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1.0 Background to the Research
Technologically, the world is changing and the present day methods of doing and
managing business have gone beyond conventional management process. To contend
and win in the present quick moving, innovation driven world, organizations are keying
into new technological changes and moving along with the development. At different
points in history, several technological innovations have marked a defining moment in
the course of history. At first it began with the first industrial revolution witnessed at the
end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century (iED Team, 2019). This
technological revolution marked the inception of mechanized production through the use
of water and steam. The famous application of this technology was seen in the
development of locomotive trains and mechanized agriculture. A second industrial
revolution which followed about a century later saw the discovery and utilization of
electricity, gas and oil to mass produce things. This second industrial revolution also
brought about the methods of communication like the telephone and telegraph and
other transport systems such as automobiles and planes. The third industrial revolution
digitalized everything. This technological revolution saw the utilization of computers,
electronics and ICT to automate production. Presently, we are experiencing a fourth
Industrial Revolution which is taking ‘digital’ to a whole new level. With the internet, and
more recently artificial intelligence, being the driving wheel for digitalization, not only are
production processes being transformed, the modes of doing and managing business is
also changing into a whole new dimension (Elrajoubi, 2019). Today we are talking about
Artificial Intelligence, (AI) which is impacting nearly every facet of global development
including business. From reducing operational costs, improving customer experience,
increasing efficiency to growing revenue, many businesses implement artificial
intelligence (AI) into their business to handle challenging tasks, and achieve better
performances beyond what the human ability will physically achieve. Artificial
Intelligence is also being deployed to different disciplines including the field of project
management. Artificial Intelligence customized for project management can oversee
and manage several aspects of a project with little resources while ensuring the tasks
are performed automatically. The end goal of implementing AI in project management is
to inform adequate project decisions. But asides aiding decision making, AI also
identifies the skills and functions of team members of a project and ensures the project
objectives are consistent and monitored.
The benefits of AI in project management are enormous, as we will see further into the
study but the question related to the usage of AI is whether the project manager’s mind
can be defined precisely so that its simulation can be done with the help of artificial
intelligence tools. This research therefore seeks to underscore the benefits of Artificial
Intelligence and its relevance in project management with a motive to review the AI
tools available to the project manager to aid him successfully manage his project.
1.1 Statement of Problem
As more and more exposure of Artificial Intelligence is coming into light, there’s been a
mind shift of the stereotype ideology of how Artificial Intelligence works. Other than the
typical complex computations it is known to handle, AI developments are increasingly
being developed to emulate human responses to tasks and decision making. There’s
even the fear that one day AI will surpass the contributions of humans and overtake
their jobs because of its potency (Munir, 2019). However, AI predictions are only as
good as data. The more data the algorithm has, the more accurate and intelligent the
system will be. As a result, it can take longer time building the right data infrastructure
and preparing the data to be used than building the actual machine learning model to
run the data. This is a big consideration for project managers as their businesses may
not have the data ready in the correct formats, and with the process of cleaning and
preparing the data already tedious, they tend to shy away from the process or avoid it
totally. Thus, highlighting the benefits of AI in project management with a view to
determining the best ways project managers can utilize AI tools to efficiently manage
projects is the main rationale behind this study.
1.3 Research Aim
The main aim of the study is to examine the impacts of artificial intelligence on
project management including its application in project management while investigating
the risks and limitations which hinder its acceptance and implementation among SMEs
in Nigeria. In addition, it examines how AI facilitates excellence in the field of project
1.4 Research Objectives:
Specifically, the study seeks to;
i. Investigate the application of AI and its contribution in terms of project
management and productivity.
ii. Identify various AI tools available to project managers for efficiently managing
iii. Highlight the reasons why firms exhibit negligence towards implementing AI in
their operations.
iv. Determine cost effective ways project managers of SME’s can improve their
project management through AI deployment.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research questions will guide the study
i. It what ways can Artificial Intelligence help project management and contribute to
ii. What are the AI tools available to project managers for efficiently managing
iii. Why do some firms still exhibit negligence towards implementing AI in their
iv. How best can project managers improve their management in a cost effective
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study seeks to highlight the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the area of
project management. Hence the findings from this paper shall be beneficial to
managers, project team leads and chief executives. This study is also important and
significant in that it will showcase the various ways application of AI in project
management increases the project manager’s output.
Furthermore, it is hoped that the study will bring a new lime light and a change of
heart to different cadre of entities: Government agencies, Government parastatals,
security agencies, schools and private business owners whom may be currently
indifferent to adopting AI. It is hoped that the study will encourage more acceptance of
AI implementation in their business and project operations.
1.6 Delimitation to the study
This study is delimited to impacts of artificial intelligence in project management.
The content was also delimited to select firms in Nigeria.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Background
2.1.1 Behavioral theory of the firm and information processing theory
First developed by George Miller in the 1950s, the Information Processing theory is a
cognitive theory that depicts how information is processed by our brain and encoded
into our memory. The silver lining of this theory is that processing information and
creating a lasting memory occurs in sequence. Decision making has always been a key
activity of any project and the responsibility of making decisions to a great extent relies
on the Project manager and board members (Van Riel et al., 2004; McNally and
Schmidt, 2011). Once data are gathered, and knowledge inputs are ascertained, the
data must then be sorted and analyzed. After a thorough analysis, an opportunity is
presented for decisions to be made based on the result of the analysis performed and
the management is saddled with this responsibility.
In today’s business climate, Artificial Intelligence can comfortably handle procedures of
information processing and inform the project manager of decisions to take with the help
of machine learning – a type of AI which allows machines to learn from data and
experience, without being explicitly programmed (Kuhl, Goutier, Hirt, & Satzger, 2019).
There is no doubt that the manner in which information processing is being done in
organizations today is changing. Meanwhile, companies are also changing in a way that
makes generating and analyzing data even more difficult than ever. This indeed calls for
more sophisticated methods of refining data and processing information in order to
adequately inform better business decisions, and this can be achieved with the help of
Artificial Intelligence (Butt, 2018).
Project manager
2.2Conceptual Review
The diagram below is a conceptual framework showing the connection between Artificial
Intelligence and Project Management
AI Framework
Fig 1: Conceptual Framework of AI and Project Management (adapted from (Belharet, et al.,
2.2.1 Fundamentals of AI
According to Marc (2018), mimicking human aptitudes is the highlight of Artificial
Intelligence and its relevance in performing routine business tasks cannot be
undermined. A is used in various fields ranging from security, engineering, medical to
business management and many more (Kaur, 2016). There’s even the fear that in time
Analytics Engine
Backlog item refinement
Back log item estimation
Risk Prediction
Risk Mitigation
Backlog item identification
Descriptive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Prescriptive Analytics
Data inputs
Learning Engine
Feature extraction &
Code modelling
to come, Artificial Intelligence will surpass the contributions of humans and take over
their jobs as a results of its potency (Munir, 2019).
The overall aim of Artificial Intelligence is the development of machines and computers
that will emulate human capabilities in the best way possible (Gunnar, 2019). Factors
such as language comprehension, neuroscience and psychology are part of the AI
strategies developers have to focus on when developing an AI system. These factors
are pivotal to enabling the AI system think like the project manager by simulating
preloaded management programs (Munir, 2019).
2.2.2 Artificial intelligence and Project Management
The table below describes the applications of AI tools and functions in different PMBOK
management processes.
AI tools and functions
Chatbot Deep Learning NLP
Can schedule a meeting and
manage time
Reduce costs
associated with manual
and repetitive tasks
Analyzing component
data may also help to
predict which parts are
likely to fail quality
NLP is capable of
identifying appropriate
contents leading to
quality output
Chatbot can take over menial
tasks such as organising
meetings, listening to
meetings to assign tasks to
people with target dates, send
out actions and follow-up.
Collects details from meeting
and keep track of
Understands customer
language to provide
credible output.
Table 1: AI tools and uses in Project Management
In addition to maintaining the above management practices, AI helps to boost the value
for the organization through the project outcomes by increasing the project portfolio with
the aid of some software algorithms (Salini et al., 2015).
Fig 2: areas artificial intelligence can be deployed for use. Adapted from (Butt,
Artificial Intelligence is applicable in several management areas. Artificial Intelligence
amasses an extensive database regarding specific information which enhances its
reasoning and problem solving abilities (Butt, 2018). AI has the ability to predict
meaningful outcomes based on variables that will inform decisions. According to
(Schwartz, 2017), the more data and information an Artificial Intelligence system is
furnished with, the more precise the decision outcomes will be.
2.2.3 AI and the Project Manager
Project managers spend ample time attending to administrative tasks but with AI
implemented, project managers will be able to dedicate more time to strategic and
tactical thinking thereby making necessary decisions especially those that concern
routines task. As AI becomes more effective, project managers will rely on the decisions
of the machines that will advise future trends, automate time scheduling and respond to
requests coming from superiors and staff (Belharet, et al., 2020).
AI frees up time for project managers to focus on strategic-level goals and planning.
Although it reduces labor inputs and may threaten to take away jobs, it may instead
increase the value that project management team can brings to the table. By adding
more values to significant roles, AI aids businesses achieve long-term objectives
AI bots are capable of reducing time spent on intensive work by stepping up and
handling less intensive tasks for the project manager. The advantage this brings is that
it will allow project managers focus their attention on more innovative ways to grow the
business and groom employees. This also allows the manager devote some attention to
things that matter to him, e.g. self-development, while still leveraging on AI-enabled
project management systems (Belharet, et al., 2020).
One other advantage of Artificial Intelligence to the project manager is that it reduces
the work load on his employees such as documentation, record-keeping, and various
other activities which would normally involve a significant amount of time to get done by
hand. With this being taken care of, staffs can be utilized for other important roles that
are important for the project. The overall gain is that time and budget expenses will be
reduced (Schmelzer, 2019).
2.2.4 Risks of AI in Project Management
There is no doubt that AI technology is continuously improving the productivity, and
yielding better business outcomes. However there are certain risks and limitations
associated with its implementation which must be taken into cognizance.
Security: AI may override company security policies and this may hamper the safety of
people (Dam, Tran, Ghose, & Kamei, 2018).
Autonomy: Once placed on autopilot, AI may become fully autonomous which risks the
project manager not being able to track it or stop its operation (Gartner, 2017).
Privacy: Studies have it that AI cannot adequately differentiate between restricted data
and approved data and may infringe data privacy. This can result to unethical decisions.
(Belharet, et al., 2020).
Unemployment: There is always the fear that AI will take over jobs of people leaving
few employed. The risk of this is AI may not be able effectively assign task to the right
individual as it lacks people skills (Belharet, et al., 2020).
2.3Empirical Review
Munir (2019) in his research work on “How artificial intelligence can help Project
Mangers” opined that one of the finest applications of Artificial intelligence is field of
project management where it functions to administrate different projects while utilizing
existing resources. In her study, she further noted that artificial intelligence fosters a
trusted business environment because it outlines modalities to be followed and ensures
that any steps taking lead to actual goals.
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Research Approach
The design adopted for this research is descriptive survey design. Descriptive
survey involves gathering people’s opinion on what is on ground concerning the topic at
hand by the use of questionnaire. This approach is adopted for this paper because the
study will generate information from a sample population from within the area of study in
their natural environment, and also determined the subjects’ opinion on the objectives of
the research.
3.2 Method of Data Collection
This study will make use of primary source of data which will be collected through the
use of well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Owing to the survey
approach, a questionnaire is best suited for this study because if offers a quick way to
get results from a large audience especially since the researcher intends to use online
questionnaire. Also the questionnaire method will allow for easy analysis and
visualization of the research variables.
3.3. Samples and Sampling Techniques
The population will consist of project managers in Nigeria. But for representation sake, 5
companies from 5 different sectors (manufacturing, construction, IT, agriculture, and Oil
industry) will be selected at random to represent the entirety of the population. The
sample population which will be analyzed for this study will be determined using Taro
Yamen formula: sample size: =
3.4 Data Analysis
This study will first perform the preliminary coding of interview transcripts in order to
conceptualize the raw data. Frequency tables, percentages, charts and graphics will be
used as much as possible to analyze the data. For instance, this study intends to
analyze major success factors using artificial intelligence for project management in the
select case studies, and then match these milestones with a chart with variables such
as income growth.
Belharet, A., Bharathan, U., Dzingina, B., Madhavan, N., Mathur, C., & Toti, Y.-D. B. (2020).
Report on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management1. Paris: ESII
Butt, A. (2018). Project Management through the lens of Artificial Intelligence. Gothenburg,
Dam, H., Tran, G. J., Ghose, A., & Kamei, Y. (2018). Towards effective AI-powered agile
project management.
Elrajoubi, S. (2019, September). Artificial Intelligence in Project Management. Hawaii: LIGS
Gartner. (2017). Digitalization's Impact on PPM Practices and the PMO by 2030. Gartner, Inc. |
Gunnar, A. (2019). Revisiting automated project management in the digital age – a survey of AI
approaches. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management.
iED Team. (2019, June 30). The 4 Industrial Revolutions. Retrieved from Institue of
Entrepreneurship Development:
Kaur, P. (2016). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. International Journal of Advanced Trends in
Computer Applications., 1-2.
Kuhl, N., Goutier, M., Hirt, R., & Satzger, G. (2019). Machine Learning in Artificial
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June 16, 2021, from
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Transformation Assurance, PwC.
Munir, M. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Project Managers. Global Journal of
Management and Business Research, 19(4), 1-2. Retrieved June 10, 2021
Phillips-Wren, G., Iyer, L. S., Kulkarni, U., & Ariyachandra, T. (2015, August). Business
Analytics in the Context of Big Data: A roadmap for Research. Communications of the
Assiociation for Information Systems, 37. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.03723
Schmelzer, R. (2019). AI in Project Management. Fobes.
Schwartz, J. (2017). The future of work: The augmented workforce. 2017 Global Human Capital
Appendix 1
Fig 1: Conceptual Framework of AI and Project Management
Fig 2: Areas Artificial Intelligence can be deployed for use
Table 1: AI tools and uses in Project management
Appendix 2
Research Approach: The descriptive survey design will be adopted for this study. This
is because the research aim is to identify trends, characteristics, frequencies, and
categories of the subject, in this case the use Artificial Intelligence in Project
Data Collection: Data will be collected primarily through the issuance of properly
structured questionnaire online and phone call interview schedule which will provide us
with first hand data from the respondents based on their experience and opinions. The
reason why this method of data collection chosen for this research is because a
questionnaire helps in obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of
people and since our respondents is going to be made up of staffs and department
heads of different companies, this will be a quick cheap way to acquire data.
Sample: Using the Taro formula 𝑁
,, the sample population will be determined.
We adopted this sampling technique because it allows us determine the sample in such
a way that all individuals in the defined population have an equal and independent
chance of being selected for the sample.
Data Analysis: The use of frequency tables, percentages, charts and graphics would
be used effectively to analyze quantitative data. Responses from interviews also need
to be transcribed and tabulated to explicate raw data.

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Artificial Intelligence And Project Management

  • 1. 1.0 Background to the Research Technologically, the world is changing and the present day methods of doing and managing business have gone beyond conventional management process. To contend and win in the present quick moving, innovation driven world, organizations are keying into new technological changes and moving along with the development. At different points in history, several technological innovations have marked a defining moment in the course of history. At first it began with the first industrial revolution witnessed at the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century (iED Team, 2019). This technological revolution marked the inception of mechanized production through the use of water and steam. The famous application of this technology was seen in the development of locomotive trains and mechanized agriculture. A second industrial revolution which followed about a century later saw the discovery and utilization of electricity, gas and oil to mass produce things. This second industrial revolution also brought about the methods of communication like the telephone and telegraph and other transport systems such as automobiles and planes. The third industrial revolution digitalized everything. This technological revolution saw the utilization of computers, electronics and ICT to automate production. Presently, we are experiencing a fourth Industrial Revolution which is taking ‘digital’ to a whole new level. With the internet, and more recently artificial intelligence, being the driving wheel for digitalization, not only are production processes being transformed, the modes of doing and managing business is also changing into a whole new dimension (Elrajoubi, 2019). Today we are talking about Artificial Intelligence, (AI) which is impacting nearly every facet of global development including business. From reducing operational costs, improving customer experience, increasing efficiency to growing revenue, many businesses implement artificial intelligence (AI) into their business to handle challenging tasks, and achieve better performances beyond what the human ability will physically achieve. Artificial Intelligence is also being deployed to different disciplines including the field of project management. Artificial Intelligence customized for project management can oversee and manage several aspects of a project with little resources while ensuring the tasks are performed automatically. The end goal of implementing AI in project management is to inform adequate project decisions. But asides aiding decision making, AI also
  • 2. identifies the skills and functions of team members of a project and ensures the project objectives are consistent and monitored. The benefits of AI in project management are enormous, as we will see further into the study but the question related to the usage of AI is whether the project manager’s mind can be defined precisely so that its simulation can be done with the help of artificial intelligence tools. This research therefore seeks to underscore the benefits of Artificial Intelligence and its relevance in project management with a motive to review the AI tools available to the project manager to aid him successfully manage his project. 1.1 Statement of Problem As more and more exposure of Artificial Intelligence is coming into light, there’s been a mind shift of the stereotype ideology of how Artificial Intelligence works. Other than the typical complex computations it is known to handle, AI developments are increasingly being developed to emulate human responses to tasks and decision making. There’s even the fear that one day AI will surpass the contributions of humans and overtake their jobs because of its potency (Munir, 2019). However, AI predictions are only as good as data. The more data the algorithm has, the more accurate and intelligent the system will be. As a result, it can take longer time building the right data infrastructure and preparing the data to be used than building the actual machine learning model to run the data. This is a big consideration for project managers as their businesses may not have the data ready in the correct formats, and with the process of cleaning and preparing the data already tedious, they tend to shy away from the process or avoid it totally. Thus, highlighting the benefits of AI in project management with a view to determining the best ways project managers can utilize AI tools to efficiently manage projects is the main rationale behind this study. 1.3 Research Aim The main aim of the study is to examine the impacts of artificial intelligence on project management including its application in project management while investigating the risks and limitations which hinder its acceptance and implementation among SMEs in Nigeria. In addition, it examines how AI facilitates excellence in the field of project management.
  • 3. 1.4 Research Objectives: Specifically, the study seeks to; i. Investigate the application of AI and its contribution in terms of project management and productivity. ii. Identify various AI tools available to project managers for efficiently managing projects. iii. Highlight the reasons why firms exhibit negligence towards implementing AI in their operations. iv. Determine cost effective ways project managers of SME’s can improve their project management through AI deployment. 1.5 Research Questions The following research questions will guide the study i. It what ways can Artificial Intelligence help project management and contribute to productivity? ii. What are the AI tools available to project managers for efficiently managing projects? iii. Why do some firms still exhibit negligence towards implementing AI in their operations? iv. How best can project managers improve their management in a cost effective manner? 1.6 Significance of the Study This study seeks to highlight the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the area of project management. Hence the findings from this paper shall be beneficial to managers, project team leads and chief executives. This study is also important and significant in that it will showcase the various ways application of AI in project management increases the project manager’s output. Furthermore, it is hoped that the study will bring a new lime light and a change of heart to different cadre of entities: Government agencies, Government parastatals, security agencies, schools and private business owners whom may be currently
  • 4. indifferent to adopting AI. It is hoped that the study will encourage more acceptance of AI implementation in their business and project operations. 1.6 Delimitation to the study This study is delimited to impacts of artificial intelligence in project management. The content was also delimited to select firms in Nigeria. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Theoretical Background 2.1.1 Behavioral theory of the firm and information processing theory First developed by George Miller in the 1950s, the Information Processing theory is a cognitive theory that depicts how information is processed by our brain and encoded into our memory. The silver lining of this theory is that processing information and creating a lasting memory occurs in sequence. Decision making has always been a key activity of any project and the responsibility of making decisions to a great extent relies on the Project manager and board members (Van Riel et al., 2004; McNally and Schmidt, 2011). Once data are gathered, and knowledge inputs are ascertained, the data must then be sorted and analyzed. After a thorough analysis, an opportunity is presented for decisions to be made based on the result of the analysis performed and the management is saddled with this responsibility. In today’s business climate, Artificial Intelligence can comfortably handle procedures of information processing and inform the project manager of decisions to take with the help of machine learning – a type of AI which allows machines to learn from data and experience, without being explicitly programmed (Kuhl, Goutier, Hirt, & Satzger, 2019). There is no doubt that the manner in which information processing is being done in organizations today is changing. Meanwhile, companies are also changing in a way that makes generating and analyzing data even more difficult than ever. This indeed calls for more sophisticated methods of refining data and processing information in order to adequately inform better business decisions, and this can be achieved with the help of Artificial Intelligence (Butt, 2018).
  • 5. Project manager 2.2Conceptual Review The diagram below is a conceptual framework showing the connection between Artificial Intelligence and Project Management AI Framework Fig 1: Conceptual Framework of AI and Project Management (adapted from (Belharet, et al., 2.2.1 Fundamentals of AI According to Marc (2018), mimicking human aptitudes is the highlight of Artificial Intelligence and its relevance in performing routine business tasks cannot be undermined. A is used in various fields ranging from security, engineering, medical to business management and many more (Kaur, 2016). There’s even the fear that in time Analytics Engine Backlog item refinement Management Decision Back log item estimation Risk Prediction Risk Mitigation Backlog item identification Descriptive Analytics Predictive Analytics Prescriptive Analytics Data inputs Representation Learning Engine Feature extraction & aggregation Code modelling NLP
  • 6. to come, Artificial Intelligence will surpass the contributions of humans and take over their jobs as a results of its potency (Munir, 2019). The overall aim of Artificial Intelligence is the development of machines and computers that will emulate human capabilities in the best way possible (Gunnar, 2019). Factors such as language comprehension, neuroscience and psychology are part of the AI strategies developers have to focus on when developing an AI system. These factors are pivotal to enabling the AI system think like the project manager by simulating preloaded management programs (Munir, 2019). 2.2.2 Artificial intelligence and Project Management The table below describes the applications of AI tools and functions in different PMBOK management processes. AI tools and functions Chatbot Deep Learning NLP Scope Management Schedule Management Can schedule a meeting and manage time Cost Management Reduce costs associated with manual and repetitive tasks Quality Management Analyzing component data may also help to predict which parts are likely to fail quality control. NLP is capable of identifying appropriate contents leading to quality output Communication Management Chatbot can take over menial tasks such as organising meetings, listening to meetings to assign tasks to people with target dates, send out actions and follow-up. Stakeholder Management Collects details from meeting and keep track of stakeholders Understands customer language to provide credible output. Integration Management Table 1: AI tools and uses in Project Management
  • 7. In addition to maintaining the above management practices, AI helps to boost the value for the organization through the project outcomes by increasing the project portfolio with the aid of some software algorithms (Salini et al., 2015). Fig 2: areas artificial intelligence can be deployed for use. Adapted from (Butt, 2018) Artificial Intelligence is applicable in several management areas. Artificial Intelligence amasses an extensive database regarding specific information which enhances its reasoning and problem solving abilities (Butt, 2018). AI has the ability to predict meaningful outcomes based on variables that will inform decisions. According to (Schwartz, 2017), the more data and information an Artificial Intelligence system is furnished with, the more precise the decision outcomes will be. 2.2.3 AI and the Project Manager Project managers spend ample time attending to administrative tasks but with AI implemented, project managers will be able to dedicate more time to strategic and
  • 8. tactical thinking thereby making necessary decisions especially those that concern routines task. As AI becomes more effective, project managers will rely on the decisions of the machines that will advise future trends, automate time scheduling and respond to requests coming from superiors and staff (Belharet, et al., 2020). AI frees up time for project managers to focus on strategic-level goals and planning. Although it reduces labor inputs and may threaten to take away jobs, it may instead increase the value that project management team can brings to the table. By adding more values to significant roles, AI aids businesses achieve long-term objectives successfully. AI bots are capable of reducing time spent on intensive work by stepping up and handling less intensive tasks for the project manager. The advantage this brings is that it will allow project managers focus their attention on more innovative ways to grow the business and groom employees. This also allows the manager devote some attention to things that matter to him, e.g. self-development, while still leveraging on AI-enabled project management systems (Belharet, et al., 2020). One other advantage of Artificial Intelligence to the project manager is that it reduces the work load on his employees such as documentation, record-keeping, and various other activities which would normally involve a significant amount of time to get done by hand. With this being taken care of, staffs can be utilized for other important roles that are important for the project. The overall gain is that time and budget expenses will be reduced (Schmelzer, 2019). 2.2.4 Risks of AI in Project Management There is no doubt that AI technology is continuously improving the productivity, and yielding better business outcomes. However there are certain risks and limitations associated with its implementation which must be taken into cognizance. Security: AI may override company security policies and this may hamper the safety of people (Dam, Tran, Ghose, & Kamei, 2018). Autonomy: Once placed on autopilot, AI may become fully autonomous which risks the project manager not being able to track it or stop its operation (Gartner, 2017).
  • 9. Privacy: Studies have it that AI cannot adequately differentiate between restricted data and approved data and may infringe data privacy. This can result to unethical decisions. (Belharet, et al., 2020). Unemployment: There is always the fear that AI will take over jobs of people leaving few employed. The risk of this is AI may not be able effectively assign task to the right individual as it lacks people skills (Belharet, et al., 2020). 2.3Empirical Review Munir (2019) in his research work on “How artificial intelligence can help Project Mangers” opined that one of the finest applications of Artificial intelligence is field of project management where it functions to administrate different projects while utilizing existing resources. In her study, she further noted that artificial intelligence fosters a trusted business environment because it outlines modalities to be followed and ensures that any steps taking lead to actual goals. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Research Approach The design adopted for this research is descriptive survey design. Descriptive survey involves gathering people’s opinion on what is on ground concerning the topic at hand by the use of questionnaire. This approach is adopted for this paper because the study will generate information from a sample population from within the area of study in their natural environment, and also determined the subjects’ opinion on the objectives of the research. 3.2 Method of Data Collection This study will make use of primary source of data which will be collected through the use of well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Owing to the survey approach, a questionnaire is best suited for this study because if offers a quick way to get results from a large audience especially since the researcher intends to use online questionnaire. Also the questionnaire method will allow for easy analysis and visualization of the research variables. 3.3. Samples and Sampling Techniques The population will consist of project managers in Nigeria. But for representation sake, 5
  • 10. companies from 5 different sectors (manufacturing, construction, IT, agriculture, and Oil industry) will be selected at random to represent the entirety of the population. The sample population which will be analyzed for this study will be determined using Taro Yamen formula: sample size: = 𝑁 . 1+𝑁(0.05)2 3.4 Data Analysis This study will first perform the preliminary coding of interview transcripts in order to conceptualize the raw data. Frequency tables, percentages, charts and graphics will be used as much as possible to analyze the data. For instance, this study intends to analyze major success factors using artificial intelligence for project management in the select case studies, and then match these milestones with a chart with variables such as income growth.
  • 11. Bibliography Belharet, A., Bharathan, U., Dzingina, B., Madhavan, N., Mathur, C., & Toti, Y.-D. B. (2020). Report on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management1. Paris: ESII PARIS. Butt, A. (2018). Project Management through the lens of Artificial Intelligence. Gothenburg, Sweden:: CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. Dam, H., Tran, G. J., Ghose, A., & Kamei, Y. (2018). Towards effective AI-powered agile project management. Elrajoubi, S. (2019, September). Artificial Intelligence in Project Management. Hawaii: LIGS University. Gartner. (2017). Digitalization's Impact on PPM Practices and the PMO by 2030. Gartner, Inc. | G00325444. Gunnar, A. (2019). Revisiting automated project management in the digital age – a survey of AI approaches. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management. iED Team. (2019, June 30). The 4 Industrial Revolutions. Retrieved from Institue of Entrepreneurship Development: revolutions/ Kaur, P. (2016). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications., 1-2. Kuhl, N., Goutier, M., Hirt, R., & Satzger, G. (2019). Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Common Understanding. Hawaii International Conference on
  • 12. System Sciences (HICSS-52). Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawai: Research Gate. Retrieved June 16, 2021, from ntelligence_Towards_a_Common_Understanding/link/5ba55525a6fdccd3cb69db6a/dow nload Marc, L. (2018). AI will transform project management. Are you ready? Switzerland: Transformation Assurance, PwC. Munir, M. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Project Managers. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 19(4), 1-2. Retrieved June 10, 2021 Phillips-Wren, G., Iyer, L. S., Kulkarni, U., & Ariyachandra, T. (2015, August). Business Analytics in the Context of Big Data: A roadmap for Research. Communications of the Assiociation for Information Systems, 37. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.03723 Schmelzer, R. (2019). AI in Project Management. Fobes. Schwartz, J. (2017). The future of work: The augmented workforce. 2017 Global Human Capital Trends.
  • 13. Appendix 1 Fig 1: Conceptual Framework of AI and Project Management Fig 2: Areas Artificial Intelligence can be deployed for use Table 1: AI tools and uses in Project management Appendix 2 Research Approach: The descriptive survey design will be adopted for this study. This is because the research aim is to identify trends, characteristics, frequencies, and categories of the subject, in this case the use Artificial Intelligence in Project management. Data Collection: Data will be collected primarily through the issuance of properly structured questionnaire online and phone call interview schedule which will provide us with first hand data from the respondents based on their experience and opinions. The reason why this method of data collection chosen for this research is because a questionnaire helps in obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of people and since our respondents is going to be made up of staffs and department heads of different companies, this will be a quick cheap way to acquire data. Sample: Using the Taro formula 𝑁 1+𝑁(0.05)2 ,, the sample population will be determined. We adopted this sampling technique because it allows us determine the sample in such a way that all individuals in the defined population have an equal and independent chance of being selected for the sample. Data Analysis: The use of frequency tables, percentages, charts and graphics would be used effectively to analyze quantitative data. Responses from interviews also need to be transcribed and tabulated to explicate raw data.