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Asian Private Banks: 
How to Embrace Digital Transformation 
As Asian investors increasingly use social, mobile and analytics 
technologies for their wealth management needs, private 
banks must take a digital approach to more effectively deliver 
meaningful, high-value-adding interactions and tailored advice. 
• Cognizant Reports 
cognizant reports | october 2014
cognizant reports 2 
Executive Summary 
Wealthy clients in Asia are actively using digital 
tools and are expected to rely more on them in 
the coming years for their wealth management 
needs. However, private banks in Asia continue 
to lag behind their clients in adopting digital 
technologies, especially social media and mobile. 
On the internal front, they face challenges from 
information silos, a dearth of skilled employees, 
fragmented operations and legacy systems. 
Externally, they face regulatory restrictions and 
threats from lean startups and non-banking firms. 
Banks’ revenues and margins are also being 
adversely affected by rising regulatory burdens, 
talent shortages, increasing client acquisition and 
servicing costs, and low advisor productivity. 
To deliver meaningful, high-value advice to clients, 
banks need to gear up for their digital odyssey by 
taking the following steps: 
• Create a holistic digital banking strategy: 
Banks embarking on a digital transforma-tion 
should clearly define their objectives 
and create a holistic digital banking strategy 
to achieve them. Banks should evaluate their 
current maturity and readiness levels to build 
a digitally-enabled business and leverage exist-ing 
systems. They also need to strike the right 
balance between technology and high-touch 
advisor services to create a model in which 
both of these service delivery channels symbi-otically 
supplement each other. 
• Manage change: To ensure the success of a 
digital transformation initiative, banks should 
manage change and address employees’ 
concerns about such initiatives. 
• Derive value by deploying digital. This can 
happen in a nuber of ways. 
» Digital-empowered targeting: Banks should 
tap into the potential of social, mobility and 
analytics to differentiate their value propo-sition. 
By using digital technologies, they 
can understand and target their customers 
accurately with customized products and 
services that can be delivered anytime and 
» Enhanced customer experience: A unified 
view of their clients can help private banks 
spot up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. 
Banks should leverage their technology plat-forms 
and use the digital information that 
customers generate through their online 
interactions and transactions (what we call 
a Code Halo™) to deliver unique and cus-tomized 
experiences to clients at every 
» Improved efficiencies: Banks should invest 
in a robust infrastructure, digital technolo-gies 
and process automation to effectively 
engage with customers on digital channels 
and improve efficiencies. 
Why Asian Private Banks Must 
Go Digital 
Online Activities of Wealthy Asian Customers 
Figure 1 
Source: Scorpio Partnership and Sungard 
2.3 2.1 
Banking & 
News Social Media General 
Hours per Week 
Investor Reliance on Digital Wealth 
Management Tools 
Asia’s wealthy are active users of digital technolo-gies 
(see Figure 1). On a weekly basis, they spend 
an average of four hours each on instant mes-saging 
and social media channels (see Figure 2, 
next page).2 Many use digital technologies and
cognizant reports 3 
channels to track and educate themselves about 
wealth management and to select advisers based 
on online ratings and reviews. Over the next 
five years, wealthy clients in Asia are expected 
to increase their use of digital communications 
(see Figure 3).3 
According to a 2014 Futurewealth Report, 92% 
of the 3,025 wealthy investors surveyed4 world-wide 
were going online to learn about and 
support their wealth management transactions 
and decisions.5 For instance, clients reviewed 
portfolios, checked performance analyses, read 
market reviews and found securities information 
on the online accounts provided by their banks. 
Private Banks in Asia Lag Behind Customers 
There are numerous reasons why private banks in 
Asia are playing catch-up with customers who use 
digital tools to manage their wealth. These include: 
Asian Wealthy Are More Tech Savvy 
Figure 2 
Source: Scorpio Partnership 
Time spent on various methods of communication each week. 
The Americas Europe Asia-Pacific 
Average hours per week 
Web portal 
VOIP calls 
text messages 
Rising Use of Digital Communications 
Figure 3 
Source: Scorpio Partnership 
How long do you currently spend using the following communications each week, and do you plan to use 
these communications more in five years’ time? 
Percentage planning to use 
“much more” in five years’ time 
Networking Written SMS 
56% 36% 40% 46% 47% 28% 40% 44% 33% 
Asia Pacific 
41% 24% 19% 31% 23% 17% 25% 19% 19% 
33% 20% 19% 30% 22% 16% 19% 19% 28% 
cognizant reports 4 
• Slow adoption of mobile and social media: 
We studied 21 top private banks operating in 
Asia. Of these, three-fourths do not offer a 
full-fledged mobile wealth management 
app to their clients. Of the 50 leading global 
private banks surveyed by Assetinum in 2012, 
only 22 had a smartphone-optimized Web site, 
while 14 banks did not have a mobile app.6 
According to a Wealth Briefing report, in 2013 
a significant percentage of institutions glob-ally 
did not offer mobile apps and social media 
channels to help clients communicate and 
transact. This, however, is expected to improve 
in the next three years (see Figure 4).7 
• Internal challenges: 
» Skills: With a dearth of skilled analysts, 
private banks are struggling to derive 
meaningful insights from client data. In a 
CEB survey, 60% of respondents said it was 
important to organize data for decision-making 
and actionable business analytics, 
but only 36% believed their organizations 
had the ability to do so.8 
» Organizational structure: The organiza-tional 
structure at most banks results in 
information silos, with each group owning 
and mining its own data sets. With many 
firms lacking a central team with a mandate 
to run digital technologies across silos, 
they fail to leverage the true inferential and 
predictive powers of digital technologies. 
» Fragmented operations: Many firms’ 
functional systems architecture lacks 
standardization, proper integration and 
consistent firm-level semantics. Combined 
with a lack of a strategic vision for manag-ing 
IT, this results in IT teams implementing 
tactical fixes without resolving the underly-ing 
» Regulatory restrictions: In a study by DST 
Global Solutions,9 34% of respondents said 
a key concern was managing cross-border 
data to properly classify clients to com-ply 
with cross-border rules. Further, 42% 
of respondents said a major challenge for 
managing client data was complying with 
regulatory restrictions to safeguard client 
data when moving across regions.10 
» Legacy systems: The pervasiveness of 
legacy systems and low-technology chan-nels 
makes it difficult for banks to meet 
compliance requirements and service 
clients efficiently. Banks also find it difficult 
to integrate the real-time nature of mobile 
and online services with their legacy, 
back-end core systems. 
Digital Revolution Underway 
Figure 4 
Source: Wealth Briefing 
Note: Respondent base includes chief technology officers of firms that cover major wealth management 
markets and together have over $1 trillion of assets under management. Percent of Institutions 
Institutions that enable clients to 
transact business or issue instructions 
through digital channels now and in 
three years’ time. 
Institutions that offer clients digital 
channels for communication purposes/ 
access to portfolio information now 
and in three years’ time. 
2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 
Dedicated Web site Dedicated smartphone/tablet/PC application 
Social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
cognizant reports 5 
• Need to overhaul existing infrastructure: In 
many cases, poor investment data practices and 
information silos leave banks with incomplete 
and fragmented client and investment data. 
This makes it difficult for banks to decipher 
and understand customer portfolios. Banks will 
also find it difficult to meet the rising demand 
for an integrated and online client experi-ence 
unless they overhaul their infrastructure 
(see Figure 5). 
prerequisite for clients in the digital age. Industry 
executives cite industrializing11 the advisory pro-cess 
and automating back-end processing and 
compliance solutions as top priorities for their 
wealth management platforms (see Figure 6). 
Use cases for industrializing the advisory process 
» Streamlining the client onboarding process 
to avoid multiple data entries. 
» Automating risk and suitability assess-ments 
when clients order a specific product. 
» Sending targeted product information or 
investment ideas to clients based on their 
suitability and risk profile. 
» Generating a unified reporting view across 
multiple accounts. 
• New competitors: Lean startups12 and other 
non-banking firms13 have started offering 
automated investment advisory services. 
While they have not yet targeted the 
ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) segment, they 
are likely to disrupt the industry in the future. 
This will put pressure on incumbent players to 
invest significantly in technology just to keep 
up with the new entrants. 
• Cost pressures from rising customer 
acquisition and servicing costs. Banks face 
increasing costs of acquiring and retaining 
high-net-worth (HNW) clients in Asia who have 
relationships with multiple banks.14 Similarly, 
the cost of acquiring and retaining talent is 
Business Priorities of Asian 
Wealth Advisors 
Priority Level Business Activity 
1 Business Intelligence 
2 CRM Systems 
3 Risk Management Tools 
4 Financial Planning Tools 
5 Recruitment 
6 Investment Research, Market Feeds 
7 Training 
8 Compliance Tools 
9 Portfolio Modelling Tools 
10 Branding & Marketing 
Source: Scorpio Partnership 
Figure 5 
In the absence of robust integration of the digi-tal 
technology infrastructure in the front, middle 
and back offices, banks will find it difficult to 
achieve efficiency and seamless operations – a 
Priorities for Wealth Management Platforms 
Figure 6 
Source: Hubbis audience sentiment poll, Asian Wealth Management Forum 2013, Singapore 
Grow the front 
Percent of repsondents
cognizant reports 6 
increasing due to a dearth of talent. Accord-ing 
to McKinsey & Co., private banks’ cost to 
serve clients was higher in 2011 compared with 
2008–2010 due to a rise in compensation and 
reduced advisor productivity, coupled with 
greater client servicing requirements (see 
Figure 7).15 
Stringent and complex regulatory environ-ments 
across Asia are driving up compli-ance 
costs. Regulations such as Basel III, for 
instance, hamper banks’ abilities to generate 
profits using their balance sheets.16 
Revenues continue to be under stress. At 80%, 
the cost-to-income ratios of private banks in 
Asia are among the highest in the world.17 The 
margins for banks are decreasing as clients 
deleverage portfolios and opt for simpler prod-ucts 
to reduce risk. 
• Low advisor productivity: The average 
number of clients handled by Asian advisors is 
86, which is higher than the global average of 
50 to 60 clients.18 The inability to forge strong 
relationships with clients and the lack of 
access to productivity-enhancing digital tech-nologies 
is making it more difficult for advisors 
to capture additional client assets. Advisors in 
Asia have, on average, 20% less assets under 
management than those in Europe.19 
Gearing Up for the Digital Odyssey 
Create a Holistic Digital Banking Strategy 
Digital transformation is not just about adding 
new technology-enabled features or applications; 
it is an entirely new business and service model. 
Banks embarking on this journey should start 
with well-defined objectives: 
Profit Margins in Asia Under Pressure 
Figure 7 
Source: McKinsey Private Banking Survey 
*CEE: Central and Eastern Europe 
** Excluding India 
Basis points (assets under management), 2011 
78 83 
U.S. Western 
CEE* Asia** 
77 83 106 84 
75 84 103 88 
68 90 106 99 
53 59 54 
U.S. CEE* 
52 64 50 70 
51 64 50 73 
42 61 50 79 
26 24 
U.S. CEE* 
25 24 56 14 
21 20 53 15 
26 26 56 20 
Net Revenues 
Operating Profit 
Operating Costs 
2009 levels 
2008 levels 
2010 levels 
2011 levels 
Western Asia** 
cognizant reports 7 
• First, banks need a long-term strategy with a 
tangible digital blueprint. The digital blueprint 
should be extensible, capable of adapting to 
evolving changes in regulations, markets, tech-nology, 
product strategy, client interactions 
and engagement. It should also have a client-centric 
view and specific measurable goals. 
• Second, banks should have a tactical plan that 
delivers immediate wins and addresses client 
and internal demands, while helping the bank 
establish its digital presence. Banks should 
also develop product, pricing and servicing 
strategies (utilizing digital technologies) to 
meet the needs of every client segment. 
• Third, banks should evaluate their current 
maturity and readiness and focus on how best 
they can leverage their existing systems to build 
a digitally-enabled architecture and business. 
Digital transformation is not about replacing 
the high touch that associates currently deliver 
with digital tools and technologies. Instead, 
banks need to balance technology and touch to 
create a model in which both approaches 
symbiotically supplement each other. Banks can 
combine personal client relationships with technol-ogy- 
enabled services to deliver collaborative and 
virtually enriched relationships. This will help 
banks serve clients with a tailored combination of 
traditional and digital banking services and offers. 
The agility and ability of banks to adopt processes 
and technologies will be vital to building a digi-tally 
enabled architecture. 
Banks must redefine their 
value proposition to clients 
by using technology to 
manage and simplify the 
complexity of their wealth 
management offerings. 
They should build capabili-ties 
to efficiently segment 
and target key customer 
groups with tailored products using efficient 
distribution strategies. 
To succeed, private banks should fundamentally 
shift their mindset and focus from selling prod-ucts 
to servicing clients. The strategy should 
include a long-term view and commitment as 
most digital transformation initiatives are multi-year 
undertakings. (For more on building a road-map 
for a digital transformation initiative, read 
our report, “Digital Banking: Enhancing Customer 
Experience; Generating Long-Term Loyalty.”) 
Manage Change to Ease Transformation 
Managing change is essential to the success of a 
digital transformation initiative. To start with, top 
management should exhibit strong leadership 
to drive change across the organization. Private 
banks should take steps to effectively address any 
concerns or resistance that advisors might have 
about digital transformation initiatives by set-ting 
up multiple channels of communication and 
digital banking champions. 
To allay advisor concerns of being disinterme-diated 
by digital tools and self-service digital 
channels, organizations should deploy digi-tal 
technologies to handle non-value-adding 
activities such as administrative tasks, scan-ning 
documents, sharing client information with 
back-end systems and document management. 
This will save advisors time and provide uni-fied 
views of customers for them to deliver tai-lored 
advice. Banks should then focus on helping 
advisors use the extra time and digital tools 
effectively and deepen their relationships with cli-ents, 
which will likely result in increased revenues. 
The reallocation and realignment of traditional 
responsibilities among departments will require 
a major design effort. Digital transformation 
initiatives usually involve significant cost and 
effort, as well as a potential re-engineering 
of systems and processes. Banks should take 
this into account and carefully redesign their 
processes and operations to support seamless 
omni-channel experiences. 
Derive Value 
Analytics, big data, mobile and social media can 
help banks develop a granular understanding 
of their customers and deliver differentiated, 
value-adding services to them. 
• Offer personalized products and services: 
Banks can use the advanced information 
aggregation and predictive capabilities of 
analytics to study market trends, correla-tions, 
factor analysis and “what-if” scenarios 
that can forecast fund performance. They can 
also anticipate changes in market conditions, 
client preferences and cross-selling oppor-tunities. 
Banks can use analytics to study 
clients’ investment strategies and returns 
and select the best of these to generate highly 
To succeed, private 
banks should 
shift their mindset 
and focus from 
selling products to 
servicing clients.
cognizant reports 8 
personalized offers and information.20 They 
can deploy analytics to identify what custom-ers 
need, such as in-depth analysis that is rele-vant 
to their investment portfolio and tailored 
to meet their risk appetite. Delivering this kind 
of service in real-time to the right clients can 
become a strong selling point for banks. 
Consider Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 
which unified its data foundation by modern-izing 
its IT systems and strategically invest-ing 
in analytics, social media and mobility.21 
This capability is allowing the bank to pro-vide 
personalized offers that are relevant to a 
customer’s needs. For instance, it offers 
home loans and insurance products to clients 
who visit its site after searching for proper-ties 
online. Similarly, the bank also collects 
and analyzes transaction and other data to 
determine appropriate products with the right 
pricing for its customers. 
• Serve clients quickly, anytime/anywhere: 
Mobile tools can improve the quality of service 
and advice, streamline the sales process and 
save time for advisors (see Figure 8). Through 
improved presentation of data and insights, 
mobile tools can help advisors deliver a high-quality 
client experience. Advisor productiv-ity 
can be improved by deploying front-office 
tools that are accessible anytime and any-where. 
Query processing and data retrieval 
can be performed quickly using comprehen-sive 
analytics and reporting tools. 
Banks can serve a highly mobile clientele using 
mobile technology. Further, mobile technolo-gies 
can help banks address the challenge of 
cross-border data and rules. Banks can use 
Code Halos to leverage insights derived from 
client data by abstracting specifics through 
segmentation and clustering. They can then 
use the location of a mobile device or access 
point used by an advisor to determine whether 
specific information can be delivered or not. 
• Target clients accurately: Banks should com-bine 
their client data (structured and unstruc-tured) 
from their core systems with social 
media content to get a unified and accurate 
picture of their clients. Approximately 70% 
of HNW clients in Asia look to validate their 
wealth management decisions with their peers 
using social media.22 Banks can leverage this 
behavior by deploying targeted marketing 
campaigns and sharing their latest insights 
and research with clients via social media 
platforms. They can also connect clients who 
share common interests. For instance, Jyske 
Bank, a Danish private bank, makes heavy use 
of social media to engage with, update and 
build online communities of customers.23 
As clients in Asia place more importance to 
peer feedback and word of mouth, banks 
should use social channels to build their brand 
and develop advocates from their client group. 
Private banks should identify prospective 
clients using their public profiles that can offer 
Tools Begin to Matter 
Figure 8 
Source: CEB Wealth Management Advisor Benchmark, 2012 
* More than one response allowed. 
Respondent base: 1,422 
Advisors find mobile tools boost their effectiveness and efficiency. 
advice quality 
service quality 
sales process 
Saves me time None of the above 
Percent of respondents 
Ineffective Effective
cognizant reports 9 
insights into their lifestyles, major milestones 
in life and interests. Banks can also use such 
data to determine high-value clients to pur-sue. 
They should leverage their existing client 
base to see if they can provide introductions 
and recommend their contacts or acquain-tances 
with high net worth. Jyske Bank’s 
online TV station, a key differentiating feature, 
provides advice about market trends, asset 
management and investments to its custom-ers 
through expert interviews. In addition, the 
TV channel’s Web site allows customers to 
interact with each other and pose questions 
to experts. The bank also offers an iPhone app 
for clients to manage their accounts. 
• Enhance customer experience: Investors seek 
the same kind of highly personalized, seamless 
and consistent experience from banks as what 
is provided by companies outside the financial 
services industry (think retail, media and enter-tainment, 
etc.). To provide such experiences, 
banks should learn about their clients from 
every interaction to understand and anticipate 
their needs accurately. Banks should leverage 
their technology platforms and make use of 
Code Halos to deliver unique and customized 
experiences to clients at every touchpoint. 
Private banks must then adopt enterprise-wide 
approaches to manage and share client 
information to improve the flow of and access 
to information by all stakeholders to improve 
client servicing. Advisors need to be equipped 
with customer insights, tools and capabilities 
that can tell them accurately what their cus-tomers 
need. This can be achieved through the 
smart management of digital information, the 
use of advanced analytics and the integration 
of digital channels. 
Banks can use gamification to simplify interac-tions 
and make routine tasks fun and engag-ing 
for employees. Gamification can also help 
banks educate clients on wealth manage-ment 
and encourage desired client behavior. 
Consider FlexScore’s online investment advi-sor 
tool that leverages gamification to engage 
clients and explain goal-based wealth planning 
to them.24 Consumers are awarded a numerical 
score between 1 and 1,000, which reflects their 
financial health. Users are awarded points 
for their actions, such as reading articles 
about investing. The tool visually explains how 
harmful financial decisions can decrease their 
score. (For more information on how gamifi-cation 
can help businesses, read our report, 
“Gamifying Business to Drive Employee 
Engagement and Performance.”) 
• Improve efficiencies: Private banks should 
focus on building a robust infrastructure and 
automated processes to effectively engage 
with digital customers and improve efficien-cies. 
This will require banks to integrate 
systems, processes and data in the front-, 
middle- and back-offices. Banks will also 
have to rewire their back-end systems to 
support the capabilities they want to deliver 
through digital channels. This will help them to 
Firms can combine data sources to 
help discover, develop and test trading 
ideas and strategies. 
Data from multiple asset classes and 
longer time horizons can help portfolio 
managers improve performance. 
Access to aggregated data can provide 
better insights into reporting systems 
across the firm. 
Key: Indicates significant interest in a particular feature of big data 
Aggregated data provides a unified 
view of customers/prospects (i.e., 
linking customer data to the CRM system). 
Benefits of Big Data for the Front Office 
Figure 9 
Source: Celent 
Front Office Capture Analytics Visualization Examples 
cognizant reports 10 
accurately trace orders and fully automate 
and control processes. It will also enable 
orders to be handled consistently, reduce 
error rates through reduced manual interven-tion 
and boost the rate of straight-through 
processing (STP). Automation of processes 
and digitization of data will result in improved 
regulatory reporting and help create efficien-cies 
that can balance high compliance costs. 
Private banks can also offer clients self-service 
digital tools to manage their wealth. Online 
portals, video, e-mail and social media can help 
banks more efficiently build sustainable cli-ent 
relationships. Banks can reduce costly 
face-to-face advisor interactions by provid-ing 
clients with interactive self-service tools. 
Similarly, video-based tools on mobile devices 
can be used to serve clients anytime and any-where. 
Low-cost digital channels can reduce 
the cost of operations and providing advice, 
while continuing to provide interactive com-munications. 
25 Banks should focus on com-bining 
and providing the expertise of their 
internal departments and experts to clients 
using mobile technologies. 
• Improve revenues and reduce risk: Banks 
should aim to restructure their systems 
to perform more targeted, effective and 
relevant data mining. By eliminating silos and 
focusing on centralizing data and integrat-ing 
disparate systems, banks can update and 
unify client information across their systems 
for real-time retrieval and usage. Addition-ally, 
banks can create opportunities to up-sell 
and cross-sell their offerings by using 
insights gleaned from client data (see Figure 9, 
previous page). Access to and the ability 
to view client data across silos can enable 
advisors to generate 47% of revenue from 
new sales compared with 36% for advisors 
who do not have such access.26 Banks can also 
reduce their operational and reputation risk by 
using big data to understand their customers 
better and improve their investment research 
and trading capabilities. 
1 For more on Code Halos, see our book, Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organi-zations 
are Changing the Rules of Business, by Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig and Ben Pring, John Wiley 
& Sons, 2014, or our white paper, “Code Rules: A Playbook for Managing at the Crossroads,” Cognizant 
Technology Solutions, June 2013, 
2 “Stepping Into the Communication Age,” Scorpio Partnership, January 2013, 
3 Ibid. 
4 Survey respondents had an average worth of $2.9 million (USD). 
5 “The Futurewealth Report 2014: Upgrading the Service Delivery, Part 2” Scorpio Partnership, March 2014, 
6 “Social Media Survey Private Banks 2012,” Assetinum, 2012, 
7 “Technology and Operations Trends In The Wealth Management Industry,” Wealth Briefing and 
Advent Software, 2013, 
8 “How Client Data Can Transform Sales,” CEB, May 2013,
cognizant reports 11 
9 DST Global Solutions Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of DST Systems Inc., provides technology solu-tions 
and services to the world's top financial institutions, utilities and communications companies. 
10 “Maximise Investment Data In Asian Wealth Management,” DST Global Solutions and Hubbis, 2013, 
11 “Industrializing” means to streamline and automate the interactions between advisors, clients 
and processes. 
12 Dragon Wealth and Wealthfront. 
13 Baidu, Alibaba, Google, PayPal and telcos. 
14 “Asian Private Banking: Today's Boiling Frog?” A. T. Kearney and Newtone Associates, 
15 “Navigating the New Era of Asian Retail Banking,” McKinsey & Co., July 2013, 
16 “The Evolution of Wealth Management,” The Banker, January 2012, 
17 “Private Banking: In the New Era,” A. T. Kearney and Newtone Associates, 
18 “Embracing Digital: A High Stakes Revolution in High Net Worth Client Management,” Sungard and 
Scorpio Partnership, 2012, 
19 “Tens of Thousands of Private Bankers Needed In Asia,” Execboard in Asia, September 2013, 
20 “Private Banks Get Ahead with Analytics,” Computerworld, March 2014, 
21 “More Personalized Banking through Big Data and Analytics,” SAP, September 2013, 
22 “Asia Private-Bank Technology to Follow Netflix-lite Model,” Euromoney, February 2014, 
23 “Social CRM in German Retail Banks,” Bearing Point, 2011, 
24 “A New Planning Tool for Advisers Challenges Clients to Win a Game,” InvestmentNews, May 2014, 
25 “Global Wealth Management Technology Spending to Reach $32bn by the End of 2017,” Ovum 
Knowledge Center, December 2013, 
26 “How Client Data Can Transform Sales,” CEB, May 2013,
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Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process 
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Author and Analyst 
Aala Santhosh Reddy, Senior Researcher, Cognizant Research Center 
Subject Matter Experts 
Aamod Gokhale, Director, Consulting, Cognizant Banking & Financial Services 
Amar Devasthali, Manager, Consulting, Cognizant Banking & Financial Services 
Harleen Bhatia, Design Team Lead 
Suresh Satyavarapu, Designer

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Asian Private Banks: How to Embrace Digital Transformation

  • 1. Asian Private Banks: How to Embrace Digital Transformation As Asian investors increasingly use social, mobile and analytics technologies for their wealth management needs, private banks must take a digital approach to more effectively deliver meaningful, high-value-adding interactions and tailored advice. • Cognizant Reports cognizant reports | october 2014
  • 2. cognizant reports 2 Executive Summary Wealthy clients in Asia are actively using digital tools and are expected to rely more on them in the coming years for their wealth management needs. However, private banks in Asia continue to lag behind their clients in adopting digital technologies, especially social media and mobile. On the internal front, they face challenges from information silos, a dearth of skilled employees, fragmented operations and legacy systems. Externally, they face regulatory restrictions and threats from lean startups and non-banking firms. Banks’ revenues and margins are also being adversely affected by rising regulatory burdens, talent shortages, increasing client acquisition and servicing costs, and low advisor productivity. To deliver meaningful, high-value advice to clients, banks need to gear up for their digital odyssey by taking the following steps: • Create a holistic digital banking strategy: Banks embarking on a digital transforma-tion should clearly define their objectives and create a holistic digital banking strategy to achieve them. Banks should evaluate their current maturity and readiness levels to build a digitally-enabled business and leverage exist-ing systems. They also need to strike the right balance between technology and high-touch advisor services to create a model in which both of these service delivery channels symbi-otically supplement each other. • Manage change: To ensure the success of a digital transformation initiative, banks should manage change and address employees’ concerns about such initiatives. • Derive value by deploying digital. This can happen in a nuber of ways. » Digital-empowered targeting: Banks should tap into the potential of social, mobility and analytics to differentiate their value propo-sition. By using digital technologies, they can understand and target their customers accurately with customized products and services that can be delivered anytime and anywhere. » Enhanced customer experience: A unified view of their clients can help private banks spot up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. Banks should leverage their technology plat-forms and use the digital information that customers generate through their online interactions and transactions (what we call a Code Halo™) to deliver unique and cus-tomized experiences to clients at every touchpoint.1 » Improved efficiencies: Banks should invest in a robust infrastructure, digital technolo-gies and process automation to effectively engage with customers on digital channels and improve efficiencies. Why Asian Private Banks Must Go Digital Online Activities of Wealthy Asian Customers Figure 1 Source: Scorpio Partnership and Sungard 5.3 4.1 3.7 3.3 2.3 2.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Banking & Investments News Social Media General Research Online Purchasing Gaming Hours per Week Investor Reliance on Digital Wealth Management Tools Asia’s wealthy are active users of digital technolo-gies (see Figure 1). On a weekly basis, they spend an average of four hours each on instant mes-saging and social media channels (see Figure 2, next page).2 Many use digital technologies and
  • 3. cognizant reports 3 channels to track and educate themselves about wealth management and to select advisers based on online ratings and reviews. Over the next five years, wealthy clients in Asia are expected to increase their use of digital communications (see Figure 3).3 According to a 2014 Futurewealth Report, 92% of the 3,025 wealthy investors surveyed4 world-wide were going online to learn about and support their wealth management transactions and decisions.5 For instance, clients reviewed portfolios, checked performance analyses, read market reviews and found securities information on the online accounts provided by their banks. Private Banks in Asia Lag Behind Customers There are numerous reasons why private banks in Asia are playing catch-up with customers who use digital tools to manage their wealth. These include: Asian Wealthy Are More Tech Savvy Figure 2 Source: Scorpio Partnership Time spent on various methods of communication each week. The Americas Europe Asia-Pacific Average hours per week 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E-mail Telephone calls Secure Web portal Social networking Written communications Instant messaging VOIP calls Face-to-face meetings SMS/ text messages Rising Use of Digital Communications Figure 3 Source: Scorpio Partnership How long do you currently spend using the following communications each week, and do you plan to use these communications more in five years’ time? Percentage planning to use “much more” in five years’ time Current weekly usage E-mail Meeting Face-to- Face Telephone Calls Secure Web Portal Social Networking Written SMS Instant Messaging VOIP (Skype) 4.9 hours 4.5 hours 3.9 hours 3.5 hours 3.2 hours 3.0 hours 3.0 hours 2.6 hours 1.9 hours 56% 36% 40% 46% 47% 28% 40% 44% 33% Asia Pacific 41% 24% 19% 31% 23% 17% 25% 19% 19% Americas 33% 20% 19% 30% 22% 16% 19% 19% 28% Europe
  • 4. cognizant reports 4 • Slow adoption of mobile and social media: We studied 21 top private banks operating in Asia. Of these, three-fourths do not offer a full-fledged mobile wealth management app to their clients. Of the 50 leading global private banks surveyed by Assetinum in 2012, only 22 had a smartphone-optimized Web site, while 14 banks did not have a mobile app.6 According to a Wealth Briefing report, in 2013 a significant percentage of institutions glob-ally did not offer mobile apps and social media channels to help clients communicate and transact. This, however, is expected to improve in the next three years (see Figure 4).7 • Internal challenges: » Skills: With a dearth of skilled analysts, private banks are struggling to derive meaningful insights from client data. In a CEB survey, 60% of respondents said it was important to organize data for decision-making and actionable business analytics, but only 36% believed their organizations had the ability to do so.8 » Organizational structure: The organiza-tional structure at most banks results in information silos, with each group owning and mining its own data sets. With many firms lacking a central team with a mandate to run digital technologies across silos, they fail to leverage the true inferential and predictive powers of digital technologies. » Fragmented operations: Many firms’ functional systems architecture lacks standardization, proper integration and consistent firm-level semantics. Combined with a lack of a strategic vision for manag-ing IT, this results in IT teams implementing tactical fixes without resolving the underly-ing issues. » Regulatory restrictions: In a study by DST Global Solutions,9 34% of respondents said a key concern was managing cross-border data to properly classify clients to com-ply with cross-border rules. Further, 42% of respondents said a major challenge for managing client data was complying with regulatory restrictions to safeguard client data when moving across regions.10 » Legacy systems: The pervasiveness of legacy systems and low-technology chan-nels makes it difficult for banks to meet compliance requirements and service clients efficiently. Banks also find it difficult to integrate the real-time nature of mobile and online services with their legacy, back-end core systems. Digital Revolution Underway Figure 4 Source: Wealth Briefing Note: Respondent base includes chief technology officers of firms that cover major wealth management markets and together have over $1 trillion of assets under management. Percent of Institutions 0 20 40 60 80 100 Institutions that enable clients to transact business or issue instructions through digital channels now and in three years’ time. Institutions that offer clients digital channels for communication purposes/ access to portfolio information now and in three years’ time. 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 2013 2016 Dedicated Web site Dedicated smartphone/tablet/PC application Social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  • 5. cognizant reports 5 • Need to overhaul existing infrastructure: In many cases, poor investment data practices and information silos leave banks with incomplete and fragmented client and investment data. This makes it difficult for banks to decipher and understand customer portfolios. Banks will also find it difficult to meet the rising demand for an integrated and online client experi-ence unless they overhaul their infrastructure (see Figure 5). prerequisite for clients in the digital age. Industry executives cite industrializing11 the advisory pro-cess and automating back-end processing and compliance solutions as top priorities for their wealth management platforms (see Figure 6). Use cases for industrializing the advisory process include: » Streamlining the client onboarding process to avoid multiple data entries. » Automating risk and suitability assess-ments when clients order a specific product. » Sending targeted product information or investment ideas to clients based on their suitability and risk profile. » Generating a unified reporting view across multiple accounts. • New competitors: Lean startups12 and other non-banking firms13 have started offering automated investment advisory services. While they have not yet targeted the ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) segment, they are likely to disrupt the industry in the future. This will put pressure on incumbent players to invest significantly in technology just to keep up with the new entrants. • Cost pressures from rising customer acquisition and servicing costs. Banks face increasing costs of acquiring and retaining high-net-worth (HNW) clients in Asia who have relationships with multiple banks.14 Similarly, the cost of acquiring and retaining talent is Business Priorities of Asian Wealth Advisors Priority Level Business Activity 1 Business Intelligence 2 CRM Systems 3 Risk Management Tools 4 Financial Planning Tools 5 Recruitment 6 Investment Research, Market Feeds 7 Training 8 Compliance Tools 9 Portfolio Modelling Tools 10 Branding & Marketing Source: Scorpio Partnership Figure 5 In the absence of robust integration of the digi-tal technology infrastructure in the front, middle and back offices, banks will find it difficult to achieve efficiency and seamless operations – a Priorities for Wealth Management Platforms Figure 6 Source: Hubbis audience sentiment poll, Asian Wealth Management Forum 2013, Singapore 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Grow the front office Industrialize advisory processes Back-end processing automation Automate compliance solutions Product innovation Percent of repsondents
  • 6. cognizant reports 6 increasing due to a dearth of talent. Accord-ing to McKinsey & Co., private banks’ cost to serve clients was higher in 2011 compared with 2008–2010 due to a rise in compensation and reduced advisor productivity, coupled with greater client servicing requirements (see Figure 7).15 Stringent and complex regulatory environ-ments across Asia are driving up compli-ance costs. Regulations such as Basel III, for instance, hamper banks’ abilities to generate profits using their balance sheets.16 Revenues continue to be under stress. At 80%, the cost-to-income ratios of private banks in Asia are among the highest in the world.17 The margins for banks are decreasing as clients deleverage portfolios and opt for simpler prod-ucts to reduce risk. • Low advisor productivity: The average number of clients handled by Asian advisors is 86, which is higher than the global average of 50 to 60 clients.18 The inability to forge strong relationships with clients and the lack of access to productivity-enhancing digital tech-nologies is making it more difficult for advisors to capture additional client assets. Advisors in Asia have, on average, 20% less assets under management than those in Europe.19 Gearing Up for the Digital Odyssey Create a Holistic Digital Banking Strategy Digital transformation is not just about adding new technology-enabled features or applications; it is an entirely new business and service model. Banks embarking on this journey should start with well-defined objectives: Profit Margins in Asia Under Pressure Figure 7 Source: McKinsey Private Banking Survey *CEE: Central and Eastern Europe ** Excluding India Basis points (assets under management), 2011 78 83 107 78 U.S. Western Europe Western Europe CEE* Asia** Asia** 77 83 106 84 75 84 103 88 68 90 106 99 53 59 54 67 U.S. CEE* 52 64 50 70 51 64 50 73 42 61 50 79 26 24 53 11 U.S. CEE* 25 24 56 14 21 20 53 15 26 26 56 20 Net Revenues Operating Profit Operating Costs Stable Key Increase Decrease 2009 levels 2008 levels 2010 levels 2011 levels Western Asia** Europe
  • 7. cognizant reports 7 • First, banks need a long-term strategy with a tangible digital blueprint. The digital blueprint should be extensible, capable of adapting to evolving changes in regulations, markets, tech-nology, product strategy, client interactions and engagement. It should also have a client-centric view and specific measurable goals. • Second, banks should have a tactical plan that delivers immediate wins and addresses client and internal demands, while helping the bank establish its digital presence. Banks should also develop product, pricing and servicing strategies (utilizing digital technologies) to meet the needs of every client segment. • Third, banks should evaluate their current maturity and readiness and focus on how best they can leverage their existing systems to build a digitally-enabled architecture and business. Digital transformation is not about replacing the high touch that associates currently deliver with digital tools and technologies. Instead, banks need to balance technology and touch to create a model in which both approaches symbiotically supplement each other. Banks can combine personal client relationships with technol-ogy- enabled services to deliver collaborative and virtually enriched relationships. This will help banks serve clients with a tailored combination of traditional and digital banking services and offers. The agility and ability of banks to adopt processes and technologies will be vital to building a digi-tally enabled architecture. Banks must redefine their value proposition to clients by using technology to manage and simplify the complexity of their wealth management offerings. They should build capabili-ties to efficiently segment and target key customer groups with tailored products using efficient distribution strategies. To succeed, private banks should fundamentally shift their mindset and focus from selling prod-ucts to servicing clients. The strategy should include a long-term view and commitment as most digital transformation initiatives are multi-year undertakings. (For more on building a road-map for a digital transformation initiative, read our report, “Digital Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience; Generating Long-Term Loyalty.”) Manage Change to Ease Transformation Managing change is essential to the success of a digital transformation initiative. To start with, top management should exhibit strong leadership to drive change across the organization. Private banks should take steps to effectively address any concerns or resistance that advisors might have about digital transformation initiatives by set-ting up multiple channels of communication and digital banking champions. To allay advisor concerns of being disinterme-diated by digital tools and self-service digital channels, organizations should deploy digi-tal technologies to handle non-value-adding activities such as administrative tasks, scan-ning documents, sharing client information with back-end systems and document management. This will save advisors time and provide uni-fied views of customers for them to deliver tai-lored advice. Banks should then focus on helping advisors use the extra time and digital tools effectively and deepen their relationships with cli-ents, which will likely result in increased revenues. The reallocation and realignment of traditional responsibilities among departments will require a major design effort. Digital transformation initiatives usually involve significant cost and effort, as well as a potential re-engineering of systems and processes. Banks should take this into account and carefully redesign their processes and operations to support seamless omni-channel experiences. Derive Value Analytics, big data, mobile and social media can help banks develop a granular understanding of their customers and deliver differentiated, value-adding services to them. • Offer personalized products and services: Banks can use the advanced information aggregation and predictive capabilities of analytics to study market trends, correla-tions, factor analysis and “what-if” scenarios that can forecast fund performance. They can also anticipate changes in market conditions, client preferences and cross-selling oppor-tunities. Banks can use analytics to study clients’ investment strategies and returns and select the best of these to generate highly To succeed, private banks should fundamentally shift their mindset and focus from selling products to servicing clients.
  • 8. cognizant reports 8 personalized offers and information.20 They can deploy analytics to identify what custom-ers need, such as in-depth analysis that is rele-vant to their investment portfolio and tailored to meet their risk appetite. Delivering this kind of service in real-time to the right clients can become a strong selling point for banks. Consider Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which unified its data foundation by modern-izing its IT systems and strategically invest-ing in analytics, social media and mobility.21 This capability is allowing the bank to pro-vide personalized offers that are relevant to a customer’s needs. For instance, it offers home loans and insurance products to clients who visit its site after searching for proper-ties online. Similarly, the bank also collects and analyzes transaction and other data to determine appropriate products with the right pricing for its customers. • Serve clients quickly, anytime/anywhere: Mobile tools can improve the quality of service and advice, streamline the sales process and save time for advisors (see Figure 8). Through improved presentation of data and insights, mobile tools can help advisors deliver a high-quality client experience. Advisor productiv-ity can be improved by deploying front-office tools that are accessible anytime and any-where. Query processing and data retrieval can be performed quickly using comprehen-sive analytics and reporting tools. Banks can serve a highly mobile clientele using mobile technology. Further, mobile technolo-gies can help banks address the challenge of cross-border data and rules. Banks can use Code Halos to leverage insights derived from client data by abstracting specifics through segmentation and clustering. They can then use the location of a mobile device or access point used by an advisor to determine whether specific information can be delivered or not. • Target clients accurately: Banks should com-bine their client data (structured and unstruc-tured) from their core systems with social media content to get a unified and accurate picture of their clients. Approximately 70% of HNW clients in Asia look to validate their wealth management decisions with their peers using social media.22 Banks can leverage this behavior by deploying targeted marketing campaigns and sharing their latest insights and research with clients via social media platforms. They can also connect clients who share common interests. For instance, Jyske Bank, a Danish private bank, makes heavy use of social media to engage with, update and build online communities of customers.23 As clients in Asia place more importance to peer feedback and word of mouth, banks should use social channels to build their brand and develop advocates from their client group. Private banks should identify prospective clients using their public profiles that can offer Tools Begin to Matter Figure 8 Source: CEB Wealth Management Advisor Benchmark, 2012 * More than one response allowed. Respondent base: 1,422 Advisors find mobile tools boost their effectiveness and efficiency. 0 20 40 60 80 Improves advice quality Improves service quality Improves sales process Saves me time None of the above Percent of respondents Ineffective Effective
  • 9. cognizant reports 9 insights into their lifestyles, major milestones in life and interests. Banks can also use such data to determine high-value clients to pur-sue. They should leverage their existing client base to see if they can provide introductions and recommend their contacts or acquain-tances with high net worth. Jyske Bank’s online TV station, a key differentiating feature, provides advice about market trends, asset management and investments to its custom-ers through expert interviews. In addition, the TV channel’s Web site allows customers to interact with each other and pose questions to experts. The bank also offers an iPhone app for clients to manage their accounts. • Enhance customer experience: Investors seek the same kind of highly personalized, seamless and consistent experience from banks as what is provided by companies outside the financial services industry (think retail, media and enter-tainment, etc.). To provide such experiences, banks should learn about their clients from every interaction to understand and anticipate their needs accurately. Banks should leverage their technology platforms and make use of Code Halos to deliver unique and customized experiences to clients at every touchpoint. Private banks must then adopt enterprise-wide approaches to manage and share client information to improve the flow of and access to information by all stakeholders to improve client servicing. Advisors need to be equipped with customer insights, tools and capabilities that can tell them accurately what their cus-tomers need. This can be achieved through the smart management of digital information, the use of advanced analytics and the integration of digital channels. Banks can use gamification to simplify interac-tions and make routine tasks fun and engag-ing for employees. Gamification can also help banks educate clients on wealth manage-ment and encourage desired client behavior. Consider FlexScore’s online investment advi-sor tool that leverages gamification to engage clients and explain goal-based wealth planning to them.24 Consumers are awarded a numerical score between 1 and 1,000, which reflects their financial health. Users are awarded points for their actions, such as reading articles about investing. The tool visually explains how harmful financial decisions can decrease their score. (For more information on how gamifi-cation can help businesses, read our report, “Gamifying Business to Drive Employee Engagement and Performance.”) • Improve efficiencies: Private banks should focus on building a robust infrastructure and automated processes to effectively engage with digital customers and improve efficien-cies. This will require banks to integrate systems, processes and data in the front-, middle- and back-offices. Banks will also have to rewire their back-end systems to support the capabilities they want to deliver through digital channels. This will help them to Firms can combine data sources to help discover, develop and test trading ideas and strategies. Data from multiple asset classes and longer time horizons can help portfolio managers improve performance. Access to aggregated data can provide better insights into reporting systems across the firm. Key: Indicates significant interest in a particular feature of big data Aggregated data provides a unified view of customers/prospects (i.e., linking customer data to the CRM system). CRM Trading Reporting Benefits of Big Data for the Front Office Figure 9 Source: Celent Front Office Capture Analytics Visualization Examples Portfolio Management
  • 10. cognizant reports 10 accurately trace orders and fully automate and control processes. It will also enable orders to be handled consistently, reduce error rates through reduced manual interven-tion and boost the rate of straight-through processing (STP). Automation of processes and digitization of data will result in improved regulatory reporting and help create efficien-cies that can balance high compliance costs. Private banks can also offer clients self-service digital tools to manage their wealth. Online portals, video, e-mail and social media can help banks more efficiently build sustainable cli-ent relationships. Banks can reduce costly face-to-face advisor interactions by provid-ing clients with interactive self-service tools. Similarly, video-based tools on mobile devices can be used to serve clients anytime and any-where. Low-cost digital channels can reduce the cost of operations and providing advice, while continuing to provide interactive com-munications. 25 Banks should focus on com-bining and providing the expertise of their internal departments and experts to clients using mobile technologies. • Improve revenues and reduce risk: Banks should aim to restructure their systems to perform more targeted, effective and relevant data mining. By eliminating silos and focusing on centralizing data and integrat-ing disparate systems, banks can update and unify client information across their systems for real-time retrieval and usage. Addition-ally, banks can create opportunities to up-sell and cross-sell their offerings by using insights gleaned from client data (see Figure 9, previous page). Access to and the ability to view client data across silos can enable advisors to generate 47% of revenue from new sales compared with 36% for advisors who do not have such access.26 Banks can also reduce their operational and reputation risk by using big data to understand their customers better and improve their investment research and trading capabilities. Footnotes 1 For more on Code Halos, see our book, Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organi-zations are Changing the Rules of Business, by Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig and Ben Pring, John Wiley & Sons, 2014, or our white paper, “Code Rules: A Playbook for Managing at the Crossroads,” Cognizant Technology Solutions, June 2013, 2 “Stepping Into the Communication Age,” Scorpio Partnership, January 2013, pdf. 3 Ibid. 4 Survey respondents had an average worth of $2.9 million (USD). 5 “The Futurewealth Report 2014: Upgrading the Service Delivery, Part 2” Scorpio Partnership, March 2014, Paper2_Final.pdf. 6 “Social Media Survey Private Banks 2012,” Assetinum, 2012, 7 “Technology and Operations Trends In The Wealth Management Industry,” Wealth Briefing and Advent Software, 2013, DISTRIBUTION.pdf. 8 “How Client Data Can Transform Sales,” CEB, May 2013,
  • 11. cognizant reports 11 9 DST Global Solutions Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of DST Systems Inc., provides technology solu-tions and services to the world's top financial institutions, utilities and communications companies. 10 “Maximise Investment Data In Asian Wealth Management,” DST Global Solutions and Hubbis, 2013, MaximiseDataInAsianWealthManagement.pdf. 11 “Industrializing” means to streamline and automate the interactions between advisors, clients and processes. 12 Dragon Wealth and Wealthfront. 13 Baidu, Alibaba, Google, PayPal and telcos. 14 “Asian Private Banking: Today's Boiling Frog?” A. T. Kearney and Newtone Associates, 15 “Navigating the New Era of Asian Retail Banking,” McKinsey & Co., July 2013, banking. 16 “The Evolution of Wealth Management,” The Banker, January 2012, 17 “Private Banking: In the New Era,” A. T. Kearney and Newtone Associates, +Electronic+%28final%29.pdf. 18 “Embracing Digital: A High Stakes Revolution in High Net Worth Client Management,” Sungard and Scorpio Partnership, 2012, wealth-management/wm-ambit-future-advisors-asia.aspx. 19 “Tens of Thousands of Private Bankers Needed In Asia,” Execboard in Asia, September 2013, 20 “Private Banks Get Ahead with Analytics,” Computerworld, March 2014, 21 “More Personalized Banking through Big Data and Analytics,” SAP, September 2013, through-big-data-and-analytics-bloomberg-2013-pdf.html. 22 “Asia Private-Bank Technology to Follow Netflix-lite Model,” Euromoney, February 2014, model.html. 23 “Social CRM in German Retail Banks,” Bearing Point, 2011, 24 “A New Planning Tool for Advisers Challenges Clients to Win a Game,” InvestmentNews, May 2014, 25 “Global Wealth Management Technology Spending to Reach $32bn by the End of 2017,” Ovum Knowledge Center, December 2013, spending-to-reach-32bn-by-the-end-of-2017/OVUM-VIEW. 26 “How Client Data Can Transform Sales,” CEB, May 2013,
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