as U.S. President, he angered many people who did not like the way he served their country.
John Wilkes Booth was one of
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Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency Essay
Abraham Lincoln is a hero to all Americans for he preserved our Union and abolished slavery. Lincoln combined the forces of strength, courage, will,
and morality to guide America through a time marked by complete social upheaval and Civil War. Lincoln entered the White House burdened by an
oppressive set of domestic issues; the most pressing was the rift between the North and South. Before Lincoln's inauguration, the Union was
dissolving, and he was left with only one choice, to preserve America and to make war against the South. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the
highest, Lincoln and his administration would rank as an eight. Lincoln's presidency was unique, for it was the only one that endured a Civil War that
tore more content...
As Doris Kearns Goodwin so aptly says in her Pulitzer Prize winning book Team of Rivals: The Political Genius ofAbraham Lincoln, Lincoln chose
deep political rivals such as Salmon P. Chase, William H. Seward, and Edward Bates, for the cabinet positions of Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary
of War, and Attorney General, respectively (Goodwin). All of these men ran against Lincoln in the 1860 Republican Party Presidential primary, and
berated Lincoln with political and personal attacks. They strongly disagreed with his approaches to many integral issues, yet Lincoln appointed them
all due to their political genius and their intense loyalty to the Union. Throughout his administration, Lincoln sought advice on a wide variety of
matters, where his cabinet had opinions that dissented from his own. For example, the eventual acquisition of Alaska through the proposal by William
H. Seward was only possible under President Johnson because of Lincoln's strong objections to the plan. Lincoln greatly respected the opinions of his
cabinet members and chose them because of their intelligent opposition to his views. Lincoln's first challenge was to rebuke the South Carolina
Ordinances for Secession; he effectively accomplished this. South Carolina claimed that the American government was acting as a destructive agency,
which gave the people the right to change or eliminate it and create a new government. The secessionist fire–eaters of South Carolina
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Abraham Lincoln Essay
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16Th President of America. He was the first republican that was elected as President. He ran for senate
two times and lost both. When he was in office he was mostly occupied with the states that broke away from the Union,who was named the
Confederate States of America. The first to break away was South Carolina followed by 6 other states before the inauguration ofAbraham Lincoln. And
then four more at the beginning of the Civil War,Battle of Fort Sumter. Lincoln was inaugurated into office in March of 1861. Lincoln was one of the
reasons the pro–slavery states broke away, they where afraid that Lincoln was going to ban slavery because Lincoln was an anti–slavery
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Lincoln had made the Emancipation Proclamation,which banned slavery to the CSA(Confederate States of America)that didn't come back to the Union
by Jan 1, 1863. It also named the states it applied to. But it didn't name the boarder states of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware because
those states did not actually declare secession so they didn't free any slaves in those states at the time. They also didn't name Tennessee because it was
mostly back to the Union by then. Most slaves where not let go immediately but the Act freed thousands of slaves.
Lincoln thought people would think that the Emancipation Proclamation would be only temporary due to the war and be soon forgotten. So what
Abraham did is he made the 13Th Amendment. The 13Th Amendment stated that slavery was illegal to all states, and also that it is illegal to make
people work against their will to benefit themselves,which is called involuntary servitude.
The C.S.A collapsed when generals Robert E.Lee and Joesph E. Johnston surrendered their armies over to the Union. Later the Union soldiers captured
Jefferson Davis(The Confederate President) on May of 1865. At almost the end of the war Lincoln had a very reasonable view on what the nation
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Essay About The Life Of Abraham Lincoln

  • 1. Essay about The Life of Abraham Lincoln The Life of Abraham Lincoln Although other states such as Indiana lay claim to his birth, most sources agree that Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a backwoods cabin in Hodgeville, Kentucky. In an interview during his campaign for the presidency in 1860 Lincoln described his adolescence as "the short and simple annals of the poor." (p 30). His father Thomas was a farmer who married Nancy Hanks, his mother, in 1806. Lincoln had one sister, Sarah, who was born in 1807.The Lincoln family was more financially comfortable than most despite the common historical picture of complete poverty. They moved to Indiana because of the shaky system of land titles in Kentucky. Because the Lincoln's arrived in Spencer County more content... The next step for such an ambitious man was obvious––he entered politics, finishing eighth out of thirteen in a race for the Illinois House of Representatives in August of 1832.Abraham Lincoln was a strong supporter of Whig founder Henry Clay and his "American System." This system that arose from the National Rebublicans of 1824 was in opposition to the powerful Democratic party of President Andrew Jackson. Lincoln agreed with Clay that the government should be a positive force with the purpose of serving the people. Internal improvements were high on both mens' lists, and this stand made the relatively unknown Lincoln popular in rural Illinois from the start. As the Whigs rose in stature throughout the 1830's, so did Lincoln, but not without paying his dues along the way.For eighty days in the spring and early summer of 1832 Lincoln served in the military. On a constant search for Black Hawk, war leader of the Sauk and Fox Indians, he never saw any fighting but he did prove to be a superior leader of men in some of the most trying situations, including threats of desertion. "In return for his eleven and a half weeks of service Lincoln earned a mere $125, but the connections that he made with future leaders of Illinois and the experiencing of life from a soldier's viewpoint proved to be priceless in his future political career" (p 80). During this time Lincoln ran for and won a seat in the Illinois Legislature with bipartisan support.In 1846 Lincoln Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about abraham lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809, to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. Thomas had been apprenticed as a carpenter after the death of his father and the passing of the family property to his eldest brother as required under the system of primogeniture. Thorough dint of hard work or with funds from his family, Thomas acquired enough money to purchase a farm, but his ownership was soon challenged. Kentucky had been surveyed in such a primitive manner that boundaries were never certain. After having the titles of two other farm parcels challenged, Thomas tired of Kentucky and in 1816 moved his family to southern Indiana. The federal government had surveyed Indiana in a manner that insured sound more content... Dispossession and penury were not uncommon. The Lincolns crossed the Ohio River and homesteaded near Little Pigeon Creek in Perry County, Indiana. Their family consisted of Thomas and Nancy, young Abraham, and his older sister Sarah. In a biographical sketch written in 1859, Lincoln recalled the scene: "We reached ournew home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods." Abraham was put to clearing timber so the land could be farmed. "A. though very young, was large of his age, and had an axe put into his hands at once; and from that till within his twenty third year, he was almost constantly handling that most useful instrument –– less, of course, in plowing and harvesting seasons." Lincoln endured a youth of rough conditions, of mind–numbing and muscle–straining manual labor, of prolonged physical exertion that gave him a physique so lean and muscular that doctors performing his post–assassination autopsy remarked upon it. The perils of frontier life were brought home to the Lincolns in 1818 when the "milk sickness" visited southern Indiana. This illness spread through the milk of cows that had ingested the white snakeroot plant, and its symptoms included nausea, paralysis and eventual death. Nancy Hanks Lincoln was taken ill with it and died on October 5, 1818. Thomas Lincoln fashioned a crude coffin for her and Abraham, at the age Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was a man who was best known for bold standing against the difficult problems of his day. Issues such as slavery, negro social and political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life. But, the 16th President of the United States became "a casualty of conflict". Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1816, the Lincoln's moved from Kentucky to across the Ohio River to Indiana. His father more content... As soon as Lincoln was legally able to leave his fathers house he did. In March 1832, Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature. Lincoln was twenty–three and had settled in New Salem, where he was a clerk in a small country store. He was a young man with limited formal education and no government working experience. He campaigned well, but in the end the votes were counted and Lincoln ran eighth out of thirteen candidates. In 1834 he entered his second race for the state legislature. Lincoln received 1376 votes, placing him the second highest candidate and was elected. In 1840, Lincoln decided not to run for re–election. In 1842 he married Mary Todd. They were noted as being a remarkable couple. He was tall, thin, and self–conscious, and she was average height, fashionably overweight, with radiant eyes, and a turned up nose. In 1850s, Lincoln was the most sought–after attorneys in Illinois. He had the reputation as lawyer's lawyer. He earned the respect of his colleagues. Yet Lincoln never used the law for personal gain. Lincoln was honest in real life as in legend. He was even know by his enemies a incorruptible. In 1858 Lincoln attempted to get a seat in the Senate. His opponent was Stephen Douglas. Douglas and Lincoln rebutted each other speeches, turning into a challenge by Lincoln that was known as the Lincoln Douglas Debates. Lincoln made his now famous House Divided Get more content on
  • 4. Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln was born Sunday, February 12, 1809, in a log cabin near Hodgenville, He was the son of Thomas and Nancy and he was named for his paternal grandfather. Thomas Lincoln was a carpenter and farmer. Both of Abraham's parents were members of a Baptist congregation which had separated from another church due to opposition to slavery. As Abraham grew up, he loved to read andpreferred learning to working in the fields. This led to a difficult relationship with his father who was just the opposite. Abraham was constantly borrowing books from the neighbors. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history––the CIVIL WAR. He is considered more content... Abraham made a second flatboat trip to New Orleans, and in 1831 he left home for New Salem, in Sangamon County near Springfield. The separation may have been made easier by Lincoln's estrangement from his father, of whom he spoke little in his mature life. In New Salem, Lincoln tried various occupations and served briefly in the Black Hawk War (1832). This military interlude was uneventful except for the fact that he was elected captain of his volunteer company, a distinction that gave him "much satisfaction." It opened new avenues for his life. Illinois Legislator Lincoln ran unsuccessfully for the Illinois legislature in 1832. Two years later he was elected to the lower house for the first of four successive terms (until 1841) as a Whig. His membership in the Whig Party was natural. Lincoln's father was a Whig, and the party's ambitious program of national economic development was the perfect solution to the problems Lincoln had seen in his rural, hardscrabble Indiana past. His first platform (1832) announced that "Time and experience . . . verified . . . that the poorest and most thinly populated countries would be greatly benefitted by the opening of good roads, and in the clearing of navigable streams. . . . There cannot justly be any objection to having rail roads and canals." As a Whig, Lincoln supported the Second Bank of the United States, the Illinois State Bank, government–sponsored internal improvements Get more content on
  • 5. Abraham Lincoln Thesis Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln is one of the most well known presidents in the history of the United States of America. He as thought to be the man who led this great country through the toughest times it had to encounter. His determination to get the United States through the Civil War is one of the best things that have ever happened for this country. Lincoln's argument about the relationship between slavery, the Constitution, and the Union changed throughout the Civil War. Lincoln's view of the purpose of the war was to save the Union because of the southern states seceding from the Union. However, the argument changed to the war being about slavery because of Fredrick Douglass's speeches and the Confederates surrendering more content... On July 4th 1862, the confederates surrendered the town of Vicksburg to Ulysses S. Grant. This influenced Lincoln to make the biggest decision of his life. He delivered the Emancipation Proclamation on November 19th, 1863, saying the nation's fundamental goal is that all men are created equal. He states in the speech, "The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract." He wants the country to understand that we are starting something new. The soldiers have struggled to recreate our country, and that the country needs to take advantage of this opportunity. He has now committing himself to getting rid of slavery. On January 31, 1865, Congress officially ends slavery with the thirteenth amendment. The thirteenth amendment states, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." After many years, slavery has finally ended. Lincoln passed the thirteenth amendment, meaning slavery can no longer exist in his country. This will help recreate the country that has been broken for many years. From February 1863 through April 1865, Lincoln believed the best way for this country to unite was without slavery, contradicting what he believed from the start of his senate race to Post First Get more content on
  • 6. Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln has been depicted as a very gifted orator and noble leader of our country. He is often compared with Shakespeare, due to his ability to say amazingly profound words. He is a very important symbol of our country's history. Lincoln definitely led an interesting life. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin (now Larue) County, Kentucky. This was near Hodgenville, Kentucky. His mother's name was Nancy Hanks Lincoln; his father's name was Thomas Lincoln. Abraham was named after his father's father. He had an older sister named Sarah, and he had a younger brother named Thomas, but he died in infancy. Abraham Lincoln was once described by his cousin Dennis Hanks as,"...he' more content... Mary and Abraham had an off and on relationship. They first confronted when they were at a cotillion and Abraham asked her to dance. Eventually they got engaged, broke up, and then saw each other again. They decided to get married in late 1842, yet they didn't want a big wedding. Abraham told the minister that he wanted to "get hitched tonight." They got married in the Edward's house in which Mary was staying. About 30 relatives and friends attended; Mary did not wear an elaborate dress. On November 11, 1842, Abraham wrote a letter to Samuel D. Marshall, which included him saying, "Nothing new here, except my marrying, which to me is a matter of profound wonder." The couple had 4 children: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas (well known as Tad). In 1846, Lincoln was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives and won the election. During his term, he was well known for his opposition of slavery and the Mexican–American War. After his term he went back to his law practice and became suddenly uninterested in politics for a while. After the Kansas–Nebraska Act was enforced, Lincoln became more active in politics again. He made an important speech, now known as the Lost Speech because many people failed to take notes during it. Apparently, there were many ideas stressed in the Lost Speech. Some of these ideas include: the Republican Party was emphasized as being a good party, and that it was to be very influential to the U.S., and that all free soil Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about The Life of Abraham Lincoln The Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He grew up in Hodgenville, Kentucky, and lived out in the wilderness. He was brought up doing chores, and had a special talent of using an axe at a young age. Upon attending an ABC school, Abraham learned how to read, write, and solve arithmetic problems. He and his family constantly had problems with the milk sick disease, which was the cause of the death of Abraham's mother. One of Abraham's first jobs as a more content... Upon returning to his former job as a layer upon the end of his political term, he was able to become a master at the occupation. Around 1854, Abraham began to research the Kansas–Nebraska Act, for he was held an opposing viewpoint of what is stated. He believed the Act did not address how important it was that slavery be abolished, for it allowed people in these two territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. Right after this, Lincoln began involving himself in more debates about slavery, while at the same time trying to get into a political position. He was finally granted his wish to become president on November 6, 1860 defeating Douglas, John Bell, and John C. Breckinridge. Re–elected in for the next four years after this term had ended, he was all the while serving during the Civil War. His view on the war was that he hoped to create a plan to join the nation together, and give the South more right to the slaves. Eventually the Civil War's end was exactly how he had wanted to terminate, with General Lee surrendering to General Grant in Virginia. The death of President Lincoln was tragic, and was soon following this victorious end of the war. Upon a third re–election as U.S. President, he angered many people who did not like the way he served their country. John Wilkes Booth was one of Get more content on
  • 8. Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency Essay Abraham Lincoln is a hero to all Americans for he preserved our Union and abolished slavery. Lincoln combined the forces of strength, courage, will, and morality to guide America through a time marked by complete social upheaval and Civil War. Lincoln entered the White House burdened by an oppressive set of domestic issues; the most pressing was the rift between the North and South. Before Lincoln's inauguration, the Union was dissolving, and he was left with only one choice, to preserve America and to make war against the South. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, Lincoln and his administration would rank as an eight. Lincoln's presidency was unique, for it was the only one that endured a Civil War that tore more content... As Doris Kearns Goodwin so aptly says in her Pulitzer Prize winning book Team of Rivals: The Political Genius ofAbraham Lincoln, Lincoln chose deep political rivals such as Salmon P. Chase, William H. Seward, and Edward Bates, for the cabinet positions of Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of War, and Attorney General, respectively (Goodwin). All of these men ran against Lincoln in the 1860 Republican Party Presidential primary, and berated Lincoln with political and personal attacks. They strongly disagreed with his approaches to many integral issues, yet Lincoln appointed them all due to their political genius and their intense loyalty to the Union. Throughout his administration, Lincoln sought advice on a wide variety of matters, where his cabinet had opinions that dissented from his own. For example, the eventual acquisition of Alaska through the proposal by William H. Seward was only possible under President Johnson because of Lincoln's strong objections to the plan. Lincoln greatly respected the opinions of his cabinet members and chose them because of their intelligent opposition to his views. Lincoln's first challenge was to rebuke the South Carolina Ordinances for Secession; he effectively accomplished this. South Carolina claimed that the American government was acting as a destructive agency, which gave the people the right to change or eliminate it and create a new government. The secessionist fire–eaters of South Carolina Get more content on
  • 9. Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16Th President of America. He was the first republican that was elected as President. He ran for senate two times and lost both. When he was in office he was mostly occupied with the states that broke away from the Union,who was named the Confederate States of America. The first to break away was South Carolina followed by 6 other states before the inauguration ofAbraham Lincoln. And then four more at the beginning of the Civil War,Battle of Fort Sumter. Lincoln was inaugurated into office in March of 1861. Lincoln was one of the reasons the pro–slavery states broke away, they where afraid that Lincoln was going to ban slavery because Lincoln was an anti–slavery more content... Lincoln had made the Emancipation Proclamation,which banned slavery to the CSA(Confederate States of America)that didn't come back to the Union by Jan 1, 1863. It also named the states it applied to. But it didn't name the boarder states of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware because those states did not actually declare secession so they didn't free any slaves in those states at the time. They also didn't name Tennessee because it was mostly back to the Union by then. Most slaves where not let go immediately but the Act freed thousands of slaves. Lincoln thought people would think that the Emancipation Proclamation would be only temporary due to the war and be soon forgotten. So what Abraham did is he made the 13Th Amendment. The 13Th Amendment stated that slavery was illegal to all states, and also that it is illegal to make people work against their will to benefit themselves,which is called involuntary servitude. The C.S.A collapsed when generals Robert E.Lee and Joesph E. Johnston surrendered their armies over to the Union. Later the Union soldiers captured Jefferson Davis(The Confederate President) on May of 1865. At almost the end of the war Lincoln had a very reasonable view on what the nation Get more content on