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Analyzing and Using
  Test Item Data
    It refers to the process of examining
    the students response to each item
    in the test.
Purposes and Elements of Item Analysis

1.    To select the best available items for the final form of the

2.    To identify the structural defects in the items

3.    To detect learning difficulties of the class as a whole; and

4.    To identify the areas of weaknesses of the students in
      need of remediation
Characteristics of an item
   Desirable characteristics can be
    retain for subsequent use
   Undesirable characteristics is either
    to revised or rejected
Three main Elements in an Item-
1.Difficulty level of the items

2. Discrimination power of each item

3. Examination of the effectiveness of
   Difficulty index - refers to the
    proportion of the number of students
    in the upper and lower groups who
    answered an item correctly.
       Therefore it can be obtain by
    adding the proportion in the upper
    and lower groups who got the item
    right and divide it by 2.
   Index of Discrimination- it is the
    percentage of high-scoring
    individuals responding correctly   vs.
    the number of low-scoring
    individuals responding correctly   to an
• Maximum Positive Discriminating
      Power of an item – it is indicated by an
      index of 1.00 and is obtain when all the
      groups answered correctly and no one in
      the lower group did.
    • Zero Discriminating power – is obtain
      when an equal number of students in both
      groups got the item right
    • Negative Discriminating Power of an
      item – it is obtain when more students in
      the lower group got the item right than in
      the upper group.

Measures of attractiveness.
      To measure the attractiveness of
    the incorrect option in a multiple
    choice test, we count the number of
    the students who selected the
    incorrect option in both the upper
    and lower groups. The incorrect
    options should attract less of the
    upper group than the lower group.
1.   Arrange test scores from highest to lowest.
2.   Get one-third of the papers from highest
     scores and the other one-third from the
     lowest scores.
3.   Record separately the number of times each
     alternative was chosen by the students in
     both groups.
4.   Add the number of correct answer to each
     item made by the combined upper and
     lower groups.
5.   Compute the index of difficulty for each item,

index of difficulty = No. of students responding correctly to an item x 100
                        Total no. of students in the upper and lower groups

6.   Compute the index of discrimination

                 index of discrimination=Upperncr – Lowerncr

                                           No. of students per group
Difficulty of a test item can be interpreted with the
  use of...

          Range                  Difficulty Level
          20 & below              very difficult
          21-40                    difficult
          41-60                    average
           61-80                    easy
           81-above                 very easy
Discrimination Index
   Range         Verbal Description
0.40 and above    very good item
0.30-0.39        good item
0.20-0.29        fair item
0.09-0.19        poor item
CORRELATION- the relationship
 between two or more paired-factors
 or two or more sets of tests scores

 numerical measure of the linear
 relationship between two factors on
 sets of scores
Obtained Correlation coefficient
can be interpreted with the use of….

Correlation Coefficient   Degree of Relationship
     0.00-0.20                 negligible
     0.21-0.40                 low
     0.41-0.60                 moderate
     0.61-0.80                 substantial
     0.81-1.00                 high to very high
Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation

1.   Compute the sum of each set of scores (SX.SY).
2.   Square each score and sum the squares (SX2
     ,SY2 ).
3.   Count the number of scores in each group (N).
4.   Multiply each X score by its corresponding Y
5.   Sum the cross product of X and Y (SXY).
6.   Calculate the correlation, following the formula:
Spearman Rho
1.   Rank the scores in distribution X,
     giving the highest score a rank of 1.
2.   Repeat the process for the scores in
     distribution Y.
3.   Obtain the difference between the
     two sets of ranks (D).
4.   Square each of these differences
     and sum up squared differences
     (SD2 )
5.   Solve for Rho following the formula:

          Rho=1-{6 SD2 }
                 {N3 –N}

Where: rho= rank- order correlation
        D= difference between paired ranks
       SD2 = sum of squared differences
             between paired ranks
     N= No. of paired ranks
Organizing Test Scores for
        Statistical Analysis
1.Organizing test scores by ordering
2.Organizing test scores by ranking
3.Organizing test scores through a
  stem- and leaf plot
4.Organizing data by means of a
  frequency distribution
Preparing Single Value Frequency

1. Arrange the scores in descending order.
  List them in the X column of the table.
2. Tally each score in the tally column.
3. Add the tally marks at the end of each
  row. Write the sum in the frequency
4. Sum up all the row total tally marks
Shapes of the frequency Polygons
1.   Normal- bell- shaped curve.
2.   Positive skewed- most scores are
     below the mean and there are
     extremely high scores. (mean is
     greater than the mode)
3.   Negatively skewed- most scores are
     above the mean and there are
     extremely low scores. (mean is
     lower than the mode).
4. Leptokurtic- highly peaked and the
   tails are more elevated above the
5. Mesokurtic- moderately peaked
6. Platykurtic- flattened peak
7. Bimodal curve- curve with two peaks
   or mode.
8. Polymodal curve- curve with three or
   more modes
9. Rectangular Distribution- there is no
   Skewness- degree of symmetry of
    the scores
   kurtosis – degree of peakness or
    flatness of the distribution curve
 Sk= 3( M –Md)
K=       Q
     (P90 – P10)
• Normal distribution – 0.263

• Platykurtic - > 0.263

• Leptokurtic - < 0.263
Organizing Test Scores
for Statistical Analysis
Organizing Test Scores By
   Ordering refers to the numerical
    arrangement of numerical
    observations or measurements.

There are two ways of ordering:
1. Ascending Order

2. Descending Order
the following are the scores obtained
    by 10 students in their quizzes in
    English for the first grading students.
A     B     C    D     E    F    G     H     I    J

110   130   90   140   85   87   115   125   95   135
     ORDER respectively

85   87   90   95   110 115 125 130 135 140

140 135 130 135 125 110 95     90   87   85
Organizing test scores by
   Ranking is another way by which test
    scores can be organized.
   It is process of determining the
    relative position of scores, measures
    of values based on magnitude,
    worth, quality, or importance,
Steps in ranking test scores:
   Arrange the test scores from highest
    to lowest
   Assign serial number for each score.
   Assign the rank of 1 to the highest
    score and the lowest rank to the
    lowest score.
   In case there are ties, get the
    average of the serial numbers of the
    tied scores.
      R= ( SN1 + SN2 + SN3 .... SN N)
Example: Rank the following scores
 obtained by 20 ist year high school
 students in spelling.
   15 the rank of 12, 8,7, and
    Find 14 10 9           8
   8     7     6    2     4
   4     8     7    8     10
   9     14    12   4     6
Organizing Test Scores Through A
       stem and Leaf Plot
   It is a method of graphically sorting
    and arranging data to reveal its
   It is a method of organizing a scores,
    a numerical score is separated into
    two parts, usually the first one or
    two digits and the other digits.
   The stem is the first leading digit of
    the scores while the trailing digit is
    the leaf
Score   SN   Rank   Score   SN   Rank
  s                   s
 15     1     1       8     11   10.5
 14     2    2.5     8      12   10.5
 14     3    2.5     7      13   13.5
 12     4     4      7      14   13.5
 10     5    5.5     6      15   15.5
 10     6    5.5     6      16   15.5
 9      7    7.5     4      17    18
 9      8    7.5     4      18    18
 8      9    9.5     4      19    18
 8      10   9.5     2      20    20
   Split each numerical score or value into
    two sets of digit. The first or leading set
    of digits is the stem, and the second or
    trailing set of digits is the leaf
   List all possible stem digits from lowest
    to highest.
   For each score in the mass of data,
    write down the leaf numbers on the line
    labelled by the appropriate stem
Illustrate the stem and leaf plot on
 the following periodical test results
               in biology.

30     74      80      57      32

31     77      82      59      90

33     46      65      49      92

42     50      68      48      57
Organizing Data by means of
       frequency distribution
 Preparing Single value Frequency
1. Arrange the scores in descending
  order. List them in the x column of
  the table.
2. Tally each score in the tally column.
3. Add the tally marks at the end of
  each row. Write down the sum in the
  frequency column.
4. Sum up all the row total tally marks
Prepare a single value frequency
  distribution for the spelling test
      scores of grade 3 pupils

14   2   6    8   8   6 6     9   8    6
4    2   14   9   4   6 2     4   14   4
5    6   3    6   6   10 10   4   3    8
Preparing Group Frequency
   Steps
   Find the lowest and the highest score.
   Compute the range.
   Determine the class interval
   Determine the score at which the
    lowest interval should begin.
   Record the limits of all class interval
   Tally the raw scores in the appropriate
    class interval
   Convert each tally to frequency.
Setting the class boundaries and
               class limits
   Class boundary is the integral limit of
    a class. These integral limit should
    be apparent or real.
    • The apparent limits of a class are
      comprised of an upper and lower limit
   Class mark is the midpoint of a class
    in a grouped frequency distribution.
    • It is used when the potential score is to
      be represented by one value if other
      measures are to be calculated
Derived Frequencies From
    Grouped Frequency Distribution
   Relative frequency distribution
    indicates what percent of scores falls
    within each of the classes.
        RF = ( F/N) 100
Computation of relative
  Class    frequenc Relative
interval       y    Frequen
 75-77         1       2.5
 72-74         3       7.5
 69-71         5      27.5
 66-68        12       30
 63-65        11      25.5
 60-62         8       20
              40      100
Cumulative Frequency distribution indicates the

  number of scores that lie above or below a class

1. <cf- are obtained by adding the
   successive frequencies from the bottom
   to the top of the distribution
2. >cf- are obtained by adding the
   frequencies from top to bottom
Computation of <cf and >cf
  Class frequen   <cf    >cf
interval   cy
 75-77      1     40      1
 72-74      3     39      4
 69-71      5     36      9
 66-68     12     31     21
 63-65     11     19     32
 60-62      8      8     40
Measures of Central
   It is often called arithmetic average.
2. Median
   It is the score that occurs at a point
    on the scale below which 50 % of the
    scores fall and above which the other
    50 % of the scores occur.
3. Mode
   It is the most recurring score in a set
    of test scores
Measure of Dispersion
  To determine the size of the
 distribution of the test scores
       or the portion of it.
   It is the simplest and the easiest
    measure of dispersion.
   It simply measure how far the
    highest score from the lowest score
   It is considered as the least
    satisfactory measure of dispersion
   For ungrouped data we have:
        R= Hs - Ls
   Determine the range of the test
    score of nine students in a
    community development course test.

Sol: R = 43-19 = 24
For Grouped Data
R= Hmdpt – Lmdpt
Compute the range of the following
 frequency distribution of the test
         scores in Math
      Class interval   Frequency

          60-64            1

          55-59            5

          50-54            4

          45-49            5

          40-44            7

          35-39            8

          30-34            4
          25-29            3
          20-24            2
          15-19            1
R = 62- 17
   = 45
Interquartile range
   It is the range of the score of
    specified group usually the middle
    50% of the cases lying between Q1
    and Q3

   IQR = Q3-Q1
   Determine the interquartile range of
    the test score of nine students in a
    community development course test.

Sol: R = 38-23 = 15
For Grouped Data:
   IQR = Q3-Q1
Compute the inter quartile range of
the following frequency distribution
     of the test scores in Math
      Class interval   Frequency

          60-64            1

          55-59            5

          50-54            4

          45-49            5

          40-44            7

          35-39            8

          30-34            4
          25-29            3
          20-24            2
          15-19            1
   IQR = 49.5 – 34.5
      = 15
The quartile Deviation
   It devides the difference of the 3rd
    and 1st quartile into two.
   It is the average distance from the
    median to the two quartiles

   QD = Q3- Q2
   Determine the quartile deviation of
    the test score of nine students in a
    community development course test.

Sol: 15 / 2 = 7.5
Compute the quartile deviation of
the following frequency distribution
     of the test scores in Math
      Class interval   Frequency

          60-64            1

          55-59            5

          50-54            4

          45-49            5

          40-44            7

          35-39            8

          30-34            4
          25-29            3
          20-24            2
          15-19            1
Analyzing and using test item data

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Analyzing and using test item data

  • 1. Analyzing and Using Test Item Data
  • 2. It refers to the process of examining the students response to each item in the test.
  • 3. Purposes and Elements of Item Analysis 1. To select the best available items for the final form of the test 2. To identify the structural defects in the items 3. To detect learning difficulties of the class as a whole; and 4. To identify the areas of weaknesses of the students in need of remediation
  • 4. Characteristics of an item  Desirable characteristics can be retain for subsequent use  Undesirable characteristics is either to revised or rejected
  • 5. Three main Elements in an Item- Analysis 1.Difficulty level of the items 2. Discrimination power of each item 3. Examination of the effectiveness of distracters
  • 6. Difficulty index - refers to the proportion of the number of students in the upper and lower groups who answered an item correctly. Therefore it can be obtain by adding the proportion in the upper and lower groups who got the item right and divide it by 2.
  • 7. Index of Discrimination- it is the percentage of high-scoring individuals responding correctly vs. the number of low-scoring individuals responding correctly to an item.
  • 8. • Maximum Positive Discriminating Power of an item – it is indicated by an index of 1.00 and is obtain when all the groups answered correctly and no one in the lower group did. • Zero Discriminating power – is obtain when an equal number of students in both groups got the item right • Negative Discriminating Power of an item – it is obtain when more students in the lower group got the item right than in the upper group.  
  • 9. Measures of attractiveness.  To measure the attractiveness of the incorrect option in a multiple choice test, we count the number of the students who selected the incorrect option in both the upper and lower groups. The incorrect options should attract less of the upper group than the lower group.
  • 10. PREPARING DATA FOR ITEM ANALYSIS 1. Arrange test scores from highest to lowest. 2. Get one-third of the papers from highest scores and the other one-third from the lowest scores. 3. Record separately the number of times each alternative was chosen by the students in both groups. 4. Add the number of correct answer to each item made by the combined upper and lower groups.
  • 11. 5. Compute the index of difficulty for each item, index of difficulty = No. of students responding correctly to an item x 100 Total no. of students in the upper and lower groups 6. Compute the index of discrimination index of discrimination=Upperncr – Lowerncr No. of students per group
  • 12. Difficulty of a test item can be interpreted with the use of... Range Difficulty Level 20 & below very difficult 21-40 difficult 41-60 average 61-80 easy 81-above very easy
  • 13. Discrimination Index Range Verbal Description 0.40 and above very good item 0.30-0.39 good item 0.20-0.29 fair item 0.09-0.19 poor item
  • 14. CORRELATING TEST SCORES CORRELATION- the relationship between two or more paired-factors or two or more sets of tests scores CORRELATION COEFFICIENT- a numerical measure of the linear relationship between two factors on sets of scores
  • 15. Obtained Correlation coefficient can be interpreted with the use of…. Correlation Coefficient Degree of Relationship 0.00-0.20 negligible 0.21-0.40 low 0.41-0.60 moderate 0.61-0.80 substantial 0.81-1.00 high to very high
  • 16. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation 1. Compute the sum of each set of scores (SX.SY). 2. Square each score and sum the squares (SX2 ,SY2 ). 3. Count the number of scores in each group (N). 4. Multiply each X score by its corresponding Y score. 5. Sum the cross product of X and Y (SXY). 6. Calculate the correlation, following the formula:
  • 17. Spearman Rho 1. Rank the scores in distribution X, giving the highest score a rank of 1. 2. Repeat the process for the scores in distribution Y. 3. Obtain the difference between the two sets of ranks (D). 4. Square each of these differences and sum up squared differences (SD2 )
  • 18. 5. Solve for Rho following the formula: Rho=1-{6 SD2 } {N3 –N} Where: rho= rank- order correlation coefficient D= difference between paired ranks SD2 = sum of squared differences between paired ranks N= No. of paired ranks
  • 19. Organizing Test Scores for Statistical Analysis 1.Organizing test scores by ordering 2.Organizing test scores by ranking 3.Organizing test scores through a stem- and leaf plot 4.Organizing data by means of a frequency distribution
  • 20. Preparing Single Value Frequency Distribution 1. Arrange the scores in descending order. List them in the X column of the table. 2. Tally each score in the tally column. 3. Add the tally marks at the end of each row. Write the sum in the frequency column. 4. Sum up all the row total tally marks (N=___).
  • 21. Shapes of the frequency Polygons 1. Normal- bell- shaped curve. 2. Positive skewed- most scores are below the mean and there are extremely high scores. (mean is greater than the mode) 3. Negatively skewed- most scores are above the mean and there are extremely low scores. (mean is lower than the mode).
  • 22. 4. Leptokurtic- highly peaked and the tails are more elevated above the baseline. 5. Mesokurtic- moderately peaked 6. Platykurtic- flattened peak 7. Bimodal curve- curve with two peaks or mode.
  • 23. 8. Polymodal curve- curve with three or more modes 9. Rectangular Distribution- there is no mode
  • 24. Skewness- degree of symmetry of the scores  kurtosis – degree of peakness or flatness of the distribution curve
  • 25.  Sk= 3( M –Md) SD K= Q (P90 – P10) • Normal distribution – 0.263 • Platykurtic - > 0.263 • Leptokurtic - < 0.263
  • 26. Organizing Test Scores for Statistical Analysis
  • 27. Organizing Test Scores By Ordering  Ordering refers to the numerical arrangement of numerical observations or measurements. There are two ways of ordering: 1. Ascending Order 2. Descending Order
  • 28. the following are the scores obtained by 10 students in their quizzes in English for the first grading students. A B C D E F G H I J 110 130 90 140 85 87 115 125 95 135
  • 29. ASCENDING AND DESCENDING ORDER respectively 85 87 90 95 110 115 125 130 135 140 140 135 130 135 125 110 95 90 87 85
  • 30. Organizing test scores by ranking  Ranking is another way by which test scores can be organized.  It is process of determining the relative position of scores, measures of values based on magnitude, worth, quality, or importance,
  • 31. Steps in ranking test scores:  Arrange the test scores from highest to lowest  Assign serial number for each score.  Assign the rank of 1 to the highest score and the lowest rank to the lowest score.  In case there are ties, get the average of the serial numbers of the tied scores. R= ( SN1 + SN2 + SN3 .... SN N)
  • 32. Example: Rank the following scores obtained by 20 ist year high school students in spelling. 15 the rank of 12, 8,7, and Find 14 10 9 8 8 7 6 2 4 4 8 7 8 10 9 14 12 4 6
  • 33. Organizing Test Scores Through A stem and Leaf Plot  It is a method of graphically sorting and arranging data to reveal its distribution.  It is a method of organizing a scores, a numerical score is separated into two parts, usually the first one or two digits and the other digits.  The stem is the first leading digit of the scores while the trailing digit is the leaf
  • 34. Score SN Rank Score SN Rank s s 15 1 1 8 11 10.5 14 2 2.5 8 12 10.5 14 3 2.5 7 13 13.5 12 4 4 7 14 13.5 10 5 5.5 6 15 15.5 10 6 5.5 6 16 15.5 9 7 7.5 4 17 18 9 8 7.5 4 18 18 8 9 9.5 4 19 18 8 10 9.5 2 20 20
  • 35. Procedures:  Split each numerical score or value into two sets of digit. The first or leading set of digits is the stem, and the second or trailing set of digits is the leaf  List all possible stem digits from lowest to highest.  For each score in the mass of data, write down the leaf numbers on the line labelled by the appropriate stem number
  • 36. Illustrate the stem and leaf plot on the following periodical test results in biology. 30 74 80 57 32 31 77 82 59 90 33 46 65 49 92 42 50 68 48 57
  • 37. Organizing Data by means of frequency distribution  Preparing Single value Frequency Distribution 1. Arrange the scores in descending order. List them in the x column of the table. 2. Tally each score in the tally column. 3. Add the tally marks at the end of each row. Write down the sum in the frequency column. 4. Sum up all the row total tally marks
  • 38. Prepare a single value frequency distribution for the spelling test scores of grade 3 pupils 14 2 6 8 8 6 6 9 8 6 4 2 14 9 4 6 2 4 14 4 5 6 3 6 6 10 10 4 3 8
  • 39. Preparing Group Frequency Distribution  Steps  Find the lowest and the highest score.  Compute the range.  Determine the class interval  Determine the score at which the lowest interval should begin.  Record the limits of all class interval  Tally the raw scores in the appropriate class interval  Convert each tally to frequency.
  • 40. Setting the class boundaries and class limits  Class boundary is the integral limit of a class. These integral limit should be apparent or real. • The apparent limits of a class are comprised of an upper and lower limit  Class mark is the midpoint of a class in a grouped frequency distribution. • It is used when the potential score is to be represented by one value if other measures are to be calculated
  • 41. Derived Frequencies From Grouped Frequency Distribution  Relative frequency distribution indicates what percent of scores falls within each of the classes. RF = ( F/N) 100 .
  • 42. Computation of relative frequency Class frequenc Relative interval y Frequen cy 75-77 1 2.5 72-74 3 7.5 69-71 5 27.5 66-68 12 30 63-65 11 25.5 60-62 8 20 40 100
  • 43. Cumulative Frequency distribution indicates the number of scores that lie above or below a class boundary Types: 1. <cf- are obtained by adding the successive frequencies from the bottom to the top of the distribution 2. >cf- are obtained by adding the frequencies from top to bottom
  • 44. Computation of <cf and >cf Class frequen <cf >cf interval cy 75-77 1 40 1 72-74 3 39 4 69-71 5 36 9 66-68 12 31 21 63-65 11 19 32 60-62 8 8 40 40
  • 46. 1. MEAN  It is often called arithmetic average.
  • 47. 2. Median  It is the score that occurs at a point on the scale below which 50 % of the scores fall and above which the other 50 % of the scores occur.
  • 48. 3. Mode  It is the most recurring score in a set of test scores
  • 49. Measure of Dispersion To determine the size of the distribution of the test scores or the portion of it.
  • 50. Range  It is the simplest and the easiest measure of dispersion.  It simply measure how far the highest score from the lowest score  It is considered as the least satisfactory measure of dispersion  For ungrouped data we have: R= Hs - Ls
  • 51. Example  Determine the range of the test score of nine students in a community development course test. Sol: R = 43-19 = 24
  • 52. For Grouped Data R= Hmdpt – Lmdpt
  • 53. Compute the range of the following frequency distribution of the test scores in Math Class interval Frequency 60-64 1 55-59 5 50-54 4 45-49 5 40-44 7 35-39 8 30-34 4 25-29 3 20-24 2 15-19 1
  • 54. R = 62- 17 = 45
  • 55. Interquartile range  It is the range of the score of specified group usually the middle 50% of the cases lying between Q1 and Q3  IQR = Q3-Q1
  • 56. Example  Determine the interquartile range of the test score of nine students in a community development course test. Sol: R = 38-23 = 15
  • 57. For Grouped Data:  IQR = Q3-Q1
  • 58. Compute the inter quartile range of the following frequency distribution of the test scores in Math Class interval Frequency 60-64 1 55-59 5 50-54 4 45-49 5 40-44 7 35-39 8 30-34 4 25-29 3 20-24 2 15-19 1
  • 59. IQR = 49.5 – 34.5 = 15
  • 60. The quartile Deviation  It devides the difference of the 3rd and 1st quartile into two.  It is the average distance from the median to the two quartiles  QD = Q3- Q2 2
  • 61. Example  Determine the quartile deviation of the test score of nine students in a community development course test. Sol: 15 / 2 = 7.5
  • 62. Compute the quartile deviation of the following frequency distribution of the test scores in Math Class interval Frequency 60-64 1 55-59 5 50-54 4 45-49 5 40-44 7 35-39 8 30-34 4 25-29 3 20-24 2 15-19 1