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Renaissance Humanism Essay
Many diverse ideas flourished during the European Renaissance which had a lasting impact on the
world. Humanism is a worldview and a moral philosophy that considers humans to be of primary
importance. The aspect of humanism first thrived in 14th century Italy, and later spread north in the
15th century. Initially humanistic ideas about education were quickly adopted by the Italian upper
class. The Italian ideas and attitudes towards life and learning impacted nobility in other parts of
Europe. They were able to accept and adapt to this new lifestyle. Humanism during the Renaissance
helped to spread ideas about the basic nature of human beings, how people should be educated to
become well rounded individuals, and how education impacts more content...
Humanism allowed people to realize that everyone's mind and thoughts were endless; the only
constraint being the imagination. During the Renaissance the aspect of a human's education was
equally important in the creation of well rounded individuals.
The philosophy of humanism exerted a new viewpoint on the educational system. The idea that true
happiness is the result of eternal salvation was introduced by humanist teachers. The Italian poet
Petrarch, delighted in studying the works of Cicero, explained that "when we come to think or speak
of religion, that it, of supreme truth and true happiness, and of eternal salvation, then I am certainly
not a Ciceronian... but a Christian" (doc.5). Education was important in the creation of well rounded
individuals, but humanists believed that religion is the key to true happiness. In addition to their
beliefs about the effects of religion on society, humanists promoted the study of language and
literature to develop strong social skills. This ultimately broadened every aspect of Renaissance
society. Establishing social skills can reward a person with "... the personal satisfaction he will take
in this, in this way he will never want for pleasant entertainment with the ladies who are usually fond
of such things" (doc.4). Although social transformation
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The Renaissance Essay
The Renaissance
Would it not be nice if we could go back in time to experience the Renaissance for ourselves?
Being able to walk down the streets of Florence, Italy and experience this time period that not
only gave rebirth to old values and artistic ways of statement, but also were a period of great
individualism. (make this into a sentence…add a subject and a verb to make it flow). Indeed,
Renaissance was a period of great individualism based on old traditional values.
The Renaissance had its start in Florence Italy and was inspired by the values of ancient Greece and
ancient Rome. During the Renaissance, people from various levels of society began to study
classical literature and more content...
These people were all individuals each of whom made great contributions in their field by
understanding and learning from the past and bringing that into their works.
Leonardo da Vinci is a good example of the perfect personification of the Renaissance belief in man's
power to shape his own destiny and to shape the world as an individual. He was born as the
illegitimate son of a Tuscan village notary and a 16–year–old peasant girl, and was said to have died
in the arms of the King of France. Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci accomplished many things
as both a scientist and an artist. One of his greatest works is The Last Supper. It represents the theme
of Jesus sharing a last meal with his disciples telling them that one of them will betray him. The
interesting part here is that da Vinci brings a classical theme to life, but he does it using an
experimental technique that unfortunately was doomed from the beginning and caused the
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Essay on Renaissance Art
The Renaissance was a period of European history that began in 14th–century Italy and spread to the
rest of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period, the feudal society of the Middle Ages
(5th century to 15th century) was transformed into a society dominated by central political
institutions, with an urban, commercial economy and patronage of education, the arts, and music.
The term renaissance, literally meaning "rebirth," was first employed in 1855 by French historian
Jules Michelet (Paolucci 14). Swiss historian Jakob Burckhardt, in his classic work The Civilization
of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), defined the Renaissance as the period between Italian painters
Giotto and Michelangelo (Paolucci 18). more content...
Classical manuscripts such as the dialogues of Greek philosopher Plato and the works of the Greek
dramatists were rediscovered and critically edited for the first time. These activities and other
humanistic studies and artistic endeavors were supported by leading families such as Medici of
Florence, and also by papal Rome and the doges of Venice (Cole 60). From the mid–15th century on,
classical form was rejoined with classical subject matter, and mythological scenes adorned palaces,
walls, and plates (Cole 61). The Renaissance ideals of harmony and proportion culminated in the
works of Italian artists Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo in the 16th century.
Progress was made in medicine, anatomy, mathematics, and especially astronomy, with the
innovative work of Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland, Tycho Brahe of Denmark, Johannes Kepler of
Germany, and Galileo of Italy (Gilbert 36). Geography was transformed by new knowledge derived
from explorations. The invention of printing in the 15th century revolutionized the dissemination of
knowledge. The use of gunpowder transformed warfare, and in political thought, Renaissance
theorists such as Machiavelli contended that the central task of government was to maintain security
and peace, and not preserve liberty and justice (Ackerman 122). Renaissance clergy patterned their
behavior after the
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Essay on The Renaissance
During the 1400s and 1500s in mainly Italy there was a major change that took place in all aspects
of life. This was called the Renaissance and was a movement that helped give rebirth to culture and
the arts. This movement went away from the medieval times that had forced a feudalist system on
its people. The Medieval times were a dark period in European history that saw a major decline in
arts and government. This declining can be attributed to a number of different reasons. One of which
was the Bubonic Plague that spread throughout Europe and Asia and killed millions of its
inhabitants. This was the final nail in the medieval coffin. Throughout these times the major focus
for government and the arts were all religion oriented. The more content...
Many of these advancements came in the form of the arts and theology as well as politics. The
arts went retro so to speak and focused more on the humanity of its subject rather than a rough
interpretation of what the artist saw. The subject of the art was given a sense of personality and
realism. This had not been seen since Greek and Roman art so it was heavily inspired by these
societies. Arts became vivid and celebrated and beautiful works of art started to arise and amazing
artist such as Michelangelo and DiVinci. In medieval time's arts was primarily for cathedrals and
other religious needs and the worked seemed to lack spirit but when the Renaissance began art
became an expression of the world around it. Just looking at this art you can see the vivid
differences and mood of the artist that created these masterpieces. The ability to think outside the
box heavily influenced these artists and had they been alive in a feudalistic society many of these
works would never have been created. Another vast improvement that the Renaissance saw was in
the form of architecture. This art form went through the peak of its craft during this time and can be
seen by looking at these amazing achievements that we still have today. Much like art, the idea of
architecture went back towards a classical view of interpretation. It was heavily influenced by the
Greeks and Romans and was a huge advancement from building techniques of the
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Renaissance Art Essay
Some of the techniques they used in the Renaissance is fresco. It is obtained when pigments are
combined with water and applied to wet plaster. The pigments are absorbed into the wall when it
dries. The benefit of a fresco is durability; since the painting is part of the wall, it does not wear in
the same way that a painting does if pigments are applied topically. A major disadvantage is that
because the artist works with wet plaster, he needs to paint fast before it dries. Also, colors are
usually opaque, and it has a matte appearance. Tempera is when pigments are mixed with egg to
produce a durable paint, it creates Tempera. The types of colors that painters could achieve were
limited, but it was the medium of choice for most artists working in Italy until the late fifteenth
century, when oil paints were adopted. Oil is a slow drying, making it easy to make modify while
it dries. Oil painting allowed artists to create translucent effects because oil could be applied lightly
as a glaze. Oil paints also offered artists the ability to paint with a big variety of colors that they could
with other paint types, which allowed them to sketch the human figure, architecture, and the natural
environment in more and more realistic visual terms. more content...
It refers to the rebirth of human beings. They also discovered fine arts, music, religion, literature,
technology, science, spirituality, etc. Sculptors and painters began to improve their skills and made
three–dimensional perspective and others. Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in
Germany at this period. In this period, the Renaissance, the Pope Paul 3 created the Council of
Trent. The Church of England and Jesuit Order of Roman Catholic Priests also were discovered in
this period. Sports were very popular at this period too. Shakespeare also wrote many plays during
this period, the
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Renaissance Essay
The Renaissance was an era of change in human thought. It was characterized by a new philosophy,
which included the rise of humanism, individualism, and secularism. Writers and artists began to
focus on the individual man and his potential. The Renaissance movement began in the Italian
city–states, especially Florence, and spread northward toward the rest of Europe. The Renaissance
was the rebirth of new ideas in all aspects of life such as: science, technology, classical art, and
education. A variety of factors led contributed to the beginnings of the Renaissance. One main factor
which led to the start of the Renaissance was the Crusades. The Crusades was a series of wars by
Western European Christians to recapture the Holy more content...
This reformation changed the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church and formed many other
religious sects in addition to Catholicism.
The Renaissance also had a great effect on literature and education. After Johannes Gutenberg
invented the printing press there was a greater thirst for reading books all over Europe. Because
Gutenberg's press could produce books quickly and with relatively little effort, bookmaking
became much less expensive, allowing more people to buy reading material. In the Middle Ages,
books had been costly and educational books were rare; only the wealthy had been regular
readers and owners of books. However due to the Renaissance, the educated middle classes, could
now afford books and they demanded works in their own languages. Furthermore, readers wanted
a greater variety of books. Therefore, all kinds of books such as almanacs, textbooks, romances,
poetry and especially Bibles were all published at this time. As the demand for books grew, the
book trade began to thrive throughout Europe, and industries related to it, such as papermaking,
increased as well. The result of all of this was a more literate nation and a stronger economy.
The Arts also flourished as well, during the Renaissance as people created new techniques and
discovered new subjects to paint and sculpt. The most obvious changes during Renaissance times are
seen in the paintings and sculptures.
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Essay on The Early Renaissance
The Early Renaissance
Today, what is considered to be the modern times began with the Early Renaissance at the start of the
15th century. As time has progressed, things have modified within societies to mold with the new
ways of thinking for that time. Between the years of the 1400's and the 1800's this world has
undergone many changes. Focusing on Europe, the major forces of change were in politics,
economics, and religion. In modern European history political effort were supplied by the state.
Early in the 15th century political warfare was the theme of everyday life. It was not until the
Peace of Lodi in 1454 that a balance of power was established and ended the hundred years war.
Early in the 16th century there is a more content...
Banking was over run by the Germans. Trade in the East came to an end with the fall of
Constantinople. By the end of the 16th century, economics had shifted from the Mediterranean to the
Atlantic with the Spanish discovery of the New World. With this trade shift the worldwide economy
was in the makings. In the 17th century mercantilism is very prominent. Things such as
state–granted monopolies, regulated exports and imports, tariffs, custom duties, quotas, slavery,
colonial taxes, and plantation system were in full effect. By the 18th century, a supply and demand
economy had produced. Through mercantilism, state regulations lowered the living standards of
workers. The every day lives that were led in modern Europe where primarily surrounded by
religious ideas. In the times of the 15th century, religion in Europe revolved around the religious
beliefs of the Papal Court. Though there were many religious battles over the Church, few doubted
the Church, following its every demand. By the 16th century, many began to challenge that of the
Papal State. People felt that the beliefs and efforts of the Church had traveled way off track, and
was in need of some repair. Martin Luther began the radical attempt to fix what had gone wrong
within the Papal State by posting his Ninety–five Theses upon the door of the Wittenberg University.
The outcome of Luther's efforts supplied Europe with beginnings
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The Harlem Renaissance Essay
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was a time of racism, injustice, and importance. Somewhere in between the
1920s and 1930s an African American movement occurred in Harlem, New York City. The Harlem
Renaissance exalted the unique culture of African–Americans and redefined African–American
expression. It was the result of Blacks migrating in the North, mostly Chicago and New York. There
were many significant figures, both male and female, that had taken part in the Harlem Renaissance.
Ida B. Wellsand Langston Hughes exemplify the like and work of this movement.
Wells was a fearless anti–lynching crusader, women's rights advocate, journalist, and speaker. After more content...
Wells was on of the founding members of the NAACP. In 1930, Wells was disgusted by the
nominees for the state legislature, so she decided to run for Illinois State Legislature. This made her
one of the first black women to run for public office in the U.S. The Harlem Renaissance exalted the
unique culture of African–Americans and redefined African–American expression. She was a person
who never stopped believing in what she thought or knew was important to her and other people of
her race and gender. She had to have a large amount of courage to do all that she has accomplished
in her time, and this is why she is an important figure to the Harlem Renaissance.
Langston Hughes was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance.
Hughes creative intellect was influenced by his life in New York City's Harlem neighborhood.
Hughes had a very strong sense of racial pride. Through his works he promoted racial equality and
celebrated the African American culture. It was in Lincoln, Illinois that Hughes started to write his
poetry. In November 1924, he moved to Washington D.C. where he published his first book of
poetry. Hughes is known for his insightful, colorful portrayals of black life in America. Langston is
also known for his commitment to jazz. Hughes refused to distinguish between his personal and
common understandings of black America. He
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Renaissance Essay
The European Renaissance, beginning of the New World, the prototype of modern day society.
Renaissance in the latin language means to "rebirth" or the "reawakening". The reason why it was
called the Renaissance was because it was considered the rebirth of the way of the common man's
thinking and how the society itself viewed things. It was also considered the bridge or the fine line
between the Dark Ages and the Modern Times. They had many ideals, hypotheses, and experiments
that may have proven to be true, or just another step closer to the truth.
`Around 1350 B.C.E., the Renaissance began due to many reasons. After the Bubonic Plague that
raged throughout Europe, the businesses moved away from grain sales into selling fine items such more content...
Their goal was the revival of languages, values, and intellectual tradition that the past. The growth in
pursuing education and the rising of economic equality also led to the common people wanting and
learning to read and strive for higher education. Children would be sent to school or have tutors in
order to receive that education, believing that they would receive better jobs and make better
connections with other people, ultimately helping them with their lives in the future. Another major
change was in the attention of God and nature converting to attention of self. Evidently in art, we
can see that instead of portraying pictures about the nature and God, it slowly shifted into drawings
of the human body and features. For instance, the Florentine painter Giotto was a famous artist who
advanced art immensely. He had the technique of drawing and representing the human body
realistically. This was admired and other artists took to it and started to shift their drawings away
from the olden, day and started to focus their drawings more on man and their actions. Lastly, the
common men who were told what to think and how to act were finally given a freedom. They were
encouraged to think and find out about the world for themselves, rather than having other people tell
them what know. This greatly improved original thinking, leading to more ideas being created and
based upon. Currently in the modern day world, the legacies of the
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Renaissance Essay

  • 1. Renaissance Humanism Essay Many diverse ideas flourished during the European Renaissance which had a lasting impact on the world. Humanism is a worldview and a moral philosophy that considers humans to be of primary importance. The aspect of humanism first thrived in 14th century Italy, and later spread north in the 15th century. Initially humanistic ideas about education were quickly adopted by the Italian upper class. The Italian ideas and attitudes towards life and learning impacted nobility in other parts of Europe. They were able to accept and adapt to this new lifestyle. Humanism during the Renaissance helped to spread ideas about the basic nature of human beings, how people should be educated to become well rounded individuals, and how education impacts more content... Humanism allowed people to realize that everyone's mind and thoughts were endless; the only constraint being the imagination. During the Renaissance the aspect of a human's education was equally important in the creation of well rounded individuals. The philosophy of humanism exerted a new viewpoint on the educational system. The idea that true happiness is the result of eternal salvation was introduced by humanist teachers. The Italian poet Petrarch, delighted in studying the works of Cicero, explained that "when we come to think or speak of religion, that it, of supreme truth and true happiness, and of eternal salvation, then I am certainly not a Ciceronian... but a Christian" (doc.5). Education was important in the creation of well rounded individuals, but humanists believed that religion is the key to true happiness. In addition to their beliefs about the effects of religion on society, humanists promoted the study of language and literature to develop strong social skills. This ultimately broadened every aspect of Renaissance society. Establishing social skills can reward a person with "... the personal satisfaction he will take in this, in this way he will never want for pleasant entertainment with the ladies who are usually fond of such things" (doc.4). Although social transformation Get more content on
  • 2. The Renaissance Essay The Renaissance Would it not be nice if we could go back in time to experience the Renaissance for ourselves? Being able to walk down the streets of Florence, Italy and experience this time period that not only gave rebirth to old values and artistic ways of statement, but also were a period of great individualism. (make this into a sentence…add a subject and a verb to make it flow). Indeed, Renaissance was a period of great individualism based on old traditional values. The Renaissance had its start in Florence Italy and was inspired by the values of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. During the Renaissance, people from various levels of society began to study classical literature and more content... These people were all individuals each of whom made great contributions in their field by understanding and learning from the past and bringing that into their works. Leonardo da Vinci is a good example of the perfect personification of the Renaissance belief in man's power to shape his own destiny and to shape the world as an individual. He was born as the illegitimate son of a Tuscan village notary and a 16–year–old peasant girl, and was said to have died in the arms of the King of France. Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci accomplished many things as both a scientist and an artist. One of his greatest works is The Last Supper. It represents the theme of Jesus sharing a last meal with his disciples telling them that one of them will betray him. The interesting part here is that da Vinci brings a classical theme to life, but he does it using an experimental technique that unfortunately was doomed from the beginning and caused the Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Renaissance Art The Renaissance was a period of European history that began in 14th–century Italy and spread to the rest of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period, the feudal society of the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century) was transformed into a society dominated by central political institutions, with an urban, commercial economy and patronage of education, the arts, and music. The term renaissance, literally meaning "rebirth," was first employed in 1855 by French historian Jules Michelet (Paolucci 14). Swiss historian Jakob Burckhardt, in his classic work The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), defined the Renaissance as the period between Italian painters Giotto and Michelangelo (Paolucci 18). more content... Classical manuscripts such as the dialogues of Greek philosopher Plato and the works of the Greek dramatists were rediscovered and critically edited for the first time. These activities and other humanistic studies and artistic endeavors were supported by leading families such as Medici of Florence, and also by papal Rome and the doges of Venice (Cole 60). From the mid–15th century on, classical form was rejoined with classical subject matter, and mythological scenes adorned palaces, walls, and plates (Cole 61). The Renaissance ideals of harmony and proportion culminated in the works of Italian artists Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo in the 16th century. Progress was made in medicine, anatomy, mathematics, and especially astronomy, with the innovative work of Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland, Tycho Brahe of Denmark, Johannes Kepler of Germany, and Galileo of Italy (Gilbert 36). Geography was transformed by new knowledge derived from explorations. The invention of printing in the 15th century revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge. The use of gunpowder transformed warfare, and in political thought, Renaissance theorists such as Machiavelli contended that the central task of government was to maintain security and peace, and not preserve liberty and justice (Ackerman 122). Renaissance clergy patterned their behavior after the Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Renaissance During the 1400s and 1500s in mainly Italy there was a major change that took place in all aspects of life. This was called the Renaissance and was a movement that helped give rebirth to culture and the arts. This movement went away from the medieval times that had forced a feudalist system on its people. The Medieval times were a dark period in European history that saw a major decline in arts and government. This declining can be attributed to a number of different reasons. One of which was the Bubonic Plague that spread throughout Europe and Asia and killed millions of its inhabitants. This was the final nail in the medieval coffin. Throughout these times the major focus for government and the arts were all religion oriented. The more content... Many of these advancements came in the form of the arts and theology as well as politics. The arts went retro so to speak and focused more on the humanity of its subject rather than a rough interpretation of what the artist saw. The subject of the art was given a sense of personality and realism. This had not been seen since Greek and Roman art so it was heavily inspired by these societies. Arts became vivid and celebrated and beautiful works of art started to arise and amazing artist such as Michelangelo and DiVinci. In medieval time's arts was primarily for cathedrals and other religious needs and the worked seemed to lack spirit but when the Renaissance began art became an expression of the world around it. Just looking at this art you can see the vivid differences and mood of the artist that created these masterpieces. The ability to think outside the box heavily influenced these artists and had they been alive in a feudalistic society many of these works would never have been created. Another vast improvement that the Renaissance saw was in the form of architecture. This art form went through the peak of its craft during this time and can be seen by looking at these amazing achievements that we still have today. Much like art, the idea of architecture went back towards a classical view of interpretation. It was heavily influenced by the Greeks and Romans and was a huge advancement from building techniques of the Get more content on
  • 5. Renaissance Art Essay Some of the techniques they used in the Renaissance is fresco. It is obtained when pigments are combined with water and applied to wet plaster. The pigments are absorbed into the wall when it dries. The benefit of a fresco is durability; since the painting is part of the wall, it does not wear in the same way that a painting does if pigments are applied topically. A major disadvantage is that because the artist works with wet plaster, he needs to paint fast before it dries. Also, colors are usually opaque, and it has a matte appearance. Tempera is when pigments are mixed with egg to produce a durable paint, it creates Tempera. The types of colors that painters could achieve were limited, but it was the medium of choice for most artists working in Italy until the late fifteenth century, when oil paints were adopted. Oil is a slow drying, making it easy to make modify while it dries. Oil painting allowed artists to create translucent effects because oil could be applied lightly as a glaze. Oil paints also offered artists the ability to paint with a big variety of colors that they could with other paint types, which allowed them to sketch the human figure, architecture, and the natural environment in more and more realistic visual terms. more content... It refers to the rebirth of human beings. They also discovered fine arts, music, religion, literature, technology, science, spirituality, etc. Sculptors and painters began to improve their skills and made three–dimensional perspective and others. Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in Germany at this period. In this period, the Renaissance, the Pope Paul 3 created the Council of Trent. The Church of England and Jesuit Order of Roman Catholic Priests also were discovered in this period. Sports were very popular at this period too. Shakespeare also wrote many plays during this period, the Get more content on
  • 6. Renaissance Essay The Renaissance was an era of change in human thought. It was characterized by a new philosophy, which included the rise of humanism, individualism, and secularism. Writers and artists began to focus on the individual man and his potential. The Renaissance movement began in the Italian city–states, especially Florence, and spread northward toward the rest of Europe. The Renaissance was the rebirth of new ideas in all aspects of life such as: science, technology, classical art, and education. A variety of factors led contributed to the beginnings of the Renaissance. One main factor which led to the start of the Renaissance was the Crusades. The Crusades was a series of wars by Western European Christians to recapture the Holy more content... This reformation changed the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church and formed many other religious sects in addition to Catholicism. The Renaissance also had a great effect on literature and education. After Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press there was a greater thirst for reading books all over Europe. Because Gutenberg's press could produce books quickly and with relatively little effort, bookmaking became much less expensive, allowing more people to buy reading material. In the Middle Ages, books had been costly and educational books were rare; only the wealthy had been regular readers and owners of books. However due to the Renaissance, the educated middle classes, could now afford books and they demanded works in their own languages. Furthermore, readers wanted a greater variety of books. Therefore, all kinds of books such as almanacs, textbooks, romances, poetry and especially Bibles were all published at this time. As the demand for books grew, the book trade began to thrive throughout Europe, and industries related to it, such as papermaking, increased as well. The result of all of this was a more literate nation and a stronger economy. The Arts also flourished as well, during the Renaissance as people created new techniques and discovered new subjects to paint and sculpt. The most obvious changes during Renaissance times are seen in the paintings and sculptures. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on The Early Renaissance The Early Renaissance Today, what is considered to be the modern times began with the Early Renaissance at the start of the 15th century. As time has progressed, things have modified within societies to mold with the new ways of thinking for that time. Between the years of the 1400's and the 1800's this world has undergone many changes. Focusing on Europe, the major forces of change were in politics, economics, and religion. In modern European history political effort were supplied by the state. Early in the 15th century political warfare was the theme of everyday life. It was not until the Peace of Lodi in 1454 that a balance of power was established and ended the hundred years war. Early in the 16th century there is a more content... Banking was over run by the Germans. Trade in the East came to an end with the fall of Constantinople. By the end of the 16th century, economics had shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic with the Spanish discovery of the New World. With this trade shift the worldwide economy was in the makings. In the 17th century mercantilism is very prominent. Things such as state–granted monopolies, regulated exports and imports, tariffs, custom duties, quotas, slavery, colonial taxes, and plantation system were in full effect. By the 18th century, a supply and demand economy had produced. Through mercantilism, state regulations lowered the living standards of workers. The every day lives that were led in modern Europe where primarily surrounded by religious ideas. In the times of the 15th century, religion in Europe revolved around the religious beliefs of the Papal Court. Though there were many religious battles over the Church, few doubted the Church, following its every demand. By the 16th century, many began to challenge that of the Papal State. People felt that the beliefs and efforts of the Church had traveled way off track, and was in need of some repair. Martin Luther began the radical attempt to fix what had gone wrong within the Papal State by posting his Ninety–five Theses upon the door of the Wittenberg University. The outcome of Luther's efforts supplied Europe with beginnings Get more content on
  • 8. The Harlem Renaissance Essay Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a time of racism, injustice, and importance. Somewhere in between the 1920s and 1930s an African American movement occurred in Harlem, New York City. The Harlem Renaissance exalted the unique culture of African–Americans and redefined African–American expression. It was the result of Blacks migrating in the North, mostly Chicago and New York. There were many significant figures, both male and female, that had taken part in the Harlem Renaissance. Ida B. Wellsand Langston Hughes exemplify the like and work of this movement. Wells was a fearless anti–lynching crusader, women's rights advocate, journalist, and speaker. After more content... Wells was on of the founding members of the NAACP. In 1930, Wells was disgusted by the nominees for the state legislature, so she decided to run for Illinois State Legislature. This made her one of the first black women to run for public office in the U.S. The Harlem Renaissance exalted the unique culture of African–Americans and redefined African–American expression. She was a person who never stopped believing in what she thought or knew was important to her and other people of her race and gender. She had to have a large amount of courage to do all that she has accomplished in her time, and this is why she is an important figure to the Harlem Renaissance. Langston Hughes was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes creative intellect was influenced by his life in New York City's Harlem neighborhood. Hughes had a very strong sense of racial pride. Through his works he promoted racial equality and celebrated the African American culture. It was in Lincoln, Illinois that Hughes started to write his poetry. In November 1924, he moved to Washington D.C. where he published his first book of poetry. Hughes is known for his insightful, colorful portrayals of black life in America. Langston is also known for his commitment to jazz. Hughes refused to distinguish between his personal and common understandings of black America. He Get more content on
  • 9. Renaissance Essay The European Renaissance, beginning of the New World, the prototype of modern day society. Renaissance in the latin language means to "rebirth" or the "reawakening". The reason why it was called the Renaissance was because it was considered the rebirth of the way of the common man's thinking and how the society itself viewed things. It was also considered the bridge or the fine line between the Dark Ages and the Modern Times. They had many ideals, hypotheses, and experiments that may have proven to be true, or just another step closer to the truth. `Around 1350 B.C.E., the Renaissance began due to many reasons. After the Bubonic Plague that raged throughout Europe, the businesses moved away from grain sales into selling fine items such more content... Their goal was the revival of languages, values, and intellectual tradition that the past. The growth in pursuing education and the rising of economic equality also led to the common people wanting and learning to read and strive for higher education. Children would be sent to school or have tutors in order to receive that education, believing that they would receive better jobs and make better connections with other people, ultimately helping them with their lives in the future. Another major change was in the attention of God and nature converting to attention of self. Evidently in art, we can see that instead of portraying pictures about the nature and God, it slowly shifted into drawings of the human body and features. For instance, the Florentine painter Giotto was a famous artist who advanced art immensely. He had the technique of drawing and representing the human body realistically. This was admired and other artists took to it and started to shift their drawings away from the olden, day and started to focus their drawings more on man and their actions. Lastly, the common men who were told what to think and how to act were finally given a freedom. They were encouraged to think and find out about the world for themselves, rather than having other people tell them what know. This greatly improved original thinking, leading to more ideas being created and based upon. Currently in the modern day world, the legacies of the Get more content on