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Argument Essay Gre Guide
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Argument Essay Gre Guide Argument Essay Gre Guide
The Republican Platform
The Republican platform discusses several elements that are in contrast with the TDP. The
subject of school choice is described as the ability to allow parents to choose their children s
school. The use of educational funds would be given to use in public, private, charter, or for home
schooling. The school choice is proposed to by funded by taxcredits and or exemptions.
One founding principle that is listed in the platform is that separation of the public facilities at
schools be only used for biological genders, this falls in line with the Judeo Christian Principles that
are continually mentioned within the platform. An intense sense of faith and government is seen
throughout the Republican Party platform document. In addition, there is ... Show more content on ...
In unison, both Democratic and Republican Party s discuss the need to reinstate the Glass Stegall
banking reform of 1931, which separated the commercial and investment banking industries.
Texan, either Democrats or Republicans can be united under what is considered The American
and Texan Creed. This is the Political values that united us in the state. There are various elements
that make up our values, equality, freedom, consent of the governed, and capitalism. Texans fit
into an even more specified list of values, we can analyze this by what is called The American and
Texas Creed of Individualism, Liberty, Equality, Constitutionalism, Democracy. All aspects can be
viewed in varying elements of both the Republicans and Democratic platforms. Individualism is
mentioned in our political ideologies as being an element that is reflective of the ideas of
Libertarians and Conservatives, but this element is part of the Texan Creed. It is this variant in
values that gives Texas its political environment. This value is listed in both party platforms and can
be viewed throughout it by countless
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Low Interest Mortgage Rate Essay
With regards to mortgages, home owners are constantly out to get the low interest mortgage rates
accessible, yet frequently are not ready to fit the bill for those rates. This can be for an assortment
of reasons including credit history record as a consumer, income, business status, and existing
obligations. Low interestmortgage rates are basically offered on the basis of how solid the
candidate is in meeting all requirements for a mortgage. Banks need the most elite and in the
meantime, the candidates that are in that class will look around until the point when they are
offered precisely that.
Your credit rating and history demonstrate how skilled and disciplined you are as a borrower with
your credit cards, loans and diverse debts that you have. It further ... Show more content on ...
These things are imperative since they decide your affordability and probability of reimbursing
your mortgage. Sometimes banks may discover that you can bear the cost of a mortgage, however,
your debt proportion s are a little on the high side. This can some of the time keep you from
accepting the low interest mortgage rates you look for. The thought behind this is, the more
prominent the money related weight of your debts on your income, and the more outlandish one
can make capable instalments to those debts. With regards to employment status, banks are hoping
to build up the probability of you proceeding to get consistent income for a considerable length of
time to come. On the off chance that you are independently employed, banks will take a gander at
different budgetary records to decide your normal yearly income in the course of recent years
(least). On the off chance that an independently employed individual can demonstrate satisfactory
income and consistency, at that point the banks will be happy with offering you the low interest
mortgage rates (accepting every single other condition are
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How Did Alchemy Change The World
Alchemy: The Science that Changed the World Alchemy is a complex protoscience based on the
supposed transformation of matter. Alchemy has a long rich history and is still used today but due
to all the superstition many people do not even give it a second glance. Even studying Alchemy can
be hard, it is difficult to understand and practice, but the basic things to know about Alchemyare:
what it is, where it came from and how it is used today. Alchemy s official definition is: a
philosophical and protoscience that nature had secrets to give and that they could be revealed
through laboratory examination and experimentation. So it is a sciencebefore the modern scientific
method and is related to the understanding of reality and existence.... Show more content on ...
Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Chemistry
differs from Alchemy because it follows the scientific method as well as alchemy also had a
philosophical side, Hermetic Alchemy. However Alchemy is still used today. A part of modern
day Alchemy is radioactivity and nuclear reactions. Inside nuclear reactors elements like
Uranium are being transmuted into Iodine or Plutonium. The process is to use radioactivity to
decay stable substances. Now a way to make a transmutation of gold is with mercury. However it
is unable to be used with a nuclear reactor so instead a particle accelerator is used. A particle
accelerator used electromagnetic fields to accelerate a proton, an electron, or a sub atomic
particle. However this process takes time and lots of energy so using it as an economical way of
producing gold is not recommended. Alchemy is not a dead science; it goes by new names like
Chemistry or
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The Tyger Poem Figurative Language
Why did God create both gentle and fearful creatures? Why did God create a world with
bloodshed, pain and terror? The Tyger by William Blake, written in 1794 and included in his
collection Songs of Innocence and Experience , takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a
cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. Blake sees a
necessity for balance in the world, and suggests to the readers that God created a world with a
balance of good and evilso that humanity can see goodness more clearly through contrast and
comparison. This theme is achieved through the poem s imagery, figurative language, and structure.
Through the use of symbolism and figurative language, the images Blake creates of... Show more
content on ...
The expression wings dare he aspire can also be an allusion of heaven, as wings represent angels.
The tiger was born in distant deeps or skies (787), implying that the tiger was created with the
creator s consciousness and fantasy. The verbs: twist , seize , and burnt all foreground the power
and strength of the creator. Through these lines: And what shoulder, and what art,/Could twist the
sinews of thy heart? (787), Blake demonstrates the creator s capability. Originally, sinews is
defined as the very tendon that enables the heart to beat. Blake uses sinews here as a metaphor for
strength, power, and life. Thus, to twist the sinews requires physical prowess. Blake seems to be
suggesting that the creator of the tiger is not only strong; but also, the creator believes in his own
strength and vision. The word shoulders represents responsibilities and burden; therefore the term
implies the risk the creator had to take for creating such a fearful creature.
Through these lines: What the hammer? what the chain?/In what furnace was thy brain?/What
the anvil? what dread grasp/Dare its deadly terrors clasp? (788) a vivid picture of the forging
process is presented in front of the readers. And the image of a powerful, courageous, and artistic
creator of the tiger deepens. It leads the readers to speculate who the creator could be if not God.
The tools hammer , chain ,
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Human Consumption Of Animals In Fred s Basement
Dead Puppies Beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, and even duck are all delicious foods that are
consumed by humans on a daily basis. Most people love these foods but there is a problem: they
all come from animals. Millions of animals are slaughtered for human consumption every year to
generate a multi billion dollar industry. The act of eating meatis not necessarily wrong, when the
meat is derived from animals being slaughtered then there s an issue. Norcross is heavily against
the consumption of factory produced meat for the farm animals are being abused and our treated
like they have no moral status. No one likes to see to a puppy or a kitten in pain. In Norcross s
Fred s Basement story, a man tortures puppies so he can abstract a hormone that can restore his lost
beloved taste of chocolate (293). The man, Fred, argues that his happiness and needs as a human
outweighs the fact that he is hurting a puppy. Norcross relates this situation to what is happening
today with farm animals. He... Show more content on ...
Peter Singer is deeply rooted against speciesism, in which humans favor themselves as having
greater moral rights than animals. Racism and sexism are equally as wrong of acts as
speciesism. Singer acknowledges the difference between animals and humans mentally and
physically, although he argues that animals wellbeing s to be considered. He states that allowing
animals to suffer from neglect or for the sake of large profits may also be unnecessary and cruel
(288). Animals are being treated inhumanely with their living conditions and are abused. Humans
would never allow for hundreds of other people to be treated the same way as chickens and be
crammed into small, filthy sheds, be given growth antibiotics, and then be slaughtered. Animals
have moral rights too and their interests should be considered by everyone. To escape from
suffering is happiness, a right all living beings
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Renewable Energy Sources For Fossil Fuels
We live in a world where we have to rely on resources such as fossil fuels in order to provide us
energy. Almost everything we use nowadays consumes power in some form, and in tandem we
rely on energy. Fossil fuels have become the go to resource for providing power. Fossil fuels
include natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These fossil fuels fall under the
non renewable category because they take thousands of years in order to form naturally and cannot
be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Another non renewable energysource is nuclear
fuel, which is primarily obtained through the mining and refining of uranium ore. But how could
we have used energy in the past without the use of fossil fuels? The answer is... Show more content
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While fossil fuels are widely used there is still the fear that we will eventually run out of fossil
fuels to power our civilizations. Without these fuels we could not be able to power everything that
needs power. In addition, the use of fossil fuels raises serious environmental concerns. The burning
of fossil fuels produces around 21.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year and natural processes
can only absorb about half that amount. Because nature can t absorb every bit of carbon dioxide
being released there is a net increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This is
dangerous because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases increase the temperature
of the Earth by trapping heat inside our atmosphere. This keeps the temperature higher than if we
were only being heated directly by the sun. Because the Earth is hotter this speeds up global
warming, which will cause problems.
On the other hand there is renewable energy. Renewable energy is defined as any naturally
occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy such as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave,
and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel. Renewable energy
contributes around 14% of global generation of energy. Renewable energy is important and useful
because some sources are clean and both reusable, but there are many different sources for
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Fairytales In The Bloody Chamber By Angela Carter
Fairy tales often show that it is the boys and men who are the ones allowed to go on adventures
and save the day, Angela Carter changes that by making it that anyone even girls and women, can
share those same curious, adventurous, and even heroic characteristics. The term is mainly used
for stories with origins in European tradition and, at least in recent centuries, mostly relates to
children s literature. Fairytales have been around for a long time, starting off as oral stories later to
be collected by the Grimm brothers in the early 19th century. It is normally males that would gather
fairytales; although women, especially elderly ones, were the best sources of fairy tales in many of
the cultures. It is a characteristic of fairy tales... Show more content on ...
Our names are what give us our identity. In fairytales it is no different, a name can be a
powerful thing. An example of this is in the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, just by guessing
Rumpelstiltskin s name breaks the bargain made for the first born child. In The Bloody
Chamber, we know that the first person narrator is female, but her name is unmentioned. This is
difference between the original story and Angela Carter s is in the original the wife is not
addressed other than wife whereas as in the Bloody Chamber is called by multiple names, but
mostly pet names by her husband. She is called Madame by workers at the castle and with some
diminutive words such as My little nun, Baby (17), My little love, and My child (18) by her
husband. The female narrator labels herself by some words such as I, the orphan, the chГўtelaine
and I, the little music student (13), a little girl (18), child (18), and his bride (13). It seems that
she adopts the adjectives attributed to her by the outer world. On the other hand, the man she
marries to holds an ancestral name of The Marquis (36) which symbolizes mastery and power,
and the heroine calls the Marquis, my husband and my purchaser (15). Having these names in
the story not only gives the story a fable feel but also shows the power dynamic between the
narrator and the Marquis. The main character goes on to describe how the Marquis looks at her
like a house wife would look at meat at the supermarket, the narrator compares herself to a female
figure in an etching described as a lamb chop (17). Comparing herself to a lamb, which is normally
seen as the victim, and the Marques is equated to a lion, the hunter, shows that the narrator sees
how the dynamic will
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Imagery In Unbroken
Laura Hillenbrand s biography titled Unbroken recounts the life of Louie Zamperini and major
events that occurred throughout it. Hillenbrand s purpose was to emphasize the inspirational
story of heroic Zamperini as he qualified and participated in the Olympics, as well as describe the
endless struggle of pain in the plane crash and in the Japanese POW camps. She also portrays the
importance of dignity and resilience and how without it, the chances of surviving the cruel events
Louie experienced during World War II would have been minimal. In the first part of the story,
since the book didn t have a point of view from Louie, the author uses many different types of
imagery to allow the reader to imagine what Louie experienced and how it impacted
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Steel During The Second Industrial Revolution
The second Industrial Revolution was an era that created many inventions off of the first Industrial
Revolution, which included refining techniques to chemicals, electricity, transportation, and
production engineering to name a few. One of the most highly technological innovations of the
second Industrial Revolution, however, was the innovation of steel. Steel was used before the second
Industrial Revolution, but was mainly used to make swords and weapons by blacksmiths. Before the
second Industrial Revolution Henry Bessemer writes in his autobiography, At that date there was
no steel suitable for structural purposes . At the time, anything structural, including railways,
buildings, ships, and bridges were made out of wood and iron because... Show more content on ...
With the technology advancing, the production of material moved from small shops and homes
into large factories for mass production. This included steel industries that allowed the transfer of
...manufacturing plants away from naturally flowing waters (outside the city) to areas inside and
around the cities where more abundant labor was available . Even with the pollution becoming a
major problem during the second Industrial Revolution because of all the manufacturing plants
coming into the city, this era laid the foundation for some of the famous and most popular
inventions of today s time. But still during the era of innovations, many inventions would not have
been made possible without the innovation of steel and the Bessemer process. This would be the
reason steel had the most profound impact about the
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1) The dual track process used by Ford to initiate consideration of strategic alternatives affects
the bidding process for Hertz by giving Hertz another plan of attack if other viable sale
opportunities fall through. By obtaining an IPO price as a base for the value of the company,
Ford s strategy would give Hertz other options to retrieve necessary capital, thus reducing the
amount of risk. This strategy would then give Hertz a base bid that would be either equal to or
above the amount of what could be theoretically obtained from an IPO. 2) One way that Hertz
conforms to be an ideal LBO candidate is the proven financial performance and pretax profit the
company has generated since 1967. In addition, from 1985 to 2005, revenues... Show more content
on ...
While this may be a fair assumption depending on what the Bidding Group is comfortable with,
there was a wide range used to make the beta estimates. This beta estimate will have the biggest
impact on return because of the effect it has on pricing Hertz assets. 5) Based on our
assumption, we believe that the Mean multiple would be the best measurement for calculating
Hertz Terminal Value. By adding up all of Hertz total value segments: RAC, SPV and HERC,
we concluded that the total enterprise value for Hertz is: 20,764,860,000 billion. That being
said, if deducting the total current debt of both Hertz s segment: RAC and HERC (fleet $
Operating company) $14,768,070,000 billion = we get a Equity value (terminal Value) of
$5,996,790,000 billion. Putting down, $2,300 million at year 0, with zero NPV (cash flows)
until payout at year 5, the calculated IRR for investors is: 21.13%. This IRR is more than the
targeted IRR of 20% that Carlyse expected. Thus, would make this LBO an ideal target. 6) Given
that the IRR is greater than 20%, Carlyse could afford to pay up to $110 million additional to the
2,300 billion initial
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Stephen King Night Surf
The three short stories written by Stephen King that I read for class were Night Surf, Graveyard
Shift, and Jerusalem s Lot. The first thing I noticed while reading Night Surf was that it
mentions a super flu that wipes out nearly the whole human race called Captain Trips. This same
super flu called Captain Trips is later used in a story written by Stephen King called The Stand.
After doing some research, it appears to be that Night Surf was King s precursor to the epic horror
story, The Stand as Night Surf was published in 1974 and The Stand was published in 1979.
The next short story that I read was Graveyard Shift. One major thing I noticed about this short story
was that King seemed to be more focused on the plot than characterization.
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Informative Essay On Forensic Science
A wooded area, a small town just north of Sacramento. Two preteen girls. Two bodies. Two close
range bullet holes in their heads. On November 12, 1973, the bodies of two missing girls were
found in Yuba County, CA. Over 60 people were actively investigated for the murder rape until
1976. Then it went cold. Forty one years later, investigators had two suspects (Thompson). After so
many years, the key to finally deducing the crime lay in what the two men left behind, DNA. In a
world of flawed justice systems and abundant lies, the truth can only come out in fact; the facts of
science s introduction to the criminal justice system, known as forensic science. Forensics have
been steadily growing in popularity, credibility, and ease in the past... Show more content on ...
Cases that formerly did not have enough circumstantial evidence, nor any useful evidence at all
that were actively investigated until no more leads were available, that have gone cold are now
resurfacing with the DNA forensics systems in place. Now the combination of careful
preservation, meticulously maintained notes, and a drive to protect the truth are coming into
play for cold cases to finally be resolved. Such is the case with the 1973 California murders
(Thompson). It was the drive for finality that eventually caught, arrested, and convicted two men
who did horrendous things to two young girls. The families, despite the years, craved an end to
the nightmare and justice for the little girls that they had lost. Investigators were only able to
reopen the case because they had a new arsenal of tools to help them expand upon the evidence
that was present at the scene: the men s DNA from the rape kits. Cross examining those DNA
samples with that in a database brought upon the discovery of the two men, who now lived states
away from the scene of the crime, and both of whom had been convicted of other charges. Victory
cases such as these are common now to see and hear about, with nearly every month finding that
there is another case that could finally be resolved, that could finally unveil the truth, and none done
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Student Athletic Policy Paper
Many policies in interscholastic sports may be controversial none more so than the play to play or
activity fee for student athletes. In this paper, three policies at Enterprise High School and
Enterprise City Schools are discussed. From the activity fee students are paying, fundraising being
part of head coaches duties, and finally the existence of multiple booster clubs for the athletic
department. Enterprise High Schooldoes not have a formal handbook for athletic. When asked the
athletic director Trent Trawick response was the athletic department at Enterprise does not need a
handbook for athletics. We comply with all Alabama High School Athletic Association bylaws
and Enterprise city school board policies. (Trawick, 2017). The policies discussed in this paper are
from Enterprise school board policies and job descriptions for head coaches. It is important for
schools to maintain proper policies and procedures.... Show more content on ...
Each sport assesses an activity fee. For example, if a student athlete plays basketball and runs
track that athlete or their family will pay two separate fees, one for each sport. The activity fees
are typically around three hundred dollars, however the EHS athletic director does not mandate
an amount. It is up to the head coach to decided how much an activity fee is and what the
proceeds will be used for. If a lower income family has multiple athletes play a variety of sports the
current activity fee format may seem as an extreme difficulty which ultimately can harm sports
participation. To ensure equitable participation across all income levels, barriers to sports
participation that may disproportionately affect lower income students such as pay to play fees,
equipment costs or lack of school supported transportation, need to be addressed. (Colabianchi,
2012). Student athlete can ease the tension of the sport activity fee through fundraising for a
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Osha Welding, Cutting, Brazing Cfr 1910
Welding, Cutting and Brazing 29 CFR 1910 Subpart Q
By Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) definition any operator of electric or gas
welding and cutting equipment is called a welder and welding operator . The standard 29 CFR
1910 Subpart Q which pertains to welding, cutting, and brazing. The standard consists of 5 parts,
they include: 1910.251 Definitions, 1910.252 General requirements, 1910.253 Oxygen fuel gas
welding and cutting, 1910.254 Arc welding and cutting, 1910.255 Resistance welding. It is a rather
diverse standard covering all aspects of industrial and commercial applications specializing in
safety aspects, guidelines, and requirements as well as proper use and operating procedures.
Fire Prevention is a ... Show more content on ...
All glass for lenses shall be tempered, substantially free from striae, air bubbles, waves and other
flaws. Except when a lens is ground to provide proper optical correction for defective vision, the
front and rear surfaces of lenses and windows should be smooth and parallel. Lenses shall bear
some permanent distinctive marking by which the source and shade may be readily identified and
all filter lenses and plates shall meet the test for transmission of radiant energy prescribed in ANSI
Z87.1 1968 American National Standard Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face
Employees exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting, or brazing operations should be
protected by personal protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of 1910.132. This
includes proper ventilation, securing cylinders and machinery, lifelines, gas cylinder shutoffs, and
protected exposure to contaminates within the maximum allowable concentration (MAC)
specified in 1910.1000, especially in a confined space. Precautionary labels are required for safe
operation and a number of potentially hazardous materials are employed in fluxes, coatings,
coverings, and filler metals used in welding and cutting or are released to the atmosphere during
welding and cutting which will produce fumes and gases hazardous to health so avoid breathing
these fumes and gases. Flourides is one of these threats,
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Juxtaposition In The General Prologue
Geoffrey Chaucer s poem, The General Prologue, presents a character whom is a Prioresse. Because
of the culture during the medieval times the description of the Prioresse that is given is
interestingly contradicting. The juxtaposition that exists throughout the entire description of the
Prioresse builds a tone of doubt. While it is expected that the Prioresse be pious and fully devoted
to the monastery the text doesn t prove her loyalty, in fact, it discredits it. Although the Prioresse s
portrayal in the text is full of delicacy and well mannered behavior, the juxtaposition following the
delicate description nulls her goodness. This contradiction exposes the Prioresse s true nature which
does not meet the expectations, creating a critical tone of leadership positions in the church during
this time. From the beginning the narrator establishes the role the nun, revealing the weight of
meaning this description holds. The narrator starts his description by stating the identity of the nun
as a Prioresse, Ther was also a Nonne,a Prioresse (118), this first statement highlights the position
the nun holds as a leader giving further importance to all description that follows. She was not a
common nun or church related figure but instead a leader of the church. The high positions she
holds would influence those below her. Additionally, her given authority creates an expectation for
her to be a role model. Therefore the impact of the effect is magnified when her given description
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Mayan Civilization Disappearance
What Cause The Disappearance Of Maya Civilization?
The Maya civilization was an extremely mysterious and glorious ancient civilization. Most of the
Mayans were distributed throughout Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Mayans made a brilliant
civilization with the simple implement of production in the Neolithic Age, and they did not have
any metal tools or transportation. They left towering pyramid temples, majestic palaces, and finely
carved stone tablets. They also made many well made pottery and beautiful oblations. They created
an accurate mathematics system and an astronomical almanac system, and a hieroglyphic system,
which has still, not be decoded. As the only civilization that lived in the tropical jungle, instead of
large river valley, it is very strange and attractive that both its rise and decay were very fast. Maya
civilization disappeared and became a mysterious legend. The passion of finding out the answer of
why the Maya ... Show more content on ...
The reason of the disappearance was drought. The drought has a regularity that was the same as
the solar cycle. The range of variation of the solar cycle is only about one percent, but it is
enough to make a serious drought of Yucatan peninsula the heart area of Mayan civilization.
Research about the sediments from the lakes in the northern Yucatan peninsula, shows that a high
concentration calcium sulfate settled layer appears back and forth. The reason of formation of
calcium sulfate is a lot of moisture evaporates from the surface, the time interval is about two
hundred years, and it is fit the solar cycle: two hundred and six years. The structure of Mayan
society was very fragile when it faces to drought. Their major crop was corn and is relied on a
constant water source. The rainwater, lake water, river water, and underground water could only
last for eighteen months. The further research expresses that, around 810AD, 860AD and
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How And Why Have You Applied To Bank Of America Merrill...
In your own words, please describe the function of the division you have selected and why have
you applied to Bank of America Merrill Lynch? (200 word limit). *
Investment banking is mainly involved in the underwriting of securities issued by clients.
Investment banking serves different purposes, serving individuals, corporations and governments.
They are involved in IPOs where firms are helped to go public whilst also facilitating mergers and
acquisitions. Furthermore, investment banking helps in debt finance, this involves lending money to
firms to restructure, buy assets or carry out acquisitions.
The two principal areas of business in investment banking are the sell side which involves trading
and promoting securities, facilitating
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Speech On Hair Serums
Hello guys!
Today we will be talking about hair serums. Hair serums are post wash hair care products that tend
to have light oil like texture. The main ingredients of these liquids are different compounds of
silicone that forms a thin film around hair strands. This way the cuticles of the hair get temporarily
smoothened out and hair looks lustrous. The hair serums also make the hair easy to comb and
easy to style. Here I am going to present a few top rated hair serums that are easily available in
India. So, let s read on.
1. L Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Liss Unlimited Evening Primrose Oil:
Price: Rs.649 for 125ml
This lightweight hair serum smoothes out even the most difficult and freeze prone hair. It builds a
water soluble protective ... Show more content on ...
Kerastase Nutritive Oleo Relax Smoothing Controlling Care Serum:
Price: Rs.2232 for 50ml
This controlling serum works best on thick and freeze prone hair. This one makes hair easy to
comb and easy to style.
8. L Oreal Paris Total Repair 5 Instant Smoothing Nourishing Oil Serum:
Price: Rs.155 for 40gm
This budget beauty is a nice choice for dry, rough and freezy hair. When applied in exact quantity;
it tames freezy hair giving it a polished texture.
9. L ORÉAL Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair Lepidium Nourishing Serum:
Price: Rs.600 for 50ml
This is another nice product from L ORÉAL Professionnel Serie . It is a repairing and styling
formula that claims to prevent split ends by making hair healthy from within.
10. Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk Anti Breakage Serum:
Price: Rs. 594 for 118ml
This non greasy hair serum is a blend of coconut milk, silk protein and egg white protein. It provides
lustre by building a protein film around hair strands.
11. Livon Hair Serum:
Price: Rs.115 for 50ml
This light weight serum is a pocket friendly solution for smoothing out dry and rough hair. It can
be used as a climate control product to tame freezes or as a styling serum.
12. Garnier Fruits Long and Strong Serum with Fruit
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The Causes And Consequences Of The Logistics Revolution In...
An organization s strategy is the overall plan for an entire business that sets out how the
organization will use its major resources. In other words, an organization s strategy is a plan of
action aimed at reaching specific goals and remaining in good attitude with clients and vendors. On
the other hands, an establishment s structure is the way the pieces of the organization fit together
Strategy focuses on the ways to be dynamic with an organised plan to achieve a goal or benefit
within a firm/corporation.
Structure is a series of organisational techniques to relate/arrange between parts or elements of
something more complex.
в„—4. Logistics revolution in a business context
Logistic revolution has evolved businesses improving the efficiency of strategy and structure,
leading to a profitability increase with firms inducing an optimisation belief with selected specialist
skills. Bonacich and Wilson
The logistics revolution and its consequences are the central points of focus to their book. They
define the logistics revolution as a quiet change to how consumer goods are being produced and
delivered (p. 3). It has a sizeable impact on society and the way it is organized (p. 3). The
revolution is how the entire cycle of production and distribution is now viewed as a single
integrated unit that requires its own specialists for analysis and implementation (p. 3). Following
arguments advanced Marxist geographers, such as David Harvey, authors maintain the
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Differences Between Craft And Design
There have been many debates on whether craft and design are different or similar. Risatti
(2008:116) states that although craft and design are closely related, there is a distinction between
them. Crafts have been developed within cultures, but have been modified by design and both
involve a different way of thinking. So are they one and the same or different? In this essay I m
going to go through 6 different examples; tradition, innovation, method, materials, uniqueness and
lifestyle, where design has taken the simple craft and changed it to something new, proving my
point that craft and design are in fact more different than the same.
There is a noticeable difference in how craft and design play a role in tradition. Craft is a way the
people of a culture expressed there believes, whereas design has challenged it. Figure 1 is a
traditional vase used specifically for fetching water. Cultural stories/beliefs were painted on them,
this makes it easier to recognise which culture it came from. Figure 1 is made ... Show more content
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Craft focuses on the hand made detail where design is more factory orientated. Risatti (2008:116)
states that craft objects are the outcome of a skilled hand directly working the material and
design object are of industrial methods where hands might not even be part of the equation at
all. In figure 3 we have a wooden peg doll which is the 1400 s Barbie doll. This doll is very simple
in shape and colour and we can see it s been hand crafted and a lot of time was spent on it,
whereas in figure 4 we have the ever after high first chapter apple white doll . This doll has been
made by machine, painted by machine and is mass produced by machine. There is a lot more
detail been put into the doll with a lot less effort. This is a great example how we can take the
same idea for craft and design and show how different methods can influence the
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They Call Him Mr. Gacy Essay
There are numerous portraits, perspectives, and analyses of the life and deeds of American serial
killer John Wayne Gacy, who is thought to have sexually assaulted and murdered 32 boys
between 1976 and his arrest in December 1978 (Cahill, 1978; Gacy, 1989). This profile of Gacy
compiles a birth to death chronology of events and activities that may lend insight to the personality
of a habitual liar, model citizen, and serial murderer.
Born to Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Hanely Gacy on St. Patrick s Day in 1942, John
Wayne Gacy was the second of three children. The alcoholic Gacy, Sr. was both physically and
verbally abusive towards the entire family. His special interest in John, Jr. was the litany that he
was dumb and ... Show more content on ...
In September of 1964 he married his co worker Marilynn Myers whose father owned a franchise of
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Shortly after his wedding John?s father in law offered him a job. John
and his new wife then moved to Iowa. John was a tireless worker, but maintained an active
community involvement through the Jaycees.
During this period, John and his wife invited employees to their home for drinks and television.
Hidden in the game room were homosexual videos, alcohol, and marijuana. One particular visit to
their home, John approached employee Westphal to solicit a blowjob. Although Westphal declined
the offer, John would joke with him that if he ever caught Westphal with his wife, he would owe
John that blowjob. During a subsequent visit, Westphal became inebriated at John?s house and
stayed the night in the guest room. After Westphal began to doze off, Marilynn entered the room
and joined Westphal in bed. John then entered the room to remind Westphal of his obligation.
Fearing the loss of his job, Westphal fulfilled John?s desires. After this incident rumors of John?s
sexual preferences began to spread.
John?s interests in young boys increased and in the spring of 1968 he was indicted by a grand jury
in Black Hawk County for allegedly committing sodomy with a teenage boy named Mark Miller.
Mark told the courts that John had tricked him into being handcuffed and had then violently raped
him. John, fearful of being
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Personal Narrative-The Perfect Life
RUN the man yells as he fires two more shots towards the door and takes a hold of my wrist.
Dragging me through the endless corridors of the compound. You deserve everything you get. I
push the thought out of my mind as quickly as it appears. Do you have a name? the man asks,
firing three more shots at the oncoming guards, though the blaring siren makes it hard to hear.
Aida I almost shout to be heard. Agent Ward. Nice to meet you... he begins as I look down
another linking corridor, only to see a wounded guard leaning against the wall Look out! I
scream just as I hear a loud bang, ringing in my ear and out of the corner of my eye, I see the
guard slump to the ground. Bringing my hand to my neck, I feel a small dart sticking... Show more
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Still in my own little world where I m living on a beach in Hawaii and drinking from a coconut.
The perfect life but that is more than I deserve after everything. Your blood work is fine. How
are you feeling? she asks and looks at me expectantly I m good. A bit of a headache but
otherwise fine I reply. Eager to get out of this bed and hopefully off the plane. But I ve hacked
into E.A.G.L.E. before looking for information and if they find out, they will probably decide
that I know too much and won t let me out of their sights. It wasn t to leak it out though, I was
looking for information about me. You can get up while I get the agent in charge, just don t
leave the room she gives me a soft smile while taking the wires off me and my IV out that I hadn
t even noticed before hastily leaving. Pushing the blanket off and my legs over the side. I rest
my feet on the ground as the door slides open, revealing a man wearing a black suit and blue tie
with shiny black shoes. He must be in his late forties, early fifties judging by the light tinge of
gray to his hair and they he walks over to
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The Influence Of Religion On Western Society Essay
Kaitlyn Ouellette
November 22, 2016
Impact of Religion Assignment
The Influence of Religion on Western Society Religion has significantly affected the
development of western civilizations and societies. All throughout the history we have covered
in class, religion has played a key and essential role in defining the types of cultures within a society
a belief or faith in a spiritual, also a divine power can add significance and true meaning to many of
the western people s lives. Religion is essentially the force that binds a race or a religious group
together, and comes with a sense of personal identity to a higher figure, God. Three specific and
most commonly known religions of Western Society we have focused on in class have been
Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Ultimately, all three religions have a common belief: the
religious belief that this universe came into existence, and controlled and governed by one single
God. The history of Judaism began in the Bronze Ages in the Middle East when God promised a
leader by the name of Abraham that he would be the father of great people if he did as God told him,
The Lord has said to Abram, Go from your country, your people and your father s household to the
land I will show you.
(2) I will make you ... Show more content on ...
Leaving his very household was one of the trials he faced. Abraham was very concerned once he
grew old, he had no children but a beloved wife. When Abraham was one hundred years old, God
promised Abraham a son named Isaac, who happened to be the next very significant figure in the
Judaism religion. Isaac then married and the third most significant figure in Judaism figure was
then born, Jacob. With the founding of the religion being stated, Judaism was on of the earliest and
significant starts of the Western Society. It was the first to justify religions into laws, found the
basis of freedom and equality, morality, and
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Essay on Foreign Politics in the United States of America
1. Description of the article
Since the Syria violence begun, many lives have been lost. Thousands more have been displaced
from their homes and country. Fighting between the government army and rebels has led to
allegations that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons to attack in Damascus. These
tensions have fuelled gossip of US led military intervention.
However, whether the US should intervene militarily or not has drawn several opinions. Opinion
based on humanitarian grounds that urge the president to intervene using military action, is one of
The proponents argue from the point of view that suffering demands action (Moyn 3). This group
believes that the United States is in the best position than any other ... Show more content on ...
The other stand is based on pragmatism, which separates itself from the ideological rigidity of
the above two arguments (Moyn 5).The proponents argue that effective policy and not law or
power associations should stir decisions. Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley Zilkic of the World
Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, put it well when they said, The basic
issue is efficacy, not legality (Moyn 5). The goal of military action is not only to discourage Assad
from using weapons of mass destruction but also to prepare the conditions for Russia Syria s key
ally to force diplomatic negotiations and a peace settlement according to Jon Jidis ( Moyn 5). How
isolated bombing is to achieve this end remains a problem though. According to Moyn, military
action should not be pursued because it could worsen the humanitarian crisis. However, not doing
anything either is a bad choice. Moyn argues that doing something to help the Syrian people need
not mean war. Moyn sides with pragmatism because Pragmatism focuses on better immediate
results for the long suffering Syrian people
2. Personal Point of View
The latest reports from Syria paint a terrible picture. With at least 146,000 people killed, more than
2.5 million having fled Syria or awaiting registration as refugees in bordering countries and more
than 6.5 million having been displaced internally,(AFP 2) it s time for action. One could easily urge
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Baseball Descriptive Paragraph
KLANG! The most satisfying sound that a baseball player can hear. That is the sound of a solid
hit that every player dreams on getting every time they are up to bat. Now, a lot of people do not
get how others in the world think this very simple sport is any fun. Well, they have never had the
feeling of walking up the the plate with the crowd roaring behind them. They have never felt
running around the bases and getting home and teammates rushing out the congratulate them.
Never have they felt the anxiousness during the national anthem just waiting to get out there and
play. So, that is why I want to let everyone know how amazing it is to play at the Paynesville Area
BaseballField. From the perspective of a player playing the position of catcher,... Show more
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Everyone darts back to the dugout for the bottom of the seventh. I know I am the third hitter, so
I get my helmet and gloves out of the cubby hole on the left side of the dugout. I grab my
favorite green and black Easton bat. The first batter hits a solid double to get on. The next batter
walks up to the plate, and I am on deck. I walk out just outside the dugout on a dirt rectangle that
goes the length of the dugout. From this place I can really take in the whole stadium. The crowd
behind home plate is all on their feet. All the players in both dugouts are screaming. The players
in the field are focused as a lion while hunting its prey. The batter watches two pitches, then
makes solid contact. I can tell because it makes the beautiful, TING, noise when the ball hits the
sweet spot of the bat. He also gets a double, and the runner on second scores. Tie game with a
runner on second, and I am up to bat. I stroll up to the plate looking down at my feet, feeling the
pressure. I set up in the batter s box, and stare down the pitcher. He nods. I am expecting a
fastball, as the pitcher gets set. I am a little nervous, so I watch the first pitch zip by. I look out in
the outfield, and see the outfielders playing very far up, so they can throw out the runner at home.
The pitcher gets set again, and comes with another fastball. I see it coming the whole way. I twist
my hips and drive the ball hard. I watch it sail, and the outfielders
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Descriptive Essay About Goldfinger Concert
Crowd surfing at a Goldfinger Concert was the best feeling i ve ever experienced, but getting a
cigarette put out on your back isn t the best feeling in the world. I went to a Sublime with Rome,
The offspring, The Urge, Reel Big Fish, and Goldfinger concert this september for my birthday
with my friends harrison, travis, kam, harrison, and brogan. While we were listening to
Goldfinger perform, we tried to get into the moshpit that was going on at the front of the
concert. First, we got our blankets and pillows ready on the lawn of the main stage and got
some snacks from the snack bar, Which was very, very expensive. A red bull was $5 and a 20oz
bottle of water was about $7. Not the best prices difference between water and a red bull. We got
back to the main venue and the urge just started performing. I didn t really know any songs by
them so i just sat there and ate my food that i got from the snack bar and my backpack that i
filled with snacks. The urge ended and we went to the other venue where people were all
migrating to to see the Beastie Boys cover band perform. The bass of the songs that they were
playing were literally making my ears move into my brain. They played a couple more songs
and left the venue. After that we went back to the snack bar and got more water and a little more
snacks for the meantime while the other bands were getting ready to perform. We just got to the
Goldfinger performance and tried to get to the front of the concert by pushing and shoving
people out of the way. It was pretty much impossible to get to the front of the venue because
every time we got closer there were more people bunched up together trying to get closer.
Eventually some guy in a wheelchair came through and we followed the guys behind him but he
suddenly got stopped in the middle of the crowd. Then, we asked these two big guys with muscles
the side of yachts. Harrison went up first and started heading to the front surfing in the crowd.
People weren t paying much attention behind them because they were focused on the concert, so
harrison eventually got dropped onto the floor, but the guy next to him lifted him up again and he
made it to the front of the concert still crowd surfing. The same people lifted me
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Not A Hero
Not a Hero is a simple and beautiful World War One poem by Clyde Hamilton which has been
read at ANZAC Day ceremonies across Australia. The poem tells a narrative of an ANZAC
veteran, or old digger , at an ANZAC ceremony telling stories of heroes to a young boy. It
effectively uses a simple, yet descriptive and telling vocabulary, as well as using literary devices
such as rhyme and alliteration. It s conservative and structured style demonstrated throughout the
poem creates rhythm and makes the poem flow and thus easier to fathom. The poem s theme is
a simple, yet powerful one; never forget the people who sacrificed their life for ours to be free.
The poem refers to these people as heroes repeatedly in accordance with the theme. This also
links back to the title, Not A Hero, as I served with many heroes, the ones that never came home.
So when you talk of heroes, it s important to understand, The greatest of all heroes gave their lives
defending this land. This also implies that the old digger is not in fact a hero. The... Show more
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The poem maintains a traditional structure consisting of 4 sextets, or 6 line stanzas. This creates
an ideal length for the poem for both attention span reasons and for the sake of keeping the
narrative uncomplicated, as well as creating a visually appealing layout on the page. A
distinctive feature is each line has two phrases or clauses, for example, The ANZAC Day march
was over the old Digger had done his best. , and He made his way to a park bench and sat with
lowered head. This creates rhythm within the piece, appealing to aural senses, making the
information easier to digest. Not a Hero has a consistent rhyme scheme of AABBCC, which while
simple, is effective at emphasizing the aforementioned rhythm, creating aural appeal. The structure
of the poem Not a Hero has a simple, formal and conservative
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Clinton Impeachment Analysis
Considering what you learned and know about Clinton, was impeachment an appropriate
response? No, I do not think that the impeachment an appropriate response. In the New York
Times Overview, one quote that really stands out is from Mr. Gephardt Our founding fathers
created a system of government of men, not of angels, No one standing in this House today can
pass a puritanical test of purity that some are demanding that our elected leaders take. If we
demand that mere mortals live up to this standard, we will see our seats of government lay empty
and we will see the best, most able people unfairly cast out of public service. Mitchell, Alison. HE
The New York
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Solar And Wind Power Is The Best Choice For Many Scientists
Nowadays, environment and health scientists are concerned largely because of the damages
caused by conventional energy. In most cases, these damages are happened because people are
more likely to use fossil energy instead of renewable energy. In 1991, the worst disaster happened
in the Arabian Gulf, and it was closed to my hometown. It s estimated more than 250,000 seabirds
died by oil spill (Laura Moss, 2010). However, solar and wind poweris the best choice for many
scientists to preserve the environment. In the past, renewable power had some difficulties because
most of the energy has obtained from hydroelectric levees, whereas now produce more than
quarter of the globe s energy (reading 1). As well as this, more than 85 of the consumed around the
world comes from fossil fuelenergy. Unlike renewable energy, fossil energy notably pollutes our
plant. Due to population and other reasons, renewable energy becomes more popular and getting
attention from a lot of people (reading1). Ultimately, there are some differences and similarities
between solar and wind power in terms of their amount of energy and advantages, and these sources
has fundamental way to store their energy, which is through advanced battery.
The primary important difference and similar between solar and wind power is their amount of
energy. Both of them have different capacity to store and provide the energy. Currently, the
significant different between solar and wind power is the amount of energy
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Essay about Responsibilities of Personal Protection
Responsibilities of Personal Protection To understand the responsibilities of personal protection one
must first understand what personal protection is. Once this is established one can begin to discuss
the responsibilities and duties of personal protection, the rationale for personal protection, and
finally, the history, and evolution of securityand personal protection. Personal protection is
important in the security industry and a profession that continues to change and evolve. Personal
protection protects individuals and groups who many not be able to protect themselves from
horrific events, such as harassment, assault, molestation, and many other harmful activities.
Besides people, it also refers to the protection of property and... Show more content on ...
It has been influenced by many cultures throughout the world. For year s individuals and groups
of individuals had the need for protection, allowing them to live, work, and play in a stable
environment free from harm or the thought of harm. Security has grown and evolved throughout
the years; initiated and developed after significant events, such as war and catastrophic events.
Personal security and the use of body guards dates back as far back as 1100 to 1300 B.C. Where
Egyptian pharaohs used Sherdens as their personal body guards. Sherdens had exceptional
fighting skills and were willing to changes sides for money. Perhaps the most famous Egyptian
known for using bodyguards was Pharaoh Ramses II, whose bodyguards fought viciously to
protect him in the Battle of Kadesh (Williams, 2002). Then in 27 B.C. the emperor of Rome,
Augustus, formed the Praetorian Guard. The Praetorian Guard protected the life and property of
the emperor and various Roman generals as well as keeping the peace. Praetorians were recruited
from veteran Italian Legionaries. This was an honored position and considered an elite status. Often
these guardsmen would often travel on campaigns with the Emperor. Over the years the Praetorian
Guard grew powerful and influenced the appointment of Roman emperors, for this the Praetorians
were disbanded 312 AD by Constantine (UNRV History, 2012). Security continued to evolve in
England around
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Antitrust Law Violation Of Antitrust Laws
Antitrust Law Violations
This paper will discuss the Google case that was presented by Microsoft stating that Google was
in violation of antitrust laws. Also, in this paper some of the pecuniary and non pecuniary costs
will be discussed. Given in this paper will also be my thoughts on monopolies and oligopolies.
Antitrust Case
Google was investigated for antitrust behavior because they were claimed to be an internet bully
that abuses its dominance of online search and advertising (STEINHAUSER LIEDTKE, 2011, p.
1). Google was doing things like buying smaller companies in search results but then labeling
/highlighting their own services instead. Being that Google was knocking out the competition by
only showing their results ... Show more content on ...
When dealing with market structures and considering Google as a monopoly, the characteristics of
the monopoly market structure fit. In a sense, Google is being seen as the only producer for
internet search, and is trying to make it seem through their practices that they are the only reliable
business in the industry. Because of the overwhelming market power Google is gaining through the
use of other smaller companies, other businesses such as Microsoft, are beginning to feel that the
competition being created is unfair and favored. Especially with Google blocking out their results
as the search engine is used.
Antitrust as Investopedia pointed out, prohibits a variety of practices that restrain trade, ( Antitrust
Definition | Investopedia , n.d.). According to the complaints of Microsoft, Google was in violation
of the Sherman Act of 1980. The Sherman Act states that, public is best served by free competition
in trade and industry, ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d.).
Also, the Sherman Act points out that, it prohibits monopolies attempts to monopolize, or
conspiracies to monopolize. ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act ,
n.d). By blocking out their rivals, and not giving them an equal opportunity to display the
information related to the searches of the consumers, Microsoft felt this was a violation of the
Sherman Act. On another note, after reading the research
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Why The Food Is The United States
Throughout my life I have done a lot of traveling, I lived in Chile for four months and France for
three. I am definitely used to living in a different part of the world that has a different culture
than I am used to in the United States. Culture shock is not something I normally experience
during extended stays in different places around the world. I got over that when the day I got to
Chile as a sixteen year old, one of the most powerful earthquakes in human history struck and
definitely put my time in Chile on a different path than I expected. I was never nervous about
coming to London and spending four months here. It is not as drastic of a change as living on a
dairy farm in a country that s native tongue is different from your own. However, I was actually
quite shocked upon my discovery of how different the foodis in London compared to that of the
United States. In this paper I am going to discuss how and why the food is different in the UK
compared to that of the USA. To begin this discussion, I want to go into what shocked me so
much about the difference in the grocery stores. During one of my first days in London, my
roommate and I decided that we were going to go grocery shopping. So, we make our way over
to Tesco on High Street Kensington to get some food for the week. Well, actually, we thought it
would last us a week but due to preservative laws in the UK most food, like vegetables, fruit and
most meats don t last much longer than a few days. This was a
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Introducing Iphone 6 And Iphone Plus
Hamad Yousef
Professor: Joanne Martin
English 113B
2 Mar 2015
Introducing IPhone 6 and IPhone Plus AD
Content and message: It is an ad of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus developed by a US company
known as apple. The ad addresses the worldwide viewers especially who are affluent and belong
to the world of business. Its content mostly carries the discussion of its glamour, durability,
splendor and speed in order to negotiate its high price. It is a dominating television ad, which
conveys in a persuasive style the qualities of both these versions of iPhones. The rotating pictures
of iPhones present an attractive scene for the viewers. They are shown as having steel body,
golden color and wide screen. It is shown as the best effort of apple ... Show more content on ...
Character and Setting:
The ad is divided into different sections. A voiceover introduces what iPhonepossesses. The
characters introduced are from different backgrounds. They are meant to attract all kind of audience
especially the young ones. The thrill shown by the characters while advertising camera scenes
attracts the youth and adults alike. The video is so interesting that one continues to watch it. This is
the particular characteristic of the ad that it retains the interest of the viewers both male and female.
So the characterization and portrayal both contribute to making this ad a great success and it
attracts the attention of the audience.
The theme of this ad is to market a stable, fast, sharp and versatile type of product. IPhone 6 and
6 plus have penetrated into the market through this ad as it had already become very popular
even before its official launch just because of this ad. It presented its future product so
successfully that it kept the people waiting for it when it still did not reach the market. The gist of
the ad is to introduce a product which has been manufactured by a leading company for special
people around the world.
Medium/Historical Context: The ad was in action in September 2014. Jimmy Fallon and Justin
Timberlake star in first apple ad for the iPhone Six and iPhone Six Plus, but you might not know it
s them. The two sing Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a.k.a. the theme from 2001: A Space
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Why Is Tsar Nicholas II A Bad Government
Bad Government Tsar Nicholas II
The ruler of Russia in 1905 was Tsar Nicholas II. He wanted to rule his country as an absolute
Monarch. He did not want to share his power with the parliament. Russian Kings called themselves
Tsar, which means Emperor . The Tsar would run on his own, assisted by a few ministers that he
chooses on his own. There was no parliament and the other people did not have any right to vote in
elections. Tsars ruled in harsh manner, ruining everyone who dared to complain.
Nicholas II was born on May 18, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. He inherited the throne from his father,
Alexander III who died in 1894 due to kidney disease at the age of 49 He was his parent s firstborn
child. Nicholas II was 19 years old when he joined
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Causes Of Crime In Milwaukee
One thing media forget to do most of the time is asking those who know or live in Milwaukee their
opinion on issues such as violent crimes, poverty, unemployment, and not just depend on statistics
and what they observe. According to Thomas, Milwaukee residents cite unemployment, poverty,
and education as the leading causes of crimeand violence in the city. But about 48 percent disagree
with that statement that they feel safe in their neighborhoods when they go out alone. I asked
friends and family who aren t from Milwaukee their opinion on it, many said that Milwaukee is
just trash , there isn t much to do in Milwaukee, that s why many doesn t visit. One of a family
member was a victim of violent crimes, and its passing was a point where
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Organisational Structure, Leadership And Management Of The...
British Vogue Magazine
I will investigate various factors, such as organisational structure, culture, leadership and
management of the British Vogue Magazine. I will use relevant theories to support the report. By
using the relevant theories, I will explain how those factors help to function effectively and achieve
the organisational goals.
Background of the British VogueArthur Baldwin Turnure, the American business man
established the company in 1892. The magazine was first sponsored by Kristoffer Wright, the
first issue was published the 17 of December in 1892 with a cover price of 10 cents (equivalent to
$2.67 in 2016). After his death in 1909 Conde Nast took over the magazine and slowly built up its
publications. The original intention of Vogue was to become most beautiful and tasteful magazine
that had ever occurred. He started Vogue overseas in the 1910 s.
First issue of the British Vogue was published in September 1916. Elspeth Champcommunal, the
first Editor in Chief was working in 1916 1922.
The latest Editor in Chief is Alexandra Shulman, she gave 25 years of her life for British Vogue,
she started in 1992 and today still edits the magazine. Since the beginning of her editorship, the
magazine s circulation reached millions of readers. However, Alexandra Shulman resigning, her
position is appointed to Edward Enninful, the first male Editor in Chief in the British Vogue s
E. Enninful will take his position 1 August 2017 (Conlon,
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Neighborhood Planning Paper
Long Term ( 12 months)
Neighborhoods and Staff
Ongoing efforts to engage and empower residents and their families.
Ongoing training and empowerment for staff.
Personal Choice
Continue the process of engaging and empowering residents to be involved in decisions and
facilitating resident and staff relationships.
Community Involvement/Personal Meaning
Investigate the potential of offering an onsite preschool program.
I propose Country Living Estates adopt the neighborhood model to begin the journey of
transitioning to person centered care. Neighborhoods should be established with permanently
assigned staff to facilitate strong relationships and create a more home like atmosphere. Snack
nooks should be created to offer residents 24/7 access to foods of their choice giving more
autonomy and choice. Finally, an afterschool program should be initiated connecting residents with
the community to increase personal ... Show more content on ...
Both changes are inexpensive, relatively easy to implement, and have the potential for early success
while putting residents needs at the center.
Permanent staffing assignments facilitate strong resident/caretaker relationships which are the
heart of culture change. Seibert (2008) found lower turnover rates specifically in facilities where
culture change related to relationships between staff, residents and their families.
This change has the potential of improving the quality of life and quality of care for the residents
while having a positive impact on profits.
A snack nook would offer autonomy and the opportunity of personal choice for residents, both of
which are linked to the quality of life. 24/7 access to foods of choice has been linked to better
health and improved nutrition for
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Effects Of Globalization On Cities In Asia
Rick Penders Final Paper River Cities Draft Professors Chen, Cummins, Morrison, Lestz The
Effects of the Global on the Local Three Case Studies on the Effects of Globalization on Cities
in Asia Today two massive trends can be seen in the development of the world: the process of
rapid urbanization, and the process of globalization. The two seem to go hand in hand. The 40
largest mega regions produce two thirds of global economic output and 90 percent of global global
innovation, while housing just 18 percent of the world s population. For those reasons urbanization
and globalization trends keep rising at a pace that the world has never seen before, especially in
Asia. As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, the international... Show more content on ...
So why doesn t globalization create a flatter world? In Shanghai Rising Part 1 Saskia Sassen
explains that cross border economic processes like flows of capital, labor, goods, raw materials,
and travelers have been around for a long time, and that those processes predominantly have
taken place between nation states over the course of the last century. As a result of privatization,
deregulation, the opening up of national economies to foreign firms, and the growing
participation of national economic actors in global markets that has change quite drastically
since the 1980s. These changes have led to a new system in the world economy in which nation
states are losing their importance relative to other subnational special units; mostly cities and
regions, global electronic markets, and free trade blocks. Cities are now able to specialize in
certain aspects of the economy, and for big corporations it often makes economic sense to
centralize all of their activities in one place anymore. Because of technological advancement firms
can now divide their activities over multiple places all over the globe to where it strategically
makes most sense. But Sassen also notes that the more a firm s activities are dispersed over
different cities and countries, the more complex these networks of different firms and cities get,
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Citizen Kane Cinematography
Citizen Kane is a 1941 film written, starred and directed by Orson Welles, a 25 year old untested
producer at the time. It is contemplated by many as the greatest film of all time evidenced by the
numerous plaudits and nominations it has won. It has drawn praise due to its excellent use of
cinematography and narrative techniques. The film examines the life and legacy of Charles
Forster Kane played by Welles. In the opening scene of the movie, Kane dies and his last word
was Rosebud. The film is largely based on flashbacks describing his life. A reporter, Jerry
Thompson is tasked with finding out the meaning of Rosebud and interviews Kane s former
The scene analyzed below ... Show more content on ...
All the actors give splendid performances not only in this scene but also throughout the film to
belie the film s relatively low cost. This is partly due to Welle s idea of conducting rehearsals
before doing the actual shooting. This was also unheard of in the film industry at the time making
it even more impressive. Conversations are well set and delivered, action scenes well coordinated
and emotions so believable. All the actors in this film display great mastery of their various roles
and display thoughtfulness in front of the camera and the result are the amazing piece of cinema
work Citizen Kane
... Get more on ...
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The Role Of Manipulation In George Orwell s Animal Farm
Title of Your Report
Power and manipulation are tool some people use to take advantage of others. In George Orwell s
novel Animal Farm this strategy is prove throughout the book. In the book the animal rebel against
Mr. Jones the owner. However, in the end the amial realized feedo is not what it seems.Animal
Farm represent action that took place during the Russian Revolution. In the novel the animal Old
Major Snowball and Napoleon use manipulation to control the other animals on the farm just as
Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin used manipulation to control people during the Russian
Old Major and Karl Marx used manipulation to get to the others. For example in the book Old
Major state only get rid of man, and the produce
... Get more on ...
A Description Of The Learning Management Process
1. Production Development: A detailed outline is currently being created with content for each
of the modules. Once this is created a script will be written and put into a software that will be
read in production Production: A studio; producer; camera, lights and sound technician; hair and
makeup are employed to be present and working during the approximately 20 days of shooting
the modules. Hair and makeup play a critical role when shooting the modules, as the key is to
make everyone look great on camera. The hair and makeup team will work closely with
production to ensure that the teacher looks great on camera, and to see where there needs to be
any improvement in looks during film. After all of the modules are done being filmed... Show more
content on ...
3. Location The studio is located in Greenville, South Carolina. Agent Technologies, Inc. is also
located in Greenville, South Carolina and is a virtual company consisting of many contracted
resources coming together to provide training and speaking services. The benefit to this structure
is low operational costs and due to the nature of the work it is unnecessary to have a brick and
mortar location. 4. Legal environment Legal counsel has been contractually employed for
copyright and legal issues associated with taxes or contracts with vendors. The legal counsel that
has been contractually employed will be responsible for making sure that the business trademarks
and also keeps up with all rules and regulations so that the business functions both effectively and
efficiently. The legal counsel is also responsible for making sure that the team is current on all
work law and ensuring that there will be no breach of copyright of other companies. The contracted
legal counsel will handle all contacts with vendors to ensure that all information in vendor contracts
are valid. 5. Personnel All employees are contract employees and will be paid for the work
completed on a contract basis. These relationships are currently in place with long term business
partners. The following are consultants currently involved in this venture: Content
... Get more on ...
Civil Rights Heroes By Jonathan Kozol
The names Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Langston Hughes, Jackie Robinson, Fannie Lou
Hamer and Thurgood Marshall are all civil rights heroes, not to be forgotten. However, Jonathan
Kozol reveals that the schools he has had experience with that are named after these civil rights
champions are actually dishonoring the dead. Professor Gary Orfield indicates that schools that
are comprised mostly of minority students, less than 1% white, are essentially apartheid schools.
There is a reciprocal action, To give up on integration....requires us to consciously and deliberately
accept segregation (Orfield and Eaton, 20). It is noted that some of the reasons New York has this
problem is due to government enforced school boundaries, housing segregation and non enforced
fair housing laws. Thus, the schools are named after the heroes in a show of respect and honor, yet
their segregation is a dishonor to the namesakes. The racial isolation of the students leaves them
feeling hidden, unwanted and inferior. This is a dishonor to those students and the people who
fought so persistently for equal opportunities.
Among other injustices, some schools in the South Bronx and other areas do not have basic
essentials needed to conduct a safe environment ripe for learning. The apartheid schools are unsafe
and underfunded, lacking enough rooms, chairs, play areas, libraries and enriching programs such
as art and music. The funding disparity is saddening; with the Board of Education
... Get more on ...
Harlan Coben s Views On Undercover Parents
ВЁThe Undercover ParentВЁ (March 16, 2008) is a news article written by Harlan Coben that
claims parents should sit down with their children and address the possibility of concerns the
parents may have about Internet safety and let them know that there is a likelihood that spyware
will be installed on their computer. I both agree and disagree with Coben s claims.
I agree with Coben s claim that spyware, although seen by many as an invasion of privacy, may
be way the best way to protect your child from things outside your sphere control . It offers you an
extra set of eyes that have the ability to record everything your child does on the Internet. Coben
claims that if more people learned to accept the fact that spyware has good uses to then
... Get more on ...
Summary Of Improper Behavior By Ann Walker
Walker s begins her poem with a desire to visit the places of her roots. She wants those places,
learn the history, and take her newly acquired knowledge back with her to the States. There she
will use that knowledge and share what she learned to all people from all backgrounds. The
palimpsest is relevant in the idea that Walker will become aware of it when she finally visits the
land of her ancestors and return home. Once she returns home, she will be broken and people
will have the burden of fixing the palimpsest that has consumed her. Her mind will be conflicted
at the sudden separation of her pride and her pain. Walker needs those feelings connected again.
She cannot do it on her own and will have to rely on the people who don t know what... Show more
content on ...
There has to be an understanding between the old blacks and the new blacks. If the new blacks
are oblivious to the craft of their ancestors, the old blacks, the form will be lost forever. Right
now, the aesthetic of the next is dangling off the balance. The old blacks are waiting for their
companions, the new blacks, to pick it up. This is an endless cycle. The old blacks will have to
wait and see if their form survives the test of time. Sadly, it seems like the old blacks are hoping
for something that simply isn t coming. The aesthetic of the next will continue to dangle, until
further notice. Shockley herself is an example of the balance restored. The results are a perfect
example of the aesthetic of the
... Get more on ...
Laboratory Of Neural Systems, Decision Science, Learning...
Laboratory of Neural Systems, Decision Science, Learning and Memory (NSDSLM), also known as
the Mizumori lab, seeks to understand the plasticity mechanisms within neural systems that
underlie normal and pathological mnemonic functions. The principal investigator of this lab, and
my primary research mentor is Dr. Sheri Mizumori. Upon joining the Mizumori lab, I have been
shadowing Dr. Phillip Baker on his postdoctoral researchproject. He introduced me to laboratory
research study and facilitated in the progressive improvement of my comprehension in basic
The initial study that I began working on with Dr. Baker was about lateral habenula s (LHb)
involvement in behavior switching when presented with a cue. The LHb is a structure identified
for its role in signaling negative outcomes or cues (Bomberg Martin et al, 2011; Proulex et al,
2014). It projects to dopaminergic, serotoninergic, and norepinephrine systems that are
acknowledged to be important when switches in behavior are required (Robbins and Arnsten,
2009; Lecourtier and Kelly, 2007). My responsibilities in this study mainly included handling and
training rats, recording of rat behaviors through a series of sensors and robotic doors around the T
maze controlled by z basic, and evaluating data from training and testing rats in a tonal task. I also
had an opportunity to contribute to the paper in accordance with my responsibilities. Furthermore, I
had a chance to partake in the histology
... Get more on ...

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Argument Essay Gre Guide. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Argument Essay Gre Guide 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Argument Essay Gre Guide Argument Essay Gre Guide
  • 2. The Republican Platform The Republican platform discusses several elements that are in contrast with the TDP. The subject of school choice is described as the ability to allow parents to choose their children s school. The use of educational funds would be given to use in public, private, charter, or for home schooling. The school choice is proposed to by funded by taxcredits and or exemptions. One founding principle that is listed in the platform is that separation of the public facilities at schools be only used for biological genders, this falls in line with the Judeo Christian Principles that are continually mentioned within the platform. An intense sense of faith and government is seen throughout the Republican Party platform document. In addition, there is ... Show more content on ... In unison, both Democratic and Republican Party s discuss the need to reinstate the Glass Stegall banking reform of 1931, which separated the commercial and investment banking industries. Texan, either Democrats or Republicans can be united under what is considered The American and Texan Creed. This is the Political values that united us in the state. There are various elements that make up our values, equality, freedom, consent of the governed, and capitalism. Texans fit into an even more specified list of values, we can analyze this by what is called The American and Texas Creed of Individualism, Liberty, Equality, Constitutionalism, Democracy. All aspects can be viewed in varying elements of both the Republicans and Democratic platforms. Individualism is mentioned in our political ideologies as being an element that is reflective of the ideas of Libertarians and Conservatives, but this element is part of the Texan Creed. It is this variant in values that gives Texas its political environment. This value is listed in both party platforms and can be viewed throughout it by countless ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Low Interest Mortgage Rate Essay With regards to mortgages, home owners are constantly out to get the low interest mortgage rates accessible, yet frequently are not ready to fit the bill for those rates. This can be for an assortment of reasons including credit history record as a consumer, income, business status, and existing obligations. Low interestmortgage rates are basically offered on the basis of how solid the candidate is in meeting all requirements for a mortgage. Banks need the most elite and in the meantime, the candidates that are in that class will look around until the point when they are offered precisely that. Your credit rating and history demonstrate how skilled and disciplined you are as a borrower with your credit cards, loans and diverse debts that you have. It further ... Show more content on ... These things are imperative since they decide your affordability and probability of reimbursing your mortgage. Sometimes banks may discover that you can bear the cost of a mortgage, however, your debt proportion s are a little on the high side. This can some of the time keep you from accepting the low interest mortgage rates you look for. The thought behind this is, the more prominent the money related weight of your debts on your income, and the more outlandish one can make capable instalments to those debts. With regards to employment status, banks are hoping to build up the probability of you proceeding to get consistent income for a considerable length of time to come. On the off chance that you are independently employed, banks will take a gander at different budgetary records to decide your normal yearly income in the course of recent years (least). On the off chance that an independently employed individual can demonstrate satisfactory income and consistency, at that point the banks will be happy with offering you the low interest mortgage rates (accepting every single other condition are ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Did Alchemy Change The World Alchemy: The Science that Changed the World Alchemy is a complex protoscience based on the supposed transformation of matter. Alchemy has a long rich history and is still used today but due to all the superstition many people do not even give it a second glance. Even studying Alchemy can be hard, it is difficult to understand and practice, but the basic things to know about Alchemyare: what it is, where it came from and how it is used today. Alchemy s official definition is: a philosophical and protoscience that nature had secrets to give and that they could be revealed through laboratory examination and experimentation. So it is a sciencebefore the modern scientific method and is related to the understanding of reality and existence.... Show more content on ... Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Chemistry differs from Alchemy because it follows the scientific method as well as alchemy also had a philosophical side, Hermetic Alchemy. However Alchemy is still used today. A part of modern day Alchemy is radioactivity and nuclear reactions. Inside nuclear reactors elements like Uranium are being transmuted into Iodine or Plutonium. The process is to use radioactivity to decay stable substances. Now a way to make a transmutation of gold is with mercury. However it is unable to be used with a nuclear reactor so instead a particle accelerator is used. A particle accelerator used electromagnetic fields to accelerate a proton, an electron, or a sub atomic particle. However this process takes time and lots of energy so using it as an economical way of producing gold is not recommended. Alchemy is not a dead science; it goes by new names like Chemistry or ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Tyger Poem Figurative Language Why did God create both gentle and fearful creatures? Why did God create a world with bloodshed, pain and terror? The Tyger by William Blake, written in 1794 and included in his collection Songs of Innocence and Experience , takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. Blake sees a necessity for balance in the world, and suggests to the readers that God created a world with a balance of good and evilso that humanity can see goodness more clearly through contrast and comparison. This theme is achieved through the poem s imagery, figurative language, and structure. Through the use of symbolism and figurative language, the images Blake creates of... Show more content on ... The expression wings dare he aspire can also be an allusion of heaven, as wings represent angels. The tiger was born in distant deeps or skies (787), implying that the tiger was created with the creator s consciousness and fantasy. The verbs: twist , seize , and burnt all foreground the power and strength of the creator. Through these lines: And what shoulder, and what art,/Could twist the sinews of thy heart? (787), Blake demonstrates the creator s capability. Originally, sinews is defined as the very tendon that enables the heart to beat. Blake uses sinews here as a metaphor for strength, power, and life. Thus, to twist the sinews requires physical prowess. Blake seems to be suggesting that the creator of the tiger is not only strong; but also, the creator believes in his own strength and vision. The word shoulders represents responsibilities and burden; therefore the term implies the risk the creator had to take for creating such a fearful creature. Through these lines: What the hammer? what the chain?/In what furnace was thy brain?/What the anvil? what dread grasp/Dare its deadly terrors clasp? (788) a vivid picture of the forging process is presented in front of the readers. And the image of a powerful, courageous, and artistic creator of the tiger deepens. It leads the readers to speculate who the creator could be if not God. The tools hammer , chain , ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Human Consumption Of Animals In Fred s Basement Dead Puppies Beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, and even duck are all delicious foods that are consumed by humans on a daily basis. Most people love these foods but there is a problem: they all come from animals. Millions of animals are slaughtered for human consumption every year to generate a multi billion dollar industry. The act of eating meatis not necessarily wrong, when the meat is derived from animals being slaughtered then there s an issue. Norcross is heavily against the consumption of factory produced meat for the farm animals are being abused and our treated like they have no moral status. No one likes to see to a puppy or a kitten in pain. In Norcross s Fred s Basement story, a man tortures puppies so he can abstract a hormone that can restore his lost beloved taste of chocolate (293). The man, Fred, argues that his happiness and needs as a human outweighs the fact that he is hurting a puppy. Norcross relates this situation to what is happening today with farm animals. He... Show more content on ... Peter Singer is deeply rooted against speciesism, in which humans favor themselves as having greater moral rights than animals. Racism and sexism are equally as wrong of acts as speciesism. Singer acknowledges the difference between animals and humans mentally and physically, although he argues that animals wellbeing s to be considered. He states that allowing animals to suffer from neglect or for the sake of large profits may also be unnecessary and cruel (288). Animals are being treated inhumanely with their living conditions and are abused. Humans would never allow for hundreds of other people to be treated the same way as chickens and be crammed into small, filthy sheds, be given growth antibiotics, and then be slaughtered. Animals have moral rights too and their interests should be considered by everyone. To escape from suffering is happiness, a right all living beings ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Renewable Energy Sources For Fossil Fuels We live in a world where we have to rely on resources such as fossil fuels in order to provide us energy. Almost everything we use nowadays consumes power in some form, and in tandem we rely on energy. Fossil fuels have become the go to resource for providing power. Fossil fuels include natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These fossil fuels fall under the non renewable category because they take thousands of years in order to form naturally and cannot be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Another non renewable energysource is nuclear fuel, which is primarily obtained through the mining and refining of uranium ore. But how could we have used energy in the past without the use of fossil fuels? The answer is... Show more content on ... While fossil fuels are widely used there is still the fear that we will eventually run out of fossil fuels to power our civilizations. Without these fuels we could not be able to power everything that needs power. In addition, the use of fossil fuels raises serious environmental concerns. The burning of fossil fuels produces around 21.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year and natural processes can only absorb about half that amount. Because nature can t absorb every bit of carbon dioxide being released there is a net increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This is dangerous because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the Earth by trapping heat inside our atmosphere. This keeps the temperature higher than if we were only being heated directly by the sun. Because the Earth is hotter this speeds up global warming, which will cause problems. On the other hand there is renewable energy. Renewable energy is defined as any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy such as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel. Renewable energy contributes around 14% of global generation of energy. Renewable energy is important and useful because some sources are clean and both reusable, but there are many different sources for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Fairytales In The Bloody Chamber By Angela Carter Fairy tales often show that it is the boys and men who are the ones allowed to go on adventures and save the day, Angela Carter changes that by making it that anyone even girls and women, can share those same curious, adventurous, and even heroic characteristics. The term is mainly used for stories with origins in European tradition and, at least in recent centuries, mostly relates to children s literature. Fairytales have been around for a long time, starting off as oral stories later to be collected by the Grimm brothers in the early 19th century. It is normally males that would gather fairytales; although women, especially elderly ones, were the best sources of fairy tales in many of the cultures. It is a characteristic of fairy tales... Show more content on ... Our names are what give us our identity. In fairytales it is no different, a name can be a powerful thing. An example of this is in the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, just by guessing Rumpelstiltskin s name breaks the bargain made for the first born child. In The Bloody Chamber, we know that the first person narrator is female, but her name is unmentioned. This is difference between the original story and Angela Carter s is in the original the wife is not addressed other than wife whereas as in the Bloody Chamber is called by multiple names, but mostly pet names by her husband. She is called Madame by workers at the castle and with some diminutive words such as My little nun, Baby (17), My little love, and My child (18) by her husband. The female narrator labels herself by some words such as I, the orphan, the chГўtelaine and I, the little music student (13), a little girl (18), child (18), and his bride (13). It seems that she adopts the adjectives attributed to her by the outer world. On the other hand, the man she marries to holds an ancestral name of The Marquis (36) which symbolizes mastery and power, and the heroine calls the Marquis, my husband and my purchaser (15). Having these names in the story not only gives the story a fable feel but also shows the power dynamic between the narrator and the Marquis. The main character goes on to describe how the Marquis looks at her like a house wife would look at meat at the supermarket, the narrator compares herself to a female figure in an etching described as a lamb chop (17). Comparing herself to a lamb, which is normally seen as the victim, and the Marques is equated to a lion, the hunter, shows that the narrator sees how the dynamic will ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Imagery In Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand s biography titled Unbroken recounts the life of Louie Zamperini and major events that occurred throughout it. Hillenbrand s purpose was to emphasize the inspirational story of heroic Zamperini as he qualified and participated in the Olympics, as well as describe the endless struggle of pain in the plane crash and in the Japanese POW camps. She also portrays the importance of dignity and resilience and how without it, the chances of surviving the cruel events Louie experienced during World War II would have been minimal. In the first part of the story, since the book didn t have a point of view from Louie, the author uses many different types of imagery to allow the reader to imagine what Louie experienced and how it impacted ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Steel During The Second Industrial Revolution The second Industrial Revolution was an era that created many inventions off of the first Industrial Revolution, which included refining techniques to chemicals, electricity, transportation, and production engineering to name a few. One of the most highly technological innovations of the second Industrial Revolution, however, was the innovation of steel. Steel was used before the second Industrial Revolution, but was mainly used to make swords and weapons by blacksmiths. Before the second Industrial Revolution Henry Bessemer writes in his autobiography, At that date there was no steel suitable for structural purposes . At the time, anything structural, including railways, buildings, ships, and bridges were made out of wood and iron because... Show more content on ... With the technology advancing, the production of material moved from small shops and homes into large factories for mass production. This included steel industries that allowed the transfer of ...manufacturing plants away from naturally flowing waters (outside the city) to areas inside and around the cities where more abundant labor was available . Even with the pollution becoming a major problem during the second Industrial Revolution because of all the manufacturing plants coming into the city, this era laid the foundation for some of the famous and most popular inventions of today s time. But still during the era of innovations, many inventions would not have been made possible without the innovation of steel and the Bessemer process. This would be the reason steel had the most profound impact about the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Hertz 1) The dual track process used by Ford to initiate consideration of strategic alternatives affects the bidding process for Hertz by giving Hertz another plan of attack if other viable sale opportunities fall through. By obtaining an IPO price as a base for the value of the company, Ford s strategy would give Hertz other options to retrieve necessary capital, thus reducing the amount of risk. This strategy would then give Hertz a base bid that would be either equal to or above the amount of what could be theoretically obtained from an IPO. 2) One way that Hertz conforms to be an ideal LBO candidate is the proven financial performance and pretax profit the company has generated since 1967. In addition, from 1985 to 2005, revenues... Show more content on ... While this may be a fair assumption depending on what the Bidding Group is comfortable with, there was a wide range used to make the beta estimates. This beta estimate will have the biggest impact on return because of the effect it has on pricing Hertz assets. 5) Based on our assumption, we believe that the Mean multiple would be the best measurement for calculating Hertz Terminal Value. By adding up all of Hertz total value segments: RAC, SPV and HERC, we concluded that the total enterprise value for Hertz is: 20,764,860,000 billion. That being said, if deducting the total current debt of both Hertz s segment: RAC and HERC (fleet $ Operating company) $14,768,070,000 billion = we get a Equity value (terminal Value) of $5,996,790,000 billion. Putting down, $2,300 million at year 0, with zero NPV (cash flows) until payout at year 5, the calculated IRR for investors is: 21.13%. This IRR is more than the targeted IRR of 20% that Carlyse expected. Thus, would make this LBO an ideal target. 6) Given that the IRR is greater than 20%, Carlyse could afford to pay up to $110 million additional to the 2,300 billion initial ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Stephen King Night Surf The three short stories written by Stephen King that I read for class were Night Surf, Graveyard Shift, and Jerusalem s Lot. The first thing I noticed while reading Night Surf was that it mentions a super flu that wipes out nearly the whole human race called Captain Trips. This same super flu called Captain Trips is later used in a story written by Stephen King called The Stand. After doing some research, it appears to be that Night Surf was King s precursor to the epic horror story, The Stand as Night Surf was published in 1974 and The Stand was published in 1979. The next short story that I read was Graveyard Shift. One major thing I noticed about this short story was that King seemed to be more focused on the plot than characterization. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Informative Essay On Forensic Science A wooded area, a small town just north of Sacramento. Two preteen girls. Two bodies. Two close range bullet holes in their heads. On November 12, 1973, the bodies of two missing girls were found in Yuba County, CA. Over 60 people were actively investigated for the murder rape until 1976. Then it went cold. Forty one years later, investigators had two suspects (Thompson). After so many years, the key to finally deducing the crime lay in what the two men left behind, DNA. In a world of flawed justice systems and abundant lies, the truth can only come out in fact; the facts of science s introduction to the criminal justice system, known as forensic science. Forensics have been steadily growing in popularity, credibility, and ease in the past... Show more content on ... Cases that formerly did not have enough circumstantial evidence, nor any useful evidence at all that were actively investigated until no more leads were available, that have gone cold are now resurfacing with the DNA forensics systems in place. Now the combination of careful preservation, meticulously maintained notes, and a drive to protect the truth are coming into play for cold cases to finally be resolved. Such is the case with the 1973 California murders (Thompson). It was the drive for finality that eventually caught, arrested, and convicted two men who did horrendous things to two young girls. The families, despite the years, craved an end to the nightmare and justice for the little girls that they had lost. Investigators were only able to reopen the case because they had a new arsenal of tools to help them expand upon the evidence that was present at the scene: the men s DNA from the rape kits. Cross examining those DNA samples with that in a database brought upon the discovery of the two men, who now lived states away from the scene of the crime, and both of whom had been convicted of other charges. Victory cases such as these are common now to see and hear about, with nearly every month finding that there is another case that could finally be resolved, that could finally unveil the truth, and none done so ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Student Athletic Policy Paper Many policies in interscholastic sports may be controversial none more so than the play to play or activity fee for student athletes. In this paper, three policies at Enterprise High School and Enterprise City Schools are discussed. From the activity fee students are paying, fundraising being part of head coaches duties, and finally the existence of multiple booster clubs for the athletic department. Enterprise High Schooldoes not have a formal handbook for athletic. When asked the athletic director Trent Trawick response was the athletic department at Enterprise does not need a handbook for athletics. We comply with all Alabama High School Athletic Association bylaws and Enterprise city school board policies. (Trawick, 2017). The policies discussed in this paper are from Enterprise school board policies and job descriptions for head coaches. It is important for schools to maintain proper policies and procedures.... Show more content on ... Each sport assesses an activity fee. For example, if a student athlete plays basketball and runs track that athlete or their family will pay two separate fees, one for each sport. The activity fees are typically around three hundred dollars, however the EHS athletic director does not mandate an amount. It is up to the head coach to decided how much an activity fee is and what the proceeds will be used for. If a lower income family has multiple athletes play a variety of sports the current activity fee format may seem as an extreme difficulty which ultimately can harm sports participation. To ensure equitable participation across all income levels, barriers to sports participation that may disproportionately affect lower income students such as pay to play fees, equipment costs or lack of school supported transportation, need to be addressed. (Colabianchi, 2012). Student athlete can ease the tension of the sport activity fee through fundraising for a ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Osha Welding, Cutting, Brazing Cfr 1910 Welding, Cutting and Brazing 29 CFR 1910 Subpart Q By Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) definition any operator of electric or gas welding and cutting equipment is called a welder and welding operator . The standard 29 CFR 1910 Subpart Q which pertains to welding, cutting, and brazing. The standard consists of 5 parts, they include: 1910.251 Definitions, 1910.252 General requirements, 1910.253 Oxygen fuel gas welding and cutting, 1910.254 Arc welding and cutting, 1910.255 Resistance welding. It is a rather diverse standard covering all aspects of industrial and commercial applications specializing in safety aspects, guidelines, and requirements as well as proper use and operating procedures. Fire Prevention is a ... Show more content on ... All glass for lenses shall be tempered, substantially free from striae, air bubbles, waves and other flaws. Except when a lens is ground to provide proper optical correction for defective vision, the front and rear surfaces of lenses and windows should be smooth and parallel. Lenses shall bear some permanent distinctive marking by which the source and shade may be readily identified and all filter lenses and plates shall meet the test for transmission of radiant energy prescribed in ANSI Z87.1 1968 American National Standard Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection. Employees exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting, or brazing operations should be protected by personal protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of 1910.132. This includes proper ventilation, securing cylinders and machinery, lifelines, gas cylinder shutoffs, and protected exposure to contaminates within the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) specified in 1910.1000, especially in a confined space. Precautionary labels are required for safe operation and a number of potentially hazardous materials are employed in fluxes, coatings, coverings, and filler metals used in welding and cutting or are released to the atmosphere during welding and cutting which will produce fumes and gases hazardous to health so avoid breathing these fumes and gases. Flourides is one of these threats, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Juxtaposition In The General Prologue Geoffrey Chaucer s poem, The General Prologue, presents a character whom is a Prioresse. Because of the culture during the medieval times the description of the Prioresse that is given is interestingly contradicting. The juxtaposition that exists throughout the entire description of the Prioresse builds a tone of doubt. While it is expected that the Prioresse be pious and fully devoted to the monastery the text doesn t prove her loyalty, in fact, it discredits it. Although the Prioresse s portrayal in the text is full of delicacy and well mannered behavior, the juxtaposition following the delicate description nulls her goodness. This contradiction exposes the Prioresse s true nature which does not meet the expectations, creating a critical tone of leadership positions in the church during this time. From the beginning the narrator establishes the role the nun, revealing the weight of meaning this description holds. The narrator starts his description by stating the identity of the nun as a Prioresse, Ther was also a Nonne,a Prioresse (118), this first statement highlights the position the nun holds as a leader giving further importance to all description that follows. She was not a common nun or church related figure but instead a leader of the church. The high positions she holds would influence those below her. Additionally, her given authority creates an expectation for her to be a role model. Therefore the impact of the effect is magnified when her given description ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Mayan Civilization Disappearance What Cause The Disappearance Of Maya Civilization? The Maya civilization was an extremely mysterious and glorious ancient civilization. Most of the Mayans were distributed throughout Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Mayans made a brilliant civilization with the simple implement of production in the Neolithic Age, and they did not have any metal tools or transportation. They left towering pyramid temples, majestic palaces, and finely carved stone tablets. They also made many well made pottery and beautiful oblations. They created an accurate mathematics system and an astronomical almanac system, and a hieroglyphic system, which has still, not be decoded. As the only civilization that lived in the tropical jungle, instead of large river valley, it is very strange and attractive that both its rise and decay were very fast. Maya civilization disappeared and became a mysterious legend. The passion of finding out the answer of why the Maya ... Show more content on ... The reason of the disappearance was drought. The drought has a regularity that was the same as the solar cycle. The range of variation of the solar cycle is only about one percent, but it is enough to make a serious drought of Yucatan peninsula the heart area of Mayan civilization. Research about the sediments from the lakes in the northern Yucatan peninsula, shows that a high concentration calcium sulfate settled layer appears back and forth. The reason of formation of calcium sulfate is a lot of moisture evaporates from the surface, the time interval is about two hundred years, and it is fit the solar cycle: two hundred and six years. The structure of Mayan society was very fragile when it faces to drought. Their major crop was corn and is relied on a constant water source. The rainwater, lake water, river water, and underground water could only last for eighteen months. The further research expresses that, around 810AD, 860AD and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How And Why Have You Applied To Bank Of America Merrill... In your own words, please describe the function of the division you have selected and why have you applied to Bank of America Merrill Lynch? (200 word limit). * Investment banking is mainly involved in the underwriting of securities issued by clients. Investment banking serves different purposes, serving individuals, corporations and governments. They are involved in IPOs where firms are helped to go public whilst also facilitating mergers and acquisitions. Furthermore, investment banking helps in debt finance, this involves lending money to firms to restructure, buy assets or carry out acquisitions. The two principal areas of business in investment banking are the sell side which involves trading and promoting securities, facilitating ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Speech On Hair Serums Hello guys! Today we will be talking about hair serums. Hair serums are post wash hair care products that tend to have light oil like texture. The main ingredients of these liquids are different compounds of silicone that forms a thin film around hair strands. This way the cuticles of the hair get temporarily smoothened out and hair looks lustrous. The hair serums also make the hair easy to comb and easy to style. Here I am going to present a few top rated hair serums that are easily available in India. So, let s read on. 1. L Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Liss Unlimited Evening Primrose Oil: Price: Rs.649 for 125ml This lightweight hair serum smoothes out even the most difficult and freeze prone hair. It builds a water soluble protective ... Show more content on ... Kerastase Nutritive Oleo Relax Smoothing Controlling Care Serum: Price: Rs.2232 for 50ml This controlling serum works best on thick and freeze prone hair. This one makes hair easy to comb and easy to style. 8. L Oreal Paris Total Repair 5 Instant Smoothing Nourishing Oil Serum: Price: Rs.155 for 40gm This budget beauty is a nice choice for dry, rough and freezy hair. When applied in exact quantity; it tames freezy hair giving it a polished texture. 9. L ORГ‰AL Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair Lepidium Nourishing Serum: Price: Rs.600 for 50ml This is another nice product from L ORГ‰AL Professionnel Serie . It is a repairing and styling formula that claims to prevent split ends by making hair healthy from within. 10. Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk Anti Breakage Serum: Price: Rs. 594 for 118ml This non greasy hair serum is a blend of coconut milk, silk protein and egg white protein. It provides
  • 20. lustre by building a protein film around hair strands. 11. Livon Hair Serum: Price: Rs.115 for 50ml This light weight serum is a pocket friendly solution for smoothing out dry and rough hair. It can be used as a climate control product to tame freezes or as a styling serum. 12. Garnier Fruits Long and Strong Serum with Fruit ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Causes And Consequences Of The Logistics Revolution In... An organization s strategy is the overall plan for an entire business that sets out how the organization will use its major resources. In other words, an organization s strategy is a plan of action aimed at reaching specific goals and remaining in good attitude with clients and vendors. On the other hands, an establishment s structure is the way the pieces of the organization fit together internally. Strategy focuses on the ways to be dynamic with an organised plan to achieve a goal or benefit within a firm/corporation. Structure is a series of organisational techniques to relate/arrange between parts or elements of something more complex. в„—4. Logistics revolution in a business context Logistic revolution has evolved businesses improving the efficiency of strategy and structure, leading to a profitability increase with firms inducing an optimisation belief with selected specialist skills. Bonacich and Wilson The logistics revolution and its consequences are the central points of focus to their book. They define the logistics revolution as a quiet change to how consumer goods are being produced and delivered (p. 3). It has a sizeable impact on society and the way it is organized (p. 3). The revolution is how the entire cycle of production and distribution is now viewed as a single integrated unit that requires its own specialists for analysis and implementation (p. 3). Following arguments advanced Marxist geographers, such as David Harvey, authors maintain the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Differences Between Craft And Design Intro There have been many debates on whether craft and design are different or similar. Risatti (2008:116) states that although craft and design are closely related, there is a distinction between them. Crafts have been developed within cultures, but have been modified by design and both involve a different way of thinking. So are they one and the same or different? In this essay I m going to go through 6 different examples; tradition, innovation, method, materials, uniqueness and lifestyle, where design has taken the simple craft and changed it to something new, proving my point that craft and design are in fact more different than the same. Tradition There is a noticeable difference in how craft and design play a role in tradition. Craft is a way the people of a culture expressed there believes, whereas design has challenged it. Figure 1 is a traditional vase used specifically for fetching water. Cultural stories/beliefs were painted on them, this makes it easier to recognise which culture it came from. Figure 1 is made ... Show more content on ... Craft focuses on the hand made detail where design is more factory orientated. Risatti (2008:116) states that craft objects are the outcome of a skilled hand directly working the material and design object are of industrial methods where hands might not even be part of the equation at all. In figure 3 we have a wooden peg doll which is the 1400 s Barbie doll. This doll is very simple in shape and colour and we can see it s been hand crafted and a lot of time was spent on it, whereas in figure 4 we have the ever after high first chapter apple white doll . This doll has been made by machine, painted by machine and is mass produced by machine. There is a lot more detail been put into the doll with a lot less effort. This is a great example how we can take the same idea for craft and design and show how different methods can influence the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. They Call Him Mr. Gacy Essay There are numerous portraits, perspectives, and analyses of the life and deeds of American serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who is thought to have sexually assaulted and murdered 32 boys between 1976 and his arrest in December 1978 (Cahill, 1978; Gacy, 1989). This profile of Gacy compiles a birth to death chronology of events and activities that may lend insight to the personality of a habitual liar, model citizen, and serial murderer. Born to Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Hanely Gacy on St. Patrick s Day in 1942, John Wayne Gacy was the second of three children. The alcoholic Gacy, Sr. was both physically and verbally abusive towards the entire family. His special interest in John, Jr. was the litany that he was dumb and ... Show more content on ... In September of 1964 he married his co worker Marilynn Myers whose father owned a franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Shortly after his wedding John?s father in law offered him a job. John and his new wife then moved to Iowa. John was a tireless worker, but maintained an active community involvement through the Jaycees. During this period, John and his wife invited employees to their home for drinks and television. Hidden in the game room were homosexual videos, alcohol, and marijuana. One particular visit to their home, John approached employee Westphal to solicit a blowjob. Although Westphal declined the offer, John would joke with him that if he ever caught Westphal with his wife, he would owe John that blowjob. During a subsequent visit, Westphal became inebriated at John?s house and stayed the night in the guest room. After Westphal began to doze off, Marilynn entered the room and joined Westphal in bed. John then entered the room to remind Westphal of his obligation. Fearing the loss of his job, Westphal fulfilled John?s desires. After this incident rumors of John?s sexual preferences began to spread. John?s interests in young boys increased and in the spring of 1968 he was indicted by a grand jury in Black Hawk County for allegedly committing sodomy with a teenage boy named Mark Miller. Mark told the courts that John had tricked him into being handcuffed and had then violently raped him. John, fearful of being ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Personal Narrative-The Perfect Life RUN the man yells as he fires two more shots towards the door and takes a hold of my wrist. Dragging me through the endless corridors of the compound. You deserve everything you get. I push the thought out of my mind as quickly as it appears. Do you have a name? the man asks, firing three more shots at the oncoming guards, though the blaring siren makes it hard to hear. Aida I almost shout to be heard. Agent Ward. Nice to meet you... he begins as I look down another linking corridor, only to see a wounded guard leaning against the wall Look out! I scream just as I hear a loud bang, ringing in my ear and out of the corner of my eye, I see the guard slump to the ground. Bringing my hand to my neck, I feel a small dart sticking... Show more content on ... Still in my own little world where I m living on a beach in Hawaii and drinking from a coconut. The perfect life but that is more than I deserve after everything. Your blood work is fine. How are you feeling? she asks and looks at me expectantly I m good. A bit of a headache but otherwise fine I reply. Eager to get out of this bed and hopefully off the plane. But I ve hacked into E.A.G.L.E. before looking for information and if they find out, they will probably decide that I know too much and won t let me out of their sights. It wasn t to leak it out though, I was looking for information about me. You can get up while I get the agent in charge, just don t leave the room she gives me a soft smile while taking the wires off me and my IV out that I hadn t even noticed before hastily leaving. Pushing the blanket off and my legs over the side. I rest my feet on the ground as the door slides open, revealing a man wearing a black suit and blue tie with shiny black shoes. He must be in his late forties, early fifties judging by the light tinge of gray to his hair and they he walks over to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Influence Of Religion On Western Society Essay Kaitlyn Ouellette November 22, 2016 Impact of Religion Assignment The Influence of Religion on Western Society Religion has significantly affected the development of western civilizations and societies. All throughout the history we have covered in class, religion has played a key and essential role in defining the types of cultures within a society a belief or faith in a spiritual, also a divine power can add significance and true meaning to many of the western people s lives. Religion is essentially the force that binds a race or a religious group together, and comes with a sense of personal identity to a higher figure, God. Three specific and most commonly known religions of Western Society we have focused on in class have been Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Ultimately, all three religions have a common belief: the religious belief that this universe came into existence, and controlled and governed by one single God. The history of Judaism began in the Bronze Ages in the Middle East when God promised a leader by the name of Abraham that he would be the father of great people if he did as God told him, The Lord has said to Abram, Go from your country, your people and your father s household to the land I will show you. (2) I will make you ... Show more content on ... Leaving his very household was one of the trials he faced. Abraham was very concerned once he grew old, he had no children but a beloved wife. When Abraham was one hundred years old, God promised Abraham a son named Isaac, who happened to be the next very significant figure in the Judaism religion. Isaac then married and the third most significant figure in Judaism figure was then born, Jacob. With the founding of the religion being stated, Judaism was on of the earliest and significant starts of the Western Society. It was the first to justify religions into laws, found the basis of freedom and equality, morality, and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay on Foreign Politics in the United States of America 1. Description of the article Since the Syria violence begun, many lives have been lost. Thousands more have been displaced from their homes and country. Fighting between the government army and rebels has led to allegations that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons to attack in Damascus. These tensions have fuelled gossip of US led military intervention. However, whether the US should intervene militarily or not has drawn several opinions. Opinion based on humanitarian grounds that urge the president to intervene using military action, is one of them. The proponents argue from the point of view that suffering demands action (Moyn 3). This group believes that the United States is in the best position than any other ... Show more content on ... The other stand is based on pragmatism, which separates itself from the ideological rigidity of the above two arguments (Moyn 5).The proponents argue that effective policy and not law or power associations should stir decisions. Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley Zilkic of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, put it well when they said, The basic issue is efficacy, not legality (Moyn 5). The goal of military action is not only to discourage Assad from using weapons of mass destruction but also to prepare the conditions for Russia Syria s key ally to force diplomatic negotiations and a peace settlement according to Jon Jidis ( Moyn 5). How isolated bombing is to achieve this end remains a problem though. According to Moyn, military action should not be pursued because it could worsen the humanitarian crisis. However, not doing anything either is a bad choice. Moyn argues that doing something to help the Syrian people need not mean war. Moyn sides with pragmatism because Pragmatism focuses on better immediate results for the long suffering Syrian people 2. Personal Point of View The latest reports from Syria paint a terrible picture. With at least 146,000 people killed, more than 2.5 million having fled Syria or awaiting registration as refugees in bordering countries and more than 6.5 million having been displaced internally,(AFP 2) it s time for action. One could easily urge military ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Baseball Descriptive Paragraph KLANG! The most satisfying sound that a baseball player can hear. That is the sound of a solid hit that every player dreams on getting every time they are up to bat. Now, a lot of people do not get how others in the world think this very simple sport is any fun. Well, they have never had the feeling of walking up the the plate with the crowd roaring behind them. They have never felt running around the bases and getting home and teammates rushing out the congratulate them. Never have they felt the anxiousness during the national anthem just waiting to get out there and play. So, that is why I want to let everyone know how amazing it is to play at the Paynesville Area BaseballField. From the perspective of a player playing the position of catcher,... Show more content on ... Everyone darts back to the dugout for the bottom of the seventh. I know I am the third hitter, so I get my helmet and gloves out of the cubby hole on the left side of the dugout. I grab my favorite green and black Easton bat. The first batter hits a solid double to get on. The next batter walks up to the plate, and I am on deck. I walk out just outside the dugout on a dirt rectangle that goes the length of the dugout. From this place I can really take in the whole stadium. The crowd behind home plate is all on their feet. All the players in both dugouts are screaming. The players in the field are focused as a lion while hunting its prey. The batter watches two pitches, then makes solid contact. I can tell because it makes the beautiful, TING, noise when the ball hits the sweet spot of the bat. He also gets a double, and the runner on second scores. Tie game with a runner on second, and I am up to bat. I stroll up to the plate looking down at my feet, feeling the pressure. I set up in the batter s box, and stare down the pitcher. He nods. I am expecting a fastball, as the pitcher gets set. I am a little nervous, so I watch the first pitch zip by. I look out in the outfield, and see the outfielders playing very far up, so they can throw out the runner at home. The pitcher gets set again, and comes with another fastball. I see it coming the whole way. I twist my hips and drive the ball hard. I watch it sail, and the outfielders ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Descriptive Essay About Goldfinger Concert Crowd surfing at a Goldfinger Concert was the best feeling i ve ever experienced, but getting a cigarette put out on your back isn t the best feeling in the world. I went to a Sublime with Rome, The offspring, The Urge, Reel Big Fish, and Goldfinger concert this september for my birthday with my friends harrison, travis, kam, harrison, and brogan. While we were listening to Goldfinger perform, we tried to get into the moshpit that was going on at the front of the concert. First, we got our blankets and pillows ready on the lawn of the main stage and got some snacks from the snack bar, Which was very, very expensive. A red bull was $5 and a 20oz bottle of water was about $7. Not the best prices difference between water and a red bull. We got back to the main venue and the urge just started performing. I didn t really know any songs by them so i just sat there and ate my food that i got from the snack bar and my backpack that i filled with snacks. The urge ended and we went to the other venue where people were all migrating to to see the Beastie Boys cover band perform. The bass of the songs that they were playing were literally making my ears move into my brain. They played a couple more songs and left the venue. After that we went back to the snack bar and got more water and a little more snacks for the meantime while the other bands were getting ready to perform. We just got to the Goldfinger performance and tried to get to the front of the concert by pushing and shoving people out of the way. It was pretty much impossible to get to the front of the venue because every time we got closer there were more people bunched up together trying to get closer. Eventually some guy in a wheelchair came through and we followed the guys behind him but he suddenly got stopped in the middle of the crowd. Then, we asked these two big guys with muscles the side of yachts. Harrison went up first and started heading to the front surfing in the crowd. People weren t paying much attention behind them because they were focused on the concert, so harrison eventually got dropped onto the floor, but the guy next to him lifted him up again and he made it to the front of the concert still crowd surfing. The same people lifted me ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Not A Hero Not a Hero is a simple and beautiful World War One poem by Clyde Hamilton which has been read at ANZAC Day ceremonies across Australia. The poem tells a narrative of an ANZAC veteran, or old digger , at an ANZAC ceremony telling stories of heroes to a young boy. It effectively uses a simple, yet descriptive and telling vocabulary, as well as using literary devices such as rhyme and alliteration. It s conservative and structured style demonstrated throughout the poem creates rhythm and makes the poem flow and thus easier to fathom. The poem s theme is a simple, yet powerful one; never forget the people who sacrificed their life for ours to be free. The poem refers to these people as heroes repeatedly in accordance with the theme. This also links back to the title, Not A Hero, as I served with many heroes, the ones that never came home. So when you talk of heroes, it s important to understand, The greatest of all heroes gave their lives defending this land. This also implies that the old digger is not in fact a hero. The... Show more content on ... The poem maintains a traditional structure consisting of 4 sextets, or 6 line stanzas. This creates an ideal length for the poem for both attention span reasons and for the sake of keeping the narrative uncomplicated, as well as creating a visually appealing layout on the page. A distinctive feature is each line has two phrases or clauses, for example, The ANZAC Day march was over the old Digger had done his best. , and He made his way to a park bench and sat with lowered head. This creates rhythm within the piece, appealing to aural senses, making the information easier to digest. Not a Hero has a consistent rhyme scheme of AABBCC, which while simple, is effective at emphasizing the aforementioned rhythm, creating aural appeal. The structure of the poem Not a Hero has a simple, formal and conservative ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Clinton Impeachment Analysis Considering what you learned and know about Clinton, was impeachment an appropriate response? No, I do not think that the impeachment an appropriate response. In the New York Times Overview, one quote that really stands out is from Mr. Gephardt Our founding fathers created a system of government of men, not of angels, No one standing in this House today can pass a puritanical test of purity that some are demanding that our elected leaders take. If we demand that mere mortals live up to this standard, we will see our seats of government lay empty and we will see the best, most able people unfairly cast out of public service. Mitchell, Alison. HE FACES A SENATE TRIAL, 2D IN HISTORY; VOWS TO DO JOB TILL TERM S LAST HOUR The New York ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Solar And Wind Power Is The Best Choice For Many Scientists Nowadays, environment and health scientists are concerned largely because of the damages caused by conventional energy. In most cases, these damages are happened because people are more likely to use fossil energy instead of renewable energy. In 1991, the worst disaster happened in the Arabian Gulf, and it was closed to my hometown. It s estimated more than 250,000 seabirds died by oil spill (Laura Moss, 2010). However, solar and wind poweris the best choice for many scientists to preserve the environment. In the past, renewable power had some difficulties because most of the energy has obtained from hydroelectric levees, whereas now produce more than quarter of the globe s energy (reading 1). As well as this, more than 85 of the consumed around the world comes from fossil fuelenergy. Unlike renewable energy, fossil energy notably pollutes our plant. Due to population and other reasons, renewable energy becomes more popular and getting attention from a lot of people (reading1). Ultimately, there are some differences and similarities between solar and wind power in terms of their amount of energy and advantages, and these sources has fundamental way to store their energy, which is through advanced battery. The primary important difference and similar between solar and wind power is their amount of energy. Both of them have different capacity to store and provide the energy. Currently, the significant different between solar and wind power is the amount of energy ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay about Responsibilities of Personal Protection Responsibilities of Personal Protection To understand the responsibilities of personal protection one must first understand what personal protection is. Once this is established one can begin to discuss the responsibilities and duties of personal protection, the rationale for personal protection, and finally, the history, and evolution of securityand personal protection. Personal protection is important in the security industry and a profession that continues to change and evolve. Personal protection protects individuals and groups who many not be able to protect themselves from horrific events, such as harassment, assault, molestation, and many other harmful activities. Besides people, it also refers to the protection of property and... Show more content on ... It has been influenced by many cultures throughout the world. For year s individuals and groups of individuals had the need for protection, allowing them to live, work, and play in a stable environment free from harm or the thought of harm. Security has grown and evolved throughout the years; initiated and developed after significant events, such as war and catastrophic events. Personal security and the use of body guards dates back as far back as 1100 to 1300 B.C. Where Egyptian pharaohs used Sherdens as their personal body guards. Sherdens had exceptional fighting skills and were willing to changes sides for money. Perhaps the most famous Egyptian known for using bodyguards was Pharaoh Ramses II, whose bodyguards fought viciously to protect him in the Battle of Kadesh (Williams, 2002). Then in 27 B.C. the emperor of Rome, Augustus, formed the Praetorian Guard. The Praetorian Guard protected the life and property of the emperor and various Roman generals as well as keeping the peace. Praetorians were recruited from veteran Italian Legionaries. This was an honored position and considered an elite status. Often these guardsmen would often travel on campaigns with the Emperor. Over the years the Praetorian Guard grew powerful and influenced the appointment of Roman emperors, for this the Praetorians were disbanded 312 AD by Constantine (UNRV History, 2012). Security continued to evolve in England around ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Antitrust Law Violation Of Antitrust Laws Antitrust Law Violations Introduction This paper will discuss the Google case that was presented by Microsoft stating that Google was in violation of antitrust laws. Also, in this paper some of the pecuniary and non pecuniary costs will be discussed. Given in this paper will also be my thoughts on monopolies and oligopolies. Antitrust Case Google was investigated for antitrust behavior because they were claimed to be an internet bully that abuses its dominance of online search and advertising (STEINHAUSER LIEDTKE, 2011, p. 1). Google was doing things like buying smaller companies in search results but then labeling /highlighting their own services instead. Being that Google was knocking out the competition by only showing their results ... Show more content on ... When dealing with market structures and considering Google as a monopoly, the characteristics of the monopoly market structure fit. In a sense, Google is being seen as the only producer for internet search, and is trying to make it seem through their practices that they are the only reliable business in the industry. Because of the overwhelming market power Google is gaining through the use of other smaller companies, other businesses such as Microsoft, are beginning to feel that the competition being created is unfair and favored. Especially with Google blocking out their results as the search engine is used. Antitrust as Investopedia pointed out, prohibits a variety of practices that restrain trade, ( Antitrust Definition | Investopedia , n.d.). According to the complaints of Microsoft, Google was in violation of the Sherman Act of 1980. The Sherman Act states that, public is best served by free competition in trade and industry, ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d.). Also, the Sherman Act points out that, it prohibits monopolies attempts to monopolize, or conspiracies to monopolize. ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d). By blocking out their rivals, and not giving them an equal opportunity to display the information related to the searches of the consumers, Microsoft felt this was a violation of the Sherman Act. On another note, after reading the research ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Why The Food Is The United States Throughout my life I have done a lot of traveling, I lived in Chile for four months and France for three. I am definitely used to living in a different part of the world that has a different culture than I am used to in the United States. Culture shock is not something I normally experience during extended stays in different places around the world. I got over that when the day I got to Chile as a sixteen year old, one of the most powerful earthquakes in human history struck and definitely put my time in Chile on a different path than I expected. I was never nervous about coming to London and spending four months here. It is not as drastic of a change as living on a dairy farm in a country that s native tongue is different from your own. However, I was actually quite shocked upon my discovery of how different the foodis in London compared to that of the United States. In this paper I am going to discuss how and why the food is different in the UK compared to that of the USA. To begin this discussion, I want to go into what shocked me so much about the difference in the grocery stores. During one of my first days in London, my roommate and I decided that we were going to go grocery shopping. So, we make our way over to Tesco on High Street Kensington to get some food for the week. Well, actually, we thought it would last us a week but due to preservative laws in the UK most food, like vegetables, fruit and most meats don t last much longer than a few days. This was a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Introducing Iphone 6 And Iphone Plus Hamad Yousef Professor: Joanne Martin English 113B 2 Mar 2015 Introducing IPhone 6 and IPhone Plus AD Content and message: It is an ad of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus developed by a US company known as apple. The ad addresses the worldwide viewers especially who are affluent and belong to the world of business. Its content mostly carries the discussion of its glamour, durability, splendor and speed in order to negotiate its high price. It is a dominating television ad, which conveys in a persuasive style the qualities of both these versions of iPhones. The rotating pictures of iPhones present an attractive scene for the viewers. They are shown as having steel body, golden color and wide screen. It is shown as the best effort of apple ... Show more content on ... Character and Setting: The ad is divided into different sections. A voiceover introduces what iPhonepossesses. The characters introduced are from different backgrounds. They are meant to attract all kind of audience especially the young ones. The thrill shown by the characters while advertising camera scenes attracts the youth and adults alike. The video is so interesting that one continues to watch it. This is the particular characteristic of the ad that it retains the interest of the viewers both male and female. So the characterization and portrayal both contribute to making this ad a great success and it attracts the attention of the audience. Theme: The theme of this ad is to market a stable, fast, sharp and versatile type of product. IPhone 6 and 6 plus have penetrated into the market through this ad as it had already become very popular even before its official launch just because of this ad. It presented its future product so successfully that it kept the people waiting for it when it still did not reach the market. The gist of the ad is to introduce a product which has been manufactured by a leading company for special people around the world. Medium/Historical Context: The ad was in action in September 2014. Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake star in first apple ad for the iPhone Six and iPhone Six Plus, but you might not know it s them. The two sing Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a.k.a. the theme from 2001: A Space ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Why Is Tsar Nicholas II A Bad Government Bad Government Tsar Nicholas II The ruler of Russia in 1905 was Tsar Nicholas II. He wanted to rule his country as an absolute Monarch. He did not want to share his power with the parliament. Russian Kings called themselves Tsar, which means Emperor . The Tsar would run on his own, assisted by a few ministers that he chooses on his own. There was no parliament and the other people did not have any right to vote in elections. Tsars ruled in harsh manner, ruining everyone who dared to complain. Nicholas II was born on May 18, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. He inherited the throne from his father, Alexander III who died in 1894 due to kidney disease at the age of 49 He was his parent s firstborn child. Nicholas II was 19 years old when he joined ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Causes Of Crime In Milwaukee One thing media forget to do most of the time is asking those who know or live in Milwaukee their opinion on issues such as violent crimes, poverty, unemployment, and not just depend on statistics and what they observe. According to Thomas, Milwaukee residents cite unemployment, poverty, and education as the leading causes of crimeand violence in the city. But about 48 percent disagree with that statement that they feel safe in their neighborhoods when they go out alone. I asked friends and family who aren t from Milwaukee their opinion on it, many said that Milwaukee is just trash , there isn t much to do in Milwaukee, that s why many doesn t visit. One of a family member was a victim of violent crimes, and its passing was a point where ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Organisational Structure, Leadership And Management Of The... British Vogue Magazine Introduction I will investigate various factors, such as organisational structure, culture, leadership and management of the British Vogue Magazine. I will use relevant theories to support the report. By using the relevant theories, I will explain how those factors help to function effectively and achieve the organisational goals. Background of the British VogueArthur Baldwin Turnure, the American business man established the company in 1892. The magazine was first sponsored by Kristoffer Wright, the first issue was published the 17 of December in 1892 with a cover price of 10 cents (equivalent to $2.67 in 2016). After his death in 1909 Conde Nast took over the magazine and slowly built up its publications. The original intention of Vogue was to become most beautiful and tasteful magazine that had ever occurred. He started Vogue overseas in the 1910 s. First issue of the British Vogue was published in September 1916. Elspeth Champcommunal, the first Editor in Chief was working in 1916 1922. The latest Editor in Chief is Alexandra Shulman, she gave 25 years of her life for British Vogue, she started in 1992 and today still edits the magazine. Since the beginning of her editorship, the magazine s circulation reached millions of readers. However, Alexandra Shulman resigning, her position is appointed to Edward Enninful, the first male Editor in Chief in the British Vogue s history. E. Enninful will take his position 1 August 2017 (Conlon, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Neighborhood Planning Paper Long Term ( 12 months) Neighborhoods and Staff Ongoing efforts to engage and empower residents and their families. Ongoing training and empowerment for staff. Personal Choice Continue the process of engaging and empowering residents to be involved in decisions and facilitating resident and staff relationships. Community Involvement/Personal Meaning Investigate the potential of offering an onsite preschool program. RECOMMENDATION I propose Country Living Estates adopt the neighborhood model to begin the journey of transitioning to person centered care. Neighborhoods should be established with permanently assigned staff to facilitate strong relationships and create a more home like atmosphere. Snack nooks should be created to offer residents 24/7 access to foods of their choice giving more autonomy and choice. Finally, an afterschool program should be initiated connecting residents with the community to increase personal ... Show more content on ... Both changes are inexpensive, relatively easy to implement, and have the potential for early success while putting residents needs at the center. Permanent staffing assignments facilitate strong resident/caretaker relationships which are the heart of culture change. Seibert (2008) found lower turnover rates specifically in facilities where culture change related to relationships between staff, residents and their families. This change has the potential of improving the quality of life and quality of care for the residents while having a positive impact on profits. A snack nook would offer autonomy and the opportunity of personal choice for residents, both of which are linked to the quality of life. 24/7 access to foods of choice has been linked to better health and improved nutrition for ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Effects Of Globalization On Cities In Asia Rick Penders Final Paper River Cities Draft Professors Chen, Cummins, Morrison, Lestz The Effects of the Global on the Local Three Case Studies on the Effects of Globalization on Cities in Asia Today two massive trends can be seen in the development of the world: the process of rapid urbanization, and the process of globalization. The two seem to go hand in hand. The 40 largest mega regions produce two thirds of global economic output and 90 percent of global global innovation, while housing just 18 percent of the world s population. For those reasons urbanization and globalization trends keep rising at a pace that the world has never seen before, especially in Asia. As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, the international... Show more content on ... So why doesn t globalization create a flatter world? In Shanghai Rising Part 1 Saskia Sassen explains that cross border economic processes like flows of capital, labor, goods, raw materials, and travelers have been around for a long time, and that those processes predominantly have taken place between nation states over the course of the last century. As a result of privatization, deregulation, the opening up of national economies to foreign firms, and the growing participation of national economic actors in global markets that has change quite drastically since the 1980s. These changes have led to a new system in the world economy in which nation states are losing their importance relative to other subnational special units; mostly cities and regions, global electronic markets, and free trade blocks. Cities are now able to specialize in certain aspects of the economy, and for big corporations it often makes economic sense to centralize all of their activities in one place anymore. Because of technological advancement firms can now divide their activities over multiple places all over the globe to where it strategically makes most sense. But Sassen also notes that the more a firm s activities are dispersed over different cities and countries, the more complex these networks of different firms and cities get, since ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Citizen Kane Cinematography Name: Date: Institution: A SCENE ANALYSIS OF CITIZEN KANE Citizen Kane is a 1941 film written, starred and directed by Orson Welles, a 25 year old untested producer at the time. It is contemplated by many as the greatest film of all time evidenced by the numerous plaudits and nominations it has won. It has drawn praise due to its excellent use of cinematography and narrative techniques. The film examines the life and legacy of Charles Forster Kane played by Welles. In the opening scene of the movie, Kane dies and his last word was Rosebud. The film is largely based on flashbacks describing his life. A reporter, Jerry Thompson is tasked with finding out the meaning of Rosebud and interviews Kane s former associates. The scene analyzed below ... Show more content on ... All the actors give splendid performances not only in this scene but also throughout the film to belie the film s relatively low cost. This is partly due to Welle s idea of conducting rehearsals before doing the actual shooting. This was also unheard of in the film industry at the time making it even more impressive. Conversations are well set and delivered, action scenes well coordinated and emotions so believable. All the actors in this film display great mastery of their various roles and display thoughtfulness in front of the camera and the result are the amazing piece of cinema work Citizen Kane ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Accomplish School-Life Balance We are eager to have you join the Antioch University Santa Barbara (AUSB) family, where your expert and individual objectives are the core interest. Encompassing you are socially cognizant workforce and assorted associates, and your instructive background is a dynamic and dynamic neighborhood group set in a standout amongst the most excellent situations in the United States. Extend All Antioch University STATEMENT of COMMITMENT, Inclusion and Diversity Antioch University Santa Barbara Achieve Your Goals AUSB underpins your expert dreams and will set you up throughout today s occupation market. The abilities you acquire and the teachers you gain from through our connecting with BA degree fixations and element graduate projects specifically add to meeting your vocation aspirations. Antioch University Santa Barbara Accomplish School Life Balance Your life includes more than just ... Show more content on ... Our emphasis on social equity and development sets you up to fathom advanced issues, showcase aptitudes that make ready for an effective profession, and seek after chances to improve your group. Antioch University Santa Barbara Complete Your Degree We realize that procuring your certificate in an auspicious way is an imperative component in your school choices, and we consider this important also; the normal time to degree for an AUSB understudy is over the national normal. Our instructors consider all your related knowledge to secure high exchange credits. Antioch University Santa Barbara Visit our Downtown Campus The AUSB grounds is situated in downtown Santa Barbara, California, inside of strolling separation of various eateries, shops, and exhibitions and near Santa Barbara s lovely shorelines and mountain ranges.
  • 43. Antioch University Santa Barbara Share Our ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Role Of Manipulation In George Orwell s Animal Farm Title of Your Report Power and manipulation are tool some people use to take advantage of others. In George Orwell s novel Animal Farm this strategy is prove throughout the book. In the book the animal rebel against Mr. Jones the owner. However, in the end the amial realized feedo is not what it seems.Animal Farm represent action that took place during the Russian Revolution. In the novel the animal Old Major Snowball and Napoleon use manipulation to control the other animals on the farm just as Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin used manipulation to control people during the Russian Revolution. Old Major and Karl Marx used manipulation to get to the others. For example in the book Old Major state only get rid of man, and the produce ... Get more on ...
  • 45. A Description Of The Learning Management Process 1. Production Development: A detailed outline is currently being created with content for each of the modules. Once this is created a script will be written and put into a software that will be read in production Production: A studio; producer; camera, lights and sound technician; hair and makeup are employed to be present and working during the approximately 20 days of shooting the modules. Hair and makeup play a critical role when shooting the modules, as the key is to make everyone look great on camera. The hair and makeup team will work closely with production to ensure that the teacher looks great on camera, and to see where there needs to be any improvement in looks during film. After all of the modules are done being filmed... Show more content on ... 3. Location The studio is located in Greenville, South Carolina. Agent Technologies, Inc. is also located in Greenville, South Carolina and is a virtual company consisting of many contracted resources coming together to provide training and speaking services. The benefit to this structure is low operational costs and due to the nature of the work it is unnecessary to have a brick and mortar location. 4. Legal environment Legal counsel has been contractually employed for copyright and legal issues associated with taxes or contracts with vendors. The legal counsel that has been contractually employed will be responsible for making sure that the business trademarks and also keeps up with all rules and regulations so that the business functions both effectively and efficiently. The legal counsel is also responsible for making sure that the team is current on all work law and ensuring that there will be no breach of copyright of other companies. The contracted legal counsel will handle all contacts with vendors to ensure that all information in vendor contracts are valid. 5. Personnel All employees are contract employees and will be paid for the work completed on a contract basis. These relationships are currently in place with long term business partners. The following are consultants currently involved in this venture: Content ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Civil Rights Heroes By Jonathan Kozol The names Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Langston Hughes, Jackie Robinson, Fannie Lou Hamer and Thurgood Marshall are all civil rights heroes, not to be forgotten. However, Jonathan Kozol reveals that the schools he has had experience with that are named after these civil rights champions are actually dishonoring the dead. Professor Gary Orfield indicates that schools that are comprised mostly of minority students, less than 1% white, are essentially apartheid schools. There is a reciprocal action, To give up on integration....requires us to consciously and deliberately accept segregation (Orfield and Eaton, 20). It is noted that some of the reasons New York has this problem is due to government enforced school boundaries, housing segregation and non enforced fair housing laws. Thus, the schools are named after the heroes in a show of respect and honor, yet their segregation is a dishonor to the namesakes. The racial isolation of the students leaves them feeling hidden, unwanted and inferior. This is a dishonor to those students and the people who fought so persistently for equal opportunities. Among other injustices, some schools in the South Bronx and other areas do not have basic essentials needed to conduct a safe environment ripe for learning. The apartheid schools are unsafe and underfunded, lacking enough rooms, chairs, play areas, libraries and enriching programs such as art and music. The funding disparity is saddening; with the Board of Education ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Harlan Coben s Views On Undercover Parents ВЁThe Undercover ParentВЁ (March 16, 2008) is a news article written by Harlan Coben that claims parents should sit down with their children and address the possibility of concerns the parents may have about Internet safety and let them know that there is a likelihood that spyware will be installed on their computer. I both agree and disagree with Coben s claims. I agree with Coben s claim that spyware, although seen by many as an invasion of privacy, may be way the best way to protect your child from things outside your sphere control . It offers you an extra set of eyes that have the ability to record everything your child does on the Internet. Coben claims that if more people learned to accept the fact that spyware has good uses to then ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Summary Of Improper Behavior By Ann Walker Walker s begins her poem with a desire to visit the places of her roots. She wants those places, learn the history, and take her newly acquired knowledge back with her to the States. There she will use that knowledge and share what she learned to all people from all backgrounds. The palimpsest is relevant in the idea that Walker will become aware of it when she finally visits the land of her ancestors and return home. Once she returns home, she will be broken and people will have the burden of fixing the palimpsest that has consumed her. Her mind will be conflicted at the sudden separation of her pride and her pain. Walker needs those feelings connected again. She cannot do it on her own and will have to rely on the people who don t know what... Show more content on ... There has to be an understanding between the old blacks and the new blacks. If the new blacks are oblivious to the craft of their ancestors, the old blacks, the form will be lost forever. Right now, the aesthetic of the next is dangling off the balance. The old blacks are waiting for their companions, the new blacks, to pick it up. This is an endless cycle. The old blacks will have to wait and see if their form survives the test of time. Sadly, it seems like the old blacks are hoping for something that simply isn t coming. The aesthetic of the next will continue to dangle, until further notice. Shockley herself is an example of the balance restored. The results are a perfect example of the aesthetic of the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Laboratory Of Neural Systems, Decision Science, Learning... Laboratory of Neural Systems, Decision Science, Learning and Memory (NSDSLM), also known as the Mizumori lab, seeks to understand the plasticity mechanisms within neural systems that underlie normal and pathological mnemonic functions. The principal investigator of this lab, and my primary research mentor is Dr. Sheri Mizumori. Upon joining the Mizumori lab, I have been shadowing Dr. Phillip Baker on his postdoctoral researchproject. He introduced me to laboratory research study and facilitated in the progressive improvement of my comprehension in basic neuroscienceresearch. The initial study that I began working on with Dr. Baker was about lateral habenula s (LHb) involvement in behavior switching when presented with a cue. The LHb is a structure identified for its role in signaling negative outcomes or cues (Bomberg Martin et al, 2011; Proulex et al, 2014). It projects to dopaminergic, serotoninergic, and norepinephrine systems that are acknowledged to be important when switches in behavior are required (Robbins and Arnsten, 2009; Lecourtier and Kelly, 2007). My responsibilities in this study mainly included handling and training rats, recording of rat behaviors through a series of sensors and robotic doors around the T maze controlled by z basic, and evaluating data from training and testing rats in a tonal task. I also had an opportunity to contribute to the paper in accordance with my responsibilities. Furthermore, I had a chance to partake in the histology ... Get more on ...