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                 E ION
     F 2 Po ues n A d ne
     M - rdcr ad uiecs
F 2 Bith A e a f
                      M - ris & mr nil
                                  ic m

•   This section of AS Film studies is an

•   This exam is on the 14th May.

•   The exam is 2 1/2 hours long.

•   You answer 3 questions as 3 essays.

•   FM2 is divided into 3 sections. Each will be
    concerned with a different section of British or
    American film.

•   Section A is about Producers and Audiences.

•   Section B is about British Film (Working Title)

•   Section C is about American Film (Comparative
                                  M Section A
•   This question asks you to consider why
    films are made, the way in which films are
    made, who they are made for, distributed
    and exhibited.

•   This is linked in with audience as

•   You will need to be able to consider the way
    that people watch films, why they watch
    them and how films are made for them.

•   The exam will present you with a question
    about any of these ideas and you will be
    asked to answer this using the knowledge
    you have gained from this Unit of work.
Kyoi f F 2
                   ef o M
                     c r
• F fac, p dc nd t u n n xibio in mra n
  il inne r ut , isibt a eh itn A e ad
   m      o io     r io            ic
Bit .

• R fc n n e oabhv u a cn mra ad r .
   eet o pr nleaiors os e f n c ic
    l io    s            u , n   it

• H l o d sh d m at r in inm.
   oy o a t o inn f c c e a
    lw     e       oe

• T cnl ic cags uiec cags n t cags
   eho ga hne, ad ne hne ad h hne in
      o l                    e
cnu p n
osmt .

• Pa .
  ir y


• U drad gaasg n ep in gil cn mtn ky t
   ne t in, nlin ad xl in f os p is e in h
     sn      y       a     m u io        is
a a f ok n yu il e xet t udr k iniv ul ok
r o wrad o wl epc d o ne ae d idawr
 e              b    e     t
       • Inorder to do well on this section of the
        exam paper, you will need to take an
        interest in films and in cinema.

       • You  will need to watch films, pay attention
        to film stars and films that are in
        production. You will need to engage in
        research on why people watch films,
        explore ways in which people watch films
        and begin to develop opinions as to why
        films are made and exhibited.
W aa ea inrl k go?
              htr xm e o in f
                 e     so     r
• Understanding     & appreciation of cinema. This includes film
finance, production, distribution and exhibition in America and
Britain. A strong understanding of the UK film market through
consumption both nationally but also locally.

• Critical skills of being able to interpret information relating to
differing aspects of the film industry. Reflection on personal
behaviour as a consumer, fan and critic.
Sneaky tip!
• F 2 etn w f u o t profit
  M Sc A ilo s n h
       io  lc      e         m te fh f inut ad h pleasure
                              oiv o t il dsy n t
                                     em    r    e
m te fh ad ne
 oiv o t uiec.

• H nef a ‘p dc ad ne s os e ’. T e xm att t to t s if
   ec, il s r ut uiec a ‘cnu r h ea wn o e yu o e
        m   o ’,           ms           s   s      e
yu r alt so yu udrad g f m s wy f ain m ny n / rh
o a b o hw or ne t in o f a a a o mk g oe ad o t
   e e            sn     il                        e
co e t t ep mk we wt in f a lkd ir t t t ir w p a r
hicsh po l ae hn a h gil r ine de l o h o n l s e
      a    e       c     m e      cy    e      eu.

• W a vr us n yu r a e, t y il e b u t ida f m r t t mk
   ht e qet s o a s d h wl aoth e o f c a d o ae
     e     io    e k     e    b       e     il e e
m ny n t n a hdo p a r
 oe ad h wt e f l s e
        e   c   reu.
What else is there to know?
• T e us n in etn w hv aou o t dmn f f ad ile t t
   h qet s Sc A il ae f s n h e ado il n wl le o
        io     io  l     c    e     rm      ra
cnu p n t U - o wn ne t ko aot o ad h po lin h U
osmt in h Kyu o’t ed o nw b u hw n wy ep t S
        io  e                            e e
wt f sahuh yu oko ay in aoth itolb a sf cut -
 a hil ( log ifo d nw nt g b u t cu e ue lon r
   c m t               h        is d    u     e
p in in n nwr
 o t a as e .

• C n mtn il o jte t t c e a
   os p wl t sra o inm.
     u io   n u le

• C m e iaad uu l nic c w b imot t
   o mr ln clr s ifa e il e p r n
       c      t a ig n   l     a.

• Bhv u o t ad ne ky
   eaior fh uiec is e.

• C s s d s n r er a vain xl in t s bhv u .
   a t ie ad e a h r it ep in gh e eaior
    eu         s c e l     a     e       s

• T e p r neo nt ft s va
   h imot c, r o, o s ris it.
         a           a      l
Those key areas in single words:

                                •F ac
•Mr tg
   k in
          Your 2 questions      •Or na n
                                  g is io
                                   a t
•A d ne
  uiec    will focus on these
                                •P dc n
                                 r ut
                                  o io
•Eh itn
                                •D t u n
                                    r io
•C n mtn
  os p
    u io
How do you do well in the exam?
• U e h s u s a rl o’t cs so t t rorn e t uh ishr f a
   s t t l mt ia D n f u jt n h f yu as rh g- t eo
      e im u   e .    o u     ao      w o it e r
‘j p f o tt sa ida t focus yu ida ad nw de( o ne t ko
 u o p in o pr es o
  m f     ’,   k   ,       or es n ko l g. Y u ed o nw
aoths a a o t ltlebt o d yu nw h h n/yu hu w e
 b u t e r s n h a s , u hw o o ko wic oe o sol r
       o e      e s id                     s      d it
aot yu as e U e h s u s a rl
 b u in ornwr s t t l mt ia.
              ?    e im u   e )

• Egg t mt ia Qus n . Age it it g e it it
   nae h a rl et it r wh . A r wh . Mention
       e e .     io    u         e            it.

• U e f w c e t ie
   s oo n a s d s
           s u .

• Absoe n e nt n f m e oy
    ep k as r o oer mm r
          w,      o     .

• W e ne t d g f e dsye eia in ’s o p xy n it u o mr tg
   id udra in o t inut , s cl it cml itad ’s s f a e .
        sn      h    r p l  y        e         e   k in

• Pr nln e d wl oog sup r d y v ec.
   e oaas r o e, s l a spot b eidne
    s   ws     l    n     e
W ro yu o n r pir
  ok n or w o in as
                       Y u ae m u sow e o n s
                        o hv 5 int t r d w a
                                 e     it
                           M N ida a p s l
                            A Y es s os e
                                        ib .

                wy ow
                 hd e
                wt f s
                 a hil ?
                  c m
Y u hu d t o a iee f
 o sol o h n p c o
       d   is
le pprn t wle e
 ind ae ad h il ky
            is b             W wl e sa ida ad
                              e ilhn hr es n
                                  t    e
   f yu r is n oe.
    o ore io nt
     r   v       s            s aida f m t r
                              t l esr oh s
                               e      o   e.
Key findings from research
• W y O po lwt f s
   h D ep a hil ?
           e c m

• I hr a ifr c bten gs edr l a nin r t
  s e df e e e e ae, gne , o t , t e s
   t e     en   w        s c io e s?

• I h l lt b df eto t r le b t l a ad a nl mye vn
  s isik yo e ifr t oh p cs oho l n nt a , ab ee
   t e          en   e a ,      cly    io l
in ra nl
 t nt a ?
  e io l

• H w a t s r sn cagd W y
   o hv h e e oshne? h?
       e e a

• W aeidne o e a t s p rt ?B x f eD D/ lr se cags
   ht v ec d w hv o u oth ( o oic, V B - a a s hne
                e   p    is    f       u y l,
in h wy ep byetils
  t a po l u/ n f ?
   e      e r m)

   • Make   sure you note down the answers provided by others.
If we know why people watch films, how can this
         be exploited to make money?

• Sc n is jtb u ad ne
  et A n u aotuiecs
    io   ’t s        .

• I l f u s n o t y r u d o a m nyo t f inu r
  t s o s o hwh a s t mk oe f h il dsy
   ao c e        e e e       e     rem     t.

• T is we t a et frdcrcms .
   h is hr h s co Po ue o e in
         e e p         s

• W ais P dcr
   ht a r ue
         o  ?
                                Po ue
                         iv s m erdcr
    Af po ue oe es n dl rail po ct a reat otwilpee in t in g yvic ad is n fh
      il rdcr vr e ad e e f rj to le vn hs he r r gh t r , o e n vio o t
       m         s                     ll      s    sv    e e it
    f . T e wll o e t e n o einniark y sghir w m nyepcl drgh pe rdc n e d
    il hy il s fn a o sm facl b uin t o n oe, seia uin t r po ut pr ,
     m        ao t k              is      e            ly     e -  io    io

    bf e f isuyinne. Mn f po ue a aotetdetr s en re , atr btht ntlash
     e r ail flfacd ayil rdcr r l a n ( ir os c ew r c s u t is o a yt
      o     m l             m      ses l      c , r   it s o )   a    w     e

•   T e rdcr o e ate ino e t ogotl a r hss fh f mk g rcs f m cp n n
     h po ue is fn c l vl d h uhu a mj pa o t il ain poesr inet ad
                 t    iv y     v r    l o  e   em       , o    io
    dvl mn t cmlio ad e e o ail po c H wvr n e o cneto ail cn rint wh n
     ee p eto o p tn n dl r f f rj t o ee a ida rocp f f a oig a it ay
        o           e          iv y m e.     ,         r m        e
    iniv ul c d g s en re a ir tr r po ue
     d ida inl in a c ew r de o o a rdcr
          , u       r     it ,    c      .

•   Apo ue bg s y b in gh rh t c a o c- r t aet eeg s enl. T e rdcr
      rdcr ein b o t in t igt o r t roc a f u - nt c ep y h po ue
                   a     e s ee         e e a rl h r a

oe esh poes h h c ds o rintgspr in ad ot l g a rseto t po c
 vr e t rcs wic inl e cod a , ue isg n cn oin mj a c fh rj t
  s    e   ,      u        in   v        rl    o p s e e.

T is c dsudain ad irg e rl sc a t cs g ir tr ril detr hyll inune
 h inl e f r g n hin kyo suh sh a in de o o f ir o. T e'l s fec
      u   n is           e       e t     c     m c       ao l

t hin o ohr e onluh sh U M r e rdcrn acut t
h irg f t pr nesc a t P o l po ue ad con n
 e        e s        e      in          a.

•   “F m h f t rtc t hog a s gs frdc nt t fadbsces ra r r tlglin h hns fh
      r t ir da s ip t uh lt e o po ut , o h inlu, ucso fue e s r y t ad o t
      o e s f r, r        la          io   e             il  s ae     e     e
    po ue Eprne t fld e nto e vrigt a e it b r ot f n ya o c a e n t hiclnw
     rdcr xe c in h ie os o cm oe h Rt r is on u o l g er fr t ad e n ako -
          .   ie    is d             n . h            o     s e iv    c
    hwad b v a aoeo t j ad lhtos it it oe e wh h ail t co s t rh tet it wic
     o , n aoe l l f h o n a t ge wh , tgt r it t bit o hoe h igta n wh h h
                l v re b      la             h     e  y        e    l
    t sr ud ime.”
     o ur n h sl
         o      f
Economics and the film industry

• T e a t go a o b a isht cm e iaf ish p dco a inu r
   h min h t t e n or t a o mr l m t r ut fn dsy
         in   k     d a       c il   e o          t
t t sseho g adaor T is otm ny T is oe nesob
h ue t nl y n l u. h cs oe. h m ny ed t e
 a     c o     b        s
r opd
e ue.

• Bc s o t yu
   ea e fh o must
    u     is        hv a a a nso hw p r n fac is t f
                     ae n wr es fo imot t ne in h il
                            e          a in       em
inut .

• W e d e t m ny o W y os f cs$0mln
   hr osh oe g? h d e ail ot 10 il +?
     e     e               m     io

• Te a 4
   hr r
    e e    min t e in h f - ain poes
            a s gs t il mk g rcs
               a      em           .
The film making process
• Pre-production:     initial idea is thought of, developed and worked on. This
includes scripts, storyboards and casting.

• Production:   The film is ‘recorded’ and put on physical film or digitally recorded.
This includes sound such as voice overs and soundtracks.

• Post-production:  Images and sounds are edited together into a cohesive film.
Elements may be changed or developed further.

• Marketing:   The act of telling people about the film. Spreading word about the
film and the people in it. This is now usually done throughout the filmmaking
process, not just at the end. Distribution costs are usually factored in at this stage.

           • Where    does the producer come into things here?
The film making process
• Pre-production:     initial idea is thought of, developed and worked on. This

                                     th  e
includes scripts, storyboards and casting.

• Production:

                           d o e            is
                The film is ‘recorded’ and put on physical film or digitally recorded.

                   h e r e             f th
This includes sound such as voice overs and soundtracks.

                W            r a  ll
• Post-production:  Images and sounds are edited together into a cohesive film.

                     e y                ?
Elements may be changed or developed further.

               m o n           f ro  m
• Marketing:   The act of telling people about the film. Spreading word about the

                     c o m
film and the people in it. This is now usually done throughout the filmmaking
process, not just at the end. Distribution costs are usually factored in at this stage.
W ro yu o n r pir
  ok n or w o in as
                       Y u ae m u sow e o n s
                        o hv 5 int t r d w a
                                 e     it
                           M N ida a p s l
                            A Y es s os e
                                        ib .

               hw of
               o d il
            cmaie mk m ny
            o pn s ae oe?
Y u hu d t o a iee f
 o sol o h n p c o
       d   is
le pprn t wle e
 ind ae ad h il ky
            is b             W wl e sa ida ad
                              e ilhn hr es n
                                  t    e
   f yu r is n oe.
    o ore io nt
     r   v       s            s aida f m t r
                              t l esr oh s
                               e      o   e.
Questions for reflection:

• T waet tr H l o dilsiml‘p dc ’ md t mk a rf
   o ht x n a oy o f s p r ut ae o ae po ?
         e e l w    m   y o s               it

• H w p r n is a e g inunin po lt wt H l o dils o at
   o imot t mr t in fec g ep o a h oy o f b t th
         a      k in   l       e   c   lw    m h    e
c e a n o D D/ lRy R n le ic?
inm ad n V B - a / et sr e
               u      a v

• H w r avr in hir ifrgom u d o r t ad ne f f sAe hy s
   o a de s t df in f s s t c a uiecso il ? r t a
      e   t     e e     r  e    ee         rm      e
imot tshy sd ob ad h?
  p r n a t ue t e n wy
     a     e

     • Choose   one of these to answer in a paragraph of key ideas.
Key terms:
• Release   pattern: The order in which the film is released to the public. Includes location
 as well as time. Includes the number of screens that will be showing the film at any given
 time, including (less so these days) physical prints.

• Poster  campaign: A marketing strategy involving the careful creation of posters to
 inform audiences at the film. Each stage of production will usually yield a specific poster in
 the case of large films that have the marketing budget to do so. Essentially done to excite
 and interest the audience.

• The  talent: A term for the main creative people involved in the film. Usually refers to
 the director, producer, screenwriter and actors. May include others such as
 cinematographer, soundtrack artist or more.

• USP: Unique selling point. The ‘hook’ by which the film is sold to the audience. Why it is
 unique, different, interesting or simply worth watching.
W ro yu o n r pir
  ok n or w o in as
                       Y u ae m u sow e o n s
                        o hv 5 int t r d w a
                                 e     it
                           M N ida a p s l
                            A Y es s os e
                                        ib .

              hw r f s
              o a il
               mr t ?
                ae d
Y u hu d t o a iee f
 o sol o h n p c o
       d   is
le pprn t wle e
 ind ae ad h il ky
            is b             W wl e sa ida ad
                              e ilhn hr es n
                                  t    e
   f yu r is n oe.
    o ore io nt
     r   v       s            s aida f m t r
                              t l esr oh s
                               e      o   e.
Old vs New Hollywood

• 13s n 14s H l o d o e ko n sh G l n
  90 ad 90 in oy o is fn nw a t o e
               lw     t        e d
A e f oy o dAs ko n s lsaH l o d r
 g o H l o . l nw a Ca icl oy o o
        lw    o        s    lw
s p , OlH l o d
iml d oy o .
   y      lw
• H w uh o e nw b u itH w it ifr to h
   o mc d w ko aot ? o is df e t t
                               en   e
H l o d fo a? o d e t r r et sl t
 oy o o tdyH w osh e e n it f h
  lw                 is p s  e in e
f shtr po ue in oy o d o cma d owa
il t a rdcd H l o nw o pr t ht
 m a e            lw          e
ue t b? h?
 sd o eW y
Why the changes?

• On p c o ppr r t aimlerm 92 o 02
    a iee fae c a t e f 11 t 21.
             , ee     in o
• W aht ic eetad eho gacags a
   ht is ra vn n t nl iclhne hv
        o l   s   c o         e
ocr d t t e htolhv hd n fco t F
 cur in h im t cu ae a a eet n h il
   e    is    a  d        f    e m
I ut ?
n sy
 d r
• Lblorimle n b p pr t ad x a es n
   aeyu t e ad e r a d o d et ida ad
           in    e e        r
nt f t eett ho g s
oe o h vn / cnl ie.
  sre    se   o
What do you need to know?

• T hv a a a nso t ht ic dvl mn o t
   o ae n wr es fh is ra ee p et fh
            e     e o l    o       e
H l o dil inut .
 oy o f dsy
  lw    m    r
• T b alt cma OlH l o d it nw oy o d
   o e b o o pr d oy o wh e H l o .
        e     e    lw          lw
• T b alt ep in ad el )t t oy o d a a a
   o e b o xl ( n r is h H l o hs l y
        e   a       ae a l  w        ws
se f mk g s cm e iaee is.
enil ain a a o mr lxr e
    m           c    c
British Cinema

•   What is a British Film?
• Sa ida ad is s D vl a n s t c as e
  hr es n d c s ee p oe e e e nwr
    e         u.    o      nn       .
British Cinema

• Are the Harry Potter films
 British?                                 Think carefully before
                                              you answer:
• What about Four Weddings and a
 Funeral?                                      C nidrh
                                                os e te
• Is   Shaun of the Dead British?        df in s gs fee p et
                                          ifrg t e o dvl mn
                                            e   a      o   .

• Is   Hot Fuzz?                              C nidrh tet
                                               os e t a n
                                                     e l .
• What     about The Dark Knight?
                                          C nidruuaad oia
                                           os e clr n scl
                                                  t l
• Are    the James Bond films British?          idn y
                                                  et .
British Cinema - Key facts:
•   F ue f 20 ( p l ie)
    igr o 02 ao g s
       sr         o :
                                                             At the closure of the UK Film
•   F inut wr $3il n
    il dsy ot 6bl .
     m   r   h   io                                          Council on 31 March 2011,
                                                             The Guardian reported that "The
•   A e a f t e 8%sa o t mr t
     mr nil a s 0 hr fh a e
       ic m k       e   e k.                                 UKFC's entire annual budget was a
                                                             reported £3m, while the cost of
•   Bit t e 5 ( r 5 o t nn mra sa )
     ra a s % o 2% fh o- e n hr .
       in k            e  A ic   e                           closing it down and restructuring is
                                                             estimated to have been almost four
•   B Csed 1 o it anaino e nil.
     B pns % f’s nul cm o f  m                               times that amount."[4] One of the
                                                             UKFC's last films, The King's Spee
•   Lr sa on set nil po utn y U cm e iaboda e is hne4
     a etm utpn o f rdc b a K o mr lracs r C anl.
      g            m     io         c      t
                                                             ch, is estimated to have cost $15m
                                                             to make and grossed $235m,
                                                             besides winning several Academy
•   9%o Po utn o pn s t U e p yeshn 0 ep .
    5 frdc C maie in h K ml l t 1 po l
            io         e     o s a      e
                                                             Awards. UKFC invested $1
                                                             .6m for a 34% share of net profits, a
•   I20 4 f s r po ue b U cmaie. I20 it a 2. I18 it a T O!
    n 03 3il a rdcd y K o pn sn 04 ws 7 n 92 ws W
           m e
                                                             valuable stake which will pass to
                                                             the British Film Institute.[17]
•   I21 t U G vrmn s apd h U F C uc a oe mn Fne
     n 00 h K oe etc pe t K il onil G vr etudd
          e      n    r  e    m    ,    n
    ‘cmayt t e e f dil.
     o pn’ h hl du f
           a p n m
Questions for reflection - British Film:

• Iwawy Bit C e a r ta df eto mra F ?
  n ht a is ris inm a is l ifr t A e n il
              h      t icl e n
                         y          ic m
• W adfe a r h il?
   ht e s Bit F
       in   is m
• H w a Bit C e a o e hn g sA e a F ?
   o cn ris inm cp we aa t mr n il
           h              in   ic m
• W y a Bit f s en o cm e ia ad r a s csu
   h hv ris il be b t o mr l n c icl u es l
       e   hm       h    cl y   it l c f
oe es t lt 0 er
 vr a in h a 2 ya ?
  s      es      s
• W y Bit teth in in h Go amr t
   h is ris a n t iv g t l l a e
          h l    r      e b   k?
Exhibition in the cinema Key Points
• W aa t df ec bt en dpnetn ca c e a in h U ?
   htr h ifrne e e ineedn ad hin inms te K
      e e e     w

• D yu ae n ineedn c e a na yu
   o o hv ay dpnetinms er o ?        Ensure you can answer
• H v yu vr ise o e H w it ifrn
   ae o ee vit n? o is df et
              d              e ?
                                     these questions. Make
• W aish p in o a ineedn c e a t m dr c a ?
   ht te o t fn dpnetinm in h o en l t
                                e      im e

• W aish p in o a u ip x H w os mk m ny
   ht te o t f ml l ? o d e it ae o e?

• W o eids htils e so n t inmsW y r sm f s h w f l gr
   h dc e waf gth w ac e a h ae o eil so no o e?
              m              ?          m       r n

• W y r sm f s o so n th c e a
   h ae o eil n th w ate inm?

• W at e o f s h w acr in eio s t c e a
   hty s f m so n tet pr d in h inm?
      p    il         a          e
Exhibition - discussion points

• Ba s r ad hr ida f t s 2 us n:
   rin t m n sae eso h e qet s
       o            r e      io

            • What   effects the success of a film at the cinema?

  • Why   do the attendance figures (and as a result Box Office figures)
                          change across years?
Exhibition - discussion points

    • Why   are cinema attendances down?

• How   are cinemas trying to attract customers?

           • What   is ‘The Experience’?
W ro yu o n r pir
 ok n or w o in as
                        Y u ae m u sow e o n s
                         o hv 5 int t r d w a
                                  e     it
                            M N ida a p s l
                             A Y es s os e
                                         ib .
 T is a r t
  h is g a
o p r nyoue
 pot itt s
t r er d n
h e a h oe
 e s c         hw ow
               o d e
               wt f s
                a hil ?
                 c m
    in ls

 Y u hu d t o a iee f
  o sol o h n p c o
       d    is           W wl e sa ida ad
                          e ilhn hr es n
                              t    e
 le pprn t wle e
  ind ae ad h il ky
              is b        s aida f m t r
                          t l esr oh s
                           e      o   e.
 f yu r is n oe ad h
  o ore io nt n t
   r    v       s  e
        nx s e
         etl id
Exhibition - discussion points

   W y r p pon a s o n
    h a o cr se d w?
       e       l
What is a distribution company?
        Po utn o pn
         rdc cmay

         D t u n o pn
          isibt cmay
            r io
         D t u n o pn
          isibt cmay
            r io
         D t u n o pn
          isibt cmay
            r io
   What are the differences between the two?
A distribution company:
• A qirsh rh t ail
   cu e te igt o f
             s    m

• D c e t nme o pin t b md ad e a d o xib os
   eidsh u br fr t o e ae n rl s t eh itr
         e         s           ee

• N gtt a e a dt f t pin
   eoia s rl s a o h r t
       e   ee e r e     s

• A r gs e ey fr tt c e a
   r ne dl r o pinso inms
    a     iv

• Poidsr es n pb it f mt iaf eh itr
   rv e t il ad ul yo a rl r xib os
         ar      ic r e o

• Pttgt r pca o avr in t pb lavr e f
   usoe e a akg fdet go ul y det ail
       h      e    is      ic   is  m

• N gtt rle po oio s n / mr ad in da.
   eoia s e t rm t n ad o ec nis g el
       e ad              r h        s
Distribution - points for reflection

• W y o ’tmlr rdc n o pn s ad d t u n
   h d n s ae po ut cmaie hnl is ibt ?
            l     io         e r io

• W y a a o d o lg ( r oh d t u r ae r ra ail in em o
   h cn go ( ra e o b t) is ibt mk o bek f
                 r          r o             m t sfr

• W y o ay rdc n o pn s ok it m r t n n d t u r( h k
   h d mn po ut cmaie wr wh oe h o e is ibt ?T in
              io                   a      r o
g bl
l a.
 o )

• W o is ibt W rin T l f sH w ae hy a a eet n h sces
   h d t ue ok g it’sil ? o hv te hd n fco te ucs
        r s          e m                 f
oW ?
 f T
Revisit this task from 2 weeks ago:
• T is f ro n o a t ptoe e a o yu ko l g ad nes nin
   h aen o yu r o u tgt r l fo r n w de n udr ad g
       t         e      h l          e        t
f m il S d sh hl em
r Fm t ie tis a t .
 o      u      fr

• W rin iniv ul, c a a ia a t so t rlio sip e en uiecs
   ok g d iday r t d g m o h w h e t nh bt e ad ne
              l ee       r        e a        w
ad h f inut . Icn ae n f yuik, bto msa t inl e s
 n teil ds y ta t ayo o le u yu utim o c d a
      m     r     k     r                     u
mn f tr a p s ltacnr ue ote e t nh . Y u h u b f uin
 aya os s os e hto t t t h rlio sip o so l eo s g
     c       ib      ib        a            d   c
o h w h po ues ok oa e p t inune h ad ne owt te
 n o te rdcr wr t t mto fec te uiec t a h hir
                     t       l               c
f s
il .
Ea p
  Mt d o
   e os f
  cnu p n
  osmt io
                      A vr in
                       de isg

Ce ad
 r n
  w           F aa
              il s
  c s
   o          po ut

                      Tps f
                       ye o
   Mr ad e
    e hnis
     c                 fil
Ie ie s
            nr w

           Ps r
           ot s
          Ta r
         A vr in
          de isg

Crew     F a a rdc
         il s po ut
          m           Mr ad e
                       e hnis

         Mt d o
          e os f
         cnu p n
         osmt io
• 10
   key points for
each question.
• We’llwork
through question
1 as class.
• Youwill work
through question
2 on your own.

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AS Level Film Studies Fm2 Section A revision

  • 1. AS FILM STUDIES R V I E ION S F 2 Po ues n A d ne M - rdcr ad uiecs
  • 2. F 2 Bith A e a f M - ris & mr nil ic m • This section of AS Film studies is an examination. • This exam is on the 14th May. • The exam is 2 1/2 hours long. • You answer 3 questions as 3 essays.
  • 3. F 2 3 SECTIONS M- • FM2 is divided into 3 sections. Each will be concerned with a different section of British or American film. • Section A is about Producers and Audiences. • Section B is about British Film (Working Title) • Section C is about American Film (Comparative Study)
  • 4. F2 M Section A • This question asks you to consider why films are made, the way in which films are made, who they are made for, distributed and exhibited. • This is linked in with audience as consumers. • You will need to be able to consider the way that people watch films, why they watch them and how films are made for them. • The exam will present you with a question about any of these ideas and you will be asked to answer this using the knowledge you have gained from this Unit of work.
  • 5. Kyoi f F 2 ef o M c r • F fac, p dc nd t u n n xibio in mra n il inne r ut , isibt a eh itn A e ad m o io r io ic Bit . rain • R fc n n e oabhv u a cn mra ad r . eet o pr nleaiors os e f n c ic l io s u , n it • H l o d sh d m at r in inm. oy o a t o inn f c c e a lw e oe • T cnl ic cags uiec cags n t cags eho ga hne, ad ne hne ad h hne in o l e cnu p n osmt . io • Pa . ir y c •Sr ts a. • U drad gaasg n ep in gil cn mtn ky t ne t in, nlin ad xl in f os p is e in h sn y a m u io is a a f ok n yu il e xet t udr k iniv ul ok r o wrad o wl epc d o ne ae d idawr e b e t
  • 6. F 2 SECTION A M- • Inorder to do well on this section of the exam paper, you will need to take an interest in films and in cinema. • You will need to watch films, pay attention to film stars and films that are in production. You will need to engage in research on why people watch films, explore ways in which people watch films and begin to develop opinions as to why films are made and exhibited.
  • 7. W aa ea inrl k go? htr xm e o in f e so r • Understanding & appreciation of cinema. This includes film finance, production, distribution and exhibition in America and Britain. A strong understanding of the UK film market through consumption both nationally but also locally. • Critical skills of being able to interpret information relating to differing aspects of the film industry. Reflection on personal behaviour as a consumer, fan and critic.
  • 8. Sneaky tip! • F 2 etn w f u o t profit M Sc A ilo s n h io lc e m te fh f inut ad h pleasure oiv o t il dsy n t em r e m te fh ad ne oiv o t uiec. e • H nef a ‘p dc ad ne s os e ’. T e xm att t to t s if ec, il s r ut uiec a ‘cnu r h ea wn o e yu o e m o ’, ms s s e yu r alt so yu udrad g f m s wy f ain m ny n / rh o a b o hw or ne t in o f a a a o mk g oe ad o t e e sn il e co e t t ep mk we wt in f a lkd ir t t t ir w p a r hicsh po l ae hn a h gil r ine de l o h o n l s e a e c m e cy e eu. • W a vr us n yu r a e, t y il e b u t ida f m r t t mk ht e qet s o a s d h wl aoth e o f c a d o ae e io e k e b e il e e m ny n t n a hdo p a r oe ad h wt e f l s e e c reu.
  • 9. What else is there to know? • T e us n in etn w hv aou o t dmn f f ad ile t t h qet s Sc A il ae f s n h e ado il n wl le o io io l c e rm ra cnu p n t U - o wn ne t ko aot o ad h po lin h U osmt in h Kyu o’t ed o nw b u hw n wy ep t S io e e e wt f sahuh yu oko ay in aoth itolb a sf cut - a hil ( log ifo d nw nt g b u t cu e ue lon r c m t h is d u e p in in n nwr o t a as e . ) • C n mtn il o jte t t c e a os p wl t sra o inm. u io n u le • C m e iaad uu l nic c w b imot t o mr ln clr s ifa e il e p r n c t a ig n l a. • Bhv u o t ad ne ky eaior fh uiec is e. e • C s s d s n r er a vain xl in t s bhv u . a t ie ad e a h r it ep in gh e eaior eu s c e l a e s • T e p r neo nt ft s va h imot c, r o, o s ris it. a a l
  • 10. Those key areas in single words: •F ac inne •Mr tg ae k in Your 2 questions •Or na n g is io a t •A d ne uiec will focus on these areas: •P dc n r ut o io •Eh itn xibio •D t u n isibt r io •C n mtn os p u io
  • 11. How do you do well in the exam? • U e h s u s a rl o’t cs so t t rorn e t uh ishr f a s t t l mt ia D n f u jt n h f yu as rh g- t eo e im u e . o u ao w o it e r ‘j p f o tt sa ida t focus yu ida ad nw de( o ne t ko u o p in o pr es o m f ’, k , or es n ko l g. Y u ed o nw e aoths a a o t ltlebt o d yu nw h h n/yu hu w e b u t e r s n h a s , u hw o o ko wic oe o sol r o e e s id s d it aot yu as e U e h s u s a rl b u in ornwr s t t l mt ia. ? e im u e ) • Egg t mt ia Qus n . Age it it g e it it nae h a rl et it r wh . A r wh . Mention e e . io u e it. • U e f w c e t ie s oo n a s d s s u . • Absoe n e nt n f m e oy ep k as r o oer mm r w, o . • W e ne t d g f e dsye eia in ’s o p xy n it u o mr tg id udra in o t inut , s cl it cml itad ’s s f a e . sn h r p l y e e k in • Pr nln e d wl oog sup r d y v ec. e oaas r o e, s l a spot b eidne s ws l n e
  • 12. W ro yu o n r pir ok n or w o in as . Y u ae m u sow e o n s o hv 5 int t r d w a e it M N ida a p s l A Y es s os e ib . wy ow hd e wt f s a hil ? c m Y u hu d t o a iee f o sol o h n p c o d is le pprn t wle e ind ae ad h il ky is b W wl e sa ida ad e ilhn hr es n t e f yu r is n oe. o ore io nt r v s s aida f m t r t l esr oh s e o e.
  • 15. Key findings from research • W y O po lwt f s h D ep a hil ? e c m • I hr a ifr c bten gs edr l a nin r t s e df e e e e ae, gne , o t , t e s t e en w s c io e s? • I h l lt b df eto t r le b t l a ad a nl mye vn s isik yo e ifr t oh p cs oho l n nt a , ab ee t e en e a , cly io l y in ra nl t nt a ? e io l y • H w a t s r sn cagd W y o hv h e e oshne? h? e e a • W aeidne o e a t s p rt ?B x f eD D/ lr se cags ht v ec d w hv o u oth ( o oic, V B - a a s hne e p is f u y l, in h wy ep byetils t a po l u/ n f ? e e r m) • Make sure you note down the answers provided by others.
  • 16. If we know why people watch films, how can this be exploited to make money? • Sc n is jtb u ad ne et A n u aotuiecs io ’t s . • I l f u s n o t y r u d o a m nyo t f inu r t s o s o hwh a s t mk oe f h il dsy ao c e e e e e rem t. • T is we t a et frdcrcms . h is hr h s co Po ue o e in e e p s • W ais P dcr ht a r ue o ?
  • 17. Po ue iv s m erdcr Af po ue oe es n dl rail po ct a reat otwilpee in t in g yvic ad is n fh il rdcr vr e ad e e f rj to le vn hs he r r gh t r , o e n vio o t m s ll s sv e e it f . T e wll o e t e n o einniark y sghir w m nyepcl drgh pe rdc n e d il hy il s fn a o sm facl b uin t o n oe, seia uin t r po ut pr , m ao t k is e ly e - io io e bf e f isuyinne. Mn f po ue a aotetdetr s en re , atr btht ntlash e r ail flfacd ayil rdcr r l a n ( ir os c ew r c s u t is o a yt o m l m ses l c , r it s o ) a w e cs. ae • T e rdcr o e ate ino e t ogotl a r hss fh f mk g rcs f m cp n n h po ue is fn c l vl d h uhu a mj pa o t il ain poesr inet ad t iv y v r l o e em , o io dvl mn t cmlio ad e e o ail po c H wvr n e o cneto ail cn rint wh n ee p eto o p tn n dl r f f rj t o ee a ida rocp f f a oig a it ay o e iv y m e. , r m e iniv ul c d g s en re a ir tr r po ue d ida inl in a c ew r de o o a rdcr , u r it , c . • Apo ue bg s y b in gh rh t c a o c- r t aet eeg s enl. T e rdcr rdcr ein b o t in t igt o r t roc a f u - nt c ep y h po ue a e s ee e e a rl h r a oe esh poes h h c ds o rintgspr in ad ot l g a rseto t po c vr e t rcs wic inl e cod a , ue isg n cn oin mj a c fh rj t s e , u in v rl o p s e e. T is c dsudain ad irg e rl sc a t cs g ir tr ril detr hyll inune h inl e f r g n hin kyo suh sh a in de o o f ir o. T e'l s fec u n is e e t c m c ao l t hin o ohr e onluh sh U M r e rdcrn acut t h irg f t pr nesc a t P o l po ue ad con n e e s e in a. • “F m h f t rtc t hog a s gs frdc nt t fadbsces ra r r tlglin h hns fh r t ir da s ip t uh lt e o po ut , o h inlu, ucso fue e s r y t ad o t o e s f r, r la io e il s ae e e po ue Eprne t fld e nto e vrigt a e it b r ot f n ya o c a e n t hiclnw rdcr xe c in h ie os o cm oe h Rt r is on u o l g er fr t ad e n ako - . ie is d n . h o s e iv c hwad b v a aoeo t j ad lhtos it it oe e wh h ail t co s t rh tet it wic o , n aoe l l f h o n a t ge wh , tgt r it t bit o hoe h igta n wh h h l v re b la h e y e l t sr ud ime.” o ur n h sl o f
  • 19. Economics and the film industry • T e a t go a o b a isht cm e iaf ish p dco a inu r h min h t t e n or t a o mr l m t r ut fn dsy in k d a c il e o t t t sseho g adaor T is otm ny T is oe nesob h ue t nl y n l u. h cs oe. h m ny ed t e a c o b s r opd e ue. c • Bc s o t yu ea e fh o must u is hv a a a nso hw p r n fac is t f ae n wr es fo imot t ne in h il e a in em inut . dsy r • W e d e t m ny o W y os f cs$0mln hr osh oe g? h d e ail ot 10 il +? e e m io • Te a 4 hr r e e min t e in h f - ain poes a s gs t il mk g rcs a em .
  • 20. The film making process • Pre-production: initial idea is thought of, developed and worked on. This includes scripts, storyboards and casting. • Production: The film is ‘recorded’ and put on physical film or digitally recorded. This includes sound such as voice overs and soundtracks. • Post-production: Images and sounds are edited together into a cohesive film. Elements may be changed or developed further. • Marketing: The act of telling people about the film. Spreading word about the film and the people in it. This is now usually done throughout the filmmaking process, not just at the end. Distribution costs are usually factored in at this stage. • Where does the producer come into things here?
  • 21. The film making process • Pre-production: initial idea is thought of, developed and worked on. This th e includes scripts, storyboards and casting. s • Production: d o e is The film is ‘recorded’ and put on physical film or digitally recorded. h e r e f th This includes sound such as voice overs and soundtracks. o W r a ll fo • Post-production: Images and sounds are edited together into a cohesive film. e y ? Elements may be changed or developed further. m o n f ro m e • Marketing: The act of telling people about the film. Spreading word about the c o m film and the people in it. This is now usually done throughout the filmmaking process, not just at the end. Distribution costs are usually factored in at this stage.
  • 22. W ro yu o n r pir ok n or w o in as . Y u ae m u sow e o n s o hv 5 int t r d w a e it M N ida a p s l A Y es s os e ib . hw of o d il m cmaie mk m ny o pn s ae oe? Y u hu d t o a iee f o sol o h n p c o d is le pprn t wle e ind ae ad h il ky is b W wl e sa ida ad e ilhn hr es n t e f yu r is n oe. o ore io nt r v s s aida f m t r t l esr oh s e o e.
  • 23. Questions for reflection: • T waet tr H l o dilsiml‘p dc ’ md t mk a rf o ht x n a oy o f s p r ut ae o ae po ? e e l w m y o s it • H w p r n is a e g inunin po lt wt H l o dils o at o imot t mr t in fec g ep o a h oy o f b t th a k in l e c lw m h e c e a n o D D/ lRy R n le ic? inm ad n V B - a / et sr e u a v • H w r avr in hir ifrgom u d o r t ad ne f f sAe hy s o a de s t df in f s s t c a uiecso il ? r t a e t e e r e ee rm e imot tshy sd ob ad h? p r n a t ue t e n wy a e • Choose one of these to answer in a paragraph of key ideas.
  • 25. Key terms: • Release pattern: The order in which the film is released to the public. Includes location as well as time. Includes the number of screens that will be showing the film at any given time, including (less so these days) physical prints. • Poster campaign: A marketing strategy involving the careful creation of posters to inform audiences at the film. Each stage of production will usually yield a specific poster in the case of large films that have the marketing budget to do so. Essentially done to excite and interest the audience. • The talent: A term for the main creative people involved in the film. Usually refers to the director, producer, screenwriter and actors. May include others such as cinematographer, soundtrack artist or more. • USP: Unique selling point. The ‘hook’ by which the film is sold to the audience. Why it is unique, different, interesting or simply worth watching.
  • 26. W ro yu o n r pir ok n or w o in as . Y u ae m u sow e o n s o hv 5 int t r d w a e it M N ida a p s l A Y es s os e ib . hw r f s o a il em mr t ? ae d ke Y u hu d t o a iee f o sol o h n p c o d is le pprn t wle e ind ae ad h il ky is b W wl e sa ida ad e ilhn hr es n t e f yu r is n oe. o ore io nt r v s s aida f m t r t l esr oh s e o e.
  • 28. Old vs New Hollywood • 13s n 14s H l o d o e ko n sh G l n 90 ad 90 in oy o is fn nw a t o e lw t e d A e f oy o dAs ko n s lsaH l o d r g o H l o . l nw a Ca icl oy o o lw o s lw s p , OlH l o d iml d oy o . y lw • H w uh o e nw b u itH w it ifr to h o mc d w ko aot ? o is df e t t en e H l o d fo a? o d e t r r et sl t oy o o tdyH w osh e e n it f h lw is p s e in e f shtr po ue in oy o d o cma d owa il t a rdcd H l o nw o pr t ht m a e lw e ue t b? h? sd o eW y
  • 29. Why the changes? • On p c o ppr r t aimlerm 92 o 02 a iee fae c a t e f 11 t 21. , ee in o • W aht ic eetad eho gacags a ht is ra vn n t nl iclhne hv o l s c o e ocr d t t e htolhv hd n fco t F cur in h im t cu ae a a eet n h il e is a d f e m I ut ? n sy d r • Lblorimle n b p pr t ad x a es n aeyu t e ad e r a d o d et ida ad in e e r nt f t eett ho g s oe o h vn / cnl ie. sre se o
  • 30. What do you need to know? • T hv a a a nso t ht ic dvl mn o t o ae n wr es fh is ra ee p et fh e e o l o e H l o dil inut . oy o f dsy lw m r • T b alt cma OlH l o d it nw oy o d o e b o o pr d oy o wh e H l o . e e lw lw • T b alt ep in ad el )t t oy o d a a a o e b o xl ( n r is h H l o hs l y e a ae a l w ws se f mk g s cm e iaee is. enil ain a a o mr lxr e m c c
  • 31. British Cinema • What is a British Film? • Sa ida ad is s D vl a n s t c as e hr es n d c s ee p oe e e e nwr e u. o nn .
  • 32. British Cinema • Are the Harry Potter films British? Think carefully before you answer: • What about Four Weddings and a Funeral? C nidrh os e te • Is Shaun of the Dead British? df in s gs fee p et ifrg t e o dvl mn e a o . • Is Hot Fuzz? C nidrh tet os e t a n e l . • What about The Dark Knight? C nidruuaad oia os e clr n scl t l • Are the James Bond films British? idn y et . it
  • 33. British Cinema - Key facts: • F ue f 20 ( p l ie) igr o 02 ao g s sr o : At the closure of the UK Film • F inut wr $3il n il dsy ot 6bl . m r h io Council on 31 March 2011, The Guardian reported that "The • A e a f t e 8%sa o t mr t mr nil a s 0 hr fh a e ic m k e e k. UKFC's entire annual budget was a reported £3m, while the cost of • Bit t e 5 ( r 5 o t nn mra sa ) ra a s % o 2% fh o- e n hr . in k e A ic e closing it down and restructuring is estimated to have been almost four • B Csed 1 o it anaino e nil. B pns % f’s nul cm o f m times that amount."[4] One of the UKFC's last films, The King's Spee • Lr sa on set nil po utn y U cm e iaboda e is hne4 a etm utpn o f rdc b a K o mr lracs r C anl. g m io c t ch, is estimated to have cost $15m to make and grossed $235m, besides winning several Academy • 9%o Po utn o pn s t U e p yeshn 0 ep . 5 frdc C maie in h K ml l t 1 po l io e o s a e Awards. UKFC invested $1 .6m for a 34% share of net profits, a • I20 4 f s r po ue b U cmaie. I20 it a 2. I18 it a T O! n 03 3il a rdcd y K o pn sn 04 ws 7 n 92 ws W m e valuable stake which will pass to the British Film Institute.[17] • I21 t U G vrmn s apd h U F C uc a oe mn Fne n 00 h K oe etc pe t K il onil G vr etudd e n r e m , n ‘cmayt t e e f dil. o pn’ h hl du f a p n m
  • 34. Questions for reflection - British Film: • Iwawy Bit C e a r ta df eto mra F ? n ht a is ris inm a is l ifr t A e n il h t icl e n y ic m • W adfe a r h il? ht e s Bit F in is m • H w a Bit C e a o e hn g sA e a F ? o cn ris inm cp we aa t mr n il h in ic m • W y a Bit f s en o cm e ia ad r a s csu h hv ris il be b t o mr l n c icl u es l e hm h cl y it l c f y oe es t lt 0 er vr a in h a 2 ya ? s es s • W y Bit teth in in h Go amr t h is ris a n t iv g t l l a e h l r e b k?
  • 36. Exhibition in the cinema Key Points • W aa t df ec bt en dpnetn ca c e a in h U ? htr h ifrne e e ineedn ad hin inms te K e e e w • D yu ae n ineedn c e a na yu o o hv ay dpnetinms er o ? Ensure you can answer • H v yu vr ise o e H w it ifrn ae o ee vit n? o is df et d e ? these questions. Make notes! • W aish p in o a ineedn c e a t m dr c a ? ht te o t fn dpnetinm in h o en l t e im e • W aish p in o a u ip x H w os mk m ny ht te o t f ml l ? o d e it ae o e? te • W o eids htils e so n t inmsW y r sm f s h w f l gr h dc e waf gth w ac e a h ae o eil so no o e? m ? m r n • W y r sm f s o so n th c e a h ae o eil n th w ate inm? m • W at e o f s h w acr in eio s t c e a hty s f m so n tet pr d in h inm? p il a e
  • 37. Exhibition - discussion points • Ba s r ad hr ida f t s 2 us n: rin t m n sae eso h e qet s o r e io • What effects the success of a film at the cinema? • Why do the attendance figures (and as a result Box Office figures) change across years?
  • 38. Exhibition - discussion points • Why are cinema attendances down? • How are cinemas trying to attract customers? • What is ‘The Experience’?
  • 40. W ro yu o n r pir ok n or w o in as . Y u ae m u sow e o n s o hv 5 int t r d w a e it M N ida a p s l A Y es s os e ib . T is a r t h is g a e o p r nyoue pot itt s u t r er d n h e a h oe e s c hw ow o d e wt f s a hil ? c m in ls cs a. Y u hu d t o a iee f o sol o h n p c o d is W wl e sa ida ad e ilhn hr es n t e le pprn t wle e ind ae ad h il ky is b s aida f m t r t l esr oh s e o e. f yu r is n oe ad h o ore io nt n t r v s e nx s e etl id
  • 41. Exhibition - discussion points W y r p pon a s o n h a o cr se d w? e l
  • 43. What is a distribution company? Po utn o pn rdc cmay io D t u n o pn isibt cmay r io D t u n o pn isibt cmay r io D t u n o pn isibt cmay r io What are the differences between the two?
  • 44. A distribution company: • A qirsh rh t ail cu e te igt o f s m • D c e t nme o pin t b md ad e a d o xib os eidsh u br fr t o e ae n rl s t eh itr e s ee • N gtt a e a dt f t pin eoia s rl s a o h r t e ee e r e s • A r gs e ey fr tt c e a r ne dl r o pinso inms a iv • Poidsr es n pb it f mt iaf eh itr rv e t il ad ul yo a rl r xib os ar ic r e o • Pttgt r pca o avr in t pb lavr e f usoe e a akg fdet go ul y det ail h e is ic is m • N gtt rle po oio s n / mr ad in da. eoia s e t rm t n ad o ec nis g el e ad r h s
  • 45. Distribution - points for reflection • W y o ’tmlr rdc n o pn s ad d t u n h d n s ae po ut cmaie hnl is ibt ? l io e r io • W y a a o d o lg ( r oh d t u r ae r ra ail in em o h cn go ( ra e o b t) is ibt mk o bek f r r o m t sfr sces ucs? • W y o ay rdc n o pn s ok it m r t n n d t u r( h k h d mn po ut cmaie wr wh oe h o e is ibt ?T in io a r o g bl l a. o ) • W o is ibt W rin T l f sH w ae hy a a eet n h sces h d t ue ok g it’sil ? o hv te hd n fco te ucs r s e m f oW ? f T
  • 46. Revisit this task from 2 weeks ago: • T is f ro n o a t ptoe e a o yu ko l g ad nes nin h aen o yu r o u tgt r l fo r n w de n udr ad g t e h l e t f m il S d sh hl em r Fm t ie tis a t . o u fr • W rin iniv ul, c a a ia a t so t rlio sip e en uiecs ok g d iday r t d g m o h w h e t nh bt e ad ne l ee r e a w ad h f inut . Icn ae n f yuik, bto msa t inl e s n teil ds y ta t ayo o le u yu utim o c d a m r k r u mn f tr a p s ltacnr ue ote e t nh . Y u h u b f uin aya os s os e hto t t t h rlio sip o so l eo s g c ib ib a d c o h w h po ues ok oa e p t inune h ad ne owt te n o te rdcr wr t t mto fec te uiec t a h hir t l c f s il . m
  • 47. Ea p xmle Mt d o e os f h cnu p n osmt io A vr in de isg t Ce ad r n w F aa il s m atr c s o po ut rdc Tps f ye o Mr ad e e hnis c fil m
  • 48. Ie ie s nr w tv Ps r ot s e Ta r re ils A vr in de isg t Crew F a a rdc il s po ut m Mr ad e e hnis c and actors Mt d o e os f h cnu p n osmt io
  • 49. • 10 key points for each question. • We’llwork through question 1 as class. • Youwill work through question 2 on your own. • USE YOUR NOTES!