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Aquaponics Global Ltd. Introductory Lecture

Aquaponic Farming For Hainan.
Aquaponics-The Modern Automated ORGANIC Food Factory.

    Due mostly to a sharp increase in tourism, Hainan is having to import
    more and more food. At the same time, the natural wonders the
    tourists are keen to see are being wiped out by farmers cutting down
    the forest to get more land-to grow food to feed the tourists.
    This makes no sense whatsoever, especially since there is a very
    efficient and simple to transfer technology that takes advantage of a
    skill many Hainanese already have-FISH FARMING.
    Aquaponics is the marriage of INTENSIVE MODERN FISH FARMING
    Aquaponics grows 90% more food on 90% less space with 90% less
    water and work. It uses 17% of the energy of soil farming,
Tropical Outdoor Aquaponics Using the University of the Virgin Islands

                                        This is the tried and
                                        tested (operational
                                        commercially since the
                                        1970s) University of the
                                        Virgin Islands
                                        aquaponics system
                                        design that our
                                        technician is trained to
                                        install and use.
The nitrogen cycle in water helps fish and plants live happily together in an aquaponic system
Plants eat up the plant food and clean the water. The water is pumped back to the fish. Round
and round. The only input is FISH FOOD, tiny amounts of trace minerals and a little top-up
water (1.5% daily of the total volume of water in the aquaponic system). This compares
favourably with around 90% of water top-up daily for irrigated agriculture.
Base addition                    Effluent line           Hydroponic tanks
Rearing tanks

                                                   Return line
                  Filter tanks

    Total water volume, 110 m3                   Land area - 0.05 ha
Aquaponics Plumbing Diagram Side On FROM OUTSIDE Showing CLARIFIER, outer settling tank
for fish solids disposal, piping from fish rearing tanks to clarifier. Getting rid of the fish solids to
an outside tank for settling out and composting to organic fish manure is important. Fish solids
are removed from the system via a tap on the clarifier three times a day, every day. Any waste
  water is safe to use as irrigation water on normal soil crops such as fruit trees and grain. No
   untreated fish effluent is allowed to go to waste into rivers and lakes. It's too valuable as
                                          organic fertilizer!
View from below of main piping runs in the UVI aquaponics system. Note the route the water
from the degassing tank takes into one set of hydroponic tanks, then the return piping (water
lines) from the second connected set of hydroponic tanks. We will now trace the flow of the
water around the system using the System Diagram:
System Design
    Four fish rearing tanks, 7.8 m3 each
 Two cylindro-conical clarifiers, 3.8 m3 each
 Four filter tanks, 0.7 m3 each
         One degassing tank, 0.7 m3
    Six hydroponic tanks, 11.3 m3 each
    Total plant growing area, 214 m2
    One sump, 0.6 m3
        Base addition tank, 0.2 m3
        Total water volume, 110 m3
        Land area - 0.05 ha ONLY
Original UVI Aquaponics System-4 fish rearing tanks and 6 hydroponic troughs.
Overview of the 6 hydroponic raceways of the UVI aquaponic system.
Treatment Processes
 Air stones, 22 per rearing tank, 24 per hydroponic tank
 Solids removal, three times daily from clarifier,
   filter tank cleaning one or two times weekly
   Denitrification in orchard netting filled filter tanks
   Continuous degassing of methane, CO2 , H2S, N2
 Direct uptake of ammonia and other nutrient by plants
 Nitrification in hydroponic tank (keep an eye on it)
 Retention time: rearing tank, 1.37 h; clarifier, 20 min,
    hydroponic tanks, 3 h
Airlines working in UVI fish rearing tank. Intensive fish rearing (1200 hybrid red tilapia fish in
         7.8 cubic metres of water) requires additional air supplied constantly 24/7.
2 regenerating air blowers supply air via air lines to the fish tanks and hydroponic tank. 1.5 hp
 blower supplies the fish and the degassing tank. 1 hp blower supplies the hydroponic tanks.
They supply air to the water 24 hours a day all year or the fish and plants will die very rapidly.
    Spare air blowers, backup electric supplies and pumps are essential to avoid disasters.
Fish rearing tank inlet and tank harvest water drainage pipes. Buried under gravel for easy
access for maintenance. The tank has to be half emptied during fish harvests, every 24 weeks
as fish get to market weight and size. This makes harvesting with hand-held nets much easier.
Each pair of fish rearing tanks has its own conical clarifier, and p.air of orchard netting filled
fine solids filtration and mineralization tanks. The water from both sides of the system goes
into the degassing tank (left hand side of picture) and flows via gravity to the 6 hydroponic
tanks. In the hydroponic tanks, the nutrients in the water are absorbed by the plant crops.
Another view of the orchard netting tanKs to which the water flows from the clarifier cone.
Dismantled conical clarifier end on with bottom hole for exit pipe for tapping off fish solids
Dismantled aquaponics conical clarifier with baffles inserted. These force the solid lumps of
fish excrement downwards towards the bottom of the cone where they settle while the less
polluted water continues to the orchard netting fine solids filter tanks. Gravity fed water flow.
Fish solids (fish poo and water) being removed from the clarifier cone via pipe to the outside.
This should be done 3 times a day. The buckets of fish poo are sent to a settling pond outside.
Alignment of 1 clarifier and 2 orchard netting tanks with the fish rearing tanks they serve.
Clean the netting in the orchard netting tanks using the winch and a hose, with dechlorinated
and dechloramined water, once or twice a week to control nitrate levels in the water supply.
To find out how much nitrate, nitrite and ammonia is in your water, and to control the pH, you
have to test the water scientifically EVERY DAY. THIS IS NOT 'JUST ADD WATER' FARMING!
Cleaning the orchard netting using built in high pressure nozzles. The nitrifying bacteria live on
fine fish solids captured by the orchard netting and release dissolved nitrates for plant feed.
The solids settling pond at the UVI. Removed fish solids settle here and compost into a sludge.
The separated water can be used for soil crop irrigation. The sludge at the bottom is periodically
dewatered using a geotextile bag and pump. The resulting fish manure is organic fertilizer. This
water runoff from the system represents around 1.5% of the system volume as an exchange rate.
The degassing tank and base addition tank, sump and pump at the center of the UVI system.
Water flows by gravity from the orchard netting mineralization and filter tanks to the degassing
tank, which is heavily aerated with air lines. This fizzing air through the water removes residual
hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide from the water column. The base addition tank is for the
gradual addition of tiny amounts of garden lime (calcium hydroxide-Ca(OH)2) and old fashioned
lye (potassium hydroxide-KOH) in alternating amounts with precise testing to control water pH.
A crop of lettuce ready to harvest in the UVI hydroponic troughs. 29 days from seedling to
harvest, one harvest a week all year. Lettuce grown in soil takes 60 days at lower planting
Floating raft with crop of lettuce ready to harvest at the UVI. Floating rafts can be lifted out to
harvest crops. Floating rafts are painted white on the upper surface to reflect solar radiation
upwards. This deflects heat from the water and the raft seals the raceway to prevent water
evaporation. Water exchange in this aquaponics system is 1.5% compared to 90% for
conventional soil crop farming. This is because the water is sealed in and shaded, and the fish
rearing tanks are also shaded. 98% of water used is constantly recycled round the system.
Another view of staggered crop rotation in the UVI aquaponic system. Seedlings and
harvestable crops grow in sequence on a “conveyor belt” of removable floating rafts. This is an
organic intensive food factory. In a controlled climate greenhouse, this method can be even
more productive with more control over temperature and humidity, also storm avoidance.
More lettuces growing fast in the UVI aquaponics system.
Culinary herbs (with a high market price per plant) growing in the UVI aquaponics system.
Cucumber plants growing in the UVI aquaponics system. Cucumber, melon and squash are all
possible fast-fruiting crops in this system.
Close up of an immature cucumber growing in the UVI floating raft aquaponics system.
Air line bubbling in a hydroponic raceway under water. The floating raft has been recently
removed temporarily for harvesting lettuce.
Air stones and airlines, airline connectors at the UVI. Air has to be constantly pumped into the
water in all the fish rearing tanks and hydroponic raceways.
Floating raft with lettuces being lifted out to harvest at waist height. No back breaking bending
or soil contamination. Clean lettuce! Fish are cold-blooded so cannot contaminate aquaponic
system water with germs that make humans sick. Wash your hands after going to the bathroom!
The trestle table on which the floating rafts are rested so the lettuces can be quickly cut off.
Putting the floating raft on the trestle table. Note the roots hanging down. In aquaponics, the
roots of the plants do not have to grow sideways to find nutrition, it is all in the fish waste
water supplied direct to the roots. So the plant's growth energy is all concentrated in top
growth which can make many species grow twice as fast, also at half the spacing. No need for
lots of space! Aquaponic farming uses 90% less space to grow up to 4 times more food.
Crated lettuce ready for market from the UVI aquaponics system.
Cleaned floating raft after lettuce harvest, being stacked against the fence to dry.
Treatment Characteristics
Fish toxin removal rates from the water
using romaine lettuce (g/m2/day):
NH3-N, 0.56        NO2-N, 0.62
                   COD, 30.3
               Total nitrogen, 0.83
             Total phosphorous, 0.17
Raft Hydroponics
 Advantages: no tank size limitation, no root clogging,
   maximum exposure of roots to water, sheets
   shade and cool water, plants not affected when
   water pump stops, easy to harvest with no back breaking work
 Disadvantages: roots vulnerable to damage by
zooplankton, snails and other organisms (use tetras
(aquarium fish) to control zooplankton, and red ear
sunfish to control snails.
Snails like these can be a pest in your hydroponic troughs. Red eared sunfish will eat them.
Red eared sunfish living under your hydroponic rafts will eat all your snail pests, but not your

    Fish are very sensitive to poison. You cannot use
    any toxic chemicals such as pesticides on your crops
    since the water will take the chemicals back to the
    fish and the fish will all die. No antibiotics either.
    Pest control in aquaponics involves using beneficial
    insects such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps, and
    lacewings to eat up insect pests. You can also use
    bacillus thuringensis, a bacterial spray that kills
    caterpillars but not fish and humans, and natural
    vegetable oils which suffocate the insects.
Biological Pest Control

     DIPEL                
     SAFE                     OIL SPRAYS.
DIPEL kills caterpillars and worms without killing fish and humans.
Important Principles
   Optimum feeding rate, 60 - 100 g/m2 plant
     area/day prevents nutrient accumulation or
 Slow removal of solids increases mineralization
 Frequency of filter tank cleaning controls
   nitrate levels through denitrification
   Treatment capacity of hydroponic tanks is
  equivalent to 180 g of feed/day/m2 of plant area
Production Management
          Feeding: three times daily ad libitum
             32% protein, floating, complete diet
 Stagger fish production, 24 week cycle, harvest every 6
                Stagger plant production
              Use biological insect control
         Monitor pH daily, maintain pH 7.0 by
      alternate and equal additions Ca(OH)2 and KOH
       Add chelated iron (2 mg/L) every 3 weeks
 Add makeup water daily, about 1.5% of system volume
 Purge fish for 4-5 days before sale
Red hybrid tilapia fish sell very well to restaurants. They also grow in large numbers in
aquaponics systems fish rearing tanks, where they fertilize the water for the plant crops. They
take 24 weeks to grow from fingerlings to plate size, and are harvested from each tank in turn
every six weeks. (There are 4 tanks, 4 x 6 weeks = 24 weeks). There is a separate breeding
station where the tilapia are bred on the farm to ensure healthy disease free fish.
Feeding the fish at the University of the Virgin Islands aquaponics system. Feed as much as
they will eat three times a day for maximum growth. Only as much as they will comfortably eat
in half an hour. DO NOT OVERFEED, this pollutes the water and will cause disease and dead
fish. The netting is to keep out predators such as birds and cats, who eat fish! You want to
make sure that you harvest 1200 fish (hybrid red tilapia, as an example) every 6 weeks!
Testing the water in the fish rearing tanks for pH. This must be done at least daily to make sure
that the pH is neutral (7.0). If the pH is too high or too low, old fashioned lye or garden lime base
must be added to buffer the water pH. This is done extremely carefully and gradually in the base
addition tank. Garden lime increases pH, while old fashioned lye decreases it. Tiny amounts
Calcium hydroxide or garden lime (Ca(OH)2) in a bucket ready to be added to the base additon
tank at the center of the aquaponic system by the sump and pump. Be careful, this is nasty
stuff! Only this amount for thousands of liters of water. The base addition tank trickle adds the
solution over many hours in tiny quantities so as not to shock the fish.
The pH (level of water acidity/alkalinity) of your aquaponic system must always be kept
 adjusted to neutral (7.0) for all the living processes and creatures to maintain healthy

          Aquaponics is extremely harmonious!
Potassium hydroxide before being added to the base addition tank at the center of the
aquaponic system by the sump and pump. Be careful, this is caustic, i.e. it burns! Only this
amount is added for thousands of gallons of water. The base addition tank trickle adds the
solution over many hours in tiny quantities so as not to shock the fish.
The base addition tank where the pH adjustment base chemicals are added very gradually to
the sump. This sump tank is where the water returns to from the hydroponic raceways to be
pumped back up to the fish tanks. The aquaponic system works with JUST ONE 1/2
HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC PUMP for water pumping, one 1 1/2 horsepower regenerating air
blower for fish rearing tanks and degassing, and one 1 horsepower blower for hydroponics.
The 1/2 horsepower electric pump UNDER THE SUMP, pumping the CLEANED water back up
ALONG THE MAIN PIPE that branches to supply the 4 fish rearing tanks. The fish tanks are the
HIGHEST POINT OF THE SYSTEM. From there the water trickles down again round the system
via gravity, finding its level as it follows the pipework from one tank to another. THE
The dirty water from the system DOES NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR THE PUMP.
Energy Consumption
             One blower for fish and degassing, 1.5 hp
             One blower for hydroponics, 1 hp
             One water pump, ½ hp

   Total energy consumption 3.0 hp

The clean water collects in the sump for the pump
The water is pumped to the highest point: the fish tanks.
It then flows under gravity round the system again .
  Tilapia - 5 mt annually , 580 kg every 6 weeks,
     160 kg/m       3   /yr
 Stocking rate: Niles, 77 fish/m3; reds, 154 fish/m3
 Leaf lettuce - 1,404 cases annually, 24-30
heads/case, 27 cases/week
               Basil - 5 mt annually
               Okra - 2.9 mt annually
Graphic showing relative production quantities overall in one year for tilapia, lettuce, basil and
okra using one 0.05 ha. UVI aquaponics unit. Other crops can be grown of course.

         Units p.a.

       Cases p.a.


   Metric tons p.a.
                      0   5000   10000   15000   20000   25000   30000   35000   40000
1200 red tilapia about to be harvested. Note the high stocking density of the fish and the AIR
LINES in the tank. Fish in intensive rearing tanks need a lot of oxygen. This stocking density in
  pond fish farming is not possible because you cannot supply enough oxygen or control pH
accurately or consistently enough to get these results. If you did this in a pond you would kill
Lifting a floating raft full of lettuces out of the hydroponic raceway.
Okra seedlings in plastic net pots and coir/vermiculite planting plugs newly inserted into a
floating raft. Seedlings are germinated and grown on separately in a separate greenhouse for 2-3
weeks before insertion into the aquaponic system. The growing medium for seedlings is a
mixture of non-soil inert coir (coconut fiber) and vermiculite. Soil is not allowed (diseases).
Okra growing in the UVI aquaponics system hydroponic raceways on floating polystyrene rafts.
Roots of okra crop demonstrating health and strong growth in nothing but fish waste water.
Okra plants ready to harvest the okra. Note the very high planting density. This cannot be
                                    achieved in soil.
Okra harvest from UVI aquaponic system.
A crop of aquaponic cabbages.
Some other crops you can easily and quickly grow, flowers for cutting, melons, basil. Basil
grows from seedlings in 29 days. You can cut it three times before you have to replace the
Advantages of Aquaponics
       Fish provide most nutrients required by plants
  Plants use nutrients to produce a valuable by-product
  Hydroponic component serves as a biofilter
  Hydroponic plants extend water use and
     reduce discharge to the environment
      Integrated systems require less water quality
          monitoring than individual systems
 Profit potential increased due to free nutrients for plants,
   lower water requirement, elimination of separate
   biofilter, less water quality monitoring and shared costs
   for operation and infrastructure.
Perspective on UVI Aquaponic System

    The system represents appropriate or intermediate
        It conserves water and reuses nutrients
 The technology can be applied at a subsistence level or
commercial scale
       Production is continuous and sustainable
       The system is simple, reliable and robust
     Management is easy if guidelines are followed
Nelson & Pade Commercial Size Ready Made System In Kit Form.
If you don't want to build your aquaponic system yourself from local
 materials, you can order a kit from America. This is, however, much
 more expensive and many of the parts are actually 'Made in China.'
                                       Nelson & Pade, U.S.A.
                                       Well established
                                       manufacturer of commercial
                                       sized aquaponic farming kits.
                                       Largely copied from the
                                       previously described
                                       University of the Virgin
                                       Islands aquaponic system.
                                       Guaranteed to work.
                                       Price of one UVI-like
                                       commercial small sized farm
                                       kit $45,495 excluding freight
                                       and installation.
Nelson & Pade grow beds and fish grow out tank. Two grow beds in one raceway with a plastic
divider, floating raft systems. Grow out tank with observation window for Nile tilapia. Can be
build outdoors or in a controlled climate greenhouse.
Nelson & Pade conical clarifier. Nelson & Pade orchard netting tank and degassing tank. These
work exactly the same as the UVI system above. The conical clarifier removes the worst of the
fish solids using baffles to drive the solids o settle ttowards the exit pipe at the bottom. The
orchard netting tank removes the finer solids and provides a home for the nitrifiying bacteria
which digest the solids into nitrates. The degassing tank removes hydrogen sulphide and
excess carbon dioxide from the water column using intensive aeration via the air pumped
through air lines in the tank. From the degassing tank the water flows out to the plants.
Nelson & Pade UVI-style sump with base addition tank for gradual addition of pH control
bases. The single low horsepower pump for the whole Nelson and Pade system, like the UVI
system, pushes the water up to its highest level in the fish tanks. From there it trickles down
around the system and back to the sump and pump using gravity under its own weight. This is
basically the same system as that designed by the University of the Virgin Islands team in the
1970s, but available as a prefabricated easy to assemble kit. Operating the system, however,
requires additional advice, training and supervision for some months to ensure success.
Close up of Nelson & Pade degassing tank. Here excess hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide
from bacterial activity in the orchard netting tanks is removed with intense aeration. Water
flows from the degassing tank straight out to the hydroponic troughs.

                                                     Water flows from the
                                                     orchard netting tanks
                                                     to the degassing tank.
                                                     From the degassing
                                                     tank the water flows
                                                     full of nitrates to the
                                                     hydroponic tanks. This
                                                     is identical to the UVI
                                                     system but smaller. It
                                                     does not grow anything
                                                     like as much fish.
Lettuce seedlings growing in the hydroponic trough (29 days to harvest).

                                          Seedlings growing in
                                          net pots in the floating
                                          polystyrene raft in the
                                          hydroponic trough.
                                          They are not growing in
                                          soil. Their roots are
                                          suspended in the fish
                                          waste waste that has
                                          just flowed out of the
                                          degassing tank. The
                                          water under the raft is
                                          intensively aerated.
Nelson & Pade media bed modules.

                     THIS IS NOT SOIL.
                     This is expanded clay
                     balls. This neutral
                     growing medium is
                     good for crops that do
                     not like to have their
                     roots submerged in
                     water all the time.
                     Reusable. Flooded with
                     flowing water at all
                     times to a fixed level.
Fish, green leafy vegetable (lettuce, bok choi, kailan etc) and tomato example production
chart, Nelson & Pade Commercial 500 system. Fish production is 997.9 kilos a year to
simultaneously produce vast amounts of green vegetables and tomatoes. Area of the system is
 only 374.585 m² or 0.037 ha.

   Units p.a. max

                                                                                                                 Leafy greens
    Units p.a min

   Kilos Per year
                                                                                              Leafy greens
                    0   5000   10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000
Specifications of the Commercial 500 Aquaponic System From Nelson & Pade.

Specific Details                                                Commercial 500 Aquaponic System
Estimated lbs. of fish                                          2,200 lbs/997.903 kg/year
Estimated pounds of fish is based on raising Nile Tilapia,
under optimum conditions.

Estimated number of heads of lettuce/greens                     28,800 – 46,080 /year
 We have used lettuce as an example because it is               552 - 884/week, average
commonly grown in aquaponics. Most other greens such as
collards, chard, bok choi and herb varieties such as basil,
chives and cilantro, can be grown using the same plant
spacing. Other crops, such as tomatoes, eggplant, melons,
beans, cucumbers, etc., can be grown using the appropriate
plant spacing. Results depend on good management and
vary according to climate and whether in a greenhouse.

Estimated lbs of tomatoes (in addition to the production        2400 – 3360/pounds/year
above)                                                          1088.621 - 1524.070 kg/year
Size of vegetable grow beds:                                    2 – 8’ x 40’
Raft                                                            2 – 10’ x 32’
NFT Aquaponic Flow Channels                                     2 – 3’ x 32’
Media-Beds                                                      2880 plant sites (leaf)
                                                                96 plant sites (vine)

Number and size of fish tanks                                   4 – 500 gal fish tanks

Estimated amount of time required/day                           5 - 8 hours/day
For feeding fish, maintaining filters, seeding, transplanting
and harvesting
Approximate space/dimensions required                           2 – 28’ x 72’, 4,032 sq. ft. / 374.585 m² or 0.037 ha.

Package Cost                                                    $ 45,495

Kit Crating Fee                                                 $825
This is the mature aquaponics system at the University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix.
More food can be grown per hectare than with any other form of food production in
      a mature and properly managed aquaponics system for LESS INPUTS than
 conventional agriculture. Aquaponics Global Ltd aquaponics consultancy can assist
  you to construct and operate one or more of these systems on a residency basis.
General productivity of ALL aquaponic systems is much more efficient than soil farming. This
         has been scientifically proven with studies which are freely available online.

    Aquaponics uses 90% less land than soil farming to
    produce the same amount of food as a plot 90%
    larger of soil, or much more.
    Aquaponics uses 90% less water to produce the
    same amount of food as a plot 90% larger. Or even
    more food than that. Depends on what you grow.
    Aquaponics can produce up to 4 times as much
    food per acre/hectare as conventional farming.
    No chemical pesticides or herbicides can be used.
    Compared to hydroponics alone or fish farming
    alone, aquaponics is cheaper and more productive.
Staffing levels in aquaponics are low for technical staff. Only temporary
                           harvesters needed.

    Because aquaponic farms are largely automated
    food factories, only two or three full-time technical
    staff are needed for farms producing tons of food.
    Minimum-wage semi-skilled harvesters are required
    only once or twice a week to do the easy harvesting
    of vegetables off the floating rafts at waist height.
    Fish harvesting is once every six weeks. Fish filleters
    and processors may be needed. Adequate
    refrigeration equipment is definitely needed.
Income from aquaponic farming varies according to market, crops grown, and quality of farm
management. Marketing your fish, vegetables and fruit is also VERY important and should be
done correctly and in good time to maximize your income from your organic food factory.

    Income from aquaponic farming varies from country to country, climate to climate
    and individual to individual. Different crops bring in different prices in different
    places. Aquaponics Global Ltd expert approved consultants are available for
    preliminary on the spot assessment of your technical aquaponics system
    requirements, construction costs, operating costs and requirements, crop products
    and markets in your area for the usual consultancy fees, plus travel and living
    expenses, interpreting assistance paid for . We are all accomplished linguists who
    can learn your language on long-term residency contracts without too many
    Like any business, successful aquaponic farming depends on correct standard
    operating procedures being adhered to by properly trained staff. Aquaponics
    Global Ltd consultants are qualified to train your technicians and semi-skilled
    workers properly on the spot, with appropriate linguistic and logistical assistance
    from your side. We can also train future aquaponics technology trainers.
    Good general farm management and sustained, timely and creative marketing are
    also crucial. You do not make money by growing food. You make money by selling
    food! We can teach you modern farm and food factory management, and efficient
    marketing, locally and on the Internet!
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 1.

    Conventional Agriculture       
    Grows crops in soil.           
                                       Does not grow crops in soil. Grows
                                       crops in recirculated fish waste
                                       water, either on its own with the
                                       crop plants suspended at the
                                       surface in plastic net pots on
                                       floating polystyrene rafts, or
                                       suspended in the flowing water by
                                       an intert growing media fill such as
                                       expanded clay balls (Hydroton or
                                       Hydroleca brands) or pea gravel.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 2.

    Conventional Farming          
                                      Does not use artificial fertilizer.
    Uses artificial fertilizer
                                      Nitrates dissolved in the recirculating
    from a natural gas                fish water from the intensive fish
                                      farm, flowing through the grow beds
    (methane) or methane              or floating raft deep water containers
    from oil refining                 fertilize the plants. The source of
                                      these nitrates is the ammonia
    feedstock. You have to            excreted by the fish in the intensive
                                      tank-based fish farm part of the
    buy artificial fertilizer         aquaponic recirculating aquaculture
    every year to grow                system. Aquaponics uses liquid
                                      organic fertilizer sourced via the
    enough food.                      solids removal and mineralization
                                      section from the fish excreta. Fish
                                      excrete ammonia through their gills
                                      and a certain amount is also
                                      dissolved out of their faeces as well.
Lettuce seedlings freshly inserted into floating polystyrene rafts in the hydroponic
tanks. No artificial fertilizer is used. Specially filtered fish farm waste water is used in
   the tanks. The lettuces clean the water of nitrates and GROW GROW GROW to
  harvest size in 29 days (normal time in soil farming is 60 days). The clean water is
     pumped back to the fish in the fish rearing tanks. Over 90% of this water is
  recirculated constantly. No weeding or digging required. Far less space and water
   required to grow much more food far faster than is possible in soil agriculture!
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 3.

    Conventional Farming          
                                      At least 90% of the water used by aquaponic
    Water in conventional
                                      systems is recirculated. Water evaporation is
                                      limited by keeping the fish tanks in the shade
    agriculture is used only          and covering deep water containers completely
                                      with floating white-painted closed-cell
    once. 90% of it then              polystyrene rafts. These rafts are pierced with
                                      holes at regular intervals into which the plants
    goes to waste! China is           in their polystyrene net pots are inserted. No
                                      surface area is permanently exposed to the heat
    now experiencing a                of the sun, and the white paint further reflects
                                      heat back up into the atmosphere. This helps to
    severe water shortage             keep water temperature at optimum levels for
                                      growth while stopping evaporation. Some loss
    and this should not               does occur through evapotranspiration through
                                      the plants, however. In the University of the
    continue!                         Virgin Islands aquaponic system water exchange
                                      is 1.5% of the total system water volume (the
                                      amount of water that has to be topped up to
                                      replace water used to flush out fish solids and
                                      to replace water loss through
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 4.

   Conventional Farming           
                                      Aquaponics uses an adapted form of
Conventional agriculture

                                      hydroponics to grow crops. Crops grow at
only can harvest a few                up to twice the speed suspended in fertile
                                      fish waste water. They also grow at up to
crops a year. Plants grow             half the required spacing, so with crops
                                      such as basil and lettuce it is possible to
slowly in soil. In                    get twice as many plants, twice as fast
                                      with the right varieties. That is 4 times as
temperate climates, there             much food! Crops grown in the floating
is a long winter harvesting           raft deep water container system can be
                                      grown conveyor-belt fashion, with
rest.                                 seedlings being planted at one end of the
                                      hydroponic floating raft raceway as crops
                                      are being harvested weekly year-round
                                      from floating rafts at the other end. In
                                      temperate and desert climates a
                                      controlled climate greenhouse is
                                      necessary to get these results year-round,
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 5.

    Conventional Farming          
                                      You cannot use chemical pesticides.
                                      Even the 'organic' labelled ones will
    agriculture uses large            kill all your fish dead fast. Since the
                                      fish it is who are running your
    quantities of artificial          aquaponic system, don't use chemical
    chemical pesticides.              pesticides. Only biologically safe pest
                                      control methods can be used. These
                                      include friendly insects such as
                                      ladybugs and parasitic wasps, bacillus
                                      thuringensis, which kills caterpillars
                                      but does not affect fish or people, and
                                      vegetable oils which suffocate the
Biological Pest Control-
Ladybugs, Parasitic Wasps, Lacewings, Hoverflies, Dipel (Bacillus
     Thuringensis), Special Vegetable Oil Bug Killer Sprays.

                          DIPEL              
                          BIOLOGICALY            VEGETABLE
                          SAFE-Kills             OIL SPRAYS-kill
                          caterpillars           insects by
                          and worms.             suffocation.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 6.

    Conventional Farming          
    Conventional                  
                                      No digging is necessary.
    agriculture has to spend          Everything grows in
    time, money and                   water. No soil is needed
    equipment on                      or allowed. Soil brings
    ploughing, hoeing and             plant and fish diseases,
    digging.                          so it is banned. You
                                      cannot and must not
                                      use soil in an
                                      aquaponics system.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 7.

    Conventional Farming          
    Conventional                  
                                      You only need 10% of the land
                                      space used by conventional
    agriculture uses a lot of         agriculture to grow the same
    space and land. It often          amount as would be grown n
    is associated with                90% more space in a year in
                                      soil. In many cases you can
    sewage pollution                  grow vastly more than that on
    problems from cattle              your tiny plot. This is very
    and pig farm runoff.              intensive agriculture, grown as
                                      if the food was being made in a
                                      modern factory. Unlike other
                                      factory farming methods, it
                                      does not pollute the water
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 8.

    Conventional Farming          
    Conventional                  
                                      This is automated
    agriculture is labor-             growing. A team of two
    intensive.                        or three trained
                                      technicians are the only
                                      permanent staff you
                                      need, the rest are
                                      weekly harvesters that
                                      come in for the weekly
                                      harvest to do easy
                                      hourly piece work.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 9.

    Conventional Farming          
    Conventional farmers          
                                      In a controlled climate
                                      greenhouse, if needed due to the
    are dependent on the              outdoors climate, you can control
    weather, which can                day length with low energy LED
                                      grow lamps, and control humidity,
    wipe out profits                  air temperature, etc. No
    suddenly.                         destructive weather and pest
                                      control is easier. So the ROI on a
                                      controlled climate greenhouse is
                                      fast since you are growing when
                                      no-one else in your area can, very
                                      probably. Supplying the winter
                                      market for vegetables without the
                                      high prices of imports. Remember,
                                      low staff ratios too.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 10.

    Conventional Farming             

    Conventional vegetable farmers   
                                         You have two different
    just grow vegetables.                products being produced
                                         simultaneously here in the
                                         same space, tilapia fish and
                                         vegetables and/or soft fruit
                                         such as strawberries and
                                         melons. The vegetables grow
                                         much faster than the fish and
                                         in much larger quantities. The
                                         big money is in the vegetables.
Why is the big money in the vegetables, not the fish?

Tilapia fish take 24 weeks Leafy green vegetables
   to grow from baby fish    grow up to twice as fast
   to plate size. When you   as normal in aquaponic
   start your aquaponic      systems, at up to half
   system running, you       the normal spacing. You
   have to wait 6 MONTHS     can get a crop of lettuce
   for any fish harvests at  at twice as many per
   all. However, you will be square metre than in
   getting lots of           soil, in 29 days rather
   vegetables after 6-8      than 60!! Other crops
   WEEKS from starting up. grow fast, too.
Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 11.

    Conventional Farming           
    Conventional                  
                                       All automated on the
    agriculture requires a             spot. No running
    lot of fuel and                    around. 17% of the
    electricity to run barns,          energy usage of a
    tractors, combine                  conventional farm
    harvesters, backhoes,              overall. You are not
    ploughs, etc.                      digging or weeding so
                                       no complex machinery
                                       is needed. Just the
                                       aquaponic system.
Two Different Futures For Hainan.

    Conventional Farming                    
    Farming continues as usual without      
                                                Aquaponics is adopted as a
    technical reforms. Land and water use       government policy for all fish farms
    continue to increase. The famous            and market gardens. Fish farming
    Hainan natural environment is               becomes sustainable and massively
    destroyed by desperate farmers              more productive. Fruit and vegetable
    trying to find more land and water to       production increase exponentially to
    grow food. There is no longer any           the point where Hainan is exporting
    rain forest for the tourists to come        fresh organic produce even with the
    and see, and the beach and littoral         demand from the tourist boom. Land
    environment is polluted by sewage           and water use actually go down
    runoff from mismanaged                      instead of up. This makes saving the
    conventional agriculture. Tourists          rain forest from being cut down very
    cease to come because the place is          much easier and makes this carefully
    ruined, and soil and water quality go       managed forest available for
    down to a point where food mostly           profitable ecotourism. Everyone is
    has to be imported at great expense.        happier, healthier and more
    Nobody is happy and many are                prosperous.
Aquaponics Global Can Help You To Take Hainan To A Green And Prosperous Future.

 We at Aquaponics Global Ltd. Aquaponics Consultancy can help you
  with feasibility studies, technical advice, construction and operational
 assistance and training to bring about that second happy, healthy and
    prosperous food-rich future for Hainan. Please do not hesitate to
  contact us for further information and discussion of how we can help
  you. Normal consultancy contractual terms, fees and expenses paid

                     © Aquaponics Global Ltd., 2012.

                           Aquaponics Global Ltd,
                            Skype: appledragon1

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Aquaponics forhainan3

  • 1. Aquaponics Global Ltd. Introductory Lecture Aquaponic Farming For Hainan.
  • 2. Aquaponics-The Modern Automated ORGANIC Food Factory.  Due mostly to a sharp increase in tourism, Hainan is having to import more and more food. At the same time, the natural wonders the tourists are keen to see are being wiped out by farmers cutting down the forest to get more land-to grow food to feed the tourists.  This makes no sense whatsoever, especially since there is a very efficient and simple to transfer technology that takes advantage of a skill many Hainanese already have-FISH FARMING.  Aquaponics is the marriage of INTENSIVE MODERN FISH FARMING IN TANKS to INTENSIVE MODERN HYDROPONIC FARMING ON FLOATING POLYSTYRENE RAFTS IN RACEWAYS FULL OF FISH WASTE WATER. NO SOIL IS NEEDED. AQUAPONICS CAN GO ANYWHERE.  Aquaponics grows 90% more food on 90% less space with 90% less water and work. It uses 17% of the energy of soil farming,
  • 3. Tropical Outdoor Aquaponics Using the University of the Virgin Islands Design.  This is the tried and tested (operational commercially since the 1970s) University of the Virgin Islands aquaponics system design that our technician is trained to install and use.
  • 4. The nitrogen cycle in water helps fish and plants live happily together in an aquaponic system NITRIFYING BACTERIA, NITROSOMONAS AND NITROBACTER, digest fish waste into plant food. Plants eat up the plant food and clean the water. The water is pumped back to the fish. Round and round. The only input is FISH FOOD, tiny amounts of trace minerals and a little top-up water (1.5% daily of the total volume of water in the aquaponic system). This compares favourably with around 90% of water top-up daily for irrigated agriculture.
  • 5. Base addition Effluent line Hydroponic tanks Degassing Rearing tanks Sump Clarifier Return line Filter tanks Total water volume, 110 m3 Land area - 0.05 ha
  • 6. Aquaponics Plumbing Diagram Side On FROM OUTSIDE Showing CLARIFIER, outer settling tank for fish solids disposal, piping from fish rearing tanks to clarifier. Getting rid of the fish solids to an outside tank for settling out and composting to organic fish manure is important. Fish solids are removed from the system via a tap on the clarifier three times a day, every day. Any waste water is safe to use as irrigation water on normal soil crops such as fruit trees and grain. No untreated fish effluent is allowed to go to waste into rivers and lakes. It's too valuable as organic fertilizer!
  • 7. View from below of main piping runs in the UVI aquaponics system. Note the route the water from the degassing tank takes into one set of hydroponic tanks, then the return piping (water lines) from the second connected set of hydroponic tanks. We will now trace the flow of the water around the system using the System Diagram:
  • 8.
  • 9. System Design Four fish rearing tanks, 7.8 m3 each  Two cylindro-conical clarifiers, 3.8 m3 each  Four filter tanks, 0.7 m3 each  One degassing tank, 0.7 m3  Six hydroponic tanks, 11.3 m3 each  Total plant growing area, 214 m2  One sump, 0.6 m3  Base addition tank, 0.2 m3  Total water volume, 110 m3  Land area - 0.05 ha ONLY
  • 10. Original UVI Aquaponics System-4 fish rearing tanks and 6 hydroponic troughs.
  • 11. Overview of the 6 hydroponic raceways of the UVI aquaponic system.
  • 12. Treatment Processes  Air stones, 22 per rearing tank, 24 per hydroponic tank  Solids removal, three times daily from clarifier, filter tank cleaning one or two times weekly  Denitrification in orchard netting filled filter tanks  Continuous degassing of methane, CO2 , H2S, N2  Direct uptake of ammonia and other nutrient by plants  Nitrification in hydroponic tank (keep an eye on it)  Retention time: rearing tank, 1.37 h; clarifier, 20 min, hydroponic tanks, 3 h
  • 13. Airlines working in UVI fish rearing tank. Intensive fish rearing (1200 hybrid red tilapia fish in 7.8 cubic metres of water) requires additional air supplied constantly 24/7.
  • 14. 2 regenerating air blowers supply air via air lines to the fish tanks and hydroponic tank. 1.5 hp blower supplies the fish and the degassing tank. 1 hp blower supplies the hydroponic tanks. They supply air to the water 24 hours a day all year or the fish and plants will die very rapidly. Spare air blowers, backup electric supplies and pumps are essential to avoid disasters.
  • 15. Fish rearing tank inlet and tank harvest water drainage pipes. Buried under gravel for easy access for maintenance. The tank has to be half emptied during fish harvests, every 24 weeks as fish get to market weight and size. This makes harvesting with hand-held nets much easier.
  • 16. Each pair of fish rearing tanks has its own conical clarifier, and p.air of orchard netting filled fine solids filtration and mineralization tanks. The water from both sides of the system goes into the degassing tank (left hand side of picture) and flows via gravity to the 6 hydroponic tanks. In the hydroponic tanks, the nutrients in the water are absorbed by the plant crops.
  • 17. Another view of the orchard netting tanKs to which the water flows from the clarifier cone.
  • 18.
  • 19. Dismantled conical clarifier end on with bottom hole for exit pipe for tapping off fish solids effluent.
  • 20. Dismantled aquaponics conical clarifier with baffles inserted. These force the solid lumps of fish excrement downwards towards the bottom of the cone where they settle while the less polluted water continues to the orchard netting fine solids filter tanks. Gravity fed water flow.
  • 21. Fish solids (fish poo and water) being removed from the clarifier cone via pipe to the outside. This should be done 3 times a day. The buckets of fish poo are sent to a settling pond outside.
  • 22. Alignment of 1 clarifier and 2 orchard netting tanks with the fish rearing tanks they serve.
  • 23. Clean the netting in the orchard netting tanks using the winch and a hose, with dechlorinated and dechloramined water, once or twice a week to control nitrate levels in the water supply. To find out how much nitrate, nitrite and ammonia is in your water, and to control the pH, you have to test the water scientifically EVERY DAY. THIS IS NOT 'JUST ADD WATER' FARMING!
  • 24. Cleaning the orchard netting using built in high pressure nozzles. The nitrifying bacteria live on fine fish solids captured by the orchard netting and release dissolved nitrates for plant feed.
  • 25. The solids settling pond at the UVI. Removed fish solids settle here and compost into a sludge. The separated water can be used for soil crop irrigation. The sludge at the bottom is periodically dewatered using a geotextile bag and pump. The resulting fish manure is organic fertilizer. This water runoff from the system represents around 1.5% of the system volume as an exchange rate.
  • 26. The degassing tank and base addition tank, sump and pump at the center of the UVI system. Water flows by gravity from the orchard netting mineralization and filter tanks to the degassing tank, which is heavily aerated with air lines. This fizzing air through the water removes residual hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide from the water column. The base addition tank is for the gradual addition of tiny amounts of garden lime (calcium hydroxide-Ca(OH)2) and old fashioned lye (potassium hydroxide-KOH) in alternating amounts with precise testing to control water pH.
  • 27.
  • 28. A crop of lettuce ready to harvest in the UVI hydroponic troughs. 29 days from seedling to harvest, one harvest a week all year. Lettuce grown in soil takes 60 days at lower planting density.
  • 29. Floating raft with crop of lettuce ready to harvest at the UVI. Floating rafts can be lifted out to harvest crops. Floating rafts are painted white on the upper surface to reflect solar radiation upwards. This deflects heat from the water and the raft seals the raceway to prevent water evaporation. Water exchange in this aquaponics system is 1.5% compared to 90% for conventional soil crop farming. This is because the water is sealed in and shaded, and the fish rearing tanks are also shaded. 98% of water used is constantly recycled round the system.
  • 30. Another view of staggered crop rotation in the UVI aquaponic system. Seedlings and harvestable crops grow in sequence on a “conveyor belt” of removable floating rafts. This is an organic intensive food factory. In a controlled climate greenhouse, this method can be even more productive with more control over temperature and humidity, also storm avoidance.
  • 31. More lettuces growing fast in the UVI aquaponics system.
  • 32. Culinary herbs (with a high market price per plant) growing in the UVI aquaponics system.
  • 33. Cucumber plants growing in the UVI aquaponics system. Cucumber, melon and squash are all possible fast-fruiting crops in this system.
  • 34. Close up of an immature cucumber growing in the UVI floating raft aquaponics system.
  • 35. Air line bubbling in a hydroponic raceway under water. The floating raft has been recently removed temporarily for harvesting lettuce.
  • 36. Air stones and airlines, airline connectors at the UVI. Air has to be constantly pumped into the water in all the fish rearing tanks and hydroponic raceways.
  • 37. Floating raft with lettuces being lifted out to harvest at waist height. No back breaking bending or soil contamination. Clean lettuce! Fish are cold-blooded so cannot contaminate aquaponic system water with germs that make humans sick. Wash your hands after going to the bathroom!
  • 38. The trestle table on which the floating rafts are rested so the lettuces can be quickly cut off.
  • 39. Putting the floating raft on the trestle table. Note the roots hanging down. In aquaponics, the roots of the plants do not have to grow sideways to find nutrition, it is all in the fish waste water supplied direct to the roots. So the plant's growth energy is all concentrated in top growth which can make many species grow twice as fast, also at half the spacing. No need for lots of space! Aquaponic farming uses 90% less space to grow up to 4 times more food.
  • 40. Crated lettuce ready for market from the UVI aquaponics system.
  • 41. Cleaned floating raft after lettuce harvest, being stacked against the fence to dry.
  • 42.
  • 43. Treatment Characteristics Fish toxin removal rates from the water using romaine lettuce (g/m2/day): NH3-N, 0.56 NO2-N, 0.62 COD, 30.3 Total nitrogen, 0.83 Total phosphorous, 0.17
  • 44. Raft Hydroponics  Advantages: no tank size limitation, no root clogging, maximum exposure of roots to water, sheets shade and cool water, plants not affected when water pump stops, easy to harvest with no back breaking work  Disadvantages: roots vulnerable to damage by zooplankton, snails and other organisms (use tetras (aquarium fish) to control zooplankton, and red ear sunfish to control snails.
  • 45. Snails like these can be a pest in your hydroponic troughs. Red eared sunfish will eat them.
  • 46. Red eared sunfish living under your hydroponic rafts will eat all your snail pests, but not your plants.
  • 47. PEST CONTROL IN AQUAPONICS IS NECESSARILY BIOLOGICAL. IF YOU USE CHEMICAL PESTICIDES, EVEN IF THEY ARE LABELLED 'ORGANIC', YOU WILL KILL YOUR FISH!  Fish are very sensitive to poison. You cannot use any toxic chemicals such as pesticides on your crops since the water will take the chemicals back to the fish and the fish will all die. No antibiotics either.  Pest control in aquaponics involves using beneficial insects such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps, and lacewings to eat up insect pests. You can also use bacillus thuringensis, a bacterial spray that kills caterpillars but not fish and humans, and natural vegetable oils which suffocate the insects.
  • 49. DIPEL kills caterpillars and worms without killing fish and humans.
  • 50.
  • 51. Important Principles  Optimum feeding rate, 60 - 100 g/m2 plant area/day prevents nutrient accumulation or deficiency  Slow removal of solids increases mineralization  Frequency of filter tank cleaning controls nitrate levels through denitrification  Treatment capacity of hydroponic tanks is equivalent to 180 g of feed/day/m2 of plant area
  • 52.
  • 53. Production Management  Feeding: three times daily ad libitum 32% protein, floating, complete diet  Stagger fish production, 24 week cycle, harvest every 6 weeks  Stagger plant production  Use biological insect control  Monitor pH daily, maintain pH 7.0 by alternate and equal additions Ca(OH)2 and KOH  Add chelated iron (2 mg/L) every 3 weeks  Add makeup water daily, about 1.5% of system volume  Purge fish for 4-5 days before sale
  • 54. Red hybrid tilapia fish sell very well to restaurants. They also grow in large numbers in aquaponics systems fish rearing tanks, where they fertilize the water for the plant crops. They take 24 weeks to grow from fingerlings to plate size, and are harvested from each tank in turn every six weeks. (There are 4 tanks, 4 x 6 weeks = 24 weeks). There is a separate breeding station where the tilapia are bred on the farm to ensure healthy disease free fish.
  • 55. Feeding the fish at the University of the Virgin Islands aquaponics system. Feed as much as they will eat three times a day for maximum growth. Only as much as they will comfortably eat in half an hour. DO NOT OVERFEED, this pollutes the water and will cause disease and dead fish. The netting is to keep out predators such as birds and cats, who eat fish! You want to make sure that you harvest 1200 fish (hybrid red tilapia, as an example) every 6 weeks!
  • 56. Testing the water in the fish rearing tanks for pH. This must be done at least daily to make sure that the pH is neutral (7.0). If the pH is too high or too low, old fashioned lye or garden lime base must be added to buffer the water pH. This is done extremely carefully and gradually in the base addition tank. Garden lime increases pH, while old fashioned lye decreases it. Tiny amounts only!
  • 57. Calcium hydroxide or garden lime (Ca(OH)2) in a bucket ready to be added to the base additon tank at the center of the aquaponic system by the sump and pump. Be careful, this is nasty stuff! Only this amount for thousands of liters of water. The base addition tank trickle adds the solution over many hours in tiny quantities so as not to shock the fish.
  • 58. The pH (level of water acidity/alkalinity) of your aquaponic system must always be kept adjusted to neutral (7.0) for all the living processes and creatures to maintain healthy harmony. Aquaponics is extremely harmonious!
  • 59. Potassium hydroxide before being added to the base addition tank at the center of the aquaponic system by the sump and pump. Be careful, this is caustic, i.e. it burns! Only this amount is added for thousands of gallons of water. The base addition tank trickle adds the solution over many hours in tiny quantities so as not to shock the fish.
  • 60.
  • 61. The base addition tank where the pH adjustment base chemicals are added very gradually to the sump. This sump tank is where the water returns to from the hydroponic raceways to be pumped back up to the fish tanks. The aquaponic system works with JUST ONE 1/2 HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC PUMP for water pumping, one 1 1/2 horsepower regenerating air blower for fish rearing tanks and degassing, and one 1 horsepower blower for hydroponics.
  • 62. The 1/2 horsepower electric pump UNDER THE SUMP, pumping the CLEANED water back up ALONG THE MAIN PIPE that branches to supply the 4 fish rearing tanks. The fish tanks are the HIGHEST POINT OF THE SYSTEM. From there the water trickles down again round the system via gravity, finding its level as it follows the pipework from one tank to another. THE AQUAPONIC SYSTEM IS FILLED FROM THE SUMP AND PUMP. THE SUMP IS NOT THE DUMP. The dirty water from the system DOES NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR THE PUMP.
  • 63. Energy Consumption  One blower for fish and degassing, 1.5 hp  One blower for hydroponics, 1 hp  One water pump, ½ hp  Total energy consumption 3.0 hp THE SINGLE PUMP IS UNDER THE SUMP The clean water collects in the sump for the pump The water is pumped to the highest point: the fish tanks. It then flows under gravity round the system again .
  • 64.
  • 65. Production  Tilapia - 5 mt annually , 580 kg every 6 weeks, 160 kg/m 3 /yr  Stocking rate: Niles, 77 fish/m3; reds, 154 fish/m3  Leaf lettuce - 1,404 cases annually, 24-30 heads/case, 27 cases/week  Basil - 5 mt annually  Okra - 2.9 mt annually
  • 66. Graphic showing relative production quantities overall in one year for tilapia, lettuce, basil and okra using one 0.05 ha. UVI aquaponics unit. Other crops can be grown of course. Units p.a. Tilapia Cases p.a. Lettuce Basil Okra kg/m3/yr Okra Metric tons p.a. Basil Lettuce Tilapia 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
  • 67. 1200 red tilapia about to be harvested. Note the high stocking density of the fish and the AIR LINES in the tank. Fish in intensive rearing tanks need a lot of oxygen. This stocking density in pond fish farming is not possible because you cannot supply enough oxygen or control pH accurately or consistently enough to get these results. If you did this in a pond you would kill all the fish. POND FISH FARMING DOES NOT WORK FOR AQUAPONICS AT ALL.
  • 68. Lifting a floating raft full of lettuces out of the hydroponic raceway.
  • 69. Okra seedlings in plastic net pots and coir/vermiculite planting plugs newly inserted into a floating raft. Seedlings are germinated and grown on separately in a separate greenhouse for 2-3 weeks before insertion into the aquaponic system. The growing medium for seedlings is a mixture of non-soil inert coir (coconut fiber) and vermiculite. Soil is not allowed (diseases).
  • 70. Okra growing in the UVI aquaponics system hydroponic raceways on floating polystyrene rafts.
  • 71. Roots of okra crop demonstrating health and strong growth in nothing but fish waste water.
  • 72. Okra plants ready to harvest the okra. Note the very high planting density. This cannot be achieved in soil.
  • 73. Okra harvest from UVI aquaponic system.
  • 74. A crop of aquaponic cabbages.
  • 75. Some other crops you can easily and quickly grow, flowers for cutting, melons, basil. Basil grows from seedlings in 29 days. You can cut it three times before you have to replace the plants.
  • 76. Advantages of Aquaponics  Fish provide most nutrients required by plants  Plants use nutrients to produce a valuable by-product  Hydroponic component serves as a biofilter  Hydroponic plants extend water use and reduce discharge to the environment  Integrated systems require less water quality monitoring than individual systems  Profit potential increased due to free nutrients for plants, lower water requirement, elimination of separate biofilter, less water quality monitoring and shared costs for operation and infrastructure.
  • 77.
  • 78. Perspective on UVI Aquaponic System  The system represents appropriate or intermediate technology  It conserves water and reuses nutrients  The technology can be applied at a subsistence level or commercial scale  Production is continuous and sustainable  The system is simple, reliable and robust  Management is easy if guidelines are followed
  • 79. Nelson & Pade Commercial Size Ready Made System In Kit Form. If you don't want to build your aquaponic system yourself from local materials, you can order a kit from America. This is, however, much more expensive and many of the parts are actually 'Made in China.'  Nelson & Pade, U.S.A.  Well established manufacturer of commercial sized aquaponic farming kits.  Largely copied from the previously described University of the Virgin Islands aquaponic system.  Guaranteed to work.  Price of one UVI-like commercial small sized farm kit $45,495 excluding freight and installation.
  • 80. Nelson & Pade grow beds and fish grow out tank. Two grow beds in one raceway with a plastic divider, floating raft systems. Grow out tank with observation window for Nile tilapia. Can be build outdoors or in a controlled climate greenhouse.
  • 81. Nelson & Pade conical clarifier. Nelson & Pade orchard netting tank and degassing tank. These work exactly the same as the UVI system above. The conical clarifier removes the worst of the fish solids using baffles to drive the solids o settle ttowards the exit pipe at the bottom. The orchard netting tank removes the finer solids and provides a home for the nitrifiying bacteria which digest the solids into nitrates. The degassing tank removes hydrogen sulphide and excess carbon dioxide from the water column using intensive aeration via the air pumped through air lines in the tank. From the degassing tank the water flows out to the plants.
  • 82. Nelson & Pade UVI-style sump with base addition tank for gradual addition of pH control bases. The single low horsepower pump for the whole Nelson and Pade system, like the UVI system, pushes the water up to its highest level in the fish tanks. From there it trickles down around the system and back to the sump and pump using gravity under its own weight. This is basically the same system as that designed by the University of the Virgin Islands team in the 1970s, but available as a prefabricated easy to assemble kit. Operating the system, however, requires additional advice, training and supervision for some months to ensure success.
  • 83. Close up of Nelson & Pade degassing tank. Here excess hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide from bacterial activity in the orchard netting tanks is removed with intense aeration. Water flows from the degassing tank straight out to the hydroponic troughs.  Water flows from the orchard netting tanks to the degassing tank. From the degassing tank the water flows full of nitrates to the hydroponic tanks. This is identical to the UVI system but smaller. It does not grow anything like as much fish.
  • 84. Lettuce seedlings growing in the hydroponic trough (29 days to harvest).  Seedlings growing in net pots in the floating polystyrene raft in the hydroponic trough. They are not growing in soil. Their roots are suspended in the fish waste waste that has just flowed out of the degassing tank. The water under the raft is intensively aerated.
  • 85. Nelson & Pade media bed modules.  THIS IS NOT SOIL.  This is expanded clay balls. This neutral growing medium is good for crops that do not like to have their roots submerged in water all the time. Reusable. Flooded with flowing water at all times to a fixed level.
  • 86. Fish, green leafy vegetable (lettuce, bok choi, kailan etc) and tomato example production chart, Nelson & Pade Commercial 500 system. Fish production is 997.9 kilos a year to simultaneously produce vast amounts of green vegetables and tomatoes. Area of the system is only 374.585 m² or 0.037 ha. Units p.a. max Fish Leafy greens Tomatoes Units p.a min Kilos Per year Tomatoes Leafy greens Fish 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000
  • 87. Specifications of the Commercial 500 Aquaponic System From Nelson & Pade. Specific Details Commercial 500 Aquaponic System Estimated lbs. of fish 2,200 lbs/997.903 kg/year Estimated pounds of fish is based on raising Nile Tilapia, under optimum conditions. Estimated number of heads of lettuce/greens 28,800 – 46,080 /year We have used lettuce as an example because it is 552 - 884/week, average commonly grown in aquaponics. Most other greens such as collards, chard, bok choi and herb varieties such as basil, chives and cilantro, can be grown using the same plant spacing. Other crops, such as tomatoes, eggplant, melons, beans, cucumbers, etc., can be grown using the appropriate plant spacing. Results depend on good management and vary according to climate and whether in a greenhouse. Estimated lbs of tomatoes (in addition to the production 2400 – 3360/pounds/year above) 1088.621 - 1524.070 kg/year Size of vegetable grow beds: 2 – 8’ x 40’ Raft 2 – 10’ x 32’ NFT Aquaponic Flow Channels 2 – 3’ x 32’ Media-Beds 2880 plant sites (leaf) 96 plant sites (vine) Number and size of fish tanks 4 – 500 gal fish tanks Estimated amount of time required/day 5 - 8 hours/day For feeding fish, maintaining filters, seeding, transplanting and harvesting Approximate space/dimensions required 2 – 28’ x 72’, 4,032 sq. ft. / 374.585 m² or 0.037 ha. Package Cost $ 45,495 Kit Crating Fee $825
  • 88. This is the mature aquaponics system at the University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix. More food can be grown per hectare than with any other form of food production in a mature and properly managed aquaponics system for LESS INPUTS than conventional agriculture. Aquaponics Global Ltd aquaponics consultancy can assist you to construct and operate one or more of these systems on a residency basis.
  • 89. General productivity of ALL aquaponic systems is much more efficient than soil farming. This has been scientifically proven with studies which are freely available online. E.g.  Aquaponics uses 90% less land than soil farming to produce the same amount of food as a plot 90% larger of soil, or much more.  Aquaponics uses 90% less water to produce the same amount of food as a plot 90% larger. Or even more food than that. Depends on what you grow.  Aquaponics can produce up to 4 times as much food per acre/hectare as conventional farming.  No chemical pesticides or herbicides can be used.  Compared to hydroponics alone or fish farming alone, aquaponics is cheaper and more productive.
  • 90. Staffing levels in aquaponics are low for technical staff. Only temporary harvesters needed.  Because aquaponic farms are largely automated food factories, only two or three full-time technical staff are needed for farms producing tons of food.  Minimum-wage semi-skilled harvesters are required only once or twice a week to do the easy harvesting of vegetables off the floating rafts at waist height.  Fish harvesting is once every six weeks. Fish filleters and processors may be needed. Adequate refrigeration equipment is definitely needed.
  • 91. Income from aquaponic farming varies according to market, crops grown, and quality of farm management. Marketing your fish, vegetables and fruit is also VERY important and should be done correctly and in good time to maximize your income from your organic food factory.  Income from aquaponic farming varies from country to country, climate to climate and individual to individual. Different crops bring in different prices in different places. Aquaponics Global Ltd expert approved consultants are available for preliminary on the spot assessment of your technical aquaponics system requirements, construction costs, operating costs and requirements, crop products and markets in your area for the usual consultancy fees, plus travel and living expenses, interpreting assistance paid for . We are all accomplished linguists who can learn your language on long-term residency contracts without too many problems.  Like any business, successful aquaponic farming depends on correct standard operating procedures being adhered to by properly trained staff. Aquaponics Global Ltd consultants are qualified to train your technicians and semi-skilled workers properly on the spot, with appropriate linguistic and logistical assistance from your side. We can also train future aquaponics technology trainers.  Good general farm management and sustained, timely and creative marketing are also crucial. You do not make money by growing food. You make money by selling food! We can teach you modern farm and food factory management, and efficient marketing, locally and on the Internet!
  • 92. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 1.  Conventional Agriculture  Aquaponics  Grows crops in soil.  Does not grow crops in soil. Grows crops in recirculated fish waste water, either on its own with the crop plants suspended at the surface in plastic net pots on floating polystyrene rafts, or suspended in the flowing water by an intert growing media fill such as expanded clay balls (Hydroton or Hydroleca brands) or pea gravel.
  • 93.
  • 94. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 2.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics Does not use artificial fertilizer. Uses artificial fertilizer   Nitrates dissolved in the recirculating from a natural gas fish water from the intensive fish farm, flowing through the grow beds (methane) or methane or floating raft deep water containers from oil refining fertilize the plants. The source of these nitrates is the ammonia feedstock. You have to excreted by the fish in the intensive tank-based fish farm part of the buy artificial fertilizer aquaponic recirculating aquaculture every year to grow system. Aquaponics uses liquid organic fertilizer sourced via the enough food. solids removal and mineralization section from the fish excreta. Fish excrete ammonia through their gills and a certain amount is also dissolved out of their faeces as well.
  • 95. Lettuce seedlings freshly inserted into floating polystyrene rafts in the hydroponic tanks. No artificial fertilizer is used. Specially filtered fish farm waste water is used in the tanks. The lettuces clean the water of nitrates and GROW GROW GROW to harvest size in 29 days (normal time in soil farming is 60 days). The clean water is pumped back to the fish in the fish rearing tanks. Over 90% of this water is recirculated constantly. No weeding or digging required. Far less space and water required to grow much more food far faster than is possible in soil agriculture!
  • 96. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 3.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics At least 90% of the water used by aquaponic Water in conventional   systems is recirculated. Water evaporation is limited by keeping the fish tanks in the shade agriculture is used only and covering deep water containers completely with floating white-painted closed-cell once. 90% of it then polystyrene rafts. These rafts are pierced with holes at regular intervals into which the plants goes to waste! China is in their polystyrene net pots are inserted. No surface area is permanently exposed to the heat now experiencing a of the sun, and the white paint further reflects heat back up into the atmosphere. This helps to severe water shortage keep water temperature at optimum levels for growth while stopping evaporation. Some loss and this should not does occur through evapotranspiration through the plants, however. In the University of the continue! Virgin Islands aquaponic system water exchange is 1.5% of the total system water volume (the amount of water that has to be topped up to replace water used to flush out fish solids and to replace water loss through evapotranspiration).
  • 97. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 4.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics Aquaponics uses an adapted form of Conventional agriculture  hydroponics to grow crops. Crops grow at only can harvest a few up to twice the speed suspended in fertile fish waste water. They also grow at up to crops a year. Plants grow half the required spacing, so with crops such as basil and lettuce it is possible to slowly in soil. In get twice as many plants, twice as fast with the right varieties. That is 4 times as temperate climates, there much food! Crops grown in the floating is a long winter harvesting raft deep water container system can be grown conveyor-belt fashion, with rest. seedlings being planted at one end of the hydroponic floating raft raceway as crops are being harvested weekly year-round from floating rafts at the other end. In temperate and desert climates a controlled climate greenhouse is necessary to get these results year-round, however.
  • 98. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 5.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics You cannot use chemical pesticides. Conventional   Even the 'organic' labelled ones will agriculture uses large kill all your fish dead fast. Since the fish it is who are running your quantities of artificial aquaponic system, don't use chemical chemical pesticides. pesticides. Only biologically safe pest control methods can be used. These include friendly insects such as ladybugs and parasitic wasps, bacillus thuringensis, which kills caterpillars but does not affect fish or people, and vegetable oils which suffocate the pests.
  • 99. Biological Pest Control- Ladybugs, Parasitic Wasps, Lacewings, Hoverflies, Dipel (Bacillus Thuringensis), Special Vegetable Oil Bug Killer Sprays.  DIPEL  SPECIAL BIOLOGICALY VEGETABLE SAFE-Kills OIL SPRAYS-kill caterpillars insects by and worms. suffocation.
  • 100. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 6.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional  No digging is necessary. agriculture has to spend Everything grows in time, money and water. No soil is needed equipment on or allowed. Soil brings ploughing, hoeing and plant and fish diseases, digging. so it is banned. You cannot and must not use soil in an aquaponics system.
  • 101. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 7.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional  You only need 10% of the land space used by conventional agriculture uses a lot of agriculture to grow the same space and land. It often amount as would be grown n is associated with 90% more space in a year in soil. In many cases you can sewage pollution grow vastly more than that on problems from cattle your tiny plot. This is very and pig farm runoff. intensive agriculture, grown as if the food was being made in a modern factory. Unlike other factory farming methods, it does not pollute the water supply.
  • 102. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 8.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional  This is automated agriculture is labor- growing. A team of two intensive. or three trained technicians are the only permanent staff you need, the rest are weekly harvesters that come in for the weekly harvest to do easy hourly piece work.
  • 103. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 9.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional farmers  In a controlled climate greenhouse, if needed due to the are dependent on the outdoors climate, you can control weather, which can day length with low energy LED grow lamps, and control humidity, wipe out profits air temperature, etc. No suddenly. destructive weather and pest control is easier. So the ROI on a controlled climate greenhouse is fast since you are growing when no-one else in your area can, very probably. Supplying the winter market for vegetables without the high prices of imports. Remember, low staff ratios too.
  • 104. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 10.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional vegetable farmers  You have two different just grow vegetables. products being produced simultaneously here in the same space, tilapia fish and vegetables and/or soft fruit such as strawberries and melons. The vegetables grow much faster than the fish and in much larger quantities. The big money is in the vegetables.
  • 105. Why is the big money in the vegetables, not the fish? Tilapia fish take 24 weeks Leafy green vegetables to grow from baby fish grow up to twice as fast to plate size. When you as normal in aquaponic start your aquaponic systems, at up to half system running, you the normal spacing. You have to wait 6 MONTHS can get a crop of lettuce for any fish harvests at at twice as many per all. However, you will be square metre than in getting lots of soil, in 29 days rather vegetables after 6-8 than 60!! Other crops WEEKS from starting up. grow fast, too.
  • 106. Differences Between Aquaponics And Conventional Farming 11.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Conventional  All automated on the agriculture requires a spot. No running lot of fuel and around. 17% of the electricity to run barns, energy usage of a tractors, combine conventional farm harvesters, backhoes, overall. You are not ploughs, etc. digging or weeding so no complex machinery is needed. Just the aquaponic system.
  • 107. Two Different Futures For Hainan.  Conventional Farming  Aquaponics  Farming continues as usual without  Aquaponics is adopted as a technical reforms. Land and water use government policy for all fish farms continue to increase. The famous and market gardens. Fish farming Hainan natural environment is becomes sustainable and massively destroyed by desperate farmers more productive. Fruit and vegetable trying to find more land and water to production increase exponentially to grow food. There is no longer any the point where Hainan is exporting rain forest for the tourists to come fresh organic produce even with the and see, and the beach and littoral demand from the tourist boom. Land environment is polluted by sewage and water use actually go down runoff from mismanaged instead of up. This makes saving the conventional agriculture. Tourists rain forest from being cut down very cease to come because the place is much easier and makes this carefully ruined, and soil and water quality go managed forest available for down to a point where food mostly profitable ecotourism. Everyone is has to be imported at great expense. happier, healthier and more Nobody is happy and many are prosperous.
  • 108. Aquaponics Global Can Help You To Take Hainan To A Green And Prosperous Future. We at Aquaponics Global Ltd. Aquaponics Consultancy can help you with feasibility studies, technical advice, construction and operational assistance and training to bring about that second happy, healthy and prosperous food-rich future for Hainan. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information and discussion of how we can help you. Normal consultancy contractual terms, fees and expenses paid apply. © Aquaponics Global Ltd., 2012. Aquaponics Global Ltd, Skype: appledragon1