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Art History Study Guide
Periods and their Artists * Chapter 3 Egypt * Old Kingdom (2700–2190 BCE) * Imhotep – Stepped
Pyramid of Djoser * Chapter 5 Ancient Greece * Archaic (600–480 BCE) * Andokides Painter –
Achilles and Ajax * Ergotimos –[and Kleitius] Fracois Vase * Euphronios –Death of Sarpedon *
Exekias –Achilles and Ajax; Suicide of Ajax; Dionysis in a Boat * Polykleitos –Doryphoros *
Classical (480–320 BCE) * Kalikrates –Temple of Athena Nike; [ and Iktinos] Parthenon * Lysippos
–Apoxyomenos * Mnesikles –Propylaia, Erechtheion[Porch of the Maidens] * Myron –Diskobolos
* Phidias –Acropolis; 3 Seated Goddesses E. Ped. ... Show more content on ...
James Led to Execution; Dead Christ * Masaccio –Tribute Money/ Expulsion in the [and Masolono,
Filippino Lippi] Brancacci Chapel; Trinity with Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors *
Michelozzo –Palazzo Medici Ricardi * Perugino –Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter, Sistine Chapel *
Pollaiuolo –Hercules and Antaeus; Battle of the Ten Nudes * Robbia, Luca della –Madonna and
Child with Lilies, Orsanmichele * Rosselino –Tomb of Leonardo Bruni, Santa Croce * Signorelli –
Damned Cast into Hell * Uccello –Battle of San Romano * Verrocchio –David; Bartolommeo
Colleoni * Chapter 22 Italy (16th century) * High Renaissance (1500–1550) * Bellini, Giovanni –
San Zaccaria Altarpiece; [and Titian] Feast of the Gods * Bramante –St. Peter's, Rome; Tempieto *
Correggio –Assumption * Da Vinci –Virgin (Madonna) of the Rocks; Virgin and Child with St.
Anne and Infant St. John; Last Supper, Refectory; Mona Lisa * del Sarto, Andrea –Madonna of the
Harpies * Giorgione –Pastoral Symphony; The Tempest * Michelangelo –Pieta/Dome, St. Peter's,
Rome; Bacchus; David; Moses, tomb of Julius II; Bound Slave; Prisoner; Sistine Chapel Ceiling:
Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation, Expulsion, Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet Jeremiah,
Last Judgment; Dani Tondo (aka Holy Family); Tomb of
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Arch Of Titus Essay
The Arch of Titus (Italian: Arco di Tito) is a 1st–century honorific triumphal arch located on the Via
Sacra, Rome. It was constructed by the Roman Emperor Domitian in c. 82 AD after the death of his
older brother Titus to commemorate Titus' victories.
The Roman triumphal arch was traditionally a gateway, consisting of a pair of massive pylons joined
by a semi–circular vault. The arch was framed by two columns or more, that were either engaged or
stood on projecting pedestals. The columns are appeared to support the entablature, the horizontal
section across the top of the vault which separated from the attic section. The attic was a piece of
masonry that was decorated with relief sculpture and statuary.
The Arch of Titus is rather quite a traditional structure. It is located in a prominent position along
Rome's Via Sacra (Sacred Way). Its current appearance results in which it was much restored during
the nineteenth century. The arch was once used as a medieval fortress as defence and a chamber was
built into the arch's vault. The large holes that were made were to support the beams and still can be
seem marring the ... Show more content on ...
Also, the decorative sculpture has not survived the ravages of time very well. Nevertheless, we can
still see the significance of some of the sculpture scenes, like the side panels. These marble reliefs
are set either side of the inner arch and measure 2.04 m high by 3.85 m long. One panel shows the
start of Titus' 71 CE victory triumph procession as it passes through the Porta Triumphalis to the
Forum Boarium with the participants carrying booty from the Temple of Jerusalem after the sacking
of the city. The booty includes a seven–branched candelabra (menorah), silver trumpets, and maybe
even the Ark of the Covenant. Also some figures carry placards which would have likely indicated
the names of the people and cities that were
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Ovid's Metamorphoses Analysis
In order to understand Ovid's Metamorphoses, it is necessary to know something of Ovid the person.
Ovid was born Publius Ovidius Naso, March 20, 43 BC – AD 17/18, and he was a Roman poet who
lived during the reign of Augustus. With a contemporary style relative to that of Virgil and Horace
with whom he is often compared and rank with as the trio being the three most recognized poets of
Latin literature. Quintilian the imperial scholar considered Ovid one of the last Latin love elegists.
He enjoyed enormous popularity, but, in one of the mysteries of literary history, Augustus sent him
into exile in a remote province on the Black Sea, where he remained until his death. Ovid himself
attributes his exile to carmen et error, "a poem and a mistake", but his discretion in discussing the
causes has resulted ... Show more content on ...
As Ovid would guide us into this story there are several occurrences of death or reincarnation
represented in his thoughts. He often cross–references man and beast body parts being morphed into
that of each other. It would appear that the people surrounding Orpheus's time were barbaric,
cannibals, and people with un–natural affections. Orpheus often retreated to places where he could
be alone and create poetry or make melody with his lyre. He wrote poems that drew much unwanted
attention from some of Bacchantes, crazed female followers of the god Bacchus were all enraged
that Orpheus wouldn't sleep with them. Therefore, they killed him in brutally. His head and lyre fell
into the River Hebrus as they floated down the waters.
The lyre– a Greek string instrument kept playing notes and his tongue kept singing as if to prolong
his last moments. The birds, lamenting, cried for Orpheus, the multitude of wild creatures; the trees
that often gathered to his song shedder their leaves, in mourning. The rivers stream with their own
tears. His limbs were scattered in different
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Michelangelo Contributions
Michelangelo was born in Caprese, region of Florence – Italy on March 6, 1475, was born to a
family that had for several generations belonged to minor nobility in Florence but had, by the time
the artist was born, lost its patrimony and status. His father was an official with a well–off position
in the city and his mother died when he was 6 years old.
Son of the Florentine arts, this magnificent sculptor, painter and architect, of the Italian Renaissance
manifested his artistic talent since very early on, being the art of the sculpture where he begins to
Having to overcome the opposition of his family, at the age of 13 a family friend took him to the
workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio, particularly known for his murals, where he entered
in April of 1488, as an apprentice for a three–year term. He remained there for only a year, after
which, under the tutelage of Bertoldo di Giovanni, he began to frequent the Medici Garden of San
Marco, and his talent drew the attention of Florence's leading citizen and art patron, Lorenzo de'
Medici, who enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of being surrounded by the city's most literate,
poetic and talented men. De' Medici extended an invitation to Michelangelo to reside in his palatial
home of Via Larga, where Buonarotti meet Poliziano and other humanists of the Medicean circle,
where he got in touch with the idealist theories of Plato, which become in one of the fundamental
pillars of his life, and later on there were reflected in his artistic work as a poet. From this youthful
phase, the art of Michelangelo presented original features that went beyond the simple imitation of
the old. His figures showed an intense strength, and appeared as if seized by an internal tension. The
obsession with the representation of the human body was a constant in his career. This interest in the
human figure, and more specifically in men, has been explained through the homosexuality of the
artist, since his relationship with the young patrician Tommaso dei Cavalieri is documented during
his years of maturity. Between 1490 and 1492, Michelangelo made his first drawings, studies on the
Gothic frescoes of Massacio and Giotto and the first reliefs, the Virgin della Scala
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Rarely is the modern student of classical literature (be they trapped in class, forced to stare at their
worn copy of the Aeneid, or nose–deep in a freshly reprinted copy of the Iliad) privy to the primal
clashes depicted by Homer and Virgil alike. Modernity has triumphed in the wake of the latter half
of the twentieth century; today we view the struggles of peoples separated by vast swathes of time
and geography under a sanitized, clinical eye. Yet those who look upon the Hellenistic work,
Laocoön and his Sons, are yanked thousands of years into the past. The sculpture places the viewer
in a vicious, futile struggle against the will of the gods. A stunning union of dynamism and torrid
emotion, the Laocoön Group serves as a legacy to Grecian ... Show more content on
I feel that the public takes an aloof, sometimes derisive attitude towards the stories and peoples of
the past. To see a work so boldly depict the physicality and mentality behind the fear of death is
striking to me. No other modern medium can properly compare; television and movies are quick,
distracting, our suspension of disbelief is broken the moment we step up to grab popcorn. The silver
and miniature screen's scene of anguish is quietly ushered away to make way for something else.
The stone is permanent; the viewer may look away, but for many, including myself, the scene is
etched into my mind. Thus, the artist is successful–the lesson is sown into the unconscious, the
themes may not be discussed, or pondered upon, but still they linger. It is my firm conviction that an
effective piece of artwork is stepped in a visual language that the unconscious understands,
registering the work with chills down the spine. So long as death plagues humanity, the Laocoön
sculpture, above all else, deserves to be preserved for as long as the material itself
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Accomplishments During The Renaissance
The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European history. It began in
Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted until about 1620. Furthermore, the
renaissance is a historical event known as the period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in
Europe. The name 'Renaissance' originates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century
that used the term "rinascità ('rebirth or renaissance') to describe their own age as one in which
learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages." (The Columbia
Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism. The intellectual movement
called humanism focused on human life and its achievements. The humanists were fascinated by
cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.
Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the Renaissance,
vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and composers wrote music to enhance
the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a significant role in society during this period as it
helped to shape, advance cultures and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The
new ideas in Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on ...
Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid–15th century when mechanical
techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the Renaissance printers who played an
important role in the advance of printing were also accomplished musicians, composers, and
distributed music. This was the first stages of music being made widely available to the public.
Earlier, music had to be copied out by hand which was a very labor–intensive and time–consuming
process, so it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve sacred music for
the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper
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Michelangelo 's Work Of The Italian Renaissance
Michelangelo Buonarotti Simone
Michelangelo was born in Caprese, region of Florence – Italy on March 6, 1475, was born to a
family that had for several generations belonged to minor nobility in Florence but had, by the time
the artist was born, lost its patrimony and status. His father was an official with a well–off position
in the city and his mother died when he was 6 years old.
Son of the Florentine arts, this magnificent sculptor, painter and architect, of the Italian Renaissance
manifested his artistic talent since very early on, being the art of the sculpture where he begins to
Having to overcome the opposition of his family, at the age of 13 a family friend took him to the
workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio, ... Show more content on ...
Between 1490 and 1492, Michelangelo made his first drawings, studies on the Gothic frescoes of
Massacio and Giotto and the first reliefs, the Virgin della Scala and the Battle of the Centaurs, in
which there is already a clear definition of his style. In them it is shown as the clear heir of
Florentine art of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, while establishing a more direct link with
classical art. Nowadays this works are preserved in the Buonaroti house in Florence. After the death
of Lorenzo de' Medici in 1492, Michelangelo flees Florence, staying for a time in Bologna, where
he sculpts various works influenced by the work of Jacobo della Quercia. In 1494, he carved three
saints for the church of San Domenico, the statuettes of San Petronio (the patron saint of Bologna), a
candlestick–holding angel San Procolo (closely recalling the statue of David, made ten years later).
They show dense forms, in contrast to the linear forms which were then dominant in sculpture.
In 1496 Michelangelo decides to go to Rome, a city that saw him succeed, where he carved he's first
surviving large statue The Bacchus which preceded his masterpiece, the Pieta in which Mary
supports the dead Christ across her knees. Larger than life size, the Pietà contains elements which
contrast and reinforce each other: vertical and horizontal, cloth and skin, alive and dead, female and
This was a special work of art even in the Renaissance because at the time,
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Bacchus And The Pieta By Michelangelo
Because of his genius, the work of art was chosen as the symbol of the Republic of Florence. It was
carved in a huge block of marble that remained abandoned for more than forty years after suffering
damage just in its basis in a previous attempt (Michelangelo took advantage of that just creating an
empty espace between Davi's feet). Several artists had fought for the honor of doing that, including
Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Sansovino. Michelangelo was responsible for the task due to its
already established reputation for brilliant sculptor because of his Bacchus and the Pieta.
Michelangelo got one of the most beautiful representations of the human body in the history of art.
The sculpture represents a colossal teenager, 16.9 feet in height.
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Triumph Of Bacchus
Art History Analysis The Triumph of Bacchus, is a beautifully, well thought out oil based painting
created in 1635. An artist named Nicolas Poussin put his mind to work, and in the essay I am going
to show that. Firstly, starting with just a general description of the painting, and some background
from the artist himself. Secondly, go into the formal elements of the painting, how it came to life,
what's happening in the picture, and how everything was applied with all reasoning. Then lastly,
conclude with everything covered, and how the painting was created. In this painting, Bacchus the
God of wine, is leading his entourage of mythological creatures in a triumphal homecoming from
victories in India. His chariot is being drawn by centaurs,
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Defining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism
1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism.
The New World Encyclopedia article "Renaissance" states the Renaissance featured scientific and
artistic discoveries and transformations that propelled a cultural shift in Europe after the Middle
Ages (2015). The New World Encyclopedia article "Humanism" indicates that Humanism primarily
focuses on human being 's place, potential, beauty, and so forth (2014).
2. Who were the Medici's?
The Medici family, comprised of former bankers and commerce men, became powerful rulers in
Florence, Italy for nearly three centuries, as stated in the History article "The Medici Family"
(2009). The Medici family also served as patrons of many of the greatest artists such as Donatello,
Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, according to the History article "The Medici Family" (2009).
3. Identify several of the works by each these painters of the Italian Renaissance:
Donatello: According to the video "Italian Renaissance Art", Donatello's most famous works include
St. Mark, Mary Magdalene, and The Madonna (2007).
Paolo Uccello– The Battle of San Romano, The Nativity, and The Flood, according to the
Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Paolo Uccello", constitute some of Uccello's most famous works
Verrocchio– According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Andrea del Verrocchio" Verrocchio
's greatest works include Tobias and the Angel, Baptism of Christ, and Madonna and child with
Saints, Putto with Dolphin (2016).
Da Vinci: According to the
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Defining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism
1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism.
As mentioned in the New World Encyclopedia article "Renaissance", the Renaissance or "Rebirth"
showcased a cultural shift exhibiting both scientific and artistic transformation and advancement
between the Middle Ages and the early stages of the Modern age in Europe (2014). In the New
World Encyclopedia article "Humanism", Humanism's scope primarily focuses on human beings:
human being 's place in relations to nature, human potential, human beauty, etc. etc. etc. (2014).
2. Who were the Medici's?
The Medici family dynasty comprised of former bankers and commerce men who became powerful
rulers (four members of the Medici family went on to become pope) of Florence, Italy for nearly
three centuries, as stated in the History article "The Medici Family" (2009). Additionally, the article
mentions the Medici family also served as patrons of many great artists and scientists, such as
Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Galileo Galilei (2009).
3. Identify several of the works by each these painters of the Italian Renaissance:
Donatello: St. Mark, Mary Magdalene, The Madonna (Youtube, 2007)
Paolo Uccello– The Battle of San Romano, The Nativity, The Flood (Uccello, 2016)
Verrocchio– Tobias and the Angel, Baptism of Christ, Madonna and child with Saints, Putto with
Dolphin (Passavant, 2016)
Da Vinci: The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man (Youtube, 2007)
Michelangelo: David, Moses, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, The
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The story behind Antigone is well–known. Antigone's father was Oedipus. When he was born, it was
prophesied that he would kill his own father and marry his mother. To avoid this, his parents had
him sent out to be killed. The servant tasked with this, however, could not kill him and left him on a
hillside to die of natural causes. He was discovered and raised by a poor family, and then later he
returned and unknowingly fulfilled the prophesy, becoming in the process the king of Thebes. When
the truth of this became known to him, he blinded himself. This story is the subject of the first two
plays by Sophocles in the Oedipus cycle, Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Four children
were born of that incestuous ... Show more content on ...
But Polynices, just as unhappily fallen–the order Says he is not to be buried, not to be mourned ; To
be left unburied, unwept, a feast of flesh For keen–eyed carrion birds. The noble Creon! It is against
you and me he has made this order. Yes, against me. And soon he will be here himself To make it
plain to those that have not heard it, And to enforce it. This is no idle threat; The punishment for
disobedience is death by stoning. So now you know. And now is the time to show Whether or not
you are worthy of your high blood.
ISMENE: My poor Antigone, if this is really true, What more can I do, or undo, to help you?
ANTIGONE: Will you help me? Will you do something with me? Will you?
ISMENE: Help you do what, Antigone? What do you mean?
ANTIGONE: Would you help me lift the body and me ?
You cannot, mean .., to bury him? Against the order?
ANTIGONE: Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it Or not? I shall never desert him,
How could you dare, when Creon has expressly forbidden it?
ANTIGONE: He has no right to keep me from my own.
ISMENE: O sister, sister, do you forget how our father Perished in shame and misery, his awful sin
Self–proved, blinded by his own self–mutilation? And then his mother, his wife––for she was
both–– Destroyed herself in a noose of her own making. And now our brothers, both in a single day
Fallen in an awful exaction of death for
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Beauty In Botticelli's Venus On The Half Shell
Most of the Western apple is accustomed with the angel of
Venus as she rises from the sea on a clamshell in the acclaimed Italian
Renaissance painting by Sandro Botticelli. With its lyrical, adroit beauty,
the plan we apperceive so able–bodied is appropriately called The Birth of Venus and sometimes
affectionately accepted in abreast ability as "Venus on the Half Shell." Botticelli's fabulous
work continues to affect abreast art, literature, film, and a countless of
other things.
Botticelli's Venus and its sister painting, Primavera, were commissioned by Lorenzo de' Medici for
his alcazar in Castello in 1485. Added apparent admitting is that the paintings
were commissioned by Lorenzo for his teenaged sons, Piero and Giovanni.
After ... Show more content on ...
When Botticelli alternate to Florence in 1485, he abounding
the sermons of Savonarola. Michelangelo apprehend them as able–bodied through the new
invention of accumulation advertisement with the columnist press. Savonarola had a
profound affect on both artists as apparent in the religious agreeable of their art
Botticelli angry his apperception aback to religious themes, but his Medicean advocacy broiled up
with the afterlife of Lorenzo the Magnificent in 1492. Surprisingly, it was Savonarola from whom
Lorenzo approved absolution for his sins in his final hours. Two years afterwards Lorenzo's death,
the Medici
family was expelled from Florence. The Medici alcazar was sacked and
countless admired items and works of accomplished art were stolen.
Savonarola was summoned to Rome in 1495 by the pope to avert his religious
preaching, but he absurdly beneath the pope's invitation. Times were harder for
Botticelli at this time, but bent up in his religious fervor, he followed the advance
of Savonarola who organized what has appear to be accepted to history as 'The Alarm of
the Vanities.' Prior to the anniversary at the Lenten division in 1497,
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Rhyme Scheme Of Vasco Da Lasiad
Vasco da Gama is the chief character in The Lusiads, but he is not its hero. The poem's title derives
from Lusitania, the Roman name for the province that roughly encompasses present–day Portugal.
The nation of Portugal and all of its people are the true heroes of this patriotic epic.
The Lusiads is written in ottava rima, a rhyme scheme of Italian origin that was commonly used in
Renaissance epic poetry. An ottava rima stanza has eight lines with three rhymes, following the
rhyme scheme abababcc. It is a flowing meter that allows the narrative to move smoothly, and the
long, assonant rhymes have a kind of lulling quality.
The Lusiads begins in medias res, or in the middle of the action. Vasco da Gama and his Portuguese
crewmen are in the East African kingdom of Malindi, having survived rough weather and an
ambush. The local king encourages Gama to recite the history of the Portuguese people, which he
does, going back to ancient times.
Gama tells the story of the Roman general Quintus Sertorius, whose successful rebellion drove a
repressive regime out of Hispania (now Portugal and Spain). Gama then describes the growth of
Portugal from a small principality to a significant European state. The story culminates in book 4,
with the 1385 Battle of Aljubarrota, in which the Portuguese defeated the Spanish kingdom of
Castile and restored the Portuguese monarch to the throne. Camões's patriotism is evident is his
description of Portuguese general Nuno Álvares Pereira's victory over Spain:
O'er Tago's waves his gallant band he led,And humbled Spain in every province bled;Sevilia's
standard in his spear he bore,And Andulsia's ensigns kept in gore.Low in the dust distresst Castilia
mourned,And bathed in tears each eye to heaven was turnedThe orphans, widows, and the hoary
sires;And heaven relenting quench'd the raging firesOf mutual hate. . . .
After this battle, the Portuguese were able to launch overseas explorations, and these initial voyages
are delineated in the poem. Finally, Gama tells the story of his own voyage, his circumnavigation of
the Cape of Good Hope, which the Portuguese called the Cape of Storms. It is here that the most
supernatural elements of the poem appear: Adamastor and a maritime apparition.
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Short Summary Of The Lusiad
The Lusiads begins in medias res. Vasco da Gama and his Portuguese crewmen are in the East
African kingdom of Malindi, having survived rough weather and an ambush. The local king
encourages Gama to recite the history of the Portuguese people, he recites it going back all the way
to ancient times.
Gama tells the story of the Roman general Quintus Sertorius, who had successful rebellion that
drove a repressive regime out of Hispania (now Portugal and Spain). Gama then describes the
growth of Portugal from a small principality to a significant European state. The story culminates in
book 4, with the 1385 Battle of Aljubarrota, in which the Portuguese defeated the Spanish kingdom
of Castile and restored the Portuguese monarch to the throne. Camões's patriotism is shown in his
description of Portuguese general Nuno Álvares Pereira's victory over Spain.
After this battle, the Portuguese were able to launch overseas explorations, and these first voyages
are recorded in the book. Finally, Gama tells the story of his own voyage, his circumnavigation of
the Cape of Good Hope, which the Portuguese called the Cape of Storms. It is here that the most
supernatural elements of the poem appear: Adamastor and a maritime apparition. Along with these
fantastic elements, book 4 also contains highly realistic details of a ravaging disease.
The Lusiads includes an account of the battle between the goddess Venus, who is a "divine"
advocate on behalf of the Portuguese, and Bacchus, the patron god
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Immortals of Greek mythology
Greek Mythology:
The Greeks created images of their deities for many purposes. A temple would house the statue of a
god or goddess, or multiple deities, and might be decorated with relief scenes depicting myths.
Divine images were common on coins. Drinking cups and other vessels were painted with scenes
from Greek myths.
Gods & Goddesses
Aphrodite (Ἀφροδίτη, Aphroditē)
Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and pleasure. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers,
most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was depicted as a beautiful woman and of all the
goddesses most likely to appear nude or seminude. Poets praise the radiance of her smile and her
laughter. Her symbols include roses and other flowers, the scallop ... Show more content on ...
His attributes include the thyrsus (a pinecone–tipped staff), drinking cup, grape vine, and a crown of
ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a posse of attendants including satyrs, maenads, and
his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. Animals sacred to him include dolphins,
serpents, tigers, and donkeys. A later addition to the Olympians, in some accounts he replaced
Hestia. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the
Hades (ᾍδης, Hádēs) or Pluto (Πλούτων, Ploutōn)
King of the underworld and the dead, and god of the earth 's hidden wealth, both agricultural
produce and precious metals. His consort is Persephone. His attributes are the drinking horn or
cornucopia, key, sceptre, and the three–headed dog Cerberus. The screech owl was sacred to him.
He was one of three sons of Cronus and Rhea, and thus sovereign over one of the three realms of the
universe, the underworld. As a chthonic god, however, his place among the Olympians is
ambiguous. In the mystery religions and Athenian literature, Pluto (Plouton, "the Rich") was his
preferred name, with Hades more common for the underworld as a place. The Romans translated
Plouton as Dis Pater ("the Rich Father") or Pluto.
Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος, Hḗphaistos)
Crippled god of fire, metalworking, and crafts. The son of Hera by parthenogenesis, he is the smith
of the gods and the husband of
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Dionysus as the Artist's Subject: Analysis of 'Mirror with...
Dionysus as the Artist's Subject: Mirror with Heracles, Dionysys, Ariadne, and Eros In the fourth
and third century BCE, the Etruscans produced many engraved mirrors decorated with scenes from
Greek or local mythology. A characteristic product of the Etruscans, they provide a great deal of
information about Etruscan bronze technology and the development of Etruscan art. An example at
the Walters Museum, "Mirror with Heracles, Dionysus, Ariadne, and Eros," allows the viewer to see
such an object and come to an appreciation of the skilled and intricate work required by an artisan to
make it. Many Etruscan mirrors are decorated with a similar scene, which also appeared in Greece
during the fifth century BCE, often on painted terra cotta vases. Art historians at the British Museum
have undertaken a project to catalogue all known existing Etruscan mirrors. In the photo shown on
the Museum's website, one cannot see the front of the mirror. In order to create a reflective surface,
the front of ancient mirrors were either highly polished or covered with a thin layer of silver
("Mirror"¦" n.d.). Most reflective disks were slightly concave in order to provide a good view of
most of the upper body when the mirror was held at arm's length (Swadding n.d.). In some
instances, mirrors such as these were made for ceremonial purposes and remained decorative
objects, rather than utilitarian ones. Religious figures were often depicted on ceremonial pieces as
well as everyday objects.
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Discovery Of Pulque Essay
The Discovery of Pulque," 1869, by Jose Maria Obregón, this painting is an oil on canvas piece. It
was commissioned by what some may call a renaissance man. He was a play writer, art critique and
a poet. He wanted Obregon to paint this "historic" scene because he believed that King
Tecpancaltzin was one of his ancestors. King Tecpancaltzin is one of the main subjects in this
painting. The main story being told in this painting is the story of King Tecpancaltzin receiving the
first cup of pulque. Looking at the left side of the painting the viewer can see servants coming into
the throne room. One of the woman servants is holding a cactus which is where the pulque comes
from. Below this woman sits another woman who is carrying the bad that carried the pulque.
Continuing right along the painting you see Xochitl mother holding the jug to pour the pulque.
Alongside her mother is Xochitl who is also standing beside her father. She is also presenting the
bowl of pulque to King Tecpancaltzin. Obregon strategically placed highlights on the more
important subjects in the painting. ... Show more content on ...
1865, by Jose Augustin Arrieta. This painting is an oil on canvas painting. La Pulqueria is a
Costumbrista painting. Costumbrista painting is the depiction of everyday local life. The scene being
depicted in this painting is of a Pulqueria at the end of the day. A Pulqueria is a tavern or bar. In this
scene everyone is gathered around a table to discuss their day and to enjoy a drink of pulque. It
would seem that one of the men had too much to drink and is struggling to stay up. Another aspect
of the local life around that time can be seen by looking towards the floor. There is an elderly
woman sitting down heating up tortillas and passing them
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Ovid's Metamorphoses : The Theme Of Change And Mythology...
In Ancient Rome, there were an abundant amount of myths that involved the gods and the religions
of the Romans. These myths told stories of the gods' interactions with the humans, which the
Romans took seriously. Some examples of these myths were the story of Aeneas and his eventual
role in the Trojan War in The Aeneid and the story of Lucius and his transformation into an ass in
The Golden Ass. An important text that involved many myths is Metamorphoses, written by Ovid.
This epic involved many stories of different gods and different humans and their interactions. The
main theme in this epic is the theme of change and transformation, which is the center of most of the
myths that are told in the epic. One myth that is significant is of the ... Show more content on ...
Unlike other epics written about the Trojan War, Ovid uses a different perspective to describe it. In
other myths and epics, the Trojan War is described with power and strength. Ovid describes the war
and its heroes with sarcasm and insignificance. His focus is more on the transformations of the
heroes after the fact, not their greatest accomplishments, which goes along with the theme of the rest
of the epic. Many of the myths in Metamorphoses center around love and infatuation, as well as
rejection. The myth of the death of Orpheus dealt mostly with rejection, which eventually leads to
two transformations.
This myth began when Orpheus rejected the advances of the Ciconian women. He did this because
he had rejected the advances of all women because he was still in love with his late wife. He was
distraught over the fact that he could not save her from the Underworld and therefore, swore off all
women (Metamorphoses 10.82–86). Because of this, the Ciconian women found Orpheus
performing one of his songs and decided to get their revenge. They first began killing the animals
that had been enthralled by Orpheus' song and then turned on Orpheus. They murdered him
viciously and savagely, using stones and the earth to kill him (Metamorphoses 11.20–44). Orpheus
then descended into the Underworld to join his late wife. Orpheus was mourned by a lot of beings,
including the god Bacchus. He was angry that the Ciconian women had murdered Orpheus and
transformed them into trees
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Summary Of The Indian Triumph Of Dionysus
The artwork I chose to write about is The Indian Triumph of Dionysus which I came across on my
visit to the Museum of Fine Arts. The artwork was commissioned by a wealthy Roman during the
end of the second century A.D. Although the Dionysus cult may hold many mysteries it is known
that this artwork originated in Rome. The individual who funded that creating of this sarcophagus
desired to commemorate his beliefs. Desiring for others to know what he associated himself as is
what gave birth to this masterpiece. Their were multiple different art works that caught my attention
at the museum although through the semester it was the Roman chapter that captivated my attention
the most hence forth I chose this artwork. Each piece of art present in the museum deserved their
own acknowledgment respectively from the gold and marble jewelry present to the large sculptures
rich in detail non stood out more to myself than The Indian Triumph of Dionysus.I found this piece
of art to be appealing because there are many different people and beings within this piece of work
that are well known in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The entire piece is centered on
Dionysus, yet everyone plays an important role in the overall story of the piece. Also, I found it very
interesting that someone took a great interest in building a monumental sarcophagus for a man who
was known for introducing wine. As Dionysus and his followers journeyed to the East to introduce
wine and culture they were sometimes
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Bacchus Discovering Ariadne '
Jacob Jordaens, Bacchus Discovering Ariadne, late 1640's
This painting that I have found while venturing the Museum of Fine Arts has definitely caught my
eye for infinite reasons. Bacchus Discovering Ariadne by Jacob Jordaens was definitely a painting
that has a story, but the thing is, there isn't much about it, which is a challenge. Most of the focus in
this painting is set on Ariadne and the meeting between her and Bacchus. Not only that but the
painting, and all other paintings associated with this myth, focus on the shift from divine perfection
to humanity that is found in Renaissance and Baroque artwork. The oil painting made by Jacob
Jordaens tells the story of Ariadne, the princess of Crete, being deserted on the Island of Naxos by
Theseus, the Athenian prince who she helped escape from her father's labyrinth. Bacchus, whom is
the god of wine, and his satyrs discover her, and he falls in love with Ariadne. As a testimony of his
devotion he holds up her crown, which he will then toss into the heavens to create a constellation in
her honor. In this painting he shows Ariadne as an extremely feminine figure that's not only fair but
regarded as beautiful The body of Bacchus is sculpted showing the muscles in his legs and
throughout the rest of his body. But the contrast in this painting is striking. The contrast of this
painting lies between the structural elements of Bacchus and of the three satyrs that have
accompanied him. These satyrs are in dim lighting and less
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Principle Characters In Greek Mythology
Handout 1: Principle Characters Chart
As you read about the principle characters in Greek Mythology, fill in a chart that notes:
–Greek name
–special abilities
–Roman/Latin name if any
–relationship to nature
–signs or symbols
Part of speech
Modern meaning
1. Achilles ' heel
Pertaining to the Greek hero, Achilles, and his only weakness after being dipped into the river styx.
Weakness or vulnerable point
Sweets is a lot of people's' achilles' heel.
Name of the youth beloved by Aphrodite.
Handsome young man
Most girls fall for boys like Adonis, but not all of us have his handsomeness.
Favored food or ... Show more content on ...
11. epicurean follower of the philosophical system of Epicurus
Lover of luxury and wealth
The epicurean school taught the philosophy of Epicurus.
Meaning in latin "among the people"; a saying accurate for diseases that spread throughout the
A rapid spreading disease that spreads through the community
The epidemic spread through the town during the 1200s and nearly wiped out the populace.
epitome person or thing that typifies something
a person or thing that is an exact image of a particular thing or person
He is the epitome of an athlete in prime condition.
Relating to the greek god eros and his tendency to arouse sexual desire
relating to or tending to bring about a sexual desire or excitement
Zeus, in greek mythology, had a erotic passion for women.
A bird who in myth had the powers to calm the wind and sea. Also deriving from Alcyone the
daughter of Aeolus.
calm, quiet, peaceful; referring to a happy and distant place in the past
I wish I could go back to those halcyon days in the past when the best air day wasn't a yellow air
hectoring the eldest son of Priam and husband of Andromache
to treat with insolence; bully; torment
Hectoring other kids at school is verbal abuse.
In reference to the followers of hedonism
a pleasure–seeker
Zeus was a hedonist who sought pleasure from being with women.
herculean of or relating to
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theme of alienation n no where man by kamala markandeya
This tragedy is set against the background of the Oedipus legend. It illustrates how the curse on the
House of Labdacus (who is the grandson of Cadmus, founder of Thebes, and the father of Laius,
whose son is Oedipus) brought about the deaths of Oedipus and his wife–mother, Jocasta, as well as
the double fratricide of Eteocles and Polynices. Furthermore, Antigone dies after defying King
The play is set in Thebes, a powerful city–state north of Athens. Although the play itself was written
in 441 B.C., the legend goes back to the foundations of Hellenic culture, many centuries before
Sophocles' time.
All the scenes take place in front of the royal palace at Thebes. Thus Sophocles ... Show more
content on ...
The leader of the Chorus
Occasionally speaks a few lines addressed mainly to the audience. He is given the final lines of the
play, in which he draws a moral from the sequence of tragic events the audience has just witnessed.
Antigone is the resolute and strong–willed daughter of King Oedipus. She is determined to give her
brother, Polynices, a decent burial. She consciously risks her life with this action, which violates
both Creon's unjust decree, as well as the ancient custom of denying burial to enemies of the state.
She obeys only the laws of the gods and the dictates of familial loyalty and social decency.
King Creon regards only the requirement of political expediency. Soon after the civil strife between
Eteocles and Polynices ends in their deaths, he announces a decree denying Polynices' burial. He is
unrelenting in his stance, as he wants Thebans to know that he is a firm ruler. Thus he sentences his
own niece, Antigone, to death for defying his law.
The climax of the play occurs during the encounter between Creon and Antigone. It is a scene
marked by dramatic contrast. Here one can see the incompatibility between Creon's world of
physical power (which he takes to be absolute) and the world of spiritual, idealistic strength which
Antigone represents. Creon's vanity is hurt and his anger aroused by the stubborn disobedience of
one whom he considers to be merely a mad woman.
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Martyrdom Of Saint Antonio Di Credi
At the Nelson Atkins Museum of art there are many different Art pieces from the Renaissance time
period. Of the collection 5 pieces grasped the attention (4 from the Renaissance and 1 from
Baroque) due to their style, subject matter, use of color, symbolism, figure placement, artist attention
and technics. The 5 pieces of artwork are Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
(1510), Portrait of a Man (1620/21), The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, Christ and the Centurion,
and The Triumph of Bacchus. The Painting of Madonna with the two children by Lorenzo di Credi,
shows Madonna in a blue dress with a veil covering her face to show a sign of virginity and
innocence with two children. Di Credi worked alongside Leonardo Di Vinci, and in the painting Di
Credi shows ... Show more content on ...
In the 3rd century Christianity was outlawed and public executions such as Saint Lawrence's were
made public to spread a message. In the painting Girolamo tried to connect back to classical times
by using a oil pain which is dries slow and is flexible therefore allowing him to use Sfumato, which
allows the colors to gradually shade into each other, creating a classic look. He also uses a technique
that allows the focal point to be on Saint Lawrence by having the crowd look at Saint Lawrence
being grilled. In 1575 Paolo Caliari created the paint, Christ and the Centurion in Venezia, Italy. The
image depicted shows Christ converting Roman Centurion and shows the symbolism of Christianity
to non–Jews. The painting shows a strict relief composition to show the classicizing Renaissance
style during the ages of Mannerism. Different details of the painting show a more contemporary
style rather than ancient roman patterns which is typically shown in the Italian
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The Symphony Of Beethoven Symphony
Beethoven's Seventh Symphony showed the world not only what a nearly perfect musical
composition sounds like, but also the sheer relevance and absolute importance of historical context
in the perception of music. Written from 1811 to 1812, the piece has to this day remained one of
Beethoven's greatest works. Beethoven dedicated the symphony to Count Moritz von Fries, an
aristocrat that frequently hosted Beethoven in his more than accommodating home. The premiere for
the symphony was on December 8th, 1813 at a charity concert where the proceeds went to wounded
Austrian and Hungarian soldiers from the battle of Hanau. The symphony was immediately popular,
winning the admiration of critiques and audiences alike. Described as the most perfect ... Show
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After underestimating the size of the French army, the allies retreated from Madrid and into a small
town in western Spain called Ciudad Rodrigo. It was at this point that the French sustained a
significant blow from the failed invasion attempt on Russia. As a result, Bonaparte withdrew a
sizable portion of troops from the western peninsular war to replenish his primary army. Meanwhile
the Duke took the time to reinforce the allied army, and began pushing the French forces out of
Madrid. 105,000 allied soldiers met the largely demoralized French army of 60,000 at Vitoria. The
Battle decisively ended the peninsular war and led to the eventual collapse of Napoleonic rule in
Europe altogether. As did most people in Europe at the time, the inhabitants of Vienna despised
Napoleon and the French in general. The victory at Vitoria therefore caused a universal sense of
celebration and euphoria to spread throughout Vienna. Originally written for the panharmonicon, a
large, automated organ capable of creating several different sound effects, Wellington's "Victory"
was changed for the orchestra. A friend of Beethoven's, Johann Nepomuk Maelzle, an engineer best
known for inventing the metronome, requested that he compose a piece that would commemorate
the victory over Napoleon. Widely considered Beethoven's worst piece: "a piece of startling
crudity," "The Battle Symphony" premiered on December
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The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance Essay
A post Middle Age Italy was afflicted by medieval wars and the bubonic plague. A change was
needed to restore the vision of what Italy could become. This change was found within one family:
the Medici's, who helped to return the glory and influence to Florence. The Medici's saw the value
in contributing to the advancement of the greatest minds of the period. This was evident in their
patronage of leading Artists such as Michelangelo and of renowned Teachers such as Galileo. The
sphere of influence the Medici's enjoyed also extended to the political arena, which happened to be
heavily influenced by the Catholic Church at the time. The Medici's were able to capitalize on the
power of the Church and through this influence and the use of ... Show more content on ...
(Medici) In the Florentine republic, where economic power was almost synonymous with political
power, achieving this financial feat made way for social distinction. (The Medici) With Giovanni's
death in 1429, there were those who tried to capitalize on the opportunity to displace the Medici
family from its place in the social and political landscape of the time. One such opportunity was
taken with the help of a wealthy rival, the Albizzi family, who put in motion a plot to have
Giovanni's son, Cosimo de Medici, arrested on accusations of treason and banished to Venice. This
did not happen without consequences. With Cosimo's exile he took with him a large source of
Florentine capital, the Medici Bank. The Pope intervened and restored the Medici's to power. Thus
began Cosimo's restoration of Florentine pride and the support of great artists that many admire
today. An example of the Medici support to artists involves The Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. The
dome of the chapel was built so large that no architect knew how to complete the rooftop structure
and was a humiliating point in Florentine history. A contest to see who could develop a solution to
complete the dome was won by a Florentine engineer named Brunelleschi, who felt he had found
the solution. With the successful completion of the chapel, support from Cosimo de Medici and the
holy consecration performed by the Pope, a great structure was once again a source of pride to the
Florentines and the
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The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance Essay
Post–Middle Age Italy was afflicted by medieval wars and the bubonic plague. It needed a change to
restore the vision of what Italy could become. This change revealed itself within the Medici family,
who helped return glory and influence to Florence. The Medici family saw the value in contributing
to the advancement of the greatest minds of the period. This was evident in their patronage of
leading artists such as Michelangelo and of renowned teachers such as Galileo. The sphere of
influence the Medicis enjoyed also extended to the political arena, which happened to be heavily
influenced by the Catholic Church at the time. The Medicis capitalized on the power of the Church.
Through this influence and the use of "amici degli amici," or ... Show more content on ...
With Giovanni's death in 1429, some saw an oppurtunity to capitalize on the event by attempting to
displace the Medici family from its high place in the social and political landscape of the time. One
such opportunity was taken by a wealthy rival, the Albizzi family, who put in motion a plot to have
Giovanni's son, Cosimo de Medici, arrested on accusations of treason and banished to Venice (Kent
177). This did not happen without consequences. With Cosimo's exile he took with him a large
source of Florentine capital, the Medici Bank. The Pope intervened and restored the Medicis to
power (Birth). Thus began Cosimo's restoration of Florentine pride and his support of great artists
that many still admire today. An example of the effects of the Medicis' support of artists involves the
Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. The dome of this chapel was built so large that that no architect
knew how to complete the rooftop structure which made it a humiliating point in Florentine history.
A contest to see who could complete the dome was won when a Florentine engineer named
Brunelleschi, felt he had developed the solution. With the successful completion of the chapel,
support from Cosimo de Medici, and the holy consecration performed by the Pope, a great structure
that had been a source of humiliation was now a source of pride to the Florentines and the Medicis.
... Get more on ...

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Art History Study Guide

  • 1. Art History Study Guide Periods and their Artists * Chapter 3 Egypt * Old Kingdom (2700–2190 BCE) * Imhotep – Stepped Pyramid of Djoser * Chapter 5 Ancient Greece * Archaic (600–480 BCE) * Andokides Painter – Achilles and Ajax * Ergotimos –[and Kleitius] Fracois Vase * Euphronios –Death of Sarpedon * Exekias –Achilles and Ajax; Suicide of Ajax; Dionysis in a Boat * Polykleitos –Doryphoros * Classical (480–320 BCE) * Kalikrates –Temple of Athena Nike; [ and Iktinos] Parthenon * Lysippos –Apoxyomenos * Mnesikles –Propylaia, Erechtheion[Porch of the Maidens] * Myron –Diskobolos * Phidias –Acropolis; 3 Seated Goddesses E. Ped. ... Show more content on ... James Led to Execution; Dead Christ * Masaccio –Tribute Money/ Expulsion in the [and Masolono, Filippino Lippi] Brancacci Chapel; Trinity with Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors * Michelozzo –Palazzo Medici Ricardi * Perugino –Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter, Sistine Chapel * Pollaiuolo –Hercules and Antaeus; Battle of the Ten Nudes * Robbia, Luca della –Madonna and Child with Lilies, Orsanmichele * Rosselino –Tomb of Leonardo Bruni, Santa Croce * Signorelli – Damned Cast into Hell * Uccello –Battle of San Romano * Verrocchio –David; Bartolommeo Colleoni * Chapter 22 Italy (16th century) * High Renaissance (1500–1550) * Bellini, Giovanni – San Zaccaria Altarpiece; [and Titian] Feast of the Gods * Bramante –St. Peter's, Rome; Tempieto * Correggio –Assumption * Da Vinci –Virgin (Madonna) of the Rocks; Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Infant St. John; Last Supper, Refectory; Mona Lisa * del Sarto, Andrea –Madonna of the Harpies * Giorgione –Pastoral Symphony; The Tempest * Michelangelo –Pieta/Dome, St. Peter's, Rome; Bacchus; David; Moses, tomb of Julius II; Bound Slave; Prisoner; Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation, Expulsion, Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet Jeremiah, Last Judgment; Dani Tondo (aka Holy Family); Tomb of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Arch Of Titus Essay The Arch of Titus (Italian: Arco di Tito) is a 1st–century honorific triumphal arch located on the Via Sacra, Rome. It was constructed by the Roman Emperor Domitian in c. 82 AD after the death of his older brother Titus to commemorate Titus' victories. The Roman triumphal arch was traditionally a gateway, consisting of a pair of massive pylons joined by a semi–circular vault. The arch was framed by two columns or more, that were either engaged or stood on projecting pedestals. The columns are appeared to support the entablature, the horizontal section across the top of the vault which separated from the attic section. The attic was a piece of masonry that was decorated with relief sculpture and statuary. The Arch of Titus is rather quite a traditional structure. It is located in a prominent position along Rome's Via Sacra (Sacred Way). Its current appearance results in which it was much restored during the nineteenth century. The arch was once used as a medieval fortress as defence and a chamber was built into the arch's vault. The large holes that were made were to support the beams and still can be seem marring the ... Show more content on ... Also, the decorative sculpture has not survived the ravages of time very well. Nevertheless, we can still see the significance of some of the sculpture scenes, like the side panels. These marble reliefs are set either side of the inner arch and measure 2.04 m high by 3.85 m long. One panel shows the start of Titus' 71 CE victory triumph procession as it passes through the Porta Triumphalis to the Forum Boarium with the participants carrying booty from the Temple of Jerusalem after the sacking of the city. The booty includes a seven–branched candelabra (menorah), silver trumpets, and maybe even the Ark of the Covenant. Also some figures carry placards which would have likely indicated the names of the people and cities that were ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Ovid's Metamorphoses Analysis In order to understand Ovid's Metamorphoses, it is necessary to know something of Ovid the person. Ovid was born Publius Ovidius Naso, March 20, 43 BC – AD 17/18, and he was a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus. With a contemporary style relative to that of Virgil and Horace with whom he is often compared and rank with as the trio being the three most recognized poets of Latin literature. Quintilian the imperial scholar considered Ovid one of the last Latin love elegists. He enjoyed enormous popularity, but, in one of the mysteries of literary history, Augustus sent him into exile in a remote province on the Black Sea, where he remained until his death. Ovid himself attributes his exile to carmen et error, "a poem and a mistake", but his discretion in discussing the causes has resulted ... Show more content on ... As Ovid would guide us into this story there are several occurrences of death or reincarnation represented in his thoughts. He often cross–references man and beast body parts being morphed into that of each other. It would appear that the people surrounding Orpheus's time were barbaric, cannibals, and people with un–natural affections. Orpheus often retreated to places where he could be alone and create poetry or make melody with his lyre. He wrote poems that drew much unwanted attention from some of Bacchantes, crazed female followers of the god Bacchus were all enraged that Orpheus wouldn't sleep with them. Therefore, they killed him in brutally. His head and lyre fell into the River Hebrus as they floated down the waters. The lyre– a Greek string instrument kept playing notes and his tongue kept singing as if to prolong his last moments. The birds, lamenting, cried for Orpheus, the multitude of wild creatures; the trees that often gathered to his song shedder their leaves, in mourning. The rivers stream with their own tears. His limbs were scattered in different ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Michelangelo Contributions Michelangelo was born in Caprese, region of Florence – Italy on March 6, 1475, was born to a family that had for several generations belonged to minor nobility in Florence but had, by the time the artist was born, lost its patrimony and status. His father was an official with a well–off position in the city and his mother died when he was 6 years old. Son of the Florentine arts, this magnificent sculptor, painter and architect, of the Italian Renaissance manifested his artistic talent since very early on, being the art of the sculpture where he begins to emerge. Having to overcome the opposition of his family, at the age of 13 a family friend took him to the workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio, particularly known for his murals, where he entered in April of 1488, as an apprentice for a three–year term. He remained there for only a year, after which, under the tutelage of Bertoldo di Giovanni, he began to frequent the Medici Garden of San Marco, and his talent drew the attention of Florence's leading citizen and art patron, Lorenzo de' Medici, who enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of being surrounded by the city's most literate, poetic and talented men. De' Medici extended an invitation to Michelangelo to reside in his palatial home of Via Larga, where Buonarotti meet Poliziano and other humanists of the Medicean circle, where he got in touch with the idealist theories of Plato, which become in one of the fundamental pillars of his life, and later on there were reflected in his artistic work as a poet. From this youthful phase, the art of Michelangelo presented original features that went beyond the simple imitation of the old. His figures showed an intense strength, and appeared as if seized by an internal tension. The obsession with the representation of the human body was a constant in his career. This interest in the human figure, and more specifically in men, has been explained through the homosexuality of the artist, since his relationship with the young patrician Tommaso dei Cavalieri is documented during his years of maturity. Between 1490 and 1492, Michelangelo made his first drawings, studies on the Gothic frescoes of Massacio and Giotto and the first reliefs, the Virgin della Scala ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Laocoön Rarely is the modern student of classical literature (be they trapped in class, forced to stare at their worn copy of the Aeneid, or nose–deep in a freshly reprinted copy of the Iliad) privy to the primal clashes depicted by Homer and Virgil alike. Modernity has triumphed in the wake of the latter half of the twentieth century; today we view the struggles of peoples separated by vast swathes of time and geography under a sanitized, clinical eye. Yet those who look upon the Hellenistic work, Laocoön and his Sons, are yanked thousands of years into the past. The sculpture places the viewer in a vicious, futile struggle against the will of the gods. A stunning union of dynamism and torrid emotion, the Laocoön Group serves as a legacy to Grecian ... Show more content on ... I feel that the public takes an aloof, sometimes derisive attitude towards the stories and peoples of the past. To see a work so boldly depict the physicality and mentality behind the fear of death is striking to me. No other modern medium can properly compare; television and movies are quick, distracting, our suspension of disbelief is broken the moment we step up to grab popcorn. The silver and miniature screen's scene of anguish is quietly ushered away to make way for something else. The stone is permanent; the viewer may look away, but for many, including myself, the scene is etched into my mind. Thus, the artist is successful–the lesson is sown into the unconscious, the themes may not be discussed, or pondered upon, but still they linger. It is my firm conviction that an effective piece of artwork is stepped in a visual language that the unconscious understands, registering the work with chills down the spine. So long as death plagues humanity, the Laocoön sculpture, above all else, deserves to be preserved for as long as the material itself ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Accomplishments During The Renaissance The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European history. It began in Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted until about 1620. Furthermore, the renaissance is a historical event known as the period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe. The name 'Renaissance' originates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century that used the term "rinascità ('rebirth or renaissance') to describe their own age as one in which learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages." (The Columbia Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism. The intellectual movement called humanism focused on human life and its achievements. The humanists were fascinated by cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the Renaissance, vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and composers wrote music to enhance the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a significant role in society during this period as it helped to shape, advance cultures and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The new ideas in Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on ... Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid–15th century when mechanical techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the Renaissance printers who played an important role in the advance of printing were also accomplished musicians, composers, and distributed music. This was the first stages of music being made widely available to the public. Earlier, music had to be copied out by hand which was a very labor–intensive and time–consuming process, so it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve sacred music for the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Michelangelo 's Work Of The Italian Renaissance Michelangelo Buonarotti Simone Michelangelo was born in Caprese, region of Florence – Italy on March 6, 1475, was born to a family that had for several generations belonged to minor nobility in Florence but had, by the time the artist was born, lost its patrimony and status. His father was an official with a well–off position in the city and his mother died when he was 6 years old. Son of the Florentine arts, this magnificent sculptor, painter and architect, of the Italian Renaissance manifested his artistic talent since very early on, being the art of the sculpture where he begins to emerge. Having to overcome the opposition of his family, at the age of 13 a family friend took him to the workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio, ... Show more content on ... Between 1490 and 1492, Michelangelo made his first drawings, studies on the Gothic frescoes of Massacio and Giotto and the first reliefs, the Virgin della Scala and the Battle of the Centaurs, in which there is already a clear definition of his style. In them it is shown as the clear heir of Florentine art of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, while establishing a more direct link with classical art. Nowadays this works are preserved in the Buonaroti house in Florence. After the death of Lorenzo de' Medici in 1492, Michelangelo flees Florence, staying for a time in Bologna, where he sculpts various works influenced by the work of Jacobo della Quercia. In 1494, he carved three saints for the church of San Domenico, the statuettes of San Petronio (the patron saint of Bologna), a candlestick–holding angel San Procolo (closely recalling the statue of David, made ten years later). They show dense forms, in contrast to the linear forms which were then dominant in sculpture. In 1496 Michelangelo decides to go to Rome, a city that saw him succeed, where he carved he's first surviving large statue The Bacchus which preceded his masterpiece, the Pieta in which Mary supports the dead Christ across her knees. Larger than life size, the Pietà contains elements which contrast and reinforce each other: vertical and horizontal, cloth and skin, alive and dead, female and male. This was a special work of art even in the Renaissance because at the time, ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Bacchus And The Pieta By Michelangelo Because of his genius, the work of art was chosen as the symbol of the Republic of Florence. It was carved in a huge block of marble that remained abandoned for more than forty years after suffering damage just in its basis in a previous attempt (Michelangelo took advantage of that just creating an empty espace between Davi's feet). Several artists had fought for the honor of doing that, including Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Sansovino. Michelangelo was responsible for the task due to its already established reputation for brilliant sculptor because of his Bacchus and the Pieta. Michelangelo got one of the most beautiful representations of the human body in the history of art. The sculpture represents a colossal teenager, 16.9 feet in height. ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Triumph Of Bacchus Art History Analysis The Triumph of Bacchus, is a beautifully, well thought out oil based painting created in 1635. An artist named Nicolas Poussin put his mind to work, and in the essay I am going to show that. Firstly, starting with just a general description of the painting, and some background from the artist himself. Secondly, go into the formal elements of the painting, how it came to life, what's happening in the picture, and how everything was applied with all reasoning. Then lastly, conclude with everything covered, and how the painting was created. In this painting, Bacchus the God of wine, is leading his entourage of mythological creatures in a triumphal homecoming from victories in India. His chariot is being drawn by centaurs, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Defining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism 1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism. The New World Encyclopedia article "Renaissance" states the Renaissance featured scientific and artistic discoveries and transformations that propelled a cultural shift in Europe after the Middle Ages (2015). The New World Encyclopedia article "Humanism" indicates that Humanism primarily focuses on human being 's place, potential, beauty, and so forth (2014). 2. Who were the Medici's? The Medici family, comprised of former bankers and commerce men, became powerful rulers in Florence, Italy for nearly three centuries, as stated in the History article "The Medici Family" (2009). The Medici family also served as patrons of many of the greatest artists such as Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, according to the History article "The Medici Family" (2009). 3. Identify several of the works by each these painters of the Italian Renaissance: Donatello: According to the video "Italian Renaissance Art", Donatello's most famous works include St. Mark, Mary Magdalene, and The Madonna (2007). Paolo Uccello– The Battle of San Romano, The Nativity, and The Flood, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Paolo Uccello", constitute some of Uccello's most famous works (2016). Verrocchio– According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica article "Andrea del Verrocchio" Verrocchio 's greatest works include Tobias and the Angel, Baptism of Christ, and Madonna and child with Saints, Putto with Dolphin (2016). Da Vinci: According to the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Defining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism 1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism. As mentioned in the New World Encyclopedia article "Renaissance", the Renaissance or "Rebirth" showcased a cultural shift exhibiting both scientific and artistic transformation and advancement between the Middle Ages and the early stages of the Modern age in Europe (2014). In the New World Encyclopedia article "Humanism", Humanism's scope primarily focuses on human beings: human being 's place in relations to nature, human potential, human beauty, etc. etc. etc. (2014). 2. Who were the Medici's? The Medici family dynasty comprised of former bankers and commerce men who became powerful rulers (four members of the Medici family went on to become pope) of Florence, Italy for nearly three centuries, as stated in the History article "The Medici Family" (2009). Additionally, the article mentions the Medici family also served as patrons of many great artists and scientists, such as Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Galileo Galilei (2009). 3. Identify several of the works by each these painters of the Italian Renaissance: Donatello: St. Mark, Mary Magdalene, The Madonna (Youtube, 2007) Paolo Uccello– The Battle of San Romano, The Nativity, The Flood (Uccello, 2016) Verrocchio– Tobias and the Angel, Baptism of Christ, Madonna and child with Saints, Putto with Dolphin (Passavant, 2016) Da Vinci: The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man (Youtube, 2007) Michelangelo: David, Moses, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, The ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Antigone Introduction The story behind Antigone is well–known. Antigone's father was Oedipus. When he was born, it was prophesied that he would kill his own father and marry his mother. To avoid this, his parents had him sent out to be killed. The servant tasked with this, however, could not kill him and left him on a hillside to die of natural causes. He was discovered and raised by a poor family, and then later he returned and unknowingly fulfilled the prophesy, becoming in the process the king of Thebes. When the truth of this became known to him, he blinded himself. This story is the subject of the first two plays by Sophocles in the Oedipus cycle, Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Four children were born of that incestuous ... Show more content on ... But Polynices, just as unhappily fallen–the order Says he is not to be buried, not to be mourned ; To be left unburied, unwept, a feast of flesh For keen–eyed carrion birds. The noble Creon! It is against you and me he has made this order. Yes, against me. And soon he will be here himself To make it plain to those that have not heard it, And to enforce it. This is no idle threat; The punishment for disobedience is death by stoning. So now you know. And now is the time to show Whether or not you are worthy of your high blood. ISMENE: My poor Antigone, if this is really true, What more can I do, or undo, to help you? ANTIGONE: Will you help me? Will you do something with me? Will you? ISMENE: Help you do what, Antigone? What do you mean? ANTIGONE: Would you help me lift the body and me ? ISMENE: You cannot, mean .., to bury him? Against the order? ANTIGONE: Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it Or not? I shall never desert him, never. ISMENE: How could you dare, when Creon has expressly forbidden it? ANTIGONE: He has no right to keep me from my own. ISMENE: O sister, sister, do you forget how our father Perished in shame and misery, his awful sin Self–proved, blinded by his own self–mutilation? And then his mother, his wife––for she was both–– Destroyed herself in a noose of her own making. And now our brothers, both in a single day Fallen in an awful exaction of death for ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Beauty In Botticelli's Venus On The Half Shell Most of the Western apple is accustomed with the angel of Venus as she rises from the sea on a clamshell in the acclaimed Italian Renaissance painting by Sandro Botticelli. With its lyrical, adroit beauty, the plan we apperceive so able–bodied is appropriately called The Birth of Venus and sometimes affectionately accepted in abreast ability as "Venus on the Half Shell." Botticelli's fabulous work continues to affect abreast art, literature, film, and a countless of other things. Botticelli's Venus and its sister painting, Primavera, were commissioned by Lorenzo de' Medici for his alcazar in Castello in 1485. Added apparent admitting is that the paintings were commissioned by Lorenzo for his teenaged sons, Piero and Giovanni. After ... Show more content on ... When Botticelli alternate to Florence in 1485, he abounding the sermons of Savonarola. Michelangelo apprehend them as able–bodied through the new invention of accumulation advertisement with the columnist press. Savonarola had a profound affect on both artists as apparent in the religious agreeable of their art works. Botticelli angry his apperception aback to religious themes, but his Medicean advocacy broiled up with the afterlife of Lorenzo the Magnificent in 1492. Surprisingly, it was Savonarola from whom Lorenzo approved absolution for his sins in his final hours. Two years afterwards Lorenzo's death, the Medici family was expelled from Florence. The Medici alcazar was sacked and
  • 26. countless admired items and works of accomplished art were stolen. Savonarola was summoned to Rome in 1495 by the pope to avert his religious preaching, but he absurdly beneath the pope's invitation. Times were harder for Botticelli at this time, but bent up in his religious fervor, he followed the advance of Savonarola who organized what has appear to be accepted to history as 'The Alarm of the Vanities.' Prior to the anniversary at the Lenten division in 1497, ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Rhyme Scheme Of Vasco Da Lasiad Vasco da Gama is the chief character in The Lusiads, but he is not its hero. The poem's title derives from Lusitania, the Roman name for the province that roughly encompasses present–day Portugal. The nation of Portugal and all of its people are the true heroes of this patriotic epic. The Lusiads is written in ottava rima, a rhyme scheme of Italian origin that was commonly used in Renaissance epic poetry. An ottava rima stanza has eight lines with three rhymes, following the rhyme scheme abababcc. It is a flowing meter that allows the narrative to move smoothly, and the long, assonant rhymes have a kind of lulling quality. The Lusiads begins in medias res, or in the middle of the action. Vasco da Gama and his Portuguese crewmen are in the East African kingdom of Malindi, having survived rough weather and an ambush. The local king encourages Gama to recite the history of the Portuguese people, which he does, going back to ancient times. Gama tells the story of the Roman general Quintus Sertorius, whose successful rebellion drove a repressive regime out of Hispania (now Portugal and Spain). Gama then describes the growth of Portugal from a small principality to a significant European state. The story culminates in book 4, with the 1385 Battle of Aljubarrota, in which the Portuguese defeated the Spanish kingdom of Castile and restored the Portuguese monarch to the throne. Camões's patriotism is evident is his description of Portuguese general Nuno Álvares Pereira's victory over Spain: O'er Tago's waves his gallant band he led,And humbled Spain in every province bled;Sevilia's standard in his spear he bore,And Andulsia's ensigns kept in gore.Low in the dust distresst Castilia mourned,And bathed in tears each eye to heaven was turnedThe orphans, widows, and the hoary sires;And heaven relenting quench'd the raging firesOf mutual hate. . . . After this battle, the Portuguese were able to launch overseas explorations, and these initial voyages are delineated in the poem. Finally, Gama tells the story of his own voyage, his circumnavigation of the Cape of Good Hope, which the Portuguese called the Cape of Storms. It is here that the most supernatural elements of the poem appear: Adamastor and a maritime apparition. ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Short Summary Of The Lusiad The Lusiads begins in medias res. Vasco da Gama and his Portuguese crewmen are in the East African kingdom of Malindi, having survived rough weather and an ambush. The local king encourages Gama to recite the history of the Portuguese people, he recites it going back all the way to ancient times. Gama tells the story of the Roman general Quintus Sertorius, who had successful rebellion that drove a repressive regime out of Hispania (now Portugal and Spain). Gama then describes the growth of Portugal from a small principality to a significant European state. The story culminates in book 4, with the 1385 Battle of Aljubarrota, in which the Portuguese defeated the Spanish kingdom of Castile and restored the Portuguese monarch to the throne. Camões's patriotism is shown in his description of Portuguese general Nuno Álvares Pereira's victory over Spain. After this battle, the Portuguese were able to launch overseas explorations, and these first voyages are recorded in the book. Finally, Gama tells the story of his own voyage, his circumnavigation of the Cape of Good Hope, which the Portuguese called the Cape of Storms. It is here that the most supernatural elements of the poem appear: Adamastor and a maritime apparition. Along with these fantastic elements, book 4 also contains highly realistic details of a ravaging disease. The Lusiads includes an account of the battle between the goddess Venus, who is a "divine" advocate on behalf of the Portuguese, and Bacchus, the patron god ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Immortals of Greek mythology Greek Mythology: Immortals The Greeks created images of their deities for many purposes. A temple would house the statue of a god or goddess, or multiple deities, and might be decorated with relief scenes depicting myths. Divine images were common on coins. Drinking cups and other vessels were painted with scenes from Greek myths. Gods & Goddesses Aphrodite (Ἀφροδίτη, Aphroditē) Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and pleasure. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was depicted as a beautiful woman and of all the goddesses most likely to appear nude or seminude. Poets praise the radiance of her smile and her laughter. Her symbols include roses and other flowers, the scallop ... Show more content on ... His attributes include the thyrsus (a pinecone–tipped staff), drinking cup, grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a posse of attendants including satyrs, maenads, and his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. Animals sacred to him include dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys. A later addition to the Olympians, in some accounts he replaced Hestia. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the Romans. Hades (ᾍδης, Hádēs) or Pluto (Πλούτων, Ploutōn) King of the underworld and the dead, and god of the earth 's hidden wealth, both agricultural produce and precious metals. His consort is Persephone. His attributes are the drinking horn or cornucopia, key, sceptre, and the three–headed dog Cerberus. The screech owl was sacred to him. He was one of three sons of Cronus and Rhea, and thus sovereign over one of the three realms of the universe, the underworld. As a chthonic god, however, his place among the Olympians is ambiguous. In the mystery religions and Athenian literature, Pluto (Plouton, "the Rich") was his preferred name, with Hades more common for the underworld as a place. The Romans translated Plouton as Dis Pater ("the Rich Father") or Pluto. Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος, Hḗphaistos) Crippled god of fire, metalworking, and crafts. The son of Hera by parthenogenesis, he is the smith of the gods and the husband of
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  • 35. Dionysus as the Artist's Subject: Analysis of 'Mirror with... Dionysus as the Artist's Subject: Mirror with Heracles, Dionysys, Ariadne, and Eros In the fourth and third century BCE, the Etruscans produced many engraved mirrors decorated with scenes from Greek or local mythology. A characteristic product of the Etruscans, they provide a great deal of information about Etruscan bronze technology and the development of Etruscan art. An example at the Walters Museum, "Mirror with Heracles, Dionysus, Ariadne, and Eros," allows the viewer to see such an object and come to an appreciation of the skilled and intricate work required by an artisan to make it. Many Etruscan mirrors are decorated with a similar scene, which also appeared in Greece during the fifth century BCE, often on painted terra cotta vases. Art historians at the British Museum have undertaken a project to catalogue all known existing Etruscan mirrors. In the photo shown on the Museum's website, one cannot see the front of the mirror. In order to create a reflective surface, the front of ancient mirrors were either highly polished or covered with a thin layer of silver ("Mirror"¦" n.d.). Most reflective disks were slightly concave in order to provide a good view of most of the upper body when the mirror was held at arm's length (Swadding n.d.). In some instances, mirrors such as these were made for ceremonial purposes and remained decorative objects, rather than utilitarian ones. Religious figures were often depicted on ceremonial pieces as well as everyday objects. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Discovery Of Pulque Essay The Discovery of Pulque," 1869, by Jose Maria Obregón, this painting is an oil on canvas piece. It was commissioned by what some may call a renaissance man. He was a play writer, art critique and a poet. He wanted Obregon to paint this "historic" scene because he believed that King Tecpancaltzin was one of his ancestors. King Tecpancaltzin is one of the main subjects in this painting. The main story being told in this painting is the story of King Tecpancaltzin receiving the first cup of pulque. Looking at the left side of the painting the viewer can see servants coming into the throne room. One of the woman servants is holding a cactus which is where the pulque comes from. Below this woman sits another woman who is carrying the bad that carried the pulque. Continuing right along the painting you see Xochitl mother holding the jug to pour the pulque. Alongside her mother is Xochitl who is also standing beside her father. She is also presenting the bowl of pulque to King Tecpancaltzin. Obregon strategically placed highlights on the more important subjects in the painting. ... Show more content on ... 1865, by Jose Augustin Arrieta. This painting is an oil on canvas painting. La Pulqueria is a Costumbrista painting. Costumbrista painting is the depiction of everyday local life. The scene being depicted in this painting is of a Pulqueria at the end of the day. A Pulqueria is a tavern or bar. In this scene everyone is gathered around a table to discuss their day and to enjoy a drink of pulque. It would seem that one of the men had too much to drink and is struggling to stay up. Another aspect of the local life around that time can be seen by looking towards the floor. There is an elderly woman sitting down heating up tortillas and passing them ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Ovid's Metamorphoses : The Theme Of Change And Mythology... In Ancient Rome, there were an abundant amount of myths that involved the gods and the religions of the Romans. These myths told stories of the gods' interactions with the humans, which the Romans took seriously. Some examples of these myths were the story of Aeneas and his eventual role in the Trojan War in The Aeneid and the story of Lucius and his transformation into an ass in The Golden Ass. An important text that involved many myths is Metamorphoses, written by Ovid. This epic involved many stories of different gods and different humans and their interactions. The main theme in this epic is the theme of change and transformation, which is the center of most of the myths that are told in the epic. One myth that is significant is of the ... Show more content on ... Unlike other epics written about the Trojan War, Ovid uses a different perspective to describe it. In other myths and epics, the Trojan War is described with power and strength. Ovid describes the war and its heroes with sarcasm and insignificance. His focus is more on the transformations of the heroes after the fact, not their greatest accomplishments, which goes along with the theme of the rest of the epic. Many of the myths in Metamorphoses center around love and infatuation, as well as rejection. The myth of the death of Orpheus dealt mostly with rejection, which eventually leads to two transformations. This myth began when Orpheus rejected the advances of the Ciconian women. He did this because he had rejected the advances of all women because he was still in love with his late wife. He was distraught over the fact that he could not save her from the Underworld and therefore, swore off all women (Metamorphoses 10.82–86). Because of this, the Ciconian women found Orpheus performing one of his songs and decided to get their revenge. They first began killing the animals that had been enthralled by Orpheus' song and then turned on Orpheus. They murdered him viciously and savagely, using stones and the earth to kill him (Metamorphoses 11.20–44). Orpheus then descended into the Underworld to join his late wife. Orpheus was mourned by a lot of beings, including the god Bacchus. He was angry that the Ciconian women had murdered Orpheus and transformed them into trees ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Summary Of The Indian Triumph Of Dionysus The artwork I chose to write about is The Indian Triumph of Dionysus which I came across on my visit to the Museum of Fine Arts. The artwork was commissioned by a wealthy Roman during the end of the second century A.D. Although the Dionysus cult may hold many mysteries it is known that this artwork originated in Rome. The individual who funded that creating of this sarcophagus desired to commemorate his beliefs. Desiring for others to know what he associated himself as is what gave birth to this masterpiece. Their were multiple different art works that caught my attention at the museum although through the semester it was the Roman chapter that captivated my attention the most hence forth I chose this artwork. Each piece of art present in the museum deserved their own acknowledgment respectively from the gold and marble jewelry present to the large sculptures rich in detail non stood out more to myself than The Indian Triumph of Dionysus.I found this piece of art to be appealing because there are many different people and beings within this piece of work that are well known in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The entire piece is centered on Dionysus, yet everyone plays an important role in the overall story of the piece. Also, I found it very interesting that someone took a great interest in building a monumental sarcophagus for a man who was known for introducing wine. As Dionysus and his followers journeyed to the East to introduce wine and culture they were sometimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Analysis Of The Poem ' Bacchus Discovering Ariadne ' Jacob Jordaens, Bacchus Discovering Ariadne, late 1640's This painting that I have found while venturing the Museum of Fine Arts has definitely caught my eye for infinite reasons. Bacchus Discovering Ariadne by Jacob Jordaens was definitely a painting that has a story, but the thing is, there isn't much about it, which is a challenge. Most of the focus in this painting is set on Ariadne and the meeting between her and Bacchus. Not only that but the painting, and all other paintings associated with this myth, focus on the shift from divine perfection to humanity that is found in Renaissance and Baroque artwork. The oil painting made by Jacob Jordaens tells the story of Ariadne, the princess of Crete, being deserted on the Island of Naxos by Theseus, the Athenian prince who she helped escape from her father's labyrinth. Bacchus, whom is the god of wine, and his satyrs discover her, and he falls in love with Ariadne. As a testimony of his devotion he holds up her crown, which he will then toss into the heavens to create a constellation in her honor. In this painting he shows Ariadne as an extremely feminine figure that's not only fair but regarded as beautiful The body of Bacchus is sculpted showing the muscles in his legs and throughout the rest of his body. But the contrast in this painting is striking. The contrast of this painting lies between the structural elements of Bacchus and of the three satyrs that have accompanied him. These satyrs are in dim lighting and less ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Principle Characters In Greek Mythology Handout 1: Principle Characters Chart As you read about the principle characters in Greek Mythology, fill in a chart that notes: –Greek name –special abilities –Roman/Latin name if any –personality –relationship to nature –signs or symbols # Word Etymology Part of speech Modern meaning Sentence 1. Achilles ' heel Pertaining to the Greek hero, Achilles, and his only weakness after being dipped into the river styx. Noun Weakness or vulnerable point Sweets is a lot of people's' achilles' heel. 2. adonis Name of the youth beloved by Aphrodite. Noun Handsome young man
  • 46. Most girls fall for boys like Adonis, but not all of us have his handsomeness. 3. ambrosia Favored food or ... Show more content on ... 11. epicurean follower of the philosophical system of Epicurus Adj. Lover of luxury and wealth The epicurean school taught the philosophy of Epicurus. 12. epidemic Meaning in latin "among the people"; a saying accurate for diseases that spread throughout the people Noun A rapid spreading disease that spreads through the community The epidemic spread through the town during the 1200s and nearly wiped out the populace. 13. epitome person or thing that typifies something Noun a person or thing that is an exact image of a particular thing or person He is the epitome of an athlete in prime condition. 14. erotic Relating to the greek god eros and his tendency to arouse sexual desire Adj. relating to or tending to bring about a sexual desire or excitement Zeus, in greek mythology, had a erotic passion for women. 15. halcyon A bird who in myth had the powers to calm the wind and sea. Also deriving from Alcyone the daughter of Aeolus. Adj. calm, quiet, peaceful; referring to a happy and distant place in the past I wish I could go back to those halcyon days in the past when the best air day wasn't a yellow air day. 16. hectoring the eldest son of Priam and husband of Andromache Verb to treat with insolence; bully; torment Hectoring other kids at school is verbal abuse. 17. hedonist In reference to the followers of hedonism Noun a pleasure–seeker Zeus was a hedonist who sought pleasure from being with women.
  • 47. 18. herculean of or relating to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. theme of alienation n no where man by kamala markandeya ANTIGONE KEY LITERARY ELEMENTS SETTING This tragedy is set against the background of the Oedipus legend. It illustrates how the curse on the House of Labdacus (who is the grandson of Cadmus, founder of Thebes, and the father of Laius, whose son is Oedipus) brought about the deaths of Oedipus and his wife–mother, Jocasta, as well as the double fratricide of Eteocles and Polynices. Furthermore, Antigone dies after defying King Creon. The play is set in Thebes, a powerful city–state north of Athens. Although the play itself was written in 441 B.C., the legend goes back to the foundations of Hellenic culture, many centuries before Sophocles' time. All the scenes take place in front of the royal palace at Thebes. Thus Sophocles ... Show more content on ... The leader of the Chorus Occasionally speaks a few lines addressed mainly to the audience. He is given the final lines of the play, in which he draws a moral from the sequence of tragic events the audience has just witnessed. CONFLICT Protagonist Antigone is the resolute and strong–willed daughter of King Oedipus. She is determined to give her brother, Polynices, a decent burial. She consciously risks her life with this action, which violates both Creon's unjust decree, as well as the ancient custom of denying burial to enemies of the state. She obeys only the laws of the gods and the dictates of familial loyalty and social decency. Antagonist King Creon regards only the requirement of political expediency. Soon after the civil strife between Eteocles and Polynices ends in their deaths, he announces a decree denying Polynices' burial. He is unrelenting in his stance, as he wants Thebans to know that he is a firm ruler. Thus he sentences his own niece, Antigone, to death for defying his law. Climax The climax of the play occurs during the encounter between Creon and Antigone. It is a scene marked by dramatic contrast. Here one can see the incompatibility between Creon's world of physical power (which he takes to be absolute) and the world of spiritual, idealistic strength which Antigone represents. Creon's vanity is hurt and his anger aroused by the stubborn disobedience of one whom he considers to be merely a mad woman. ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Martyrdom Of Saint Antonio Di Credi At the Nelson Atkins Museum of art there are many different Art pieces from the Renaissance time period. Of the collection 5 pieces grasped the attention (4 from the Renaissance and 1 from Baroque) due to their style, subject matter, use of color, symbolism, figure placement, artist attention and technics. The 5 pieces of artwork are Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist (1510), Portrait of a Man (1620/21), The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, Christ and the Centurion, and The Triumph of Bacchus. The Painting of Madonna with the two children by Lorenzo di Credi, shows Madonna in a blue dress with a veil covering her face to show a sign of virginity and innocence with two children. Di Credi worked alongside Leonardo Di Vinci, and in the painting Di Credi shows ... Show more content on ... In the 3rd century Christianity was outlawed and public executions such as Saint Lawrence's were made public to spread a message. In the painting Girolamo tried to connect back to classical times by using a oil pain which is dries slow and is flexible therefore allowing him to use Sfumato, which allows the colors to gradually shade into each other, creating a classic look. He also uses a technique that allows the focal point to be on Saint Lawrence by having the crowd look at Saint Lawrence being grilled. In 1575 Paolo Caliari created the paint, Christ and the Centurion in Venezia, Italy. The image depicted shows Christ converting Roman Centurion and shows the symbolism of Christianity to non–Jews. The painting shows a strict relief composition to show the classicizing Renaissance style during the ages of Mannerism. Different details of the painting show a more contemporary style rather than ancient roman patterns which is typically shown in the Italian ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Symphony Of Beethoven Symphony Beethoven's Seventh Symphony showed the world not only what a nearly perfect musical composition sounds like, but also the sheer relevance and absolute importance of historical context in the perception of music. Written from 1811 to 1812, the piece has to this day remained one of Beethoven's greatest works. Beethoven dedicated the symphony to Count Moritz von Fries, an aristocrat that frequently hosted Beethoven in his more than accommodating home. The premiere for the symphony was on December 8th, 1813 at a charity concert where the proceeds went to wounded Austrian and Hungarian soldiers from the battle of Hanau. The symphony was immediately popular, winning the admiration of critiques and audiences alike. Described as the most perfect ... Show more content on ... After underestimating the size of the French army, the allies retreated from Madrid and into a small town in western Spain called Ciudad Rodrigo. It was at this point that the French sustained a significant blow from the failed invasion attempt on Russia. As a result, Bonaparte withdrew a sizable portion of troops from the western peninsular war to replenish his primary army. Meanwhile the Duke took the time to reinforce the allied army, and began pushing the French forces out of Madrid. 105,000 allied soldiers met the largely demoralized French army of 60,000 at Vitoria. The Battle decisively ended the peninsular war and led to the eventual collapse of Napoleonic rule in Europe altogether. As did most people in Europe at the time, the inhabitants of Vienna despised Napoleon and the French in general. The victory at Vitoria therefore caused a universal sense of celebration and euphoria to spread throughout Vienna. Originally written for the panharmonicon, a large, automated organ capable of creating several different sound effects, Wellington's "Victory" was changed for the orchestra. A friend of Beethoven's, Johann Nepomuk Maelzle, an engineer best known for inventing the metronome, requested that he compose a piece that would commemorate the victory over Napoleon. Widely considered Beethoven's worst piece: "a piece of startling crudity," "The Battle Symphony" premiered on December ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance Essay A post Middle Age Italy was afflicted by medieval wars and the bubonic plague. A change was needed to restore the vision of what Italy could become. This change was found within one family: the Medici's, who helped to return the glory and influence to Florence. The Medici's saw the value in contributing to the advancement of the greatest minds of the period. This was evident in their patronage of leading Artists such as Michelangelo and of renowned Teachers such as Galileo. The sphere of influence the Medici's enjoyed also extended to the political arena, which happened to be heavily influenced by the Catholic Church at the time. The Medici's were able to capitalize on the power of the Church and through this influence and the use of ... Show more content on ... (Medici) In the Florentine republic, where economic power was almost synonymous with political power, achieving this financial feat made way for social distinction. (The Medici) With Giovanni's death in 1429, there were those who tried to capitalize on the opportunity to displace the Medici family from its place in the social and political landscape of the time. One such opportunity was taken with the help of a wealthy rival, the Albizzi family, who put in motion a plot to have Giovanni's son, Cosimo de Medici, arrested on accusations of treason and banished to Venice. This did not happen without consequences. With Cosimo's exile he took with him a large source of Florentine capital, the Medici Bank. The Pope intervened and restored the Medici's to power. Thus began Cosimo's restoration of Florentine pride and the support of great artists that many admire today. An example of the Medici support to artists involves The Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. The dome of the chapel was built so large that no architect knew how to complete the rooftop structure and was a humiliating point in Florentine history. A contest to see who could develop a solution to complete the dome was won by a Florentine engineer named Brunelleschi, who felt he had found the solution. With the successful completion of the chapel, support from Cosimo de Medici and the holy consecration performed by the Pope, a great structure was once again a source of pride to the Florentines and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance Essay Post–Middle Age Italy was afflicted by medieval wars and the bubonic plague. It needed a change to restore the vision of what Italy could become. This change revealed itself within the Medici family, who helped return glory and influence to Florence. The Medici family saw the value in contributing to the advancement of the greatest minds of the period. This was evident in their patronage of leading artists such as Michelangelo and of renowned teachers such as Galileo. The sphere of influence the Medicis enjoyed also extended to the political arena, which happened to be heavily influenced by the Catholic Church at the time. The Medicis capitalized on the power of the Church. Through this influence and the use of "amici degli amici," or ... Show more content on ... With Giovanni's death in 1429, some saw an oppurtunity to capitalize on the event by attempting to displace the Medici family from its high place in the social and political landscape of the time. One such opportunity was taken by a wealthy rival, the Albizzi family, who put in motion a plot to have Giovanni's son, Cosimo de Medici, arrested on accusations of treason and banished to Venice (Kent 177). This did not happen without consequences. With Cosimo's exile he took with him a large source of Florentine capital, the Medici Bank. The Pope intervened and restored the Medicis to power (Birth). Thus began Cosimo's restoration of Florentine pride and his support of great artists that many still admire today. An example of the effects of the Medicis' support of artists involves the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. The dome of this chapel was built so large that that no architect knew how to complete the rooftop structure which made it a humiliating point in Florentine history. A contest to see who could complete the dome was won when a Florentine engineer named Brunelleschi, felt he had developed the solution. With the successful completion of the chapel, support from Cosimo de Medici, and the holy consecration performed by the Pope, a great structure that had been a source of humiliation was now a source of pride to the Florentines and the Medicis. ... Get more on ...