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       What is social media
       and why is it important?
       Why should brands communicate
       through social media?

       How to engage people with
       social media

       Common misunderstandings
       about social media

       Questions to ask before you start
What is social media
                          and why is it
“Social media?”
‘Social media’ is a very broad term.               As their use has widened, social media
It refers to all the online activities, tools,     have become increasingly important for
platforms and practices that allow people          brands and their communication, offering
to collaborate, create, and share thoughts,        a growing opportunity to join consumer
knowledge, opinions and content. Social            conversations. Our aim in this guide is to
media are both what people do online,              explain how.
and the environments (like blogs, forums,
and social networks) in which they do it.
                                                                                                “Social media can take many different forms, including
                                                                                                Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, wikis, podcasts,
This is more than services like Facebook,                                                       pictures and video. Technologies include: blogs,
Orkut and Twitter; social media are the                                                         picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant
ways people behave online, sharing and                                                          messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing, and voice over IP,
talking to each other, both one-to-one and                                                      to name a few. Examples of social media applications are
one-to-many, establishing and maintaining                                                       Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia
relationships: it is the same person-to-                                                        (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social
person communication that has existed for                                                       networking),, (product reviews),
as long as we have had language, but on                                                         Youmeo (social network aggregation), (personal
a grand scale without physical or
                                                                                                music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing),
geographical restrictions.
                                                                                                Avatars United (social networking), Second Life (virtual
                                                                                                reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and
                                                                                                microblogging), Open Diary (blogging), and other microblogs
                                                                                                such as Jaiku. Many of these social media services can be
             “Who said this is media?                                                           integrated via social network aggregation platforms like
             Media is something you buy                                                         Mybloglog and Plaxo.”
             and sell. Consumers
             weren’t trying to generate
             media. They were trying to                                                         Source:
             talk to somebody.”

                                                 Ted McConnell,
                                                 GM for interactive marketing
                                                 & innovation at P&G

Why has social media become
so important?

Motivations to participate in social media         Social media fulfil our desire to feel part of   For example, if you don’t use Twitter, it can
vary due to social and cultural differences,       something larger than ourselves. Tapping         seem noisy and trivial. But the chatter of
but “the fundamental emotions                      into these “fundamental emotions” offers         Tweets binds social groups together, and
that drive people [to use social                   brands unprecedented opportunities               offers enormous potential for knowledge
                                                   for engagement.                                  sharing. In June 2009, Twitter and other
media] – the desire to connect, to                                                                  social media were the main sources of
create, to stay in touch, and to                   The web offers tremendous social benefit to      information about the Iranian elections;
help each other – are universal.”                  ordinary people, increasing the importance       in April 2009, the ‘Twitter revolution’ forced
(Groundswell, Li & Bernoff).                       of personal and professional                     a recount in the Moldovan general election.
                                                   recommendations, and giving us a voice, a        Commercially, brands are finding novel
                                                   platform, limitless information, and a global    uses for it: Dell uses Twitter as a loyalty
                                                   marketplace that we lacked when mass             channel to offer discounts to its followers
                                                   channels of communication were controlled        (making an estimated $3 million as
                                                   only by corporations or governments.             a result).

                                       (comment on blog)

 5                                                                                                                                                   6
How to engage people
                                                                                     with social media

                                                            1. Listen (and continue listening)
                                                            2. Participate
                                                            3. Monitor and optimize

                                                            1. Listen
                                                            (and continue listening)

                                                            While most of us accept that social media        Buzz monitoring – tracking what people are
To understand consumer sentiment towards a brand            have a role to play in brand communication,      saying online and analyzing consumer
                                                            the majority don’t yet know how best to use      sentiment, and seeing how it affects other
To improve and increase dialogue with a target audience     them. This is why it is so important to listen   conversations – is a vital first step to
                                                            first, to be sure we understand our target        understanding what consumers think about
To drive word-of-mouth and consumer advocacy                audience, and how we can best meet               your brand, and for building a business case
To quantify the effectiveness of brand communication        their needs.                                     for brand activity within the social web.

To improve customer service and support, to increase        Social media are an amazing source of
customer satisfaction and loyalty                           consumer insight, offering unfiltered
                                                            evidence of people’s actual behavior and
To build communities around brand events                    attitudes. Listening to what people are
To integrate a brand into existing communities, to launch   saying online allows us to get to the heart
                                                            of the customer experience of products
or extend brand communication
                                                            and services like never before.
To deal with or prevent PR crises
To gather consumer input to develop new products
and services
To generate something very valuable: people who
care about your brand

Important questions when listening:

Listening helps us to decide which         But just because you are using social media   How does our audience use social media?
elements of social media a brand could     to understand consumers, it doesn’t
use to engage its audience. For example,   necessarily mean that any resulting           What are people’s current feelings towards the brand and its activity,
by monitoring the most important small-    strategy or communication will use social     competitors and category; how has this evolved over time?
business communities in China, Korea and   media. For many marketers, the insight
Australia, HP was able to create           offered by examining what people do and       How do existing communities, that are relevant to the brand, function online?
customized messaging for the most          say online, and the resulting opportunities
powerful influencers, and subsquently       for reputation management, are the most       What consumer needs or problems are being discussed that your product can help with?
created a community-engagement program     important ways of using social media.         How do people discuss these needs or problems?
to monitor those influencers and shape
sentiment and conversations.                                                             How does the brand feature in these conversations?
                                                                                         What role (if any) could the brand play in them?

                                                                                         Who are the authors/creators of buzz about a brand or topic?
                                                                                         How influential are they?

                                                                                         Where is your audience most active online, and why?

                                                                                         How much buzz does the brand generate compared to competitors?
                                                                                         (i.e. what ‘share of conversation’ does it have?)

                                                                                         How does brand content evolve as it spreads?

                                                                                         What type of content is being created by consumers, and how do they share it?

 9                                                                                                                                                                          10
Active, on-going listening                                                                     2. Participate

Once a brand is engaged with social media,       How we listen is also an important            Brands must consider what they are willing      An important consideration for all brands is
the need to listen doesn’t stop, but             consideration. In any conversation, ‘active   and able to do that is mutually beneficial for   the resource needed to get involved with
becomes an on-going process; people’s            listening’ – where we give feedback to the    them and their consumers. The appropriate       social media: if a brand is trying to engage
conversations continue, so we shouldn’t          person speaking, to make it clear that we     response to listening is not necessarily to     or build a community, it must nurture it on an
just dip in to ‘take the temperature’. Before,   are really listening and will react to what   use social media: it can have implications      ongoing basis, and this creates a dedicated
during and after we act, we have to keep         they are saying – sends a powerful            for every aspect of the business.               role that must be filled. Brands need what
asking questions to increase our                 message: ‘you are important to me’.                                                           the FT called “the new corporate firefighters”
understanding of people’s changing                                                             Participating doesn’t necessarily mean a        – people to manage their social media
needs and wants.                                 Therefore, brands should let people know      brand has to create its own social media        involvement. Not having such a resource
                                                 they are listening. When someone does         platforms (such as a community). If done        is one of the biggest barriers to
                                                 something for the brand (such as              well, display media, sponsorships or            brand involvement.
                                                 recommending it), thank them. When we         partnerships with existing communities and
                                                 answer a question, answer it publicly. If     content on social network sites can be
                                                 someone complains, be seen to deal with it.   highly appropriate, offering good
                                                                                               opportunities for brands that aren't ready or
                                                                                               don't want to build their own community.

11                                                                                                                                                                                       12
Different strategies for                        Dialogue
Having listened to consumers, brands have       The driving force behind social media is         While this can include corporate blogs and
to show through their behavior that they        ordinary people sharing their experiences        Twitter-feeds, the ideal situation is to get
understand their audience and can add           with a wider community; this includes            consumers talking to you and to each other
value to the conversation.                      discussions about brands that touch their        about your brand, not just getting yourself
                                                lives in both positive and negative ways.        involved in the conversation.
Different people want to interact with your     So it’s important that brands take
brand in different ways, so even those who      responsibility for telling their own stories –   In India, Gillette managed to create a
are most interested in your brand need to       rather than letting their customers (and         national debate on the merits of the clean-
be given a number of opportunities for          detractors) do this – and for improving their    shaven look vs. the stubbled look in Indian
interacting with it, depending on their         ‘small talk’ by engaging consumers with          society, with its “India votes: to shave or not”
preference. Within social media, there are      relevant content.                                campaign. It began with a survey on
different basic approaches for participation,                                                    people’s attitudes towards shaving, and
depending on your target audience:              Social media requires conversation rather        continued with online and live polls in public
                                                than broadcast communication. Brands             places, coupled with product trials.
                                                must be available and accessible to their
                                                audience, fostering mutually beneficial           In Hungary, the influential lifestyle blog
                                                dialogue and two-way information                 Kispad featured two people taking a cross-
                                                exchange. Dialogue involves sharing,             country road trip while using a Sony
                                                whether that’s of time, attention, interest,     Ericsson cellphone to upload videos, text
                                                experiences, respect, understanding,             and photos from their adventures; and their
                                                or activity.                                     itinerary was determined by comments on
                                                                                                 the site.

13                                                                                                                                            14
Energize                                                                                    Support

Energizing involves finding or creating fans   The team running President Obama’s 2008       Supporting means helping your consumers        Toshiba developed an online “Laptop
of your brand (or something related to your   election campaign understood the power of     to help each other, as well as helping         Experts” community to give people answers
brand), and giving them something to          social networks, and generated 5.5 million    customers directly (preferably in a way that   to laptop-related questions from expert
talk about.                                   friends on Facebook, nearly 300,000           can be seen by others). Social media have      bloggers. As well as placing widgets on
                                              followers on Twitter, and a YouTube           allowed consumers with experience of           other webpages linking to the community (to
One of the best known examples of             channel with over 100 million video views.    products and services to act as a help-desk    let people post questions), there was a
Energizing comes from US President            The messages on these sites were              for other consumers; the better the access     mobile campaign that allowed people to ask
Barack Obama, someone with a strong           specifically designed to energize his          these people have to a brand, the more         questions using SMS texts.
emotional appeal and a large fanbase          supporters – to get them to campaign on his   able they are to help others.
to exploit.                                   behalf, and do whatever they could to get
                                              him elected.                                  The UK National Health Service’s Smoke-
                                                                                            free smoking-cessation campaign created a
                                              Kraft is perhaps less emotionally engaging    Yahoo community called “Stub It Out”,
                                              than President Obama, so it focused on an     where people who wanted to quit smoking
                                              engaging issue, creating a Facebook           could chat with fellow quitters and get
                                              application that donated meals to a hunger-   advice and tools to help them quit and deal
                                              relief charity each time it was downloaded;   with cigarette cravings, as well as hearing
                                              over 230,000 people did this in six weeks.    from successful quitters.

15                                                                                                                                                                                 16
Involve                                                                                       Before participating: is your
                                                                                              brand naturally social?
As people become more digitally                “Vocalpoint” is a Procter and Gamble-owned     There are brands that people naturally want     However, if you’re like the majority of
empowered and participate more actively        community of mothers, which P&G uses to        to talk about and engage with, but these        brands, most people aren’t naturally going
in their media consumption, they are also      source opinion, test products, and guide       brands are relatively rare.                     to talk about you. One solution is to create
becoming more actively involved in how         product development. Members are                                                               ‘relevance by association’ – get people to
brands develop and grow.                       encouraged to tell others about products,      If you have a brand people want to talk         talk about what they are passionate about,
                                               and are rewarded for taking part in research   about, you’ll have fans that you can tap        with which the brand also has a natural
Involving consumers can be immensely           like focus groups.                             into. If you don’t know who or where these      affinity, and associate the brand with their
valuable – by integrating end-users into our                                                  people are, you need to find this latent         passions. In the process, you may even find
business, sourcing ideas from them and                                                        fanbase, and energize it. These people will     or generate some fans of your brand.
getting to know what people want from us.                                                     have a clear idea of what the brand is
It can even mean co-creation, where                                                           about, and you have to be careful not to        For example, P&G created the “Beinggirl”
products or services that consumers want                                                      contradict that. It’s a nice problem to have,   community site for girls to talk about
to buy are developed with their help.                                                         so don’t give them a reason to fall out of      teenage life because it knew girls wouldn’t
                                                                                              love with you by acting out of character.       talk about tampons; the site gives them an
                                                                                                                                              environment to deliver feminine care
                                                                                                                                              product messages.

17                                                                                                                                                                                      18
The need for good
                                                                                            ‘brand manners’
Transport for London, the UK local          Even for brands that have more naturally        Successful brand communication within             This might seem very obvious. But too
government transport body, integrated its   engaging products, tapping into people’s        social media is not only about good               many bad or inappropriate social media
youth road-safety campaign into the Bebo    passions is a great route into social media.    consumer insight and great ideas; brand           ideas are being thrown at an accordingly
page featuring the popular online drama     Sony Ericsson worked with young people’s        behavior – how we act – is vitally important.     indifferent public. Consider Habitat, the UK
Sofia’s Diary, and included videos, polls    love of music by creating the Sonic             The social web is about people interacting        retailer, using Twitter to promote messages
and comments for participation.             Experience community in Latin America for       with one another, so the usual rules of           that were irrelevant to the topics they were
                                            unsigned bands (and their fans), who            social intercourse apply. This is true for all    attached to: “Our totally desirable Spring
                                            competed for public votes to get their music    participants, including brands.                   collection now has 20% off!” was attached
                                            used for animated videos to be shown on                                                           to tags relating to the volatile Iranian
                                            TV and online.                                  In the ‘real’ world, if you’re talking to         election, then the top news story.
                                                                                            someone and you have nothing interesting
                                            The task for brands is to create a story that   to say, they will stop listening to you. If you   Acting commercially in a social situation is
                                            both it and its consumers can participate in    interrupt people’s conversation, they will        rude in the real world, and it’s rude in the
                                            together.                                       ignore you (or worse).                            online one. If we can’t add value to a
                                                                                                                                              conversation, we shouldn’t be there.
                                                                                            Why should things be any different online?

                                                                                            When you go to an online community of
                                                                                            some kind, you are joining someone else’s
                                                                                            conversation or social space. Be nice.
                                                                                            People will no longer tolerate being spoken
                                                                                            ‘at’; brands must speak ‘with’ them.

19                                                                                                                                                                                       20
3. Monitor and optimize                                                                   Some possible metrics for
(return on investment)                                                                    measuring social media

Measuring behavior within social media is      So if there are many more things that we   Behavioral metrics: to gauge the level of       Attitudinal/sentiment metrics: to gauge your
different from traditional media because       can measure, the question becomes ‘what    attention and engagement that brand             activity’s emotional resonance or impact on
there are so many more actions that are        should we measure?’ What kind of ROI do    activity is generating, ex.: The volume of      attitudes to the brand, ex.: The sentiment –
measurable – such as blog posts,               we want and need: what measurement and     conversations or mentions.                      positive, negative or neutral.
comments, links, votes, views, bookmarks,      results will be commercially relevant?
favorites, Tweets – few of which are                                                      Share of conversation (not share of voice),     The effect on brand-attribute measures.
comparable to traditional media indices like                                              ex. if you’re a car brand, what proportion of
reach or frequency.                                                                       the conversation on cars is about you?          Ecosystem metrics: to get a sense of the
                                                                                                                                          wider impact of your activity, ex.: The origin
Above all, consistent on-going                                                            Awareness, perception and sentiment             of conversations – which sources, sites, and
measurement is vital. This can be used to                                                 measures.                                       authors are influential?
assess the success of activity, but also to
continuously develop conversations to drive                                               How much time do people spend with you,         Numbers and activity of fans, friends
marketing strategy, tactics, and brand and                                                and how often do they return?                   and followers.
product development.
                                                                                          What is the impact on sales, site traffic,       Do people refer others to your site
                                                                                          search ranking etc?                             or activity?

                                                                                          What impact is traditional media having on
                                                                                          social behavior online?

                                                                                          Has your activity reduced complaints or
                                                                                          saved time in call centres?

21                                                                                                                                                                                   22
Knowing the risks

The lack of control in social media can be a     Bad news travels fast. When cyclist
real challenge, and the risks of getting         Chris Brennan uploaded a video showing
involved need to be carefully considered.        him opening a Kryptonite bike-lock with a
                                                 Bic biro, it was all over the web in roughly
Social media cannot be controlled. If            the same time it took to pick the lock. And
people choose to interact with your              the negative coverage is still there five
application, you can’t tell them how, and        years later whenever anyone Googles
you can’t just ‘switch it off’. When Burger      “Kryptonite locks”.
                                                                                                 Social media should not be treated like conventional
King offered downloads of “24” on
                                                                                                 media. Social networks – i.e. networks of people –
Myspace, along with space to talk about the
                                                                                                 are not mass media channels.
                                                 The people who don’t like you may be the
show, they weren’t expecting people to           most energized by your activity. If people
spend so much time debating the physical
                                                                                                 Social media are not a like-for-like replacement
                                                 don’t like the way you do business, they will   for traditional advertising, nor are they a cheap
characteristics of Jack Bauer’s daughter.        use social media to tell others; they may       (or free) alternative to a traditional mass
                                                 even hijack your social media to do so. A       media strategy.
Your messages can be undermined, and             Starbuck’s campaign on Twitter to get
your content used against you. One of the        people to upload pictures of posters at their
best-known examples was the Chevy
                                                                                                 Social media are not a free workforce, nor a
                                                 stores was immediately hijacked by              free R&D or creative department.
Tahoe campaign hijacked by                       postings of anti-Starbuck’s placards.
environmentalists. GM provided content for
people to make their own ads, and allowed
                                                                                                 Social media are not a miracle cure; using
                                                 Consumers can organize themselves               social media will not make bad products or
them to superimpose text onto the content,       against you. Residents of Wye, in the
resulting in films with straplines like, “Don’t
                                                                                                 services better on their own.
                                                 UK, discovered their small village was to
buy me.”                                         be destroyed to make way for a £1 billion       Social media grew from the ground-up – by the
                                                 housing development. Their “Save Wye”           people, for the people. You can’t run things
There’s no such thing as ‘local’ any more.       campaign, which stopped the development,
So if someone finds a fried chicken’s-head
                                                                                                 from the top-down.
                                                 was run by two residents from a £10
in their McDonald’s, as a woman in Virginia      website.
did, the world will know.
                                                                                                 Social media marketing is not a campaign, it’s
                                                                                                 an on-going commitment. Once you’re out there,
                                                                                                 you have to stay out there.

Questions to ask
                      before you start

     Does your social media campaign have a clearly articulated role
                                                                                                              If you would like to
     within an overall communications strategy?                                                               discuss anything in this
     What is the specific objective of your activity? How will it achieve                                     guide, please contact:
                                                                            Asia Pacific
     that objective?                                                        Ben Poole
                                                                            Head of MEC Interaction,
     How will you measure success?                                          Asia Pacific
     What conversations already exist online about the brand,               Tel: +65 6225 1262
     its rivals, or the category?
                                                                            Europe, Middle East and Africa
     Who is the target audience? What do you understand about them?         Jeff Hyams
                                                                            Chief Strategy Officer
     Is social media relevant for my consumer? How?                         Europe. Middle East and Africa
     What are they most likely to respond to?
                                                                            Tel: +44 20 7803 2215
     Why will your target audience be motivated to engage with your         Latin America
     campaign and spread your message?                                      Juan Bongiovanni
                                                                            MEC Interaction Regional Director, Latin America
     Is what you’re doing right for both brand and audience?      
     Is there a good fit with your desired brand positioning?               Tel: +1 786 264 7600

     What value are you adding to the conversation?                         North America
     Is what you’re doing interesting, original, entertaining, useful,      Patrick Cartmel
     shareable, adaptable? Really?                                          Managing Director, Digital Operations, North America
                                                                            Tel: +1 212 474 0727
     Do you have the resources to support your activity and maintain
     dialogue with consumers? Are you able to commit to this for            Carrie Frolich
     the long term?                                                         Managing Director, Digital Media, North America
     How will you take advantage of the opportunities that appear?          Tel: +1 212 474 0725

     How will you respond to negative consequences?

1 Paris Garden                                               825 Seventh Avenue
London                                                       New York
SE1 8NU                                                      NY 10019
United Kingdom                                               USA
Tel +44 20 7803 2000                                         Tel +1 212 474 0000
Fax +44 20 7803 2001                                         Fax +1 212 474 0003

Charles Courtier
Chief Executive Officer, Global

Asia Pacific                                                 Europe, Middle East and Africa
700 Beach Road                                               1 Paris Garden
#04-01                                                       London
Singapore                                                    SE1 8NU
199598                                                       United Kingdom
Tel +65 6225 1262                                            Tel +44 20 7803 2000
Fax +65 6227 9827                                            Fax +44 20 7803 2001

Joost Dop                                                    Alastair Aird
Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific                        Chairman, Europe, Middle East and Africa                                      and Chief Operating Officer, Global

Latin America                                                North America
601 Brickell Key Drive                                       825 Seventh Avenue
Suite 804                                                    New York
Miami                                                        NY 10019
FL 33131                                                     USA
USA                                                          Tel +1 212 474 0000
Tel +1 786 264 7600                                          Fax +1 212 474 0003
Fax +1 305 347 7029

Michael Jones                                                Lee Doyle
Chief Executive Officer, Latin America                       Chief Executive Officer, North America                        
A GroupM Company

September 2009

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MEC Social Media Manual

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents What is social media and why is it important? Why should brands communicate through social media? How to engage people with social media Common misunderstandings about social media Questions to ask before you start
  • 3. What is social media and why is it important? “Social media?” ‘Social media’ is a very broad term. As their use has widened, social media It refers to all the online activities, tools, have become increasingly important for platforms and practices that allow people brands and their communication, offering to collaborate, create, and share thoughts, a growing opportunity to join consumer knowledge, opinions and content. Social conversations. Our aim in this guide is to media are both what people do online, explain how. and the environments (like blogs, forums, and social networks) in which they do it. “Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, wikis, podcasts, This is more than services like Facebook, pictures and video. Technologies include: blogs, Orkut and Twitter; social media are the picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant ways people behave online, sharing and messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing, and voice over IP, talking to each other, both one-to-one and to name a few. Examples of social media applications are one-to-many, establishing and maintaining Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia relationships: it is the same person-to- (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social person communication that has existed for networking),, (product reviews), as long as we have had language, but on Youmeo (social network aggregation), (personal a grand scale without physical or music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), geographical restrictions. Avatars United (social networking), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and microblogging), Open Diary (blogging), and other microblogs such as Jaiku. Many of these social media services can be “Who said this is media? integrated via social network aggregation platforms like Media is something you buy Mybloglog and Plaxo.” and sell. Consumers weren’t trying to generate media. They were trying to Source: talk to somebody.” Ted McConnell, GM for interactive marketing & innovation at P&G 3
  • 4. Why has social media become so important? Motivations to participate in social media Social media fulfil our desire to feel part of For example, if you don’t use Twitter, it can vary due to social and cultural differences, something larger than ourselves. Tapping seem noisy and trivial. But the chatter of but “the fundamental emotions into these “fundamental emotions” offers Tweets binds social groups together, and that drive people [to use social brands unprecedented opportunities offers enormous potential for knowledge for engagement. sharing. In June 2009, Twitter and other media] – the desire to connect, to social media were the main sources of create, to stay in touch, and to The web offers tremendous social benefit to information about the Iranian elections; help each other – are universal.” ordinary people, increasing the importance in April 2009, the ‘Twitter revolution’ forced (Groundswell, Li & Bernoff). of personal and professional a recount in the Moldovan general election. recommendations, and giving us a voice, a Commercially, brands are finding novel platform, limitless information, and a global uses for it: Dell uses Twitter as a loyalty marketplace that we lacked when mass channel to offer discounts to its followers channels of communication were controlled (making an estimated $3 million as only by corporations or governments. a result). (comment on blog) 5 6
  • 5. How to engage people with social media 1. Listen (and continue listening) 2. Participate 3. Monitor and optimize 1. Listen (and continue listening) While most of us accept that social media Buzz monitoring – tracking what people are To understand consumer sentiment towards a brand have a role to play in brand communication, saying online and analyzing consumer the majority don’t yet know how best to use sentiment, and seeing how it affects other To improve and increase dialogue with a target audience them. This is why it is so important to listen conversations – is a vital first step to first, to be sure we understand our target understanding what consumers think about To drive word-of-mouth and consumer advocacy audience, and how we can best meet your brand, and for building a business case To quantify the effectiveness of brand communication their needs. for brand activity within the social web. To improve customer service and support, to increase Social media are an amazing source of customer satisfaction and loyalty consumer insight, offering unfiltered evidence of people’s actual behavior and To build communities around brand events attitudes. Listening to what people are To integrate a brand into existing communities, to launch saying online allows us to get to the heart of the customer experience of products or extend brand communication and services like never before. To deal with or prevent PR crises To gather consumer input to develop new products and services To generate something very valuable: people who care about your brand 8
  • 6. Important questions when listening: Listening helps us to decide which But just because you are using social media How does our audience use social media? elements of social media a brand could to understand consumers, it doesn’t use to engage its audience. For example, necessarily mean that any resulting What are people’s current feelings towards the brand and its activity, by monitoring the most important small- strategy or communication will use social competitors and category; how has this evolved over time? business communities in China, Korea and media. For many marketers, the insight Australia, HP was able to create offered by examining what people do and How do existing communities, that are relevant to the brand, function online? customized messaging for the most say online, and the resulting opportunities powerful influencers, and subsquently for reputation management, are the most What consumer needs or problems are being discussed that your product can help with? created a community-engagement program important ways of using social media. How do people discuss these needs or problems? to monitor those influencers and shape sentiment and conversations. How does the brand feature in these conversations? What role (if any) could the brand play in them? Who are the authors/creators of buzz about a brand or topic? How influential are they? Where is your audience most active online, and why? How much buzz does the brand generate compared to competitors? (i.e. what ‘share of conversation’ does it have?) How does brand content evolve as it spreads? What type of content is being created by consumers, and how do they share it? 9 10
  • 7. Active, on-going listening 2. Participate Once a brand is engaged with social media, How we listen is also an important Brands must consider what they are willing An important consideration for all brands is the need to listen doesn’t stop, but consideration. In any conversation, ‘active and able to do that is mutually beneficial for the resource needed to get involved with becomes an on-going process; people’s listening’ – where we give feedback to the them and their consumers. The appropriate social media: if a brand is trying to engage conversations continue, so we shouldn’t person speaking, to make it clear that we response to listening is not necessarily to or build a community, it must nurture it on an just dip in to ‘take the temperature’. Before, are really listening and will react to what use social media: it can have implications ongoing basis, and this creates a dedicated during and after we act, we have to keep they are saying – sends a powerful for every aspect of the business. role that must be filled. Brands need what asking questions to increase our message: ‘you are important to me’. the FT called “the new corporate firefighters” understanding of people’s changing Participating doesn’t necessarily mean a – people to manage their social media needs and wants. Therefore, brands should let people know brand has to create its own social media involvement. Not having such a resource they are listening. When someone does platforms (such as a community). If done is one of the biggest barriers to something for the brand (such as well, display media, sponsorships or brand involvement. recommending it), thank them. When we partnerships with existing communities and answer a question, answer it publicly. If content on social network sites can be someone complains, be seen to deal with it. highly appropriate, offering good opportunities for brands that aren't ready or don't want to build their own community. 11 12
  • 8. Different strategies for Dialogue participation Having listened to consumers, brands have The driving force behind social media is While this can include corporate blogs and to show through their behavior that they ordinary people sharing their experiences Twitter-feeds, the ideal situation is to get understand their audience and can add with a wider community; this includes consumers talking to you and to each other value to the conversation. discussions about brands that touch their about your brand, not just getting yourself lives in both positive and negative ways. involved in the conversation. Different people want to interact with your So it’s important that brands take brand in different ways, so even those who responsibility for telling their own stories – In India, Gillette managed to create a are most interested in your brand need to rather than letting their customers (and national debate on the merits of the clean- be given a number of opportunities for detractors) do this – and for improving their shaven look vs. the stubbled look in Indian interacting with it, depending on their ‘small talk’ by engaging consumers with society, with its “India votes: to shave or not” preference. Within social media, there are relevant content. campaign. It began with a survey on different basic approaches for participation, people’s attitudes towards shaving, and depending on your target audience: Social media requires conversation rather continued with online and live polls in public than broadcast communication. Brands places, coupled with product trials. must be available and accessible to their audience, fostering mutually beneficial In Hungary, the influential lifestyle blog dialogue and two-way information Kispad featured two people taking a cross- exchange. Dialogue involves sharing, country road trip while using a Sony whether that’s of time, attention, interest, Ericsson cellphone to upload videos, text experiences, respect, understanding, and photos from their adventures; and their or activity. itinerary was determined by comments on the site. 13 14
  • 9. Energize Support Energizing involves finding or creating fans The team running President Obama’s 2008 Supporting means helping your consumers Toshiba developed an online “Laptop of your brand (or something related to your election campaign understood the power of to help each other, as well as helping Experts” community to give people answers brand), and giving them something to social networks, and generated 5.5 million customers directly (preferably in a way that to laptop-related questions from expert talk about. friends on Facebook, nearly 300,000 can be seen by others). Social media have bloggers. As well as placing widgets on followers on Twitter, and a YouTube allowed consumers with experience of other webpages linking to the community (to One of the best known examples of channel with over 100 million video views. products and services to act as a help-desk let people post questions), there was a Energizing comes from US President The messages on these sites were for other consumers; the better the access mobile campaign that allowed people to ask Barack Obama, someone with a strong specifically designed to energize his these people have to a brand, the more questions using SMS texts. emotional appeal and a large fanbase supporters – to get them to campaign on his able they are to help others. to exploit. behalf, and do whatever they could to get him elected. The UK National Health Service’s Smoke- free smoking-cessation campaign created a Kraft is perhaps less emotionally engaging Yahoo community called “Stub It Out”, than President Obama, so it focused on an where people who wanted to quit smoking engaging issue, creating a Facebook could chat with fellow quitters and get application that donated meals to a hunger- advice and tools to help them quit and deal relief charity each time it was downloaded; with cigarette cravings, as well as hearing over 230,000 people did this in six weeks. from successful quitters. 15 16
  • 10. Involve Before participating: is your brand naturally social? As people become more digitally “Vocalpoint” is a Procter and Gamble-owned There are brands that people naturally want However, if you’re like the majority of empowered and participate more actively community of mothers, which P&G uses to to talk about and engage with, but these brands, most people aren’t naturally going in their media consumption, they are also source opinion, test products, and guide brands are relatively rare. to talk about you. One solution is to create becoming more actively involved in how product development. Members are ‘relevance by association’ – get people to brands develop and grow. encouraged to tell others about products, If you have a brand people want to talk talk about what they are passionate about, and are rewarded for taking part in research about, you’ll have fans that you can tap with which the brand also has a natural Involving consumers can be immensely like focus groups. into. If you don’t know who or where these affinity, and associate the brand with their valuable – by integrating end-users into our people are, you need to find this latent passions. In the process, you may even find business, sourcing ideas from them and fanbase, and energize it. These people will or generate some fans of your brand. getting to know what people want from us. have a clear idea of what the brand is It can even mean co-creation, where about, and you have to be careful not to For example, P&G created the “Beinggirl” products or services that consumers want contradict that. It’s a nice problem to have, community site for girls to talk about to buy are developed with their help. so don’t give them a reason to fall out of teenage life because it knew girls wouldn’t love with you by acting out of character. talk about tampons; the site gives them an environment to deliver feminine care product messages. 17 18
  • 11. The need for good ‘brand manners’ Transport for London, the UK local Even for brands that have more naturally Successful brand communication within This might seem very obvious. But too government transport body, integrated its engaging products, tapping into people’s social media is not only about good many bad or inappropriate social media youth road-safety campaign into the Bebo passions is a great route into social media. consumer insight and great ideas; brand ideas are being thrown at an accordingly page featuring the popular online drama Sony Ericsson worked with young people’s behavior – how we act – is vitally important. indifferent public. Consider Habitat, the UK Sofia’s Diary, and included videos, polls love of music by creating the Sonic The social web is about people interacting retailer, using Twitter to promote messages and comments for participation. Experience community in Latin America for with one another, so the usual rules of that were irrelevant to the topics they were unsigned bands (and their fans), who social intercourse apply. This is true for all attached to: “Our totally desirable Spring competed for public votes to get their music participants, including brands. collection now has 20% off!” was attached used for animated videos to be shown on to tags relating to the volatile Iranian TV and online. In the ‘real’ world, if you’re talking to election, then the top news story. someone and you have nothing interesting The task for brands is to create a story that to say, they will stop listening to you. If you Acting commercially in a social situation is both it and its consumers can participate in interrupt people’s conversation, they will rude in the real world, and it’s rude in the together. ignore you (or worse). online one. If we can’t add value to a conversation, we shouldn’t be there. Why should things be any different online? When you go to an online community of some kind, you are joining someone else’s conversation or social space. Be nice. People will no longer tolerate being spoken ‘at’; brands must speak ‘with’ them. 19 20
  • 12. 3. Monitor and optimize Some possible metrics for (return on investment) measuring social media Measuring behavior within social media is So if there are many more things that we Behavioral metrics: to gauge the level of Attitudinal/sentiment metrics: to gauge your different from traditional media because can measure, the question becomes ‘what attention and engagement that brand activity’s emotional resonance or impact on there are so many more actions that are should we measure?’ What kind of ROI do activity is generating, ex.: The volume of attitudes to the brand, ex.: The sentiment – measurable – such as blog posts, we want and need: what measurement and conversations or mentions. positive, negative or neutral. comments, links, votes, views, bookmarks, results will be commercially relevant? favorites, Tweets – few of which are Share of conversation (not share of voice), The effect on brand-attribute measures. comparable to traditional media indices like ex. if you’re a car brand, what proportion of reach or frequency. the conversation on cars is about you? Ecosystem metrics: to get a sense of the wider impact of your activity, ex.: The origin Above all, consistent on-going Awareness, perception and sentiment of conversations – which sources, sites, and measurement is vital. This can be used to measures. authors are influential? assess the success of activity, but also to continuously develop conversations to drive How much time do people spend with you, Numbers and activity of fans, friends marketing strategy, tactics, and brand and and how often do they return? and followers. product development. What is the impact on sales, site traffic, Do people refer others to your site search ranking etc? or activity? What impact is traditional media having on social behavior online? Has your activity reduced complaints or saved time in call centres? 21 22
  • 13. Knowing the risks The lack of control in social media can be a Bad news travels fast. When cyclist real challenge, and the risks of getting Chris Brennan uploaded a video showing involved need to be carefully considered. him opening a Kryptonite bike-lock with a Bic biro, it was all over the web in roughly Social media cannot be controlled. If the same time it took to pick the lock. And people choose to interact with your the negative coverage is still there five application, you can’t tell them how, and years later whenever anyone Googles you can’t just ‘switch it off’. When Burger “Kryptonite locks”. Social media should not be treated like conventional King offered downloads of “24” on media. Social networks – i.e. networks of people – Myspace, along with space to talk about the are not mass media channels. The people who don’t like you may be the show, they weren’t expecting people to most energized by your activity. If people spend so much time debating the physical Social media are not a like-for-like replacement don’t like the way you do business, they will for traditional advertising, nor are they a cheap characteristics of Jack Bauer’s daughter. use social media to tell others; they may (or free) alternative to a traditional mass even hijack your social media to do so. A media strategy. Your messages can be undermined, and Starbuck’s campaign on Twitter to get your content used against you. One of the people to upload pictures of posters at their best-known examples was the Chevy Social media are not a free workforce, nor a stores was immediately hijacked by free R&D or creative department. Tahoe campaign hijacked by postings of anti-Starbuck’s placards. environmentalists. GM provided content for people to make their own ads, and allowed Social media are not a miracle cure; using Consumers can organize themselves social media will not make bad products or them to superimpose text onto the content, against you. Residents of Wye, in the resulting in films with straplines like, “Don’t services better on their own. UK, discovered their small village was to buy me.” be destroyed to make way for a £1 billion Social media grew from the ground-up – by the housing development. Their “Save Wye” people, for the people. You can’t run things There’s no such thing as ‘local’ any more. campaign, which stopped the development, So if someone finds a fried chicken’s-head from the top-down. was run by two residents from a £10 in their McDonald’s, as a woman in Virginia website. did, the world will know. Social media marketing is not a campaign, it’s an on-going commitment. Once you’re out there, you have to stay out there. 23
  • 14. Questions to ask before you start Does your social media campaign have a clearly articulated role If you would like to within an overall communications strategy? discuss anything in this What is the specific objective of your activity? How will it achieve guide, please contact: Asia Pacific that objective? Ben Poole Head of MEC Interaction, How will you measure success? Asia Pacific What conversations already exist online about the brand, Tel: +65 6225 1262 its rivals, or the category? Europe, Middle East and Africa Who is the target audience? What do you understand about them? Jeff Hyams Chief Strategy Officer Is social media relevant for my consumer? How? Europe. Middle East and Africa What are they most likely to respond to? Tel: +44 20 7803 2215 Why will your target audience be motivated to engage with your Latin America campaign and spread your message? Juan Bongiovanni MEC Interaction Regional Director, Latin America Is what you’re doing right for both brand and audience? Is there a good fit with your desired brand positioning? Tel: +1 786 264 7600 What value are you adding to the conversation? North America Is what you’re doing interesting, original, entertaining, useful, Patrick Cartmel shareable, adaptable? Really? Managing Director, Digital Operations, North America Tel: +1 212 474 0727 Do you have the resources to support your activity and maintain dialogue with consumers? Are you able to commit to this for Carrie Frolich the long term? Managing Director, Digital Media, North America How will you take advantage of the opportunities that appear? Tel: +1 212 474 0725 How will you respond to negative consequences? 25
  • 15. Global 1 Paris Garden 825 Seventh Avenue London New York SE1 8NU NY 10019 United Kingdom USA Tel +44 20 7803 2000 Tel +1 212 474 0000 Fax +44 20 7803 2001 Fax +1 212 474 0003 Charles Courtier Chief Executive Officer, Global Asia Pacific Europe, Middle East and Africa 700 Beach Road 1 Paris Garden #04-01 London Singapore SE1 8NU 199598 United Kingdom Tel +65 6225 1262 Tel +44 20 7803 2000 Fax +65 6227 9827 Fax +44 20 7803 2001 Joost Dop Alastair Aird Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Chairman, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Chief Operating Officer, Global Latin America North America 601 Brickell Key Drive 825 Seventh Avenue Suite 804 New York Miami NY 10019 FL 33131 USA USA Tel +1 212 474 0000 Tel +1 786 264 7600 Fax +1 212 474 0003 Fax +1 305 347 7029 Michael Jones Lee Doyle Chief Executive Officer, Latin America Chief Executive Officer, North America A GroupM Company September 2009 © Mediaedge:cia All content, logos and trademarks used within this publication are protected by copyright and cannot be used without permission from Mediaedge:cia or the permission of the relevant trademark owners.