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The Importance Of Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is an issue that remains troublesome since it is in direct correlation with adult
crime. While the age–crime curve, which is universal in Western populations remains constant,
persistence in terms of criminal behavior seems higher for individuals who start early in life (NIJ,
N.A.). Since girls tend to start offending at a younger age, they should receive more attention in
terms of prevention but they do not (NIJ, N.A.). Selecting female juvenile delinquency as an issue
since it should receive more attention than it has been granted in the past seems adequate. Girls enter
a system that was created by men for men and lacks of appropriate programs and initiatives for a
population that requires it. The lack of gender–responsive programs and consideration for criminal
pathways make this issue important to analyze. In the past, girls have been considered as deviant for
a multitude of different aspects, whether it is related to their sexuality, their mental instability or
their refusal to adhere to their social roles. We now see a trend where girls commit similar crime
than boys, while they remain less violent, they have expanded in the participation in criminal
behavior. Research shows that girls become delinquent for different reasons than boys, but those
differences are rarely addressed in the juvenile justice setting. Offering truly gender–responsive
programming and educating society and justice professionals as to which pathways lead to
criminality in
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Define Juvenile Delinquency
What defines juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency is when a male or female violates the law
prior to their eighteenth birthday. However, in certain cases, someone younger than eighteen can be
tried as an adult, it depends on their criminal history and what crime was committed ("38. Juvenile
Defined"). Juvenile offenders usually have similar backgrounds. Many psychologists believe these
are the contributing factors of the juveniles committing the crimes. The main factors that are
believed to lead to juvenile delinquency consist of a lack of guidance, inadequate education, and
substance and alcohol abuse. Repeating juvenile offenders almost always have a lack of guidance in
their life. Criminologist have studied the importance of children's ... Show more content on ...
Substance and alcohol abuse has became known as the most popular contributors to juvenile
delinquency. On the Juvenile Justice Bulletin there was a study done by Survey of Youth in Custody
that came to the conclusion " that more than 39 percent of youth under the age of 18 were under the
influence of drugs at the time of their offense" ("Juvenile Delinquency"). The same study also found
that 57 percent of the teens had abused drugs within the last month ( "Juvenile Delinquency"). The
Survey of Youth in Custody did a similar study with youth and their consumption of alcohol. They
took 113 juveniles that were in a state detention center and surveyed how often they consumed
alcohol. Of the 113 juveniles, 82 percent of them consumed alcohol on a daily bases. The other 14
percent consumed alcohol usually more than twice a week. The last four percent of the youth in the
state detention center reported to consume alcohol very rarely ("Juvenile Delinquency"). On average
over 50 percent of juvenile delinquents have issues with abusing drugs and alcohol. In the table
below it shows that another study shows the correlation between youth and substance
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The Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency
In 2012 the United States, juveniles between the age of 10 to 17 population is 33,248,000 and of that
1,319,700 total arrests (Puzzanchera and Kang, 2014). The crimes are then split into three
categories: Violent Crime index, Property Crime Index, and Non–Index. The number of juveniles
arrested for Violent Crime index is 61,070 people, Property Crime Index is 295,400 and the non–
index is 173,100 juveniles were arrested (Puzzanchera and Kang, 2014). Neglecting the prevention
of juvenile delinquency costs the society $1.7 to $2.3 million dollars per juvenile (Calhoun, Glaser,
& and Bartolomucci, 2001).
The justice system was blind to the age of the offender, until the twentieth century (Ramirez, 2008).
Juveniles received the same ... Show more content on ...
Restitution can be paid in either money or worked off with community service. Many juveniles enter
into the system threw referrals or petitions. Referrals is when they have broken a law and if they
were of majority would be put in jail. Juveniles can be referred to the court from teachers, police,
family, and any person that considers the juvenile to be breaking a law. A petition is a document
filed in the juvenile court which addresses the issues that the juvenile should appear in court
(Benekos, Champion, & Merlo, 2013).
Mental illness is another issue that is not adequately being addressed. Many kids that are being
incarcerated are not getting the mental health treatment that they are needing. Countless families are
postponed from services due to the absence of obtainable mental health services (Barksdale,
Stephan, & Westin, 2014). Many times Juveniles come into group homes and have not been taking
their medication because they have been on the run. Some families know that something is wrong
but are at a loss of how to get help or where they should turn to get help.
Problem # 1 Lack of Treatment When Rehabilitating Juveniles
Treatment is administered in the same way in most cases dealing with juveniles, which is frustrating
to many personal (Fritz, March 2010). Juveniles are all different and need to get treatment to fit their
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Juvenile Delinquency Essay
Juvenile Delinquency
There is no doubt that various experts can give us many theories as to the causes of juvenile
delinquency, including one's economic background, substance abuse, delinquent peer groups,
repeated exposure to violence, increased availability of firearms and media violence, however, I feel
that the number one cause of juvenile delinquency is the breakdown of families, including lack of
parental control over children. It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to
operate a vehicle, a permit to own a gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to
have training or a license in order to become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in
child development and parenting, many of ... Show more content on ...
It brought attention to youths neglected by their parents, or approval of delinquent friends, or it
solved problems of an unhappy home life in other ways. A study by the National Institute of Justice
also determined that youths from neglectful homes, single parent homes and homes in which
substance abuse was a problem had a greater likelihood of being charged as a juvenile of a crime or
status offense. In fact, research has shown that fifty three percent of these children are more likely to
be arrested and thirty eight percent more likely to commit an act of violence. Between 1976 and
1996, the number of juveniles living in poverty grew 42 percent. Along with this growth, crimes
committed by juveniles also grew. From as early as the turn of the century, experts in juvenile
delinquency (Morrison, 1915) have recognized the family's early and primary role in influencing
delinquency. These experts concluded that family dysfunction and poor parental supervision and
socialization are major influences on children's subsequent delinquency. Unfortunately, society did
not take action on these earlier findings, thus it has only been recently that the impact of family
factors has received much attention or research funding. The implications of existing research are
that the family environment can either protect children from subsequent delinquency or put them at
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The And Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency
Juveniles in the justice system is an issue relevant not only to people in the criminal justice system
but to society in general. There have been a number of studies done that link serious behavior
problems in children to adult criminal conduct. In more recent years, there has been more research
done regarding the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. The Department of Juvenile
Justice lists 3 broad categories with many subcategories to help us understand what contributes to
juvenile delinquency (CITE). These categories are listed as Individual, social, and community
factors. Similarly, Dr. Alida V. Merlo, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania states that in recent
history, the juvenile justice system has moved from a more punitive approach to juvenile justice to
more prevention and treatment oriented approach. (CITE). This is a necessary change because as
research begins to identify risk factors that may lead a child into the juvenile justice system, it is
important to treat the juvenile accordingly. We would not treat a delinquent minor that has been a
victim of maltreatment or abuse the same way we treat a child that has outside influences in the
community that played a role in their delinquency.
While we established that the individual, social, and community risk factors could be signs that a
child is on their way to delinquency, it does not make it a certainty. Therefore, it is important that
when I child shows signs of these risk factors, they are not
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Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency
It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to operate a vehicle, a permit to own a
gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to have training or a license in order to
become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in child development and parenting,
many of our future parents will not have a chance at becoming successful parents and worse, yet,
many parents today are already contributing to the ever increasing problem of juvenile delinquency
simply by not knowing how to be parents. Being a parent is a lifelong commitment and new parents
must learn parenting skills immediately; they do not have the luxury of internships and often times,
mistakes in parenting will have drastic effects on the child.
There are many reasons for the widespread crisis in families today. There have been many changes
in our social environment over the last twenty–five years. These changes have made a risky
environment for today's youth. Children and teenagers spend more time with their friends. Illegal
Drugs and deadly weapons are used increasingly as ways to solve problems. Illicit and explicit
sexuality and violence are the main subjects of choice in the media; and the impact of media
influence has widened and become more vivid with the introduction of computers and video games.
The prevalence of divorce and the increasing number of women in the workplace have reduced the
number of adults who provide interaction, structure and supervision in a
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Juvenile Delinquency Theories
Juvenile Delinquency Theories
Through an understanding of causes of juvenile delinquency society may come to deal preventively
with delinquency; certainly treatment of the offender needs to be based upon an understanding of the
causal mechanisms that have produced him. In this paper we'll describe three theories of juvenile
delinquency such as Social Learning Theory, General Strain Theory and Behavioral Theory and
discuss appropriate preventive programs based upon these theories.
In 1977 Albert Bandura, a Stanford University psychology professor, published Social Learning
Theory, in which he postulated that human learning is a continuous reciprocal interaction of
cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors. Sometimes called ... Show more content on ...
Operant conditioning developed by Skinner is one of the learning methods according to which the
likelihood of behavior is increased or decreased by the use of reinforcement or punishment. In case
of positive reinforcement a certain behavior becomes stronger by the effect of experiencing some
positive condition. In case of negative reinforcement a certain behavior becomes stronger by the
outcome of stopping or staying away from some negative condition. In case of extinction a certain
behavior is becomes weaker by the outcome of avoiding to experiencing some positive condition or
stopping some negative condition.
Negative and positive reinforcements and extinction strengthen certain kinds of behavior of
individuals. Punishment is a big form of operant conditioning used all over the world. When people
are punished, it is to decrease that certain behavior produced by the individual. Therefore,
behavioral theory refers to conditioning which leads to different behavioral pattern of juvenile
Preventive programs based on the social learning theory require placing an individual in favorable
environment where he/she would be less tempted to imitate violent behavior. One of the examples of
such environment is the social services of the church. The actual role of contemporary religion in
delinquency prevention is not easy to evaluate. Its potential role is tremendous, but the fulfillment of
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Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person,
especially one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible. Up until recently
juvenile delinquency only accounted for males. However, girls are now the fastest growing segment
of the juvenile justice system, even though the rates of juvenile offending are declining. Due to the
increase of the female juvenile population, some female juveniles are being held in adult prisons.
Because the rates of female offending has been on the rise, there has been an increase in the
likelihood that a teen would be arrested while she is pregnant. There are approximately 24,000
pregnant teens arrested a year, which is 670 on a given day. The chances of a girl being arrested
while she is pregnant is somewhat high due to the fact that about 85% of girls that are detained are
sexually active and fewer than 50% of them use some form of protection. Because the amount of
female juveniles being detained are increasing and the juvenile justice system was geared more
towards the male population, there are several resources that are lacking especially for pregnant
teens and teen mothers. In the novel Inside This Place, Not of It by Ayelet Waldman and Robin Levi,
the narrative on Olivia Hamilton, though she may not be a teen, provides a great example of the lack
of services available to pregnant inmates and mothers. Olivia Hamilton was arrested for embezzling
money to pay her bills. At
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Juvenile Delinquency Theory
1. In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C.
Welsh, chapter 7 talks about Gender and Delinquency. According to chapter 7, 3 facts about the
connection between delinquency and abuse for girls are one that girls are more traumatized by child
abuse. According to the text, studies have showed that girls who were victims of child abuse are at a
high risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (258). Another fact is that girls that are victims of
child abuse often suffer from bad childhoods. In addition, some girls are forced to leave their homes
and are left on the streets to protect, defend, and shelter themselves (258). Many girls who are
forced to leave their homes often participate in sexual altercations in order to support themselves as
well because they have no ... Show more content on ...
In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C. Welsh,
chapter 8 talks about the family and delinquency (277). Two examples of the possible connection
between Family Breakup and delinquency are children who parents breakup are at risk of displaying
antisocial behavior (284). According to the text, studies have shown that married couples can
produce children who are confident and dependable (283). In addition, research has shown that if a
child is being raised with one or neither of their parents, they are at a high risk of participating in
antisocial behaviors (283). However, when problems start to occur within the home, often time's
children are free to explore in delinquent behaviors (282). Another example is Divorce and
Delinquency. According to the text, family breakups can play a role in the influence on delinquent
behaviors (284). Parents and child relationships can be affected by family breakups (285). For
instance, Sara Jaffee and her assistances observed the values of marriages and concluded that fathers
were away from their children, the more delinquent behaviors their child were involved in
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Juvenile Delinquency Paper
Juvenile delinquency and the policies that handle the delinquent juveniles, has been on the front
burner for quite some time now and changes have been made in response to their conduct. There
have been a number of shifts in models used to help deter delinquent conduct, as well as changes in
policies to enforce laws and give punishment when a juvenile breaks a law or multiple laws. The
problem lies with whether or not programs created by these shifts, that have been implemented thus
far, work or not. To understand this, a look at the shifts and why they came about need to be looked
at. Since the 1960's there have been four major shifts in federal juvenile policy. The first shift in the
early part of the 1960's, was the use of community organization ... Show more content on ...
The second shift, which is a major player for the changes in policy. Presidential commissions
studied problems as they pertained to crime and violence, and through this study, recommendations
for dramatic policy innovations came about. Recommendations to decriminalize juvenile status
offenses, to divert juvenile offenders from official court processing, and to deinstitutionalize
juvenile offenders came about around 1967(Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). Through these
recommendations, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) was enacted. The
purpose of JJDPA, was to deinstitutionalize status offenders, provide additional funds to
communities for programs, establish ways to deal with runaways, and to remove juveniles from
adult facilities (Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). The third shift came about in the mid–1970's.
Violence and vandalism, for whatever reason, was increasing within the school system so there
came a more punitive approach to handling these situations. It was viewed as an "iron fisted"
punitive approach for non–status offenders (Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). Lastly, on March 1,
2005, the
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Reasons For Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency and why they do it
Juvenile delinquency is a big thing in the United States of America. The reason for this is that it
accounts for a good portion of the percentage of crime, and it can lead to them committing crimes as
an adult. There are many theories that we will discuss as reasons why these kids will end up as a
statistic in juvenile delinquency and ways to slow down, if not stop, the numbers from becoming
What is Juvenile Delinquency
First of all, you may be wondering, what is juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency is crime
committed by a child at the age of 18 and younger, that if committed by an adult would end up in
court or prison (Wilson,2000). That means that just because a kid skipped school does not mean he
or she would be considered a juvenile delinquent, but if that same child committed murder, rape,
robbery, assault, etc. he or she would be considered a juvenile delinquent(Wilson,2000). Be careful
with this as every state, federal government, etc. may have their own definition that may be a little
different in the writing or the age at which they follow.
Juvenile Delinquency Statistics
There are many statistics out there for juvenile delinquency from what age or grade they are most
likely to commit a crime to what race, sex and if there is a better chance to commit a crime do to
divorce, being around drugs or gangs, and etc(Hawkins,2000). All of these different things could be
causes or risk factors for juvenile delinquency, but does not guarantee that these kids would be
criminal's later in live.
One of those is the reason that juvenile delinquency needs to be looked at more and fixed is,
juveniles are involved or committed at least a quarter of all serious violent act, not to include murder
in the past 25 years.(Juvenile Justice) In 1999 around 2.5 million juveniles were arrested and
104,000 were due to violent crimes. There were 1.7 million juvenile delinquency cases in the courts
in 1997. (Juvenile Justice) About 2,000 were from homicide, 6,5oo for rape, 67,900 for assault and
the rest were things related with drugs. (Juvenile Justice) With these numbers it shows why
considering juvenile delinquency is very important to get that number down that it will
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The Theory Of Juvenile Delinquency
On September 4 in 1989 Joan and her two daughters Jennifer and Melissa were found murder in
there home. A neighborhood kid named Craig Price became the polices main suspect due his long
history of criminal offense. After being interrogated he admitted to only wanting to rob the house
but the mother and the two kids had awoken and he killed them to protect himself from getting
arrested. Craig then admitted to murdering another woman from the area named Rebecca spencer
when he was only thirteen. People often question how somebody so young could such a terrifying
act but researches how found a couple of theories that could be the possible reason for this chaos.
The theories of delinquent life course pretty much is the backbone of many other more specific
theories in the studying of juvenile delinquency. Next in the book is the latent trait theory, which
explains the flow of delinquency over a lifetime. Finally the third theory is a mix of latent trait and
life course theory which states there is more then one path to crime and more than one class of
offenders. The chapter starts of with life course theory, which tends to show how every person
related experience can effect a child's future behavior.
Even as toddlers children begin making relationships and behaviors that will possibly determine
there adult future. Kids are expected to grow and follow social norms but some individuals are not
capable of maturing at a normal pace because of family, environmental, and personal
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Theories Of Juvenile Delinquency
The most frequently asked question of criminologists is, what causes delinquency? There are many
explanations and theories of delinquency, especially in specific regards juvenile delinquency. For the
simplicity and length, this paper will be focusing on the strain theory, social learning theory, control
theory, labeling theory, and life course theory. First the theories will be explained and defined. After
the theories have been defined, a comparison of the five will be made. Next, some contrasts of the
theories. Finally, to wrap the paper together, an analysis of which theory is the most applicable to
juvenile delinquency, specifically. The first modern version of strain theory is Robert K. Merton
(1938) which involves the inability of individuals to achieve culturally prescribed success goals, or
"goal blockage". In addition to this "goal blockage" Merton defines two types of strain; the failure to
achieve these goals and the loss of positive stimuli and/or a presence of negative stimuli. Focusing
on the goals that are "culturally prescribed" for success, specifically for juveniles, these could
include money, status or respect, autonomy from adults, and thrills or excitement. Autonomy from
adults is a key goal for juveniles because as a teenager, the juvenile strives to be independent and
strives to be treated as an adult. Agnew, another prominent theorist of strain theory, lists eight types
of negative treatment or presence of negative stimuli: parental rejection, parental supervision and
discipline that is very strict/erratic/excessive given the infraction and/or harsh, child abuse and
neglect, negative school experiences, abusive peer relations, criminal victimization, homelessness,
and experiences with prejudice and discrimination based on ascribed characteristics like gender and
race/ethnicity. "The frustration that results from this goal blockage increased the likelihood of crime;
individuals may try to obtain money through acts such as theft and drug selling, may strike out at
others in their anger or may focus on alternative goals that are conducive to crime (e.g., masculinity
goals emphasizing toughness)" (Agnew 2012).
"Social learning theory is not a single theory but rather a family of theories
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Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs
22:6 New International Version).
Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age
of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid–1900's "about one–fifth of all persons arrested for
crimes were under the age of 18" (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as
juvenile delinquency (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile
delinquency and reduces recidivism. "From the beginning, the principal consideration of the
juvenile courts was the welfare of the child" (Silva, 2014). When discussing whether the juvenile
justice system works to rehabilitate young offenders, we must examine what options are available.
Funk & Wagnalls (2014), state that Programs such as a child–guidance clinics, juvenile aid bureaus
attached to police department or other official agencies, special programs in schools are all effective
ways of deterring youth offenders and keeping them out of correctional facilities. Other forms of
rehabilitation are military type.
Before we label a child as a delinquent we must first determine the cause of the delinquency. The
question to be answered is, what causes delinquency? If you were to conduct a blind study and
asked this question, you would get many different reasons. Perhaps Bad parenting, genetics, peer
pressure, bad self–esteem, and society are all answers. Funk
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Juvenile And Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is a social issue in the United States today. Juvenile delinquency, is when "a
violation of the law is committed by a juvenile and is not punishable by death or life imprisonment"
(Juvenile Delinquency). The juvenile system is different from the adult system in many way and
most juvenile delinquents are from the age of ten to the age of seventeen (Juvenile Delinquent).
Once the delinquent or anyone is at the age of eighteen, they are considered to be an adult.
Therefore, in the justice system they are tried as an adult. There are many different reasons why a
child would commit crime, such as mental and physical factors, peer influence, home conditions,
neighborhood environment and school conditions. Teens are greatly influenced by the interactions
and surroundings they are around. Their behaviors can result from the parent and/or their peer
influences. Parents play a great role in the child's life and a teen's peers also play a strong role in
how the teen behaves when the parents are not insight. This research will examine links between the
social environment of teens and how it influences the teens actions and behavior which leads them
to commit an offense.
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a link between the influences in a
minors' life and the delinquent behavior they are committing. Juvenile delinquency is the habitual
committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, especially one below the age at
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The Problem Of Juvenile Delinquency
Stephanie R. Hawkins, Philip w. Graham, Jason Williams, and Margaret A. Zahn provide us with a
cornucopia of information pertaining to Resilient Girls on the Girls Study Group. In the year 2004
girls made up thirty percent of all juvenile arrest. However, the question still remains whether it is
an increase in juvenile delinquency or society's response to girl's behavior. In order to find out the
answers to these questions the office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention created the
Girls Study Group. To fight the statistics and improve the lives of girls in danger of juvenile
Resiliency is the power to be able to deal with a tremendous amount of stress and negative
situations. Resiliency plays key role in the prevention and intervention of programs out there.
Scientists to this day still have not figured out why some kids may be resilient and not others. In the
end certain factors may or may not have the same impact on others concerning gender. This reading
provides you with some Intel that has been discovered in research to suggest why some girls may be
protected from delinquency.
Resiliency is best defined as human's ability to be able to adapt and learn in a negative atmosphere.
Situations that they might survive may be being abused or neglected, witnessing violence, or living
in poverty that could in the end lead them a life in delinquency. The majority of research today,
focuses on the negative factors that contributed to making people
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The Cause Of Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency has been an issue in sociological and criminological context for decades. It is
basically at state when a person who is under the age of 18 years is antisocial and has a criminal
behavior. It has become a major social problem in the youth that is attracting a lot of youths to get
into crimes. Many researches have been done to find the cause of juvenile delinquency. Sociologists
explain this context using different theories. While investigating about the cause of juvenile
delinquency theorists come up with the factors associated with it such as racial status, gender
discrimination and the economic status. Childhood assaults are also seen as one of the factors that
can be in the form of sexual abuse or physical abuse faced by the child either in their family
environment or the school environment. Peer pressure as examined by many theorists provides a
wide area for the juvenile crimes to occur. The delinquent youth lack ethical standards and
emotional feelings. Impulsivity, social insensitivity and lack of guilt feeling make them perform
socially unacceptable behavior. They lose the ability to choose what is right and what is wrong.
Juvenile delinquency rates take a rise when young people see their fellow members of society as
offenders. The way of them being viewed as criminals in the society makes them more prone to
become delinquents. The paper discusses about the cause of juvenile delinquency and the problems
that arise due to it. Later it would focus on two sociological theories that would evaluate the
criminal phenomenon.
In the criminal justice system juvenile delinquency is one of the highly rated problem. It is the
society itself that can increase the juvenile delinquency rates and on the other hand they are the ones
who can help deal this problem by reducing the crime. Among 1755 young students surveyed in
Portugal, 29.4% reported they had committed at least one offence in their life–time (Cardoso,
Perista, Carrilho & Silva, 2013, p. 520). The problem arises when the adolescents or young people
are unable to achieve their dreams, than they try to take the path of crime by using illegal means to
reach their expectations.
The probability of juvenile delinquency to take place
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Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency
The group of people that typically falls into this idea of juvenile delinquency associated with
"dangerous" or "criminal" usually points finger to individuals of a lower income class. Not all
juvenile delinquents are from the lower class, but majority are; therefore, for a public's eye view of
delinquent behaviors are most likely caused by those juveniles of a poor background because they
have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Being of lower class falls prey to the malnutrition
and/or maltreatment by parents or guardians. With maltreatment and lack of positive reinforcements
in discipline as it should be; their way of discipline may have been carried out as physical
punishments and corrective actions for unruly behavior which in turn enhanced negative
reinforcements of actions and delinquency. Children who were mistreated by physical abuse and
neglected increased the likelihood risk of committing unruly behavior and actions of juvenile
delinquency. There are those juvenile delinquents that are from upper class, but being within the
upper class category gives them the access to have the legal means of being acquitted where those of
lower class are automatically considered a criminal or scapegoat whether they have committed a
crime or not; therefore, it increases the likelihood of this individual to commit criminal activity in
the future because the innocence of this individual was already lost where everyone already made
the judgement that he is the guilty one based on what their status is.
Between the 18th and 19th centuries, juvenile delinquency became a problematic outbreak that
spread throughout England. Juvenile delinquency became such a widespread problem as a disease
that affected the norms of society with its abusive and violent manner carried out by juveniles. With
the increasing of undisciplined juveniles throughout the country triggered the formations of gangs
from its increasing numbers of members. Due to population growth and poverty with lack of
guardianships in the country caused juvenile to engage in deviant behaviors and committing petty
crimes against citizens. Many juveniles grew up only to know the life of crimes and conducting
themselves in deviant behaviors associating themselves
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The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
Theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, and possession of marijuana are common crimes, offenses and
violations of juvenile delinquency. Delinquency is the wrongdoing or minor crime, especially
committed by young people – young people refers to term 'juvenile'. Delinquency may be
committed by any individual regardless of the age group, but with younger population it is handled
differently in court system compared to adults. Most states implement community based programs
and school–related activities for prevention with educational subject matters such as consequences,
impactful effects, and removing oneself from provocative circumstances. Surprisingly, juvenile
arrest rates continuously decrease and reached an all–time low according to Office of Justice
Programs (Synder, 2004). Although, the statistics reflect positivity; the start of delinquency may
lead to serious criminal involvement later in life. Juvenile delinquency is a societal issue therefore
effective measures must be in position to reinforce and educate the public to end this ongoing
Based on numerous research findings the causes of juvenile delinquency are among the lines of
family, mass media, and peer pressure. The cases of these causes range from high to low and basic
to complex. Transiting from preteen into adolescence is accompanied with intense peer pressure.
Adolescents seek acceptance from peers which allows the pressure to succeed. In like manner,
teenagers are easily persuaded to join
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Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency is the participation of illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory
age limit. A delinquent is a minor who commits a crime or a status offense. A status offense is
conduct that is illegal only because the child is under age i.e. smoking cigarettes (Senna 10, 20). The
cases of Eric Smith, Lionel Tate, and an unidentified NJ child are similar only because, they are
guilty of killing another child, but the Criminal Justice System treated and punished them very
differently. In August 1993 in Savona, New York 13 year old Eric Smith killed 4 year old Derrick
Robie. Smith lured Robie into the woods and strangled, beat with large rocks, and sodomized Robie.
Smith was questioned by police and kept changing some ... Show more content on
If Tate had been tried as a juvenile he would have faced six to nine months in a juvenile facility, but
as an adult he would face life without parole. The evidence was presented to the Grand Jury and
they returned an indictment for first degree murder. Tate was offered a plea bargain for a guilty plea
a few times, but his mother refused to accept it. Tate 's mother didn 't want to plead guilty because
she believed her son that it was an accident. During the trial, the Tate 's defense tried to argue that
the wrestling Tate watched on TV influenced him. The jury wasn 't convinced that it was an
accident, because of the extent of Eunick 's injuries. Tate was convicted of first degree murder and
sentenced to life in prison without parole. In December 2003 Tate 's conviction was thrown out by
an appeals court, because Tate wasn 't given a mental competency evaluation before or during his
trial. In January 2004 Tate pled guilty to second degree murder. Tate was released and sentenced to
10 years ' probation, and one year house arrest. Tate didn 't receive any mental health counseling at
all. In September 2004 Tate was arrested for possession of a weapon a knife. Tate was sentenced to
an additional five years ' probation and was warned that another violation would land him in prison.
In May 2005 Tate was arrested and charged with one count armed burglary with battery,
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Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
A juvenile delinquent is a juvenile who has broken the law. A juvenile refers to a person who is
under 18 years old, at times the line is set at 21 years old for alcohol and tobacco. Juvenile
delinquency is an important field in sociology because it focuses on the crimes juveniles have
committed and why they did them. It looks at how the criminal justice system treats juveniles and
helps to separate them from adults. It describes the leading causes of how juveniles become
delinquents due to the family, environment, media, and peers.
Juvenile delinquency has always existed as children become teenagers it becomes a crucial period
due to their body and minds developing. Each generation went through the adolescence period with
different cohort events shaping their life's. For example, Fuller explains how the "Greatest
Generation" grew up during the great depression and World War II lived a different life than the
Baby Boom generation who experienced "the civil rights movement, war in Vietnam, and the
assassination of Martin Luther King Jr." (2016). The one thing these adolescents shared with each
other generation to generation is as their minds develop many were described as rebellious. Due to
the increase in juvenile delinquency there became a strong need for a criminal justice system unique
to adolescents.
Before there was a juvenile justice system adolescents were treated and tried as adults later the
punishments became more lenient and the parents did most of the punishing
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The Problem Of Juvenile Delinquency
In 2013, with seventy three point five million Americans, about one in four were under the age of
eighteen. Forty nine percent were females while the other fifty one percent were male. Astounding
thirty to forty percent of this population will commit their first crime between the ages of fourteen
and fifteen. While most are just beginning puberty, these young boys and girls are becoming
juvenile delinquents because they chose the wrong path or the wrong path was laid out for them.
There are many theories and causes to why some juveniles end up being juvenile delinquents. The
first is that peer groups can play a major role in one's life between the ages of twelve and eighteen,
pressuring juveniles to abandon their home life and join street gangs. Society can play a similar role
by labeling our youth and with such a young mindset they figure if they are going to be blamed and
punished anyways, why not the satisfaction of actually committing the crime have. These two
reasons however, play only a minor role compared to personal and family issues. "If we could
measure the connection between violent crime and welfare reform properly, we might find that it has
more to do with neighborhoods than with households or individuals".
Personal causes can be anything from drugs to desire while family issues can be anything as simple
as parenting style to moral and economic problems. Parenting styles can cause long term
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Juvenile Delinquency Is Not Acceptable
Juvenile delinquency is when minors commit criminal acts or offenses that are against the law and
in which adult prosecution is not acceptable. It is interesting to note that this was not always the
case. Before juvenile delinquency was established, juveniles were trialed and treated as adults.
There was no such thing as a juvenile court, juvenile correctional facilities, or juvenile support
groups, when the juvenile deviated. Later, many believed that when juveniles deviated that it meant
that they needed guidance and support to help them. This change was made mainly because the
value of children increased due to the fact that children were beginning to live longer and were
healthier. Throughout the semester it has been intriguing to learn more about this topic and learn
different theories related to it, as well as delinquency triggers. There are four theories that relate to
juvenile delinquency. Strain Theory is when the juvenile experiences strain, or stress, which as a
result causes them to commit delinquent acts. Strain can be caused by the juvenile failing to achieve
goals, and/or the loss of positive stimuli or the presentation of negative stimuli. Social Learning
Theory is when juveniles learn to engage in delinquent acts by being reinforced, positively or
negatively, in some way. Control Theory is when the juvenile varies with the levels of control,
which causes them to commit delinquent acts. Labeling Theory is when juveniles are labeled as
"bad" or "delinquent",
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Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
In order to understand the points of view on the causes of juvenile delinquency, juvenile
delinquency itself must be defined. Juvenile delinquency is criminal, or illegal behavior that a minor
participates in. The age of what it considered a minor varies from state to state. But a minor could be
as low as 13 or under, to 18 or under; after the age that is considered a minor they could then be
tried as an adult. So, what causes a child to become a juvenile delinquent? There are five views that
help to explain why. The first is the life– course view. The basic principal of this is that even as a
young child, as young as 2 and three, relationships begin to form that will affect the child's entire
life course. The next is the latent trait or propensity view. The main point of this view is that the
propensity for a child to commit a crime is always there but the opportunity comes and goes. The
third view that causes delinquency is the trait view. There are several parts to this view including
biological and psychological. The fourth view is socialization, that the social development can affect
delinquency. Finally, the feminist view. There are typically two points of views; liberal and critical
feminism. Juvenile delinquency may be caused by something different for every child but these five
views gives a good idea of some of the main causes.
The Life– Course View
The life– course view is an extremely influential one in what causes children to be delinquent. In
normal cases a child will learn proper behaviors that will lead them to adulthood. Each behavior
they learn should be done one after the next. But what if one of these learned behaviors is missed or
learned out of order or taught differently than the rest of society? There are a number of ideas that
cause the child to become delinquent. The age at which they start offending is the first. The younger
the child is when he or she begins interacting with criminal behavior the more of a risk they have to
continue the path of delinquency. (Beach, 1956) In addition to age, are the social issues a child may
deal with. These are referred to as whole; problem behavior syndrome. Unfortunately, youth that
deals with one of these things probably will deal with more of
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The Issue Of Juvenile Delinquency
The issue of Juvenile Delinquency has always been of great concern to society and due to the
perceived notion that the nation's future depends on the development of its youth, understanding the
factors that cause them to commit criminal activities will help identify what leads youth to turn
towards crime and the circumstances that influence them commit criminal behaviour (Shoemaker,
2010). Modern culture is constantly bombarded with the belief system of economic wealth and
success, of achieving cultured goals and success in order to attain materialistic wealth, status and the
accumulation of money to live that lifestyle. However not everyone have equal opportunities to
obtain these goals through legitimate means and are either hindered or blocked due to various
circumstances that do not serve them well (Hoffmann, 2011). There are several factors that help
understand and link juvenile delinquency in Urban Areas. Some of these factors include, Social
Disorganization, Unemployment, Poverty
In the research article by Chung, Mulvey & Steinberg (2011), two main factors were taken into
account in order to better understand the study. The first study investigated included how poor
school academic outcomes and low levels of achievements or dropouts had an effect among juvenile
offenders. The second study investigated whether neighborhood factors had an influence on poor
academic outcomes resulting in juvenile offenders. The data obtain for the study
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Juvenile Delinquency Essay
Juvenile delinquents, or youth that have been convicted of a crime, seem to be the norm these days.
Citizens, families, and poliy makers want new programs and policies within the juvenile justice
system. Researchers have found that the family structure can be a precursor to delinquent behavior,
and families do not have the control or blance that they once did. As such, mew measures need to be
implemented to help these families in crisis. Rehabilitation of the family unit is the answer, say
many, not punishment. In response to this, new ideas have formed to rehabilitate the family unit, but
first, the family structures that are precursors to delinquent behavior must be identified. "Family
Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymaker's ... Show more content on ...
The book focuses on single–parent homes, parental involvement, family tension and family
economics as key factors of juvenile delinquency. Although, Mr. Trojanowicz states "family
economics plays a key role in determining juvenile delinquency. A family's inability to provide for
the material needs of a child can create insecurity in a child, thus, the child may seek material needs
and suport from outside the family" (77). In conclusion he finds that many delinquents do not come
from low–income families, and the economic condition of the family is probably one of the least
meaningful contributing factors. The research clearly shows and supports the theory that the family
structure is directly related to juvenile delinquency. What is society doing to help these families in
trouble? "Competency Training," the Office of Juvenile Justice and Dleinquency Prevention
(OJJDP), examines one of the family programs that have been established. The program they
examined was, "Iowa's Strenghtening Families Program. (ISFP) The SFP is a 7–week course
designed to bring parents together with their 10 to 14 year old children, with the goal of reducing
substance abuse and other problem behavior in youth. The curriculum uses parallel content to
emphasize, to the family and the youth, improved parenting skills, and better communication for
both parents and the youth. For example, while the parents are learning how to use consequences
when youth break rules, youth
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Juvenile Delinquency
I. Introduction
A. Opener:
B. Thesis statement: This term paper explores how family issues attribute to juvenile delinquency
and how to overcome it.
II. First and foremost, an unstable family structure is one of the contributing factors to juvenile
A. Single–parent household vs. two–parent household
B. Child maltreatment
1. emotional neglect
2. physical abuse
III. Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family
A. Family cohesion
B. Increasing number of siblings
1. large family size
2. less attention from parents
3. more conflicts occur among family members
IV. Moreover, one of the determinants which leads to juvenile delinquency is parents' behavior.
A. ... Show more content on ...
This is because family is the primary setting where children start to learn acceptable way of
socializing and thinking. Physical abuse from their parents has encouraged them to practice
aggressive behavior to solve problem and obtain desired results (Boss, 2012). Furthermore,
Weatherburn and Lind (1997) found that children who have been being emotional neglect are more
likely to involve in social crime. Research has shown that teenagers who are being emotionally
neglect for a long period may feel depress and anxious may result in illicit drug, teen suicide and
alcohol abuse (Hammen, 1996). Besides, they may also feel insecure and use violent acts to protect
themselves. Abandonment leads them to join gangs in order to find the sense of belonging.
Additionally, long period of rejection and abandonment may cause teenagers to become emotionally
numb. They can feel neither sympathy nor care. Thus, they do not feel either guilty or regret for
their violent behavior. Besides, they are also not able to consider the consequences of their
aggressive acts rationally (Hammen, 1996).
Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family
environment (Hammen, 1996). As one of the strongest socializing forces in life, family is the
primary place to cultivate children's behavior. According to Hammen (1996), the presence of
affectionate relationship between family
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Deliquency And Juvenile Delinquency
An estimated 70% of juveniles that are in the juvenile system have an elementary academic
achievement level, and have learning disabilities. [1]. Poor school performance, skipping school,
and dropping out at a young age are all connected to delinquency. There was an increase in the rates
of juvenile delinquency after dropping out from school [2]. Juveniles who go to school consistently
and have a strong academic performance, ideally go on to college and have a successful career and
bright future [1]. There seems to be a connection between academic performance and delinquency. It
seems that young people with a lower academic performance are more delinquent than young people
with a higher academic performance [3,4].
Previous ... Show more content on ...
What is linking academic performance and delinquency together, and what kind of association do
they have with each other, is it negative or positive?
Studies suggest that improving educational performance and behavior will more than likely result in
positive outcomes. It also suggests that coming up with innovative educational strategies are the
most effective solution to improve delinquency and academic performance [2]. Educational
programs intended to address delinquency and poor academic performance that teaches self control
and social class, will probably be more successful in improving education outcomes for juvenile
delinquents [2][7]. The purpose of this study is to find the link between academic performance and
delinquency, and find what kind of association they have with each other.
Methodology The participants for this study will include 200 juvenile delinquents that will be
recruited from juvenile detention centers in New York, through a process of stratified sampling.
Stratified sampling allows us to select participants from different areas of New York. To be eligible
for this study, participants have to meet these requirements, 1) ages 14–17; 2) In juvenile detention;
3) able to speak and read in English. Participants were excluded from the study if they were, 1)
Under the age of 14; 2) Over the age of 17; 3) Not in juvenile
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Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency 1
Juvenile Delinquency: Features, Causes and Solutions
Shen Cheng
Class: 110
Teacher: Stephanie
February 29, 2012
Juvenile Delinquency 2
I. Introduction
Thesis statement: Nowadays, there is no denying that Juvenile Delinquency has become one of the
hottest social issues. The features, causes, and solutions of Juvenile Delinquency will be discussed
about in this research.
II. The features of Juvenile Delinquency A. The average age of juveniles who commit crimes tends
to be lower B. Knowledge level of the juvenile offenders is low C. Juvenile offenders get involved
in sinister gangs and tend to be in groups. D. Juvenile delinquency is prone to be more violent. E.
Criminal means ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, young people are much eager to get what they can't have both in schools and
families. Then some idle people take advantage of them and divide them into small groups which
usually form the predecessor of criminal gangs (Abruzzese.1997). 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼
音 4. Juvenile delinquency is prone to be more violent. According to statistics, property crime is the
main type of juvenile delinquency. The top five crimes are: robbery, rape, theft, intentional injury
causing death, and murder. The young offenders nowadays use more cruel criminal means to
achieve their objectives than before (McNeece. & Roberts. 1997) 5. Criminal means of juvenile
offenders are more mature. Modus operandi of juvenile offenders inclines towards being more
"mature." Juvenile crimes in the past were mostly along with less criminal circumstances than
Juvenile Delinquency 7 today. In recent years, young offenders would prefer rigorous plans and
clear division of who does what in their criminal behaviors. Today, young offenders seem to have a
clear understanding of what they are doing, and some are even experienced in committing crimes
(Li.2007). 6. Juvenile delinquency is occasional and at random As young people are immature in
both mental and physical growth, it's common to see that they have frequent emotional fluctuations.
Failing to understand things right and objectively and strong desires to monopolize make them easy
to go on extreme ways. They
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Essay Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency
Amy Cowan
CRJ 422
Prof. Angela Hermosillo
November 15, 2010
Juvenile Delinquency
Introduction Can we as a society truly reduce the rate of juvenile crime and violence? "Throughout
all time there has been delinquency. It may not have had the delinquency label, but it still existed.
Juvenile crime is mentioned as far back as ancient Sumeria and Hammurabi, where laws concerning
juvenile offenders first appear in written form" (Rice, 1995, ¶ 3). To this day juvenile delinquency is
looked upon as one of the most imperative concerns in crime. A number of studies have been
performed concerning delinquency. Countless developments and strategies have presented the ...
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The classical theory focuses on free will. Most classical theories "both old and new, make certain
basic assumptions" (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 81). For example, it is believed humans have the ability
to make their own choices, and that pain as well as pleasure is the two key aspects of human
behavior. Classical scholars believe preventing crime is probable with quick and assured penalties.
However, to be effective, the punishment must outweigh the satisfaction obtained from the criminal
conduct (Schmalleger, 2009). Biological theories suggest an individual's behavior is genetically
based, and that criminal behavior may perhaps be passed on from generation to generation. They
believe it possible to identify criminals through genetic makeup. Biological theorists consider
treatment to be ineffective. However, it is thought aggression could be usefully redirected
(Schmalleger, 2009). Psychobiological theorist feel that a person's "DNA, environmental
contaminates, nutrition, hormones, physical trauma, and body chemistry play important and
interwoven roles in producing human cognition, feeling, and behavior –including crime"
(Schmalleger, 2009, p.80). These theorists feel that by adjusting an individual's chemical makeup,
the potential for crime would be greatly reduced. However, psychological theories suggest that
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Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency
Causing Factors of Juvenile delinquency This chapter considers what others have said about the
contributing factors that influence juvenile delinquency. This section additionally analyzes
discoveries from past research, and present an exhaustive survey of past works. This chapter also
introduces theoretical frame works that attempt to explain the distinctive causes of juvenile
delinquency. The focus of this research is placed on the theoretical frame works of social control
theory and attachment theory.
Juvenile delinquency
As stated by the United Nations Convention (1989, cited in Arabaci 2017) any individual under the
age of 18 is considered a child under the right of a child legislation. Therefore, any the participation
of persons under the age of 18 as it relates to a crime for any reason, and correspondingly the exhibit
of a behavior in need of a judicial jurisdiction, are deemed juvenile delinquency (Hockenberry &
Puzzanchera, 2013; Copur, Ulutasdemir, & Balasak, 2015, cited in Arabaci 2017). Juvenile
delinquency frequently corresponds with adolescents, described as the advancing troublesome phase
or transformation phase (Celikoz, Secer & Durak, 2008, cited in Arabaci 2017). The likelihood of a
crime being committed is more frequent in childhood adolescence (Carrol, Hattie, Durkin &
Houghton, 2001; Oyserman & Saltz, 1993; Moffitt 1993, cited in Arabaci 2017). Those with
criminal habits during childhood often carry this habit into adulthood (Korkmaz & Erden, 2010,
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Fundamentals Of Juvenile Delinquency
This assignment will illustrate that by understanding the fundamentals of combatting juvenile
delinquency and applying the theories to command practice will enhance the overall knowledge of
the material. This document will demonstrate the juvenile delinquency reduction efforts and
programs currently in operation in the Tampa area community. In addition, I will propose ways to
improve the Tampa area community's juvenile delinquency prevention efforts. Next, this paper will
attempt to apply the main sociological theories that underlie these interventions that shape the
community's public policy for delinquency prevention. Finally, this paper will identify an
appropriate strategy geared toward preventing delinquency that in consistent with the Behavioral
When a juvenile commits an act that would be criminal if committed by an adult, the juvenile is
determined to be delinquent. Delinquent acts may include crimes against persons, crimes against
property, drug offenses, and crimes against public order. Delinquency prevention efforts seek to
redirect youth who are considered at–risk for delinquency or who have committed a delinquent
offense from deeper involvement in the juvenile justice system (Deling, 2014).
Characteristically, juvenile delinquency follows a similar path just like normal adolescent
development and children tend to follow delinquent and criminal behavior rather than engaging in it
randomly. Research has shown that there are two types of delinquents, those in whom the onset of
severe antisocial behavior begins in early childhood, and those in whom this onset coincides with
entry into adolescence. With either type, these developmental paths give families, communities, and
systems the opportunity to intervene and prevent the onset of antisocial behaviors and justice system
involvement (APA, 2017).
Many people try to point the finger to way children become delinquent, blaming their parents, their
poverty, their friends and/or the system; sometime things are not that simple. Some rich children
who have it all still make the same poor choices and end up on the wrong side of the law. Most poor
children who have nothing, still grow up good and do wonderful things. Many families have that
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Juvenile Delinquency Is A Problem
Juvenile Delinquency When looking into the history of United States and elsewhere juvenile
delinquency is a problem and has been one for over a century. Like other systems in place, the
system involving juvenile delinquents has gone through many stages. In the case of the juvenile
delinquency, it has gone through four stages, with us presently in the fourth. The causes behind
juvenile delinquency are still unknown even today. Some blame it on the current culture, the over–
exposure to violence, music and video games. Nevertheless, the true causes of it have yet to be
determined. The point of this paper is to examine the possible causes of juvenile delinquency by
looking at various fields and their reasoning behind delinquency. In addition to understand the
possible causes of juvenile delinquency I will be looking at past and present assumptions including
practices used currently and previously to solve delinquency.
To gain an understanding of the current practices used to handle juvenile delinquents you must first
look at the history of it and understand where it was. The history of juvenile delinquency is a little
different from the criminal justice system history. Originally, a juvenile that committed a crime went
to jail with other male and female criminals. At the beginning of the criminal justice system men,
women, and juvenile criminals were housed together. By putting juveniles with grown men
incarcerated for various reasons made them easy targets
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Proposal On Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency has been an active issue in the criminal justice system that is considered as an
evil by the society. It is believed to be a social and psychological problem faced by the youth and the
society, which violates the legal system. The violation of the legal system makes it important to
overcome the problem. The need to prevent the juvenile delinquency is important to help the youth
cope with the society as well as the criminal justice system. The prevention of the delinquency is
only possible if the results can be gathered for the causes of this behaviour. The causes can be
gathered by examining a group of youth who can become possible offenders by knowing that what
causes the delinquency and at what stages of the life does it trigger. The paper will be focus on the
problem of juvenile delinquency, and the factors that contribute towards the onset of delinquency in
youth. The research proposal would be based upon the previous research's done and the data
collected by those research's that depicted some of the possible factors of delinquency found in
youth that could be childhood maltreatment, negative relationship between the parents and the
delinquent youth, emotional disturbance faced in the adolescent, genetics and the geographical
factors. The factors would be further investigated by using them as independent variables in the
research to find out how these factors can be removed to make the community aware of the negative
impacts the
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Theories of Juvenile Delinquency
Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency is a threat to society and accordingly, the
need to develop an understanding of the deviant behavior is of an utmost importance. There are
several theories that explain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for
administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that
reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two
prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories
Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of
committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risks and benefits derived ... Show
more content on ...
Learning theorists may want celebrities to play a good role model, may oppose violence in video
games or television, or may want to focus on the role of families and parenthood is providing an
environment that is conducive to good behavior. Policymakers that believe in the strength of the
learning theories may still find the need to impose punishment (punishers) however, they may also
aspire to rehabilitate the juvenile and administer treatments and programs that will help the juvenile
in learning good behavior.
Taylor, R.W., Fritsch, E.J., & Caeti, T.J. (2011). Juvenile justice: Policies, programs, and practices
(Custom). (3rd ed.). New York, NY:
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The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
In actuality, a 25 year–long study of 1,500 children in light–salary inner–town Chicago
neighborhoods found that children who attended a full–sort preschool were 28% less likely to
promote stupefy problems or be confine in adulthood. Psychological problems in parents or siblings
can also be a peril element of juvenile delinquency.
Post–secondary criminology degree scheme avow the want for intervention at a ignorant age, and
that in custom to help juvenile robbery, its causes must first be understood. Sometimes the growing
faces hardship in energy due to some psychological or physical problem that he is departure
through. A child without a proper breeding will eventually learn that he or she is at a disadvantage in
the workforce. Some of the most common causes of juvenile delinquency are as follows. . The
factors that driven a youthful one to crime can be complex–many clock, a coalition of factors
reciprocate and trifle off of each other–and unraveling these neutralize reputation can be
challenging. I will be more than happy if I am of any succor to you. Juvenile delinquency is also
given as teenage crime.
This sensation of despondence, irritate by the national media's emphasis on grave service numbers
and financial crises, can make an environment ripen for juvenile arson. For high–university seniors
old 18 or older, this is especially questionable, as they may be charged as adults. Empathize with
someone's pain Share in another personify's happiness Feel good when up
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Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency
SRP Final Draft
Have you ever been a charged with Juvenile crime behavior? Juvenile Delinquency is cause by a
correlation of factors including environment, parenting, social economic level, and alcohol and drug
abuse. Juvenile delinquency is also caused by the way the child is getting treated at home, or the
separation of both parent and, family conflict & etc. When a parent abuse or lose communication
with the child can also cause delinquency. Crime is one thing kids younger than 18 years of age get
charged with. Most of the young teens that are in a detention center are younger than 18. Juvenile
delinquency is committed by young children, the delinquency of a minor is increasing day by day.
"We cannot always place the blame on parents. But the structure within the family household could
determine the extent of delinquency manifested by a juvenile. Family relationships, duties,
responsibilities and privileges, and the amount of control exercised over children all play roles in
forming character and influencing behavior. The attitudes and actions of parents can create an
important influence in the lives of the children". Wickliffe Joseph. "Teachers Institute". Mistreatment of the child is one
reason why younger kids are charged with juvenile delinquency. When kids are in risk of being
mistreated then they are highly in risk of being a delinquency of a minor. If a child feel like they are
being mistreated it can lead to a child getting into lots of trouble because they feel like nobody cares
about them so you have to show love & affection to that child so they want feel like you don't care
about them. A child parents in strong figure in their life, if the parent is supposed to tech the child
the right behavior & to respect other. If a child feels like they are being mistreated then in can lead
them to becoming a juvenile delinquency. When parents are going through something they shouldn't
take it out on their child or make the child feel like he/she have to stop their life because of a family
conflict. Sometimes when post parents are going through something they show how they feel right
in front or the child so it make the wonders, like "am
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Juvenile Delinquency Essay
Juvenile Delinquency
There is no doubt that various experts can give us many theories as to the causes of juvenile
delinquency, including one's economic background, substance abuse, delinquent peer groups,
repeated exposure to violence, increased availability of firearms and media violence. However, I feel
that the number one cause of juvenile delinquency is the breakdown of families, including lack of
parental control over children. It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to
operate a vehicle, a permit to own a gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to
have training or a license in order to become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in
child development and parenting, many of ... Show more content on ...
Experts agree they are generally three parenting styles that reportedly escalate these conflicts.
The authoritarian parent tends to emphasize rules and very harsh consequences. There is little room
for discussion or negotiation. The indulgent parent tends to spoil the child and expects little or no
responsibility at home, choosing instead to clean up after the child both at home and in his social
The indifferent parent is so preoccupied with his/her own life and activities that little time and
energy is given to either involvement or appropriate structure.
The type of parenting that does work is simply called authoritative parenting. This type of parent
assumes a role of authority in the child's life, but the rules and structure are sensible and flexible to
accommodate the child's growth toward adolescence and young adulthood. The parent's intelligent
explanations of the rules plus reasonable enforcement help to maintain a steady reduction of control
as the child matures.
Studies have been made to determine the causes of juvenile delinquency. Many of these studies have
focused on family relationships. In one study, comparing delinquent and non–delinquent youths
showed that over ninety percent of the delinquents had unhappy home lives and felt discontented
with their life circumstances. Only thirteen percent of the non–delinquent
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Juvenile Delinquency in the 1950s
Why did juvenile delinquency occur in the 1950s and what precautions were taken to prevent it?
(Project Summary)
This project will focus on the British criminal justice system in the 1950s regarding juvenile
behaviour. The research will explore the ways used to prevent juvenile crime, the social and
psychological motivation for crime, and the way that the criminal justice system aimed to
rehabilitate those convicted of a juvenile offence. To explore these areas an understanding of
'delinquency,' and its' consequences is needed. According to Wirt and Briggs 'delinquency involves
personal suffering as well as a loss to society.'1 This suggests that juveniles are not mindfully
delinquent as their actions have repercussions on their ... Show more content on ...
I would then write my reflective thoughts within a formal piece nearing the end of the research.
Modern Records Centre Practicalities
On Wednesday 6th March I contacted the Modern Records Centre via e–mail regarding the
documents I would like to view. I found this relatively straight forward with the pre–prepared
catalogue for the making history project and the database section on juvenile delinquents in the
1950s. I asked to see ten files that I later discovered contained various documents. This made my
task a little harder as there was more material to read. However, in hindsight this helped to gain an
overview for the task ahead. I photographed the documents most relevant to my research for further
analysis at home, whilst considering maintaining a balance of newspaper articles, photographs and
texts. Practically this enabled me to progress with the project without being restricted to the Modern
Records Centre. I also gave great importance to recording the origin of any information, making a
note of the reference codes for consideration later within the project.
I now feel more confident using archives and I would be comfortable pursuing future research with
the involvement of the archive.
Analysing the primary documents
After organising my
... Get more on ...

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The Importance Of Juvenile Delinquency

  • 1. The Importance Of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency is an issue that remains troublesome since it is in direct correlation with adult crime. While the age–crime curve, which is universal in Western populations remains constant, persistence in terms of criminal behavior seems higher for individuals who start early in life (NIJ, N.A.). Since girls tend to start offending at a younger age, they should receive more attention in terms of prevention but they do not (NIJ, N.A.). Selecting female juvenile delinquency as an issue since it should receive more attention than it has been granted in the past seems adequate. Girls enter a system that was created by men for men and lacks of appropriate programs and initiatives for a population that requires it. The lack of gender–responsive programs and consideration for criminal pathways make this issue important to analyze. In the past, girls have been considered as deviant for a multitude of different aspects, whether it is related to their sexuality, their mental instability or their refusal to adhere to their social roles. We now see a trend where girls commit similar crime than boys, while they remain less violent, they have expanded in the participation in criminal behavior. Research shows that girls become delinquent for different reasons than boys, but those differences are rarely addressed in the juvenile justice setting. Offering truly gender–responsive programming and educating society and justice professionals as to which pathways lead to criminality in ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Define Juvenile Delinquency What defines juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency is when a male or female violates the law prior to their eighteenth birthday. However, in certain cases, someone younger than eighteen can be tried as an adult, it depends on their criminal history and what crime was committed ("38. Juvenile Defined"). Juvenile offenders usually have similar backgrounds. Many psychologists believe these are the contributing factors of the juveniles committing the crimes. The main factors that are believed to lead to juvenile delinquency consist of a lack of guidance, inadequate education, and substance and alcohol abuse. Repeating juvenile offenders almost always have a lack of guidance in their life. Criminologist have studied the importance of children's ... Show more content on ... Substance and alcohol abuse has became known as the most popular contributors to juvenile delinquency. On the Juvenile Justice Bulletin there was a study done by Survey of Youth in Custody that came to the conclusion " that more than 39 percent of youth under the age of 18 were under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense" ("Juvenile Delinquency"). The same study also found that 57 percent of the teens had abused drugs within the last month ( "Juvenile Delinquency"). The Survey of Youth in Custody did a similar study with youth and their consumption of alcohol. They took 113 juveniles that were in a state detention center and surveyed how often they consumed alcohol. Of the 113 juveniles, 82 percent of them consumed alcohol on a daily bases. The other 14 percent consumed alcohol usually more than twice a week. The last four percent of the youth in the state detention center reported to consume alcohol very rarely ("Juvenile Delinquency"). On average over 50 percent of juvenile delinquents have issues with abusing drugs and alcohol. In the table below it shows that another study shows the correlation between youth and substance ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency In 2012 the United States, juveniles between the age of 10 to 17 population is 33,248,000 and of that 1,319,700 total arrests (Puzzanchera and Kang, 2014). The crimes are then split into three categories: Violent Crime index, Property Crime Index, and Non–Index. The number of juveniles arrested for Violent Crime index is 61,070 people, Property Crime Index is 295,400 and the non– index is 173,100 juveniles were arrested (Puzzanchera and Kang, 2014). Neglecting the prevention of juvenile delinquency costs the society $1.7 to $2.3 million dollars per juvenile (Calhoun, Glaser, & and Bartolomucci, 2001). The justice system was blind to the age of the offender, until the twentieth century (Ramirez, 2008). Juveniles received the same ... Show more content on ... Restitution can be paid in either money or worked off with community service. Many juveniles enter into the system threw referrals or petitions. Referrals is when they have broken a law and if they were of majority would be put in jail. Juveniles can be referred to the court from teachers, police, family, and any person that considers the juvenile to be breaking a law. A petition is a document filed in the juvenile court which addresses the issues that the juvenile should appear in court (Benekos, Champion, & Merlo, 2013). Mental illness is another issue that is not adequately being addressed. Many kids that are being incarcerated are not getting the mental health treatment that they are needing. Countless families are postponed from services due to the absence of obtainable mental health services (Barksdale, Stephan, & Westin, 2014). Many times Juveniles come into group homes and have not been taking their medication because they have been on the run. Some families know that something is wrong but are at a loss of how to get help or where they should turn to get help. Problem # 1 Lack of Treatment When Rehabilitating Juveniles Treatment is administered in the same way in most cases dealing with juveniles, which is frustrating to many personal (Fritz, March 2010). Juveniles are all different and need to get treatment to fit their particular ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Juvenile Delinquency Essay Juvenile Delinquency There is no doubt that various experts can give us many theories as to the causes of juvenile delinquency, including one's economic background, substance abuse, delinquent peer groups, repeated exposure to violence, increased availability of firearms and media violence, however, I feel that the number one cause of juvenile delinquency is the breakdown of families, including lack of parental control over children. It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to operate a vehicle, a permit to own a gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to have training or a license in order to become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in child development and parenting, many of ... Show more content on ... It brought attention to youths neglected by their parents, or approval of delinquent friends, or it solved problems of an unhappy home life in other ways. A study by the National Institute of Justice also determined that youths from neglectful homes, single parent homes and homes in which substance abuse was a problem had a greater likelihood of being charged as a juvenile of a crime or status offense. In fact, research has shown that fifty three percent of these children are more likely to be arrested and thirty eight percent more likely to commit an act of violence. Between 1976 and 1996, the number of juveniles living in poverty grew 42 percent. Along with this growth, crimes committed by juveniles also grew. From as early as the turn of the century, experts in juvenile delinquency (Morrison, 1915) have recognized the family's early and primary role in influencing delinquency. These experts concluded that family dysfunction and poor parental supervision and socialization are major influences on children's subsequent delinquency. Unfortunately, society did not take action on these earlier findings, thus it has only been recently that the impact of family factors has received much attention or research funding. The implications of existing research are that the family environment can either protect children from subsequent delinquency or put them at greater ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The And Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency Juveniles in the justice system is an issue relevant not only to people in the criminal justice system but to society in general. There have been a number of studies done that link serious behavior problems in children to adult criminal conduct. In more recent years, there has been more research done regarding the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. The Department of Juvenile Justice lists 3 broad categories with many subcategories to help us understand what contributes to juvenile delinquency (CITE). These categories are listed as Individual, social, and community factors. Similarly, Dr. Alida V. Merlo, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania states that in recent history, the juvenile justice system has moved from a more punitive approach to juvenile justice to more prevention and treatment oriented approach. (CITE). This is a necessary change because as research begins to identify risk factors that may lead a child into the juvenile justice system, it is important to treat the juvenile accordingly. We would not treat a delinquent minor that has been a victim of maltreatment or abuse the same way we treat a child that has outside influences in the community that played a role in their delinquency. While we established that the individual, social, and community risk factors could be signs that a child is on their way to delinquency, it does not make it a certainty. Therefore, it is important that when I child shows signs of these risk factors, they are not ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to operate a vehicle, a permit to own a gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to have training or a license in order to become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in child development and parenting, many of our future parents will not have a chance at becoming successful parents and worse, yet, many parents today are already contributing to the ever increasing problem of juvenile delinquency simply by not knowing how to be parents. Being a parent is a lifelong commitment and new parents must learn parenting skills immediately; they do not have the luxury of internships and often times, mistakes in parenting will have drastic effects on the child. There are many reasons for the widespread crisis in families today. There have been many changes in our social environment over the last twenty–five years. These changes have made a risky environment for today's youth. Children and teenagers spend more time with their friends. Illegal Drugs and deadly weapons are used increasingly as ways to solve problems. Illicit and explicit sexuality and violence are the main subjects of choice in the media; and the impact of media influence has widened and become more vivid with the introduction of computers and video games. The prevalence of divorce and the increasing number of women in the workplace have reduced the number of adults who provide interaction, structure and supervision in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Juvenile Delinquency Theories Juvenile Delinquency Theories Through an understanding of causes of juvenile delinquency society may come to deal preventively with delinquency; certainly treatment of the offender needs to be based upon an understanding of the causal mechanisms that have produced him. In this paper we'll describe three theories of juvenile delinquency such as Social Learning Theory, General Strain Theory and Behavioral Theory and discuss appropriate preventive programs based upon these theories. In 1977 Albert Bandura, a Stanford University psychology professor, published Social Learning Theory, in which he postulated that human learning is a continuous reciprocal interaction of cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors. Sometimes called ... Show more content on ... Operant conditioning developed by Skinner is one of the learning methods according to which the likelihood of behavior is increased or decreased by the use of reinforcement or punishment. In case of positive reinforcement a certain behavior becomes stronger by the effect of experiencing some positive condition. In case of negative reinforcement a certain behavior becomes stronger by the outcome of stopping or staying away from some negative condition. In case of extinction a certain behavior is becomes weaker by the outcome of avoiding to experiencing some positive condition or stopping some negative condition. Negative and positive reinforcements and extinction strengthen certain kinds of behavior of individuals. Punishment is a big form of operant conditioning used all over the world. When people are punished, it is to decrease that certain behavior produced by the individual. Therefore, behavioral theory refers to conditioning which leads to different behavioral pattern of juvenile offenders. Preventive programs based on the social learning theory require placing an individual in favorable environment where he/she would be less tempted to imitate violent behavior. One of the examples of such environment is the social services of the church. The actual role of contemporary religion in delinquency prevention is not easy to evaluate. Its potential role is tremendous, but the fulfillment of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency is the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, especially one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible. Up until recently juvenile delinquency only accounted for males. However, girls are now the fastest growing segment of the juvenile justice system, even though the rates of juvenile offending are declining. Due to the increase of the female juvenile population, some female juveniles are being held in adult prisons. Because the rates of female offending has been on the rise, there has been an increase in the likelihood that a teen would be arrested while she is pregnant. There are approximately 24,000 pregnant teens arrested a year, which is 670 on a given day. The chances of a girl being arrested while she is pregnant is somewhat high due to the fact that about 85% of girls that are detained are sexually active and fewer than 50% of them use some form of protection. Because the amount of female juveniles being detained are increasing and the juvenile justice system was geared more towards the male population, there are several resources that are lacking especially for pregnant teens and teen mothers. In the novel Inside This Place, Not of It by Ayelet Waldman and Robin Levi, the narrative on Olivia Hamilton, though she may not be a teen, provides a great example of the lack of services available to pregnant inmates and mothers. Olivia Hamilton was arrested for embezzling money to pay her bills. At ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Juvenile Delinquency Theory 1. In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 7 talks about Gender and Delinquency. According to chapter 7, 3 facts about the connection between delinquency and abuse for girls are one that girls are more traumatized by child abuse. According to the text, studies have showed that girls who were victims of child abuse are at a high risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (258). Another fact is that girls that are victims of child abuse often suffer from bad childhoods. In addition, some girls are forced to leave their homes and are left on the streets to protect, defend, and shelter themselves (258). Many girls who are forced to leave their homes often participate in sexual altercations in order to support themselves as well because they have no ... Show more content on ... In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 8 talks about the family and delinquency (277). Two examples of the possible connection between Family Breakup and delinquency are children who parents breakup are at risk of displaying antisocial behavior (284). According to the text, studies have shown that married couples can produce children who are confident and dependable (283). In addition, research has shown that if a child is being raised with one or neither of their parents, they are at a high risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (283). However, when problems start to occur within the home, often time's children are free to explore in delinquent behaviors (282). Another example is Divorce and Delinquency. According to the text, family breakups can play a role in the influence on delinquent behaviors (284). Parents and child relationships can be affected by family breakups (285). For instance, Sara Jaffee and her assistances observed the values of marriages and concluded that fathers were away from their children, the more delinquent behaviors their child were involved in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Juvenile Delinquency Paper Juvenile delinquency and the policies that handle the delinquent juveniles, has been on the front burner for quite some time now and changes have been made in response to their conduct. There have been a number of shifts in models used to help deter delinquent conduct, as well as changes in policies to enforce laws and give punishment when a juvenile breaks a law or multiple laws. The problem lies with whether or not programs created by these shifts, that have been implemented thus far, work or not. To understand this, a look at the shifts and why they came about need to be looked at. Since the 1960's there have been four major shifts in federal juvenile policy. The first shift in the early part of the 1960's, was the use of community organization ... Show more content on ... The second shift, which is a major player for the changes in policy. Presidential commissions studied problems as they pertained to crime and violence, and through this study, recommendations for dramatic policy innovations came about. Recommendations to decriminalize juvenile status offenses, to divert juvenile offenders from official court processing, and to deinstitutionalize juvenile offenders came about around 1967(Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). Through these recommendations, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) was enacted. The purpose of JJDPA, was to deinstitutionalize status offenders, provide additional funds to communities for programs, establish ways to deal with runaways, and to remove juveniles from adult facilities (Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). The third shift came about in the mid–1970's. Violence and vandalism, for whatever reason, was increasing within the school system so there came a more punitive approach to handling these situations. It was viewed as an "iron fisted" punitive approach for non–status offenders (Church, Springer & Roberts, 2014). Lastly, on March 1, 2005, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Reasons For Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency and why they do it Juvenile delinquency is a big thing in the United States of America. The reason for this is that it accounts for a good portion of the percentage of crime, and it can lead to them committing crimes as an adult. There are many theories that we will discuss as reasons why these kids will end up as a statistic in juvenile delinquency and ways to slow down, if not stop, the numbers from becoming higher. What is Juvenile Delinquency First of all, you may be wondering, what is juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency is crime committed by a child at the age of 18 and younger, that if committed by an adult would end up in court or prison (Wilson,2000). That means that just because a kid skipped school does not mean he or she would be considered a juvenile delinquent, but if that same child committed murder, rape, robbery, assault, etc. he or she would be considered a juvenile delinquent(Wilson,2000). Be careful with this as every state, federal government, etc. may have their own definition that may be a little different in the writing or the age at which they follow. Juvenile Delinquency Statistics There are many statistics out there for juvenile delinquency from what age or grade they are most likely to commit a crime to what race, sex and if there is a better chance to commit a crime do to divorce, being around drugs or gangs, and etc(Hawkins,2000). All of these different things could be causes or risk factors for juvenile delinquency, but does not guarantee that these kids would be criminal's later in live. One of those is the reason that juvenile delinquency needs to be looked at more and fixed is, juveniles are involved or committed at least a quarter of all serious violent act, not to include murder in the past 25 years.(Juvenile Justice) In 1999 around 2.5 million juveniles were arrested and 104,000 were due to violent crimes. There were 1.7 million juvenile delinquency cases in the courts in 1997. (Juvenile Justice) About 2,000 were from homicide, 6,5oo for rape, 67,900 for assault and the rest were things related with drugs. (Juvenile Justice) With these numbers it shows why considering juvenile delinquency is very important to get that number down that it will ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Theory Of Juvenile Delinquency On September 4 in 1989 Joan and her two daughters Jennifer and Melissa were found murder in there home. A neighborhood kid named Craig Price became the polices main suspect due his long history of criminal offense. After being interrogated he admitted to only wanting to rob the house but the mother and the two kids had awoken and he killed them to protect himself from getting arrested. Craig then admitted to murdering another woman from the area named Rebecca spencer when he was only thirteen. People often question how somebody so young could such a terrifying act but researches how found a couple of theories that could be the possible reason for this chaos. The theories of delinquent life course pretty much is the backbone of many other more specific theories in the studying of juvenile delinquency. Next in the book is the latent trait theory, which explains the flow of delinquency over a lifetime. Finally the third theory is a mix of latent trait and life course theory which states there is more then one path to crime and more than one class of offenders. The chapter starts of with life course theory, which tends to show how every person related experience can effect a child's future behavior. Even as toddlers children begin making relationships and behaviors that will possibly determine there adult future. Kids are expected to grow and follow social norms but some individuals are not capable of maturing at a normal pace because of family, environmental, and personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Theories Of Juvenile Delinquency The most frequently asked question of criminologists is, what causes delinquency? There are many explanations and theories of delinquency, especially in specific regards juvenile delinquency. For the simplicity and length, this paper will be focusing on the strain theory, social learning theory, control theory, labeling theory, and life course theory. First the theories will be explained and defined. After the theories have been defined, a comparison of the five will be made. Next, some contrasts of the theories. Finally, to wrap the paper together, an analysis of which theory is the most applicable to juvenile delinquency, specifically. The first modern version of strain theory is Robert K. Merton (1938) which involves the inability of individuals to achieve culturally prescribed success goals, or "goal blockage". In addition to this "goal blockage" Merton defines two types of strain; the failure to achieve these goals and the loss of positive stimuli and/or a presence of negative stimuli. Focusing on the goals that are "culturally prescribed" for success, specifically for juveniles, these could include money, status or respect, autonomy from adults, and thrills or excitement. Autonomy from adults is a key goal for juveniles because as a teenager, the juvenile strives to be independent and strives to be treated as an adult. Agnew, another prominent theorist of strain theory, lists eight types of negative treatment or presence of negative stimuli: parental rejection, parental supervision and discipline that is very strict/erratic/excessive given the infraction and/or harsh, child abuse and neglect, negative school experiences, abusive peer relations, criminal victimization, homelessness, and experiences with prejudice and discrimination based on ascribed characteristics like gender and race/ethnicity. "The frustration that results from this goal blockage increased the likelihood of crime; individuals may try to obtain money through acts such as theft and drug selling, may strike out at others in their anger or may focus on alternative goals that are conducive to crime (e.g., masculinity goals emphasizing toughness)" (Agnew 2012). "Social learning theory is not a single theory but rather a family of theories ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 New International Version). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid–1900's "about one–fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18" (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. "From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courts was the welfare of the child" (Silva, 2014). When discussing whether the juvenile justice system works to rehabilitate young offenders, we must examine what options are available. Funk & Wagnalls (2014), state that Programs such as a child–guidance clinics, juvenile aid bureaus attached to police department or other official agencies, special programs in schools are all effective ways of deterring youth offenders and keeping them out of correctional facilities. Other forms of rehabilitation are military type. Before we label a child as a delinquent we must first determine the cause of the delinquency. The question to be answered is, what causes delinquency? If you were to conduct a blind study and asked this question, you would get many different reasons. Perhaps Bad parenting, genetics, peer pressure, bad self–esteem, and society are all answers. Funk ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Juvenile And Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency is a social issue in the United States today. Juvenile delinquency, is when "a violation of the law is committed by a juvenile and is not punishable by death or life imprisonment" (Juvenile Delinquency). The juvenile system is different from the adult system in many way and most juvenile delinquents are from the age of ten to the age of seventeen (Juvenile Delinquent). Once the delinquent or anyone is at the age of eighteen, they are considered to be an adult. Therefore, in the justice system they are tried as an adult. There are many different reasons why a child would commit crime, such as mental and physical factors, peer influence, home conditions, neighborhood environment and school conditions. Teens are greatly influenced by the interactions and surroundings they are around. Their behaviors can result from the parent and/or their peer influences. Parents play a great role in the child's life and a teen's peers also play a strong role in how the teen behaves when the parents are not insight. This research will examine links between the social environment of teens and how it influences the teens actions and behavior which leads them to commit an offense. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a link between the influences in a minors' life and the delinquent behavior they are committing. Juvenile delinquency is the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, especially one below the age at ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Problem Of Juvenile Delinquency Stephanie R. Hawkins, Philip w. Graham, Jason Williams, and Margaret A. Zahn provide us with a cornucopia of information pertaining to Resilient Girls on the Girls Study Group. In the year 2004 girls made up thirty percent of all juvenile arrest. However, the question still remains whether it is an increase in juvenile delinquency or society's response to girl's behavior. In order to find out the answers to these questions the office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention created the Girls Study Group. To fight the statistics and improve the lives of girls in danger of juvenile delinquency. Resiliency is the power to be able to deal with a tremendous amount of stress and negative situations. Resiliency plays key role in the prevention and intervention of programs out there. Scientists to this day still have not figured out why some kids may be resilient and not others. In the end certain factors may or may not have the same impact on others concerning gender. This reading provides you with some Intel that has been discovered in research to suggest why some girls may be protected from delinquency. Resiliency is best defined as human's ability to be able to adapt and learn in a negative atmosphere. Situations that they might survive may be being abused or neglected, witnessing violence, or living in poverty that could in the end lead them a life in delinquency. The majority of research today, focuses on the negative factors that contributed to making people ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Cause Of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency has been an issue in sociological and criminological context for decades. It is basically at state when a person who is under the age of 18 years is antisocial and has a criminal behavior. It has become a major social problem in the youth that is attracting a lot of youths to get into crimes. Many researches have been done to find the cause of juvenile delinquency. Sociologists explain this context using different theories. While investigating about the cause of juvenile delinquency theorists come up with the factors associated with it such as racial status, gender discrimination and the economic status. Childhood assaults are also seen as one of the factors that can be in the form of sexual abuse or physical abuse faced by the child either in their family environment or the school environment. Peer pressure as examined by many theorists provides a wide area for the juvenile crimes to occur. The delinquent youth lack ethical standards and emotional feelings. Impulsivity, social insensitivity and lack of guilt feeling make them perform socially unacceptable behavior. They lose the ability to choose what is right and what is wrong. Juvenile delinquency rates take a rise when young people see their fellow members of society as offenders. The way of them being viewed as criminals in the society makes them more prone to become delinquents. The paper discusses about the cause of juvenile delinquency and the problems that arise due to it. Later it would focus on two sociological theories that would evaluate the criminal phenomenon. In the criminal justice system juvenile delinquency is one of the highly rated problem. It is the society itself that can increase the juvenile delinquency rates and on the other hand they are the ones who can help deal this problem by reducing the crime. Among 1755 young students surveyed in Portugal, 29.4% reported they had committed at least one offence in their life–time (Cardoso, Perista, Carrilho & Silva, 2013, p. 520). The problem arises when the adolescents or young people are unable to achieve their dreams, than they try to take the path of crime by using illegal means to reach their expectations. The probability of juvenile delinquency to take place ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency The group of people that typically falls into this idea of juvenile delinquency associated with "dangerous" or "criminal" usually points finger to individuals of a lower income class. Not all juvenile delinquents are from the lower class, but majority are; therefore, for a public's eye view of delinquent behaviors are most likely caused by those juveniles of a poor background because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Being of lower class falls prey to the malnutrition and/or maltreatment by parents or guardians. With maltreatment and lack of positive reinforcements in discipline as it should be; their way of discipline may have been carried out as physical punishments and corrective actions for unruly behavior which in turn enhanced negative reinforcements of actions and delinquency. Children who were mistreated by physical abuse and neglected increased the likelihood risk of committing unruly behavior and actions of juvenile delinquency. There are those juvenile delinquents that are from upper class, but being within the upper class category gives them the access to have the legal means of being acquitted where those of lower class are automatically considered a criminal or scapegoat whether they have committed a crime or not; therefore, it increases the likelihood of this individual to commit criminal activity in the future because the innocence of this individual was already lost where everyone already made the judgement that he is the guilty one based on what their status is. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, juvenile delinquency became a problematic outbreak that spread throughout England. Juvenile delinquency became such a widespread problem as a disease that affected the norms of society with its abusive and violent manner carried out by juveniles. With the increasing of undisciplined juveniles throughout the country triggered the formations of gangs from its increasing numbers of members. Due to population growth and poverty with lack of guardianships in the country caused juvenile to engage in deviant behaviors and committing petty crimes against citizens. Many juveniles grew up only to know the life of crimes and conducting themselves in deviant behaviors associating themselves ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency Theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, and possession of marijuana are common crimes, offenses and violations of juvenile delinquency. Delinquency is the wrongdoing or minor crime, especially committed by young people – young people refers to term 'juvenile'. Delinquency may be committed by any individual regardless of the age group, but with younger population it is handled differently in court system compared to adults. Most states implement community based programs and school–related activities for prevention with educational subject matters such as consequences, impactful effects, and removing oneself from provocative circumstances. Surprisingly, juvenile arrest rates continuously decrease and reached an all–time low according to Office of Justice Programs (Synder, 2004). Although, the statistics reflect positivity; the start of delinquency may lead to serious criminal involvement later in life. Juvenile delinquency is a societal issue therefore effective measures must be in position to reinforce and educate the public to end this ongoing predicament. Based on numerous research findings the causes of juvenile delinquency are among the lines of family, mass media, and peer pressure. The cases of these causes range from high to low and basic to complex. Transiting from preteen into adolescence is accompanied with intense peer pressure. Adolescents seek acceptance from peers which allows the pressure to succeed. In like manner, teenagers are easily persuaded to join ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency is the participation of illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory age limit. A delinquent is a minor who commits a crime or a status offense. A status offense is conduct that is illegal only because the child is under age i.e. smoking cigarettes (Senna 10, 20). The cases of Eric Smith, Lionel Tate, and an unidentified NJ child are similar only because, they are guilty of killing another child, but the Criminal Justice System treated and punished them very differently. In August 1993 in Savona, New York 13 year old Eric Smith killed 4 year old Derrick Robie. Smith lured Robie into the woods and strangled, beat with large rocks, and sodomized Robie. Smith was questioned by police and kept changing some ... Show more content on ... If Tate had been tried as a juvenile he would have faced six to nine months in a juvenile facility, but as an adult he would face life without parole. The evidence was presented to the Grand Jury and they returned an indictment for first degree murder. Tate was offered a plea bargain for a guilty plea a few times, but his mother refused to accept it. Tate 's mother didn 't want to plead guilty because she believed her son that it was an accident. During the trial, the Tate 's defense tried to argue that the wrestling Tate watched on TV influenced him. The jury wasn 't convinced that it was an accident, because of the extent of Eunick 's injuries. Tate was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. In December 2003 Tate 's conviction was thrown out by an appeals court, because Tate wasn 't given a mental competency evaluation before or during his trial. In January 2004 Tate pled guilty to second degree murder. Tate was released and sentenced to 10 years ' probation, and one year house arrest. Tate didn 't receive any mental health counseling at all. In September 2004 Tate was arrested for possession of a weapon a knife. Tate was sentenced to an additional five years ' probation and was warned that another violation would land him in prison. In May 2005 Tate was arrested and charged with one count armed burglary with battery, ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency A juvenile delinquent is a juvenile who has broken the law. A juvenile refers to a person who is under 18 years old, at times the line is set at 21 years old for alcohol and tobacco. Juvenile delinquency is an important field in sociology because it focuses on the crimes juveniles have committed and why they did them. It looks at how the criminal justice system treats juveniles and helps to separate them from adults. It describes the leading causes of how juveniles become delinquents due to the family, environment, media, and peers. Juvenile delinquency has always existed as children become teenagers it becomes a crucial period due to their body and minds developing. Each generation went through the adolescence period with different cohort events shaping their life's. For example, Fuller explains how the "Greatest Generation" grew up during the great depression and World War II lived a different life than the Baby Boom generation who experienced "the civil rights movement, war in Vietnam, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr." (2016). The one thing these adolescents shared with each other generation to generation is as their minds develop many were described as rebellious. Due to the increase in juvenile delinquency there became a strong need for a criminal justice system unique to adolescents. Before there was a juvenile justice system adolescents were treated and tried as adults later the punishments became more lenient and the parents did most of the punishing ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Problem Of Juvenile Delinquency INTRODUCTION In 2013, with seventy three point five million Americans, about one in four were under the age of eighteen. Forty nine percent were females while the other fifty one percent were male. Astounding thirty to forty percent of this population will commit their first crime between the ages of fourteen and fifteen. While most are just beginning puberty, these young boys and girls are becoming juvenile delinquents because they chose the wrong path or the wrong path was laid out for them. THEORIES AND CAUSE OF JUVENILE DELIQUENCY There are many theories and causes to why some juveniles end up being juvenile delinquents. The first is that peer groups can play a major role in one's life between the ages of twelve and eighteen, pressuring juveniles to abandon their home life and join street gangs. Society can play a similar role by labeling our youth and with such a young mindset they figure if they are going to be blamed and punished anyways, why not the satisfaction of actually committing the crime have. These two reasons however, play only a minor role compared to personal and family issues. "If we could measure the connection between violent crime and welfare reform properly, we might find that it has more to do with neighborhoods than with households or individuals". Personal causes can be anything from drugs to desire while family issues can be anything as simple as parenting style to moral and economic problems. Parenting styles can cause long term psychology ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Juvenile Delinquency Is Not Acceptable Juvenile delinquency is when minors commit criminal acts or offenses that are against the law and in which adult prosecution is not acceptable. It is interesting to note that this was not always the case. Before juvenile delinquency was established, juveniles were trialed and treated as adults. There was no such thing as a juvenile court, juvenile correctional facilities, or juvenile support groups, when the juvenile deviated. Later, many believed that when juveniles deviated that it meant that they needed guidance and support to help them. This change was made mainly because the value of children increased due to the fact that children were beginning to live longer and were healthier. Throughout the semester it has been intriguing to learn more about this topic and learn different theories related to it, as well as delinquency triggers. There are four theories that relate to juvenile delinquency. Strain Theory is when the juvenile experiences strain, or stress, which as a result causes them to commit delinquent acts. Strain can be caused by the juvenile failing to achieve goals, and/or the loss of positive stimuli or the presentation of negative stimuli. Social Learning Theory is when juveniles learn to engage in delinquent acts by being reinforced, positively or negatively, in some way. Control Theory is when the juvenile varies with the levels of control, which causes them to commit delinquent acts. Labeling Theory is when juveniles are labeled as "bad" or "delinquent", ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency In order to understand the points of view on the causes of juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency itself must be defined. Juvenile delinquency is criminal, or illegal behavior that a minor participates in. The age of what it considered a minor varies from state to state. But a minor could be as low as 13 or under, to 18 or under; after the age that is considered a minor they could then be tried as an adult. So, what causes a child to become a juvenile delinquent? There are five views that help to explain why. The first is the life– course view. The basic principal of this is that even as a young child, as young as 2 and three, relationships begin to form that will affect the child's entire life course. The next is the latent trait or propensity view. The main point of this view is that the propensity for a child to commit a crime is always there but the opportunity comes and goes. The third view that causes delinquency is the trait view. There are several parts to this view including biological and psychological. The fourth view is socialization, that the social development can affect delinquency. Finally, the feminist view. There are typically two points of views; liberal and critical feminism. Juvenile delinquency may be caused by something different for every child but these five views gives a good idea of some of the main causes. The Life– Course View The life– course view is an extremely influential one in what causes children to be delinquent. In normal cases a child will learn proper behaviors that will lead them to adulthood. Each behavior they learn should be done one after the next. But what if one of these learned behaviors is missed or learned out of order or taught differently than the rest of society? There are a number of ideas that cause the child to become delinquent. The age at which they start offending is the first. The younger the child is when he or she begins interacting with criminal behavior the more of a risk they have to continue the path of delinquency. (Beach, 1956) In addition to age, are the social issues a child may deal with. These are referred to as whole; problem behavior syndrome. Unfortunately, youth that deals with one of these things probably will deal with more of ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Issue Of Juvenile Delinquency The issue of Juvenile Delinquency has always been of great concern to society and due to the perceived notion that the nation's future depends on the development of its youth, understanding the factors that cause them to commit criminal activities will help identify what leads youth to turn towards crime and the circumstances that influence them commit criminal behaviour (Shoemaker, 2010). Modern culture is constantly bombarded with the belief system of economic wealth and success, of achieving cultured goals and success in order to attain materialistic wealth, status and the accumulation of money to live that lifestyle. However not everyone have equal opportunities to obtain these goals through legitimate means and are either hindered or blocked due to various circumstances that do not serve them well (Hoffmann, 2011). There are several factors that help understand and link juvenile delinquency in Urban Areas. Some of these factors include, Social Disorganization, Unemployment, Poverty In the research article by Chung, Mulvey & Steinberg (2011), two main factors were taken into account in order to better understand the study. The first study investigated included how poor school academic outcomes and low levels of achievements or dropouts had an effect among juvenile offenders. The second study investigated whether neighborhood factors had an influence on poor academic outcomes resulting in juvenile offenders. The data obtain for the study ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Juvenile Delinquency Essay Juvenile delinquents, or youth that have been convicted of a crime, seem to be the norm these days. Citizens, families, and poliy makers want new programs and policies within the juvenile justice system. Researchers have found that the family structure can be a precursor to delinquent behavior, and families do not have the control or blance that they once did. As such, mew measures need to be implemented to help these families in crisis. Rehabilitation of the family unit is the answer, say many, not punishment. In response to this, new ideas have formed to rehabilitate the family unit, but first, the family structures that are precursors to delinquent behavior must be identified. "Family Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymaker's ... Show more content on ... The book focuses on single–parent homes, parental involvement, family tension and family economics as key factors of juvenile delinquency. Although, Mr. Trojanowicz states "family economics plays a key role in determining juvenile delinquency. A family's inability to provide for the material needs of a child can create insecurity in a child, thus, the child may seek material needs and suport from outside the family" (77). In conclusion he finds that many delinquents do not come from low–income families, and the economic condition of the family is probably one of the least meaningful contributing factors. The research clearly shows and supports the theory that the family structure is directly related to juvenile delinquency. What is society doing to help these families in trouble? "Competency Training," the Office of Juvenile Justice and Dleinquency Prevention (OJJDP), examines one of the family programs that have been established. The program they examined was, "Iowa's Strenghtening Families Program. (ISFP) The SFP is a 7–week course designed to bring parents together with their 10 to 14 year old children, with the goal of reducing substance abuse and other problem behavior in youth. The curriculum uses parallel content to emphasize, to the family and the youth, improved parenting skills, and better communication for both parents and the youth. For example, while the parents are learning how to use consequences when youth break rules, youth ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Juvenile Delinquency Outline I. Introduction A. Opener: B. Thesis statement: This term paper explores how family issues attribute to juvenile delinquency and how to overcome it. II. First and foremost, an unstable family structure is one of the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency. A. Single–parent household vs. two–parent household B. Child maltreatment 1. emotional neglect 2. physical abuse III. Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family environment. A. Family cohesion B. Increasing number of siblings 1. large family size 2. less attention from parents 3. more conflicts occur among family members IV. Moreover, one of the determinants which leads to juvenile delinquency is parents' behavior. A. ... Show more content on ... This is because family is the primary setting where children start to learn acceptable way of socializing and thinking. Physical abuse from their parents has encouraged them to practice aggressive behavior to solve problem and obtain desired results (Boss, 2012). Furthermore, Weatherburn and Lind (1997) found that children who have been being emotional neglect are more likely to involve in social crime. Research has shown that teenagers who are being emotionally neglect for a long period may feel depress and anxious may result in illicit drug, teen suicide and alcohol abuse (Hammen, 1996). Besides, they may also feel insecure and use violent acts to protect themselves. Abandonment leads them to join gangs in order to find the sense of belonging. Additionally, long period of rejection and abandonment may cause teenagers to become emotionally numb. They can feel neither sympathy nor care. Thus, they do not feel either guilty or regret for their violent behavior. Besides, they are also not able to consider the consequences of their aggressive acts rationally (Hammen, 1996). Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family environment (Hammen, 1996). As one of the strongest socializing forces in life, family is the
  • 106. primary place to cultivate children's behavior. According to Hammen (1996), the presence of affectionate relationship between family ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Deliquency And Juvenile Delinquency Introduction An estimated 70% of juveniles that are in the juvenile system have an elementary academic achievement level, and have learning disabilities. [1]. Poor school performance, skipping school, and dropping out at a young age are all connected to delinquency. There was an increase in the rates of juvenile delinquency after dropping out from school [2]. Juveniles who go to school consistently and have a strong academic performance, ideally go on to college and have a successful career and bright future [1]. There seems to be a connection between academic performance and delinquency. It seems that young people with a lower academic performance are more delinquent than young people with a higher academic performance [3,4]. Previous ... Show more content on ... What is linking academic performance and delinquency together, and what kind of association do they have with each other, is it negative or positive? Studies suggest that improving educational performance and behavior will more than likely result in positive outcomes. It also suggests that coming up with innovative educational strategies are the most effective solution to improve delinquency and academic performance [2]. Educational programs intended to address delinquency and poor academic performance that teaches self control and social class, will probably be more successful in improving education outcomes for juvenile delinquents [2][7]. The purpose of this study is to find the link between academic performance and delinquency, and find what kind of association they have with each other. Methodology The participants for this study will include 200 juvenile delinquents that will be recruited from juvenile detention centers in New York, through a process of stratified sampling. Stratified sampling allows us to select participants from different areas of New York. To be eligible for this study, participants have to meet these requirements, 1) ages 14–17; 2) In juvenile detention; 3) able to speak and read in English. Participants were excluded from the study if they were, 1) Under the age of 14; 2) Over the age of 17; 3) Not in juvenile ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency 1 Juvenile Delinquency: Features, Causes and Solutions Shen Cheng Class: 110 Teacher: Stephanie February 29, 2012 Juvenile Delinquency 2 Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: Nowadays, there is no denying that Juvenile Delinquency has become one of the hottest social issues. The features, causes, and solutions of Juvenile Delinquency will be discussed about in this research. II. The features of Juvenile Delinquency A. The average age of juveniles who commit crimes tends to be lower B. Knowledge level of the juvenile offenders is low C. Juvenile offenders get involved in sinister gangs and tend to be in groups. D. Juvenile delinquency is prone to be more violent. E. Criminal means ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, young people are much eager to get what they can't have both in schools and families. Then some idle people take advantage of them and divide them into small groups which usually form the predecessor of criminal gangs (Abruzzese.1997). 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼 音 4. Juvenile delinquency is prone to be more violent. According to statistics, property crime is the main type of juvenile delinquency. The top five crimes are: robbery, rape, theft, intentional injury causing death, and murder. The young offenders nowadays use more cruel criminal means to achieve their objectives than before (McNeece. & Roberts. 1997) 5. Criminal means of juvenile offenders are more mature. Modus operandi of juvenile offenders inclines towards being more "mature." Juvenile crimes in the past were mostly along with less criminal circumstances than Juvenile Delinquency 7 today. In recent years, young offenders would prefer rigorous plans and clear division of who does what in their criminal behaviors. Today, young offenders seem to have a clear understanding of what they are doing, and some are even experienced in committing crimes (Li.2007). 6. Juvenile delinquency is occasional and at random As young people are immature in both mental and physical growth, it's common to see that they have frequent emotional fluctuations. Failing to understand things right and objectively and strong desires to monopolize make them easy to go on extreme ways. They
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  • 119. Essay Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency Amy Cowan CRJ 422 Prof. Angela Hermosillo November 15, 2010 Juvenile Delinquency Introduction Can we as a society truly reduce the rate of juvenile crime and violence? "Throughout all time there has been delinquency. It may not have had the delinquency label, but it still existed. Juvenile crime is mentioned as far back as ancient Sumeria and Hammurabi, where laws concerning juvenile offenders first appear in written form" (Rice, 1995, ¶ 3). To this day juvenile delinquency is looked upon as one of the most imperative concerns in crime. A number of studies have been performed concerning delinquency. Countless developments and strategies have presented the ... Show more content on ... The classical theory focuses on free will. Most classical theories "both old and new, make certain basic assumptions" (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 81). For example, it is believed humans have the ability to make their own choices, and that pain as well as pleasure is the two key aspects of human behavior. Classical scholars believe preventing crime is probable with quick and assured penalties. However, to be effective, the punishment must outweigh the satisfaction obtained from the criminal conduct (Schmalleger, 2009). Biological theories suggest an individual's behavior is genetically based, and that criminal behavior may perhaps be passed on from generation to generation. They believe it possible to identify criminals through genetic makeup. Biological theorists consider treatment to be ineffective. However, it is thought aggression could be usefully redirected (Schmalleger, 2009). Psychobiological theorist feel that a person's "DNA, environmental contaminates, nutrition, hormones, physical trauma, and body chemistry play important and interwoven roles in producing human cognition, feeling, and behavior –including crime" (Schmalleger, 2009, p.80). These theorists feel that by adjusting an individual's chemical makeup, the potential for crime would be greatly reduced. However, psychological theories suggest that ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency Causing Factors of Juvenile delinquency This chapter considers what others have said about the contributing factors that influence juvenile delinquency. This section additionally analyzes discoveries from past research, and present an exhaustive survey of past works. This chapter also introduces theoretical frame works that attempt to explain the distinctive causes of juvenile delinquency. The focus of this research is placed on the theoretical frame works of social control theory and attachment theory. Juvenile delinquency As stated by the United Nations Convention (1989, cited in Arabaci 2017) any individual under the age of 18 is considered a child under the right of a child legislation. Therefore, any the participation of persons under the age of 18 as it relates to a crime for any reason, and correspondingly the exhibit of a behavior in need of a judicial jurisdiction, are deemed juvenile delinquency (Hockenberry & Puzzanchera, 2013; Copur, Ulutasdemir, & Balasak, 2015, cited in Arabaci 2017). Juvenile delinquency frequently corresponds with adolescents, described as the advancing troublesome phase or transformation phase (Celikoz, Secer & Durak, 2008, cited in Arabaci 2017). The likelihood of a crime being committed is more frequent in childhood adolescence (Carrol, Hattie, Durkin & Houghton, 2001; Oyserman & Saltz, 1993; Moffitt 1993, cited in Arabaci 2017). Those with criminal habits during childhood often carry this habit into adulthood (Korkmaz & Erden, 2010, ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Fundamentals Of Juvenile Delinquency This assignment will illustrate that by understanding the fundamentals of combatting juvenile delinquency and applying the theories to command practice will enhance the overall knowledge of the material. This document will demonstrate the juvenile delinquency reduction efforts and programs currently in operation in the Tampa area community. In addition, I will propose ways to improve the Tampa area community's juvenile delinquency prevention efforts. Next, this paper will attempt to apply the main sociological theories that underlie these interventions that shape the community's public policy for delinquency prevention. Finally, this paper will identify an appropriate strategy geared toward preventing delinquency that in consistent with the Behavioral theory. When a juvenile commits an act that would be criminal if committed by an adult, the juvenile is determined to be delinquent. Delinquent acts may include crimes against persons, crimes against property, drug offenses, and crimes against public order. Delinquency prevention efforts seek to redirect youth who are considered at–risk for delinquency or who have committed a delinquent offense from deeper involvement in the juvenile justice system (Deling, 2014). Characteristically, juvenile delinquency follows a similar path just like normal adolescent development and children tend to follow delinquent and criminal behavior rather than engaging in it randomly. Research has shown that there are two types of delinquents, those in whom the onset of severe antisocial behavior begins in early childhood, and those in whom this onset coincides with entry into adolescence. With either type, these developmental paths give families, communities, and systems the opportunity to intervene and prevent the onset of antisocial behaviors and justice system involvement (APA, 2017). Many people try to point the finger to way children become delinquent, blaming their parents, their poverty, their friends and/or the system; sometime things are not that simple. Some rich children who have it all still make the same poor choices and end up on the wrong side of the law. Most poor children who have nothing, still grow up good and do wonderful things. Many families have that one ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Juvenile Delinquency Is A Problem Juvenile Delinquency When looking into the history of United States and elsewhere juvenile delinquency is a problem and has been one for over a century. Like other systems in place, the system involving juvenile delinquents has gone through many stages. In the case of the juvenile delinquency, it has gone through four stages, with us presently in the fourth. The causes behind juvenile delinquency are still unknown even today. Some blame it on the current culture, the over– exposure to violence, music and video games. Nevertheless, the true causes of it have yet to be determined. The point of this paper is to examine the possible causes of juvenile delinquency by looking at various fields and their reasoning behind delinquency. In addition to understand the possible causes of juvenile delinquency I will be looking at past and present assumptions including practices used currently and previously to solve delinquency. History To gain an understanding of the current practices used to handle juvenile delinquents you must first look at the history of it and understand where it was. The history of juvenile delinquency is a little different from the criminal justice system history. Originally, a juvenile that committed a crime went to jail with other male and female criminals. At the beginning of the criminal justice system men, women, and juvenile criminals were housed together. By putting juveniles with grown men incarcerated for various reasons made them easy targets ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Proposal On Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency has been an active issue in the criminal justice system that is considered as an evil by the society. It is believed to be a social and psychological problem faced by the youth and the society, which violates the legal system. The violation of the legal system makes it important to overcome the problem. The need to prevent the juvenile delinquency is important to help the youth cope with the society as well as the criminal justice system. The prevention of the delinquency is only possible if the results can be gathered for the causes of this behaviour. The causes can be gathered by examining a group of youth who can become possible offenders by knowing that what causes the delinquency and at what stages of the life does it trigger. The paper will be focus on the problem of juvenile delinquency, and the factors that contribute towards the onset of delinquency in youth. The research proposal would be based upon the previous research's done and the data collected by those research's that depicted some of the possible factors of delinquency found in youth that could be childhood maltreatment, negative relationship between the parents and the delinquent youth, emotional disturbance faced in the adolescent, genetics and the geographical factors. The factors would be further investigated by using them as independent variables in the research to find out how these factors can be removed to make the community aware of the negative impacts the ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency is a threat to society and accordingly, the need to develop an understanding of the deviant behavior is of an utmost importance. There are several theories that explain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risks and benefits derived ... Show more content on ... Learning theorists may want celebrities to play a good role model, may oppose violence in video games or television, or may want to focus on the role of families and parenthood is providing an environment that is conducive to good behavior. Policymakers that believe in the strength of the learning theories may still find the need to impose punishment (punishers) however, they may also aspire to rehabilitate the juvenile and administer treatments and programs that will help the juvenile in learning good behavior. References Taylor, R.W., Fritsch, E.J., & Caeti, T.J. (2011). Juvenile justice: Policies, programs, and practices (Custom). (3rd ed.). New York, NY: ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency In actuality, a 25 year–long study of 1,500 children in light–salary inner–town Chicago neighborhoods found that children who attended a full–sort preschool were 28% less likely to promote stupefy problems or be confine in adulthood. Psychological problems in parents or siblings can also be a peril element of juvenile delinquency. Post–secondary criminology degree scheme avow the want for intervention at a ignorant age, and that in custom to help juvenile robbery, its causes must first be understood. Sometimes the growing faces hardship in energy due to some psychological or physical problem that he is departure through. A child without a proper breeding will eventually learn that he or she is at a disadvantage in the workforce. Some of the most common causes of juvenile delinquency are as follows. . The factors that driven a youthful one to crime can be complex–many clock, a coalition of factors reciprocate and trifle off of each other–and unraveling these neutralize reputation can be challenging. I will be more than happy if I am of any succor to you. Juvenile delinquency is also given as teenage crime. This sensation of despondence, irritate by the national media's emphasis on grave service numbers and financial crises, can make an environment ripen for juvenile arson. For high–university seniors old 18 or older, this is especially questionable, as they may be charged as adults. Empathize with someone's pain Share in another personify's happiness Feel good when up ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency SRP Final Draft Have you ever been a charged with Juvenile crime behavior? Juvenile Delinquency is cause by a correlation of factors including environment, parenting, social economic level, and alcohol and drug abuse. Juvenile delinquency is also caused by the way the child is getting treated at home, or the separation of both parent and, family conflict & etc. When a parent abuse or lose communication with the child can also cause delinquency. Crime is one thing kids younger than 18 years of age get charged with. Most of the young teens that are in a detention center are younger than 18. Juvenile delinquency is committed by young children, the delinquency of a minor is increasing day by day. "We cannot always place the blame on parents. But the structure within the family household could determine the extent of delinquency manifested by a juvenile. Family relationships, duties, responsibilities and privileges, and the amount of control exercised over children all play roles in forming character and influencing behavior. The attitudes and actions of parents can create an important influence in the lives of the children". Wickliffe Joseph. "Teachers Institute". Mistreatment of the child is one reason why younger kids are charged with juvenile delinquency. When kids are in risk of being mistreated then they are highly in risk of being a delinquency of a minor. If a child feel like they are being mistreated it can lead to a child getting into lots of trouble because they feel like nobody cares about them so you have to show love & affection to that child so they want feel like you don't care about them. A child parents in strong figure in their life, if the parent is supposed to tech the child the right behavior & to respect other. If a child feels like they are being mistreated then in can lead them to becoming a juvenile delinquency. When parents are going through something they shouldn't take it out on their child or make the child feel like he/she have to stop their life because of a family conflict. Sometimes when post parents are going through something they show how they feel right in front or the child so it make the wonders, like "am ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Juvenile Delinquency Essay Juvenile Delinquency There is no doubt that various experts can give us many theories as to the causes of juvenile delinquency, including one's economic background, substance abuse, delinquent peer groups, repeated exposure to violence, increased availability of firearms and media violence. However, I feel that the number one cause of juvenile delinquency is the breakdown of families, including lack of parental control over children. It is ironic in America, today, one must have a driver's license to operate a vehicle, a permit to own a gun and even a license to own a dog, but one does not have to have training or a license in order to become a parent. Without specialized educational programs in child development and parenting, many of ... Show more content on ... Experts agree they are generally three parenting styles that reportedly escalate these conflicts. The authoritarian parent tends to emphasize rules and very harsh consequences. There is little room for discussion or negotiation. The indulgent parent tends to spoil the child and expects little or no responsibility at home, choosing instead to clean up after the child both at home and in his social misbehavior. The indifferent parent is so preoccupied with his/her own life and activities that little time and energy is given to either involvement or appropriate structure. The type of parenting that does work is simply called authoritative parenting. This type of parent assumes a role of authority in the child's life, but the rules and structure are sensible and flexible to accommodate the child's growth toward adolescence and young adulthood. The parent's intelligent explanations of the rules plus reasonable enforcement help to maintain a steady reduction of control as the child matures. Studies have been made to determine the causes of juvenile delinquency. Many of these studies have focused on family relationships. In one study, comparing delinquent and non–delinquent youths showed that over ninety percent of the delinquents had unhappy home lives and felt discontented with their life circumstances. Only thirteen percent of the non–delinquent ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Juvenile Delinquency in the 1950s Why did juvenile delinquency occur in the 1950s and what precautions were taken to prevent it? (Project Summary) This project will focus on the British criminal justice system in the 1950s regarding juvenile behaviour. The research will explore the ways used to prevent juvenile crime, the social and psychological motivation for crime, and the way that the criminal justice system aimed to rehabilitate those convicted of a juvenile offence. To explore these areas an understanding of 'delinquency,' and its' consequences is needed. According to Wirt and Briggs 'delinquency involves personal suffering as well as a loss to society.'1 This suggests that juveniles are not mindfully delinquent as their actions have repercussions on their ... Show more content on ... I would then write my reflective thoughts within a formal piece nearing the end of the research. Modern Records Centre Practicalities On Wednesday 6th March I contacted the Modern Records Centre via e–mail regarding the documents I would like to view. I found this relatively straight forward with the pre–prepared catalogue for the making history project and the database section on juvenile delinquents in the 1950s. I asked to see ten files that I later discovered contained various documents. This made my task a little harder as there was more material to read. However, in hindsight this helped to gain an overview for the task ahead. I photographed the documents most relevant to my research for further analysis at home, whilst considering maintaining a balance of newspaper articles, photographs and texts. Practically this enabled me to progress with the project without being restricted to the Modern Records Centre. I also gave great importance to recording the origin of any information, making a note of the reference codes for consideration later within the project. I now feel more confident using archives and I would be comfortable pursuing future research with the involvement of the archive. Analysing the primary documents After organising my ... Get more on ...