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Reflective Account
A Sample Report on Reflective Account
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INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1
PART 1...........................................................................................................................................1
1. Opinion of induction process................................................................................. 1
2. Skill applicable on the task.....................................................................................2
3. Skill develop during the placement.....................................................................2
PART 2 ..........................................................................................................................................3
Team Working.................................................................................................................. 3
Success and difficulties during the placement and production.....................5
PART 3 ..........................................................................................................................................6
CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 8
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 9
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Induction process is an activity which is used to give training to new
and old employees till they do not get ready for the new role in organisation.
This report will show reflective account on the induction and the way in
which the company use the steps of induction. The report will also reflect
the success and difficulties in the team work (Lan and, 2013).
1. Opinion of induction process
Induction process or induction program is conducted when a new
member joins in the business. As per my opinion, induction program is the
part or one of the function of company which helps employees to get an
overview of the firm and its environment. When company is appointing new
staff as well as the existing staff provide the training and they have to go
through the process of induction. Business performs the function of induction
on employees to get the best outcomes and long term benefits. As per me,
induction is like a planned program where the consultation takes place which
lead to make the communication between the manager and the employees.
The process is carried out till the employees do not learn and make their
roles effective. There are many steps of induction process which business
has to perform.
Before recruiting the employees, the company give the welcome pack
which include the detailed information about the organisation and
make the job induction checklist. Then the management allocate the
mentor of employees in the working place and make ensure the
employees in the working place.
At the first day of the employees job company arrange the meeting
with the supervisor or leader and discuss regarding the employee work.
If employee is excepting the condition of the company then the provide
the document such as detail of bank, insurance etc.
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On the first week of the company employees explain the role, portfolio
of the company, rules, and make the suitable environment.
Company motivates the employees to get specialised in the work and
take feedback on daily basis in the first month after joining of the
For initial three months, mentor is assigned to the employees who
guides the new candidate by giving more training and helps in his
development in terms of performing tasks. Duration of probation
period depends on the organisation which is generally three or six
Company reviews the performance of employees after completion of
their six months and if it gets satisfied, efforts are made to retain them
for longer duration. However, on continuous basis, review of their
performance is taken by the assigned supervisor.
After completing 12 months, organisation gets impress with the
employee because they make the stability.
This are the seven steps in which induction process gets finished for the
new employees (Pradhan and, 2012).
2. Skill applicable on the task
According to me, when the leaders are providing task employees
should work with the proper skill. For example: in a game, if 6 people are
required and there are 10 players so, in this case, leader will select the best
6 who would be having more skills and capabilities than other 4 players.
Same as in the business where HR selects right people at the right place with
specific skills and talent that are required at specific positions. Managers and
leaders try to increase the skills of employees which proves to be beneficial
for both; the organisation as well as for staff members. It also get the gob
satisfaction with more mixing skill. For example if the company has the
finance department they need the employees related to the finance skill not
on the basis of different skill. Apply the skill like ability, confidence, better
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communication, problem solving, commitment and trust on the project which
give better result (Patel and, 2013).
3. Skill develop during the placement
I believed that at the time of placement employees have to develop
the skill in the working place. For improvement of more skill the leader give
some critical situation and project to employees. By doing the verbal and
oral communication in debate, writing reports, projects and collecting the
information comparing with others help in increasing the skill. As per me, by
analysing the data, presentation, and interchanging the knowledge is the
best practical way to develop the skill. Candidates also use the information
technology to find the details relating to the work place. In addition, dealing
with customer, knowing the view of customer and help to the management
in the peak period of the organisation help to increase the skill of the
employees (Carlen and, 2012).
Team Working
As per my opinion team working is one of the function of the company
which give responsibility to the members to perform the task in the group.
The work done on the daily basis to make it simple the management divide
the work in the team and perform the scope of the work together with having
different skills of different staff members. If the project is big an individual
person cannot take the responsibility so make the group to complete the
task. Organised hired the skill candidates in the department where different
departments have various type of skill candidates and when the
management combined the skill employees together which makes the work
easy in achieving the objective of the company. When the managers and
leader are not in the office they are physically distance and give task on the
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basis of information technology then the teamwork complete the work and
show the reliability in this types of critical zones.
In the organisation there are many department with specific skill and each
department allotted by some work. When the work load is more each
department work together and meet the objective of the company. The
performance of the work also different because every employees have come
from different backgrounds and work with in different way. I personally
believed that team working is very important in every organisation. It helps
in solving the problem as group include various types of thinking by
consulting with each other make out the solution related to the work. Group
members gather the ideas of the team members and then deal with the
situations. Team works bring out the communication between the the
members so they share the knowledge where on the other hand individual
does not communicate with other and remain with the lack of knowledge. So
with the proper communicate with the member helps in the increasing the
work flow in the venture. The team members come to learn about the
various things with the different member of the group. Top management do
not make the direct contact between the team members so the make the
leaders groups to do discuss with them.
I have found that the role of the team members is to complete the task given
by the leaders with the specific skill, resource, competence etc. I had worked
in the team work during that period the role of team work is very effective. I
also believed the the personal effectiveness also help in having the positive
environment and being towards to the objective where every member have
their own personal objective. All the team member discussed the objective
and make commitment related to the objectives. Everyone in the team
member focus on the performance so they can get the goal. There are many
factors which effects the team member and make it stress but the good
team work always support to each other and try to make the relax if
someone gets stress with the situation and make encourage remove the
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unnecessary workload. Group member take the disagreement person in
consideration and try to analyse the person and make improvement. There
are different types of theories of team work which are explaining by the
different authors.
1. Tuckman – Bruce Tuckman use the model to develop the team
performance. He introduce the four models and fifth model join later
onwards. The models of the Tuckman shows the development of the
team work with the ability, different leadership style etc. the four stage
or model are :-
Forming – in the stage one the leader gives the direction an
responsibility to the team members. Leaders make the relationship
between the team members as well as to the manager. Leaders are
the mediator which the team member is totally depend on the leader.
Storming – the second stage is focus on the goal and neglect the other
issues and come up with the progress.
Norming – the third stage is agreement between the team members
who make by the leader. Leader make the decision and explain the
role of each individual team members. Leader give the situation and
with the help of team member by doing discussion they come up with
the situation.
Performing – in the 4 stage the leader already describe the work what
to do, now the team is able to perform the work and leader monitoring
to the team work (Mayer and, 2013)
2. Belbin – under the Belbin team roles it define the different behaviour of
the employees in the working environment. He defines the 9 team role
which are :-
Resource investigator – they use the strength, weakness which are available
in the team. Team member find out the ideas with the help of the nature.
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Team worker - the cooperative workers help the other team members but
sometimes member get hesitate in the work.
Co-ordinate – delegate the task properly and make the total focus on the
mature, and clarify objectives.
Plant – sometimes it make difficult to communicate with others but using the
creative ideas try to solve out the problems.
Monitor evaluate – this include the monitoring and judgement accurately
done by the leader strategic way.
Specialist – they provide the lot of information and make specialised skill and
the knowledge. The weakness of the stage is the front contribute in the
narrow way.
Shaper – they make ensure to the employees and keep challenging were
force to move towards and always make try to focus on the momentum.
Implementer – implement the work with effectiveness and convert the ideas
into the reality. The weakness of this stage is sometimes it get sloe to
implement the task and inflexible.
complete finisher – this is the end of the task where analyse the implement
work and make correct the error (Butcher and, 2012).
Success and difficulties during the placement and production
From my opinion during the time of placement and production the difficulties
are lack of the trust between the candidate and the leader. At the time of
placement tension is one of the difficulties which gone through by the
employees. Sometimes it may argue between in the placement time because
of the different opinion where cannot handle in the team members. Different
opinion of the team members makes the conflict. The difficulties arises when
the team members do not share the information. When it will not share it
effect the the task and team member make the difference with the other
team members. Trust also can remove with the lack or transparency in the
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company. Transparency is comes from the top of the management which
comes to the bottom. If the transparency is good in the organisation the it
may not lead to the difficulties. The success in the placement and the
production is making the crucial team engagement where it is success for
the business. In the time of placement it improved the skill, technical skill etc.
it increase the understanding between the team members and make
awareness regarding the work. When success in placement make the good
contact with the employers. It increase the ability in the competencies (Van
der Vlugt and, 2012).
Personal development plan means making the plan in advance for their
own development. This plan is related with the future to go on the right
direction. This plan helps to make the structure and include the important
detail in the plan. It shows the strength and and weakness in the present and
helps to make improve in the future. By gaining more knowledge and skill
make start the personal development plan which help in increasing the skill.
For making the plan there are nine steps to make the effective development
plan. These steps will help out the how to make the template. It is very
important it helps to how to set the goal till the end of the goal.
what ere the goals – this is the first step which is very important. Set
the goal which was linked with the career or some of related to the
personal life. Write down the goal s that want to achieve.
Prioritize – apart from the goal, the personal development is important
it expand the individual skill and knowledge to keep in this mind focus
on the prioritize also what the person have in the life.
Deadline – third step is to set up the deadline, after selecting the goal
make assumption of the time of complete the goal. Just make decide
the time in realistic and specific way. Once if the deadline of the goal is
set then have to complete the performance towards goal anyhow.
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Ignore the problems and challenges facing in the way of the
performing the task and just focus on the goal.
Strength – fourth step is to understand the strength and write it down
because in future it will help to achieve the goal of the organisation.
Find out the key strength if not sure what are the key strength and
make confidence on your strength.
Analyse the opportunities – find out the threat in the way of the goals,
most probably the threats are the behaviour and the action of own
which makes the impact in the performance. Write down the threats
and convert the threats into opportunities. Make out the list which
have to start and stop out the things which are effecting to the goal.
Expenses are the one of the things which effects the cost in the
organisation. Also write down all the expenses and try to cut off the
unnecessary expenses.
Development of the skill – this is the six step of the personal
development where if an individual want to become something or want
to get the objective increase the personal skill and knowledge. If a
person want to get the objective or have to become the entrepreneur
then will have to learn about the business for what he or she selecting
the line. Develop the skill to get the achieve the goal at present and in
future. Make the list of the skill which have to be develop for getting
the objective as soon as possible.
Implement – this stage is to take the action regarding the goal. This is
the seven stage which an individual have to take some action related
to the performance of the goal.
Support – in the eight stage of the development make list of the person
who can support in achieving the organisation. If an individual wants to
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change he path of the goal or some problem arises then try to get
support to another person who can solve out the problem.
Measure – this is the last step of the personal development plan where
in this step measure the progress in every step if some task is not
going well then clear it out that time so it will not effect in the future.
Make the use of strategies to make the good result. Write the list of
improving the things if find something is going wrong and make it
correct which is the responsibility to make improve the wrong thing
(Venereau and, 2012.).
By analysing the report it shows that proper induction in the organisation will
make effective role of the employees. Use the personal development plan in
future which help to get the goal easily. This report will show reflective
account on the induction and the way in which the company use the steps of
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Books and Journals
Lan, L., and, 2013. Novel method for site-specific induction of oxidative
DNA damage reveals differences in recruitment of repair proteins to
heterochromatin and euchromatin. Nucleic acids research, p.gkt1233.
Pradhan, M., and, 2012. CBP mediates NF-κB-dependent histone
acetylation and estrogen receptor recruitment to an estrogen
response element in the BIRC3 promoter. Molecular and cellular
biology.32(2), pp.569-575.
Patel, M.C., and, 2013. BRD4 coordinates recruitment of pause release
factor P-TEFb and the pausing complex NELF/DSIF to regulate
transcription elongation of interferon-stimulated genes. Molecular and
cellular biology, 33(12), pp.2497-2507.
A Sample Report on Reflective Account
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Analysis report on reflective account

  • 1. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help Reflective Account A Sample Report on Reflective Account To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: Website:
  • 2. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help TableofContents INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1 PART 1...........................................................................................................................................1 1. Opinion of induction process................................................................................. 1 2. Skill applicable on the task.....................................................................................2 3. Skill develop during the placement.....................................................................2 PART 2 ..........................................................................................................................................3 Team Working.................................................................................................................. 3 Success and difficulties during the placement and production.....................5 PART 3 ..........................................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 8 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 9
  • 3. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help INTRODUCTION Induction process is an activity which is used to give training to new and old employees till they do not get ready for the new role in organisation. This report will show reflective account on the induction and the way in which the company use the steps of induction. The report will also reflect the success and difficulties in the team work (Lan and, 2013). PART 1 1. Opinion of induction process Induction process or induction program is conducted when a new member joins in the business. As per my opinion, induction program is the part or one of the function of company which helps employees to get an overview of the firm and its environment. When company is appointing new staff as well as the existing staff provide the training and they have to go through the process of induction. Business performs the function of induction on employees to get the best outcomes and long term benefits. As per me, induction is like a planned program where the consultation takes place which lead to make the communication between the manager and the employees. The process is carried out till the employees do not learn and make their roles effective. There are many steps of induction process which business has to perform. Before recruiting the employees, the company give the welcome pack which include the detailed information about the organisation and make the job induction checklist. Then the management allocate the mentor of employees in the working place and make ensure the employees in the working place. At the first day of the employees job company arrange the meeting with the supervisor or leader and discuss regarding the employee work. If employee is excepting the condition of the company then the provide the document such as detail of bank, insurance etc.
  • 4. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help On the first week of the company employees explain the role, portfolio of the company, rules, and make the suitable environment. Company motivates the employees to get specialised in the work and take feedback on daily basis in the first month after joining of the candidate. For initial three months, mentor is assigned to the employees who guides the new candidate by giving more training and helps in his development in terms of performing tasks. Duration of probation period depends on the organisation which is generally three or six months. Company reviews the performance of employees after completion of their six months and if it gets satisfied, efforts are made to retain them for longer duration. However, on continuous basis, review of their performance is taken by the assigned supervisor. After completing 12 months, organisation gets impress with the employee because they make the stability. This are the seven steps in which induction process gets finished for the new employees (Pradhan and, 2012). 2. Skill applicable on the task According to me, when the leaders are providing task employees should work with the proper skill. For example: in a game, if 6 people are required and there are 10 players so, in this case, leader will select the best 6 who would be having more skills and capabilities than other 4 players. Same as in the business where HR selects right people at the right place with specific skills and talent that are required at specific positions. Managers and leaders try to increase the skills of employees which proves to be beneficial for both; the organisation as well as for staff members. It also get the gob satisfaction with more mixing skill. For example if the company has the finance department they need the employees related to the finance skill not on the basis of different skill. Apply the skill like ability, confidence, better
  • 5. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help communication, problem solving, commitment and trust on the project which give better result (Patel and, 2013). 3. Skill develop during the placement I believed that at the time of placement employees have to develop the skill in the working place. For improvement of more skill the leader give some critical situation and project to employees. By doing the verbal and oral communication in debate, writing reports, projects and collecting the information comparing with others help in increasing the skill. As per me, by analysing the data, presentation, and interchanging the knowledge is the best practical way to develop the skill. Candidates also use the information technology to find the details relating to the work place. In addition, dealing with customer, knowing the view of customer and help to the management in the peak period of the organisation help to increase the skill of the employees (Carlen and, 2012). PART 2 Team Working As per my opinion team working is one of the function of the company which give responsibility to the members to perform the task in the group. The work done on the daily basis to make it simple the management divide the work in the team and perform the scope of the work together with having different skills of different staff members. If the project is big an individual person cannot take the responsibility so make the group to complete the task. Organised hired the skill candidates in the department where different departments have various type of skill candidates and when the management combined the skill employees together which makes the work easy in achieving the objective of the company. When the managers and leader are not in the office they are physically distance and give task on the
  • 6. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help basis of information technology then the teamwork complete the work and show the reliability in this types of critical zones. In the organisation there are many department with specific skill and each department allotted by some work. When the work load is more each department work together and meet the objective of the company. The performance of the work also different because every employees have come from different backgrounds and work with in different way. I personally believed that team working is very important in every organisation. It helps in solving the problem as group include various types of thinking by consulting with each other make out the solution related to the work. Group members gather the ideas of the team members and then deal with the situations. Team works bring out the communication between the the members so they share the knowledge where on the other hand individual does not communicate with other and remain with the lack of knowledge. So with the proper communicate with the member helps in the increasing the work flow in the venture. The team members come to learn about the various things with the different member of the group. Top management do not make the direct contact between the team members so the make the leaders groups to do discuss with them. I have found that the role of the team members is to complete the task given by the leaders with the specific skill, resource, competence etc. I had worked in the team work during that period the role of team work is very effective. I also believed the the personal effectiveness also help in having the positive environment and being towards to the objective where every member have their own personal objective. All the team member discussed the objective and make commitment related to the objectives. Everyone in the team member focus on the performance so they can get the goal. There are many factors which effects the team member and make it stress but the good team work always support to each other and try to make the relax if someone gets stress with the situation and make encourage remove the
  • 7. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help unnecessary workload. Group member take the disagreement person in consideration and try to analyse the person and make improvement. There are different types of theories of team work which are explaining by the different authors. 1. Tuckman – Bruce Tuckman use the model to develop the team performance. He introduce the four models and fifth model join later onwards. The models of the Tuckman shows the development of the team work with the ability, different leadership style etc. the four stage or model are :- Forming – in the stage one the leader gives the direction an responsibility to the team members. Leaders make the relationship between the team members as well as to the manager. Leaders are the mediator which the team member is totally depend on the leader. Storming – the second stage is focus on the goal and neglect the other issues and come up with the progress. Norming – the third stage is agreement between the team members who make by the leader. Leader make the decision and explain the role of each individual team members. Leader give the situation and with the help of team member by doing discussion they come up with the situation. Performing – in the 4 stage the leader already describe the work what to do, now the team is able to perform the work and leader monitoring to the team work (Mayer and, 2013) 2. Belbin – under the Belbin team roles it define the different behaviour of the employees in the working environment. He defines the 9 team role which are :- Resource investigator – they use the strength, weakness which are available in the team. Team member find out the ideas with the help of the nature.
  • 8. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help Team worker - the cooperative workers help the other team members but sometimes member get hesitate in the work. Co-ordinate – delegate the task properly and make the total focus on the mature, and clarify objectives. Plant – sometimes it make difficult to communicate with others but using the creative ideas try to solve out the problems. Monitor evaluate – this include the monitoring and judgement accurately done by the leader strategic way. Specialist – they provide the lot of information and make specialised skill and the knowledge. The weakness of the stage is the front contribute in the narrow way. Shaper – they make ensure to the employees and keep challenging were force to move towards and always make try to focus on the momentum. Implementer – implement the work with effectiveness and convert the ideas into the reality. The weakness of this stage is sometimes it get sloe to implement the task and inflexible. complete finisher – this is the end of the task where analyse the implement work and make correct the error (Butcher and, 2012). Success and difficulties during the placement and production From my opinion during the time of placement and production the difficulties are lack of the trust between the candidate and the leader. At the time of placement tension is one of the difficulties which gone through by the employees. Sometimes it may argue between in the placement time because of the different opinion where cannot handle in the team members. Different opinion of the team members makes the conflict. The difficulties arises when the team members do not share the information. When it will not share it effect the the task and team member make the difference with the other team members. Trust also can remove with the lack or transparency in the
  • 9. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help company. Transparency is comes from the top of the management which comes to the bottom. If the transparency is good in the organisation the it may not lead to the difficulties. The success in the placement and the production is making the crucial team engagement where it is success for the business. In the time of placement it improved the skill, technical skill etc. it increase the understanding between the team members and make awareness regarding the work. When success in placement make the good contact with the employers. It increase the ability in the competencies (Van der Vlugt and, 2012). PART 3 Personal development plan means making the plan in advance for their own development. This plan is related with the future to go on the right direction. This plan helps to make the structure and include the important detail in the plan. It shows the strength and and weakness in the present and helps to make improve in the future. By gaining more knowledge and skill make start the personal development plan which help in increasing the skill. For making the plan there are nine steps to make the effective development plan. These steps will help out the how to make the template. It is very important it helps to how to set the goal till the end of the goal. what ere the goals – this is the first step which is very important. Set the goal which was linked with the career or some of related to the personal life. Write down the goal s that want to achieve. Prioritize – apart from the goal, the personal development is important it expand the individual skill and knowledge to keep in this mind focus on the prioritize also what the person have in the life. Deadline – third step is to set up the deadline, after selecting the goal make assumption of the time of complete the goal. Just make decide the time in realistic and specific way. Once if the deadline of the goal is set then have to complete the performance towards goal anyhow.
  • 10. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help Ignore the problems and challenges facing in the way of the performing the task and just focus on the goal. Strength – fourth step is to understand the strength and write it down because in future it will help to achieve the goal of the organisation. Find out the key strength if not sure what are the key strength and make confidence on your strength. Analyse the opportunities – find out the threat in the way of the goals, most probably the threats are the behaviour and the action of own which makes the impact in the performance. Write down the threats and convert the threats into opportunities. Make out the list which have to start and stop out the things which are effecting to the goal. Expenses are the one of the things which effects the cost in the organisation. Also write down all the expenses and try to cut off the unnecessary expenses. Development of the skill – this is the six step of the personal development where if an individual want to become something or want to get the objective increase the personal skill and knowledge. If a person want to get the objective or have to become the entrepreneur then will have to learn about the business for what he or she selecting the line. Develop the skill to get the achieve the goal at present and in future. Make the list of the skill which have to be develop for getting the objective as soon as possible. Implement – this stage is to take the action regarding the goal. This is the seven stage which an individual have to take some action related to the performance of the goal. Support – in the eight stage of the development make list of the person who can support in achieving the organisation. If an individual wants to
  • 11. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help change he path of the goal or some problem arises then try to get support to another person who can solve out the problem. Measure – this is the last step of the personal development plan where in this step measure the progress in every step if some task is not going well then clear it out that time so it will not effect in the future. Make the use of strategies to make the good result. Write the list of improving the things if find something is going wrong and make it correct which is the responsibility to make improve the wrong thing (Venereau and, 2012.). CONCLUSION By analysing the report it shows that proper induction in the organisation will make effective role of the employees. Use the personal development plan in future which help to get the goal easily. This report will show reflective account on the induction and the way in which the company use the steps of induction.
  • 12. Avail the top Class Computer Engineering Assignment Help Service from the Writers of Instant Assignment Help REFERENCES Books and Journals Lan, L., and, 2013. Novel method for site-specific induction of oxidative DNA damage reveals differences in recruitment of repair proteins to heterochromatin and euchromatin. Nucleic acids research, p.gkt1233. Pradhan, M., and, 2012. CBP mediates NF-κB-dependent histone acetylation and estrogen receptor recruitment to an estrogen response element in the BIRC3 promoter. Molecular and cellular biology.32(2), pp.569-575. Patel, M.C., and, 2013. BRD4 coordinates recruitment of pause release factor P-TEFb and the pausing complex NELF/DSIF to regulate transcription elongation of interferon-stimulated genes. Molecular and cellular biology, 33(12), pp.2497-2507. A Sample Report on Reflective Account To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: Website: