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Argumentative Essay : Drinking Water Shortage
Matthew D.Nicholas
Professor Kimberly Sullivan
English 101
20 August 2014
Argumentative Water Essay
There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human
beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is beginning to
show its effects in first world countries, but is a current major problem facing lesser developed
countries which have not taken drastic steps to harvest water and purify it to make it safe for human
consumption. In developed countries the population growth has strained available water resources
and stretched the ability of governments and private firms to provide safe drinking water to the vast
majority of the population. Seventy one percent more content...
Many populations, the majority being in Africa, face many water–borne diseases mainly due to
pollution of water resources. The option then becomes to either drink polluted water or not have
anything at all. Continual Human development such as population growth and industrial growth
have further drained water resources, causing a shortage of drinking water. As a result, there are
many conflicts over ownership of water resources and these lead to injuries or fatalities.(2) As
mentioned before, this shows why it is so important to find a solution to the issue of water shortage.
In the United States, the available water resources is also under assault. Half of water collected
and stored by existing infrastructure is usually used in the production of electricity. This forces
the population to use and divide what little there is left. This has always been a "good enough"
approach until now, when water prices and population is on the rise.(3) There are already calls for
charging water resources in order to increase efficiency of use.(3) Water protection is already being
carried out and has been for years, but there is still water pollution occurring within the United
States. After the Civil war, America strived to provide its population with clean water
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Argumentative Essay On Evolution
Madison Wenig
Mr. Kellerman
Honors Biology 2
19 May 2017
There always has been a controversy whether evolution really did happen or not. Many evolutionists,
philosophers and biologists have presented sufficient evidence that evolution is true. Yet there is still
debate about this contentious topic. With the facts and findings of fossil records of earlier species,
ideas of initial theorists, and our own genetics and DNA, evolution can be hard to prove wrong.
Evolution is not just a change over time, but that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor. This
process is occurring in our lives right now. What exactly is evolution? Evolution is "the process
through which the characteristics of organisms change over successive generations, by means of
genetic variation". (What is evolution) Simply, descent with modification. Charles Darwin was the
first person with the acceptable explanation of evolution. Although his theory gave forth too many
tremendous advances, he did not build this theory on his own. He learned and built off earlier
theorists, like Jean–Baptiste Lamarck, "who indorsed linear evolution". (evolution) As well as
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, with his concept of Scala Nature. These early theorists served as a
foundation for Charles Darwin's theory. Although Darwin's theory was important, a greater
attribution to evolution was founded. That is the uncovering of fossils. Fossils are significant to the
evolution because they show how life on Earth was
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Argumentative Essay On Genetically Modified Food
How can genetically modified food affect our society? GMOs are crops which have been
scientifically manipulated to receive certain results. The United States proves their commitment to
this movement, as their grocery shelves are filled with them. However, not many stand with the
U.S., as many countries have banned biotech foods because of their risks. Genetically modified
foods are a risk to our society as they may contaminate other productions, but they resist weather
patterns; they lack the necessary tests to provide information about their possible dangers, however
they are envisioned to be a solution to many health issues; furthermore, they dominate the food
industry by not allowing variety, but on the other hand, GMOs may help future issues of food
Primarily, GMOs can accidentally contaminate crops near them and affect production for
independent or local farmers and the companies themselves. As chemicals were scientifically
introduced to these crops, their properties may affect production for others as invasive crops,
causing the companies to pay additional fees. It is a controversial issue within the discussion due
to how, "...independent farmers' crops can be damaged by neighboring GM crops. When this
happens, they must pay fees or risk being sued." (Brassard 1). As it is demonstrated by the author
GMOs may be a liability for production and it may cause more issues than necessary. On the other
hand, genetically modified foods can resist weather patterns
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Argumentative Essay
Katie Rudnik
Instructor McClary
English 102:027
20 November 2014
Researched Argumentative Essay – Foreign Language in the United States
With the development of technology, improvement of transportation, and expansion of social media,
globalization is occurring faster than ever. Now more than ever, companies are looking to expand
internationally and employers are looking to hire multilingual employees. Because of this, the study
of foreign language plays a critical role in the ever–expanding global market. While many other
nations, such as Germany and the Netherlands, put strong emphasis on multilingualism, the United
States and other English–speaking countries are currently lagging far behind. American society is
described as "linguistically malnourished," with less than one in ten college students majoring in a
foreign language (Cutshall). The general apathetic mindset that the American people cling to is in
part due to the widespread, yet false belief that one can simply "get by" with English as the global
It is vital for us, the American people, to change our priorities and study foreign languages because
of the international competitiveness in the job market, need for national security, and protection of
international relations. Parents, teachers, policy makers, and educators need to become aware of the
benefits of language acquisition. These benefits include, but are not limited to, an improved
understanding of the native language and a broadened horizon in
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Othello : An Argumentative Essay
Othello: An Argumentative Essay
Inside each of us, there is a seed of good and evil since it is a constant struggle for us to determine
as to which one will win, so that is why one cannot exist without the other. However, there are some
whose emotions are unbalanced, which causes them to near towards one side more than the other
one ВВ and many times the side a lot of people prefer to lean on is evil. Shakespeare's play O thello
is set in 16thВcentury Venice and Cyprus.Othello, a noble black general from the Venetian army has
secretly married Desdemona, daughter of Venice senator Brabantio. Othello chooses inexperienced
Cassio to be his lieutenant, while he decides to give the ensign position to Iago, a malicious but very
experienced man who, with his stealth and knavery, will ultimately ruin almost everyone's life
since for a long time, he was desiring the position of lieutenant just like Cassio. At the end of the
play, Othello, Desdemona, Iago's wife Emilia, and his sidekick Roderigo die due to his revenge
against Cassio, for obtaining the position he wanted and Othello, for being the man who he hates
the most. The play ends with Iago being told that he will be punished and tortured for his actions.
However, despite the fact that Iago is punished at the end of the play for doing all of the malicious
things he did, he still manages to wear down Othello's relationship with Desdemona, get Cassio
demoted from his lieutenancy, and cause Othello to show his cowardness by
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Argumentative Essay On Martin Luther King
"The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it
back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day
will brighten the lives of every American (Johnson)." African Americans during this time period are
in the process of having their rights and equality. These individuals experienced hardships and
obstacles which led up to this. They suffered in different ways, additionally, some of them got
killed. When Martin Luther King, the leader, stood up for what he believed in with a group of
black people right behind him, he was put in jail and got severely bruised. King did not stop fighting
for these rights and equalities and even through thick more content...
Additionally, Birmingham and other southern urban areas had been the scenes of bombings
coordinated at African Americans and social equality nonconformists. "One of the tragedies of
the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could
speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Carmichael)." One of
the tragedies of the battle against bigotry is that up to now there has been no national association
which could address the developing militancy of youthful dark individuals in the urban ghetto.
This shows how even today things have curved in a good way because of leaders who stood
ground and believed that this was not the right way. Furthermore, Martin Luther King was the
main leader who led these marches and was a man who wanted racism and being separated from
everyone else, gone. "At age 6, Martin Luther King Jr. was jarred when a parent of a white friend
said the boys could no longer play together because he was black. Another time, King's father, a
minister, was driving a car when a white policeman pulled him over for no obvious reason. Listen,
boy, he began, only to be cut off when the Rev. King pointed to his son in the passenger seat. That
is a boy. I am a man (Atkin)." Martin Luther King Jr. was bumped when a parent of a white
companion said the young men could never again play together on the grounds that he was dark.
Some other time,
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first
started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively
affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced
the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate
change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the
Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include
change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although
numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on
whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is
neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media
and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings
of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of
these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice
in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by
nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September
2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Argumentative Essay On Electoral College
Electoral College
Despite the Electoral College system being founded by the founding fathers in America and being
there as long as the Constitution exists, many people still do not have sufficient knowledge on how
it works. The Electoral College does not provide honest presidential elections rather it has the
potential to undo the will of people at any point from the selection of electors to the vote tallying in
Congress (Shaw, 3). Electoral College in the United States has played a major role in depressing the
voter's turnout. Every State is given an equal number of electoral votes despite the population and in
turn, the system has put in place no measure to encourage the voters to take part in the elections.
Besides, the system more content...
The system is obsolete owing to the new methods of research and becoming aware of issues as well
as faster sharing of information for the Americans to know any presidential candidate. Besides,
United States of America has witnessed growth almost in every aspect of life and has shown the
ability to handle new developments articulating the strength of the country to establish and manage a
new electoral system. The reality that most of the states do not have laws requiring electors to vote
according to the will of their state, the electors are unbound thus the system create the possibility of
rogue electors. Also, the system presents a situation where the presidential election winner is
determined by the House of Representatives causing disenfranchising a significant number of voters.
Another problem surrounding the Electoral College system is that it allows one–party states, states
that almost always go to one party. In this context, a Democrat who casts a vote in a mostly
Republican state feels that his vote is wasted because of no way that state will be won by a
Democrat. Besides, the system is based on two–party elections, the Democrat and the Republican
leaving Americans with two candidates to choose (Belenky, 364). The voters end up picking the
candidate with fewer issues rather than the one they support. In my opinion, people feel that
Electoral College has single–handedly defeated
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Argumentative Essay On Mental Health
Mental health is treated much more different than many physical diseases and in the words of the
previous First Lady, Michelle Obama, "When it comes to mental health conditions, we often treat
them differently from other diseases like cancer, diabetes or asthma. Whether an illness affects your
heart, your leg or your brain, it's still an illness, and there should be no distinction."
Mental health conditions are highly stigmatized even in spite that they are extremely common. The
amount of people who have a mental health condition is over Forty million and more than the
populations of New York and Florida combined ("The State of Mental Health in America."). In fact,
in 2014 about one in five American adults experienced a mental health issue, one in ten young
people experienced a period of major depression, one in twenty–five Americans lived with a serious
mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression ("Mental Health Myths
and Facts").
Examples of estimated amounts of the American population, One in five (or 43.8 million) adults
experience mental illness in a given year, one in twenty–five (or 10 million) adults experience a
serious mental illness, one in a hundred (or 2.4 million) live with schizophrenia, 2.6% (or 6.1
million) of Americans have bipolar disorder, 6.9% (or 16 million) suffer from severe depression,
18.1% (or 42 million) live with an anxiety disorder. (Bach, Natasha).
Many people with mental illness believe they are
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Argumentative Essay On Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a topic within the public media that has existed for decades, but is now a
concern due to the reality of human advancement and innovation in the field of science and
technology. Many people believe that computers will become self–aware or sentient and view
humanity as a disposable resource and gain supremacy. Reasoning that research on the technology
should halt and not become more advance. Whereas others believe they will help catapult research
and the economy forward, supporting the operations and innovations the technology offers. The
complicated and divided solutions to the debate aren't obvious, but there are more benefits to
improving artificial intelligence than there is stopping it. Therefore, the negative effects people
believe will occur can be resolved. There are different types of artificial intelligence that many
institutes and companies believe in. However, they all share the same belief of a self–aware,
conscious, human–like, computer system, the type of AI people fear. Disregarding that an AI is a
computer much like a phone or laptop, one must consider that if something is sentient like a person
or animal, should they be treated like one? And if not, is it discrimination or racism when it is
treated like an item? Slavery treated people based on race or social status differently, the bottom
being slaves. Some might argue that machines don't have a "soul" or aren't alive. There are hundreds
of questions and ideas that have no clear
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Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping
Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative
stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I heard people say Indians were smelly,
stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as
possible to make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of
who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I am sure everyone in this room has been
affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos).
You may think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies
have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most
people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative
effects. People should stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social
division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping is a phenomenon known as
"stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a
negative stereotype. Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype
threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor of the UA psychology
department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college
women score lower on tests of mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests
of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of negative stereotypes
temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative
Consequences of Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not
do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to negative stereotypes. In a similar
study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students
took the same intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students
were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the
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Argumentative essay on social media
Argument essay about social media Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as
Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have
progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to live conveniently and fast. People are
almost using smart phones, i–phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These
equipments make us to do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people
even though they live far away. It could be, however, abused, if you don't use properly. Especially,
it is important that we understand and regulate the use of social media by young children. First of
all, social media, especially facebook, more content...
They just meet on websites, not physical meeting. Psychologist, Aric Sigman suggests "The use of
social networking sites as opposed to face–to–face interaction could lead to major health problems."
Also he claimed in the British Journal The Biologist "Spending too much time online could lead
to social isolation, loneliness and a negative outlook. These types of psychological symptoms
could eventually lead to more serious health concerns, such as heart disease, cancer and
dementia." Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using
social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As
a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Third, social media doesn't help for their
studies or talents. People think social media is good places to show their talents or works what
they did. For example, they argue people can share video clip what they playing the instruments
or dancing or singing. It is, however, for people who already good to do those. If you are not
good at those things and if you spend time to do social media, it would be hard to progress your
talents. I did surveys about relationships between using social media and studying last semester.
Most students answered using social media is not helpful to study. Also, students who got good
grades spend just a little time to use social media. Using social media
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Argumentative Essay On Autism
Let's say you have a box of crayons. It represents ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), now inside
the box you have different colors of crayons. Each color/crayon is a different disorder. The color
we want to talk about today is teal, the official color for autism. Stuart Duncan once said, "Autism,
like a rainbow, has a bright side and a dark side and even though it can mean rough waters it can be
beautiful." Autism isn't a label, it's a diagnoses. People with autism can be just as successful as
neurotypical people. People with autism have been the subject of stereotypes and neglect for
decades. Only in the last 150 years or so have things started to change. We don't know what causes
autism, but thanks to increased research and awareness we're making more progress than ever.
People with autism face many challenges everyday, autism is a spectrum. It's not the same for
everyone. Due to it being a spectrum it can be hard for people without autism to understand the
challenges autistic people face, and how to go about interacting with autistic people. There are
lots of autistic people worldwide, it's time we start making them feel more like people. 1 in 68
people in the US have autism, this includes 1 in 189 girls and 1 in 42 boys. Autism is a difference
in perception; technically it's a developmental disorder that is the result of a difference in brain
chemicals. Scientists don't know what causes autism or why it's stayed in the human gene pool for
so long. People with autism could have a wide variety of symptoms, but some of the most common
characteristics are fixations on things they like, reliance on routines,and lack of social skills. Autism
can be formally diagnosed at ages as young as 3. There is no medical test to diagnose autism, rather
a trained professional in the psychology field will perform a developmental screening and a
comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. When a child is diagnosed with autism, therapy is strongly
recommended. The earlier treatment starts the better because certain aspects of the disorder can be
lessened through therapy. Therapy helps the mind and the body, certain therapies can help rebuild
your brain, so to speak. Autistic brains are physically different than neurotypical ones.
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Argumentative Essay On Global Warming
Global warming, we see it as sad polar bears hopelessly swimming for their lives in the ocean. It's
shown as rising sea levels that can washout entire cities. It even sometimes gets turned into politics
but scientifically, what is the definition of global warming? It is the heating up the of Earth, caused
by infrared radiation that gets stuck in our atmosphere because of the increase of CO2 put into the
atmosphere. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation that cannot be seen by the human eye,
but we feel it as heat. Seems pretty logical doesn't it? To some it doesn't seem as reasonable. Some
believe global warming isn't a man made problem, but just a cycle of 'weather patterns'. For
example, our now president –Donald J. Trump– doesn't consider climate change to a threat to the
inhabitants of earth. Our president also said that global warming is a 'hoax'.
"Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and
Global warming is an expensive hoax!"
–Donald J. Trump
This is what many people believe, and this tweet too seems pretty logical to a majority of people.
But in 2014 January 29th when Donald J. Trump posted this tweet, there was record setting freezing
temperatures happening nation and worldwide. But also 2014 was one of the top three hottest years
on record. Now that doesn't seem like a 'hoax'.
Humans don't like being wrong. It's embarrassing, uncomfortable to believe something and then be
confronted about it. So that's why there's still high percentage of people who don't believe in the
change in climate. People who work with oil companies don't want to acknowledge it because it
can ruin their business. Politicians ignore the problem because it costs money to fix our past
mistakes. That fear, people being scared, it makes us shut down. But we can try ignoring the
problem, but the thing about problems is, they can be ignored but they never truly disappear.
Weather may feel the same as every other year, but The whole world is heating up, including our
vast oceans.
Tropical hurricanes need to have surface water temperatures to be 26В°C or more for them to form.
As our oceans get hotter hurricanes are able to form farther out in the sea
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Full name: Boumzough Mohamed
November ,29th 2016
ENS Rabat
Midterm Argumentative Essay
Teaching English as a foreign language carries many debatable issues. Some people claim that
teaching English in a foreign context reinforce cultural dominance over the students' culture and
identity. Others say that the teaching of the target language culture ?be it British or American– help
students increase their knowledge of the language. Language and culture are two faces of the same
coin; they are inextricable, you cannot mention one without the presence of the other. This does not
necessarily mean that it is an more content...
In addition to what have been said earlier, the classroom setting and decoration have to depict the
culture of the students, even simple things count, when setting the number of the room on the door
of the classroom, it is advisable to put besides "Room 12" for example, the equivalent in Arabic "
/ka:a/ 12". Another job the teacher has to do to preserve the student culture is to design activities that
require high order thinking skills, so that the student can question, evaluate, analyze and synthesize a
given topic, train them to be critical readers, help them find themselves and gain a balanced
personality. All in all, teaching British or American culture in English as aforeign language class is
inevitable. It helps in the process of learning and experiencing new attitudes, values that are
somehow impossible to reach without the presence of language. Sonia Nieto once said that learning
English and learning it well is absolutely essential for academic and social life success, but the
assumption that one must discard one's identity along the way the needs to be challenged. There is
nothing shameful in knowing a language other than the mother
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Argumentative Essay On Discrimination
In the context of this argument, discrimination is the unjust treatment of groups of people, specific
in this argument, women and racial minorities. Discrimination often involves unfair denial of
opportunity to a woman or minority from a source of power. While discrimination is wrong, it is
not all the same and it does not all come from the same source. Discrimination can stem from things
like emotions, specifically fear or hatred, rules and laws, and society. To compare discrimination, you
must be comparing situations with the same cause. Comparing discrimination with different causes
does not work since they are not coming from the same foundation. Comparison needs the same
foundation so similarity in the situations are taken into consideration. The cause is a big enough
difference that makes the cases incomparable. In discrimination cases, a situation that began from
fear will be vastly different than a situation that began from a law. The reasoning for discrimination
and how to handle the problem will be different. These situations have to be dealt with separately
and they should not be compared as they are not similar enough for comparison.
Universities give women and minorities special consideration because, throughout history, women
and racial minorities have been given the disadvantage of applying to and getting into colleges. The
unequal consideration of women and minorities for spots going to or teaching at colleges have led to
the creation of higher learning
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Argumentative Essay On Social Networking
Social networking has more benefits than you think. Some don't like social networking while others
are all for it. There are many people who have debated the benefits and detriments to society,
students, and family. Example of social networking would be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and
Youtube. Although social networking has some issues, many are easily taken care of, making it a
benefit and improvement to society. The first argument those against social networking mention is
cyberbullying. "Cyber Bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false,
embarrassing, or hostile information about another person." (O'Keefe). Cyber Bullying can be a
problem especially with insecure people who get it too young, but the majority of people are fine
with a little bit of crud and joking. The article, Bullycide: A brief history of the Phoebe Prince
phenomenon is all about the kids who got cyber bullied. They have a collection of real stories of
people getting cyberbullied. There are many examples of people getting bullied and committing
suicide. This article said, "By many accounts, it's getting worse, as social networking and
text–messaging have expanded the bullies toolkit: Studies show that 33 to 42 percent of kids have
been attacked or humiliated online." ("Bullycide"). Although bullying has been a problem in the
past, sites now let the user to either accept or decline friend requests, not allow them to send you
stuff, or block them. This can stop cyber bullying in
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Examples Of Argumentative Essay
Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to
win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable
within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative
essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support
that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the
reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument
composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an
argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to
address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the
argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by
argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and
conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content...
The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear
progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by
analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to
substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective
appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an
important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness
of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible
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Argumentative Essay On Bullying
Bullying happens everywhere, whether it is at work, school, or home, This is Where It Ends,
evidence in the schools, and adult psychiatric health problems later on in life, are some supporting
evidence to show that this is an ongoing problem. According to bullying is
described as "An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power–such as physical strength,
access to embarrassing information, or popularity–to control or harm others. Power imbalances can
change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people." Bullying helps
someone have dominance over another, it can boost their confidence, and self–esteem. Although
bullying has been around for as long as anyone can remember, it is just recently in the 2000s that is
has received serious attention and research (Hymel). There have been many recent events that have
focused on this subject.
"13 Reasons Why", this is a very popular title that most teens, adults, and parents may know. This
year, Netflix came out with the original series to show what bullying can do. In the year of 2011 a
15 year–old girl named Amanda Todd, posted her story on Youtube (Dean). Amanda was seriously
bullied for something that she had done in her middle school past, and was now in high school.
One day after school, Amanda was found lying in a ditch by her father, right before she had been
beaten up by a group of girl from her school. After, Amanda went home and drank bleach, it did
not kill her, a few months later, she tried to overdose on pill, that also did not kill her. After, she
posted her story on YouTube, people were saying "you should try killing yourself again", or "you
deserve to die", "try drinking a different bleach next time". A month later she attempted suicide.
Not only was Amanda the victim of physical and social bullying, but she was also the victim of
cyberbullying (Dean). Cyberbullying is social network bullying, it can happen over Instagram,
Facebook, Snapchat etc. This is now becoming more, and more popular as the world enters into a
more technology based times. Although cyberbullying is now very popular, physical and social
bullying are still used today. There are many stories on the internet about
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in
the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast.
Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs
the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are
primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect
related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend
upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country
made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and
create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are
secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and
continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it
comes to economic terms.
Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the
United States; however, debates related to immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly.
Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to control over
the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that
American citizen is unemployed because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy
(Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several terrorist attacks all
over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create
a safer environment (Cafaro, 2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been
proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the immigrants has
resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government.
Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can
live in freedom, practice their religion and make the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006).
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Arguementative Essay

  • 1. Argumentative Essay : Drinking Water Shortage Matthew D.Nicholas Professor Kimberly Sullivan English 101 20 August 2014 Argumentative Water Essay There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is beginning to show its effects in first world countries, but is a current major problem facing lesser developed countries which have not taken drastic steps to harvest water and purify it to make it safe for human consumption. In developed countries the population growth has strained available water resources and stretched the ability of governments and private firms to provide safe drinking water to the vast majority of the population. Seventy one percent more content... Many populations, the majority being in Africa, face many water–borne diseases mainly due to pollution of water resources. The option then becomes to either drink polluted water or not have anything at all. Continual Human development such as population growth and industrial growth have further drained water resources, causing a shortage of drinking water. As a result, there are many conflicts over ownership of water resources and these lead to injuries or fatalities.(2) As mentioned before, this shows why it is so important to find a solution to the issue of water shortage. In the United States, the available water resources is also under assault. Half of water collected and stored by existing infrastructure is usually used in the production of electricity. This forces the population to use and divide what little there is left. This has always been a "good enough" approach until now, when water prices and population is on the rise.(3) There are already calls for charging water resources in order to increase efficiency of use.(3) Water protection is already being carried out and has been for years, but there is still water pollution occurring within the United States. After the Civil war, America strived to provide its population with clean water Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Evolution Madison Wenig Mr. Kellerman Honors Biology 2 19 May 2017 Evolution There always has been a controversy whether evolution really did happen or not. Many evolutionists, philosophers and biologists have presented sufficient evidence that evolution is true. Yet there is still debate about this contentious topic. With the facts and findings of fossil records of earlier species, ideas of initial theorists, and our own genetics and DNA, evolution can be hard to prove wrong. Evolution is not just a change over time, but that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor. This process is occurring in our lives right now. What exactly is evolution? Evolution is "the process through which the characteristics of organisms change over successive generations, by means of genetic variation". (What is evolution) Simply, descent with modification. Charles Darwin was the first person with the acceptable explanation of evolution. Although his theory gave forth too many tremendous advances, he did not build this theory on his own. He learned and built off earlier theorists, like Jean–Baptiste Lamarck, "who indorsed linear evolution". (evolution) As well as Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, with his concept of Scala Nature. These early theorists served as a foundation for Charles Darwin's theory. Although Darwin's theory was important, a greater attribution to evolution was founded. That is the uncovering of fossils. Fossils are significant to the evolution because they show how life on Earth was Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Genetically Modified Food How can genetically modified food affect our society? GMOs are crops which have been scientifically manipulated to receive certain results. The United States proves their commitment to this movement, as their grocery shelves are filled with them. However, not many stand with the U.S., as many countries have banned biotech foods because of their risks. Genetically modified foods are a risk to our society as they may contaminate other productions, but they resist weather patterns; they lack the necessary tests to provide information about their possible dangers, however they are envisioned to be a solution to many health issues; furthermore, they dominate the food industry by not allowing variety, but on the other hand, GMOs may help future issues of food shortages. Primarily, GMOs can accidentally contaminate crops near them and affect production for independent or local farmers and the companies themselves. As chemicals were scientifically introduced to these crops, their properties may affect production for others as invasive crops, causing the companies to pay additional fees. It is a controversial issue within the discussion due to how, "...independent farmers' crops can be damaged by neighboring GM crops. When this happens, they must pay fees or risk being sued." (Brassard 1). As it is demonstrated by the author GMOs may be a liability for production and it may cause more issues than necessary. On the other hand, genetically modified foods can resist weather patterns Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay Katie Rudnik Instructor McClary English 102:027 20 November 2014 Researched Argumentative Essay – Foreign Language in the United States With the development of technology, improvement of transportation, and expansion of social media, globalization is occurring faster than ever. Now more than ever, companies are looking to expand internationally and employers are looking to hire multilingual employees. Because of this, the study of foreign language plays a critical role in the ever–expanding global market. While many other nations, such as Germany and the Netherlands, put strong emphasis on multilingualism, the United States and other English–speaking countries are currently lagging far behind. American society is described as "linguistically malnourished," with less than one in ten college students majoring in a foreign language (Cutshall). The general apathetic mindset that the American people cling to is in part due to the widespread, yet false belief that one can simply "get by" with English as the global language. It is vital for us, the American people, to change our priorities and study foreign languages because of the international competitiveness in the job market, need for national security, and protection of international relations. Parents, teachers, policy makers, and educators need to become aware of the benefits of language acquisition. These benefits include, but are not limited to, an improved understanding of the native language and a broadened horizon in Get more content on
  • 5. Othello : An Argumentative Essay Othello: An Argumentative Essay Inside each of us, there is a seed of good and evil since it is a constant struggle for us to determine as to which one will win, so that is why one cannot exist without the other. However, there are some whose emotions are unbalanced, which causes them to near towards one side more than the other one ВВ and many times the side a lot of people prefer to lean on is evil. Shakespeare's play O thello is set in 16thВcentury Venice and Cyprus.Othello, a noble black general from the Venetian army has secretly married Desdemona, daughter of Venice senator Brabantio. Othello chooses inexperienced Cassio to be his lieutenant, while he decides to give the ensign position to Iago, a malicious but very experienced man who, with his stealth and knavery, will ultimately ruin almost everyone's life since for a long time, he was desiring the position of lieutenant just like Cassio. At the end of the play, Othello, Desdemona, Iago's wife Emilia, and his sidekick Roderigo die due to his revenge against Cassio, for obtaining the position he wanted and Othello, for being the man who he hates the most. The play ends with Iago being told that he will be punished and tortured for his actions. However, despite the fact that Iago is punished at the end of the play for doing all of the malicious things he did, he still manages to wear down Othello's relationship with Desdemona, get Cassio demoted from his lieutenancy, and cause Othello to show his cowardness by Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Martin Luther King "The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day will brighten the lives of every American (Johnson)." African Americans during this time period are in the process of having their rights and equality. These individuals experienced hardships and obstacles which led up to this. They suffered in different ways, additionally, some of them got killed. When Martin Luther King, the leader, stood up for what he believed in with a group of black people right behind him, he was put in jail and got severely bruised. King did not stop fighting for these rights and equalities and even through thick more content... Additionally, Birmingham and other southern urban areas had been the scenes of bombings coordinated at African Americans and social equality nonconformists. "One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Carmichael)." One of the tragedies of the battle against bigotry is that up to now there has been no national association which could address the developing militancy of youthful dark individuals in the urban ghetto. This shows how even today things have curved in a good way because of leaders who stood ground and believed that this was not the right way. Furthermore, Martin Luther King was the main leader who led these marches and was a man who wanted racism and being separated from everyone else, gone. "At age 6, Martin Luther King Jr. was jarred when a parent of a white friend said the boys could no longer play together because he was black. Another time, King's father, a minister, was driving a car when a white policeman pulled him over for no obvious reason. Listen, boy, he began, only to be cut off when the Rev. King pointed to his son in the passenger seat. That is a boy. I am a man (Atkin)." Martin Luther King Jr. was bumped when a parent of a white companion said the young men could never again play together on the grounds that he was dark. Some other time, Get more content on
  • 7. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Electoral College Electoral College Despite the Electoral College system being founded by the founding fathers in America and being there as long as the Constitution exists, many people still do not have sufficient knowledge on how it works. The Electoral College does not provide honest presidential elections rather it has the potential to undo the will of people at any point from the selection of electors to the vote tallying in Congress (Shaw, 3). Electoral College in the United States has played a major role in depressing the voter's turnout. Every State is given an equal number of electoral votes despite the population and in turn, the system has put in place no measure to encourage the voters to take part in the elections. Besides, the system more content... The system is obsolete owing to the new methods of research and becoming aware of issues as well as faster sharing of information for the Americans to know any presidential candidate. Besides, United States of America has witnessed growth almost in every aspect of life and has shown the ability to handle new developments articulating the strength of the country to establish and manage a new electoral system. The reality that most of the states do not have laws requiring electors to vote according to the will of their state, the electors are unbound thus the system create the possibility of rogue electors. Also, the system presents a situation where the presidential election winner is determined by the House of Representatives causing disenfranchising a significant number of voters. Another problem surrounding the Electoral College system is that it allows one–party states, states that almost always go to one party. In this context, a Democrat who casts a vote in a mostly Republican state feels that his vote is wasted because of no way that state will be won by a Democrat. Besides, the system is based on two–party elections, the Democrat and the Republican leaving Americans with two candidates to choose (Belenky, 364). The voters end up picking the candidate with fewer issues rather than the one they support. In my opinion, people feel that Electoral College has single–handedly defeated Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Mental Health Mental health is treated much more different than many physical diseases and in the words of the previous First Lady, Michelle Obama, "When it comes to mental health conditions, we often treat them differently from other diseases like cancer, diabetes or asthma. Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg or your brain, it's still an illness, and there should be no distinction." Mental health conditions are highly stigmatized even in spite that they are extremely common. The amount of people who have a mental health condition is over Forty million and more than the populations of New York and Florida combined ("The State of Mental Health in America."). In fact, in 2014 about one in five American adults experienced a mental health issue, one in ten young people experienced a period of major depression, one in twenty–five Americans lived with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression ("Mental Health Myths and Facts"). Examples of estimated amounts of the American population, One in five (or 43.8 million) adults experience mental illness in a given year, one in twenty–five (or 10 million) adults experience a serious mental illness, one in a hundred (or 2.4 million) live with schizophrenia, 2.6% (or 6.1 million) of Americans have bipolar disorder, 6.9% (or 16 million) suffer from severe depression, 18.1% (or 42 million) live with an anxiety disorder. (Bach, Natasha). Many people with mental illness believe they are Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is a topic within the public media that has existed for decades, but is now a concern due to the reality of human advancement and innovation in the field of science and technology. Many people believe that computers will become self–aware or sentient and view humanity as a disposable resource and gain supremacy. Reasoning that research on the technology should halt and not become more advance. Whereas others believe they will help catapult research and the economy forward, supporting the operations and innovations the technology offers. The complicated and divided solutions to the debate aren't obvious, but there are more benefits to improving artificial intelligence than there is stopping it. Therefore, the negative effects people believe will occur can be resolved. There are different types of artificial intelligence that many institutes and companies believe in. However, they all share the same belief of a self–aware, conscious, human–like, computer system, the type of AI people fear. Disregarding that an AI is a computer much like a phone or laptop, one must consider that if something is sentient like a person or animal, should they be treated like one? And if not, is it discrimination or racism when it is treated like an item? Slavery treated people based on race or social status differently, the bottom being slaves. Some might argue that machines don't have a "soul" or aren't alive. There are hundreds of questions and ideas that have no clear Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I heard people say Indians were smelly, stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as possible to make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I am sure everyone in this room has been affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos). You may think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative effects. People should stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping is a phenomenon known as "stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a negative stereotype. Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor of the UA psychology department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college women score lower on tests of mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of negative stereotypes temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative Consequences of Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to negative stereotypes. In a similar study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students took the same intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative essay on social media Argument essay about social media Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to live conveniently and fast. People are almost using smart phones, i–phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These equipments make us to do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people even though they live far away. It could be, however, abused, if you don't use properly. Especially, it is important that we understand and regulate the use of social media by young children. First of all, social media, especially facebook, more content... They just meet on websites, not physical meeting. Psychologist, Aric Sigman suggests "The use of social networking sites as opposed to face–to–face interaction could lead to major health problems." Also he claimed in the British Journal The Biologist "Spending too much time online could lead to social isolation, loneliness and a negative outlook. These types of psychological symptoms could eventually lead to more serious health concerns, such as heart disease, cancer and dementia." Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Third, social media doesn't help for their studies or talents. People think social media is good places to show their talents or works what they did. For example, they argue people can share video clip what they playing the instruments or dancing or singing. It is, however, for people who already good to do those. If you are not good at those things and if you spend time to do social media, it would be hard to progress your talents. I did surveys about relationships between using social media and studying last semester. Most students answered using social media is not helpful to study. Also, students who got good grades spend just a little time to use social media. Using social media Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Autism Let's say you have a box of crayons. It represents ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), now inside the box you have different colors of crayons. Each color/crayon is a different disorder. The color we want to talk about today is teal, the official color for autism. Stuart Duncan once said, "Autism, like a rainbow, has a bright side and a dark side and even though it can mean rough waters it can be beautiful." Autism isn't a label, it's a diagnoses. People with autism can be just as successful as neurotypical people. People with autism have been the subject of stereotypes and neglect for decades. Only in the last 150 years or so have things started to change. We don't know what causes autism, but thanks to increased research and awareness we're making more progress than ever. People with autism face many challenges everyday, autism is a spectrum. It's not the same for everyone. Due to it being a spectrum it can be hard for people without autism to understand the challenges autistic people face, and how to go about interacting with autistic people. There are lots of autistic people worldwide, it's time we start making them feel more like people. 1 in 68 people in the US have autism, this includes 1 in 189 girls and 1 in 42 boys. Autism is a difference in perception; technically it's a developmental disorder that is the result of a difference in brain chemicals. Scientists don't know what causes autism or why it's stayed in the human gene pool for so long. People with autism could have a wide variety of symptoms, but some of the most common characteristics are fixations on things they like, reliance on routines,and lack of social skills. Autism can be formally diagnosed at ages as young as 3. There is no medical test to diagnose autism, rather a trained professional in the psychology field will perform a developmental screening and a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. When a child is diagnosed with autism, therapy is strongly recommended. The earlier treatment starts the better because certain aspects of the disorder can be lessened through therapy. Therapy helps the mind and the body, certain therapies can help rebuild your brain, so to speak. Autistic brains are physically different than neurotypical ones. Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay On Global Warming Global warming, we see it as sad polar bears hopelessly swimming for their lives in the ocean. It's shown as rising sea levels that can washout entire cities. It even sometimes gets turned into politics but scientifically, what is the definition of global warming? It is the heating up the of Earth, caused by infrared radiation that gets stuck in our atmosphere because of the increase of CO2 put into the atmosphere. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation that cannot be seen by the human eye, but we feel it as heat. Seems pretty logical doesn't it? To some it doesn't seem as reasonable. Some believe global warming isn't a man made problem, but just a cycle of 'weather patterns'. For example, our now president –Donald J. Trump– doesn't consider climate change to a threat to the inhabitants of earth. Our president also said that global warming is a 'hoax'. "Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!" –Donald J. Trump This is what many people believe, and this tweet too seems pretty logical to a majority of people. But in 2014 January 29th when Donald J. Trump posted this tweet, there was record setting freezing temperatures happening nation and worldwide. But also 2014 was one of the top three hottest years on record. Now that doesn't seem like a 'hoax'. Humans don't like being wrong. It's embarrassing, uncomfortable to believe something and then be confronted about it. So that's why there's still high percentage of people who don't believe in the change in climate. People who work with oil companies don't want to acknowledge it because it can ruin their business. Politicians ignore the problem because it costs money to fix our past mistakes. That fear, people being scared, it makes us shut down. But we can try ignoring the problem, but the thing about problems is, they can be ignored but they never truly disappear. Weather may feel the same as every other year, but The whole world is heating up, including our vast oceans. Tropical hurricanes need to have surface water temperatures to be 26В°C or more for them to form. As our oceans get hotter hurricanes are able to form farther out in the sea Get more content on
  • 15. Full name: Boumzough Mohamed Group: LPQME TEFL November ,29th 2016 ENS Rabat Midterm Argumentative Essay Teaching English as a foreign language carries many debatable issues. Some people claim that teaching English in a foreign context reinforce cultural dominance over the students' culture and identity. Others say that the teaching of the target language culture ?be it British or American– help students increase their knowledge of the language. Language and culture are two faces of the same coin; they are inextricable, you cannot mention one without the presence of the other. This does not necessarily mean that it is an more content... In addition to what have been said earlier, the classroom setting and decoration have to depict the culture of the students, even simple things count, when setting the number of the room on the door of the classroom, it is advisable to put besides "Room 12" for example, the equivalent in Arabic " /ka:a/ 12". Another job the teacher has to do to preserve the student culture is to design activities that require high order thinking skills, so that the student can question, evaluate, analyze and synthesize a given topic, train them to be critical readers, help them find themselves and gain a balanced personality. All in all, teaching British or American culture in English as aforeign language class is inevitable. It helps in the process of learning and experiencing new attitudes, values that are somehow impossible to reach without the presence of language. Sonia Nieto once said that learning English and learning it well is absolutely essential for academic and social life success, but the assumption that one must discard one's identity along the way the needs to be challenged. There is nothing shameful in knowing a language other than the mother Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Discrimination In the context of this argument, discrimination is the unjust treatment of groups of people, specific in this argument, women and racial minorities. Discrimination often involves unfair denial of opportunity to a woman or minority from a source of power. While discrimination is wrong, it is not all the same and it does not all come from the same source. Discrimination can stem from things like emotions, specifically fear or hatred, rules and laws, and society. To compare discrimination, you must be comparing situations with the same cause. Comparing discrimination with different causes does not work since they are not coming from the same foundation. Comparison needs the same foundation so similarity in the situations are taken into consideration. The cause is a big enough difference that makes the cases incomparable. In discrimination cases, a situation that began from fear will be vastly different than a situation that began from a law. The reasoning for discrimination and how to handle the problem will be different. These situations have to be dealt with separately and they should not be compared as they are not similar enough for comparison. Universities give women and minorities special consideration because, throughout history, women and racial minorities have been given the disadvantage of applying to and getting into colleges. The unequal consideration of women and minorities for spots going to or teaching at colleges have led to the creation of higher learning Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Social Networking Social networking has more benefits than you think. Some don't like social networking while others are all for it. There are many people who have debated the benefits and detriments to society, students, and family. Example of social networking would be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Although social networking has some issues, many are easily taken care of, making it a benefit and improvement to society. The first argument those against social networking mention is cyberbullying. "Cyber Bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about another person." (O'Keefe). Cyber Bullying can be a problem especially with insecure people who get it too young, but the majority of people are fine with a little bit of crud and joking. The article, Bullycide: A brief history of the Phoebe Prince phenomenon is all about the kids who got cyber bullied. They have a collection of real stories of people getting cyberbullied. There are many examples of people getting bullied and committing suicide. This article said, "By many accounts, it's getting worse, as social networking and text–messaging have expanded the bullies toolkit: Studies show that 33 to 42 percent of kids have been attacked or humiliated online." ("Bullycide"). Although bullying has been a problem in the past, sites now let the user to either accept or decline friend requests, not allow them to send you stuff, or block them. This can stop cyber bullying in Get more content on
  • 18. Examples Of Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content... The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Bullying Bullying Bullying happens everywhere, whether it is at work, school, or home, This is Where It Ends, evidence in the schools, and adult psychiatric health problems later on in life, are some supporting evidence to show that this is an ongoing problem. According to bullying is described as "An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power–such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity–to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people." Bullying helps someone have dominance over another, it can boost their confidence, and self–esteem. Although bullying has been around for as long as anyone can remember, it is just recently in the 2000s that is has received serious attention and research (Hymel). There have been many recent events that have focused on this subject. "13 Reasons Why", this is a very popular title that most teens, adults, and parents may know. This year, Netflix came out with the original series to show what bullying can do. In the year of 2011 a 15 year–old girl named Amanda Todd, posted her story on Youtube (Dean). Amanda was seriously bullied for something that she had done in her middle school past, and was now in high school. One day after school, Amanda was found lying in a ditch by her father, right before she had been beaten up by a group of girl from her school. After, Amanda went home and drank bleach, it did not kill her, a few months later, she tried to overdose on pill, that also did not kill her. After, she posted her story on YouTube, people were saying "you should try killing yourself again", or "you deserve to die", "try drinking a different bleach next time". A month later she attempted suicide. Not only was Amanda the victim of physical and social bullying, but she was also the victim of cyberbullying (Dean). Cyberbullying is social network bullying, it can happen over Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. This is now becoming more, and more popular as the world enters into a more technology based times. Although cyberbullying is now very popular, physical and social bullying are still used today. There are many stories on the internet about Get more content on
  • 20. Immigration Argumentative Essay Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms. Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro, 2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government. Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006). Get more content on