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Animal Experimentation

  Andrew Knight BSc., BVMS, CertAW, MRCVS, FOCAE
  Animal Consultants International
    “ What you’ve seen so far is only the tip of the iceberg
    compared to what you will have to do to animals later in the
    veterinary course. Perhaps you should re-think your choice
    of career… ”

Humane teaching methods

•   high quality videos
•   ‘ethically-sourced cadavers’
•   preserved specimens
•   computer simulations
•   non-invasive self-experimentation
•   clinical/surgical skills models and simulators
•   supervised clinical/surgical experiences

Computer simulations: dissections

Ethically-sourced cadavers

Computer simulations: experiments


Clinical skills training mannequins

       veterinary surgical training

1.   Knot-tying boards, plastic organs and similar
     models: basic manual skills such as suturing and
     instrument handling.

3.   Ethically-sourced cadavers: simulated surgery.

5.   Real patients: observing, assisting with, and then
     performing beneficial surgery under close
     supervision (e.g. shelter animal neutering programs).

Surgical simulators: DASIE

Surgical simulators

Alternative surgical training

Alternative Veterinary Surgical
             Program, 2000
   External clinical experience in private clinics or animal
    shelters assisting with or participating in surgery and

   Sterilisations of real patients, e.g., from animal shelters, at

   Attendance at all of the terminal surgical laboratories as

   Simulated abdominal surgeries on a “DASIE” (Dog
        Abdominal Surrogate for Instructional Exercises).

       Ethically-sourced cadaver   surgery:   abdominal   and
        orthopaedic surgeries.


       Jointly we did not participate as surgeon or assistant surgeon
        in a total of at most 13 scheduled surgeries at Murdoch.

       We performed or assisted with a total of at least 62
        additional surgeries instead, not including the abdominal
        surgeries I performed on a “DASIE” surgical simulator.
        Surgeries performed under supervision, mostly in private

   Depth: Jointly we sterilised 45 dogs and cats, including 21

   Breadth: We also participated in a range of other surgeries as
    well, e.g., umbilical hernia repair, cruciate ligament repair,
    cutaneous polyp and lump excisions, aural haematoma
    excision, abdominal surgeries (exploratory laparotomy,
    enterotomy, enterectomy, partial splenectomy, spay),
    orthopaedic surgeries (trochanteric osteotomy, stifle

   Similar depth and breadth of anaesthetic experience.

The effectiveness of humane
         teaching methods

               Knight A. The effectiveness of
               humane teaching methods in
               veterinary education. ALTEX:
               Altern Anim Experimentation

               ‘Published papers, Comparative.’

   12 papers published from 1989 to 2006 described 11 distinct
    studies of veterinary students:

   9 assessed surgical training—historically the discipline
    involving greatest harmful animal use.

                   Humane method

       Superior          Equivalent           Inferior
    45.5% (5/11)       45.5% (5/11)        9.1% (1/11)
All disciplines
    Knight A, Balcombe J & De Boo J,,
                   ‘Published papers, comparative.’

    At least 33 papers sourced from the biomedical and educational
    literature, covering all educational levels and disciplines, describe
    studies that have compared the ability of humane alternatives to
    impart knowledge or clinical or surgical skills.

                        Humane method

        Superior             Equivalent               Inferior
    39.4% (13/33)  51.5% (17/33)  9.1% (3/33) 
    Well-designed humane alternatives usually perform at least
    as well as methods that rely upon harmful animal use, in
    some cases achieving superior learning outcomes.

    Their financial and time savings, repeatability, increased
    flexibility of use, and potential to increase active learning and
    computer literacy, all provide other important advantages
    when compared to traditional methods reliant upon harmful
    animal use.

Alternatives sources
       From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for
        a Progressive, Humane Education.

    Alternatives libraries, free on-line computer simulations,
    comprehensive alternatives databases, academic reviews of
    leading alternatives, and hundreds of educational studies of
    alternatives organized by discipline:

Other major student successes
   2000 University of Sydney: all terminal veterinary surgical labs
    stopped, alternatives introduced, conscientious objection policy

   2000, 2004 University of Illinois: all physiology vivisection labs
    stopped, conscientious objection policies passed

   2000 Massey University, New Zealand: most veterinary
    physiology vivisection labs stopped, conscientious objection policy

   2004 University of Queensland: alternatives to terminal
    veterinary surgical laboratories introduced

     2004 University of Melbourne: alternatives to terminal
    veterinary surgical laboratories introduced
Educating students

After vet school…

Scientific resistance to alternatives
     Non-compliance of US researchers with the alternatives
     regulations of the Animal Welfare Act:

        Most common: inadequate consideration of alternatives
         (600 - 800 research facilities).

        Fourth most common: unnecessary experimental
         duplication (~ 250 facilities).

        Others: inadequate justification for animal numbers,
         alleged uncertainty of research personnel about signs
         indicative of pain and/or distress (USDA-APHIS-AC,

Supporting animal experimentation

   Animal experimentation is vital for preventing, curing or
    alleviating human diseases (e.g. Brom 2002, Festing 2004).

   The greatest achievements of medicine have been possible
    only due to the use of animals (e.g. Pawlik 1998).

   The complexity of humans requires nothing less than the
    complexity of laboratory animals to effectively model during
    biomedical investigations (e.g. Kjellmer 2002).

   Medical progress would be “severely maimed by prohibition
    or severe curtailing of animal experiments,” and
    “catastrophic consequences would ensue” (Osswald 1992).

Concordance or discordance?

Drugs causing serious side effects or death in animals
that are harmless to humans:
       Penicillin
       Morphine
       Aspirin
       …

Drugs released onto the market after passing
    rigorous testing in animals, and very limited testing
    in humans, that have caused serious human side
         TGN1412 (UK, 2006)
         Vioxx
         Thalidomide, Eraldin, Chloramphenid, Ibufenac,      Flosint,
          Zipeprol, Zomax, Accutane, Benedectin, Phenformin
         Many, many more…

    Such adverse drug reactions are the 4-6th leading cause of
    death in US hospitals, and kill over 10,000 people annually
    in the UK.

Calls for systematic reviews
    Pound and colleagues (British Medical Journal 2004):

    Clinicians and the public often consider it axiomatic that
    animal research has contributed to human clinical knowledge,
    on the basis of anecdotal evidence or unsupported claims.

    These constitute an inadequate form of evidence for such a
    controversial area of research, particularly given increasing
    competition for scarce research resources.

    Hence, formal evaluation of existing and future animal
    research is urgently required, e.g., via systematic reviews of
    existing animal experiments.

Systematic reviews:
          ‘gold standard’ evidence
   Critically examine human clinical or toxicological utility of
    animal experiments

   Examine large numbers of experiments

   Experiments selected without bias, via randomisation or
    similarly methodical and impartial means

   Studies published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals

Literature survey 2007 

            27 systematic reviews of the utility of
             animal experiments in advancing human
             clinical outcomes (20), or in deriving
             human toxicity classifications (7)

            Three different approaches sought to
             determine the maximum clinical utility
             that may be achieved by animal
             experiments …

1. Experiments expected to lead to
            medical advances

   Lindl et al. (2005 & 2006) examined animal experiments
    conducted at three German universities between 1991 and
    1993, that had been approved by animal ethics committees at
    least partly on the basis of claims by researchers that the
    experiments might lead to concrete advances towards the cure
    of human diseases.

   For 17 experiments meeting the inclusion criteria, citations
    were analysed for at least 12 years. 1,183 citations were

    However …
   Only 8.2% of all citations (97) were in clinical publications.

       Of these, only 0.3% of all citations (4 publications)
        demonstrated a direct correlation between the results of animal
        experiments and human outcomes.

        However, even in these four cases the hypotheses that had
        been successfully verified in animals failed completely when
        applied to humans.

       None of these 17 experiments led to any new therapies, or,
        indeed, any beneficial clinical impact during the period

2. Clinical utility of
         highly cited animal experiments

       Highly cited animal experiments are most likely to be
        subsequently tested in clinical trials. Hence, Hackam &
        Redelmeier (2006) searched for experiments with more than
        500 citations, published in the 7 leading scientific journals
        when ranked by journal impact factor.

       76 animal studies were located with a median citation count of
        889 (range: 639-2,233).


   Only 36.8% (28/76) were replicated in human randomized
        trials. 18.4% (14/76) were contradicted by randomized trials,
        and 44.7% (34/76) had not translated to clinical trials.

       Ultimately, only 10.5% (8/76) of these medical interventions
        were subsequently approved for use in patients.

Translation rates of most animal
       experiments are even lower

   Most experiments are neither highly cited nor published in
    leading journals. Many experiments are not published at all.

   The selective focusing on positive animal data while ignoring
    negative results (optimism bias) is one of several factors
    identified that may have increased the likelihood of translation
    beyond that scientifically merited.

    Rigorous meta-analysis of all relevant animal experimental
    data would probably significantly decrease the translation
    rate to clinical trials (Hackam, 2007).

Poor methodological quality

   Additionally, only 48.7% (37/76) of these highly cited animal
    studies published in leading journals were of good
    methodological quality.

   Few included random allocation of animals, adjustment for
    multiple hypothesis testing, or blinded assessment of

   Accordingly, Hackam & Redelmeier cautioned patients and
    physicians about extrapolating the findings of even highly
    cited animal research to the care of human disease.

3. Chimpanzee experimentation

    Prominent advocates of invasive research on captive chimpanzees
    such as Vandeberg et al. (Nature, 2005) have called passionately for
    the funding of such research to be increased.

    They have stated that such research has been of great importance
    during our struggles against major human diseases such as AIDS,
    hepatitis and cancer, and that the genetic similarities between
    humans and chimpanzees — our closest living relatives — makes
    them ideal biomedical research models.
Contributions to biomedical knowledge 

749 studies of captive chimpanzees or chimpanzee tissues, conducted
from 1995-2004:

                       Figure 1: Chimpanzee experiments
                       2%     1995-2004 (total 749)
                 3%                         Biology (363)

                                            Diseases: virology (311)

                                    48%     investigations (26)
                                            Diseases: parasitology
           42%                              Miscellaneous (14)

                                            Diseases: other (12)
Figure 2: Biology experiments
                       (363 of 749)
               2%                       my/Neurology (133)
              6%                        Behavior/Communicati
                                        on (75)
                                        Immunology (37)

    7%                            37%   Biochemistry (34)

                                        nology (27)
    9%                                  Genetics (25)

                                        Anatomy/Histology (20)
                                        Physiology (9)
                                        Microbiology (3)

Figure 3: Virology experiments
                              11%    (311 of 749)
                           2%                                                              HCV (97)

                        2%                                                                 HIV (97)

                       3%                                                                  HBV (29)
                      3%                                                                   RSV (12)

                                                                                           HEV (11)
                                                                                           STLV (9)
                                                                                           HIV & SIV (8)
                                                                                           SIV (7)

                                                                                           TTV (7)
                                                                                           21 others (34)

                                                        HCV = hepatitis C v., HIV = human immunodeficiency v., HBV = hepatitis B
21 others: Six: FV. Four: HAV. Two each: GBV – B,       v., RSV = respiratory syncytial v., HEV = hepatitis E v., STLV = simian T-
HIV & HV, IV, PIV, Noroviuses. One each:                cell lymphotropic v., SIV = simian immunodeficiency v., TTV = transfusion-
                                                        transmitted v., FV = foamy v (human and simian FV), HAV = hepatitis A v.,
Bacteriophages, Dengue v., Ebola v., HCMV, HGV,         GBV-B = GB virus B, HV = herpes v., IV = influenza v., PIV = parainfluenza
HMPV, H/S TLV, LCV, Papillomaviruses, RV2,              v., HCMV = human cytomegalovirus, HGV = hepatitis G v., HMPV = human
Rhinovirus, VZV, WMHBV, Unspecified.
                                                        metapneumovirus, H/S TLV = human/simian T-cell leukemia v., LCV =
                                                        lymphocryptoviruses, RV2 = rhadinovirus (or gamma-2-herpesvirus)
                                                        genogroup 2, VZV = varicella-zoster v., WMHBV = woolly monkey hepatitis
                                                        B v.
Therapeutic investigations

   3.5% (26/749) of all chimpanzee experiments.

   61.5% (16/26) of these investigated the pharmacological
    properties of various compounds.

   Others included: the testing of surgical techniques or
    prostheses, anaesthesiology and toxicology experiments.

    On the face of it, research on captive chimpanzees or
    chimpanzee tissue appears to have contributed towards a
    large array of biomedical disciplines.

                        However, …

Not all knowledge has significant value, nor is
    worth the animal welfare-related, bioethical
    and financial costs that may be incurred!

Statistically-significant subset of 95 chimpanzee studies:

         49.5% (47/95) were not cited by any future papers.

    Given that much research of lesser value is not published…

                 True conclusion:
    The majority of chimpanzee experiments generate data
    of questionable value, which makes little obvious
    contribution toward the advancement of biomedical

Efficacy in combating human diseases

    38.5% (34/95) were cited only by 116 subsequent papers that
    clearly did not describe well developed methods for combating
    human diseases.

    Instead, papers focused primarily on:

   non-human species ranging from bacteria to elephants,
    including a large variety of primates;
   human subjects in relation to a variety of biological disciplines
    other than pathology;
   examinations of the aetiological or other aspects of human

Only 14.7% (14/95) of chimpanzee studies were cited by a total
    of 27 papers that appeared to describe prophylactic, diagnostic or
    therapeutic methods with sound potential for combating human

                         Figure 4: Citations of
                         95 randomly selected
                     published chimpanzee studies

           50         47

           40                           34

           20                                             14

                Not subsequently   Cited by other   Cited by medical
                      cited              paper            paper
Contributions of chimpanzee studies
    63.0% (17/27) of these medical papers: wide-ranging reviews of
    26-300 (median 104) references, to which the cited chimpanzee
    study made a relatively small contribution.

    Research methodologies contributing most:
      in vitro studies
      human clinical and epidemiological studies
      molecular assays and methods
      genomic studies

   12 cases: the cited chimpanzee studies appeared redundant, as
    humans or human sera were studied concurrently, or because
    they only served to confirm previous human-based

   7 cases: the methods explored in the chimpanzee study were
    not developed further, sometimes because later clinical trials
    in humans failed to demonstrate safety or efficacy, contrary to
    positive chimpanzee results.

   5 cases: the chimpanzee study examined a disease or method
    peripheral to the prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic
    method described.

   Remainder: the chimpanzee study yielded results inconsistent
    with other human or primate data, or merely illustrated
    historical findings, or was only cited in order to discuss
    concurrent human outcomes within the cited chimpanzee

No chimpanzee study demonstrated an essential
    contribution, or ― in a clear majority of cases ― a
    significant contribution of any kind, towards papers
    describing well-developed prophylactic, diagnostic or
    therapeutic methods for combating human diseases!

27 systematic reviews:
                  overall results
   The authors concluded that the animal models were useful in
    advancing human clinical outcomes or substantially consistent
    with human outcomes in only 2 of 20 studies, and the
    conclusion in 1 case was contentious.

   7 reviews failed to clearly demonstrate utility in predicting
    human toxicological outcomes such as carcinogenicity and

   Consequently, animal data may not generally be assumed to
    be substantially useful for these purposes.

Scientific limitations
          of animal models

   Differences between species and genders — with
    subsequent effects on toxico- and pharmacokinetics (the
    study of bodily distribution), or pharmacodynamics (the
    study of mechanisms of action, and drug effects).

   Loss of biological variability or predictivity resulting from
    the use of in-bred strains, young animals, restriction to
    single genders, and inadequate group sizes.

   Lack of co-morbidities (concurrent illnesses) or
    other human risk factors.

   Physiological or immunological distortions
    resulting from stressful environments and

1. Interspecies differences

   Altered susceptibility to, causes and progression of diseases

   Differing absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism, and
    excretion of pharmaceutical agents and toxins

   Differences in the toxicity and efficacy of pharmaceuticals

2. False positive results of chronic
         high dose rodent studies

   Differences in rodent physiology when compared to humans,
    for example, increased metabolic and decreased DNA excision
    repair rates

   Overwhelming of natural physiological defences such as
    epithelial shedding, inducible enzymes, DNA and tissue repair
    mechanisms, which effectively protect against many naturally
    occurring toxins at environmentally relevant levels

   Unnatural elevation of cell division rates during ad libitum
    feeding studies

   Variable, yet substantial, stresses caused by handling and
    restraint, and frequently stressful routes of administration, and
    subsequent effects on hormonal regulation, immune status and
    disease predisposition

3. Poor methodological quality of
            animal experiments
   At least 11 systematic reviews demonstrated the poor
    methodological quality of many of the animal experiments

   None demonstrated good methodological quality of a majority
    of experiments

   Common deficiencies: lack of sample size calculations,
    sufficient sample sizes, randomised treatment allocation,
    blinded drug administration, blinded induction of ischaemia in
    the case of stroke models, blinded outcome assessment and
    conflict of interest statements.

Balls et al. (2004):

    “…surveys of published papers as well as more anecdotal
    information suggest that more than half of the published
    papers in biomedical research have statistical mistakes, many
    seem to use excessive numbers of animals, and a proportion
    are poorly designed”.


   The historical and contemporary paradigm that animal models
    are generally fairly predictive of human outcomes provides the
    basis for their continuing widespread use in toxicity testing
    and biomedical research aimed at developing cures for human

   However, their use persists for historical and cultural reasons,
    rather than because they have been demonstrated to be
    scientifically valid. E.g., many regulatory officials “feel more
    comfortable” with animal data (O’Connor 1997), and some
    even believe animal tests are inherently valid, simply because
    they are conducted in animals (Balls 2004).

   However, most systematic reviews have demonstrated that
    animal models are insufficiently predictive of human
    outcomes to offer substantial benefit in advancing clinical
    outcomes, or in deriving human toxicity assessments.

   Consequently, animal data may not generally be assumed to
    be of substantial use for these purposes.

   The poor human clinical and toxicological utility of most
    animal models for which data exists, in conjunction with their
    generally substantial animal welfare and economic costs,
    justify a ban on animal models lacking scientific data clearly
    establishing their human predictivity or utility.

   Animal experiments may sometimes be followed by a
    concordant human outcome. However, they are a highly
    inefficient means of advancing human health.

   Additionally, they accord insufficient ethical weighting to the
    interests of other species.

3Rs alternatives
       Replacement
       Reduction
       Refinement

       (Recycling?)
       (Rehabilitation)

Replacement alternatives
    Mechanisms to enhance sharing and assessment of
    existing data, prior to conducting further studies.

Physicochemical evaluation and computerized modelling,
    including the use of structure-activity relationships (predict
    biological activity such as toxicity on the basis of structure),
    and expert systems (seek to mimic the judgment of expert
    toxicologists, by using known rules about factors affecting
    toxicity, in combination with physicochemical or other
    information about a specific compound).

    These allow predictions about toxicity and related biological
    outcomes, such as metabolic fate.

Minimally-sentient animals from lower phylogenetic
    orders, or early developmental vertebral stages, as well as
    microorganisms and higher plants.

A variety of tissue cultures, including immortalised cell
    lines, embryonic and adult stem cells, and organotypic

In vitro assays (tests) utilising bacterial, yeast, protozoal,
    mammalian or human cell cultures exist for a wide range of
    toxic and other endpoints. These may be static, or perfused,
    and used individually, or combined within test batteries.

    Human hepatocyte (liver cell) cultures and metabolic
    activation systems offer potential assessment of metabolite
    (product of metabolism, usually by the liver) activity — a
    very important consideration when assessing toxicity.

cDNA microarrays (‘gene chips’) allow assessment of large
    numbers of genes simultaneously. This may allow genetic
    expression profiling (detection of up- or down-regulation of
    genes, caused by exposure to test compounds). This can
    increase the speed of toxin detection, well prior to more
    invasive endpoints.

The safety profile and predictivity for diverse human patient
    populations of clinical trials should be improved using
    microdosing,      biomarkers,     staggered    dosing,     more
    representative test populations, and longer exposure periods.

Surrogate human tissues and advanced imaging modalities.

    Human epidemiological, psychological and sociological

    Particularly when human tissues are used, non-animal models
    may generate faster, cheaper results, more reliably predictive
    for humans, yielding greater insights into human
    biochemical processes.

Reduction alternatives
           Improvements in experimental design and statistical
            analysis; particularly, adequate sample sizes.

           Minimising animal numbers without unacceptably
            compromising statistical power, through decreasing data
             Environmental enrichment, aimed at decreasing physiological,
              psychological or behavioural variation resulting from barren
              laboratory housing and stressful procedures.
             Choosing, where possible, to measure variables with low inherent
             Genetically homogeneous (isogenic or inbred) or specified
              pathogen-free animal strains.
             Screening raw data for obvious errors or outliers.
   Meta-analysis (aggregation and statistical analysis
        of suitable data from multiple experiments). For
        some purposes, treatment and control groups can be
        combined, permitting group numbers to be

Refinement alternatives
       Analgesics and anaesthetics. (Around 60% of UK
        procedures are conducted without anaesthetics). While such
        drugs undoubtedly alter normal physiology, claims that such
        alterations are sufficiently important to hypotheses under
        investigation, to warrant their exclusion, require careful

   Non-invasive imaging modalities.
       Telemetric devices to obtain information remotely.
       Faecal analysis (e.g. faecal cortisol monitoring).
       Training animals (especially primates) to participate (e.g.
        presenting arms for blood-sampling), rather than using
        physical or chemical restraint.
       Environmental enrichment.
       Socialisation opportunities.

Increasing 3Rs compliance

        Technology reproducibility and transfer: increased
         methodology description, e.g., via publicly-accessible
         databases, linked to scientific articles.

        Redirection of public funds from animal models to
         alternatives development/implementation.

   Prerequisite for research funding, ethics committee approval,
    and publication of results. Would require education and
    cooperation of funding agencies, ethics committees and
    journal editors about the limitations of animal models, and the
    potential of alternatives.

   National centre for the development of alternative methods.

   Scientific recognition: awards, career options.

Likely benefits
   Greater selection of test models that are truly predictive of
    human outcomes

   Increased safety of humans exposed to chemicals that have
    passed toxicity tests

   Increased efficiency during the development of human
    pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic interventions

   Decreased wastage of animal, personnel and financial


    The scientific and logistical limitations incurred by the use of
    animal models of humans within biomedical research and
    toxicity testing are substantial, and increasingly recognized.

    So is social concern about, and consequent regulatory
    restriction of, laboratory animal use.

    In defiance of these factors, such use remains enormous. The
    use of GM animals, and the implementation of large-scale
    chemical testing programs, are increasing laboratory animal
    use internationally.

These trends clearly demonstrate the need for considerably
    greater awareness of, and compliance with, the principles of
    the 3Rs.

    These principles are universally recognized as essential to
    good laboratory animal practice, for animal welfare-related
    and ethical reasons, and also, to increase the quality of the
    research, and the robustness of subsequent results.

                   Published papers:
               , ‘publications’


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Animal Experimentation Scrutinised - Andrew Knight (5JUN09)

  • 1. Animal Experimentation Scrutinised   Andrew Knight BSc., BVMS, CertAW, MRCVS, FOCAE Animal Consultants International
  • 2. 1997 “ What you’ve seen so far is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what you will have to do to animals later in the veterinary course. Perhaps you should re-think your choice of career… ”    
  • 3. Humane teaching methods • high quality videos • ‘ethically-sourced cadavers’ • preserved specimens • computer simulations • non-invasive self-experimentation • clinical/surgical skills models and simulators • supervised clinical/surgical experiences    
  • 5. ‘Face’
  • 6.    
  • 7.    
  • 8.    
  • 9.    
  • 12.    
  • 14.    
  • 15. Clinical skills training mannequins    
  • 16. ‘Alternative’ veterinary surgical training 1. Knot-tying boards, plastic organs and similar models: basic manual skills such as suturing and instrument handling. 3. Ethically-sourced cadavers: simulated surgery. 5. Real patients: observing, assisting with, and then performing beneficial surgery under close supervision (e.g. shelter animal neutering programs).    
  • 20. Alternative Veterinary Surgical Program, 2000  External clinical experience in private clinics or animal shelters assisting with or participating in surgery and anaesthesia.  Sterilisations of real patients, e.g., from animal shelters, at Murdoch.  Attendance at all of the terminal surgical laboratories as observers.    
  • 21. Simulated abdominal surgeries on a “DASIE” (Dog Abdominal Surrogate for Instructional Exercises).  Ethically-sourced cadaver surgery: abdominal and orthopaedic surgeries.    
  • 22. Outcomes  Jointly we did not participate as surgeon or assistant surgeon in a total of at most 13 scheduled surgeries at Murdoch.  We performed or assisted with a total of at least 62 additional surgeries instead, not including the abdominal surgeries I performed on a “DASIE” surgical simulator. Surgeries performed under supervision, mostly in private practice.    
  • 23. Depth: Jointly we sterilised 45 dogs and cats, including 21 spays.  Breadth: We also participated in a range of other surgeries as well, e.g., umbilical hernia repair, cruciate ligament repair, cutaneous polyp and lump excisions, aural haematoma excision, abdominal surgeries (exploratory laparotomy, enterotomy, enterectomy, partial splenectomy, spay), orthopaedic surgeries (trochanteric osteotomy, stifle arthrotomy).  Similar depth and breadth of anaesthetic experience.    
  • 24. The effectiveness of humane teaching methods Knight A. The effectiveness of humane teaching methods in veterinary education. ALTEX: Altern Anim Experimentation 2007;24(2):91-109., ‘Published papers, Comparative.’    
  • 25. Results  12 papers published from 1989 to 2006 described 11 distinct studies of veterinary students:  9 assessed surgical training—historically the discipline involving greatest harmful animal use. Humane method Superior Equivalent Inferior 45.5% (5/11) 45.5% (5/11) 9.1% (1/11)    
  • 26. All disciplines Knight A, Balcombe J & De Boo J,, ‘Published papers, comparative.’ At least 33 papers sourced from the biomedical and educational literature, covering all educational levels and disciplines, describe studies that have compared the ability of humane alternatives to impart knowledge or clinical or surgical skills. Humane method Superior Equivalent Inferior   39.4% (13/33)  51.5% (17/33)  9.1% (3/33)   
  • 27. Conclusions Well-designed humane alternatives usually perform at least as well as methods that rely upon harmful animal use, in some cases achieving superior learning outcomes. Their financial and time savings, repeatability, increased flexibility of use, and potential to increase active learning and computer literacy, all provide other important advantages when compared to traditional methods reliant upon harmful animal use.    
  • 28. Alternatives sources  From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for a Progressive, Humane Education.   Alternatives libraries, free on-line computer simulations, comprehensive alternatives databases, academic reviews of leading alternatives, and hundreds of educational studies of alternatives organized by discipline:      
  • 29. Other major student successes  2000 University of Sydney: all terminal veterinary surgical labs stopped, alternatives introduced, conscientious objection policy passed  2000, 2004 University of Illinois: all physiology vivisection labs stopped, conscientious objection policies passed  2000 Massey University, New Zealand: most veterinary physiology vivisection labs stopped, conscientious objection policy passed  2004 University of Queensland: alternatives to terminal veterinary surgical laboratories introduced  2004 University of Melbourne: alternatives to terminal   veterinary surgical laboratories introduced  
  • 32. Scientific resistance to alternatives Non-compliance of US researchers with the alternatives regulations of the Animal Welfare Act:  Most common: inadequate consideration of alternatives (600 - 800 research facilities).  Fourth most common: unnecessary experimental duplication (~ 250 facilities).  Others: inadequate justification for animal numbers, alleged uncertainty of research personnel about signs indicative of pain and/or distress (USDA-APHIS-AC, 2000).    
  • 33. Supporting animal experimentation  Animal experimentation is vital for preventing, curing or alleviating human diseases (e.g. Brom 2002, Festing 2004).  The greatest achievements of medicine have been possible only due to the use of animals (e.g. Pawlik 1998).  The complexity of humans requires nothing less than the complexity of laboratory animals to effectively model during biomedical investigations (e.g. Kjellmer 2002).  Medical progress would be “severely maimed by prohibition or severe curtailing of animal experiments,” and “catastrophic consequences would ensue” (Osswald 1992).    
  • 34. Concordance or discordance? Drugs causing serious side effects or death in animals that are harmless to humans:  Penicillin  Morphine  Aspirin  …    
  • 35. Drugs released onto the market after passing rigorous testing in animals, and very limited testing in humans, that have caused serious human side effects:  TGN1412 (UK, 2006)  Vioxx  Thalidomide, Eraldin, Chloramphenid, Ibufenac, Flosint, Zipeprol, Zomax, Accutane, Benedectin, Phenformin  Many, many more… Such adverse drug reactions are the 4-6th leading cause of death in US hospitals, and kill over 10,000 people annually in the UK.    
  • 36. Calls for systematic reviews Pound and colleagues (British Medical Journal 2004): Clinicians and the public often consider it axiomatic that animal research has contributed to human clinical knowledge, on the basis of anecdotal evidence or unsupported claims. These constitute an inadequate form of evidence for such a controversial area of research, particularly given increasing competition for scarce research resources. Hence, formal evaluation of existing and future animal research is urgently required, e.g., via systematic reviews of existing animal experiments.    
  • 37. Systematic reviews: ‘gold standard’ evidence  Critically examine human clinical or toxicological utility of animal experiments  Examine large numbers of experiments  Experiments selected without bias, via randomisation or similarly methodical and impartial means  Studies published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals    
  • 38. Literature survey 2007   27 systematic reviews of the utility of animal experiments in advancing human clinical outcomes (20), or in deriving human toxicity classifications (7)  Three different approaches sought to determine the maximum clinical utility that may be achieved by animal experiments …    
  • 39. 1. Experiments expected to lead to medical advances  Lindl et al. (2005 & 2006) examined animal experiments conducted at three German universities between 1991 and 1993, that had been approved by animal ethics committees at least partly on the basis of claims by researchers that the experiments might lead to concrete advances towards the cure of human diseases.  For 17 experiments meeting the inclusion criteria, citations were analysed for at least 12 years. 1,183 citations were evident. However …    
  • 40. Only 8.2% of all citations (97) were in clinical publications.  Of these, only 0.3% of all citations (4 publications) demonstrated a direct correlation between the results of animal experiments and human outcomes. However, even in these four cases the hypotheses that had been successfully verified in animals failed completely when applied to humans.  None of these 17 experiments led to any new therapies, or, indeed, any beneficial clinical impact during the period studied!    
  • 41. 2. Clinical utility of highly cited animal experiments  Highly cited animal experiments are most likely to be subsequently tested in clinical trials. Hence, Hackam & Redelmeier (2006) searched for experiments with more than 500 citations, published in the 7 leading scientific journals when ranked by journal impact factor.  76 animal studies were located with a median citation count of 889 (range: 639-2,233). However…    
  • 42. Only 36.8% (28/76) were replicated in human randomized trials. 18.4% (14/76) were contradicted by randomized trials, and 44.7% (34/76) had not translated to clinical trials.  Ultimately, only 10.5% (8/76) of these medical interventions were subsequently approved for use in patients.    
  • 43. Translation rates of most animal experiments are even lower  Most experiments are neither highly cited nor published in leading journals. Many experiments are not published at all.  The selective focusing on positive animal data while ignoring negative results (optimism bias) is one of several factors identified that may have increased the likelihood of translation beyond that scientifically merited. Rigorous meta-analysis of all relevant animal experimental data would probably significantly decrease the translation rate to clinical trials (Hackam, 2007).    
  • 44. Poor methodological quality  Additionally, only 48.7% (37/76) of these highly cited animal studies published in leading journals were of good methodological quality.  Few included random allocation of animals, adjustment for multiple hypothesis testing, or blinded assessment of outcomes.  Accordingly, Hackam & Redelmeier cautioned patients and physicians about extrapolating the findings of even highly cited animal research to the care of human disease.    
  • 45. 3. Chimpanzee experimentation Prominent advocates of invasive research on captive chimpanzees such as Vandeberg et al. (Nature, 2005) have called passionately for the funding of such research to be increased. They have stated that such research has been of great importance during our struggles against major human diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and cancer, and that the genetic similarities between humans and chimpanzees — our closest living relatives — makes   them ideal biomedical research models.  
  • 46. Contributions to biomedical knowledge  749 studies of captive chimpanzees or chimpanzee tissues, conducted from 1995-2004: Figure 1: Chimpanzee experiments 2% 1995-2004 (total 749) 2% 3% 3% Biology (363) Diseases: virology (311) Therapeutic 48% investigations (26) Diseases: parasitology (23) 42% Miscellaneous (14) Diseases: other (12)    
  • 47. Figure 2: Biology experiments (363 of 749) 1% Cognition/Neuroanato 2% my/Neurology (133) 6% Behavior/Communicati on (75) 7% Immunology (37) 7% 37% Biochemistry (34) Reproduction/Endocri nology (27) 9% Genetics (25) Anatomy/Histology (20) 10% Physiology (9) 21% Microbiology (3)    
  • 48. Figure 3: Virology experiments 11% (311 of 749) 2% HCV (97) 2% HIV (97) 3% HBV (29) 31% 3% RSV (12) HEV (11) 4% STLV (9) 4% HIV & SIV (8) 9% SIV (7) TTV (7) 31% 21 others (34) HCV = hepatitis C v., HIV = human immunodeficiency v., HBV = hepatitis B 21 others: Six: FV. Four: HAV. Two each: GBV – B, v., RSV = respiratory syncytial v., HEV = hepatitis E v., STLV = simian T- HIV & HV, IV, PIV, Noroviuses. One each: cell lymphotropic v., SIV = simian immunodeficiency v., TTV = transfusion- transmitted v., FV = foamy v (human and simian FV), HAV = hepatitis A v., Bacteriophages, Dengue v., Ebola v., HCMV, HGV, GBV-B = GB virus B, HV = herpes v., IV = influenza v., PIV = parainfluenza HMPV, H/S TLV, LCV, Papillomaviruses, RV2, v., HCMV = human cytomegalovirus, HGV = hepatitis G v., HMPV = human Rhinovirus, VZV, WMHBV, Unspecified.     metapneumovirus, H/S TLV = human/simian T-cell leukemia v., LCV = lymphocryptoviruses, RV2 = rhadinovirus (or gamma-2-herpesvirus) genogroup 2, VZV = varicella-zoster v., WMHBV = woolly monkey hepatitis B v.
  • 49. Therapeutic investigations  3.5% (26/749) of all chimpanzee experiments.  61.5% (16/26) of these investigated the pharmacological properties of various compounds.  Others included: the testing of surgical techniques or prostheses, anaesthesiology and toxicology experiments.    
  • 50. Implications? On the face of it, research on captive chimpanzees or chimpanzee tissue appears to have contributed towards a large array of biomedical disciplines. However, …    
  • 51. Not all knowledge has significant value, nor is worth the animal welfare-related, bioethical and financial costs that may be incurred!    
  • 52. Statistically-significant subset of 95 chimpanzee studies: 49.5% (47/95) were not cited by any future papers. Given that much research of lesser value is not published… True conclusion: The majority of chimpanzee experiments generate data of questionable value, which makes little obvious contribution toward the advancement of biomedical knowledge.    
  • 53. Efficacy in combating human diseases 38.5% (34/95) were cited only by 116 subsequent papers that clearly did not describe well developed methods for combating human diseases. Instead, papers focused primarily on:  non-human species ranging from bacteria to elephants, including a large variety of primates;  human subjects in relation to a variety of biological disciplines other than pathology;  examinations of the aetiological or other aspects of human diseases.    
  • 54. Only 14.7% (14/95) of chimpanzee studies were cited by a total of 27 papers that appeared to describe prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic methods with sound potential for combating human diseases. Figure 4: Citations of 95 randomly selected published chimpanzee studies 50 47 40 34 30 20 14 10 0 Not subsequently Cited by other Cited by medical     cited paper paper
  • 55. Contributions of chimpanzee studies 63.0% (17/27) of these medical papers: wide-ranging reviews of 26-300 (median 104) references, to which the cited chimpanzee study made a relatively small contribution. Research methodologies contributing most:  in vitro studies  human clinical and epidemiological studies  molecular assays and methods  genomic studies    
  • 56. 12 cases: the cited chimpanzee studies appeared redundant, as humans or human sera were studied concurrently, or because they only served to confirm previous human-based observations.  7 cases: the methods explored in the chimpanzee study were not developed further, sometimes because later clinical trials in humans failed to demonstrate safety or efficacy, contrary to positive chimpanzee results.    
  • 57. 5 cases: the chimpanzee study examined a disease or method peripheral to the prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic method described.  Remainder: the chimpanzee study yielded results inconsistent with other human or primate data, or merely illustrated historical findings, or was only cited in order to discuss concurrent human outcomes within the cited chimpanzee study.    
  • 58. No chimpanzee study demonstrated an essential contribution, or ― in a clear majority of cases ― a significant contribution of any kind, towards papers describing well-developed prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic methods for combating human diseases!    
  • 59. 27 systematic reviews: overall results  The authors concluded that the animal models were useful in advancing human clinical outcomes or substantially consistent with human outcomes in only 2 of 20 studies, and the conclusion in 1 case was contentious.  7 reviews failed to clearly demonstrate utility in predicting human toxicological outcomes such as carcinogenicity and teratogenicity.  Consequently, animal data may not generally be assumed to be substantially useful for these purposes.    
  • 60. Scientific limitations of animal models  Differences between species and genders — with subsequent effects on toxico- and pharmacokinetics (the study of bodily distribution), or pharmacodynamics (the study of mechanisms of action, and drug effects).  Loss of biological variability or predictivity resulting from the use of in-bred strains, young animals, restriction to single genders, and inadequate group sizes.    
  • 61. Lack of co-morbidities (concurrent illnesses) or other human risk factors.  Physiological or immunological distortions resulting from stressful environments and procedures.    
  • 62. 1. Interspecies differences  Altered susceptibility to, causes and progression of diseases  Differing absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism, and excretion of pharmaceutical agents and toxins  Differences in the toxicity and efficacy of pharmaceuticals    
  • 63. 2. False positive results of chronic high dose rodent studies  Differences in rodent physiology when compared to humans, for example, increased metabolic and decreased DNA excision repair rates  Overwhelming of natural physiological defences such as epithelial shedding, inducible enzymes, DNA and tissue repair mechanisms, which effectively protect against many naturally occurring toxins at environmentally relevant levels    
  • 64. Unnatural elevation of cell division rates during ad libitum feeding studies  Variable, yet substantial, stresses caused by handling and restraint, and frequently stressful routes of administration, and subsequent effects on hormonal regulation, immune status and disease predisposition    
  • 65. 3. Poor methodological quality of animal experiments  At least 11 systematic reviews demonstrated the poor methodological quality of many of the animal experiments examined  None demonstrated good methodological quality of a majority of experiments  Common deficiencies: lack of sample size calculations, sufficient sample sizes, randomised treatment allocation, blinded drug administration, blinded induction of ischaemia in the case of stroke models, blinded outcome assessment and conflict of interest statements.    
  • 66. Balls et al. (2004): “…surveys of published papers as well as more anecdotal information suggest that more than half of the published papers in biomedical research have statistical mistakes, many seem to use excessive numbers of animals, and a proportion are poorly designed”.    
  • 67. Conclusions  The historical and contemporary paradigm that animal models are generally fairly predictive of human outcomes provides the basis for their continuing widespread use in toxicity testing and biomedical research aimed at developing cures for human diseases.  However, their use persists for historical and cultural reasons, rather than because they have been demonstrated to be scientifically valid. E.g., many regulatory officials “feel more comfortable” with animal data (O’Connor 1997), and some even believe animal tests are inherently valid, simply because they are conducted in animals (Balls 2004).    
  • 68. However, most systematic reviews have demonstrated that animal models are insufficiently predictive of human outcomes to offer substantial benefit in advancing clinical outcomes, or in deriving human toxicity assessments.  Consequently, animal data may not generally be assumed to be of substantial use for these purposes.  The poor human clinical and toxicological utility of most animal models for which data exists, in conjunction with their generally substantial animal welfare and economic costs, justify a ban on animal models lacking scientific data clearly establishing their human predictivity or utility.    
  • 69. Animal experiments may sometimes be followed by a concordant human outcome. However, they are a highly inefficient means of advancing human health.  Additionally, they accord insufficient ethical weighting to the interests of other species.    
  • 70. 3Rs alternatives  Replacement  Reduction  Refinement  (Recycling?)  (Rehabilitation)    
  • 71. Replacement alternatives Mechanisms to enhance sharing and assessment of existing data, prior to conducting further studies.    
  • 72. Physicochemical evaluation and computerized modelling, including the use of structure-activity relationships (predict biological activity such as toxicity on the basis of structure), and expert systems (seek to mimic the judgment of expert toxicologists, by using known rules about factors affecting toxicity, in combination with physicochemical or other information about a specific compound). These allow predictions about toxicity and related biological outcomes, such as metabolic fate.    
  • 73. Minimally-sentient animals from lower phylogenetic orders, or early developmental vertebral stages, as well as microorganisms and higher plants.    
  • 74. A variety of tissue cultures, including immortalised cell lines, embryonic and adult stem cells, and organotypic cultures.    
  • 75. In vitro assays (tests) utilising bacterial, yeast, protozoal, mammalian or human cell cultures exist for a wide range of toxic and other endpoints. These may be static, or perfused, and used individually, or combined within test batteries. Human hepatocyte (liver cell) cultures and metabolic activation systems offer potential assessment of metabolite (product of metabolism, usually by the liver) activity — a very important consideration when assessing toxicity.    
  • 76. cDNA microarrays (‘gene chips’) allow assessment of large numbers of genes simultaneously. This may allow genetic expression profiling (detection of up- or down-regulation of genes, caused by exposure to test compounds). This can increase the speed of toxin detection, well prior to more invasive endpoints.    
  • 77. The safety profile and predictivity for diverse human patient populations of clinical trials should be improved using microdosing, biomarkers, staggered dosing, more representative test populations, and longer exposure periods.    
  • 78. Surrogate human tissues and advanced imaging modalities. Human epidemiological, psychological and sociological studies. Particularly when human tissues are used, non-animal models may generate faster, cheaper results, more reliably predictive for humans, yielding greater insights into human biochemical processes.    
  • 79. Reduction alternatives  Improvements in experimental design and statistical analysis; particularly, adequate sample sizes.  Minimising animal numbers without unacceptably compromising statistical power, through decreasing data variability:  Environmental enrichment, aimed at decreasing physiological, psychological or behavioural variation resulting from barren laboratory housing and stressful procedures.  Choosing, where possible, to measure variables with low inherent variability.  Genetically homogeneous (isogenic or inbred) or specified pathogen-free animal strains.  Screening raw data for obvious errors or outliers.    
  • 80. Meta-analysis (aggregation and statistical analysis of suitable data from multiple experiments). For some purposes, treatment and control groups can be combined, permitting group numbers to be minimised.    
  • 81. Refinement alternatives  Analgesics and anaesthetics. (Around 60% of UK procedures are conducted without anaesthetics). While such drugs undoubtedly alter normal physiology, claims that such alterations are sufficiently important to hypotheses under investigation, to warrant their exclusion, require careful scrutiny.    
  • 82. Non-invasive imaging modalities.  Telemetric devices to obtain information remotely.  Faecal analysis (e.g. faecal cortisol monitoring).  Training animals (especially primates) to participate (e.g. presenting arms for blood-sampling), rather than using physical or chemical restraint.  Environmental enrichment.  Socialisation opportunities.    
  • 83. Increasing 3Rs compliance  Technology reproducibility and transfer: increased methodology description, e.g., via publicly-accessible databases, linked to scientific articles.  Redirection of public funds from animal models to alternatives development/implementation.    
  • 84. Prerequisite for research funding, ethics committee approval, and publication of results. Would require education and cooperation of funding agencies, ethics committees and journal editors about the limitations of animal models, and the potential of alternatives.  National centre for the development of alternative methods.  Scientific recognition: awards, career options.    
  • 85. Likely benefits  Greater selection of test models that are truly predictive of human outcomes  Increased safety of humans exposed to chemicals that have passed toxicity tests  Increased efficiency during the development of human pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic interventions  Decreased wastage of animal, personnel and financial resources.    
  • 86. Conclusions The scientific and logistical limitations incurred by the use of animal models of humans within biomedical research and toxicity testing are substantial, and increasingly recognized. So is social concern about, and consequent regulatory restriction of, laboratory animal use. In defiance of these factors, such use remains enormous. The use of GM animals, and the implementation of large-scale chemical testing programs, are increasing laboratory animal use internationally.    
  • 87. These trends clearly demonstrate the need for considerably greater awareness of, and compliance with, the principles of the 3Rs. These principles are universally recognized as essential to good laboratory animal practice, for animal welfare-related and ethical reasons, and also, to increase the quality of the research, and the robustness of subsequent results. Published papers:  , ‘publications’