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The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located
close to the earth's surface where it is most dense. The air of our planet is 78% nitrogen and just
under 21% oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other gasses.It
is a mixture of gases encircling the Earth and held by the Earth's gravity. This invisible mixture of
nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor protects the planet from harmful radiation
and makes life on it. (Atienza et al., 2012)
Atmosphere and Ecology
The atmosphere implies the protective blanket of gases, surrounding the earth:
(a) It sustains life on the earth.
(b) It saves it from the hostile environment of outer ... Show more content on ...
Troposphere.The lowest layer of the atmosphere which begins at the surface is the troposphere. It
extends to 18 km above Earth's surface. Almost all of the weather occurs in this layer. The
troposphere is Earth's densest atmospheric layer. Temperature decreases as altitude increases due to
expansive cooling. Stratosphere.Above the troposphere is the stratosphere. The extends from 18 km
to an altitude of about 50 km. Temperatures rise as altitude increases in the stratosphere. This change
happens because the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs the sun's ultraviolet (UV) energy and
warms the air. Almost all the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the ozone layer in the
stratosphere. Because ozone absorbs UV radiation, it reduces the amount of UV radiation that
reaches the Earth. UV radiation that reaches Earth can damage living cells. Mesosphere The layer
above the stratosphere is the mesosphere. This layer extends to an altitude of about 80 km. The
mesosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere, and its temperatures have been measured as low
as –93°C. Thermosphere The atmospheric layer located farthest from Earth's surface is the
thermosphere. In the thermosphere, nitrogen and oxygen absorb solar radiation, which results in
temperatures that have been
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How Two Gases Make Up The Atmosphere
Without our environment, there would be no life on earth. Two gasses make up the vast majority of
the world 's climate: nitrogen (78%), and oxygen (21%). (vaporous component), carbon dioxide and
distinctive follow gasses make up the rest. Researchers isolated the climate into four layers as
indicated by solidify (chemically)ature: upper environment, upper air/high place, mesosphere, and
thermosphere. The temperature drops as we go up through the upper environment, yet it ascends as
we travel through the following layer, the upper climate/high place. The more distant far from earth,
the more slender the environment gets. There are numerous layers that make up the Atmosphere.
The Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Upper climate/high place, ... Show more content on ...
On account of this (mental fixation/getting of a fluid), the temperature increments with tallness.
From as low as – 184 degrees at the base of this layer, temperatures can reach as high as 3,600
degrees close to the top. Be that as it may, (despite the fact that there is the presence of) the high
temperatures, this layer of the air would in any case feel extremely chilly to our skin because of the
slender climate. The high temperature focuses to/demonstrates the measure of the vitality splashed
up (like a towel) by the particles yet with so few in this layer, the aggregate number of the atoms is
insufficient to warm our skin.
Next is the Mesosphere, this layer stretches out from around 31 miles over the earths surface to 53
miles. The gasses, including the Oxygen particles, keep on becoming more thick as one brings
down/moves descending/starts. Thus, temperatures increment as one brings down/moves
descending/starts ascending to around 5 degrees close to the base of this layer. The gasses on the
mesosphere are currently sufficiently thick to back off space shakes (that tumble to Earth)
hurrying/tossing into the air, where they consume leaving red hot trails in the night sky. Both the
upper climate/high place and the mesosphere are deliberately contemplated/trusted the center
environment. The change (starting with one thing then onto the next) edge/fringe which seperated
the mesosphere from the Upper climate/high place
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Dioxide Levels In The Atmosphere Relate To Global Climate...
The increasing dioxide levels in the atmosphere relate to global climate change in many different
Carbon dioxide is an important heat–trapping gas, which is released through human activities. Some
examples of human activities that cause the temperature to rise is the burning of fossil fuels, as well
as the natural processes such as respiration and volcanic eruption. Carbon dioxide absorbs energy
from the sun then releases it into the atmosphere. It causes the earth to be much warmer than it
should be. This carbon dioxide can lead to global warming.
Global warming is the increase of earth's temperature caused by the greenhouse gases. The
greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. One of the
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Climate Change Affects People And The Atmosphere Every Day
As people live their lives every day, climate change is currently happening. Climate change is the
shifting of normal weather patterns, which can cause the environment to become unbalanced. The
greenhouse effect plays a major role in climate change, and it consists of four types of gases: carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and flourished gases. These greenhouse gases help trap heat on
Earth, but yet the carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and this can damage the cycle of the
greenhouse effect. Climate change affects people and the atmosphere every day. Many people do not
realize that current climate change can cause huge problems in the future; people need to find
solutions in order to get climate change under control. Climate change is a major issue in the world.
As the population increases, more resources are required to supply basic human needs. The
resources such as oil, coal, and natural gas are essential in human lives. An excessive amount of
these resources in the atmosphere can cause the ozone to become compacted with C2O. These
resources are called fossil fuels and burning them will trap more heat in the greenhouse effect;
wildfires and volcanic eruptions can also cause more C2O in the atmosphere (Weeks). The ozone
currently has more carbon dioxide than it did three million years ago. It will take two decades to
replace the carbon and fifty years for the weather to adapt back to its normal state. The arctic regions
of the world are melting. This can be
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The Atmosphere Of The Workplace
When explaining the atmosphere of the workplace, it can be described in a variety of ways. The
variety comes from the different types of leadership taken by the boss, managers, and others in
authority. There are many different styles when it comes to leadership, which is based upon the
personality of the one leading. The more common forms of leadership include autocratic,
authoritarian, democratic, laissez–faire, and bureaucratic. The foundation of this research is to give
the reader a better insight of the characteristics of democratic leadership, and why it is one of the
most leadership styles utilized in the workplace.
Defining a Democratic Leader A person's style of leading is hardly equivalent to their behavior. It is
known as the way in which the leader influences the followers. There are many ways to lead and
every leader adopts their own style. According to the Public Policy and Administration Research
(2015), different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to
exhibit a particular approach. The democratic approach can also be referred to as the participative
style seeing as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. A manger utilizing a
democratic style keeps their employees informed about everything affecting their work and shares
decision–making and problem solving responsibilities. In a sense, this style requires the leader to be
a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from
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Comfortable Classroom Atmosphere
How to Create a Comfortable Classroom Atmosphere?
Studying is frequently associated with struggling. For students, studying is their own choice made
after a careful consideration and checking the pros and cons. For kids, studying is what they are
obliged to do. They do not even understand the importance of education and do only what their
parents tell them. Frequently, they take education like a punishment or like an obligation that brings
them nothing but a plenty of negative emotions. However, a teacher can always change the attitude
of kids to the studying process. Creating a comfortable classroom atmosphere, a teacher can
motivate kids for better results.
Why positive atmosphere is important
The relations between a kid and a teacher ... Show more content on ...
It takes days and sometimes even weeks to find a mutual language with all kids. The prior task for a
teacher is to keep friendly and positive atmosphere no matter what happens. Using this approach,
the desired result will be reached in the shortest possible time. To fasten this process, follow the
basic strategies and tips that help re–build the atmosphere into the most appropriate for effective
1. Never stay passive
All your efforts to create a comfortable atmosphere in your class have no sense if you stay passive
during the classes. Add dynamics to the way you behave in the classroom, do not be afraid to make
jokes and discuss with your students or schoolchildren the most complicated issues that are
interesting for them. Every time you prepare for a lesson, you need to remember that the theme and
ideas of these lessons should be interesting for kids. You need to find a way to present any
information in a way that will capture their attention. Active position of a teacher is a strong
motivation for kids and students. When they see how deeply you are interested in your subject, they
unintentionally adopt this attitude and also become
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Atmosphere The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere
is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense. The air of our planet is 78% nitrogen
and just under 21% oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other
gasses.It is a mixture of gases encircling the Earth and held by the Earth's gravity. This invisible
mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor protects the planet from
harmful radiation and makes life on it. (Atienza et al., 2012) Atmosphere and Ecology The
atmosphere implies the protective blanket of gases, surrounding the earth: (a) It sustains life on the
earth. (b) It saves it from the hostile environment of outer space. ... Show more content on ...
The two atoms in these molecules are bound together tightly and unable to vibrate, so they cannot
absorb heat and contribute to the greenhouse effect.This process, in which gases trap heat near the
Earth, is known as Greenhouse Effect. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be too cold
for life to exist. The gases in our atmosphere that trap and radiate heat are called greenhouse gases.
None of the greenhouse gases have a high concentration in Earth's atmosphere. The most abundant
greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The quantities of
carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere vary considerably as a result of natural and industrial
processes, and the amount of water varies because of natural processes. References Books Atienza,
T., Mangahas, R., &Rendon, A. (2012).Basic Ecology. Manila, Philippines: Vents Armbruster,
B., Mitsakos, C., & Rogers, V. (1986).Earth's Geography and Environment.Lexington,
Massachusetts: Ginn and Company Barret, G., &Odum, E. Fundamentals of Ecology. (5thed.)
Chicago: University of Chicago Press Burckley R., & Ramsey, W. (1966).Modern Earth
Science. Washington DC, USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. Kindersley, D. (1997). Science
Encyclopedia.London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. Singh, Y. K. (2006). Environmental
Science.Daryaganj, New Delhi:New Age International Limited, Publishers Web page Nature.
(2012). Retrieved from
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Modern Meteorology And Its Effects On The Earth
I. Introduction and History Venus and Earth are often called twin planets due to their similar sizes
and locations, so Venus might seem like a reasonable interplanetary vacation spot. However, upon
arrival, the "crushing ninety atmospheres" of surface pressure and "strongest greenhouse effect in
the solar system" will render the trip a massive failure (Natural History). Despite their similarities,
Earth and Venus differ greatly with regards to their atmospheres, making Earth a much more
hospitable environment for human habitation. Even though Earth's atmosphere does not receive
nearly as much appreciation as its oceans or rivers, the layers of gas enveloping Earth are even more
essential to the human race, making atmospheric destruction even more alarming. Although modern
meteorology is considered inaccurate, and precise information about atmospheric conditions is not
always available, understanding of the atmosphere has evolved and improved greatly over the
millennia. In antiquity, atmospheric phenomena was interpreted as a supernatural, often reflecting
divine opinions of man's actions (Fleming). Ancients thought of rainbows as a pathway from mortal
Earth to the Heavens, and observation was limited to the crude human senses. As modern scientific
principles became more prevalent in the 16th and 17th centuries, weather was increasingly seen as a
physical result of atmospheric conditions. For example, René Descartes discarded the supernatural
view of rainbows, instead
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Climate Change : Climate Change In The Atmosphere?
A Change in the Atmosphere For many people, just hearing the words "Climate Change" can cause
different responses. Some people describe it is as being a "natural" thing for the Earth to do. Having
the belief that since there was warm and cold periods before, that it is a reoccurring deal. Wrong.
The change in the atmosphere is something that has become more and more apparent in recent
times. The apparent changes are the ones that the human race has caused. The rise of atmospheric
carbon dioxide, which is cause by all of the harmful gasses that get emitted into the air, is at an all
time high. The Earth is constantly having things happen due to the harmful gasses. The Earth is
becoming warmer and warmer due to "human activity since the mid–20th century" (NASA, 2017).
Consider this: The crazy weather the world has been having lately. When conducting come research,
there will be discoveries that years ago, there were not that many natural disasters going on. Due to
the high emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there have been more natural disasters and
things happening in the atmosphere. There are more and more people who are driving now and all of
the gasoline being used is causing the crazy events due to the change in the climate. If everyone all
came together and doing something about this fast growing problem, the world would be a cleaner
place. Climate Change could end up destroying the planet if it is not taken seriously.
The effect on the atmosphere due
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Research Paper On Climate Change
Climate change in the world can be caused by various activities. When climate change occurs;
temperatures can increase a dramatically. When temperature rises, many different changes can occur
on Earth. For example, it can result in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more
frequent and severe heat waves. Oceans and glaciers have also experienced some changes: oceans
are warming and becoming more acidic, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these
changes frequently occur in future decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and
During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce
energy. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and
causing it to warm. This is called the greenhouse effect and it is natural and necessary to support life
on earth. However, while greenhouse gases buildup, the climate changes and result in dangerous
effects to human health and ecosystems. People have adapted to the stable climate we have enjoyed
since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warmer climate can bring changes
that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural
environment, and even our own health and safety. There are some climate changes that are
unavoidable and nothing can be
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The Atmosphere and The Ozone Layer
The atmosphere is an amazing creation. It contains many things that help make this world a place
where we can live. The atmosphere contains ozone. That helps protect our skin from harmful sun
rays. Many layers make up our atmosphere. There are five main layers, the troposphere,
stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and lastly the exosphere. Each layer has a different
purpose. Clouds are located in the atmosphere and are a big part of the water cycle. There are
different types of clouds and they all have different effects. Conduction and convection also play a
big part in how we live our lives today.
Ozone is a gas in the atmosphere. It absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Without ozone, our
skin would burn from the suns radiation. Ozone can be either good or bad for your health. It depends
on the location of it in the atmosphere. It can also be bad for the environment. When ozone is near
the ground it is considered very dangerous. During the hot summer months ozone levels should be
monitored. In the summer, more harmful ozone concentrations are in the air we use. Inhaling ozone
can be very dangerous to our health. It can cause a number of health problems. Scientists are
figuring out ways to help keep the air clean and people and the environment healthy. (1)
There are many different layers in the atmosphere, five actually. The layer closest to the earth's
surface is the troposphere. The troposphere is again the very
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Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And...
Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats
the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm
air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy
rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise
and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a
tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It
goes back to the earth's surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws
moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is
plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and
precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climate
diagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation
above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale
rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and
precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is
mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropics are warmer the air holds more
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Functions Of The Earth's Climate System
· The Earth's Climate System · Climate Function · "Climate is what you expect, and weather is what
you get." (World Ocean Review) · Weather is short term, climate is long term (next year, 10 years
away) · Earth's climate is a result of interactions of many components within the system.
· Sun and ocean interactions, ocean and atmosphere.
· Troposphere– · Lowest level of the atmosphere, we live in the troposphere. Primarily composed of
nitrogen and oxygen as well as water vapor.
· Majority of weather experienced happens in the troposphere.
· Stratosphere · Second layer of the atmosphere · Planes fly in the stratosphere · Hydrosphere ·
Comprised of all liquid surface and subterranean water · Fresh and Salt water.
1 · Biosphere · Is the sum of ... Show more content on ...
3 · Energy Cycle · Solar radiation is transformed into internal heat, potential energy, latent energy,
and kinetic energy and moves around in various ways by the atmosphere, oceans, land and ice.
Some is also radiated back into space (Trenberth) · There must be a balance between the incoming
and outgoing radiations.
· Energy cycle drives weather systems, ocean currents, and determines climate (Trenberth).
· Once energy is absorbed and cycled through the atmosphere the energy is then radiated back into
· Causes of recent changes · Burning of fossil fuels · Increases CO2 within the atmosphere trapping
in more heat.
· CO2 absorbs the heat that is bounced off the earths surface.
· When the sun's energy reaches the earth, some of that energy is absorbed and some is radiated
back, energy balance. Greenhouse Gases absorb the energy that is radiated back into space, intern
warming the atmosphere.
4 · "Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the
increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapour, carbon dioxide
(CO2), methane and ozone."(Time for Change) · Greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect to
earth some of the heat energy that would normally be lost into space. (Time for Change).
· Increase in energy consumption world wide, CO2 and other pollutants at new highs.
5 · Climatic Impact From Atmospheric Energy and Geological Events.
· Energy Transported · Energy is transferred
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Describe Realistic Strategies That Canadians Could Take to...
Describe realistic strategies that Canadians could take to reduce their negative impact on land, water
and the atmosphere.
Ever since the dawn of industrialization, humans have caused serious, irreversible damage to the
biosphere. And as the world progresses and Canadians looks on, they realized the impact of their
environmental damage. Sometimes new ecofriendly technology enters the market and replaces the
old environment damaging one. But that is not enough, human society as a whole must completely
rethink and change themselves individually to so that their actions causes minimal environmental
backlash. Though the problem of environmental damage is a global one, there is nothing stopping
Canadians from solving it in their own ... Show more content on ...
Simple everyday things for Canadians to reduce water consumption would to fix leaky faucets, take
shorter showers, and turn off the tap when they brush their teeth. Other courses of action for people
would be to install toilets that use less water per flush and for the government, they could start to tax
people for water usage. Some strategies to farmers would be to use drip irrigation systems, which
deliver water directly to the plants roots. The atmosphere is another important component of the
biosphere. Every day, countless cars and factories releases greenhouse gases and pollutes it. A
simple strategy would be do not use cars. Instead of driving, people can bike to work or even walk
there. In fact, carpooling and taking public transit would create less atmospheric pollution than an
individual driving their own car. In addition, people can buy locally grown foods to reduce their
"greenhouse footprint". By buying locally grown foods, it supports local businesses as well reduces
emissions because the food traveled shorter distances. And finally, eco–activists and even concerned
folks can hire lobbyists to exert pressure on the government to create environmental policies that
help to protect the atmosphere. As the world looks on, people start to realize that the problem of
environmental pollution is a global
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Oceans and Atmosphere Worksheet Essay
Associate Level Material
Oceans and Atmosphere Worksheet
Using the assigned readings for Week Six, prepare a 50– to 75–word response to each of the
following questions.
The Oceans
1. What is the composition of seawater? The salinity of seawater ranges from 3.3 to 3.7%. When
seawater evaporates it leaves behind sodium chloride, better known as table salt. The other
components of seawater are acquired through various methods. One of which is weathering.
Chemical weathering of rock releases soluble such as salts of sodium, potassium, and sulfur. 2. What
are the three major layers (zones) found in the ocean? Describe each layer briefly. The three layers
of the ocean are the surface layer, the thermocline, and the deep zone. The ... Show more content on ...
The additions come from the melting of stored water that come in the form of glaciers and ice caps
during times of global warming. Subtraction comes from the removal of water to land based frozen
forms during times of global cooling.
6. What causes ocean tides? Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of both the moon and the sun.
The moon being closer has a greater effect on tides. Water on the side of Earth closest to the moon
bulges toward the moon. There is also a bulge away from the moon on the opposite side of the
7. What is the relationship between plate tectonics and the ocean floor–seafloor spreading, for
8. What are different ways that earth materials are moved around in the oceans? Surf is a powerful
force. It causes erosion and moves sediment from one location to another. Currents are another
manner in which materials are transported through the ocean system. There is a longshore current
and a beach drift responsible for disturbing and transporting materials.
9. What are the different types of shorelines? Describe each type briefly. There is a rocky coast,
lowland beach and barrier island, as well as coral reef. A rocky coast describes the most common
type of costal area. This is where there are vertical wave cut cliffs and horizontal bench cut cliffs.
The erosion undermines the cliffs and sends the resulting debris into the ocean forming rough
outcroppings. Beaches are not only the sand
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A Unique Atmosphere
a unique atmosphere. The flow was very artistic; you can see colors all over, artifacts on every town
square, greenery and organic flowing lines. Within all this Design madness a
modern artifact stood out for me. Looking at it from a distance, it grabbed my attention with its light
translucent structure; I couldn't define the shape. In my eyes all I could see was clustered,
intersecting, free stranding lines in the middle of Plaza Nova. This installation titled "Identity" was
designed by Chinese–based studio Urbanus, for Voltaire's "Barcelonans extreme love of freedom"
300th anniversary of 11 September 1714. On that date, after a thirteen month siege, the city of
Barcelona collided with French–Castilian troops and it turned into a very bloody affair that involved
all sectors of the city. The sacrifices and subsequent spirit of recovery turned this date into a symbol
of the Catalan existing national entity. A colored bamboo structure in a grid installation
reinterpreting a form of an ancient wall with vaults creating openings you could walk through. This
modern artifact had clearly behind it more than aesthetic beauty; a sense of travel through Time and
Space emerged while gazing in to this monument. The "Identity" piece had an urban definition
within the space and a strong feel of cultural representation.
The openings from both sides are crucial design elements. Each side represents a culture; on one of
them you have the series of Roman arched opening. The Roman
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Correlation Between Earth's Average Temperature And Carbon...
1. Is a correlation between Earth's average temperature and carbon dioxide levels? What is the
correlation? Carbon Dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere increase rapidly, causing the
temperature on Earth to rise and stay warming, this process is the correlation of the climate and
carbon dioxide levels. 2. How rapidly did carbon dioxide and temperature fluctuate hundreds of
thousands of years ago. How rapidly have they fluctuated in the past 1,000 years? Over the past
hundred thousand years the temperature has changed dramatically but it was not until the 1900's that
it started to rapidly increase and constantly change, but over the past 1,000 the temperature has
increased at a rapid rate due to human effects on the rate at which carbon
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Atmosphere Essay
Dominic Vawdrey
Aircraft systems essay
The term atmosphere is described by Wikipedia as "An atmosphere (New Latin atmosphaera,
created in the 17th century from Greek ἀτμός [atmos] "vapor" and σφαῖρα [sphaira] "sphere") is a
layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass and that is held in place by the
gravity of the body. An atmosphere may be retained for a longer duration, if the gravity is high and
the atmosphere's temperature is low. Some planets consist mainly of various gases, but only their
outer layer is their atmosphere."
Air is mainly composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, which together constitute the major gases of
the atmosphere. The remaining gases are often referred to as trace gases, ... Show more content on ...
It is stratified in temperature, with warmer layers higher up and cooler layers farther down. This is in
contrast to the troposphere near the Earth's surface, which is cooler higher up and warmer farther
down. The border of the troposphere and stratosphere, the tropopause, is marked by where this
inversion begins, which in terms of atmospheric thermodynamics is the equilibrium level. The
stratosphere is situated between about 6 mi and 30 mi altitude above the surface at moderate
latitudes, while at the poles it starts at about 5 mi altitude.
Within this layer, temperature increases as altitude increases; the top of the stratosphere has a
temperature of about 29.6°F, just slightly below the freezing point of water. The stratosphere is
layered in temperature because ozone here absorbs high energy UVB and UVC energy waves from
the Sun and is broken down into atomic oxygen and diatomic oxygen. Atomic oxygen is found
prevalent in the upper stratosphere due to the bombardment of UV light and the destruction of both
ozone and diatomic oxygen. The mid stratosphere has less UV light passing through it, O and O2 are
able to combine, and is where the majority of natural ozone is produced. It is when these two forms
of oxygen recombine to form ozone that they release the heat found in the stratosphere. The lower
stratosphere receives very low amounts of UVC, thus atomic oxygen is not found here and ozone is
not formed (with heat as the byproduct. This vertical stratification, with
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Explain The Ways Living Organisms Rely On The Atmosphere
There are so many ways living organisms like our selfs (Human beings) rely on the atmosphere. It is
one of the key reasons why there is life on earth to begin with. Here are some reasons on why we as
living organism alongside many other living organism rely on the atmosphere. First off the
atmosphere provides us with oxygen which is what we need to breathe and keep our bodies
working. Without the atmosphere we and many other living organisms would die or not even be
alive to begin with. Just try and hold your breathe for a couple of seconds, you can't because your
body needs oxygen and will force you to open your mouth and get the oxygen your body needs in
order to work correctly. Also, the atmosphere acts as a shield against radiation that
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How Does The Writer Create Atmosphere In The Novel The...
How Does The Writer Create Atmosphere In The Novel The Woman In Black and the Short Story
The Signalman?
"The Woman In Black" and "The Signalman" are both of the same genre horror/ghost stories. This
genre is ideal to create a distinct atmosphere for the reader to be drawn into. The atmosphere the
author creates for the reader is done so by mainly 2 things. Firstly, the characters, descriptions of
supernatural presence, disbelief of the character or narrator and their uncertainty or confusion of
Secondly, the setting, the type of setting chosen is very important and the way in which the author
describes it also.
When we pick up either of these stories we come to expect certain features from this genre. Both
ghost ... Show more content on ...
Specific words such as "watchfulness" and "unusually precipitous" are used to convey feeling to the
reader. Descriptions of the setting and character's feelings along with the narrator's reaction to all of
these play a crucial part in creating the atmosphere wanted by Dickens. There is a contrast from
nothing; silence and stillness, to something; noise and movement.
The story starts with a shout "Halloa! Below there!" This is a sudden noise and disturbs the silence.
Dickens describes the shadows from the sunset as a "violent pulsation"; the language used here
creates an element of strangeness as if the author is creating almost a horror effect for the reader.
The signalman continues not to respond, this makes the narrator feel uncomfortable because he
knows he is being ignored. "The cutting was extremely deep" this description suggests danger
within the setting. There is a distinct description of the signalman; again the language used,
"solitary", "depressing" makes the reader feel uncomfortable because it seems the signalman is not
very sociable, "barbarous" he even says. The author says there is a
"striking chill" but this does not necessarily mean it is cold; he may be referring to the atmosphere
surrounding the narrator. The author also creates atmosphere by keeping the reader is suspense at
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The Atmosphere Of A Space
Atmosphere is a powerfully, ever–present phenomenon that is accepted and attributed to how we
perceive an environment. It is relevant in every aspect of a space, and used by designers of all fields
to influence, teach and evoke an emotion or mood creatively. There is a kind of intimacy within the
development of an atmosphere and it is a "powerful intermediary between the subject and object"
(Bohme, 1993, p118). Through the manipulation of various physical components, a designer can set
a mood, that seems to fill the void in a space which is important as "an artwork cannot be grasped
solely through its concrete qualities" (Bohme, 1993, p116). An important idea within this
atmospheric appreciation is that it is how we perceive a space, which creates our mood. Each
individual will have a different perception of a space and how the various elements radiate towards
him or her. A designer's aim is to engage the audience for the full duration of being in a space and it
is these atmospheric qualities that predominantly control this. This essay will take a significant look
at the creation and development of atmosphere within a space, in particular fashion runways. It will
give a brief introduction into the idea of an atmosphere and how designers can create certain moods
and emotions by controlling various elements within a space. There will be focus on the work of
iconic fashion designers, and the atmosphere they individually set out to create.
Furthermore, this essay
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Does The Northern Hemisphere's Solar Atmosphere?
The Southern Hemisphere is warmer in December, January, and February because it receives more
solar energy than does the Northern Hemisphere. During, June, July, and August the opposite is true;
the Northern Hemisphere receives more solar energy and is warmer. This is due to the spherical
shape of the planet, due to which sun is nearly overhead at equator than at high latitude therefore
warmest. Thus, temperature varies with latitude from the warm Equator to the cold poles.
Generally high rainfall occurs at high temperature as shown in (Figure 1).
There are three distinct wind cells – Hadley Cells, Ferrel Cells, and Polar Cells.
The Hadley cells are thermally driven, direct circulations in the tropical atmosphere between 30N
and 30S which conserve
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Cause And Effects Of Global Warming
Has anyone wondered why climate is in flux? Who is the major culprit behind this extreme climate
changes? "Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius was the first scientist to assert that heightened
concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could lead to global warming in 1896." As
global warming is the greatest environmental challenge today, we should be aware that it is actually
"a gradual rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects."
Global warming is the increase in temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere.
"The word ' global warming' was first introduced in 1983 as the name for a condition of overall
rising temperatures on Earth and attendant consequences as a result of human activity. Originally
theoretical, it has been popularized as a reality since 1989". When the various greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide (CO2) collect in the atmosphere, it absorbs the solar radiation and traps the heat in
the atmosphere resulting to increase in temperature of the Earth. This phenomenon is called global
warming. Global warming is also referred as climate change.
The main cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere–
basically carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels. Various human activities like
agriculture and deforestation also result in the collection of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that
causes global warming. The major culprit of increase in Earth's temperature is the
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What Are The Major Greenhouse Gases Found In Earth's...
1. The greenhouse effect is a natural atmospheric process that has a tremendous impact on Earth.
Describe this process, including what causes it, the factors that influence it, and how it affects Earth.
– The greenhouse effect is when the heat from a planet's air warms the planet's surface to a
temperature above what it normally would be without its air. What causes the greenhouse effect is
that energy comes from the sun and reflects off of the earth's surface and then goes back to the
atmosphere as a bunch of heat. It affects the Earth by making the atmosphere warm.
2. Identify the major greenhouse gases found in Earth's atmosphere.
– The common gases found in our atmosphere are: carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and
nitrous oxide
3. While ... Show more content on ...
5. Changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases can cause changes in Earth's average surface
temperature. What other natural factors or events also can cause long–term changes in surface
– Ice cores, the flow of water, and deep sea cores. Ice cores and sea cores tell a lot about how the
climate changes. How the water moves in the ocean, how the ice gets frozen and unfrozen time and
time again, and the flow of water tells how the water has been flowing through and making its way
through icy, hot, or broiling rivers; also other types of waterways.
6. How long have consistent weather measurements been collected and recorded throughout the
United States?
– NOAA has been using tools since the 1800's to observe and figure out the weather.
7. Atmospheric composition and conditions are different today than at other times in Earth's history.
What types of things do scientists examine to learn what the atmosphere was like hundreds,
thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years in the past? Specifically, explain how a history of
climate can be reconstructed from an ice
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A Moral Atmosphere
The primary problem for Americans now a days, is that there are many excuses as to why there is no
action being taken for the climate change, even though there are solutions. It is easy for individuals
to put rain barrels out, using compost, solar energy. There are also things that businesses or groups
can do for the climate change, creating recycled arts, creating natural ponds, and more. There are
many solutions to these excuses that Americans have today.
Within the article " A moral Atmosphere" it is explained that Americans are making excuses as to
why they are not acting on the climate change. First and foremost, the book uses examples of
excuses like " There's no problem" or " The problems so large there's no hope." It then goes into ...
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People may use recycled material as art. For example, some people may say that they would love to
make recycled art, but they just can't find anything to recycle. Recycled art is not just about finding
old antiques, some people use scrap food to make painting with, it supposed to be a great resource
for artists. As a matter of fact recycled art is not all about paintings, or antique transformations, the
rain barrels may be decoration for their yard. Individuals and businesses can use old metal stuff
scraps to make figurines for decorations. Within the article "A Moral Atmosphere " it states " But
still, there's one reason that never goes away, one evergreen excuse not to act: "you're a
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What Are The Four Elements Of Atmosphere
This essay will discuss the four elements of atmosphere that are used to reach out to customers.
Those elements are the following: exterior, general interior, store layout, and displays. The
combined used of these elements create a unique image that customers can identify with the store's
image and lends to what is known as visual merchandising.
The first element that contributes to a customer's perception of a store–based firm is the exterior.
Planning of the exterior, has to include the store's exterior attributes which includes the storefront,
store entrances, display windows, building height, visibility, surrounding areas and stores and
parking facilities. Depending on the image that the store wishes to be perceived as these attributes
have to portray uniqueness. According to Berman and Evans, "a storefront is defined as the total
physical exterior of the store itself. It includes the marquee, ... Show more content on ...
Decisions of flooring, interior color palettes, scents and sounds, store fixtures, aisle widths, light
fixtures, overall cleanliness of the store, price displays, and dressing facilities all help to create a
mood within customers and to add to the atmosphere of the store. A store needs to know what mood
it is trying to convey when all of these elements come together.
The third element that contributes to a customer's perception of a store–based firm is the store
layout. There are six steps that need to be considered when planning the store's layout. These steps
are the following: allocation of store space, classification or store offerings, determination of a
traffic–flow pattern, mapping our in–store locations, and arrangement of individual products. The
purpose of a store's layout is to make shopping as efficient as possible. Customers should find what
they are looking for easily while also being persuaded to buy a few impulse items along the
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Why Does The Scientist Face Disappear On The Infrared...
1. Why does the scientist's face disappear on the infrared camera when the tube fills up with CO2?
Because the air in the tube is composed with Nitrogen and Oxygen. Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2)
do not block infrared radiation (IR), but molecules of Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the ability to
absorb and re–emit the infrared radiation.
2. How do you expect CO2 to interact with infrared radiation in the Earth's atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an effective heat trapping greenhouse gas even though it only adds to up
0.04% (400 parts per million) of the atmosphere.
CO2 molecules can vibrate in ways that simpler nitrogen and oxygen molecules cannot, which
allows CO2 molecules to capture the IR photons.
3. More broadly, what does this demonstration show us about the greenhouse effect in the Earth's
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o In late years, however, excess emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from
human activities processes (mostly burning fossil fuels) have started to warm Earth's climate at a
problematic rate. This has caused the global average temperature to raise, and may potentially harm
many life form on earth in near future. They are generating major greenhouse gases (GHGs) which
enhance greenhouse effect. This raises the global average temperature leading to climate change,
and may potentially harm many life form on earth in near
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Creative Cultures And Ideas : Atmosphere Essay
Virtual Atmospheres
Creative Cultures and Ideas: Atmosphere: Sensing sites, spaces and phenomena
Georgia Lexmond
Word Count:
Atmosphere is the silent language which results from the conscious designing of a space to create
certain affects in buyers. These environments are intended to produce emotional responses from the
consumer to enhance the probability of a purchase. This is done by using atmospheric cues to
stimulate the senses and sway the entire customer experience of being in a particular space and time.
However as online shopping competition grows, businesses are seeking to create more alluring
website atmospheres in order to be distinguished from their competitors. Web atmosphere is in many
ways similar to physical environments. Dailey (2004) defines web atmospherics as the "conscious
designing of web environments to create positive effects in users in order to increase favorable
consumer responses". I have specifically chosen each text as they give a different perspective as to
how we can decipher the true meaning of atmosphere in terms of online retailing. Although
different, each reading has valid discussions which backup and reflect on points that the other
authors have made.
As online retailing becomes increasingly popular so does the demand for an effective website that
directly relates to real life situations and environments. Today, internet and technology allows
retailers not only to sell their products online but
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Atmosphere Science Deniers
What is it with all these Atmosphere Science Deniers in any case? All things considered, possibly
we ought to hear some out of their protests before we call scholarly or scholastic rank on their
alleged lack of awareness. How about we discuss a certainties' portion about our new An Earth–
wide temperature boost Religion, should we?
Most importantly, the IPCC is NOT an investigative association, it is a political association. The
atmosphere models are false, the calculations are counterfeit, and the whole framework doesn't mull
over the SUN, which is in charge of 97% of the vitality in the air and the temperatures on Earth's
Further, the temperature perusing gear has been put on or excessively near urban warmth islands
deliberately and not circulated similarly on the World's surface. Additionally consider this: You
human, are 17% made of carbon, it's not detestable, on the off chance that you don't need a 'carbon
foot shaped impression' then remove your feet, it's the main path, yet meanwhile quit letting your
discussion walk your walk.
Therefore, the Atmosphere Science Deniers say that A dangerous atmospheric devation is BS,
composed by the individuals who need to seize the modern base of ... Show more content on ...
Without it, there wouldn't be our sort of life, that is the reason. On the off chance that we are going
to civil argument, how about we face off regarding the science and take a gander at the lowlifes
behind An unnatural weather change Hypothesis, recall that it was a hypothesis, much the same as
the hypothesis in the 70s that we were going into an ice age. Yes, the atmosphere changes, it's been
doing as such for more than 4.5 billion years that we think about. So what, and polar bears,
whatever, they impart qualities to wild bears – dah, same species so they've been around 100s of
million years through god knows what number of ice ages. The entire hypothesis is just BS. To learn
your air
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Essay about atmosphere evolution of rocky planets
Atmosphere Evolution on Rocky Planets
Atmosphere can be defined as a gaseous compound layer surrounding a large body mass suspended
by means of gravity and centrifugal force caused by rotation [1]. Atmospheres of planets have not
always been the same, its evolution comprised of complex development across million years of
geologic time affected by various changes of variables inside and outside its planet [2]. Of the
interest of this essay is the atmospheric evolution of a rocky planet. Rocky planet is a terrestrial
body consists mainly of silicate or metal [3]. Some known rocky planets with substantial
atmosphere such as Venus, Mars and Earth has a very different composition of atmospheric gas [4].
These planets experienced very ... Show more content on ...
The closer the planets to the Sun, the higher heat radiation it receives from the Sun [15]. This will
affect the initial possible temperature on the planet surface. On the other hand, atmospheric pressure
and composition affect the greenhouse gas effect as well as deflection of ultraviolet and heat from
the Sun [15]. Combination of these effects results in different surface temperature as shown on the
table above.
The atmospheric conditions of planets are related to gravity strength and temperature of the
atmosphere. Atmosphere can be retained for a longer duration when the gravity is high and the
temperature of atmosphere is low. [1] Table shows that the gravity of Earth is the highest, followed
by Venus, and Mars. The gravity of Earth and Venus are similar. Therefore, the atmosphere of both
Earth and Venus can be retained for a longer period of time, while Mars' atmosphere can only be
retained in a shorter
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Layers Of The Atmosphere- Bri Caamano
Atmosphere Paper
Layers of The Atmosphere– Bri Caamano Our atmosphere on Earth has many different layer which
protect us from the harmful elements in space. Our atmosphere is divided into five layers. The
troposphere is the first layer closest to earth. In this layer weather occurs, this is also the closest
layer to us. The second layer would be the stratosphere. The stratosphere is one of the most stable
layers. Due to the stability of this layer jets and aircrafts fly within this area. The Mesosphere is the
third layer from earth this layer starts 50 km above Earth's surface and goes up 85 km high. The top
of the Mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. The fourth layer is where the space
shuttle and ... Show more content on ...
Next is the mesosphere which extends up from the stratopause to about 80 kilometers. The
mesosphere can drop down to nearly –100° C which is equal to ~200° F. This is the coldest layer in
the atmosphere. The thermosphere is final thermally definitive layer of the atmosphere. In this layer,
temperatures can reach up to up to 725° – 1, or 225° C. The thermosphere can be divided on the
basis of chemistry. The lower thermosphere, the ionosphere extends from roughly 80 kilometers, or
50 miles, too somewhere around 300 to 600 kilometers out. After the ionosphere comes the
exosphere. The exosphere is the second outer layer of the thermosphere. It lies beyond about 500–
1,000 kilometers and is defined by an increasing hydrogen and helium level. This is because the
oxygen and nitrogen that control the lower atmosphere have been broken into ions in the ionosphere.
The layer that secedes from the exosphere is the homosphere. The homosphere is the portion of the
lower atmosphere with almost no Ionization. Finally, the heterosphere, the area in which you get
varying mixes of gas molecules and ions, is the last layer in the thermal structure of our atmosphere.
It reaches heights between 80 and 10,000 kilometers. These layers show the thermal structure of our
Atmosphere Composition– Gunnar Murray
The atmosphere is approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Other gases like carbon
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The Speed Of The Atmosphere By Torricelli
Key Meteorological Data:
The determination of the weight of the atmosphere by Torricelli in 1643 was of course the first step
in the development of meteorology to the rank of a science. The discovery of the air–thermometer
by Sanctorius of Padua in 1590 laid the base of a helpful revolution in the science. Meteorology
refers to the science of atmospheric phenomena and study of physical forces in the atmosphere like
heat, wind and movement of air. The degree to which air pollutants discharged from various sources
depends on meteorological conditions. The important air meteorological parameters that influence
air pollution are as follows:
1. Wind Direction and Speed
2. Temperature Inversion
3. Wind Rose
4. Mixing Height
5. Plume Behaviour
6. Lapse Rate etc.
1. Wind Direction and Speed: Wind speed (wind flow velocity), is caused by air moving from high
pressure to low pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Wind speed describes how fast the
air is moving past a certain point. This may be an averaged over a given unit of time, such as miles
per hour, or an instantaneous speed, which is reported as a peak wind speed, wind gust or squall.
Wind speed and direction are important for monitoring and predicting atmospheric dispersion. The
direction and speed of winds govern drift and diffusion of air pollutants discharged into the
atmosphere. In other words, the pollutants discharges into the atmosphere are totally depends on the
direction and speed of the wind. The
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Earth's Atmosphere
Earth's atmosphere is a unique reservoir of gases, the product of nearly 5 billion years of
development. It sustains us and protects us from hostile radiation and particles from the Sun and
beyond–the atmosphere serves as an efficient filter.When astronauts work in space, they must wear a
bulky spacesuit that does everything to sustain and protect them that the atmosphere does for us all
the time.Atmosphere is a gaseous mixture of ancient origin, the sum of all the exhalations and
inhalations of life on Earth throughout time.
The principal substance of this atmosphere is air, the medium of life as well as a major industrial
and chemical raw material. Air is a simple mixture of gases that is naturally odorless, colorless, ...
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Even though the atmosphere rapidly changes density in the homosphere – increasing toward Earth's
surface – the blend (proportion) of gases is nearly uniform throughout the homosphere.The stable
mixture of gases comprising air in the homosphere evolved slowly. The present proportion, which
includes oxygen, evolved approximately 500 million years ago.
5.The homosphere is a vast reservoir of relatively inert nitrogen, originating principally from
volcanic sources.Nitrogen is a key element of life, yet we exhale all the nitrogen we inhale.The
explanation for this contradiction is that nitrogen integrates into our bodies not from the air we
breathe but through compounds in food.In the soil, nitrogen is bound to these compounds by
nitrogen–fixing bacteria, and it returns to the atmosphere by denitrifying bacteria that remove
nitrogen from organic materials.The other main constituent gases are Oxygen, Argon and Carbon
dioxide.Although it forms about one fifth of the atmosphere, oxygen forms compounds that forms
half of Earth's crust
Atmospheric Temperature Criterion
Shifting to temperature as a criterion, the atmosphere has four distinct temperature zones – the
thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere.
1.Thermosphere: we define the thermosphere ("heat sphere") as roughly corresponding to the
heterosphere.The upper limit of the thermosphere is called the thermopause (the suffix –pause
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Structure And Composition Of Atmosphere
Structure and Composition of Atmosphere
Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our planet 's rapid spin and
molten nickel–iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere,
shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth 's
atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface.
Nitrogen and Oxygen are the predominant gases in the atmosphere, accounting for about 99 percent
of dry air. While 1 percent is mixture of all other gases make up the remaining 1 percent. All the
gases found in the atmosphere are natural except CFCs (invented by Thomas Midgley, Jr. was an
American mechanical engineer and chemist).
Exosphere (More than 500 km)
Thermosphere (85–500 km) Negative (–) Lapse Rate
Mesosphere (50–85km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate
O3 Layer [where concentration of ozone is 10 ppm (parts per million)]
Stratosphere (11–50km) Negative (–) Lapse Rate
Troposphere (0–11km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate
The atmosphere has a mass of about 4.5 to 5.0×1018 kg. The atmospheric temperature, pressure and
density vary considerably with altitude. The atmosphere surrounding the Earth from dangerous
cosmic radiations from outer space and helps in sustaining life on the earth. The atmosphere plays a
vital role in maintaining the heat balance on the earth by absorbing the infrared radiation received
from the sun
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Volcanic Eruptions and the Atmosphere
In what ways do the volcanic gases from volcanic eruptions develop the atmosphere? When a
volcano erupts, a plethora of debris and other hazards flows out from the mouth of the volcano. Of
this debris, one of the most perilous threats is not only the lava but also any gases that are a product
of the eruption. In fact, these gases that are released during, after, and sometimes before an eruption
are one of the main culprits as to why volcanos erupt. These gases include, but are not limited to:
sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and
hydrogen fluoride (HF). These gases are the cause of several devastating phenomenon that are
widely known to affect the atmosphere: the haze effect, the depletion of the Ozone layer, and global
warming related to the emission of greenhouse gases.
The haze effect is defined as when "Suspended particles, such as dust and ash...block out the earth's
sunlight, thus reducing solar radiation and lowering mean global temperatures."( While this statement holds
true, it was found that it was not only the dust particles that caused lowering mean global
temperatures, but it was also the discharge of sulfuric–rich gases; the main gas being SO2.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), "Emission rates of SO2 from an active volcano
range from <20 tonnes/day to >10 million tonnes/day..."
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How Does Willy Russell Create Mood and Atmosphere in the...
In the Summer Sequence Willy Russell's three main protagonists are shown to grow up from the
ages of 15 to 18, thus becoming adults throughout the song. This means that the sequence acts as a
watershed in the respect that it marks a major turning point in the play. This is shown through the
atmosphere that Russell creates, which goes from fairly positive, hopeful tone to a more cynical and
desperate one over the duration of the sequence. Russell uses several techniques to create these
atmospheres throughout.
In the opening of the Summer Sequence the atmosphere is clearly a happy one, which is shown by
Russell by using words like "young, free and innocent" to describe the characters. In this section, the
word "innocent" is used twice. ... Show more content on ...
This explicitly refers to the brothers' fate in a way in which the last section didn't, so the tone is far
more marred by the eventuality of their deaths. This date is also referenced when Russell extends the
metaphor, "fate the later seasons bring", which causes the audience to remember the scene at the
very beginning of the play, preventing them from being drawn into the initial happiness of the three
teenagers in this sequence. Again, it refers to Linda being caught in the middle of the pair,
foreshadowing their final argument.
It also refers to Linda paying a "price", a theme that was initially shown in the song 'Easy Terms',
sung by Mrs Johnstone, and in both cases foreshadows the price they'll have to pay for their
involvement in the twins' lives. The music becomes far more serious and sinister, a repetitive tense
note with no actual melody.
In the next section a recurring theme is shown with the references to time. This creates a sad,
melancholic atmosphere, as the audience is aware of the character's significant lack of time together,
but the characters are not, so their happy unawareness and this dramatic irony is slightly poignant.
Again, fate is reference by the narrator "care not for what's at the end of the day", again forcing the
audience to remember the fate of the boys, this
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The Earth 's Atmosphere Has Changed All Through History
The Earth 's atmosphere has changed all through history. Just in the most recent 650,000 years there
have been seven cycles of frigid progress and withdraw, with the sudden end of the last ice age
around 7,000 years back denoting the start of the present day atmosphere period and of human
development. The greater part of these atmosphere changes are credited to little varieties in Earth 's
circle that change the measure of sun based vitality our planet gets. Exploratory proof for warming
of the atmosphere framework is unequivocal. The present warming pattern is of specific criticalness
in light of the fact that the vast majority of it is likely human–impelled and continuing at a rate that
is exceptional in the previous 1,300 years. Earth–circling satellites and other mechanical advances
have empowered researchers to see the comprehensive view, gathering a wide range of sorts of data
about our planet and its atmosphere on a worldwide scale. This group of information, gathered over
numerous years, uncovers the signs of an evolving atmosphere. The warmth catching nature of
carbon dioxide and different gasses was shown in the mid–nineteenth century. Their capacity to
influence the exchange of infrared vitality through the environment is the logical premise of
numerous instruments flown by NASA. There is no doubt that expanded levels of nursery gasses
must bring about the Earth to warm accordingly. Ice centers drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and
tropical mountain icy masses
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How The Atmosphere Is A Complex Fluid System Outside Earth
The atmosphere is a complex fluid system outside Earth from a variety of gases and suspended
solids consisting of participation in life activities are under long–term development and formation.
The main components of the Earth 's atmosphere is nitrogen and oxygen, the nine planets in the
solar system composition is very special. Composition of the global atmosphere more of the
ingredients can be divided into stable and unstable constituent components. The former include
nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen, xenon, these gases the ratio between
the height range from the surface to 90km are stable. Unstable atmospheric components include
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and water vapor and the like. In addition, the atmosphere also
contains a number of solid and liquid impurities, mainly volcanic, seismic dust, rock weathering,
forest fires and human activities, sulfide and nitrogen oxides.
Especially the components for earth biosphere, atmosphere and maintained a very close exchange of
matter and energy, the holding extremely delicate balance between the various components of the
atmosphere. Currently the lower the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, which is the
result of millions of years of evolution of the biosphere and atmosphere interact. 3 billion years ago,
oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is now only one–thousandth of the original life to escape
the deadly ultraviolet radiation damage, it can only exist in
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The Corruption Of The Atmosphere
The Corruption of the Atmosphere Climate change has become one of the greatest issues facing our
world. With the conclusion of the recent international climate summit, the climate has been one of
the most talked about topics in the world. From any newspaper to television to presidential
elections, it is always a relevant topic. Why has the climate though, of all things, gained so much
attention and tension? Why is it bad that the climate is changing? The climate of the earth
experiences cycles of warming and cooling. Since the Jurassic age, the climate has undergone these
changes, which have had a substantial impact on the inhabitants of our planet. Humanity's place in
this cycle is the end of cooling which was the Ice Age and ... Show more content on
The temperature of the world is increasing and has caused "nine of the ten warmest years on a 134
year record have occurred since 2000" ("Global Climate Change"). Temperature changes have also
been responsible for increasing "the occurrence of unusually hot summer nights" and for limiting
"cooling off at night" (Climate Change Science). This indicates that not only are these temperatures
unprecedented but their frequency is also increasing, which has the potential for serious harm. One
of the ways that temperature could cause harm is how it affects precipitation along with other
elements of climate change. "Satellite measurements, combined with balloon data and some in–situ
ground measurements indicate generally positive trends in global water vapor" (Climate Change
Science). This increase in water vapor has the potential to increase the frequency and intensity of
storms, which will change current models and statistics used to predict how dangerous storms will
be. Already "In recent years, a larger percentage of precipitation has come in the form of intense
single–day events. Eight of the top 10 years for extreme one–day precipitation events have occurred
since 1990" (Climate Change Science). Even though precipitation is increasing for storms, many
places are now experiencing droughts due to the infrequency of regular rain. "Over the period from
2000 through 2014, roughly 20 to 70 percent of the U.S. land
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  • 1. Atmosphere Atmosphere The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense. The air of our planet is 78% nitrogen and just under 21% oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other gasses.It is a mixture of gases encircling the Earth and held by the Earth's gravity. This invisible mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor protects the planet from harmful radiation and makes life on it. (Atienza et al., 2012) Atmosphere and Ecology The atmosphere implies the protective blanket of gases, surrounding the earth: (a) It sustains life on the earth. (b) It saves it from the hostile environment of outer ... Show more content on ... Troposphere.The lowest layer of the atmosphere which begins at the surface is the troposphere. It extends to 18 km above Earth's surface. Almost all of the weather occurs in this layer. The troposphere is Earth's densest atmospheric layer. Temperature decreases as altitude increases due to expansive cooling. Stratosphere.Above the troposphere is the stratosphere. The extends from 18 km to an altitude of about 50 km. Temperatures rise as altitude increases in the stratosphere. This change happens because the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs the sun's ultraviolet (UV) energy and warms the air. Almost all the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Because ozone absorbs UV radiation, it reduces the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth. UV radiation that reaches Earth can damage living cells. Mesosphere The layer above the stratosphere is the mesosphere. This layer extends to an altitude of about 80 km. The mesosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere, and its temperatures have been measured as low as –93°C. Thermosphere The atmospheric layer located farthest from Earth's surface is the thermosphere. In the thermosphere, nitrogen and oxygen absorb solar radiation, which results in temperatures that have been ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. How Two Gases Make Up The Atmosphere Without our environment, there would be no life on earth. Two gasses make up the vast majority of the world 's climate: nitrogen (78%), and oxygen (21%). (vaporous component), carbon dioxide and distinctive follow gasses make up the rest. Researchers isolated the climate into four layers as indicated by solidify (chemically)ature: upper environment, upper air/high place, mesosphere, and thermosphere. The temperature drops as we go up through the upper environment, yet it ascends as we travel through the following layer, the upper climate/high place. The more distant far from earth, the more slender the environment gets. There are numerous layers that make up the Atmosphere. The Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Upper climate/high place, ... Show more content on ... On account of this (mental fixation/getting of a fluid), the temperature increments with tallness. From as low as – 184 degrees at the base of this layer, temperatures can reach as high as 3,600 degrees close to the top. Be that as it may, (despite the fact that there is the presence of) the high temperatures, this layer of the air would in any case feel extremely chilly to our skin because of the slender climate. The high temperature focuses to/demonstrates the measure of the vitality splashed up (like a towel) by the particles yet with so few in this layer, the aggregate number of the atoms is insufficient to warm our skin. Next is the Mesosphere, this layer stretches out from around 31 miles over the earths surface to 53 miles. The gasses, including the Oxygen particles, keep on becoming more thick as one brings down/moves descending/starts. Thus, temperatures increment as one brings down/moves descending/starts ascending to around 5 degrees close to the base of this layer. The gasses on the mesosphere are currently sufficiently thick to back off space shakes (that tumble to Earth) hurrying/tossing into the air, where they consume leaving red hot trails in the night sky. Both the upper climate/high place and the mesosphere are deliberately contemplated/trusted the center environment. The change (starting with one thing then onto the next) edge/fringe which seperated the mesosphere from the Upper climate/high place ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Dioxide Levels In The Atmosphere Relate To Global Climate... The increasing dioxide levels in the atmosphere relate to global climate change in many different ways. Carbon dioxide is an important heat–trapping gas, which is released through human activities. Some examples of human activities that cause the temperature to rise is the burning of fossil fuels, as well as the natural processes such as respiration and volcanic eruption. Carbon dioxide absorbs energy from the sun then releases it into the atmosphere. It causes the earth to be much warmer than it should be. This carbon dioxide can lead to global warming. Global warming is the increase of earth's temperature caused by the greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. One of the greenhouses ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Climate Change Affects People And The Atmosphere Every Day As people live their lives every day, climate change is currently happening. Climate change is the shifting of normal weather patterns, which can cause the environment to become unbalanced. The greenhouse effect plays a major role in climate change, and it consists of four types of gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and flourished gases. These greenhouse gases help trap heat on Earth, but yet the carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and this can damage the cycle of the greenhouse effect. Climate change affects people and the atmosphere every day. Many people do not realize that current climate change can cause huge problems in the future; people need to find solutions in order to get climate change under control. Climate change is a major issue in the world. As the population increases, more resources are required to supply basic human needs. The resources such as oil, coal, and natural gas are essential in human lives. An excessive amount of these resources in the atmosphere can cause the ozone to become compacted with C2O. These resources are called fossil fuels and burning them will trap more heat in the greenhouse effect; wildfires and volcanic eruptions can also cause more C2O in the atmosphere (Weeks). The ozone currently has more carbon dioxide than it did three million years ago. It will take two decades to replace the carbon and fifty years for the weather to adapt back to its normal state. The arctic regions of the world are melting. This can be ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Atmosphere Of The Workplace Introduction When explaining the atmosphere of the workplace, it can be described in a variety of ways. The variety comes from the different types of leadership taken by the boss, managers, and others in authority. There are many different styles when it comes to leadership, which is based upon the personality of the one leading. The more common forms of leadership include autocratic, authoritarian, democratic, laissez–faire, and bureaucratic. The foundation of this research is to give the reader a better insight of the characteristics of democratic leadership, and why it is one of the most leadership styles utilized in the workplace. Defining a Democratic Leader A person's style of leading is hardly equivalent to their behavior. It is known as the way in which the leader influences the followers. There are many ways to lead and every leader adopts their own style. According to the Public Policy and Administration Research (2015), different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. The democratic approach can also be referred to as the participative style seeing as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. A manger utilizing a democratic style keeps their employees informed about everything affecting their work and shares decision–making and problem solving responsibilities. In a sense, this style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Comfortable Classroom Atmosphere How to Create a Comfortable Classroom Atmosphere? Studying is frequently associated with struggling. For students, studying is their own choice made after a careful consideration and checking the pros and cons. For kids, studying is what they are obliged to do. They do not even understand the importance of education and do only what their parents tell them. Frequently, they take education like a punishment or like an obligation that brings them nothing but a plenty of negative emotions. However, a teacher can always change the attitude of kids to the studying process. Creating a comfortable classroom atmosphere, a teacher can motivate kids for better results. Why positive atmosphere is important The relations between a kid and a teacher ... Show more content on ... It takes days and sometimes even weeks to find a mutual language with all kids. The prior task for a teacher is to keep friendly and positive atmosphere no matter what happens. Using this approach, the desired result will be reached in the shortest possible time. To fasten this process, follow the basic strategies and tips that help re–build the atmosphere into the most appropriate for effective studying. 1. Never stay passive All your efforts to create a comfortable atmosphere in your class have no sense if you stay passive during the classes. Add dynamics to the way you behave in the classroom, do not be afraid to make jokes and discuss with your students or schoolchildren the most complicated issues that are interesting for them. Every time you prepare for a lesson, you need to remember that the theme and ideas of these lessons should be interesting for kids. You need to find a way to present any information in a way that will capture their attention. Active position of a teacher is a strong motivation for kids and students. When they see how deeply you are interested in your subject, they unintentionally adopt this attitude and also become ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Atmosphere Atmosphere The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense. The air of our planet is 78% nitrogen and just under 21% oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other gasses.It is a mixture of gases encircling the Earth and held by the Earth's gravity. This invisible mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor protects the planet from harmful radiation and makes life on it. (Atienza et al., 2012) Atmosphere and Ecology The atmosphere implies the protective blanket of gases, surrounding the earth: (a) It sustains life on the earth. (b) It saves it from the hostile environment of outer space. ... Show more content on ... The two atoms in these molecules are bound together tightly and unable to vibrate, so they cannot absorb heat and contribute to the greenhouse effect.This process, in which gases trap heat near the Earth, is known as Greenhouse Effect. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be too cold for life to exist. The gases in our atmosphere that trap and radiate heat are called greenhouse gases. None of the greenhouse gases have a high concentration in Earth's atmosphere. The most abundant greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The quantities of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere vary considerably as a result of natural and industrial processes, and the amount of water varies because of natural processes. References Books Atienza, T., Mangahas, R., &amp;Rendon, A. (2012).Basic Ecology. Manila, Philippines: Vents Armbruster, B., Mitsakos, C., &amp; Rogers, V. (1986).Earth's Geography and Environment.Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn and Company Barret, G., &amp;Odum, E. Fundamentals of Ecology. (5thed.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press Burckley R., &amp; Ramsey, W. (1966).Modern Earth Science. Washington DC, USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. Kindersley, D. (1997). Science Encyclopedia.London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. Singh, Y. K. (2006). Environmental Science.Daryaganj, New Delhi:New Age International Limited, Publishers Web page Nature. (2012). Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Modern Meteorology And Its Effects On The Earth I. Introduction and History Venus and Earth are often called twin planets due to their similar sizes and locations, so Venus might seem like a reasonable interplanetary vacation spot. However, upon arrival, the "crushing ninety atmospheres" of surface pressure and "strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system" will render the trip a massive failure (Natural History). Despite their similarities, Earth and Venus differ greatly with regards to their atmospheres, making Earth a much more hospitable environment for human habitation. Even though Earth's atmosphere does not receive nearly as much appreciation as its oceans or rivers, the layers of gas enveloping Earth are even more essential to the human race, making atmospheric destruction even more alarming. Although modern meteorology is considered inaccurate, and precise information about atmospheric conditions is not always available, understanding of the atmosphere has evolved and improved greatly over the millennia. In antiquity, atmospheric phenomena was interpreted as a supernatural, often reflecting divine opinions of man's actions (Fleming). Ancients thought of rainbows as a pathway from mortal Earth to the Heavens, and observation was limited to the crude human senses. As modern scientific principles became more prevalent in the 16th and 17th centuries, weather was increasingly seen as a physical result of atmospheric conditions. For example, René Descartes discarded the supernatural view of rainbows, instead ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Climate Change : Climate Change In The Atmosphere? A Change in the Atmosphere For many people, just hearing the words "Climate Change" can cause different responses. Some people describe it is as being a "natural" thing for the Earth to do. Having the belief that since there was warm and cold periods before, that it is a reoccurring deal. Wrong. The change in the atmosphere is something that has become more and more apparent in recent times. The apparent changes are the ones that the human race has caused. The rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is cause by all of the harmful gasses that get emitted into the air, is at an all time high. The Earth is constantly having things happen due to the harmful gasses. The Earth is becoming warmer and warmer due to "human activity since the mid–20th century" (NASA, 2017). Consider this: The crazy weather the world has been having lately. When conducting come research, there will be discoveries that years ago, there were not that many natural disasters going on. Due to the high emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there have been more natural disasters and things happening in the atmosphere. There are more and more people who are driving now and all of the gasoline being used is causing the crazy events due to the change in the climate. If everyone all came together and doing something about this fast growing problem, the world would be a cleaner place. Climate Change could end up destroying the planet if it is not taken seriously. The effect on the atmosphere due ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Research Paper On Climate Change Climate change in the world can be caused by various activities. When climate change occurs; temperatures can increase a dramatically. When temperature rises, many different changes can occur on Earth. For example, it can result in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. Oceans and glaciers have also experienced some changes: oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these changes frequently occur in future decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and environment. During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This is called the greenhouse effect and it is natural and necessary to support life on earth. However, while greenhouse gases buildup, the climate changes and result in dangerous effects to human health and ecosystems. People have adapted to the stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warmer climate can bring changes that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural environment, and even our own health and safety. There are some climate changes that are unavoidable and nothing can be ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Atmosphere and The Ozone Layer The atmosphere is an amazing creation. It contains many things that help make this world a place where we can live. The atmosphere contains ozone. That helps protect our skin from harmful sun rays. Many layers make up our atmosphere. There are five main layers, the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and lastly the exosphere. Each layer has a different purpose. Clouds are located in the atmosphere and are a big part of the water cycle. There are different types of clouds and they all have different effects. Conduction and convection also play a big part in how we live our lives today. Ozone is a gas in the atmosphere. It absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Without ozone, our skin would burn from the suns radiation. Ozone can be either good or bad for your health. It depends on the location of it in the atmosphere. It can also be bad for the environment. When ozone is near the ground it is considered very dangerous. During the hot summer months ozone levels should be monitored. In the summer, more harmful ozone concentrations are in the air we use. Inhaling ozone can be very dangerous to our health. It can cause a number of health problems. Scientists are figuring out ways to help keep the air clean and people and the environment healthy. (1) There are many different layers in the atmosphere, five actually. The layer closest to the earth's surface is the troposphere. The troposphere is again the very ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And... Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It goes back to the earth's surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climate diagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropics are warmer the air holds more moisture ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Functions Of The Earth's Climate System · The Earth's Climate System · Climate Function · "Climate is what you expect, and weather is what you get." (World Ocean Review) · Weather is short term, climate is long term (next year, 10 years away) · Earth's climate is a result of interactions of many components within the system. · Sun and ocean interactions, ocean and atmosphere. · Troposphere– · Lowest level of the atmosphere, we live in the troposphere. Primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen as well as water vapor. · Majority of weather experienced happens in the troposphere. · Stratosphere · Second layer of the atmosphere · Planes fly in the stratosphere · Hydrosphere · Comprised of all liquid surface and subterranean water · Fresh and Salt water. 1 · Biosphere · Is the sum of ... Show more content on ... 3 · Energy Cycle · Solar radiation is transformed into internal heat, potential energy, latent energy, and kinetic energy and moves around in various ways by the atmosphere, oceans, land and ice. Some is also radiated back into space (Trenberth) · There must be a balance between the incoming and outgoing radiations. · Energy cycle drives weather systems, ocean currents, and determines climate (Trenberth). · Once energy is absorbed and cycled through the atmosphere the energy is then radiated back into space. · Causes of recent changes · Burning of fossil fuels · Increases CO2 within the atmosphere trapping in more heat. · CO2 absorbs the heat that is bounced off the earths surface. · When the sun's energy reaches the earth, some of that energy is absorbed and some is radiated back, energy balance. Greenhouse Gases absorb the energy that is radiated back into space, intern warming the atmosphere. 4 · "Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone."(Time for Change) · Greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect to earth some of the heat energy that would normally be lost into space. (Time for Change). · Increase in energy consumption world wide, CO2 and other pollutants at new highs. 5 · Climatic Impact From Atmospheric Energy and Geological Events. · Energy Transported · Energy is transferred ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Describe Realistic Strategies That Canadians Could Take to... Describe realistic strategies that Canadians could take to reduce their negative impact on land, water and the atmosphere. Ever since the dawn of industrialization, humans have caused serious, irreversible damage to the biosphere. And as the world progresses and Canadians looks on, they realized the impact of their environmental damage. Sometimes new ecofriendly technology enters the market and replaces the old environment damaging one. But that is not enough, human society as a whole must completely rethink and change themselves individually to so that their actions causes minimal environmental backlash. Though the problem of environmental damage is a global one, there is nothing stopping Canadians from solving it in their own ... Show more content on ... Simple everyday things for Canadians to reduce water consumption would to fix leaky faucets, take shorter showers, and turn off the tap when they brush their teeth. Other courses of action for people would be to install toilets that use less water per flush and for the government, they could start to tax people for water usage. Some strategies to farmers would be to use drip irrigation systems, which deliver water directly to the plants roots. The atmosphere is another important component of the biosphere. Every day, countless cars and factories releases greenhouse gases and pollutes it. A simple strategy would be do not use cars. Instead of driving, people can bike to work or even walk there. In fact, carpooling and taking public transit would create less atmospheric pollution than an individual driving their own car. In addition, people can buy locally grown foods to reduce their "greenhouse footprint". By buying locally grown foods, it supports local businesses as well reduces emissions because the food traveled shorter distances. And finally, eco–activists and even concerned folks can hire lobbyists to exert pressure on the government to create environmental policies that help to protect the atmosphere. As the world looks on, people start to realize that the problem of environmental pollution is a global ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Oceans and Atmosphere Worksheet Essay Associate Level Material Oceans and Atmosphere Worksheet Using the assigned readings for Week Six, prepare a 50– to 75–word response to each of the following questions. The Oceans 1. What is the composition of seawater? The salinity of seawater ranges from 3.3 to 3.7%. When seawater evaporates it leaves behind sodium chloride, better known as table salt. The other components of seawater are acquired through various methods. One of which is weathering. Chemical weathering of rock releases soluble such as salts of sodium, potassium, and sulfur. 2. What are the three major layers (zones) found in the ocean? Describe each layer briefly. The three layers of the ocean are the surface layer, the thermocline, and the deep zone. The ... Show more content on ... The additions come from the melting of stored water that come in the form of glaciers and ice caps during times of global warming. Subtraction comes from the removal of water to land based frozen forms during times of global cooling. 6. What causes ocean tides? Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of both the moon and the sun. The moon being closer has a greater effect on tides. Water on the side of Earth closest to the moon bulges toward the moon. There is also a bulge away from the moon on the opposite side of the Earth. 7. What is the relationship between plate tectonics and the ocean floor–seafloor spreading, for example? 8. What are different ways that earth materials are moved around in the oceans? Surf is a powerful force. It causes erosion and moves sediment from one location to another. Currents are another manner in which materials are transported through the ocean system. There is a longshore current and a beach drift responsible for disturbing and transporting materials. 9. What are the different types of shorelines? Describe each type briefly. There is a rocky coast, lowland beach and barrier island, as well as coral reef. A rocky coast describes the most common type of costal area. This is where there are vertical wave cut cliffs and horizontal bench cut cliffs.
  • 30. The erosion undermines the cliffs and sends the resulting debris into the ocean forming rough outcroppings. Beaches are not only the sand ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. A Unique Atmosphere a unique atmosphere. The flow was very artistic; you can see colors all over, artifacts on every town square, greenery and organic flowing lines. Within all this Design madness a modern artifact stood out for me. Looking at it from a distance, it grabbed my attention with its light translucent structure; I couldn't define the shape. In my eyes all I could see was clustered, intersecting, free stranding lines in the middle of Plaza Nova. This installation titled "Identity" was designed by Chinese–based studio Urbanus, for Voltaire's "Barcelonans extreme love of freedom" 300th anniversary of 11 September 1714. On that date, after a thirteen month siege, the city of Barcelona collided with French–Castilian troops and it turned into a very bloody affair that involved all sectors of the city. The sacrifices and subsequent spirit of recovery turned this date into a symbol of the Catalan existing national entity. A colored bamboo structure in a grid installation reinterpreting a form of an ancient wall with vaults creating openings you could walk through. This modern artifact had clearly behind it more than aesthetic beauty; a sense of travel through Time and Space emerged while gazing in to this monument. The "Identity" piece had an urban definition within the space and a strong feel of cultural representation. TIME The openings from both sides are crucial design elements. Each side represents a culture; on one of them you have the series of Roman arched opening. The Roman ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Correlation Between Earth's Average Temperature And Carbon... 1. Is a correlation between Earth's average temperature and carbon dioxide levels? What is the correlation? Carbon Dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere increase rapidly, causing the temperature on Earth to rise and stay warming, this process is the correlation of the climate and carbon dioxide levels. 2. How rapidly did carbon dioxide and temperature fluctuate hundreds of thousands of years ago. How rapidly have they fluctuated in the past 1,000 years? Over the past hundred thousand years the temperature has changed dramatically but it was not until the 1900's that it started to rapidly increase and constantly change, but over the past 1,000 the temperature has increased at a rapid rate due to human effects on the rate at which carbon ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Atmosphere Essay Dominic Vawdrey Aircraft systems essay Atmosphere The term atmosphere is described by Wikipedia as "An atmosphere (New Latin atmosphaera, created in the 17th century from Greek ἀτμός [atmos] "vapor" and σφαῖρα [sphaira] "sphere") is a layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass and that is held in place by the gravity of the body. An atmosphere may be retained for a longer duration, if the gravity is high and the atmosphere's temperature is low. Some planets consist mainly of various gases, but only their outer layer is their atmosphere." Air is mainly composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, which together constitute the major gases of the atmosphere. The remaining gases are often referred to as trace gases, ... Show more content on ... It is stratified in temperature, with warmer layers higher up and cooler layers farther down. This is in contrast to the troposphere near the Earth's surface, which is cooler higher up and warmer farther down. The border of the troposphere and stratosphere, the tropopause, is marked by where this inversion begins, which in terms of atmospheric thermodynamics is the equilibrium level. The stratosphere is situated between about 6 mi and 30 mi altitude above the surface at moderate latitudes, while at the poles it starts at about 5 mi altitude. Within this layer, temperature increases as altitude increases; the top of the stratosphere has a temperature of about 29.6°F, just slightly below the freezing point of water. The stratosphere is layered in temperature because ozone here absorbs high energy UVB and UVC energy waves from the Sun and is broken down into atomic oxygen and diatomic oxygen. Atomic oxygen is found prevalent in the upper stratosphere due to the bombardment of UV light and the destruction of both ozone and diatomic oxygen. The mid stratosphere has less UV light passing through it, O and O2 are able to combine, and is where the majority of natural ozone is produced. It is when these two forms of oxygen recombine to form ozone that they release the heat found in the stratosphere. The lower stratosphere receives very low amounts of UVC, thus atomic oxygen is not found here and ozone is not formed (with heat as the byproduct. This vertical stratification, with ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Explain The Ways Living Organisms Rely On The Atmosphere There are so many ways living organisms like our selfs (Human beings) rely on the atmosphere. It is one of the key reasons why there is life on earth to begin with. Here are some reasons on why we as living organism alongside many other living organism rely on the atmosphere. First off the atmosphere provides us with oxygen which is what we need to breathe and keep our bodies working. Without the atmosphere we and many other living organisms would die or not even be alive to begin with. Just try and hold your breathe for a couple of seconds, you can't because your body needs oxygen and will force you to open your mouth and get the oxygen your body needs in order to work correctly. Also, the atmosphere acts as a shield against radiation that ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. How Does The Writer Create Atmosphere In The Novel The... How Does The Writer Create Atmosphere In The Novel The Woman In Black and the Short Story The Signalman? "The Woman In Black" and "The Signalman" are both of the same genre horror/ghost stories. This genre is ideal to create a distinct atmosphere for the reader to be drawn into. The atmosphere the author creates for the reader is done so by mainly 2 things. Firstly, the characters, descriptions of supernatural presence, disbelief of the character or narrator and their uncertainty or confusion of conflict. Secondly, the setting, the type of setting chosen is very important and the way in which the author describes it also. When we pick up either of these stories we come to expect certain features from this genre. Both ghost ... Show more content on ... Specific words such as "watchfulness" and "unusually precipitous" are used to convey feeling to the reader. Descriptions of the setting and character's feelings along with the narrator's reaction to all of these play a crucial part in creating the atmosphere wanted by Dickens. There is a contrast from nothing; silence and stillness, to something; noise and movement. The story starts with a shout "Halloa! Below there!" This is a sudden noise and disturbs the silence. Dickens describes the shadows from the sunset as a "violent pulsation"; the language used here creates an element of strangeness as if the author is creating almost a horror effect for the reader. The signalman continues not to respond, this makes the narrator feel uncomfortable because he knows he is being ignored. "The cutting was extremely deep" this description suggests danger within the setting. There is a distinct description of the signalman; again the language used, "solitary", "depressing" makes the reader feel uncomfortable because it seems the signalman is not very sociable, "barbarous" he even says. The author says there is a "striking chill" but this does not necessarily mean it is cold; he may be referring to the atmosphere surrounding the narrator. The author also creates atmosphere by keeping the reader is suspense at ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Atmosphere Of A Space Atmosphere is a powerfully, ever–present phenomenon that is accepted and attributed to how we perceive an environment. It is relevant in every aspect of a space, and used by designers of all fields to influence, teach and evoke an emotion or mood creatively. There is a kind of intimacy within the development of an atmosphere and it is a "powerful intermediary between the subject and object" (Bohme, 1993, p118). Through the manipulation of various physical components, a designer can set a mood, that seems to fill the void in a space which is important as "an artwork cannot be grasped solely through its concrete qualities" (Bohme, 1993, p116). An important idea within this atmospheric appreciation is that it is how we perceive a space, which creates our mood. Each individual will have a different perception of a space and how the various elements radiate towards him or her. A designer's aim is to engage the audience for the full duration of being in a space and it is these atmospheric qualities that predominantly control this. This essay will take a significant look at the creation and development of atmosphere within a space, in particular fashion runways. It will give a brief introduction into the idea of an atmosphere and how designers can create certain moods and emotions by controlling various elements within a space. There will be focus on the work of iconic fashion designers, and the atmosphere they individually set out to create. Furthermore, this essay ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Does The Northern Hemisphere's Solar Atmosphere? The Southern Hemisphere is warmer in December, January, and February because it receives more solar energy than does the Northern Hemisphere. During, June, July, and August the opposite is true; the Northern Hemisphere receives more solar energy and is warmer. This is due to the spherical shape of the planet, due to which sun is nearly overhead at equator than at high latitude therefore warmest. Thus, temperature varies with latitude from the warm Equator to the cold poles. Generally high rainfall occurs at high temperature as shown in (Figure 1). There are three distinct wind cells – Hadley Cells, Ferrel Cells, and Polar Cells. The Hadley cells are thermally driven, direct circulations in the tropical atmosphere between 30N and 30S which conserve ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Cause And Effects Of Global Warming Has anyone wondered why climate is in flux? Who is the major culprit behind this extreme climate changes? "Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius was the first scientist to assert that heightened concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could lead to global warming in 1896." As global warming is the greatest environmental challenge today, we should be aware that it is actually "a gradual rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects." Global warming is the increase in temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere. "The word ' global warming' was first introduced in 1983 as the name for a condition of overall rising temperatures on Earth and attendant consequences as a result of human activity. Originally theoretical, it has been popularized as a reality since 1989". When the various greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) collect in the atmosphere, it absorbs the solar radiation and traps the heat in the atmosphere resulting to increase in temperature of the Earth. This phenomenon is called global warming. Global warming is also referred as climate change. The main cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere– basically carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels. Various human activities like agriculture and deforestation also result in the collection of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes global warming. The major culprit of increase in Earth's temperature is the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. What Are The Major Greenhouse Gases Found In Earth's... 1. The greenhouse effect is a natural atmospheric process that has a tremendous impact on Earth. Describe this process, including what causes it, the factors that influence it, and how it affects Earth. – The greenhouse effect is when the heat from a planet's air warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it normally would be without its air. What causes the greenhouse effect is that energy comes from the sun and reflects off of the earth's surface and then goes back to the atmosphere as a bunch of heat. It affects the Earth by making the atmosphere warm. 2. Identify the major greenhouse gases found in Earth's atmosphere. – The common gases found in our atmosphere are: carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and nitrous oxide 3. While ... Show more content on ... 5. Changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases can cause changes in Earth's average surface temperature. What other natural factors or events also can cause long–term changes in surface temperature? – Ice cores, the flow of water, and deep sea cores. Ice cores and sea cores tell a lot about how the climate changes. How the water moves in the ocean, how the ice gets frozen and unfrozen time and time again, and the flow of water tells how the water has been flowing through and making its way through icy, hot, or broiling rivers; also other types of waterways. 6. How long have consistent weather measurements been collected and recorded throughout the United States? – NOAA has been using tools since the 1800's to observe and figure out the weather. 7. Atmospheric composition and conditions are different today than at other times in Earth's history. What types of things do scientists examine to learn what the atmosphere was like hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years in the past? Specifically, explain how a history of climate can be reconstructed from an ice ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. A Moral Atmosphere The primary problem for Americans now a days, is that there are many excuses as to why there is no action being taken for the climate change, even though there are solutions. It is easy for individuals to put rain barrels out, using compost, solar energy. There are also things that businesses or groups can do for the climate change, creating recycled arts, creating natural ponds, and more. There are many solutions to these excuses that Americans have today. Within the article " A moral Atmosphere" it is explained that Americans are making excuses as to why they are not acting on the climate change. First and foremost, the book uses examples of excuses like " There's no problem" or " The problems so large there's no hope." It then goes into ... Show more content on ... People may use recycled material as art. For example, some people may say that they would love to make recycled art, but they just can't find anything to recycle. Recycled art is not just about finding old antiques, some people use scrap food to make painting with, it supposed to be a great resource for artists. As a matter of fact recycled art is not all about paintings, or antique transformations, the rain barrels may be decoration for their yard. Individuals and businesses can use old metal stuff scraps to make figurines for decorations. Within the article "A Moral Atmosphere " it states " But still, there's one reason that never goes away, one evergreen excuse not to act: "you're a ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. What Are The Four Elements Of Atmosphere This essay will discuss the four elements of atmosphere that are used to reach out to customers. Those elements are the following: exterior, general interior, store layout, and displays. The combined used of these elements create a unique image that customers can identify with the store's image and lends to what is known as visual merchandising. The first element that contributes to a customer's perception of a store–based firm is the exterior. Planning of the exterior, has to include the store's exterior attributes which includes the storefront, store entrances, display windows, building height, visibility, surrounding areas and stores and parking facilities. Depending on the image that the store wishes to be perceived as these attributes have to portray uniqueness. According to Berman and Evans, "a storefront is defined as the total physical exterior of the store itself. It includes the marquee, ... Show more content on ... Decisions of flooring, interior color palettes, scents and sounds, store fixtures, aisle widths, light fixtures, overall cleanliness of the store, price displays, and dressing facilities all help to create a mood within customers and to add to the atmosphere of the store. A store needs to know what mood it is trying to convey when all of these elements come together. The third element that contributes to a customer's perception of a store–based firm is the store layout. There are six steps that need to be considered when planning the store's layout. These steps are the following: allocation of store space, classification or store offerings, determination of a traffic–flow pattern, mapping our in–store locations, and arrangement of individual products. The purpose of a store's layout is to make shopping as efficient as possible. Customers should find what they are looking for easily while also being persuaded to buy a few impulse items along the ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Why Does The Scientist Face Disappear On The Infrared... 1. Why does the scientist's face disappear on the infrared camera when the tube fills up with CO2? Because the air in the tube is composed with Nitrogen and Oxygen. Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2) do not block infrared radiation (IR), but molecules of Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the ability to absorb and re–emit the infrared radiation. 2. How do you expect CO2 to interact with infrared radiation in the Earth's atmosphere? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an effective heat trapping greenhouse gas even though it only adds to up 0.04% (400 parts per million) of the atmosphere. CO2 molecules can vibrate in ways that simpler nitrogen and oxygen molecules cannot, which allows CO2 molecules to capture the IR photons. 3. More broadly, what does this demonstration show us about the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere? ... Show more content on ... o In late years, however, excess emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities processes (mostly burning fossil fuels) have started to warm Earth's climate at a problematic rate. This has caused the global average temperature to raise, and may potentially harm many life form on earth in near future. They are generating major greenhouse gases (GHGs) which enhance greenhouse effect. This raises the global average temperature leading to climate change, and may potentially harm many life form on earth in near ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Creative Cultures And Ideas : Atmosphere Essay Virtual Atmospheres Creative Cultures and Ideas: Atmosphere: Sensing sites, spaces and phenomena 237.330 13224824 Georgia Lexmond Word Count: Atmosphere is the silent language which results from the conscious designing of a space to create certain affects in buyers. These environments are intended to produce emotional responses from the consumer to enhance the probability of a purchase. This is done by using atmospheric cues to stimulate the senses and sway the entire customer experience of being in a particular space and time. However as online shopping competition grows, businesses are seeking to create more alluring website atmospheres in order to be distinguished from their competitors. Web atmosphere is in many ways similar to physical environments. Dailey (2004) defines web atmospherics as the "conscious designing of web environments to create positive effects in users in order to increase favorable consumer responses". I have specifically chosen each text as they give a different perspective as to how we can decipher the true meaning of atmosphere in terms of online retailing. Although different, each reading has valid discussions which backup and reflect on points that the other authors have made. As online retailing becomes increasingly popular so does the demand for an effective website that directly relates to real life situations and environments. Today, internet and technology allows retailers not only to sell their products online but ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Atmosphere Science Deniers What is it with all these Atmosphere Science Deniers in any case? All things considered, possibly we ought to hear some out of their protests before we call scholarly or scholastic rank on their alleged lack of awareness. How about we discuss a certainties' portion about our new An Earth– wide temperature boost Religion, should we? Most importantly, the IPCC is NOT an investigative association, it is a political association. The atmosphere models are false, the calculations are counterfeit, and the whole framework doesn't mull over the SUN, which is in charge of 97% of the vitality in the air and the temperatures on Earth's surface. Further, the temperature perusing gear has been put on or excessively near urban warmth islands deliberately and not circulated similarly on the World's surface. Additionally consider this: You human, are 17% made of carbon, it's not detestable, on the off chance that you don't need a 'carbon foot shaped impression' then remove your feet, it's the main path, yet meanwhile quit letting your discussion walk your walk. Therefore, the Atmosphere Science Deniers say that A dangerous atmospheric devation is BS, composed by the individuals who need to seize the modern base of ... Show more content on ... Without it, there wouldn't be our sort of life, that is the reason. On the off chance that we are going to civil argument, how about we face off regarding the science and take a gander at the lowlifes behind An unnatural weather change Hypothesis, recall that it was a hypothesis, much the same as the hypothesis in the 70s that we were going into an ice age. Yes, the atmosphere changes, it's been doing as such for more than 4.5 billion years that we think about. So what, and polar bears, whatever, they impart qualities to wild bears – dah, same species so they've been around 100s of million years through god knows what number of ice ages. The entire hypothesis is just BS. To learn your air ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Essay about atmosphere evolution of rocky planets Atmosphere Evolution on Rocky Planets Atmosphere can be defined as a gaseous compound layer surrounding a large body mass suspended by means of gravity and centrifugal force caused by rotation [1]. Atmospheres of planets have not always been the same, its evolution comprised of complex development across million years of geologic time affected by various changes of variables inside and outside its planet [2]. Of the interest of this essay is the atmospheric evolution of a rocky planet. Rocky planet is a terrestrial body consists mainly of silicate or metal [3]. Some known rocky planets with substantial atmosphere such as Venus, Mars and Earth has a very different composition of atmospheric gas [4]. These planets experienced very ... Show more content on ... The closer the planets to the Sun, the higher heat radiation it receives from the Sun [15]. This will affect the initial possible temperature on the planet surface. On the other hand, atmospheric pressure and composition affect the greenhouse gas effect as well as deflection of ultraviolet and heat from the Sun [15]. Combination of these effects results in different surface temperature as shown on the table above. The atmospheric conditions of planets are related to gravity strength and temperature of the atmosphere. Atmosphere can be retained for a longer duration when the gravity is high and the temperature of atmosphere is low. [1] Table shows that the gravity of Earth is the highest, followed by Venus, and Mars. The gravity of Earth and Venus are similar. Therefore, the atmosphere of both Earth and Venus can be retained for a longer period of time, while Mars' atmosphere can only be retained in a shorter ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Layers Of The Atmosphere- Bri Caamano Atmosphere Paper Layers of The Atmosphere– Bri Caamano Our atmosphere on Earth has many different layer which protect us from the harmful elements in space. Our atmosphere is divided into five layers. The troposphere is the first layer closest to earth. In this layer weather occurs, this is also the closest layer to us. The second layer would be the stratosphere. The stratosphere is one of the most stable layers. Due to the stability of this layer jets and aircrafts fly within this area. The Mesosphere is the third layer from earth this layer starts 50 km above Earth's surface and goes up 85 km high. The top of the Mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. The fourth layer is where the space shuttle and ... Show more content on ... Next is the mesosphere which extends up from the stratopause to about 80 kilometers. The mesosphere can drop down to nearly –100° C which is equal to ~200° F. This is the coldest layer in the atmosphere. The thermosphere is final thermally definitive layer of the atmosphere. In this layer, temperatures can reach up to up to 725° – 1, or 225° C. The thermosphere can be divided on the basis of chemistry. The lower thermosphere, the ionosphere extends from roughly 80 kilometers, or 50 miles, too somewhere around 300 to 600 kilometers out. After the ionosphere comes the exosphere. The exosphere is the second outer layer of the thermosphere. It lies beyond about 500– 1,000 kilometers and is defined by an increasing hydrogen and helium level. This is because the oxygen and nitrogen that control the lower atmosphere have been broken into ions in the ionosphere. The layer that secedes from the exosphere is the homosphere. The homosphere is the portion of the lower atmosphere with almost no Ionization. Finally, the heterosphere, the area in which you get varying mixes of gas molecules and ions, is the last layer in the thermal structure of our atmosphere. It reaches heights between 80 and 10,000 kilometers. These layers show the thermal structure of our atmosphere. Atmosphere Composition– Gunnar Murray The atmosphere is approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Other gases like carbon ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. The Speed Of The Atmosphere By Torricelli Key Meteorological Data: The determination of the weight of the atmosphere by Torricelli in 1643 was of course the first step in the development of meteorology to the rank of a science. The discovery of the air–thermometer by Sanctorius of Padua in 1590 laid the base of a helpful revolution in the science. Meteorology refers to the science of atmospheric phenomena and study of physical forces in the atmosphere like heat, wind and movement of air. The degree to which air pollutants discharged from various sources depends on meteorological conditions. The important air meteorological parameters that influence air pollution are as follows: 1. Wind Direction and Speed 2. Temperature Inversion 3. Wind Rose 4. Mixing Height 5. Plume Behaviour 6. Lapse Rate etc. 1. Wind Direction and Speed: Wind speed (wind flow velocity), is caused by air moving from high pressure to low pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Wind speed describes how fast the air is moving past a certain point. This may be an averaged over a given unit of time, such as miles per hour, or an instantaneous speed, which is reported as a peak wind speed, wind gust or squall. Wind speed and direction are important for monitoring and predicting atmospheric dispersion. The direction and speed of winds govern drift and diffusion of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere. In other words, the pollutants discharges into the atmosphere are totally depends on the direction and speed of the wind. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Earth's Atmosphere Earth's atmosphere is a unique reservoir of gases, the product of nearly 5 billion years of development. It sustains us and protects us from hostile radiation and particles from the Sun and beyond–the atmosphere serves as an efficient filter.When astronauts work in space, they must wear a bulky spacesuit that does everything to sustain and protect them that the atmosphere does for us all the time.Atmosphere is a gaseous mixture of ancient origin, the sum of all the exhalations and inhalations of life on Earth throughout time. The principal substance of this atmosphere is air, the medium of life as well as a major industrial and chemical raw material. Air is a simple mixture of gases that is naturally odorless, colorless, ... Show more content on ... Even though the atmosphere rapidly changes density in the homosphere – increasing toward Earth's surface – the blend (proportion) of gases is nearly uniform throughout the homosphere.The stable mixture of gases comprising air in the homosphere evolved slowly. The present proportion, which includes oxygen, evolved approximately 500 million years ago. 5.The homosphere is a vast reservoir of relatively inert nitrogen, originating principally from volcanic sources.Nitrogen is a key element of life, yet we exhale all the nitrogen we inhale.The explanation for this contradiction is that nitrogen integrates into our bodies not from the air we breathe but through compounds in food.In the soil, nitrogen is bound to these compounds by nitrogen–fixing bacteria, and it returns to the atmosphere by denitrifying bacteria that remove nitrogen from organic materials.The other main constituent gases are Oxygen, Argon and Carbon dioxide.Although it forms about one fifth of the atmosphere, oxygen forms compounds that forms half of Earth's crust Atmospheric Temperature Criterion Shifting to temperature as a criterion, the atmosphere has four distinct temperature zones – the thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere. 1.Thermosphere: we define the thermosphere ("heat sphere") as roughly corresponding to the heterosphere.The upper limit of the thermosphere is called the thermopause (the suffix –pause means ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Structure And Composition Of Atmosphere Structure and Composition of Atmosphere Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our planet 's rapid spin and molten nickel–iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth 's atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface. Nitrogen and Oxygen are the predominant gases in the atmosphere, accounting for about 99 percent of dry air. While 1 percent is mixture of all other gases make up the remaining 1 percent. All the gases found in the atmosphere are natural except CFCs (invented by Thomas Midgley, Jr. was an American mechanical engineer and chemist). Exosphere (More than 500 km) Thermosphere (85–500 km) Negative (–) Lapse Rate Mesopause Mesosphere (50–85km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate Stratopause O3 Layer [where concentration of ozone is 10 ppm (parts per million)] Stratosphere (11–50km) Negative (–) Lapse Rate Tropopause Troposphere (0–11km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate The atmosphere has a mass of about 4.5 to 5.0×1018 kg. The atmospheric temperature, pressure and density vary considerably with altitude. The atmosphere surrounding the Earth from dangerous cosmic radiations from outer space and helps in sustaining life on the earth. The atmosphere plays a vital role in maintaining the heat balance on the earth by absorbing the infrared radiation received from the sun ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Volcanic Eruptions and the Atmosphere In what ways do the volcanic gases from volcanic eruptions develop the atmosphere? When a volcano erupts, a plethora of debris and other hazards flows out from the mouth of the volcano. Of this debris, one of the most perilous threats is not only the lava but also any gases that are a product of the eruption. In fact, these gases that are released during, after, and sometimes before an eruption are one of the main culprits as to why volcanos erupt. These gases include, but are not limited to: sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and hydrogen fluoride (HF). These gases are the cause of several devastating phenomenon that are widely known to affect the atmosphere: the haze effect, the depletion of the Ozone layer, and global warming related to the emission of greenhouse gases. The haze effect is defined as when "Suspended particles, such as dust and ash...block out the earth's sunlight, thus reducing solar radiation and lowering mean global temperatures."( While this statement holds true, it was found that it was not only the dust particles that caused lowering mean global temperatures, but it was also the discharge of sulfuric–rich gases; the main gas being SO2. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), "Emission rates of SO2 from an active volcano range from <20 tonnes/day to >10 million tonnes/day..." ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. How Does Willy Russell Create Mood and Atmosphere in the... In the Summer Sequence Willy Russell's three main protagonists are shown to grow up from the ages of 15 to 18, thus becoming adults throughout the song. This means that the sequence acts as a watershed in the respect that it marks a major turning point in the play. This is shown through the atmosphere that Russell creates, which goes from fairly positive, hopeful tone to a more cynical and desperate one over the duration of the sequence. Russell uses several techniques to create these atmospheres throughout. In the opening of the Summer Sequence the atmosphere is clearly a happy one, which is shown by Russell by using words like "young, free and innocent" to describe the characters. In this section, the word "innocent" is used twice. ... Show more content on ... This explicitly refers to the brothers' fate in a way in which the last section didn't, so the tone is far more marred by the eventuality of their deaths. This date is also referenced when Russell extends the metaphor, "fate the later seasons bring", which causes the audience to remember the scene at the very beginning of the play, preventing them from being drawn into the initial happiness of the three teenagers in this sequence. Again, it refers to Linda being caught in the middle of the pair, foreshadowing their final argument. It also refers to Linda paying a "price", a theme that was initially shown in the song 'Easy Terms', sung by Mrs Johnstone, and in both cases foreshadows the price they'll have to pay for their involvement in the twins' lives. The music becomes far more serious and sinister, a repetitive tense note with no actual melody. In the next section a recurring theme is shown with the references to time. This creates a sad, melancholic atmosphere, as the audience is aware of the character's significant lack of time together, but the characters are not, so their happy unawareness and this dramatic irony is slightly poignant. Again, fate is reference by the narrator "care not for what's at the end of the day", again forcing the audience to remember the fate of the boys, this ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Earth 's Atmosphere Has Changed All Through History The Earth 's atmosphere has changed all through history. Just in the most recent 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of frigid progress and withdraw, with the sudden end of the last ice age around 7,000 years back denoting the start of the present day atmosphere period and of human development. The greater part of these atmosphere changes are credited to little varieties in Earth 's circle that change the measure of sun based vitality our planet gets. Exploratory proof for warming of the atmosphere framework is unequivocal. The present warming pattern is of specific criticalness in light of the fact that the vast majority of it is likely human–impelled and continuing at a rate that is exceptional in the previous 1,300 years. Earth–circling satellites and other mechanical advances have empowered researchers to see the comprehensive view, gathering a wide range of sorts of data about our planet and its atmosphere on a worldwide scale. This group of information, gathered over numerous years, uncovers the signs of an evolving atmosphere. The warmth catching nature of carbon dioxide and different gasses was shown in the mid–nineteenth century. Their capacity to influence the exchange of infrared vitality through the environment is the logical premise of numerous instruments flown by NASA. There is no doubt that expanded levels of nursery gasses must bring about the Earth to warm accordingly. Ice centers drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain icy masses ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. How The Atmosphere Is A Complex Fluid System Outside Earth 1 The atmosphere is a complex fluid system outside Earth from a variety of gases and suspended solids consisting of participation in life activities are under long–term development and formation. The main components of the Earth 's atmosphere is nitrogen and oxygen, the nine planets in the solar system composition is very special. Composition of the global atmosphere more of the ingredients can be divided into stable and unstable constituent components. The former include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen, xenon, these gases the ratio between the height range from the surface to 90km are stable. Unstable atmospheric components include carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and water vapor and the like. In addition, the atmosphere also contains a number of solid and liquid impurities, mainly volcanic, seismic dust, rock weathering, forest fires and human activities, sulfide and nitrogen oxides. Especially the components for earth biosphere, atmosphere and maintained a very close exchange of matter and energy, the holding extremely delicate balance between the various components of the atmosphere. Currently the lower the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, which is the result of millions of years of evolution of the biosphere and atmosphere interact. 3 billion years ago, oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is now only one–thousandth of the original life to escape the deadly ultraviolet radiation damage, it can only exist in ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Corruption Of The Atmosphere The Corruption of the Atmosphere Climate change has become one of the greatest issues facing our world. With the conclusion of the recent international climate summit, the climate has been one of the most talked about topics in the world. From any newspaper to television to presidential elections, it is always a relevant topic. Why has the climate though, of all things, gained so much attention and tension? Why is it bad that the climate is changing? The climate of the earth experiences cycles of warming and cooling. Since the Jurassic age, the climate has undergone these changes, which have had a substantial impact on the inhabitants of our planet. Humanity's place in this cycle is the end of cooling which was the Ice Age and ... Show more content on ... The temperature of the world is increasing and has caused "nine of the ten warmest years on a 134 year record have occurred since 2000" ("Global Climate Change"). Temperature changes have also been responsible for increasing "the occurrence of unusually hot summer nights" and for limiting "cooling off at night" (Climate Change Science). This indicates that not only are these temperatures unprecedented but their frequency is also increasing, which has the potential for serious harm. One of the ways that temperature could cause harm is how it affects precipitation along with other elements of climate change. "Satellite measurements, combined with balloon data and some in–situ ground measurements indicate generally positive trends in global water vapor" (Climate Change Science). This increase in water vapor has the potential to increase the frequency and intensity of storms, which will change current models and statistics used to predict how dangerous storms will be. Already "In recent years, a larger percentage of precipitation has come in the form of intense single–day events. Eight of the top 10 years for extreme one–day precipitation events have occurred since 1990" (Climate Change Science). Even though precipitation is increasing for storms, many places are now experiencing droughts due to the infrequency of regular rain. "Over the period from 2000 through 2014, roughly 20 to 70 percent of the U.S. land ... Get more on ...